TITE OMAHA DAILY J1EE: MONDAY. OCTOBER 2G, 1903. OMAHA'S GOLDEN JUBILEE Tint Step Taken in Direction of Its Prope Celebration. OLD SETTtlRS HOLD LIVELY MEETING ore Tfcaaj Oae Haadred Aa.wer Dr. Miller's lavltatloa aad M Executive Committee la i Kerned ta Control. Over 100 representative old settler- of the city of Omaha were guests of Dr. George X. Miller at his home Saturday evening, renewing" old acquaintances and associa tions with the object of bringing Into exist ence what was to be known as the "Old Settlers' club." Dr. Miller, however, after naming Judge George 13. Lake as chairman of the meeting, made an introductory ad dress, In which he stated that after In quiring of a number of the persons Inter eeted that the organization of such a club was unnecessary, but It had been auggnated that the gathering continue to meet In a social way from time to time at the homes of the different parties, such meetings to be held once a week. Instead of monthly, us bad been contemplated. After deliberating quite a time. It was suggested by Edward Rosewater that, next year being the semi centennial of the state of Nebraska, It would be a feasible plan to perfect an or ganization for the proper celebration of this ajoknt and have an executive committee appointed to take the matter In hand and Arrange the preliminary details. ' This suggestion was heartily endorsed by f. M. Woorworth end General Charles F. JVtanderson, who made short addresses and Judge Lake then appointed the following representative men as the committee: Dr. George K Miller, chairman; E. Rosewater, J. I .Redlck, James M. Wool worth. C. F. Manderson, J. N. II. Patrick, II. W. Yates, James E. Boyd, B. B. Kennedy, Guy C. Barton, O. W. Doane and St. A. D. Bal combe. The committee Is vested with power to solect subcommittees and report action at the next meeting of the organisa tion, which will be held at the call of the chairman. Genesis of the Moveroeat. Sometime over a month ago Miss Ollmore of this city and her sister, Mrs. Huff of Chicago were the guests of Judge Doane at his home. They being old residents of the city, the Judge Invited a few of the early settlers to his home and the evening was spent talking of the ancient daya of Omaha. Dr. Miller was highly enthused over the meeting, and It was at his sug gestion that the meeting waa held at his home last evening. In the meantime, Mr. Rosewater was aproached on the subject and he suggested that as next year is the semi-centennial of the state it would be a wise plan to defer action In the direc tion of forming the settlers' club, and pre pare for the proper celebration of the golden Jubilee of Nebraska. Thus waa the nucleus formed which will culminate in a big event for the coming year. In his address Mr. Rosewater said: "Al though I was not a resident of this city when It was staked out, I have been here for the past forty years. A community like Omaha cannot afford to let an opportunity like this slip by, It being the occasion of the golden Jubilee of the state. It la not known the exact date on which the first white ettlers arrived here, but by act of congress Nebraska became a territory on May to, ISM. and on October ( of the same year Mr. Burt, who had been appointed governor, crossed the Missouri river and settled on this aide. The city of Omaha proper waa taked out by the late A. D. Jonea and it la about May SO that the celebration should take place. It may probably he held at the capital, but ought to be held here. How ever, thia Is a matter that the State His torical aoojety will daclda." . o the Ccleeratlea. Mapping out the plan of the celebration itr. Rosawater continued! "The state set tler, of JVT ought to have the preference, then would follow the Inviting of the fra ternal orders; first, the Masonic, which I believe organised their first lodge In the atate at Bellevue. After them would come the elvlo societies and then the Ak-8ar-Ben would take the matter up and Instead of having floats emblematic of the poets, we might use floats of a memorial nature, on which could be portrayed the old log cabin, the stage coach and the Caneetoga wagon. A collection of the mementoes and hlstort eal papers ahould be made which could be preserved In our libraries for the future n-eneratlone. "My Bret recollection et Omaha was when tt.had a population of about 4,000 people, and I have watched it grow constantly until the present time, when we can num i' bar almost 130.000 population, If we Include South Omaha, which Is adjacent to our city. It la therefore expedient that we have an . executive committee appointed to take the natter In charge," General Manderson followed Mr. Rose water, saying: "If we make, this a atate celebration the money ahould be appropri ated by the legislature and as this Is not a . time when that body Is In session we can hardly rely upon that source. The State Historical society has not the funds sufficient to .carry out the plans and. In my Judgment, the celebration should be confined to the towns alonir the river. The only really old town In what may be called out the state Is Columbua and It Is doubt fnl If we would draw many participants In the celebration from places other than those along the river." ' Charter Members of Organisation. A list of the persons who were present ad were drafted as charter members of the organisation follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick. General and Mrs. 1. IT. Manderson, Miss Black, lr. and Mrs. O. L. Miller, Mr. and Mm. H. V. