THK OMATTA DAILY BEE: FMPAY, OCTOBER 30. liMW. t UK e i.i SK"" t Q.I Bartta.0)li Naw Picture Dept. Third Floor RESS GOODS UTS FROM THE fi, Y. DRESSMAKING STOCK AT BARGAINS NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED. At 49c Yd All skirt lengths and plrcea from threw yards up. Tlio finest and most fashionable cloths and dress foods left over from the New York dressmaking stock. At 69c Yd Including all lengths 3 yards and op the highest' class cloths, skirt ings and Buttings In every color from the New York dressmaking stock. These r goods are actually worth up to $3 a yard. Importer's Sample Lengths at 25c Piece Another fortunate purchase from the United States customs house French and German sample lengths In seta of three J ft enough for waists, Uttla dresses, skirts, etc. at Jm4 W .a piece ..... .... 0c Quality French and Scotch Flannels in plain and stripes, waist lengths, etc, at a yard . All the shorter lengths at m piece la the Basement Dress (roods remnants of all colors and f I Styles, including many ex- s. pensive trades, at a piece.... 19c 10c In the Basement Heavy and me dium all wool M-lneh f cloths for Bklrts.etc.- ,IUC at a yard w 49c Remnants of Black Silk Velvet 2 to 5-yard sample pieces all perfect and worth up to $1.50 A yard at Remnants of Black Taffetas and Peau do Sole 12 and 10-yard lengths all go at about half price, 2,250 Yards All Kinds of Silks . 25c Taffetas. Foulards, Lining Silks, China Silks worth up to $1 a yard at a yard Special Remnant Bargains Basement One big counter of Comforter Silkolines " C5i-i yard ' ... . DC One big counter of fine Ginghams worth 25c a yard One table of forty-inch India Linons n yard .....X) qC 5c One table of standard blue Prints in long remnants yard One table of short remnants of fine Mercerized Waist- lr gn worth 60c yard One table of dotted Drap- 4 j err Swiss mill remnants I If"! Q kind for yard VJ W 2Ic 6ic Best grade Outing Flannel In mill lengths yard 16-cent grade Uahy Flannel-yard AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER 31c 81c J DIAMONDS! V . We have tbem In all slsea. Remember we buy back at amount paid less ten per i cent, at any time within one year. 1 i uTl?? TTIbT rif 7) WhenYou Have Trouble Cp ana that trouble Is with your eyes you need glasses. The beat way Is to have our optician fit glasses for you no. guess work about the fitting no expense unless you urucr iue. openu a tew minuies wun mm. Jxok for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician 1(16 Douglas Street. () FOR COMFORT If J SHAVING Use one of our Le CoUltre rasors. After using one of these razors two weks,' If not entirely satisfactory, we will cheerfully refund the money These rasors have from one to seven blades. Try one. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers, Diamond Merchants and Art Stationers. 16th and Dourlaa Stm n..t.. Write for our catalogue. That eng-afement ring- MUST be a DIAMOND. OPPOSITE THE rui wrrit.6 yuu win una vne gem to suit your taste, ludirriient and pocket. DIAMONDS from 915 to 11,000. . ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler. I07 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. HKADLV5I New Towi Site fa Bremer Coaaty, lowa. Opening sale of lots will take place No vember NX On that date special trains will be run from Dubuque, Marshalltown, Fort Dodge and Mclntlre, la., and inter mediate stations. For particulars address K. B. Hagill, manager Townslte depart ment, Chicago Great Western railway, Fort Dodge, la. Snoots at Forsaer Presldeat. XRECUIPA! Peru. Oct. 3.-A man Bred three shots from a revolver here yesterday at .former ' President. Romana. Benor Itomana was unhurt and the would-be ssasaln ascaped. Horse covers made to nt your horse. Omaha, Tent and Awning Co.. Uth and Harney streets. R. V, COLE. v. It. MCKAT. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and mbalmers, 151 T Capitol eve. TeL 6t A SOLITAIRE If you need an engagement ring we wlh very much to show you our stock of Diamond Our assortment ii yery complete, and we have the cel ebrated Tiffany mountings to set them In. They are unique, elegant and beautiful. A diamond Is a diamond. 