THK OMAHA PAILV IlKIS: ' WEDNKSHAV. NOVKXinKR 4. 190.7. i i i iSPECIAL NOTICES r; ... jevllt fee takra aatll 12 m. for the I renin adltlaat and nntll "iBO p. m. 1 ( nornliK 1 Sanday edition, i Rtlra, 1 l-a a wort tlret Insertion, ' word thereafter. Nothing: taken for leaa thai Jtfte for the flrat laser. tlon. Theae advertisements aail be 1 ran e-oaaerattvely. j Artlir, kr requesting a Bam Jfcere eheck, r.a have ...wer. nd. Jdreseed to a namhered letter f a rare of The Be. Answers a addressed will cheek emir WANTED SITUATIONS. 'POSITION Wanted; expert lady bookkeeper; J . nine years' experience fire and life insur J ance. Address, T 41, H.-e. A 792 4 x WANTED MALB HELP. Educate for Business, Boyles College NEV lOHK LIFE Bwii. 'BUSINESb.. SHORTHAND. . A iPEWBiT. V . 1NU, ENUL1SH. DAY AM) NIGHT. JeTUDENTS XdMaaiEu Ai ANY TIME. Apply tor catalogue. B SOI WOOD messengers wanted; flrat-claas pay, A. V. 1. L9, iU a. UU). J WANTED, Arat-daaa wood turner at one. 1 Good wages. Lincoln aaeli. Door at il. iilmwui) Neo. . H -. - .WANTED, lor U. a army, eble-bouied. an 1 ( lllIlU iUail, WlWtWU ag Ot i MllU , i viiiaens of L ill Leu BUttea, ol good cuaiau- i Iwr and turnout ate nubiLi,. wnu tun iijwk. i : ti a i i red i I appij 1 i read una write Engilan. Fvi- inioi inauon lpiy iu rvoruiuiig oiucer, iuin ana uouge uuiaiut, auu snivi. ieu. WANTED Two taenia at once; good sal -j ary; city work. C Jr. Auaw v.o., r Howard at. U Mima IWANTED, a newspaper or niagatlne o I llcltnr to a f oalilon. Ca Bee , . o worm tne city on a new prop Call at Circulation Dept. Oiuaua j bum YOUNG MAN BH1UHT Over 18, to pre . pare tor Gov't position; goodi salary ; per- i manent, gradual promotion. 'lox uiu, ar Kupiua. ia. 11 Ito N2ix PERSON to call on retail trade for manu lar.iurlng houne; salary 2o, paid weekly expense money ndvanceu; previous ex . perlence uuneceat,ury. uianuorj itou.e. i WAN! KD Men to learn the barber trade: i ( VW weeks cunipleteai can earn nearly all exierui-. . lficiuuuni uond ' and tooia b- 'lore Hiuciuutinic; , apiendiu facilities, cure ful iiiairuciioii: Uipiumua aruniea. Laia- logue expiHinniaf iuiie4 free. , Moier Bur ber Colli gc ljul Dougtas bl. V IatiT2 ix ; i - A POSITION 19 OPEN- Do you know where tt U? We do. V' I have openings for high grade men of all kinds jxecuilve. Teeunkitl and clerical paying irom U,w3 ux io,ow a yuar. . W rite ' ior uian and booklet. Olllces in twelve .cities. . , , HAPOO0D8. tlnoorporated) . : i Suite bj, Motiaunoek iiunaing, Chicago. AN Ai Diana Dlayer who la a aood sliiKor hours, t p. in. to 1 a. rn. - fiienay work. Address, lj 1, Bee . B iM-M WANTED, ilrt-clas barber; steady 'lob; I wages 12 and half over l.i). Adurens J. b'. l"oHter, Aberdeen, H. V.. H MK13 bx WAKTKD, a shoemaker; steady Job for a rood ne- Asa, Blacktedge, Alma, snv. . B Mm ux PHYSICIAN for ofllce work through Ne braaka; must be sober, exper.enced aiid over,). AddreiMi u z, .nee. i uM-JlJ f. : was 1 &i tLHALk; M; LP. ; . 100 OlrU. ' Call Canadian office, 15th Jt Dodge. C V WANTED, first-class' ladies' lailof." Mag Morris, 140 caruam. U-llkW TWO rhoro young women and one younv - man to laae course oi -training in aanu- torlunu. Auuress . W. U. Kosa, il.Il like, WANTED lAdles to . learn balr Jreaslni manicuring, eleetrio or facial massage; foil' 10 six weeks complete; positions waiting graduates at top wage; diplomas granted; complete outnt given eacit stu dent. Call or write. - Moier College, lsu! Uouglag Bt, . C Miii J 61 WANTED Girl for general housework, looo 0l gla Ave C 74J- WANTED-Dood laundress for Tuesday, Wedtiaaday and 'Ihtirsday. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy. 37th and Dewey ave. C 4m 6 WOMAN wanted to sell a necessity to ' mothers; 812 a week clear. Dept. M, box 7s, Philadelphia. C-MM7 4x LADY to collect newspaper ' Ptipplngs, 1 names and addresses. Knlcaerbocker Auv. Co., New Rochelle, N. . C Msll 4x LAD1KS 30 per luO writing abort letters; no deposit, no canvasialng: stamped en velope, particulars. Ladies' Supply Co., dept. D, Indianapolis, lnd. C AiJlO 4x FOR HLNT HOLtES. in all laru of tbe city. K. wwwmw v.. s-eiars 4 Co., liaa Blug. HOUSES, lnauranoe. King wait. Barker Blk. v . , l e. Un IQPQ in sll paru of the city. The I1UUJC3 u. i Davis Co.. bos Bee Blag. D vj IO MOVE right get Oman Van Storage Co., ofikoe uum a.iuui, or -isia. iw-iv. . D Jill FOR ltlNT, ten-rooin house, modern, and pal n, m vv est j rwun ui,ir,vu rv iu. jv. Poner, r.oc. No. -w. Liuwu BJt. . d-mg:i - - FOR KENT. 6-room house, Woolwoith Av., i-0 per month; posseaaion given Oc ubor Apply to Mel Chi, care Daily PA TNE. BUST WICK CO.. coolce houses. ul-wjj New York Life Bldg. 'Phone lulu. i mi SEVERAL good houses. 110 to IIS. Chris Dncr. 24 and Cuming. 'Phone S. MiW 8-room modern house. Immediate roasesslo given. J. n. maraii, puone 2181, 44S Board of Trade. D-ltt FOR RENT, nine-room modern brick house In good condition, 2uth ave. and Harney. Wm. K.. Potter, Receiver, No. M Browo block. i 1 NEW five-room cottage, modern. Phone KboS. D-663 FOR RENT 7-roum bouse. 