Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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TliE Omaiia Sunday Ber
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Fvanln He without Sunday), per week So
Bveslna 11m (innludlna- HundaV). pes
waak , Wo
Complaints ft irrei-ulsrltles tn delivery
Should ha addressed to City Circulation De-
Omaha Th Pro Building, .
South Omaha City Hall Building, Twen.
ty-flfth and M streets,
Counnll nitifTa 10 Jer1 P treat,
Chleas-o 1840 UnUv BulldlnF,
New York SS5 rnrfc How BuHdtng.
Washington nt Fourteenth Street
r?ommitnlBftAia rAlnttn o news And edl
terlal matter ahnuld ba addressed! Omaha
Ilea, Editorial Department,
Ramlt by draft, expresi or postal erdsf
pnyaDia to Tne Mee runiisnina- i,unv'i
Only 1-rant ammna annantatl In oerment of
Wall aoeounta. Parannal check, except on
Omnha or eastern axPhans-es, not aeeepted,
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aubaprlbed In my preaanoa and awern to
wm IBM aLol iav pt noi'iani wr,
I, lOUt. M. . HimOATH,
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Notary Publid.
The Nebraska qatnpalga of 1003 will
pass down aa enu ef the tamest In the
atate'a palltlcal hltitery,
Ooed morning, Mr, Bob White, Keep
a watchout for the festive sportsman
celebrating the advent of the open sea
The general wno-treat law" has been a
dead letter ever since It was enacted,
anil tha "candidates no-treat" law Is as
near a dead letter as It possibly can be.
When It comes to seeking the best
market for his wares this year, the
American manufacturer will not be
likely to overloook the Nebraska farmer
.with his full bins and barns.
Tho arbitrators are busy trying to Bet
tie tha controversy that Is stagnating
Montana's mining Industry. If over
there were need of speedy and effective
action here la tha call for It
If yon have neglected to register for
the coming election you must consider
yourself selNHsfrancblsed. Don't bob up
afterwards with any complaint about
tha wrong men being elevated to office.
If Governor Mickey wants to keep his
hand In at manual labor he need not go
out In the fields to help reduce a wheat
stack. There are a few holes left in
Omaha pavements where his work might
tell. ,
Congress will be asked to provide
8,000,000 for the Agriculture depart
ment for the next fiscal year. The next
task is to persuade congress that the
people will get their full money's
The newly appointed British ambuBsa-
dor to the United States expresses bis
pleasurable anticipation at being trans
ferred to Washington. That is the kind
of foreign representatives the American
people like to receive.
It will not be fair to charge up the
frightful accident to the fated foot ball
train to the gridiron casualty list, al
though without the foot ball fever the
catastrophe would not have happened.
The list of foot ball fatalities Is long
lenough as it is.
Remember that the county assessor to
be elected next Tuesday will inaugurate
assessments under the new revenue law
in Douglas county. Remember, too, that
Harry D. Reed, the republican nominee,
Is by experience and fitness the ideal
man for the place. '
It ought nut to be hard for the Ne
braska exposition commission to get
corn for the state's exhibit at St Louis.
.With more than 213,000,000 bushels of
the yellow ears raised In this state a
few hundred or a few thousand bushels
of prima grade will not be iulsued.
i .
Sutton is being sandbuggod because he
would not allow himself to be held up
by South Omuha grafters, and Rears is
being sandbagged because he would not
How himself to be bulldozed Into voting
41. M. Hitchcock's preference for United
fjtates senator. Hence these steers.
Senator Gorman would like to force
ft political duel between himself and
Jresldent Roosevelt We do not believe
the president would be averse, but Gor
man has several competitors In his own
democratic ramp who would Insist that
be la not the right man to go to the front
as the party's representative.
Friends of President Roosevelt In Ne
braska who want to discourage ruont ef
fectively the plots of his enemies to pre
vent his nomination and election next
year cun do htm no greater service than
to help roll up a decisive republican ma
jority In this state at Tuesday's polls as
an emphatic endorsement of bis adtalaU-
Ouni 6. Tunhuob. aacratary of The Bee of colored voters and u
ubllshlna Company, belns uy a worn, poncy 0f social equality
aya thai tba artual number or i,fh . .-,,, w k
RtTiritiQ OLD l&SVt.