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. K. Wakeley, Miss Wakeley, Mr. and Mrs. O. li. lake, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Kedlck. Mr. and Mrs. Barnuel Burns, Mr. and Mrs. St. A. D. Balcombe. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Keller. Mr, and Mrs. 8. R. Curl Li. Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Hoagland. Mr. and Mrs. James Van No irand. Dr. J. H. Peabody. Be net or and Hid Millard, J. M Wool worth. M-a. How, ard. Mrs, Powell. Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Cum. tng, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Pop- ex. The Dr. Deimel Under wear is a better safeguard against colds, grippe and bronchial troubles of all kinds than all the cough mixtures and patent medi cines you can buy. Booklet telling all ahxot It aud toe gannette may ba had M Leading Dealers Eyerprhers The Deimel Linen-Mesh Co. 40rtluaaot "lluee-sUsa"). 41 Braes we y, Now York. 7 i$7Ziy &leton, Mrs. 1-a.eey. Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Irs. Gen rue Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Horbach, .nu mil,. .Ti.t.cii, nil ,iu ....... ders, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, Frank Murphy, rfonn v-. v uwRn, voum .i. v,i t ikuiou. t. Patrick. ex-Governor and Mrs. James K Boyd, B. E. B. Kennedy, Mrs. and M ss Johns n. Judge end Mrs. G. V. Doane, Dr. and Mrs. Monre, Mr. and Mrs. M Ktnua, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koun-.se, Mr. and Mrs. I.ymin, Dr. and Mrs. CorTmsn, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pixton, Mrs. Kuftln, Jonn Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Casper E. Yost. Mr. snd Mrs. Coutant, Mr. and Mrs. Mora man, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton, Mi. Heth. Mr. Htorkton He h, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Barkalow. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. Tllden, Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Perrlne, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy, Mr. and Mr E. Bo ewater, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Deuel, Mrs. Gannett, Mrs. Watson Smith and Mrs. Lemon. OUT TO MAKE CLEAN FIGHT J ad s;e Barnes Decries Tafalr Cam paign at Roaalasr Meetlaa; ta lath Ward. The Sixth and Eighth ward republicans opened a fresh case of enthusiasm Saturday night In Idlewlld hall. Twenty-fourth and Grant streets, and each speaker In turn was received with manifestations of ap proval by the large audience and was re warded by hearty applause at every point made In favor of republican candidates. Judge Barnes began his talk by saying that It was not proper for one running for a high Judicial position to talk on par tisan politics and that he was present merely to get acquainted. "When the supreme court created the Judicial commission," said the Judge, "there were on file 1,900 cases for hearing before the supreme court. There are now only 800, and In April, when six of the Judges will conclude their services, the slate will be cleaned up and a man can get a hearing In the supreme court Inside of six months. This Is what the commis sion has done. I have been an avowed candidate for the supreme Judgeship, and since I have been on the commission my work has been subjected to tho white light of public scrutiny. So I now feel gratified at the nomination and feel competent to perform the duties of the office If elected. It has twice been said publicly In the commission that I was eminently fitted for this position. "An old acquaintance I met on the street the other day said that the party had not been so united for thirty years. I have always said that if the republicans In this county were united thz-y would be an Irre- Isilble power In state politics. I will say of my opponent, that he Is a good man and If I can't defeat him without lampooning him and making him ridiculous before the public, God knows I don't want the election. But I think It la time we did away with the fusion majority on the su preme bench. It has been claimed against me that I am dominated by the corpora tions. Let me aay right here and now that this Is absolutely false. I waa never on the payroll of any company. It Is true that I have tried many cases for the rail roads, but only In this way, that I waa hired by their attorney, and that when the case was completed I handed In my bill to him, the same as to any other client. I don't say this as an apology. If didn't feel that I have the strength and manhood to decide cases against a cor poration on their merits, I would not be here asking you for your suffrages." J. E. Van Gilder made a rousing speech. In regard to the trusts he aald: "It is true the trust question Is heard of now and then, but It Is also true that there Is a trust question In . every pros perous country. There baa been now a shrinkage of millions of dollars In trust capital lately, but this Is because they were overcapitalised. There Is room for trusts doing honest business. All that Is