18 THE OMAHA DAILY I3EE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES trill be take ! It mm. far IB Ittalig etltlaa aatll :! a, aa. !. aaatralait aa Saadar adltlaa. Ratea, 1 l-2 a ward flrat laeertlaa, le a ward tktrMfltr. Hatalaa; takea tnr leee faaa Sfta for tha flrat ler Una. Tkm aa" vertUesaeate aaaat fca rxa coaaeeatlrely. Advertiser, ay reajaastlagr a aaa tiered rktck, aaa kit aaawara Creased ta a ataktrrt letter la vara ( Tka flae. Aaawers aa addraaacd will le delivered praaaataUaa af tka tkaak aalr. WANTED SITUATION. fclTUATION WANTKD A commercial Job printer. Western city preferred. Al char acter. Samples. J. S. Wohllord, M iin City, la. A 7o6 1 EXPERIENCED coachman, understands care of line horses, carriage, harnesses and all work on gentleman place; careful driver address. C. Campbell Midland, Hotel. A 612 lx TRAVELING salesman with ability would accept good position on road or In city. Satisfactory references. Address T 60, Omaha Bee. A 735 lx 1 RT GOODS salesman of many years' ex perience wishes position In small town. Address T 66, care Bee. A 603 ax FIRST-CLASS cook and housekeeper, with inferences; more for good home than big wages. Address T 67, Bee. A 699 lx STUDENT young In private family man wants work mlly for board and room. Address T 61, Bee office. A 722 lx POSITION wanted; expert lady bookkeeper; rlne years' experience fire and life Insur ance. Address T 41, Bee. A 764 1 WASTED MALE HELP. Educate for Business, Boyles College NEW YORK LIFE BLDO. ' tUSINESS, SHOKTllAND. TYPEWRIT 1NU. ENGLISH. DAY AND NIGHT. fcl'UDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME. Apply Isr Catalogue. B-tOl OOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., m B. lath. UM ANTED, flrat-claas wood turner, at ouce. uaod wagea. Lincoln bush. Door Mfg. Co., Lincoln. Neo. ANTED, (or U. 8. army, abla-bouled. un- ..mi i lea men, between ag of 21 and ua, citlsen of United Slates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, tead and write English. For Information H'ply to recruiting ofilcer, 16th and Dodge .., Omaha, and Beau ice, Neo. B-M154 VV ANTED Two agent at onoe; good sal ary; city work. C. F. Adams Co., lt Howard at B-attUS . ANTED, a newspaper or magazine so licitor to work the city on a new prop osition. Call at Circulation Dept. Omaha Bee, B M-toJ v.OUNO MAN BRIGHT Over 18, to pre pare for Gov't position; good salary; per manent, gradual promotion. Box biO, Ce dar Kaplua. la. D 446 N27x i .'ANTED Active grain man for road ac quainted with shippers in southern Ne braska and northern Kansas. Aadrns with references and talary expected, T 44, Bee. B M473 t I' YOU are earning lesa than $26 per week we can double your income by leucnlng you how to write old line Hie Insurance and we will make you money wnlle you ire learning the business; If interested address T 43, Bee. B M472 1 EN 112 a week at home. Bend addressed nvelope, you can start work the moment , ou receive our reply. No canvassing, lothlng to sell. United Product- Co.. JepU 3, 200 Broadway, New York. B-615 lx VNTED Young men to become locomo ive firemen. Experience unnecessary. lve age and weight. Enclose stamp. iZARK INSTITUTE. Box 2, Springfield. j4o. B-i4 lx t.lORTHAND In JO days; Boyd's Syllabic; no ruled lines: no shading; notnlng to . onfuse; only 9 characters; easily read; ntudy by mall: circulars, testimonials anil Hrst lesson covering one-fourth the ourse lor two z-cent stamps. Chicago Correspondence Schools, incorporated, 6 National Life Bldg., Chicago, 111. B WANTED, a competent man with lady as sistant to manaite a ealesoffice in Omaha. Must, have a good standing to dignify a clean, gilt-edge opportunity. No canvass ing. Address 'me uiectrus Company, 2u6 209 E. Jefferson St., Syracuse, N. CLERKS and others with common school educations only, who wish to Qualify for ready positions at $25 a week and over, to write for free copy of my new nros- pectus and endorsements from leading concerns everywnere. vine graauate nils fx. (100 place, another 16,000, and any num ber earn SI. 600. The best clothlna- ad writer in New York owes his success within a lew months to my teachings. 'Demand exceeda stiunlv. Genres If Pnw. . ell, Advertising and Business Expert, 1166 leropie v;ouri, new xora. u A BUSINESS man desiring a high-grade position. Salaries $l,0ti0 $5,000. Wiite Bust. ness opportunity company, i union square, xsew xorx. B 42 lx WANTED For bank work, two young m n under 26 years of aire. Must be good pen men, quick and accurate. Write giving ex perience. Auuress i s, Dee. ti trU ix WB NEED COMPETENT MEN to fill Doaltlons as Managers. Accountants. .dvertlslng Men. Salesmen and Book keeper. Also Technical and Executive Men, high grade exclusively. We have offices In twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet. jiafgoods (incorporated) Suite 829. Monadnock Building, Chicago. li lt E PRESENT ATI VF.8 wanted In everv lo cality; not a get-rlch-qulck scheme; $6 . and upwards per day easily made from start, while establishing a profitable and permanent business. We have manufac tured and bandied this one article alone here since 1894 and this Is the first time w have placed It In the hands of repre sentatives. Sample with full particulars mailed to any address on receipt of 26 cents. winson tiros., zki fine St., San Francisco, cai. . b GOVERNMENT positions can be secured through civil service examinations. Full Information and questions usod by the Dufniiiiirni , , . - . viiiuiiiuiuii v uriCBjiUHU once College, Washington, D. C. B DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary. Inter national