Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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!. 0...l . If. Vli)i TTnnn I
v iwiycij vi uC1ui
rdiCuriiT r norct mill ft IT 1IT tltt
Incident Hevlves Interest la Cns
Whose Mystery Baffled Police
ail Still Remains Bjt4
. rablle Knowledge.
A posse of police, accompanied by Tonr
Foote, who a few days a so discovered what
'-. believed to be the remnant of a
woman' dress while fishing In Cut-Off
laYe, yesterday prosecuted a diligent drag-
net search of the lake to e If a body can
he Drought to the surface. '
Mr. Foote fished out a piece of a wotnan'a
-klr and throwing hla line In Sgatn hooked
i second piece, which he says bore evidence
if having: been In clone contact with a
rtly decomposed body. Mr. Foote la ln
heri, the police say, to be mysterious In
gard to the location of the exact spot
here he fished out the woman'! aklrt.
The finding- of the Arena fragment!, which
re auppoaed to have wrapped the body of
4 re. Idella Roae Knight, revived Intereat
n a murder myetery regarded by the police
i the moat perplexing they have had to
leal with. Although the police were pot
hie to exact from the auepecta In their
ustody any admlaalon of guilt they con
ended that the circumstance disclosed the
fetalis of the unquestionable murder of
lire. Knight by her huaband, F. E. Knight.
Story o rMsnpepnrnne.
It will be remembered that Mr. Knight
va missed by nelghbora about April JO of
hla year. Mm. Knight had been 111 and
vas not atrong enough to be out of bed
nuch of the time. When the police vlalted
he-Knight dwelling at 2225 North Twen-
leth street the doom were fastened and
he huaband waa leaving the place. Re
'aid that he waa Knight and that fears
Uncut the whereabout of Mr. Knight
Jvere foolish, because aha had been taken
o a hospital.
Accepting this statement aa explanation
be police returned to the station, but In-
tulry by the chief disclosed that Mrs,
Cnjght was not at the hospital. Meantime
iKnlght had vanished. Investigation by de-
ectlves disclosed that a few evenings be
ore Knight and Met Dusenberry, a hunch
iack teamater, drove from the Knight
iwelllng to the river bottoms, conveying In
Ousenberry's rattletrap wagon a trunk or
Knight was known to have been infatu-
ited with Jennie Dusenberry, a alster of
he teamster. After Knight's disappear
i nee a letter came from him to the Dusen
irry woman's mother, telling her that
vtrs. Knight prepared a cup of poison for
film and that he switched cups. "You
know the rest," read the letter.
Polio Sueneet Knight.
Mrs. Lucinda Dusenberry and her son
Mel were held at the police station many
lays and examined closely. ' The police
ame to the belief that Knight poisoned hla
wife, hauled her to the river bottoms and
here either weighted the body and threw
t into the river or burled It In the sands
where winds shifting the sand about make
t Impossible a few houra after digging to
telt where the spade penetrated the bars.
Knight waa traced to Denver, where he
visited Jennie Dusenberry. A few weeks
ago the police thought he had been seen In
Des Moines. Jennie Dusenberry a few
months ago came to Omaha and married
a Nebraskan.
The police hope that the alleged discovery
bk .Mr.' Foote wilt throw, light upon the
1 aught case and will -follow up the matter,
wishing to relieve their own apprehensions
as well aa those of Mr. Foote. Foote's reti
cence about his find Is said to t prompted
by his fear of loalng the flOQ reward of
fered for the recovery of Mrs. Knight's
'body In event the body Is found In Cut-Off
1 Identification would bs Impossible, ac
cording to Captain Mostyn, who Is aoting
chief during the absence of Chief Donahue.
The officers made no tangible discoveries
and soma were n favor of abandoning
the search altogether or procuring a com
plete outfit for prosecuting a systematic
search. It is said, however, that authority
to do this will have to come from Chief
Donahue, who Is now out of the city.
Hepnblieaaa Will Gather la Walk
. Ingtoa Hall Monday Nlgkt
ClOSS Campaign
The final republican mass meeting at
Washington hall Monday night promises to
oe one or me most enthusiasts ever held
'n the city. Senator Jf! H. Millard win
venlde. Invitations have been aent to
.-Tomliient speakers to mak short talks
lasting from ten to fifteen minutes and
mess aireaay nave accepted: John P.
Rreen, II. C. Brome, O. W. DeLamatrc,
Byron O..Burbank, T. W. Blackburn, W,
Ths question of why one man succeeds
and snother fails Is a problem that has
ussieo philosophers for centuries. One
nan attains riches and position, while his
aelghbor who started with seemingly the
lame, and better opportunities, exists In
poverty and obscurity. No man can win
mccess who is aufferlns from an ln-it-.Hr,.
ind nerve racking dlaeasa and the man who
ias me quaimee or success within him
roiild be quick to recognise this fact and
nit tn beet remedy to eradlcat th
A person afflicted with a rlmi. n
lemorrhuids or plies Is handicapped in the
ace for power snd advancement. It la Im
loaslble to concentrate the mental energies
fhan this dreadful trouble Is sapping the
ruai lorcea, TO show how naallv ihi.
rasa destroying trouble can be overcome, ws
aumisn tne following letter from a promt.
asm inaiana man:
"When I received the former letter and
booklet on 'Plies, their nature, aus and
ture.' I was In a critical condition. Ulcers
to the number of seven had formed on the
Inside of the rectum, culminating in a large
tumor on the outside, resembling .,i.
uttered the moet excruciating pain, could
get no rest day or night. After reading the
booklet I sent to my druxaiat. hut
ftened to be out of Pyramid Pile Cute Just
si mat time. However, I obtained a part
f a box from my brother-in-law and ..,
ihelr uae. Five pyramids completely cured
me. l procured a box later, but have had
no oooaaion to ua them. I have been wait.
