THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 100.1 13 SPECIAL 10T1CES I Aavertlaenseata far taaea ealassa will taWest til IS a. evening eatttaa ana til s . aa. MaiiliK liiiif l(la. Mates, t l-2a a ward Bret Insertion. la a ward thereafter. Nathla lakes far' less than grve far tka ret laeer. tlaa. Taeee nn vertlsesseate ssast aa ra a eoaseentlvely. Advertisers, ay raaaatla at wwt fcereal check, a hava answers mitl ta aiakml letter Ik ear t Taa Baa. A new era aa aggra-aaeal will a live re 4 tmtauilaa ax tka feaak amy. WASTED SITUATIONS. POSITION WANTED-Expert lady book- Ufa insurance. Address 141, , Hee. A-MI49 Six WASTED MALK HELP. Educate for Business, Boyles College NEW YORK LIFE ULDU. BUSINESS, gll'KTHAND. TYPEWRIT ING, ENGLISH. DAT AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADM1T1ED A! ANT TIMS. Apply lar Catalog us. B 01 GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pa. a. u. i . co., tu a. win. omjt WANTED, llrsi-class wood turner at once. Good wages. Lincoln stash. Door Mig. CO., Lincoln, Meti. WANTED, (or U. H. army. abla-boulad. an nuinieu men, uiwii agvs ot 21 and lo. alliens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate huuiut, liu can speak, read i.nd min Khu.Ihii. For itilui iiimioii apply to recruiting otllcer, hith aud Dodg sis., uiuaiia, ana ueuuite, neu. ..... B M154 WiNTCtUTin .r.nt. at once: good eal- , . ...... ... . . m . ........ isi 1 .: vli I myi city wuil j, a. aumu. I Howard at WANTED, a newspaper or magazine so licitor to mora ihn city on a new prop osltlon. CaU at Circulation Dept. Omaha tier. - i WANTED, first-class glailers; can alva stoudy employment anu good pay to right people. Address 0 ci. Hue. n-m' WANTED, to know If you will distribute advertising matter; reliable specialty company: 215 weeklv and expenses, tri umph Co., Dallas, Tex. U Mae tlx TOUNO MAN BRIOHT Over 18, to pre- I yatu 0. VI . . unuivii, puvu ........ j , . manent. Krradual Dromotion. Box biO, te SdarKaplda. la. B 44o N-iX BOX WANTED Office and errand boy who la not afraid of work, cnanod to worx up. The flmllh Premier TvDHWritcr Co. B M44 30 WANTED, baker and candy maker; steady I worn; young - man preierrea. v.nurcn bakery, Valentine, Neb. B MiM A LOCAL manne-er to handle DODUlar build ing material In universal use and demand, worth vt.oou yearly to competent man, aer must be active, responsible anil nf good character and able to carry ttfOO worth of stock to meet immediate ub mandt. Address W. F. Parker, bxth st. and 11th ave., N. Y. City. B-M4.0 31x WANTED Active grain man for road ac quainted with shippers In southern Ne braska and northern Kansas. Address with references and talary expected, T 44, a xatis s IF YOU are earning less than $25 per week wa can double your Income by teachlna you how to write old line life insurance and we will make you money while you are learning the business; if Interested aaaress l J, tsee. a l WANTED, quick, an experienced electrio passenger elevator conauctor ior substi tute. Apply with references. Chas. K. Williamson Co., room No. 23. ITnlted d tales National Bank Bldg. If 30 ARE YOU SATISFIED with you present position or salary?' If not, write us ror plan and booklet, we have openings for Managers, Secretaries, Advertising Men and Salesmen. Also Technical, Clerical and Executive men ot all kinds. High grade exclusively. Offices in twelve airrerent cities. . HAPOOOD8 (Incorooratedl Suits t29, Monadnock Building, Chicago. B WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th at Dodge. C tM WANTED, first-class ladles' tailor. Mag Sflorria, iiw arusra. C Alttvs YOUNG girl to assist at general housework. Enquire 127 B. 25th St. . C M414 WANTED First class girl, general house work; in larouy. Appty uu H. mn st C-M476 lx WANTED, sewing girls. 225 Morrlam block. Mrs. Caldwell C M4&6 31X TWO mora young women and one young man to take course of training in Sana torium. Adurasa rv . u, moss, Zlxl iAke, FOR RENT HOUSES. HUUOLO y. i-atara 4k Co., Baa Bldg. 0USE8, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bik. It M lini IPn u aU parts of ths city. The nUUSUa o. V. Davla Co.. tott Bee Bfdg. D M6 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storags co., omoa uuiyfe caxnam. or lets, itiuy-eu. i aia FOR RENT, ten-room bouse, modern, and barn, In West Farnam district Wm. K. potter, ilea., no. am urowa ulm. D M624 FOR RENT, room house, 25til Woolworth Ave., $M per month; powaauioo given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Ubl, care Dally (xewa omce. u ausi v. PAY NK-BOST WICK CO.. cnoice houses. tul-M New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone loid. D 9u6 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ts Stor age Co., Tel. 146. Oliic. 1711 Webster st lj mji SEVERAL good houses, 110 to SIS. Chris Biyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D-M110 NEW t-room modern house Immediate pos esHlon given. J. rt. Aiarsn, pnmie 445 Board of Trad. V 143 FOR RENT, four separate fiats, containing 4 rooms, In first-class condition, 1611 and ISIS Howard St., lllKj per month. George 4k Co., ltol Farnam st D M431 10 GOOD t-room modern house to rent, fur- ear; $25 per mo. Harrison and Morton, 112 and 113 N. X. Lite; tel. 314. u M4it I FOR RENT -room modern house with burn. No. 116 South ftrth street. Knqtilre ta Karbach biocg. D 461 lOx AXFORD8 ADDITIt)N, 8-roora house, modern, warm -o- tu iaae st. D M591 lx 7-ROOM HOUSE, 1404 N. 124 st 1 Tel.. 1177. D MM lx HOUSES. 