TTIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TIIUIaSDAY. OCTOnET. 29, 1803. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARIET Woett Higher at Ckicago, but Inflaeoctd bj St. Looii Situation. CORN FOLLOWS THE UPWARD TENDENCY Oata Moved la Sympathy with Other Ciralaa, Trading; Bring Quiet Trade la Previsions Dall, bat Firmer. CHICAGO, O-t. 2. The financial sltun tiun Kl bt. Iniuis In conjunction with tne unsettled comiltlon ol Uwcinlur wheat there wan a pussle thHt kept trailers hern gu-lng tndsy and wno;il prices were largely Influenced by the anion of the southwestern market. With a ftilr rally there Hte In the lny trie mnrket here closed tlrm. Willi ljecember wheat l,t: higher. LHcemher torn wan up S""' anil oai were c higher. January p,ovlsiuii were from a slmoe to 10c higher. I ruler the Influence of me nuge export business of yesterday Bnd mure reasM'uiliig news from Ht. IaiuIh In rbgurd to the harm situation there wheat oiened Arm, with ft good general demand, uecember lelng up Va'-ic. at tnvUc. The uiu.-erlalnty of condition In ihe southwestern market icauaed traders to withhold orders nnd await 'developments, which resulted (ln h tame Imarket toward the mlddlo of the day, with firlces holding a lion t steady. Lte strength 11 corn, with a recovery at 8t. 1ouIb caused fair buying by pit traders during the last half hour and the early loss was all re gained. December closing 'c hlaher at 0c. Clearances of wheat and flour were o.ihI to :29,tmi bo. Primary receipt were bu.. against l,4J5,2ut a year ago. .Minneapolis and Uuluth reported receipts iof 770 cara, which, with local receipts of 91 cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of sl cars, against 7 last week and 7M a year ago. Conditions in wheat caused a firm tone In corn. Latter prices eased off. Predictions of a break In tha present excellent weather conditions and reports of a good cash busi ness were strengthening influences late In tha day and caused a recovery of the early loss. After selling between WH'JHSV anil 44i(r44Sc December closed at 44-c. Local ! receipts were 30J cars, with seven of con ! tract grade. Oata were influenced mainly by the action f wheat and corn, showing some decline early In the session, and later rallying, and closing at a small gnln. Trading was quiet and featureless. December closed higher at MSic, after ranging between 8oc and W4C. Ijocal receipts were 134 cars. Provision trade was extremely dull, but Inclined to firmness, considering the decided weakness In hoars reported from the yards. Buying by packers was the chief source of Support. Closing prices were firm, with January pork up 12'rc, lnrd a shade higher and ribs 5c higher at G.32hi. Ketlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 100 ears; corn, STh cars; oats, 225 cars; hogs, 24.000 head. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Artieles-I Open. Htgh. Low. Close! Yes'y. Wheat I ' Dec. sOflT4 W74 80 WVSj, May 19'a- 79V W' "SHfjVa 79 Corn Oct. 44V 44H 4.1 Dec. 4.1's44'44HWH WW 44Hl4fi'l May 42VT43 4attl43V 43i42'B';1 Oats I I Oct. H6H 3H am Pee. a S4 S37 ' May 36H 36 36 36tyfc : Pork I ' Oct. It JS 11 8 It SS 11 SS 11 3j Jan. 12 00 1 10 12 00 12 10 12 00 May 12 20 12 22 12 IS 12 20 12 12H Lard Oct. W M S 50 50 B2H Pec. F5 66 55 6 W 65 Jan. 60 A7H 6 AO 6 67Hl 6 SS , May 67H V 2. 72H . Hlbs Jan. 27H 3H 27H1 J2H 27H May 40 424 40 S 421 6 40 No. t New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, 14. 00 41.20; straights. W.Twa.lO: spring patents, 14.104.60; straights. W.KNB3.90; bakers, 12.60 3,40. . ivhbat-ot. x snrms, eitac; eio. a, 7W!e; No. 2 red, Rl482c. CORN-No. 2, Uc. No. 2 yellow, 44 OATS-No. 2t Sc; No. S white, 3538c. RYE No. I. Mc. BARLKY ilood feeding, 4044c; fair to choice malting, 4119580. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81c; No. 1 northwest ern, KVfco; prima timothy, 12.80. Clover, con tract grade, $10.6&310.7&. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl.. $11.25 11. 37. Lard, per 100 lbs.. im -55. Short ribs sides (loose), r7.oi37.&0; short clear Ides (boxed), r7.2SCff7.30. Tha following were the receipts of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 43.900 33,700 Wheat, hu 267.300 24O.0OO Corn, bu 4B4 900 679,600 Oats, bu 431.6)0 - 2S6.H00 Hye, bu 12,400 3.200 Ilariey, bu i" n.ouu On tha Produce exenanga too ay me oui t ter market was tlrm; creameries, loVyi? , JlHc; dairies, 144rlftc. Kggs, firm; at mark, .cases Included, iftw20toc Cheese, easy at lofcttllc NEW YORK GfciNKHAL MABKET Qaatatlaaa ( tha Day Varloas Caaaaaodltlaa. NEW YORK. Oct 28 FIOUR Receipts, 23,376 bbls.; exports, 16, 760 bbls. Tha ma met was firm and moderately active; winter patenla, $4.Uttn)4.r6; winter straights, t3.96 4.10; winter extra, r3.00ia3.4O; winter low aradea. 12.81X33.26: Minnesota patent. ll.tWiO 4.5; winter exlraa. r2.9mtj3.26; Minnesota bakers, Ki.7hn4.iu. nyt nour, quiet; tair tu good, (3.00(9. 40; cnoica to lancy, sj.xuu.w. lturkwlieat Hour. tlrm. (2.50. BUCKWlllfiAT Steady, 61c, C. L t. New York. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western, 11.06; city, J1.05; kiln dried, .-MJ.25. RYE Steady; No. 3 winter. 62c nominal, f. o. b. afloat: state and Jersey. 6tibi6Viu. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 47c; c. 1. I., Buffalo: maltiuc. 6Cfi6Kc. c. I. f.. Buftalo. WHEAT Receipts, 69,575 bu. The market Xor spot was steady; no. z rea, who ele vator; No. x red, Ktc I. o. d. anoat; no. 1 northern Duiutli. U2Vo f. o. b. afloat. Options displayed considerable heaviness this morning In response to St. Louis de cline and to local bear pressure, lu- autred by laraer northwestern receipts. Later they rallied on a scare of shorts and export rumors, closing partly Vkc net li liner. May, 833 -l(k closed, 83-c; July, cioeed Hue; uecemoer, l-iuu, closed. 79iK!. 1 CORN Receipts, 73,600 bu.; exports, 163,- K3 bu. The market lor spot was nrm; ; fo. I nominal elevator and t-c I. o. b. afloat: No. f yellow. 54'c: No. 2 white. 6o. Option market waa quiet and barely aay cables and liberal predictions of Iain In the southwest, closing ft-So net ilgher. May, 4H4H9Sc, closed, ic; De cember. 60 closed, 61c. OATS Raceiuts. 48.600 bu: exuorU. 1.010 1u. Tha market for spot waa eteady; No. ;f, 43o standard white, V-; No. 3, 40o 'No. 1 white, rwo; No. I white, 43Vic; track I White, 4i'42'a HAY Steady j shipping; eftjSGc; good to Choice, Btxp6c. ' HOPS siulwt; atata, common to choice. JRua, xtro; 1W1, 2l 'yit.c; olds, allc; Pa- ,cina ouaai, iiic; use, jvtp-iW, olds, ullSc. ' HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs., JBci California. 21 to 36 lbs., lc; Texas dry, d to 9U los.. ir. I I.KATH KR Steady! acid. 23e264o. PKOV1SION8 Beef, dull; laiuily, 110 00 T10.16; beef hams, Kl.bul W; packet, 19 -10.001 city, extra India mf . IH.wnfUJ 'ut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, .0Ku9.a; .dckled shouiosra. i.u); pickled hims, Ul.uuwllUU. Lard. steady; western teamed, ir.vuariu.w; rennea. quiet; contl. . K, Li V. AMAln ftfi 1 . 