necessary to do with the trusts la to let them take care of themselves, and If they are doing an honest business they will succeed, and If they are overcapitalised they will go to pieces ta hundreda have. The republican party la the beat fitted to deal with the trust queatlon." Others who spoke were: w. O. Sears cf Tekamah. Jacob Kaley, Charles Unltt, P. E. Edqulst, Judge D. M. Vlnsonhaler, W. W. Bingham, W. Altstadt, W. A. Eastman, F. W. McGlnnls, Joseph Marrow and Jack Kenworthy. The republicans have planned to hold a rousing meeting at Elkhorn Tuesday night. Postmaster Witt will preside and E. J. Cornish, J. H. Van Dusen and T. A, Holl!s ter are billed for the speakers. LOCATES MRS. A. E. BELL HERE Poetoflco Inspector Declares Wife of Alleged Forger Is Now In Omaha. Poatofflce Inspector J. Donald Sinclair declared yesterday afternoon that he had positively located Mrs. Bell, wife of Albert E. Bell, the alleged forger and mall pouch thief. In Omaha, and was having her every movement carefully guarded. He and other federal authorities Relieve that by shadow Ing Mrs. Ball some clue will be obtained to the whereabouts of her husband. Bell, It will be recalled, escaped from United States Mafshalls E. H. Davis and Alvah Baker near Philadelphia a few days ago. Boms officials held to the theory that Hra, Bell had gone with her husband to Chicago, but It now develops, so the offl clals contend, that ahe haa never been out of Omaha since coming here after her re lease at Denver some time ago. eerets of Bnecess. "What la the secret of success?" asked the Bphinx. Push, aald the button. Take pains, aald the window. Never be led, aald the pencil. Be up to date, aald the calendar. Alwaya keep cool, said the Ice. Do business on the tick, aald the clock. Never lose your head, said the barrel. Do a driving business, said the ham' ler. Aspire to greater things, said the nutmeg, Make much of small things, said the microscope. Never do anything off-hand, aald the glove. Spend much time In reflection, aald the mirror. Never take aide, but be round when you're wanted, said the belL Sacrifice yourself, so that through you others may succeed. Get a good pull with the ring, aald the door bell. Be sharp In all dealings, said the knife. Find a good thing snd atick to It, said the glue. Trust to your stare for success, aald the night. Make the moat of your good points, aald the compass Pittsburg Dispatch. Golnsj Wtst This Fallt Whether the Journey ta for pleasure, busl neae or health for a few daya or aeveral weeks nearby, to Oklahoma or 'cross con tinent to California It will pay you In dot lara saved, comforts gained and sights seen. to call or write me and find out all about the low rate personally conducted excursions ever the Santa Fe to Great Southwest and California. E. I, palmer. Pass. Agt eOS equitable Bldg., Dee Moines. la. A Bore Raver Metiers After Portefe AnUsepUo Heating oil la as. plied. Relieves pain insiaauy and heats a the same Urns. For maa or beast. Price, 26c. 1-4-11-T waiting all want you. Mam mm aa A& vnr h Omaha Tent and Avoir. Co.. lltk eo tiarusy auaeia. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OXAUA Vsniant Bepllef to Criticism of Eil Atti tude) on Holan Beso.ution. FINDS BUT ONE CRITIC IN HIS SEARCH ays He una erearea Beat beisi lee and la Aaaared that Caase Mast Prompt Removals Male City Gossip. In regard to criticisms about his stand In the matter of the Nolan nonpoUtlcal reso lution passed by the fire and police board Thursday night, Chairman Vanaant haa this to say: I have talked with a number of votera, both republicans and democrats, and never found but ohe man who found any fault with my action and this man Is the known tool of Tommy Nolan. As tar as there being a lot of strange faces In the fire and police departments for violating the Nolan resolution, I will aay that If the board acea fit to make a lot of strange faces those who vote for such action will have to be financially responsible for It. I have secured the best legal advice and have been assured that no 'policeman or fireman can be removed from his position without cause. This being a free country. any man has a right to exercise his own mind and Judgment when off duty. Fur ther, In case the board discharges any man In Its employ for violating the Nolan reso lution I am given to understand by at torneys that such discharged employe can recover from the board Individually and also from the city. As for the charge that acted like a schoolboy In countermand ing that portion of the resolution which related to the actions of men when off uty, I will say that no jne but a school boy would ever have Introduced such a resolution." All policemen have been Instructed to keep out of politics when on duty, but when off duty to do as they pleased. The remen have, however, been Instructed to obey the resolution until Chief Garrett re turns to the city. Sanday CIoo Organised. Secretary Marsh of the Toung Men's Christian association has organised a Sun day club. Commencing on November 1 this club will meet at the association rooms every Sunday afternoon, the hours of meet ing being from 3 to S o'clock. The inten tion of the secretary Is to make a rad.cal change In the style of the usual Sunday afternoon