Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee.
Pally Bee (without Sunday), One Year.MOO
Islly Wee and Sunday, one Tear 0)
Illustrated Bee. One Year -0
PunriHy Uee. One Year J"?
Saturday Bee, One Tear J-J"
Twentieth Centurjr Farmer. One Year.. l.W
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per copy !o
)ally Hee (without Bundny). pr week..l2e
I)ally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. lie
Sunday Bee. per copy 5
Evening Bee (without Bundny), per week o
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per
trek Ic
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
should be addressed to City Circulation De
partm.nt. QJTlcrA
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall
ullding, Twen-
ty-flfth and M streets.
Council lihifTa 10 Pearl Street. . ,
Chicago 1640 t'nlty Building.
New York 232S Park Row Building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to new and edi
torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
f)nly 2-o
idle to The nee ruoimninj
!-oent stamp accepted in payment, ui
Iriall account. Personal check, except on
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tat of Nebraska, Douglas County, a.:
George B. Tssehuck, aecretary of The Bes
Publishing Company, being duly Aworn,
nay that the actual number of full) and
complete coplee of The Dally Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of September. 1903. waa as fol
io wa:
1 M.1SO
f.... 99JI70
Im, S906O -
J 8,820
t St) .370
I ,2t0
16 29.1 SO
U 20,220
13 2D .810
IB.. i JW4S
U 9,800
It M.03O
U M.880
20 X0.44
2J S,Ja
a ,...s,Bao
2t xw.sos
S B8B4
M 8,44
Total aeajiao
Lee unsold and returned copies.... 9,4tM
Net total aaJea .oa,74
Met average sales
Subscribed In my presence nd aworn to
neiore ma tnia autn nay or BeptemDer, a.
P., 1909. M. B. HUNOATE,
(Seal.) Notary Public
In ' Omaha's commercial dictionary
there Is no such word as "fall." -
real battle with Indians In these
days Is a novelty of whlA Wyoming en
foys a monopoly.
In off-year elections the sensational
and emotional preacher is' always sure
to dip in his oar.
1 Those showers on election day drop
alike upon the godly and the wicked
the just and the unjust
St Louis newspapers cannot suppress
their glee at tha disclosures of graft in
Chicago. Misery loves company.
It seems as if the weather man 1ad a
deep laid plot but reconsidered his de
termination in part ai the last moment
Omaha baa put through a great many
s big enterprises ia Its short flfty-yearv
career, but it has still greater triumph.
ahead of It.
' The Omaha Chamber of Commerce
and Grain exchange Is destined to be an
important factor in promoting the future
commercial growth of Omaha. .
It was hardly necessary to forecast
the democratic walkaway in Mississippi
where everybody who does not vole
the democratic ticket las been disfran
chised. Former President Kruger of the South
African republic is Indeed a hopeful
man If he expects the results of the
Boer war to be reversed within the time
of the present generation.
The man who, for any cause bo might
have obviated, failed to vote should con
sider himself estopped from grumbling
or kicking at any outcropping of nils
government for at least a year.
President Roosevelt not only preaches
the duty of good citizenship and partici
pation in civic affairs, but he practices
them himself, as evidenced by his trip
from Washington to Oyster Bay to vote.
The inmates of the Vat Iran 'do not
recognize the Jurisdiction1 of the Italian
government, but "they are willing to es
press thanks to the authorities for the
assistance rendered by the Italian fire
department iu stopping the Haines In
their home. '
A Montreal paper Is out for ('unndlnii
annexation to the United Ktntea. It n-lli
hardly do, l ovvever. to l.ull.l great 1m;v.-s
upon this declaration. The people of
Canada would much prefer to aimx the
, United States to Cannda on the Install
ment plan and to ln-gin with AlasUu.
, That Swiss trunt company Just or
ganized to deal In American stocks and
Industrial securities will do well to hare
a few expert represrntatlves ou the Ht
in Wall street if It does not waul Us
Augers burned. When American Invest
ors and speculators occii!uunlly get too
near the Ore lonjr dUtunce brokers will
ran a still greater i ik of txing sailed.