Detective Agency, Mllwu1'e, Wis. B-llx MKN to plant mushrooms In cellars, rooms etc., at home and send us produre; 12 per week; we pay all express charges. Send addressed envelope for Instructions end years contract. Combined Growers Co., necamau oi., iew xora. u oil lx TERBON to call on retail trade for msnii facturlng house; salary 130. raid weeklv: expense money advanced; previous ex perience unneoary. Standard Houte, laxton mug., imcago. B U7U3 7x WANTED KVERYWHERE Hustlers to tack signs, aistrtmite circulars, sampler, etc.: no ranvasshi't rood pay. Sim Ad- voniHing ourcau, nicjgo. a y& lx WANTED. sate sunt, to msnsge branch omce tor tmcep-o nrm: iz.ni yearly. In' eluding commissions: also ofrce expenses steady Dosltlon: MuO seourltv remilrei Address Wm. Lake. Pres., M pon'lac T ? I 'I. I ...... n 1 T' WANTED, trsvedna iiH advertising man I'Vr roetiraska ; wo montniy rrom the star also all expenses: rlndv noal'lon to vst Wfactorv partv. Address Road Sunt.. ieartxrn, c nicago. u w6 lx MANAGER wanted tn every large county "eme o BK11I nickel Hot machine fo' brinks, clears or rnonev; takes place o forbidden slot nnschines: strlcllv lawful everywhere: rented or sold on ess" oay. ments: .om pow In use. funins-ham Furniture Co., Department 86, Chl-o. B-6.H lx WANTED for the fMr waiters bartenders, d-wu-tnen and aood all sround men. Also want a few bsrbers. Good mcnev to hust lers and csr far nald to St. Iuils I. P. True. 421 Potsoul bldg., St. Louis. "v B 776 lx lll'STLING boy for office and errand work; good chance to advauoa. The f-nlt r. mler Typewriter Co. BM72S I WANTED MALE HELP. New Classes Tomorrow IN ALL DEPARTMENTS at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas Sts. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. Those who' Intend taking a business course or a course In Shorthand, Typewriting or Telegraphy should begin tomorrow. New classes will be started in all depart ments. ; The demand continues for our students as bookkeepers, stenographers and tele graph operators. Six months spent with ua means a good position. MOSHER SHORTHAND No system ever devised equals it In merit. The new revised edition Is Just out. Over SOO orders have already been received and will be filled tomorrow. It Is the finest text book on shorthand now published. Price by mall $1.60. It will pay you to learn Mosher Shorthand. Call or write for particulars. Address, ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; few wneks completes; can earn nearly all expenses, Including board and tools be fore graduating; splendid facilities, care ful instructions; diplomas granted. Cata logue explaining mailed free. Molor Bar ber College 1302 Douglas St. B M672 6x WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, laex signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M078 2x $18 PER WEEK and expenses to a hustler to distribute samples ana collect ior 1mnufacturer In Nebraska; expenses ad vanced; salary paid weekly. Advertising Dept., 702 Star Bldg., Chicago. B-677 lx WANTED, good union forwarders, finish ers, rulers; nrsi-ciasa uinuer. auuii-h T SI, care Bee office. B M737 3 WANTED Traveling man for established route in Nebraska; staple line; no can vassing; inexperienced and ambitious man preferred; IIS weekly and expenses. Ad dress Road Manager. 1806 Manhattan bldg., Chicago. B-647 lx LAUNDRYMAN wanted, must be a. man of good habits, willing to work ana attend to business; single man preferred. Send references and application to State In dustrial school, Kearney, Neb. B 784 1 The new law school. Crelghton Medical College Cor. 14th and Davenport Sts., Class now belnar formed for benefit of thoee who desire fam 11 tarty with law either for Its practical value in business or ror higher mental culture, E. F. McCartney, Secretary, No. 432 Omaha National Bank Building. B 613 1 WANTED-SALESMEN. SALESMEN WANTED Two traveling specialty salesmen or ability to sell a hard proposition. Compensation commensurate with ability. Box 1561, Jollet, 111. 19 lx WANTED SPECIALTY ROAD salesman. Experience required. W. J. Lorack, Sales Manager, Iowa City, la. 618 lx TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska. No technical knowledge, but active, au round hustler. Established, well rated House. Box 624, Detroit, Mich. . 636 lx WANTED, salesman; 60 monthly and ex- Senses; permanent. Brown Bros. jo.( ochester, N. Y. SALESMEN with experience for Nebraska, B. Dakota, Iowa for 1904. Moat complete line advertising signs, novelties, calen dars. Commission basis. Exclusive terri tory. Best references required. The Scioto Sign Co., Kenton, O. 644 lx WANTED At once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska; we want a sales man, none other need apply. Address Drawer S, Chicago. 656 lx CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of 1100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess N. Bmlth Co., Detroit, Mich. -620 lx TRAVELING man calling on country trade. Good side line spring dress goods and white goods. Frank D. La Lanrie A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. -27 lx HOUSE to house canvassers, everywhere: we manufacture a photograph iramo tnit magnifies and beautines the pnougrapn. Heart shape, made of finest crystal glass; vervbodv sees them wants one: send for circular and wholesale prices. Baltimore Novelty Works, 619 West Lexington St., Baltimore, Md. 701 lx WANTED An experience clothing sales man to go to Nebraska City. Apply Bun day afternoon of Julius Goldstein. Iler Grand hotel. 