2411 8. 16th, brick Mat. 6 rooms, bath and closet 111. SO 17 Cass. I rooms, bath and Closet.... 37.50 125 8o. 18th. 6 rooms 10. 00 zms bo. latu, I rooms, gas water 20.00 Z21-Z23 ino, 13th. 1 rooms, closet city water A 40.00 2523 No. list 4 rooms 7.00 BTOUE3. t'.t So. lth 16 00 U4 So, J-jta lu.tx) OFFICES. Two. cor. 15th snd Farnam 22.00 Two, Patterson bi , 17th and Farnam. 12. 50 MCAUUE 1NV. CO., 15U6 Dodge. D &4 U tout HAMILTON PT., six rooms. Inside. ""'h c. imii st , rix roiiins. arge ysra, . 2221 Ca ifornla. six room. :i oinera. rtinawull Bros.. liark.r lock. D M433 l"OR RENT, nine-room modern brick boos in god condition, 2IKh ave. aud Harney. Wm K. pvlter, stwetvar, Nt. M Hr.m-n Uovk. . . D ! WANTK1 MUH HELP. usiness Training is Absolutely Necessary." Jno. Wanamaker. NEBRASKA- BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND A. C. ONG, A. M., Pi"eS BOYD BUILDING,' Cor. COLLEGE New students are continuing to enter every week. ' A luro Di. mint filing esse has Just been added to tha Shorthand department. The students now hava practical daily drill practice. Several contracts ior mimeograpn ana circular ie,i,T woir wt-.t. .an. ."v ... by the students. Over 1100.00 waa made by tha students of tha advanced class last month by doing work for business men. Many maka haJf their tulUon before leaving acnool. . M r. Currle. a student or me Bnortnann ord In seven weeks. On September 17 ha tire time day and night to shorthand, na tnke dictation at a highly creditable rate of ieed. It Was a case or tirgen necessity with -Mr. Currle, aa he had received the appointment of private secretary to C 011 srensman Klnkald and he had but seven weeks In which to prepare. lie has clearly demonstrated what one can do with the pure Gregg system who has the ab ty and capacity for work and Is under proper training In a school where every facility and advantage Is offered Mr. Currle leaves with Congressman Klnkald for Washington, D. C, November 4. He bears witn mm me faculty for his future success. A number or students iook positions lasi weca. RtknA f r.p flnA j-n i a inir i ie bound In alliKator finest aver Dubllsned by A nusinesa colleze. FOR RENT HOt'iES. . . , 1 1 ini. XT ry 1 1. . FOR KHii.1, e-room collage, ion -,.,mi,. D124 29x NEW Ave-room cottage, modern. Vhone TV-683 'am. KUIl RENT FIRXISHED ROOMS. O. M. E- hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E 61t DEWET European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago KICELY furnished rooms. 1909 Capitol Ave, .J uw NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Htesm Laundry, I I'M ieavenworm. rn A-1788. E-ll AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th Dodge. a 9l NICELY furnlphed room In private family; hmiBA .i ,nH mnem. 2il9 Jones St. E MHO LAROE, LIOHT, AIRY ROOMS. 112.50 and up per month. 76o and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, lllh mt m rA lnnltol SVB. Steam heated; eleotrla lighted; private and general baths; all conveniences; nisi ciaas service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E M12 NovJOx KrmtT v fnmi.iiait nuimi' evervthtnaT new and mooern: aenuemen preieriou. Webster Bt. E-M837 TWO good, Harney. warm rooms; modern. 25S0 B-M343 tlx TWO rooms, 2006 Dodge; gentlemen; refer ences. " FOR RENT, 1 or I furnlahed rooms, single or ensulte; private lamn. m o. .im. M441 FURNISHED HOQMI AND BOARD. DESIRABLE ROOMS At Tha Farnam. Ill h and Farnam ata. --v4 TWO rooms, with alcove on aecond and third floor, hot water heat, 212 South 26th. Jt4 aiW FRONT room with alcove, 2d and M floor, hot water neat n do. dia X --ivj w - .. . FURNITURE PACKING. Peterson & Lundberg, US 8. 17tb. Tel L-2358. H-117 FOR Rfc.Nl-feXORUa AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at sis r i nam, i .i..rii and tirae-clnas cemented basement elevator, Hie r.nd uuigiar proof vault, of fice couiater ana nxiuies. particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, mrt retary the Bee Building Co., room mo, ilea building. ' 1 Maui FOR RENT Ths building formerly ocou- lour sioriew auu a uumihoi, v, " ....... ... formerly used uy iut !", This will be rented very reaaouably. If Interested apply at ollioe of C. C. Roae watsr. aeoreiuiy. room 100 Bee building. t-STORY and basement. 22x100; 1006 Farnam at .inquire it jpitbi, i Mi5a FOR RENT, three upper stories in four- story building '" Z 'kkZZ stories it preferred. Address C. C. Rosa- water, sec y., Koom iw, LaTnnr anil fine basement building in - - .- , . . - , e, j.. I.' T, hniMi, it district: price si.ww. . Wead, 1524 Douglaa Bt. 1401 N4 TO LEASE Warehouse with good trackage facilities, luqmra uw -ont" j'M484 AGENTS WANTED. MONEY TO LOAN atEAL ESTATE. WANTED Csnvasalng aganU In avery WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. couuty to solicit subscriptions to lHb Farnam Smith ta Co, 1320 Farnam St TWENTIETH CENTURY F ARMER. . W-42 Steady employment with assured good In- - come. Agents in the country wltn horse pRI VATE money. Shsrwood, 117 N. T. Life, and buggy eapeclally desired. Canvassers ' W W4 make easily w to I1U0 per mouth. Ad- , .11 drtHts Ceutury Farmer SoUdtor' Bureau, WANTED, real estata loans and warrant toe building. Omaha. J-AU R. c. Peters A Co.. Baa Bldg. W-iXa ...,. l'iu viTi r,- FIVE PER CENT loana. . Garvin Bros.. 1604 FOR SALE FIRN1TIRE. Farnam. W-4t FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. 