TITn OMATIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1003. PREACHES MS FAREWELL Per. Emmanuel Berg Terminates Long . Faatortt of Church Ho Built SUCCEEDED BY REV. MR. GUSTAVSON Fcnwr lritn Swedish ETaasrelleal Mlsslaa to Da Hospital, Rclllos RrniMI" aaa Some Mia liltrlal Work. Rev. Emmanuel Berg laat night laid dowa the pastorate of the Swedish ETvan STftllcal mission at Twrnty-third and Dav enport, built by himself In 1881, and la succeedrd by Rnv. Mr. Qustavson, of Butte, Mont.. The BwediKh Mlnslnn In one of the largest churches in the west of that de nomination and Mr. Bert haa for two dif ferent periods been Ita pastor, the laat one even years. Re. Mr. Berg- took for his farewell tet laat night, "And wrben Jesus departed thence two blind men followed Him, cry ing and saying. Thou son of David, have Inercy on us,' " Matt, lx., 21. - The subject - of the discourse waa the "Prayer' of Faith," and the minister made an earnest plea to the congregation to Work together for the upbuilding of Chris tianity and to band themBelvee into one strong body for the advancement of the teachings of the Bible. lent la IaaorcaalTe. The sermon waa Impreaslvo and the minister reached some Intensely eloquent periods. Kvery word he uttered fell upon ympathetlc and attentive ears and it was evident that the congregation he had so long served as pastor was deeply moved. Thla waa more Impressively demonstrated at the conclusion of the service, when the members of the - church gathered around the man who had founded and erected thla particular house of worship. Ttore were cordial exchanges of good fel lowship and expressions, with emotion, of OodHpeed. Rer. Mr. Berg will not leave the city, but will become connected with the Swed ish Hospital and Home of Mercy and will continue teaching the Bible and dslng . evangelical and religious newspaper work through the States of Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado. ' 1 Rev. Mr. Berg oame to Omaha for the first, time In 1831, when he established the Swedish Mission and erected the present church. ' He afterward went to Des Moines, where he held a pastorate for ten years, and later to Paston, 111., where he resided for sU ' years, returning to this city In his present capacity In 1897. He will be succeeded by Rev. Mr. Qustavson, who re. signs the pastorate of the Swedish MIs Blon In BUtte, Mont.; to take up the work here. ' Mr. Oustavson will arrive In ' the city about ' January 1 and during the in tervening time the pulpit will be filled by Rev.. Mr. Axonson, editor of the Swed ish Press, published in this city. Mr. Ax enson came to Omaha from New York city and has only resided here a short time. TALES TOLD BY TOURISTS Loring Wife Cmltittei Hatband! Thirst in Effort to Curo It Wahlartoalaa Telia Oac of Hired Girl, Broagat to Hla Mlaa Tky tao Casals Extra Session. and Inspired. If this la wtiat the race haa produced, and I am on of that raco, what limits will there be to the possibilities of my career where are tho bounds of myi ac tivity to bo set T But we cannot gnse upon these monu mental 'figures without being Impressed with the sadness of humanity. Look where we may, and. perceiving their mighty alms QJHER STORIES ABOUT THE OLD TOPER ana me results orougni njr ineir iorca inu endeavor toward their Ideals, we observe the Inexorable hand of time. We look upon death aa a disaster. We cannot con ceive of It in any other light than as a calamity, and we are not so much impressed when the scytho sweeps over the common people as when It strikes down the giant figures. Death, after all. Is a aad Incident, but never so sad aa when It works Ms In exorable destiny on the great and mighty. Considering how far the great ones have fallen short of their ideals, and noting how much of failure and disappointment waits for the best of us, It would seem that we might be justified In concluding that after all life Is not worth while. But the I-ord Jesus failed for thirty- three years. He died a felon's death. He was looked upon as the vagabond of his day, but now we recognise that those Jhlrty-three years of failure have given place to universal ' triumph triumph that shall reach to eternity. 