1827 N. 18th. D-4W WE MOVE pianos- Maggard Van as Stor age Co.. Tut, tts. VP'1-- lllJ v coster au - ' D 807 GOOD (-room furnished house, all modern 1 per. month, 443) Faniam st. HARRISON MORTON. N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 814. . . D MS14 yOR RENT 7-room house; modern Im provenunts; J31S Capitol ave. D 8U0 6x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. O. M E. hauls trunka Cslephon 6U DEWEY European hotel, 18tt and Farnnnv KUUii HO 1 cL, European, ICth A. Chlriga NICELY furnished rooms; everything new and modern; gentlemen preferred. lillt 1 WebLter St. E MSJ7 LARGE LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. t , ., 812 i vnd up psr. month, , 1 ' 7So and up a day. ' I AT THE DELLONE, ' ' 14tt st.' and Capitol ave. ) imm heated; electrlo lie'ited; private and general batlis; all eooveiuaiioea; first claae i srv K. i Eat where eu pleuse. ROOM AX THE pl-.Ll-ONE. L- iiu NovKg OMAHA REAL-ESTATE . CANNOT BE BOUGHT AT A-LOWER PRICE THAN NOW YOU'LL SEE THE BARGAINS IN THE BEE FOB ItEIT Fl RNIHRD ROOMS. DF.KIRABI.IC ROOMS at The rarnam, lth and ramam Bts. . kr Mi4 NICELY furnlnhed rooms; all modern Im provements. 24 N. mh si.; 6 minutes walk from poatofflce. E M 797 x NICELY furnished parlor bedroom, first floor; one or two gentlcmnn : reasonable; no other roomers, a ill Spruce at. K-M304 6x FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; one or two gentlemen. is in. mtn st. E-MK18 x FOR RENT, 1 or J furnished rooms, single or ensulte; private lamiiy. 44 . Z4tn. K M441 - I GOOD, warm room, modern. 2T)S0 Harney. J-llliiJ X TWO unfurnished or throe furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 723 outh ltn street. ElMSx NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Luundry, 17u Leavenworth. Phone A-17HS. E-S1J NICELY furnished room In private family; house new and modern, iuin Jones t. E FIIRXISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. BACHEl-ORS' HOTEL, 20th and Farnam, has two family suites and three single rooms at reasonable prices. F MSK7 8 KIR.M1XRK PACKING. Peterson & Lund berg, US 8. 17 th. Tel L-:'.V.g. ri all I'Olt RLN 1-sTOUES AND 0'FlCKa. bun KENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at sis amaiu, siw, lour Stories and arse-class cemented basement, elevator, lire r.nd burgiar proof vault, of fice counter and ttxluiea. For price vnd pirticulars Inquire C. C. Rosewaier, : letary the Bee Bujluing Co., room luo, Bee building. I-Mi7 FOR RENT The building formerly occu- piaa uy 1 tie aec at vis varnain ai. it nas luur siorieu und a busemenl, which. was formerly used by The Bee press room, 'inls will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at ofllce of C. C. Roso water, secretary, room 104' Bee building. 1 tol 1-STORY and basement, 22x100; 1U0S Farnam - si. inquire 314 first. Kan Bank lil'lK. FOR RENT, throe upper stories in fouf- siory Duuaing si uie rarnam St.; two stories It preierred. Address C. C. Rose water, Bec'y., Room lou. Bee bldg. 1 M9S6 8-STORY and fine basement building in wholesale dls strict: price 11,600. F. D. Wead, mi Douglas St. I 468 N4 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement . In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber Khow room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. H. C. Peters & Co., rental agtnts, ground floor Bee building. I M7!4 ' AGENTS WANTED. WANTED f Can vasal ng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THh' TWENTIETH CENTURV FARMER Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country wltu hors and buggy specially desired. - Canvaaaer. make easily (60 to tloo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau Be building, Omaha. J ill WANTED, field superintendent; wide awake man.; no selling; established bust neas; position permanent. Luke Broa. Co, International Nurseries, Chicago, III. v J-MS18 it rOH SALE FlRNITtRE. FULL !ine of hard coal stoves no1 oh sals, Clucago urniture Co., mo .HagH' oi. 1 " ' i OAK sideboard lor sale, 20S Spencer st HANDSOME new golden oak furniture for sale, only used four weeks. 40 a. tn av. j iio x FOR SALE UTORSES, WAGONS, ETC, MONROE sella pleasure vehicles at Ml N. Ibttt bu r sis HARRY FROST'S Carriage and Wagon Works is on corner 01 luu and Leaven worth. P 84) 6TATION rockaway, excellent condition. pole and shall, only lt0. Address 1 M, uee. iviwD 1 I'OU SALE MISC ELLA NKOUE TELEPHONE POLES; long nr timber) cuicken xence. oaw ping. va auugiaak INDIAN goods and relics. UU Farnam w IRON & wire fences, tree guards, trellises. CATALOG l'E cut drug prices free. Sber- j M , t .. .11 r . . a. ' Omali. Iran si airuvuiiwi ua wv., . tt SB FOR SALE Several scholarships In m first- class stanaara scnoot 111 uiuanow cumpris lm eomulete course In business, abort- hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee ofllce. Q -siij FOR SALE Co--J business. Capital required. IZ.OOU.OO. J U. Bee. Q ID HAND safe cheap. Derlgbt. Ill Farnam. RII.F.IARD and Pool tables, bought, sold. X(!hangcd and repaired. Bar. fixtures and as loon supplies, ine western Bar Fixture and Hotel Supply Mfg. Co., 1407 , 14tl N30 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. Q M738 N . CLAIRVOYANTS. . ; ; GYLMER, palmist 71f N. 23d; 'phone B lB' WilliamSOn CO., Bank plug. tUtV. S-M7U8 : - ' X i- - RE nil MRS. CARR1B SMITH, SOVEREIGN ALL about North Dakota and wnere to buy LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every- good lands cheap; descriptive folder and thing told. past, present and future. Sat- list sent free; reliable representatives Isfaetlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. B-4Va) wanted. Whitney & W heelock., 13 Broad- a way, Fargo. N. P. RE S81 ZZ?ZL. TIMBER! TIMBER! T idea Nux THE best Investment. Large or- small t - s 1 sr tracts ilsference furnished. Write . your PERSONAL. BIMON8 afe REASONER, ' Ashland. ' Ore." RE-MU-N7 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and , during coniuiement. Dr. aua Mrs. oeriaoa, T"" a , Investment. . PRIVATE hospital during confinement; Double house on Douglas street; 18 rooms, babies adopted. Mrs. Uaiuela, Us Lake, excellent location; can be secured at a Tel. Kad-ls4. U-4NS sacrilice. . ,. r- , ... PRIVATE home durUig confinement; R Pidrnrf I babies adopted. Tne Cood Bauiarliaa . iC3IUtllV.t.. LWIO, panltarlum, 7ai 1st Ave., Council Blufla, In wegt Farnam location; two" choice. 