10 THE OMAHA -DAILY REE: TTIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 190.1. m3 isw HS3 rxnfTTinfn rot rrrv Thursday's Bargains on biy $1.00 and Sl.SO Corsets at 25c , Over 10,000 high grade corsets com prising the entire surplus stock and traveler's samples of a renowned east' em const manufacturer. In thi great purchase are the very finest $atin silk, French batist and French couttlle corsets in - ickilti drab, pink, blue and black, many are hand- torn 'AylaCB trimmed many well-known tor net brand or such corsrts as thee yon will pay up U L60 " reriulatly att any corset dtoarlmeni' Thousand hargain square, worth $1.00 and L60, at tS eent$ Specials in Ladies' Coats and Suits Stylish Box Coat at $4.98 New kertey box coat. In colon A AQ with the new cape and flat collar effects ( Z? very sty Huh and jaunty, at. - . Lonr Kersey Coats at $9.98 Here are 43-lnch kersey f AQ coats witn heavy satin linings, the new military effects, 37 O shoulder capes, etc,, a biff special, at Golf Skirts at $2.98 Choice of the finest golf skirts erer offered at such a price, a new lot many odd f C ones worth up .MQ to 15.00, at Ladies' Suit Special A now lot of fine suits In the newest Ideas and colore. This In cludes about 46 handsome sample suits, worth up to fcfc.OO and 130.00, at 12.50 SPECIALS IN THE NEW FURS Hare cluster scarfs 6Mc Astrakhan Jackets at. ........ 14.85 Lon Coney Scarfs 1.98 pretty Astrakhan capes at 14.85 Doubfe fox scarfs ..3. 98 Electrlo seal Jackets at 24.50 Fine fox scarfs .....4.98 Genuine Krlmmer Jackets at ...35.00 Thursday's Millinery Events Fin Trimmed Hats at $2- 50. In order to reduce our stock of fine trimmed hats to make way for new goods, we offer all our regular line of $5 and 16 hats at a uniform price. This lot Includes all styles and colors, perfect condition O E f allat... PU At $1.50 The splendid trimmed hats that have been marked -f EZf at 14.60, will sell speolal at leOVJ A Fine 12-Inch Ostrich Amazon Plume Afrloan stock, regu- QQr larlysold ashih ast2.50, at "Ov Smart Street Hafs In the new tailored effects, yery smartly fEZ and effectively trimmed, at, each atsjOw 21. TZ. ranbr U & pent L PnmMtf tt pona DEPOSITS made now draw interest for the entire month. We pay 4 , per cent '. interest compounded every three months and open accounts for one dollar or more, . Checks on ail banks cashed. s J. L. Brandeis & Sons, BANKERS. EVERY LADY Receiving a watch for a Christmas sift wears "a smile that won't come off." We have such a beautiful Una, nobby, open-face chatelaine watches, 15.00 up; hunting case watches, 16 00 up. Have one laid anlde now while the stock la complete. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. : 151a Douglas Street. a WHEN WE FILL Tour prescription you may rest assured of three things, quality, correctness and Isrlc. OUR CUT PRICES t: Per una 68e (' Tlnklam'a Compound 74c (l.'ift )' fr'' Favorite Prescription .... Wo tt.00 I 'ft .mo geltser ?4c 60o Brmxio Seltser 39c C5o Itrorao Beltrer 19o 6H; ('. .irettg 39o ".bo Cut 'Brett. ltc $1 Gratvaah's Guaranteed Catarrh Tonlo 75o 11.00 Ayr's Hair Vigor ..; 79c JVM II,:,11 Hair Renewer .' 79c 1.00 Civfwn Dandruff Cure 75o :!c SH-Jinen'e Talcum Powder ......i... 12o ei an .4JMan..m. . .1 ..-. r Ph. J cc:iS I B - .jje w m 2 Dainty - F.xoulaile Are the terms used by . t i 4 r persoiui who nave seen our- carvU upi Brooeh. us Mliuw it to you. Giaaatle Ctotklas; Deal. J. I Brandels Pons purchase manu facturer's surplus stock of 8. H. Marks Co.. 10 West h Bt.. New York. ON BALK BATt'RDAT. NOVEMBER T. ' We announoe the must remarkable cloth Ins; dual ever known to Omaha. The en lir fall aud winter surplus stock of one of the best clothing manufacturers in the country bought by us will be offered at le than &oo on the dollar. These sylep. (i'J suilM aud overeats are all of the very highest grade. Watch dally papers for particulars. J. I.. KRANDKIS 8UN8, Proprietors Boston Store. 