4 TO I P. C. money. Be mis, Paxton block. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodga St ' W 041 O 241 1 1 FARM and city loana, low rates. W. II OAK sideboard for sale, 2209 Spencer st. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. O 68q( . W 4U1 FOR tlLOR"sESrWAUONs7E VATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Dougisa MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 111 N. TO LOAN. 1600 at 7 per cent on good real Itjih St P--alt estata security, Address F 26. Bee. a-,. i..- . 1 1 1 . a. 1 1 1 .. m W M59 HARRY FROST'S Carriage aud Wagon Works is on corner of 14iu and Leaven- 11,000,000 TO LOAN on Omaha and South worth. P H28 Omaha real estate; loans made for bulld- . lug purposes; real eatate sold; Improved FOR SALE Two-seat, extension top car- property cared for; inourance In safe com- rlage. In good condition; rubber tirsa. parties. W. 11. Thomas, First Nat'l Rank Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 14 lh and Far Bl.1. V M428 lx nam in. P M4n t i . . SWELL family rig for sale; Urge gentle MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. horse, brass trimmed harness, Leigh open - surrey. Uwl.00. 417 B. 14lh St. P-681 fx EASY MONEY ON - FURNITURE Oil SALARY. lAJW htiT HATKd. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS BTRK'TLY CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVATE OFFICES. TELEPHONE POLES; long Ur Umber; RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, chicken fence; oak piling, sol Douglas. 3u7-30 PAXTON BLOCK. I)H X M197 FOR BALE, secondhand locomobile, la 1 ' A O TO riPT 0-st-clasj shaps. at one-half prioe. Call 14 V 1 VJL.I or address. ltJ Farnam Bt g-a L O 1 10 PAY ' FOR SALE, wheel for girl 12 years; tin Best explains nur methods, condition, 15-00. 644 Bo. 24th ave. We loan on furulture, pianos, warehouse W M594 XI x receipts, ale Or if you hava a pvtmaneui . position wa can make you a INDIAN goods and relics. U19 Farnam SALARY LOAN 4 4 without security, except your awn agree- ment to repay. Our service is quick and NEW and Zdhaud typewriters. 1118 Farnara. confidential aud always try to please. tfeus All that ask Is that uu give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. IRON A: wire fence, tree guards, trellises, OMAHA MORTUAGE LOAN CO., Western Anvhu.' Fence Co., 2u N. 17th Be 119 Board of Trad bldg. Tel. izii. Q D2S (EsUbiuhed UK-J. 8. loth St. . . X-Mlal CATALOGUE cut drug f rices free. Bhar- " Iran at McConueU Drug Co.. Omaha. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO QiM SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- . . eiors, boarding hous, etc., without FOR BALE Several scholarships la a first corny; easiest Uruts; 40 offices in pnn- clans standard school ill Omaha, corner Is- dual cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trad Ing coinplets coursa In business, ,i. rl- bldg. X aU hand aud typewriting. laqulr at Hee .,.,. . - omce. 4 gi llO.Nk.1 loaned on plain note to salaried Cnipie; business coiinieutial; lowent ralea 4 Paxton blues. 1U J. A. Lull n Co. tU.wv.VU. J U, Baa, 4Jt , el COLLEGE. A. J. LOWRY, Principal. 17th and Harney Sts. NOTES. In this most Important part of oflica ... .... .u M , , department, no maae a ptnmiwi w entered acnool, and by devoting nis en nut gained an eincicncy ennniing nmi ... very Desi wisnes 01 me aiuucma im B-687 80 FOR BALE MISCELLAREOlIg. Second - Hand Sewing Machines Wa hava the following second-hand box-top macnines that have oeen inorouniy over hauled and are In condition to do good work, at the following price,, and com plete with attachments: White t 4 00 Household .W Household 11..0 Singer 6.U0 Bmger 1U 00 - Bmger 12.00 New Home .U0 Standard (dressmaker'a, good aa new) 10.00 Wilcox & Olbbs (.good as new).. 25.00 Singer (tailoring; in good condi tion) 10.00 Standard (taiioiing; almost new) 06.00.- DROP-HEAD MACHINES That hava been slightly used, but are in perfect condition. The latest thing the different factories produce, from J17.50 to 125.00. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for 76c per week, and sell and repair parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney... .'Phone 1663 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs.. 612 N. 24th st, South Omaha.. Phone B-618 ..'Phone 4306 VI MUsa i ID HAND safe cheap. Dorlght, lilt Fsrnasa. 0 m DOORS, windows, lath, studding, beaded selling, siiiuung, nyurauuo elevator, mar hie tile, radiators, gas fixtures, cheap. i''"r' y JV1 M BX CLAIRVOYANTS. OYLMER, palmist 1246. 