The ieches recently delivered In
Maryland by Benator Oonnon forcibly
recall the adage "Scratch a Russian
find a Tartar." Transposed Into south-
ern chivalry dialect and applied to exist-
lng political conditions the terse Pa
poleonle epigram would read, "Turn the
radium llirht uion a southern democrat
nd And a galvanized pro-slavery -wash
In his polished but virulent address
delivered at Baltimore the senator Is
Quoted as saying:
I regret that tho race Ihsuo baa been
raised, but It not raised by the dem
ocratic party. The slaves were elevated
and educated by bMng- the slaves of a
whlta race, and all over the Inhabited
Slob the negroes, when they are under
subjugation and guidance of white men,
ara honest and thrifty, but otherwise tney
are degenerate and un progressive.
All thoughtful men In the south, except
a few politicians, and every thoughtful
man in the north have arrived at tha con
clusion that no greater crime has ever
been committed against the business In
terests of the south and the safety and
honor of the women of the south than the
enfranchisement of the negroes by consti
tutional amendment. We have now
In Washington an emperor, a caar, who
aends for hie leaders and orders them to
do as he says. He tells them. "Bring your
men into line, wheel up your thousands
pport me in my
for the negro, both
nows that colored
men ara being brought into West Virginia,
Maryland and Delaware to give the re
publicans control of these states. West
Virginia Is almost beyond redemption, and
Delaware, that gas-ridden state, has gone
Senator Gorman is presumed to be
fairly well Informed In political history,
and especially the political Issues that
have divided the parties within the past
forty years. When lie declares that the
race Issue was not raised by the demo
cratic party he insults popular intelll
gence. Every school boy north and
south familiar with current political his
tory knows that up to the election of
McKlnley the south was kept solidly
democratic by the constant agitation of
the race Issue. Even in Maryland the
children of democrats have been fed on
race prejudices and Inoculated on both
arms with negrophobla.
In the palmiest days of southern negro
slavery no fire-eater from William Yan
cey to Bob Toombs went further than
does Senator Gorman when he asserts
that the negroes were elevated and edu
cated by being the slaves of the white
race, and can be made honest and
thrlftly only under the subjugation of
the white man. A, fitting climax to Sen
ator Gorman's pro-slavery ebullitions Is
his assumption that all thoughtful men
north and south have arrived at the
conclusion that the greatest crime com
mitted against the business interests of
the south and the safety and honor of
southern women was the adoption of the
fourteenth amendment to the constitu
tion of the United States by which the
negro was enfranchised.
If Senator Gorman hailed from the
Catskill mountains we might be led to
Imagine that he had spent the last thirty
years In a Rip Van Winkle state of
blessed obliviousness in Sleepy Hollow,
Surely, no man endowed with lucid per
ceptions could possibly labor under the
delusion that any considerable number
of men or women, north or south, de
plore the abolition of slavery, or would
favor the return of the negro to a state
of serfdom. Ferbaps Senator Gorman Is
oblivious of the fact that the enfran
chisement of the negro went hand in
hand with the amnesty extended to the
confederate leaders, who had forfeited
their citizenship by levying war upon
the government that cost hundreds of
thousands of lives and more than a bil
Hon of treasure. Probably Senator Gor
man has forgotten also that the com
pact for confederate amnesty and negro
enfranchisement was regarded by repre
sentative southerners and the masses of
the southern people as a magnanimous
concession, Instead of a great crime.
How the honor or safety of the women
of the south has been
ruiiBusrim ujr
the enfranchisement of the negro, peo
ple in this section of the country will
not be able to comprehend. The greatest
crime perpetrated against the white men
and women of the south was committed
by their ancestors when they dragged
the poor, ignorant negro from his home
in Africa and brought him in chains to
slave it and wear his life out in southern
rice fields and cotton plantations, in keep
ing his masters in affluence and idleness.
If the south has paid the penalty for this
crime against humanity, It must lay the
blame where It properly belongs on the
blue-blooded cavaliers who made the In
scrlptlon on the liberty bell that was
suspended over independence hail a
Senator Gorman's bugbear of social
equullt with the negro will not frighten
any rational person either south or
north. It is simply re-echoing the ex
plodcd ridiculous question, "Do you
want your daughter to marry a negro?"