Rome was not built in a dsy and
Omaha cannot .expect to build up a
grain market in a week. Hut now thnt
the biggest obstacle iu tbe.wny cf a
grain market has been removed by the
abolition of the discriminating frrlght
rates, the other essentials for building
up the grain traffic In Qmaha on an ex
tensive scale will not bv lacking, either
tot want of capital or enterprise. 1
When the smoke of battie of the
county campaign has cleared away, the
taxpayers of Douglas county will turn
the limelight of publicity upon the court
house, the county' Jail and county lu
Arraary as well as upon 'the roads and
bridges on which thousands upon
thousands of dollars have been squan
dered for the benefit of the contractors
tutd political and personal favorites.
It Is proposed to bold a conference In
New York for the discussion of the
question of an Anglo-American treaty
of arbitration. It Is stated that a promi
nent member of the British commission
now in this country studying educa
tional conditions is arranging the de
tails for the conference and It Is pro
posed that the example of the Anglo-
French treaty shall be followed. The
promoter of the movement Dr. Thomas
Barclay, who Is a member of the Insti
tute of International Law, said In an
address before; the Tale law school a
few days ago that he saw In the recent
settlement of the Alaska boundary dis
pute promise that further advancement
can be had. He expressed the hope
that by agitation of the question It will
bo possible after the next presidential
election to arouse sentiment favorable
to a renewal of negotiations between
Great Britain and the United States,
and possibly also France, for a treaty
Instituting a court of arbitration. It is
stated that President Roosevelt and Sec
retary Hay have given assurances of
their Interest in the proposed treaty.
The arbitration treaty negotiated sev
eral years ago between this country and
Great Britain failed of ratification by
the senate, but there does not appear
to be any reasonable objection to re
newing negotiations and the United
States, as the foremost nation In promot
ing the principle of international arbi
tration, could not consistently decline
an invitation to negotiate a treaty for
that purpose. There may be some who
entertain the idea that such a treaty
might prove the Initial step toward an
alliance, but there is no sound reason
for apprehending this. Others riiqy hold
the view that It Is unnecessary, that in
any difference which may arise between
the two countries we can, without be
ing bound by any treaty obligation,
have recourse to arbitration If we de
sire It, but granting this, Is it not still
feood policy on' the part of the United
States to further the cause of Interna
tional arbitration by making treaties
which specifically recognize that prin
clple? It Is not to be doubted that such
a course would exert a most salutary in
fluence throughout the civilized world.
Referring to the Anglo-French agree
ment for arbitration, widely recognized
as a highly Important step in the inter
est of International peace, the Londou
correspondent of the New York Tribune
says: "Armaments have not been re
duced by land or sea and governments
continue to strengthen their fleets and
to drUl their armies; but everything
docs not go on as !efore. International
arbitration Is not an Idle dream of an
impossible millennium. It Is a practical
policy which has been tried once and
again at The Hague and now France
and England hare entered into an agree
ment for referring to the tribunal, un
der 'certain limitations,', minor contra
versfes which may arise between them,
The, policy has been satisfactorily tested
and1 hns'been' sanctioned try 'the most
progressive nations., AhS for this the
world Is very largely ! indebted to tho
example of tho United States and to the
persistent advocacy of arbitration by
our government We should not and It
is safe to say we will not abate Jnterest
In this policy, the promotion of which
Is now more essential to the welfare of
junnklnd than ever before In the world's
December 14 is the dnte which has
been set for the hearing of the North
ern Securities case by the supreme court
of the United States, and undoubtedly it
wltt come up on the day named, there
being little probability of any applica
tlon for a reassignment to a later date.
How long the court v,'"l bold the case
v ider consideration no one can say with
certainty. The decision may come In a
few weeks and may not be handed
down for months, but In view of the
great importance of the case It Is proba
ble tho court will not unnecessarily
delay its decision. y
There is said to be considerable specu
lution In Washington, as well as in the
financial centers, in regard to the out
come. The prevalent opinion at the na
tional capital Is that the decision will be
an affirmance of that of the circuit court
of appeals, those who take this view ar
guing that affirmance would seem the
logical outcome of previous adjudica
tions of, the supreme court. It Is pointed
out thnt the whole trend of Judicial ut
terance In expounding or Interpreting
and npplylng the Sherman nntl-trunt
lar.-. from the trnnsni!f.soiirl case to the
.present time, has boon In this direction.
U U n,H0 notpU thnt ' the four ll9!,pl,t-
ing Justices In the transmlssourl ense
only one is left on the bench, while all
of the five who rendered the decision
nre In the court. This fact Is regarded
by many as telling the story of the
forthcoming decision. They say it Is
unreasonable to suppose that any one
of these five majority Justices ' will
change his mind, even If nil the new
members of the court should take the
side of their predecessors.
