10 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY I1EE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1903. 018 CLOTMPJG SPECIALS TODAY AT, On Site Today at Eih! O'clock JO On Sale , I Today at Eight Suits and Overcoats at S7.50 Suits and Overcoats at $10.00 Today we will (how two great pe dais In men's clothing. These are the best, most durable and most stylish Suits and Overcoats for men ever ottered anywhere t such a price. Stylish, Mell Made Clothing at $7.50 4 Huge tables of up-to-date Suits and Overcoats in the latest and swell est cuts, of wool materials, the most popular novelty mixtures' Every garment well fitted and well made a durable and attract ive everyday Suit or Overcoat well worth $13.50 and $15.00 a Wednesday , special at., ...... The Finest Suits and Overcoats A splendid array of Suits in single and fashionably cut and stylishly made by expert tailors the Overcoats are in swell medium and long-skirted styles, snugly fitting collars, perfect finishing such Suits as you pay $18 and $20 for Wednesday, special at 'T7 ?v te' T m Ever Sold at $10.00 double-breasted, 7S FINEST READY-rADB CLOTHING IN ArlERlCA ROGERS-PEET & CO.'S FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS This la the height of tsllnrlnfr excellence In Overcoats and Suits. No hlt?h grade- custom tailor can surpass In fit and m r ( a finish-swell clothing for the careful dU TO JD'UU Watch Our jr Windows fjrg ir-, Watch Our n . LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IK THE WEST. Inaugurating the Greatest Gut Price Millinery Salo Ever Held in Omaha All the new iwtln bound flare shapes. In all colors- en' Wednesday and Thursday '. , . DvIC Chlldren'a trimmed and stitched school and outing hats, oi (- In ail col cm Wednesday and Thursday., .. ........ ivb The "new Avalon ". distinctly a shopping hat trimmed with en. silk cords, worth H.&O Wednesday and Thursday UUt Ths new Lennox street hal. In all colors worth $3.00 Rflr Witduesdity ajid Thursday Oww Black silk shlrret hand-made hats, t styles only, Madeline and t Af lxjrette, worth Wednesday and Thursday . BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED DRKS3 PATTERN HATS-worth R ff up to -Wednesday and Thursday, your choice O.UU Wo Carry Only High Grade EXCLUSIVE niLLINERY. Investigate. It Pays, 1500 Douglas St. SCIir.lQLLER & MUELLER, Piano Alanufacturers Wholesale and Retail Daalsrs 1313 Ft rnam St., Cxaha, N8b. In looking for a piano remember that ws offer you the largest variety. STEIN WAT, STUCK, STEGER. EMERSON, VOSE, A. B. CHASE, HARDMAN and OTflERS. The best value. Our own hand-madS UUKU LER cold direct from the maker to the buyer at one small profit and the easiest terms, $10.00 cash and Ift.OO per month, of any plnno house In the United States. You are cordially Invited to open an account with us, and all your business will be treated confidential. New pianos for rent, $3, $4 and 5 per month, six months' rent al lowed If purchased. We take old Instru ments In exchange at full value; tune, move and repair instruments at our own factory. Square pianos and organs, $16, $26, $35 and up. Used upright pianos, $S5, $95, $105 and up. New eastern-made pianos, $136, $145, $155 and up. Our own hand-made Mueller piano. $225, $250, $275 and up to the price of the Stein way, the standard piano of the world, which admits of no reduction. Piano players, new and used, $125, $150, $175 and up to the price of the PIANOLA, the only piano attachment endorsed by the world's greatest musicians, Paderewskl Rosenthal!, Moezkowskl and Bauer. Write for Illustrated catalogue and bar gain list or call and examine our stock be fore buying if you want to save money. ' & MUELLER (INCORPOSATCO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE -RETAIL F I M O S MAIN HOUSC AND OfFICCI 1313 rARNAM MCTOHY: "IS rARNAM TELEPHONE 118S OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB 1S S. HTM ST. til. Tea CO. BLUFFS, IA .60S BROADWAf ' JO EXHIBIT ART SPECIMENS School Aatborillea Will Display Pro .' dactloas from- DravrlaaT Teachers'. .Association Meetlasr. Omahans will have an opportunity niyt mouth to Judge how ths art work of the local publio schools compares with that of other cities of ths middle west. . Through the Instrumentality