There is no such thing as social equality
among white men, and nobody knows
this better than Senator Gorman. The
broad line of demarcation that separates
the classes from the masses is nowhere
more pronounced than it la in the great
American cities, including Baltimore.
The multi-millionaires do not meet the
millionaires on a social equality, and the
doors of the millionaires are hermetic
ally closed against the people who have
no bank account' The only place where
there is social equality among white
men la in the penitentiary, and even
there the bank wreckers, treasury em
bezzlers ana trust promoters bold op
their noses when brought In contact
with common horse thieves and burg
It Is simply amazing that the coming
leader of the democracy in the United
States senate should lndalge In such
diatribes sgainst the president as has
Senator Gorman. Theodore RooBevelt is
the last man on earth to assume the
role of a czar, or the airs of an em
peror. There Is no American so thor
oughly democrat!, and bo outspoken
against political coercion. The senator's
wail fot the loaa t)j the democracy of
West Virginia and Delaware con Ann 8
the Impression that the senator has
boon out of politics for a number of
years. Went Virginia came Into tne re
publican column not because of negro
colonisation, but by reason of the popu-
lar conviction that West Virginia's in
dustrial resources could be developed
only through a protective tariff that
would keep lta mills In active operation.
His reference to Delaware gas reflects
seriously upon the Delaware democracy.
If the democrats of that diminutive
state have been hynotized by gas boodle
they are made of very vulnerable stuff.
The truth is, that Delaware lias ceased
to be a southern state either in Interest
or in sympathy. Its prosperity Is bound
up with Its progressive neighbors, Penn
sylvania and New Jersey, and it Is not
likely to be frightened back Into the
democratic fold by the . negro social
equality bugbear.
A short time ago Associate Justice
Brewer of the supreme court or the
United States said in a public address
that the right of appeal should be taken
away as one means or cnecamg iue
lynching evil. This from so distin
guished a Jurist naturally attracted a
great deal of attention and was sub
Jected to much criticism. The very gen
eral opinion expressed was that Justice
Brewer had taken a mistaken if not an
indefensible position, for which it would
be utterly impossible to secure the sup
port of any considerable number of the
American people.
Criticism and objection, however, have
not in the least dismayed Justice
Brewer, who manifests bis earnest faith
in the wisdom of his contention by re
turning to its discussion and urging his
view with no less vigor and plausibility
than marked his first presentation of it.
In a published article he says that
what is meant by the right of appeal is
practically a claim of a right to two
trials. It is neither a natural right nor
one guaranteed by the federal constitu
tion, but simply a statutory privilege
which the state may give and
which it may take away; In regard
to the effects of the unrestricted
right of appeal, especially in criminal
cases, Justice Brewer points out that it
tends to prevent the punishment of
crime, which is unquestionable. How it
operates in this way is clearly set forth,
the chief point being the delay that Is
caused, out of 'Whlf'h rniw ennrlltlnna
that mak agftIngt thj proper admlnls.
tratlon of Justice.. As a consequence It
too often happens that the guilty escape
punishment, a result which Justice
Brewer remarks is a tacit admission that
something is radically wrong in our
present modes of criminal procedure.
He points out that It also works injus
tice to both the trial and appellate
courts, to the injury of the community.
The position of the trial courts Is be
littled, tending to create a feeling of
indifference In both judge and Jury, while
there is injustice to the appellate courts
In the fact that their dockets are bo
crowded that long delays are inevitable,
Moreover, the multitude of'cases taken
to the appellate courts so burden them
that they are unable to give that full
consideration to each case which it de
Justice Brewer says he believes in
granting full power to appellate courts
to review the judgments of trial courts,
but what he objects to Is the right of
the party defeated in one court to com
pel such review in the other. "The Judg
ment of a trial court should remain final
unless on application to an eppellate
court, or some Judge thereof, it or ho
shall certify thnt there is probable rea
son to believe that Injustice has been
done. The whole control of anDellate
proceedings ought to be In the appellate
court." There is undeniably mnch force
In Justice Brewer's arguments and they
Will commend themselves especially to
those who understand to hnw crtnr
dogree the ,aw. de,ny re8ponsIbIe for
rrm, r.rHciilnrl bf f lv,i- .
