-THE- OMAHA DAILY JlFAZi WEDNESDAY. NOVKMItKTt 4, 10M. Tel. 1-8M. we close: batvr better w ferglve. Waa"er eel deeply, ImIi for all wk Mva. Dress Goods Anil Lore is the interesting one yard of old or trashy goods choice remnants to choose from, In other words, short. lengths that are left after a busy season's ,nlltArf . t i,:i.i jvuklm iui luiiinin lengths, handsome skirt lengths irrrn ' t!oniaiif rf nl.mlnta .,',, ' lies, suitings, etc. Here are a can see the great reductions: ALL WOOL NAVY BU'E ZIBELINE H yard In remnant, far 12.11. ALL WOOL. VOILE color garnet, 44-Inch, regular 11.00 per yard, Stt yards tn rem nant, for 11.39. ' ALL. WOOL CREPE DE CHINE-color, navy blue, shot with a small dot or fleck . of white, very styltnh, regular II BO per yard, H yards In remnant, for S5.2S. ALL' WOOL CREPE MISTREL-coldr, . tan, SO-lnoh, regular ll.co per yard, 1 yards In remnant, for 13.19. Ail wool navy blue broaaciotn z-lncn, regular II. SS per yard, H ysrds In rem . nant, for $3.M. . ALL WOOL TAN ET AMINE color,' ton, regular 11.00 per yard, '5S4 yards In -remnant, for 12.39. MIXED , VENETIAN SUtTINO-40 In.. 6 yds. In remnant,, for 11.89. All wool French Gray Voile 44 In., regular $1.00 per yard, 174 yds. .In remnant, for ts.ll. ALL WOOL NAVY BLUE ETAMINE reg ular $1.00 quality 4 yds. In remnant, for J. 129. - ALL- WOOL NAVY JJLI'E WHIPCORD J '4 yards In remnant, for S9c. ALL WOOL FRENCH QRAT ETAMINE-44-lnch, beautiful fine quality,' 7V4 yards In remnant, for 14 89. r ' NAVY BLUE ALL WOOL CREPE MIS TREL navy blue ground with a dainty fleck of white sratrered over the sur faee, regular ILSO quality, BV4 -yards In ramnant. for t.11.. ' V NOTE Perhaps some of our customers wl a sale similar to this.. If they do, they and that some of them were disappoint nesday', morning, .November 4th. ' fY. M. C. A, Building, Corner precinct, Barnes. 60; Sullivan, 44; Hostetlef, 7S; Hand. 41. Grant, Barnes, 40; Sullivan, 64; Hostetler., 67;. Hand. B7. Hoverdale, Barnes, 49; Sullivan, 66; Hostetler, 67; Hand, 4S. Thornton, Barnea, 24; Sullivan, Bl; llostet ler. 89; Hand, S7. Armada, -Barnes, B7; Sul livan, 42; Hostetler. 71; Hand, 41 Bartorla, Barasa. 4$; . jSulllvan,- 17 Hostetler, M; Hand, 23. (Same precincts two years ago: Sedgwick, 800; Hollenbeck'. ' S24.) Center, names, 47; Sullivan, 76; Hostetler, 61; Hand, 70. Beaver Barnes. Zlt PuDtvan. 38; Hos tetler, $9; Hand, 58. Sharon, Barnea, 48; Sullivan, 27; Hostetler. M; Hand, 23. Gar Held. Barnes, l'4Jv Bulllvaru SO;. Hosts tier, 166; Hand. 63. Valley, Barnes, 20; Sullivan, S7; Hostetler, 87; Hand. S3. N Elm Creek, .Barnes, B7; Sullivan, 76: Hostetler, 82; Hand, 63. Divide, Barnea, 44; Sullivan, 43; Hostet ler, 67; Hand, .35. (Two years ago: Sedg wick. Sfl: Hollenbeck, .)' " '--. V BULLER First ward, Barnes, 77; Syl Hvan,l.. Thfrd Ward. Bnrnes, 75; .SHU1. an, 76. Oak Creek precinct," Barnes, 91; Sullivan, 116. Two years ago, Sedgwick, 276; Hollenbeck, 263. 1. 1 1. ' BUST T-ltamah precinct, Barnes, 214; Sullivan; 100; Redirk, 198; Sears, 226; Sut ton, 182 1 Troup, 185; Baxter, 228; Day, 229; Estlle, 2W) Ferguson, 95; Page, 84; Dickinson, 154; Read, 9; Doane,v 24; Yelaer, Si. Two years ago this' precinct gave Sedg wick 223; Hollenbeck, 88. CLAY Eldorado, Fairfield, Inland, Sut ton, First district Harvard, First district Spring Ranch 'precincts give Barnes 452, Sullivan bit. Two- years ago, Sedgwick Hollenbeck -492. . WMtStO West Pont, First, Becond and ? iitrd wards and Monterey precincts gives Barnea 261, Sullivan 244. Two years ago: Sedgwick, 249; Hollenbeck. 230. DEUEXs-Chappell and Green precincts give Barnea 68, Sullivan 84. DIXON'. .Wakefield precinct, gives Barnes 124 and Sullivan 87. The vote on district Judge will be practically the same. There wars 237 votes oast, fifty-nine straight republican and aeventeen straight democrat- DO DQB Second ward, Fremont, Hooper and Nlckerson and Fourth ward Fremont aires Barnea 676, Sullivan 463. Two years ago: Sedgwick, 499; Hollenbeck. 618. FILLMORE Geneva City gives Barnea $10; Sullivan, SO; Sedgwick. 190; Hollen beck.' ii ' -FRANKLIN Graht, Salem, Oak Grove, Washington, Lincoln, Antelope, Turkey Creek, Bloomlngtdn, Marlon townships give Barnes 669, Sullivan 080. Two years ago. Bedgewlck 641. Hollenbeck 609. FURNAS Beaver City precinct gives Barnea 132, Sullivan 127. Two years ago Sedgwick, 156. Hollenbeck, 111. HALL First precinct, Barnes, 17$ Sullivan, ' SO. Fifth precinct, Barnes, 186; Sullivan, 117. ' Second ' prSolnct, Barnes, 141; Sullivan, $8. Same precincts In 1M Sedgwick. 