TIIE OMAItA DAILY BEE: BATURDA'T, OCTOBER 31, 1 003. u GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Uarket Openi Eair but Closei Higher at Chicago. SLIGHTLY HIGHER PRICE fOR CORN Frle-es for. Oaa Flaetaate la Harrow Rail, Closing Lower Firmer Tea la Market for , 1 Provisions. CHICAGO. Oct. . Extreme dullness and bearish reports of the Australian crop caused an eriMli-r tone In the wheat pit today, but a little drmnnd late In the sea alon stimulated prices and December closed a shade higher. December corn was also a, shade, higher, oats wero off 't!c, with January provisions unchanged to 7Hc lower. The wheat pit witnessed a repetition of yesterday's trading, or rather no trading, the market becoming extremely dull. News from all sources was bearish to begin with, ralna being reported In the west, which were much needed by the growing winter wheat, and the Australian crop being esti mated In excess of 12,noo,O0Q bushels, or the largest crop on record. These Influences caused declines at the start, December opening Wac lower at 80c. After rang ing between TB'v&HOc and BOc December closed a shade higher at H0c. Primary re ceipts were 2,307, iuO bushels, against 1,760.800 year sgo. Minneapolis and Duluth re ported receipts of 843 cars, which with local receipts of $0 cars, one of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of S33 cars, against 758 cars last week and 1,013 a year ago. , The corn market was still In the rut. there being nothing tn the way of news to wait en speculative Interest tn trading. There was a fairly good demand from com mission houses and some selling by local longs. Indications of a break In the fine weather conditions and a fine cash demand were supporting influences, while the easier tone of wheat had a depressing effect. Tho close was steady, with December a shado higher at 4.'iVo 44c, after selling between 4eSc and 44&44ifcc. Local receipts were 310 curs, 34 of contract grade. Trading In oats was small and about the only feature was an early demand for De cember from commission houses, and mod erate buying of May and December by cash houses. Prices fluctuated within a narrow range, December closing Vific lower at 354 fc3o1c after ranging between 35Ho nd 3iVc. Local receinta were 175 cars. Provisions had a firm start, although hog receipts were much higher than antici pated, and Quotations from the yards 10c lower. Early In the day some weakness de veloped on selling out of cash lard by peo ple who had It delivered to them before the opening. Jtn improvea nog mnrari mia in the day caused a steady close. January pork being unchanged at $12.15, January lard a shade lower at $6.7(Ku6.7ZVs arid ribs 73 lower at $6.27. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 96 cars; corn, 465 cars; oats, 2t5 cars; hogs, 13,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Axtlclea.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. 1 Close.) Tes'y. Wheat '' tPec. 80H SO 79T, On-li May 79H 79'A 7S4 79,i 79 Corn Oct T4 R4 Dee. KS9 4m 4343&44 43 May 4CV 42 43 42Va Oats Oct & !Vt Deo. 85 3fi 8B 35414 36 May S6HCUVi 3U 86 36V4 36Wi Pork I Oct. 11 42H 11 4?H 11 42H 11 42H 11 45 Jan. 12 12V4 12 17 12 10 12 15 12 15 May 12 25 12 27 12 25 12 25 12 25 Lard Oct. 6 50 6 50 6 45 6 45 6 52 Deo. 6 67 60 6 52 67 6 65 ' Jan. 72 6 75 6 70 6 72 6 72 May 75 6 80 6 75 6 77 77 Ribs Jan. 82 35 27 8 27 6 85 May 46 645 840 6 4: 45 No. 8. tNew. rnh nuotatlnns were as follows FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 34.00 4.20: atralahts. $3.704.10: spring patents, 34.10i34.50; straights, $3.7003.90; bakers. 32.60 (73.40. WHEAT No. t aprlng. 7&81c; No, red R1bifrR2'Wc. CORN-No. t 44'44c; No. 2 yellow. 44H 46C. OATS-No. 2. 8514c; No. 3 white, 3535e.. RK-N. 2. 65o. HA RLE Y Good feeding. 40Q42c; fair to choice malting, 46'fi56e. 8EED No. 1 flax, 89c; No. 1 northwest ern. 94c: prime timothy, 82.75; clover, Con tract inrfo IlO.BOfl'10.60. PRO VISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 311. 87(8 11 an Ijirri ihf 1H0 ihs.. t6.4n4fr6.50. Short ribs sides (loose). I7.004j7.50. Short clear Mea IhnlMtt. 17 2T.fl7.fiO. The following were the receipts of flour and grain: Receipts. 27.900 126.100 ...... 406.300 308.900 Shipment Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu..... Oats, bu Rve. bu 14,900 116.000 . 430.000 164.900 44,400 21.000 86.000 99,800 liar ley, bu... On tha Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 16J 21c; dairies. Htnso. rcggs, nrm; at mark cases Included. 1930c. Cheese, steady, 1U'BUC. . . MEW YORK GKKKKAL MARKET. Qnstavtloas of tho Day ' Commodities. oa Varloas NEW YORK. Oct. 30. FLOUR- Receipts 91.144 bbls.: exoorts. 8.347 bbls.: market was dull and unsettled; winter patents. 84.00 trt.SO: winter -straights. 33.9534.10: Minne sota patents, 34.8ow4.sf; winter extras. 13.09 (33.40; Minnesota bakers, M. 76(31. 10; winter low grades. $2.nJ.20. Rye hour, steauy fair to good, 83.0iKii3.40; choice to fancy $3-464)3.80. Buckwheat dour, quiet, 83. 60. BUCKWHEAT Steady, 61c. c. I. f.. N York. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western t1 06- cltv. 81.U&: kiln dried. $3.20sa, RIB-Dull; No. 2 winter, 62c nominal. 1 o. b. afloat: state and Jersey. 6ivjjS',,c. BARLEY-Easy; feeding, 42V.C, c. I. f, Ruffalo: malting. 623j59o. c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 43,909 bu.; exports. 31. 834 bu. The market for spot wi steady Ku. 3 red. 86Vo elevator, and. sTttc- f b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b., afloat. Options railed dull all day Lelna- at first steady on small western re reluta and liaht offerings, but later eased oft considerably under active selling of May In Chicago by an elevator house. Near the close u ruillea on neavy weeaiy sea 'board clearances and loft off steady a . o net decline,. Closing: May MVac; De cember, 0640. CORN Receipts. 174,860 bit.: exports, 38. 298 bu.; sales, 55.000 bu. futures and 560o0 bu. export. The market for spot was steady; No. 3 nminnl. elevator, and 51c t. o. b.. afloat; No. 3 yellow. Mc; No, 3 white, 61V. Options were dull aH day, but ruled ateady on predictions of showers oust, poor returns and light off rlr.gx. eloping - partly o net higher. Closing: May, 487,c; Deoemler. 5uc. OATS Receipts, 70,600 bu.; exports. 1,98) bu. The market for spot was dull: No. 2, 42c; standard white, 43c; No. 3. 4ou; No. t white, 43c; No. 3 white, 4lc; track white, 4iJl'. HA x- IY Qnlet; shipping. OtftWc; coid tJ choice, 8inUe. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 1!3. 24iti32c; 19C, 21frtiuc: ol.N. 9(jl2c; Pa ride coast. 19 3, ZI'uZm:: 19. 21-021'; oMa. Ui:'e. HIDES Steady; Galvestof. 