1 1 1 1 Bteadyt family. ritOO; short clear, 1,176 14. uu; mesa, KICh) Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 4fl-! Jacan. nominal. T ALLO W Kaay j city, 4Hcj country. i flc MUTTER Receipts, 1J1S pkgs.j steady; IMiaWc: atate dalrv. lo(Li3uc. CHEESE Recelpta, 6.600 pkgs.; market quiet; state, iuu cream, rancy, small. color eo. Beptemoer, nc; uciumr, itso mall white, September, HWc; October live: larse, wmie, B"piemor, iivc October, llac. ECUS Receipts, 4,500 pkgs.; strong; west' ms, lMfv PoULTrlY Alive, Irregular; western rhli'kena. 10c: fowls, lie: turkeys, lliii IV ivreaaed, trrea-ular: wejtern chickens, 12Mi towia, uc; turaeya, iiuo, Mllwaake Urals Market. J11I.WAIKEH Oct 28 WHEAT Mar ket Ho lower: No. 1 northern, HU': No, northern. Ric8V; liecomber, auTc asked. RYE Firm: No. 1. 67c. BARLEY Dull: No. 2. 6Tc: sample, 42(j62c. tU 1 eoe in uer, o mo. Dalatkt (irasV SiarUet. Dl'Lt'TII, Oct. 2S. WHEAT On track No. 1 northern, Slc; No. I northern, ;Wc . L . X. . . .. H .. OATaV-46W0- llnrinl Orals Market, LIVERPOOL, Oct. 3.-WHEAT-Spot tdy; No. I red. wasters wUtlar, as 2d No. 1 northjern spring, no stock. Futurea, ulet; tctober, nominal: Ieceniler, ss R1. t UMN-Hnnt, oulet; American mixed, 4s 4d. Futures, unlet: Novemter. 4sld; December, 4s 2d; January, 4a Hd. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Cundltloa of Trad aad Qaatallaaa staple nnd Fancy Prodace. EC.J!S Fresh stock, loss off, O0c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7fi7c: spring hlckitiis, 7Vac; roosters, according to age, ic; turkeys, l.'iiUc; ducks, yc; geese. c. BUTTER Pack Ins stock. 13c: choice to fancy dairy, in tubs, NtjlHc; separator, 21c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout. 10c; pickerel, 8c; pike 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, iVitiHc: blueflsh. 15c: whitetlsh. 13c: salmon. He; haddock, luc; codfish, Uc; redsnapper, 11c; lobster boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsters, green, per lb.. .Ac: bullheads. 11": catfish. 14c; black bass, 2t4(2&c; halibut, c; crapples, i;c; herring, be: white bass, 10c; blueflns, sa OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c; per al.. 32.00; extra selects, per can. 3i; per gal., $1.76; standard, per can, 27c; er gai , BKAN-Per ton, 114.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers association: Choice No. 1 up land. tKOO; No. 2, $7 60: medium. $7.00; coarse, $fi.60. Rye straw, $6.50. These prices are ror nay oi goon color and quality, re mand fair and receipts light. ton IN 4SC. OATS 3Hc. It YE No. Z, BOr. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. UxiiSOc: Dakota. per bu., 7o'j7,tc; native, 65700. SWEET fuTATO.S-hom grown, per basket, 76c; Virginias, per i-bu. bbl., 63.0u. or.Ain nome groan, wax, per maraei basket. 40-joc: strlnc. per market basket. IDMATOES Hom grown, per basket. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.66. CELERY Small, per dos.. 26flXc: Urge western, 46c. ONION'S New home erown. drv. Tier lh.. lHc; Spanish, per crate, $1.50. i Kttiirj Missouri Holland, 1C. TURNIPS Canada Rutabagas, per lb., lo. FRUITS. PRUIVES-Itallan, per bos, $1.00. PEACHES Utah freestones. 80c: Colo rado Alberta. 11.00. PEARS Colorado and Utah Keif era. H.76: winter Nellis. $2.262.60. AI'PLES Jonathans and Grimes- Oolden, $3.7Gfc4.00; Michigan stock. $3.26W3.B0: Cali fornia Bcllflowers, per box, $1.60: New York bioch, w; Oregon stoca in ousaai boxes, 11.154(126. ORA PES Call fornts TnVsva tl.66: New York, per R-lb. basket, 28c. CRANHKnRIKH Per bhl . tS SO: ner box. $3.00 WIconsln Bell Bugle, $9.50. CALlFOlt.NiA QUINCFS-Per BOX, 1.0. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, all sizes, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy. 3u0 to 360 sizes, M.tO; choice 240 to 270 sixes, $i.0otf 4.26. hub-California, per 10-lb. cartons, tc; tmported Smyrna. J-crown. lit: 6-crown. 17c; 7-crown, Vjv. dates Persian, per box of 30 Dackuses, 2.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes. 6c. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch. 22.00 2.6o; Jumbo, $2.753.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE viscuiisin twins, full cream. ic; Wisconsin Young Americas, 134c; otouK hwiss, ibc; Wisconsin brick, Jiijc; v isi onaln iunberger, 12c. HONEY Neoraasa. uer 24 'rsmes. 13.60: Utah and Colorado, per 24 trainee, $3.60. ciut.n i-er bbl., t.o; per ft-bbl., $3.26. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; sheued, 3&iVo. HORSE RADISH -Per case uf 2 do.. packed, !0c. fx uiD walnuts, no. l sort-shell, per id., 15c: hard-shell, uer lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft-shell. per lb, 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; lira ins, per iu, ii&iiftc; niDeris, per io., 11'flllVjc; almonds, soft-shell, - per 10., 16c; hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb.,; small, per lb., HVvfrlOc; peanuts, per lb., 61c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, I213c; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.26; shell-barks, per bu., $1.76'f .uu; Diaca walnuts, per du., $i.&; eastern hestnuts, per lb., 12n(14c. HIDES No. 1 areen. bt4c: No. 2 areen. 5Sc; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c: No. 1 veal calf, 3 to 12 lbs., 8Hc; No. 2 vest calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6',ic; dry salted hides, t(f ic; sneep pelts, 2&&7bc; horse hides. oo. St. Lonls Grain nnd Frovisiens. ST. LOUIS'. Oct 28. WHEAT Hla-her: No. 2 red cash, elevator, 86c: track, 8fl)ic; December, 87c; May, 82c; No. 2 hard, 78 CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 41c; track, 42c; December. 4H4c: May, 40Hc. uais firm; rvo. 2 casn, sec; tracx, nw; May 36Hc; No. 2 white, 39c. KYE Mrmer, 62c. FLOUR Dull: red winter natenta. 14 00 til. 20; extra fancy and straight, $3.7O4.0i; Clear, SEED Timothy, easy; f2.262.60. CORNMEA L Steady, $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, WfflSc. HAY Dull and ejiyi timothy. $7.504l2.00: prairie, $6.5010.00. ikon iiri run Tins-iNominai, ii.txt. BAGGING Rkf6tAc. HEMP TWINE-ic. PROVISIONS Pork, unchansred: lobblnr. standard mess. $11.86. Lard, easy, $6.40. Bacon, firm; boxed extra shorts, $8.624; clear ribs, $8.75; short clear, $9.26. POULTRY Better demand: chickens. 7V4c; springs, 8c; turkeys, 11c; ducks, $9c; geese, (Vic. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 18iff22Hcl dairy, 14rl8c. euub tsteaay, zic, loss on. Receipts Bhioments. Flour, bbls loooo 140W Wheat, bu 128,000 29.010 Corn, bu 54,000 33.000 oats, du ev.uuu 2&,uoo Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Oct. 28 WHEAT De cember, 6ST4c; May, 69vffr 6914c ; cash, No. 2 hard. 73fg74c; No. , 7ti7Zc; no. . SJQJWc; rejected, 604i2c; No. 2 red, S2ig'82ViC ; No. 3, KlNic. tteceipts, to cars. CORN December. 