1- tl 'ai aouth front lots; fine oorner at, Sitii and BOdTON Umbrella Mfg.. 08 8. 1. Tel. I(tt7. JurU - Imbreilas. parasols re-overeu. reuahred W. FARN AM SMITH ' & s CO. Of tuaue. ... RE-7S5 THE Omaha Plating Co. will soon move to : : Urger quarter, at 18 Harney LATEST RETURNS i a j) Acres Wood River Valley land, all "VIAVI" way to baallhi HI Bee building, fenced, 40 acres pasture. 13 acrea alfalfa, Omaha. U--HS f acres corn, H goes with farm if sold , . . . " . " soou; good 7-rom house in good repair; PRIVATE hospital before and during con- Ur a b)4rn tor u horses; large hay mow, finetnent. Mrs. L. Usher, l&ul v'"loJ"- all net waary outbuildings. 8i2 Per acre If- Tel. lv. u aold quick. Call on or address D. T. I'hil- WB RENT sewing machine at lac par Kearney, Neb. RE 808 7 week. 82 per month; we repair and aail ... iJrT Walking Distance Cycle Co., lith and liaraai. L- O magnet pile killer, it CURE. Two Thousand Dollars At druggist tL UiUt For qulck Mie26u2 Pierce St., new, 6 rooms. BlrTpRTES treat, successfully all disease t"f wU bullc A and irregularities of women from any D. V. ShO eS Ca cause; xprinced and reliable. IUM " " Dodge St.. ArUagloo block. Oaiana.. u SNAP. Tel. 4, 723 N. Y. Life. -RE 801 S L MS , (vwnmr, Tlt 8 SOth Rack TRACKAGE AND BRICK WAREHOUSE. COSTUMES for rent. 8H B. win Sack. tK)j Blled wf. bulu bri, k a,,rrriaise wiln ' . "2 I 128 feet trackage on Mo. Pactnc at 4Vth T and Dodice: sdiniralily adapted fur small . MONEY TO LOAN AEAL ESTATE. or l.ull.hnx rast9-li businesa; for . quick sa' H '-'oO; liuprovements worth r-kt.1V ATE moneys Bkerwoed, S87 N. Y. Life. ' more money. UaJiLoou Si Mrt..n31?-13 N. W 4 Y. Life. HE bot If MONEY TO LOAN nEAl, ESTATE. 4 TO P. C. money. He mis, Paxton block. W-V4S FARM and rlty .loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat 1 Bank Illdg, Tel. IMa. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W 47 TO LOAN, vc at 7 cent on good resl estate security. Address F 26, Bee. W-M359 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam .Smith cs Co., 1220 Farnam St W 942 . WANTED, real estate loans and wsrranta. R. C. Peters A Co.. Bee Bldg. W-S4 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. ,W S4 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS.- MONET LOANED ON. rURNITbHK, PlANOti. LIVK BTOCK. BALA HIES. ETC. . . Low ratea and easy termal Business Confidential. Try us If you want. to save. money. FHCUNiX CREDIT CO., n Paxton Block. Ut,a and, fc'arnara Eta. MONEY loanI On pianos,' furniture, 'Jew- elr, horses, cows etc. C. F. Weed, Jul H. U. L ; EASY 1o?aT.: Bcsl tiM. ...tvi.oub. . ' W v loan uu lUi'iiiuit, pianos, warehouse recelpli, ety. Or AI ou nave a peiinaiieni positiou Wk' can xiiHKe you a bAUlU LOAN without security, except your owft agree. ment to Tepay. Our uerVtce. Is fjuick and conlldentlal and we always try to please. Ail mat we asa Is tlwt you two us a onU before you bonow eisewnere. OMAHA MUrt'lUAbi. LOAN CO., 11!) Board of 'Irau'e Bldg.' 'lei. ia. (Lbtabnshed 1H). . SA m. lolh bu X-AUM EASY MONEY ON KURM'll'RK OK riALARY. . - - IjOWKHT KATES. BUSINESS biRlCTLV COin FIDENTIA1 rnl VA I rj Ud lttB. RELTAbLK CREDIT COMPANY, auJ-Jk)) PAXTON BLOCK. X-M788 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BALAK1ED PEOPLE, -merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest teruie, 40 ottlces in prin cipal cities. Tolinan, 440 Board of Trade tiiag. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried' people; business cunnuential; lowest raiegi : il4 i'axcou liloca. the J. A. tiutton Co. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co.. K k. Barker Block. X 271 BUSINESS C'llAftCEa. WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange .ny property ur busmebs nuicar te'". tt Jouunou, b48 N. X. Lite. Y 4v FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures, Inciuaing ice box Inquire 81118 I'ar ' uani - X 6i 1 1 ..I 1 . 1 SALE, to active man. Interest In es tablished ousiness; personal services and o,0vO required. Excellent, epportunlty tor right party. Address T 87, Bee. Y (la 'OH SALE Foundry and madlilno shop in the part of tile "beat agricultural country of S. D., on account of sickneaa of the owner, at very low price.. For . information. Correspond with J. C. Mor mann, Yankton,' b. "D. " Y M4oi 4 iCXCHANGES of all klndst ftot buy .or. sell a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city prolny, cart or "write Snoles Armstrong Co,. 