TTIE OMAHA DAILY I1RE: TlitJKSDAY, XOVEMDER 5, 100.1 Tl. S-C94. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT P. M. , . Bee,' No . !!. "Occasional depression . .. , .. in f9mprr , everybody." .Without a question a hed looks cleanest and neatest with a rhite blanket. Needs washing often?' Yes. But you need not fear polling your blankets by washing All of our wool blankets are .nd with proper care in washing White cotton blankets, 50c, GOc, 80c, f 1.00, f 1.25, f 1.50 a pair. Cotton and wool mixed white '4.50, 13.50 a pair. . All wool white blanket at !8.00, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00, $16.50 V. M. C. A. Building Corner tidge Eleventh d(slHct,Paul, rep., 1.SX6; tanna, rep., l,83i; Thompson, fusion, 1,193; .rniwtrnng, fusion., . BROWN Complete, give:. Barnes, 425; ulllvan, MA; Allen, 446;Whitmore. 446; Jones, ; Weber, 26.V Judge Firteeiuh district, restorer," 14; Harrington, 301; Fisher, 428; VIII. 43. HUTI.ER Barneo,' 1,293; Sullivan. l.TJ: illpn, 1.856 r- Whttmore, 1.3T2;' Johes, 1,726; Veber. 1,737. Judge Fifth district, Evans, i; Smith, 1,334; Good, 1,831; 1 8orhberger, ,445. -.- . ' CHBYfciNNB Barnes, GM Sullivan. '43); lion, ; Whltmore. sooj Junes, 382; Weber, A Judtre , Thirteenth district, H.- M. rimes, majority' S84. , Successful county Rlcers: Treamrrer, A, IC'tOreenlee, rep.; rlt, Robert B. Barfstt. rep. ; sheriff, J. W. ee, rep.; clerk of dlstrl court, H. E. orrett. rep.; county judge,- James Tucker, is.; assessor, C. M. Hurley, fus, i.' CLAY Complete: Sullivan, 1,685; Barnes, MO. Hurd. district Judge, ..will carry dis rlct by 150. ; T. , . CUMING-Complete:' Barnes, 1,196; Sul li nn. 1,870; A'.len,' ),201; Whltmore, 1.246; ones, 1.J13; Weber, 1,347. - Judge Eighth istrlct, Roblpson, rup.,- l.tM; Graves, dem., jo. ,. . . . .. .. DAKOTA Complete: Barnes, -630; Bulli on, 692; Judge Eighth district, Robinson, B; Graves,' 774. Republican cltlsens' county Icket elected In full. DAWBON-Complete: Barnes, 1,188; Bulli an. 1.198; ' Allen, 1,268;' Whltmore, 1,248; Ones, 1.081; Weber, 1.042. s Judge Twelfth strict, B. O. Hosteter, 1,3!M; Hand, 1,191.. PODGE Barnes; 1.W6: Sullivan, l,Sft4:. urtge Sltth district. Btlnson, 2,158; Reeder, .TJ8; Hollenbeck, 2,219; Grlmlson, ,1,751. FRANK I..I N Official count: Barnes, 879; ulllvan,' 90S; Allen, 876; Whltmore. 850; ones, 851; Weber, 823. Judge, Tenth district, ames, rep,, 877; Adams, fusion, 1,094. Sue exful officers: Treasurer, Brown, fusion; lo:k, Parker, rep., vshertff, walrath, fu Ion; clerk-of district court, Thompson, rp ; county Judge, Huffman, rep.; assessor, "ulton, rep. ' FURNAS-Complete: Barnes, 1,026; flul- van, 1,019; Allen, 1.063; Whltmore, 1,014 feber, 933; Jones, 981. Republicans elect upctintendent, clerk of court and asses or by on' vote. ..,.-... GAQE Complete.-- Barnes, I,fW6; Sullivan, 729; Allen, Ut ,WliItmorr,-1.105: -Jones, 4; Weber, 848. Judge First distrlot... A. I, Babcock, 8.237; C. F. Reavls, 2.537; W. I: Kelllgar, 2,043; E. O. Kretslngor, 1,821. sabcock and KWIUtar, selected . Judges in nta district, the latteVs plurality over avla being 255. . OABELBT Complete, gives; BrnW (ft, (ulllvan 811 Judge Eleventh district: Inna 843, Paul 644, Thompson 760, Arro tvong 414. With all of the counties In ho Eleventh Judicial district reported, ex pt a few In the extreme western porUon, rlilch are confessedly republican,, Indlca 16ns are that Judge J. R. Hanna of this . lace, the republican ttotnlnea for district udge. bas been elected .over Judge John t. Thompson ot Grand' Island ' by about 00 majority. The fact that Judge Thomp on had held the office for the last twelve ears and had been successful in a' re narkablo degree In three district cam olgrs, caused many people to believe that te could not be defeated In this district. , HALL Excepting Prairie Creek and drkson. precincts: Barnes, 1,720; Sullivan, 216. Judges: Hanna and Paul elected for lleventh Judicial district. Fuslontsts elect wo out ,of nine county officers. HATES Barnes. 872; Sullivan, 231; Allen, B; Whltmore, 273; Jones, 229; Weber, 204. udg of Fourteenth Judicial district, Orr, It; W'hlte, 208. . v HOWARD Barnes, 832; Sullivan, . 