Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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National iisoclitlom of Base Ball Clubs
Conclude, 8tora7 Meeting.
American and eastern cause trouble
WalU O.t of Mretlag WMi Thy
Cuaot Have Tfcelr Way,
Ftaally -ocll Cease
Back aad B Goad.
not a brilliant exhibition of foot ball. Both
mnm marie mlarMlia fitmhlfR njid the
K unmans lacked team work at critical pe
Moamaatk Parka Wla Aaala.
The Monmouth Turks adle1 snnther vic
tory to their yet unbroken string hy defeat
ing the Columtrias to 0. in ine iwnna
Bt- LOUIS, Oct. U. (Special Telegram.)
The National Association of Bass Ball
club concluded ths third annual meeting
today after one of the stormiest sessions
ever held by that body. At the very out
et It was plain to be seen that the Amer
lean association and Eastern league were
trying to run everything to suit themselves
and when they failed arose to a man and
walked out. A committee was appointed to
wait on them and after two dsys of hard
labor an agreement was reached which the
association modified somewhat which was
agreebale to all and everything Is In bar
tnony agsln.
Twenty-one leagues with 100 delegatei
were present and when the trlrky work of
Watkins and Stalling began to show Its
scheme' of making their pet leagues
major organisation with all the privileges
and concessions no wonder they were bit
terly opposed by the remaining delegates,
for the very life and foundation of the na
tlotial association Is founded on lndepnd
nee and protection for all Its members
and not a chosen few.
The American association and the West
ern league representatives held a joint
conference, thereby settling the conflict at
Kansas City snd Milwaukee. Had eot the
motion of Thursday night been voted down
the two clubs of the Western league would
have In the future been In the American
The terms of settlement between the two
leagues have not been divulged as yet.
As, (matters stood last-night and up until
almost night today the Eastern league
and American association were strongly
etupon bolting. These two organisations
objected strongly to Indorsing the national
agreement stating that the draft conditions
and purchase prices were not at all to
their minds. The lesser organisation wanted
the agreement adopted and the fight went
kin- Had not the Eastern and American
returned to the field today there would no
doubt have been a big muss In the base
ball world.
w imam Phyle, who made sensational
charge! of crookedness In the Southern
league, failed to make an appearance and
me opinion of the delegates Is that
Biirys" talk Is mere Idle mouthlngs.
However, he wss asked to appear and tes
xiry and hts failure to do so probably
means that he will be dismissed from the
diamond for life.
hTe meeting was the largest In the his
tory of baseball.
vanls of the Co umli a i gosl. nut renesiea
Injuries to the Parks prevented them get
ting the ball over, uno-up:
AhlqulM lILt Filmnw
Ural UT iJmry
niMimin i. k i. a '-vwriy
H.tHaw. C C "
rttrw K , H U nonis
F.1w.rd. R T It T
l)lr.r RF.iRE -.... UMIS
Hall liHiQH KODlnwa
ttlTw L H H L H B wall
H. Orommas R H R H B
Kcntt rB:ri Mj
I'mnlre: Iniram. Referee: revlon.
TimekeeDors: Cullen and Gross. Lintmen;
Howard snd Johnson.
Leirei with family end BgfI , in
Private Car for Boston.
alf all the playing was done within twenty I .... CTR1
snls of the Columbia s goal, but repeated I HE HAY SAIL tUH AUdlHAUA
Annual Fall Toorney Becomes More
latereatlasT as It Approaches
tke rialak.
Refaaea Re interviewed aad Oaarda
All of Ills Movements la tke
Matter wltk Greatest
et Secrecy.
NEW YORK, Oct. !4.-The Times Is au
thority for the statement that, guarding
his movements with all possible secrecy
John Alexander Dowle. "Elijah the rie-
former," left New Tork at midnight for
Boston, carrying all his family ana Dag
rsjre with him In bis private car.
He absolutely declined to Indicate in any
way when he will return to this city, and
the information obtained was that ne in
tends to sail with hla family for Australia.
It was Impossible to ascertain last night
rolf chamnlonshin at the Field club reached
the seml-nnais yesterday afternoon, ine
third round of the contest has resulted si
C. K. Bone. 1 no on 22 holes, against J.
B. Keynoifis.
H. lawrln. 1 un on E. H. Rnrngua.
H. H. Morrill. up and 6, against John
j. h. ftanm, z up ana i, against w . u.
