t i id nus imAtur tiail,y kkb: ttukdat, ocTonnn nr. mux 5 "3 i Picture DeparlmV Third Floor Mujuvur-i IN Values wsr$c J3Tmorrow Great Saturday Sale Boys' Overcoats Rcmarkablt Offering- of Reefers, Ulters and Overcoats for Boys and Children, $3.00 Reefers and Overcoats at $1.39 GO i " 4 j All slses and a va riety of atylea and color that la aura to please warm little mats and well worth 13.00 sale price it Fine Reefers and Cwcoitj it $1.89 Fine Overcoats and splendid short collar Reefers In the very best kerseys and beavers short and three-quarter lengths many worth five dollars at .$6 Overcoats, Reefers and Ulsters at $2.49 All the .very latent effects new military Idea In pretty A ( color aud trimmings now so stylish worth aa high CJL- ai fO.OO-at '.. Highest Grade Reefers. Ulsters and Overcoats . The very highest grade little coats In the city military and Russian effects fn the new bright colors " f ( f worth up to eight dollars - yy Q Bfea'a All Wool Salt In late styles and colors well male and form nttlng at 7.50 Men's Dress and Bartaess alts Made In late styles, onlors and mixtures- worth double the money ,$10 Two Big Sales Carpels and Oilcloths Two carloads of goods from a railroad washout only a few an slightly damaged. Carpets and Rugs on sals Monday Oilcloth and Lin oleum on sale Tuesday, November 3. Sclimollor&f.luollor 'Piano Manufacturers 4 WHOLESALE AJiD RETAIL' DEALERS. ' 1313 Finn Street, - C-a-i, Neb. Buy- Direct From the Manufacturer and Save Middle Man's Profit. To acquaint the publlo with our high grade MUELLER piano w will continue our special discount sale until October Slst, 10 p. in. All pianos of our own maka will be sold at the following reductions; $323.00 Pianos, only $223.00 $350.00 Pianos, only $230.00 $375.00 Pianos, only $273.00 $400.00 Pianos, only $300.00 Used upright pianos, ' fully guaranteed. tTt, $88, $96 and up. Square pianos, In good condition, K, 23, tit and up. Serviceable organs, fully repaired, tlO, $18, t20 and up. Self Players, $123, $173, $223 and up to the price of the PIANOLA, the only faujtless piano device on the market. We sell on eisy payments, take old pianos and organs In exchange. This special discount sale will positively close on October Slst at 10 p. m. Call at once or write for catalogues, prices and terms. Tou can make a bona fide saving of $100.00 or mors by purchasing this week. rM HOLLER & MUELLER INCO0AT(D) MANUFACTU RE-WHOLESALE -RETAtft MAIN MOUSC AND OFnCII 1313 rA"M factory: i3ie faun am TtHPHONf 1S2S OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB tee . 11TM T. Tl T.S CO. BLUFFS, IA OS BROAOWAV vsu ass TO MEET STICRNEY PARTY Cemnnbial Club AnutN to Entertain ths afillsrt from Uinieieta. NAIL FACTORY OFFERED TO OMAHA I.U.M Flna Frapo.es ta establish ' Pleat It Omaha Will Hals faaa af Os. Handred TaoasaaA Dollars. Arrangements were mads at a special meeting of the Commercial club committee yesterday for a reception to the party of Minneapolis flour and grain men, who are expected to arrive In the city Monday morning on the. first through train of the Chicago Great Western. The club will give the members of the party a luncheon at the. club at noon, will have carriages waiting for them when they arrive and will drive them over' the city and to the ground where Mr.. Stlckney has planned to build elevators and mills. . The visitors are expected to stop In Council Bluffs to Inspect that city, after which they will cross on the electric cars at about 10 o'clock In the morning. They are to leave at T in the evening. A telegram has been so.