if THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. XOVKMItKU 1, 1003. 1 AT DECLARES THE TAX INVALID 3udg ltnn-jer Ho'ds School Digtriot Illsgo j Asi'sned Biter Bridge. PLAINTIFF IS AWARDED JUDGMENT Derision Flies Polat of Division la Hirer Ilrrond Which Dakct loaatr 'anaot CJo Trlth Its Tbi. Judge Munger yesterday handed down Ma opinion In the can of the Kloux City Bridge Company BRaln.t School District No. 11 of Dakota county, Nebraska, whlcti gives Judgment for the plaintiff. The case vai argued before the t'nited fltates circuit court about two weeka ago. The complalrnnts nought to enjoin the col lection of certnln taxes levied by the achool district on the went half of the Bloux City bridge which spans the Missouri river be tween South Sioux City, Neb., and Hloux City, la., the west end of the bridge being rear to If not within the boundaries of school district No. 11 Ir. Pakota county, Nebraska. Tfce school district levied and Attempted to enforce a collection of a tax on the west half of the bridge as Its pre sumed right to assess all property In the district. The action of the complainant Is based en the proposition that none of the bridge Is embraced In the school district, and Is rot subject to taxation In behalf of the district The case Is submitted on an agreement between the parties that the bridge proper is 1,614 feet long from the east to the west end, excluding approaches, and that from the west end of the bridge to the fourth pier Is a distance of 400 feet, and that Uie west half of the bridge has been assessed and taxes levied thereon for school dis trict purposes since 14. Declares Taxea Invalid. In his decision Judge Munger says: "Ap plying the rule of law as above announced, the court finds that the dividing line be tween the states of Iowa and Nebraska at the point where the bridge crosses the river Is at the fourth pier, 400 feet easterly from the west end of the bridge. It ap pears from the facts that the school dis trict has assessed the entire west half of the bridge, or 807 feel, 407 tect uf the bridge so assessed being clearly, as shown by the facts, outside of said school district. The assessment of the bridge and approach was made a an entirety, hence, In conformity with a previous decision of the supreme court of Nebraskat there is no method by which the portion of the bridge within and without the taxing district can be sepa rated and the tax must be declared as In valid. The whole must therefore be de clared Illegal, and It follows that the com plainant bridge company Is entitled to a decree perpetually enjoining the enforce ment and collection of the tax com plained of." The decision does not bar the school dis trict, however, from beginning another ac tion to levy and collect taxes on that por tion of the bridge which may be justly con sidered within the taxing jurisdiction of the district. Chicago Laundry Best work. Tel. 206. A Navel Attraction. Perfection In .the art of mechanical win dow contrivances Is observed when one sees the novel apparatus now operating In Hay den ' millinery windows and which dally attracts thousands of people. There will be seen a number of beautiful wax figures, tastily gowned and crowned with gorgeous bats. The figures are arranged on high (old pedestals, which are made to revolve reverse to each other, presenting; a unique and spectacular effect. The hat display Is eomposed of an exquisite selection gathered from a number especially Imported for that great society function, the Chicago horse ahow, now In progress in that city. On diamonds A. B. Huberman has no competition. He Is the only direct im porter within 600 miles of Omaha. The latest raise of 10 per cent a few days ago does not affect the price on the stones he brought over from Amsterdam eight weeks ago. Mrs. B. Kovar, wife of a prominent mer chant of Howella, Neb., Is at the Omaha Florence sanatorium for nervous prostra tion. Brick Layers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Special meeting- of No. 1 of Nebraska Tuesday evening, November S, at 7 o'clock sharp. By order of president. Mr. Ueorare C. Thompson, One of the six nominees for justice of the peace on the democratic ticket, was born in Kentucky in 1840. came west in 18S5, and has been a resident of Omaha since 1898. In 1861 he was appointed to a position In the pay department of the United States army and served during the war as asslst- and to Colon'el Brldgman. In 18SS he so cepted a position wfth the Exchange Na tional bank of Atchison, Kan., where he remained about nine years, when he was appointed to a position In the pension of fice at Topeka, Kan., during Cleveland's