'Don't ever say your life Is a failure. Tou do not know. Not until the whole mass of humanity Is ranged before Ood shall we know the ultimate success of the life we have lived. , "We need the weaklings, the Imperfect and the pnnr. We need the ones that need us. Without them we can never be made perfect. W all need on another if faith and trust, charity and gratitude, love and sympathy, pity and compassion are to be In the world." CHRIST AS THBBIRDEH BEARER, Ht, C. M. Acheaoa of - Deaver Preaches on that Theme. Rev. C. M. Acheson of the Reformed Pres. I byterlan church. Denver, occupied the pul pit of the First United Presbyterian church at Emmet and Twenty-first streets Bunday morning. He said in part: "This Is one of the moet beautiful para graphs in the bible. It Is full of the heart of the gospel: 'Come unto me all ye that of th, ministers a pull from hla bottle. The labor and are heavy laden and I will give alvlne politely refused the proffered nip. you rest, lane my yoae upon you ana wnlch impeiied the cow puncher to ask earn oi me, xor i am meea ana lowiy in hlm tf ne r ,ver drank "Speaking of cooks." said Ed Lowry of Butte, Mont., In the Merchants hotel lobby, "recalls sn experience that hap pened In my old home In Indianapolis several years ago. A neighbor of ours was afflicted with a weakness of getting glori--ously drunk at every possible and Inap propriate time and his wife became dis couraged. Ordinarily, when out of his cups he was a model husband. Hla wife had read somewhere that by mixing whisky with food and giving It to the confirmed drinker would speedily cause him to lose his taste for liquor and would eventually wean him from the liquor habit. So aha bought a gallon and every meal she doc tored his coffee, soup, etc, with whisky. He took to It all right, but there waa no Indication of his becoming a total ab stainer, and this was before the day of the Keeley cure. She was a little dis couraged and finding no effect for the bet ter from the first gallon of whisky, laid in another gallon and Increased the dose with each meal. One day when this gal lon had become about exhausted the hus band put his arm affectionately about his wife snd said to her, 'Mariar, my love, you are getting to bo a devilishly good cook.' " ' ........ "Talking about thirst," said a Wichita deacon of the Travelers' Church Militant, 'a case of thirst happened In Kansas some time ago that breaks the record. There had been soma sort of a church confer enoe out at Sallna and the ministers were going, home. On the same train waa a well Jagged cow puncher from Hays City, -who wanted to be sociable and he offered one COLD, DULLPEACE . REIGNS fWAR TMS jgy. pLAC Hotalac Dolaar, Not Btib Kboosjb to Hskt a Story, oa a Bogas Aseaaalaatloa. "Nothing doing, nothing doing." "I never saw such a dull Ume." "It must be the election that's keeping things so quiet." These and other similar expressions were heard In a hotel lobby yesterday, where a group of men sat, evidently thirsting for action. And then they went on to talk about how painfully quiet everything la In Omaha Just now, that Is so far as sensation Is concerned, and their speech brought to mind the fact that, forsooth, things are strangely dull and uninteresting. Why, Just think, Ifs been at least two weeks since anybody even threatened, much less attempted, an assassination t ' The last real good, genuine sensation was that mysterious attempt at a midnight as sassination of J. H. McDonald, the tailor. Strangely enough Mr. McDonald's alleged assailant has never repeated the attempt or been heard of since that terrible night. And all gyrations, even in the yellow public prints, have ceased. Then there was the secret plot upon the life and property of the good king Ak-Sar-Ben, or more prosalcly speaking, Fred Metl of the Mets Bros. Brewing company. The man or men who wrote mysterious let ters about blowing the Mets brewery Into flinders and slicing Mr. Metx up into shoe strings If he didn't run at