THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 100.T CREICI1T0N DOWNS NORMAL kOmaba Oal!gi Tm Beiti Fern E'eveo oa a Muddy Oriliroa. aSaeaaa SCORE IS tWENTY-SEVEN TO NOTHING Uomc Team Claimed Aaotfcer Touch lawn, Counting Three Polata, bat Referee Said Uc Had Called DoTra.' Tn a BeM of mud and rain yesterday aft ernoon the foot ball team representing tho Vera state normal and Crelghton college, atrtiggled for gridiron hnnora on the Crelghton ground. The frame was won by Crelghton by a acore of 27 to 4. It was claimed by the Crelghton team and Its supporter that the touchdown which waa made by A. Coad should have eounted, but the referee ruled that he had called "down" before the fumble w.u made on which Coad made his run. As it was the ball waa too wet to do much punting and out of five touchdowns made by Crelghton but twenty-seven points were made out of a possible thirty, -three goals having been missed. This was due to a wet ball. Punts were attempted repeatedly during the game and while both sides got away wjth some long pnes, . It was often the case that,the ball went no farther than Ave or ten yards. On at leant two different Occasions the ball went no farther than fifteen yards from the klekoff. At the brglnnlrrg of the game Peru kicked off from the south side of tho field. Lani gan secured the ball and made a return of fifteen yards. On the next two plays iJinlgan also carried the ball and neltel fifteen yards more. A fumble on the next play caused Acting Captain Welch to call for a punt. The jmnt barely got over the line, covering a distance of ten yards. After Peru had made an Ineffectual attempt to go through Crelghton's line the ball was fumbled and was corralled by A. Coad. Crelghton then got In line and also fumbled, but recovered the ball, losing two yards on tho mishap. The next play also witnessed another fumble, but Nebraaka did not gat the pigskin. On the next play, D.' Coad punted thirty yards to Gilchrist. Oa the next two plays Blxby and t)avls made Ave yards for Peru. By consistent line work Peru then brought the ball to the center of the field, where Crelghton took a brace and held Its op ponents for dhwna. f'reie-htnn then resorted t"o Una smashing In which McOovern, Lara- phler and Welch played a prominent part. After the ball had -been located on . the seven-yard line, Lundgren made three and Welch two yards and then McOovern was put over for the first touchdown, from which D.' Coad failed to kick goal. , ' ftecond Klckoff for Pern. Peru also executed the second kick-oft, and the ball fell to McOovern, who re turned fifteen yards. The referee ruled that Crelghton had been off side on the kick-off, so a penalty of five yards waa Imposed. A singular thing then pecurred, and one which rarely falls on the eyca of any foot ball enthusiast.' The' Crelghton lad resorted to tho punting game, and D. Coad kicked the spheroid for thlrty-'nve yards twice In succession, and in each In stance It wa recovered by Kehoe, who got the ball each time after It had been fumbled by Deck. By line work Crelghton took the ball ft Peru' fifteen-yard line. At this point D. Coad fumbled th ball In the attempt to pass It to McOovern, but recovered It and scampered across the goal line, but the play wa not allowed, and Crelghton was again penalised five yards for offside playing. he ball waa then on th twenty-yard line, and Z). Coad attempted s place kick, which was blocked, but the" baH Wa re covered by t'D. Coad. McOovern on th next play broke through for fifteen yards, Lundgren followed this up with an tight yard gain, Welch mad a supreme effort and waa pushed and pulled across the line on the next play for the second touchdown, from which IV Coad kicked a goal. Crelghton then kicked off to Nebraska. A short return waa made,, and then a punt of twenty-flv yards was made to D. Coad. who recovered the ball out of bounds. By line work Crelghton then took th ball to Nebraska's ten-yard line, where time wa called for th first half. At th beginning of -the second half Crelghton kicked Off to Nebraska, and a return of ten yard waa made.