l THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTORER 24, 1905. 8 Pointed Words from John L. Webster There Is every consideration why the re publican ticket should b elected In Doug las ceuntr. There la no rood reason why any republican should vote against that ticket or vote against a single man on that ticket. Confessedly, the republican ticket Is M rood as the democratic ticket, and In the opinion of most men It la a far better ticket than the democratic ticket. Independent of the personnel of the ticket, vary man who believe In the principle of the republican party a political or ganisation should vote to elect It ticket. Fidelity to the party ticket la the only way to maintain a political organisation. It I not question of giving a new reason for Supporting the republican ticket or for be lieving In the doctrine of the republican party. Tou might aa well ask us to give a new reason for celebrating the Fourth of July. All men regard the Declaration of Inde pendence and the emancipation proclama tion aa marking two epoch In the advance ment of liberty and humanity for the hu man race; the first more particularly for the white man, and the second more par ticularly for the black man; but the re publican party has done more for tho up building and the betterment of American dtlsenshlp than either of said documents, because It embodies alt that Is found In both, and tins added to them protection to Industries, security, progress and prosperity to the country, and nationalism In gov ernment, which ha made us respected at bom and formidable abroad. Local party unity and party strength are essential to secure Douglaa county the recognition that It 1 entitled to In the state. The republican of the state at large look to tho results In Douglaa county. They expect of us success. If we fall they will v not stop to figure Into the causes, and will not hesitate to express their condemnation. And tho state Is right we do not have and cannot have any Just excuae for not sup porting the republican ticket and standing up for republican organisation. Unity and success now means a better feeling and a greater success next year, when there will be a complete state and na tional ticket tc be elected. Kvery man who Sincerely and honestly wants us to succeed next year on state and national Issues stul tifies himself If he fails to vote the re publican ticket this time. To be false to the party now Is the same thing as to be false to the party next year; the only dif ference being In the measure of the derelic tion of duty. The men who for years past have been the most active and aggressive workers In the republican party, and who by reason of their Intenae Interest have, at times, de veloped factional differences, have brought themselves to feel the gravity of the situa tion, and are working together harmoni ously for the election of the ticket. When such men have been willing to forget past differences and to forgive past accusationa, the rank and file of the party ahould show their approval and appreciation of the spirit of magnanimity by rallying to the support of the full ticket. Let the repub lican party for once make It manifest to this community that when it work and votes together, that It Is the dominant and controlling power In city and county politics. If you ask me what apeclal reason I hould give why we should vote the repub lican ticket this fall, I might respond by the query. What special reason 1 there why we are republicans? Why pretend to be republican and be indifferent about the ticket; why pretend to be a republican and not stand up for the republican organiza tlon; why pretend to be a republican and not support the results of republican con VentionsT ' But there Is something more to It, there Is a question of principle about It. I am a republican because I believe In the fun damental principles of the republican party as being essential to the welfare and pros parity of the nation. I believe in the re puoncan party Because it has accom plished more for this country in fifty years. In advancement, In progrera, In power and In wealth, than other nations have attained In centuries. It has done more for this country since the day McKlnley became president than had been accomplished dur ing all the democratic administrations from the time of Thomas Jefferson down to Orover Cleveland. I do not think, these facta are . dlaputed. They are undeniable truths. Believing aa I do, I could not satisfy my conscience as a lover of my country and of my party without voting the republican ticket As I said on another occasion, the renub U can party had Its birth In a war of Ideas, and it has continued its supremacy by reason of its battles for Ideas Ideaa that have had their dwelling place In the hearts of a noble people, elevating mankind and strengthening the nation. To talk of the splendid achievements of the republican party and of the high glory of the country Under Its administrations Is something like ra-reading the bible It Is the same old story, always true, always ennobling, and always Inspiring. Let Republicans Do Their Duty Tha republican party In Douglas county after many years of dissension In Its own ranks, has become a united party, thu how lr( the surrounding country that It la possible for men to bury their differences In a common cause. The republican ticket thla year deserves our support for the state, judicial and county tickets. If for no other reason than that tha men nominated are worthy. Never were, more clean snd reputable cltutens put Into the fleld for any office. It also seems to me, as one who has al ways