442; Hollenbeck. 263.' HITCHCOCK-Trenton and RJdnour give UKED HIS "NIP ' WSilsky, bat a CosTee Taaar, Olve coffee half a chance and with eon aaopla It sets Its grip hard and fast,,,, "Up t 4 couple of years ego," says A business aoaa of Brooklyu, N. "I wss aa Con aunt a co (fee prtiiker aa It was puastbls to ; indeed, my craving for coITt was equal to that uf a drunkard for bis regwlar "nip," - and the effect of the coffee drug pen my system was Indeed deplorable. "My kln lacked- Its natural color,:, piy feature were pinched and ray nerves were shatler4. to such an extent aa to render ate very irritable. I also suffered from palpitation, of the heart, "It waa while in this condition I read an article about Joatura Food Coffee, and eon eluded to try it. ' It was not long before poetum had entirely destroyed my raging psaion for coffee and In a short time I had entirely given up coffee for delicious poetuln. "The change that followed was so extraor dinar- 1 aiu- uiutDi i aeecnoe 11. ui no It to say, however, that all my troubles have disappeared. I am my original happy ,alf again, and on the.-whole the soothing and pleasant effects produced by my cup of FoetUia make me feet aa though I have been 'landed at another station.' "Not long ago I converted en of - friends to Poetum, and he is now aa loud to ita aralae aa I am." Name furnished by Poetum Ce., Battle CYeea, Mich, : Jxxik la each aaekag for a copy of the famoua-.iuua-buefcv 'The -Read ta Well - mats at p. m. Be. NoV. t. wot. Clearing Sale or uoiorea Remnants part of it to you. There is not in the lot.. A fine, collection of at sweeping reductions in prices. 1 t -R-oiat uiiu iiiiuntn "!. I as Well as many full dress yat- .IKJInno trnllflii . a ml nm irwpl I . ' ; . . ' i I rew items mentionea st mui you v ' r. ALL WdoL NAVY' BLUE GRANITE- ( BH yards In remnant, for SLS9. , . ALL WOOL TWINE VOILE fine Im ported . fabric, beautlfal rich, lister, 42- lnch. regular $1.60 per. yard, 6 yards In remnsnt, .for $4.13. ' ALL WOOL GRAY BEIGE NET OR FI8H NET-eometlmee called lattice etamlne. beautiful fabric, very new and stylish, SO-lnch. regular $1.2$ per yard. 714 yaM In remnant, for $198.' REMNANT8 pF WOOL WAIST OOODS Hera Is word of splendid value, all these remnants to go at next to .nothing . In price hundreds to choose from. SILK AND WOOL STRIPED NOVELTY color light blue, regular 75c quality, S4 yards In remnant, for. $1.11 PARISIAN STRIPE FRENCH GRAY NOVELTY very ruw, . regular 75c j?er yard, S yards In remnant, for 88c. PARISIAN TUCKED NOVELTY STRIPS color, old rose, regular 76o quality, t yards In remnant, for $1.19. NOVELTY . ETAM1NE WAI8TINO color, red. regular 75c per yard. $ ' yards In . remnant, for $117. .. . PINK SILK AND WOOL BTRIPED NOV- ; ELTY regular "Be per yard, t yards In ' remnant, for $1.17. PARISIAN STRIPED NOVELTY color, navy blue, regular 76c per yard, S yards ' In remnant, for $1.29. ALL WOOL FRENCH CHALLIS regular 6B0 Quality, BH yards In remnant, for $1.19. 11 remember the last, time or two we had will recall that the selling was very fast, ed came, too lata. On sal I a m., Wed Sixteenth and Douglas S$ Barnes 73; Sullivan, 75. Two years ago, Sedgwick. 70: Hollenbeck. 68. JEFFERSON Plymouth Club creek and Eureka precinct gives 'Barnea 241, Built van . 190. Two years ago: Sedgwick, 225; Hollenbeck, 200. ' . ' ' JOHNSON Helena gives Barnes 63, Sul livan 8 Two years ago, Sedgwick 72, Hoi lenbeck IPS. . . , KEARNEY-Hy o( Mlndeii give Barnes 134, Sullivan 116. Two 'years ago: redg wlok, 149; Hollenbeck, 103. ' KIMBALL Antelope precinct gives Barnea 64; Sullivan, It. Two years ago, Sedgwick, M; Hollenbeck, 26. "" 1)1 LANCASTER Twelve precincts out W fifty-three In Lancaster' county-give, Barn 1,495 and Sullivan " f3i ab( year' Bedge wlck received 1,668, Hpllenbeck 773. OTOF-Delaware preefnet j gives Barnes 107;- Sullivan 68. . Two years egoi-Sedg wick, .112; Hollenbeck, 7L. ' PAWNEE Pawnee oounty-P!um Creek, Turkey Creek, West Branch, Clear Creak and Table Rock precincts give Barnea 461; Sullivan. 802; Sedgwick. 437; Hollenbeck, 266. PHELPS Laird and Union give Barnos J19; Sullivan, 77. Two- years agot Sedg- wick, 106; Hollenbeck, 86. PLATTE Columbbs city, Columbus town ship, Sherman, Creston and Lost Creek precinct give Barnea 412, Sullivan 960. Sedgwick, 617; Hollenbeck. SIS. RED WILLOW VaTley Grange, Red Wil low, Indlanola, Lebanon and Box Elder pre cincts give Barnea B3, Sullivan 170. Two year ago; Sedgwick, 212; Hollenbeck, 161. SARPY First district Bellevue," Fairview, Second district Forest City precincts give Barnes 188, Sullivan 267. Two year ago: Sedgwjck. 