20 to " lbs.. Jc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19.-; Texas dry, ii to 3" lbs., lie. I.HATH Kit-Steady: acid, ttrnl&ic. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $10.0) fi 10.15; beef hms. $21.6 5j23.0; packet, 9.00 (1IA.O0; city, extra. Inribt mesa. 114.0016(10. (tit meats, quiet; pickled belllt-a. $9 Ooje 26; pl-kled slioulders. $i.5oti.00; pickled hams, $U.utfl2 0. lird. quiet; western teamed. $7.iinU.U; refined, ou'el; coni2 nent, $7.25; South America.. $8 00. Pork, steudy: family. I'9 0: short clear, $.i-7o H.(nJ; mess. $12.75(ttl.5a HICK Steady; iloincfllc, fair to extra, 4i(!6c; Japan, nominal. TALLOW-Steudy; city. 4c; country, ft4C. , BUTTER Receipts. 47.700 pkgs.: steady; creamery. S0'o'2Jc; atate dairy. lJr"Jic. CHEESE Receipts. S.292 pkgs.; steady; state, full cream, fancy, small, colored. September, llc; Octoher. llc; s-nall, white, September. llc; October. 11.'; large, rolored, September, llc: October. llc; large, whitu, September, llc; Octo , ler. llc. EGGS Receipt a. 6.62S pkgs.; market Strode: m-etern. '5K(2im POULTRY Alive, nominal: dressed. Ir regular; chickens, 12c; fowls, HtHlo; turkeys, 17tllSc. Mlaaoapolla Wke-il. I'luur aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 31 WHEAT Do. renibor. 7Vi'n;'c: May, 7Mo; on track. No. 1 hard. 8i.c; No. 1 northern. elc; No. I porthern. iH'.c: No. 8 nirtht-rn. 73u7. FLtlUR First nat-me. I4 64.7'; tocond patents. $4 60ci4 6v- fl'-t cl-nri, $i.4i.j..; second cleara, 12 61 1 7. BRAN In bulk. $i!2S. (.Ireryeul Grain Market TJVERPOOI Oct . WHEAT-Snot, No. 3 red western, winter, steady at ba 3d; No. 1 northern, spring, no stutk. Future atenriv; I'eveniber. tee b'd. C4..AN fciwt i American tulxtd, is VI. Future steady: November. 4a ld; December, 4a lSd. . OMAHA WnOLEIlLB MARKET. , Condition ( Trad mm (.notations Staple aa rasey Pr8sc, EOOS Freeh stock, loss off, 20c. LIVE POULT41Y Hens. 7c; spring chlr-kens. 8c: roosters, according to age, 3-h5c:; turkeys. 12'aiac: ducks. 6ilDc: geese. BUTTER-Parkin stock. 18c: choice 0 fancy dairy, In tubs, 16QlSc; seiarator, 81c. -FRF.SH FISH Fresh caught trout. 10c; pickerel. 8c; pike, 10c; pen n, c; buffalo. i ftynri niuensn, ibe; wnuensn, ic, ihiiii-m., 11c; haddock, loc; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, lie; lobsters, Dolled, per lb., 70c; lobsiers, green, per lb.. .: bullheads. ,11": catnsn. 14c; bla. k baas, 2u4jSc; halibut, ke; crappiea, uc; nernrur.-sc: white bass, loc; oiusuna, m. UTBTEKS New lork counts, per cuii. 43c; per gaL. 12.00: extra selects, per can. 36c; per gal., (1.75; standard, per can, 2io; per gal., 81.35. t iiKAN-Per ion, lit.w. . . HA If Prices auoted ty Omaha Whole sale Dealers association: Choice No. 1 up land, 8d0: No. 2. 87.60; medium, 37.M; coarse, 16.60. Rye straw, 86.50. These pri'-es are ror hay or good color ana quality, w mand fair and receipt light. LUHn-o. , . ...... OATS-36C. RTE-No. t, too. VEGETABLES. POTATO F8 Colorado. 75e80c: Dakota, per bu., 70fc7tc; native, 65070a VEET PflTATOkH-Hiiml HrO awn, per basket 75c: Virainiaa. ner bbl.. 83.0U. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market baeket, 4O0&OC; string, per. market basket, TOMATOES Home grown, per basket. NAVT REAN8 Per bu., 82.65. CELERY SmaU. per doa.. 26350: large western, 46c. ONIONS New home a-rnwn. drr. par lb.. lc:.Ppanlsh,. per crate, $1.50.. CABbAGEI Wisconsin Hollajnd, 10. TURNIPS-Canada Rutabaga, per lb., 10. FRUITS. PRUNES-Itallan. per bo, 81.00. PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfera. 81.75; winter Nellls, I2.2frg2.fca a frLKB-Jonathans and Grimes ioiaen. 83.754i4.Ou; Michigan stock, $3 25; Cali fornia Bellftowers, per box, $1.60; New York Greenings and Baldwins, 83.25; eating varieties, w.wi; Oregon stock in bushel boxes, H.15a 1 26. ' GRAPES California Toknys, $1.65; New York, per 8-lb. hVt 30c: nnnv ratnwbas. 22c; Imported Malaran. oer kea. 85.00ii6.50. CRANHRRRI PApM hKI -IX. (J,- ner box. $3.00 Wisconsin Bell Bugle. $9.50. CALIFORNIA QUINCES-Per box, $1.76. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, all sixes, $4.00.' LEMONS California iancv. 3u0 to 360 alxes, $4.60; choice 240 to 270 aises. $4.0Oa'4.25. FIGS California, ner 10-lb. cartons. Utc: Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, He; b-crown, 16c; 7-crown, 18c DATES Persian, per box of 80 packages, $2.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, Cc. u ANANAS Per medium aiaed bunch, S2.W T2.50; Jumbo; $2.76'83.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wiscunxln twins, full cream. 12c; visconsin ioung Americas, Uc; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, lic; V iaconsln Inuberger, 12c. Utah and Colorudo,' per Zi Ira men, $i.50. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. CiDEK Pei bbl., $6.76; per -bul., $3.25. I'OPCORN Per lb. 3Vrc: shened. 3tirfc. HORSE RADISH Per casu of 2 doa.. packed. 80c. . . . . ixuiB wninuts, no. 1 sort-sneii, per io.. 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 sott-ahel). per lb, 13c; No. 2 herd-shell, per lb., l'.'c; lira ills, per 1L., :ifcl1c; filberts, per lb.. iiilc; almonds, sort-shell, per lb., luo; hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, .large, per 10., ioauc; small, per lb., flloc; peanuts, per b., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7e; Chile walnuts, lMl.Tc; lare hickory nuts. per bu., $1.76; shell-barks, per bu., $1.75 z.ou; oiack walnuts, per bu., eastern cneetnuts, per id., ic. HIDES No. 1 green. 6ic: No.' I green 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal cif, 8 to U lbs., 8c; No. 2 Veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs.. fcHc: dry salted hides. S 13c; sheep pelts, 25476c; borse hides. $1.60 2.60. It. Luals Grata aaaV Provisioas, ST. LOUIS. Oct. 80 WHEAT Lower: No. 8 red cash. 87ci track. &-WcMc: De cember, 87$i67c; May, . 82382c; No. hard. 78Ar79c. . , CORN-r'lrm; No. 2 cash. 40c; track, Jin. rUfl.mV. AS . VI.., AAIa OATS Weak; No. 3 cash, 35c; track, St m:uc; May, auc; no. white, nswwo. kie- I turner at b4o. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4 0) (T4.20; extra fancy and straight, $3.70S4.0o; Clear. w.a"i3.tK) BEED-Timothy, $2.?52.. CORN MEAL Steady. 82.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 759 77C. HAT-Steady; timothy. 37.601X.00; pral rie. $6.50)310.00. IRON COTTON TIES-Nomlnal. 81.06. BAGGING Nominal, 5fifl6c. H KM P TWINE Nominal, to. PROVISIONS Pork: Higher: lobbing. standard mess, $12.65. Lard: Lower, $6.35. Bacon, lower: boxed -extra hnorts, e..a clear ribs. K.TT; short clewr. 89.00 POULTRY Steady: chickens, 8c; tur kevs. llAc: ducks. Q9c: geeses. ic B UTT E R Firm ; creamery, 18Z:c; dairy, 14iMc. EGGS Steady at 21c. loss off. Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls 7,000 , 10,000 Wheat, bu .'...116.000 47,000 Corn, bu. 87.000 27,000 Oats, bu 06,000 50.000 Kansas City Grala aad Provisions KANHAB CITY. Oct: SO. WHEAT De eember, ttSTi-SSSc; May. '.c; cash, No. $ hard. 73c: No. 3. 70fJ2c; No. 4. 61su6c: re jected, 6ac; No. 2 red. 82c; No. 3. 79c. CORN December. 3737c; May. 87i9 S7Hc: cash. No. X mixed, 88c: No. Z white, Nn X. 3dn. OATS No. 2 white. 84S36c: No. 3 mixed, 34!hS4Q. HAY Choice timothy, $9,604310.60; choice prairie, 'J8.00. - . , . irii. 1a uiirher" Missouri and Kansas, eases returned. ?0c: new . No. 2, whitewood BUTTER Creamery,'. 18S20c; fancy AnirW 17e ' 1 Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu..". ....192.0 . 123.200 , 'nil 12.800 9.6.10 Oats.' bu 8,000 19.0M Philadelphia Prooaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 30. BUTTER Steady; fair demand; extra western cream erv. fcJW.' ' EGGS Firm: good demand; fresh west ern, 2s2Sc, loss off: south weatern, 27$!28c less off; southern, Zu&Zno. CHEESE Quiet but ateady; creameries, llUflSc. Mliwaakaa. Grala Market, MILWAUKEE. Oct. 80. WHEAT Eisy; No. 1 norUiern, 84e; No. northern, K1a3;; December, 8j(ac. RYE Dull; No. 1. 66c. ' BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 85s; sample, 41J 61 i'j 1 1 XT null' runmKr AXriffMAo Pearla. Grala Market. PEORIA.1 III.. Oct. S0.-CORN-Stedy; No 3. 4.;c; No. 4. 42c. j 4 OATS Steady. No. 3 wnue, (ff3iic; no. white, 3i936c. Dnlath Grain Market; DULUTH. Oct. 30 WHEAT On trick. No. 1 northern. 81c;.No. 3 northern. 78c; December. 7c: May, 77inc.- OATS 31c. . . , 1 , , - Wool Market. , BOSTON, Oct. 8O.-1-WOOL The' following are the quotations for leading description: nhln nd Pennsylvania. XX. and above. 34(i3ec: No. 1 32t33c; No. 8. 2U.12c; tine linwuKhea, Z41lc; nair ihimmj, unwueneo, 2Si'.1ic; three-quarter -blood, unwashed, ?5i:c; quarter blood, unwashed, 25625c: fine washed Delaine, S6c. Michigan, X and above. t7tf.'8c; No. 1. 2!r0c; No. 1. 2S(629c; line unwashed, 21H22c; quarter blood, un waxhrd. !4i2ic; thre-eiuhths blood, un washed Hfti 26c; half blood, unwashed.' 241 26c: fine unwashed Delaine. 82'riMc. Ken tucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighths blood, Mtr&o: quarter blood. 24a"6c: braid. t2n.Sc. Territory, Idaho, fine. 14tlac: fine medium. 1Mi17c; medium. 1WM9"; Wyoming, fine, 141 be- fine medium, 16al7c: medium. I8tj1 Utah, fne medium. I7nc; medium. li 20,- Dakota fine. 159lc; line medium. 1( 17"" medbim. !(. Montana fine choice, nkijdc; fine med'um chc.-e. 14 a 20c; staple, h'lc: reed'um choice. K4i21e. . r tnt'ta Oft. kit Wool Steady: me dium grade, combtng and clothing. 171 ile: light flue. 16il7c; heavy fine, lit Mc; tub-washed. 3uc. Cvic Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 80. -COFFEE Soot nin rm: No. 7. Invoice. 8c: mild, steady; Cordova, 7til2c The market for futures opened ateady at unchanged prlcea for No vember, but generally 6wl0 puinta up on a continued good demand from outside scurcea- Bales were 16J.0U0 bags. Including November at l4oi45c; December. t.56 ir.- Janimrv. 6 ,uJ .ic: rebruary. t March. 5 SU46 V: AprU. $ ; May. Clue: July, 11od15x:; September, .'36.3oc. agar aad Molaaaea. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 80-8UGAR- Qulet; open kettle. 2 i-l&jjl Il-I6c, whitea. 4 3-1-H-: yellows. 3(J3c. WOLAbbfc-aV-Opn koitle, Mr; centrifugal, steady; 2v-ci'w Sirup, aiculy, H4i(M SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Stock Mtikt Falh Into Aotoa'. Stagnation During tho- Afiermoon. SALES ARE SMALLEST OF THE YEAR In favorable Reports Rrarardlag Cos- alltloa of Trad Hay Bad Effect . I oa Iroa aael Steel aad Rill road Eqalpnieat "locks. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Today's stock mar ket aave a kiiikm exhiblnon of the newi m.iii.u leuueuc lo uei'ilne 10 llttaa lit he luce o. untitvorablci uev.-loim.'iu. con- on.eu w.th nguies on tne weiaiy cu.iiriicy mutement, wnitu iiiuicaied a iu.s in cash by tne banks ouiIiik the week of trom il.- mxl.tMi to 3io,iMt,uUu, Kptrators in Ktocka w.re acaing in courage to uuy. aai tno onrs to sen were aunosL unappreclabie. as a conetqupnee tne market tell into actual sag ration during- tne Hfternoen ana the ggi'gate deailtisa tor the1 day fell to tne maliest for the year. he whoie numuer nf shares sold dining th oay amounted to tnly i6j,WTJ. 'i ha day a puce cna.ia! ML-ro Wt.o.iy v.nuoui bihu...- ance, exctpi lor I lie dragging tone in tne lion and st.ei indusiilas hiiu the laiiroad equipment stocks, ou to tne unlavorable reiHuts regM ruing tne traue. it apiiears from the weekly statements aecui-vu irom bankers themselves thai smpmenis of cur rency by direct means has amounted to about as much as those through the sub- treasury. The transfers tnroiiKh the aov- ernmenc Institution were $6,476,uu0. Tne losa on subireaaury operations as a whole, in cluding payments for new gold, waa about $l,6OO,UU0. ine failure or last weeks bank state ment to reflect the large shipments to Baltimore and Pittsburg leaves open the possibility that the effect will be thrown over Into tomorrow's bunk statement. jn me time money market o per cent was bid for all periods, but verv little wait offered. Tho effect of our t.ghtenlng money market passed by the cables to London this liioriiiiiK . anu money and discount rate hardened there. The late for sterling stead ied here this morning in consequence, but weakened again before thi ciose. Next Monday is a holiday In London and there will be no trading here on election day, the day following. This Drosoect nf hmlrinv Interruption aggravated the indisposition to trade In stocks. Much attention was di verted also to the Placing of waarers on the result of the Coming election. 'ine threatened extension of labor troubles amongt the structural Iron and ateel work ers was an Influence on stocks concerned in thone trades. The recent average of activity in the hnnrt market was much curtailed, but the back net In prices (lid not ex lend to thj wnolo list. Total sale.-, par va.ue. $i.710.0JH). United States bonds were unrhnniroit nn the last call. following IS tht, number nf ihDi Block sold, range of prices and closing bids on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. AtcMson 6,iX0 b. 66 do pfd 8P DO Baltimore & Ohio.... 4,300 1U0 2,210 '206 2,700 74 118 29V4' 21 74 118 27 lb" 74 87 118 156 214 27 Vi 63 14 2 105 17 73 12 64 22 154 237 IH'i 68 27 66 48 160 714 81 130 19 34 18 30 do nfd Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake ft O.... Chicago tt Alton .... do pfd Chicago Gt. Western. 240 15 ao u pra Chicago ft N. Chicago T. ft do pfd C, C. C. ft 8t. L.... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d rfd 150 64 54 Del., ft-Hudson Del.. Lack, ft W Denver ft R. O 400 ll 19 do pfd Erie 6.700 850 300 27 66 49 27 66 49 do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd Gt. Northern, pfd.. Hocking Vail ey do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central 695 131 130 do ofd K. C. Southern .... do nfd Louisville 'ft N Manhattan L Met. Street Ry 100 136 109 46 801 16 35 39 119 56 86 20 1164 6,200 1,700 300 7,660 136 135 110 109 4ti 45 Minn, ft St.. Louis. Mo. Pacific Mo., K. ft T.. 91 90 36 118 56 20 119 do pfd 200 35 Nat. of Mcx., pfd.. N. Y. Central ..... Norfolk ft W 600 100 119 66 do pfd .-. Ontario ft W 600 .107,800 201 Pennsylvania Pitts., C. C. ft St. L Reading . ... 119: 4.000 46 44 44 76 60 24 69 66 65 45 IS 30 138 172 41 17 74 23 17 26 do 1st Pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co.... 6.200 25 24 do pfd St. L. A San F do 1st pfd ........ do 2d pfd St. L. South w'n.... do pfd 8t. Paul 8.400 138 138 do pfd Southern Pacific .... 4,100 120 soo 300 islj 74 23 41 17 71 23 Southern Ry do pfd Texas ft Pacific Toledo, St. L. & W.. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash .' do pfd W. ft Lake Erie Wisconsin Cen Adams Express American Express... U. S. Express Welis-Fargo Ex A mal Copper Amer. Car & F do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. 8. & R do pfd Amor. Sugar R Anaconda Milting .... Brook. Rapid T folo. Fuel ft Iron..., C. ft Hock. Coal.... Consolidated Gas .... General Electric .... 11.6W . 900 350 4.700 'ioo 71 81 194 33 71 85 19 32 14 16 16 16 188 100 200 38 37 38 19 19 19 66 66 66 9 26 13 IS 13 76 41 4! 43 10 SMI 1,800 100 800 '406 100 1,000 s'.oio 100 '!50 100 87 114 ri 31 175 148 87 114 si 31 175" 148 ci" 86 114 63 33 30 9 175 148 11 61 31 I.S 35 12 74 00 94 27 69 115 International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit .... National Lead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gaa Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car... 100 61 110 8.0IO 8,5frt 2(i0 1!5 1.' nii' 6.060 100 l'.s'S 2.4-0 200 1" ?o wi 91 ?8 6S 7" 52 14 " 7 77 14 if'i 9-! 27'. 60 14 RL'i 7i 76 RepuMle. Steel do pfd Rubbe Goods ., 7 50i 14 68 7 "t 35 13 68 , 87 do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron... U. S. leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do PM U. S. Steel s. nil 221 13 5 83 1V4, 6 no rtra Western Union Northern Sec......... ... 163.8)0 shares. Tot.'l srt:a tor ine nay Til-Man stock Quotations. BOSTON, Oct. JO Call loana. J3U per 5i per cent. Ofidal stocks and bonds: cent; time loans, cloalng prices on Alrbltoil 4 Me. lntrl 4s AU'Uloii ' . ttlAllouat . Amalgamated .... . M'l lllniliam . JV Cal. A Hoc!..., .941 U'antenntal .171 K' upper Kange .... .14l.TMjinlon loal ... .!( ;Krrkllo ,lii h Royals . Mrkiak . V(il.l nomlaloa .... .lHV'leraoMl .tia.Parrot .124 'tluinrr , . mi'iina r Copper.. .147 Taminck . liiTrinli.. . Ununited BUtes .... 94 , 37 in l, 40 HH 44 '4 , 71 Vi , . 10H . u i4 ai . I , t . "4 . IT', . 17 . i'4 . l . t do pfd Doton Albany... B.Una A Mln Brat (Ml Elavil N T . N. H H.. Pttchburs pM .... t'nloo PclBc .... Mac. Central Ainar. Busar ..... 4o r' Aoiar. T. T Doa. I. At S Oaaarsl Elaetrto . Him Flectne .. do tl t'ailad Fruit .... V. 8. Stool do pti Wtotlng. common Adventure 14 .1 tan II Victoria .. Wlnnpa .. Wol arias 47 4V. Xmiw Yark Mlalag Idaotatiaaa. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. The following are the quotations on mining stocks: Adams Cos A Hi Breee Brueawlck Cos . . Cuautork Tunnel Coo. Cal. at VB-. Hra Sliver Iroa Bltver Leedvlllo Cos ... Offered. II It 1 la Chief . T .460 .U0 . . II . It . 10 . li tea ... 14 ...10 ... I ... V4 ...loo ...tw ...17 ... J u:trlo lonlr rbnenlx P.oe ha vase Pierre Nevada Bmall Hopee . Staadard Farelara riaaarlaL IXNI)ON. Oct. 30 -Money was scarce In the market today. Discounts were strength ened by lhe shortage In the loanable capi tal and tha decline In the rale uf New Yurk exchange. Hua4iie on the Stock ex ciiange waa practically fe&lurrtless and the inar.t ws ui.Uy dull. 1 he mcmbtra tiaxiod Uut day la m hopeful nvaoU, being convinced that the public; would soon re turn and enliven matters, but another spell of forced selling of home rails and Grand Trunk, the holiday to be observed on the lxindon Stock exchange November 2 and the talk of dear money wore discouraging Influences. Consols annsequently deconeo. H'.me rails were lower. Americans were Idle and receded In response to selling or dtrs from New York, 'ihey hardened later and closed firm. PARIS. Oct. 30. The tone at the opening nf the Bourse today was firm, but subse quently the market weakened owing to fear c-f high carrying over rates tomorrow. Internationals were Irregular. Industrials were weak. Rio Tlntoe lorn polnti. The private rate of discount wss 8 15-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 97f 40c for the ac count; exchange on London, 25f 14c for checks. BERLIN, Oct. 30 Business on the Bourse today was irregular. Imperial Ss were firm. Canadian Paclilc was depressed upon New York advices. Profit-taking In coal and Iron shares continued. Exchange on Xion don. 20m 42pfg for checks; discount rates for short bills, 3 per cent; for three months bills, i per cent. REPORTS OK THIS CLEARING HOl'SE. Transactions of tha Associate Banks During the Past Week. NEW YORK, Oct. 90. The following table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended October 29. with the per centage of Increase and decrease ns com pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York Chicago Boston '. Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City, Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee ., Providence Huffalo St. Paul Indianapolis , I .os Angelea St. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus Seattle , n,100.225.092 n.6 177.0t4.076 117.075.761 . 7.1 8 6 2 8 6 9 6.6 (.1 0.2 13.3 0 13.8 34.1 0.7 0.6 12.9 10.1 S.8 10.7 10.7 11.4 29.6 0 lllK.yiK.ZhO 43,670.302; 29,967,434 20,956.080 10.230.450 86.379,185 14,087.3131 20.K84.9M 18.340.185 9,470.664! 9.230.041 7.911.715 7.497,466 6.533.100 6.227.915 7,5W.464i 6.137.452 6.454.6131 4,116.066! 4.618.982 7.8 6 9 2.8 8.603,591 4,629,100 4.638,325 10.8 4.0 '7.2 64.8 8.4 6.4 "i'.i Washington 8.874,754 Savannah 6.741.417 6,345.372 Memphis Albany Salt Ike City 8.450.555 3,009,166 1 8,614,703 3.252,923 4.954,153' 2,862,788 2.062.658 11.6 Portland, Ore Toledo 8.7 75.6 Fort Worth , Peoria 4.S 6.3 1.0 Hartford Rochester 2.065.312 Atlanta 8.806.696 14 9 Dps Mfiines New Haven Nashville Spokane, Wash , Oran.d Rapids Sioux City Springfield, Mass.... Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester Augusta. Ga Portland, Me Scranton Topeka Syracuse Evansvllle Wilmington, Del Birmingham Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Macon Wllkesbarre Akron Springfield, 111 Wheeling, W. Va.... Wichita Youngstown Helena I,exlngton Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford 2.266.678 1,471.856 2.130.810 2.452,896 1,797.288 22.0 10.6 82.7 16.4 16.8 1.3I3J.801 112 3.1 1,291,148: 1.876,072 1.647.064 13.2 V4.3 . 5.4 "i'.i 6.1 49.1 2,150.020 1,132,698 29.7 1.933,599 1.356.921 ' 1,904,3121 1,667,708 1.119,613 1.201.0461 1,128.597 1,227.333 890,473 799.368 0.6 0.4 9.6 0.4 ... "tf.6 13.0 "a'.i 8.1 1,154.000 1.126,981 967.000 934.760 7X4 8110 60 8 14.6 61.1 26.9 23.5 "l!7 39.4 736.8951 706.674' 814.6661 785,478 639.641! ' E12.632 35,766 8.063 4.6 4.1.91 0.8 25.8 1-7 "i'.i 'zi'.i "i'.i ' 644,908 1.8 13,4 Kalamazoo Fargo, N. D Canton,' O Jacksonville, Fla Greensburg, Pa Rockford. 111.. .. Springfield, O Btnghomton Chester, Pa Bloomlngton, 111 Qulncy, III....... Stoux Falls. S. D.... Mansfield. O.... Jacksonville. Ill Fremont, Neb (Decatur, 111......... tHouston tGalvcston Guthrie. Okl Charleston, 8. C 6!7.184 . 707,367 606.000 13.1 667.83! 123.9 "i'.i 16.2 872.153 406.686 359.783 ' 858.800 . 374.924 331.647 . 410.182 828.8631 :48.765 6.2 'ii! 85.5 73 1.3901 ' 187.626! 9').015l 21.773.7651 12,119.000 44.7 9.4! 32.4 91.84 , 1.1U6.296I Totals, V. S Outside New York.. 11.927.034,075 12.0 tUH,BU3,V3j 4.6 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa Vancouver, B. C. Quebec . 21,072,178 14.995.643 6,396.360 3 1 16.1 41.01 9 4 4.8 42.2 11.2 1,659.315 1,814,854 1.597,062 1,648.016 1.036,344 6.1 St. John, N. B.... 1.124.689 48 8 6(W,I4 769,628 16.6 8.9 I- ..1$ . 62,525.7171 12.71 Totala Balancea paid In cash. tNot Included In totals because containing Other Items than clearings. I Not Included In totals pecauae of no com parison for last year. Ktn York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 30.-MONEY-On call, atrong at 4rj5 por cent; cloflng bid and . a ,nt ' time louiiB. firmer: sixty days, 6 per cent; ninety days and tlx months. 6 per cent bid; prime mercantile actual business In bankers bills at $45 for demand and $4.8165(fT4i8:'66 for sixty days; posted rates, $482fa4.83 and $l.8t,4.u; commercial bills. $.81W4.81. SILVER Bar, COc; Mexican dollars. 49s. ' BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. . . The cloning quotatlona on bonds are as follows: I), g. ref. U. r.f....l74X: ft N. sal. 4s. to coupon 1"74 Mnhtuin e. g. ( ia . ra 10iM. CcBtral 4s Aa eouoon 10l do Irt Inc 102 w ti . 14 17 So bow 4.. m lJ4i Mlnn. i at. U do coupon ..lU.M.. K. 4a tar. de old 4a, rag.., do coupon ...... do i; rei do .upou Atcblaon fan. 4s.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L 4a. Baltimore A O. 4a do 3a Central of Oa. la.. An lat Inn iuu: do ..UHi'N. R. R. of M. o. ,..101M. Y. C. I ... ..lu:vi!.M. J. C. (. a ..100 No. Pacldo 4a .. tlU de la .. IVN A W. e. la.... ..1W o. 8. L. 4t A par. .. tt l'nn. oonv. IVa. . . .luv'A Reading sen. 4a... .. n 4a 7S .. ..Ml ..l'isli .. a .. t4. .. t ... i.4 to. Ill 4a. II ... I I... 47H :.. it .. 44 tat. b. at 1. M Chca. A Ohio 4s....l01". I 4 t K. Ig. Cliliago A A. Ia... II tt. L 8. W. la.. C. H. A Q. B. 4a.... 14 'Seaboard A. L. 4V C. H. A 8. P. a.4e..ll0 So. ParlSo 4a C. N. W. c. Te....l22 8o. Hallway c. it. 1. a r. 4a.. ;si,T,ui A fariae le...ll4Si do col. 6i rcc. a it. 1. 1 thlcaao Tar. 4a 74WT .. Bt. Law. 4a. -T In I on Pad Bo 4a.... ... 14 I do oonv. 4a ... o I' 8. Steel Sd to... . . . I Wa baah la a.. rv do deb. B ... Hi1, a L B. 4a ... taik Wit. Central 4a .101 . . 71 '4 .1141. . e5 . a lS . 71!, Cun. Tobacco 4a... Colo. A 80. 4a ... Iienver A R. Q. 4 krle prior Ilea it do sen. 4a F. W. A D. C. It. Horklni Va. Offered. 107 Colo, ruel con. to. 1M I.oailoa Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 30. Cloalng quotations: Cooaola for money. M l-14New York Central. .1SJ'4 do aecoanl el l-ll Norfolk A Weatan.. talk Anaconda 14,; do fd. to AUhtaon do pld as Baltimore a Ohio... 14 t'aoadlan PaclAc 121 V Cheeapeake A Okie. H'S Ontario a Weajero.. II Pennaylvaala Rand Mlaaa Reeding 14 M it II " TT 41V. TJ4 lt 14 eoi4 W 34 do let pfd do Id pld outhera Railway... do pfd Bout hern PaclBc Vnloa Paciae do pfd United atatea ateel.. do pld Webeah do pld Chlcaao a. w r . m. a at. r lwa IleBeert u Denver A B. O..... 10 do pld tv Erie I7 do let pfd 44 do Id Did M4 llllnola Central 1U Louelvllla a Naah,.103W lilaaovrl. K. A T... 17V HAH SILVER Dull at 27 11-lSd pr our.c. MONKY 3",iii4V4 per cent. The rate of discount in tha open market for short bills Is SVi374 per cent and lor inree-monina bills is 3Wi per cent. Bask t'loartaws. OMAHA. Oct. 80. Bank clearings for to day are $1.332,4ti3 31. an Increase over the corresponding date of last year of $213,581 Whisky Market. PKORIA. Oct. 80. WHISKY Steady on bal of finished goods. $1 26. BT. LOCld. Oct. 3u.-WHIriKY-6teady n ki CHICAGO. Oct. .-WHI8KY-On baala t.t l.tu-h wines atMadv. 11.35. CINCINNATI. Oct. 80. WHISKT-Dlstll- lers' baiabed goods, quiet ea bants ef II 3 OMAflA LIVE -ST0CH-MARKET Oornfed btetn aid Faeieri 8old Steady, but Cowj Dull aid Weak. HCGS GENERALLY A NICKEL LOWER Demand for Fat Sheep aad Lambs 8af fleleat to Hold Prices Steady aad Good Feeders lacliangrd, bat Llgkt La aibs aad Ewes Weak. ... SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 30. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 11.283 1.783 22.566 Official Tuosday 8,628 ' 6,104 ltM.3 Official Wednesday 6.15I4 6.141 16,421 Official Thursday 6.147 4,065 12,2"7 Official Friday 8,231 3,723 6,145 Five days this week. ..83,312 21,328 Same days last week.... 34,371 16,367 Same week before 26,415 16,304 Same thnx, weeks ago. .31,747 18,670 Same four weeka ago... 81,881 . 22.437 Same daya last year. ...29,822 33,940 'rtVMS 75,26 96,199 81,660 71,660 73,963 RECEli-m tR ilia; IH.AR I'O DA IE. ine toilowmg labia uiuwi Hie reccipis ui came, noas and sneep at boutn omana for the year 10 date and comparisons with last year; . mm. wo2. Inc. cattle SoO.OM 79S.919 101,1(1 Hoge l.)Ml.U3 1.84S.62 9,9) heep l,4al,7aj l,33i,US 114.W4 Average prices paia tor hogs at bouth Omaha tor the last several daya with com parisons: Data. I U08. (18O2.l01.11O0.ll34.Iia8.pUM. Oct. Got. Oct. Oct Oct. 6 62UI 1 141 8 761 I UI I 1 711 $8i 8 79 4ft '..'.' 10... 6 ll 1 i W 6 1SI 4 891 3 k ti J 80 o 6 1V 4i ( 1 1 u oi s aui i "i 6 664U a Hi Ik 161 4 Sll I 541 t 71 Oct. 6 4 7 421 I 6 111 4 34i 8 63 3 64 Oct. Oct. a i 1 yy ) 1 so a eoi ; n 6 18I t an j 83 6 08i J 6 M 3 U Oct. Oct. 111 n 11 ui 1 vi a ; 1 aw 6 2l 1 64 141 4 921 4 831 t 64 I 96 li! 4 W 4 Sl 3 67 J 6 Oct, 11., Oct 13... 