Ing to see that th cur was permanent
Mtore writing you ot lis success, i believe
Pyramid Pile Cur to be the greatest and
fcest pile cure on th market, and ask you
to please accept of my grateful thanks for
thla Invaluable, remedy. I taka nreat
ure In recommending lu us to any autterer
along this line. You may use my name If
rou wian ror referenc to any one afflicted
witn tms disease." J. O. LJttell, Arthur,
ma. .
can obtain a free sample of this won-
remeoy, also the booklet deriht
by wrIUss reur uu . . .1.1
iU.ur on a postal Card and mallln It to
e i')rauii4 urug Co., Maxsha.ll, Mich.
n nnd Learn Hew Yon May Pre
enr It.
W. Slabaugh. J. It. Tu Durfi, IT. II.
Baldrig. W. a Bummers, C. W. Haller,
W. F. Ourley, El O. McOllton.
General Charles F. Manderson writes: 1
reeret la fin v that I have an Imnortant
" - - -
now torr u compel, m. to declln your
Invitation to b present.
General Mnnage Trennolna of M. O.
Commends Grain Market Plane
His Road's Jew Depot.
"I think President Stlckney will not en
counter any great trouble In establishing
his grain terminals and gaining hla point
In view In Omaha," said General Manager
Arthur W. Trenholra of the Minneapolis
St Omaha, who was at tbe Union depot
"Be has the right Idea about trying to
locate elevators and mills where they can
have the advantage of chipping over more
than one road and at the same time aave
switching charges. Our road has now con
slderable land In Omaha which we would
offer as freo sites to manufacturing con
cerns wanting to locate, but It is desirable
that -they obtain a place where they may
ahlp ever more than ons road, thus saving
the switching charges.
'It Is the Intention of our line to build a
new freight depot la Omaha during the
next year. We should have reached It this
season, but on account of very heavy work
on other parts of our road the project waa
abandoned until next year. The present
structure will be torn down and the new
one will stand on the same location. It
will be a brick building and may possibly
be two stories high. Th basement will be
fitted up as a cold storage department and
the entire building will be considerably
larger than the one now In use. The track
age will likely be increased In the city
limits and a remedy will be offered to do
sway with the freight congestion. This has
not been definitely decided upon, however.
and I do not give it as a sure thing. A
great amount of work has been dons out
along th line this summer and that having
all been completed for the year we have
laid off too to 800 men, which 1 following
our usual custom. We are short on cars
to move the shipments, not that we do not
have enough cars, but it Is because they
are sent away full and do not return quick
Agree Rot t Cat Prices I'nlese It Is
Don ky All In th
Downtown druc stores that have been
rivals In claiming to be the "only cut rate
pharmacy In th city will not cut and slash
quite so freely In the future. For the pub
lic eye and for their own gain they will
lower standard prlcea on standard wares
whenever they see fit, but It will be done
by agreement, and each, will know what
th other Is doing.
Heretofore when on druggist advertised
certain proprietary medicines at a cut
figure It baa been usual for competitors to
go him 1 or 1 cents better. Retaliation ai
ways took place and sometimes the apoth
ecaries were getting rrid of goods at 1
than they cost them so they assert
Now with a community of Interests un
derstanding affairs will be tranquil. Each
store will have Its turn and share In the
cutting, but there will be no leaping at
one another's throats and real knifing of
prices ss In the past. Maybe th publlo
will not be any the wiser at least It will
be Informed of reductions as heretofore,
but unless the move Is prearranged, no
other druggist will go below the original
Ontakn an Catena; Hlgfk Sckeol
Stadents Will Meet Her
This question for the coming debate be
tween the Omaha and Chicago High
schools has been selected:
'Resolved, That municipalities should
own and operate, their street railway sys
Th Omaha debaters are Joseph Swen-
son, Richard Hunter and Ben Cherrtngton,
the same team which was sent to Chicago
last June. Th Chicago team is composed
of Charles Parks and two member of last
year's team, Maurice Burr and Arthur
Th fact that th same six debaters, with
one exception, are to meet again, this time
in Omaha, makes the contest doubly Inter
esting. The commute in charge of the
arrangements has provided a musical pro
gram, Including a solo by Jules Lumbara
and selections by the high school violin
quartet. Prof. Fogg of the university will
act ss one of th Judges and give a fifteen-
minute speech on the value of debating and
publlo speaking. Superintendent Pearse
will preside. Tbe contest takes pao next
Friday evening In th Kounta Memorial
Mather Sua Five Children, Penniless,
Await Retarn nf Bnaband,
Wanna They Lost.
Acting Chief Mostyn has a letter from
Lincoln Informing him that a woman and
five children are In that city destitute, and
that the woman, Mrs. Mary Blake, recently
cam from Ohiowa, la., and claims to
have a daughter II years old In Omaha.