The -Ih1oii In the transmlssourl
case virtually established as funda
mental" the proposition thnt the' Sher
man net provides an Ironclad rule ad
mitting of no variation or exception and
this position of the court was reaffirmed
l:i the Joint t raffle association case. Iu
the latter the argument was made thnt
thero had not yet been any restraint of
trade, to which the court answered in
effect, "you hnve agreed to restrain It
aud that is the thing which the statute
prohlbtsj This seems to be distinctly
applicable to the Northern1 Securities
esse. On the familiar principle that
those who enter into contract are pre
sumed to Intend the natural and legltl
UMt? consequences of their engage
ments. It is obvious that such an enter
prise as this of the Northern Securities
company was deslgued to put a check
on competition - between two railroad
lines engaged In Interstate commerce.
In view of the fact that the Judge of
the circuit court of appeals were unanl-
mous In their decision, and that the de
cision was largely based npon those of
the supreme court in the transmlssourl
and traffic association cases, It is most
reasonable to expect that the tribunal
of last resort will decide for the govern
ment In the Northern Securities case,
to which its rendered opinions are
clearly applicable. A decision for the
defendant in this Instance would cer
tainly be a very g'reat disappointment
to the public.
11 11 9
President Stlckney of the Chicago
Great Western has not only sounded the
keynote for making Omaha the grain
market for Nebraska, western Iowa and
South Dakota, but be has also taken the
Initiative for the organization of a
Chamber of Commerce on a basis that
will place the business men of Omaha In
position to cope effectually with rivals
and enforce fair treatment from all
transiortation lines that converge here.
Taking Minneapolis as their model, the
bankers, merchants and manufacturers
of this City, acting on President Stick
ney's recommendation, have taken the
first steps toward the Incorporation of a
new commercial body that is destined to
exercise potential Influence upon the fu
ture growth of Omaha and the develop
ment of Nebraska's industries.
The men who have headed the mem
bership list of the Chamber of Com
merce represent push, enterprise and
capital. The enthusiasm exhibited by
them at the Initial meeting Is a guaranty
that they are In dead earnest and deter
mined to make the project a success.
It Is a foregone conclusion now that
every prominent business man or
Omaha and capitalists who are inter
ested in Its growth and prosperity will
speedily Join hands with those who have
already enrolled themselves in the mem
bership of ( the new Chamber of Com
merce. It Is equally ceils In that the
membership will be swelled by leading
merchants, packers and manufacturers
In South Omaha, and eventually by busi
ness men from other cities and towns In
the territory tributary to Omaha.
With the example and experience of
Minneapolis and Kansas City before us
the Omaha Chamber of Commerce
should be able to pave the way not only
for the establishment of a grnlu market
and the erection of elevators, cereal and
flouring mills, but for increased activity
generally in other fields of Industry. At
the outset, however, it may be well to
bear in mind that It will not do to scat
ter our Are or to attempt too many new
enterprises at the same time. For the
present all energies should be bent upon
the development of industries that will
enable Omaha to handle the 140,000,000
bushels of grain that are produced tin-
nun lly within the radius -Absolutely
within Its exclusive reach. When that
task shall be accomplished It will be
time to look for other kingdoms to con
quer. '
. A9 TO VVHhE&cr IttrORM.
According to the Washington corre
spondent of the Cincinnati Commercial
Tribune, President Roosevelt said the
final word regarding the financial pro
gram for the coming session of congress,
The correspondent says this has never
definitely appeared, "because It is not
usual to ascribe to Mr. Roosevelt the
credit of being an authority, or even a
special student, in mutters relating to
the treasury and Its various require
ments. But It was the president who
declared that la all currency mutters it
was best for the Interests of the country
that there be no attempt to change the
existing laws In any important particu
lar." It is well understood that since the
close of the last congress President
Roosevelt has been giving very careful
consideration to the currency question,
No one has realized more fully than he
its Importance and the fact that a sub
committee of the senate committee on
finance hnd leen charged with the duty
of framing a currency bill to be intro
duced at the coming setudpn of congress
made It especially Incumbent upon tho
president to study the subject. It Is not
at all surprising that the result Is n
conviction that there is no present need.