71 N. 23d; 'phone B B M70I M.RH-CS5IB. "MITH, BOVEREION uaux wuaM or. clairvoyants; every- thing told, paal, present and future. Sat- ts,it;iiun or nu pay. cut IN. itn. BV-vdU ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MatK. SMITH, baths. US N. IS, 2d floor, r. 1 : 1 M40S NOX PERSONAL, PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and ounng connnement. ur. and Airs. Uerlscn, w, -w w ,!i u j eruis reasonaoia. U-38 PRIVATE hospital during connnement: oauies aaoptea. Mrs. uardels, 2234 Laka. leu iea-iM. U 4MS PRIVATE home during confinement: bablea adopted. The Uood Samaritan sanitarium, na isi Ave., council Bluda, u BOSTON Umbrella Mfg., 60S S. 1L Tel. 1617. Umbrellas, parasols re-covered, reu'alred uiuureiia or made. U tt THE Omaha Plating Co. will soon move (o laiger quarters at loos narney St. U-M440 viavi way to neaitn; Dee bunding, Omaha. TJ-146 PRIVATE hospital before and during flnement. Mrs. L. FUher, 1501 Vinton. Tel. 18S9. U-4136 WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per wren, ft per muuia; we repair ana Sell parts for every machine manufactured; ne-.-imu-nana macnines irom 11 to 1U. Men. cycie co., join ana Harney. u 4137 MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists x 11. IT CURES, U 4 DR PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from sny cause; experienced and reliable. ;61 uoage si., Arlington Diock. omana. THE BEST BARGAINS IN THE PAPER ARE ON THE WANT AD PAGE MOEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONET LOANED OS FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALAH1K3, ETC. Lw rates and easy tirroA Business Confldantlal. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., ttt Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam St MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- airy, horses, cows etc. c. . iteea, am a. u, X-9U CHATTEL, anlsry and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co.. R 8. Barker Block. X 1(71 HLMNhl&B CHAACEa. WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange .r.y property or business quick, see i. It Johnson. Ml N. i Life. VHM rXDR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures, including lea box. Inquire tint Far. nam X 4i FOR SALE, to active man, interest in es tablished business; personal services and IS.oipO required. Kxcellent opportunity for right parly. Address T t7. Bee. Y 416 FOR BALE, drug store in good town In northern Nebraska. Will sell whole stock or half Intel est to right party. Ooad op portunity for energeiio young man. Ad dress T 32. earn Bee. Y 409 lx FOR 8 ALE. good millinery stock, In live tnwn wpII extablfxhed trade: poor health compels me to sell. Address Mrs. Mary Reed. Randolph, Neb. Y MtTf Jlx FOR SALE Foundry and machine shop in the nprt of the best agricultural country of 8. D., on account of sickness of the owner, st very low price. For Information correspond with J. C. Mor mann. Yankton, tf. D. Y-M451 4 FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, five miles west of Omaha. Apply J. A. McArdle, Hee mailing room. Y M481 lx FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE A choice 210-acra farm near Fonda, la., mgniy improvea; price. t:5 per acre: win lane a gooa Duuaing worth 19.000 for psrt pay. Write Jordan & Rathe, Box 694, Fonda, la. Z M469 2 227 ACRES In Holt county. Mo., WO per acr; will take- siock oi or city property as pari payment, urrsnry at Adkins, Craig, Mo. Z-M487 lx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $4.50 BUYS FINE BEMIS PARK LOT Thirty-sixth and Hawthorne ave.; paved street; buxittu; soum ituut; a uig um gain. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS Twenty-fifth and Grand ave., on easy terms; from iw to tuou eacn. Pv. H. LANDERYOU, 442 BOARD OF TKADE. TEL. 2151 RE M471 1 WANTED, TO BUY ' WE HAVE cash customers for six to elghi room nouses oetween um ana iutn sts., south of viaduct, also farm lands or smal. acreage in Douglas county; wa nave dally calls lor houses; list your vacant houses With US. '. . - ItJSr M42 l N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 FARNAM ST. Is-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, 2018 DORCAS, barn; 11,200. tui-4ii 1 WITHOUT DOUBT the block .in Lowe's subdivision, bounded by barker, ueotuur, list ana luo streets, is the finest lu the city for a fine resi- flann. I'r'.-in.iiiw.'ul lh, fltiMl It n . , 1 1 Structed view In Omaha. Drive out and see it. 64x270. feet 20 lots. One block from Harney car line. Owner says let it go for 16,600. 7 . M'CAGUE JNV. CO.. . . 1506 Dodge. jt-. . ItE 6a6 31 TIMBER1 TIMBERI THE best investment. Large or small tracts Refarenca lurnisnea. write your wants. SIMONS At REASONER, Ashland. Ore. jat 'tsix FOR BALE OR TRADE for ranch, 40- room notel, practically mouern, in one ot the largest and best Iowa cities; excel. ent trade and exceptional money mager. Aa. drwia T 47. Bee. RE M590 lx FOR BALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLER rKUrtK 1 Jl v-roum inuuern iiuum muu ' splendid barn; lot 42x10b. Apply owner, 6 IN. btn St. xnv iiai J m EXCHANGE. Will trade good large lot near 77th and Farnam sts.,- togetner wun (o.uou or t,ouu In cash for a choice (8,000 to 110,000 resi dence in West Farnam district Benus, Paxton block. RE M407 tf HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana tarm lanaa. i re kj. a, Davie Co.. Room 608. Be bldg. RE-900 ALL about North Dakota and wnere to buy Sood land cneap; ae-icnptive toiuer ana st Bent free; reliable representatives wanted. Whitney A Wheelock, 13 Broad way. Fargo, N. D. RE Ml RANCH and tarm tanas for sal by tha Union facino ttauroaa company, a. a. McA Hester, land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, umana, lseD. RE4)6S FINE cottage. 