Ths woman says she was told by her
husband to go to Lincoln when he left her
two weeks sgo and he would meet her
there. The husband haa failed to ahow up
and the Lincoln authorities want the chief
to try and locate him In this city. The
woman's daughter residing here is a Miss
Francis Blake, and la rooming In some
house on Howard street The mother was
unabls to give the exact number of her
daughter's residence.
Philadelphia Man and Omnhan Are
Mntehed Spar la This
Arrangements have been perfected for a
boxing contest at Washington hall, on No
vember i, between "Tommy" Ryan of Phil
sdelphla and "Billy" Rhodes of Omaha. For
the preliminaries a number of event have
been booked. Including these, each of which
will be at sis rounds! Mustaln against
Haley. McAllister against Jensen, Krusco
against Bell.
It Is expected that ths match between the
two principals will be a fine exhibition of
boxing. The negotiations have been under
way for soms time and wars only consum
mated thia morning. The contests are
scheduled to begin sharply at t:M.
Seme Homo Ballder Mnst Be Freed
tn Pay far Privilege to
Assistant Building Inspector Falconer
has begun to round up person and Arms
constructing buildings, who havs failed and
refuaed to take out penults. For the past
month be has been dealing with several
etretinate canes and now he proposes to
stop work until th ordinance are compiled
lth. He did this at a house under wey
on South Nlnteenth street Friday and the
permit, coating 14, was taken out Saturday
. morning.
sir, kftrj 0 Gomes., Couiin of Fresco
Presidio, nod Bapolecn't Trie!
Cm plains tn Balldlnsj Inspector that
City Defrnnded Her ana Kw
Seeks t Rnla an Kmeel
lent Barn.
The cousin of Marshal MacMahon, second
president of Franc, and the well-beloved
friends of the third Napoleon, had a com
plaint coming against the building depart
ment Friday. Mrs. Mary O'Qorman. who
always pay her S1.2DS city taxes the first
of any woman. Is the cousin. So she says.
Mrs. O'Qorman spent yesterday In th
city hall waiting for Building Inspector
Wlthnell. Unsuspectingly he entered th
office at noon and the cousin of Marahal
MacMahon entertained him with tales of
her former huaband, the late Mathew A.
Carroll, at one time captain of the Queen's
Life Guards In the tight little Isle.
After checking up European history from
the time that MacMahon saved the day for
Napoleon III at Magenta through the reign
of Quean Victoria and down to th period
when Mrs. O' Gorman claims to have been
defrauded out of 160 acres of valuable city
property, due lb 1st honorable Captain
Carroll, Inspector Wlthnell escaped.
This was about 1 o'clock In the. afternoon.
Saturday morning he was seen on the
streets, having kept under cover In th
Mrs. O'Gorman, however, was concerned
more about what ah calls a barn at BIO
Nicholas street than the deceased Mac
Mahon. The Advisory board has declared
th barn, also, deceased, and ordered It
removed before th force that Sir Thomas
Newton dlacovered reduces It to th earth
from which It sprung.
' In the Woodpile.
Why," aald she, "the barn Is ' a good
barn an' shure Oi cud hold a dance on th'
second flure without danger to ayther the
occtpants or th' structure. It's there out In
th' prairie three blocks from aany house
and doln' no on harm. .
Ah! OI know why I'm called here to de
find me rights. 'Tls this way. There was
a mane, nasthy nagur a stealln th' barn
panel be panel, an' Inch be Inch, an' I
ca-aught the' nagur at his thrlcks. I chased
him up beyant ths Kellom school, an' he
nlver had th' nerve to come back. But I
found his tlmmyhawk ah' It was a good
lmmyiawk, too, wurth a dollar. Now the
nagur Is afther revenge and he thries to
pull down me Innocent little barn."
The building department has a picture of
that barn It Is the worst picture in a big
collection of structures that have forgotten
why they were built, and the building
department says the barn must go to the
scrap heap, Mrs. Mary O'Oorman notwith
standing. It has not been used for years.
Propose torn Changes In th Sohed-
1 f Entertainment of
Millers Delegation.
The Commercial club entertainment com'
mlttee has received word from President
Stlckney as to the program here of the
Minneapolis millers. Hs favors the electrio
cars for a tour of th city, as they are
more rapjd than the carriages, and favors
tbe making of acquaintances and generaj
conversation. Hs does not particularly care
to have these men visit th land which hs
has purchased for the grain tracks, but
rather desires a general Inspection of ths
city and a noon meeting with th bankers,
grain men and other business men at the
Commercial, club. A luncheon will be
served there, and Mr. Stlckney will make
a talk of some length, the party not rising
perhaps until about i o'clock. As th Min
neapolis men do hot depart until after 7
o'clock, it Is probabls that a dinner will
be given at the Iler Grand with carriages
waiting to convey th visitors to th depot
Fisherman Find Batch Near Gibson
" nnd Cohea May B Released
from Cnstody,
Two colls of copper wire were discovered
Friday night by a fisherman named James
West near Gibson and Just below ths round
house at that place. The Wire Is supposed
to be that which was stolen from the power
house of the electrio light company last
Sunday night, when the night watchman
was held up by Charles Cartwrlght and a
feUow who gave his bams -to the polio as
"Bill Bailey." The watchman says he was
held up with a shotgun by Bailey, and he
believes that Cartwrlght atols th wire at
that time.