of Miss Alice E. HltU, supervisor of drawing, arrangements have been made for an exhibition in the city hall of collection of drawings shown at the meeting of the Western Drawing Teachers' association at Springfield, 111., last spring. Ths drawings will be on exhi bition here from November 9 to 14 In the Board of Education rooms.' ' The board will defray some small expenses of transporta tion and packing. ' Yob IUsIi Yoar 1.1 Ce If you neglect piles. They will cause fatal diseases, but Bucklen'a Arnica Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn at Co. ... Card t Tkaaks. The Ladles' society of the Danish Lutheran, church wish to hereby express their thanks to all who so kindly assisted to make their baaaar a success, especially the business men. R. V. COLB. -W. M. MCKAY. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and embalmers, HIT Capitol are. Tel. 4j4. Mrs. J. Benson ART NEEDLE WORK . Our department never was as full of new and pretty novelties aa this fall, and how Is the beat time to choose what you will make up for Christmas. Among the strictly new things is the NORWEGIAN CANVAS AND PAT TEIINS FOR DARNING WORK. RINA CANVAS, -stamped and tinted in pillow tops, table cov i irf and opera bags, for CROSS STITCH WORK. Stumped pieces for piu cushion tops, jewel, handkerchief and collar boxes and cases, laundry liRts, calendars, match scratches, Kofa pillow tops, laundry bag's, table covers, etc. New Rattenberg and Renaissance patterns. Mercerized cords and tassels, in all colors, 23c to 50c. Rest white down baby pillows, 43c. . Uncovered sofa pillows, 45c up to $2.23. All sizes and best qualities for the money. . Infant's baskets, handsomely trimmed, $0.50 up. .Utopia Scotch Yarn for sweaters. ...... - , ., , , 1 ' It 4 Good $3.50 Wet Weather Shoe A shoe that Is built especially for the bad weather of fall and winter. Is our $3.50 box calf shoes with heavy double soles of metallic oak leather, thor. oughly vlscolized until they are ahHOlutely waterproof. This Is the best shoe made to keep the feet warm and dry In nasty weather. The viscollsed soles are guaranteed absolutely waterproof. The soles are made on a comroriaoie ibsi oi correct style, and Is a great value for the price. CRYiTIOECa 11 II J THESE ARE . Gut Drug Priced .1 ,. ,11 m.i.l 1 1,l.w,i,wl U . I ll.l .- 60o White Ribbon Liquor Cure 40c True Violet Soup, box 2 cakes, for...... tjc ll.W Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey 75c bie hot. Ktiine Wine, for 2Tc $1 Peruna, with top label 6so Zoo Mennen s Talcum, borated or violet 12c $1 Kirk's Dandruff Cure. WARRANT FU TO CL'KE DANDRUK' In 10 days f. 75o 25o Packers' Tar Soap for 16c 2oc Woodbury's Facial Soap for 7o 5oc Colgate's Pansy Bloxsom perfume.. 25c $1 IJsterlne (Lamberts) for 75c II Kilmer's Swamp Root for Sue 6c Hyrup Figs ror 4c 50o Atomiser for 23u 6 Cakes Good Glycerine Soap for......... 25c Bona Mint Tablets, Dottle., l"c $1.00 Liquoxone for Sue 50c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 4uc Writs for' Catalogue Sherman & McCbnnell Drug Co. COR. 16TH AND. DODGE, OMAHA. ' Ji THU HEL r3rn? I i ii ' Wonderful i tiS Coupon Sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Ilaydon Bros' Cloak Department. Horo Goods, Tiloro Particulars. New things in suits and the latest coats arriving by express. Our buyer secured for spot cash an immense stock of suits, coats, skirts, waists and children's jackets at about one-third regular price. They are coming by the fastest trains and some have al ready arrived by 'express. We will give you the particulars through the daily papery as the goods come in. FOR WEDNESDAY Women's $22-50 suits for ' 10-00 Yoracu's S30 suits for ......20 00 Women's $50 suits for - - 30-00 .Women's suits, in plain colors, browns, blues and blacks, made of Lyjnan's wool cheviots, satin - lined throughout, new long coats, regular 1ft lift . $22.50 value, for lUlUU Women's new suits, in the long, graceful coats, typical mannish suits, taffeta lined throughout, regular ft ft ft ft $30 value, for ZUiUU Women's high class dress suits, most beau tiful garments, $30- and Qft flf) $00 values, for 0UaUU WOMEN'S COATS. Bargain 1 Women's fine kersey coats, capo over shoulder, 42 inches long, beau tiful garments, regular I ft ft ft $18.50 values, for, each lUlUU Bargain No. 2 Women's fine sample coats trimmed, with gilded buttons, satin lined throughout, $25 value, for , Bargain No. 3 This is one of the best bargains that our buyer got in New lork 200 of them, Your choice at ... EXTRA SPECIALS FOR NESDAY A. M. ONLY Women's silk waists, $5 quality for Women's $1.56 wrappers, for, each . . Women's eiderdown dressing sacques wortn Jji.