11 ou can pay as muctfi as you want. have them at $18.00 from that up to aisio.uu. Every one a pure gem. Our dlamoud prices will stand comparison. BROWN & BORSHEIM 222 80. Ith St. or !M , nuwwiBor' H W12f Mrs. J. Benson! Ilov Corsets for Fall W e are showing- all the best styles in new fall corsets P. 1)., La Grecque, Nemo, W. B., J. a H. & O., P. N.. Thompson Glove KitUng-, Kabo,' Warner's, Royal Worcester and others, in short, medium or the Ion habit hip, with or without hose supporters, frioes, $1.00 up to $7.50 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. Four dozen long waUied corsets, mostly P, D's., sixes 13 to 19 only, talus of P. D's, i13 to 13.50, baturday at 2 5c n LAW .3 THB RKLIAHLH Coupon Sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and yalua ble tickets erer given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Friday is Remnant Day in , Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room. We have received another carload of mill ends, consisting of ginghams, outings, flannelettes, wool dress goods, cotton dress goods, etc. Every yard new, reliable fall goods, and the price will be lower than ever made on the same class of meichanulse. READ THIS: TABLE NO. 1 DRESS GOODS REM NANTS All wool slbellne, Scotch mix tures, voiles and French plaids, all wool figured heniiettas, shepherd's plaids and and colored novelties, worth Itlm. up to $18 Friday. 9o and U9W AlJi WOOL TRICOTS and half wool fancy striped walstlngs and challls. and all wool French ftnnnels, qp worth up to Wc Friday CuC REMNANTS OF VICUNA CLOTH and Eclipse and German flannelettes, silver gray, black and white and fancy colors, mercerised linings, assorted colors worth up to 19c Tim Friday 1G I GREAT 6C COUNTERS OF REMNANT3 yard wide- flannelettes, extra heavy light and dark colored percales, dark xephyr ginghams, Scotch ginghams, Hcotch mad rasses, French cashmere plaids, seer sucker ginghams. Koyal piques end Scotch plaid ginghams, worth Cm up to 26c-Friday 36 Wool Dross Goods V) high grade wool drees patterns, C yards each, rn sale In the high grade dress goods department. These ere the best vs4 ues ever offered for the money. They will go at K.HS, .13.98 and M.98, for ENT1RB PA TTERN any pattern is worth twice the money asked for It. There will be several other sales, by th e yard, during the day. Grand Notion Salo Friday THREAD! THREAD! THREAD1 Thread 2 spools for Thread, per spool ,.. ,. , Thread, per spool Beldlng tiros' silk thread, per spool. HAIR PINS. Hair pins, her package Hair pins In salt and pepper shakers Hair ill ns In combination cabinets .... 4"c SPKCIALS 10c corset steels, per pair lOo metal back combs , ,..lo 4Ho 4c &c needle books 44c 10c tape measures 44c 10c memorandum books 44c 10c hose supporters 44c 10c purses .44c 10c handkerchiefs 44c NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS JTT8T RECEIVED A BIG LINE OF NEW DRKSS BRAIDS, . IN BLACK, WHITE. BLUE. RED AND BROWN. THESE ARE THE LATEST AND MOST POPULAR DRESS TRIMMINGS OF THE SEASON. mm "V Linen and 11S Domestic Dent Spocial Prieos for Friday. THB RELIABLE) STORK. $1.60 NAPKINS. 81c. GUARANTEED ALL LINEN SILVER BLEACHED NAPKINS-else 6-8. worth 1.W dozen Friday, at 8c a dozen. $2.00 NAPKINS, tl.a0. FULL BLEACHED ALL LINEN NAP KINS, fast edges, 6-8 else, worth 12.00 dozen Friday at SXiiO a dozen. 40o TABLE DAMASK. 224c SNOW WHITE UNION DAMASK pret ty patterns, 40o value Friday at 224o a yard. 60c TABLE DAMASK, 29e. EXTRA HEAVY CREAM HOMESPUN TABLE LINEN, 6O0 value-Friday at 29c a yard. REMNANTS OF EXTRA HEAVY UN BLEACHED MUSLIN, from 6 to 20 yard lengths, worth 10c yard- Friday at 60 yard. EXTRA HEAVY . DOUBLE WARP TURKISH WASH CLOTHS, worth 5o each Friday at 8 for 6c 1 tl II 1 V 1,1 ' " FARXAM STS. COR. FIFTEENTH VT AND FARNAM STS. ...Over 12,000 Overcoats for Men... Ranging in Price from $5 to $32.50 Form the assortment that we request you to inspect at this big clothing store. 