Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Helrwka 'Tanity Wini by DecitiTs Bcor
cf Thirtj-Oas to KoAin.
Carry the Ball a Tetal of S44 lards,
Walla Miaililirtri Arc Oaly
Asia ta Aavaace II a Total
, at IHrlftTt.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IISCOLN, Neb-. Oct. ri (Special Tele
gram.) The University of Ncbrasna admin
istered a decisive defeat to Colorado Unl
V amity today oti the gridiron, the Coin
huakera piling; up six touchdowns lor a
total of thirty-one points, and not per
mitting the mountaineers to even menace
the Nebraska goal. Colorado played with
(air spirit In the first half and compelled
Booth'a pupils to be content with only
two tochdowns, but the Cornhuskers swept
their opponents off their feet In the final
balf and rushed down the field almost at
Will. On their first effort to carry the ball
the w erne mere purK-d for twenty-fire
yards on auoceaslve plunges, creating- mo
mentary dismay In the Cornhusker catnp,
but thereafter the Nebraska line was Im
pregnable to attack, forcing- Colorado to
punt whenever tbejr secured possession of
the ovaL
Nebraska's form was superb at all periods
during the gams, while Colorado's was
brilliant at times, but generally ragged.
The power of the Cornhuskers' attack
mad Itself manifest as soon as the ball
was put In play. It moved fiercely and
Irresistibly, making the else of the final
core the only Issue Involved In the con
test. Captain Bender displayed rare Judg
ment in varying the Cornhuskers attack,
the tackles and ends being used frequently
and effectively to carry the ball, while
Nebraska's backs, although outmatched as
to weight, balked all attempts by Colo
ratio to prevent them from advancing to
ward the opposing goal. Fumbling marred
Nebraska's play slightly in the first half,
but only once were the Coloradoana able
ta bold Nebraska for downs.
Mass Playa oa Tack lea Effective.
Inside the twenty-five yard limit, Ne
braska resorted to mass plays directed at
the Colorado tackles and tha Cornhuskers'
opponents labored desperately, but In vain,
to check Nebraska's advance. This style
f play was imported by Booth from
Princeton. He haa subsequently Improved
It and during his four years as foot ball
mentor at Nebraska, no opposing eleven
has bean able to resist this play. It was
Used today with telling effect, and every
down the runner was burled along for
gains varying from three to twelve yards.
Nebraska suffered severely from penal
ties, lta three Infractions of the rules cost
In forty yards, while Colorado was put
back fifteen yards. One of the penalties
against the Cornhuskers was for holding
and aside from costing twenty-Ova yards,
it stayed them at a period when they
were marching steadily toward the Colo
rado goal and thus balked them In the
enlevement of another touchdown.
Tha weights were la Nebraska's favor.
toe average being seven pounds to the
man. The Nebraska backs were much
lighter than tha Colorado, but the nou
of avoirdupois In tha Cornhuskers line and
their suooeaa In charging Into and breaking
up Colorado's plays turned the tide of
battle almost at Its Inception. Nebraska's
tnterferonce formed quickly and when once
under war tha opposing tackier had poor
auecees In stopping the runner In his flight
Especially brilliant was tha performance of
Nebraska's back field, the runners skirting
tha ends or plunging through tha line with
snap and dash that soon wore down tha
Color ada defense. At fullback tha sahlbl
tloa of Glenn Mason waa of stellar order.
I Us Una bucks war ground gainers and
when Colorado had tha ball he broke up
play after play when tha runners had
cleared tha Una and seemed almost sure
cf aa advanoa,
Threw Lose Rajas.
Tha longest runs were those achieved by
Bander and Benedict, tha latter sprinting
around right end for thirty yards before
being downed and instituting another on
ward march, which did not end until the
Cornhuskers were across tha Colorado axial
far the final touchdown. Bender placed
two runs, each for twenty-five yards, to
hin account, while his ability to return
pouts and bis speed in retting down the
fleVd on Benedicts punts, in which be often
oaUprtbted the Nebraska ends, figured
largely In tha Cornhuskers victory.
Tot Colorado Captain Foots at left tack
and Canter Tonkin were frequent stumbling
blocks ta Nebraska's attack, and with bet
ter support from their team mate the
triumph cf tha Cornell inkers would have
k bean lea decisive.