8. U- Patten, aeutuit, UcCagu builjlog. The Wise Ones Select their Christmas presents early. Our holiday stock is now complete. Watches, diamonds, silver toilet ware and silver tableware and cut . glass. You can pay a small deposit and we will hold the goods until Christmas for you. We will be glad to show you. BROWN BORSHEIM 222 So. lth St. TOOLS - Are one of the necessaries of life, from the railroad track laborer to the highest skilled artisan black smith to watchmaker, all are de pendent upon them. TOOLS Tools for tbt lct We are constantly on the lookout for the LATEST tools, and WE. KNOW our prices are right. JAS. MORTON & SON GO: 1511 Dodga St. BUILDER HARDWARE. for all trades is one of our specialties then we have Horse cover saana to at your horse. Omaha Tent, and Awning Co., ma an4 harney streets. IF JL rrmable a THK HIV .Tf??rtrirloillI dCouDon Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. (layden Bros' Big Gloihing Purchase. Just closed out for spot cash over 15,000 worth of men's and boys' clothing. Men's suits and overcoats from Max Krnst, clothing manufacturer of New York. Hoys' andv children's suits, oaerroats and reefers from Loeb & Waldhfinier of New York. IIAYDEN BKOS. will put the entire lot on sale for TI1UK8 DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY at less than the manufac turer's cost, price. EU'S SUITS. For f5.00, $6.50 and $6.75 we have over 35 different patterns for yon to choose from in all the latest styles and fabrics, in casimeres, cheviots and worsteds and fancy worsteds in blues, blacks,' oxfords, fancy mix tures, pin checks, stripes and plain colors in single and double-breasted. The largest and best assortment of men's suits ever shown at the price. None of these suits worth less than fU.00 to S10.00. Uayden Bros.' price in this lot $5, $6.50 and $6.75. For S7.50 and $ 10.00 we can show you the largest and most complete line of men's fine suits ever shown in the city. In this lot you will find some of the nobbiest and most up-to-date suits ever manufactured. They' are all hand padded shoulders and have self-retaining fronts. They come in all the latest shades, fancy brown and gray mixtures, Scotch mixtures and plain colors."' None of these suits worth less than. f 12.50 to f 15.00. Ilayden Bros.' price in this sale .$7.50 and $10.00 I: Mfn's overcoats at $5.00 and $6.50, in blue and black kerseys, oxford grays and black cheviots, in medium sizes, from 31 to 50, all well tailored and none worth less than $7.50 to $10.00. Ilayden Bros, price in this sale, only. . . .-. .$5.00 and $6.50 Fqr $7.50 and $10.00 we have the largest assortment of men's overcoats ever snown at tne price in Kerseys,. Deavers, cne viots, friezes and Vicunas in oxford grays, black, gray and brown mixtures, fancy mixtures and plain colors, in medium and long lengths, in all regular sizes from 34 to 44, also stouts and slims none of. these overcoats worth less than S12.50 to 115.00. Ilavden Bros, nrice in U f ; this sale only .'. . t$7.50 and $10 00 Boys' and Children's Suits Boys' suits, made in double-breasted knee pant style, in all wool cheviots, In medium and dark colors, ages 6 to 15 years, worth $2.25. Our price in this sale only... $1.50 Boys' knee pant suits, made up in Norfolk sailor blouse, double-breasted and three-piece styles, in plaids, stripes, fancy mixtures, blues, blacks and plain colore all made with, reinforced taped seams, patent elastic ' waistbands, and many of them have double seat and knees, strictly all wool fabrics! none worth less than $5.00. Our special price in this sale only $2.50 Boys' end