781-8 N. Y. Life. Tel 4V. Y-M7W WANTED, young man to lake-halfjintereHt in newspaper U town of 6,UL. Address T t7. Bee. ' Y-M812 7 1 , , . : - .:T '. ia DRUG STOCK. .for sale, . On nceount ol other business . I . will aell my- stock . of drugs. Including the bct nod a fountain in the country, at a' bargain. Bestocatlrth; will take some land; invoice about 8S,otw. Address K, Bee ofllce, Council Bluff. s. . FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOH YEL-' LOW fl.NE in the- Bolt teliow jt-in HjIC- This timber compares favoraljly in quality wiui the. Wliiia, Pine, of Wis consin and Michigan. Can all be logged with big wheels. No fire risk. Complete and tellable information,. Perfect tule. lands we control and can . de liver 26,000 A.CKES, average 2.00U to the QUirtcr Bcc-Uon. price 87 60 per A. 10.UO0 ACRES, average &O0O to the quarter section, price t.uu . per A. 8,010 ACRES, average 2,000 to the quarter section, price 8i.0o per A. I,0u0 ACHLS, average 2, .the quarter section, price li.uo ner A. H.K'O ACRES, Spruce and Hemlock, average 3,bU0 to. tne quarter section, price aiiuu per A. CERTIFIED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP in large and small amounts at the market price. References furnished. Correspond ence solicited. Address, AMERICAN TIMBER COT. E. M. Punyati, Mgr., Marquam Bldg., Port land. Ore. M308 novx FOR BALK REAL E3TATE. Own a farm iri South Dakota. The best' land for ;th.e least money. , ' ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, ' 1U17 N. Y. L. Bid RE M748 1 FINE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. ' 850.00. South front on Burt bt., Just west of 24ih St. Ixit la on grade, a fine location. GEORGE & C'GMFANj ItWl Farnam St. FOR SALE HEAt, ESTATE. HOr8F. and lots In sri rsrts of pityt also acre properrv and rarm lands, i ne o. tr. Davis Co.. Room &. Bee bWg. RK- FOR KALR-OR TRADE FOR SMALLER PROPER 1 i room mouern nouse ana plrndld barn; lot 42xius. Apply owner, I 29M N. 26th St. Kti Ni: wit RANcrt and farm lanffs for sals by ths I'nlon facinc I'.aiiroaa company, a. n. McAllester. land conimlsslorifr. Vnlon Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 05) FREE homes.' send 2-rent etnmp for msp of Rosebud reservation, Riving full infor mation. D. W. Forbes, Bonesteel, B. l. REMI77 ACCORDION rLFiATING, GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. . , ' ACCORDION " Renting. ' cheapest. best. GUlCKesi. Sirs. A. v- mtira, inn anu t.oug, M7IS BALK Tltk. OMAKA Hey Bole Tie Co.. Ml North; 16th, CillROI'OpiSTS. DR. ROT, rooms 2-1, 1505 Farnam st. CAKPliTKRS AND JOINEHS, ALL kinds of carpsntework and repairing promptly . atienaea to., a. . i. ocsi.iraa, itoth and Lake Sts. . Sio DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S, lnth and Harney, will sell you a ticket good for twelve lea ions at the re duced pi Ice of' 4 (or ladles and 6 for gentleiren for the new riass of beginnnrs commencing orrrueadav and Fr1d:iy, No- vemlir 3 and 6, ht k p. m. Assemblies every Wednesday at Sp m. Admission 50c. r-e DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. COKMACK. 617 Karbacb block. Tel. A2SS2. i REBOOT Deiectl agency, 708 N. Y. Ltfa. Tel. 3T.40. - '" " la EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. - O. R. RATHHUN, ttora 15, Com 1 Nat 1 Bank. Private lesuons in eta o. DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S College, l7ui Cuming. Suits to orucr. iNighl cluas, Mou. et inurs, 10 . .y . ' IN FAMILIES. Miss .Sturdy, 309 N. 23d. . , - - M44S it STANDARD Garment Cutting College, 2jJl Farnum. . r EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE LESSONS in French, German and sciences. Box wj. ii x FOR HUM FAIlllj, a i.awie and wal - Improved farm In Stanton county lor rent; two acres wltu I10.O0O worth or improvements. - R. C: PETERS t CO., ' ' Ground Floor Bee Building. . t in DUU.8S1NU. ' J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist.' 606 S. 13th.- w" ;. n .. . 701 HEBS fc t$wbBOD,afnsn.;..-ti L. 'HENDERSON,, Uobit.y lilS; Farnam 8U 1 t- 7T :i7rrr7 ; ""'!'. ' V ' GARBAGE. '''.'" ' A,VTI-MONOPOLY GARAGE CO:, cleans ' cetiVpuuia and vatiiis, ic-movea garuug aim uead animals ai reduced, prices, owl N. 16th. Tel. 17. S'.-1 .i ... 288 "GOLD AND kiLVEA PLATING. OMAiU. PLATING CO., Bee B'dg. Tel. ikWU , -e.i LAW AND COLLECTIONS. bTILLMAN & PIUCE, 411) 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. NEW BNOW-CHUKCli CiO.. 1st floor N. X. Lite blug., aiiurueyjt ana oileciuis every- w ner. . LAWN MOWERS.' SHARPENED. P. Micnolr. Ulh Howard. t LOCKS lU'lli. C. K. HEFL1N. -M3 N Wlh St. Tel. 2U74. V M-lii. . I r 1 ,' . ; . . LOST. WHITE fok terrier dog wtth black marking ' u neau; my name on' collar; last seen ou lower iouaiaa at., uiuier win oe ro- waiued.. N. f. Dooge'ji-.J Oiiit uaruaiu. LOST English setter,' while With black . ciiia; co.iur wtth iiuiue ot J. M. B..cueiu-i, .Dixon, 111; return U 1L0 N. lith St. and itceive reward. - axisi soi 11 MthlCAU TUOS. J. KELLY,, voice. Davldge Block. 3o8 LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-24. &ERKOWSKY, violin. IU 19. WlthneU blk. - at ui MEDICAL LIQUOR HABIT cured in three days.' Pay . wnea cured. No h poUertuica. Write for -tuculars. Gailin ii.ainuie. . UU U. 14th. - -. LADIES! Chicheater's-Lngllah Pennyroyal i ins are tne oeau ouiu, jooaoiu. lane no other. Beird 4c. stamps, lor Darticulara "iiellef lor (.adit;.,'' iu letter by letura mull. ' Ask yuur arusgiac-. .. ciilcnestei Chemical Co., I'lulaueliiuia, Pa. OSTEOPATUY. Johnson InsUtute, 618 N. Y. Lata Bldg. T. 1M4 I, i ' a .8 Ibe Hunt Infirmary. MeCague Bldg. T. tu .. . I- . .. . w-tUt At sen Farwell. Paxton Blk., 8o4-7. T. 136a. . ' . - ,- ., . a? 8 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 823 N. T. Ufa. TeL XuB, DRS. LAIRD & LAIRD, 203 Karbach bile m 107 N2ox PATENTS. H. J. COWG1LL No fee unleaa successful. 818 a. utfi bt., Omaha. Tel. LlaW- 8al 1 . 