1,092. Hulrlct Judge, Paul, rep., 1,003; Hanna, rep., 14 Thompson, fusion, 1.167; Armstrong, fu lon. 1.030. KBiARNET Complete': Barnes, 908; Bul- van, 8S4; Allen, 811; Whltmore, 84t; Jones, Q; Weber, 819. Judge Tenth district, ames, rep., 810; Adams, fus., 1,111. County rket . republicans elect treniurt'i. clerk. hertft, coroner, surveyor; fuslocilutg elect upertntendent. Judge, asseanor. ctik dla (1t cour.. IJslonlsts control county oefd. . KEITH Complete lvs Barnes 227. Sulll aa 201, Allen 2T9. WhUrciar 215, Jones 3(cL 8T8ber 184. Judga ThlrOeiiUi . Olstnct: Ustrlct: Grimes 284, Parsons 182. KIKBALL Official: Barnes. - 106; Bulll n, 69; Allen, 9; Whltmore, 16; Jones. ; fnber, , Judge Thirteenth district, rlmea,, 139 1 Parsons, 57. o KNOX Barnes, 276 majority; J. B. Boyd, Especially Attractive la our tremendous ' showing of trtctly high grade, brand apllater now, redy-towear clothea for ' Doy, Girl or Baby Boyt and girl' wear to It years. , Now Coats Nw Suits , NcwDress Underwear LUtiputUn wear ls'ruado to guar anteo Wa guaraotee It. ' Writ for now catalogue. - au s. THniiirf!i " JiInl White Bed Blankets them if they are from us. fully and thoroughly scoured, will not shrink nor turn greasy. blankets $3.23, $3,50, $3.75, $4.75, $5.50, G.50, f7.00, $7.50, and $18.00 a pair. Sixteenth and DquglM It) 378 majority, "County republican except for clerk of the court. .. " ." ., MADISON Returns complete: Barnes, 1.782; Sullivan. 1.283; Allen, 861; Whltmore. 836; Jones, 656; 'Weber, 640.' For judge ot district' court, J. F. Boyd,, rep., . re-elected by a mAJorlty of 1,600 over W. Cones, dem NANCE Complete (unofflalal) ; Barnes, 856; Sullivan.' 676; Allen, 935; Jones, 6ZZ; Whltmore, 911; Weber, (fll. ' District Judge, Reeder, rep.. 971; Btlnson, rep. 883: Hollen- beck, fus., 656; Grlmmlson, fus., 881. Entire republican county ticket elected by ma jority from 100 to 40, OTOE The republicans elected the entire county ticket, with the exception of county and district clerks. Following Is 'the list of the new officers: Treasurer. R. W. Kelly, rep.; sheritT, Charles, enrader, rep.; auper-i i. a . i x r vin I rep.; county Judge, M. C. Joyce, rep. i county clerk, Charles H. Busch. dem.; district lummnii kuisnv iii.ii "v tmin . . i cleric Klmer rinnliran dem.: county com-I mlssioner Third district, L. B. Jone.." rep. Paul Jessen was re-elected to the office of dlbtrict Judge, being endorsed by the demo- crats after nomination b republicans. The state ticket is safely republican, the ma-1 Jorlties ranging from 160 to 800. The official eount will not be made as early as usual owing td the bad road. In the west end of the county and the Inability of ths Drecinct officers to bring In the ballot. PEBKINS-Complete: Barnes, 156; Sulll van, 184; Allen, 156; Whltmore, 152; Jones, 168; Weber, 108. Judicial district, II. M Grimes, 108; A. F. Parsons, 178 PIERCE Complete: Barnes, 822; Sullivan, 794. Judge 'xinth district, Boyd, 825; Cones, 919. ROCK Complete: Barnes, 886; Sullivan, 255; Alien, 419,' Whltmore, 897; Jones, 227; Weber, 223. Judge Fifteenth district. Fisher, 868; Wills, 356; Harrington, SOT; Westover, 310. SHERMAN Complete: Barnes, 618; Sulli van, 630; Allen, 626; Whltmore, 498; Jones, 9D0; Weber. 5671 Judge of Twelfth dl.itriot. Hostetler, 686; Hand. 412, i CIOUX Complete, unofficial, gives: Barnes, 165; Sullivan, 150; Allen, 160; Whlt more, JL68; Jones, 143; Weber, 146. Judge Fifteenth district. Fisher, rep., 164; Wills, rep.,' 166; Westover, dem.,' 183; Harrington, dem., 140. , . STANTON Official: Barnes, 623; Sulli van. 678; Allen, 636; Whltmore, 600; Jones, 671; Weber. . 638. Judge Eleventh . district. o '. . . ' ) ' T, . , . ' ...... , "-bu"i. i Fuch. dem.; clerk, Albert Pllger, dem.: sheriff, N..F. King, pop.; clerk of district court, W; T. McFArland. rep.; county J f. N. Vpijng.'detn.jia.s'essor, John 1 Judge. Hanff. dem THAYER Complete, gives: Barnes. 1.413 Sullivan, 1,062; Allen, 1,427; Whltmore, 1,408 Jones, 1,086; Weber, 1,082. Judge Seventh district. Herd, 1.417; Stubbs, 1.276. ... WATNE-Barnes. i.oii; Bulllvan. 804 Allen, 1,03; Whltmore, 977; Jone. 726; weber, 665, Judge Ninth district: Boyd. 1,081; Cones, 801.' Republican elect county luage, sheriff, district court clerk, sur-1 veyor, commissioner and coroner. Ths! democrat elect county clerk, treasurer and ""w. . v j' I niiBBitH-complete: Barnes. 1.031: J Sullivan, 847; Judge of Fifth district, James, I rep.. Aumi, pop., l.lll, - YORK Unofficial: Barnes, 2,014; Bulllvan. i.oio, .Alien, i.idi; wnitmore, 1.160; Jones. I 1.497; Weber, 1,508. Judge Fifth dlntrlot. KVan. I.L2; Bmlth, 2,023; .Good, 1.667; Born- berger, 1,186.' MARINES ARE LANDED (Continued from First Page.) '; treaty stipulations or displaying power In derogation of Colombia' Just rights. VYou will protect American Interests at all points and do everything possible to avoid bloodshed" I th substance of the Instructions cabled by th Navy department at th Instance of th Btate department to the naval commander now at -th Isthmus or on their way. Th last part of their In- struutlons Is particularly slxnUlcant. for It fnr-ecaata a mnr. ar-tK-a lni.rnA,lA- v v - " ' --- - - .w wn, ,iui, ,1 F ,ll( ,1.1.., n . . . . . . .. 