87Hc: May. J7Se: cash. No. 2 mixed. 38Vc; No. 2 white. 39c; No. 1 S8Hc. oats no. z wnits, 348136c: no. a mixed. 83(ff33Hc. wt v t V. in HAY Choice timothy. $9.50O10.00: choice prairie, $8 00. BUTTER Creamery. 18V419Hc: dairy. fancy, 17c. EGGS Hla-her: Missouri and Kansas casea returned, lHc; new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 20c. Recelnts. Shlrjfnenta. Wheat, bu 146.000 144.800 Corn, bu 16,000 20.800 Oats, bu 22,000 20,000 Philadelphia Proa-ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. .28. BUTTER Firm and lc higher; nearby prints, 23c; western, 22c. EGGS Firm, lc h aher: fresh nearbv. 10c: loss off, western. 2Mi29c; southwestern, 27 t)2sc; southern, 26j27c. CHEESE unchanged: New York full creams, fancy, 12c; choice, llc; fair to good, llllVic. Minneapolis Wheat, Flour nnd Brnn, MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 28. WHEAT Tie- cember. 80c; May, 78ra7c; on track. No. 1 nam, imc; no. l nortnern, irjc; no. x north rn. 80c: No. 3 northern. 74r7ar. FLOUR First patents, $4.G04(4.70: second patents, Hmxatm; nrst clears. $3.403.50; se-oiiu vicars, .ouw iu. bran in bulk. 26c higher at $13.25. Toledo Seed Mnrket. vj . ' v ' ' .o. riirjuo tiav,r, V' ' Q- k., ti. M t rHWamK tit At. laM.M. J -1 ' . February, $6.50; March. $6.52; prims alslke! o.w; priino umuiny, vi.iu. Peoria Grain Mnrket. PEORIA. 111.. Oct. 28. CORN SteaAv: No. 8. 43c: No. 4. 42c. OATS Steady ; No. I white, 5c; No. 4 wuue, swouoc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 58 METAfJt Snnt tin advanced In London to 118. and futurea were Lis 6d higher at 11$ lus. Locally river iin was quiet ana lower, apot closing at Copper remained nominally unrhanr.H at $11.40 for lake. 113.76 for lectn,lvf lo .nrf $15.60 for casting in the New York market, but waa lower In London, where spot de clined l-'a d to 68 7s 6d, and futures 12s 6d to 37 16s. Lead remained quiet and unchanged at ti.iMi in mew lorn, uui declined Is 3d In London, where It cloned at 11 6a. Spelter was unclumged here at $6 12 i lus in trillion, iron closed at 4hs 11 In Glaaaow and I tin wt in M lH.ii... borough. Locally Iron waa quiet; No.. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $16 5fr&16 00. No. t foundry northern at $15,004,15 60; No. 1 louiiuir luunirrn ana io. 1 foundry south ern soft at tU.tkxhlS 00 ST. LOUIS Oct 28. M ETA LB Lead. duU i ri , spener, uuii at o u. Drr Goods Marks. V cl' TnuL- m tt. ,.n n . . . . . . u. A rv X UOUUBi nt dry goods market is laboring under adverse conditions. On one hand is the conserva tism of buyers, induced by the unsettled , a, ..'ii.iiuom, wriii on ins oiner li .... . . . . ... v. ,,.vi.iit w ui manuiac- lll.AM V. .. u p.. I. .M. ........ 1 . L- " - " "w - ,,i.,M,wi ii y i ii c upward trend of prices for material. Operations Whisky Market. PEORIA. Oct. 2S.-WHISKY-8teady on basis of finished goods. $1 25. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 28. WHISKY Steady at CHICAGO. Oct. 28 WHI8KY Oo basis ui ugu wiuw, aiaaar, fl.nv SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 8toe Uarkat fihawa Holden of Becnritiei Am Willinj to Wait. ST. LOUIS FLURRY HAS LITTLE EFFECT Money Beginning; to More Westward In Addition In that tailed for by Interested St. Lonls Companies. NEW YORK, Oct. 28-The effect of the Bt. Louis situation on the stock market was somewhat obscure today. The expres sions of confidence from that point over night rrassuied early trading and prices hardened. The opening of business in St. Louis, somewhat later, owing to the de ference In time, was followed ny a reaction In stock. Very heavy withdrawals of cur rency from tnls center by St. Louis car ried the level of the prices of stocks gen erally below last night. But the last hour of the market showed the best prices, in the final dealings prices yielded again and the closing was rather easy. A survey of price conditions will show that the whole movement was verv trivial, except In a few cases. The quarterly re port of net earnings in the Pressed 'Steel Car company, showing them to be less than hair of those for the corresponding quarter of last year, naturally had a sym pathetic effect on American Car as well as weakening the Pressed Steel Car stocks. On the other hand the storks of the Gou.d southwestern railroads centerlns In St, I xin Is were among the few features of posi tive strength In me market, although there whs nothing to show that there was any significance attaching to this. Peoples' Gits had an early advance on a favorable court decision. Speculation In Amalgated might be classed as marking time and the deal ing In the stock were In much decreased volume. St. Louis transferred by telegraph from the sub-treasury $1,200,000; there was $1410.000 sent to Chicago, and $2(0,000 to New Orleans. Banks are also known to lie ship ping heavily through other channels. This is a plain Intimation that the west ern crop moving needs, though long de ferred, are making large Inroads on local banking reserves, aside from the emer gency demands fiom St. I.ouls. It was not surprising therefore that call monev should rise to 6 per cent' this afternoon and the tone of the market grow distinctly firmer. There is no real present uneasi ness over the monetary situation. As an evidence of the spirit of distrust towards banks and trust companies the St. Louis episode Is nevertheless deeply Impressive to the apprehension of the financial world. " There was some falling- off from the re cent volume of bond transactions and a reactionary tendency in spots made the market irregular. Total sales, par value, $4,456,000. United States 2s advanced He on tne last can Following Is the number of shares of tock sold, ransre of prices and closlna- bids on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 31,550 67 67 674 do pfd 1.350 87; 9iV Baltimore A Ohio..., 13,670 75 74V4 75 do pfd 125 87's 87' 87 Canadian Pacific .... i,300 12tVs 119V4 119) Central of N. J 2K) 159Vi 159' 158 Ches. & Ohio 250 30' 2!-i 2!i Chicago & Alton.... S,20 204 27V 2 do pfd 200 65 65 64V4 Chicago Gt. Western 800 1514 15 14n do B pfd 2tri Chicago & N. W 640 16Vi 165H 1U4 Chicago T. A T do pfd .' 200 194 1914 lKi C, C, C. A St. L..., 313 73 72 72 Colorado Southern .. 200, 13 134 1.(4 ' - i u. .......... . mjt " 4 do 2d pfd 4ou 23 2274 22V Dela. & Hudson 2o0 156 156 156 Dela.. L. & W 600 230 237 23i Denver & R. O lV4j do pfd 67Vfc Erie 11,900 27i 27i 27V do 1st pfd 2,100 607s 664 6tVi do 2d pfd 300 50U 49 49 Ot. Northern pfd 160 Hocking Valley 200 7114 7114 . 7114 do pfd 82 Illinois Central 660 131 131 H 131 Iowa Central 110 20H 20ft 20 do pfd 34 Kansas City So 3,600 .. .. IX1 do pfd 81V Louis. & Nash 2,500 1011, 1011, lull. Manhattan L 450 135 135 1344 Metropolitan St. Ry. 2,160 110 19V Minn. & St. ,L 46 Missouri Pali no .... 