6 80 201 4 3 4 23 8 66 3 64 "Ct 1... Oct 14... 6 37l 7 07 4 93. 482 4 72: 4 201 8 69 3 66 a 43;, 14) 4 841 8 63 I 64 8 691 8 61 Oct. 16... Oct 16... Oct. 17... 6 is B iM C 91 6 2; 4 20 8 69 6 22 U 6 03 07 6 l(i' 6 14 7 lb i 29i 4 64 4 16 4 10 3 70 8 64 8 60 3 64 62 8 63 t 63 8 46 3 41 3 42 3 38 8 38 1 31 Oct. 18... 7 02 92: 6 62, 6 70, 6 76 6 74 71 6 61 27 6 23 6 261 8 IC 4 621 8 67 8 78 8 71 Oct 4 6l 4 16 Oct. 21.. . 6SI t 01 Oct 21... 4 13 8 661 Oct. 22... Oct. 23... 4 62 4 61 4 61 4 48 3 66 6 W 4 16 4 14 4 13 Oct. 24... 6 141,1 6 01 6 06 8 561 3 5S 8 64 3 62 Oct. 25... Oct 26... 6 26 00j 6 89 4 68 4 61 4 62 4 60, 4 18 4 10 4 10 409 Oct 27,.. Oct. 28... Oct 29... 6 18 a t)8 4 97 6 61 6 61 3 4 6 81 3 64 Oct 30.... 4 92 6 69 6 72 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'aea. C, M. ft Bt P 1 Missouri Pacific Union Pacllio C. ft N. W F.t E. ft M. V C, St. P., M. ft O B. ft M. Ry.- C, B. ft y C. R. I. ft P., east.... C, R. I. ft 9., west... Illinois Central ...u Chicago G. W...1 1 14 12 10 4 1 4 'i 2 8 ii Total recetpta .... 84 69 26 - The disposition 'of the day's receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing tne number of head Indicated' Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 156 . ls7 Swift and Company 863 649 1,435 Cudahy Packing Co 142 1,031 302 Armour ft Co 379 73 Armour ft Co., 800 City .... 601 Vansant ft Co . 27 McCreary ft Carey.:..... ' 92 ' .... ' Lewis ft Underwood 6 Livingstone ft Shaller... 90 H. F. Hamilton ., 360 Wolf ft Murnan... 73 Hobblck A B 81 Morton ft Gregson ... . , 613 Huston ft Co 105 M. Hagerty ....' 13 Other buyers 496 .... 8,079 'Totals ..'..2.862 '8,710 .10,003 CATTLE There was' about an average run of cattle here this morning, but pack. ers seemed to' be pretty well filled up for the week, and consequently there was little life to the trade. The light receipts, though. soon brought the market to a close. There were Just a few cars of corn-fed steers on sale and aa they have been rather scarce all the week the market on those, showed no particular change. As high as $5.16 was paid, which looked like a good, steady price, as compared with a week ago. The best grades tn fact are right around steady for the week, but of course the warmed-up kinds are lower. .The cow market waa again very dull and In some places it was lower than yesterday, while in others it waa, steady. Canneis were almost unsalable, as there was only one packer who wanted any and he would not buy them unless he could get them around $l.tw01.75.. That class . of cows la more than a quarter lower for the week and very dull at the decline. The general run of cows la VXuZic lower than a week ago. A few corn-ted cows are coming for ward, but ao far have been selling little better than the best grasners. Bulls, veal calves and atags did not show much change today, but they were also eflOYV 0$bVO Tho stacker and feeder market was not heavily stocked, and as there were quite a few orders in the hands of commission men and speculators wanted a few cattle the market held fully steady with yesterday and the desirable krades were soon disposed of. Common Bluff waa of course neglected tne same as usual. Western grass beef steers were too scarce this morning to make a test of the mar ket. The better grade-4, though, could safely be quated hteady with yesterday. Kange cowa were slow und steady to a little lower, while western Blockers and feeders If good were fully steady with yesterday Repre sentative sales: rlEElT rtTEEKS. No. 94.... AT. ..10:1 Pr. No At. Pr. 4 71 6 li 4 M I M II.. SC.... 1.... II.... .. 174 .. 140 .. 141 .. IUO ..lt:5 4 10 c cows. I.... 1 23 1 45 I OU i (KI 14... 41.... 1.... 41.... CO .. tot .. 174 .. Ml ..1071 s so I 36 I 40 I 40 I 46 1 V 4 M J It I M II.... 1.... J.. 1.... 3.... OU I 10 130 173 71 c. STEERS AND HEIFERS, Hi 4 to 04 1210 HRIKkiUix ...... 110 1 10 1 110 479 1 6 1 131 ..450 I kS 1 1 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 1140 2 7u Je 4M I 41 U trv I 10 SI' 3 I If. I U 4 eu 1 lb a 4ao 14 IU I 46 . tJ U J. t.o. ..n7 l o i :7:o 75 H. Curran-8. D. 10 feeders.. 1040 3 00 Scows iV.l 1 60 i 10 1 bull. ..1260 2 00 1 bull 170 Western Ranches 8. D. !3 steer. .U'3'i 8 15 15 steers. ...1077 3 00 3 16 63 steers. ...1134 8 00 Critchen ,..1000 3 35 .. .1-42 2 60 ...12w 2 SO .'3 steers.. ..1144 ft K. Colo. 1 bull 1600 4 feeders.. 1317 17 cows.. 4 steers. 13 steers. Pawnee Cattle Co. Colo. 1 cow 940 2 45 203 calves... 319 I 70 10 calves... 319 3 00 li!5 calves. .. 3!5 4 00 15 calves... 8I& 3 00 24 feeders. . 615 t 75 23 feeders., a. a I ou i cowa v.-j i 4t. 84 cowa 9i 2 45 !'.! cows 770 1 70 Boner uateis wyo. K2 2 25 1 ateer 10?0 2 1112 2 65 2 steers.... 9J5 2 25 825 3 26 8 cowa 801 1 00 11 cows.. 6 steers. 8 steers. 6 cows.. . 8.x. . OlS R. . ks4 T. .10S2 . iM J. 1 60 31 cows 770 2 lo 1 60 1 cow 87JO i 10 M. Moran-Neb. 3 00 10 cows.. i feeders 1$ cowa... H. Curtls-Neb. 2 40 6 cows., ...1000 2 00 t cowa... 1 M 11. Nelse Neb. 3 46 3 tenders.. 936 $ 00 22 feeders. .10u2 A. H. Bristol Wyo. ( steers., ..1000 3 76 14 steers.. ..1134 .. M 1 66 24 feeders.. 1213 $ 00 $ 36 M steers., O. A. Pemberton 8. 1. ..1UH9 8 10 J. T. Crala- 8. D. 21 atsers. 3 cows..... as 2 70, 1 cow w z za 1 cow 7.-0 1 26 1 cow 0 2 26 M. IL and K. P. Hweeney Neb. IS feeders.. TJb 1 20 3 feeders., feati I 65 6 cows loo 1 66 S feeders.. VIM 3 10 9 cows I066 2 25 lft cows li3 2 60 1 cow tlM 1 6o 24 heifers... 80s 2 66 1 feeder... &0 3 75 1 bull 13S0 2 00 O. fl. Thompson Neb. 1$ cows.. . 7 feeders 1 feader. . 931 2 lo lti heifers... .l I la $46 1 60 n cows 73 1 3a $10 1 feeder... Nwi $ 10 $10 2 bulls J6 30 2 26 1110 I feeders.. 46 4 heifers... 615 Wahlert Colo. 1 bull... 1 cow . . . 1 cows.. $ cows.. 1 cow... 1 COW... 1 cow... 1 row . . , ...1440 ...lJO ... tr3 ... frSO ... t.S't ... 70 ...1140 ...1120 2 06 1 cow. ... 620 ...IiijO ...ll&O ... 7 ...lm-O ... Hf.3 ... Owl .. 