labored with tha republican nartv that the results of Its policies, when put Into operation, aa compared with the re sults achieved through the victories of the democrats, or any other party, that the one thing essential for all voters (particularly the laboring oiaases) at this time Is to bend all their efforts for the aucceaa of tho en tiro republican ticket this fall Wo are faat approaching another preat dentlal election, where tho business. Indus trial and financial Interests of tho nation ore at stake. I do not believe that there Is rxvy man so partisan In his political opln Ions who would welcome a change In the administration that might In the least ruffle the business Interests and tha peace and tranquillity of tho people. Wo all know what wo have In Theodore Roosevelt, that grand leader of tho people, and we know what he will continue to be. It cannot bo honestly denied but that the election thl fall will have a great bearing on the na tlonal election. Coming events cast their shadows and a reduced republican major Ity will bo claimed by our opponents as vldenco that wo axe dlaaatlafled with Presl dent Roosevelt and his administration If Douglas county (a republican county) drea not do Its duty, what may wo expect from tho balance of tha state? Bo I say, let us vots tbs republican ticket, also for the reason that It will help, the republican national ticket next year Treasurer Republican State Commute, sV Ik The w i n Nebraska a Republican State It Must Stay Republican The growth of republicanism in Nebraska after our defeat in 1896 found its first opportunity for expression in 1900, when McKlnley and Roosevelt re ceived a plurality of 7,800 votes afttr a most hotly contested campaign. Hince that time there has been a strong, steady growth along the same line. , Old-time populists and democrats, finding that they had been on the wrong track, have been quietly casting their votes for republican candidates, and those men are nowv identified with the party. They are entirely satisfied with the national administration and general conditions and they will remain with us. Nothing has oc curred in our management of state affairs during the past three years to make republicans dissatisfied. Voters who were with us in 1900, 1901 and 1902 will vote the same way this year. While it is true that everybody is working and busy, I believe that republicans will take time to vote. If they do so, Judge Names will have a handsome majority. Our party is well organized in the different counties and the interests of, our ticket will be closely looked after. Republicans are getting together for the great contest of next year, when Nebraska will give IJoosevelt 23,000 majority. Factional differences in local affairs are being forgotten in the desire "to get ready for 1901." The foregoing are some of the reasons why Nebraska Why Republican Success Should and Will Be Achieved Why should the republican candidates be supported this year? I answer: 1. Because our party is largely in the majority in this county and it is the duty of republicans to vote for party nominees. 2. It is conceded that the ticket is the strongest ever presented to the voters of this county. 3. Next year we will be in line for the national campaign and all good republicans realize that the election of the entire ticket this fall will ensure a large republican majority at that time. 4. Factionalism has been wiped out, there is no longer any reason for knifing, and the general feeling among the rank and file is that the election of the entire ticket will make the present harmonious condition permanent. J. The state committee, judicial committee and county committee are working together effort put forth by the different committees cannot fail of producing results. 6 The new Drimarv svstem has in itself built up a splendid organization. The county officer of the district and is under as possible." I have been brought Into close touch wltn tne aiuerent elements or me parry, personal preierences are lost Kigm ui, in me aesire ior success. ine or ganization is so good, the enthusiasm among young and old is so great, our ticket is so strong, our normal majority so safe that in my judgment we can con fident! v expect the election of the entire ticket by a large majority. I wish, however, to caution our voters not to be apathetic, nor to rely too much on the other fallow nerriRter' register' and and next fall we will have the pleasure of voting for the strenuous Remember the Generally sneaking, the reasons for year are no more urgent than those which From the point c, view of the republican wlio Deiieves tne political mnu mn. f Nehtuska oueht to be exerted to uphold the policy of the party at large, there are potent reasons why republican candidates should be supported. It Is not difficult to foresee the good effect of Increased republican pluralities in this state, as viewed by the politico-commercial world at large. This Is Mr. Bryan's state. The brief supremacy of the doctrines taught by him aia innnue injury n the mnterlal Interests of this commonwealth for a time his residence here at tracting widespread attention to the fact that Nebraska had forsaken republican principles. The political complexion of any state having a leading, and recog nized presidential candidate has an important bearing upon the party nt large. Therefore, the success of the fusion ticket this year would be notice to the nation that Nebraska had not been permanently redeemed and pledged to the policy of sound government; It would indicate that ween two opinions, and were not ready vfwted h rim 'unionists. Such