- On the next play a fumble wa made, and Ne braska loat five yard, but retained the ball. Being unable to gain, and having failed to punt where a punt waa sadly needed, th ball went to Crelghton, and McOovern made a nice run and went over th Crelghton' third touchdown, from which D. Coad failed to kick goal. Ball Goes bat Te Yards. On Peru' kick-off th ball went but ten yard. P. Coad then punted thirty yard. Peru then punted twenty-nv yards, and D. tJEoad mad a return of twenty yard. Short j lln work then brought the ball to th cen- r . - . i a i . t. - i 11 Ol IB neiu, wnvrv u. tiwu uniftp awaj and went around the end for twenty-nv yards. Th ball wa then on Peru' slx rrd lino. A brace was taken by Nebraska and Crelghton 'was held for downs on It own three-yard line. At this point a punt would have don a world of good for Peru, but It made no attempt and falling to gain an three downs th ball went to Crelghton, nd soon thereafter Welch wo pushed across th line for the fourth touchdown, from which a failure at goal resulted. Peru then kicked off fifteen yards to Mul laley. Coal then punted twenty yards and Kehoe got th ball. Coad again punted and after Peru had mad thre unsuccessful t- mpts to make five yards, D. Coad got the ball on what wa said to be a fumble and scampered across the goal line, but the referee would not allow the play, claiming the "down" wa called before the ball came Into Cond i possession. A flve-ysrd punt Was then made by Pent and It fell Into the arm of McOovern. At this point t)onaho get tho ball and scam pered around Teru's right end for a touch down In the extreme northwest corner of the field. After D. Coad had kicked a goal time waa called and the game ended with a score of 27 to 0 In favor of Crelghton. The lineup: CRK10HTON. Kehoe U. I.' IS. Uindaretl U T.lR. T. KennedT-Prer L. O.I n "O. c. ... ,...R. O L. O. T. L T., r k Il. a. Q 10 .. C-sIn Mullalley. Iampher. A Toe.., D. roai.. MOotern Welrh (-.ptln). R. H. ...U H. B r. B. PERU. ...'. .Harfnrt , . Jtiaula "Smith ..... ..Van1 erf nrd nienninf . ... .... .Thomnsna Allertnn Be-k R. H. B... H. B. . ....Oilhert .Ivla P. B Blab (naptan) Crelghton substitutes: I.amnhler end Callahan. Nebraska substitutes: Majors, Phillips, Wagon, Ilalsnll anil Porter. Hef ere: J. M. Howie. Kmplret P. MrShan. Time of ha'ves: 20 minutes. TouchdoTvns: McOovern 2), Welch 2, Donahue. - Koala: Coad, 3. MICHIGAN AND MINNESOTA TIE Resolt of Hardest Fought Game of West la Tear I Indecisive. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. SI. Mlrhlgan and Minnesota, after the hardest fought foot hall game seen In the west in year, left the prospective western championship a matter for conjecture by finishing with a tie score, 6 to 6. Fully 30.0U0 enthusiastic spectators witnessed the struggle on North rop field this afternoon. The scoring was don In the second half, and Minnesota In crossing the goal line had a struggle, not only against their op ponents, but against the call of time. The gHtne waa all but over when Hoeokman, a substitute, was pushed over the Michigan line, nnd the score stood Michigan i, Min nesota . When the goal wa kicked, time wus called. Minnesota had the better of the first half by a liberal margin. In the second half the playing of Half back 11 es ton for Michigan was brilliant. Enslly 75 per cent, of the gains which Michigan made In its march from their own thlrty-elght-yerd line across tho Minnesota goal line were made by Heston. Time was not up by a few minutes after the last goal wns kicked, but the crowd surged onto th field and time was palled, as It would have been impossible to have cleared the grid Iron In time to resume play before dark. Coach Vost of Michigan expressed him self as satisfied of the equality of the teams when the game was over. Lineup: M1NNKS0TA. MICHIGAN Rogers It. E.IR. K Longman Wehater.. b. TIR. T..i Maditock Warren ...U O I R. a Geodliig-I'almer Stratherr C. C Gregory Thonw-Hmlth R. O 1,. O gihults BchaMrt... '..... R. T.iL. T..... Marihail R. E.IL, E Harris i. B. Q. B ravlM-Bergen..L.. H. B.Ik. H. B Irlsfleld-Cramer..R. H. H. U H. B Cwraat-8awkaian..r. B. IF. B t'mplre: Nell of West Point. Clark ot Chicago. ,,.,..Curtla ... Redden . ..Norcrosa O rarer Heston , .Hamraund Keferee: Wl PRINCETON DEFEATS CORNELL nnlngr Team' Ha Things Its Own Way from Start to Finish. PRINCETON N, J Oct. 31.-Frlneton defeated Cornell today by the score of 44 to 0. Princeton gained at will through th center of the line, and seldom failed to work end rnnds for substantial gains. Cor nell was helpless when she had the bull, and succeeded In retaining It until th second down only twice. During the en tire game Cornell gained her first down but five times, while Princeton was held for downs twice. The first half ended 17 to 0. Although .Princeton used a sub-team In the second, the task was still easier, being merely a question of how many points could be rolled up be ore ttm waa called. The lineup: PRINCETON. CORNELL. DaTla, Crawford, Brasher, Ward....! E IR. S Tourlsoa CoonsyfCartUhsr....L. T.R, T Costello Dlllon-KaRsr L. U.IR. O ...Hunt-Former Short-Walter CMC i..... Fats-Daltt iewlU 1 O iU