I i TTTK OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1003. I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Gain, Half a Cent in Frio on Good Dstxand. CORN PRICES HAVE A NARROW RANGE Yaertalleae for Dtnukti Cora a Little Higher, with Oata Fellawlas; la irBMtkr-Market far Prevlsleas Firm. CHICAGO. Oct. HI. Small contract storks and a fond shipping demand were Influence that created an urgent demand for Ieem ber wheat today and prices In that tit ruled tronc December cloning with a gain of He. Iecembr corn and oats were each a Bhatle higher, while January provlalona cloned from 10312HO higher. There waa a better trade In wheat than for aome time past and after an easier opening- the market turned strong and Srloes were well maintained throughout tke ay. The opening waa a trifle lower on easier cable, favorable weather and larger receipts In the northweat, December being HmVs lower at HOiBWic. Boon after the opening commission houses became Active buyers of December and with tradera show ing a disposition to hold on to that month the market quickly turned strong and the price advanced to 81c within the first hour. May waa Influenced by the strength In the nearby delivery and showed a fair advance. Heavy clearances were a bull factor late In the session. Just before tke close aome of the advance wae lost on realising, but the oloae was strong, with December He higher at Wuc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal ta 6S6.0U0 bushels. Primary receipt were 1,223 000 bushels, against l.KS, 000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and Dnluth reported receipts of 966 cars, which with local receipts of 7 cars, none of con tract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 1.062 cars, against 772 'cars last week and 1.002 cars a year sgo. Early soiling of corn, due to the weakness Of cables, caused an easier feeling at the tart, but offerings were light, and when wheat bea-ao to show signs of strength tke corn market also became firmer. Trading, however, was light and prices kept within a narrow range. December cloned a shade higher at 44c., after selling between fV? 374o and 44H'ff44Sc. Local receipts were 414 cars, with M of contract grade. There waa a little selling pressure In oats at the start along with the weakness In other grain, but the strength In wheat soon checked this selling desire, prices remaining practically stationary. Receipts were fair with a small Improvement In the shipping demand. Trading waa dull the entire sen ator). December ranged between 35c and 8fio, closing a shade higher at 3bo. Local receipts were 2W cars. Provisions were firm, the feature of the trade being covering by a local packer of January lard and rlb. Prices sdvanced easily, helped to some extent by the better tone of the hog market, and the gain was well maintained, due' to 'Small offerings. January pork closed 10c higher at 11225, January lard was also up 10c at I.llOtJ.2H. While ribs were 12Hc better at 16.40. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 106 cars; corn, US cars; oata, 240 cars; hogs, 27,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Art! a) as. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat tDec. May Corn Oct Dec. May Oats Oct. Dec. May Jork-, Oct. Jan. . May Lard Oct. Den. Jan. May Ribs Jan. May Hm si sow Wk mt, 7 4.tV 48T4 43V4B"!43V41ji ;42(&Ug43MV 43 44 HI 43QM 43 SK4 SM. 35 W J6H: H 11 42Sk 12 16 12 25 4 F7 7?H 77H 27Vj 42H 11 SO 12 20 12 25 GO i "672H SO SO 46 11 S) 12 2 12 17 r.214 13 SO 12 40 12 20 12 25 50 5" 82'4 S7H 72V4 87H SJ 630 45 40 40 I 60 No. X. tNew. Cash quotations wets as follows ' FLOUR Steady; w nter patents, 14.009 4.20; straights, M.70j?4.1f: mrlrrg . patent?, 4 1061.60; straights, S3.7C3.S; bakers. 12 66 03.40. WHKAT--NO. . I spring. 14e: No.-I spring, 783c: No. 1 red. BlXftWHc. CORN No. i, 44c: No. t yellow, 4V44e: OATS-No. t. 36H4c; No. t white, KS7Hc RYE No. 1 Me. BARLEY Pair to choice malting, llfrMe. SEED No. 1 flnx, fort. No. 1 northwest ern. 96c; prime timothy, J2.90; clover con tract grade, HO.50W10.rlO. . PROVlSIONa-Mess nork. per bhl.. Ill M J11.62H- Lard, per 10) lbs.. Mrg62H Bhort ribs sides (loni-ei. 17.OC07.6O; short clear sides (boxed), I7.2;7.50. . . The following were the receipts of flour and grain: r . . Rot".. Blilotr - Flour, bbls Jfi.v) r1 Wheat, bu 118 600 m v Corn, bu S71.R0O tt""8V)i ots, bu , S12.210 :r.jni rcjre, uu .. !. ZK.tMt Barley, bu US.) f.i'K) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries, 16s HHc; dalrle. Hltc. K.irg, rni-at "n..., cases Included, 19Vj?20Ho. Cheese, steady to nrtn, at ltHtenc. v HEW YORK GI!E2.L MARKET. Qaotatloas . of the Dar or Varlons Commodities, ' NEW YORK. Oct. n-FLOI R-Recelpta J9.098 bbls.; exports. 6,376 l.Mn. : quiet but firm: a-inter patents, M.0Cft4.35; winter stralghta, . t3.A54U.10; . Minnesota patn's. t4tftu4r; winter extras, S3ttft3S40; Minne sota bakers. I3.764.10; winter low grad s. S2.8rx63.20. Rye flour, steadv, S3 40: choice to fancy, $3.i6tf3.6u. Buckwheat flour, qult St $2 40n2.60. CORNMKATy-Steady; " yej'ow western, SI Oil; city, S1.05; klln-drled. .rofiJ2r. RYE Steady; No. 2 western. 2c nominal T. o. b., stloBt; state and Jersey. 5ti(U6fc, BARLKY-Ouiet: feertfni:. 42c r. I. f.. Buffalo; malting, 62(&&!V. c. I. f.. Buffalo WHEAT Receipts. 1,600 bu.j exports, 25. (46. bu.; firm: No. 2 red. 8Jc elevator: No. X red. H74tc f. o. b.. aflnnt: Ka 1 nnrlhm Duluth, 2s t. o. b., afloat' No. 1 hod! jvianiitiDB, nominal i. o. D., anoai. irprinna developed considerable firmness on bul Mh talk about the utoveinent. light stocks and room covering. The close a ve y firm on further covering ond prospects for onlv a small change In Monday's visible, with prices HwHo net' higher; May UVfcSWfcc closed S(o, December. tXStll,'c, -cltsad 7V, o. - CORN Receipts. SI. 100 bu.; exports, fil.in bu.; sales. 6.0n0 bu. futures. 48 000 bu spot. Bpot, firm; No. 2. KJc elevator and &)e f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, MVc; No. 2 white, 61c. Options advanced on small receipts, due to the htavy southwest rsins and In symnsthy with wheal. The close was Arm and HfrUc net higher; May closed 4c; December. 