an outcome every repuoucan wouia aepiure. From the viewpoint of the business man. in wnatever portion oi iub he may reside, it would certainly be detrimental to his Interest to reverse sovern mcnui policies, thereby disturbing business conditions which have grown better from, the day the lamented McKlnley was first elected. If our national and Mate prosperity is not due to legislation based upon republican principles, no one can deny that prosperity is possible under republican rule. Support of republican candidates, therefore, Is a vote to let well enough alone. Judge Barnes, our candidate for the supreme benen, nas actea in tne cupui. ity of supreme court Jurist the last few years as member of the supremo court commission. No one can gainsay the fact that he has done his full duty. The candidates for regents of the State university-Messrs. W. G. Whitmore and C. S Allen-are strong men. worthy of the vote of every repuDiican. ana aiso ui every Independent voter who desires the affairs of the State university to rest In capable hands. There is no reason why these candidates should not receive the vote of every republican and of every independent voter not uouuu vj vi u From the local viewpoint, there conntv tickets should be supported by republicans. One reason is. the wnenciui effect It would have upon the state if the monions party in Douglas county. Republicans tnrougnoui tue state are v.., of the factional strife in Omaha, and hatchet would have tremendous power for other.. There are indications that uougias tickets this year, and it is hoped and expected tnat tne party wui v, solid front, which unquestionably will have a beneficial effect upon the vote next year. Should Endorse Republican Policies The state and county ticket nominated by the republican party of Ne bra ska commends itself to vote of all able to fill Judicial and administrative political year In the sense that the officials political Issues. A comparison, candidate force the conclusion upon the mind of the headed by lion. J. B. Barnes, who has contains the names of those best fitted no republican can or will hesitate as to I ao not oeiieve mat tne juuiciui politics, and when a judge takes the should exert the slightest influence. Whether the litigant be corporation or In- dividual, a natural or artificial person, the treatment should be without fear or favor. Justice should hold the scale, with bandaged eyes, seeing not the con- testants, but hearing the cause and rendering Judgment fearlessly, disregarding nubile clamor or popular outcry and looking only to the right application of the j law. I believe the nominees of the republican primary elections and the state . convention are of this exalted character be "tried men and true." It is matter for sincere congratulation that the republicans of the state, and particularly of Douglas county, are working together in harmony. The party has 'est Immeasurably in political campaigns in the past by unseemly squabbles and dissensions, that have arisen from personal ambitions, frequently based upon unfounded claims. It is to be continue during the Important political . . 7 TT-." pnrty OI Jjincoin, unui, uurueiu, nirciauu, jui'n.iuirjr uw uwkicu duui-.o u- fwit In a political contest, in an "on" year, the country suffers wrong. The man who, because of disappointment in pusult of place, or of an itching for passing notoriety, sows the seed of dissension in the ranks of bis party deserves lasting rebuke and severest condemnation and opposition, for It is far better to have Time has Justified every policy or republicanism rrom tne nour or its Dirtn. Its unassailable position during the great war of the rebellion, with Lincoln at the helm; its course during the days of reconstruction, with Grant In command; its foreign policy, when Harrison was ruler; It conduct of the Spanish war. its methods of control of the Philippines and Porto Rico, with McKlnley, our chief; its position on matters of domestic polity and outside conduct under Roosevelt; Its attitude under all these great leaders with reference to finance, protection, the upbuilding of army and navy, and the moving of the great republic to Us proper position as the chlefest of the nations of the earth, should prosipt to the proud and sutisfylus docUmrteu "I am a republican." a uw J " vfc. Ths ticket Is made up ac exceptionally good men and each of tho candidates la well equipped for tho duties of tho respective oMces to which they aspire. Tho ticket has unusual ( merit and never has a ticket been presented to tho people with such strength. Their aro all men of ability and character. Wo have a distinguished citizen who Is a candidate for tho vtoo-presldency and ths success of the ticket means much to bis candidacy. With tho state In tho repub- n columns this year aa overwhelming Ictory is assured for 1304. ticket should bo suooessful also bo use It represents a party ef progrosa. llca obligations, under the rules, to ... - ... . i . m then be sure to vote. M?t us Effect Abroad supporting the republican ticket this appealed to us in past campaigns. our people were disposed to nan De- to repudiate the false doctrines aa- ore many reasons wny me JUUiv.. count of the Ballots reveai a buuu, any positive evidence oi a uurm. . good, rrom one end or tue county repuumoii. ... - parties who desire the best men obtain. places. To a degree this is an "ofr to be elected will not and cannot shape with candidate, or tne two tickets win , most independent voter that the ticket been nominated for supreme court Justice, to serve the state and county. Certainly his duty. omce suouiu ue maue