9S 1 WE paid one salesman this year from Jan uary to July jl.too commission ior selling Weir's White Lead as a side line. Write for our proposition. D. T. Weir While Lead Co., St. Louis. Mo. 686 lx WANTED, two rosd salesmen for Iowa and Nebraska, rirst-ciass oniy; salary or com. Address T 69, Bee. 734 lx A SALESMAN for lows, one for Nebraska and one rw omana. ny uenver corpora tion. Must be thoroughly awake and well known In territory. Address T 68. Bee. 731 lx WANTED Salesman, barber supplies and toilet preparations; Sin mommy ana ex rense: exoeHence unnecessary. Whber Glen Co.", Chicago. III. 5t lx WA.ITbU FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 14th Dodge. C o4 WANTED, flrst-el.ee ladles' tailor. Max Morris, 1406 Farnam. C MH9S YOUNG girl to assist at general housework. Enquire 127 p. 26th St. C M434 TWO more young women and one young man to take course or training in Sana torium. Address W. L. Ross, 2121 Lake. 6x4 6 130 PER THOUSAND paid for copying letters, weverai otner lines oi wot k to give out SS weekly, working evenings. Enclose stamp for reply. PARISIAN SUPPLY CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. C-637 lx I.ADIRfl tr do nlerewnrk at their homea: we furnlah all materials and pay from 17 to til weekly, tend atamped envelope to Royal Co., 14 E., Monroe St., Chicago. C-657 lx A GOOD position swalts every woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts; exclusive terri tory; big profits; no experience necessary; send for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co., 117 Viaduct, Cleveland, Ohio. -C LADIES do plain sewing at home; $8 to $15 paid weekly; experience unnecessary; ma terial sent free everywhere; send stamped envelope for particulars. Weber Mfg. Co., 1136 Broadway, New York. . C-4 lx $26.0) PER hundred writing letters from copy; atamped addressed envelope. Axolc Chemical Co., 3U6-1S5 Dearborn tt. Detk 49, Chicago. C 691 lx $)0 A MONTH made helping us In your locality; easy, steady, we ssk for no money. 8. K. Assn., Box 18, Philadelphia. C 674 lx WANTED A bright woman with good so cial standing as manager for extensive eastern business. Address T 48. Bee office. C M680 2 WANTED. competent girl for general nouttewora; inrre in ramuy. A. u r)e eon. sue 8. 88th st. C-M777 I WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresalng. manicuring, electric or facial massage; four to six weeka completea; position waiting graduate at top wages; diplomas granted; complete outfit given each stu- lau or wma MOier l Ollelfe. iaut Douglas 81 C-al.t to WANTEDMALE HELP. WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES having fancy work to sell, dnllle, centerpieces, Battenberg and drawnwork, send stamped envelope Ladies' Exchange, 34 D, Monroe St., Chicago. C 6t6 lx LADIES to write letters at home; $26 a hundred. Addressed envelope for particu lars. American Novelty Co., Dept. 10, South Bend, Ind. C 683 lx LADIES $30 per hundred writing short let ters; no deposit; no canvassing; stamped envelope, particulars. Ladles' Supply Co., Dept. 11, Indtunapolls, Ind. C-682 lx WANTED First class girl, general house work; 8 In family. Apply 1142 S. 9lh at. C-M475 lx FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. K 814 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnnm. E-016 ROYAL HOTEL, European, ICth & Chicago E 16 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-178. E-913 AETNA HOUSE, European, l!th & NICELY furnished room In private family; house new and modern. 2619 Jones St. E MUO LARGE, LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. $12.60 and up per month. 76o and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th at. and Capitol ave. Steam heated; electric lighted; private and general baths; all conveniences; first class service. Eat where you please. HOOM AT THE DELLONE. K M128 NovSOx NICELY furnished rooms; everything new and modern; gentlemen rref erred. 1018 Webster EC E-M337 ?WO rooms, 2806 Dodge; gentlemen; refer ences. E-410 lx FOR RENT, 1 or 3 furnished rooms, single of enaulte; private family. 434 S. 24th. E M1I ELEGANT front room, steam heating and bath, for gentleman. 1909 Capitol Ave. E 596 2 . NICELY furnished room to one or two gentlemen who will double; In private family of two people; furnace heat; ref erences required. 2306 Grant st. E 732 lx GOOD, warm room, modern. 2W0 Harney. E Mi 30 7x DESIRABLE ROOMS at The Farnam. 19th and Farnam Sts. E M9J4 TWO modern south rooms, best location, with every convenience. 2218 Douglas St. E 606 lx S TO 6 light housekeeping; modern; heat; clean; reference. 2214 N. 19th st. E 728 lx FOR housekeeping. 2201 Douglas. E-715 1 TWO unfurnished or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 723 South 18th street. F. 786 3x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. TWO rooms, with alcove on second and third floor, hot water heat, 212 South 26th. F M200 FRONT room with alcove, 2d and 3d floor, hot water heat. 212 So. 26th at. F-M200 CONGENIAL company will find first c'ass room and board; best location in city. Ad dress T 46, Bee oftlce. . F 724 lx TWO desirable front rooms, with excellent board. 2616 Farnam st. F 7t.9 lx ii i ii ' - FOR nSKT-tvN FURNISHED ROOMS. 1 UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for very light housekeeping; adults only; furnace heat. 2306 Grant st. G 733 lx PARLOR floor, three fine rooms; nice loca tion. I3 Dodge at. G 7S2 lx FURNITURE PACKING. Puterson & Lundberg, US S. 17th. Tel. L-235S. " H-917 FOR KEN T STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for wholesale- purposes at 916 Farnam, 2x90, lou slorlea and tlrse-class cemented basement, elevator, lire r.nd burglar proof vault, of fice counter and nxtuies. Fur price und particulars inquire C. C. Ruaewater. : retary the Bee Building Co., room 100. Ilea building. I-A15J7 FOR RENT The building formerly ocuu pld by The Bee at 916 Farnam st. It ha four si or leu and a basement, which was formerly used by The Bee press room Tnls will be rented very reasuuably. If interested apply at office of C. C Ruse Water, secretary, room lot) Bee building. I-.