Booth did some experimenting In the sec-
half by sending In Ave substitutes to
riv there a tryout. Brings and Perry
went In at the tackle positions and Cap
tain Bender took advantage of their sub
stitution by using them with effectiveness
in carrying the balL
rwatlasr Heaers Even.
Honors were even between Benedict and
Baker In punting, although the wind was
generally In the Colorado kicker's favor.
In running bark punta, however, the ad
vantage was slightly In favor of the Ne
braska backs. Detailed notes of the plsy
now that Nebraska advanced the ball a
total of 844 yards, while Colorado carried
It thirty-seven yards. In returning punta
and klckoffs Nebraska avrraged thlrteea
yards and Colorado ten yards. Nebraska
made a poor ahowlng In kicking goala.
Three players tested tbetr skill In sending
the ball between the goal posts and only
once were they successful. The Cornhusk
ers' weakness In this department means
that Booth must devote his energies In the
development of a reliable goal kicker be
fore the crucial games with Kansas and
Nebraska's six touchdowns against Colo
rado, which Kansas could beat a week ago
by only a slng point, and Haskell's vic
tory over the Jayhawkera today following
th Cornhuskers' triumph over the red
men. establishes the claim of Booth's men
to the Missouri valley championship for
the fourth successive year, and Nebraska
students are celebrating their success on
the gridiron tonight by touching off bon
fires and in parading the streets of Lin
coln In a general Jollification.
The game today was remarkably free
frt.m wrangling or rough play. The Colo
rado squad cheered lustily for the Ne
braska coach when he marched across the
gridiron before play began, and when the
struggle was concluded they sighted Chan
cellor Andrews and cheered with still
greater heartiness. Booth and his pupils
are unstinted tonight In praising the vis
Itors for their deportment. In which the
Coloradoans exhibited true college spirit
In Its most exemplary form. The lineup:
vrapiMt-tl. COLORADO.
Wll renlon R E R K Tnl'lslas
,...K 1 iR T ovmiui
... BO R a Toffs
C c Tonhl
....L O L 1 rosier
L, T L T root M
,...L. I'.tt Roberts
....U U B 0en
R H B R H B Ktnrtberrr
.L. H R LH B... Johnson. Luvson
F B F B Baker
n Mason (31. Marsh. Bell,
Ksser. Time of halves:
Reteree: Trtaley of Omaha.
Robertson, Psrrr
Hunlar, ICab..-.
Cotton. Barta....
Render (C)
Eiger. Marsh
O. Mason
Est-er. Goals
Thirty minutes.
Lmplre; Thompson of Denver university.
Defeata V alverslty ( Illlaola la ,Brll
Ilaat Play Marshall
rurfAnn not . China am showed
highly encouraging Improvement over last
Saturday In today's foot bail gsme with
the University of Illinois and defeated the
latter hrllllantlv. Ik to 4 All of the touch
downs were made on long runs, two of
them, one on each side, being made possi
bly by fumbles. A notable feature of the
game was the fact that despite the despera
tion with which both aides played, but one
penalty was inflicted. That waa when Chi
cago, when within twenty yards of the
Illinois goal In the secona nan, iosi ten
varda for offside clav. Ellsworth converted
ail three of Chicago's touchdowns into
goals. The weather was nearly perfect and
iu,uv people saw me anlne viii-it
played on Marshall field. The lineup:
Chicago. 1 ILLINOIS. llavall...L. I IR. Kastoa
Barrows-Fairy 1 T. R. T rlilpps-WllsT
Ahtoweaa l)0 R. O Fatireather
Ellsworth C. C Haaall-Wllioa
Hlll-Oala R. O. L. O Rotkaak-Allea
R. Maiwall R. ML.T Harmoa
Kssboot R. I U E mis-Boon
E. k.nall a. B.IQ. B Mual
lTaaon-Foar.... R. H. B L. H. B Hun'oa
brhorr U H. B. R. H. B. . Dlaner-Rothsab
CstUa-WrtghUnaa ..F. air. B Mc.aikot
ffhe-ra Is wathtas to prevent yaw
playtagr a saastttate ta da Its work.
Thar Is such a thing as forbearance
ceasing to be a virtue even in the case of
ana's stomach. There Is no question but
that soma stomachs will stand a great
deal more wear and tear and abuse than
others, but they all have their limit and
When that limit is reached, the stomach
must be reckoned with as sura as fate.