1HU 2 (4) 2 6 2 60 1 60 2 10 2 lo t 10 1 76 2 60 2 60 1 to 1 o 2 60 2 10 1 76 14 cows., 2 cows.. 1 cow.., 2 cows., $ rows., 1 cow... 1 cow. . HOOlJ There was not a heavy r.in of hogs here lht morning, but the tendency of prices continued downward. The deems here amounted to lust about a ulrkel. Tha market, though, was rather uneven, ao that SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL In anj quantity and get highest market prices. Write for infor mation, prices and shipping tags which are Bent free bj our house which is located nearest to jou. J. S. SMITH & G., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANT8 OMAHA, NEB. SIOUX CITY. IOWA. GRAND ISLAND, NEB. sales were made all the way from steady to a dime lower The market If anything was a little stronger toward the close, as some liberal shipping orders were received which made quite a hole In the receipts and left some of the local packers rather short. Light hogs In particular etrength ened. The heavy weights sold largely from $4.85 to $4.90, medium weights from $4.90 to $5 and lights from $5 to $5.10. Aa high as $5.16 waa paid for a load of plga, which waa tho top price of the day. There were no strictly choice light weight hogs on sale, which explains the lack of a better top. The trains arrived In fairly good season this morning, so that an early clearance was made. Representative sales: No. 8a. Pr 4 Z 4 86 4 85 4 f 4 M 4 88 4 8 4 ft 4 16 4 5 4 K 4 17 4 n 4 an 4 M 4 no 4 0 4 to 4 Ml 4 0 4 87 4 4 f 0 No. A. S. lr. 41 Sit luo 4 M t7 SO 4 M M 901 80 4 i4 U 117 80 4 IS S5 1M 4 4j at z4 so 4 It wt 1M 4 ttH M .28 120 4 1 to 141 10 4 M lit 1(0 4 tS M 100 100 4 M 71 tt ... 4 174 71 2M 10 4 17V4, 117 171 ... 4 tlVt T7 2M 40 I 00 71 1M 40 I 00 M t5 820 I 00 1 n 120 I 00 M Ml 100 00 79 171 tO I 00 8 121 40 I 0T4 it 140 SO i 07 17 148 ... 6 10 100 119 40 I IS 7 1U ... I IS 4 44..... 61.... 61.... to M 14 4..... M 4T 91 M 61 M M.... ...331 ...ao ...121 ...114 ...114 ...m ...ao4 ...10 ...tit ...10T ,..(1 ...at ...11 ...! ...Ill ...267 10 1M 140 so aa M M 1!0 10 110 41.. ,.111 t MS 11... It.. .. .. (1.. (1.. 48.. 0.. ...100 ...174 ...2J ...m ...no ...801 4 0 4 0 4 90 4 10 SHEEP There waa a fair run of sheep and lambs here this morning, but there waa no particular change in the market rrom yesterday. Fat stuff, the same as usual. waa rather scarce, and, as the demand was In good shape, everything answering to that description was soon disposed of at. ateady prices. The prices now In force are also Just about steady with those paid a week ago, the demand being fully equal to the supply, and each day's offerings have been well cared for. The feeder market was also about steady today unless In the case of ewes and feeder lambs uf light weight. Those kinds have been rather slow sale all the week and are a little lower. Good wethers and year lings, though, have sold freely all the week at steady prices. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, $4 50534.75; fair to good lambs, $4.26'84.60; choice yearlings, $3.40fc3.66; fair to good yearling, $3.26'S3.40; choice weth ers. $3.103.36; fair to good wethers, $3.15 $.36; good to choice ewes, $2.7tVfT3.00; fair to good ewes, $2.60g2.80; choice feeder lambs, $4.O04.25; fair to good feeder lambs, $3.25! 4.00; baby lambs. $2.6003.00; feeder year lings, $3.25W3.50; feeder wethers. J3.003.25; cull and feeder ewea, $1.6O2.O0. Repre sentative sales: S bucka 10 1 00 60 South Dakota feeder ewea.. 82 2 25 173 South Dakota ewea 92 i 66 722 Wvnmlm ewes Ill 2 85 249 Wyoming yearlings 98 8 50 13 Wyoming lambs 63 4 10 81 Wyoming lamba 82 4 25 . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET, Cattle Market Slow, Hog Prices Lower and Sheep Market Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 80. CATTLE Receipts, 8,500 head. The market was slow; good to prime steers, Jo.25fo5.65; poor o meaium, fa.40fn4.75; stockers and feeders, $2.26fK40; pnvi 11 2Mi4.2R: hel'ers. J2.006i4.76: canners, 112f.ra2.40: bulls. $2.00(84.25: calves. $2.00(0 3.75: Texas fed steers, 2.763.50; western at ner. 0 IWf? 4 ftf HOGS Receipts today, . 21,000: estimated tomorrow, 12,009. The market was 10c lower; mlTl and butchers. 5.0(Kfi6.4C: good to choice heavy. $4.90ifi5.20; rough heavy, $4.80 n4.85; light, $4.904j6.26; bulk of sales, $4.86 0r, in SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9,000 head. The market was steady; good to choice wethers, $3.00(43.66; fair to choice mixed. $ western sheep, $2,264(3 90; native lambs, $3.255.60; western lambs, $3.26(85.50. Kansas City Live) Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 80. CATTLE Re eelnts. 6.900 head of natives: 100 head of Texans: calves, 9W head of natives, 10 head of Texans. The market for corn fed cattle waa steady to firm; for cows and heifers, lowest of the week; for stock calves demoralized: for stockers and feed er, lowest of the year. Choice export and dressed beef steers, J4.&0?f5.30; rair to good, . . rr. . . . 1 (41(U.1M til-ty'Il-OV, piui-r.ra HIM. iTOirio, -.4v..f, wextern fed steers. J2.75i4 26: Texas and Indian steers. J2.0O(-F3 10: Texas cows, J1.25 fl.7R: native cows. Jl.50fi3.20: native heifers J2.50i83.90; canners. 75c4j2.30; bulls, $1.00 2,V calves, Jl.ZSiftB.60. HOGS Receipts. 4.500 head. The market wna MllV- lower! too. 35.40: bulk Of Bales. $4.86(i5.25? heavy. $4.80(!i6.12: mixed pack ers, J4.966.25; light. $a.l5i&5.S2,. yorkers. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head. The market was steady. Native luinbs. $3.2f,(fW 2S- western lambs, $4 90(fj.00: fed ewes. $2.3033.75; Texas clipped year lings, J2.90(fi4.00; Texas clipped sheen. J2.40 63.75; stockers and feeders, $2.00(g'3.50. Hew Yorlc Hts Stock Market. NEW TORK. Oct. SO. BEEVES Re ceipts, 4.168 head; ateers almost demoralised and unevenly lower; bulls steady; cows, steady to 15c off; native steers, J3. 65W4.10; bulls, 2.7(X6S. 10; cows. $2. 153.25. Cables fitioto live cattle selling- at Liverpool at HH4 (SllHc per lb., dressed weight; at London 11(81140; sheep at lolZc; Iambi, 13c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef steady at 8iff9o per lb; exports, T7 sheep; tomor row, 1.SS0 cattle, 600 sheep and 3,400 quarters CALVES Receipts, 430 head; market alow but steadv; veafs, 4.00aS.(V); no choice; western. U: grassers. nominal; city dresaed veals, weak ,at 84il5c per lb.; country dressed, tiff lib; dressed grassers and fed CaHOOSRecelpta. 1.777 head; market S5c lower: strtte hogs. V5.0ftfl.7B. SHEKf AN1 LAMBS Receipts, 4,018 head: sheen plow, lambs lMt'JSe lower; sheep, $2.. VMS 3. ! ; wethers. 3.KIW(H.V2; lamlis. 15. CVf .:. 75; one deck, J5.85; culla, 4; Canadian liimbs, J6.62V4. St. I "-Is Live Stock Market. ST. ,LOt:i3. Oct. SO. CATTLE Receipts, 3,000 head, Including .0n0 head of Texana; market, steady to easy. Native shipping and export steers. S4.4iKij5.25: dressed beef and butchers. $4 Wi6.15; steers under 1,000 lbs $3,6045.00; stockers and fedem, $.'.70 fi3 75: cows and heifers. 'i.26S4.35; canners. $160ri2 16; bulls. S2.4U3.&'; calvee, T0H) 6 V): Texas snd Indian steers. $2.26114.45. with fed ur to $4.15; cows and heifers, $2.(0tf 2 75 MOOS Receipts. $.600 head; market, fairly active, but lower. Pigs and lights, $4 70 6 20; packer. 4 655.00; butchers snd bejt hevv $4 8011.35. 