In defeating Bprague the fore part or the
week, l.awrte made an hi, coming In In I
40, which is remarkably good golf. The
match yesterday afternoon between Hone
and Reynolds wns an equnlly Interesting
contest and twenty-two notes were neces
sity to arrive at a victory for Bone. Play-
Inc to the seventeenth hole yesterday alter.
noon. Bancker was one down to Rnhm.
On this hole Bancker lost bis ball and that
left him two down and one to piay.
Throughout this match was hotly con
Interest In the fall tourney Increases ns
the affair nears an end. The setnl-Hnals
will be contested this week and then it
will be up to the two victors to contest
the finals. While the winner of the cham
DlonshlD Is lnrlv a matter of uncertainty
and guexs work, owing to the fact that at
least tnree or tne players remaining in
this event are evenly matched, and tne
'effnrt to name the nrnbabla winner can not
be made with any degree or ceruiuue or
The annual fall tourney to decide the whether any provision had been made for
the members of the Zlon restoration nosi
now at Madison Square Garden, either for
their return to Zlon City or for their main
tenance while here. Upon arriving at the
station Dowle and' his family made for the
private car which was In the yards, but be
fore reaching It he waa approached by a
press representative and asked when he
would return to New York.
'Peace be to thee," was his only reply.
'1 understand that, but when are you
coming back?" waa urged.
'Get out of the road." yelled the son as
he hurried his father Into the car, qulckjy
followed by Mrs. Dowle.
As soon as Dowle and his family were In
the car the curtains were pulled down and
every attempt made to prevent disturbance
or Interference.- There wss no demonstra
tion of any sort about the station and the
only persona gathered outside of the few
members of the host were travelers who
were waiting for trains and who showed a
lively Interest in the affair.
Relakart Carries Off Iadivldaal
Heaera of latereolleglate Golf
' Aaeectatloa Tonraaroeat.
w ikh utiesii iae acotekaae
r Dealslve Seere OB tBC;
' Former's Greaada.
Bellevue collea-e team defeated tha n
flee foot ball eleven at Bellevue yesterday
fcy the decisive score of 70 to 0.
Dundee won the toss and Buttler kicked
Tiercel v toward RAiUviiA'a vru i vAnun
ft the ball for Bellevue, but was downed
by Btoetiel at the end of a 10-yard return.
Moore then sprung one of hla end sprints
visitors, malting the first goal of the
game' In less than one minute from the
time of calling. Moore failed to kick goal.
In j.he next line buck - Fretl ptanged
through between Bellevue'a guard and
!c".'. caught Moore five yards behind
the line. For five minutes Dundee held well,
v then Moore msde another end run, placing
the oval on Dundee 10-yard line. Mur
tough carried it over, after which Moore
kicked a very difficult goal Bellevue tried
another place hick from field. Moore mak
ing forty-live yards and Sloan beating the
visitors to the ball. Bhellldy made a 2R
yard touchdown, but wss penalised for run
ning off the field. In the next line buck,
ho waver, Cooper carried It across again:
Moore made goal.
From then Dundee lost heart and Moore,
Bloan, Throw. Pape, Throw, Moore, Throw,
In the order given made easy touchdowns.
While Moore failed but once to kick goal.
Dowle Denies the Story,
BOSTON, Oct. 24. Dowle was seen later
and denied absolutely that he Is to sail for
Australia with hla wife and eon. He said
he would return to New .York at 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
John Alexender Dowle, hla wife and eon
arrived here early in the private car
Colanthe. The doors were locked and the
curtains pulled down when the car arrived
GARDEN CITY. Oct. 24. Princeton sun- and all attempts to gain admission were
planted Harvard as the holder of the Indl- blocked by attaches of the car, who said
vtdual championship honor of the Intercol-I nu , ,..., -,r.1i tn
leglate Oolf association when Frank O. Mr- Dowle positively refused to see
Kelnbart defeated W. t. cnicK Dy o up ana anyone, itaiiroaa uniLima vv wm
I to play In the final round of the tourna- colanthe Is scheduled to return to New
ment over tne uaraen ity nnn iouy. i . .. mnmrnn
honor nlaeea in nrevious Intercollegiate About t o'clock Mr. Dowle. accompanied
championships, although both have been I his wife and eon, appeared on the plat-
S'."" IHw' that he had come to
morning at the end of eighteen holes gave 1 Boston with Mrs. Dowle and hla son to eee
him a decided advantage as he finished 4 I them safely on board the essel for Eng-
up on his opponent, DUt tne lauer neia run i . , Anatralla. He aald
own during the afternoon round and fought ni on their way to Australia.
every Inch or tne wsy out ana in. i ne inienaea id kwi w .-.-w v.