-61 I-STORY and basement, 22x100; 1005 Farnara St. Inquire 314 First. Nat l Bank BMg. I-M152 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building t 916 Farnam st.; two stories lr preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y., Room loO, Bee bldg. I M086 8-STORY and fine basement building In wholesale district; price $1,500. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas St. 1468 N4 TO LEASE Warehouse with good trackage facilities. Inquire 1309 Jones St. I-M484 lx AGENTS WANTED, WANTED Csnvassing agent In every county to solicit subscriptions to THK TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily w'to $1ia) per month. - Ad ares Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. -J SU AGENTS are you making money. If not why not. The Easy King Mop and Brush Holder Is a sure winner. Every family buys one. Send 36 cents for sample and be on the winning side. R. Agler Co., M uncle, Ind. . J 617 lx $32 A WEEK salary and all expenses for men with rlK to introduce poultry com pound. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. U, Par sons, Kan. J EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. AtiENTS WANTED. AGENTS 160 a week guaranteed; Auto matic Washers sell themselves. Agent writes: ' Exhibited samp.e to ten women; took ten orders." Time 4n minutes, profit over o0; guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; costs ls. than any other machine; tree sample and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J W lx WE start you selling diamonds. Don't ac cept employment until getting our lib eral offer, tft dally sure. Carbon Dia mond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J 40 lx OUR men make 13 to M0 a day fitting glasses. Our 24-page free eye book tells all about it. We f s abllsh you In business for yourself. Jacksnnlan Optical Col lege (chartered), 104 Main street, Jack son, Mich. J-645 lx WE INSURE UP TO 14. Good side line for Insurance agents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24, Elkhart, Ind. J- WANTED Field Sunt.; wide-awake man; no selling; established business; position permanent. Luke Brothers Co., Interna tional Nurseries, Chicago, 111. J BEGIN business for yourself; stop working for others. We start you In profitable mall-order business at your home. Pleas ant work; Immense profits; unlimited pos sibilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J DON'T be an agent. Be the boss. We start you In business. Big money. Particulars for stamp. New Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Selt our $1 bottle Sarsnparllla for 35 cents; best seller; 2no per cent profit. Write today for terms and territory. Address F. R. Greene, 69 Dearborn St., Chicago. J TO SELL the Climax Drop Light, adjust able to any height; does away with table and can be Instantly attached to chande lier; a money maker. Write the Grove Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohio. J AGENTS or deputies to represent largest sick, accident and death benefit associa tion In the west; up-to-date plan: choice territory; big contract to men who can produce business. American Benevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo. J OUR pocket outfit starts you selling nat ural diamonds; defy experts: drop every thing; write for outfit. Address Natural Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J 702 lx OUTFIT free, credit given; cut-price Christmas books. 60c book, 12He; U book, 25c; $1.50 book, 60c: 62.60 book, 75c. Fergu son, 6714 Fifth. Cincinnati, O. J 700 lx FOTTR new patents selling like wlld-flre. Write at once, learn how to make $25 dally clear profit. Braham Co., ' R 1227, Cincinnati, O. J 699 lx AGENTS. $30 to $50 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous nameplates, numbers, signs, readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Engle wood. 111. J AGENTS make $26 to $75 weekly selling Allen's Fountain Brush and Bath outfit. Write for terms. Allen Mfg. Co., Toledo, Ohio. ' J 693 lx AGENTS making money selling new automatic burglar alarm for doors, windows, retails 60c. State managers wanted. Ramona Co., 146 West 23d St.. New York. J-669 lx MAN cleared $1,182. lady $920, last 6 months Introducing Holladay's Blaak Marvel Waterproof Self-Shlnlng Shoe Polish; why not you? Demonstrated samples free. Holladay & Co., 27-188 Monroe St., Chicago. J 671 lx A. AGENTS $10 a day or evening selling automatic funnels to saloons and drur stores; wonderful Invention; cannot over flow bottle; sells at sight. Auto. Funn Co., Box 48. Biddeford, Maine. J-670 lx AGENTS WANTED Twefitv-flve dollars weekly for twenty weeks; the best propo sition offered agents who want money and are willing to work for It. GEORGE F. CRAM, 652 Wabash ave., Chicago. III. J 664 lx AGENTS In small towns to sell Kentucky whisky to consumer In boxes of one gal lon each; 70c commission on each box. Thomas Run & Co., Covington, Ky. J-49 lx AGENTS make big mor y selling Pyro heaters; fits ordinary gas Jet; heats bed rooms, bath rooms, etc.; sells for $1.00; we want good agents. Uehllng Decker Co., Passaic. N. J. J-il lx YOU can earn good wages taking orders for our Christmas specialties; no capital or experience necessary. Illff & Co., Wa bash Ave., Chicago. J 679 lx STOP RUNA WAY8 Hitch horses solid In stantly; carry in pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co., Richmond, Ind. J 678 lx AGENTS, either sex, old or young, salary or commission, experience unnecessary. Address George Russell, Council Bluffs la. J-762 lx AGENTS Newest, fastest selling 30c nov elty; can make $10 per day; no capital required; over 100 per cent profit; winner for holidays. Goodspeed Co., Dept. 2. 