1 i.i.ucu cuuh government in tn trouble on ine ismmus man nas perhaps ever before been displayed. . These orders were the result of tho eon- terence tnat were held last night at the Whit House between President RooMvait, Secretary Hay and Assistant Secretary! IxMmls, Acting Secretary of th Navy Dkrllng and Rear Admiral Taytor, chief ot tho bureau of navigation. 80 - It Is' .not doubted that under the authority thus con ferred the naval commanders will land marines and tailors at the termini. IndeoJ, It Is not doubted that Commander John Hubbard of Nashville already has p'acod a maripo guwrd ashore at Colon to protect the property and that the commander of Boston probably will take the same action when he arrive at Panama. 'Railroad Reqalros f'roteettoa. ' During the day a telegram was received at the . Btate department from the New York management of tho Panama Railway company stating that ths property of that company was In danger and asking ' for protection, in addition message came from the cable company aaylng there was no telegraphic communication for points outside of Panama and Colon and outside of the Isthmus. It U assumed that tho In surgents havt cut tho Inland wires to pre vent the government from obtaining news of what la happening on the Isthmus and it is elpected the result will bo embarras sing -to the government tn Its - military movement. There are at the stations named on the Atlantic coast approximately the following marines: Norfolk. 100; League Island. K0; New York. J0; Washington, 8U0; Boston. t.t Portsmouth, N. H-, 100; AnnapolU, ISO. In csss of emergency 10) y more of theie could be spared for service on the isthmus, and should a greater emergency arise ar rangements necessarily would be completed making tho entire force available for duty In Panama. At Port Royal and Cnarlaatoa only small detaebmsnu are stationed. Just sufficient to' meet tho need of those sta tions. On the Pacific coast the ' saartne force has been reduced to a small number. A Doaih Blow to Malaria. Elefitrlo Bitters k'tl and espel malaria dtatese gerns, will a-reven tshold and cure fever end sgue, or no pay. Only sOo, leJELISElnl MM For sale by Kukn Co IIANNAWINS CREAT VICTORY mam in xsnoicra mate. NEW YORK IS THE ONLY WEAK SPOT Mayor Seta .Low a Defeated for Re- Elertloa aad the Eatlre Taa snaay'Tlrket Uoes la or Good Majorities. (Continued Trom Page One.) ... .. m Grout, 1,272; Fornea, 2,361. Queen's: Mc- cieiian, orout. w, Fornes, 1.402. Kicnmona: uow, ius., no, uroui, x. i Fornea, zt. Nearly complete returns from tnia city i on the canal amendment, twenty-nv ois-1 tries missing, give majority In favor of It of 82.9CT. . LONDON. Nov. 4. Such comment as the I afternoon newspapers make on the result 33.620 to a little more than 25,000, and that ernment. and Immediately Instituted an in of the election yesterday in NeW York ox- for tho prohibition and socialist-labor v?Ugat(on Mr Jlvheomcla, accused I presses regret 'at TammanVi victory. Richard Croker telegraphed as follows to the Associated Press WANTAGE. Nov. 4. 19031 have nothing to say On the result of the election. - Callforal. V' BAN FRANCISCO, Noy." 4.-ElectlOfi turn, eany toaay xa.r.y - Schmlts (union labor), the present ncum- "I bent, whose plurality on the partial count Is now 8,434 over Henry J. Crocker, repub lican candidate. ' The union labor and democratio parties have captured nearly every office so far as the returns show, though the republicans may yet win the positions of auditor, city attorney, tax collector, treasurer , and county clerk The democrats will fill the assessor', artd other leading offlces and have a majority I on the board of supervisors . ,ri"' i" vote of this cltv for mayor Is: Schmlts, I union labor, 25.646; Crocker, rep.. 19,278; Lane, dem.. 12.367. About 1.0UO votes wer. - cast for Andrews, socialist. The republicans have elected the auditor, cltr .ttorney, tax collector, county, cierg nd eight supervisors. The democrats have .nentT, wno was endorsed by tne union labor party, the assessor, recorder, coroner., district attorney and. In combina- "" with tne union labor party, two police Judges and ten supervisors. .BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4. The official vote for mayor f San Franclsoo as given out by Register Walsh Is as follows:" "E. E. Scmits, lie! ted labor, 26.016; H. K Crocker, rep., 19,631; F. K. Lane, dem., 12,578; F. R, Whitney, sod, 1.PH