-, asking for the personnel of the visitors. Particulars of arrangements were left to Secretary Utt and to John Bteel. Secretary ITU said on ths Fort Dodge trip Mr. 8tlckney had talked yof a 6.000 barrel mill which hi thought would be built by a Minneapolis man. The committee decided to bring into use an old rule which made It necessary for members to attend the meetings or other men would be elected to their p'.aces. It was ordered that the secretary notify, such men that" such, action would be taken at the meeting a week; from .Tuesday.. Nathan Merriam brought up Lbs matter of re-estab lishing the old . board of trade and return Ing, to It its powers, by which action, he felt, the grain market Interests could beat be benefited.' ' No action was taken. ; C, ,W. Reynolds' and O. C. Edgerly were elected new members. A letter . was - read from George U. Maxwell saying that he would be In Omaha a week from Monday. ., . A communication from C. D. Vorls of the Crawfordaville. lnd., .Wire and Nail com pany was read., offering to establish a aim- liar plant In' Omaha if , $100,000 could be raised He offered to come here. and enter Into details. The matter, was referred to . tlra secretary, with the Idea that trans portatlon be forwarded. . - , . . - Haateseekera Bscaraloae. . On Tuesdays. 'November I and 'IT, the Missouri Faclflo railway. will sell both one way and round .trip tickets at-very low rates to certain points in 'Arkansas,.. Kan sas, Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri, Texas, etc Stopovers, allowed on the going jour- ney. Limit , of ticket, is twenty-one days For further information call on any ag.nl of the company or; Thoa. F. Godfrey,' Fas, and Ticket Agent, R EL Corner 14th and Douglas Streets, Omaha. Neb. SPECIAL POLICE IN DEMAND Thirty-Five Waatea far Electloa Day ui ' Forty-Five far .."V Hallowe'ea. These are good days for amateur police men. Aside from the forty-five extras or specials wanted for Saturday night to guard the Hallowe'en ghosts in their ghoulish glee. Acting Chief Mostyn an nounces that thirty-five more specials are wanted for election day Tuesday. He says any who want to try their hand at the business should apply at the office of the mayor. Horse covers ma a. to 01 your norsa Omaha Tent and Awning Co., uth and Harney streets, ' Cheese Coraer Itesalts la Disaster. LA CROSSE. Wis.. Oct. . Application was made tx fore the clerk In bankruptcy today fur the La OroiM Cheeae and Butter -xnpany to show oh line wny It sliouiu tio be adludicated a bankrupt. The flnanciu Iroubh-a ware trecilllaled. It Is allrse.l. thrtiuah an effort on the part of the cor. noraiiun to corner the rheeM market In the northwest. The Arm has stored In vinhiiuin In Chit-ago. bt. Luulfl, tit. Paul, kltnneapolis and Milwaukee Jjtw.ouo wort of choose. Don't Scold , Irritability Is a nervous affection, Strengthen ths nerves with Dr. Miles' fervino. 81ep better," est better, work fcatter, feel better, aad be better. Bold A.i.rmntM. frock en b.rv tur doHmL . Gold and Silver Mounted Back and Side Combs and automobile bags. In all colors. New stock Just received. We will be glad to show yon. BROWN & BORSHEIM 222 So. 16th St, . HILLER'S OLD PRIVATE STOCK Always the same . Pure. Old and Mellow A , $1 for a ful quart Four full quarts shipped prepaid for S4.00 , Out of town oustomera send for onr apodal FREE OFFER. MILLER LIQUOR CO. 1309 Far nam 5t. Omaha. ir Jl ."3 TUB RKLIABLU SPgoudoii Sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that theRe coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Special Salo on Overcoats for Satur day, at tho Big Storo. Aaaoaaeesaeats af the Theaters. This afternoon and evening Miss Vir ginia Harned will repeat her success ful presentation of the heroine 'of Pinero's great play, "Iris." This part Is considered the greatest that Plnero has yet . produced and Miss Hamed's charao- tertsatlon of It has been pronounced Ideal. The. supporting company Is excellent and the staging most effective, so that the