10 THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2S, 1903. Jlolfo rn ! - B Kt .jV 0 i JnPe L -po Sj 15c 29c Vednesday's Great Bargains SOc HANDKERCHIEFS AT I5c 2."0 dozen Sample Handkerchiefs a New York importer's entire sample line of odd and end lots very flue all linen Handkerchiefs some are embroidered and revered, plain and fancy hemstitched hun dreds of styles many worth up to 50c on bargain square at. 50c AND 75C.GOLF GLOVES AT 29c Large bargain square with hundreds of dozens of ladies' and children's Wool Oolf Gloves, in plain and fancy colors many worth up to 75c pair go at Ladies and Children's Winter Underwear Bljt bnrijnlim In winter riMlorwear -medium and henvy weight fleecy . lined and wool rlblx-d ninny f fess fy f A f styles heavy cotton Union Suits .Plf:.iMPmn go on barKntn counters at... Special Offer in Ladies Suits at $14.85 A very special bargain offer for tomorrow In ladles' high (trade tallor-mnd Suits made In the Knickerbocker, Ibellnes. Cheviot and munnlsh mixtures, etc. In the Ion skirted and Mouse coat effect also M f the bo front and the Iltted back effects very latest I "Sat and most fashionable Ideas one lot Wednesday ATelV-Jt- nt. ; Two Millinery Dep't Specials Ready-to-wear hats made in pretty and seasonable styles. Three street hats have actually OGJr sold up to $1.60, at v . . Children's caps in all the late ideas, very 1 . ... pretty for school wear, at . . ACV 25c pictures at 15c Very neat little panel pictures, come and ee them." Theyvare the prettiest ef- "f EZ. fects imaginable. PICTURE DEP'T, 3rd Floor, at IOC 50c pictures for 25c one of ria prettiest little fac simile water colors you have eve;; seen, a )Cn bargain, PICTURE DEP'T, 3rd Floor, atv. ....... -w-V Great Sale of Carpets and Linoleum v Monday, Nov. 2, and Tuesday, Nov. 3. 1 Two carloads of the finest Cnvpets, Hues, Oilcloths and Linoleums bought , from a recent railroad washout. Only a few of the goods are damnped most of them in perfect condition.; This will be the greatest Watch papers for further particulars. sale we ever attempted. Watch Our Windows cb.-J5 Watch Our Windows ME KING CORN TO DAVE A SHOW Annual Exhibit Pianoed for Lincoln to Taks Place in January. LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFERED TO FARMERS tat Board ( Jkrripaltar aa World's Fair ConmUiln Mk. Appropriations aad Dll Rales for tho dhow. The meeting of tha Nebraska Corn' Im , proverb" association and winter corn show at Lincoln, January la to 2. 1904, offers soma very attractive tnduceraenta to tha porn .growers of the. state. Tha premiums will comprise In the aggregate 19C0 offered by tha Nebraska coramlsalon to the Louisi ana Surchaa exposition and, the fat j Board of Agriculture. The ruleavaroverntng tho distribution of prises by the State Board of Agriculture are tn brief: Each exhibit must constat of ten ears and tnust have been jrown by exhibitor tn 1903. All exhibits must be put In place by owner svlthout expense to the association by 11 o'clock Boon, January 19. Competition shall be open to the state, but no general seeds man or contract grower or jobber In seed grains shall compete. Premiums Class A: One hundred dollars for named varieties of field corn, prorateff to all exhibits scoring above 70 points; J60 for tha Ave beat collections of field corn, anyone collection to be grown 'by ex hibitor; number of varieties, amount of corn and genera excellence to govern, first, 116; second, S12; third, $10; fourth, $; fifth. "' ' The rules goveriflng the distribution of premiums provided by the Nebraska com mission to the Louisiana Purchase exposi tion are: Each exhibit to constat of thirty ears, gromi. by exhibitor In 1903, no ex hibitor to make mure than one entry of any ne variety. Ttiee other rules ars tha asms a govern the distribution ot premiums pro vided by the State Board of Agriculture. Premiums Seven hundred and fifty dollars will be paid In cah premiums for named varieties of field corn and shall be prorated ( all exhibits scoring above 70. oscratloa for Kshlbltors. tpon request. Mr. Lee Bnlth, president of the aasoulatton, has offered the following suggestion for preparing exhibition ears of corn: The ear should stund on the stalk until fully matured.. The selection should Is made when husking the entire crop, as there Is then sn opportunity to see every car and compare the quality. ' For this purpose . a box may be carried on the rear of the wagon, arid desirable ears laid carefully In this box. The .eara should be dried in a healed room, but-the kitchen la not a food place on account of the steam. Great rare should be taken not to shell even a single kernel from the ear. To ship, wrap each ear separately In cloth -! . 