of currency legislation and that it will
be letter for the country to leave that
question for future consideration. Un
doubtedly what the president found In
his' Investigation was that so far as
the legitimate financial and business in
terests of the country are concerned the
supply of currency Is abundant and that
consequently the agitation for more
money, to be provided on a new basis of
security, is almost wholly on the part of
speculators and promoters, who are not
veiy much concerned about the solidity
of our financial system so long as their
ends y are served. The country now
pretty well understands what all the cry
for so-called currency reform means,
The lesson of the past few months In
Wall street and tho fact that It has hnd
very little if any effect upon the legiti
mate business of the country, has been
exceedingly Instructive. Iu spite of the
great slump in the prices of stocks and
the prediction that the country was on
the eve of a financial and business col
lapse, the commercial movement is pro
gressing smoothly, the crops are being
marketed, merchants and manufacturers
Tnre finding no difficulty in obtaining
what money they need In their business
and there is no very appreciable decline
In the general prosperity.
Under such 'circumstances President
Roosevelt could hnrdly do otherwise
than conclude, as every man who intel
ligently and carefully .considers Hie situ
ation must do, that there is no present
necessity for new currency legislation,
or at any rate for no legislation that
would effect any radical change from
existing monetary conditions.
The courts hereabouts have become so
accustomed to running ull branches of
the municipal government by man
damus and Injunction that it would not
be much of a new departure for them to
assume the management of the' Ore and
police department by Issuing, directions
to the police board. The position of
Jndge McUugh, however, is the same as
that taken by The Bee long ago that
the powers of the police board relate to
the administration of the fire and police
departments and the discipline of their
members, while the enforcement of the
law rests with the executive head of
the city. Unfortunately, this plain read
ing of the law has not been observed
by former police commissions.
President Palma of Cuba expresses
confidence that President Roosevelt will
see to It that the reciprocity treaty goes
through. There is no question about
President Roosevelfa desires. Had he
had his way the treaty would have been
ratified at the last session of congress.
The trouble Is that the president's treaty
making power Is dependent upon sena
torial ratification and a two-thirds vote
of the senate at that.
State Treasurer Mortensen seems to
encounter comparatively little difficulty
in keeping the permanent school funds
In his custody fully Invested. The only
logical Inference is that if his predeces
sors in tho office had exerted themselves
to the saino extent they could also have
reduced the dead surplus to an Insignifi
cant sum with corresponding benefits to
Nebraska taxpayers.
Very Mach Present.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The position of Woe y Oil Is easily ex
plained. He is determined, notwithstand
ing his name, not td be considered in the
past tense.
An Important Rake-Ofl,
Cincinnati Enquirer.
The popularity of the extraordinary ses
sion of congress among the members will
probably turn on the decision as to Whether
double mileage Is to be paid or not.
7!v the Pine Cases Show.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Americans own half of the Isle of Pines,
and are breathing threats against the
Cubans who Br its government The
island, has been awarded to Cuba. We
have territory enough without grudging
this little stretch of sand to the people
who were born upon it
rendering- to Private Greed.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
What .the people want Is that publicity
concerning the corporations they own ' tp
which they are entitled, and an honest
management Instead of pandering to pri
vate greed. That is the subject which
has been brought home to many .thousands
of investors recently through the revela
tions of misdeeds planned or executed
which have had a depressing effect on
Crlala Amicably Adjaated.
Detrplt Free Press. .
As the result of , a new understanding
entved into by the London correspondents,
there will bef. crisis .hereafter In the rela
tions of Japan and Russia only on Mon
days. . Wednesdays and Fridays of each
week. On Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat
urdays the two countries will be on the
point of settling their differences amicably.
Sunday will pa' left an open date for Rus
sia to lntrlgeei4A, the Balkans.
" ..'I,., I i .
(' Test! Pood and Drlak. .
' blldHphla Record. '
The 'Agricultural department has at last
been brghttS recognise that Its delays
In Investigating Imports of alleged food
adulterations are greater evils to trade
than the adulteratldp themselves. Under
the new ' regulations requiring articles of
food and drink to be examined at the ports
of entry. Instead of having samples sent to
Washington for analysis. It will, be possi
ble for the Imports to reach market In a
reasonable time after- landing.
Following; I'm Land Crooks.
- Philadelphia Press.
The land frauds on the Pacific coast have
been receiving the close attention of Sec
retary Hitchcock and his report will soon
be in the hands of the attorney general.