Ist yer Harvard won the team cham- goon a, jhey sailed.
pionsnip anq inaiviauai . tnrap'"n'P: At this noint ha waa told of a renort that
H. Chandler Egan. who was defeated j he Intended to sail with his wife, aban
yeaterday by his clubmste. Chick, so that Zoning his New York crusade". Dowle de-
?aVTd and"rprlnceVon. the former "having bled the truth of the report. He said that
h. team rhainnionablo. via absolutely false, that he had no Inten-
Following are the cards In the final round I tjon ot sailing for England and that be
or tne v.m...p.u...u.i. shold return to take up his work In New
Rein hart, out 4 6 1 4 4 1 5 4 443 I ,
Chick out 4 6 6 i 8 4 a I lora, siaruna una anciuuvu. .
Relnhart. In ....4 8 4 5 4 6 6 1. a- 3
ohik in . S a fi g 4 S 4 6 J 41 88
Chick, out.'" .. :'.:'.-.4 1 I I I I SUM Deputy Bharl Wallace today received in a a a e s a w 10 i an auaenmem .or i,wv mhdi u v k
Chick, In .4 MM B-30 76 erty of John Alexander Dowle In favor of
Bye holes were not piayea. Robert E. Farley of White Plains. N. T.
XTr Farlev la an attorney at Wklta Plains
POSTMASTERS IN CONVENTION and the attachment la said to be for. legal
services rendered in tne case 01 j. turner
CaaajBsT . Gatberlag at Ltaeola Will
L4ke1y Draw Maay ot Them
Threw ....
lidmh ...
A. Ceoaar.
Sluan .....
Shatlldy ..
Moor .....
MvrtMfb .
Bnaoa ...
tMltf ..
,.R SIR ....
R H Dig H B....
i H B L H B....
r u,y a
Q aiQ b
... Stelulutt
..... Hughua
... Dntinoiy
Plerson, a former Zionist, who was ar
rested for allowing his daughter to die of
catarrhal pneumonia without a doctor's
When he was arrested, Mr. Farley lays,
Nebraska postmasters meet In convention I he waa retained by Dowle to defend the
Taesday, October. 27, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at man. The man was . oon vlcted and fined.
the United Btatee court room In Lincoln. The case was then taken to the appellate
As there are nearly 1,100 postofflcea In the division, where the conviction was reversed.
state, and many postmasters and postmls- I Later the court of appeals sustained the
tresses have already signified their Inten- I conviction and Pierson paid a fine of 1500
tlons to be present, this meeting promises to District Attorney Youngs In White
to be of unusual Interest. It Is the first Plains, through Mr. Farley.
convention ot the kind ever held In this
State, and the discussion of matters per
taining to the service at this time promises
to be of great Interest Complete arrange
ments for the convention have been made
by Postmaster Blser. Round' trip rates, ot
Hlgklaad Park Defeata tke Oaaaka
Collegia fcy teore of Forty
L" ' Kotkla.
DF.fl MOINES, la.. Oct. 24 iRniw.1.1 ti-
f gram.)- Highland Park foot ball team de
f Tested Creighton college today tha score of
, ! . 1 enia were In fairly good con
dition, but the visitors were handicapped
by failure ot two men to catch the train.
Tine stars for the visitors were R. Coad,.
v.ainn inn weicn. ai ine end of the first
bait .Highland Park had 11. having kicked
ironi nein ana secured a touch'
down. All the Points were made bv ran.
tain Hartmen. Durliaar iha nm hnie h.
boys from Umiht played a good game, fre
ouently causing the locale to punt and they
frequently carrlod the ball three to Ave
yards through tha tine. During the second
half the Highlanders played all around
their ODDonente. Five (ourhifuam
made In the second half and for four' of
them goal waa klvked. The game whs free
from roughness and played to a good
lalvarslty at Mleklaaa Wlas.