93 Washington St., Chicago. J 763 lx WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy second-hand gasoline engine. 10 to 15 horse power. Address T 56, care Bee. N M604 3x FOR SALE FURNITURE. FULL line of hard ooal stoves bow on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St. O 242 OAK sideboard for sale, 2209 Spencer st . 0-686 FURNITURE T-room house for sale; first class and cheap. 711 8. 17th St. O 697-1 X FOR SALE Roller top desk, office chairs, Hut top tablo, round oak stove, new, coun ter, sidewalk bulletin boards, curtains, one set advertising stencil letters, all at bargain. Call a South 12th St. O 601 lx FOR SALE HORSES, WAUONS, ETC. MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16th St. P--S1S HARRY FROST'S Carriage and Wagoo Works is on corner of luh and Leaven worm. P 92S FOR SALE Two-seat, extension top car riage, in good condition; rubber tlrea Mliion Rogers t Sons Co., 14th and i Far nam sta. P M477 SWELL family rig for sale; large gentle luuse, brass trimmed harness, Leigh open surrey. $36o.oo. 417 S. 14th st. P 681 lx STATION rockaway, excellent condition, pole and shafts, only $160. Address T 63, Bee. P-M606 7 A GOOD surrey, bought last year, nearly ... I .. . i. tl tn In a rt aw as goitu imw, ii . " i iw, .. -change It for a driving horse; this Is a large stout surrey and woul dbe all right for use on a farm; has a canopy top. Ad dress T 62, Bee office. P 762 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timber; chicken fence; oak piling. M Doulas FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile, la fj-st-clasj shape, at one-half price. Call or addi esa. ltd Farnam 8L Q-9Z1 FOR SALE, wheel for girl 12 years; fine condition, $5.00. 644 So. 24th ave. Q-M594 $lx INDIAN goods and relic. Ill Fam una Q $& NEW and tdhaad typewriters. Ult Farnara, Q-ta IRON Si wire fence tree guards, trellises. Western Alienor Fence Co., 2u N. 11th St. Q-23 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sber (ran 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q as FOR BALE Heveral scholar ship tn a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course iu business, ttkurt hand sua typewriting, laqulr at Kae omce. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Second - Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand box-top mactilnes that have ueen inoruUKhly over hauled ana are In condition to do good work, at the following prices, and torn plete with attachments: White t 4.00 Household 6.01 Household 11H) Singer 5.00 Singer 10 .00 Singer 12.00 New Home 9.00 Standara (dressmaker's, good as new) 10.(0 Wilcox & Glbbs (good as new).. 25.00 Singer (tailoring; 111 good condi tion) 10.00 Standard (tuiloilng; almost new) 15.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In Serfect condition. The latest thing the Ifferent factories produce, from $17.60 to $26.00. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for 75c per week, and sell and repair parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney 'Phone 1663 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs.. 'Phone B-618 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha... .'Phone 4365 Q-M4S5 1 FOR SALE Co-M buslneaa. Capital required. ID HAND eafa cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. Q 92S DOORS, windows, lath, budding, beaded telling, kindling, hydraulic elevator, mar ble tile, radiators, gas llxtures, cheap. Barker hotel. Q M433 8x COAL SAVER Cuts your coal bills In half. Any one can make and use It. It Is simple, cheap and effective. Full In structions mailed for '25c. Metropolitan Supply & Novelty Co., Kansas City, Kan. Q 638 lx BILLIARD and pool tables, bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Bar fixtures and saloon supplies. The Western Bar Fixture and Hotel Supply Mfg. Co., 1407 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Q M738 N30 CLAIRVOYANTS. GYI.MER, palmist. 715 N. 23d; 'phone B 8245. 6-M708 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN uunicn oi clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. ' 8 J0 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 16, 2d floor, r. 1 T M406 N6x PERSONAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. eriscn, 5 California su Terms reajoru.jie. U-038 PRIVATE hospital during confinement: babies adopted. Mrs. Gut dels, 234 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. Ut PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Oood Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-i BOSTON Umbrella Mfg., 606 S. 16. Tel. 1617. Umbrellas, parasols re-covered, repaired or made. U 4l THE Omaha Plating Co. will soon move to larger quarters at 1506 Harney st. U-M440 "VIA VI" way to health; 348 Bee building. Omaha. U 146 PRIVATE hosnltal before i id during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, 1501 Vinton. Tel. 1889. U-936 WB RENT sewing machines at 75c per week, $2 per month; we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; second-hand machines from $1 to $10. Neb. fycle Co., l'.h nid Harney. U 837 MAGNET P1LS KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists $1. U--M3 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. ;51J Dodge St., Arlington block. Omaha. V6S ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS. LADIES!