It is gratifying to know that the frauds
are not aa extensive as has been repre
sented. They .Involve about 1,000,004 acres
of timber land, according to Secretary
Hitchcock, and the land Is valued at from
SI. 25 to $1.60 an' acre. It is to the credit
of the administration that all such frauds
are followed up and punished without
waiting for congress to set There will
be nothing for congress to do in regard
to such matters according to the present
outlook. . v
Nebraska's JExeeatlve Does a Lively
Tara an a Wheat Staek.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Governor Mickey of Nebraska, so says a
Lincoln dispatch, stood for half an hour
on a wheat stack last Friday morning and
pitched bundles . for a threshing machine
fast enough to keep two feeders busy. .
The thresher was working on the farm
of the state Insane asylum and the gov
ernor took a hand In the matter Just to
show the laborers and others around the
machine what he could do In this line.
Even bets were offered that he could not
keep the feeding table full, but be did, and
did It for a full halt hour.
The city-bred man will say, of course,
that pitching bundles for a threshing ma
chine In no trick at all, but he will say
this, as ha says many other things about
farm work, simply because of his Ignorance
of the subject. If lie were to attempt to
do what Governor Mickey did he would
discover In the course of about three min
utes that lie was face to face with the
most strenuous occupation of his life.
He would iot mind bending for and
grasping and throwing the first twenty or
tlrirty bundles. They would seem easy to
pick up, easy to handle and easy to pitch.
Perhaps he might keep the feeding table
full and succeed in getting ahead of the
feeders during the first two tnlnntes.
Then, as he pitched his bundles, be weuld
notice the pile steadily diminishing and In
his efforts to keep It up to the standard
he would find himself clutching madly at
the sheavea, breaking the binders and
tossing loose straws into the air.
If the threshing machine would only
pause for a moment or break down or clog
up. or something, so that he might get a
fresh start, he would come out all right,
but no threshing machine that ever was
built would think of pausing, breaking
down or clogging up while a city tender
foot happened to be on the stack. On the
contrary,, every, part of its mechanism
works beautifully under such circum
stances ajid Jt goes right along eaUng up
the bundles and bulling merrily for more.
Only a man who had been "raised" to
It could do what Governor Mickey did. and
not many that are "raised" to tt could
keep two feeders going for a straight half
hour. The task la one that requires a cool
head and a supple frame, and Governor
Mickey seems to be blessed with these
to a degree which entitles him to the re
speel of every farmer and farm band in
Nebraska, and, for that matter. In the
great aarttiWMt- -
Rlaales aa the Carrcal af Life
the Metropolis.
Bandmaster Frederick S. Innes and his
divorced wife, Georgia, continue airing
their troubles In New Tork. On Tuesday
afternoon of last week the bandmaster
was arrested on complaint of Georgte, who
charged htm -with neglecting to pay her
I2S a week alimony and with larceny.
Mrs, Innes alleged thst before she secured
her divorce from the bandmaster, Innes
put soma of their belongings In a storage
warehouse. Last June, she declared, he
had the goods shipped to St. Louis, Includ
ing sorne things which were her personal
property. ; The Inneses wrangled before a
magistrate for over an hour. Finally the
magistrate dismissed the complaint Innes
promised to send the things she wsnted
back to Mrs. Innes.
An eleven-to-one Jury In New Tork re
calls an Incident In which the late Re
corder Smyths figured. The guilt of the
accused was beyond doubt and the re
corder had charged the Jury accordingly,
but after several hours' deliberation the
twelve good' men and true stood eleven for
and one against conviction. Wearied with
vain effort to reach unanimous conclusion
they sent for a court officer and requested
that he bring them supper. The recorder
was Informed of this request and thta was
the answer he returned: "Supper, eh?
Very well, officer. Go down the street and
bring back eleven good meals and one bale
of hay."
Braving a court-martial as well as the
probability of years of Imprisonment and
dismissal from the service. Christian Han
sen, an oiler In the United States navy,
cams back from Aden, Arabia, to New
Tork on the steamer Cedrlc so he might
ones more eat a square meal of pork and
beans snd pie. Hansen's case is on of
the most peculiar ever recorded. He was
born In the great American pie belt, had
lived in Boston and loved pork and beans
and pie.
Hansen shipped aboard the cruiser
Raleigh, bound for the Philippines, .last
August and at the entrance of the Sues
canal he deserted, as pie was a luxury on
board and beans a rarity. He wandered
through Arabia, seeking his favorite edi
bles and never found them. He felt he
must have beans or fade into a shadow.