Cartwrlght and Bailey are both In Jail,
and Morris Cohen, a Junk dealer who was
supposed to have bought some wire from
the men, has been apprehended. There ap
pears to be no case agalnat the Junk man,
the police say, now that th lost wire has
been found. Complaint will be filed sgalnat
Cartwrlght snd Bailey.
Better Attendance Thnn Lnst Yenr
Beenns of Vigilance t
Trnnnt OBnr.
Enrollment reports for the first week ot
night school show that the members hip
has doubled over that for the first week
last year. At the Kellom school 141
students reported and at ths Comenlus
104. a total of 245, against a total of 123 last
Active work by the truant officer la held
accountable for the marked Increase. No
additional teacher have been assigned, but
It Is not unlikely that one or more assistants
may be provided If the attendance Is main
Sonth Sides Make Complaint Agalnet
Pellne, hat Oete Immedi
ate Redress.
Fred Schoening of k17 South Fifteenth
street wants the police to protect him from
cata. He la a pigeon fancier and claims his
neighbors' cats are living high on pigeon
meat which comes from hla rookery. He
allegee that all that Is left of a pigeon after
one of these ravenous felines gets his clawa
on It la a small bunch of feathers. There
being no city law against th free and un
limited action of a hungry cat, Acting
Chief Mostyn. to whom 8choenlng com
plained, could do no better than to promise
to look Into the matter.
Denlca Report nnd Says He and Wlf
Will G Kast, Then West,
on Visits.
The report which haa been In circulation
to the effect that Robert W. Baxter, who
recently resigned the superlntendency of
the Nebraska division of the Union Pa
cine, ur to become connected with the
"Katy" Is unfounded, says Mr. Baxter,
who has Just returned from a visit to St
Lou la and declare his trip ther bad a
significance whatever In the way of a po-
Itlon. Mr. Baxter said:
"Th story Is untrue and comes ss a sur
prise to me. Myself and wife will go to
New Tork poesibly by Monday, and from
there we expect to return and without mak
ing any stop In Omaha go on to the coast,
where an extended stay likely will be
Dominate Things In Organlsntlnn f
Hew Association, Says Knclld
Martin, Wh Attended.
President Euclid Martin of the Omaha
Business Men's association is back from
Chicago, where a new business men's
league was formed. -
"No," he said, "the organisation of th
National Industrial Association of America
will not affect, at least for the present, our
Omaha organisation. We selected a name,
elected officers, provided for a means of
revenue and adopted resolutions setting
forth ths Important principles of the asso
ciation. No regulations cf second rate Im
portance were considered and we did not a
thing I had expected would be done at
tempt to -bring the various associations to
any standard.
"Th fight over th name Involves a
principle. A portion of the organisation
wanted to fight ths union and another
portion wished to organise for de
fense and with A view to harmonising and
taking In members of other organisations,
trade associations, such as the master
plumbers, etc, A large majority was
strongly Inclined to conciliation, andI was
surprised, for I bad looked for more radical
man. There will be another meeting In
February, when the constitution and by
laws win b revised and smoothed down,
but this meeting cannot change the resolu
tion adopted. The executive committee Is
to b selected from men recommended by
th stat delegations, and I had the honor
of being recommended by our party.
"Ths national association waa formed
with the Idea of legislation which our as
sociation hers has not considered. The
trade unions have been working for the
enactment of laws which they considered
would be for their advantage, and have
so far been unopposed, but now the associ
ation will enter this field. Eventually we
will, I think, organise compactly, with
national, state and city groups and with
uniform local organizations.
I wss chairman of the committee on
reaolutions snd we Just completed our
work at s o'clock yesterday. From Omaha
J. Mahoney, vice president of our
association, E. E. Bruce and W. H. McCord
of the executive commltee, Secretary
E. B. Branch and myself attended."
Fir lasnrnnc Concern from Other
tnte Complain Against New
Revenne Lnw.
Xtorelgn fire insurance companies doing
business In Nebraska are Inclined to dis
pute provisions of the new revenue law re
lating to them, and have lntli. ted that
they will carry their contention Into court
They claim that they are discriminated
against in favor of home companies of the
state by the law permitting certain deduc
tions from the gross premiums upon which
the state companies are taxed, but does not
provide likewise for the foreign concerns.
The IrOt assessment of real and personal
property by Tax Commissioner Fleming
and his twenty-seven deputies has been
practically finished, with the exception of
th Jobbing Interests and that class sup
posed to hold the highest amount of per
sonal property per capita In the city. Thes
persona have not sent. In their schedules.
and th commlsslonre will proceed to urge
the matter next week. The bulk of ths
field work has been done, however, and
only about half the assessing force will be
used next week. The next two weeks wUl
be consumed getting the assessment rolls
In shape for the Board of Review.
Resident of Jacksonville, Illinois, Hna
Inaan Man II Believes Cam
from Omaha.
John O. Reynolds of Jacksonville, 111., be
lieve he has an Insane man from Omaha.
He writes the chief of police that a man
about 40 years old, 5 feet 8 Inches tall and
weighing nearly 140 pounds. Is being held
by him In the House of Detention for the
Insane at that place. The Insane man has
glossy black hair, he writes, but falls to
explain why he believes he came from
; Admits Stealing Grip.