last administration. Mr. Thompson filled all these positions with ability and Integ rity. He will fill the office of justice, of the peace with experience, ability and dig tilty. He is engaged in the advertising and distributing business and belongs to that great middle class to whom the office to which he aspires means so much. Voters who want an Intelligent, clean and capa tile man for Juetlce of the peace should vote for George C. Thompson. Adv. Home-seekers' Excursions. On Tuesdays, November and 17, the Missouri Pacific railway will sell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kan sas, Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri. Texas, etc. Stopovers allowed on the going Jour ney. Limit of tickets Is twenty-one days For further Information call on any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass. and Ticket Agent, B. E. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets, Omaha, Neb. I-4.U-7 waiting all want you. A Wonderfal Chance. Copley the Jeweler, H5 South Sixteenth Street, has lowered ths floor of his store four feet and put In a new all glass front. the first and only one of Its kind In Omaha. When In Boston Mr. Copley photographed a front and reproduced it here. Mr. Copley has put In all new mahogany fixtures and remodeled throughout, and Dew has one of the nicest and moat up-to-date Jewelry stores In the west. No goods sold at' A. B. Huberman's Jewelry store except tinder absolute guaran tee as to lowest price and quality. Corner 13th and Douglas. Attention, Kataals.af Brothers! To each and every brother of this organ! sat Ion who resides In the state of Nebraska and Iowa and who has been Initiated Into full membership: You are hereby requested to assemble at your regular lodge room on the id day of November. 1903,-for the pur pose of taking part (with the great counsel) In the discussion of buslines of material tm porta see to every member. By order of the board uf directors. Alse Four atate eomnamdae. IC. IT, flare Beet prntt U, EXTRA SESSION UNPOPULAR Senators an J Representatives In Con tress Are Not Enthusiastic For Extra 5eslon. ROOSEVELT MOWS HIS BUSINESS He Wants the C'ahaa Treaty Disposed Of Without Delay aaH Will Have Ills Way. Theodora Roosevelt Is an astute as well ss popular leader. lie could see without dif ficulty and without his ever-present glbsses that at a regular session of con gress might talk till mid-summer over the Cuban reciprocity treaty. lie called an extra session to force prompt action and cut off the gnb fest which the opposition had planned. The house, under a cloture rule, will approve the treaty by the 10th of November, at farthest. The senate will follow by the close of the extra session. The BANKERS RESERVE LIFE commends the policy of the president In securing this early action upon the treaty. Politicians seeking partisan advantage and eager to Impress admiring constituents would undoubtedly have seized the oppor tunity for airing their views. Not only so, but they would be engaged also In a great political fencing match, which might develop great forensic ability, but could not benefit the country at large. Hence B. II. nOBISOX, PRESIDENT, has Instructed the field force of the Bank ers Reserve Life Company to devote them selves to life Insurance and eschew poll tics. The people of the eight western states open to this aggressive young level premium company are more deeply Inter ested In building up high grade western financial Institutions than In developing sugar plantations In the West Indies. With up-to-date, liberal policies, the Bank ers Reserve Life Is leading every western company In every feature making: growth In a life company. fin. -r t TUT OO OrNY -r A-rnoe UllVfc J5I3'JJocIzeSiV $2 Decorated Lamps Complete with Globe, at , 98c. This is a big special drive that will throw a new light on lamp values. Come Monday early as the suply is limited. UNABLE TO FIND THE DRIVER Officers Do Hot Locate Crathers Mayer, bat Coroner's Inquest ta Held. Receiving; no assurance from the police that the apprehension of the man who ran down J. A. Cruthers, an aged carpenter. last Sunday night. Injuring; him beyond re covery, would come soon, Coroner Brailey summoned a jury at 11 a. m. and proceeded to hold an Investigation on his own ac count. AH the witnesses to the accident that have been found were present, and beyond confirming the description of the horse and rig, now In the hands of the police, could offer no light on the manner of Cruthers' death. The Jury returned a verdict that: "Deceased came to his death from In juries received by a collision with a horse driven by an unknown man." The