61Vc. cloaed 61 He OATS Receipts. 12R.0O0 bu.; exiorts. T 807 Vu. Byot, Arm; No. 3. 4?c; stnndard white. Hc; No. S. 4"Hc; No. 2 white iSVtc: No. S white, 43c: on track. wh1'. 41H445Wic, HAY Firm; shipping. MQVKc; . good to choice. S&tfitfSc. HOPS Steadv; rtt. common to choice, 1!18. 4'oS2c; 112, 2l:?:Hc: olds. (r!2c; Pa ciflo coast, 19uS..2iac; 1902. 21fi2CVliCj elds. tf?12c. - HIDrS 8teadv; Qnlveslnn. 70 to !5 lbs.. ISc; California. 21 to 5 lbs.. 15c; Texas dry, tl to 30 Ihn . 14c. t T.KATH KR Steady f acid. J3flIHc. RICE-Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 4l6c; Jnnnn. romln". PnnviSION8-He"f. -trsdv; famllv. Slrt pnnrio 6o; mess, J8(yi-ri: beef h-s. t: fo;3.00: pscker. rQuVIO.0O: city, rx'ra Irdla mens. 14 "0. Cut meats, cu'et; ckled bellies. SVifcMc: pickled shoidrs, H'lk; pickled hams, llsrljc. l,ard. flre-er: -estern steameO, S7 2. October cloeed S7 50 Nominal : ' reHn-d. r'eady: continent 17 40; Tcuth America, ft Ou; eomjolii. $;.7 T 37H- Pork steRdy; famllv. SO; short clear. tlS iitffU 00. rueas. $13 OfihlS 6a HUTTER-Steadv; extrn crenmerv. 22Hc: creamery, common to choice. I'VrrSV; ml ntlon creamery. lW8c: s'ate dHlry 10c: renovated. lMil7c: factorv. UHWVHc. CHEESE Strong: state full cream, f.'ncv -nall colored. Brpternber. HHc: October. UWc; small white. September. UHc; "co Ver. HHc: large colored. September. HHc; October, UHc; Urge white, September, 11 W tj'iiy. EitS rlns: state and Pennsylvania, fancy mixed 27c; state and Pennsylvania, fconds to firsts. t2'nS6c: wrs'nrn extras, rrc; western thirds to seconds. J?4cj west ern firsts. 25c: refrlgrtor. lsinHc. TALJW Steady; citv tint per pack reel, 4H--; countiy (packagrs free), 4HO lie. . ' I. totals Grata aad PrsTiiissi. ST. LOC1S. Oct. SI. WHEAT Higher: No.-t red cuh. elevator, HSc; track, 83 kc: Decemrwr. 88c; May,' SavCSc; No. I hrd. 7XHe''c COHN-Higher: No. S cash 40Hc; track. 4; lVcerrber, 40Hc: May, 40Uc. OATH-Ptrm: No 2 cash. 36Vc. track, 30 fcr;". May, SiV-r; No. 2 white, S'-jc. HYB Ftrra, 64c. PlyOl'R Steadv; red winter oatenta S4 OS extra fancy and stralghu, S37Uu40j; c'er S3 SV13 &0. H K V. T Timothy. Slesdy. S! 26-1T2.80. 1'i.hN MFAl-Pteady. S2 . PROVISION'! Prk, market eaoler: lob tlng. staadarrl mesa- $11 is. Lard, higher, S S2H. Baoon. steady; boxed extra sharta, $8.26, clear rlha, 8 iS, short clear, St M. HHRA-N Steady ; sacked east traok. It 077e. hAY-8teady; timothy, $7 603n2.0P; prairie, $ "J10.00. IRON COTTON TIES Nominal St S1.0S. BAOOIN(.K-tHC' H KM P TWlNJw-.c. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 7H; springs, H; turkeys, 12c; ducks, H; gxeee. 7Hc BUTTRH Steady; . creamery, 1822Hc; dairy, lKlSc. KOOS tfteady, XI He, loes off. Receipts. Shipment". Flour, bbls lO 12.000 Wheat, bu 68.(0 M.Ottl Corn, bu 26.0OO S 000 Oata, bu 44.000 60,000 . OMAHA WHOLIIALE MARKET. Candidas af Trade aad Qnatatlons Staple aad Faacy rrodnce. EOG8 Fresh stock, loss off, ?0c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7o7Hc; spring chickens, 80HHc; rooeters, accoroing to age, 4'yhc; turkeys, lS'lic; ducks, 8H'H-i geese, 7((J8C. BUTTER Packing stock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy. In tubs, 16lc', separator, 21c. FRESH FISH-Frrali caught trout, loo; pickerel, Sc; plko, 10c; percu, sc; buffalo, VMe; blueflah, 16c; whltefish, 13c; salmon, lie; haddock, loc; codfish, Uc; reasnapper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsters, green, per lb., .8c; bullheads. 11"; catfish, 14c; black bass, 2v4t&i; nallbut, fcc; crapples, Uc; herring, tc: white bass, loc; b.uertnn, 8a OYHTEH8 New York counts, per can. 43c; per gal., S.UO; extra selects, per can, H6c; per gal.. $1.76; standard, per can, 7c; per gal., $l.si BRAN Per ton. $14.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers association: -Choice No. 1 up land. $8 00; , No. 1 $7.60: medium,, fl.00; ooarse, $4.60. Bye straw, $4.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 46c ' OATB 38c, RYE No, , SOe, ' ' VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 780c; Dakota, per b , 70ijy7Bc; native, (&97uo. SWEET POTATOES aome grown, per basket, 76c; Virginias, per -bu. bbl.. $3.0u. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market basket, 3fc0o; string, par market basket, XsifBOc. OMATOES Home crown, per basket, NAVY BEANS per bu., $2.66. CELERY Small, per dos., 2b36c; large western, 46c. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb.. Ppanlsh, per crate, $1.60. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 1H. . TURNIPS Canada Rutabagas, per lb., lc ' ' - FRUITS. PRUNES-Itallan, per box, 41.00. PEARS Colorado and Utah Heifers, S1.7B; winter Nellls, Si.2&92.M. APPLES Jonatbbua and Orlmes Ootden. S3.7tai.W; Michigan stock, W-2S: Call fornra Bellflowers, per box, $1.60; New York Oreenlngs and Baldwins, $3.26; eating yarletiee, $3 W; Oregon stock in bushel boxes, $1.150L2i. OHArite-c:aUfornl. Toksys. $1.5; New York, per 8-lb. basket, S0c; pony Catawbas, 2;c; Imported Malagas, per k? $6.000. 50. CRANBEltRIKbT Per bbl., $0.60; per box. $3.09 Wisconsin Bell Burle. $3.60. CAUPORNIA QUINCES-Per bog, 1.1o. TROPICAL FRUITS. ' ORANOES Muioan, aU sixes, M 00. LEMONS Camornla tancy, 3u0 to 380 sixan, $4.t0; choice 240 to ill) sises, $4.004.to. Fias California, per 10-lb. cartons. 800; Imported Smyrna, 1-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 10c; 7-crown, 18c . , . I1ATH8-Persian, per box of SO packages, $2.u0; per lb.. In Ml-ib. boxes, Cc. BANANA3--Per medium sued bunch, $2.00 f2.60; Jumbo. $J.76&3.26. MliCEl,ANEOU3. CREESE io.iisiu twins, full crciM. 12hc; V lecoiiSin loung Aiuericaa, iV-, block bwUs,- lut; Wisconsin Luc, l.-tj; Vvistut.o.a iiinberger, Uc. HON ti,l tebraaKS, per 24 'rames, libv; Utah and Colorado, per 84 rames, $8.60, MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. ClDbH Pet bbl., $6.76; per H-bbL, $3.26. POPCORN Per lb.. 2Hc; ensued. Hc HORSE KADitjll-Per case ot 2 dos., packed. 