a breakneck speed and deposit 2,S00 under the Eleventh; street viaduct for them, also have gone be hind the curtains. Alas and alack, peace reigns. Cold, dull. uninteresting peace. All of which." remarked a critic, "goes to show how little is needful to make a sensation." If an from North Platte to Bo AtiiiUnt to Superintendent DeusL OLD EMPLOYE OF UNION PACIFIC Ernest Steasrer laeretdi Ware as As ' Blatant "aperlateadeat of Middle aad Western District at North riatte. t heart, and ' ye shall And rest unto your souls. For my yoke Is easy and my burden light.' It la. a passage that we loved as children and it teaches of Infinite love and pity. It Is the voice of Christ. This is not meant aa physical rest nor mental rest, but I Never tasted a drop of liquor In my life,' replied the minister ' ' 'How old are you?' was the response. ' 'Fifty-two years of age.' sir.' - 'The cow puncher looked at him In rap turous cmasement for a moment and then aa soul and spiritual rest. Christ comes to I remarked, 'Fifty-two years old and never deliver us from the burden of sin. Be Jus tified by faith and. peace with Ood. ' Every man who' loves to establish his own right eousness feels the burden of sin. Tou can only get rid of the burden of sin by yield ing to Christ. lie refers hot atone to the burden of sin, but of sorrow, bereavement, Illness, disappointment and hopelessness. took a drlnkT Oreat Ood. Mister, I'd givo a thousand dollars for your thirst.' " "Everybody has, of course, been enrap- tured with the divine strains of the piano. especially when a good, healthy piano tuner is at work on it." Biifh B'na th rhwrvlltlnn of a HaStlnSS Have you ever doubted the providence of ,,rlimm Bt thB 1Ier Qrand. and he coa. UOQT carry your ouruens 10 nis duii, 10 Christ. Learn to lean upon this promise TEIXS WHAT SALVATION MEANS Dr. Gray Preaches to Men at Kosstu Memorial. The Toung Men's Christian association afternoon meeting "for men only," In Kountze Memorial church was addressed by Dr. James M. Gray, who chose for his topio the question, "What Is Salvation?" Not' withstanding the threatening weather the church was well filled. Secretary Willis opened tho meeting and Dr. Laird, with his cornet, played "Christ Is Arisen." , Dr. Gray divided the subject as follows: In the first place Christ died aa a subatl tute for us in our sins; secondly, Christ Clod thus, that wo might bo dead to Sin forsvsr and that w might bo allvo to sal vation; thirdly, the necessity for hi death was that 'we were Ss sheep aMng astray," and finally the result of his death was given in the text, "tut are now returned unto tha Shepherd and Bishop of your aoula," ' ' In the first case tho speaker explained that Christ stands for our sins as a sub stitute and If any of us accept him aa such we are free of all sin, aa sin died with Christ and that if wo only accept Him now wo receive at the cost of Ills suffering pardon from all sin. ' "People say we need no savior," Bald Dr. Gray," in dealing with' the necessity, "that by the process of evolution we return to God. But the world -was left to Itself for 4,0(10 years from the first Adara to the sec ond, to see if It would return to God, Whence It started, but when Christ came It was morally at Its worst. I will say to every man If he does not aocept Christ as a personal Savior now, ho will be further astray tomorrow. , The reason that Christ shed His blood and became a substitute for our sins was that this might in the end become 'the praise of the glory of God s grace. All We havo to do In to accept Christ aa sal vation and throw ourselves on Him as a substitute for our sins. Wo should do this now, today, ha strayed sheep and I assure you, you will bo returned to the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." of Christ aa a child leans upon its mother. Let your requests be made known unto the Lord. Though the hair grows gray and thy rlaht hand lose Its cunning, God is tinued: Some folks out our way had a piano that waa badly in need of tuning, and they hired a piano mechanic to do the Job for them. The folks had a girl