186; Hollenbeck, 260. SAUNDERS Chapman,. Richland, East Stocking and Oak Creek pracinta glva Barnea 826, Sullivan 476. Two year ago: Sedgwick, 440; Hoftehbeck, 401. SIOUX Bowan and Andrew glva Barnaa 66, Sullivan' 85. WEBSTER Pleasant Hill, Ihavale, Red Cloud (First, and Second wards) give Barnes 336, Sullivan 230. Two year ago Sedgwick 364. Hollenbeck 240. YORK Stewart, 'Thayer, McFaddea and Second ward precinct give Barnea 462, Sullivan 370. Two years ago: 8edgwlck, 444; Hollenbeck. 880. FRONTIER StockvUle. Sheridan,- Sher man and Ixwer Medicine precinct give Bame 116, . Sullivan 76. Grant, Fairview and Laird precinct give Barn 184, Sulli van 79. NUCKOLLS East Nelson. Highland, Sherman and Victor precinct give Barnes 247, Sullivan 266. Two year ago: Sedgwick, 269; Hollenbeck, 298. BLAINE Dunning, Barnea, 89; Sullivan, 28. Two years ago:. Sedgwick. 84; Hollen beck, 33. DAWSON Coyote, Fairview,, Farnam, Oillan. lUIbide. Overton. Platte, Rlngold, Willow Island and Wood River give Barnes 497, Sullivan 650. Two years ago: 8edgwtvk, 433; Hollenbeck. 62Lt VALLEY Ord township, Enterprise, Liberty, Arcadia . and Davis Creek give Barnes 862, Sullivan 158. Two years ago: Sedgwick, $06; HolUnbeck. 201. LINCOLN First and Becond -wards of North Platte, Maxwell. Brady,- Sutherland, Hall, Antelope and Cottonwood give Barnea $71, Sullivan 318. Two year ago: Sedg- wk-k, 406; Hollenbeck, $40. OOSPER Elwood, Barnes. SI: 1 Sullivan, 87. Twa year ago: Sedgwick. 100: Hollen. beck, so. . - Pateraal WUda Everyone know, of th college student who, when he was "hard up," sent home a set of verse to which th governor replied tn kind. Tha on penned: Th roae la red. The vlolrt blue. Bend m fifty P. V. J. Tbla waa the reply: The rose is red, , And sometime pink, -I'll send you fifty, I don't think. Another lather waa looking over hi eon' I account, when he discovered an item he did not quite understand. H m," he said, 130 for tennis; Isn't that rather a Urge sum for such, a garnet Hoi do you explain it. lrt" "Oa," replied th hopeful, eareleuly wav ing his hand, "that waa just for a couple of rackets." "Why not call them batar" asked th knowing, father. New York, Time. Marrlaaa Ueeasaa. Nam and Addreea. . , . . . . I. . . V. Aa A Julia Muirtaoit, Oiuaha rf.WLJIl ntiuii,, wiita.i,. 31 HCOIS ON ELECTION DAY Two Klllsd and Two Wounded at Foiling Flaw in Virginia. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF KILLS JUDGE Kleetloa Officer aad Reaahllcaa Caa- aldateFlsbt Dnel la Street of Lealavllla with Fatal . Resalta. BRISTOL. Tenn., Nov. 1 A fatal elec tion row occurred In the polling tlace at Fairview. m scott county, va., today, two men were Kiiieci ana two mnn wuunuw, one fatally. The dead: john osborne. . EZKKIEL NICHEL8. J. H. Catron, shot through the neck, will dl8. Alexander Keys, shot In the. right hip. The trouble arone over objections being mad to C, P. Roller serving as a repub lican judge. Roller, It la claimed, had been selected by democratic election commis sioners for service. Osborne and Nickels, the two dead men, were democratic judges nd were brought Into the quarrel on ac count of their ofliclal connection with the election. It Is' believed that Catron fired the shots that killed Osborne and Nickels. The two men who were killed shot Catron and Keys. More trouble Is feared.- Tea Dead, Three Wonnded. LAKE VILLAGE, Ark., Nov. 'S.-Two people are dead and three wounded as the renult of trouble betweon whites and blacks here today, which was not settled until a lynching had quieted the excited people. The dead: FRANK ANDERSON, white, Lake Vil lage, killed In a fight. HENRY JOHNSON, a negro, lynched. The wounded are: B. Vinson, white, a lawyer of Little Rock; Joseph Frame, white, of. Lake Village; Ella McDowell, colored. A row occurred between some negroes and whites early In the -day. It Is claimed that 'during the altercation, Ed Coleman, colored, pulled a pistol and began Shoot ing. A fusillade followed and when It ceased It was found that Frank Anderson, one of those In the crowd, was dead. Vinson was shot in two places, Joseph Frame wounded In the foot and Ella McDowell, colored, shot In the back. Coleman fled and a posse at once started In pursuit. Johnson, on of the negroes in the crowd, was arrested. Excitement ran high among the people and Increased until noon, when the court house 'bell sounded and most of the white cltlsena assembled. A number of speeches were .made and, a committee on law en forcement