lown. DES MOINES. Oct. 4. Returns - keep coming in slowly, but from the" Incomplete ones Governor Cummins' plurality ' will be reduced from 83,000 two years ago to 69,000, The democrat, have made decided gains In the legislative districts and for the first time in many year, the number of dem erats wilt be over twenty and possibly thirty. The gain. In the legislature made by tfle democrat I entirely due to local differ-I nee. The vote throughout tho state was I exceedingly light, particularly In the cities, ONAWA, la., Nor. 4. (Special Telegram.) -Complete- return from Monona county I gave a republican majority for Governor Cummins of 406. ' will C. Whiting, demo- crat, for representative, has a majority of I M In Monona and 241 In Ida. Lark, ro- publican, I eieciea supennienaeni Dy w; 1 .urveyor. 8l8;.HUtT. rep, aw... I. a coroner, 202: Lamb, dem 'gunei: visor. 73i I Rawllng. 4cra, sheriff, 177: TUlsonv dem., I treasurer, 88. On , an Increased .vote- th I democrat, made gains In nearly all town- DENISON. la- Nov. 4. (Special : Tele gramsComplete returns from all pre- olncts in Crawford county give Sullivan, flem., for governor, a majority of 300. Ths democrats hkv elected every county officer Keatstky, LOUISVILI.E,.Ky.. Nov. 4B.eturn from . . . i eighty-three counties, a number of which are Incomplete, giv Beckham, dem,, Tor governor, a majority of 26,600. These, fig-1 ures, however, do not Indlcat his real mslorltv ror tne 'reason mat most ot miwr rhnun thirty-six countle yet to be heard from gre normally tepubllcan. Eleven ot these counties are In the eleventh . district and each will give a majority, of 809 or more. Many of the other counties are mountain ccunties. In remote section. - . ' ' On the tther hand Beckham' majority iu 7;r - " , , w, ,.1 ii 'iiBBiiip precinct. Roughly 'Peking hi. majority Ii" .w v.. .v.. I... . :rr. j: aboTt 10looP ' " . CINCINNATI. Nov. 4.-The result In th two count... in Kentucky Cln- clnatl. Kenton, which Include. Covington. and Campbell, which Include. Newport, wa unusual. Kenton county, which is usually strongly democratic, gave Beckham for governor a majority of -433, but elected W. McD. Shaw (rep.) circuit Judge by 1,621. Ths republicans also elected th clr- 1 cult court clerk and the commonwealth at- I " ' . . . t i , . ii ,.w i i, . " wsjnpoen npunii -"" pmniiu I w n oemocraxs eieocea ins cir - cult court Judge, clerk and Stat senator I Th republican elect th commonwealth I attorney. . MarylaaO. . . tuTTTuooir iAt mirinia-ht- the I n..J.4.. .t.tinn imn, rt.iti. mor city and the state of Maryland havo not all been received. Th figures of th missing precincts are promised tomorrow. Thev wilt not materially change the result. n Baltimore city.' the entire democratio ticket, comprising Edward Warfield of lid- Sard county for governor, O. T, Atkinson of Summit county for comptroller and Wil liam Bryant of Baltimore for attorney gen eral was elected by about 6,000 plurality. EVERYTHING Depends, oa Food. How often the kind of food eaten terminoa a question of future health and happiness or even life or death. Our. attle girl when but five weeks old bad to undergo a very severe - Operation which left her unable to take her nour- Ishmont tn tho natural way, that Is by nursing, ana 01 sour i vm She waa naturally frail and the food did not help her.' At the age of eleven week she waa subject to a Second operation and from that time she continued to grow thinner and weaker until she was but a mere shadow," so writes a lady of Ohio. triad many kind, of Infant food. and then tho doctor directed us to try Orapo-NuU. We did so and at ths end of the first week noticed an Improvement, and aftor that, .she began to Improve rapidly. As we continued to give her Grape-Nut aha kept gaining until she la now more than two years old and strong and healthy. Her main food ha. always been Grape-Nut, and to drape-Nuts she owes ner ma. 7 wv avr pnn friend of the food and never lose an op portunity to speak a good words for It. Name given by Poetum Co., Battle Creek, Mich- Look In each package for a .copy of the famous tittle book, "The Road to Well- villa." The democrats elected In Baltimore city three atate senators and fifteen member of the boune bjr Urt majorities. Th re publicans elected one aate senator and all state have not been received, but enough reports are' In hand td assure an over whelming democratio majority on Joint bal lot From return received at this hour It Is conceded that the democrats Will have on Joint "ballot eighty-two rotes In general assembly to forty-one republicans. General Warfleld's plurality In' the stat will probably reach 8,000. Massarsiosotta. BOSTON. Nov. 4.