Tha beat way and really the only effective
way to treat your stomach when It rebels
Is to employ a substitute to do Its work.
This will give the weakened and worn out
organ an opportunity to rest and regain its
Strength and health.- -
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets relieve . the
tomach of Its work by taking up the
work and doing It just as on set or shift
of workmen relieves another. 'They ac
tually digest- tha food la Just tha same
manner and Just the same time as the di
gestive fluids of a sound stomach do. In
fact whew diaaolved In the stomach, they
are dlgeeUr fluids for they contain ex
actly the same constituents and elements
as the gastric julos and other digestive
fluids ot th stomach. No matter what
the eostdlUon ef the stomach la, their
work is Just the saraa. They work In their
own natural way without regard to sur
rounding conditions. '
The stomach being thus relieved by Stu
art s Dyspepsia Tablets, la restored and re
newed by Nature and the rest of the ha
man body doe not suffer in th least by
reason of Its failure to perform Its work.
A Wisconsin man says: "I suffered the
pangs of dyspepsia for 10 years. I tried
ovary known remedy with Indlfferer.t re
sults until I was told of the remarkable
euros of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
be us hi a box, began taking them and for
got I had a stomach. Thre boxes cured
ma complete: y. I have had no trouble
whatever for a year and have an appetite
Uke a harvest hand and ran eat anything
that la act before me without fear of bad
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale
by all druggists at sOc a box. The drug
gist never tails to have them In stock be
cause th demand for them la so great and
so pM&ounod that he cannot afford to be
llhout them. People who could not get
them of one druggist would go to another
and would get In th habit of buying their
other drugs there as waU aa their Stuart's
Tpjajiepsla Tablets,
Ja Made Is Principally
Mass Flays Throngs) tho
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Oct. J4. Harvard
had no difficulty In beating Brown uni
versity today, 9 to 0. Brown made the
required Ave yards In one single instance
throughout the frame. Th gam was made
up almost entirely or mass piaya inrousn
the center and between th tackles and
guards. The lineup:
LanaTno-Bilrsass ,.klLI gehwhm
Parklaaoa L. T. U. T HiMlua
RoMBaoa-Carrlck ...U O. U O....MoOrssor. Murray
Susdaa-Wlloer ...,.....C C Csliar
a U.rahall R. O I R. O Fletcher
Marar R. T IL T
B ditch. Montaeai'y.R. BV R. U..m
C Marshall Q. B IQ. B Sruaoar-Swaru
Klrhola. KaaatU.L. H- B !U H. B.. ..CsrUs-Poeraal!
Hurler tL H. B IR. H. Wains
ehsslkoef F. B. F. B Blsuw
Score: Harvard, tt: Brown, . Touch
downs: Nichols (2). Meier. Bchoelkopf.
Ooals: Marshall (41. Time: Twenty-five
and twenty-mlaut halve.
Princeton Wins Gaaae, bat Opponents
FAr Strong at . tho
noTwr'tcwiiJ VT T rv a TWretnn
I i.l 1 Wl'l A.. ' I v... - - " " --
(fMia Dartmouth this afternoon. 17 to .
The game was a fight to the finish and
instead, or giving way in uw
Dartmouth played a much better offense.
Th lineup: .
Paris L. E l. .........- Olaaa-Rarr L. T R. T Tumar
Res .
Ooals from
... R. C.
....R. T.
,...R. B.
.Q. B
U O...
L. T...
L, ..
....... Hoover
Tim of
.UH. B IR.H.B. Vsafhas-Cobura
.R. H. B U H. B Dlllos-Maiaa
r. B.F. Knlses-Consolly
: KafTers, Coney. McClave.
touchdowns: Vetterleln. 1
halves: Thirty snd twenty-five
Largest Crowd Attending; Foot BaU
Gam at West Polat eee
tlTlT nniVT V fW 9i TVi tara-eat
crowd that ever attended a foot ball game
at West Point witnessed tne annual con
test between West Point and Tale, the
New Haven representative winning, 17 to
a. The lineup:
wkst roiK. i TALK.
Hamsuiug U B R. R Bhsrlls-Kaal
Vlettlar ...
Tlotoa ....
Graves ...
Glileapt .