1 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha. Neb. 11- luairated. patent bock free. Tel. 1S23. - M-67U N15X PAWNBUOHE1IS. BA4JLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; avl buairtrae cunfideiiual. Uui Douglas. -8 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C VAN BANTS achooL-717 N. Y. Ufa ' . . 4R.4 NHB, Buelaea. tt Shorthand College. Boyd'. i,udi, ii.h i . .. - a . MKXICO CI I I uveriaua, unieaa specially 1 win v , . j , r "r " . --- J emitr on r arnam or J3tn, oeCwen Doug- jjreB8Cd for dispatch by steamer, closes Bloux City Passenger..a 2:00 pm all: 20 am r. ...k nii I. ...i.,,.., Kuwaid lor i. tuni in I "uu'.. i, . . . . sj,,.,.i.. 1 . j I l.n.l b i:46 Dm b 8:46 am i - . . r."r: , l at mis ouice uanjr, iv . buhu.,.. i v- . . I I c-mei of police. Lost Mo-j tx. , I ar.0 ii;jo p. m. Sundays at 1 p. in. Chicago at Northweatern. Kebrnska SlNITORIlM. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. 'Phone Re4 2-M; 1 blk. w. of car line, flty 'phone, City bath and massage parlors, 21.1 I.ake. STORAGE OM. Van 8tor. Co.. IbllVi Fam. Tela. 165 UPHOLSTERING. OATU! CITY, 1706 8t Mary's ave. Tel. B?7L aa STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURD. Julia Yaughn, 430 Ramg Bids. SMI TICKET BROKERS, CUT RATE railroad ticket everybody. f. u. jiiDin. 1MB rarnam. mono WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow $900 to 11.000 at 7 per cent on good South Omnha rental prop erty; security ample.' Address T 26, Hee. . . , Al in K!,5O0.W on a large Iowa farm, well Im proved. Address T 42. Bee. 44- 4 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by till Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) f oreign mans tor tne wpbh enuiiig Novem ber 7. ISH.w-lll close (PROMTTLY In all Cases) at the General Pustotiice as follows: PARCELS-lOST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post Malta for Germany close at 6 p. m'. Monday per s. s. Kronnrlns Wll- heiin, and on . vveunesuay per s. s. nnein la Bremen). , Regular and subnlementary malls cloae at Foreign Station half hour latr than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Mails lor li-urope and central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign station.; Transatlantic Malta. WEDNF.RnAY At 7:0) a. m. for NETHER' LANDS direct, ner s. s. Noordam. tmall must be d'rected "per s. s.' Noofdam"); at 12 m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for . iSl'KOl'H, per s. s. Cedrlc, via Queens- town (mill for France. Switzerland, ltniy. Snain. I'orti.ciil Turkev. Eitvpt. 'Greece, British India and Lorenzo Marques must ne directed "ner s. s Cedrlc ). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND, ITALY,' SPAIN. t'lK TIVJAL, TURKfaY, EGYPT, (1REWB BRITIKlf INDIA anil LORENZO MAR- OHK7 n,.r tji Tonrnlne. . via Havre (mall for other parts if Europe must re directed "tier s. . La Tournlne"); at 6:80 P. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s V.nln...ln. ' I ) ... 1 f rl n SATUKDAY-M J:30 a. m. for iKELAND, per s. s. Etruria, via Queenstown (.man tor other parts of 'Europe must be directed ' ner -w a l-.trurla"!: at S a. ra. io l:l'RnPE n.i. Ihlladelnhla. via I Southampton; 'at 7 a. m." for FRANCE, I SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR- TUGAL, Tl'RKFT K'Z ?T. 'IREHCE, BRITISH ND1A and LORENiO mab- Ol PZ nor a I .a ChamDagne, via. Havre (mall for other narta ot Europe must be directed "per s. s. J- V"": SMS? i- V ."KnJ'.w.-li : ' ' 1 ' ' " v.. . .... : , .1 recteci - per s. s. f iniana r. i " '"; for ITALY direct, per s. s. Lnnn tmsii must be directed "per s. s Lshn ); at s;i0 a. m. for SCOTLAND oireci per . r. T-..,.. . nrUARK rtlrect ner'a a. Island (mall must be 'dl- rectfyl "Der a. s. isiana 1. , , - -, 1 After the closing of the BupmemantarT Transatlnntlo Mails named aoove. saui- tlonal Supplementary Mali. sr. op-ned : on the piere o tne American, .f'"""""; French and German steamers and remain rr u in.ii.i nt th hour ici on open until within Ten Minutes of the hour or sailing 01 steamer. Malls for South and Central Amcrlea, West Isiltea, EtO. WEDNESDAY At ::10 a. m. (supplemen tary 1C::!0 a. m for ckn thai- Vt,i IOA (excent Costa Rica) and sui iu PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Seguranca. v:a Colon tmall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Seguranca");' at lz:ao p. m.' (supplementary 1:80 J. rn.) for ll'HKS lSIAND and DOMINICAN. RE- THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. 7t,-1 1. .!., im.ii tnr ia.-.irten. via Proareso, Campeche and vera c rtia unBi "v rected ."per, s.-.s. Mgnancis -, " uiiTi ir - Prlna lcr Nedcrlsn d-.'rf (mall for Fort de Palx, cape nau, cnniivu lnrAi. Ciiucmo Venesuela, Trinidad.' British and D'-tch Guiana. must be directed "per s. s. l'rirs oer ise-jer- InnHun'1! t 11 m f f,T HRA7IL. lift S. Bvron, via i-ernamDucci. Tanni, Janeiro and Bant- (mitil for Northern Seneca"). FRIDAY At :S0 - 5. m. for NEWTOiw - LAND, per s. s. Bllvta; at n m. tor ovu-.- TIAGO, per s. s. Vumuri (mall must be ....t.A ' 1 im, - Vnniiirl". x SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. i'retona; at o.w a. m. taiipi. - mentary 9:30 a. in.) for CURAIAO ana VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracalbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be dl Marncallio"1: at 9 a. ni. for PORTO RICO, per. s. an r "i3.yj? San Juan; at 9 a. m. for ATtGEN I lat, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY,- per s nun'il.... " . Egyptian Prince; at :M a. m. (supple- mentary 10:30 a m.) ior r wi uaa ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8AVA Li.A, ii; Tinwkll .nil CHKVTflWN. ner s. s. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per a. a. vuiencia r. at i for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via navu, st. 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 11:30 a. m.) ..e in'AOUA and HAITI, per a. s. fian- drla. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Florida, ' closes at ' thjs office dallv. except xnursaay, ai io.oo- a. ni. (the .connecting maiis . close here ou Wednesdays and Saturdays via Tampa, and on Mondays via Miami) und 1130 ..... ' A ....,. V, alaiimer. cloaea b t thla oritce daily at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday ana f. . i .. .. i iici, ----: JAMAICA-Br rail to Boston, and thence I miquELON By rail to Boston, and thence I py steamer, closes at this office dally at e:30 p. m. nKl.lZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By run to nw uneans. ana thence by steamer, closes at this oftice rinliv. excent Sunday, at 11:30 o. m. und in M n. m.: Sundays at II p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here MomlQva at ill ju D. in. I COSTA PICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence oy et daily, except 4il:H0 p. m.; Sunday '.1:30 p m. (connect Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. ;UEtiISTERED MAIL closes at 6 p. m. I previous day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, via San Frsnclsco, close here dully at 6.80 p. m. up to NovembeTl2 la" elusive, tor aesnatcn per s. s. Aiamcita. HAWAII, JAl'AN, china and PHILIP iii.'l- iu , in via nan MTuiiAhwui .1.... .-..w.w, here dally at tt::w p. m. up to November 45. inclusive, for despatch : per s. . m..p,.- u,rn. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI ISL- ANDB and is.w iaw.iaj.iia, via Van. a Van- I'' .h" Mi,iur inn victoria, ri. u.. rlniut j ii.. , 'U1 n. nn to, I elusive, for despatch per s a. Aoran'cl. r.. . , . ,i 1 1 p i k. v a T.pi.u " .. T-V;-'.-' y ht'-l B?roS" ;at" 12 Chicago Dayl.gbt fit 6 8:56 am a : S for YUCATAN, per a TJomo (mall Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am s 9:3S rnust be dieted ers. s. TJomo"): at 13 Chicago .Express.. ...... .bll:16 am a 6:3, . ' . uivim - a Reneca. via Des Mo nes Express a 4:30 pm bll.60 n-.n,niA ,Joii ha directed "oer s. s. Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:30 pra a 1:J PHmi-r. I'll I!,- H aw in , riTM,. iv..-0 '- - . .. fiunriav. at li-:io n m Chlcag Vestlbuled ex..a 4:w pra a7:46 a ....a closes nere I : " . nre oanv ai o oo y. m. uu to ruvemoeri uiwui ..................... r - " in inclusive.-for despatch per a. a. Vio r.r'i,, " n . , , v . . 4 TIP1M vtn flAaltlA .1... V enma . "".'- . af here deny at p. in. uu to ixovemoer flL inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Kwga lurn. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP. PINE lSLAftiB, via nan rrancisco, close hers daily at 6:80 p. ni. up to Novemlier 111 Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Cores. NEW ZEALAND, A I 8 TH ALIA (except West)). NEW CALEDONIA, Fill. SA MOA and Hawaii, via eaq rrancisco. close here uauy at e.ou p. ni. up to Mo vember 14, inclusive, foi- despatch per s. s. Sonoma, tit' tne v.unara steamer car rying the British man lor New Zealand ,r'fM lS. a. m.. 8 am. and 8 30 p. in.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 8 a. ra. and :3o P m will iTv.i ,,f the Cunard sseamer). CHINA AND JaK.vN, via Vancouver and ;toria. B. C close here daily at 4 30 despatch 1 per". I rKmiirew iT,!,;.' i Merchandise for U. S. postal agency ai Sliaiighai cannot be fyrwarded vU Cau ml lppTVK islands. vU Ban' POSTOFFICE NOTICE. rlsco. close here daily st 6:St p. m. up to November tM, Inclusive, for despatch per l'. B. transport. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via Ban rrancisco, cinse nere oany at ao p. m. up to November f:'B. Inclusive, for desuatrh Dor s. s. Marlpoaa. XOT- nlcss otherwise auaiessed. West Australia is lorwaroen via r-urone; and New Zealand and Philippine Islands via pan Francisco the quickest routes. Phil ippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe'' must be fully prepaid st the foreian rates. Hawaii Is forwarded vlu Hun i'rnnclsrHl evr iusivelv. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing oany sna me siiniui, i closing Is arrnnred on (he presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. ."Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre- vnis nay.'s VAN COTT. Postmaster. Poslofflce, New York, N. Y.. October JO. I. LEGAL NOTICE. KDTirE. seeled bids will bt received st the ofllce of Secretary of Stale up until i- otmra im of Thursdav. November 12. llsO. fr belt ing and pulllos for use at the iienltent.ary as per liemiscd statement found lit the ofllce of S'creuxy of State. The board reserves the right to rejort any and all bids. OEOKGUi W. MAHHtf. Secretary of Bourd. Nld lot NOT1CE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT Bids will be received by the State Print ing board at the office of the Secretary or Riatn at Lincoln. Neb., on or before 2 80 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, November 11, 1903, for furnishing 2.4WI four-quire as hooks for the State Board of Equalization and miscellaneous printing and stationery supplies for the State Rnard of Irrigation, State Historical so- llosi.itHl for the Insane at Hast- Ings, penitentiary and attorney general, and binding of briefs for the supreme Spcincatlons for same can be found on file In the office of the Secretary of State. All bids must oe accompanies ny a oonn rework bid upon. ' The" 'Ve'serve. the Merit to relect any and all bids. Lincoln, Neb.. Oct SI, 19 S. STATE PRINTING BOARD. By Lou W. Frazler, Secretary to the Board. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. I Omaha, isen.. ooioner an. 11,1. senien. proposa s, In triplicate, subject to tne usuni conditions, will be received hero until 12 iioon, central standard time, November So, 1908, for construction of a steel tank with IICHlfr roum, HI1U iiipihiiiiih n lll.T ,,i I Cnmp house at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. I 'ull Information furnished on application I to this ofllce, where plan and specifications! may ba seen, or to tne quartermaster, rorii Robinson. Proposals to be marked "Pro-1 Chief Quartermaster.. N4-5-6-7-27-28 DAILROAD TIMS CARD. H UNION STATION IOTH AND MARCY. Illinois Central. Leave. - Arrive. r. . a 7:25 am a 6.10 om Chicago, Minneapolis 4 ' ..?LuI,Umltrt.a...:.a 7:w pm a :. am jyiniiivaiioiii, oc du ram 1 Exoress b 7:3B am bl0:36 pm 1 1 rh Tol 10:85 am I Chicago Express al0;86 am - - . . I "Th Northwestern Line" Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am "".'"".''n 8:oo nm a 8:30 am ' Local Rloux Cltv a 6:10 am a S:30 pm I . . . . n. 1 . 1 a 1.1...,, m 1 i:! "; Ku""'r''Z g-m im il l 5 j - - - -,B a S16 am . Lilted Chicago .... v.,-t f,,, Vjt K?ni r ast Bt. r ani .a 4:oii pm a s ; am ,.a 6:60 pm , a 3.46 pm ..a :io pm a (.' am St. Paul Express Fast Mail Iooal Sioux- City aS'jOaml a 2:40 pm h 4:00 cm - b 8:80 am Norfolk & Bonesteel. 7 m; am fltO'tS am '.'.b 7l25 am bl0:86 am Lincoln A Long Pine. Local Chicago...... ... 11.30 am Missouri Parity. Ht, Louis express a am J " ' K. C. & St . L. Express. al0:W pm a 6 16 am Clitcaao Great Western Ity. co. 91 Ut rjn,ll X. XrtnnA. - an'olls Limited a 6:55 am 104 Ft. Dortare Express.. a 7:36 am IM Ft, Dd.rfee Express . a 3:25 pm. 1'j Hr. t'atii A .vtinne- . spoils Limited a 7:56 pm , ' f Vt T.nAa-n FvnrM, . Sll HO am llfl Ft. Dodite Express.. . u 8:i Pm ( hli-ara. Mtlwaokee & St. Pan! iv.itatrn novii.hf ' a f (S im all !l Pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limited a 6:06 pm a 7:M am Oes Moines Uxpreas....a i:v am Chicago, Rock :land A Paclttc. 1SAST. am pm pm am Pln V1T.ST Rocky Mountain L't-d.. a l am a am i i uncoin, coio. nprui I Denver, Pueblo and I -Went arid ' - I Texas,- California i . uaianoma ti; .a 6:15 pm . au:tr cm Union Pnclnc. Overland Limited.., The Fast Mail California Express. a I 40 am a 9:60 pra a : pp ..a 4:20 pro ..all 30 pm Pacific Express Eastern Express. a 6:80 pm I . .l.nll. I' nroau a 7:30 am a 3:40 am A"- ""."'"'ri Rnecial.-.a 7:10 am AL'r-Vg,.,: v "p- -'Beatrice & Hlromshlirar ExDreSS..b 4:00 Dm blZ:W Dm H2T"a Wli9 !: m h l n UIO..U ' Wabash. . . St. IJUis "Cannon Ball" EXpreS -s m JO yilf m m.kya viu Bt Louis Lrocai, coun- C1I BlUna..... m m . Biu.iw yiu I WEBSTER DEPOT ltTH WEBSTER Chicago. St. Omaha. Paol, Minneapolis t Leave. caao and WyomlxaT Division. I BlaCk Hills, IJeaOV OOO, - Hi Lead. Hot Springs. -....a 1:00 pra a 6:00pm I Wyoming, Caspot and '. Douglas e s:uv pm Hastings. Yrk, rvid Exeter pm b 6:00 pm Mlssonrl PaeiSe, lc.hrgiiki Loral. Via Weeping wir.......y s.i pm auj:j9 am BURLINGTON STATION lOtb at MASON Chicago, Borliagton dainty. Leave. Arrive. am pm urn Iruat nau.... 2:4a pm I . Kansas City, It Joseph A Connell Blaffs. I k'srsas City Day Ex. ...a 1:15 am a 8:06 pra Bl. Louis riyer. a 6:20 pra all .06 am Kansas CUy Night Ex..al0:45 pm a .W ara I h..ii...a. a Hlaiosil Hltar. - 1 . . ' . -. - - - VI.. A. wvmnrR. iiuiiil, mi u I unoom . T rr "" s. Nebraska Expreas a s ow am a i.a pra Arrive. , i.i, I m. i si.w VaaHAmv S'3il Mm Q 1 A nm rt.i..i Knoclal- al:00am a 8:fifi ?.l vs. mi . :" s imired:::::::;.;; r7; Dlnv" UmTuat:!'.:::: pm a L im provide protection against rain and damp ttiucu Hills and Puaet ness are essential to the little girl's com. tienver LlUllttMl Black Hills and Puget Bound Express......... ail :io pra a 8:10 pm C,Urr M"b!U1 a I 10 Dra I . r .V n'l'i.ti " k .r . a., r Lincoln Fast Mail ..b 2:E2 pm a 8:08 am I 1, urt rrruia ana jriaita- X....v h I is ..m v,m . - Bellevue at Pac no Jet. .a 7 &o pm a 8:77 am I Bellevue at Paclllo Jet. .a 8:U) am . n. K noit ..,.ni an.. a n.n. I " r" " . i. . except oammajr. iqm, HELD ON CHARGE OF ROBBERY Colored Maa Boand Over for Alleged mealing of Money la Midway. George Wlntersmlth, colored, was bound over In the sum of $700 In police court the alleged robtery of J. F. Bheehan at Midway saloon. Twelfth and Capitol ave- I nu6i lugt Friday night. W intersnilth, it Is alleged. . secured $37 In currency. Charles I Turner, bartender at the Midway, and p. I iiBrry -Wyatt. alia. "Kid Gleasun." ,oe', men who were Implicated in the af I fair by Shreban, were held as state wit - I peases ' and ' were placed under bonds UluO aaca BATES KNOWS OF NO CHANGE t . Comm&uuer of kinoori and Lsiei D: oredita Etorj of Army Realignment. SOME ALTLRATI0NS TO BE MADE IN EAST General HUhly CotMsaenda Mllltlamesi from Nebraska, and Other States for tiood Work. t Fort lllley. "I know nothing of the Immediate pro pect of any change In the departmental boundaries of the Department of the Mis souri," said Major General J. C. Bates, commander of the Departments of the Mis souri and Lakes. "I believe there are some contemplated changes In the eastern de partments relative to their boundaries, but of their special nature I am not Informed. " Ia-ttference