meetings. He haa In view a pro gram which will cover the winter montha and hopea by thla atep to interest the mem bers In attending the club Sunday after noons. Soaping; Wlndowa. Saturday afternoon Acting Chief Ela- felder of the police department Issued or ders to the men under him to arrest all boys caught soaping the wlndowa of busi ness places. About once a year boys take it into their heada that It la smart to ob tain a bar of aoap and mark up wlndowa The acting chief aaya that thla practice must be stopped and that all youngsters found violating his order will be arrested and prosecuted under the nuisance ordl nance. Eismlsstlos of Taggers. An examination for the promotion of tag gers to the position of stock examiners waa held thla week at the bureau of animal Industry. John Mcfcann, Tom Leddy, George Schroder Alonso Helvey and Reuben Forbes took the examination. They were examined by Colonel 8. R. Burch. chief clerk In the Department of Agriculture, and Dr. Hickman of the same department Dr. Cooper, an Inspector, received a promotion in the nature of an Increased salary and Chief Inspector Ayer has also had $200 per annum added o his Income. Meeting; of Congregation. Monday evening there la to be a meeting of the congregation of the First Presby terian church for the purpose of consider ing a number of questions of Importance. One of the questions Is whether the church shall expend $2,200 for a basement addition and fixtures where the church now stands or whether the church shall be moved to aome other site. Every member of the church and congregation la invited to at tend thla meeting. No Tronhle Here. Stephen Vail, second vice president of the Packing Trades council, said last night that the aausagemakers In South Omaha, had not made a demand for a change In the present scale of wages. He stated that all he knew about the strike of sausagemakers In Chicago was what he had read In the newspapers. The trouble there. Mr. Vail said, was over the arrangement of the re vised scale. It la expected that the local labor unlona here wiy receive advices from Chicago today In regard to the atrlka there. Magle City Gossip. Mrs. P. J. Farrell Is vlsltlns- friends at Kirk wood. 111. The women of the Methodist church am planning a rummage sale. Miss Hoe A Meettar haa anna n V.h.wV. Neb., to live with relatives. Miss Mabel Jackson has returned from six weeks' vacation spent at Sao City. Ia. uioie classes at the local Toung Men's Christian association will be organised this WW. A son was born veaterriav tA Jur mmA Mrs. David Wailing. Twenty-ela-hth and R streets. Fred Parks haa returned from Sioux City, whr he waa called by the illness of his uiomer. Bernard, the youns? eon of Mr. mnl xtrm C. K. gcarr, has about recovered from a severe limes a. L. B. Patterson, general manager of the owiu piani nere, nua returned irom a busi ness inp 10 cnicago. Byron Smllev. son of Mr. anrl Mr. 3 n Smiley. Is at Fort Riley. Kan., witnessing the military maneuvers. The registrations for the Toun rn'. Christian association night school are 20 per cent targwr inun las l year. M. W. Btroter and wife of York in In the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George aitui iua, wao nut iu Auieiecum SLreei Five aoVernment taaaera at tha muiriii. houses here are taking the examination for stock examiners at the poatoffloe build ing. George C. Wallace of Omaha will deliver an address to men at the Young Men's nriauan aaauoiauun rooms mis alter noon. The Magto City circle of the Kings Daughters will give a tea at the residence oi Airs, ueorge ti. nrewer rnursday after noon. Members of the Tribe of Ben-Hur will be entertained on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. dwurd Pierce, Fifteenth and MiHaoun avenue. The Women's Missionary society of the f irst rresoytenan cnurcii will meet with Mrs. C. F. Oliver. Twenty-third and J streets, on i nursaay ariernon. OMAHA SUBURBS. Floreaee. Mr. Charles McDermot of Omaha was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Buttle bunday eveuing. Charles J. Kelrle sold hla residence on State street this week to Mr. and Mra David V. bn pley. Mrs. Surah H Tracy, mother of the oast- master. Miss Prudence Tracy, hus ueen quits 111 the past welt. Miss Mettat Fouke returned home Saiur. day from Nurfulk Neb., whore aha had spent a week vuitlng relatives. Mrs. G. T. Ritchie and sister, Miss Ship ley, visited tneir parent, nr. ana Mra Lafe bhipley, bear Calhoun Sunday. Mrs. H. Hughes and daughter Millie of Omaha vial tea her parents, Mr. and Mra J. W. Day, a couple oi oaya in Is week. Miss Gertie and Hattie Weber ot Wayne. Neb., are here for a few days, v s tL.g inelr grandparents, Mr. ana aira vveuer. The new rectory for St. Marks' church la already under headway, with Dr. amltn In charge, lie hopes to have It comp.eied ui a mouth. i Mra. Voee, aa old resident of thla place, died Tuesday night et the home of her daughter in Omsha. She had been seri ously 111 but a few days. T. H. DeLand of Perry, la, spent a couple of days here thla week visiting his mother, Mrs. Ellen Demand. He returned home Thursday afternoon. Hubert Uuy soid his ieldenee on Fifth street during the week and had a gate of his peroimi prop,ry tiaturay. tie Will leave lor California