80c NUTS-Walnuts,' No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 eon-shell, per lb, lc; ,u, i liard-ahelL per lb., ic; Jiraiils, per II... HbllHc; filberts per lb., life UHc; almonds, sofi-shell, per 10 , lie; haid-shcll, per 10., Ijc; pecans, large, per jo., n4jiic; small, per lt.. Hic; peanuts, per b., tiHn; rvasted peunuut, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, 1.1m 14c; large hickory nuts. rT bu.. $1.76; shell-barks, per bu., $1.7&9 U0; blsck walnut, per bu., $1.26; eastern chestnuts, per lb., 14c. . HIDES No. 1 green, Hc; No. 2 green, 6fcei.No, . salted. Hc; K.o. 2 salted. 6Hcs 1 veal call, j vo ihs., 8Hc; No. I vojI culf, 12 to 16 lbs., bHc; dry salted hides. i U'c; sheep pelis, -u;Ce. .lioi'se hlues, $1.6i"u J.fiO. . .' 1 . '-Cotton Market. ..;; ci,-V, NEW.' YORK. Oct. Sl.-OTTON-Thti market Orentd steady, 2 points lower to 2 points higher, the declines being on the high position, on the failure of snows and frosts to materialize as predicted, and the outlook for a heavy movement, while sell ing was checked by the .reported heavy rains In the southwest. Following the call, spot people bought moderately. Eu rope was operating on the long ride of the market, and with bull support prices were generally flint at a net advance of 11 to 14 points. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 31 .COTTON Futures, firm: November. 10.02c; December. 10.2rt51o.7e; January, lO.WS 10.31c; February, 10 !Sn0.&c; March. 10. 47610. 48c; April. 10.63 triable; May, 10.6041 10.01; June, 10.6. 60 4.; July. 10.ti3ij lO.'lc. Spot, .quiet: ordlnnry, T-16c; good ordinary, B'V: low mddMng, vfce: middling. 10c: good middling. 10 7-lfk-; middling fair. 10 13-lOc. Receipts, 24,4uS; stock. 130.W7. ST. LOU 13. Oct. Sl.-COTTON-Firm. Hs higher; mtddlirg, lOUc: sales, 4V bales: re ceipts, 403 bales; shipments,- none; stock, 2.6(3 bales. LIVERPOOL Oct. 31. COTTON Spot In limited dnnand: prices unchanged; Amerl- can mludltng. 5. ,4a me sales of the day ere 4.ffl tales, of which 400 were for speculation and export.' and Included 2.800 American; rectints. Z9.jtw bales, an Amer ican. Futures opened qti'ef end closed harelv steadv. Amerlran mlddllnr. m. a. c. November, 5.6rd;, November and December, 6.60d; December and Jnpjmry. 6.485.4td: January and February, 6.47d; February and March. 6 4W"S.47d: M.irrh end April, 5.4 d: Apr' I scd May. 6.4UeS.4Gd; Msy and June, 6,4'tfs.4cd. Kaasaa City Oral aad Provlalona. KANSAS CITY. Oct 31. WHEAT -Decemberfl'6''raHc" May. 6?Hi3Hc; c"h No. 2 hard. 7374c; No. S hard. 70f'(72c; No. 4. SlfltWHc; rejected, 69; No. S red, 82i 82Hc; No. S, 79480c. CORN-Decemher, !7Hc; May. 37V' Caah No. 1 mixed. 9Hc; No. 2 white, 29 He; No. 3. 39c. OATS-No. 3 white, mixed. 84. 34HS7c; No. 1 RYE No. t. 48Hc MAY-Choire timothy, $9.60610.00; choice prairie, $S.u0. - ' m. i i it. rt creamery. lsvfcctaaic; dairy. fancy. ISc. EGGS Higher Mlneouri and Kansss. 2 whlte- canes returned. a)4c; new No. wood cases included, Zrc. " Receipts. Shipments Whest. bu SS.SuO 8.!0 Corn, bu .. 16.WO - 10 :01 Oats, bu , 18,000 , I9.00 Rvaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Oct. 21. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues Arm; re ceipts are moderate ond demand fair; com mon quoted at 4&5c; prime at 6'g7o; choice at 6U(h0le: fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'ITS-Prunes remain unchanged here, though coast ad vices Indicate a rather easier feeling among holders; spot quotations range Sift,o for all frodes. Aprlcets show little charge either 'I general conditions or prices. Choice are uuoted Ht f-V, ftflHc : extra choice, lCtflOHo; fancy. UfrUHc. ' Peaches also ore good; choice are held at Vta1c; extra choice. 7 fcSHe: fancy, 9V.610HC. I.lverpant GraJa aad Prarlslons. LIVERPOOU Oct. M. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. S red western winter, (a Sd; No. 1 northern sp-lng. no stork; futures dull; December, 69 6Hd; .March, (s 6d; Msy, Is $u-d. CORN Spot, easier; American mixed, 4s 2d; futures dull; November, nominal; De cember. 4s mo:. January, . Phlladelahla Predaea Market. ' . PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 31. BUTTER Owlet snd steady; extra western creamery, 22Hc: extra nearby prints, 24c. EGGS Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, IVi loss off; freh western. 2fca29c; fresh southwestern, 27il28c: fresh southern, Z-QAc. CHEESE Unchanged. MilpaskM Grsls Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 81 WHEAT Dull: No. 1 northern. 4c: No 2 northern. VJ S2Hc; December, fOV80'. , RYE Steady; No. 1. 66H. BARLEY Weak; No. 2. 6&c; sample, 409 4Kc CORN December, 44c asked. t Mlaaeaaalls Wheat, Fleer aad Brsa. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 81 WHEAT De cember. 80c; May. T8Hc. On track: No. 1 bard, t2c; No. i northern, Klc. Itnlath Crala Market. DfLUTH Oct. SI. WHEAT On track: No. 1 northern, SI He; N.. 2 northern. 79c; le emlr. 7o-c; Jdjf, Tic OATt-34V,u. OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET AU Otttl Lower for iht Week Except Good Oornfed tod Orims SUert, HOGS ALSO SHOW QU'TE A LOSS Fat Sheep aad Until Trifle Lower Than Week Age, hat Feeder Sheep Age Steady, with Old Ewes aad Light La Bibs Maeh Lawer. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 31. Receipts were: Ofllclsl Monday. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ...11.23 1.7W 22.EMG ... S.b.'S 6,103 18.43 ... ,163 6.141 M.iii ... 6.147 4,ut$ 12,2')7 ... 2,:'!1 $.728 8.146 ... 600 3.600 1,134 Ofllclal Tuesday OlticlRl Wednesday .... Official Thursday Ofncial Friday Official Saturday ...... Week ending Oct. 31 Week ending Oct. 24.. Week ending Oct. 17.. Week ending Oct. 10.. Week ending Oct. S... Same week laat vetr.. .34.002 .34,65 ,.27,113 .31.877 .31.W1 .30, 279 24.828 18,433 19.:.'6 21.820 i.612 39,73 7,4 76,15:! 95,306 KI.WW 72,070 4,730 Total, October, 19B 138,264 1U9.4K2 362,1 Total, October, 1S"2 148,038 109.V94 aJ4,882 Total, October, 1901 10,m 150, 7hl Total, October, 110 103,706 137.646 Total, October. v 128.673 162,176 Total, October, 1KS8 ir?,176 161,400 Total, October, 1897 112.102 106.364 Total, October, 185 S6.730 86,184 Total, October, 1896 81,822 12,722 218,324 2U.966 136.M1 133,167 62.691 45.422 18.632 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shews the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons wltb last year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec Cattle S0L766 SlS.tWT 82,068 Hogs 1,862,317 1,866.303 8.88S Sheep 1.462,901 1.864.608 108,093 Average prices paid tor hogs at South Omaha for the last several days wltb com parisons: Data 1 1808. 