m " ak ux-Maaaa A V
the right of appeal has been so long
recognized and Is so firmly established
that any ,nterference with it would un
aoubtedly encounter an overwhelming
popular opposition. The subject is cer
tainly a most Interesting one and well
worthy of the widest ' consideration,
How tar should the minister of the
gospel go to prevent the remarriage of
divorced persons? This question re
celved an emphatic answer last week In
the general convention of the Uulver
salist church in session at Washington
which among other things embodied In
its resolutions enjoined on the minister
of the church the utmost care In tier
forming the marriage ceremony and
rigid investigation into the proposed re
marriage of any divorced person "in or
der that none but the innocent should
have the service of the ministry."
The evident sentiment intended to be
conveyed by the Unlversallst convention
ls tIlat no minister should under any con
'on perrorm me marriage ceremony
for anyone divorced for cause arising
from his or her own misconduct. That
there are some ministers in different
churches who follow this rule goes with
out saying, but it is notorious that the
vust mujorlty comply unhesitatingly
with a requisition for offlclatlon at mar
riage with no other preliminary than a
assurance that the technical require
ments of the law with respect to en
trance Into the marriage contract have
been observed. They follow this course
on the theory that the marriage service
constitutes a lucrative and legitimate
foundation for ministerial perquisites
and that if they refuse to respond some
other minister with leas scruples win be
found to render the desired service. And
this assumption la undoubtedly correct
unless all the ministers of all churches
should become imbued at the same time
with compunctions against marrying dl
vorced persona and even then the pleni
tude of elvfl officers authorized to legal
lse the marriage covenant would still
afford a way out not likely to be Ignored.
Summed up la a few. word a. It devolve
upon each minister of the church to
shoulder his own resiHinslbillly. If he
or his church professes uncompromising
opposition to the remarriage of divorced
persons It 111 lKnts him to continue to
jerforiu the marriage service within the
bjectlonable lines even though con
vinced that his refusal to officiate will
prove no insuperable bar. It Is the old
precept of practicing what one preaches
nd the preacher Is the first one to whom
it applies. T denounce divorce from
the pulpit and to scarify the remarriage
of divorced persons, while at the same
time stimulating the divorce industry by
lending active aid to the consummation
of its objects, is hypocrisy pure and
That the question of Canadian natlon-
llty is being very seriously considered
by the people of the Dominion is plainly
shown in the expressions of leading
newspapers of that country, some of
which are the acknowledged organs of
prominent politicians. The utterances
of some of these papers are unqualified
in favor of action that will give Canada
larger measure of power In dealing
with other countries and if this be in
consistent with the Imperial relations of
the Dominion that step be taken to
sever those relations. Ferhaps never
before was resentment there so strong
and general as it is at present and as
yet there Is no indication of its abate
ment We have heretofore noted the remark
able speech of Premier Laurler, in which
he expressed regret that Canada has
not the treaty-making power. In that
same utterance he said: "The difficulty,
as I conceive It to be, is that bo long as
Canada remains a dependency of the
British crown the present powers that
we have are not sufficient for the main
tenance of our rights. It is Important
that we ask the British Parliament for
more extensive power, so that if ever
we have to deal with matters of a Blni
llar nature again we shall deal with
them in our own way. In our own fash
ion, according to the best light we
have." It Is easy to understand that
this attitude of Canada's most dlstln
gulshcd liberal statesman has made a
very decided impression upon the popu
lar mind. In regard to the prevailing
sentiment a "Canadian" writes as fol
lows to the New York Sun: "To grant
the Canadian demands will be to open
a rift between the metropolitan and co
lonial states, and to withhold conipll
ance will be dangerous. In any case,
the recent decision (Alaska boundary)
has given an Immense Impetus to the
Idea of Independence, which first took
definite shape some seven years ago, at
the time of the Venezuelan dispute. At
no distant date perhaps, Indeed, very
much sooner than we expect the ques
tion will come up for decision, and the
term 'nation,' now applied somewhat
llloglcally to Canada, will become an es
tablished fact"
The situation Is of very great interest
to - Americans, and particularly those
Americans who believe that it Is the
destiny of Canada to become a part of
the United States. These will see, not
unreasonably, in a movement for Cana
dian Independence the Initial Btep to
ward annexation to this country. With
the Dominion separated from Great
Britain and her people freed from the
influence of the imperialistic idea, noth
ing would be more likely than the crea
tion of a formidable party favoring an
nexatlon to the United States and doubt
less such a party would receive a great
deal of encouragement and support from
this side.