ANN ARBOR, Oct. 84 The University of
Michigan defeated Drake of Iowa at foot
ball here this afternoon 47 to 0. Drake held
Mlchlaan down well In tha ftrat half tha
latter team being able to score but three
touchdowna In the last half the game was
potable for a I moot perfect team work on
the part of Michigan, which at no time
was in any great danger.
Iadlaas Take geajys.
LAWRENCE. Kan., Oct. 4.-The Haskell
Indians defeated the Kmui ITniwraitv
eleven on McCook field today by the score
f 12 to 4. It was a fierce battle, though
Humphreys SpeoJflo "Seventy-seven"
cure Coughs, Colds. Grip. Influenaa, Ca
tarrh, Pains and Borenee in the head and
chest. Hoarseness and Bore Throat.
The alteration of Humphrey' No. 1, for
Fevera, quickens the acUon of "77."
Humphreys' 'No. 10. for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion, sweetens the stomach a great
help In time of Col da.
Humphreys' Na IS cleanses the system
or l ric Aria, rendering the Rheumatic lm
ne can brave exposure and cold.
la small bottles of pleasant pe'.lets that
nt tne vest pocket.
At Druggists. It cenu, or mailed.
Humphreys' Med. Co.. Cor. William and
J waa aueata, New Tors.
(Continued from Eighth Page.)
o fare and a third have been secured over with her clothes aflame. She was so badly
all railroads and hotel ratea of 12 a day at I burned' that she soon died. It was supposed
leading hotels. Prlmlnent officials In the I to have been an accident, but later the dls-
rural free delivery service and railway mall I covery was made that her clothing waa
service will address the convention. Rep- I saturated with oil, -which led to the belief
resentatlves In congress will be present and that she might have planned to kill her
prominent men from over the state will I self. She was 70 years old.
read papers on subject of Interest to the Fdertl'o Committee Meeta.
Kahv'a TCdward Roaewater will also ad- I
dress the convention. Hannibal Allen Hop- V" ecu"v" mmiee "
rcuriaiiuii ui iauvr ntkm imu in wmhm.
kins, editor of the postmasters official or
gan, "The postmaster isverywnere., ' win
be In attendance, with headkuertera at the
here today for the purpose of considering
what Instructions shall be given the dele-
Llndell hotel. Every arrangement Is com- ate" Tto the national federation meeting
plete and an enjoyable program ha been I
arranged. Lancaster county postmasters
wilt act as a reception committee and look
after the welfare of their visiting brethren.
Faraaaa Street Btatleaarr Hoaee gold
to Kaka Brothers. Retalalag
Orlalaal Naaae.
The Megeath Stationery company, whole
sale and retail, 1308 Farnara street, has been
sold and will be transferred Monday to
Isaao and Meyer Kahn, who will conduct
the business from now on. The present
officers of the concern are B. A. Megeath,
president; J. 8. Scott, vice president and
manager, and R. M. Sutton, secretary.
Rowan 8mlth la one of the managers. Mr.
Smith will go to Franklin, Pa., where he
will be given a lucrative position with 8.
A. Megeath, who has extensive Interests
there. It was largely due to the extent of
his other business affairs that Mr. Megeath
and hi copartners decided to dispose of
their buelness In Omaha, whihe Is one of
the most prominent In Its line In this sec
tion of the country. The concern was es-
tabUshed In 186& Owing to the long era of
prosperity It haa enjoyed Kahn brothers
have decided to retain the name, Megeath
Stationery company.
Messrs. Kahn are both active, progressive
and popular business men of this city, hav
ing been formerly tn charge of the bottling
works of the Omaha Brewery association.
In which they were signally successful.
Their friends bespeak for them unstinted
prosperity In their new undertaking.
Doaglas Street Baslaese Maa
talaa serloes lajary W kilo
RaaalasT for Car.
A. Hospe, the piano and musical Instru
ment dealer at 1513 Douglas street, who
suffered the dislocation of his collorbone
and a badly broken right arm Friday by a
tail while running to catch a car at Six
teenth. and Webster streets,' la resting
easily at his home on Seventeenth street
near Chicago street. Ths Injured Urob was
set yesterday morning and Is mending
nicely. The Injury Is quite severe, but for
tunately no saiioua results are apprehended.