was appointed. The question was raised as to what should be don with tha negro, Johnson. It waa announced that Circuit Judge Wood Would be in town soon to hold a special term of court and that the Cftse could be heard then, but a large number of those, present rushed out of the court house, shouting: "Hang hlro." hang him." Sledge hammers and railroad irons wr quickly found and. in thirty, minute four doora at . tha jail had been, .broken . down. Tha mob quickly secured tha negro, took him to tha oenter of town and hanged him at noon. , . . , . Caadtdate Kills Klectloa Officer. LOUISVILLE, Ky Nov. 3. -In a pistol duel in a voting place at Thirteenth and Green streets, Tom Klley, the democratic judge, waa this afternoon shot through the heart and " probably fatally 'wounded by Jacob Krteger, the, republican candidal for sheriff. ' William Stevens, theVapublican judge,, was crossing, th street to nta the polls when Klley opened fir on hlro. Kr la ger says ha believed that Stevens lire waa about to oe taken and he opened fir on KUey. Krteger waa subsequently releaaed in $500 ball. - Tha fight between Klley and Krelger waa a three-cornered one. Aoooraing to state ments made - by - witnesses Krelger. and another election officer resisted an attempt 7 . ... m... w. "'".T"" . . ""1 with the result that the poll remained closed until noon. Klley went out and shortly returned, accompanied by ' two other men. A row followed and Klley opened fire on Krelger and his companion. Krelger atood his ground and returned the fire, on of 'lis bullets entering Klley's head at the right temple. At the city hos pital tonight Klley's. condition was reported serious. Krelger is a prominent cltlsen, being the son of a former bank president. At Danville, Ky., Fountain Hasby'a skull was crushed during an election row. At Troy Philip Rellly waa shot by a deputy sheriff for venturing toj near the polls. At La- a. "eburg Constant ' Jamea Edwarda w.i Xafe "y cut by Oliver Carey during a ftgtn .a an election booth. Lyaehlasr at Ptttsbarar Averted. PITTSBURG. . Nov. t.-Hugh Armstead, a negro, narrowly escaped lynching this evening, for tha probably fatal ahootlng of Patrick Butler, a watcher at the poll In the jail voting precinct. The shooting had no connection with politics. Butler's account 01 th affair Is that he. with sev eral companions, were playfully contest ing for the possession of a cane which be longed to Butler, and in th scuffle Arm stead waa struck by tha cane aa ha waa passing. Without other provocation Arm stead drew a revolver and fired. Armstead claims that one of tha crowd hit him In the mouth with hi fist and that In return he shot. Other witnesses of Um shooting say Armstead had no provocation what- "jXmm aa Avery P . Chocolate ? Bonbons Bumni $ Warrmmfd I If voabsy Lowney's Candies fat th original sealed packages 70a will find them la perfect condition, r money refunded. "Spaelal" lawUt . 1 Ib.c; lb. Sic. "aeareali" lb. oc; H lb. c xtatrlMS SuttlH" I Ib.iOc.; t lb. SSc r"rrt-a-at"i aoc., . aoc. "Celfsr' . .... 1 lb. Sac; K lb. SOc HoleaUl teass" . . 1 lb. Oc.; , lb. SOc TkeeoUt TtrmW 10c. and tc tkeceUt Ahaes ltc. Sac. aad ac. aaaye Sacag a sr 9U WtlglkU ever for using his revolver. The bullet pierced Butler's liver and physicians say he cannot recover. After th shooting Armstead ran to the Monongahela river, followed by at least 600 men who kept up a continual cry of "Lynch him." When the negro was finally captured the police had a desperate fight With the crowd to protect their prisoner, but eventually got him safely Into an en gine house and later took him to jail. kali Crashed by Blaw. DANVILLE, Ky.. Nov. l-Durlng an election discussion today William Middle ton, aged 20, struck Funtaln H. Hasty With a gun, crushing his skull. Hasty will die. DEER ' BECOME PEST Protected by Law 4a Massaehasetta, . Tber Ravage pardeas aad : Orchards. . Western Massachusetts farmers are be rating the law prohibiting chasing, hunt ing or shooting deer until 1908. Deer have been protected for several years, but never so fully as under th' present law. Deer have been gradually Increasing in numbers for several years. Two or- three seasons ago their preeence In the Berk shlres was noted by fall visitors. The last two seasons they have multiplied rapidly, and the past week they have been seen within three miles of the city hall. Recently a herd appeared in Feeding Hills, four miles west of Springfield. On Tuesday a doe bounded through the streets of Chlcopee, a city of 20,000 population, three