employed there named Mary, as maid of all kinds of work, and everlasting in His strength and comfort. about th) tlm- ther w. n epl(lemlo Look at the suffering of Christ, through of muBlc n the town of the operatlo order rlim wo are an cureu. iiie wnu nm miu upon Him all our iniquities. He takes our burden upon Him. He Is the burden bearer. and everybody caught It. ' Well, tha day that the piano tuner struck tho house re ferred to Mary disappeared td all-Intents He Is the comforter, the V"" " u' ,nd- purposes. The dinner dishes Vers left Dereavemeni tnu uiiich. a no. uu ..mu tation to the mercy of ChrtaL If your Bin unwashed and beds left unmade and the lorlw a tlisk tSrvitaaa aruMit si n ItrMiff rr tvifl or sorrow Is big enough to worry you It Is huntng fop Mary rlnally ,h- observe(i Dig enougn ior nn s mtrc,. ""' her standing behind a nortler leadinjr into peace we must yield everything to the Sav- . . . lor. , Hla yoke Is not meant as a burden, work on tfc M tox. Mary wore a but the means by which to draw the bur- )ook of d,vme tRpture ,n(j .her stress said den; it means that He is your partner In - ..,,-. .why. Mary. what . thO yoke, WO at one enu aim nun i ,.,. T k.... t..,nMn. k. other. Ho walks along with us, bearing the h0UM (rvrr fur you . ,h; mlBaug. repiied pTeatesi pan oi me uurur... ,v - ,w. Mry .j, BUnd,nf. re a.iitenlng to pt iovo. H nei --- th,t MVsmiy .muslo.' " panlon and brother. . Tho" sinner cannot carry bis burden . alone, it wouia crusa him." FIDELITY AND PERSEVERANCE. Theme of Dlseoorso y Father Robert of St. Loala A large audience greeted Father Robert ff . . i I. .' ' "The coming special session of congress,' said a former Washlngtonlan, "recalls a droll thing" that happened there a few years ago that had a little to do with domestic economy and hypnotism, Vth of which were great fads In the national capitol at that time. The wife of ono of the chiefs of one of the treasury departments had ar VALl'tt OF RIGHT KIND OF LIVING. Rev.' E. Toaahlo Smith Frenches sua ISIoqaent Sermon. Rev. E. Comble Smith delivered an elo quent sermon at tho First Methodist church yesterday morning. His word pictures were models of exquisite English snd his delivery dramatic. The theme of his sermon was "The Necessity for Each and for All." Partly he said: "We say to th- young men and women of our . congregation. If ou would be correct Students of history. If you would have a right conception of the greatness of races snd nation, bask in the rays of the beacon lights 'uf history. Warm yourselves amid the glow and splendor of their recollections and you will rrallxo, and totich the high tldo of the symmetry of rations in these monumental men. You will be stimulated ESS CI jrsr- e No matter how the wind blows, nor what the thermometer may register, this Underwear is a warm, comforting bosom friend. Try it BookWt IcIIIds all aw It and vhe gartucum may to had Jit Leading Dealsrs Everywhere ' The Delmel Unen-Mesh Co. . I (OrttcuGl "Lusu-kSkh"). J 40 Dreesway, New erfc. of St. Louis laai nigni m wi ou wo.. ran(fe(j for a BOcla, function In which she In church at a meeting wnicn n8 uu'"ru tended to serve elaborate refreshments, and which waa presided over by Father Rh trr. hnllMl,n., hn, Scannell, bishop of this diocese. The open- but th work ,hat he hju, undertake ..4 . .nnaliito1 T 1 ha Tin Tifa I IlfnsB I .... . - na- "trr. wi.- - . . ratner taxed ner own ability as weii aa diction, following which Father Robert tmU of her Bmg,e domeatlc tn Tna preached from St Paul s epistle to the My of th(, houM WR, ft devote, of hyp. Philipplans. The text centered about the not,8m nd M her cook w a ry thema that we "igni not wnn diuou nuu -,lh)eer the l.riv nf th. hM A.Mt Flesh, but against the Prince of the Power hypnot)M the cook and thu. doubIe of Darkness." Tho main thought embodied worVout of her durlng. the vent in Fatner rawn s sermon wmw " I The attempt waa a brilliant success and the perseverance. , I poor girl while under tho hypnotic soell JIO said ine noiy ikjuh "-I wnrfc.H lllr , T-v,. JuncUons to faithfulness and fidelity and wa, a grand success and was pronounced inai upon ""."" by har ruPf( a, tne cheM-aouvro of the quaiinea jo accept a p.ace o joy , i.,e ,ea,on. Att tn, a(ralp h k hereafter. Fidelity snd trustfulness were was taken out from under her -hypnotic man of the house met her aa she was going out snd asked what was the matter. 