3856 Franklin St.. full aightly lot, a snap at l,2b0, for lew days only until repairs are started; nan cusu. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglaa. RE 465 30 SPECIAL bargain In t-room house, north of tianscom ram, at .i.duu, 101 atone worth 12.500; special taxes fully paid. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RE 466 SO FOR SALE 80 acres In Richardson Co., ( Neb. A snap if taken at once; ib per acre cash, uregory Adxms, craig, mo. RE-M4ISU 1760.00 for south front lot on Burt street, near Crelghton College. ' UEOKU1Q e COM rA N 1, . 1601 Farnam Street RE M332 81 40 ACRES, ten miles from Omaha, crop and some stock; no agent or irane. tx , Irvlngton. Neb. RE M42S Six j9- Williamson Co., Ji$&1 tun wu FREE homes; aend t-cent stamp for map of Rosebud reservation, giving run inror tnatlon. D. W. Forbes, Bonesteel, 8. D. RE M477 THE O. F. DAVI8 COMPANl, 508 Bee Building. 1111 North 28th ave. rooms. 1 lots, 11.800. 41118 North 2h ave. 6 rooms, ll,40. 3719 North I4th St. Stores and flats, 13.500. 135 North 43d ave. 6 rooms. r). 4617 North STth st. 6 rooms. fN. 924 North 27th St. 6 rooms. l,0lO. 1916 Chicago st. 7 rooms. 13.500. 1415 California gt. t rooms, modern. I?. 500. 4107 Dodge St. rooms, modern, 2,suu. 8-14.1 Boyd st 6 rooms, ISoO. JeH Hahler St. 9 rooms, 1X60. 45ii6 Hamilton st 6 rooms. 11.100. ?"i6 Farnam st Store and flats, $3,500. 2311 South 9th St. Flats. 12 MO. 2417 Dodge et. 10 rooms. 16 0fO. Sni2 Marcy St. 10 rooms, 14 OuO. r37 Francis St. 6 rooms. Win). 2.14 Francis St. 4 rooms. IOoO. Also many others In different parts of the city. Call and see us. or send for list. O. F. DAVIS COMPANY. KH0-P.E-FS1 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. tOO Douglas block. ACCORDION pleating. chespest. best quickest Mrs. A. c Mar, ana iHug. M74K BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tia Co, til North Mtb, 1 vm CHIROPODISTS. UPHOLSTER HQ. DR. ROT. rooms S i, UA Farnam St. GATE CITY. 1706 St Mary 1 ave. Tsl. BtWi. 1st - - CAHI-K.Mti.HS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attends to, j. i. ucnuirea, Zuth and Lake Sts. 170 DAKC1KQ ACADEMY. MORAND 8, 15th and Harney, will sell you a ticket good for twelve lK.on at the re duced price of H (or Indies and i for gentlemen for the new claaa of beginner commencing on Tunvday and Filday, No vember i and 6, at s p. m. Assemblies every Wedue.tday at I p. ni. Admission 50c. 410 N-5 DRESS.UAK.lNn. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. 170i cuming bu vvnio ior Dooaiet. IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, &24 N. loth. M449- Nx STANDARD Garment Cutting College, 2231 Farnam. M 4i ti'M DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A2832. Ubti BLBOl'T Detective agency, 708 N. Y. Life. Tel. 8540. 9S Nil EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBUN, room 16. Coral Natl Bank. Private lassona in bookkeeping, eta. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR YEL LOW PINE in the Soft ellow Pin Bait. This timber compares favorably in uuality with the While Pine of Wis consin and Michigan. Can all be logged with big wheels. No fire risk. Compiel and tellable Information. Perfect title. LANDS WE CONTHOL AND CAN DE LI VLR 25,000 ACMES, average i,M to tba quirter section, price 17.50 per A. 10,uu0 ACRES, axrage 2,0u0 to tha quarter section, price 10.00 per A. t.Qx) ACRES,' average 2,000 to tha quarter section, urlce 14.00 Der A. 1,000 ACRES, average 12.6(0 to tha quarter section, price 1P.0U per A. 14,0M0 ACRES, Spruce and Hemlock, average 3,500 to the quarter .section, price 112.00 CERTIFIED FOREST RESERVE 6CRIP In large and small amounts at the market - price. References lurnisnea. correspond' ence solicited. Address, AMERICAN TIMBER CO.. E. M. Bunyan, Mgr., Marquam Bldg., Port land. Ore. M:iQ8 novit. FOR RENT FARMS. A LARGE and weli Improved farm In Stanton county lor rent; 640 acres With 110,000 worth of Improvements. R C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Building. , M707 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. DOUBLE store building, with fiats 2d floor, 48th and Cuming Bis.; very low prjee; submit offers. F. D. Wead, 1524 Doug las Bt. 4''7 1 FUR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, 606 S. 11th. 701 FLORISTS. HESS at BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. L. HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam St 287 GARBAGE. A NT! -MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. . 121 N. 16th Tel. 1771. 