to the recent army maneu vers at Fort Riley General Bates ssld: "They were very successful und.were cer tainly beneficial to .the army and particu larly to the militia. , The militiamen con ducted themselves with excellent credit, and this Is particularly true of the Ne braska regiment. The story that was sent out rfgardlng any troul.le; between the Texas regiment and the colored troops of the regular army was very much exag- gerated. Whatever there was of it was confined to one or two Individuals, and . . , , . Probably was the. outgrowth of a crap game. The morale of the troops at the maneuvers was excellent. In fact there WM" no rourts-martlal or any offenses and there was absolutely no disorder. The men, without exception, realized that Ihey r. on their good behavior atid acquitted themselves In a highly creditable manner. At first the farmers in the locality of the maneuvers were a .little skeptical and wera in some Instances reluctant to Sign agree ments for the movement of troops ovor their lands, but by the close of the maneu vers many of them offered their lands without any conditions. Of course, all damages that resulted In the noc.essarv cut- .. . . - . , , - Un ,u,, 'emnvo! t fences for the mnvo- ments were speedily repolred and pBlcj'for. The bills of the farmers wore very reason- olile ' Cannot Say na to Next Year, . . . ... ,. . v. - n? iimnnuTers win repeated next yfear. They are very ex- " 1168 w!th. to mske the necessary appropriations. 'We, were Importuned by Some Influential parties from South Dakota to hold a series of maneuvers at Fort Keogh next year, in which the militia organizations from Min nesota. North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana might participate with the regulars. But what steps will be taken I lna matter 1 cannot say. The matter will lie entirely with congress. There is ome questlon amon(r lhe mlma t(J tn period of the year that the maneuvers should be held. Some of them think that the month of October Is too late, as it encroaches upon the busy fall season,- and it la thought by them that August would I 08 a better month for army maneuvers at such places as Fort Riley. The Fort "l"?" proposmon coniemp ates tne month 01 June, as that is a dull business period, ana tne altitude 01 Fort Keogh would 1 ... .... . mak8 that month a most delightful one. i . , ,.. . . - , " Iu nuuiu ira iw wnim lut a l.nTUllty like Fort Riley." I n-nerol n.t.. isou-. trj..j... ' I " - i.vuiinun ur Dee Moines to Inspect the new military post mere ana win go rroro tnere to Chicago, Will Do All "-Hts for Ton. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills puts Tim, vigor and new life Into every nerve, rauacle and organ' of the. body. Try them. 23c. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. SAYS SHE WAS LOCKED IN CAGE Country., Girt , ,1s. Badly FrLxhtened "When She Steps Into Union "t Depot Elevator. :; r? Several .days ago a country girl ap parently 18 years of age appeared at the Burlington station, and after waiting about the depot for almost two hours finally ap proached the station master and -asked hiin I what time a certain train left for a certain I nlaj e not on the Rnrllnirton line 1L In. I . . .. . . .. . . I Tnrmpa ner in,r ana wonin nov, to ari to - - - - -- --- -- ; i - " I almoet the entire distance to the entrance. I Bhe trudged along-and he roturncdi Prea- I entiy ne was amazea w sea tne .same gin again In the station crying as If her heart I would break. She had only been gone fit- I teen minutes, and. the station master ap proached her and Inquired the trouble. I The man over there put me In a cage and locked it, and then alt ot a sudden my breath left me and I tried to get out, but he wouldn't let me. The thing was going down I anil T waa afraid." The station master Informed th. girl that I .V. V- I.. l .1 , . i I I . ...... ner lnat 11 wa" customary to iock tne doors I uj.ur viaitni. uii mv eua. waa wiiitits icjt go back to th depot and watt lot th train .A Good Thing; for Motbcr. - If she' la tired out. sickly, jrufl down. Electrlo Bitters will give her new life, or there's no charge, Try them. . fide, For sale by Kuhn ft Co. ,- SEASONABLE FASHIONS 1 QUl'aitt Coal, w ja t4Wt Girl's Ruin Coot 45t4. Tu bt Mado With or Without the Applied Yoke-Coats-1 tlmt fort and health as to those of her elders. Th" " """'t " " n an ba 1 . ,1 I. k. a u.llk... K. at.r.llu unlz. made with or without the applied yoke. The model Is made of mixed tan color rain proof cloth in lightweight, but all water, proof fabrics, of which there are . many, are appropriate. The coat consists of fronts and back and Is fitted by means of shoulder and under arm seams The yoke, which Is optional. Is applied' over It on Indicated lines. Tbe sleeves are ample) and finished with shaped cuffs. At tbe neck is a turu-uver collar and a belt la worn about the waist that can be passed through the under-arm soaras and under the fronts, or over the entirt) I coat M preferred. for Tn, quan;ity of material required for the the medlum sire (10 year.) is 2 yard. 44 Inche. I w)(je or 714 yards 64 Inches wide. - I Tfi, pattern 4&a Is cut In sixes for girls 0f 6, , 10 and 12 years ol age. I for the accommodation of The two I readers these patUms. which usually retail - at from 26 to 60 cents, will be furnl.h.d at - I a nominal price. 10 cents, which covers all of I expense. In order to get a pattern enclose IM cenis, give number and name of pattern, Bee luuiw. 1 . eve