1M2.1S01. 11900.11806. (1J93.I1SS1. I 13 I 18 711 S i Sb7 S 73 4 89 19 4 42 4 s; 4 SI 4 3 S t 20 t 161 44 S 54 S 71 6 11 3 531 3 4 4.l 4 35 4 S3 4 SI I 681 69 1 S 64 S 67 S 64 8 62 S 63 59 S 56 66 ( 64 3 61 S 69 S 64 S 60 8 64 S 52 S 63 63 3 46 S 41 3 42 S 38 S 38 S 71 6 08, 6 02 4 92 i so! 4 on 4 23 4 20 3 66 S 60 4 93 s 4 82 4 72! 4 64 4 S4 S (8 S 09 S 70 S 67 S 73 4 20! 4 16 4 621 4 lOj 4 51! 4 15! 4 bSI 4 61 8 71 I 4 131 3 66 S 65 S 56 S 68 S 64 S 62 8 47, 3 64 4 62: 4 61 4 61 4 48 4 IS 4 14 4 131 4 1S 4 10 4 10 4 (8 4 62 4 60; 4 09 4 4 4,031 S 60 Indicate Bundar- The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. & St. P 14 Wshnsh ' 1 Missouri Fnclflc Ry .' 18 Union Pacific system C. & N. W. Ry F.. E. & M. V. R. R.... 1 C. Bt. P., M. & O. Ry.. .. 6 6 12 11 ii. et m. Ry C. B. A g. Ry.. K. C. & St. J C, R. I. & P. Ry.. C. R. 1. & P Ry., Illinois Cenirdl .. east. . went. Total receipts 2 6 The dNpofltion of the day's receipts was as follows, eich lu.. er purchasing ths number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle.. Hogs. Sheep. Oinana Packlnrr Co 1 449 . Swift and Cnrnpanv..... 37 ' 702 Cudahy l'ackiiip Co 9J6 Armour A Co 667 ... Cudahy from K. C 624 .... Armour from t). C 637 L. F. Hum 18 .., Wolf aV Murnan 4 Other buyers 6 934 Total 689 S 421 994 CATTLE There were practically no cattle on snle this morning with which to make a. test of values. For the week there In, very little difference In the receipts as COthnnred ,wlth last week. ' MM there Is a giln over the snme week' of last year amounting to- over 8.000 head. For the month of Ot'lobr receipts have not been up to the enormous run of a year ago by about 10,000 head, but they are far In ex cess of all previous years. The Increase over October, 1901. amounts to about 29,000 head. . There has neen only a fair run of corn fed steers this week and the better grades In particular have been eenrce. As a result those kinds are lust shout steady for the week and could be quoted from $4.90 to $5.40. Fair to good graden nuch as sell from $4.60 to $4.Sd may be a trilte lower but not much. Qulle a few warmed up cattle are beginning to snow up In the receipts the same as usual et this tlmeof the year and are selling to poor advantage. Thev do not kill out well and consequently packers prefer the grass steers. Short fed stuff 111 fact Is hard to sll at any price and goes mostly from $4 to $4.25. The cow market Is undoubtedly at the low point of the season and extremely dull at the decline The latter part of this week packers have acted very indifferent 11a apparently nave not Tfirea Whether they got many cows or not. The threatened strikes In the canning departments of the packing houses may partially explain the slump in mat riaas 01 cows, our probablv the heavy receipts of cows st all points doubtless have more to do with It ss the better grades have suffered also. The gen eral run of cows both westerns and natives I may be quoted-right around a quarter lower for the week while canners are !tiJ 40c lower. Canners sre selling largely from 11.50 to 81.90. fair to good cows to from $2 to $2.40 and good to choice from $2.40 to $3. A few corn fed cows are beginning to arrive, but the same as with short fed ateers they sre not selling to good ad vantage ana bring mtie more than grass cows. There have not been enough of them on sale so far though to establlnh a market. Bulls are also considerably lower for the week In sympathy with cows. Good grass bulls are now selling around $2 and $2.25. Veal calves are not much different, the Ix st grades selling up to $5. The atocker and feeder n.arket has been rather uneven all the week. The demand from the country has not been good and consequently prices have eased off. The best grades sre probably 10&15c rower, while horned feeders and common cattle of sit descriptions are off 16(fr2oc. The de mand Is conllned almost entirely to the csttle showing quality, and as a result common stuff Is very hard to move at any price. The trade on western grass beef steers bus been In fairly good shape, as the best grades, surh us sell from $3.90 to $4.50, are about steady. The medijm and commoner cradea, though, are undoubtedly a little lower. Pretty decent cattle are now sell Ins from $3.1 to $3.60, with common stuff from $3 down. Western cows and atockers and feeders are Selling as noted above. HOGS There via another Mght run of hogs In sight this morning and the market opened about a nickel higher. Parkers, tltonrh, dia not take noia witn any lire, and did not aeem to be anxious for the h"gs at the prices asked. After the first rcund or two they shut down and only of fered about steady t-rlccs with yesterday. The bulk of the heavy hogs sold from $4.90 to $4.95. medium weights from $4.96 to $6.05 and lights sold up o t',.2. with a little bunoh at $5.25. The same hs has been the rase for some time paxt the trains were very slow In arriving and the close was s ow and weak. The receipts of hogs this week have been heavier than they were last week, but are about t.Otw hesd short of the same week of last year. For the month of October there has also been rather a light run, as there Is a decrease as compared with the same month of lust year, as will be seen from the above table. The tendency of prices has been downward this week and the low point of the year has been reached. The net toss for the week amounts to about a dime. Representative sales: Oct 1.... Oct .... Oot f.... Oot. 4.... Oct. I.... Oct .... Oct. 7.... pot ... Oct. .... Oct. 10.... Oct. 11..,. Oct. 12.... Oct IS..,. Oct. 14.... Oct. 16.... Oct. 18.... Oct 17.... Oct. IS.... I Oct. !.... Oct. 2o.... Oct. 21.... Oct. 22.... Oct. 23.... Oct. 24. .. Oct. 25.... I Oct .... Oct 27.... Oct. 28.... Oct. 2....i Oct. T.O.... Oct. 31.... I 2H I 14 75 6 l T 20 68 k 66H 7 S0 69 7 32 67 I K (62 6 ii 7 42 6 41 H 7 89 6 49 6 18 7 28 S3 6 19 7 14 1.1 t U 7 04 14 i 96 6 15 6 30H 30 S7H 7 07 s 43 7 16 & 49H 7 00 b 18 6 3H 6 91 22 6 22S 7 16 t 29 7 02 27 5 llH (23 6 08H 02 I 01 tl 82 t 26 t 16 ( 70 OS 6 14 ( 76 6 to C 14H ( 74 6 01 71 ( 05 too 6 18 81 6 08 61 6 89 4 97 61 6 81 4 9?i 69 6 72 4 7H 1 5 67 Ne. . A. Bh. rr No. At. 8a. Pr. M BM N IN U 3" 1V 4 7Vi It Itl HI IN (I Ml 44 t 00 4T ... IN IN M tl I M W IT 12 4 M M 134 SO I 00 to UJ J10 4 SO (2 I) 10 00 4t l ... IN 74 J-'l Ii t 00 M IK IN 44 rt IN t 00 (2 is 1M 4 1 44 M 40 I N t Iu4 ... in M i4 40 t M 40 M4 1M 4 II 44 tl 14 t 0 t4 J4 II 4 H t !M 40 I 00 4; Ill lu 4 34 M IN i e 2t I?4 li I S& W HI 12 t 44 .1,1 ... 