tue iwi vmi w. bench no personal, or political, affiliation and most of them have been proven to hoped that this harmonious condition may years that come with lOOi. When the ...a r,i ...a- ahould pass over to the ranks of the an open enemy than an untrue friend. a speech In Omaha some years ago William McKlnley aptly stated why every citlsen ahould vote tho republican ticket Among other things he said: "Whenever there Is ! anything to bo done In this country ths republican party has to do It. There la not a law upon tho statuta books of our country for tho good of our people and the welfare of the several commonwealths. that was not placed thero by th. repub- utn (wij( irpuuiicsD party today occupies the most advanced post In tho politics of civilisation." will be republican again this year. a organize in such a way "as to bring x i i m i , . i snow mai we are unueu, anu it we statesman. Roosevelt, and our Young Men Must Roily' The first and main reason why tho republican state, county and city ticket ahould be elected is because It Is republi can. The word republican means a lot to that citizens who believes In the principles of that party, It means organisation, and republican organisation means fair and honest consideration of the needs and rights of all classes, the broad and Judicious ad ministration of tho laws, the curbing and holding In restraint of tha anarchistic con ditions which would prevail without good, solid, republican organisation. Without party organisation, the good ship of state would founder and go down to destruction. A great national organisation can not be maintained without party support by city, county and stats organisations. We, the members of the part In Nebraska and Douglas county, certainly should help to make the national party stand strong next year, and the only way we can do It la by standing by our party nominees and giving them our hearty and loyal support. It-la not necessary to defend the principles of the republican party, they aro right, they have been tried and proven. They have brought the nation to the highest condition of prosperity that any nation In the world's history has ever enjoyed. This Is evidence enough that our partyhas been and la right In what they have done and aro doing. Aa to the personnel and rep resentations of nationalities, localities, and party adherents to different cliques and factions of the party, the ticket Is sn Ideal one, being selected by the fairest method ever In vogue In this state. Every man on the ticket was put before the scrutinizing eye of the Intelligent republican voter, and they, by their votes, choose this magnifi cent ticket. What more can we ask than that the voice of the voters In the party shall rule? The vote at the primaries shows that the men on this ticket are the direct choice of the great mass of voters In the party ana any man. who calls Mmseir a republican, owes It to the country, to tho republican party, and to his own self respect, to stand loyally by tho best ticket which was ever put up In Douglas county and the state of Nebraska. President, Ths McKlnley Club. Entitled to Confidence The republican party Is justly regarded as tho party of progress, because It meets new conditions and emergencies with patriotism, couraca and common am The republicans of Douglas county have evidenced their right to membership In this great party by the manner in which candi dates for county offices have been selected In this campaign. For the first time In the political history of ths county a ticket Is presented selected by republicans at a primary at which every republican voter was afforded an opportunity to express his ':h,fe of candidates for every office to bo ZS'JL'ZZSllX th , political affiliation.: tho faireat and most orderly primary ever held In tho county; a convention of representative re publicans assembled without desire or power to do aught except correctly reflect the recorded will of the republican voters, and a list of candidates whose Integrity, capacity and repute emphasise the wisdom of the voters' choice. It has been said that the antl-maihlne has a majority of the can aidates. That is a mistake, it has also I "" ,ne.. .macn,"? T Jruy oi mo committee. inai, 100. is mlatake. Both the committee and tho can didates were selected by the voters. Both are entltld to and will receive the confi dence and support of republican voters, re gardless of factional divisions. Tho new system has obliterated the factions and closed up ths ranks of the party in a man ner not witnessed for years. Its application In tho selection of delegates to all conven tions, snd all candidates In the future will do more to promote real harmony In tho republican party In this county than all the so-called "harmony meetings" tho leaders of both factions might or could hold, could possibly do. Tho whole ticket ought to, and I believe will, bo elected. NO MORE FEAR IN PITTSBURG Flaanclal Atmospaera Cleared sd fwrtfter Bisk Troables Not Expected. PITTSBURG. Oct O.