In the near future. Mrs. Frank Koupe, ht-r uaunier MiK.red anu her mother, Mrs. MC.niota, all oi bnoiiuan, wyo., Spent me Uuer pan vt the week here, the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wail. M. C. Hamilton and brother Charle, as sisted by iheir crvw, biougui a ,aige rait or iogs down tne rivvr tiutn abo.a Cal houn this week, ai living at loeir m.11 without any m. snaps. Mr. and Mrs. U. Deyo, living three ml.es north oi tuwu, eutei mined ai ulnner o jii day in bonur of air. if yo s birtiiuay. bev el al ot iheir li'.ends tioiu Oiuu.ua and in their near vlciiniy were preweut. A. F. Close returned Fiiuay aitemoon I rum the session ut Hie grand lodge ot Independent Older of Uud 'c.lows t Lin coln, li weiu irom tnis piaee as grand repiesenlailve ot Junamun Kugo iso. 2o. Theraas Kl.chle returned Tb-na-ay Hum a two uionuis sujuui n on (he i acme cuas.. He attended tho uld so.d.e.s' ruu.-ln at ban Frunciaco and alter tne adjournment ot that bwdy he visited fi lends in t oi'iiand and ancuuver. W. A. Cruoksiiank, for several years fore man at oma..a tur the water Cumuttn , has been tranaierred to Florence anu put in charge pt the reservoirs at ihis po.iu. He secuied' the neceosaiy appuiiuiiieni from tne city council Mum. ay iilgiii as a special otricer and now Wears a puliceman a star. Mrs. Cyntha Brewer went to Lincoln Tuesday evening and attended tha g.and lodge session ot the Independent urder ot Oou Fellows, which mei there tnls week. Blie went irom here as grand representa tive to the Kebekah assembly Irom Kose Kebekah lodge iNu. Mat ot this place, bne returned to her home Thursday atternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bare us have severed their connection with the omana-F.orente sanitarium at this place. Mr. Barcua will go to Battle Creek, Mich., where he will take up the kamt work in the sanitarium there. Mrs. Ha reus will spend the winter with her father and elsier, who live near Little tiloux, la. Mrs. barcus' health is n it very good and a rest tuis w.nter will probably be of benefit to her. Martin 1mm of the Florence Lumber and Coal company was quite seriously injured Monday evening. Whlia paslng between two piles ot lumber in the yard one of them fell, catching him between tnem, but on account ot being a large, strong fellow he held It off until help arrived. One of his limbs below the knee was very badly bruised, but It Is not thought that any of the bones were fractured. He has been confined to hia room since the acci dent. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ritchie had the misfortune of being thrown down an em bankment on the belt line west of the Union Pacifio bakery. Omaha, Tuenday evening. 'Ihey were waiting for a train to pass and their team became frightened and backed off, overturning the camngs, but Mr. Ritchie held to the team, otherwise they might have been seriously Injured. They had to procure another carriage to get home, as theirs was damaged so It could not be used. . Mrs. Ritchie has sev eral bruises, but is able to be out, while Mr. Ritchie is confined at home, as his back waa wrenched. Florence Is now going to have electric lights. The ordinance and contracts were passed at the regular council meeting Monday night, all. four councllmen voting for ordinance, contracts and franchise. The contract with the company Is for five years and the franchise for twenty-five years. The city will have four or five arc lights at present and twenty Incandescents. Tne meter system will be installed for the pres ent, but the city has the tight at any fu ture time within the five years to change to a flat rate. The service will be from dark unUl 12:30 for the present. , , Benson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roslnbaum of Omaha spent a day of the past week visiting with friends in this place. The young people of the Sunday school will give a dollar and box social at the Benson town hall on Friday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Crews entertained during the week some of their old-time friends wno were traveling to their home in Cali fornia. No eveninar services wm YieM f ih. Methodist church last Sunday on account ui me incomplete, condition of the new furnace. , ... . Mr. and Mm fills anil AumrVit,. f Call. foriila, who have been the guests of Mrs. Otis' sister, Mrs. Dr. McCoy, left last Tues- unjr eveuing.. . v. - ' The young women of the church win serve lunches all day election day at the fire house, giving the proceeds to the ex pense of the new furnace. Service will be held tnrla v at tha Math. OdlBt EDiaconal rhurr-h at in-Vk m unH 7:3(1 n m Kn.nrlli Iouot.o C 1(1 n . Sunday school at noon; Junior league at p. IU, . - This evenlna tha nnnrf.rlv rtnfinn, service will be conducted by the presiding elder. Rev. Mr. Jennings of Omaha. To morrow evening the regular conference meeting win Do neid at tne church. Mrs. McOlllre Of this nlnca. in rnmnanv with Mrs., Cook, was In a runaway last Wednesday while driving home from Omaha. They were thrown from the buggy, but while badly frightened, received no injuries. . , Valentin Rlnlorh nf this nlnra mnA Xftmm Rosa Hohendorf of Omaha were married last Tuesday morning at St. Joseph's church, Omaha, After the wedding a large