-Wllh the exception Of the socialist vote, the election In Massa chusetts very nearly paralleled that of last year. Governor John L.. Bates is re-electea by the republicans by a plurality of 85,849 over Colonel William A. uaston, in a toiai voto only slightly under that oi wb, wnen Bates won by 17,120 plurality. The vote for the leading candidates yesterday was: Bates, 199.893; Gaston, .M4: Bate, gaining about 8.000 over last year, but as tho socialists dropped from candidates remained about the tame, tns total vote ror ail candidate ten just snori i or last year, tne largest in xne ntsiory or . l . . I me BlBie. I ror an on year, nowovcr, ii was very 1 uiifKfnrv r h itiihri tt hnth tlia I AHn.iMi Yxn,i it,, h,a, M kaIii1v cuurvt oi me pon venw lion wnicn en1 principal parties. With the head or tns ,j Tri' .1.1 h.t h. in ucnei weni ine omer repuDiican canuiuaiea for state offices, as well as seven out of ..... mmhttru ' . th ' .ont,v. v,, "hi while the lower, branch of, the legislature 7.. " . . . ... . . . . 1 show a republican gain of two members, I two remaining unchanged. in- senaiB nr year win nana si repuo- llcan and 9 democrats, and the house 1561 republlcans. 82 democrat, and one socialist, ri,v, , a x a 1 with two tie. to be decided . i I tlon. Mr. Hojo replied that he had no au " thorlty to discuss the mutter in his official TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 4. Revised ps pacify, but that his private opinion wa. returns from New Jersey Irepublcans have carried Middlesex county foP both senator and aosemblymen. This will make the senate stand fourteen repub- ucans o- seven urmocrais, me same as inst vr I . The gnin of three assemblj-men by the democrats In Union coutlty Is offset ' by losses In other counties. Ths house also I will be tho same as last year-S8 repub- iican. and 21 democrat.. PeaaaylTania. PHILADELPHIA, Not. 4--Latest esti mates from the country districts Indicate that the Republican state ticket will have majorities ranging from 225,000 to 230,000. William P. Snyder, i for auditor 'general, ha. run .lightly, behind William L. Mathue. for state treasurer, while Morrison and Henderson, who were chosen superior court Judges, polled a Vote almost ejjual to that of Mathues. In the counties, where Judge, of common pleas court were chosen, the republican' percentage or victories wa. far greater than that of the democrats. The greatest surprise was In Lehigh county, where Frank M. Tfealer, rep.,' defeated Edward W." Harvey, dem.' This Is. the first time In the history ot the county that a republican ha. been chosen as 4 Judge of th common plea, court. Harvey' ' defeat was due mainly to the dissatisfaction In the demo- Lcratlc ranks. The defeat of present Judge Harman Yerke. dem.. In Bucks county. by Mahion H. Stool, 'rep., was another vie- tory which the republican leader were doubtful of. The three-cornered 'fight In Dauphin county, Kunel, rep.; Tialn, dem., and Ja- cobs, anfi-machlne, was 'one of the most bit ter ever waged In the -county; With Kunel finally winning jy fmall mslorltv. J cob was appointed try oovernor Fenny- packer a. the .Uccfcssbr' to the late Judge Simonton, and this fact led hi friend to hops- for his lectkai..:v jn Clearfield county Judge Cyrus Gordon, rep-.; was defeated ter re-election by AI11- son O. Smith, -dem., after a bitter struggle. v Hawaii. HONOLULU, Noy. Complete, election return irom uanu. county, in wnicn ims city Is situated, show, that the republican candidates with a few exceptions have been successful by .very clone majorities. The nQme ruler secured th assessor, surveyor I 7 1 anj four supervbars.v i i Hawaii county the republicans elected their sntlrs tlckot. excent four iu. I pervlsors, for . which, , place home rulers I , Ths boms rulers on the Inland of Oahu I M making charges of fraud In connection 1 wih ths count. It is estimated that ths Kniinta nr'over Son Hnwailana were mtected hv ths bid res of election. It Is claimed b I the home ruler the .result of th election wouid hve been a clean sweep for their 11 an me pauois caov una uean 1 counted. . , . 