whole t Is easily ranked among .the beat things of the kind ever seen in Omaha. On.Sunday afternoon and evening Joseph Hart and Carrie DeMar appear in "Foxy Grandpa." The week closing with matinee and even ing performance at the Orpheum today has proved one of the best of the season. Head ing the attractions for next week will be Charles Dickson and his company, pre senting a comedietta entitled "Heart to Heart Talks." Another salient feature will be Paxton's "Art Btudlea." which has had a big success In Europe. The Lytton-Ger-aid company in a sketch called "A Lucky Duck;" Mr. t-nd Mrs. Bearl Allen In "The Blgn Painter;" Alfred Arneasen. balancer; Almont and Dumont, the musical Hussars; Carleton and Terrs in a lively converaa- tlonal skit called "A String-Town Yap. and new motion pictures. 'At Cripple Creek" closes Its successful sngagement at the Krug theater with the matinee and night performances today. Bunday afternoon the big melo-dramatlo production, "Hearts Adrift," ths play with the airship, opens for four days. Beats are selling rapidly for the Ward A Vok.es engagement at the Krug theater Thursday and Friday nights. "A Pair of Pinks," with Its big beauty chorus. Is ths greatest success Ward A Vokea have ever had. Special Salo $10 Suits and Overcoats. Today we place on sale an endless va- riety of men's nne suits, In fancy cheviots, tweeds, serges, etc., made up in the new military and double-breasted, styles, hand- padded shoulders and haircloth fronts; these suits are exceptional values; they are such suits aa you generally pay $15.00 for; our price on them for Saturday will be 110.00. In oAir overcoat department on second floor we place on sale a large line of over coats in the Beaucalre and Willard styles. Our special price for Saturday, 110 00. Nowhere In town will you And such a large stock of men's odd pants as we show In worsteds and fancy Scotoh goods, rang ing In prices, tSc, 11.50. tl.W, $2.50, $3 00, $3.60 and $5.00. Men's fleece-lined underwear on sale Sat urday at 25c. Men's pink and bine union suits at TSo suit. Dr. Wright's Health un derwear, 87Vc Men's work and dress gloves from 25o to $1.(0. Men's fancy drees shirts, full cut. neat patterns, 48c In our shoe department we show good, strong, well- made, dressy vie!, velour and box calf shoes. In all shapes, at $2.00 a pair. ' GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 Douglas St, Cole-McKay company, undertakers and emDaimara, uj vapiioi ave. lei. DIED. HOAGLAND-Mr. George I died this montlna- at t o'clock at SI Jwsvvn. Ma, rrrr W l TUt Qfl CENT & JT0Tl - - - saw v w ves JSIJDodjeS .Lamp Sal9 Saturday Regular $2.00 . decorated lamps, with globe to match, complete, tttc each. A vaat , assortment . of artistic lamps, fitted with globes to match, many of them original designs, ex clusive with us. Prloes rang, at 26c to $9.85 each. ....... .. Have you teen our window display of pictures. ' ; " . ;: Hart Sduffncr ( Mara Hand Tailored Tjf "... "- f'N a Over SCO ovprcoats to ba put on T Cft sale far Saturday at ........ ..... 1 .3 II These are no doubt the greatest line vt overcoats ever shown at the price. They come in meltons, kerseys, beavers and vi cunas in oxford gray, brown, blue and black, all elegantly tailored with good velvet collar, good farmer satin body lin ing and satin sleeve lining. la these coats we can fit men of all ahapea and sixes. In regular, stouts, slims and extra sixes. Sixes $4 to B0 chest measure, la medium and heavy weight, and medium and long lengths. Nons of these overcoats worth less than $10 to $1150-Hayden Bros special prloe for Saturday For $10.00 we hae over SS different pat terns for you to select from. In all the latest and most up-to-date styles and fab rics In long and medium lengths, with plain loose full backs, or