According to Dr. Wiley, chief chemist
of the Department of Agriculture, who
has been conducting an investigation to
determine what preservatives are harm
ful to the human system, the American
people eat too much. He saya they give
their kidneys more work to do than they
can possibly perform, resulting in
Brlght's disease, which is more preva
lent In this country than In any other.
The Americans are better feeders," says
Dr. Wiley, "than those of any other
nation, with the possible exception of
England. Their dietaries are far larger
than those of the Italian or the French
or the German, and the result Is found
In the numerous cases of broken down
kidneys." He expressed the opinion
that our people could cut down their
rations by one-fourth or one-fifth and
be better for It in every way.
It is perhaps true that the American
pcoplo as a whole eat more than is nec
essary. The opinion that such is the
case is not original with Dr. Wiley, but
has been expressed by many others,
That however, is not the only trouble.
the manner of our eating generally be
ing In no small degree responsible for
kidney ailments. The average Ameri
can eats In a hurry and therefore does
not properly masticate his food. In this
way the digestive organa are unduly
taxed and the effect in time Is necessar
ily bad. But it is to little purpose to
give advice on the subject however high
the authority. The hustling American
will continue to eat as he has been do
ing and take the chances and he can
point to the fact that withal our peop)
are as healthy and as vigorous as thoso
of any other nation.
According to the bogus reform orga
that portion of the judicial ticket which
ia not also a portion of the bar ticket
la a, partisan ticket This is decidedly
rich. Suppose Judge Dickinson had suc
ceeded In getting the nomination at the
republican convention, would be still be
a nonpartisan? Suppose Judges Baxter,
Ka telle and Day had been defeated at
the republican convention, would they
have ceased to be partisans? Does the
organ ef sham reform take all the people
for fools?
According to the World-Herald. Mr,
Bears' work aa a member of the joint
revenue committee of the last legislature
baa suddenly made him a bold, bud man.
It ia needless to add that tha measure
formulated by that committee was by
itanlinous action of Its members, among
hoin were Senator Charles I Saunders
f this city and Representative George L.
loomis, the democratic house leader. In
fact, the democrats did not discover that
they wanted to oppose the revenue bill
until It came up for final action In the
house. We can say without fear of refu
tation that were It not for Mr. Sears'
firm stand In a number of vital matters
the law would have been more Inequi
table than It is.
Tread of Maritime I.avr.
Baltimore American.
The supreme court has decided that In
matters of federal jurisdiction canal boats
are ships. The navy Is quaking for fear
the next step will be to declare that sea
dogs are barks, .
Strenaons Pace la Winter.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
There Is hardly a probability that the
public will lack for excitement during the
approaching winter. By the time the foot
ball season shall close the women's euchre
clubs will be In active operation.
Menace of School Kadi.
Buffalo Express.
The school system Is not one of those
Institutions which can do without the
necessaries of life If they can have the
luxuries. Simplicity In the curriculum ana
soundness In elementary studies rather
than a superfluity Is what the publlo need
Widows on the Peaatoa Roll.
New York Tribune.
It Is an Interesting fact that the name
of a single survivor of the war of 181Z now
appears on the pension rolls, that of Hiram
Cronk of Oneida county. In this state, who
Is 103 years of age. But no fewer than
115 widows of the soldiers In our second
war with Great Britain are still getting
money from the federal treasury. Young
women who are willing "to marry aged war
riors with the hope of pensions are plenti
ful. Long; after every man who bore arms
In the Mexican war, the civil war and the
Spanish war has drawn his last breath
there will be a host of widows still obtain
ing pensions.