40,800 92H D1V 91V M., K. & T 615 17H 1 '1714 do Dfd 600 36V4i 36 174 N. R. R. of M. pfd 39 New York Central.. 1.100 11 118V 11K Norfolk & West 230' 67V4 66V 67 do Dfd .. 86 Ontario A Western.. 1,800 21 30 2V Pennsylvania 62,100 120 119 13v P., C, C. A St. L.... 200 (t 60 69 Reading 10,600 46 45 45V do 1st pfd .. iu do 2d Dfd 60 Rock Island Co 13.750 25V 2474 21.V do pfd 562 60 60 ti St. L. A S. F 56 do 1st pfd 60 do 2d pfd 500 46 45 46 St. L. 8. W 200 14'4 14 14 do pfd 600 32 TCi s- Bt. Paul 13,715 140 139 IK3. do Dfd i7i Southern Pacific .... 11.870 43 42 42V Southern Railway .. 3,600 18V 17Tk 18' dO Dfd 1.4.TO nt MVs Texas A Paclflc 7,230 24 23 21 T., St. U & W 100 17 17 17 do pfd 25 Union Pacino 30,725 72 72 72V do pfd " Wabash 3,200 19T4 19 19V do pfd 1.670 84 32 W. A L. E 325 15 15V4 la Wisconsin Central .. 1,440 16 16 16 do pfd 600 36Vi " Adams Express joo Amurlcnn Kinrftst.... ... .. .. lot V. s. Express mi Wll.Vrirfi Exoreaa .. 20 Amal. Copper 27.500 S8 87 37 Amer. c. ft it i.iw . do Dfd 1.1J) bo mtt Amer. Linseed Oil Vi do Dfd Amer. Locomotive .. 610 13 13 13 do pfd t Amer. 8. R 1700 43H 43 43 do pfd 71S 88 8774 88 Amer Sugar Refln.. 1,700 116 115 115 Anaconda Mln Co... 2"0 63 63 62 Brooklyn Rap. Tr.... 7,850 35 34 to Colorado F. 1 430 83 31 32 Columbus A H. Coal 110 10 10 Consolidated Gas .... 100 176 1.6 176 General Electrlo .... 225 ,. lj International Paper .. " do Dfd oia "'is Tnteenstlonal PumD do pfd 65 National Biscuit .. National Lead .... North American .. 100 SbU. 3ii 35 .. 13 ::: :: :: S Pacific Mail People' s Gaa 7.100 r. " t' Primed Steel Car.... i.675 Sl 294 tt do pfd 560 71 70, 71 Pu'lman Palace Car. ... .. Republic Steel 7 7JI 7 Rubr a'doAt i do pfd 1 68 68 684 Tennessee C. ft I.... 2.610 2 29 J4 U. 8. Leather 3 ao pfd i' 7i " j V. 8. Rubber ud8pste;i:::::::::::: hh s m do Pfd SB. u m WesterrT Vnion 330 8 82 83 Northern Securities . ... .. 8, ,. Total sales ror me aay, v,i Lasdaa Stock Market. LONDON. Oct. 28 Closing quotations: Canaola for money... mtiNcw A or Central. .123 do account S I do tfd ft Weatarn. M Aanacoada Atchison i. fd 1H 411 J 40 II 14 77 44V. 4s!ntario ft Wastera. Peuaylanla Baltlmora ft Ohio... 77i r. ., ParlSc Ill1 Baud Mlnas. Readtns do lat PH.. ....... do Id pfd Chawpaako ft Ohio.. JO'a raic.o a. w . ion .1444 . JOS . to . 10 . s . 4 C. M. ft Bt. P rwBaart Dasrar ft R O. do pfd Krl Southern Hallway... so pfd Southern Pacific... I'nlos Pacific do pfd. ai An lal ofd 4 Volts Btaus steal. 14 do td r'd 47 I do pfd lit Illlaola Caalral 1 waoaas JO LoualTllls ft Naeh..l0V do pfd.... Mlaaourt, K ft T. ... 17 BAR SILVER 28d per ounce. MONEY 2&3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 343H per cent ana lor tnree-montns' bills Is I 7-ltj3 per cent. Mow York Mlolac Uootatlooa. NEW YORK, Oct. . Tha following are tha quotatlona on mining stocks Adaau Coa It Little Chief .. 4 ..4& .. .. 14 .. II .. U .. 11 ..lit Alice Breeos Brvnawlck Cos ... Camel or a Tunnel.. Coa. Cel. ft Vs... Mora Silver Iroe tutor LeedTiuo Coa... . Offered. .. 14 .. 14 .. I .. I ..1st ..1U6 .. 11 .. I Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoel Be rase Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Blaadara Foreign Klaaaelol. LONDON, Oct. $8. Money was In fslr supply in the market today despite the payment of $10,0n0.u of the new treasury bil.s yesterday. Discounts were nrra on ru mors of further gold exports. Buslneaa on the stock exchange waa quiet and prices were (airly nrm owing to the optimistic eastern news, the favorshle settlement outlook and the fears of fsil ures having been practlcslly cUssipated. Consols hardened. Americsns were ad versely affected by the uneasiness In regard to the financial position In St. IaiuIs. 'i hey rr covered a fraction, however. became IrieRiiliir and inactive, the public not hi ing attracted to the stocks, and closed firm. Amalgamated Copper was flat On bear pressure and cl"ed at Ni. The amount of bulliorvtaken from the Bank of England on bnlJnces toilav, F4.IM. BERLIN, Oct. 2X. Trading on the bourse today was dull, but prices were firmly held. Iron stocks rose. Canadian Pacific was weaker. PARIS, Oct. 28. Business on tha bourse opened irregular and closed dull. At the opening prices were heavy. Rio Tlntos were feeble and lost ten points. Three per cent rentes, 97 f 17c for the account. w York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 28 -MONET-On call, firm at 31i5 per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; offered. 5 per cent; time loans, firm; sixty days. 4 per cent; ninety days and sit months, 4i5 per cent; prime mercantile pnper, FHnSV per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business in hankers' bills at $4.8535 4.8540 for demand and at $4. kS'iM. S210 for sixty-day b II ; posted rates. $4.83 and $4.8J; commercial bill;., $4 8lg4.S1. SILVER Bar, 6oc; Mexican dollars, 4c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, bonds, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. n. rrt. , ret. .. .'07V Hneslne Vsl. 4Hs....l" do coupon 107 L. A N. uni. 4s Mt4 do J", rot lo .vunhauin e. (. 4. ..101 do coupon 10f4 "Men. Central 4s V) do new 4s, res Ul do lit lne 14 dn coupon IMS Minn. k Bt. L. 4s... tT do old 4, res Ill1 M. . K. A T. 4s 84 do coupon UlVtl do 2 101 Vk N. R. R. of M. e. 4s. 7 do la, rg... do cmioon .. Atch. gen. 4s. . do ad). 4a... Atlantic C. L. B ft Q. 4a.... 103V N. Y. C I. H St- ino'.N. J. C. ln. is. 1 I No. PsclBo 4l... 4s.... toV do 101 VN. ft W. e. ..1X1 ..10214 .. tt4 do 8 Ha Central ot Oa. la .. K In. 8. L. 4s ft par... 4 ..lMVilPsnn. eonv. ms M .. 44 IRrsdlns Cn. 4s M4 do 1st Inc. Chn. ft Ohio 4H'...1014iist. L. ft I. M. c. Is. Ill Chicago ft A. !.. . 74 Int. U ft 8. T. fg. 4s l C, U. ft Q. n. 4... Hlnt. L 8. W. Is M 0., M. ft " P. . 4.11ll4iSrbosr4 Air L 4a.. 47 C. ft N. W. con. Ti.l31SiSo. Paclflc 4s 17 C , R. I. ft P. 4a.... 74 Po. Railway ta 113V do ml. 6s 7S iTexas ft Paclfle la. .117 Crr. ft Bt. L. R. 4a.. 7lT.. St. L. ft W. 4a.. 7fl Chicago Tar. 4a 74 I Union Pacific 4a lt Con. Tobacco 4a do ronv. 4s 4S toiorano so. 4a aVit'. s. stssi ta as.... ti4j I A H. u. 4a.. .looi Wabanh la . ti do deb. B . 4 W. ft L. r. 4a... 111 . 17 M Krl rrlor lion 4s un gan. 4a F. W. ft D. C. la... 104 wis. Central 4a.. Offered. Boston Block Quotations, BOSTON, Oct. cent; time loans, closing prices on Atchison 4a , Mei. Central 4a Atiblaon do pfd , Boston Albany... 28. Call loans, 243 per 5f6 per cent. Official stocks and bonds: Mia Allouea Amalgamated . 4V . 12 . 7 . 22 .466 . 17 . 4i4 . 12 . 7'a . S . lis . lltt . M . 15 . HI . 1 . I . "4 . 17 . 37', . JH 1 . M 47 "4 Baltic Wtfhingham .249 cal. ft Hecla... Roatnn ft Maine Boaton Elavated .... N. Y., N. H. ft H. ntrhbura pfd t'nlon Paclflc Mai. Central ....... Amar. Rugar do pfd Amer. T. ft T Dom. I. ft 8 tleneral Klectrlo ... Mara. Electrlo do pfd t'nltad Fruit U 8. steal do pfd Wsatlng. common... Adventure .169 .140,4 .15 .137 . n Centannlal .... Coppar Rang . Dominion Coat Franklin Isle Royals ... Mnhawk lliSa old Dominion ... 