miles north of Bprlngfleld. In Brlmfleld and other hill towns In the eastern part of Hampden county deer have become a veritable pest, and the presence of a game warden may be necessary to secure the observance of the law. Many fine gardens have been ruined in Brlmfleld by the deer, which also manifest a fond ness for orchards and ornamental shrubs. The law provides that persons who suf fer loss through the depredations of deer are entitled to recover from the county, and that the county commissioners shall pay such claims as are properly certified by the boards of selectmen In the various towns. So many claims have been coming in that the commlsloners are beginning to wonder If the deer overlooked any gardens In some towns. - " Farmer claim that under a literal Inter pretation of the law. they have not the right to drive from their gardens deer Which may be destroying the labor of weeks, while the money from which the damages are paid Is raised by a tax levy of which the fanrfer pays his share. They assert that the law Was framed in the In terest of sportsmen, ivho at the end of the closed season will slaughter the deer 'hlch have been fostered at the expense of farmers' right. New York World. TRIALS OF A TOUGH TOWN coarged by Fire, Flood aad Aaarehy, Patersoa Holds Ita Head Hlgtb. 1 . - Tha manufacturlng-''town of Paterson, N. J., has more troubles and worse disas ters than. any . other City of the east. It baa had . so many tease in the criminal line mat wnen a-: facetious student of social - conditions -directed ' a letter to "Hell, N. J.," the postmaster Into whose n&nds it fell In- transit-sent it direct to Paterson. ine town has-the most . Violent and vicious sinices known In the history of labor troubles,,, It, J : ,full of anarchists. IU consumption-rtiti -bee 1 enormous. It waa recently vlstexj'tby a destructive fire that wiped out a Curs part if ' It busi ness district. .It .''la sow undergoing the danger and. sufferings of a tremendous flopd, which is a form of visitation it ha een -before.' - Yet in face of these trouble tha town Is full of life Knd vigor, and recuperative power. New. business blocks Immediately replaced those that, were burned. Jersey justice Is measured out to those who have earned for Paterson the title above be mowea. Active measure .are taken to keep the anarchist down. And In every dlsaater tha mayor pf Paterson telegraphs to me world: "We have no need of out side help. Paterson can take car of its own." Cleveland Plain Dealer. , A Cat Never Bleeds After Porter' Antiseptic Healing Oil 1 n piled. Relieve pain Instantly and heala at tao same time. For man or beast. Price, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Guy C. Barton has gone on a ahort trip uiiuun 1110 veal. H. J. Penfold returned Monday after two-weeks' stay in New York. W. V. Williams snd T. J. HivnM ne n., faJo, Wyo., are registered at th Murray, Mr. Van Kuren ha gone east to make vinii among inena ana relative in Chi- CHffO. . Mrs. jjjmer wood is Home from an tended trip to the eastern cities, makln vinii wMn relative. Lee W. Snratlen. a member fit thm nMrd of Fire and Police Commissioners, has gone i i-iiicaiso on a ousinea trip. Mrs. Edward Hanev left Monday evenlnar for a visit to relatives and friends In Peoria, expecting to be gone about two weeks. Thomas Flynn. manager of the cloak and suit department in Ilayuen s. returned Mon oay rrom rsew xork, wnere ne nas Deen oa business. - Unorge A. Joslyn and wife have returned irom an extended trip tnrougn the east, during which time they visited in N xork t-'lty. George E. Melkleiohn. former assistant secretary of war, has returned to bis home at Fullerton after a short visit to friends and relatives In this city. Melvln Nichols of Sundance. Wyo. i C. P. McClendon, H. C. Kummerfleld. Moorecroft, wyo., ana n. J. ironoerg 01 jaeaicin uow w yo., are at in atercnanis. F. L. Abel of Rawlins. Wyo : J. M Neeland of Los Anceles. C. R. Grlffln nt Denver, N. 8. Harding, W. 8. Harding of nenrtua iiy ana cnanes 1.. Allen, u. a. a., are registered at tn Millard. Hallway Hate aad Persoaals. D. O. Ives. aeneraL freight a rent at lh. B. A M . is In Chicago on business for hi company. " . O. R. Holton. ass stant freight aaant mt ne j on n western, nas gone 011 a uualn irip 10 nerr. n. if. , William Browne, connected with tha i dltor'a department of th Union Paciflo, woui vuicaau on Duauiea lonasy. uerrit r an assistant general passenger agnt of th Union Pacific, and his family, left Monday for a vacation trip through - If. E. Byram, formerly assistant te First Vic President C. H. Warren of the Rack Island, has been appointed assistant . w r ourin vioe resioent j. . Stevens. R. W. Baxter and wire have gone to New York City,- where they expect to remain ror.some time. Keiuralna, tliey will nutk tha trip to the coast ancr soend several mortttia with relatives and friend in San srancsioo. t The Burlington took a party of thirty-five inuians weal Monday evening on tbelr wa from Ht. Luula to. Valentine, where they will remain on the- reservation during the winter. They Were In charge of Big Chief riuiiow ttorn and are returning from aaaon with the Pawnee Hill Wild West how. The Milwaukee's hew Kansas Otv routa Will be opened for buslneaa about December Ik It was lb Intention of th company to run the first train over the short line about November 1, but it was found that more time waa needed to put the road In first class condition. When the road la coin pi tiled tweivu-hour trains will b rua be- iw .iucao ana a.ansus niy. a 5aaraae Sar Pllaa. Itching. Blind.' Bleeding Or FrotrudtoS PAZO O IN UK NT falls to our you Is I W Piles. Your lnirw vi$ varuud aaoaar If 14 4aya St - SUICIDE IS A GOOD DEFENSE Insurance Company Wins Caw in United EtaUs District Court. UDGE HOLDS CONTRACT IS BINDING Heir of Kevespaaer Maa WUo Killed Himself la Kaasas t lrW "H (ie Oaly Mlalaiaai Sum Saaaed la Iolley. ( KANSAS CITY. Nov. S.--In a decision In the United States district court here Judge John F. Phillip ha held that insurance companies may enforce th antl-sulctde clause wher previously entered Into by the Insured. Th decision was in th case of James Whitfield, a well known newspaper sport ing editor, who killed himself. Whitfield Insured for $5,000, receiving a policy that contained a clause specifying that $5oo only should be received In case of suicide. Althouah tha statute of Missouri declare that Insurance ccmpanlea may not make ulcide a defense In refusing to pay a pol icy, Judge Phillips held that "a th plead ings of the contract. In question, voluntarily entered into by th parties, goes merely to the question of the amount of the recovery nd not to defeat a recovery, my conclu- on is that the plaintiff Is only entitled to recover the sum of $500.". . RAGTIME - AT HIS FUNERAL Wealthy Callforalaa Bhaas the Classic and Gives Cheerful Melody a Seari-Off. Funeral services with ragtime music In place of hymn and a gayly dressed drum major In place of a somberly robed minister of. the gospel Is th strange stipulation In the will of Amos Mecartney, who died Jan uary 23, 1903, at Alameda, Cal., possessed an estate valued at $30.00). Alamo and "In the Good Old Bummer Time" suVgests a funeral of striking fea tures, yet the will which wa filed for rec ord in Cook county, Illinois, leaves no doubt that such a funeral was preferred by the wealthy Csllfornlan. While the picture of pallbearers and mourners keeping stride to the notes of such melodies la far from con ventlonal, it Is keeping with the Ideas of the testator, who declared in the will that he waa a "person of no religion and held the Savior to be of no more consequence than the rest of the mortals." He stated that he did not desire any minister at his fu neral, but would "prefer a No. 1 brass band to entertain those who attend." "Having had nothing to do with my ex istence," the .testator further declares. do not desire anyone to talk at my funeral of the hereafter, of which he know nothing more than I do." The estate of the dead man consists of property in California, Missouri, Wisconsin and Illinois. The fact that some of the property was In this state was why the property wa recorded here. The entire estate Is left to the widow and children. H. 8. Mecartney of the law firm of Oliver 4k Mecartney Is a nephew of the deceased. and also an attorney In the case. 'Those who would judge my uncle to have been a bad' man, In view of his last III, would be very much mistaken," he said. "The old man waa as straight and honest a man as 'ever lived and he was very far from what ordinarily is styled sac religious.' But he bitterly hated all sham and pretense and he thought that he dis covered much of this sort of thing in mod em 'religion. He wa -raised In .'a Mennenite comma ttity In Lancaster county, Pennsylvania), and h attended the servit-es of this people whenever, he, had' an. opportunity. Being perfectly frank, and always toady to ex press his real thoughts, hi ?'"