Good Reasona Why We Will Not Have
Hard Times.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
It Is undeniable that business conditions
in the last six months have not changed for
the better. It must be admitted that there
Is depression in certain industries and that
there has been, at times, a lack of confi
dence in financial circles that under favor
able conditions would have bred panics. It
is true that merchants are talking of dull
trade, and manufacturers of the natural de
pression that follows a period of abnormal
activity and overproduction. It Is not true,
however, that these things are necessarily
the forerunners of a period of downright
hard times.
. period of depression does not lead,
necessarily, to hard times. It does not fol
low that because' soma manufacturing
plants have been closed, and because trade
is not as active as It was three years ago,
and because the stock market Is subject to
greater fluctuations than It was a year ago,
that all mills are to close; that hundreds of
thousands of workingmen are to be thrown
out of employment; that trade Is to be
paralyzed, and that the conditions of the
hard times of 1894 and 1896 are to prevail
this year or next year.
Actual conditions In the country are
against the return of hard times. We have
more producers' and more consumers. In
the last seven years our population has in
creased from 70,254,000 to 79,000,000. There
are in round numbers 10,000,000 more con
consumers and producers, more workers
and purchasers, than there were seven
years ago.
In five years the wealth of the nation has
Increased from 177,000,000,000 to $94,000,000,000.
In the same time the money In the country
has increased from $1,506,434,000 to $2,249.390..
000. This is money on a gold basis, subject
to no discount. A dollar la a dollar to every
man. No depreciation Is possible.
In seven years our exports have Increased
from $882,606,000 to $1,381,719,000. This lndl
cates a constantly Increasing foreign de
mand for our manufacturing and farm
products. In ten years our farms have In
crtased In number from 4,664,641 to 6,739.667,
and the farm products have Increased in
value from $!.4UO7.000 to $3,764,177,000.
As long as there is a foreign demand for
our products, with a constantly Increasing
home consumption, there must be profitable
employment for workers, activity In manu
facturing, opportunity for safe Investment
and general conditions absolutely prohlbl
tlve of downright hard times.
Syndicate Gems Going lTp While Syn
dleato Jims Are Golnsr Down.
Philadelphia Record.
The large crop of millionaires created by
the prosperity of the last five or six years,
and by the avidity with which the lnet
perlenced bought shares from 1899 to 1902,
will be gratlrted to learn that diamonds are
going up. They have bought their gems,
and with the stock market going down and
diamonds going up, not many other people
will Indulge In "sparklers," so that the dis
tinction of the persons who have gathered
in their piles and secured their diamonds
will not be obscured by an additional heavy
production of stock market princes and
common share barons and captains of other
people's Industry.
It Is odd that diamonds should be going
up. When the Boer war broke out they
went up because their production was re
stricted. It was predicted that they would
go very high, because predictions of that
sort Impelled people to buy. They had an
Idea that diamonds were good Investments,
and they could wear them while they were
rising, which could not be done with shares.
But the Boer war Is over, and Instead of
going down, diamonds are again going up.
Advances of $ per cent on small and 10 per
cent on large stones have just been made,
and In two years the advances have been 20
to 25 per cent. One explanation of this 1s
that the mines are giving out and tha De
Beers syndicate, which controls 93 per cent
of the world's production of diamonds, la
determined to follow the example of Mr.
Brown, of cotton fame, snd anticipate a
scarcity price.
Of course, there may be something In
this, but It sounds too much like stories of
a failure of the com crop which are circu
lated around the exchanges at times when
it seems to some persons desirable to send
corn up or railway shares down. We sre
not Impressed by this story of the ap
proaching exhaustion of the Klmberley
mines. The probable aause of the advance
la not decreased production but Increased
consumption. Americana hare been wearing
diamonds lately to an extent that has oc
casioned a remarkable increase In Imports.
The Importation of uncut diamonds has
been nearly $S.flno.0O0, against something
over $4,000,009 fn the same part of last yesr.