1184 Dacanla 121- Parrot H Qulncy 1M Santa Fa Copper. 11 Tamarack 77 Trinity M I'nltsd States .... UHil'tah S9 i, Victoria a IWInona 4H,WolTrlna Bank Clearlngfs. OMAHA, Oct. 28 Bank clearings for to day are $l,L5,914.49, being an Increase over the corresponding date of the year previ ous of $98,336.64. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 28.-COTTON-The market opened firm, one point lower to eight points higher, the decline being con fined to the November option and for a time ruled firm, showing advances shortly after the call, from eight to ten points on better cables than expected and con tinued bull support In the winter months. Sales were estimated at 400,000 bales, against 650,000 yesterday and 1,500,000 bales the previous dny. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 28 COTTON The market for spot was steady; sales, 3,650 bales; ordinary, 7Vc; good ordinary, 8 9-16c; low middling, t 9-16c; middling, 15-ltic; good middling, 10c; middling fair. 10c. Receipts. 17.072 bales; stock, 141.555 hales. Futures-, were steady; October, I.83a9.85c; November. 9.73f9.75c; December. 9.73c; January, 9.78fi9.79c; February, 9(5 Ji9.87c; March. B.Mir9.95c; April, $.99(10.01c; May. 10.06-ffl0.07c;, June, 10.09 10.12c; July, 10.13Q10.15c. - ' ST. LOUIS. Oct. 58. COTTON-Dull and steady; middling. 10c.-sales, none; receipts, 545 hsles; shipments. 471 bales; stock, 1,632 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 28 COTTON In spot a moderate business was done. Prices were four points lower; American middling fair, 6.0tid; good middling. 6.98d; middling. 5.7d; low middling. Old; good ordinary, t.58d; ordinary, 6.2Xd. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, , 0 which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 4 10J American. Receipts, 8.000 balea, including 2.9H0 American. Futures opened and closed easy; American middling G O. C. October, 6.51d; October and Novem ber, 5.47d; November and December. 6.42d: December and January, 4.50d! January and February, 5.38fi5.39d ; Februarv and March. 5.38d; March and April, 5.37u6.38d : April and May, 6.37d; May and June, 6.36d. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 2S.-WOOL-The following are the quotations for leading descriptions: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 84ri5c: No. 1. 32Ji33c; No. 2. 3132c; fine unwHshed, 24Q25c; half blood, unwashed, 25VfS26c; three-quarter blood, unwashed. 2o!fi26c; quarter blood, unwashed. 25'r;25e: fine washed DeHlne, 36c. Michigan, X and above, 27t&'.'8c: No. 1. 2930c; No. 2. 28i(j29c; fine unwashed, "21fi22c; quarter blood, un washed, 24ri25c; three-el(rhths blood, un washed, 24325c; half blood, unwashed, 24ff 2oc; fine unwashed Delaine. 32i33c. Ken tucky. Indiana, etc.. three-elahths blood. 24&'25c; quarter blood, 24?5c; braid. I2i23c. Territory, Idaho, fine. 14(15c; fine medium. Iai7c: medium, 1819c; Wyoming, fine, 140 lbc; nne medium, lei&lTc; raenium. lKyisc. Cl.h A n a n,lnm t 1 7l- milliim 1 2"c. baknta fine. 1516c: fine medium. 16r 17c; medium, IStfT-'Oc. Montana fine choice, lWiiOc; fine medium choice. 19Ji20c; staple, 20tfi21c; medium choice. 20ft21c. BT, ijuia, Oct. Z. v.Jl VJUIOI, steady: medium grades, combing and cloth ing, I7iic; light nne, io'ciiic; neavy fine, 12(014 c; tub washed, 2k&'30c. Oil and noala. NEW YORK. Oot. 28 OILS Cottonseed. easier; prime yellow, 37c. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, $9 50; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $9 20; In bulk, $6.35. ROHIN Firm. Tl'RPENTINE Dull. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct. 28. TURPEN TINE Firm, 654c. ROSIN Firm: A. B. C. $115: D, 12 26; B. $2.35; F. $2.50; G, $255: H. $2.60; I. 12 70; K. $3.00; M. $3.30; N. $3.60; W U. fi.90: W W. $4.20. oil d i r. r-a., oct. 2. i reau Daiances, $1.77: certificates closed $1.83 bid. Sales, 4,000 barrels at $1.82; shipments, 71,849 bar rels; average. 76.439 barrels; runs, b6,u33 barrels; average, 72,076 barrels. Shipments; Lima, 58.654 barrels; average, 68.7U2 barrels: runs. Lima. 71.251 barrels: average, 56.471 barrels. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct 28. COFFEE Spot steady; Cordova, 7fel2c. Tha market for futurea opened firm at an advance of 541 15 points on further demand from the bull contingent, rather . belter cables than expected and small Interior receipts. The close waa steady at an ad vance of five to fifteen points. Sales were 54.750 bugs, Including November, at $.3 5.25c: December, 6.4on6.4oc; January, S.5oc; March. o.654j6.75c; May, t.75j6.Oc; July, K.K54J6.00C. Kansas City Live Stock Markot. KANSA8 CITY. Oct. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts. 17.400 head of natives 600 head of lexans: calves, 9i0 head of natives, 100 head of Texans. The market for the best corn fed cattle was steady; for others, dull; for quarantine, ateady to weak; for cowa and heifers, lower; for Blockers and feeders, sharply lower; for bulls stesdy. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $4Ni640: fair to good, $4.00454.50: stockers and feeders. $2.0mn4.00; western fed steers. 3 5O&4 60; Texas and Indiiin steers, $2 054 3 40: Texas cows, $2.0tij3 00; native cows. $l.yr4Q0; native heifers. $2.26i5.0u; canneis, $l.7i2 ; bulls. 82.lu4i2.76: calves. $2 5oitj 00. HOOS Receipts. T.UtO head. The market waa alow and 1 nil 15c lower: ton. ISM; bulk of sales. $5 15416.40; heavy. $50Vn6 30; mixed ackers, lb s&flo.40; light. u.imBO 4S; yorkers. i.4ri46: piKS. a5.9Wi&n. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. (COO head. The market was steady: native lambs. $3 207 6 IU: western lambs. $3 v5 10; fed ewes. i 8 4 75: Texas clipped year lings. $2 5Ot4 0o; Texas clipped sheeo. $2.40 4j3.i5; stockers and feeders, liouujj w. Sloas 4 Ity Live Stock Market. BIOI'X CITY. la.. Oct. 28. tBpeclal Tele gram.! CATTLE Recelpta. 2.300; market lor Blocker ioc lower; killers steaay; beeves, M.O05.-ft; cows, bulla and mixed. $2 a 3. 80; stockers and feeders, t3 5u433.kO; ca'ves and yearlings. $2.2&r3 50. HOOS Receipts. 3,I0: msrket Vr lower, selling at $4 K&i.lS; bulk, $5 .OL''5.0. UilAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET OfttUt EectjipU Mora ModeifcU and Held About Stead. Pricei HOGS GENERALLY A DIME LOWER Not an Excessive Ram el Sheep aad Lambs and Both Killers aad Feeders Sold Wit Boat Mack Troable at Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 28. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 11.283 l.i92 22,566 Official Tuesday .t28 6.1M2 1.4.4 Olhclal Wedensday 5,4.5 MOO 15.340 Three days this week. ...25,286 12.2K4 56.379 Same days last week.... 27,616 9,796 62,200 Same week before ls.sol ,uo i2,74 Same three weeks ago. ..J1.3J0 11,9.