'Oh, nothing much,' said she, "but I had a "haunt"' here yesterday evening and laef night, and It's not meself that would stay another mlnlt In yees old haunted houss."' i Right on th8not Where rheumatism pains, rub Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tho great healer. 'Twill work wonders. Stops pain or no pay. Sc. For salo by Kuhn & Co. enjoinea nw,., i i. ..... i - spell and coming to herself wss completely ire wnicn,is repulo. .n ...... i exhausted. . Tho next morning early she nflrlfMl htf-vrln ll.fi lft kA t. m.-. I U . siniui ana ins noiy. nu po.uieu uui niuiiy things which went to show that the life of the holy person Is not only full of con tentment and Is not only relieved of much of the strewn and turmoils of this life, but that a blessed hereafter is also assured them. Faithfulness to what one knows to be right, it was held, worked out for Its pos sessor, the best there Is in life, and that not only were such persons mors con tended than others, but they were a bless ing to all about them and qualified to put forth a hand and help those who needed their assistance. Then In the hours of sorrow and tribulation. If one knows he haa been faithful to what he knows Is best, he ran have no fears; the future can hold nothing before him that can make him afraid, and if he pasaea away he can nave 1110 assurance mat no nas lived UD to what he knows is right and that he has therefore the best that mortal is capable of doing. Father Robert urged his hearers to live tha noblest. lives of which they are capable. During the sermon Father Robert had! the undivided attention of his audltnra Following the sermon the blessed sacra ment was administered. Announcements of tha Theaters. Tho thirty show girls engaged to wear the royally rich gowns which Ward & Yokes have given to their new vehicle, "A Pair of Pinks," are promised to be an excep tionally attractive feature of the new frolic. Not one of the girls has yet passed from that period of maidenly bliss known as their "teens." Ward St Yokes appear at the Krug Thursday and Friday nights and seats are now on sale at tho regular house prices. On tomorrow evening Henry Miller snd Margaret Anglln, one of tho strongest star combinations now traveling, will ap pear at the Boyd In "D'Arcy of the Guard, . 1, mt r k w - I ruinnuuc urni ui i ii b revolutionary I tlmM T f Inf rrwlura fk ntimhw rt rhurmtd.. 1 no JUCiaDe Methodist Church Will U naH mnr nr !. familiar V.. hl.inn. uraioiea ounoay morning, November 15. and Is said to be historically correct, both The dedicatory address will be delivered by I In tiroes and manners, In costuming and i3inop aicaoe, after whom the church ttaae setttna. The story has to do with tha was named. Bishop McCabe Is one of the love of a young patriot girl for an officer u.o-1 prominent ngures in the ecclesiastical In the British army and for her country. world of today. Hla sermons and his ad m Ubby Prison." together wiin pis songs. Have been heard by thou anus oi peopio in all quarters of the SIUDO. A Hart Never Harts. After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is a'p. slled. Relieves pais Instantly and heals at the same tiros. For man or beast. Price, So. HEAUL1N A New Town alto In Bremer Coanty, Iowa. Opening sale of lots will take place No vember 10. Oa that date special trains will be run from Dubuque, Marshalltowu. Fort Dodge and Mclntlre. la., and Inter mediate slatlona For particulars address E. B. Mh111. manager Townalto depart ment. Chicago Great Western railway, Fort Dooga, la. In the action of the play aha la compelled to shoot him in order to get warning to General Washington of a planned attack on his army. Mr. Miller and Miaa Anglln have been very well received all through tho west during their tour. Their engage ment hers is but for one night. R. V. COLE. w. if. MCKAY. Cols-McKay company, undertakers and smbaimers. Ulf Capitol ava. Tel. 464, Horse covers wtaoe to nt your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. Uth an Harasy stroots. DIED. MORRISON Harry, son of Mrs. Mary Jtelnhols, died Sunday, November L 14 after a short Illness, at the age of vears and six months. Funeral Veaue.iay, November 4. 