police are still searching for the 'unknown" driver, but entertain little hope of ascertaining his Identity. Witnesses at the Inquest could not describe the driver and what little evidence was adduced in the connection was vague and conflicting. WATCH SAVES MAN'S LIFE De fleets Ballet Fired at Trainman la Effort to Hold Up - Express. CHICAGO, Oct. 6. Efforts to hold up a fast outbound Chicago & Northwestern passenger train went astray last night. It Is believed by- the police, owing to the poor marksmanship of one of the bandits. Fireman Louis Ernest was shot, one bul let graxed Engineer Harry Ebbets and to day five dynamite bombs were found near the scene of the attack. Detectives of the railroad and the police are working on the case, but no clue to the identity of the man or men who did the shooting has been un earthed. It is admitted by the railway officials that the bullets must have 'been fired by one or more persons who were riding on the water tank or the platform of the first coach. The unknown men made their es cape In the darkness. The life of the fireman, who was seriously wounded, was saved by his watch, which deflected one of the bullets. R. V. COLE. W. if. MCKAY. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and smbalmers. 1617 Capitol ave. Tel. &. Horee covers made to fit your horse. Omaha. Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. Daring; November. A handsome water color photograph of yourself Included free with each order of $3 or over. Omaha's best water color artist does the work, insuring the quality being the best. Btonecypher, photographer. 1312 Farnam street. The Hew Uw School. Crelghton Medical college, corner Four teenth and Davenport streets. Class now being formed for benefit of those who de sire familiarity with law, either for Its practical value In business or for higher mental culture. E. F. McCartney, secre tary, 43) Omaha National Bank building. BmU rue Clals PEORIA. ITL, Oct. 8L The Continental National bank of Chlcaso has filed a claim In bankruptcy against the Arm. Harvester compauy in the sum or M).w, in the I niUfJ States court hers. The First Na tional bank of Rantoul has also nled claim for HS.OOO. Them com In the form of an Intervening petition, which is being neara ty judge ivotiiiuutt in Chit-ago today. Attorneys renrescntinc ths cornimny and members of the cre-litors commute have gone to Chicago. Tn banks are signers of the creditors' agreement to refer the company's affairs to tne committee. Tnwl Stick the Ways. rill LAHKirmA, wi. si. -inn steam ship Manchuria, built for the Pacific Mill BlHunuhlp cutnpsny. stut-k on the ways as . . . . i.. ....... . V. . . KT. It wu bnlnsr laumhed today at ths New Turk Hhinbutld'nx omDanv'a vard In Cam- dan. N. J. Every effort waa mad. to launch the vmtael, but without suitws At noun .... . . . - 4 4 n 1 It v n 1 , .1 Dawwrf lu puatyuua uua. Isnini limg, HfTv cm ciimoller '. Mueller 1313 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEB. 'Phone 1625 Any prospective piano purchaser ran try one of our hand made MUELLKU pianos in hlit own home without risk and at our expense. MUELLER ptnnos are wnrrantod for twenty years against any imperfection of material, workman ship and tone. Money refunded if not satisfactory after giving . the instru ment a fair trial. Wo Soil on lasy Payments $10. OO down and $5.00 per month until paid. Why not try one of our OMAIIA made pianos? Our prices are low he cause we sell direct and save you the middle man's profit We also take old Instruments in exchange, and allow full value. ILL US TRA T1S D CATALOGUE MAILED FREE -NOTICE OUR Special Prices This Week. New Pianos $400.00 pianos, 1 $300 $375.00 pianos, C97t only VelU $350.00 pianos, OKft only 3vDU $325.00 pianos, C?? only Pvav0 Used Pianos One Hallet' & Davis square, big bargain, only One Square, with round comers only $15 .$28 IU One Emerson, elegant tone. only ittj OneVose & Son, good condition, Onebeautiful Knabe square, $88 One Stein way, worth double S1fR the money, only h110 One Hale, upright piano, ,7 CQE octaves, only iJiOO On j New York make, almost 1ftR new, only HtJij One Hallet Sc Cumstun, fine tone, 2) One new scale Kimball, latest Cf JB design, only ipi'ftO one HtecK concert grand, suitable for a only8..: $218 One Kranich Bach parlor grand, thor oughly repaired at our own factory. fine Instrument for a profes- slonai musician, only kprndij Hew and Used Organs Including such renowned makes as Mason & ITamlin, Es tey, Crown, Burdette, etc., $10, $1 5, $25, $35 and up. PIAUO PLAYERS Maestro. Simplex. Cecilian. $125, $175 $225 and up to the price of the PIANOLA, the only self playing