(1 ib.tistf Same four wrens ago. ...21,264 11,391 59,8'i6 Same days last year.... 20, 467 26.026 7u,185 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Tne tolluwlng table shows tha receipts ol cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oinaua for the year to data and comparisons with last year: ikuu. 1902. Inc. Cattle 892,040 786,107 106,833 Hogs 1,849,189 1.834,058 16,i31 bhdep 1, 432.301 1,316,011 116,380 Average prices paid tor hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with com parisons: Data 1901. 1102.101.1900.1S96. 1193.11897. Oct 1.. Oct. 3.. Oct. ... Oct. 4.. Oct I.. Oct. Oct. 7.. Oct. ... Oct. a.. Oct. 10.. Oct. 11.. Oct 12.. Oct 18.. Oct 14.. Oct. 16.. Oct 16.. Oct. 17.. Oct. 18.. Oct 19.. Oct. 20.. Oct. 21.. Oct. 22.. Oct. 23.. Oct. 24.. Oct. 25.. Oct 26.. Oct. 27.. Oct. 28.. 2 J 14 $ 7tl$ I I 71 I 8i s i a 7a t ii t 43i a t a i $. a mi 1 7 a ioi 4 ii i mi ii 6 64 S Ll 4 841 3 53 8 64 a 4 a 52 3 53 4 6i a 58 I 59 aos 6 02 a 19 4 35 4 Kl 4 83 1 64 4 80j 4 31 4 23 i 5 4 59 I 56 t ti a 54 8 61 1 69 4 93 4 M e 4 82 3 661 $ b 4 20 4 Ml 3 63 4 7! 4 201 4 64 4 62, 4 61 4 161 8 70J $671 $5 4 10 4 15 $ 73 3 60 3 711 3 64 $ 66j $ 62 4 581 I 4 (1 4 131 4 62j a 66i a $ 53 a 53 8 4 a 4i 3 42 8 88 4 61 4 16 4 14 4 13 4 18 4 61 4 48 1 56 3 58 S 25 4 58 4 61 a 64 3 62 3 47 4 10! 4 10 Indlcater Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r'a. C, M. & St. P 1 13 Wabash 1 .. .. Missouri Pacific 2 1 I'nlon Pacific system 73 15 C. & N. W 11 F., E. A M. V 93 19 C, St. P., M. A O.... 1 5 B. & M 70 18 C, B. & Q i .. 6 C, R. I. A P., east.... 1 6 C, R. I. A P., west 2 Chicago Ot. Western .. 2 41 '7 "l Total receipts 243 99 60 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 690 6M7 1,033 Swift and Company 919 1,245 Cudahy Packing Co 1,485 1.2i7 Armour & Co 907 1,289 2.018 1,162 Om. Pkg Co.. from- St. J. 33 Armour, from Sioux City .... 1,136 .... Vannant A Co 139 .... .... Carey & Benton 275 Isihman A Co 225 . McCrearv & Clark 48 .... .... Hill A rtuntxlnger 144 Lewis A Underwood 101 Huston A Co It Livingstone A Bhaller.... 258 H: F. Hamilton 178 L. F. Hues 14 Hobblck & B 131 Sam Werthelmer 202 Sol Degan S3 M. Haegerty 8 Other buyers 1.333 .... 14.735 Totals 7lS5 b474 18.98 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were not quite as heavy aa they have been for the last two weeks, but there evidently were enough on sale to meet the immediate re quirements of both packers and feeder buyers. There was no great amount of activity, but the prices paid showed very little change from those in force yesterday. There were oulte a few corn-fed steers on sale, but none of them were strictly choice. Packers took hold fairly well and the market could be quoted steady. There was more or less unevenness to the trade though, so that while some sales were fully steady others were If anything a trifle weaker. . ..... The cow market started out about steady with yesterday morning. Peckers all wsnted a few and for a time there was a little life to the trade, but after bu: r had their more urgent orders filled, trading was less active and in fact the market closed slow and weak, the same aa It did yesterday. . ... . Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show enough change to be worthy of mention. The decline In the .price of feeders at tracted quite a few buyers from the coun try yesterday and about 100 cars were disposed of. That left a pile of cattle In the hands of speculators this morning, however, that were carried over from Mon day as well as from Tuesday. For that reason trading out of first hands was not very brisk and speculators were inclined to be bearish. A good many snles looked steady, but others were undoubtedly a .hart, easier. This was true of all kinds. Western grass beef steers sold at Just about steady prices where the quality was good, but common kinds were dull and while prices did not show much change, salesmen found it a difficult matter to sell out at a satisfactory figure. Range cows were generally steady with yesterday, and stockers and feedera ware bearly steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ho. At. Pr. Ho, Av. Pr. ..1410 t 00 ..1204 6 10 ...mi ...1330 ...1610 a av ea 4 ft) 104 I 00 COWS. ...not 1 16 MIEIFKR& I 00 8 I 00 BULLS. ... S71 ... 444 ...It 10 744 t (4 I 14 NEBRASKA 4 calves. 1 cow... 1 bull.... 1 bull.... .. 215 ..1270 ..1610 ..1430 4 50 3 75 a so 2 80 3 36 3 3a 2 60 2 60 1 caff , $40 31 963 1018 860 823 990 824 684 140 too 2 60 2 60 2 10 t 3a a oo 2 80 2 60 t 60 4 00 t 10 2 35 2 26 2 66 2 26 2 50 2 60 2 ao t 00 7 cows.... X cows..., 14 cows.... 1 feeder.. 8 feeders., 2 cows.... 8 cows...., 82 heifers.. 1 calf 12 feeders., 2 cows.... 6 feeders, . 8o0 . 8X3 . 720 ..1066 . 867 ,. 937 .. 906 .1050 . 120 23 feeders. 1 feeder.. S cows.... 26 feeders. 63 cows..., 2 35 2 4 8 cows... 1 bull 2 tn 2 45 6 00 2 25 2 06 2 35 a oo 2 25 a 25 2 50 2 30 2 30 . 917 . 946 .1100 .im .1026 . 95 . 9H8 .1300 . 854 1 calf 1 cow 2 cows... t cows... 50 cows... 14 cows... 7 heifers. 1 bull.... ( feeders , 910 9-J0 992 18 cows. 26 cows. 2 cows. .lltiO 2 cows 1085 7 feeders.. 687 1 feeder... 930 6 cows 1000 1 cow 1150 1 COW 1120 1 75 WYOMING. 17 feeders. 651 676 a 75 a 76 14 steers, .1169 .1168 .119 .1150 .1150 .1048 t 60 3 60 t 6) t 60 3 m 2 60 2 (0 a oo a &0 8 feeders. 9 steers, 6 steers 8 steers, 1 steer. 2 cows.. E cows. , 6 steers 6 steers ,.1210 ,1240 a 60 a no t 60 2 50 2 10 2 50 a 5o a oo 1 steer 1260 2 feeders.. 580 1 cow 10X0 14 feeders.. 884 19 feeders.. 9"J 1 feeder... 890 22 feeders.. 1166 2 feeders.. "5 1 feeder... 10U) COLORADO. 2 55 6 heifers... 403 8 55 t feeders., 4u0 t 20 2 50 t 25 28 feeders.. 10r 26 feeders. . 873 8. Wilson-Neb. 19 feeders, 1 cow 8 cows... 1 bull 1 cow t 25 4 feeders.. 832 2 75 8M) , aW6 lino no 8. 2 40 16 cows 775 2 40 2 55 1 cow 1310 2 55 2 00 1 bull 1370 2 00 2 40 1 cow 1080 2 56 Worden Neb. 2 10 1 feeder... 1030 2 75 t 10 1 feeder... 930 2 10 8 10 ' 12 feeders.. 1000 4 feeders. .1182 1 feeder... 90 Lvdla Wallace Neb. 1 feeder... 2 feeders. 40 cows ... 21 feeders. 840 t 06 21 feeders.. 99$ t OS 993 2 50 C. C. Mullay-Neb. 1016 2 40 E. Corns tock Neb. . t.' a io n Peep Neb. calves. 24 cows.., 1 feeder. 1 cow.... . 210 8 75 16 cows 963 2 00 A. Burr-Neb. .1093 2 55 1 0 steers.. ..1290 1 40 J. J. Kinney Neb. . 910 2 25 6 cowa. 961 2 W .1110 2 00 49 cows 994 2 65 Colemsn A A. Neb, 2 cows.... 4 cows.... 4 cows. .. . 4 feeders, t cows.... 1170 2 60 2 feeders. .1115 176 940 2 60 2 60 t 25 3 feeders.. KC5 2 25 1 bull 10 S 10 1 feeder. ..860 2 75 .10) "3 . 9U Ksj 2 60 Mriluett Tiros Neb. 4 feeders.. 1245 8 80 a feeders.. 1296 2 It U feeders.. 123 8 40 1 feeder. ..1110 2 75 National Land A Sheep Co. Wyo. 1 steer 870 $ 20 8 steers. ...1096 2 20 1 steer 1170 I y r, steers.. ..If6 IM 1 steer 10 W $20 t steers.... 