He shipped at Liverpool and managed to
get some pork, but it lacked the true
American flavor. The pies all were meat
It was jail In America with pork and
beans pr plum duff and lime Juice on the
tramp steamers. Hansen Inquired the way
to the United States consulate and gave
himself up. He was shipped homeward on
Cedrlc, the first vessel that pointed for
the land of pie and pork and beans. '
At the Brooklyn navy yard Hansen got
a really square meal ot his favorite edibles
and afterward he fell asleep, content at
Another detail of luxury has been added
to metropolitan life. . The barber shop,
with its boot-cleaning stand, its chiropo
dist's stall and manicure cosy corner, has
been found Insufficient to meet tho demands
of the beaux of this modern Babylon. Four
gentlemen's gentlemen, or valets, as they
were known In the good old days, saved
their money In private service and have
opened a shop uptown in the middle of the
theater district. A man who is not looking
at his best can go into their place and for
26 or 60 cents come out looking as prim
as a new pin. If he is caught in a rain
storm downtown during the day the gentle
men's gentlemen's chop will take care of
him tf he steps in on his way to the club
or .to dinner. . black his boots, press his
clothes, brush his hat and shave htm If 'he
needs it. ' Meanwhile he dons a bathrobe
and lounges in a smoking parlor. In the
shop there ate lockers where men can
leave their dress clothes In the morning,
go back and dress for the theater after
working hours and get into their day
clothes any time before the following morn
One of the oldest landmarks In the city,
the Catherine market is being torn dawn.
One hundred years ago the market was
patronised by all the wealthy people of
the city. Prior to that George Washington
waa a customer nt Its stalls when he lived
at First Cherry street. The house which
Washington occupied was presented to
him by the Board of Aldermen of New
Tork on his inauguration as president and
stood on ground now occupied by one Jt
the abutments or tne urookiyn onugo.
The old market was established in 1770
and was named In honor of the wife of
Captain Herman Rutgers, whose mansion
stood near the site. The present buildings,
which are to be demolished November 1,
were erected about the beginning of tho
last century, taking the place ot two
smaller structures. Efforts are being made
to establish a public park on the site.
Detectives are seeking a valuable neck
lace containing 101 pure white pearls of
graduated slse from one to six grains, the
property of Mrs. W. P. Martin of Chicago,
a guest at the Holland house.
The disappearance of the necklace was
made known last Saturday and every
pawnshop and jewelry establishment In
New York City has been notined by the
detective agency not to accept the neck
lace If It should be presented for sale or
pledge. The pearls are described as of rare
value, the necklace being faatened with a
single gold clasp.
While the Pinkertona sent out notices
from their headquarters to local authori
ties and also telegraphed to the neighbor
ing cities end towns for hundreds of miles
around New York, they at first refused to
ctate who was the owner of the Jewels or
In what manner they . disappeared. The
necklace was either lost or stolen on or
about October IS or 16.
Forty-one persons have been killed and
hundreds injured by explosions, falling
rocks and carelessnss since the beginning
of work on the subway. The damage to
property Is In the millions. (
The subway Is not exclusive In Its choice
ot victims. They have come from the
ranks of the rich and the poor.
Perhaps the strangest fatality was the
killing of Edward Morris, who was speed
ing along the boulevard, entirely uncon
scious of any danger, when his big ma
chine turned suddenly and crashed down
the fifty-foot embankment to the trench,
crushing Its luckless driver beneath tt.
"Carrie Nation la soon to make her New
York debut a an actress. She has bad
the old play "Ten Nights in a Barroom"
rewritten to suit her purpose and one of
her famous hatchet scenes wl'.l be the cli
max ot tha third act. "I've been criticised
for going on the stage." she says, "but I
don't see why, since I'm going to give
every cent I make for the purpose ot erect
ing homes for widows of drunkards. And
then, too, I want to take the stage for
God. The pulpit's but a stage, after all.
Sometimes you'll find the greatest actors
in the pulpit. Sometimes they are nothing
but actors. You're apt to rind mure 'real'
ia people of the stage than In people of the
pulpit." ' -
Jast Like Other Mortals.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Still, when we consider the ultimate pur
pose, Mr. Bryan's final viewa on the money
question do not appear so radically diffor
enl from tboae of a large' aaiuber of ao
ulsltive persona.