piano , device en dorsed by the world's greatest pianists Paderewski, Rosen thal, Moszkowski, Bauer and others. You are cordially Invited to visit our ware room e and factory, whether you wish to purchase or not. Our prices and our instruments will surely Interest you. To out of town customers we fur nish catalogues, prices and terms free of charge. (INCOSPOSATCD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE-RETAIL f 1 A M O S MAIN HOUSC AND OPTICS: tS1 FACTO a v.. . . tats raaiasi tclspmoni taas OMAHA LINCOLN. NIB I MS a. ttTW t 1 ts. . . CO. BLUFFS. IA OS NOADwAf TIL The Fashionable Fads of Footwear Are to be seen at this store In all the new and up-to-date styles of the season. Borne of the new novelties In fall styles are very smart and very handsome, made up in the new Corona patent colt. Ideal patent kid and vlcl kid, and nowhere else will you find shoes of such high quality and cor rect style at popular prices. $2.50, $3.00, $5.00 We Invite all to call and see the correct styles In our per fect fitting, high-grade shoes. nYitt0Eca iiu ite-DOBGlM Just Watch Omaha Next Year! There has been MOKE LIFE. MORE PUSH AND MORE DOIXO IN OMAHA IN THK PAST TWO MONTHS THAN THE WHOLE BALANCE OF THE YEAR and there will be more new building dur ing 1904 than during any live years since the boom. Just getting awake and so are drug buyers finding out that it pnya to buy their drug needs rrom tne r 1 kst uur PRICE DRUG STORE IN NEBRASKA. 25o Carters Little Liver Pills 15c 25c Laxative Brnmo Quinine 15c 25c Qulnacetol guaranteed cold cure....2"c $1.00 Pe-ru-na all you want 6Sc 11.00 Pierce's Remedies 6c $2.00 genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills 1 no $3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syr1nr..$2.25 BUNT rVai-VAlU UIM mMJEai'l U PRICE. J5o Castorla 2'c $1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey Wc $1.00 pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 75o ALL TICKETS FROM REGISTER ARE WORTH 6 PER CENT. SCllflEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG ST0RB B. T, TATE3, Proprietor. Two rkoaos f4T aad TT. Ittfc am 4 Chicago Streets. Omaha. . TOOLS Are one of the necessaries of life, from the railroad track laborer to ths highest t killed artisan black smith to watchmaker, all are de pendent upon them. TOOLS for all trades is one of our specialties then we have Tools for ths "lea Man." We are constantly on the lookout for the LATEST tools, and WE KNOW oar prices are right. JAS. MORTON &-S0N CO. 1511 Dodge St. BUILDERS HARDWARE. otnnoD If you like dressy footwear--just a little newer in style just a little snappier in effect juat a little bet ter in quality just a little easier fitting than any other shoe the shoe from maker to wearer come In and try the ONIMOD The Shoe For Entire Satisfaction. Always S3.50 $2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 20S So. 15th St. FANCY VESTINGS... Tour wardrobe is Incomplete with out fancy vesta. Fashion says you must have them. We have a line of the very freshest conceits In suitings of all sorts. Very handsome and effective they are, too. Come Jn and look t hern over. Helgren fi Gradmann Tailors 309 South Sixteenth. iMpety a lata Tvtertnaruuh Food Inspector. n.LniUACClOTTI. DsV. s. CITT YSTlUtlMAJUAX. OAos and infloaarg. VU and Maaea ata. 11 IWbeaLoa designs sU catalogues srraciopes scything: fa soybody, g Dhb a imll I Triirsit suae B Oss Ssagsa 9sss Bee" sVOCfsssjl I THE Gonnoft Company. Tti8 Leading Piano House of tiia West The bicgest month of Piano selling was Octo ber. We are determin ed to make November even greater. Our Vigorous Values will do it! We thought we had touched bed rock, but Here's Belter Than Ever! You needn't so further, you'll fare worae Our prices and values ARE TRANSCENDENT! Your cholco of one hundred guar anteed Pianos A crowning1 chance of a queenly instrument at a beg--gardly price. Used Uprights thoroughly fixed up, tuned and good as new. $130 to $180 Hew Uprights in all woods Dandies All designs. $145 to $188 Baby Grands Parlor Grands Concert Grands The richest in tone, the best in ac tion, the choicest designs that ever crossed old Father Mississippi. All on Easy Payments. We want you to see the wonderful CHASE & BAKER PLAYER without question the best player on the market. See itl We start Monday a big sale of Sheet Music, Muslo Folios, Music Books and Small Instruments. Write or Call THE BENNETT COMPANY 1 6th and Harney Sts., Omaha. The Season lias Opened... And we've put In a new shoe for men In the Victor Inst. The style is straight, with full too tho nmtprlal the kind llanan always puts in his shoe for this is a iiunan unoe Tl.n