loose backs with belt In stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures, and plain colors, In single and double breasted styles. All of these coats are hand-tailored throughout, with an Improved and self re taining shaped collar. Manufactured by the well known tailors. Hart, Bchaffner & Marx. Any of these coats are worth from $1K W) to $18.00 Hayden's special f "tf price for Saturday lU'UU 750 RJ1 lill prxn mm JV 12)L10 "YOU are cordially invited to open abank account with us. We pay 4 per cent interest on pass books and certificates, and money may be with drawn at any time without notice. Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, BANKERS. LOCKETS AND CHAINS Diamond mounted, $10.00 up. Plain Roman gold, with monogram, $6.00 to $20.00. Art heads. In raised work $6.(t to $12 00. These are handsome, up-to-date styles. If you see them you will think so. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name v S. w LINDSAY. Jeweler and Optician 111 Douglas Street. VJOMENs Ta. .sr wS.aU . tUm a AilistlA LttllUfSii rULUfC ums rU4v (4 U fUMt OM at avior.sHruogt'et. (, frai .cooMaiu aVrv, IT'S WOT ALWAYS Oolng to be summer when old worn out shoes will do. for the boys. If Saturday is a nice day you should bring -the boys to us and let us fit them ss they should be tit to a pair of our $1.50 shoes. This shoe Is no experiment with us we sold the same thing for years and they have always given satisfaction. Solid leatner uppers and soles for $1.50 any slae and width. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnara Street. Omaha's Up-to-Dats Shoeliouss REASONS WHY Our Business Is Constantly insressmg' Because Wa have the largest variety from which to select, consisting of the very choicest fruits and vegetables obtainable, always attract ive, fresh, and above all absolutely clean ana wnoiesome. Because Quality is always In evidence, asserting Its superiority with such prominence that even the children can determine whether the groceries and meats are purchased here, Because We undersell our competitors, thug on- aDiintr you 10 reauce your duis. 20 LHS. GRANULATED f Cf SUGAR I.UU GINGER SNAPS. PER LB WHITE CLOVER HONEY, PKR LB EAGLE CONDENSED MILK. PER CAN BOILED CIDER, PER QT PUKE MAPLE SYRUP, PER UAL. SPRING CHICKENS, PER LB BROILERS, l'KK L.U FRESH MUSHROOMS, PKK BOX WHICH IS BETTER tv. mumM from a firm with whom you have done business for years, and know will stay right here and redeem every one of them ON THE 'SPOT AT TIME OF PURCHASE ort any lime later wiion you aee fit to bring them in, and every one. of which are wortn 5 rtK tend tjn i"tin ricu vn.t'R IV ANY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE, or the trading stamps which some people offer and which you have la bored to collect, but found of no value be cause the company bad left town during THEKB IS JT'BT AS MUCH DIFFER vkhv. KKTWKKN OUR CASH REGISTER COUPONS and trading stamps AS THERE IS BETWEEN AJ1J iu rnuuiDLo o take your choice. As to prices, we guarantee every price we make to be AS LOW as any made In Omaha. CUT PR1CB DRUO 5VWRH K. T. TATES, Proprietor. Twa Paaaaa T4T aa TT. lath aad Cklesg I use is, Osaka. SCIlAEFEfl'S 5c ...16c ....14c ...25c .1.25 ..lOc . 15c ...40c SOMMER BROS., Exponents of good living. 28th and Fartiam Sts. Grocery Tels. 1329-1S31. Market Tel. 184 Agent For Alton Flour. Regent otnnoiiD The shoe for wear. The shoe for style. The shoe for ease. The shoe for elegance. The shoe for econemy. The Shoe For Entire Satisfaction. Always $3.50s$2.50 Rogcnt Shoo Go. 205 So. 15th St. 1 - fciallllli M J. Men's Gloves In our men's furnishing do partment Jnst inside onr Fif v teenth street entrance yon will ' find the best line of men's glores'to be found la Omaha. ,We hare taken particular care In electing our glores for this year and positively know we can giro the best glores for tho least money every pair guar- anteed. a-.