1 or paper, pack carefully In a box or barrel, stuffing paper In any remaining space to prevent tha ears from shaking- about In transit. Ship by express or freight prepaid to the secretary. T. L. Lyon, Lincoln, Neb., to reach him not later than Saturday, Jan uary 16. 1904. : ,. Secretary H. O. SheddVof the Nebraska commission states that the commission Is extremely anxious to obtain extra fins sam ple. At corn, such as exceptionally large and perfect ears from all quarters of the sta-to. These may be shipped to the head quarters of the commission In Omaha, ad dressed to Secretary H. O. Shedd. all the expenses of which will be borne by the commission. ' THE BKXNKTT COMPANY. - - ' . ' - , .. Peaaats. . reaasta. Peaaats. far rail Qaart 3e. Another of our famous peanut sales. They ars fresh roasted, and go on sale Wednesday morning. Come early while they are atlll hot. Basement. Don't miss the Rug Sale at the Omaha Carpet Co., 116 Dodge St. - Does anybody know of Mike Uxawtnia' whereabouts? The last heard of him he was. about three a tattoos this way from Chicago. ' We aJl have reasons to believe him Insane. He had a ticket for Omaha, Neb. He la a tall man, about 8 foot, broad shoulders, a very dark mustache, black hair, blue eyes, age 4&; had papers about him, has been married for seventeen years, haa a wife and two children in South Omaha, Neb. Please address all Informa tion to Mrs. Mike Uxawlnls. J332 T street South Omaha, Neb. Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west: can or will offer such values. llayiien Bros' BigSaSe of Men's Suits si $10.00, $12.50 an d $ 15.00. I I ST -V r :'- H ' ' " 1 7 j S Hart Schiffner 6 Mjrx Hind Tailored tarrriiM iMkrim a am At tlO.OO and $12. 50 we can show you the largest assortment of men's fine suits ever shown all tailored by hand through out In all the latest fabrics, such as fanry chevlotp, fancy worsteds, surges, unfin ished worsteds, Scotch cheviots nnrt tweeds, In neat checks), fancy stripes, brown and gray mixtures and plain .col ors, any of these suits worth from to 11100-ln this big sale I fl fl ft only J12.&0 and IlliU U At $16.00, we have over 40 different patterns that we will show you, In all the latest and most up-to-date fabrics, In neat stripes and overplalds, fancy mixtures, silk mixtures and plain colors. In Bcotch cheviots, fancy tasslmeres, Venetian ifned serges and many other fabrics all of these suits are made by tho well known clothing; manufacturers. Hart, Sohaffner & Marx, and are equal to any custom tailored garment. One of the chief characteristics of our Hart, Schaffner A Marx suits. Is the ar tistic way In which the colors and fabric linings and trimmings, etc., are com bined. He sure and ask to sea our Hart, Schaff ner & Marx clothes. We will be pleased to show them to you, even though you are not ready to purchase. Sco What You Can Buy for 98c at llaytjcn's Reliable Grocery Department. '' 3-lbs. hand-picked navy beans 10r! J-lhs breakfast rolled oats ., I' 3-lbs. good Japan rice, tapioca, sago, barley or farina l'c 4 bars best laundry soap ln 2-lbs California evaporated peaches 1(c 2-lbs large Italian prunes i... J9 1 lb. good Santos coffee 19 1- lb. choice tea sifting l0r: 2- lbs soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers 10c 2 lb. package self-raising pancake .flour -. 