nriA 1b onlv 3.00. Men with tender feet will find mrwa wrn fnrt In this shoe. The same shoe made by Hanan for women. Send for our new catalogue. DREXEL SHOE CO.. 1419 Farnam Street. Oaaaha's Up-to-Dats Shoe House One of the comforts of the 20th Century is Hot Water. We cannot all go to the Hot Sprints and en joy the comforts provided by na- (urr, but we can at a small expense ave Hot Water, and that In liberal quantities. There Is no excuse for havlns- cold water, or even warm water, as by our system of putting 'n Water Fronts we can five yon ; hot war, and t at In laree ouan- titles. Why not see ns about it, land let us- show you how easily ! votir stove or ranee can be sun- pll "J with hot vater attachments. Duplicate parts for all makes of stoves, ranees, furnaces, steam and hot water plants. OMAHA STOYE FtfAIR WORKS, 1207 Doutlas Street Perfield's Be Bid , Room 7. Water. 6Ury aUark. , Cut Prle . Piano Co. Telephone 7U1 jUmtt ScSllnr. ni ill WiISc TIM) IllCLI Alll.t: 8 Coupons with ercrj purchase. The 'most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. . No other house east or west can or will offer such values. TUB BEI.IAIILK STORK. Gkpriif m ins r an mum iua Acorn Gas Burner Have you geon It? It's just whst Its name Implies. It not only burns ths ooal but It burns the smoke and gas that usu ally escapes up the chimney, when using the ordinary soft coal stove. Don't drag alonjr behind the procession. It you have noi seen mis Biove, come to us at once. Oitlc stoves from (6.00 up. Cole's hot bladt, 110.00 up. JOHN HUSSIE 2407-9 CUillNQ ST. gHd Tailored jfc I ) PAINTS AND WINDOW GLASS We wholesale and retal "Lowe Bros. High Standard Liquid Paints," which surpasses all paints for covering, spreading, easy working, durability and economy. Made In 43 tints and shades, and white and black. We also have complete line of Low B-os. household palnta, interior enamel colors, floor paint, carriage paint, oil wood stains, varnish stoxis, aluminum paint, metallic paint, barn paint, flat brick colors, wagon paint, etc. Write or call for color card. It us quote you a price before you lt your painting. Phone our paint department if you have any WINDOW CLASS to replace. Ws do all kinds of glaiing. Prices guaranteed to be the lowest PAINTBRUSHES Our stock of paint brushes comprises everything in ths line. Our prices are the lowest. Phone 8425 or call at our NEW DEPARTMENT 24IO IIAHNEY STREET For Paints. Oils, Class, Varnish, White Lead, Paint Brushes, Etc MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. 1 6th and Farnam Sts. GOLD CROWNS FROM $3.00 Work guaranteed. Special prices continued until November 6. fire nere 10 Biajr. ijonsuit uie proiessors Tree. Killing, from 25o Set of Teeth for $2.00 Teeth Extracted FREE) UNION DENTAL COMPANY 1522 Douglas St., Room 4. We Clean and Press g-olf skirts for 75c; lined skirts, $1.26; flannel waists, 60c; silk waists, 75o; short jackets, 11.60; automobiles, tl.00; men's suits, $1.60, and overcoats, tLU. All work a-uaranteed. Try us. THE PAiiTomun 407 15ta Bt oi COLLAR TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Wrll (or sample Cosy. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address UuS . Wonderful oupon THE RELIABLE STOHH. We are Exclusive Agents for the Hart Schaffner & Marx Hand Tailored Clothing. The Belt Overcoat Quite the most distinguished looking of the many good over coats vre are showing is this Hart Schaffner & Marx "Belt Overcoat." The belt is in the back only doesn't go all the way round. The coat, however, is an "all 'round," stylish garment, has all the characteristics of the Hart Schaffner & Marx pro duct tyle, fine tailoring, best quality. We carry a full line of H., R. & M. overcoats, at flQ, $12.50, fl5, ?18 and $22.50. TheVRoyal Acorn If you were asked more for an A corn base burner than for others you would still be justified In buying- It, as It will save you money -(coal) each year. Fact Is, however, that we offer the Acorn for much less than others ask for stoves not Quite as good. We have nearly three thou sand testimonials from Omaha users. They cost you from 726.00 up and they don't crack. HARDWARE CO., "It you buy It of Hussle Its right." We Open Till p oa INDIAN BEAD Special for one week onl each 10c By mall, 20a Regular price 2Tc. Full Une of Beads In all colors. Largest assortment In the west Pattern Book, Needles, every thing pertaining to the BEAD work. Also the largest and most complete Yarn Department In the west WE WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, and can till your wants for any quantity. JOS. F.. 322 S. (6th St- OMAHA - -. - NED- MY BROS. A V til?' , f Mil ) A 1 r