&u, for . v Women's black... sateen underskirts,, pnly Infants' ripple eiderdown cloaks, trimmed with silk. Kf0 1l1 ntl1 rt n rsAn vsa 1 Pra 1 '- WED- JJ''iPf!!& o XmM- M.mm:iii n si It! I W ' It , mS'. .-mM ...79c ..ir : 1.29 ROUSINQ DARGAII1S IN . MILLINERY A SALE OF GENUINE WHITE BEAVER HATS, S7.Q0 Qualifies for S3.00 $1.50 Imitation Beaver Hats for 45c. I 2 DIAMONDS. Ar par aiclUykHit 4 iiao tV 4s ltut llu A of vM' lb I a 41 utfuavily vr- rt4 tor jvftai-rft. m Ilaydon's tho most Roliablo Grocery Slnnfirlmnnl in ts lssl UUIUIIIIIUIII III IIIU IfUdls 20 lbs. fine granulated sugar for $1.00 :o bars best laundry soap for 25c S Iba. Breakfast Rolled Oats for 19c I lbs. hand-picked navy beans for 19a 6-lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago or Barley for.THc S lbs. good Japan rice for l9o Half gallon cans table syrup for 15o 1-lb. package imported maccaronl for.. 7o Large bottle home-made tomato catsup for 7o $-lb. cans Boston baked beans for lOo Soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb .' . 60 Force, Neutrlta, Vim, Vigor. Malta Vita, Malta Ceres or Egg-O-See Breakfast Food, per package r u0 Good Santos coffee, per lb lOc Oolden bean Santos coffee, per lb.. 12c Tlreen Japan tea, per lb &Q Oolong, English Breakfast or Qunpow- - der tea, per lb...-. , 25,3 Choice basket-flred Japan tea, per lb... 26c Gift coupons with every purchase and a hot pancake free In our grocery department. rin ui Awl Rio) bLj Bm SELECT IT HOW And let us lay It aside for you while the stock Is com plete. Ring. Liockets and Chains, Urooches, Cun But tons, Stick Pins. Vest Chains, Guard Chains, Studs, Manicure Bets, ancy Clocks, and hundreds of other beautiful holiday pieces. Spend a few minutes at our store. Look for the name. 2. W, LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. lflDuclas5trst. BE SURE TO GET TIIE BEST If you are looking for a good Sewing Machine or supplies for same you will be sura to find such at 1514 Capitol Ave. Everything we sell Is guaranteed reliable and as represented. Will not make promises that wt can or will not fulfill. P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., Jewelers, ,5,4ffi4fve" GOLD CROWNS FROM $3.00 We Work guaranteed. Special pricea continued until November 5. are nere 10 siay. consul me processors free. Pilling, from , 25o Set of Teeth for $2. oft Teeth Extracted FREE UNION DENTAL COMPANY 1522 Douglas St., Room 4. Open Till 8pm Ths LILY pattern la SPOONS, FORKS. ETC., is the SILVER WARE SUCCESS of the present time. .Itlsnotonlj DEAUTIFUL, but most SERVICEABLE, made in grades known ss HEAVY nd MASSIVE. To be found OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE la company lib the LATEST nd BEST PRODUCTIONS of all well known ilrer amlths. ALBERT EDHOLM, Jowolcr. 10 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. af 1 Suits for Soys Lost Saturday wo sold more boys' suits than we ever did in otto day in the history of our boys' department. Tomorrow, Wednesday, wo expect to beat this record. Read what we say below about two of tho greatest lines of boys' suits ever placed on sale. ... Boys' Suits $1.85, worth $2.50. Made of nil wool bine cheviots and oas Blmeres In the newest colorinps Nor fork and double breasted styles, they are made better look better and will wear better' than any other gult offered lu i town at IJ.50 411 4 QC our price ...... iPleOO Boys Suits $2.85, worth $4.oa Made of very tine select cheviots and casslmeres also blue Washington mills cheviots made and trimmed beautiful ly There's something about theso suits that raises their yalue far above any $4.00 suit In town nr our price JJ 1 : i s 'AW BEEHLJl. i (0) 10) IL llJ tivl 9 Some Very Special Alid-Week Bargains InThlnfs to Wear Dry Goods. In Things to Admire Crockery. In Things to EatGrocery. , Warm bargains In