970 8 20 1 1 aoi a h 7 6 67 6 62 7 42 7 a 49 7 38 a 13 7 14 6 13 , 7 04 8 14 ita 111 , 8 20 i 7 07 7 18 a 24 7 oo a 18 i 91 6 22 i 7 15 6 29 7 02 6 27 i ' 8 28 , a 2 a 82 a 26 , 6 70 a 03 , a 76 a K i a 74 a oi a 71 6 05 a oo , 61 , a 61 5 89 1 cow 980 J 7S l cow 830 2 2S Ml'lda'o Cattle Co. Neb. 5 cows 963 2 70 . 1 cow 810 2 TO 1 cow 840 2 70 t cows loan 2 70 Mitchell Cattle Co. Wyo. 15 cows p' 2 do it cows 897 2 63 22 feeders.. 777 3 10 a steers.. ..1140 8 00 t cows 910 2 ST. O. Mitchell Wyo. 4 steers.. ..lino a 00 76 feeders. .1170 t SS cows !K3 2 50 2 cows 790 2 00 4 rows 975 2 no 3 cows 900 2 00 7 cows M lS K. Barnett-Wyo. 1 ateer 9 3 90 1 steer lOOO J 90 J steers.. ..KM S 20 Scows 9i5 2 50 6 cows 8X6 2 00 1 cow 6X0 1 60 2 cowa 9k1 2 00 2 cows loss 2 90 1 cow 96T) 2 00 6 cows 1010 2 56 J. Wllwerdlng Wyo. 1 cows 1140 2 50 4 cows.. 870 1 20 2 cows 1010 2 65 2 bulls. ...!l435 6 15 2 cows 990 2 00 J McDougal Wyo. ?0 rows 753 l so 40 feeders.. 9SS I 20 1 feeder... 1030 3 SO Swan Ijind and Cattle Co. Wyo. 40 feeders.. It (6 S 40 T. J. tlardner Wyo. 35 steers.. ..1047 1 30 69 cows 996 2 66 28 steers.... 9"0 3 15 1 cow 770 2 00 1 cow. 810 2 00 1 heifer.... 680 2 66 1 cow llt.0 2 66 1 4 cows 944 2 66 Calvin Hunter Wyo. 1 steer lltio 3 20 47 Steers. ...1203 a 20 36 steers.. ..123 3 20 40 steers.. ..1206 $20 47 steers.. ..1219 8 20 1 steer 1000 2 00 6 steers.. ..1160 SCO 1 steer 1000 3 20 10 steers. ...1111 8 20 t steers.. ..1136 t 20 45 steers. ...1156 3 35 53 steers.. ..1166 8 35 19 steers.. ..1213 3 35 46 steers.. ..1165 $00 42 steers. ...1174 3 00 C. W. ITpsham Wyo. a feeders.. 1144 3 45 A. S. Ghent Wyo, 68 feeders.. 8M 3 30 1 feeder... 880 1 10 6 feeders.. 894 2 75 1 steer 1110 $40 I steers.... 1180 140 1 steer 15H0 3 40 2 steers. ...1140 2 76 4 steers... .12a0 8 40 1 steer 1360 tit Dr. Wilson Wyo. 78 cews 1000 2 66 James CorrigeT Wyo. 3 steers.... 1342 4 15 5 feeders. JU7t I 50 12 cows..... I(i60 2 90 F. Prager Wyo. 23 feeders.. 885 2 16 2 feeders.. 985 t IS 1 feeder.. .1200 8 16 1 feeder.. 1220 1 75 2 bulls:. ...1040 2 50 1 bull 1400 2 16 1 bull 14H0 2 15 2 bulls. ...1325 2 16 J. McDougal Wyo. 1 COW 840 2 00 6 COWS 244 2 00 1l rows d:ll i (Ul James Newell Wyo. I 6 feeders.. 1010 3 45 11 feeders.. 1172 2 15 t cows laiO 2 75 1 heifer.... 670 2 00 1 bull 1250 2 10 C. M. Lam son 8. D. 1 cow 950 2 00 2 cows 8T4 2 00 1 cow 940 2 00 2 cows 1035 2 00 W. Hlgglns-8. D. 32 feeders.. 1177 8 40 22 steers. ...1253 140 C J Dttvla S U 10 feeders.. 990 3 40 12 feeders.. 1153 135 19 cows 1005 3 06 H. H. Bush-S. D 106 steers... 844 3 45 .1 steer 930 2 50 1 steer 930 2 50 1 steer 1080 2 50 1 steer 1240 8 45 1 steer 1120 3 00 20 steo" S....1063 8 00 1 steer 1200 3 00 1 steer 1330 3 66 7 steers. ...1104 3 65 4 steers.. ..1179 3 65 8 steers.. ..1172 3 65 a steers.. .1216 3 66 80 steers. ...1178 8 45 Western Ranches 8. D. 23 steers.. ..1123 3 oo J Sullivan S. D. 13 feeders.. 1080 8 25 5 cows 1050 2 50 A. C. Eveleth-S. D. 1 bull 1220 2 00 9 cows 1027 2 50 2 cows 1120 2 25 10 feedera. .1063 2 85 H. Franklin Co.-S. D. 11 steers. ...1177 3 20 44 steers.. ..1174 3 20 18 steers.. ..1170 3 20 6 steers. ...11K4 3 20 35 heifers. ..1108 2 90 15 cows 640 1 90 9 cows 950 2 40 1 steer 1060 2 50 14 bulls 1286 2 00 6 cows 930 2 40 4 cows 942 1 90 3 heifers. ..108 2 90 1 cow 950 1 90 7 cows 1007 2 40 Bale A B. 8. D. 17 steers.... 12 3 45 4 steers.. ..1235 2 00 J. C. White 8. D. 16 cows 804 2 55 4 calves... 145 S 00 15 cows 88 2 15 1 calf 210 4 00 S. W. Allerton 8. D. 16 steers.. ..1206 8 20 1 cow 810 190 1 cow 910 1 90 1 cow 770 1 25 2 cows 950 1 90 1 steer 1140 3 20 Dale Gillette Colo. 33 feeders.. 8K9 3 25 9 feeders.. 637 2 50 1 feeder. .. 880 3 25 1 stag 1070 2 50 HOGS There was another fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning as compared with the number that have been coming In of late. Reports from other points were very unfavorable to the selling Interests, Chicago being quoted 10fi'15c lower. The market here was generally a dime lower, but trading was fairly active at the de cline, the bulk of the early sales being dis posed of In good season. Light hogs sold exceptionally well, and in fact the best loads were only weak to a nickel lower. Heavy hogs on the other hand were a big dime lower. Heavy weights sold mostly from $5.00 to $5.06, medium weights went from $5.10 to 85.16 and lights sold all the way up to $6.35, or the same as yesterday's best price. A good many trains were again slow in arriving so the market could not come to an early close. The late arrivals, the same as usual, did not sell to aa good advantage. The heavy hogs In particular suffered on the close and in fact nad to sell about 15c lower, sales going as low aa $4.90. At noon there were still a few loads In first hands. Repre sentative sales: No. At. Sh. Tt. No. ' At. Eh. Fr. 6(1 145 40 I 06 61 303 940 ( 06 t nl ltt) 06 6 Il 110 I 06 M 107 SO OS 41 tT 1M OS 7 W) 1(0 I OS 46 t0 80 6 06 4! IS7 40 I OS 64 77J ... i 06 (1 311 ... I 06 42 70 W I OS 12S in 400 6 06 41 f ISO 6 06 43 W7 ... I OS 4 1 40 I 06 SI 77 SO I 07 64 2 HO 40 I 06 1 2t 60 1 07 64 310 120 t OS tS J70 ... I 10 64 4 40 I 07 ,1 Ml ... 110 110 110 6 07 71 140 100 I 1T 41 1M 120 6 07 HO. IU ... 8 J6 44 144 10 6 07 M.... ..14l 00 4 0 44 il 44 I 07 M 314 140 4 00 6S M4 40 6 07 S3 840 100 I 00 Z" 240 a 10 SK Ml ISO- 00 41 IH 1 a 10 It 304 ... I 00 73 246 10 6 10 61 334 M t 00 47 161 140 6 10 48 341 ... I 00 40 220 120 6 10 43 322 M IN 41 160 40 6 12 61 311 140 I 00 42 INS 40 6 IS SO Ul ISO 6 00 44 110 10 111 SI 334 80 I 00 '0 124 40 I 10 64 Ill 120 t OS 40 133 120 I !0 S4 174 2O0 6 06 71 Ill M I 26 US 294 100 6 OS 44 131 ... ( 80 87 171 120 6 0S tt 13 4 N 61 171 ... 4 06 4 14 lit SHEEP Receipts of sheep were again moderate at this iiolnt and the market held generally stcudy. Good fat stuff waa scarce and as a result everyiniiig- tnai wouia ao for killers changed hands without much trouble at v.-sieruay's quotations. The commoner kind of killers were, of course. or less neglected. There was a irooa supply or leeaers. both sheep and lambs in sight, but the demand seemed to ne sumcienr to prevent any de cline In prices. Good stuff In fact Was in fairly active demand, but tha less doelr able grades, the same as usual, were more or les neglected. Quotations for Brass stock: Choice west. ern lambs, $46oi4.76; fair to good lambs. $4,264(4.60; choice yearlings. $3.403.65; fair to goon yearungs. j.a- J.4U; choice weth ers. 33.1013.35; fair to good wethers. $3,157 $.36; good to choice ewes, $2.766.3.00; fair to rood ewes, choice feeder iambs. $4 0034.23; fair to good feeder lambs. $3.25' 4 00; baby lambs. $2.60$i$00; feeder year lings, 3.2D'a3.6ti; feeder wethers, $3.004113.26; cull and feeder ewes, $1.60(32.00. Repre sentative sales: . No. , Av. Pr. 371 Wyoming feeder ewes 87 2 25 367 Wyoming feeder ewes 91 2 25 8 Wyoming ewes , 103 2 75 312 Wyoming wethers 14 3 36 348 Wyoming feeder lambs 48 t 60 12 Wyoming- feeder lambs 60 a 60 358 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 3 75 320 Wyoming feeder lambs 55 t 75 l Wyoming: leeuer lamos 03 x 75 341 wyowing reeaer lamos o f vi 97 Wyoming feeder lamos so 4 10 1142 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 4 10 272 Wyoming feeder lambs 62 4 15 538 Wyoming lambs 72 4 60 69 Houth OHknta ewes in z 11 80 South Dakota ewes 84 2 50 1X3 Wyoming cull lambs 44 2 60 93 Wyoming run lamos 4:1 ki 262 Wyoming ewes 130 2 80 773 Wyoming ewes 100 2 86 1 000 South Dakota yearlings.. 