10 a. m from reeidenre. Ult Pine street. Intern)!. In Prospect till) ccinctery. Friends InvKed. CELEBRATES AND IS ROBBED How n St. Joseph Man Spent His Time While Waiting; for His Wife. J. F. Sheehan of Bt. Joseph,. Mo., came to this city a few days ago to meet his wife, who has been visiting friends In the west For some reason Mrs. Sheehan did not appear at the appointed time and her husband has been spending the days of waiting In revelry.. Saturday evening he visited the Midway saloon on Twelfth street, where he met a number of colored men. Sheehan, who Is white, bought sev eral rounds of drinks, and later In the evening was arrested , on the charge of drunkenness. When he recovered his nor mal condition In the city Jail Bunday morn ing he Informed .Acting Captain Dempsey that ho had been robbed of $37 during the time he spent In the Midway. He gave a good description, of a colored man who ho said got the money. The man was ar rested, but It developed later that he was the wrong individual and Detectives Dona hue and Heitfelt . then arrested George Wintersmlth, 417 North Thirteenth street, and Charles Turner, 1184 Capitol avenue. When Wintersmlth waa questioned at the station he admitted- that ho had taken $13 from the hand of Sheehan while he waa flashing tha money In the saloon and had given half the amount to Turner. Sheehan and wife Intended going to Kan sas City aa soon; as Mrs. Sheehan arrived In the city, butthe trip will now have to bo postponed unless the man can secure a bondsman, as he Is held at police head quarters as oomplalning witness. Charles Ware, assistant superintendent of tho Nebraaka division of the Union Pa cific, with headquarters at North Platte, has been transferred to Omaha, succeeding Henry C. Ferris, who, October 15. upon tho resignation of R. W. Baxter as superinten dent, went to Denver to take the place of superintendent of the Colorado division, left, by W. A. Deuel, who succeeded Mr. Baxter. Tho circular announces that Mr. Wars as been appointed assistant superlnten ent of the eastern district, Includ ing the branches south of Valley and north of Columbus. Mr. Ware, for a long time prior to taking a position with the Union Pacific, was an operator and train dis patcher for the Northwestern at Belle lain, la. Ie left this position however to accept one with tho Union Pacific and In 18-J7 was promoted to be cb dispatcher. being located in Omaha. Tho following year, 1898, Krf. Ware left the employ of the Union Pacific for a short time and went to a small town In Iowa to engage In the Insurance business. He re mained there two years, finally coming back to this city tn the capacity of chief dispatcher, the position he had left prior to going to Iowa. In the fall of 1900 he was appointed to be assistant division super intendent at Omaha, but was soon sent to North Platte, where he has since been In charge of the operating department for the company. Ernest Stent er succeeds Mr. Ware as assistant superintendent of the middle and western districts and the ' branches north of Grand Island and Kearney. Mr. Stenger has been in, tho employ of the company for a long period,. always being connected With the engineering department. Prior to his appointment as assistant superin tendent he was engineer In charge of tha construction of bridges for the Union Pa cific. Ho will be located at North Platte. taking tip thO work left by Mr. Ware. ONE-HALF OF MONTH CLEAR October Goes Oat with No Shining Record, Thoagh It Might Hnvo Been Worse. r , The meteorological report for the month of October . given . out , by tho local fore caster, I A. Welsh, shows that fifteen days, or only one-half of tho month, was