8c 19-lbs. pure ,food products and 4 bars of laundry soap, for COUPONS WITH EVERY PURCHASE. ..aso fin mi mm A D l A, JV1 O N DJ&V, ,v We hava them In all slues." Rmsbei- s v we buy back at amount paid lass teu per -cent, at any time within one year. ' r . f SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. We are agents for the best make of sewing machines In the market such ss New Home, Domestic, White,. Household, Standard and others. Our line of parts Is very complete. W. do repairing and guarantee all our work. 1514 Capitol Ave-, Tel. 1574. P. E. FLODMAN CO., Jewelers, WITHIN EASY REACH OF EVERYBODY. RIGHT OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE HOLIDAY HOODS selected with care and experience THE PICK TO BE HAD NOW, and laid away if you wish. ALBERT EDHOLIYJ, Jeweler. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST Att.atlea, Odd Fellows. All members of Beacon lodge No. 3o ars requested to meet at hall, 1 p. m.. October th, to attend funeral Brother J. C. Ernst. Members slst.r lodges invited. - , J. U ALVISON, Secretary. W. W. BTEWART. N. O. Card Party. Vesta. Chapter No. . Order of the East ern Star, will give a progressive high five card party at Masonic Temple on Friday , wmcn aiasons and t niir inenas are invited. Refreshments. Admission, IS cents. . THE COMMITTEE. , if you want an elegant Rug cheap attend our Rug Bale this week. Omaha, Carpet Co., 151& Dodge St. Repairs ea Harder Contracts. InspVctlon of the paving sUll under repair guaranteed by the flarUex Asphalt company revels the fact that iiearly all of It ne.ls nior. or lesa work to j,lac. It In rood con dition, according to Board of Public Works ufflclals. Arrangements will be made by the department to have tho patching dona as book us possible, as it is nearing the tlnw when asphalt cannot b laid aatUtac-torilyr Aanoaaeesseats of the Theaters. The bill ' at the Orpheum this week Is of such excellence throughout that every act la scoring big to a series of large audiences. Wright Huntington and his company have a good sketch In "A Btand Off" and make much of 'their opportun ities. Commencing Thursday matinee he will put on for the rest of the week "A Stolen Kiss." Many pronounce this Mr. Huntington's best effort and few little scions of the drama have attained and re tained the popularlty.it has. In the acro batic line the Schenk brothers are et,uU to any, who have appeared here and they show many daring and difficult feats that sr. new. mi 1 ft Mrs. J.Benson Our fur Deportment i full of the staple and latest novelties in ' Doas, Scarfs and Htoles, double or single, lit ted neok or cape effect, with long tab or stole front, fur or silk lined. Sable, Fox, Isabella Fox, real Marten, Isabella Marten, Hable Marten, Imitation Hable, CtKin. Mink, Oppouni, etc, , ' Among the mowt popular is tbe Isabella 1 . Fox at 110.50, 13.50 and f 15.00. Homeseekera' Excursions. On Tuesdays, November . t and 17, the Missouri Paclhc railway will aell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kansas,-Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri. Texas, etc. Stopovers allowed .n the going Jour ney. Limit of tickets is twenty-one days For further Information' call on any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agent. 8. E. Corner Hth and Douglas Streets, Omaha, Neb. R. V. COLE. w. M. MCKAT. Cole-McKay company, undertakers aad crobalniers. 1S? Capitol are. Tel. 454. Horse covers made to (11 your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., nth an Harney etreeta. Ruga for almost nothing at th. Mf Rug Sal. this week at the Omaha Carpet Co., 151a Dodge St. . Wealthy, (allforalaa. J C KlrkyatrUk. manager of the Palace hotel at Ban Framlseo, was a passenger on th. Overland Limited yesterday etiroute to his home at the roact. He was accom panied by his valet and has just come from New Vork, where he has been buying up me fafl horses. Jay Caldwell, jr., the black gelding which look the second money In the 'J:-S trot at Memphis Monday, Is a recent acquis iiioji of Mr. KlikpatHck. The race was made In 2:13'i and Mr. Kirk Patrick a sltar. of the stake was too). Boaaaaa Sesal-Aat ararlt. Coal. No smoky;, no rllnkering on grates, is par ticularly well adapted to this climate. Dur ing mild wathei when vry little fire la required, by titialug all drafts Bonansa will make a slow, smoldering fire, thus keeping th. house at a uniform temperature, while Pennsylvania anthracite will die out an ttrely. Price, fs per ton. . . CENTRAL COAL AND COKE CO.. M S. l&lo St. Telephone IZA. and KM. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid J. L. Brandeis & Sons, BANKERS. 16th and Douglas Sts. Sound, Conservative, Accommodating. We Want You to understand that our guarantee goes with every Job of work we turn out, and It you are pot satisfied say so and we will make It satisfactory. We do the best Cleaning and Dyeing tn Omaha and can prove IU Try us. THE PANTOniU'l 07 S. 15tk St Tsl. MS OMAHA. G.lag West ThU Fall f Whether the Journey is for pleasure, busi ness or health for a few daya or several weeks nearby, to Oklahoma or 'cross con tinent to California it will pay you in dol lars saved, comorts gained and sights seen, to call or write me and find out all about the low rate personally conducted excursions over the Santa Fe to Great Southwest and California. E. L. Palmer, Pass. Aft, u Equitable Bldg., Des Moines. Is, Members of Lilian Tempi. No. 1, Rath born Slaters, are requested to attend tha funeral of Brother J. C. Ernst, Wednes day, October 28. at t o'clock p. m., from his late residence, Twenty-fourth and Franklin streets.' 2 Whon our clothes avo on n man's bnclc, It ttilcos mi export to detect thom from tho host tnllor - made 'to - mensure iinrnionts v The tailors who design our clothing are possessed of imag inationThey are intelligent, thinking men, who take pride in their work. They are clever and know how to express an idea to the best advantage, This is more than the average to order tailor can boast of. Our suits and overcoats at 12, 15 and 18 dollars will argue that for us. You would have to pay thirty to forty dollars if they were produced in the "time-honored way." We believe our suits and overcoats are the highest grade and the most reliable clothing in the world- We pin our fair reputation to its goodness. SUITS AND OVERCOATS. $12, $15 and $18 A Woman's Foot Fitted With A Fry Shoe Is about as perfectly dressed as a foot can be. The Fry Shoe has the graceful lines, the chic ttyle, the perfect fitting quali ties and the fine and finished epptr ranee that gives a foot the smart, well dressed look that every woman likes. $3.50 or $5.00 Either price will buy a PRY SHOE In any of the popular leathers. In any of the fashion able styles nud on any of the new lasts, that will give suoh satisfaction as you rarely find elsewhere. , FRYSHOEcxi The Omaha Carpet Co. Ia having a big Rug Sale this week. Money In your pocket tu atteud this kale, 151S Dodge St. (Jood Till Further Notice Don't think, cerause yriu ran get these goods at these prices now, that you can ilt the rui mo thing In a month from now, or n year hence. We do not pretend to con trol the wholesale cont of drugs and pat ent medicines but VK DO 'ONTROL THE RETAIL PRICE OF THEM in these parts. $;i.S Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. ;. .$2.25 SENT P08T PAID TO ANY ADDRESH. $1.00 Peruna 67c $3.(W Frost King or ftueen Chest Pro tectors 12.50 $3.00 Standard Chest Protectors 12M Iloth of above brands are full chamois vests. French flannel lined. S.V) Castorla the penulne I4c Uk- "Catarrh Rem" guaranteed 30o $1.00 Dr. Pierce's Remedies RSc $1.00 Butler's Female Remedy sruar'd. .T5o $2 00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills. $1 6c Doan's Kidney Pills 39s foc Bar Ben 4Do $1.00 Sexine Pills i.0c $1.76 S. S. 8. largest slit. $114 $1.00 Orrlne to close out 80o LOWNEY 8 CANDIES O'BRIEN'S MON TE CHRISTOS. SCHAEFER'S DRUM 5T0RB E. T. YATES, Proprietor. ' Two Phoa.s 74T aad TT. IOta aad Chtcagro Streets. Omaha. When your feet ncbe and burn, when your oorns bother you, you ran get relief by wearing our shoes. "Ease, Elegance and Economy" Is our motto. Onimod On-a-Man Always $3.50 5$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 203 So. 15th St. If we should call our place of business the Omaha Duplicate Works you would not know what It meant, but that Is just what It Is, a place where duplicate parts of your Stove, Range or Furnace can be had without waiting to send north, south, east or west for them. It is for your accommoda t on and our pleasure that we carry la stock almost 1,500,000 pounds of such duplicate parts.. Our fur nace men are skilled, and prompt attention can now be given to your orders. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Tel. 960. Green Trading Stamps Are Good as Government Bonds. 1 L, JV E . tMsa.1 u u V7E ARE under-selling everything offering T extra specials every day giving GREEN TRADING STAMPS with every purchase, whether with things advertised or not, whether bought in person in the store or ordered over the telephone. The Bargains Are Yours! The Stamps Are Yours!! You see the huge advantage of trading here? BLANKETS FOR BATH ROBES Plain colored blankets, with pretty borders, enough in each blanket to make a robe Persian and Oriental de eign the latest Navajoe colorings, at $1.75, $1.95, $2.25 Each. BIG SALE OF COTTON FLEECE Bed blankets in full bed size, in grays, whites and tans 49c, 69c, 75c, 98c Poir. 100 PAIRS 2J-LB. FEATHER PILLOWS Covered with the finest of ticking, cheap at 85c, yQ- while they last, only 54-inch table padding, the best 40c quality, Qk , special aL 50 pieces pretty 36-inch wide imported sateens for bed com forts and fancy covers, very cheap at 23c yard, 1 SZ n extra special at, yard , EXTRA SPECIAL at the Dress Goods Counter 500 remnants of the finest of dress goods, enough in each piece to make a skirt, some large enough for a dress every piece worth $6.00 while they last, $0 Q g only, each -J Your Eyes! Your Eyes! THET NEED OUR ATTENTION. SAVE TOUR SIGHT. SAVE YOUR OOOD IXJOK8. SAVE YOUR MONEY. Com. to us. WATCH AND CLOCK HOSPITAL ' On Main Floor.' lar. yaur re pair, wa ll jive a i mire and charga you th. smallest prlc. for It. Grocery! Grocery! Second to none In th trocery buMness. Beat rood, the lowext nrlrea. oromnt deliveries. We are recognized leaders. OKKEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHA8E. Free poetal ards. Telephone 137. Wednesday Snaps Pet Cream, can. s . ..3 cents Pancake Flour 2-lb. pkf 10o Pineapple 3-lb. can J' Corn Btarch 1-lb. pkg 6c Golden Syrup 3-lb. can Wr,c- Imported Sardines can )"c Pi eserves uanorteil Jur 1"c AKparagus new can 15o ChocotatlnH can ....j Ulc Jelly aaxnrtec arlam Bo 1'iench Muxturd and 8poon I'Wj Heat Batter Handled oa Small , Mars-lna. Fresh Country Butter, per pounb. t2e Bennetts Capitol Creamery lb.. I5 Small Sour pfi-kles pvr dos to Headquarter tor Teas aad Coffees'. B. K. Japan, Ounnowder, Oolong, .EngllHh IlreaktiiKt True, per lb.. JS(: Imperial Japan Tea per lb f off res Roasted Daily. 6antos Coffee splendid rabie lh. J2c Bennett's Capitol Coffee bent pro duced tc Crockery! Crockery! Our Crockery Department maintains leadership. U you wish to see and enjoy an ever changing panorama of Crockery attractions and fascination, visit our Crockery Ixpartment. It la a beautiful section and everything is In It that heart can desire. I MarBeth's No. Fvarl Top I .amp s Chimneys each u 25c 45c 5c tiecorated English Porcelain Cups and Saucers set of . . No. 2 Lamp Burners extra heavy brass each Nice new patterns In Rose and Ortmt Umpi complete with KOr glol.es-.acU. OUL. Johnson Bros. English Porce- fi fB. lain 100-plec. Dinner Sets - Rockingham large sis. Bak- v Rc lug Dishes each cyw Beautifully blended Uneh Jaidlitlere eacn One gallon Fish 35c Flown blu. Celery Tray a, with stlpi'lrd gold tiestmeuta OSr- ach aiOt Half gallon decorated Water Qr Pitch a eh See our larg. Una of desirable Dlunerware. We have the largest variety of open stock Dlnnerwsr. pattern shown In lh. west. Ws can show you Dlnnerwar. of any color, ttyl or price. We sr. headquarters (or Johnson Bros' famous English porcelains, manu factured at Henley, England. It need no comment , In liavlland Co. Umoges Chins w. lead, la both variety, prloe and de signs. Call sod see us. Keep at You'll Soon Fill Your Stamp Book. Vhen You Need Tliem. Rpootaclea or eyeglasses are a neceesity-they . ought to be properly fitted they will be If eur opllcisj) Ills tben He Is a specialist In this line Spend a few mln. utea with. blm. lok for th. name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician UltDsut-UsftrMt. 7 I