all other sections of the store, and Oresn Trading Stamps wltb every purchase. Phone 137. Women's Suits Complete, at Cost of Making. Wo must sell one hundred tailor made suits this week to get our stock down to a reasonable quantity. All of these are bargains, but here are three numbers that just paralyze competition: $11.90 for aZIBELINE SUIT Louis XIV coat, fine satin lining, silk braid trimming, flare skirt, with four vertical pleats, colors, blue, brown, oxford and black $ QH this suit should sell at ?16.50 ...II- $17.50 IMrOltTED CHEVIOT SUIT Black only, satin lined, Louis XIV coat, trimming of peau de soie silk and silk braid, triple cape, silk piped, silk piped $T Cjfl folds on skirt, value f25 Wednesday 1 1 )" $25 00 for a MANNISH SUIT Fine Scotch mixtures, shades of red and brown, guaranteed satin lining In coat, a perfect man-made suit that should be $9 C 041 $35.00 Wednesday .L J)J A GREAT MID-WEEK SALE OF CROCKERY Every day we are receiving and unpacking new attrac tions in crockery. Nowhere east or west will youjfind a crockery depart ment to beat ours for variety and values. It will pay you to inspect every . table, especially will ii pay you to come Wednesday Blue French Lunevllle 8-Inch break- ikbi piates, tooiea oyster bowls, and r ""i v s tJJ iO nuu cm and saucers. m each , Ow French bronxe bracket tamps, com-' Clete with large, oil fount,. No. 1 urner, chimney and silver A tin flaws reflector, each Ofc 8COUNT SALE ON VASES 30 per cent discount will be given on all vases from our stock. Prlree X".!1. :!,:.wry. ioc to $25 German china creams, Hi os decora- each - i in n f Dler j-d umbrella stands, Q8C Our line of umbrella atanda. mis. L pldors, jardlnelres and pedestals la the larg-est snown in this community. Cut star tsjitiLrd pitchers, Q8C Mica gas chimneys""" " E each Ok Grocery! Grocery! Biggest Grocery in the West The. Largest Varieties. The Best Goods. TIIE LOWEST PRICES. Bennett's Capitol pancaks flour, i-lb. package 8c Baking- powder, best, 6-Ib. can 11. OS Mince meat, pkg mo Evaporated peaches, per lb Ioc California prunes, per lb Go Dried grapes, per lb , 10c Kreakfast cocoa, W-lb. can Via French mustard and spoon 10c Plum pudding, can ioc Imperial Japan tea, per lb.. 25o Tea Blftlngs, per lb lftc Santos coffee, good, per lb 12a Bennett's Capitol coffee, per lb..... 2bo can nr. Special Stick Caady Sale. Fresh aad Delleloas. Five sticks for lc Thirty sticks fur fo One of the comforts of the 20th Crnturr Is Hot Water. We cannot 111 go to the Hot Springs and en oy the comforts provided by na urt, but we can at a small expense ave Hot Water, and that la liberal Suantitles. There isnoeicusefor avlng cold water, or even warm water, as by our system of putting in Water Fronts we can give you hot water, and t at In large Quan tities. Why not see us about it, and let us show yon how easily your stove or range can be sup plied with hot water attachments. Duplicate parts for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnaces, steam and hot water plants. 0NAHA ST0YE RFPAIR WORKS, 1207 Douglas Street. anata Tstsrtaarlasv Food Inspects?. n.LRmccioni, D. V. s. CITT VKTBRIMAJUAJL CAoa aa4 TiSraiary, BSU aaa Mi.ssa Ma. "Whats That?" .'- According to some newspnner reports ttm Cl'T PK1C1S DHUa UlBlNtHS J." OMAHA 1U A l'HAD ONE. HUT all newspaper JtEI'OH I'8 ure not true, and as a rule those who btllt-ve all they hear usu ally GET WI8B A FT EM IT IS TOO LATE. In our opinion ths most effectual method of disproving the above referred to NEW H PAf EH KEI'OHT Is to RESPECTFULLY call the attention of ths publio to the following- prices: 8J.&U Marvel Whirling Bnray Syringe, sent prepaid to any address for f2 25 60c Possoiil Facs Fowdnr Tic tl M Orrins to close out..., II. Of) Coke's IundrulT Cure 2io Graves Tooth Powder .i, 25a Mennen's Tvloum Powdor Kc Laxative liroino-yulnlae... lio 81.00 Her s Malt Whisky ra IXJE8 THIo LOOK LIKE A COMBINE? II 00 Temptmtlon Tonic ia dbo Casloria - 2uo 11.00 Pure Canadliin Malt Whlskr Tan li Chester's Qeuulne Pennyroyal Pllla.tl M CUT PRICE DKUQ STOJtH E. V. TATiiU, Proprietor. Tot Phaaes 4T aad VST. ISth aa (kl(. ItrMIs, Oasaaa.av, SIH3 lliC lJo SCIIflEFEfi'S TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address Ossaka, Nek. V '7