clear ' weather. There wars nine partly cloudy -and seven, cloudy days, and rain was reported on nlne days. Tho highest temperature was ff degrees, which was on the 19th, and the lowest was M degrees reported on tho 37th. Tho mean tempera ture for the month was 66 degrees. Just I degrees lower than that of the previous year. The mean temperature for the past thirty-three years was 64 degrees and the mean precipitation was 151. The wind was to the south during the entire month snd attained a total velocity of 6,603 miles. The maximum velocity for five minutes was thirty-four miles per hour, and there waa only one wind - from the northwest, that coming on the 7th. No killing frosts were reported, but light frosts occurred on the 18(h and heavy frpsts on the 16th, 2Cth and ZJth. . The mean of the atmospheric pres sure was iO.08, tho highest being 30.63, oc purring on the 26th, and the lowest being 29.26, .on tho 6th." The highest mean torn perature was 71 degrees on tho I3d and the lowest mean, temperature was 44 on tho 7th. ... Begins at Bed Rook. Health, strength and vigor depend on di gestion. Dr. King's New Life Pills make It perfect or no pay. Only 26c For sals by Kuhn & Co, - Barajlars soon C'anaht. Saturday nlaht the hardware store of Peterson Ic NTrhoison, Twenty-fourth and N streets. South Omaha, was broken into snd ten dozen pocket knives and a quan tity of revolvers were taken. "1 be police in this city were- notified yesterday morn ing of the burglary and Detective Madtwn and Special OmcW Pattullo were assigned to the case. iurlng tne afternoon they ar. reeled Harry Johnson, alius William How ard, who alves his address hi Cedar Raulda la. in stolen property waa recovered in a local pawn snop ano it was inrougn tne location or tne goods inai junnson was ar rested. The police feel certain they haye the man who did the work and he will be held. For Betas; Disorderly. Henry Albright, who lives at Second and Pacific streets, did not like to have the ticket buyers line ud In front of the win dow at Kruii theater last right. He per sisted In breaking inrougn th line to the great annoyance of tlie patrons of the an officer. Albright was arres ed and taken to the station charged wlln disorderly con duct. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Former Senator W. V. Allen of Madison was in the city yesterday. E. L. iJann of Parkman. Wyo.. W. D. Collnna of Hasln. V yo.. and A. H. Mon teith of Buffalo. Wyo., are at the Pax ton. I. S. Cutter of IJnooln. A. C. Ewer. Wll liam Deans. A. B. Currle of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. K easier of Salt Lake and W. C. Francis of Cheyenne are at the tier urand. Major Adrian 8. Polhemus of the United Slates Army Medical department arrived In the city yexterday to begin his duties as surgeon at Fort Crook. He haa but re cently returned from Manila, P. 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Drummond of Rock SDrtnas. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wells &it Iauahter of Oakland, Ed D. Bradley of London, Ont. , John eteen of Wahoo snd A. It. r rye or Denver are at the Millard. H. W. Conrad of Edgemont. John Hek klmer of Terravale, S. I. : George H Koon of Hastlnss. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Busby, Miss Bessie DhvIs and Miss Bess bowman of Muueriy, Mo., are at the Mur ray. H. D. Schoenlc of Iat Cabin. J. P. Gil llan of Peru, T. H. Vingard. F. I Conr.il or snooeriy, W. T. Neat or ISehraska City John Hunter of Gillette, W. M. Davison of Ainaworth, G. b Palmer of Broken rlow, is. H. Hewitt of Gordon, John F. Piper of Lyon, E. B. Atkinson of Parker, Wyo., J. E. Baker of Sterling, Colo.: S. Greenblatt of Denver and Asa Lucas of Kearney are at the Merchants. tbooo wao dm "uarianos- sra tne best I friends of "Garlands" Blenos and Rangoa A . Boy Cured of Croup In Fifteen Hlnates. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured bur little 4-year-old boy of croup In fifteen minutes. My wife and I have used this remedy In our. family for. the -past five years, having tried many other kinds pre vious to that time, and can say that wo consider It far superior to any other. , Wf are never without it In our home. Frank Hellyer, Ipava, 111. HYMENEAL Panarhorn-Tnylor. TABLE ROCK, Neb.. Nov. 1. (Special.) Mr. EYerette Pangborn of Ravenna, Neb!, was married at the residence of Mrs. Sarah Kerns, who is the bride's grandmother, to Miss Hattlo H. Taylor of Table Rook, Rev. P. P. Evans of Arapahoe performing the ceremony. Both the young people wero born and reared in this vicinity. ir llll 1IIU nKLIAHLH SIOHIw B -Smv uondervul oupon Sale Coupons with every purchase. The 'most liberal nnd valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free wifh every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. fin OT1 111 THUS HKI.IAHLB SIOIIIC. THE RKI.IABLK STORK. - f st ' v.! ------vy -, fx'-- HrtSAffr 1 l, V Mint I V g HandTiilorcd topjrlfkl MM t MvtMU.M a bit Wesre Exclusive Agents fcr the Hart Schaffner & Mirx Hand Tailored Clothing. Tho Belt Overcoat Quite the most distinguished lookiug of the many good over coats we" are thowlug is this Hart Schaffner & Marx 'Belt Overcoat." The belt is in the back only doesn't go all the way 'round. . The coat, however, is an "all round," stylish garment, has all the characteristics of the ' Hart Schaffner & Marx pro duct style, fine tailoring, best quality. We carry a full line of II., S. & M. Overcoats, at f 10, $12.50, ?15, ?18 and $22.50.' ' HAYDEW-BROS. Just Watch Omaha tlext Year! m There has been MORE I.TFR. MflRP. PUSH AND MORE DOINO IN OMAHA IN THE PAST TWO MONTHS THAN THB WHOLE BALANCE OF THE YEAR and there will be mors new building dur ing us man aunni any nve jears since the boom.' r Just reitlntt awnk .-,., n A mn mr Arutr buyers finding out that It pays to" buy rneir arug neeas rrom me r l KHT CUT PRICE DRUO STORE IN NEBRASKA. Ko Carter's Little Liver Pills.., lAo 26a Laxative Bromo Quinine ...loo 25c Quinacetol guaranteed cold cure....2"c 11.00 Pe-ru-na all you want ....' 8o 11.00 Pierce's Remedies CUc $2.00 genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills Kl.no $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe.. $2.25 RECEIPT OF SENT POST-PAID ON PRICE. Kto Caetoria ., $1.00 Iler'a Malt Whiskey. ...2Ro ...tUc $1.00 pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 70o A LI j TICKETS r ROM REU1STER ARE WORTH k PER CENT. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DKVa STW.M K. T. YATES, Proprietor. . Twa Passe-T aad TOT. !. aa Cateaga Streets, oaaafca, Perfield's Bee Bids , Room 7. Websr. Starr dtdsrk. ' Cut Prlco Piano Co. Teiephoae 701 Laswlg Schlier. (LsiOVf li.SL'atO HOIHESEEKERS'EXGUiisiONS Tuesdays. October 20t& , U 10110 November ii and 17th luUu VIA THE AND.. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. To Certain Points in the WEST AliD SOUTHWEST ONE FARE for the round trip Final Limit lof Ticket., 21 Days. Stopovers will be allowed within transit limit of 15' days going after reaching first homeseekers point en-route. route. - - FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION or land pamphlets, folders, maps, etc., address any agent of the company, or T. F. GODFREY t Psisonier and Ticket Aleut, TOfl HUaHB5, Travel- . lai Passenter Acent, OIAHA, NEB. H. C. T0WN5END, Qcneral Passenter aad Ticket Afent, St LouU, flo. tease 55) saisuay ..,'..., Announces the Opening of the m Short Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis Two Superbly Equipped Trains 'daily, making faist time. The Electric Lighted Limited leaves Omaha at 7:55 P. M., Council Bluffs at 80 P. M. Arrives St. Paul' at 6:55 A. M., Minneapolis 70 A. M. The Pay Express leaves Omaha at 7:35 A. M., Council Rluffs . at 8:00 A. M. Arrives St. Paul 7:38 P. M., Minneapolis at 8:10 , : P. M. , The Fort Dodge Passenger leaves Omaha at 3:25 P. M., Coun- v oil Bluffs at 3:50 P. M. Arrives Fort Dodge at 8:00 P. M. All trains leave Union Depot, Omaha, and Chicago Great Western Station, corner Main St. and Ninth Ave., Council Bluffs. ' For further information apply to JLsaa'SjBfra U al x IWH ara GENERAL AGENT 313 Omaha Hat'l Dank C!d, OUAHA. 36 Pearl St., COUNCIL BLUFFS.