114 t 14 ISO IH tl Ill 8fr 4 M tl. 144 S 6 04 44 y 4 44 M 110 ... lot 41 VI ei I M II 2J IN IS IS u 11 I H St 121 41 t 1 It 171 mo I IS 41 Ill to i 11 41 ttT 4 4 M .. 14 IN 6 10 It. It W IH 4 14 IN I I U k IN I 91 1.. 11 IK SHEEP There were prsctically no fresh arrivals of sheep snd lambs here this morning snd as a result a esv of the market was not made. For the k re teijLs have been about the same as fur last week and a trifle heavier than for ths corresponding week of last rr. For the month of Ootober there Is an Increase over the same month of last year amounting to more than 16,000 head. The receipts for October of last year were the largest on record up to this time, which means that another record has been broken this year by a vide margin. Considering the heavy supplies the mar ket has been In very satlsfsctory condition. Packers have bought up the rat stuff In rood shape all the month, so thst very few rhlpments were forwarded or carried over from day to day. As compared with the close of last week the best grades of fat sheep nnd lambs are around a dime lower, with some of the less desirable grades per haps a little more. Quite a tew lambs thst a short time sgo were selling for feeders went to killers this week St prices that looked considerably lower,- but of course they were lacking In quality. Feeder wethers and yearlings 01 aesiraoie quality are steady for the week, with the nemana rnllv equal to tne supply, r eeoet lamhs, however, and particularly the light weight common kinds, are 15rJ2fo lower and old ewes have also suffered about ths ssme amount. The demand from the coun try. It seems, Is confined very largely to the better grades. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs. 94 6018:4.76: fair to roo-1 lambs. $4.25374.50; choice yearllnga. $3 8OC13.8O; fair to goon yearlings, $.l.Wiia; cnoice Wern ers, $3.4003.50; fair to good wethers, I3.1JM9 8.40; good to choice ewes. $2.75fT3.00; fair to good ewes, $2.602.80: choice feeder 'smba, 84 n04.23: fair to good feedr lambs. $3.28-9 4 00; bsbv lambs. $?60r3 00: feedr veer. lings, 3.3,rct3.6fi: reeier wetners, B.in.a; feeder ewes, $1.5082.60; culls, $1.002.00. Representative sales: No. At. Pr. 101 Wyoming cull Inmbs $1 2 20 994 Wyoming feeder lambs 48 S 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Saturday's Vaetatloaa All Klada Rala Aboat Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. Sl.-CATTLE Receipts. 300 head; nominal; good to prime steers, $6.25i7S.66: poor to medium. S3.4CKi24.76: Block ers and feeders, $2.26!i4.40; cows. $1.2594.26; neircrs, 12.gu4M.io; canners, luzuvri w; duiis, $2.004.25; calves, $2.00(5.75; Texas fed steers, $i75i&3.60; western steers, $3.0004 60. HOOS Recelnts today. 11.000 head: esti mated Monday, 80.000; market about steady; mixed and butchers', t5.0Wt6.45; good to choice heavy, $4 &f1fS.20: rough heavy, $4.rV 4 85; light, lt.90tW6.36; bulk of sales, $4,864) 6.10. SHEEP AND '' LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 ers, $3.00r3.65; fair to choice mixed. $2.00 3.00; western sheep, $2.25ff3.60: native Iambs, $3.26(56.60; western lambs, $3,504)5.25. Kansas City LIT Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct 81. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head. The markets was un changed: choice export and dressed beef steers. $4.60f(j6.30; fair to good, $3.5094.50; Blockers and feeders, $2 104i4.00; western fed steers, $2.76fr4 25; Texas and Indian steers, $2.0053.10; Texas cows, $1.2501.76; pt!ve cows. 81-60413. 20: native heifers. $2.60 3.90; canners. 76c$2.SO; bulls, $1.0OS2.6O; calves, $1.26ri6.60. Receipts for the week: Cnttle, 72.600 head; calves, 8,700 head. HOGS Receipts, ,8.000 head. The market was strong; top. $5.40; bulk of sales, $4.86i? 6 25; heavy. $80ii612H: mixed packers, 4.n56.25; light. $5 16&4.82H; yorkers, $5 26 fau.40; pics, $6.2065.40. Receipts for the wet-It. 83.300 head. . SHEEP Receipts. 1.100 head. The mar ket was steady: native lambs, $S.25!r?5 25: western lamba. $2.9035.00; fed ewee, $2,300 3.75: Texas clipped yearlings, $2.6W4.00; Texas clipped heep. $2,4043.75; Blockers and feeders. $2.004(X50. Receipts for ths week, 47,400 head. St. I -on Is Live Sterl; Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 81 CATTLE Receipts, 8E0 head, Including 300 head of Texans. The mkrket was steady; native shlpplng ond export steers, $4.25flT5.40; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.004i5.26; steers under 1.000 pounds. $3.605.25; stockers snd feed ers, $2.50i3.76; cows and heifers. $2.10&tOO; canners. $1.600 2.00; bulls. $3.0084.tt; calves. t4.0Oti6.50: Texas nnd Indian steers, $2.26 3.50: cows and feeders. $2.0O2.65. HOGS Receipts, 1.200 head. The market was steady to 60 higher; pigs and lights. $l.'.":gT.35; packers. $f664J6.10; bv'.chera and be- heavy. $5 00f.40. SHEEP Receipts, 800 head. The market was steadv; native muttons, l3.0Mt3.70; lambs. $4.5096.60: culls and bucks, $2,259 3.75; stockers, $2.5093.00. !tcw Yerk Live Sleek Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. CATTLE Beeves, no receipts; no sales reported; dressetj beef steady; city dressed native Bides extreme range, reported exports for today. 1,800 beeves, 600 sheep. S.4,00 quarters of beef. . CALVES Receipts, 44 head: veals, slow and about steady In price; western calves, dull nnd loweri mainly western reels Bold at $4.60'i8.5O: a oar,bt westerns at $3.00; city dressed veals, 8-6 9c - , M , HOOS Receipts, 2,067 head; no sales re- PsrHrJEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.658 head; slow and wtak; lambs lower gener ally and slow; sheep, 8ff6c; lambs, 6&5e; dressed mutton, 6(Jic; dreised lambs, ,H fc lOc. ' St. Jnsenh. Un Staek Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts. 622 head; market steady; natives. $3.40(&6.15: cows and heifers, $1.604.40; stock cm and feeders, $2.4(Vfi3.86. . , a. , c. rj .int. n ,a h., market ateadv to 6c higher: llght"'"$5.00.36; medium anil SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 164 head; market steady. gloax City Live Stack Market. SIOITX CITY. la.. Oct. 81. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts 100 head. Mar ket steady; beeves. $4.WrT5.20; cows, bul's and mixed. $2.2OJfS.40; stockers and feeders, $ 5063.60; calves and yearlings. $2.25S 40. HOGS Receipts, 2.800 heed. Market strong to fc higher. Belling at $4.80fj.OB; bulk. $4.86 IS4.90. Stack la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day; . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Ixu!s , St. Joseph Sioux City ........ Totals 1.134 2.0W) 1,100 200 " 164 ..8,872 23.77S . 4.69S Forelga FIstaaclaL1 tivnnn Oct. . a Money was In keen demand In the market today. Discounts were firm, owing to the weakness of New York exchange and feare of early exports of gold to the United States. On this point I he Statlnt observe: "The orlnlon la held that the amount ot goia ueu ' be moderate." On the stock exchange the attendance w-ts mertj-r. M'tny operato's taking advantage or me nne snincr n, i.,.vj town Rtistnens wss stagnant and , Cnn.nl, were trresular. Ameri cana opened dull on the reported Impend ing siriKe or iron wr . ... rK--tlon of a poor New York bank statement. In Mjrre Instances there was an improve ment, but the market cloeed lifeless The failure was announced of H. E. Phillips, s small Jobber in Americans. Bullion a m .,1 , r, , T T, V In KV (RU WHS W HIOIBWII I I Will the Bank of England today. 10p.000 of which was for shipment and 50,000 to Bouth America. . At PARIS, Oct. 81 Trading on the bwyrse nHjv was hesltatlna but calm and closed Inactive with prlcea fairly strong. The private rate of discount wan 2 13-18 per eeni. inree per con - ; account. Exchange, on London, fsf.ltHc for checks. . itcni tu nt i The weakness of vea- terdav In the New York, Parte and Lon don n-arkets had no Influence on the mar kets here today.- Coal. Iron and bank shares were higher. Exchange on London 2tlm 43pfg for checks. Discount rates; Short bills. 2 per cent; three months bills. 4H per cent. . . , Weekly Bask tlatesiiat, NEW YORK, Oct. . The statement of averages of the clearing nouse oanxs 01 this city for the week shows: Ixans. $911,- r ... r j. I . , 4. KJA. n.nnalt, 14ftf. 1 . 6!rt, decrease, $4 0i 600; circulation. $469,430,- 0u. lncreaae. $31,800; legale, tue.WH.w. oe rrlM. II to,? (AMI BOecie. it.wM,nF, or- crease $7,022.; reserves. $231,678,300. ds crease! $8.W,r00: reserve required. $zil.404.- 150. decrease. S1.024.dim: surplus. io.ii.iou. decreuse, $7,670,300; United States deposits. $19,563,360. decrease. $l.ti,a. OMAHA, Oct. 81 Bank clearings for ths Mb are 19 057. 0M. 83. an Increase over the corresponding week of last year ot $931. 939.54. Monday $1.54,ls3 70 $1,268,717 81 Tuesday 1,310 462 46 1.128.754 91 Wednesday 1,2 914 48 . 1.197.577 86 Thurwiay .269r7 19 1.126.8, 2 F-rldav 1.832.463 SI 1.118 82 81 Saturday 1,j1;6 ii 1.184.838 16 TotaU $9,067,094 H $8,126,087 89 Hew Yark In perls aad Experts. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. Totsl Imports of dry aoods and general merchandise at New York for the week were valued at $123,- 641 1C6. Exports of specie front this port for the week were $94.9u6 silver and $8,000 gold. Im ports of specie at New Yerk for the week were $1,101 silver ana ii.3, goia. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct 81. MET AI A There were no material cbansea from previous conditions er prices today, the principal no l.buii 300 ' 11.000 l.ono $.000 , 850 1.200 , 622 2,279 100 2.8u0 metals being In qnla. demand. The under tone was steady for copper and spelter, but easy on tin and dull on Iron. Tin Is quoted at $26 6?Hfi -87H- Copper, lake, $14; electro lytic, $13 .71; casting. $1360. Spelter, $6.12H, Lead, $4 60. Iron, nominal. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 31 METALS Lead, dull, $4 26. Spelter, dull. $6 80. Waal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. . WOOL Firm; do tnest It? fleece, 28tjj32c BOSTON. Oct. $1 WOOI The following are the quotations for leading description; Ohio and Pennsylvnnl 1, X. mid above, H-ltJG&c: No. 1, 32'ri3.V; No. 2. 319.12c; fine unwnshed. 24(62oc; half blood, unwashed. 2SH126c; three-quarter blood, unwnshed, 2f"82c: quarter blood, unwashed, 26'u25Hc: fine washed Delslne, 3 Sc. Michigan, X and above. nbvr : No. I, 2!30c; No. 2. 2li29i:; fine unwashed, 3l1r22c; quarter blood, un washed. 24(?!26c; three-eiRhths blood, un washed, 24i626c; half blood, 1nw.1shed, 246 26c; fine unwashed Delaine. 8233c. Ken tucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighths Mood, 24ff26e; quarter blood, 24iJ26c; braid, 221i23e. Territory, Idaho, flne, ItaiSc; fine medium 16tjl7c; medium, 18190; Wyoming, flne, 14f?jf 15c: fine medium, 169l7c; medium, lRHWlOc Utah, fine medium. 174(i7He; medium, Wit 20c. Dakota fine, l6S16c; fine medium. 16Ht 17HC! medium, 19Sr'.0c. Montana fine choice, lti20c; flne medium choice. 19i620c; staple, 20o"21c: medium choice. 2o21c. t BT. IAJU1B. Oct. si. wool-Bteadv: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 17 20Hc; light flne. 15rl7Hc; heavy fine, 12 HHc; tub-washed, 20t&30c. IX)NDON, Oct. 31. WOO L Arrivals for the sixth series of auction sales amount to 68,789 bales. Oil Market. OIL CITY. Oct. 31.-OIL Credit balances. $1.77; certificates, no bid; shipments. 104 585 bbls.; average, 76.479 bbls.; runs, 84.462 bbls.; average. 78,224 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 69,723 bbls.; average, 66.501 bbls.; runs, Lima, 70.461 bbls.: average, 68,630 bbls. SAVANNAH, Oct. 81. OIL Turpentine, firm. Rosin, firm; A, B, C, $2.30: E, $2.56; G, $2 66; I. $2.60; M, $3.06; N, $3.60; WO, $3.80; WW, $4.10. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. OIL Cottonseed. 