-! la no sur prise to the many who knew Mm. He vas on of the '49ers in California, There he mad the bulk of his fortune, which would have been much larger but fer his broad and unstinted liberality .toward '.-.Is family aa well aa toward all reaMy d -serving peo ple who came under hi observation. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Rothschild's Maxims. ' The following twelve m&xlms form part of th will of Mayor Anslem Rothschild, the founder of the great banking house at Frankfort. They are now attracting at tention In Europe and are recommended toJ those who desire to succeed In life: 1. Seriously ponder over and thoroughly examine any project to which you Intend to give your attention. 2. Reflect a Icng time, then decide promptly. . 3. Oo ahead. ' 1 Endure annoyances patiently and fight bravely against obstacles. (. Consider honor as a sacred duty. 6. Never 11 about a busine affair. 7. Pay your debts promptly. 8. Learn how to sacrlMoe money when necessary. S. Do not trust too much to luck. 10. Spend your time profitably. 11. Do nttpretend to be more Important than you really are. IX Never become discouraged, work seal ously and you will surely succeed. New York Herald. A Maa Badly lalared Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised or wounded geta quick comfort from Bucklen'a Arlca Salve. It conquers pain. 25c For sale by Kuhh A Co. Nathlas af Historical Valaa lajared. ROME, Nov. $. The Osservalor Romano published today an official communication concerning the fire which broke out In the Vatican Saturday evening lust, saying: 'We are authorized to announce that no object of artistic or historic value was lost or Injured In the recent Vatican fire." Mortality Statistics. The following birth and death have been reported to th Board of Health: . Birth Walter W. Martin. 1623 Elm, girl; Martin Kalclk. 1318 William, girl; William Bcwey, 3616 North Seventeenth, boy; Joseph Rpgner, 119 Dorcas, girl; Mike Antoniak, Twenty-third and ' Center girl; Theodore McClure, 1726 South Twenty-ninth, girl. Death Mrs. Lucy Veyle, Forty-eighth and Broadway, 66. v ' latcrest la Debate. Much local Intereat Is aroused over the coming debet Friday night at th KounU Memorial church between the high schools of Chicago and Omaha on the question of municipal ownership. Many tickets for seats are sold and everything points to a successful affair. It is evident that the "college" spirit will be very strong on th night of the forensic contest. SHE SMILED O NME. Sh smiled on me aa I passed by, ' I saw a twinkle In her eye; Rut aa I did not know the maid No word of greeting I conveyed. I 'smiled upon her In reply. Tt other that base method try; They may succeed so did not I. Her anaer on my spirits weighed Bh smiled on roe) Too soon I knew th reason why! My hat and hair wer both awryi My face a coat of soot displayed. Both optics wer in black arrayed; But. holy smoke! I can't deny Eh smiled on me! New York Herald. Always Rampnlar tb Till Ja 'Iterative Jjromo (Viinina Cast CoM aa Oat Day, CrVk 3 Days tvry mmi UEKXSDAY OF mm For SOFT V Greatest , Soft Coal Heater ever Smokeless Sootless .lf0ppt Double-Heater attachment for heating room up-stalrs. Cost of fuel less than ten cents for twenty-fcur hears. Stove can be seen In operation at store of ilion BogGrs :& Sons Mr. Matt Bingham, special representative of the OJarlaml Stove Co., will show the stove you are interested, we would be asked to buy just investigate. OMAHA STOVE I4th ADD FOR COMMUNITY OF INTEREST Beport Current that Harrimam and lfoores Will Get Directors in Banta To. ' ROCK ISLAND SIEVED TO BE IN CONTROL Interest of, This Compaay . in Santa Ko Thoagat - to Be lick si to Give Coaslderable Inflaeace. 1 - ' . 1 V ' The-annual meeting of the stockholders of the Santa Fe will be held In Topeka December 10. - It la believed that two new director will be elected who will be friendly to the Rock Island and Union Pa cific interests. This. It Is said, is not be cause too Moor brother and the Harrl bians hpye. acquired any considerable in terest In, the Santa Fe, but because it is deemed -advisable to bring about greater community of intereat than ha existed heretofore. .( The stockholders also will be asked to vote on a change of the date for holding .the annual meeting to the fourth j Thursday of October. .. . 