Children's Overcoats and Reefers. Boys' reefers with larjre storm collars In ages from 4 to 16 years, in Irish frieze, cheviots and chinchillas, in oxford gray and brown mixtures In black and blues,, all well tailored and worth up to $3.00. Our special aale price $ 1.75, $2.25. $2.50 and $3.50. Boys' overcoats In medium and long lengths in cheviot", friezes, vicunas and cassimeres In fancy plaids, pin checks, fancy mixtures, and plain colors In ages from 8 to 19 years. In thla great sale $3.73. $4.75. $5.00, $0.50 and $7.50 HATS TEllLIHED FREE OF CHARGE. r.latchloss Low Prices in SEE OUR SUPERS' WIHBOW BIIPIAT . lit 00 R . SUPERB WINDOW qiSPUY S8 anil $7 Beautiful Street Hats $.97 vDest Now York &Chicago Designs cL $1.50 Jrtamed Slrcet Hit s .25c I!s!s Trlnnsd Fres off Charge. $3.50 Click Trimmed Hits, en nab floor 95c S5;C1sck Silk Velvet Hits $2-50 R. V. COLE. W. u. MCKAY. Cole-McKar company, undertakers and abelmers. lilT Capitol are. TeL 464, Lindsley Havllaad, the rhlita manufac turer. Is in town, the guest ot Saiu'l Bums. Our Trimmed Nats at $2.00, $3.00, $4.90 aro world beaters. i i i f.00 Hunches Silk Velvet Fcliaga 51.50 Urge Colored BIrct 5150 tmititlen Beiter Uals -' Hats Trimmed Froo of Charge. 39c "49c . 45c Mi 15th 2nd Farnam Sis. a I 9 W tbs? V W 1 r r Of I 6, 15th and Fartiara Sts. 547 Women's'Man Ttilored Suits Go on Sale Thursday Morning. A suit sale for women that excels anything Omaha has ever known Our women's suit buyer has Just ret urncd from the New York market with exactly 547 women's suits that he purchased for less than 60c on the dollar. These are suits the manufacturer had on hand after filling his fall orders. We also bought the samples of several manufacturers. which will also be included in this sale."They are divided into 5 lotsTlRead Lot I $15 Women's Suits at $10,75 TB WOMEN'S TA1IOR-MAJ5E SUITS In the short blouse and skirted blouse effects In cheVlots and Venetians every suit would be considered cheap at U5.00. THIS SALE $10.75 Lot 2, $20 Women's Suits at $14,75 17 WOMEN'S TATLOR-MADB SUITS In cheviots, broadcloths and fancy mixtures all this season's newest shapes this lot Includes some estra sixes, in black cheviots from XI to 47 bust measure all so at one price. THIS SALE $14.75 Lot 3, .$22,50 Women's Suits at $16,75 126 WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE BUTTS all In the new Louis XIV style collarless cape effects In fine cheviots and broadcloths nicely trimmed with stitched taffeta bands perfect fit and workmanship 122.60 values THIS SALE $16.75 4 Lot 4, $25 Women's Suits at $19.75 100 WOMEN'S STYLISH SKIRTED BLOUSE SUITS made of etimln cheviots fancy mixtures and slbellnes all new collarless cape effects perfectly tailored, and would bs cheap at KX.00. ) THIS SALE $19.75 Lot 5, $35 Women's Suits at $24,75 160 WOMEN'S SWELL LOUIS XIV BLOUSE SUITS made of new eta mlnes, cheviots, broadcloths and ilbellnes several samples In this lot worth double not a suit worth less than $36.00. THIS SALE $24.75 its " -was i... i. jiil) 1at cm vh I i aV WATER PROOF (Chrome) TAN AGE A new shoe for boys In heavy chroma calf, sites 10 to 6 double sole to heel solid inner and outer soles extended edges. " ' The uppers will outwear three pair of soles. Boys' sizes, 2Vi to 6, $2.00. ... Youths' sixes, 1 to 2, $1.75. Little gents' sixes, 10 to 13, $1 60. Our success has been so great with these shoes we hava no hesitancy in recommending them to our patrons. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. t!n.fnnata Shot House v r . ij US) S4. araTSi v m THE 8Q CENT" .STORE JSIJDodreSt The Lamp Season la here and finds us prepared for your wants. Lamp, are prettier than ever thla year .and lower In price, too. -. . . Do you need a new lamp? Or a globe for your old lamp? We have them ln all the new de signs. Special Lamps at 25c-J9c-49c-8c Two of V Kind The people of Couth Omaha will doubt less be alad to k" "V th.il it is no longer necessary to go to Omaha to save mouey on their DKl'U 8TOKE WANTB. K T. Yutes, the proprietor of SCHAE FKR8 Cl'T PRICE DHlHi BTOHK, the I.toneer ITT fUICE LKl'(l BTORB OF NKHKASKA, has purchased the buHineHS of the XMUon Drug Co.. at Twenty-fourth and N streets, South Omaha; and in the future these two stores will be known aa 6C'HAEK;KS CUT I-KKE DRUG PTORKS. OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA; THE HAME PRICES WILL PREVAIL AT EACH STORE and there will be NO TWO PRICES ON THE SAME ARTICLE. Just watch this space every day in The Pally Bee and Dally News and save money both store will be open from i a. ra. to UMi goods delivered to any part of Omaha or South Omaha without charge. Prescrip tions called for and delivered promptly. Telephones 747 and 7V7 Omaha, and No. 1 South Omaha. SCUAEFER'S CUT PRICE DkUQ STORE E. T. YATES. Prop. ltb C lasr S(rata. Os Iks. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address Omaha, . 15) K Ml M ISBXBlflSBl Don't forget that Green Trading' Stamps is the only, known systemabsolutely fair and impartial of earning interest on-the money you spend. Collect them and set at finish just the premium you have in mind at start. A Big List of Extra Bargains for Thursday in Our Dry Goods Dept. WAISTINQS A large assortment of pretty, new "waist ings, heavy mercerized, white ground with pretty colored figures, cheap at 60 per yd. ; O L? p, special sale at, per yd....................... w 100 Wool Dress Skirt Tatterns, Jn black and colore, fancy mixtures, plain cloths, zibeline effects, Toiles and canvas weaves; not one worth less than $5.00, some worth $7.00. All go, Dress Goods aisle, main floor, O Q C for, each 500 yds. very pretty Waist and Lining Bilks, very cheap at 75c yd., Thursday only, Or per yd.. CWV 50 pairs very fine Wool Blankets, in gray and tans, worth $4.00 pair, Thursday only, Qk C per pair.... r 100 pairs extra fine all Wool Blankets, largest bed size, in grays, worth $8.00 per pair, while they A Qk C last, only, per pair , 100 pairs extra heavy mottled Blankets, full 114 size, regu lar $1.65 values. Special sale, only, 1 1 CS per pair Wv Your yes! Your ycs" Lost Sight Seldom Returns Bring your eye. to us. Expert, scientific treatment at very moderate chars. . GROCERIES. GROCERIES. The leading grocers. Fresh, n.w, clean, reliable table products at lo? v rices. t ree poetal cards. . Tel. 137. , GREEN THAU1NO BTAjaru WITH turn ruw,ni. THURSDAY SPECIALS. ' fet cream. Or. can MPkg'.. 8 l"3c Baking soda. An pkg- w Maple cream for Ar cakes ". Preserves, Oc assorted, jar 7W Pancake flour. 1fn 2-lb. pkg lyj ImiMjrted sardines, IOC Urape-Nuts, Pkg Plum pudding, can.. Potted m eats, can JOo 10c COFFEE ROASTED DAILY. Eantoa coffee, good, 19r per lb Bennett's Capitol coffee. Otic per lb BUTTERS RECEIVER DAILY FROM BEtiT DAlRIika Fresh country butler, 1 fr per lb. JV Bennett's Capitol creamery, per lb Medium sour pickles, , fr- pint .vw PRESCRIPTIONS Send your prescriptions to us, you'll have them filled with care, jexpertness, accuracy and with a faithful adher ence to the DOCTOR'S OKDEIIS. More, you'll have them filled at lower prices than any exclusive drug store can look at! The reason we run our pharmacy on marginal profit lines, we guarantee the absolute purity and honesty of every ingredient and drop used in compounding prescriptions. Depat RtaU Tstsrlnartai Food Inapactss'. n.t.RIUICC!OTTIv D. Y. S. CITY VB7TERINARL1M. Office and laflrmary, UCi and Maaoa Its. Otaaluw (ieb, TtUphona K Perfield's Bee BIJf , Room 7. Wer Merjr sUwk, Cut Prlo - Piano Co. Telephone 7U1 Ladwlg ftddlM, cyCOLLAR A