The gentlemen who promoted traats, the
underwriters of Industrial syndicates, the
talented financiers who were able to sell
nothing for somethtng. bars bought dia
monds ontll the price naa wry natnraTry
advanced. Fnt dTainonda wTfl be cheer-,
many ef tnes rnt!erits wTH be tmlnailtna
their diamonds If tby dfd not gwt an their
, stocks sold before tha slump ta Wan street
Chicago Post: SomclHHly should tell Tope
'lug X, that "America-' means the l'nlt-d
States and nothing else. The Idea of his
using the term to Include Brazil!
8t. Louis Republic': Dowle may not seree
with clergymen In their declarations that
more preachers are needed. The needs of
Dowlelsm, or Dowle, may be different.
Philadelphia I'ress: A New Jersey pastor
has' been censured for selling beer at a
church fair. He might have saved himself.
trouble by getting incorporated and hiring
a dummy bartender.
Baltimore American: A Kansas professor
Is inveighing against ragtime music in
churches. If not stopped in time, this revo
lutionary reformer may go to abolish Sen
sationalism in sermons.
Cleveland Plain Dertlor: A Chicago pro
fessorthe Chicago Is scarcely necessary
says that be believes prayer meetings
should be enlivened now and then by a
lively college yell. Let the professor carry
out his idea at the next prayer meeting
he attends and then watch the enlivening
New York Times: Now, Dowle Isn't a
prophet of God. He is a vulgar mounte
bank; he Is a swaggering, self-indulgent,
ostentatious, coarse-mouthed humbug; he
hasn't a glimmer of an Idea with which
to enlighten the world. Divine wisdom
may overrule his puerilities, his horse
play, his egotistical bombast and his in
decent vituperation to tho edification of
hearers, but divine wisdom never chose
him for a messenger. It would have con
verted him before It sent him out. There
have been plenty of uncouth prophets, but
there was never one so supremely selfish
and hopelessly vulgar as J. A. Dowle.
Philadelphia Press: Church unity was the
subject of liberal action by the Pan-Ameri
can conference of Protestant Eplacopal
bishops which has been In session at Wash
ington. A resolution was adopted asking
the Presbyterian and Methodist bodies to
consider seriously the subject of church
unity, with a view of "arriving at inter
communion and possible union of them
and us." The enthusiasm shown when this
matter was referred speaks well for the
Protestant Episcopal church. If there could
be union it would greatly promote the
missionary and other work now carried
on by all and would enable small churches
to be supplied with more efficient minis
As soon as the majordomo of Zlon passed
the hat In Gotham every native yelled
Senator Stewart did not waste much time
in courting. When a man reaches 76 he
hasn't much time to burn.
After all, the open door in China has Its
uses. Empress An may extract some pleas
ure from mankind's Interest In her age.
The speed performances of the battleship
Missouri Is pronounced "out of sight." A
fitting supplement to the native run for
Old Mexico.
The National Spellbinders' association Is
bestirring itself for 1904. By the time con
gress adjourns It will be In shape to launch
hot air trust.
"My soul gropes sadly, searching ,ln a
mental fog," exclaims Csar Nicholas. It
has been suspected for some time that the
czar anxiously awaited a little sonshlne.
I New Jersey Jury awarded a lawyer
damages in a suit over the "loss of his
nerve." The Jury showed a discriminating
sense of duty to a man thus maimed for
Another symposium of advice to young
men by Chauncey Depew appears in the
Sunday papers. The season is 'peculiarly
suited to a wore: picture of the joys of
chestnut gathering.
Bright, balmy, smiling Octoberl The
rare days of June," of which the poet
sang, nave no greater cnarms or sunsnine
and cheer as the tenth month of 1903 put
up. No wonder it snea tears on going.
A Brooklyn man with a grievance rivals
Dowle In throwing vulgar epithets at news
papers and newspaper men, both declaring
that "Hades Is yawning for editors and re
porters." The familiarity of con men with
the tropical hereafter implies friendly re
lations with the boss fireman. When all
"Defter Bo Safe
Order now. Don't put
Also Cherokee, Missouri, Illinois, Pennsylvania hard
coal, semi-anthracite and steam, Hand screened,, free de
livery and city scale ticket.
Victor White Coal Co.,
1605 Faruam. Tel. 127.
ovey & Stone Furniture Co.
1115-17 Farnam Street.
Dressers, at from
Chiffoniers, at from
Dressing Tables, at from
China Cases, at from
Extension Tables, at from
Buffets, at from...'.