4 . I . u,a-- . , v, , PROVIDENCK. R I.. Nov. 4-Comol.te -....m. trnm th. iiz aMct. at th...t.t. received tod; re-elect Governor ii F. Gapvln by 187 plurality, a oecreas 01 W vote. Tn- vote , ror rep. was ror uarvin oem publican eieci me enure ull wun exception 01 govwnor. Colorado. DENVER, Nov. 4. Th latest . return from yesterday' election In Colorado show that ths plurality for Campbell, rep., over I wilann. ren.. for Justice of th supreme I . .A rVk U-I1.n QUUn Will llUfc UQ , iivmi ., wv. i ,.um vmmm I ... ... i ried but eleven or tne nrty-nine counti i . th- his only large plurality being Jn DnVer. which h carried by i.309. Les I than 60 per cent of the .normal vote of I the sUte was cast. An Incldsnt of the election wa th vlo Unrv of P. J. Devault. miners' union candl- I tnr aaaeaaor tn Tellurlde countv (the Cripple Creek district) over both party can- dldat, by a plurality or 800. A Soro never Batters After Porter's Ant leap tie Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieves pain instantly and neala at tne same time. For man or beast, price, lie. HYMENEAL. , Aneoaa-Sabla. BEATRICE. Netfc,. .Nov. 4. (Special.) The marriage of MUs Mary Babln, a popu lar young lady of this city; to John Tucker Aneona of Fort "Worth, Tejf., was solemn tied last evening at t o' clock at the home of the bride In this city. Rev. Edgar Price officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by about 100 gaesta and was followed by a splendid wedding repast. The young couple leave . tomorrow far Fort worm, wnere thv will make their future, home, the I froom -being engaged In the cigar business . 1 that place. Fartoa-Meaee. ARAPAHOE. Neb., No. 4. (Special Tele gram.) The wedding of Miss Clara M. Mc- and C. A. Patton. DO in or Arapanoe, waa celebrated at the home ot the bride's UU '?' 'J jrJLT White officiated. The bride and groom are s."rs In the, social clrsle and have been resident of thl place for many years. ....... asa-Ka,lIer. PIERRE, 8., ,D., Nov. . (SpeoUl Tele erram.WCarda 'are out announolng th mar- rinse November 17 01 n. J. v. naau, .,.,,. .Mrint-ndant of instruction., and I MlM Aaeid, daughter of Judge Fuller of the supreme court. To Care Void sa oae Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. An druggists refund the money If It falls ts cure. B. W. Grove's signature la on each box. Be. JAPAN MAKES EXPLANATION Tslli Iu Undantandins; of Ealatiom B twean Gonial and Insurgent Laadera, MET TRIAS WHO WANTED TO GET ARMS Offered lipsa Coacessloas to Jletara to Dahnlt to Aathorlty tatted States. WASHINGTON. Nov. 4. The Japaneea minister hsa received the following state- m,nt resardlnr the allcs-ed deallnss be- tween an official of ths Justness consulate at Manila and the insurgent leader Trias, M reoorted by General MacArthur In Do cember, 1900: jn January, lflot. the United States minis Iter at Tokio brought the matter to the at- r.!"'"1!' 'iUa?1? n ,h, . ,h. ,. oonulat4 at jisnlla, in October, 1900, was recalled to Japan and subjected to close iHiiimun. mm wmcn mo ivuuwmi uc nrio iiiui i iu ii. i, Whlla ntn,nln B n...-. trtr.- 1 svns ne sccidentaiiv met '1 rial ana wss Introduced to him bv a fallow traveler. In ins cuuratt 01 ine n)n versa lion wnicn en- surgents were In need of arms and ammunl Uon: . that If they could obtain a supply ??'nt for the eoulnment Of from ,ong- to men, H wouia ne an easy matter to drive the American toops out oi f the islands .nd ultimately to secure Independence, and i mat ii japan wouia assist me lnsurvenis ktl .until. .wn. n .1 Km m ..nllUn right to establish a permanent coaling ata- tlon, freedom of trade and railway fran- BiUMebfinifnl2i,t Jit J" Jl?: 1u'red how Mr. Hojo thought the Japanese I government would regard such a propoel- S, iS,'!? h.r i. snrgents. and he added he thought the ,?raJl?JX;2!! -..nlVSiS was carried on entirely by Hojo and Trlsa tnerelv ifateninc the secretary. - ... eommSnfcitlon Mr Ho o Sfn inMrStirind nation proved that the facts had been mls- fnj;'.ni;J' w?f tMii h.rn .t.nnn ..h ,. irni,.rt ai.t. M. between Japnn and the United States, to re tain mm at, Manna, wnere ne had been sub jected to such grave charges, and he was transferred to anotner post. The united 8 tales minister at Tokio was notified of the facts revesled by the investigation end of the resultant sction. and the reDlv received from him slated that the United States gov ernment regarded the matter as satisfac torily closed. DOUGLAS COUNTY FIGURES (Continued from First Page.) Third .... .. 95 .. 74 ..HI .. 73 .. 72 ..111 ..761 ... 80 84 46 79 H7 73 112 671 122 62 1 6 118 110 8G8 Fourth .., Fifth Sixth .... 7 117 72 130 801 Seventh .. Eighth .. Totals Plurality 65 NINTH WARD-SUPREME JUDGE. Thomn- Dlstrict. . Barnes. Sullivan. Mickey, son. B.rnnd first Ml 140 93 106 12 102 3U2 W 1L8 631 . 96 . 80 . sr . 74 .678 75 113 94 98 103 623 4I 118 lttt 121 122 118 764 133 Third C?,"!!.111 Sixth Tots Is Plurality SUMMARY SUPREME JUDGE. - " Thomp- Wnrd. unrnes. Buiuvan. MicKey. son rl . rim , 642 1164 467 8rit 1." r".: Id ... .... 