O..auoftkaat-Halllday Reed f. T.iL. T Vorla tlenrr-Tooksr..t....l E.IL B. .Lawrence-Hacketaff Vetterleln-Burkl Q. B Brewer Tjrneh R. H. P.. invder McAllister Koulke-teens..R. H. B.L H. B...Rioa-8haRipaln- Gordon MMIer-Wlllock F. B.lF. B Coffin-Shampala Touchdowns: Kafer (2), Knulka (2), Miller, Cooney. Goals from touchdowns: Vetter leln, 2; Iewitt 2. Ooals from field: De wltt, 2. I'mplre: John Minds of Pennsyl vania. Referee: Wrightlngton of Harvard. Time of halves: 26 minutes. Kins . B. Kfer-Lnn....L H. B. COLUMBIA YIELDS TO YALE Reaalt S3 to O, All Scores Being Made la the Second Half of Coateot. ' NEW YORK, .Oct. 31 With the score 0 to 0 at the end Of the first half, Columbia' eleven were crushed beneath the Irreslst able attack of Yale at the polo grounds this afternoon, and was defeated by a scorn of 26 to 0. Kndurance was th qual ity that won lor J ale. i ne lineup COLUMBIA. R. E Buell-Rucker K. T T. Thorpe R. O. fgtanflan C Bruce-Smythe L. O Talhot-gedawlck L. T browae-Bniea L K Bishop Q. B.. ktetaeuthsla-Jonet R. H. B Heambaok- Metxeaibsls L. H. B..Bull-J Thorn F. B Hnilth-Flaher TALK. Reffertr I- Klnner-Blasali L. T. Morton L. a Rorsbarh. . . C. Bacbtalder-Mlnar..R. (1. Hugan R. V. Shevlln R. B toper Q. B Owsley-Mitchell. .L. H. B. Metrair.... R. H.,B. Buwinan-Farmer....F. B. Touchdown: Kinney, Mitchell. Shevlln. Ooal from toucbdowns: Mitchell, 3. Goal from field:, Mitchell. Safety: Metsenthein. Referee:. Matthew McClung of Lehigh. I'mplre: Paul Pashlell of Annapolis. Head linesman: J. O. McCracken of Pennsyl vania. Time of halves: 30 minutes. Haatlac Wist m Close Gam. HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 31. (Special Tele gram.) On a slipixry gridiron and during a cnitUnt downpour of rain Hastings college defeated the Grand Island Business col lege tn a closely contested game of foot ball by a score or to 0. Brown, Hastings' lightning halfback, made the touchdown on a twenty-flve-yard end run during the first five minutes of tho game. The vis itor were much heavier than the local team and put up an exceptionally strong defen sive game. r Quality nnd Class count for more in a stove or range than in any other v article of domestic use. The Garland Trade-Mark is an absolute guarantee of both. But One Quality and that the Best. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere. Mannfaotnred flnl he v .j j The Michigan Stove Company aaaaers oi otoves ana Kangei in tho World Detroit Chicago ..! J OMAHA BEATS THE PACKERS MaWaeSHaasssB Local Hi;h 6cho! ElarflD Whitewa'hti Eight from Bouth Omaha.' PLAYERS WALLOW IN TWO INCHES OF MUD Score la 'Twenty-Six to Nothlaa; aad ' O ante I Unod One Considering the I, favorable t'oadl. v tloa. ' By dint of hard effort the Omaha High school piled up a (core of 20 points to Bouth Omaha' 0, In yesterday' game at Vinton treet park. The scoring wa all done in the first half, as Bouth Omaha braced up well In the sec ond and defended the north goal, which Is considerably higher than the south. The team were about evenly matched In res pect to weight, bu OmshVs men were su perior in both offense and defense. Indeed, Bouth Omaha gained it yards but once In the first half, and It hud the ball several times. . . Thompson. Shields, Stein and Burnett were foremost in the offensive work for Omaha, and Putnam, Thompson and Ben son in the defense. The 8outh Omaha boy gained but once around Omaha' end, and that on a fumble by Omaha, when Mullen grabbed the ball and ran around right end for twenty yards In the second half. For South Omaha, Mullen, the captain, did the best work, making three gains of three yards each In succession on Omaha's twenty-flve-yard line. The work of Fitx gerald, the left end, was much admired, lie did the best defensive work for South Omaha. Condon also did good work In holding Omaha' line bucks. The nearest South Omaha got to Omaha's goal was the twenty-yard line. The field was mud to a depth of two Inches, and the players were much handicapped by the load of mud each had to carry. A crowd of 100 witnessed the contest. The rain during every minute of play somewhat dampened their foot ball ord-, however. Month Omaha Kick First. At 1:80 sharp Bouth Omaha kicked to Toder, who advanced the ball to the cen ter of the field. Burnett was sent through for three yards, then Shields for ten and Stein for eight. Thompson made five. Shields five, and Stein five, and then Thompson broke away and ran twenty five yards. . Stein made five, placing th ball on South Omaha's eight-yard line. Burnett bucked the line for the well earned touchdown after six minutes of play. . ... Bouth Omaha's defense