1 It is generally accepted that Interests friendly, to the Rock Island hold sufficient Santa Fe stock to glv them considerable Influence over the course of the Santa Fe's affairs. . It la generally understood that as ; soon as the connecting link between the Rock Island and the Santa Fe now In' course of construction between Albu querque and Texico has been completed the Rock Island will run Its limited overland trains over this route and by way of the Southern Paciflo at El Paso. j New Rock Islaad Llae. Plan are being prepared by the Rock Island for a line from Llmon, Colo., to Denver. The distance Is ninety mile and at present the Rock Island 1 using th Union Paciflo track under m nlnety-nlne-year contract, which can be terminated at any time fey the Rock Island company. Tha Arkansas Valley & Western, which has a line surveyed Into Denver, Is under stood to be a Rock Island scheme, a th surveyor are from the regular engineering force of the Rock Island. Th cost of th extension Into Denver will bo about $1,000, 000, according to the reports given out by the engineer, and this is almost positive evidence that th Rock Island-'Frlsco sya tera will be running it train into Den ver over it own Una before long. LOCAL BREVITIES. . The firm of Clarke, Knlcely company of Ashland, Saunders county. Neb., has niea voluntary application In bankruptcy with the I'nlted States dlxtrlct court. J Jablll- ties, Sa,3i.3Z; assets. o.Mt-m , , The explosion of a lug of gasoline st th residence of J. W. Craig, S703 Marcy street, caused the fire department to make a hurry-up run at T;3u Tuesday morning. The kitchen was found in flames, which wer subdued with slight effort. Damage will not exceed 110. The annual tax sale under the provisions of the new revenue law will begin this morning under the Supervision . of County Treasurer Elsasser. The bits of property for sale are larser this year than ever before and the Indications are that the sale will be attended by a large number of interested parties. Regent 0. SHOES Must fit well, wear well, look well and feel easv in order to give satisfaction. ONIMOD The Shoe For Entire 5atlsfactioo. Always -$3.50 5 $2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 295 So. IStb St. WrTI m FIJI X.4. mam. AU0 THURSDAY THE COAL. Operation, fully guaranteed In every respect.' SELF-FEEDING Unusually large mica illumination in actual use. If you doubt or if pleased to see you. You are not HEADQUARTERS, FARNAU STS. She Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway ,to Chicago'-- The Omaha Train . Par ExcelUnca It No. t. A solid train made up in OntaAa, daily at 6:50 p. m., arriving at Chicago 7:15 p. tn. next morning. Library Buffet Car Barber Aew Standard Sleeper a Diner Chair Cart Everything. ' 1. City OfflCas 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. TEL. 624-881 THE DEBT MUST BE PAID It was thundered from the heights of Blnal, reverberating down the corridor of ages, that -man shall pay the price of his folly. Excesses always demand a forfeit. Nature's law cannot be violated with im- i.w --aiiiiui do viotaiea witn im punity. Punishment will as truly follow as night does the day. The picture of human frailty would only present shadows If Dr. Bur k hart had not given his famous Vegetable Compound to the violators of nature's decrees, which has restored thu broken down constitution and freed the body of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Nervous and Organic Troubled, Blood Diseases and Con stipation. Thirty days treatment IV- at all druggists. A alx months' treatment costs only tl.OO and Is guaranteed to cure nr money refunded. You cannot afford to mlas this opportunity of being restored to health for such a small sum. WOMEN? rirMALK BIANsJ rest iiiouiniy irtu- ur 1 uroutft:tL Lh'il wft:eontln Crifi TftsJir. PajoynTl( no lufie iailuri iungftau moot OlMt.lD.lta IMMsf -1(ivt4 la tmw uu sU BberaiM St AioOonU Druff Co.. OmahA. AMUSEMENTS BOYD,SJWMradnafer.BUr,fUK"' MAT1XKE TOUAV TOMGHT. : LOUIS JAMES and FREDERICK WARDE In a Magnificent Production of "Alexander the Great" Prices Mat. 26c to tl; night, 2&o to I SO. Thavsday might . Oaly. MARY HAW In tha Remarkable . Play "GHOSTS." Prlce-26c. UK. 76c, SI .00, S1.60. Friday, Saturday Mat. nil Night A Sunday Matin and Night. PLAY CLEMENT la "THE IEW DOMINION" Prices Mats., tic. SOc: night, i&c, SOc, 75c tl. ORBIOHTON TELEPOKB 1881. Every Night. Matinee Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. MODEMS VAUDEVILLE. Chas. Dickson A Co., Paxton's Art Studies, Lytton-Uerald Co., Mr. and Mrs. Bcarl Alien, Alfred Arneaen. Almont and Duniont, Carlston and Torre and th Kino drum. , PRICES-IOC, J6c, SOc. Thoator 'PHONE SOO. 3c 23c 50c 75c ; ;: "BONIOHT AT S:lS-i : popular Matinee.: . II 13 A llTti : Bk-ST SKATS. ADRIFT Thursday and Friday War) Heats uww ou aaU, Oo