reception waa given to the friends at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and ii i . xiunenuorx. The Ladies' Aid anrlatv hM Ita inii,. business meeting . last Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. T. J. Hull. Important business was transacted and the officers were elected for the year as fol lows: President. Mra. J A. Mnrnn n. elected; vice president, Mrs. T. J. Hull; secretary. Mrs. Harvey J. Grove; treas urer, Mrs. William Johnson, re-elected, and Mra E. J. Crews, president of the sick committee. The next meeting will be held Intwo weeks, when a lunch will be served. Dundee, Mrs. D. Ti Johnson left Saturday for a few days' visit to St. Paul, Neb. Miss Carrie Baldwin of Keokuk. Ta la the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. L. Selby, The Dundee Woman's club met Wednes day at the home of Mrs. J. 8. Pyke. The One day brought out a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Balrd have been enter taining a number of out-of-town friends, among them Mr. F. A. Boyer of Spokane. Miss Rich of WllllamsDort. Pa., who ia stopping at the Her Grand, was the guest during the week of Miss Louise Van Qieson. Mrs. W. R. lyltrhton and Miss Marsraret Barr were among the guests at a house party recently given by Mrs. John' Chalfant of Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Swan, who were on a ranch all summer, are again occupying their house at the corner of Forty-ninth and Chicago street. Mr. R. C. Peters has been filling In and cultivating his lots at Forty-ninth and Cass streets, preparatory to planting fruit trees and building later on. Friday afternoon at the ' home of Mrs. W. 8. Curtis the following women enter tained the members of the First BaDtist church:. Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. W. B. Howard. Mrs. A. M. Smith and Mrs. J. D. Daniels. West A sub ler. Mrs. J. T. Cants Is still under the doctor's care, but Is slowly Improving. George Winn. J. H. Cants and other young men have formed a dancing class. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aughe have gone to Wlsner, Neb., for a mouth's visit among relatives and old friends. Mrs. John T. Gams had for her guest last Wednesday Mrs. Itoss Dean and daughter. Mra. Clifford Stelner of North Omaha. Mra Glenn Mcllvalne and her mother, Mrs. Mcllvalne, were visitors at Henson thla Week at the home of Mrs. Fred Hawk Ins. The reception given last Saturday even ing at the Southwest church in honor of the new pastor, Rev. R. E. Howard, was one of the largest events of the season. The church waa beautifully decorated with palms ana ferns, itefreehments we e served by the young wornm of the Kp worth leigue. Coald Rat Sleep for Coeghlag. "In the winter of 1908 I contracted a se vere cold and it resulted in pneumonia." says Mr. Bert Hatch of South Dayton. N. T "For five days and nights I could not sleep, was constantly coughing. Mr. J. J. Rundell, knowing of my illness, sent me a bottle of Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy, and In a ahort time It gave me relief, ao that I could aleep, and two bottles of the remedy cured ma I had taken five dif ferent remedies, but could get no relief until I began ualng Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy. Too much can not be aald for such a medicine." When a druggist takes the liberty of sending a medicine to a friend you may know that the remedy sent Is a good one. R. V. COLE. w U. MCKAY. Cola-McKay company, undertakers and embalnaM-a, J&L7 Capitol eve. Tel, 54, ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM The union meeting of the Modern Wood men of America arranged by the promotion committee at the hall of Camp No. 1096 at South Omaha, Thursday evening last, was largely attended and full of Interest. Refreshmenta were served and a most en tertaining program waa provided and car ried out. Representatlvee were preaent from almost every lodge In Omaha and South Omaha, with a number from Coun cil Bluffs and adjacent Nebraska towns. Lily camp No. 1, Royal Neighbors of America, of Council Bluffs, gave a fare well social to Miss Nellie Plnkney. Tues day evening. Thlrty-flve Neighbors were present Progressive high five and other games diversified the program. Miss Plnkney waa presented with a Royal Neigh bora of America pin. She will make Den ver her home for the future. Lillian temple, Rathbone Sisters, will give a dancing party In Myrtle hall to morrow evening. A very pleaaant time la promised. At the meeting of Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 1 Saturday, October 17, Miss Minnie Helmrod waa elected district deputy presi dent for the ensuing year. Tuesday evening the various lodges of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Degree of Honor of thla city will hold a celebration at the temple In honor of tho founding of the order thirty-five years ago. A pioneer order In the fra ternal beneficiary cause. Its growth has been phenomenal, both In rapidity and sta bility. In this city and state the last six years haa been marked by a growth ot nearly 100 per cent. The program for Tueaday evening la un der the ausplcea of the Ancient Order of United Workmen central committee and will Include appropriate music, both vocal and Instrumental, an addresa by aome prominent member of the Degree of Honor, also addresses by Grand Master Workman Jaskalek, Lyman Searl and Nelson C. Pratt. E. Jensen, the chairman of tha central committee, will prealde. Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish clans, held Its regular meeting In Conti nental block last Tueaday evening. After the formal business waa disposed of the evening was given over to social diversions. Much satisfaction was expressed over the published account of the commission which cleared the late Sir Hector MacDanold of any crime. Clansmen Andrew Gray and Thomas Whyte, both at one time British soldiers, spoke upon the subject. Clans men R. G. Watson, Jamea Cook and An drew Gray added to the Interest of the eveuing by giving aeveral songs. Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, la contemplating a grand time at the banquet to be given by the clan on the evening of November 30. Preparations, for the event have already begun, and there la every promise of Its being a grand suc cess. Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 1, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, will give a social entertainment at Independent Order of Odd Fellow'a temple, corner Four teenth and Dodg streets, Saturday even- I Ing, October 31. A very pleasing program baa been arranged for. Nebraska Maaona have been signally hon ored at the recent meeting of tho supreme council. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons, for the Southern jurisdiction. The following Knights Commander of the Court of Honor from Nebraska were elected to take the honorary '- thirty-third degree: .Victor White, Omaha; Charles B. Finch. Kearney; Orvllie M. Stonebraker, and Charles Traphagen, Lincoln. Seven Nebraakana were elected knights com mander of the court of honor. They are W. 8. Summers, Omaha; William T. Bourk, Robert W. Dyball, Omaha; Dr. Carroll D. Evana, Columbua; Dr. Frank. C. Babcock, Hastings; Colonel John H. McClay, Lin coln; Judge Samuel P. Davidson of Tecum sen. Omaha lodge No. t Bankers Union of the World, held its first regular meeting fol lowing the summer vacation In Washing- ton hall on Monday evening. P. Beaen, delegate to the recent atate convention of the order, submitted hla report, which was given a vote of thanks By. the lodge, fol lowed by Interesting and Instructive speeches from aupreme and grand lodge officers present. Ice cream, cake, coffee and sandwiches . were served and dancing Indulged In, all much to the enjoyment of the large number of membera preaent. Omaha tent No. 75 of the Knights of the Maccabees' met In regular - review on last Thursday evening, with over 100 air knights present. Six candidates were Initiated Into membership and eight applications were balloted upon and the applicants elected Into membership. The degree team was at Its best and surprised everybody by its perfect work. The tent decided to recom mend Sir Knight Dr. Hutchinson as deputy for this district. The degree team of Hooper, Neb., Issued a challenge to tho team of Omaha tent, which was promptly accepted, and the two teams will contest at Fremont on next Saturday evening for the championship of the state of Nebraska. Division No. 10 of the uniform rank of Iowa visited the tent. The entire division was preaent In full uniform and gave a ahort drill, which waa pleasing to all air knights present. Under the good of the order cigars were passed and short addresses were made by the visiting and newly made sir knights. Beats All ais Rivala. No salve, lotion, balm or oil can compare With Buckleu's Arnica Balve for healing. It kills pain. Cures or no pay. too. fee sale by Kuhn & Co. GIANT THAT FEEDS A MILLION 17, S. Steel Corporatfoa Paya Dlvtdenda ta 69,1)68 and Wages ta 28,000 Families. The United States Steel corporation Is not only the greatest corporation In the world In point of capital, but also In the number of stockholders. AH over this country. In Canada, in England and on the continent boldera of steel stocks are to be found. The common stock books have Juat cloaed for the usual quarterly dividend, and It has been found that since June 6,010 persons have bought the common stock. Thla makes a total ot SK.997 common atockholdera. and is an Increase of sixty-seven new holders for each day of the three months, counting Sundays. There are S4.968 preferred share hollers, which makes a total of 68 366 regis tered, tha largeat number In the world. To thla there ahould alao be added the holdings of the 28,000 employes of the corporation who are enrolled under the profit-sharing plan, making a grand total of 97.K3 ehare holdera. - Cenaua statisticians allow five persona to a family In the United States. On thla basla something like SM 000 persona derive Income from steel stocks. Aa the number of employee la approximately lGo.OOO. some SO0.0O0 more persons get from the great cor poration a livelihood through the wages 11 paya This makes 1.150.000. or one-eightieth of the population of the United Btatea who look to the Steel corporation for a living. To this number might well be added the shareholders and employee of many of tha great railroads and transportation ' ill THIS ItfeLIAUI.K tlOHU. Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. GREAT SALE Tho largest and most evea shown. Hart Schiffncrl V Marx Hand Tailored bj. I ,e.fJ,V-v ",jv. ir ii i i1 , ia f'jj.'. """r .i -- - -ir ..Low Rate.. IIIIESEEKERS'EXCURSIONS Tuesdays, VIA TUG fc'AJW 'eta? 5t$. To Certain Points In the WEST AND SOUTHWEST AT ONE FARE FOR tJound trip Final Limit of Tickets, 21 Days. Btopovers will be allowed within transit limit of 15 days going after reaching first homeseekers' point en-rout, route. FOR FURTITER INFORMATION or land pamphlets, folders, maps, etc., address any agent of the company, or T. F. GODFREY, Pgaaenrcr nd Ticket Agent, TOT1 HUGHES, Travel- lag PagMOger Agent, OflAHA, NEB. H. C T0WN5END, Genyrnl Passenger gad Ticket Agent, St Loulfl, flo. A well heated office for $10.00 per month Before the cold weather seta In, It anight be well for yea to atop to think whether you are apt to freeze to death In your offloe thla winter.. There's no use staying In a oold offloe all winter. THE BEE BUILDING If you ask one of Its tenants you will find Ifa always corn fore able, no matter how cold the weather. You would better move before It'a cold. There are three pleaaant small rooms at tle.09 per month one or twe largar roomc at reasonable prices. R. C. PETERS & RENTAL AGENTS panlea which handle the Immense traffic of the company at Pittsburg and elsewhere. Certainly much of ' the ' revenue of these companies la derived from the operation of the big corporation, and this means wages and dividends fur hundreds of thousands more people. The corporations which approach tne Steel corporation in magnitude of stock lists are the Pennsylvania railroad, with 16,000 shareholders.; the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe. with 18.000; the American Sugar Refining company, with 15.000, and the Union Pacific railroad, with HOOO stock holders. The greatest of these, the Penn- sylvarla railroad, has omy half aa ninny registered holders. In Canada the Grand Trunk railway Is "eld to have 40.000 share holders. New York Bun. Hoaaeeeckere' Kiearsloas. On Tuesdays, November t and IT, the Missouri Pacific railway wilt sell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kan saa, Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri. Texas, ete. Stopovers allowed on the going jour ney, limit of tickets la twenty-one days. For further Information call on any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass. in4 Ticket Agent, U. K. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets, Omaha. Neb. Wonderful . CoiiDon Sale OF OVERCOATS complete lino wo havo For J10.00 we can show you the br-st t.11 wool Kersey overcoats ever manufactured for the price. These overcoats will not only wear and give satisfaction, but we also guarantee them to be fast colors and re tain their shape these coata are made up of very fine all wool Kersey cloth and come In black and blue snade up with black mohair alcove lining, kersey facing to the armholcs, and have a very fine Italian quilted body lining, and are all hand tailored throughout None worth less than 115 our special In fin price for Monday only lU'UU For C!.B0 and J15.09 we have over differ ent patterns. In ail the latent and most up-to-date styles to select from. In cassl meres, frleses, cheviots, fancy cheviots and vicunas. In oxford grays, brown mix tures, fancy mixtures, plaid and stripes and plain colors, made in medium and long length, all with hand-made button holes, concave shoulders and have close fitting collars, tailored equal to any $25.00 t3 135.00 made-to-order garments. Our special price for Monday If? It J12.W) snd .I l&iUU ltoya OVERCOATS AND REEFERS. Boys overcoats In all the latest styles and fabrics. In medium and long lengths, In plain blacks, oxford gray, brown mix tures, gray mixtures, plaids, pin checks nnd plnln colors, at tt.76, KtO, 1 tf 5.00. $7.60 and up to........7T. I-UU Boys' reefers. In ages from 4 to M years. In Irish fries, vicunas and chlnchlm,s, all made with high Storm collars and Knee length at ll.od. $2.60. $2.93 and 3.50 October 20th 1000 November id and 17th. IIJUj ..AND.. . IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. CO. GROUND FLOOR BE-E BUILDING GOT KIDNEY TROUBLE? WANT TO CUT RID OF ITT filD YOU If NOW WK 'JL'AHANTKli CHAMKKH XII'NKY AND UVKK i'1'RE TO LKK i KIDNEY 'I'HOL'Ul K? WKI.I-. 'VK DO! KOU TAKE NO rt 'K ON l.T TA S. ri 1 M r, MEDICINW I.IKE TUB I.AHEL DIRECT H. Wa kU the iuc sits for 40u and the $1 00 Mze for TSc. Mall orders filled for everything In the drug, ;-atent me :ici.'ie. rubber god surgical Instrument. Mrrilv liquor, toilet or sundry e t tH T fUICEB. 11.00 Feruna l. "0 Vlerce'a Medl'-lnee ffTc aso 24 J Si !!c 39c J0! lfte tl 00 Temptation Tonic 26c genuine Castorla .................. 25c laxative Bromo-Qulnlne tfc Quiuacetol guarnnteea noun's Kidney Pills too Cutkura Silve ftc Carter s Little uver rnua (jw. futurrh Ue-n" Kiiarantead .... SIX- 12 Chester s genuine rtn"rnrm t'llis..i "i tl 00 OVrman Klmmell Bitters T5o IajWNEY'S Cv""'a O'BRIEN'S CHOCOLATES. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PIICI DKIXI STURK E. T. TATA. Proprietor. Two Pkeaea T4T aad TT, 10th aad Ceteage Streeie, Oasaka. Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. Be Bid . Room 7. Telephone- 701 Wese etery Clarh, ltdwlg Scalier,