was ragged but spirited. Owing to the mud on the ball Thompson made a poor kick and missed the goal. Thompson kicked ' to South Omaha and Putnam fell .on tho ball, which went to Omaha, Yoder lost three yards on a quar terback play, but Shield covered ten around left end. Here Omaha was held for downs. Ferguson attempted to sprint around left end, but was" tackled three yards behind the line by Benson. South Omaha then punted, tb penaon. who returned the ball eighteen yards. Burnett made eight yards through the line, and Shields' circled left end for fifteen. Here Omaha fumbled to Bouth Omaha, but secured the ball on th latter failure to make Its yards. Thomp son gained twenty yards and Burnett waa ent through for the Becond touchdown. Thompson failed to kick goal. South Omaha kicked to Omaha, who made several hort gain. Then Thompson, gathering great momentum, . burst through the line and, skillfully evading the ' remaining South Omaha tackle and backed by good Interference, placed the ball squarely be tween tho goaf posts. Her again be failed to kick goal. Score, 15 to 0.'. Ball Goe to Omaha. Omaha kicked to South Omaha, who re turned the ball ten yards, but failed to make th first five yards, and the ball went to Omaha. Omaha made Beveral substan tial gains, but fumbled to South Omaha. Here Mullen shot through the line for six yards, this being the only time In tb first half that South Omaha gained Its yards. South Omaha lost ten yard on tho next play and punted to Yoder. Omaha gained four tlmea and Thompson made the fourth touchdown. This time, however, he kicked a fin goal. South Omaha kicked to Pat teron, who returned th ball ftv' yards. On th next play Stein successfully cleared th lln and wallowed eighty yard for a touchdown, making the longest run of the season on an Omaha field. Thomp son failed to kick goal. Omaha kicked to Calvin, who made four yards. South Omaha punted to Yoder and tho half ended with th ball near th center of the field. Score, 26 to 0. In the second hilt South Omaha style Improved and Omaha wa unable to score, although on th verge of doing so at on time, when Thompson broke away and ran thlrty-flv yard to South Omaha' one yard line. Her South Omaha held Omaha for down and, obtaining th ball, mad ten yard when time wa called. Both aide did well In this half and the ball alternated be tween both teams. Aside from Thompson's run, however, the half wa devoid of en ational features.- South Omaha wa never within any chance of scoring, but played gritty, snappy foot ball. ' . Liaeop. OMAHA. SOCTH. OMAHA. ritsaerald Condon .. Anderson Coughee . l'4?aea ... Meoefee . Pulgora Lefler .... (slvlo .. Ferguson R E. Bensoa H T ... Thompson tispl.) ft. O.. Tompsell-Slngletou Mullen least.) Rewee: Linesman:' Tinley. and Clark. h. K. ....U T. ....ft. O IL. O.. ,...R. T. U T ....Q. b.l4- B L. H. B. K. H. B H. H. 11.11. H. B ....F. B.K. B Tukey. fmpire: Puloaiu Paturaua steia Fleming Yoder Shields Buraatt-Bldlord Lotlue Crawford, Timekeepers: Putnam Play Tl Casts, Th Monmouth Parks and Columbia played a tie game of foot bull yesterday, to . Thus is tne nrsi game me rural have played In whlcli their opponent nave made a score. Kach side yeatarauy got a touchdown. Myrr for Columbia, and Hath away ana Ulirauna ior me rants, inaus good gains througn lines. Tin lineup: Parks Ahlquist, 1. e.; Beat. 1. t.; M. Grossman, 1. g 1 Edwards, c. ; Disbrow. r. g.; H. Oroaumun, r. t.; Ulover, r. .; Bell, r. t ; Diamond, 1. b. b. ; Hathaway, r. h, b.; Scott, f. b. Columbia Robinson, I. e.; McHenry. 1. t; Nedd, 1. g.; Molloy, c. ; Johnson, r. g. ; Lo- rtng. r. t.; Doughty, r. e.; Faulkner, r. b.; Hutkman, L h. b.; Umurwux, r. h. b.; Myers, f. b. . Pennsylvania Defeat Backnelt. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. HI. I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania defaated Bucknell 47 to ( today. Bui-knell's touchdown was made a few minutes before the close of the game after Pennsylvania had put In three sub stitutes. Bucknell was weak on the de fense and - fumbled badly. Summary: touchdowns. Plekarskl, W'eede, Smith 3, Btlligen. Bennett, Mitchell, Taylor: goals from touchdowns, Reynolds 4 Bennett t, Johnson: time of halves. SS and ft) minute. Lyon Defeats low Team. LYONS, Neb.. Oct. . Spelal.) The local high school foot ball eleven won from the Onawa tla.) High school team this afu iiiuou by a score of IS lo 6. Onawa mud Its sre and did it beat work by brtl'lant end work, while Lyons got Us li points by straight line work. The gam was wlt nisfced by a large audience. Drake Wlaa from glnspaoa. DE8 MOINES, la.. Oct. tl. .Special Tele gram.) Drake university won, ii to 2. against Simuaon In a hard game of foot bull played here today. The visiting team was In poor form, arid Drake showed .up much better than ' usual. The game was tMMirlv Dialed, but It the second time that Drake had aver won against Simpson, ladlana Defeat Tiger. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 81 -On a muddy field fented the Missouri Tigers bv a snore of 12 to 0. Haskell sr-ored six In enrh hHlf. The R.ime wns marked by the absence of trick 1'lnys, line plays being used in almost every case. -Although outweighed by her opponents Missouri put up a slulibom 'flaht. During the entire gnme the bull was kept nenr the center of the field, lwing lost re peatedly on fumbles by both sides. DILLON TURNSJJNIQUE TRICK Carlisle ladlaa Hides Ball lader Clothing; and Score Tonchdorra Against Harvard. CAMBRIDOB. Mass Oct. SI. In an In tensely exciting and decidedly sensational foot bsll game Ilarvurd defeated the Car lisle Indians today. 12 to 11. The closeness of the score waa made possible by one of the most unique tritks tried eWi a foot ball field for many years. Dillon at the sturt of the second half received the Ilarvurd kic k off on his five-yard line and then hiding the ball under his Jersey behind his hack ran the leiiRth of the field empty-handed for a touchdown. There is apparently no rule roverlng this trick, so the play stood, end the score was 11 to 0 in favor of the In dians, as thev had already scored a gonl from the field In the first hiilf. Harvard then took a brace and pushed the ball down the field for a touchdown. The second Harvard score came a few minutes later, nnd was also made by straight foot ball. Marshnll kicked both gonls. Carlisle made desperate but unavail ing effort tor another score In the dark ness. Te run of Dillon was the feature of the game and will undoubtedly give rise to a vast deal of discussion. The Instant he cnught the ball the entire Carlisle tem clustered about him so that no one could see what was being done. While the Har vard players were searching for tho hall Dillon csme out of the crowd entirely empty-handed and had gone thirty or forty yards before any one realized that he had the ball. The Indians, although having a much lighter team played all around Har vard In the first half, but weakened In the second. Lineup: HARVAKD. ' I CARLISLE. Lemnyne It. E. R. g Meyer L. T. ft. TV, larrlrk-Wllder U O.I R. O. Sugden . (.. i C. A. Msrshall R. U!L. Know It on R. T.;L. Bowrfltch-Clothler. .K. E.IL. ('. Marshsll Q. B. Uj. N'lrhols-UooDhue L. H.lR. Hurley R. H. L. bYhoedkops-Mllls. . ,K. B.lK. Harvard. 12; Carlisle, Meier, 2; Dillon, 2. Goal! Marshall, i; Johnson, 1 Msttnews Eiendlna Lu ho Bchousera , Dillon ....Buwen-Clarka Judge JohllSOIl . .Shellot- hue ..."....Hendrt. kf Charles Touchdowns: from touchdowns: Goals from field: o T. E. B. 11 H B. 11. Johnson. I'mpire; Staufer of I'nlverHity of Pennsylvuniu. Ttcferee: Thompson of Georgetown. Time: 25-minute halves. NORTHWESTERN IS WINNER Defeat Illinois Team at Champaign by Score of Twelve to Eleven. CHAMPAIGN, 111., Oct. Sl.-The North western university foot ball team defeated the team of Illinois university here by a score of 12 to 11. The game so fur as re sults was concerned was well balanced between the halves, the score at the end of the first half being Northwestern 6, Illinois 5. The Northwestern team was badly crippled. Lineup: ILLINOIS. Hasten L. Wilson Allen Movnlhan . Falrweather Haselwood . MlUngur .. Muhl Uieaer Rothgeh .... Mcknight .. . L. T. L. O U. R. O. R. T. R. E. . B. ..L. H. B. ..R. H. B NORTHWESTERN. L. U Ikman L. T Kafer It. a... C R. O K. T.... R. E.... Q B L. H. B. R. H. B.. ....K. B.lF. B Phillips I'rlikett Beiltt Allen Welnbers.r ... MirCann . ... Colton Illa.r ,.. Fleeter CHICAGO DEFEATS WISCONSIN Hope of Latter for Championship Fade In Game Itesnltlng IB to O." MADISON, Wis, Oct SJ. Wisconsin's chances for championship honoris on the gridiron evaporated this afternoon. Unable to overcome the big gains made by the constant punting of Kckersall, Wisconsin was defeated by Chicago, 15 to 6. Lineup: WISCONSIN. CHICAGO. Abbott leapt.) L. E I R. E. . Fladlar U T.j R. T.,.. Bertka It. U.j R. Komp rhamber-Prlca R. 0 L. O.... Weber R. T-I1- T... Husn-MSSV. : R. E.j 1 B... rom t 1 vanderboom Balna-Wrabata Pataraon F. B.I F. B... Umpire: Rheinhart. Referee: Kennedy I. Maxwell .... Robin , Ellsworth Wtghtinau . Aulawede, gpelck ..,...y avi. B iCckucaall ..U H. B.i U H. B Schnur R. H. B.K. H. B..... ItIsou Cat I In Bargland. Tabor Against Tarklo. A game of foot ball has "been arranged Detween tne college, teams rrom Tabor, la., and Tarkio,. Mo., for Monday at Ham burg, la., which Is attracting considerable local attention. It 'is to be Quite an oc casion at Hamburg. Schools there and In nearby small are to be dismissed and everybody Is -to turn out to see the game. Hasting Mas Win Flrst'Money. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 81. (Special.) In the gun club shoot held here yesterday Llnderman of Hastings broke forty-eight blue rocks out of a poeslble fifty, winning first money. Blgler. was second, with a score of 45, and Waddlngton third, with a score of 44. The attendance waa poor bo cause of rainy weather. Pavaet CHy U, Beatrice 8. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 81. (Special.) Th Beatrice High school foot ball team wa defeated yesterday at Pawnee City by the high school eleven of that place by a score, of 6 to t. ornlngslde Loses n Game. PIOI'X CITY. Ia., Oct. 'SI. (Special Tele gram.) The Iowa State Normal school of Cedar Palls defeated Morniagald college hero today, 83 U 0. , . Hyaa Holed Off Tart. NEW YORK. Oct. Sl.-John J. Hynn was today formally ruled off the turf for thla jurisdiction. At a meeting of 4 he stewards of the Jocky club the assistant' secretary wa Instructed to write to all associations racing under the Jockey club that John J. Ryan, who was ruled off the turf at Fort Erie. Canada, September 17, 1MS. for ,the alleged ringing of the mare I .'a ml Ine K I ruled off on . all eastern Jurisdiction tracks until such time as he e reinstated by the authorities who ruled him oft. Proofreader Inhales Gas. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 31 Wilbur Perry Ouenther, aged 61 years, who was a Wash ington newspaper correspondent and a proofreader known In tinny cities, com mitted suicide by- Inhaling Illuminating gas. He had been despondent, owing to 111 health. Gifeuthee- was a native of Cham paign county, JIHnnis. ' GREAT DAY FOR BELLEYUE Wins from Do&ne, Its Old Riva by a Small Margin of One. KICKING OF GOAL TURNS THE SCALE One More Bellevne Touchdown Claimed by anal Qaentlon la Left to Stag ol Chicago to Decide. BELLEVUE, Neb., Oct. 81. (Special Tel egram.) "We've beaten Doane!" Is on the lips of everyona at Bellevue tonight. The sixty representatives of Doan colli ge hive gone home dlsappolnteo, but happy to be defeated by a worthy and hospitable foe; moreover, Bellevue is Wearing the orange and black of Doane and Luane is bo decked with the purple and gold of Belle vue as an evidence of the good fellowship and courtesies exchanged between th two rival colleges. - Not In years before ha there been so much enthusiasm at Bellevue In the prep aration for a game. Tho foot ball rally held Wednesday resulted In a determined feeling of victory agulnst the twite vic torious opiKitienta. hut the idea of win ning on lair Hnd square, foot bail was up permost, limine was given a roval wel come and every courtesy was extended both pluyers and rooters. Dnane arrived at Kdu this morning In a ieviul coach. Dinner wua served at 11 o cun k and the gitnie waa called at 1 o'clock. Th Held was wet and be lore the end of the game be came muddy. However, It does not seem that a dry held would have materially bet tered the chances of either side. Doane kicked oft to Bellevue nt exactly 1 o'clock. Throw tidvanceu a lew yards to (he twen-ty'-tlve-yard line; Doane held for downs nnd Moore punted thirty-five yards. After a few gains around the end and a couple of hurtties over the line Doane was forced to punt, the ball golnx to Bellevue on the fifteen-yard line. Moore, Phelledv and Cooper plunged and hurdled the line" tn the forty-yard mark, when Doane held. Belie yti returned, tho compliment, only to lose mo leaiiier ar. ine center or me rieiti. nd Itellevlin liuri the coveted oval agtiin on the twenty-flve-yard larttaln Monte did what he rarelv 1 inane hud to punt enveten ova line. Curfta noeis fumbled and the ball whs Dnane's. Beveral end runs took the pigskin to th five-yard line Here Bellevue braced mag nificently, but on a run ai'oond left end Poane scored the first touchdown, but failed a rather difficult goal. D .ane kicked off and Moore advanced to the thirtv-vard line before he was stopped. On the next piny Moore made the longest run of th game twenty-five yards around left end. Doane htld for downs just as time wus culled. Score: Doane, G; Bellevue, 0. During the Intermission tho Bellevue rooters cheered for Doane nnd Went wild when It was announced that Captain Tom Moore had told his men that thev simply had to win the (runic. That the Bellevue men were determined and that they appre ciated the magnificent