-Tho flnsnclal at mosphere of Pittsburg seems to have been cleared and no further bank troubles aro looked for. The official announcement made yester- ! day b)r the clflirlng Houss XlM VA had been raised. association that that ths fund would be Increased to $3,000,000 to meet whatever emergency may arise and that so far as the association could ascertain cone of the banka In the vicinity of Pittsburg would require ssalstsnco has had tho af fect of allayliig all uneaslneaa. la addition to thla emergency fund and keeping in close touch with each other. The systematic committeeman in each voting district is made the executive to the election the whole vote of v 1 a 1 A a f a 1 uu, hucu ucmauus as euntDKa own magnetic and aule Webster. ' Plea for Judicial Candidates So far as the county ticket is concerned it seems to be especially strong, tt was selected by the people under the new system, and republicans as a whole are united and satisfied with It The general sentiment among republicans of both of the former factions is that Douglas county republicans rever have presented a stionger .ticket for the suffrages of the people, and that the election of that ticket stems assured. The Judicial ticket of the republican party, which I have the honor to repre sent, was'selected by a convention composed of delegates elected nt primaries, and its great strength lies In the fact that Individually the candidates are clean, able men, that it was not only enthusiastically endorsed from the time of the Judicial convention by both former factions of the republican party, but that it came from the body of the people, while the democratic so-called nonpartisan Judicial ticket was selected by the arbitrary act of the democratic county central com nlttee in naming delegates without giving the members of that party a voice In their selection. Moreover, three of the nominees of the republican party on the Judicial ticket were endorsed by the democratic convention. The democratic con vention also nominated two of the present Judges, vis: Dickinson and Read, who had failed of renomlnatlon In their own pnrty convention. So that we have the anomalous condition of the democrats conceding five republicans and only plac ing two democrats on their Judicial ticket This course was strongly resisted by a very respectable element in their convention, and doubtless is distasteful to a' Jargenumber of democrats in the district With this feeling extant there appears to be clear sailing for the republican ship, and she will arrive in port with her colors flung to the breeste and all on board will be safely landd, and a glad acclaim will go up all over the state, for It will have been proven that the republicans of this county are working together for the good of the party, looking to republican success during the next presiden tial campaign In this state. Voters are not inclined to support men who rush from one party to another in the vain hope of perpetuating themselves- in office, and with the splendid ex amples of McKlnley and Roosevelt and a long line of loyal republicans before them, the republicans of the district will hardly assist in dimming the luster of their party by electing those who, after falling to have their ambitions gratified In a convention of their own party, seek to have them gratified by an opposing political party. I believe the state, Judicial and county ticket will receive the hearty support of the party, and many democrats will be attracted to our ticket through dissatis faction in having a large majority of republicans placed on their ticket against their wishes, and moreover, they know that nonpartisan elections cannot be ac complished without the consent and united action of all political parties. There never was a time when the prospects for the election of the entire republican ticket were mora promising. Six Good and Sufficient Reasons The republican .nominees should be supported or November 3 for the follow ing good and sufficient reasons: 1. Because tbey are American citizens who have the intelligence, Judg ment and discernment to belong to a political party the chief characteristic of which is "to do" rather than "object." Men are to be measured by the breadth of their ideas, and the best government local or national, is attained wheu public officials are men of character and square dealing, who believe in push and progress, rather than in retrogression and decay. When a community wants to move onward It should identify itself with the moving procession, and they who cannot distinguish the moving qualities of a party of progress from those of a do-nothing party ahould not aspire for office or be supported for office In this progressive age. 2. The citizenship of Douglas county is sturdy, intelligent and progressive. It has faith and confidence in the development and upbuilding of Omaha and South Omaha as great market and commercial centers, and should therefore have as a complement public officials imbued with the great idea of progress, which li the fundamental principle of the republican party., Push, enterprise, pluck and endurance, combined with natural location and resources, have produced Omaha and South Omaha, and the watchword of every citizen should be "prog rfess," and they should not humiliate themselves or be retarded in their growth by having our county labeled "Democratic." It is a drug on the market 3. Because the republican candidates have the courage of their convictions, while many of the nominees' of the democratic party will not admit that they ere nominees of the democratic party. Their cards and advertising matter give no suggestion of their identity with the calamity party. When persons refuse to tell where they came from or what their real names are. they are ashamed of their identity. 4. Because the candidates of the republican party are representative. In Bingham, Allan. Vlnsonhaler. Unltt, Kennard. Reed. Fink, Brailey, Edqulst. Bodwell. Murphy and Berka and likewise the republican nominees of the state ond Judicial ticket flows the blood of true Americans, flavored with the blood of sturdy ancestors who hailed from the lands of the Yankee., from Missouri, and from England, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden and Bohemia. Men of sterling worth, and a much better ticket than that of the democratic party. 