87 I 86 241 South Dakota yearlings.... 88 2 85 n) South Dakota yearlings.... 88 2 35 210 Nebraska feeder wethers.... 113 I 60 $:2 Wyoming feeder wethers.... 112 t 66 331 Wyoming feeder lambs 54 8 70 703 Wyoming feeder lambs 58 8 96 New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 28. CATTLE Beeves, receipts. 3.1O0 head. The market for steers was slow and loft 20c lower, for bulls strong, for thin cows unchanged, for fat cows easier; steers. $3 4ri6.30; oxen and stars, $2 tXH-4.00; bulls, $2.26474.00; rows, $2 2o4ia.20: calves, steady; exports, 5,850 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 467 cattle. CALVES Receipts. 1.643 head. The mar ket was steady to strong; vesls, $4 501 8 70; eatra. $9 00: ll'tle calves, t2.6O84.0o; grass era. $2 & mi 3. 00; northwesterns, city dressed veals. K4ji;ic; country dressed, tVq'llVtc. HOGS Receipts, 4,952 head.- The market was a trifle easier; good atate hogs. $5.10 SHEEP AND LA M B8 Recei pts, 8.087 head. The market for sheep waa steady; for iambs, lofcaoc higher; sheep, $2 .254ja.5; burns, see Us Before Yon Bay or Sell "S. lire0. Union Stock Yards Stock culls, $4 00-34 45; ne sales et Canada lambs reported. CHICAGO LIVIC STOCK MARKET. I.lgkt Receipts ot Cattle, Fair of Hog' aad Heavy of Sheeo, CHICAOO, Oct. 28 CATTLE Receipts, fl.nno. The market for good stock steady, for others lower; good to prim steers, $6.356.80; poor to medium, $3 1 rt,f 8.25; stockers and feeders. $2.2Mj4.2t; cow, $1.35434.80; heifers. $2.00jj.00; raiiners. $1.3. JJ'2.46; bulls, $2.0O4f4.5O; calves. $2 00n 6 ;h ; Texss fed steers, t3.75(g'3.05; western steers, $3.0ikW 25. HOGS Receipts today, 25.000 head; to. morrow, 22,000 head. The market was low 15o lower; mixed and butchers, $u 2o?i.8 1; good to choice heavv, $5.2066 50; rough heavy, $4iyan.l5; light, t5.10tuo.45; bulk of Bales, $5 1Mi6.46. SHEEP Receipts, 80.000 head. The mar ket for sheep and lambs was steadier; good to choice, H0iti4 66- fr to cfolce mixed, $20om3.0O; western sheep, $2.2&tfS.80; native lambs, $3.26iij6.00. St. Lonls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 28 CATTLE Receipts. 7.500 head. Including 5,000 head Texans. The market waa generally steady; native ship ping and export steers, $4.5iv,i6 46; dressrd beef and butcher steers. $4.25tt6.25; steers under l.OflO pounds, $3 40436.OO; stockers and feeders, $2.76Ui3.75; cows and heifers. $2.2,"i 4r4 35; canners, t1.fiOA2.10; bulla, $2.40A2.".6; calves, $3.0tu6.50; Texas and Indian steers, t2.3FVh3.35; cows and heifers. t2.fluw2.8B. Hot IS Receipts. 8,5tn head. The market was lower; pigs and lights, $5 3Mi'5 45; pack ers. tA.1UKtiS.36; butchers and best heavy, $5.8Ofi550. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.810 head. The market whs steady to strong; native muttons, $3.0nrn3 65: lambs, $4..Vfj6 5'i: culls and bucks, $2.25iaf4.00; stockers, $2.(0 j2.85. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,589 head. The market was steady; natives, $4.0Offr6.4O; cows end heifers. $1.25 tj-4.70; stockers and feeders. $2.5n4.00. HOGS Rerelpts. 6,043 head. Prices were loib'lSo lower: light $5.256.40; medium and heavy, $5.00t?i6.26. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 1.177 head. The market waa steady; lambs, $4 85; sheep, $3.65. Stork In Slant. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yes terday: 1 Cattle. Hogs. 8he-p. Omaha 6,476 5.4'rt . 15.34' Chicago . 6,000 25.000 3i,001 Kansas City 19.i0 7.noo 9.000 St. Lout 7.500 8.500 2.3-10 St. Joseph 3.589 ' 6,043 1,177 Sioux City 2.200 3.200 Totals ,. ....43,764 60,148 67,777 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Thomas Murray to William L. Mur ray, 4 nwVa section 11-14-10, snd other lands $ lr L. M. Bowers and wife to William H. Stohlman, lot 5, block 3, Bowers" addition 15 City Savings bank to Mabel V. Shl mer, lots 8 and 9 and 2oth and Ames avenue sub. tax lot 18, In section 3-15-13 1.050 Julia Wessells and husband to Elberta J. Fraser, lot 10. block 2, Dwlght A Lyman's addition 225 Mary J. C. Ryan and husband to Su sie J. Brlggs, lots 1 and 2, block 8, Logan Place addition 675 The Benson Land syndicate to Augus tus Hansen, lota 1 to 6 and 19 to 24, block 11. Benson 2.2"0 George R. Crandall and wife to Sun derland Bros.' Co., lot 3, block 1, Gramercy Park addition 100 Thebe B. Reed and husband to Axel . Helgren, lot 1, block 7, Drake's ad dition 500 Elizabeth and Hester Ann Durnell to John A. Crelghton, nH section 1-14-11. 8.000 Hugh 8. Thomas et al. to John V. Gardner, lot 1, block 111, Nelson's addition .. 2 Cora M. Henry to Anna M. Burkman, w 32 feet lot 4, block "C," Prospect place Hugh McAllister to Msry Svacina, lot 23, block 16, Brown Park 200 Same to Frank Svacina, lot 24, block 16, Brown Park 800 George E. Gregory and wife to Eu genie M. Earle, ell feet w81 feet lots 19 and 20, Falrmount place 850 The Omaha Realty company to Alfred Donaghue, part lot 13, Forbes" sub. sw section 84-16-12 1,800 Arthur C. Wakeley and wife to Anton J. Forsberg et al., wH lot 4, block 11, Shlnn's addition ......... 1.... ... 1,250 Gustave R. Wahlgren and wife to James Walsh, lots 19, 20 and 21, block 12, Schlesslnger's addition 750 C0E COMMISSION QQ (inctfpuratcd) U.i'W.1.! $600,000.00 BROKERS IN Grain, Provisions Stocks and Bonds Larrett Private Wire System In America, 150 Branch Offices In prlncl- ' pal northern citing from New York to Seattle, giving a ser vice unexcelled. Responsible and Conservative). 175 National and State , Banks are our depositories and references. Wo charge no Interest for carry lot lonf stocks. General Offices: N. Y. LIFE BLD'G. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TIIOS. W. MADDICK, Correspondent, 181S Faraarn St., Onaaka. Tel. 3-441 T. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS idivards, Uood Room A Q 4fft nanhettan Bld., Bfl ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealeraln Grain, Provisions, Slocks Bought and sold for cash er 00 reasonable f margins. Heankers Isa porta at Exchanges. Prl. rate Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed fret. Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Prompt Returna lOO Bee Blast. Feae so 14 Omaha, Nebraska. Dalath. Wlaalaeg. AVEARE GRAin CO. " lie-Ill Bear al Trae. OMAHA NEB. C. W. Swerd, Maaager. Tel. 1010.