-4 to 10 Inches at home, with Dr. Conway's Bust Tabloids, at trifling cost; $1,000 for a case we cannot; those developed In past 15 years prove 'tis permanent. Healed facts 4o stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 16 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. U 641 lx COSTUMES for rent. 8318 S. 20th. Back. U-M659 deel MARRIAGE directory free to all; pay when married; new plan; .send no money. For particulars address 11. A. Horton. Dept. 297, Tekonaha, Mich. U 658 lx YOUNG men. you can stop your bad habits; sealed particulars) free. Address Western Appliance Co., 68 Waugh block, Denver, Colo. u MATRIMONIAL Association; Incorporated under state laws; 8.000 members; many wealthy; 24-page paper, 10c, sealed. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U 625 lx DEBTS collected anywhere; no fee unless successful: want representative In every town. Interstate Law Association, 508 E. & C. bVdg., Denver, Colo. U 704 lx MARRIAGE paper. 8 page, with addresses of all personal ads, 10c; correspond with out further expense. A. Stover, Drawer 667A, Chicago, 111. U 697 lx 8 FACIAL massages for $1. Miss Halloday hair dressing parlors, 317 No 17. U-614 lx CANCER In all Its forms, external or In ternal, cured without use of knife or caustics; write for free particulars and t'Rtlmonlals. DR. E. H. HARDING. Can cer Specialist (16 years), Box 171. ;rlen, Utah. U 654 lx I SEEK HUSBAND for lady age 20, worth $20,000; widow 36, $30,000 and stock farm; lady 22, $8,000 and beautiful suburban home. Address Jessie, 19 S. Broartway, St. LotVs. Mo. U 653 lx SUPERFLUOUS hair warts and moles permanently nwnoved by e'ectriclty; con sultation free and confidential; all work gusrr.n'eed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. U U-767 lx ."VCVtiV TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. im Farnam St. W ttU PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. W 14 WANTED, real estate loans and warrant R- C. Peter A Co.. Bee Bldg. W-94 FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. W 94 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton block. W-94S FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. w a PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. Ii20 Douglaa W VII TO LOAN, $500 at 7 per cent on good real estate security. Address F 26, Bee. W-M359 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on Omaha and South Omaha real estate; loans made for build ing purposes; real estate sold; Improved property cared for; Insurance In safe eoin- anles. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank ldg. W-M128 lx MONEY TO LtjAM CHATTELS. MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOd. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low ratea and easy trma. Buslneaa Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., It Paxton block, Uth aud Farnam Sta. MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, lew- airy L hone, cow tc. C F. Reed, si a. u. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or U you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and coniidentlal and we always try to please. All that we bsk Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. i2U5. (Established 1892). 306 S. 16th St. X-M192 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-S5J MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates). 114 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-464 NOT IN THE TRUST. MONEY ANY AMOUNT. Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent positions on their PLAIN NOTE, without MORTGAGE, INDORSER or SE CURITY of any kind, without EMPLOY ER'S knowledge. We also loan money on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal of goods. You have use of both money and goods. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING, to call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest in Omaha. We want your tuislness and bellevo an In vestigation of our methods will get It even if at the present you -are dealing elsewhere. KIND, COURTEOUS TREATMENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In thu city. Come In and see us, whether you bor row or not. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 3O7-308 Paxton Block. Rooms 307-308. X-778 1 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co.. R 6. Barker Block. X-27J MONEY To -salaried employes and wage earners. Get our system of loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist or engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Just on his note; Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $;00 Return to us.. $26.66 or $13.35 or $6.65 $ 60 Return to us.. 13.33 or 6.66 or 3.35 $ 26 Return to us.. 6.66 or 8.33 or 1.06 $ 15 Return to us.. 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 Easiest termsv lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 624 PAXTON BIJC. X BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, Hi N. x". Life. Y (X4I FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures, including ice box. inquire 276$ Far nam. Y-SJ FOR SALE, to active man, Interest In es tablished business; personal services and 15,000 required. Excellent opportunity for right party. Address T 87. Bee. Y 418 FOR SALE, drug store In good town In northern Nebraska. Will sell whole stock cr half Interest to right party. Good op portunity for energetic young man. Ad otcss T 32. care Bee. Y 409 lx FOR SALE Foundry and machine shop In the part o: the best agricultural country of S. D , (i account of sickness of the owner, at very !