Hackett ..
L. T IM. T...
R. o.u o
K. T.'lu. T
R. U B
q B iU. B
. L. M B M. H. B..
.R. H. B.iU H. B..
F. B iF. B
Bsc he lee
. , Mortoa
. Matoalt. Met or
Tornay ....
Touchdowns: Owsley. Mitchell. Ooals
from touchdown: Bowman, X. Ooala from
feld: Doe, Mitchell. Tim of halves
Twenty and fifteen minutes.
Hawkeye Player Has His Jaw Broken
la Two Places by Rssslsg lata
a tsoctator.
., la., Oct. 14. (Special Tele
mm I lo a defeated Ortnnell by 17 to
fu a well-piayed game today. Iowa played
In a superior rorra and kept the play en
tlrelv in Grinnell a territory, aave for on.
incursion bv Grinnell to Iowa's forty-yard
Hue. Iowa Buffered a haavy blow In the
Injury to Jones, who broke hie Jaw In t
places by ruunlng into a spectator on th
aide lines. 8prtaUrs swarmed on the field
In the second half and impeded the progress
of the gama Griffith. Junes, Allen. Dono
van. Cuulthard and Waters played bril
liantly. The two OrinneJl player who
classed with the Hawkeyes were Carson
and Captain Van Ui.
lank Platte DetesUe Grand Island.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Oct M. (Special
Telegram V In a short, well-played game
here Kiortn Platte tllgn acnooi root ball
team defeated en eleven from Grand lelaix
22 In . The pliiiclpai features were th
brtlllaat daehe by the North Platte back
behind Interferes" around Urand Island
ends and sharp taefcluig vf two or tltree
Grand aalaud plaus
Omtbt and Tor High Bc'aool Tmi Ueet
oo th OridirsTi.
Gasse la On of Most Mrenaeas aad
later est Inn that Has Been eea
oa Lral Poet Ball Field
for some Tlase.
The Tork High school foot tall team
proved Its mettle yesterday at Vinton street
psrk and gave the Omaha High school
eleven, which long ago ha established lta
claim to superiority, about the most stren
uous tussle It has had. The game was a
veritable tug-of-war and resulted In a
goose egg for each side. Seldom haa a
better, more evenly plsyed foot ball game
been seen In Omaha between high school
teams. Both elevens did some work which
might have done credit to university
earns. The large audience was wtld with
enthusiasm from beginning to end of the
game. Tork outweighed the home team
somewhat, but did not outpoint It, to which
doubtless was due-the result.
Omaha's playing was the more skillful.
Notable among the star plays was Shield's
fifty-yard run In the second half, when he
broke through the Tork line on Omaha's
wenty-yard line and. assisted by superb
Interference, sped thirty yards down the
field. The only restraining hand he felt
after clearing the line until he collided
with the man who was playing back for
Tork, was that of a Tork runner, who
overtook him. but was unable to prevent
Shield's excellent Interference.
The Tork team, which came here with a
spotless record, having won every game
this season by a decisive score, relied en
tirely upon Its weight, confining playa al
most entirely to llne-bucklng. In these It
was almost Invariably successful. The
players fumbled often and always lost on
their Attempts st end runs and. In short,
were outclassed by the Omaha team In
everything but weight.
Taylor, their colored fullback, played the
best game and waa used In all critical
places, his number being often called twice
and three ttmea In succession. The backs
carried the ball In nearly every play and
were plainly the mainstay of the team.
Their center waa especially weak, often
letting Putnam through to tackle the run
ner behind the line. "
Loag-Dlstanee Stars.
For Omaha, Shields, Burnett and Toder
wers the long-distance stars, each break
Ing away and gaining from twenty to fifty
yards. Thompson and Stein always gained
through tackle snd could alwsys be relied
upon. Benson, Fleming and Putnam did
th best defensive work, the end running
In and getting In nearly every play, as It
was soon clear that Tork had no intention
of attempting many end runs. Although
Tork punctured the Omaha lino for sub
stantial gains almost at will. It never
mads a gain around Omaha's ends. Tbs
loyal rooting In the grandstand was un
doubtedly partly responsible for Omaha's
splendid showing and Captain Thompson
ex-pressed himself as very grateful for the
encouragement th team received from the
Th gams was called promptly at 1:30
and Thompson kicked to Tork, who had
chosen tbs north . goal. The ball was
downed on th twenty-yard line and Wil-
man was sent through Omaha's line for
tea yards. Taylor then gained five yards.