12,000 men's overcoats every one new correctly tailored and worthy of our .guarantee. What an immense showing! It enables us to say, there isn't a demand that we can't supply. We have been talking medium price coats so much that we're afraid you may think we don't carry the finer grades. The Coats that we sell for $32.50 We'd like to show men who are accustomed to paying 60 to 75 dollars to their tailor. The Coats at $12 $15 $18 $20 $22 are made by the most conscientious tailors in the business. EBE2 Flannel Department Remnants of best grade, yard wide outing flannel, worth 124o ter yard, at ta. Remnants of -white wool flannel, at less than cost. 1 - 2 cases remnants of best grade dark ou ting flanpal, fancy patterns, suitable for comforters, 6o per yard, worth U4c liaydcn's Reliable Puro Food Dopf THE FAST TRAINS ARK VIA THK UNION PACIFIC If you want a quick and pleasant trip, select the Union Pacific, Its trains from Omaha reaching; the Pacific Coast ::::i:::: 16 Hours Quicker THAN ANY OTHER LINE. NO CHANGE OF ROADS NO CHANGE OF CARS NO DETOURS "The Overland Route" all the way. Bt turt your Ticket rtads over th UNION PACIFIC Fell information cheerfully furnished on application to City Ticket Office 1324 PARI AM ST. Theme 316. Large sacks whit, or yellow eofnmeal 1-lb. pkg. of imported m&ccaronl ..... i-lb. can baked beans ....., 1-lb. oka. corn starch .. Preserves, assorted. 1-lb lar Large glasses pure fruit Jelly f ancy ginger snaps, 10 , Ijurge Italian prunes, lb , , Choice TTtah peaches, lb , Fancy Michigan peaches, lb Fancy Muir peaches, lb Large evaporated Bartlett pears, lb . .7Vo .80 40 ...vo ...4c ...6c .7J :8& Fancy Moor ParM apricots, lb 10c Quart cans golden Syrup '....loo 2-lb. pkg. self-rising pancake flour ....7o Large juicy- lemona, each lo Fancy eating pears, fier dosen 15c Large baskets blue'-phima 25c Choice Santos coffee, pound ..v loo Choice tea sifting, pound 10c B. F. Japan, Oolong. English Breakfast, or Sundrled Japan Tea, per pound... 25o GIFT COUPONS WITH EVERY PUU- ir J! sii UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Chartsr No. 8 J. L. Brandeis & Sons Bankers STATEMENT OF CONDITION At the close of business Oct. 28 1903 RESOURCES Omaha City Bonds f 11,500.00 U. S. and Other Bonds , . 26,000.00 Premium "Account .' 972.39 Time Loans 177,837.30 City and County Warrants 35,174.65 School Warrants 12,673.25 Fixtures 568.00 Cash in Office and Banks 101,394.72 366,120.31 LIABILITIES Capital 50,000.00 .Undivided Profits 10.063.51 Deposits: Individual Deposits f 256,577.84 Demand Certificates 32,8.00 , Time Certificates 46,402.87 , . Cashier's Checks , 2,748.09 Total Deposits ,306.056.80 306,120.31 All deposits both certificates and pass books, payable on demand. Money can be withdrawn at any time without notice, . , 4 Per Cent Interest Paid. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS. Banker's. o) 0) LIKE BENNETTS" A lady Customer, JlllY I, Want Soma Cigars? We have some to sell at these prices: 8 5c Cremo cigars for 25o 8 6o Chllds cigars for 26c This means you can have a box Of either of the above cigars for $1.60. Out-of-town orders supplied you pay th. express or postage. We have tiie "LA INDIA" cigar the very best 6c cigar made anywhere. It is all Havana, guaranteed, 6c, six for 26o or fl.75 box of fifty. lOo straight Irish Girls 25c 3 lOo straight Tom Moore 25c ' 3 103 straight T. B 20c ' 3 10o straight La Flnr De Teller 2fo . 3 lOo straight Camponella 2c i 3 10c straight Chancellors 26c 3 10c straight La Prefcrentla 25o I J1.00 Peruna 67o $1.00 Temptation Tonic 23c Suo genuine Castorla 24a 60o Doan's Pills V SSo 60c Cutlcura Salve 89c $1.00 Pierce's Remedies 68o LOWNEY'S AND O'BRIEN'S CANDIES. CUT FRICH DKUtl 5T0R0 SGIIAEFER'S B. T. TATES. Proprietor. Twei Phoaes 747 77. lath aad Cbieaar Streets. Ossaka. Expected to Dye! Do your clothes need cleaning or dyeing Or evn a few repairs? Why look faded and shabby When you might be putting on airs. Does your overcoat need a new col lar. Or is It too light -colored for you. Just let us call and get It We can make it almost like new. And Ladies! You're nothing too fancy, We clean anything you need Our prices are very reasonable, Our work is all guaranteed. 