-w price. For Information correspond with J. U. Mor rnann, Yankton, 8. D. Y M461 4 FOR SALE Blacksmith rhop, five nlles west of Omaha. Apply J. A. McAidle, Bee mailing room. Y 14481 lx . PATENTS BOUOHT-Sold outright or on royalty, advance, made, and, generally, the financing, manufacturing and ex ploiting of paents undertaken. Apply or write fo- prospectus. American In ventors' YUt'.nce Association, Park Row Bldg.. New York. Y-616 lx FOR SAX K f. 0.000 stock of clolhlng and g(.nts urrlar.i;i5 at 65c on the dollar; nearly rw; must sell on account sickness Inquire at Neb. Clothing House, Garnett. Kan. . . Y 633 1 S Per Cent Weekly You can handle your own money and reallre an average income at the above rate; send for our free booklet, which explains our method In full. GEORGE F. REYNOLDS & CO., 60 Broadway, New York City. Y-661 lx WE PAY CASH FOR STOCKS. Will buy the following: Hidden Fortune (B. H) Horseshoe preferred (B. H.) Braganza (Arls.) Battle Lake Tunnel Bite (Doane Rambler.) Do not oak us what we will give, but state what you have to sell and what you want for It, if the price Is within our reach we can do business with you and do It quick. We are the largest dealers In mining, oil and Industrial stocks (unlisted) in this country, and well known as headquartera for all active stocks. Where prompt de liveries are desired we can invariably make lower prices than any other firm. Our monthly market letter and price. llBt, the must reliable and comprehensive pub lished, is of great interest and value to Investors; furnished free of charge; send for It. DONALD A. CAMPBELL & CO.. Investment bankers. Security Building, 188 Madison St, Chicago. -662 lx DOUBLE YOUR INCOME Do you earn $100 per monthT We can double It' with a $20.00 Investment. Larger amounts In proportion. Oldest and beet known corporation In our line', Capitalized for $100,000. National bonk references. Write us. STAR & CRESCENT CO.. 228 La Salle St., Chicago. Y-48 lx il $ $ A REGULAR INCOME 6 to 7 per cent .weekly on GUARANTEED. ccounts of $26.00 and upward ha been paid by ua every Tuesday of 10. We are but In the in fancy of our career and yet we lead the country in our line of business. Posi tively no mining, oil, stock or betting system, but a plain, straight bualneaa proposition commendable for any man or woman possessing a small amount of Idle capital. Principal returned on demand. Hundreds of professional and business men throughout the country have in vested with us. Why not you? Unques tionable banking and subscribers' refer ences, together with our handsome free booklet, furnished upon request. JOHN R. PEARSON c CO., Incorporated. Bholwell Bid 8.. 55th St. and Washington Ave., Chicago. 111. $ $ $ l$ S-oix' CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 812. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y START a business of your own with little or no capital; our book. "Business Op portunities," tells all about it. Send for It at once. Descriptive circular free. Metropolitan Supply Ac Novelty Co., Kan sas City, Kan. Y-&S U I CAN SELL TOUR BUSINESS, no matter where It la or what it 1 worth; send de scription, state price and learn how. Offices and special representative In $6 cities. W. M. OSTRANDER. Home Office 148 N. A. Bldg., Philadelphia. Y PARTNER wanted to Invest $1.0u0. Will guarantee $lu,000 profit. Address T 12, Omaha Be. i X-6 U BUSINESS CHANCES. FIRST-CLASS bank outfit for sale cheap J or will exchange for Iowa, Kansas oi Nebraska real estate. Safe made by Dlebold aV Keinsle Manufacturing Co. of Cincinnati. Largest slsel double front doors, each with combination locks, made by Yale Lock Manufacturing Co, of Stamford, Conn., together wltg $2f time lock attached; vault with casing and double doors Inside; outside door, large, single, , with Combination locks, made by the Dlebold Canton Safe Co., Canton, O., with steel lining for roor; 60 deposit boxes, suitable to rent; cashier desk, money counter, with mirrors and drawers. Real estate men. brokers or persons contemplating going In the bank ing business can do no better than to call on the owner and see property, or write J. C. Boone, Salem. Col. Co., Ohio. Y PROVEN BY U. sTmINT RECEIPTS that this company produced over $0.0tW gold bullion from one year's development work on one claim. It paid over $23,00" In dividend last year. The Nevada Key atone Mining Co. owna seven additional claims and it is for the purpose of push. Ing development work on thewo that a limited amount of stock Is offered for sals). Such development work as has been dons , on the seven claims has demonstrated that they sre richer than the developed claim, the "Keystone," which give the name to the whole group. Ten per cent per annum In dividends on your Invest ment Is certain because of tha earning power of the developed mine, with a 1 magnificent opportunity of Increasing the . vnlue of your holdings by the develop ment of the seven additional claims. Tha ompany courts the closest Investigation , t t both large ind small capital. Dun and Bradstreet mercantile agencies have In telligent reports on the company. High est bank references. We recommend this as a rare opportunity for a safe and re munerative Investment Write at once for booklet containing facsimiles of U. 8. mint -ecelpts and "what others have to say." Laclede Investment Company, St. Louis, Mo. v Y DOCTOR If you wish to buy or sell a med ical practice or procure a partner address, giving particulars, Dr. W. O. Dyer, West field. Wis. T IF TOU HAVE MONEY end would like to have It I5ARN MORE MONEY, write ua today for particulars of an Investment that will pav over 100 per cent profit in 30 days. MORTON A THOMAS, BANKERS, Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FR K12 opinion as to patentability. Send for Illus trated GUIDE BOOK and list of Inven tion wanted; finest publication Issued for free distribution. Contains valuable In formation regarding patents, trademarks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them: 100 in AcVijuiiraJ movements, etc. Patents secured by us advertised f rei A m tne patient record, sample COPIES FREE. Address. EVANS, WILKINS CO, Registered Attorn-.. 