787' 983 682 lft .... m ; 678 107 810 749 . . . ; 9H6 8ti7 Fifth :.' 'SMI 1 622 ' " 627 - 78 Blgt .-jwi...w.1124 A i, fcHO ...I 13., 17 Seventh ...I . 636 737 617 ClKlim ui on o Ninth ..... 678 623 7'i4 ' IH1 Bouih Omaha.. .ii.3 im , iw7 ;vii Country 1113 88 1127 , 1214 Totals ......8678 8876 9106 11511 - ' Vote oa District Judge. Following Is the vote of Douglas county complete on district Judge.' Partial return Indicate that Sear ha carried both Burt Bnd Washington counties by a handsome I -..u-Utf Tl0iifna from flarntf Mnntv majority. Returns from Sarpy county will not be available before tomorrow Kedlck . 9,133 . .!M . 9.41) . 9.16S .14.S1.I .14.P7 MM Ferguson Page Reed Dickinson Joune .... Reiser .... .. 8,000 .. 7.191 .. 7.824 ..' 8,2w .. 1,81 .. 2,156 3ears Sutton Troup Bixter Day s. Eatelle Return from Burt county on the con testing candidates forjudge give Redick 1,461, Bear 1,(15, Sutton 1.477, Troup 1.479, all republicans, and. Dickinson fus., only ntUTM tTom Washington county give Reajcfc 1,340, Sear 1,315, Sutton 1.319, Troup 1,824 and Dickinson 1.061 Adding th. figure tbn9 o0UBtle4Dougl.B Burt and Washington we have on the republican ticket Bear with 11.744. while Dickinson high man of th. opposition ha. 10.246. or 1 " 1 " r-- , ' I, "V. ,h. 1' ... " . " " " " ' that th clear lead of the whole repub lican Judicial ticket will be close to 1,400. Vst oat Coamty Officers. Complete returns giv the following total on candidate for county officer in Doug I las countyj I CLERK OF THE COURTS. I . . ITMnarnam H.ti3 jj.-vwejj t,U3 HHERIFF. . Allan ., !13 Power 1337 COUNTT JUDUB. Vlnsonhaler ..10.S1T Plattl .. 7.H .. ,79 .. I.1U2 .. ,17l COUNTY CLERK. Unltt Drexel COUNTY TREASURER. Fink ; There are two kinds of emulsions of cod liver oil Scott's and all the others. Not one of the latter is as valuable as Scott's Emulsion and there's a reason for it Only the purest ingredients enter our Emulsion and its quality never varies. That is why it helps when all others fail. . There's not much oil in the market now; it's scarce and high in price. But seal oil and other inferior oils are cheap and plentiful. That's why you can buy so many substitutes for Scott's Emul sion at a lower price. We guarantee our Emul sion to . be the best remedy for weak lungs, low vitality and wasting conditions. Who guarantees the others ? We'll etad roe s aampl free, epos request. aCOTT A lOWIta. o ftarl (Ucct, Ww York. PE6 OF 117 C30 For SOFT COAL. m .f " ("" M8LM Greatest Soft Coal Heater ever mad! 4 ill Smokeless Sootless Double-Heater attachment for heating room up-stalrs. Cost of fuel less than ten cents for twenty-four hours. Stove can be seen In operation at store off ilton Sogers S Sons Co Mr. Matt Bingham, special representative of the Garland Stove Co., will show the stove in actual use. If you doubt or if you are interested, we would be pleased to see you. You are not asked to buy just investigate. OMAHA STOVE HEADQUARTERS, I4th aHD'FARNAU STS. Bauman 8,620 COUNTT ASSESSOR. Reed Boyd 8,3il COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Bodwell ...10,4!S Hall ... Brsiley .. 6,782 ..10.578 .. 7.0H6 . 7,700 .. i,m .. Mi .. ,H0T .. B.811 CORONER. uisn POUCH JUDGE OMAHA. Brka Knabe Edqulst COUNTT SURVEYOR. Mouse COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Kennard Dlllrance 7.B37 JUSTICES OF TUB PEACE OMAHA. Altstadt ... 7.451 Andrews ..4,(60 Bachman 4,t9jCosgrove . 7,MKrelle 7.S218haw 7.0&2Thompson .4.414 .4,474 .4.424 4.3i .4,446 t.m 4.r.ui 4.M8 4,473 4,46i Lone Baldwin . Eastman Foster .7.Zl6Klng CONSTABLES OMAHA. Casey ........ Hensol ...... Kenworthy .. Church SUM. Herman . 7.01 .. 0.!' .. .!" .. 4.W4 ..10.01M, McCowln .... Tuttle Futxpa trick Stein MeGlnnls Morrow . Sooth Onttha Loral Ticket. Following Is tke result of the vote for Justice of the peace and constable In ths city of South Omaha. King, Caldwell and Levy lead the ticket for Justice and Com- gan, Llnehan and Kaln on the constables. POLICE JUDGE-SOUTH OMAHA. Alstadt ' 1.00 King ; 1.678 SOUTH OMAHA JUSTICES OF PEACE. Allen Mclntyr 1.299 Levy Adams ... McCarren Uarkstal . 1,343 1.1 1.2:il ..... 1.433 McKay ... 