On th nest plsy tha ball was fumbled snd
kicked back ten yards, but was recov
ered by Taylor. An attempt to circle left
end failed!, as Benson downed th runner
behind the line. Taylor and the halfbacks
then gained several times, but Tork's
progress was finally stopped on Omaha's
twenty-yard Una Tork tried close forma
tlon, but wss held for downs. Omaha was
unable to change Its styls of play quickly
snd was forced to punt. Thompson kicked
the ball, which waa fumbled by the Tork
man, and the ball wss kicked first by one
man trying to- fall . on It, and then by an
other fully eighty yards up ths field, until
Putnam managed to fall upon it. But the
referee gav the ball to Tork, who soon
fumbled to Omaha. Omaha gained until
In an advantageous position to kick.
Thompson tried a place kick. The ball
fell short and went to Tork on the five-
yard Una Tork carried the ball steadily
down th field by straight line bucks, until
nesr th middle of th field, Omaha cap.
tured It on a fumble. Thompson found
It profitable to punt often. He soon punted
forty yards, snd ss Tork fumbled and
Rogers fell on the ball, Omaha gained
forty yards. Omaha mads good gains, but
fumbled to Tork. who careered In eight
downs some forty yards down the field
until stopped by Benson. Putnam and
Bteln. who were mainly Instrumental In
holding Tork for downs. Stein msde a
ferocious dash through tha Un for fifteen
yards, but Thompson soon punted to Wile-
man, who was downed In his tracks by
Benson on the one-yard Un. Her Omaha
Btrovs valiantly to fore th Tork team
back for a safety, but Taylor soon had
th ball out of danger. . Tim was soon
called with ths ball on Tork's thirteen-
yard Una.
eeoad Half.
After resting and changing goals Tork
kicked to Toder, who returned th ball
twenty-five yards. On tha next play th
ball waa fumbled and rolled back ten yards.
but was retained by Omaha, Omaha gained
steadily, ualng Thompson, Shields and
Stein. Burnett broke away and covered
thirty yards. Thompson mads a faks punt
and took the ball back twenty yards, thus
giving Omaha th ball on tha first down.
Shields failed to gain and Tork waa pen.
allied five yards for offside play. Punts
were exchanged snd Omaha forced the ball
to Tork's fifteen-yard line, where Toder,
on a quarterback play, circled left end and
planted the ball squarely between the goal
posts. But th referee brought the ball
back. Tork was given flvs yards for off.
sid play, but Bteln gained seven and
Omaha was given ten yards for Tork's hold
ing an Omaha player. This placed the ball
on Tork's five-yard Una. Thompson gained
thre yards, but th play being- a series
play snd hardly understood, Omaha lost
one yard on the next play and as Stein
gained but one yard on the next, the ball
went to Tork oa their two-yard Una. Tork
was extracted from thla precarious situa
tion by Taylor, who was used three times
hers for eight yarda Tork punted and se
cured the ball and punted again.
Changes In th lineup were made at this
time. Juoftus replacing Swedeberg and
Tompaett Benson, who had sustained a
scalp wound and was bleeding profusely.
Punts wers exchanged and the playing
continued up and down the middle of the
field. The line bucks varied by splendid
runs by Burnett for thirty yards and
Shields for fifty and twenty, ths gam end
ing with the bail on Tork's twenty yard
Th Llaeap.
bCI LB. Praia
( I I BltUrt.ll. Newstas
L T I. T v.-k
...R Ti R T Raasar K'l
...L UI L O Cmuhsa.4
...a ui a u...
r D WD
NEW TORK. Oct. 24. Columbia defeated
Pennsylvania on the polo grounds today In
the presence of li.( spectators bv the
score of IS to 4. The Pennsylvania line was
swept off their feet time aftr time by the
hurricane rushes of Money s men. In the
second hlf Columbia rushed the ball
swiftly to Per.ns lvnnla'8 five-yard lute,
where Jones was hurt slid taken out. Don
ovan took his place. This weakened Colum
bia and she loot the ball on downs. Penn
sylvania punted out snd after a couple of
downs Mstsentheln, aided by stronsr Inter
ference, swept throtiBh the entire Phila
delphia team for thirty-three yards, mak
ing Columbia's final score. Bruce kicked
goaL The line-up:
The play wss fM from start to finish. Mln- "
nosota mnkins asms at win tnrr.ush center
and around the end. The features of the
a me was a field by Mnrshall. A num-
er of second team men Wire substituted
for the first team men.