rooting of the Helle nic students and friends whs evident when they trooped upon tlio Held nt th begin ning of the second half. Cuptuln Moore kicked to the -lif teen-yard line. On the thirty-yard line Bellevue held for downs. Alex Cooper tore off twenty yards and sev eral mass pluya took the ball to the threer yard line. Here Cooper ran out of bounds and Bellevue caught Doane napping when the ball wns brought in. Shelledy skirted li : a I . - (Til 1612 . TADNAM STREETS. OMAIIA. (THK PBOPLK'S FT RXITVHH ASD CA HPKT CO.) Tho Beauty of a Charge Account Everybody recogttlxea the need nnd convenience of the "charge account," T'hlch Is commonly regarded as the modern i.ystem of trade. Particularly I it desirable in buying furniture and furnishing a home, ns these bills are not Insignificant and cash means cerloun Inconvenience, especially to wago earners anil people In moderate circumstances. We believe In '.he people nnd WE Till' ST THK PEOPLE, hence you, regardless of your station, are in vited to avail yourself of our liberal terms of accommodation. ARRANGE YOUR OWN TERMS. Voting People doing Housekeeping Receive Special Terms and Attention M 'V':' v llVUHVji: I'-ei-a-rrrvW Peninsular Base Burner Has large circulating (lues removablo flrepot extra size magnilne full mica front and sides beautifully nickeled wherever It can be ornamented upwards from.. 24.50 Star Estate Steel Ranges Made of heavy cold rolled steel full nsbentos lined fully war ranted and guaranteed has a Al PA duplex u omblnntlon wooiVand conl ajlauU grate on nlo upwards from Estate Oak Heaters The most wonderful heating stove on earth holds a continuous tiro for 48 hours with one charge of fuel fins Jolntlt-aa ashpil screw druMit steel drums nicely nickel trimmed on sale upward from Banquet and Coral Oak Heaters on sale upwards irom Cook Stoves Warranted first-class, and good bakers on sale upward from... Drrsaer Solid oak, French bovel plato mirror special. 1 Couch Oak frame, good graio volour tuftod or plain top special t Three-Piece Parlor Suit Mahogany finished frame, tapestry covering, worth 118.50 special Carpets. Rus and Draperies at Special Low Prices; Ingrain Carpets From 30c to 75c Brussels Carpets From 65c to $ 1. 00 fe I-: 3f3tS.w'V. & 14.25 5.75 9.50 7.50 8.00 12.50 the end and Planted the oval snuarelv be- out.. Moore kicked goal . at to a for Bellevue. nind tne goal posts, and the acoro wns't On the kh koff Moore sent the ball rolllne over Donne's line, snd befor any Doane' man had touched It Romeo Throw -was upon it. Bellevue claimed a touchdown, : but Referee Mains of Crete refused it. The matter was Jcf t to be decided by Coach Stngg of the University of Chicago. On the second klckoff Doane wa held on ' the thlrty-tive-yard line, Pope skirted the Doane end for five yards and agnln for 1 ten yards, and then Doan braced. Moore ! punted to Donne's forty-yard line. Just : here Fullback Wrownell of Doane reeled off i several pretty run on a strlngout forma- I tion. Shelledy, Sloan and Pope finally got through thrice in succession and Bellevue i had the oal on Its thirty-yard line only to ' punt again. Brownell and Wendland again circled Bellevue' end. Bellevue secured the ball at the center of the field. Doane wns penalized Ave yards for off-side, but finally held for downs after Rice, Bhelledy I and Moore had bucked through-, for twenty. yards. Throw broke through and forced Brownell back five yards, and it was Belle vue ball on Doane' I thirty-yard line. Here time waa called. The team work on both side wa excel lent. Doane excelled In end runs and Bel'e vue In line bucks. There was no fouling and the best of spirits existed. 'The lineup: BELLBVt'B 6 ...It. .At. ,.U a B. O K. R. E.. T.;R.' T.... DOANB-6. glosns... A. Cooper Shook lelillab CMC. Brown R. Q.ilt O Throw R. T.L. T Pope R. E.IL. E T. Cooper Q. B It). B Moore (cap) It. H. B.R. H. B. Shelledy R. H. B.L. K. B Klce F. B. Substitutes: W'lldbaber, Bpencer, Goddes, Bate. Keferee: Maines of Crete. Cin- Klre: Longfdorf of Bellevue. Time of Hives: 45 and 30 minute. Attendance, 2U0. .Hall .'. ;. .Ftlhrw Grayblli Bpeea .Jon ea Iay ....Tldball Wenta Vanea .Weadlaod (cap) B.i.. Browucll Other Game. At Iancaster, Pa. Swarthmore, r ranKini ana marsnau, v. At Providence, K. 1. Brown, 22; Wll. Hams, 0. At Brunswick, Me. University of Maine, 16; Bowdoln, 0. At Andover, Mas. Andover, 3; Yule Freshmen, 0. At Schnectady Union, 12; Troy, 11. . At Worcester, Mass. Holy Cross, 36; Am herst, 0. At Terre Haute Rose Polytechnic. 