It waa said at the Hoepe borne last evening
that the lclured man condition. Is very
much Improved and that there Is every hepe
for lila early and complete recovery.
from Iowa relative to various matters that
are to come before that body. The ex
ecutlve committee will make Instructions
to ths delegates to oppose any movement
looking toward turning the labor movement
Into a socialistic propaganda. They will
also give some Instructions as to the atti
tude of the state federation toward the as
sociations of employers that are being
formed for the purpose ot opposing the
labor organizations.
Car of Loss Burns oa Track.
ARION. Ia., Oct. 24. (Special.) A car of
pine logs was discovered to be on fir
while passing through here on a Milwaukee
freight train this afternoon. The car waa
detached from the train and allowed to
burn Itself out. Traffic was not seriously
interfered with. The afternooh Omaha
train on the Illinois Central, whose track
adjoins the Milwaukee, was switched onto
the sidetrack. The burning logs created
an Intensely hot fire, as they were all
ablase at one time and made a pretty
sight, but as there was little wind th
spark were not carried to other property.
Boalaa Matek Postpoaed.
The match between Philadelphia -r,w
Ryan and Billy Rhodes, the local welter
weight, has been postponed until November
. Ryan is already In good condition, but
will continue his training In order to hold
his weight down. Word from Khoades Is
to the effect that he is also in good fettle
end the Omaha Athletic club la looking for.
wan, iu a auuu au wiien ineae men come
t iaaar, iWaaula,
(fv) Beit Tor
if Tha Dowel .
iritis v.X' vzzr
SterUag Beoaedy Ce,, Chicago m ICY, tea
Collect Your Stamps They're Valuable
GREEN TRADING STAMPS arc good as gold. They have cap
tured Omaha and nearly everybody is collccthip; them. IF
you nothing and they will bring you just the premJuni you want,
and never disappoint. C TC C C C -C TC ?C X
Women's New
Suits and Coats
We are pleased to be able to announce to the many ladles who are
waiting for the new Coats and Suits that were expected last Monday
that many of them are now In. rieane call and Inspect them.
An Amazing Suit Bargain
in ZIBELIXE shades
We will offer Monday Dearly 50 women's Suits
of black, Oxford, green, brown and blue CHE
VIOT 8EKGE in shades of black, brown and
navy handsome trimming Louis XIV
style perfect fitting a suit worth $17.50
Black Sateen Petticoats
Bplendld material deep ruffles shines like real satin
and wears better 1.45, 1.25
Children's and Misses' Coats
HEAVY ZIBELINE silk bands silk stitching
shoulder cupe full length shades of red, blue, green a
$0.50 coat at
CAMEL'S HAIR ZIBELINE large cape and stole bishop
sleeves, buck belt, band of satin, lots of stitching,
fancy, braid real value $7.50 Monday
Shawls Shawls
BEAVER AND CLOSE WOVEN single and double shades of gray,
brown and Scotch plaids splendid value.
Shawl good patterns worth two dollars and a half-
Sale of Oilcloth
It's the old story of the power of money. An over
stocked jobber unable to meet bis obligations. We got to
gether. Kesult: We purchased the entire stock for cash at
33 1-3 per ceut below regular prioen.
We propose that you share this great saving with us.
The stock is all of the celebrated Farr & Bailey Co., who
stand pre-eminent as makers of dependable Floor Oilcloths-
Remember these are not damaged goods, but. the very
cream of fall patterns.
This sale is most extraordinary, coming as it does at
the middle of the fall season, when the goods are most in
demand and when prices arc bound to be firm.
No. 4 Quality
This grade never sells for less than 25c
3fi iuches
54 inches
72 inches
wide ...
wide. . .
wide .... J
rer square yard .
Infants' and
Children's Wear
MOTHERS, we Invite yon to come and inspect our collection, of In
fants' and Children's Clotlilnjr-Dresses, 81ip, Skirts, Borlus, Legslni.
Infants' Smbroldered - Square Shawls, Hoods, Bonnets, 8acks, Christen
lug Robes and Cloaks. You will find the prices the very lowest and. the -work
the best. . . ' ;
No. 3 Quality ,
This grade never sells for less than 30c
20 inches
54 inches
72 inches
wide. . .
wide... VTcr s
wide....) , '
square yard .
No. 2 Quality
This grade never sells for less than 40c
wide. ... Ter square yard C
36 inches
; 54 inches
'.,72 inches
No. 1 Quality
This grade never sells for less than 45c
36 inches wide... ) TX
wide. ... Ter square yard j -M
wide....) anf-W.