' ytfvN. - f
"Makes Life's Walk Easy-
Crossett Shoes tt tha feet iasteaft af '
making the t est fit the shoes
thmt ennurrt comfort.
They hare individuality and finished
that I tlyle.
They are mads from honest material
from heel to shoe-lacs
that gvarmnteea war.
tfyf dtmltr tbtt nt Aw Ikrm,
Poreefal Demonstratloa of His Power
ia the Railroad World.
Chicago Record-Herald.
A. B. Stlckney, president of the Chicago
Great Western, has again aroused bitter
strife In western railroad circles by the
effort which he Is making to create a grain
market at Omaha, which city has recently
become a. terminal of his railroad. (Stripped
of technical verbiage, Mr. Stlckney's action
can be summed up as the inauguration of
through rates on grain originating west of
the Missouri rl-er which are sums of the
local rates Into Omaha and from Omaha
east. The effect ot this will be be to' per
mit all grain to rtop in Omsha, to be there
warehoused and dealt In, the same as It is
In Kansas City. Cy many It Is considered
a master stroke ty Mr. Stlckney, who has
gained great prestige for his railroad at
Omaha, whose commercial Importance Is
likely to be enhanced to a marked degree.
But like all of Mr. Stlckney's master
strokes, it Inflicts a deep wound upon some
of his competitors.
The "Omaha' coup" Is another forceful
demonstration of the unique position which
Mr. Stlckney has occupied In the railroad
world for more than twenty years. In a
recent pamphlet argument before the Inter
state Commerce commission Mr. Stlckney
paraphrased the golden rule as follows:
"Do unto your competitors what you know
they would do unto you, but do it first"
The carrying out of this policy has caused
Mr. Stlckney's competitors to call him
"pirate" and has gained for htm a position
of triple eminence In railroad, financial and
legal circles. In each he has become an
oracle and a power. In 1X84 Mr. Stlckney
built 120 miles of railroad from St. Paul to
Lyle, expecting to sell it to the . Illinois
Central, i Falling in this, he determined to
build a big system for himself, which he
has done by extending his line to Chicago,
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Joseph and other
In doing this Mr. Stlckney has always
Ignored, precedent when changed commer
cial conditions In his opinion made It neces
sary, and threats of retaliation have never
had effect upon him. When threats were
made to ruin his road financially be placed
the company beyond harm from Wall street'
manipulation by exchanging all Its stock
for debenture stock and preferred A and
preferred B stock. Thus at a Slnglo bound
he gained reputation as a bold and compe
tent financier. Later, when his company
was not securing what he thought to be its
share of the packing-house traffic, he se
oured from every big packer a seven years"
contract at a 20-cent rate, which was 8Vi
cents below normal tariff and ltt cents
above the alleged secret rates. This will
net his comnany fuy r.OOO.OW revenue.
During the days of secret rates and illegal
pools Mr. Stlckney never lost an oppor
tunity to add a few gray hairs to the hesds
of competing presidents. Numerous have
been the attempts to buy the Great West
ern snd remove It as a "disturbing factor"
from the western railroad world. Tha bid
ders have never reached Mr. Stlckney's
price, however, and his masterful manage
ment of the property Is making the proposi
tion more expensive each twelve months.
Colonel Bryan doesn't . care how many
millionaires the world may produce, pro
vided he ran write their wills.
Bocker T. Washington spoke in Raleigh,
N. C. on October SO, for the first time In
North Carolina, at the colored state fair,
to nearly 3,000 people, of which about 100
were white.
George 8. . King, who built the first steel
furnace at Johnstown, Pa., which eventu
ally gew Into the plant of the Cambria
Steel company, celebrated his ninety-fourth
birthday on Wednesday last
Dr. Hans Kudllch, who took prominent
part In the Austrian revolution of 1848, and
Is known as the "liberator of the Austrian
peasants," celebrated the eightieth anni
versary of his birth In New York a few
days sgo.
William C. Whitney makes announcement
that in accordance with plans formed some
time ago he has decided to retire from rac
ing in England and early next month will
sell the horses he has had In that country
for the last four years. This action la due
chiefly tp the fact that Mr. Whitney's rac-
Waltham Watches :
Truthful witnesses of V
the passing. hour. '-;
"The TtrfcdeJ American Witch." n tUustricJ bock
v of Interesting infornutlon about tusdehes, ivitl be sent
. free upon request. . s ' '
American Wifthim Watch Company,
Waltham, Mass. ' ,
We originated the famous "banker's last"
It's worn by business men and every other
man, no matter what his occupation.