86Hc. Petroleum, firm; refined New York. 3c; rnnaaetpnia ana Baltimore, .zt; in bulk, $6 86. Turpentine, steady. Rosin, firm; strained common to good, $2. TO. CoBTee Market. NEW YORK. Oct 81. COFFEE Snot Rto. firm: No. 7. Invoice. 6Hc: mild, steadv: Cordova, 7Hfcl2c. Futures opened strong nt art savance or b"jn points on active and general demand with Cotton exchange In terests, supposed to be operating for New Orleans, heavy buyers. Sales on the call were 28.000 bags, and dtirins the momlnu- the entire market ruled Inactive. Cables were about as usual and there were further apprehensions as to the growing crop. The advance caught stop-loss orders and the market c'.osed firm, net 1520 points higher. bales were izx.500 bags. Including Novem ber at 5.5(VffR.70c; December, 6Vf(5.80c; Jan uary. 6.805.95o: March. 5.9wdn10c: Mav. C.20r34.30c; July, (.35 6. 40c; September, 6.40tJ .60C. , Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. Sl.-STTQAR-Raw. steady: fair refining, SSc; centrifugal. 90 test. 8"4o; moinsses sugar, HC! refined, quiet; No. 8, 4.35c; No. 7. 4.80c; No. 8, 4 25c; No. 9. 4.20c; No. 10. 4.16c; No. 11, 4.10c; No. 12, 4.06c; No. 13. 4c; No. 14, 8.95c; confec tioners' A. 4.60c: mould A. 6c: cut loaf. 6.35c; crushed, 6.56c; powdered, 4.86e; gran ulated, 4.75c; cubes, 4c. MOLASSES Steady. New Orleans ODen kettle, good to choice, 81i342c. I Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. DRY OOODS-The market ends the week In a Arm condition and the volume of business shows a reduc tion from the comparative activity which marked the first of the week. Buvlna- Is conservative and yet there Is Indication In certain quarters that buyers are milling to anticipate their needs to a certain extent. Jobbers are transacting only a moderate business. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Oct. 81. WHISKY Steady on basis of finished goods, $1.25. BT. LOUIS. Oct 31. WHISKY steady at si-si. - . , Chicago, oct. si. wiiibiv x on Dsaia of high wines, steady, $1.26. -CINCINNATI. Oct. 31WHISKY Distil lers' finished goods, quiet on basis of $1.26. Peoria Grata Market. . PEORIA. Oct. 3L CORN Steady: No. 8. 43Hc; No. 4. 42Hc. OATS Steady; No. 8 white, 83H?3&c; No. 4 white, 34 He. BEGINNING OF A PRETTY FEUD Lamb Killed by Dos;, Dog; Killed by Maa aad Dog's Owner Look, lag; for Vengeance. A feud which bids fair to rival some of the historic affairs Of old Kentucky and which has already resulted In two deaths Is now raging In the vicinity of Twenty fifth and Leavenworth streets. J. I. Kemp who runs a feed store near that corner stayed the last victim yesterday afternoon. Kemp owned a pet lamb which ha kept In his barn. Having occasion to visit the barn yesterday afternoon he discovered ths lamb lying dead upon the floor and a large bulldog In the act of devouring it Without watting to consider the consequences Kemp produced his pocket knife and slashed a large gash In the throat of the canine, which caused Its death In about two minutes. A short time later there appeared upon the scene of Kemp's mercantile operations one McDonald, an ex pre asms n, who as serted In loud and threatening language that ho was the owner of the dog Kemp killed. He asked for satisfaction for the death of his constant companion, ths dog. Kemp told him firmly, but politely, that he considered the score even. The expressman departed without taking any Immediate steps to vent his anger otherwise than in conversation. He went to some of ths friends of Kemp after his departure and told them that he was mak ing preparations; to get even for the death of his dog and Intimated that they had better warn the owner of the lost sheep that .when he did get even It would be good and even. As McDonald has a neighbor hood reputation as a slugger of no mean ability and on several occasions has at tempted to whip the entire police force of Omaha with more or less success, Kemp called up the police station last night and remarked over the telephone to Desk Ser geant Havey that he would prefer that the police not hold him responsible for anything he might do In case McDonald attempted to put his effusive threats Into execution. The police are now snxlously awaiting developments, which they expect to materialize with this morning's sun. WILL SMELT REHAN STATUE Oae" at the Featares af the Chicago World's Fair Reaches Its Ead. The sliver statue of Ada Reban, which formed part of the Montana exhibit at the Chicago World's fair, arrived in this city Saturday morning by Wells-Fargo express from the Barnum Dry Goods com pany of Topeka, and will be reduced to silver and alloy Monday by the smelter. The status Is a beautiful figure of Miss Rehan In ths pose of justice with sword nd scales. The figure Is six feet high snd stands on a globe which surmounted an eagle with seven feet spread of wings the whole work being about eight feet high. The status will weigh over (60 pounds and the bullion will be worth approximately $6,000. The silver is of ooln finener.s or about one-tenth alloy. Ths smelter people will break up this status Monday and In a few days ship the remains. Ths statue when first sxhtblted was ths object of much admiration and received a fictitious value mounting up to $100,000. After the close of ths fair a company was formed to exhibit the silver Rehan and did so for soms time, showing her in Omaha and elsewhere. A dispute arose between the stockholders and the manager, and about seven years ago Samuel Barnum of Topeka was appointed receiver, and over since It has with the exception of two short appearances reposed In the basement of ths dry goods store. Ths stockholders nally coming to an agreement, a repre sentative of ths smelter went to Topeka during the summer and arranged for the destruction of ths sterling work of art EVERY DAY UNTIL NOV. 30 TO THE PACIFIC COAST Proportionately low rates to Salt Lake, Butte, Spokane and other points. Call and pet full information-. J. 1502 mm Dll a I. II IH I Is!. .iL. lil!HlllM a a Come to our office and I will make a thorough and scientific KXAM1NA TION of your ailments FREK OF CHARGE, an examination that will disclose your true phynical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In tne dark, if you have taken treatment without success, I will show