54 -inches
72 iuches
A brown Silk Velvet flat, roll on each side, close fitting in
back, with long white, good grade ostrich plume, cut steel
ortiament and white satin ribbon for trimming, with white
silk grapes for applique on rim, worth f 9 Q
This hat ecrmes in all black, black and. white, brown
and white, blue and white.
Long nap Scratch Felt Hats, in white, all trimmed in fine
material, all marked to seU at ?6.50 1 ((
go at
A 6.00 Street Hat for.5 '. 2.00
?3 50 and f3.00 Street Hats at 59c
tationery and Boobs
. jn'1''SIasir" ,,:
A novelty in books drawings and
paintings combined a regular
50c book special for OQo
Monday only .-wL
The White House Cook Rook fully
illustrated contains nearly 2,000
recipes special for Q
Monday onl v . . . . : Out
Wns assortment of Invitation or Regret Psper with envelopes
to match-In white or colors-speelsl for Monday
only ,
Twenty-five extra heavy (tne Envelopes
"pedal for Manday only
Hi ,,
Fifteen hundred sheets Whits TIssus Toilet Paper special'
for uriiia gr inree p&cicagesa
. 2c
More Great
This department la easily the great
est Crockery Section to be found In the
west. It U full and running over with
bsrgsJna tn all Ideas of Crockery au-t
Next to bargains, there Is the charm
of variety.
It's a permanent exposition of the
marvelous handiwork of the potter's
Monday Offering
Johnson Brrts." English Porcelain Cups
snd Btiucers per set nOr
of six
Fancy Porcelain Covered XQc
Chambers each u'"'
Nle1y Peoorated German fOr
China Cuspidors eauh 1W
Rich ,Cut Glass
Sugars and Creams tQ
per pair O.UO
Handsome Decorated Fern iQ
, Ulh and Unlng OC
German China Decorated I Ho
Bugara and Creams per pair.."
Thin pure lead glass Table
Tumblers each
Bowla and Pitchers
large site
Ironstone China Cups and
Baucera for set of six OOC
White ttreakfast Plates- a
Plain White tireakfsat Plates 4C
Second Floor
White blanks up from 0c
Gilts with 9 and 18 inch borders, up from 6c
Embossed golds and silks up from.. ....15c
Tapestries up from 15c
A large line of room mouldings.
Art! Art! Art!
Be the art section. The newest things In the picture line are In It. The
prices make the beat of them EAtSILY YOt'RS. New Amsterdam Pictures
real works of real art burnt on leather and colored by hand the trickiest
lltthi things for dene and boudoirs-very cheap, too un from tie. PYROOjiA
PHY la running against tha Indian Bead erase In Omaha, at least. It's because
our Jlne le a great one great because of variety and great because of our as
tonishingly low prices. Get to work on some Christmas present have a Iexk
around our Pyrography Section you'll, find Inspiration here. For one duy more
we will sell our famous (3.00 out At for second floor.
Pure, freeh and delicious
Mixed Candty
per pound
Rock Candy
per pound ,
Boston Baked Beam
per pound .
Chocolate Creams
per pouud
Cinnamon Imperial
per pound
Gum Dropa
per pound
For the Thousands.
Best for the
Specials tor Monday
iVj-quart Coffee 26 C
2-iuart Coffee
3-fluart Coffee 32c
4-quart Coffee
Least Money
Boquet De Rose a, .
a bo cigar parked
twelve In a box
for .
The famous El Iferltsa
bo rlgar packed
twelve In a box
Perfects Grande a le
cigar each wrapped
in tinfoil packed 11
In a box
quart Coffee o A
rot... u4C
No. 8 Tea. fiA
Kettle ;.04IC
4-luart Lipped rreaervlug
Kettle atSe-sC
8-quart Lipped rreaen-lng ry
Kettle a-anw
Stuart Lipped Preserving rP-J
Kettle .
frqunrt Lipped Pre-enlujr O
Kettle aJIV-
1-quart Milk or Eke Afn
Boiler ' "
m-quart Milk or Bice Apm
Boiler J. C
1-qiiart Milk or Bice ' tZy
Boiler UaaC
Klk Washers,
Folding- Wash QC '
Bench ..OOC
Good Turkey
Rattan Carpet 4 i
Beater , IUC
Enamel Towel "
Back , OC