Decatur is a mighty sensible shoe: '
f3.50 and 5.00.
Direct from maker to wearer. - - ..
TT5 T7
Ing Interests In this country have gro
to such proportions that they require i
his spare attention. i
A contract has Just been awarded for t '
monument which the state of Maine w
erect to Its soldiers who died In the And. I
sonvllle prison in Bumpier county, Georg
The monument Is to be placed In the con
tery at Andersonvllle, where 244 soldlri
from Mains lie burled, and tt wilt bear t '
Inscription, "Death Before Dishonor."
Chief ' Bern Id J1, an aged Chippewa ,ctv
after whom the city of Kemldjl, Minn., w
named, la dying among his tribesmen
Cass lake reservation. He Is over 95 yen
old. He lived on the banks of Lake Dei,
ldjl for over forty years, but moved aw.,
with the advent of civilization six yen
ago. The last ruins of his bark wtgwu
were torn down one year ago to make ro,
for a sawmill. .- , .
Mr. Hunter What Is your favorite wi
game? Miss Bird Oil. foot bull, by t.
means. Yonkers Statesman. '' I
' Vt
TTils Is beautiful scenery nbnnt here!
saia tne guest to the touring owner
"Is it? muttered the imtcrUluer m I
let her out another notch, "it looks
me like a smear." Cleveland Plain Dealc
"That nephew of yours Is a pronilsli
looking young fellow. What does lie run v
mostly money or.bralnH?"
"He has brains enough to run to tiinne
He's making a dead sot at old Bullion,
daughter." Chicago Tribune. -f
"De man dat knows a heap an' don' ti
to do nuffln' " said Uncle Eben, "an'
man dat don know nullln' an' tries to
a heap Is bof of , 'em nuisances." Was'
Ington Star. i '
Ascum I don't know whether your he.
over the article about Colonel LusliniHn:
death was printed the way you Intend? s
du u was a gooq one.
City Editor Let me eee. What was it?
Aseum "Has fought his last bottle."
Philadelphia Press,
"Pardon me." said Jinks, of Calvei
street, nolltelv. "but have vou change to:
io?" . 4 ;
"I have," replied Blinks, of Charle,
street, with equal politeness. . .
"You are the man I want!" screamer
Jinks, of Calvert street, "lend me a fiver!';
Baltimore American.
Jokey Here's a conundrum for yot
What's the difference between a man ri i
his wife? Hnteofc-Noncv unleMrllte'Tna-'
Is so unsvlse as to have an opinion of hi i
own. Philadelphia Ledger. j
Statesman Never mind. History will d
me Justice.
Lobbyist That's so. It won't mentlo
you. Somervllle Journal. i
Raphael was painting away for dear lift
"Are you sure you will And a marki
for all your work?" they asked.
"Certainly." he replied, "think of nil
the apartment houses that will want old
masters In the entrance hall." . i
Redoubling his efforts, he hastened to
fill an order for the St. Janitor Palace. ;
New York Bun.
W. F. Kirk In Milwaukee Sentinel.
At the home of a dartie devout
. Who In mlMftlon work always led, -
The sewing society sat about
Plying their needles and thread;
And In a melodious key
Without hesitation or stammer,
Incessantly and relentlessly
They sang the song of the hammer. '
Knock, knock, knock, ...
With never a halt or pause;
Knock, knock, knock,
Without provocation or cause.
Characters white as snow
Are daubed with spots of black,
While these righteous, merciful sisters meh
xo cover iiih nuiinun i uacJC - 1
Knock, knock, knock, .
mono wnom tney snow is spared; I
Knock, knock, knock, '
How their neighbor's faults are aired; ,
The absent members, too.
Come In for their share of abuse.
While these worthy dames, with much ado
Sew shirts for the heathen's use.
Knock, knock, knock, "'
While the hours are dragging slow;
Knock, knock, knock, j
Till they all get tip to go. .
Their work for the day Is o'er, '
Their duty done with sent,
And when each is at home alone once more
filial! trim up all tha rest!
Oh, men with sinters dear.
With wives and sweethnarta glad,
Did you ever liuppen to hear
Them giving their friends the gnd?
If not, sneak home some lny
And list to the sewing club's clamor
As they sing that old. familiar la y
Entitled "The Song of the Hummer."