852 Hi Caldwell Holmes ' 1.2ttil SOUTH OMAHA CONSTABLES. Dugan l,167Kaln 1,2M 891 37 393 Ketxnerner turiice L. V. Williams., l.zib'urimm Corrlgan l,477IStevena Unelian TRYING TO LOCATE A. E. BELL Denver aad Omaha Officials Coatee aad Former Go Kast Regarding; Alleged Mall Robber. Superintendent of Mail Lewi and Post- office Inspector Ittlmer of Denver ar rived In the city yesterday, conferred with poetofflce authorities here regarding the movements of A. E. Bell, the alleged mall pouch robber and forger, now a fugitive, and his wife, who has been In Omaha for some two week, and left for Chicago In the night to run down some other clues regarding this much sought-after man. Neither of the Denver officials nor Post. office Inspector Sinclair of Omaha, who ha been watching the case from this city, would say anything regarding their plans. They took every precaution - to guard against disclosing their movement and nothing, save the fact which drew the officials togsther, could be learned. The local poetofflce officials said several days ago that they knew positively thst Mrs. Bell was still In Omaha and that her every action was being guarded, a they believed by shadowing her some clue might be obtained as to the location and move ments of her husband, who escaped from offloers at Philadelphia some time ago. Mrs. Bell Is said to have changed her room ing place her tn Omaha a few days ago, but the officers declare that they know Just where she went, so vigilant la their watch of her. It is believed that the Denver officials and Officer Sinclair have got onto a tangl ble clue as to the whereabouts of Bell ana that their meeting here and trip to Chicago I for the purpose of runnin down this clue. NAVAL LIEUTENANT'S FUNERAL Body at Lata Albert Beecher Will Be teat to Keiasa for later saeat. NEWPORT. R. I., Nov. 4.-The funeral of Lieutenant. Albert V.Beeoher, V. B. N., ordnance officer of the battleship Maine, who was killed by a fall on board ths ship yesterday, was held on the battle ship thl afternoon. Th casket waa cov ered by the Btars and Stripes and floral tributes from the officers and crew. Many naval officer were present at the services. The body waa taken to New York tonight In charge of Paymaster Beecher, U. 8. N., who will accompany the remains to Dodge City, Kan., the heme of the deceased. Will Give lalted Statee Free Haavd LONDON, Nov. 4. Ths British govern ment has received a brief dispatch from It minister at Bogota, Colombia, announcing the revolution at Panama. The present disposition of the British Foreign (Tice Is to lesve sny policing thst may be neo sssary to the United Slates. - DAL mim TODAY THE Operation fully guaranteed In every respecr. SELF-FEEDING Unusually large mica Illumination If you are looking for a borne and want to via it the West you can WONDERFUL RESOURCES OP THE WEST do so with very little expense aa the Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from Missouri river terminals: UNTIL NOVEMBER 30TH , $20.00 to Ofrden and Salt Lake City. $30.00 to Helena and Butte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Washington. $22.80 to Huntington and Kamim, i Idaho. $25.00 to rortland, Taooina and -', at tip, . . " $25-00 to Vancouver and Victoria. ' ; $25,00 to Ashland and Astoria,' Ore- gan, .via Portland. $25.00 to San Franclsoo, Los Angeles and Ban Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon,' Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. Through Tourist cara between Mis souri River and Pacific Coast. Double berth $5.00. For full Information call on or addresa CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. PHONE 316. Dr. Searles &SoarIos SFECIM.ISTS Car All Special DISEASES GF KEI EL0C3 POiSCX WEAK, KERYOUS MEN KIDKEY ABO BLADDER -DISEASES t.. suad Btedleimo S5.00 PER UOUTII Examinations and advice free at offloe or by mall. written oottou .iw pr iiiii. i .. , - . ui- ji..aa jtr refund, money paid foe irimt Treatment br mall. 14 T Treatment by mall. ream In Omaha- 14th aad DeisUa, OMAHA, , srm r..llt Anil wv T yrltltteV I Ce l '' 1. I k ferA I .atbar,laa- eaaraat4 J Irrltatloae er l m.m Hiawbim. of siaaeae se UENAXOWCMII. snsatsrs laUooa, oaraueas IntfEyAsiCiitMXiiifo. r ai ii..' Palalaae. 4 sot aatrts- seat er sefoaoea. HS0INMTI,t 1 Mml by HiaisSatS, r e east Is alals wreseee, . 1 ot ea is auia rpm r i tr e ' rpil. tut r j SI . erSbottUaM Ta. Ciraoiar east rassesh 1HIIEMENTI BOYD'S Woodwsrd dt Bnrgess, Managers. TONIGHT ONLY MARY SHAW In Ihren's Remarkable Drama and th moaf Widely Discussed Play of th Times "GHOSTS" Prices 26c, 60c, 7&c. 11.00. 11.60. FRIDAY. SATURDAY,' SUNDAY NIOIITS Matinee Haturdav Hunday (.'LAV CLKNtmi' In His Idyllic Drama "THE NKW DOMINItNM Prices Mats., c, !0c; night. 26c. toe, T6o $1 TBLBFOHB 1081. MODKHX YAt'DEVILLB. MATINEE tfZr TODAY.... E25c CHILDREN IOO. TOIIOHT-ll. PRICKS c Be. 60c. Thoator PHONE SOO. 3c 25c BOc 75 tosiuut AT aiir WARDJkJVOKEB . A PAIR OF PINKS AO PKOPl.K 4H Saturdsy Matinee and NirM-'TIIE HEAD WAll'tltO.'' Mni!aii;n ,0 uu vii. auuuuu I