'Phone 3255 and our wagon will call. GATE CITY STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS L. D. MITCHEL.I, Prop. 5119 So. 10th. Opposite Her Grand. Bargain Friday is an Ex clusive Bennett Affair Our prices tell the story it's a mighty strong one for you. Use our 'phones freely to secure these bargains, and do not forget that you are no further from them than you are from the 'phone. Green Trading Stamps go with every purchase, whether the order is 'phoned, ordered by messen ger, delivered by wagon, or bought in person. Tel. 137. Dress Goods Dept. MISSES' SKIRTS On sale for Friday and Saturday, three hundred misses' walking skirts for ages 12 to 18 years. A HEAVY CHEVIOT band of plain broadcloth, stitch ing and buttons, colors black and navy, ( C 7alue $4.50 sale price A FINE MELTON Bands of broadcloth, stitching and buttons, colors, medium gray value gj $4.50 sale price -fmZ7D A FINE ZIBELINE Bands of taffeta silk, stitching and buttons, colors, brown and gray value A g $5.00 price O-TffO SILK PETTICOATS Special, sale of round petticoats and train drops, fine taffeta silk drop ruffles or accordion pleats all colors and black value $7.50 sale price 4.95 fijg- Hardware Bargains There are more real bargains in our hardware de partment than there are people in the tri-cities, but if you buy enough of them as many as you need you'll thin the stocks. That's what's wanted. , ; , Special Wash Boiler Sale No. 8 tin wash boiler with copper bottom...: ....68c No. 8 good heavy tin boiler, with copper bottom . . 76c No. 9 size, rame as above ........... . . . . ; . . . . . , 86c No. 8 all copper wash boiler . . . . .' ; 1.76 16-inch hot.blast heater, heavy steel body, finely nickeled special price 12.25 The popular and busy grocery.. A lively' scene of action dally. An sx posltion of pure foods at lowest prices. Prompt deliveries. OREEN TRAD ING STAMPS with every purchase. Free postal cards. Telephone 137. Friday Money Savers. Corn Starch Jp 1-pound package , Plum Puddlnf nr 1-pound can ,.,u Tcan .8.y..P7..... IOC Mince Meat HI re package t OJW Fruit llutters Ifif assorted jar sUb Maple Buftar 151r prr pound SfV Prefterved Blackberries (S .10c ...8c ..5c 10c 10c 4c If we should call our place of business the Omaha Duplicate Works you would not know what It meant, but that Is Just what It Is, a place where duplicate parts of your Stove, Fanf e or Furnace can be had without waiting to send north, south, east or west for them. It Is for your accommoda t on and our pleasure that we carry in stock almost 1,500,000 pounds of such duplicate parts. Our fur nace men are skilled, and prompt attention can now be liven to your orders. OMAHA ST0YE REPAIR WORKS. Tel. 960. COLON-CO IS AX OHAHA PRODUCT It Is prescribed and compounded by an Omaha physician. It is an absolute cure for all lornia 01 Laiarru. """" inents. Eosema, and facial blemishes. It has no equal. Cor. 14th Haraer. Km hioch. Cut Price Piano Co. Be Bid. Room 7. Telephone 701 Weher, Story tu scalier. Perfteld's 1 SB For Menstrual Suppression EtsIai PEN-TAN-GOT U a hoi; I Ixam. If. Sals Is Omits br Iktnu A hWCeiMil Sf vs. sUU mows &.,. TriMk. mgUmi can Baked Beans 3-pound can , Catt up borne M Oil Sardines can Worcester Sauce bottle Chili Bauce bottle Parlor Matches too In box , Teas and Coffees from Headquarters. B. P. Japan, Oolong-. English Breakfiutt, and Gunpowder, OO per pound ."O. .....25c : 15c per pound Imperial Japan, per pound .... Tea Siftlngs per pound Coffees Roasted Daily. ...12c ..28c Full Line Pure Spices. Santos Co (Tea, food, per pound , Bennett's Capitol Coffee, bekt on earth Fancy Soaps In soaps for toilet and bath we carry a large and very choice assortment1 Every brand Is guaranteed by the maker, and is of sur passing excellence. Toilet Soaps in Drue Department 10c ....5c ....8c 25c 5c ....5c 20c 20c 21c 15c 20c 25c 0 per cent purs Glycerine . Soap, per bar io, 1 for f Haakin's Voleanlo (Pumice) Soap, per cake Colsate'e Turkish Bath Roan, per dosen. Mc; per cake Colr&te'a Enallsh Process, per dosen, SOe; per cake Cacti Soap, per box of I cakes Witch Hazel Bath Soap, per cake Olycerose Complexion Soap, per cake Contl Castile Soap, per pound BoccabelU Castile Soap, ' per pound ....... ... . .., Lana Oil Buttermilk, per box Violet (Vee-o-ley) Almond Soap, per cake Est Tar Soap, per cake ...... Plnaud's Carnation Pink Soap, per cake ...... The Great Headquarters for Green Trad.iiii Stamps