Defeats Pennsylvania by Score of lf
to e la a Oae-Sldrd
, L T L T
, L 0 L U...'..
c c
R O R o
M a B
McOabe. Tirlor
Brows ...
Prnra ....
Thorps R T R T leisIT
Buell K K R E Mrtiaar
Jrmrm. Denovaa u a Q B Coraoa
IraelL -J Thorpe. .LH B LH B ! .
riaher. MettentB'B.R II H K H B Drake
R. S. SroHh P11FE A. Rraith
Touchdowns: R. P. Smith.. A. Smith.
Metsentheln !). Goals from touchdown:
Jonea (2). Bruce. A. Smith. Time of halves:
Thirty minutes.
Westera Reserve Pate l a Poor
Defease la Contest at
ITHACA, N. T.. Oct. 14. Western Reserve
put up a poor defense HRsinst Cornell on
Percy field this afternoon, and the Iwtter
bad little difficulty In rolling up a total of
forty-one points spnint the visitors. Seven
touchdowns were made by Cornell, four In
the first hall and three In the second. The
Lavranca, Harsstaf. .L E'LE Mallin. Harnett
.. t'Dltl'l
.. SUKkl.a
. Holllilr
.. Canflell
La kw..Q
... Grimm
Vaa Vorla
Just say
to the
Special Millinery Sal
Women's trimmed hats in
endless variety that will
certainly please the eye and
purse of the most exacting.
All artistically trimmed with ostrich
feathers and velvet foliage; Mack
and all the latest colors, "k fvw se
lnstend of 15.00 the price "f. J "
m ill He 'a -
No End to the Good Suit News
Words cannot fitly describe the frrsndour mid rompletpneas of tho allow
ing which jrm'i tlie custoiuor on our grand second floor. ll?rc la tlio
most commodious fltmr In tlip clt.v flllod with read-to-wear attire, fresh
from the hands of the most skilled de8l.enr nnd tailors. Couie and Ju-veetljrate.
SI6.SO for S25 Suit-Very
styltsh walking; and dress suits of
all WK1 mannish fancy suitlnfrs
new luouls XIV Jacket with full
puff sleeves and fancy cufTs; lined
to the walut with sstln; the eklrt
Infest shaje. new s:ired flare style.
These suits a-ould le 4 P" g
!Md value at 1 f" J") I I
while they last, at . w - v
Tailored Coats made ot
fk-otch tweeds In lone or three
quarter lengths, trimmed with
shoulder cam-s :id lined with Rllh.
Also three-quarter length kersey
coats. In loose fitting; style, trimmed
with shoulder csjes an.i
lined with satin Special
offer for Monday, a'
Walking- Skirts - The best walking skirts ever offeifd at this price
mad" of Scotch mixtures. In browns, blues ana frra-s. irjmmeu j
with strap. Per.e.Tt mini skirts, la any lengtn aesirru.
st special figures it
Another Instance Coats
Bale to 11 o'clock Women's cost,
of kersey. In tan, castor and bluck;
msde with full back; some half
fitted with stitched velvet collurs
and turnback cuffs, worth - say
llk.7. for the two
hours named, at v"
Fall Waists Choice cf several
thousand cotton waists, msde of
white vestlnss. oxfords and mer
cerised materials, trimmed with
pleats and lucks, cut with larr
sleeves and finished with nat cufts
and stock collar. Perfect nttins;
waist that should brine; ' a r
fw.OO and If. O all go
tomorrow st
39 omrmosi
Vorla. Newmaa L T L T
kboelkorf. Hallldar. L T I. T
Feter. IiaTltt c
Brolth R GlR G Gambia,
Cnstello. PaTek B 1 R T
Foray. Crawford RKRK
Brrater. LrncS y II t B
Rlea. Donald L H H L H B
nTler, Champaign. B H B R H B
Coffla. McAllister F B F B
Touchdowns: Bnvder 2i. McAllister tit.