Charles Longreen. who ha no particular
vocation, emoaraea in tne grip stealing
busineoa and was rounded up with a short
turn by the police. He had two grips,
which he admits he atole, but doe not re
member where he got them. Pressure will
be brought to bear to help out his deficient
memory wnen ne gets into tne "sweat box. -One
of the stIds Lonsreen had waa filled
witn unwaehed laundry and was labeled
"John Fox:" th other contained a new
suit of clothee and a Duir of rubber boots.
Longreen, wnen arrested, was neaaea lor
a pawnshop to dispose or nis prise.
Tne valub op charcoal.
Few People Know How Usefnl ft ! la
Proaewlng Health nnd Bonnty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal is
th safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise its
valus when taken Into the human system
for the aams oleanaing purpose.
Charcoal la a remedy that th more yon
take of It the better; It to net a drug at
all, but simply absorbs the gases and lm
purities always present In the stomach
and Intontlne and carries them out of th
Charooal sweetens th breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetable.
Charcoal ffectually clear and improve
th complexion. It whitens th teeth and
further acta as a natural and eminently
safe cart hart ic. .
It absorbs the Injurious gaae which col
lect la th atoraeoh and bowels; it disin
fect th mouth and threat from th
poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form or
another, but probably the beet charcoal
and the most for the money I in Stuart's
Absorbent Lesonges; they are composed of
the finest powdered Willow charooal and
other harmless antiseptic In tablet form.
or, rather. In the form of large, pleasant
tasting losengea, th charcoal being mixed
with honey.
Th daily us f thes losengea will soon
tell in a much improved condition of the
general health, better eomplexlon, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and th beauty of
It is, that no possible harm can result
from their continued use, but on the con
trary. great benefit
A Buffalo physician. In speaking of th
benefit of charcoal, says: "I advise
Stuart's Absorbent Losengea to all patients
suffering from gas in the stomach and
bowels, and to clear the complexion and
purify tbe breath, mouth and throat;
also believ th liver Is greatly benefited by
the dally us f them; they cost but
twenty-ave cents a box at drag stores, and
although In some sens a patent prepara
tion, yet I believe I gat more and hatter
charcoal te Stuart's Absorbent Lsengos
than la any ad th ordinary ahnroesi tafc-
Count Trtssortr Will Con clod Tax Gale
Accord log to Iti Provision.
Elsasser Believe Cnslt f-nmmlaa
sinner Will Order Sale for
' Next Yenr Inder th
Scavenger Law.
Much Interest I manifested relative to
the tax sale which Is to be held Wednesday
under the supervision cf County Treasurer
The sale this year will be conduoted under
the new revenue law, which Is Identical
with the sale held in previous year with
me exception ot tne interest, which used
to be 20 per cent, but under the new revenue
law Is only is per cent.
Mr. Elsasser was restrained from selling
under the Mickey act, which Is house roll
No. 488, by an action recently brought In
tbe district court by the city attorney and
others. Mr. Elsaaser announces that he
never Intended selling any property under
this act, as hs had conferred with the
county attorney, and It waa decided not to
sell under that set unless th county treas
urer was mandamused to do so. This wis
also th suggestion offered by the deputy
attorney general of the state, with whom
Mr. Elsasser conferred.
The opinion Is held by Mr. Elsasser that
the county commissioners, upon whom It
devolves, will order th 1904 sal to b under
th "scavenger" act, which ths commission
ers would have adopted had It been possible
to get the books ready to file suit. And It
Is th full intention of the commissioners to
adopt that plan for the next year's sale.
The Mickey law Is separate and distinct
from the general revenue law or the "scav
enger" act
What Scavenger Act Does.
Ths "scavenger" sot provides that "all
city and county taxes are to be compiled
Into one place by the county treasurer,
which will combine state, county and mu
nicipal taxes. Interest and advertising In
cluded, on or be lore the 1st Hay of July.
The county treasurer shall also file with
th district clerk--of the county In which
the land are located a petition aa pro
vided for by this law, and these shall, be
docketed with the district clerk ss a suit
In equity and Judgment will be then ren
dered by th court upon these numerous
cases ss a unit After the Judgment pro
vision is made for a regular sale the first
Wednesday In November, at which the
county treasurer is authorised to sell to
the highest cash bidder such certificates
of tax sale Issued to the state, county or
any municipality under this set."
Relative to th Injunction which was
brought by th city attorney and others
to restrain County Treasurer Elsasser from
selling under the Mickey act, It Is said
to be quite certain that County Attorney
English will allow the Injunction to be
made a permanent order, thereby relieving
Mr. Elsasset from a suit tn mandamus.
The application for an injunction will be
argued before Judge Day.
H. S. McDonald. John Harnln. James
Cuthill and C. W. Bishop have departed
for Stllwell for a duck shoot.
A decree of divorce was made In the case
ot James E. Coddington against Emma F,
Coddlngton on the grounds of desertion.
Additional eaners have been filed in the
Chucovlch case. I. J. Dunn filed a com
plaint charging V. U Chucovlch, A. C. May,
and William Dalrymple with setting up and
operating gambling devices at 1313 Douglas
Humev VI m m rl I n ' mrnm tiM Kji tnrm
Judge Estelle to answer to the charge of
feuy larceny, xne prisoner pieaaea guilty,
t waa charged that he entered the room
of some women at Thirteenth and Douglas
ana stole some jewelry, including a neck
lace, fvimmerung was given a tmrty days
sentence in the county Jail.