- iijjjg Nebraska" the best dollar glove made perfect fitting, well sewed, in the latest shades of browns and tansevery - f "V pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction., JL V Jr "The Arcadia' the best fall glove ever put on the market for the money in dog skins, mocha. We also show a beautiful variety of golf gloves at ' this price - O vIC Men's Underwear Men's Underwear 45c, worth 75c Made of extra heavy derby ribbed Egyptian cotton, shirts and drawers, in new mottled colors and plain ecru or white the cor rect fall weights; also fancy fleece lined, a warm and strictly non-shrinkable garment A g 75c values for...... ,. ..: VD w Men's Underwear 75c, worth $1.00 Men's fine quality natural gray merino self -trimmed shirts and drawers; also fancy heavy tan-colored Plush back fleeced, regular winter weights worth $1.00 F7 gj Saturday...... JL KJK MEN'S FINE NECKWEAR. We are showing the finest and cnappiest line of Men's Neckwear ever seen in Omaha. They aie strictly up- to-the-minute. Regular 75c values for........... .45c Our idea of a bargain To sell something that you need, lust when yon need It. and to save you money on the price. Peruna .....sso Castorla a.......... 26c laxative Bromo Quinine tfo Bromo Bel tier ........ So Cascarets 9c Pear's Soap ...12o Graham's Shampoo Paste Zo Menthol Pencils 10c Pierce's Prescriptions Oo Plnkham's Compound ..."4o Javne's Tonlo Vermifuge 2So All Tooth Pasts...,,.... ......ZOo 1 " Jfoiran mm Candy Talk It is expensivs to sell snob excellent candles at cut prices. If these cut prloes will indues you all to come in Just onoe and try our candles, the Investment will be cheap we'll maka ouatoquers af every one of -you. It pays to sell the best can dles. 2C sticks of candy .' Eo Hoarhound Cough Drops, lb 10o Jelly Gum Props, lb 10o Fine Cream Candy, lb lfio Peanut Taffy, lb 15a Yankee Peanuts, lb la Burnt Peanuts, lb ............... ...x Maple Leaves, lb 20 Cream Butterscotoh, lb q Chewing Gum, all kinds, ! pkgs 10O F a stl (. 1 1" M mjM tS. Wfrsej( A Reliable Watch . . . - . llin a t XVnmm mm VRI VF Ill Omaha Every Watch we sell Is a good timekeeper. Wa have all styles of case. , and all good iivery " - " . . . hnm m in aa M OO. un to a fine movements naae. on can - " " 'nttl ', Vmo 'w.make a spV.aUyTf U Wh: WinWiorth.C.i N. W. By. and C, Bt. P., M. O. By. John Rudd, Jeweler, 115 N, 16th DRESIIEIt'STALK What Your Style? r... -innllba a rairlilar Mark Suit for bust neas? Or a double breasted? Either is suitable, and If .you get them here all good and aatlBfactory to you coats made with aelf retaining fronts; built with that broad shoulder effect. That's where we are strong ask the man -with our label in his CVVe will expect to see you, if only for a look. Suits t20 to H0. .Trousers t to tlO. Ml DRESIII3R 1815 Far nam St. Tel. 18S7. ' Open Evenings.' Too busy making clothes to close. trwa r n . Ua.,t,n. C ll A . ? C 1 a n SS. PEN-TAN-GOT M a kos; I lous. K. S.U la Omaha bf IMmii A ScCwuUDruU. M.U iMhi Cn. Trad .uvvlMS TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Addseaa Oatka, Keb. School Shoes for the Girls Wa have an especially tvt tractive line of shots for school girls this fall-tl and up in price made on stylish k.'i com fortable and sensible lasts made of tba beet wearing kid and box calf stock, and mads In a manner that assures more satisfactory wear than the ordi nary school shoe gives. Careful Fitting Is assured If you have ths girls fitted here. We give special at tention to the correct fitting of fell shoes, and they'll La both comfortable and stylish if they're Otted here. PR CO. rial UtCUiim -VI LI v. ! ! ' I, V A tA u4.CAJ i .14 egwi iv na .....