16; Hanover college, S. At West Point Army, 20; University of Vermont, 0. At Annapoll Penn State college, 17; Navy, 0. At. Cincinnati Kenvon college, 18; Uni versity of Cincinnati, 0. At Coloanbus, O. University- of Wast Virginia, 3ti; State university, 34. At Galesburg, 111. Knox college, 10; De pa uw, 0. ' At. Charlotte, N. C University of Vir, ginlii, 22; Davidson college, 0. At Greensboro, N. C University of Ken tucky, 6; University of North Carolina. 6. At Nashville I'nlverslty of Tennessee, 10; University of Nashville, 0. At Montgomery University of South (Buwanee.). 17; Alabama Polytechnic Insti tute (Auburn), (X Dundee is Too Light. DUNL.AP, la., Oct. Jl. (Special Tele grum.) Today on the local gridiron Dun dee of Omaha was defeated by the Dun lap team by a score of 2N to 0. Dundee put up a good game of foot ball, but was too light for the local team. Soma re markably clever plays were made by both team. . I ..Low IIOiliiESEEKERS Tuesdays VIA THE October 20th November id aad 17th ate.. XCuRSIOHS 1903 ' . ' AND.. ha IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. To Certain Points in the WEST AND SOUTHWEST AT ONE PARE FOR T,WD T,p Final Limit of Tickets, 21 Days. Stopovers will be allowed within transit limit ot ' 15 days going after reaching first homeseekers' point en-route, route. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION or land pamphlets, folders, maps, etc., address any agent of the company, or T. P. OODFREY, Paaaenger and Ticket Agent. TOJ1 HUGHES, Travel lag Passenger' Agent, OflAHA, NE& H. C TOWN3END, Qeneral Passenger and Ticket Agent, St Loula, flo. ! , , ' ALEXANDER WEPT When he found be hnd no other worlds to conquer and th sword that had clashed In battle with warring nutlons was sheathed amid tears. Instead of causing bloodshed with attendant pain and grief. Dr. liurk hart conaldera I) In mlHton to be the healing of the sick. Knciicllng tbo glob he ex tended last year to 8.756,iK) human beings a helping hand, and with his Vegetable Com pound cured H per cent of the cases treated for Rheumatism, CunKliputlon, Catarrh, Kidney and Liver Troubles, Blck Headache, Neuralgia, Palpitation of the Heart. Indi heHiion and of the . Blood and fHnmach. A JO days' treatment cun be ob tained from any drug store for 2&c, or a six months' treatment for fl.ou, with a guaran tee to refund your money If a cure is not effected. Chart;' L' Tbea AM Others DR. McCREW SPECIALIST. Treats all torn i . DISEASE8 OF , MEN ONLY A Medical Kipen K.3t Years' Ezperienc H IS Y.ara la Omaha ,.f Nr 30,000 Ca Cur Vartaaasta. Rr'roeela, Bloo Poleea, irrlolitra. Olaet, NerrMa Dekllltr, Loaa at Blreaaih aa4 Vital Uj aad all forma ol chroaia Slaeaawa. Traauaeat by eaall. Call r vriu. BS N. umoa a fee ill . Ml St -l;".'sgS -',sr'::.-i;T . Swre ILelisf for Women. Hot Sraxsoa, Akx., AprlTSCfclBOS. Eiilitoen montii a? I waste rmrjVJy Ma Ayra ftiat tny body afied from beiasl U t. My kock seemed to break fn two aud I iutfcejd iii?aw pcin in tb toarar abdomen. I eooiw not aaoaxl to lay of and take a rest, and bo meoieaoe tierpad M af. .... . , A friend toid me hvw ninoh Wia of Cartkai boiTt her op and advtsud m by ad Am I fmk the lint dnaa ths tacurerr of nrr keahh bexfan. It aaa tieari; three mouth before I was eatiraU oorea, bet at the eaal cf that time I wa in better health damn I bad beea for seven year. I look on Wine of Card a i as the moat bleaaed medk-rees fhat a woiaao ooold aosslblr take wheat she feel aiek and tired of life. I raeaaa fey take It. The atXrs. raDCvlJQ!D Mrs. Nelson describes the condition of htndrods of women in this city to-daj. That condition comes by slow stages. Usually the important function of menstruation is at first slightly irrregnlar. - Then comes the painful periods. Bearing down pains and ovarian inflammation follow. Finally the nerves weaken snd the whole sys tem has become affected and the pains rack the body from head to foot. If a beahhy woman were suddenly reduced to this terrible condition she woold be driven to des peration and she would be willing to take even the smallest chance of securing relief. But female diseases advance so gradually it is hard for a woman to realize juet how serious is her condition. Wine of Cardui is a menstrual regulator of established reputation. Ko woman who takes it suffers as Mrs. Nelson suffered. - It gives speedy and oompfcte relief from the torturing menstrual agonies which are mak ing so many woman invalids to-day. Do not let yourself come to the pitiable extraiirino lira. Nelson de scribes. Secure a botfle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to-day and begin the treatment imrnctliately. fit f aal by MUtea Br (oa Co., 14th aa4 Faraaaa at-. O ataka, Kcb. her una atu-rnoon tue ludltta tie