Sportsmen noted Frldav nla-ht that the
first regular ' flight" of ducks had begun.
The ducks were seen going south In large
numDers. mis is a gooa time tor tne man
with the gun and a number of huntinn
parties will be formed to take advantaira
of the annual migration and flocking of the
The offlce of the superintendent of malls
Is being transferred from the south end of
the first floor of the postoffice building to
the new northwest wing, where It will be
permanently located for the future. In the
meanwhile there will- be a aeneral house-
cleaning and rearrangement of the first
noor aouin wing tor postomc purposes.
Arguments In the writ of manadamus
Issued by Judge Slabaugh against the
mayor, chief of police and Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners, demanding that
iney unoum snow cause wny tney should
not effect the arrest of J. H. McDonald and
i . . . i v. . . r. . v. " ui V all. ncU IU UTC 1 1
ineniinea witn gamming devices at the
Diamond saloon, were to have een heard
befoce Judge Estelle Saturday mornlmi-
i lis maiier waa ueierrea until Aionaay.
Federal Coart Items. ,
The following cases were transrrrH f
the Nebraska state district courts to the
United States circuit court Friday even
ing: Under the rules of the United States fl-
eral court the ten days' limit for filing
cases for the November term of court ex
pires Friday evening In thirty-one law,
thirteen equity cases and four or five
uanitrupicy cases.
The November term of the federal
circuit and district, will convene at the
postoffice building in this city at 9 o'clock
a. m., Monday. November . The federal
grand Jury will be Impanelled at 2 p. m
the aame day and the federal petit Jury
win u, imjuwieiivia r , m. wcaneaaay
November 11.
From Gaae county district court? Wil
liam ScahlTl, administrator of the eatate
of John C. Soahlll, against the Union Pa
cific Railroad company, damages f6,000. Bult
is nroueni to recover ror me death of John
C. Bcahlll. caused bv a colllsi (in nn Ha.
fendant company s road while the deceased
waa in lis eraoioy as a locomotive flremun
nit acciueni occurred -lanuary 11, 1903.
From uage county district court: Josenh
D. Render against the Union Pacific Rail
road company, damages tl'O.Ouo. Suit la tnr
damages sustained to plaintiff while In the
employ or aeienuani company aa a loco
motive enKineer in a collision at Htmar
Wvo.. wherein he was cauxht between hla
engine and tracks and suffered the loss of
his rignt leg ana iooi. ine accident oc
curred January 11, isxh.
From Iouglas county district court
Mary E. Finney, administrator, against the
Union Pacific Railroad company, damages
IS.OuO. The suit Is for damages sustained
to plalntirr in tne iniury and death ot her
husband. Sylvester II. Finney, while in the
employ or aerenaant company aa a locomo
tive ena-weer in rouawauamia county
Iowa, in May, 1903. He was Injured In a
collision April w. ism. ana died or his in
Juries May z, ivui.
Railway Notes and Personals.
D. O. Ives, general freight agent of the
B. & M.j haa returned from a trip to Den
ver on Duainess tor tne company.
F P. Rutherford, general agent of the
Rook Island, has returned from a trip out
over tne line.
J. O. Phtlllppl. assistant general freight
agent of the Missouri Pacific, haa returned
from a short business trip to t. Paul.
John D. Neeley, traveling paasenger
agent of the Northwestern, is horns from a
trip over the Isebraska and Wyoming dlvi
J. L. Marens Is appointed commercial
ag-int of the Cotton UIt at Kansas fit
vice O. M. Payne, resigned. Thia Is sf
tective .November l.
L. J. Waekerle ha been appointed gen
ernl foreman of the brldae and bulldim
department of the Missouri Pacific Instead
or J. Hi. reinersion.
Oeorge W. Holdrege, general manager of
tne uuriingion. nae returnea rrom a visit
to mends in irtnvir, where he went, com
Dining tmsinea witn pleasure.
Fred Montmorency, afslatant genera
freight agent of the B. M., la home frort
a two weeks vacation trip, which he spen
on tne inuian reservations nuntina name
The hunting party killed deer to the limit
of the law, but did not see one bear during
tne enure time iney were encampea mere
It is stated that the offices of the 'Frisco
system ana tne hock island In all the piin
clpul cities and the smaller towns will be
consolidated and the Joint agency plan I
expected to etlect a savins of i&uo.uuO li
office rentals, salaries ana expenses of
aseaia in us trams aaparimscia.
$3.28 quarter sawed oek dining chair, with wide back and SI. 50
finely finished, for, each
Solid oak. high spindle back, solid Arm Chalr-the fJ. kind- 1,75
a good offlc or library chair for
Library or Reception Hall SetteesIn quarter-sawed oak of R.50
mahogany carved backs worth $lT.00-lor w
Large Solid Oak Dresser base 48 Inches long-French plats R.50
mirror 24x20 nicely carved worth $14.00 for
I If you want Rugs, we will save you fully IS per cent on your purchase.
Tbo largest lln of np-to-dat Room Blse Rugs in th City.
For two days w win glvs you a 21 per cent discount on our full lln
of Oriental Rug.