8HKEP AND L. MBS Receipts, 750 hs,; market, steady. Native muttons. $3.0041 a. t'5: liimb". $1.75i&'5 M: cills and bucks, $2.15 4.00; alorkors. $I.0i34.W. St. Jneenh Live Stock Market. ST. .TOHEPIT. Oct 30. CATTLE- Re- relnts 2.174 hend; market, steady Natives. $1.24l4.60; t:i.lb(ao 40", cows anu ri-i 1 , ..kur. nA fsodera t? Fi 17 4 00. B ... . n . . , E1. HOGS Ke-elpts. a.4vS neaa; mirin, eu lower. F.ight, $5.105.30; medium ana ntavy, $4.85ffi.R.10. m ... gHKKF AMJ lAMBS-nni oio market, ateady. Slows City Mve Stock Market. SIOtTX CITY. Ta.. Oct. SO fflneclal Tele-gram.WATTLE-Recelpts. 200; atesdv; beeves. $4.0(Vfi6 2S; cows, bulls and mixed. rwii3; stockers and feeders. $2.60133.60; c'slves nnd yearlings, ti WfrS 40 HOOS-Peretnts t flnn hd: 610c lower; selling at $17605 00; bulk. $4 80g4.8S. Stock la Slahl. Tollowlng are tha receipts ef live stock st the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hor. Sheen. sit"; .om Ornana fhlcago vrM City fit Trills .... Hi. Joo"h ,. Sioux City Totala ... .. 3V1 . II ftn- .. .. 21-4 .. 200 21 WO Krtl 6 Mrt 4 2.000 1 000 7W1 ' 675 .10S 41,151 17.470 Potto vl.rVel. NEW VORK. 0t. SO -COTTON The cot ton mrkt opened stesdv st sn advance of 1 point to a decline of t pilule ani rul-d oiilst r a few min-it-s with o-'cee In oms lnstsnc-s'a little lowr "eder reaHs Iner and enoouraeed hy the dl-ao-vilnMns srlv cable" n4 'he rirospect for vrv heavv recipt. When the wfntb'r for-e-raet for te white belt reached the rtn howfv,r. IVtere was a sudden rhn snd h market hecsma verv ar'ive and xelte4. October, hl h had opened at lo.OJc, sold COMKISSIOX QQ (Incofpufitetl) UEl-W.1!1. $600,000.00 BROKERS IN Grain, Provisions Stocks and Bonds Larrat Prvate Wire Syjtem InAmera. 150 Branch Offices In princi pal northern cities fcom New Tork to SeeUlpj, giving g ser vice tiiiezclleL Reapomlble and ConMrrattre. 175 National and State Banks are our depositories and references. We charge no interest for carrying long stocks. General Offices: N. Y. LIFE BLO'G. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TIIOS. M. WADDICK, Correspondent, .1018 Faraaoa St., Omaha. Tel. 84UT. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS Eduords, Uood Room A flanhattan Bldg .S6o ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealer In Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable martins. Members Important Exchanges. Frl. Tate Wires. Writs for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Ycur Grain to Us. Ueat Facilities. Liberal Advances. Prompt Returns. 109 Bee Bid. Phone SM4 Omaha, Nebraska. Dolath. Wlaatpeg. VEARE GRAIN GO. laO-lll Boevrd el Trade, OMAHA, NEB. C. W. Sword, Manager. Tel. IB 10, REAL E STATIC TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday, aa fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Woodbine Savings bank to David N. Haverly, lota lo, 11 and 12, block 3, Portland Place , $ 150 Mary A. Dunn and husband to Walter A. Hixenbaugh, lot 4, block 4, Kottntse & Ruth's add 3,000 A. W. Nickell, administrator, to R. C. Peters, lots 10 and IL block 122, Dun dee Place 614 Same to Frank J. Fitzgerald, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6, block 111, and other lots, Dundee Place , 1,993 Margaret C. Wear and husband to Nicholas L. Agnew, ne4 block 9, 2d add to Corrigan Place 800 Albert Swartxlander and wife to Lav crty Orler, lots 4, 6 and 6, block 12, Oak Chatham 1,030 Elisabeth 8. Hosmer to Julius C. Kree ger, lot 17, block S, Ames Place 100 Cena E. Hansen and husband to Aug ust Doll, ae4 82-16-12 1.50J William O. Bauuders to Emma W. Tur- nln. lots 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, block 6, Kllby Place 1.600 Robert 8. Anglln and wife to Mable Lavender et al., lot 18, Block , Orchard Hill 1 Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust com pany to M. A. jr. Austin, lot 4, DIOCK 4. Ames Place 75 Myra A. Todd and husband, to Anna Kelmer, e40 feet lot 8, block , Park er's add 2,400 Edwin Loveland and wife to Carrie Van Kuran part IW nwVt 8-16-18. X Henry H. i-rnent and wife to Inter state Investment Trust, limited, w& lot 23, block , Kountze ti. Kuth'a add 3.80J Benson I-and company to Peter F. Hansen, block 70, Benson 1.80J South Omaha Land company to lionry Beat et al, lot 6, block 35U, fcSoutu Omaha 700 Mabel Lavender et al to O. Moburg, lot 18, block 8, Orchard 11111 1.650 up to 10.15c. December was rushed up lrom-10.2Oc to 10.3st, January from lO.llo to J0.33u and March irom 10.14o to 10.j5c. tin llio uuvume ahurts covered fieely and una of the features was the heavy buying for a certain bull leader who is credited with having purchased 10,000 bahs of January in a Blngie. block. Hales were estimated at 700,000 bales. Port receipts turned out heavier than estimated, r culling 437.021 balea, but exports were very hravy, no laa than 78.720 balea being cleare.1, and tne southern spot marketa weie generally firm to higher, with lino-sight for next week reaching 556,556 bules, ugainet 461,372 bales lust year. NliW ORLEANS, Oct. 30 COTTON Snot, steady; sales, 9,970 bulos. Ordinary, 7 7-ltk-; good ordinary, hc; low inidjling, 9Vr; mludllng, lU'c; good middling, lj5-lr;c; middling fair, 10 11-16 Reeelpta, ir,,170 bales; stork. 146 tsjs hul s. Fuliuea. firm; October, 10.1diR1o.1sc; December, lo.ti:V,ilO lax-; January, lo.liulO.llc; February, 10.1H4I lo.2ncJ March, 10.26i7i 0.27c; April, lo.34(lo.:i'k'; May. 10 374ri0 38c; June, 10.3wti 10.40c; July, lo.4-.oj 10 47c BT. LOUIS. Oct. 30. COTTON- Firm. Vc higher; middling. 10.c Hales, 17 bales; re ceipts. 6 bales; shipments, 2v bales; stork, 2,Ofe4 bales. LIVKHPOOL, Oct. 20. COTTON-Bpot. In limited demand, prices unchanged; Amer ican middling, 6.74d. The sales nf the day were 40.UU0 bales, of which 4 5.0 were fur Seculatlon ard export and Included 2. Km American. Receipts. 18,000 baler. Including 13.8O0 American. Futures vpened and cloxed firm; American middling, g. o. c, tvtoher and November. 6 67d; November and De cember, 6.62d; December and January, 6.6o tiC.tld; January and February, 5 4SI; Feb ruary and March, 6.4''i6.4!d ; March and April. 6.4M; Anrll und May, 6 47ji.48d; May and June, 5.47d. OH anrt rtoala. NK.W VORK. Oct. 80. OIL-Cottonseed. dull; prime yellow, 87c. Petroleum, tinn; relined New York, $9 60; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $9 2o; in bulk, $6.35. Turpentine, steadv. KoSIN Firm. HAVANNAU. Oct. 80. OILTurpentlne, steady, 66c. KoSlN-FIrm: A. TI. C. $2 30; D. 12 SO; K. $-'45; F. 5ft; O $" 56; H. $2 60: I. $2.70; K. 9": 61, $3.u6; N. $a.60; W J, $1.W; W W. $4 10 OIL CITY, Pa.. (KI. 30. -Oil Credit bsl anees. $1 77; certlfleutes, no bid; alilins;nl. Cx tu bbls., average 75 510 bbls ; runs, 56. tM bbl.. average 73 741 bl.H. fliilpnierits, Lima, 75. 30 bbls., average .: I.I.U.; runs, Uina, 61.2JJ biU., average U.U. bbla. C0E