Call ltd inspect the finest lint of Furniture la toe West.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Company,
1115-17 Farnam Street.
members of the tribes gather on their
favorite reservation editors and reporters.
will, out of their abundant charity, fold
their wings and forget 'em.
The nut crop along the Mlnnecadusa Is
said to be especially heavy and the squlr
rels are laying by a large supply, which is
regarded s an unfailing slpn of a hard
winter. The goo.iebone prophet of Saddle
Creek declim-s the goosebone points unerr
ingly to a mild, open winter. Meanwhile
the official weather clerk hands out his
daily bunch of dead sure predictions, as
though the ancient seers had not made the
Job superfluous.
Hilary You can't tell whether you want
to marry her or not?
Rupert No; I've tried flftv times to tell
her, but she won't let me. Chicago Record
Herald. Eilmonln Have you any rules In your
mnrilfil life? ,
Eostuela Yes: Eustace Insists that the
one who begins the quarrel must butrtn the
making up. Detroit Free ITeaa.
Wederly Why don't you get married ?
Hlngleton I can't afford It.
Wederly Can't affonkjltl Why, when I
wan your age I was so poor that I bad to
marry. Chicago News,
"Ah!" slRhed Miss Antique, with a lan
guishing glance In the direction of Mr. Old
boy, "If I had been born In the days ef
chivalry!" i
"Well," he Sttirt, s be scratched the bsld
spot on the top ef his heart, "you earn
pretty near It.'1 New Yorker.
"I hate to see a big woman and a little
man mated."
"So do I." I
"A man ought to be taller than the girl ,
he marries." ,
"Or else be ought to hare a lot Of ,
money." Chicago Post
Mr. Hunnljar Why Isn't this hat grod
enough to wear to the horse show, I'd like j
to know! ... t. m I
Mrs. Hunnijar Because It's old fashioned
and a friaht It will make people talk. !
Mr. Hunnljnr Not if you get swted, to ; ,
talking first.-Philadelphia Presa.
"Would you marry for money?" she '
asked the duke. , . ,
"I'm sorry really I am but Miss Plllyuns ,
over there proposed to me half an hour
ago and I was foolish enough to say yes. ;
Bhe's so much homelier than you are. too!
Why didn't you speak earlier?" Chicago ;
Record-Herald. j
F. I Stanton In Atlanta Constitution.
It's a gallop, my hearty, the llfe-raoe to
But what docs It mean when the racers
are in? .
Through the night and the blast i
We rode far and rode fast, . ,
But what means the race to the raceu at f
last? , j
The rider Is weary . j
The Dark whispers "Rest!" 1
Silence and dreams,
And a rose for his breast.
It's a gallop, my hearty the life-race that
seems ,
An echo of Phantoms that race through
wild dreams 1
And the racers that ride
O'er the track dim and wide,
Behold not the pale, phantom-hosts at their
The hosts that, grown weary.
Heard Night whisper, "Rest!"
And reaped from the ree
But a rose for the breast!
It's a gallop, my hearty! Break bolts-
rhatter bars
On the track where we trample the dust of
dead stars!
Ho! Night comes apace
Take the rose for the race,
And the shadows fall soft on each still
dreaming face!
The rider Is weary
Keen thorns at his breast;
God's stars light him home
Where the Silence sings "Rest!"
Proper Glasses
cost very little more money than Improper
ones. They certainly cost much les eye
strain. And the satisfaction of KNOWING
you have the RIGHT ones Is more than
worth the money difference.
213 South lth Street, - - rYxtsa Week.
Than Sorry."
it off another day
The largest portion of our
purchase for fall baa Just been
Hlgh-grado Dressers, Chiffon
iers and Dressing Tables In oak,
R. E. maple, mahogany and
curly birch.
High-grade Buffets, Extension
Tablet and China Cases In ma
hogany and oak.
High-grade Library Furniture
In dark oak and mahogany.
High-grade Parlor Furniture
In fine old Spanish mahogany.
$25.00 to $108.00
$22.00 to 110.00
$12.50 to 49.00
$17.00 to 105.00
...$14.50 to 110.00
$15.00 to 185.00