2S GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bea Bldg. Tel. tblk -.l LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat Bk. bldg. -971 NEW BNOW CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T. Life bltig., attorneys mm iwiwti'w. ."ij where, '4 LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th Howard, 291 LOCtUMITH. C. R. HEFLIN, 109 N. ltn Bt , iei. zan LOST. WHITE fox terrier dog with black marking on bead; my name on collar; last seen on lower Douglas at, finder will be re warded. N. P. Dodge, jr., 1014 Farnara. Lost M491 LOBT Near 26th and Farnam, grey leather case containing silver and gold thluible and scissors, with - initials K. M. T. Finder please return toDe office and 1 . I 4 1 1 1 1 receive rewaiu. v LOBT In or near Bennett's store, Tuesday afternoon, black and white silk neck ruff. Eul table reward If returned to Mr. W. R. Bvnuett, main floor, Bennett's. Lout 163 tOx LOST Roll of bills at A. O. U. W. build ing Tuesday evening, Oct. 27. Liberal re ward paid for return of money to aecro- . . t ll.ll.... ,1.1 HT ,1... . lary A. U. u. v. uuuumi, ,iu mil bi. LiOBt MWJS 2K MUSICAU THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldga Block. 308 U D. KECK. Voics Teacher, Davldga bldg. 169 Novlx LETOVSKY 8 ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2084, Hkn ZERKQWSKY. violin. R. 10, Wlthnell bik. M 401 Ni MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured in three day. Pay when cured. No hypodermics, writ fur circulars. GatUn Institute. 220 8. 14th. 975 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, US N. Y. Ufa Bldg. T. 10M Sit Tha Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2351 si 1 Atsea 4k Farwell, Paxton BUt, 04-7. T. 1366. is DR. GRACE D BEGAN, 631 N. T. Ufa. Tat -4teS 2t. DBS- LAIRD 4V LAIRD, 203 Karbach bik. M lui XS2UX PATENTS. e. J. COWGILI-No faa unless successful. 118 B. li'h Mt., Omaha. Tel. irm. i PATENTS-Sues A Co., Omaha, Neb. II. lustrated patent book free. TeL 1621. M-67U NISx PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Dousiaa SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Ufa k4 NFB. Buslns Theater. 1 & Shorthand College. Bord'a STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 H Farn. Tela. l&jS-Kl 8AMTORUM. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. "Phone Red l4; 1 blk. w. of car line. I lly 'phono, 1 iRi. City bath and massage parlors, 21'JI Lake. 5si N.-a gf AMMErtlND AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramga Bldg. ewa TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE rallrosd tickets everybody. 'Phone 7s4. MI P. H. Phllbln, loos jrarnain. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow iMO to $1,000 at 7 per cent on good South omana rental prop erty; security ample. Address T 26, Hee. M ttil I6.S00.00 on a large Iowa farm, well lm 464 N4 proved. Aaaress i . ttee. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mans ior mt wees, vnuiita vrciu ber 17, lu, will close (PRoMPTLl In all Cases) at the Oeneial Postoilics as follows: PAltCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post Mails for Uermauy close at 6 p, in. Monday. Regular and sUDDlementary malls cloae at Foreign Station half hour later than closina time shown below (except that Sup. plemeniary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station.; Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At t a. m. for BELGILM di rect, per s. s. Zeeland (man must be di rected "per s. a. Zeeland ; al :30 a. m. lauuuiemantury 10 a. in.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Lucania, via Queenstown; at 12:30 p. m, for SCOTLAND direct, per s s. Asioria (mall must be directed ' per a. s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only, lite same ciaas of mail matter for other pat ts of Kurops will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by hur. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the . pierc Ot tne American, bngiiso, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tha hour of tailing of ateanier. Matla for Sooth aad Central America, West ladles, Etc. SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO K1CO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mail for Havanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE lfc-LAND. JAMAICA,- BA VA NILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Alane (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 10 a, m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10.30 a. m. (supplementary 11:30 a. m 1 for I NAG U A, HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s, a. Adirondack: at 12:30 11 m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curltyba, via iiavana. Malta Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Florida, cloaes at this office uauijr, iii xnurnaay, at jtcao a. 111 iuio .-uiiiiecuiig mans close nere on vveunesuayv ana eaturaays via Tampa, and on Mondays via Miami). - MEXICO CITY Overland, unless .iaii addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this ofTie dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 v- .-.av y. iu eunauys at 1 p. m, HI1U Ik. 91 p. Hi. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sid iio, anu. iiieticc vy steamer, closes at thl office dally at 6:30 n. m. (rnnn,win. mu ,, close here every Monday, Wednesday and JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence .. by steamer, cloaes at this office at 6:30 D. m. everv Tuesday. -. " MlQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this ofllc dUy at Bma t a' r .T. CC,RTEZ "'na GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans. m thenc by ateamer. cldses at this office I 1:30 p. m.; bunduys at l p. m. an(i 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at 111:) n. n. 1 closes nere COSTA RlCA-By rail to New Orleans, and .miuci, clones at this .ofllce WZt xcept J?un?a. at (1.30 p. m. and ill:30 p m. (connecting mail cioiea hsra Tuesdays at (11 :3U p. m.) U9Tm inauiomniiu mail closes at I D m nrevlnua dnv. r . Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, APAN, CHINA and elusive, for despatch per s. s. CodUo. cts iii Ktniiy n l Q.aj D. m 11 n to October 27, inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. transport. . . v n CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and . Victoria, B. C. close here flSlly St 6 30 p rn. up to October IS, incluslre' t6r despatch per s. s. Empress of Janan (Merchandise for U. 8. postal agency at : Shanghai cannot b forwarded via Can ada.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close her dally at 630 y m. up to October in. elusive, fct despatch per s. s. Tosa Mara CHINA and JAPAN, via Taooma. close hero daily at 6.30 p. m. up to October 130, Inclusive, for. despatch per a a. 1 sco ma. HA WAIL via 6an . Francisco, ' cloe hers dally kt 6:30 p. m. up to Novomber 12. In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. HAWAlt. JAPAN, . CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to November a, inclusive, for despatch pef- . America Maru. . "' AUSTRALIA (exeent Westl. jcttt to. ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close hpr dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November 17, ln clualve, for despatch per s. s. Aoranri NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (escVp't West)), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SA MOA and HAIWA1I. via Ban Franciset close here dally at :3i p. ni. up to No vember 14, Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer car rying the British mall tor New Zealand does not arrive in time to cennc. 1 wiit. this despatch, extra malls cloning at 6:30 a. m.. :oo a. m. ana i'J p. m. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. ra. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer). TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via Ban Francisco, close here dally at v.du y. 111. 10 nuvtnitwr fjb, inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Mariposa, NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Eurone: and New Zealand and Philippine Islands via nan r rancisco tne nuicsest routes. Phil tpplnes specially addressed "via Canada' or "via Europe ' must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hswall Is forwarded via Ban Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malts are forwarded to port ot sailing aauy ana tne scneauie or closing Is arranged on the presumption or tneir uninterrupted overland transit, Registered mall closes at t p. m. pre. vt 011s day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Poetofnce, New York. N. Y.. Oct 23. ltd. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE! TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received at tha office of secretary of stats up until 12 o'clock noon of Monday, November 2nd. 19US. for the erection of a kitchen and ice house at the lnstltut for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice also a commlBF.arry building and one dynamo for 8. and 8. Home at Grand Island. Nebraska, as per plans and speci fications on file In the office of secretary of stats. The board reserves tha right to ivjcv, mu an uitis. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of Board. OBd. lOtm. GOVERNMENT NOTIC12S. PROPOSALS for SUBSISTENCE STORES omce Purchasing Commissary, U. 8. Army. Omaha. Neb.. October 27. 1903. Sealed proposals, subject to th usual con ditions, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., November 6, 1S)3, at which time and place they will be publicly opened for furnlnnina subslstem stores m fnlinita: ! Bacon, sugur, canned goods, eta Preference . 1 . w KIWU V" UIH:ir, UI UOIlieBllO produc tion. Clank proposals and epacltica lions tan re ootained at litis orflre. . W. It utuAK, 1'urcliasiiig cuuiinifKary. IA4S-29-S0-S1-N2-S, laJLMOAD TIMB CARD. IKIO TATIOX lOTII AND MARCY Illinois Ceatral. Leave. Arrlva. .a 7:35 am a t.10 pre Clilcsgo Express CnlcaKO, Mlnnrnpnus 6c 8t. t'sul Limited a 7:60 pro a 1:03 am Minneapolis 4k Bt. Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:3$ pre Chicago T-ocal 10:35 am Chicago Express... At0:SB am hleaao Great Witra IT. Co. 104 Ft. DodRa Express. .b 1:30 am 102 Ft. lrndge Express. .a 1:44 pm 7 Ft. Dodae Express.. ail:am 103 Ft. Dodga Express.. b 1.10 pm (hleaao A Northwestern. "Tha Northwestern Una." Fast Chicago a 140 am a 7:00 am Mall al OOpm a 110 am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a I SO pin Daylight St. Paul a 7.M) am a I 15 pin 'ayiiaht Chicago a I PO am aii:iu pm Limited Chicago a 1:15 pm a I 15 am lAK-al Carroll ....a 4:00 pm a 9:50 am Fast Chicago a 6:50 pm a 1:46 pm h ast St. Paul a s:iu pm asm am Fast Mall a 7:40 pm .ocal Sioux City b l.-no pm b I 60 am Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:3 am ;0:S5 sm .incoln Long Plne....b 7: am blo: am Local Chicago 11:30 am Wakiih. St. Louis ' Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 cm a 5. ro am Bt Louis Local, Coun cil uiuns a 9 ii am au:su pm Chlcaao, Mllwaakee t St. Panl. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am till 15 pm cnicago f uni express. .a s: pm a pin Chicago Limited a S:(i6 pm a 1M am Des Moines Express a 7:45 nm a 1:40 pm Inlcago, Hock Island 4t faciac. EAST. . Cnicago Daylight L't'd.a $:!& am a 1:60 am hlcaso lnyiignt Local. a 7:ou am a :& pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:1a pm tes Moines express a :w pm un.w am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:30 pm a l:-6 pm WE8T. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 7.10 am a 7:25 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West iiavptn a s:w pm and ....a 6:16 pm aJJ:4r otn Texas, California Oklahoma Flyer Inloa Pacific. Overland Limited The Faat Mail California Express...., .a 1:40 am a 1:60 pre a 1:26 pur .a 4:26 pra Pacific Express Eastern Expreas The Atlantic Kxnress. .all. 30 pin 6:30 pre a . 7:30 am a 1:40 am The Colorado bpecial...a 7:10 am Chicago Special a 1:40 a in Lincoln, lteatrice at Htrnmoliura- Extiress..b 4:00 Dm b!2:50 nm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am Mlssoarl Pad no. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C oi St L. .Express. al0:60 pm a :la am WEBMTER DEPOT 1STII Jt WF.BSTER Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Jb Otuaba. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. . a 6 30 am Sioux City Passenger. .a 2 00 pm Oakland Local b 6:46 pm a 9:10 pm all .20 am b 8:45 am Chicago at Northwestern, Nebraska and Wri.mlig Division. Black Hills, Deadvood, Lead, Hot SprlnaS a 1:00 pm a 6:00prn Wyoming, Caspei and Douglas a s:wh pm a ft:vu pm Hastings, York, Ilavld City, superior, ter eva, i Exeter and Sewsi J...b 8:00 pm b 6 00 pm Missouri Paclfltv Nebraska Local, Via Weeping water ,.b 4:10 pra. alO:3S am BURLINGTON STATION-lOth Jt MASON Chicago, Bnrllngton at nlacy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7 00 am a 1:53 am Chicaao Vestibuled ex. -a 4:u0 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Locai a 3:18 am all :00 pm Chicago Limited a t.0 pm a 7:45 pm Fast Mail z:tu pm 1 Kansas City, St. Joseph A Council I' Inn's. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:15 am a 6:05 pm , St Louis Flyer a 5:25 pm all:05 am Kansas CUy Night Ex..al0:45 pm a 6:30 am- Burlington 4t Missouri River. Wymore, P.eatrlce and Lincoln a 8:50 am blJ OS pm 1 Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pra a 6:46 am Black Hills and Puget . Sound Express all:10 pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuied . ' Flyer a 1:10 pm ' Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:53 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and Flutts- mouth b 8:15 pm blO:3Saml Believue St Pact do Jet.. a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue at Pacltio Jet.. a 1:50 um a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. SEASONABLE FASHIONS . 4StBlouWllt,82 to40bust B16use Waist 4565 Blouse waists ..with yoke effects are both smart and becoming and are much In vogue for tha odd bodlco as well aa for the entire gown. This one Is . made of NIU rreen neau do cyngs, with trimming of velvet bands embroidered In French knot and a yoke mnde of strips of the material held by fagotllng. The full length tucli at the back give a taperlne; effect ta the flgoire that always Is dnetralile, ' wJtllo the fronts blouse becomingly ovr the ' belt. The closing Is made Invisibly .i tha left shoulder seam and beneath fit edge of th left front. Tha waist Is made over a fitted fofni'.a. tlon that closes at tha certer front. On this ara arranged ths yoke and the fronts and tha back of the waist proper. Tha yoke Is 1 extended at the center to form a narrow ; vest which is visible between th edges of the waist. Tha front ara tucked for their full length at their edges and to yoke depth between that point and tha arms-eyes. Fin ishing them are shaped portions whose edge are trimmed with velvet bands. Th leevea ara arranged over tt.a fitted lining and, ara made with tha deep cuffs of th season, above which they form - drooping puff. Th quantity of material required for th medium slia la i yards 21 Inches wide, 4 yards 27 Inches wide or t4 yard 44 Inches wide, with 6V yards of banding to trim a Illustrated. . Tha pattern 4555 1 cut In sizes for a 32, 34, 86, 88 and 40-luch bust measure. . 4 s. For the .accommodation of Th pr, readers these patterns, which u. n'y rttail at from 26 to 60 cents, will be fuu.nhed at a nominal price. 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, giv number and nam of pattern. Railway Notes and Personals. R. W. Baxter has gone to Bt. Louis on a business trip. A. F. Jonas, surgeon of the Union Pacific, has gone to Chicago on a business trip, F. H. Hammill, trainmaster of the North western at Buoue, IS In the city on his way to Chicago. Joaeph Teahon, traveling passenger agent of the Wabash, has gone out over th road ' on a short l uslneaa trip. J. O. Pblllippl, as tat ant general freight Burnt of the Missouri Pacllic, has gone to ft. Psul on a bualness trip, J. il. Butler, traveling freight agent of tli Kansas City at Bt. Louis, la in tha city en tKieimas In touuocUvu with his con.. pang r 1