We will place on sale 100 pairs fin Brussels snd Arab Cur- 2.7S
tains worth $5.00 for per pair
Baker Furniture Co.
1315-17-19 Fnrnam Street
Senator front Massachusetts Addresses
People of that Stat on Pollt
lenl ftnestlone.
WORCESTER, Mass., Oct. SL-Repub-
llcans held a mass meeting tonight In
Mechanics' hall, the principal speaker from
out of the stat being Secretary ot th
Treasury Leslie M. Shaw, while other
speakers Included Senator Oeorge F. Hoar,
who was chairman of the meeting; Her
bert Parker, attorney general of Massa
chusetts; ex-Congressman Joseph ' It.
Walker of Worcester, and ex-Representative
Charles T. Tatman, who spoke to ths
young men of th republican party.
Senator Hoar declared that "the demo
crats campaign in Massachusetts is not a
struggle alone or chiefly for the state gov
ernment of Massachusetts, but Is a strug
gle for position In the great national battle
of 1904.
"Old the democratic party," the senator
asked, "In Its whole career ever redress
a grievance? It has created a good many.
It has defended a good many, It defendod
slavery. It created the civil war.
"Th republican party paid th debt when
the democrats would repudiate It, It kept
the faith when the democracy would have
broken It. It retains sound money when
democracy was for fiat money. It made
gold and silver the standard of value when
democracy was for rags. It kept the gold
standard the standard of the world when
democracy was for free sliver. It main
tained the protective system and achieved
the ' manufacturing Independence of the
country when the democracy was for free
trade." ...
Speaking of the trusts, Senator Hoar
The American republic shall not be
turned Into a plutocracy. The millionaire
and the day laborer must stand as equals
before the law. The attorney general,
under the direction of the president, has
already Accomplished much to curb these
Irresponsible grants. This is the attitude,
as I understand It, of the administration
of President Roosevelt.
Secretary Shaw said In part:
A IIKVV WII lirU IA UVIISTO 111 111V fru.l.av.
campaign. Politic Is not a squabble for
office, it la not atrife between parties and
V. . . . VA.AAAn nnllnU. mrtA nHnMnln.
II1CI1, UUfc k " vnn 1 m.a ... ...v..t-.
I . i 0 . . .1 , . I t . 1 . .
1 BeiUUin llieilliuii I1IC ul t.imiuaito.
all my campaigning I have never men
tioned the name of the chief of the country
more than once or twice. God knows 1
am trying to put these questions above
manshlp. v
You can be Just as good statesmen at
the polls at home as you can at Washing
ton, and why not? , .
Is It aaktng too much to demand that
our vounn men study these questions that
they may go to the polls and protect our
interests! i ne oemocmn in iouam iui
an Issue. They always have been looking
for an Issue. r)ld you see anything In the
piatiorm oi j" ma, X " ;
1K96 or 1900? Do you know what the next
Issue will oei ro, tnu nniuir
Clln 1900 the populists organised as sin
cerely as ever did anybodv. The demo
crats Cast aOOUl lur m "iivnu w.m
the issue of the populists.
Me. Shew said that ther was great
eagerness to wipe out the trusts in soms
other states, but wnen K came nome tne
people of each community wanted th trust
in their locality saved.
Ambassador mt Madrid Glad t
Transfer to Post at Wash
ington. Get
MADRID, Oct. L Sir Henry Mortimer
Durand, the British ambassador to Spain,
who was recently appointed British am
bassador to the United States, was inter'
viewed today by a correspondent of th
Associated Press st ths British embassy
here. Concerning his appointment to Wash
ington, Sir Henry said:
t, it somewhat a surnrls.
though certainly a pleaaant one. I had no
intimation of it until I received an Inquiry
from the foreign offlce. asking If I would
go. to which f replied In the affirmative
7 . w, ii.ii.ri,tt tn n to America, which I
have long admired and have been .anxious
to visit. The leading American statesmen
ar only known to me by reputation. Bo
I hav yet to aoqualnt myself with Ameri
can men and American affairs.
When asked what line of policy he would
follow, ths ambassador answered:
That la difficult to snswer, owing to my
unacqualntance with the country, but nat
urally I ahall follow the lines laid down
by the foreign offlce and British Interests.
Regarding the difficulties of my new poal
tlon. unless I am mistaken they will not
be very great, perhaps less than at Madrid,
owing to the number of pending Interna
tional ouestlons here. The relations be
tween the Vnlted State and Oreat Brit
ain are most cordial, there being no Seri
ous litigation pending between the two
Anglo-Saxon nations and I am personslly
convinced that Oreat Britain will use every
endeavor to prevent causes of friction,
ss made evident by the eubmtelon of
Alaska oueetiona to arbitration. The polit
ical horlson being therefore cloudless, I
imagine my P"rt at Wexhlngton will b
social rather than diplomatic.
I confess that I leve here with rerret.
The society is charming and I have made
many sincere friendships. I came to Madrid
somewhat prejudiced by what 1 had heard
of Spanish-wide snd Caatlltlsn haughti
ness, hut I have neen with mv own eyes
thst this wss pure fiction. There are no
more frank or more courteous people in
the world than the Spaniards.