Vorls, Klce. Champaign. Goals from touch
downs: Coffin (4). pHfety: Canrield. Time
of halves: Twenty-five and twenty minutes.
Northwestern Outclasses Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 24.-The Northwestern
eleven from Evanston outweighed and out
classed the eleven of the I'niveretty of Cin
cinnati In every way today. The crowd
was a record-breaker here and the demon
strations were most enthusiastic. The tea- 1
turca were the tackling of Fleairer and the '
bucking of Indian 1'hlllips and the local i
knockouts, a hair dozen changes being nec- ;
...... ... In , V. A lnnnn. .1 llnA-.,n ......... I
of slight injuries. Cincinnati was handi
capped by Crokaw brothers. McClure and
others being lame. Final: Northwestern,
Si; Cincinnati, 0.
Lafayette 'Ulna from nvy.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Oct. 24 Lafayette
college defeated the Navy eleven today 6 to
8. The first half was closely contested and
neither aide was able to score. In the sec
ond half Navy pushed Strasshurger over
for a touchdown, but Howard failed to kick
goal. Three minutes before the end of the
naif Howard kicked off to Cooper on the
visitors J6-yard line. Wfter twa five-yard
gains Ernst got around the left end for
75 yards through Navy's back for a touch
down ana Bcammeu Kicsea goal
Franklin Academy Wins This.
FRANKLIN. Neb.. Oct. . (Special Tele
gram.) The McCook High school foot hall
team was here today and played a game
suited In an easy victory for the Franklin
eleven, the score being 48 to 0. The McCook
boys were taller snd younger than the
academy team, but In the second half they
held them so that only two touchdowns
were made. Franklin has a game with the
Smith Center- Kan..' HUB school ior next
Saturday. . '
Knox Scores, oat Loses Game,
MADISON. Wla, Oct. 24 Knox college
sent the first man over the Wisconsin goal
line in a stubborn game at Camp Randall
this afternoon, but was defeated by a score
of 64 to 4. The first half was full of Inex
cusable fumblea by Wisconsin, but they
buckled down In the second half and liter
ally ran the game the second half.
Grinnell Wins from Clinton.
CLINTON, la., Oct. ' 24 -Speclal Tele
ram. In today's game here Grinnell High
school defeated the Clinton team by 12 to 0.
A ro you one of the many thousands of Weak Men, and
do you wish to bo cured? Multitudes bring ou them
pvlves the horrors of a lifelong disease by unnatural
habits. Thousands and thousands of men are prema
turely old and disenfed thrxmch cxceKrtes and unnatural
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We have observed the terribly blighting Influences of abuses
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Our object is not so' much to do the work that other doctors ran do. but rather to do that which they cannot do.
The worst cases we have been called upon to cure are those who have been Improperly treated before coming to us. Uy
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A well heated office
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Before ths cold weather sets In. It might be well for ran to stos
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Siala ..
Tallin C
faxtirns ....
S aallaaaf LaSm
Shlatoa S H B a B t..'
aral L H II L H S Wllaaaa. KaanlaDa
a- W B, M a Brawl
Referee: Brown, roach of tha YnrW
fmplre: Whipple. Uurniea: Mustala snd
. umesrepera: rears and burner.
Mlaaeeata W feat a sWlelt.
MINNEAPOLIS Oct. t4.VIlnnese4a to
day aefealea Jbotwtt by mini at M A
A Hslppy Family.
Luce, S, C, Jane 1903.
I take cleasnrs in Wliwr too and afflicted women that I owe my life, my health and nsT happiness to Wine
of Cardui. A fur my marriags iuv health broke down and after having tned several physMJians ana many auo
of medioine. I was given up to die.
I had heard of Vine of Cardui and decided to try it. I hefcran n J
to reoeive benefit at once, and now I am well and strong and our jfYWi O. Va
home has two tne. little boys to make it bright and happy.
Looking at the portraits of Urt. Ladd and her two bright and healthy little children it is hard
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Wine of Cardui acts as a powerful tonic to the diseased and weakened womanly functions.
For its use no examination by a doctor nor operation by a surgeon is necessary. The cure is
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has day by day gained favor among American women on account of the cures it has accom
accomplished. What h has done for Mrs. Ladd it will do for you. , We are not asking you
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trial. All cVugsrlstJ sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.