603 F St., Washing ton, D. C. Y-665 lx BUSINESS BARGAINS. Complete creamery plant. Emmet, Idaho. Gen'l blacksmlthlng bus. and epL, Marah fleld. Cre. Est., barber bus. and flxt., Athens, Ohio. Bakery and store. 14-r. dwelling, b.- etc Dobb Ferry. N. Y.: .est. bus. Wfrfl. Est. photo bus. and eqpt., Dubuque, la. Excellent hotel property, Michigan Ave.. Chicago; 98 r.; completely funibhcd. Drug bu., stock and flxt., Flult, M3!h. Controlling Int. In est. sash, door, 'in.ber and mlllwork factory, Toledo, t!t.9c0. Complete brick mfp. plant, 8 A. cV.jr and shale land; outbid.; Elwood City, Ta. 60-ton cottonseed oil mill, Lockhn:t. lex. Medical practice and res. prop., Oquawka, W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. BMg , Phlla. Y-2i lx 27 QUARTERLY DIVIDEND PAID TOMORROW, PER CENT NOVEMBER 2, 1903. As prognosticated. by us Ihree mon'ha ago. our yuarteny uiviaena to De paia Novem ber 2, 1903. to all our Investors reaches ' the Immense figure of 27 per cent, sur passing all our former records for hand some quarterly dividends and thoroughly eclipsing those made by any other com pany In existence. Pem.vber these quarterly dividends are In addition tu our regular wikly olvldends of 4 per cent. Owing to the inauguration of new fields for . winter operations we have no hesitancy In assuring our Investors that our NEXT QUARTERLY DIVIDEND, FEB. 1ST, will more than double ijiv February divi dend made by us heretofore. Let us ex plain to you our methods, together with references in your own locality. THE METROPOLITAN ASSURANCE AS SOCIATIO.N (incorporated), 200 Broadway, New York Y-623-U THE C. E. Rand Company Racing Stable and Turf Enterprises. Write for Beautifully Illustrated Book. 32 Broadway. , New York C4t. Y-621-lx YOU MUST have a business proposition to make money. Catch-penny schemes are too small to waste time on. We have a legltmate business proposition to offer by which any one with ordinary business sense can make money. Particulars for stamp. Address, The II. -D. Co., 4373 Evans Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Y-632 lx WHY deposit In savings bank when we j.y 6 per cent weekiy. No stock, grain or speculation; money guaranieea oy cor it- poration ratea nu,uiiv. ixiuis mern jo Tacoma Bldg.. Chicago. Y-6S6 lx SOLVENT corporation with $100,000 rating Dun and Bradstreet. Will exchange pa pers with well rated merchants. No schemers or brokers will lie answered. A. A. Atwood, General Delivery, Chicago. Y 6S9 lx CORPORATION controlling business ea entabllshed 1X66 desire energetic buslneaa man who can furnlah unquestionable ref erence a to ability and Integrity to take management of branch oftlce. Compen sation $2,500 per annum. Address "Audi tors," Box 636. Madison, Wis. Y 694 lx WANTED to rent. A furnished photograph gallery, or will work on per cent bv ex perienced photographer. Address Photo grapher. 2412 Cass St.. Omaha. Y-611 lx FOR SALE Good drug and grocer stock. Invoice $.1,850. Good reason for selling. Address Box 26, Raymond, Neb. Y 668 lx YOU can make money now buying wheat on breaks and selling on bulges; we can u this for you: send for free book, facts end figures, explaining option trading. Tie Oabnrn Grain Co., 17 Chamber of Com merce. Minneapolis. Minn.; memi.er Chamber of Commerce. Y 651 lx INVESTORS Attention! Speculation 'n wheat offers greater opportunity for mak ing mnnev than any other Investment; send for free booklet describing our ays tern; It catches every good turn of the ' market: large capital not required. Com merce Grain Co., dept. M, 41 f'om-ieree bldg.. Chicago. Y 650 lx FOR SALE Hardware and Implement bus iness In central Nebraska town; double front store building; best business of Its kind In the county: fine opportunity for the right man; annual sales $.10000 tn i'!5.c00; value of stock about $S,0"0; on be reduced. Address T 9, Bee. Y-663 lx Put Your Idle Capital to Work. Bv Investing In Cereal Mutual. $T-0 or more Invested In Cereal Mutual will earn twenty time a much a If it ws deposited In savings banks and can Je withdrawn with less trouble. Cereal Mutual accounts can be withdrawn through any bank in the U. 8. or Canada. Write for "Cereal Mutual" booklet, ex plaining on our methods of operating In the grain markets. Address Iebell A Co., 4 Sherman St., Chicago. Y-676 lx WANTED to let, a large contract of grad ing. Inquire of R. C. Peter A Co. Y 753 1 A FIRST-CLASS saloon md restaurant business, stock, fixtures and furniture; rent $66: If sold st once $900; Its a money maker, but owner I leaving city. Adores T 63. Bee office. Y 751 1 FOR SALE, furniture and lease of tha best $2 a day hotel In northwestern Nebraska, AddrMS T 66. Bee office. Y 783 lx ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. tOO Douglas block. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest. beat, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Do-.ig. -l7l