My official relations have been easy and
agreeable. Bps In is wisely devotlns1 her ch'ef
attention to financial reorganisation Tbe
mieetlnna of the army snd navy snd f"r
in relations will cme afterwards. The
last named Is much slmiillfled bv the ran
trochwnent between Frsnce and O-aat
Ftrltaln snd the swmln; nn'leratandlnar
between those nowers snd northern Africa
nil the Mediterranean. Thla la MeW t-
fartlltate the relations of Spain w'
ennntrles. which glve r noh
ta-ajtna. mwlr.w to earnest efforts fol
w'th hoii
for iQa,
-h a-'o-
You Can
esientsfta-a rsiL ew
H- .-"v rlrtsl s4 Vsly Ossaiss.
irs, S'V.71 rnf. lU ul unffli
CHICllKiiTEll-M f.NOLlNll
Is HKD n UglA "' S.M.. MM
Ilk MMribtea. Tak. B.n.
SstortltBtAva. MS lnalto
Utmm, III f J-.r nr,u, Ma 4c Is
mmmf a PertlrakM, TaMtmslsle
s4 K-llf T I .ntM," lm law, br r
ara Mali. le.Soe TmiIsimI.h. Mill
Uraa l,u. IJIlHaar t kaaihtal Paa,
rsukA fa
Lightning Strikes th Hunting Lodge
of King, Setting it on
ROME, Oct H. Distressing accounts
have been received from th entire penin
sula of th effect of extremely tempestuous
weather. In the north snd south great
quantities of rain have fallen, causing
floods and accompanied by heavy light
ning and high winds. Severe storms at
Sea are reported, but no lives are known
to have been lost The thunderbolts have
caused several extensive fires. One thun
derbolt fell on the royal hunting lodge nt
Ban Rossore, where King Victor Emman
uel and Queen Helena now are. A fir re
sulted which sssumed such alarming pro
portions that ths fir brigade from Pisa,
the nearest to San Rossore, was called out.
The sovereigns took a great Interest In
the work of extinguishing the fire. Several
snap shots of ths fir scenes Were tsken
by th queen.
DENVER, Oct. 80. -Th storm which be-'
gun with rain about o'clock last enlng,
changed In the night to snow i t was
general over almost th entire ttate. de
laying railroad traffic considerably. In the
mountains snow fell heavily. The weather
is not very cold, but a cutting wind was
ths most disagreeable feature of th
London Hears Report that Jnpanese
Cabinet Haa No Hop for
LONDON, Oct. M. Th Morning Post
says today that it understands that Japan
Is by no means prepared to acquiesce In
the suggestion that it glvs Russia a free
hand In Manchuria in exchange for a Japa
nese free hand in Corea. Japan contends,
say the Morning Post, that the two ques
tions are entirely separate, that Corean In
dependence already has been secured by
convention and that as Manchuria was re
stored to China by Japan at ths Instigation
of European powers, it naturally cannot
cohaent to Its occupation by Russia.
The correspondent of the Daily Mall at
Kobe quotes tn Hoschl Shlman of Toklo
to ths effect ,that the diplomatic corps ot
ths Japanese capital have no hope of a
peaceful settlement of the pending difficul
ties. Even Baron Shlbusawa, at a meeting of
the Bankers' union, advocated war, si
though th intereat of the bankers Is logic
ally in ths direction of peace.
Aatomntl Devle Which 1 Classed
a m Blessing to th Barly
An automatic fir klndler, the operation of
which Is regulated by an ordinary alarm
clock, will doubtleas appeal to every person
whose duties Include getting up early to
start th fir In the kitchen stove.
With this new contrivance Installed in a
house It Is necessary, upon retiring, simply
to assemble th fuel In the stove or any
fireplace, connect an attachment to th
clock and set the latter at any required
hour. When the alarm sounds a fulminate
la ignited, which, communicating with an
Inflammable substance In the stove, range,
furnace or grata, Immediately start th
fir. By th time the householder or serv
ant Is up the fir Is burning briskly and
ths water boiling.
It ia claimed that theae new devices may
b so set that they will start fires whenever
wanted and thus have a home thoroughly
heated before the occupants stir from their
beds. From the back of the clock used m
connection with th automatic fir Vlndler
extend a shaft, on which Is mounted a ro
tary friction disk or rulley, th periphery
of which Is milled or otherwise designed
to create friction when rotated in contact
with a relatively stationary member. By
th operation of a pivotal arm, a lug snd
spring snd other attachments In connection
with the rotary disk this entire external
mechanism Is set In motion when the alarm
Is released.
Instantly a fuse, with an easily lgnl table
fulminate at Ita end and held In place in a
slot opening against the Jrictlon wheel. Is
set a P. re. The flame, properly confined
within the metallic slot, travels instantly
over the Inflammable strand, which la sat
urated with a free-burning Ingredient. The
clock may be set on a nearby shelf or on
the back of the stove or a furnace pro
jection. As even a small and cheap alarm
c'otk may be utilized and as the tube-Incased
fire strand may b safely controlled,
that part of the problem I very simple.
Moreover, any kind of kindling substance
ordinarily used may be utilised. Th fus
may be employed merely to Ignlt paper
under the regulation kindling wood lire,
w ith coal or cord wood on top. In such
cases the action is similar to that of a
mutch or, rather, of several matchea lighted
simultaneously and burning longer than
rsilurJr matches. flaturilay Evening Post.