you why It fii el I want all ailing men to feel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition without being bound by . any obligation to take treatment unless they so desire. Every man. whether taking treatment or contem plating same, should take advantage of this opportunity to learn his true condition, as I will advise him how to best regain his health and strength and unto ripe old age. and quick cure schemes. We MAKE NO MISLEADING STATEMENTS or decerttlye propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them IN A FEW PAYS in order to secure their patronage, but we guarantee n COMPLETE, SAFE and LAST ING cure in the QUICKEST POS8IBLE TIME, without leaving Injurious sfter elTects In the svstem. and at the lowest cost possible for HONEST, SKILLFUL AND SUCCESSFUL services. We cure STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, NERVO-3EXUAL DEBILITY, EHIS SIGNS, IMFOTENCY, BLOOD POISON, (SYPHILIS) RECTAL, KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES. end all diseases and weaknesses due to inheritance, evil habits, excessei,' or the result of specific diseases. COKStXTATIOK FREE Write If yoa cannot call. Office boors, H a. ni. to 8 p. m.l Bandars, lO to 1 ealy. , Stato Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Nob. GOLD AND SILVER OUTPUT Director of Hint MaVei Estimate of Pro duction bj States of Union. BOTH METALS SHOW LARGER VOLUME Estimate of World's Prodactloa Shows Iacrease la Gold, bat Decrease' la Amount of Silver from Mlaes, WASHINGTON. Oct. 31.-Followlng Is ths approximate distribution by producing states and territories of the product of gold and silver In the United States for the calendar year 1902, as estimated by the di rector of the mint; Silver Coining Value. 129 118.613 1,931.611 1.1M.671 20.27.0 617 7.669,841 ""267 17,128,297 1.843,572 691,127 27,023 120.UJ0 439.S66 15.HU3 676, IK 14.004.622 728 800.323 S.4U0 State or Territory. Gold Value. t 2,600 8.346,8110 1,112.300 16,792,1110 28,468,700 97,800 1,475.000 2.6U0 4,873;606 2,8!,3i 631.100 90,700 1,816,700 121.900 6,9o,400 Alabama ,. Alaskas Arliona California Colorado Georgia Idaho Maryland Mlhipan Montana Nevada New Mexico North Carolina Oregon South Carolina South Dakota .' Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Wattlilnarton Wyoming S.694.600 8.100 272,200 88,800 Totals 180.000.000 171.757.676 Number of fine ounces of sold la given ss 3,870,000 and of silver, 66.600.000. This is an increase of 64.600 ounces over gold, as compared with 1901, and an Increase of 386,000 ounces of silver. The commercial value of the silver product Is 129,416,000, ss against $71,757,776 as coining: value. Estimate of World's Oatpat. Following Is the estimate of the director of the mint of the world's production ot gold and silver for the calendar year 19J2: Silver Coin Country. Gold Value. Value. I'nlted States S80,000,0u0 !71,7b7."0 Mexico 10,153,1-10 77.8.4,100 Canada 2u.7ll.ls) 6,6u4,a(J0 Africa 89,1124. itio Australia tll.678.5iM 10,377,lo0 HUk,IK U.KM.tUO 6,;tu0 Austria-Hungary .... 2,171. 3o 2.4.12,1 Germany S2.50J 7,39 V 0) Norway z,u 2tx.w Sweden tl.M ( Italy 6i0 1.24600 Spain 10,100 4.781,100 Portugal 1.3LH.SMJ Greece . l.MXM Turkey 80, 21.3t r iniana i.juu ti,.-' France 4M.000 Great Britain 116 8t0 223.9O0 Argentina 30,0u0 4 Bolivia 4,"ou 16.7Sio.wio Chile 675.2110 4.611.6"0 Colombia 1.622 600 1,297,000 Ecuador 20.0U0 10.000 Braxll 1.994.&0 v Venesuela J.4O0 Guiana (British) l.ix.l) Guiana (Dutch) 322.0) Guiana (French) 14JO.atO y i;v;;.i Peru z.aw.iou Central America 232.m'l.X Japan 1.287.0o0 ew.,000 China I.731.SHO Curea 1,500.000 British India 9.5WI.100 Fast Indies (British). 1.027.HO i: fcast Indies (Dutch).. 6t4.to0 ( 1S2.&00 Totals 1296.llllO.SoO 1215.861.800 As compared with 1901 these figures show an Increase in the production of gold of 1,723.414 ounces and a decrease of 8.042.M4 ounces In the production of silver. During the year Africa increased Its gold produc tion from 438.704 ounces to 1.887,773 ounces and Australsia Increased its gold produc tion to 181,678.000. which Is over 11,600,000 In excess of the production of the United Ststes, which again takes wood place. A Cat Sever Bleeds After Porter s Antiseptic Healing Oil Is sp plied. Reilevts pain Instantly and heals at the Bams time, for man or beait. Prloe, its. B. REYNOLDS City Pass. Agt., Farnam St., Omaha ltl3K395E I WILL CUnt YoU preserve the powers of manhood It Id not so much of a calamity that man contracts diseases or weaknesses, but that he neglects t hem falls to secure the proper treatment for their cure, or he has experimented with too many free treatment 2QI Tbao All O til era DR. McCREW SPECIALIST. Tresti all feral at DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A Medical Expert 21 Yeers' Experlencs w ! IS Yosrs In Omahs N,'rM'000C' tCurt4 vsrleMle. HrSreeelo, Blood Poison, Ktrlrturo, OUot, H trees DoMlltr. Loss of Rtranstb, an Vital It 7 sal all lonna et chramo dlKtvi. TraataMBt r aull. Call or writ. Bex Mi. Oraos mr HI B. ltta st. Oauka, Moe. PfiT7 coMLiissiOM jJ Hd GO. ""'"p0"1'") WAV $600,000.00 BROKERS IN ''.', "PC Grain, Provisions,. Stocks and Bonds i Largest Frvate Wire System InAmerlca. 150 Branch' Offices In princi pal northern cities from New York to Seattle, giving a ser vlco unexcelled. s Responsible and Conservative. 175 National and State Banks are our depositories and references. We charge no Interest for carrying; lone; stocks. General Offices: N. Y. LIFE BLD'G. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TIIOS. M. WADDICK, Correspondent, 1618 Faraaai St., Omaba, Tel. S407. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNIAPtLU Room A nanhattao Bldf. B.fl ST. PAUL MINN. V J WW Dealer In Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for rash or on reasonable margins. steaibers Issportaat Gickasfii. Irl. ate "Wires. Write for out4 dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to. Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances, l'rompt Returns. 109 Baa Bid. raoae Sbi Oataha, Nebraska. Dalath. Wlaalseg. Edvarus, Uood WEflRE: Gllflltl 00."- 110-111 Board af Trade, OMAHA NEB. . C. W. award, Huiiii. Tel. 161". m 1