6. The republican candidates are men who, by their dealings, character and personalities, have endeared themselves to the hearts of the rauk and flle of their party. They received their nominations by direct vote of their fellow citi zens, and consequently are in a position to be public servants in fact as well as in n,m- Msnv of their opponents have in the past been creatures of circum stancesproduced by conditions rather than by reason of their qualifications or popularity. Factionalism In the republican party was the Incubator that gave them birth, but the new rules of the republican party, whereby all republicans sn recognized as equals, has for the time being destroyed republican faction alism, and on November 3. 1903. democrats, -realizing their loss, will be wiser be cause of the knowledge that when they are compelled to travel on their own hook their pathway leads only to defeat a Because the republican ticket state, ounty, and Judicial, Is composed of men who have, by honest toll, worked their way upward in the various ehanuels of employment aod industry to the positions they now occupy. It is a strong ticket of strong men. Labor and business are united in its personnel, all possess ing the attributes of true Americanism. These are some of the reasons why men of all vocations of life, and all men of different races and nationality should vote for and elect the republican ticket 000 hss been received by James W. Patter son, president of tho Pittsburg, Carneglo Western railroad, for immediate deposit In anticipation of tha Improvements under construction here for tho Wabash railroad. It will bo some time before tho money will be needed by tho various contractors, but tho bulk of it will eventually bo paid out In this district for wages. Tho government experts at work upon Chairman Republican State Committee. the party and as many more s m - mt may muue win not ue ignoreu Chairman Republican County Committee, Chairman Republican Judicial Committee. the books of tho two banks which have sus pended declare they havs ao far found nothing serious and have beard of M news that la nut reassuring. Cornish Calls on Mi Good Citizens In giving why the republican ran- dldatea should It Ftifported this yesr, no discussion of the fundamental difference between tho two great parties Is called for. In past ages It was the cuaHm of tyrants to divide the people Into factions, thereby weakening their power. In these later days those Interests who seek to obtain specln! privileges or special Immunities by means of legislation, who look upon . government as a commercial agency and ore prone to consider the liberty of man snd the tner.tnl and moral development of the race of less Importance than the development of wanlth 1 naturally resort to the same system of en couraging factional disputes, petty enmltlev numerous organisations, rival ambitions. In order to weaken the power of the misses and further their own ends. The great American pnrty organizations In which loyalty of party makes the Individual post pone for the time being a portion of k desires In order to further the greatej e mands In which all are united, have been j , Vi A m r m t .AM,... HAHAH I.. . - 1. ., M 1 the masses to secure true democracy, pre vent a scattering of energy and enforce the j, people's will. Kvery citizen who desires to I be a part of this government In fnct as he Is In theory should Join that political or ganization which on the whole comes near est to representing Ills Ideas on mooted questions, and thereafter work for the good of ths organization to tho end that by mesns of It his own denrest aspirations mny be realized In our national life. Individu ally he Is powerless. Associated with others. In so far as his purposes and Ideas are good, they will sooner or later be adopted by the organisation and the sympathy of numbers, tha momentum of party, will carry them to success. Psrtles cannot be created In a year. They grow. They require constant pruning and care. A season's neglect wenk ens their vitality. The strength of the national organization Is the combined strength of the looal organizations. What Injures one Injures atl. Discipline and re form should come from within. Therefore, every man who believes In the principles of the republican psrty on national or locnl Issues should, both as a matter of self-interest snd dtily, support the republican enn dldates. As r-tich as at any time In Its his tory our eountrv ne'ds the practical ability, exalted patriotism, love of freedom and sympathy with the tolW. which has thus far characterized the repuh'lonn party. Why not support the republican candi dates? It would be strancre lnded If n. majority of the voters of this rou-v could not select from their number candl 'ntrs rm well equipped In point of ability end character as any named from the minority party. Our candidates were selected under rules that made It Impossible for a mn to secure the nomination who old not ob tain the endorsement of more vpnMlcme than any of his eomoetltors. Concerted action Is impossible without eomiTnlsa. When our system of selecting ar Mate Is calculated In the long run to secure the endorsement of the moat fit men. when the ruccessful nominees have been en dorsed by such -arge r umbers of neople who knew them well, when no one can say that any of the candidates for an Im portant office would not fill the position creditably both to himself and the party, why should not republicans vote for their colleagues, who are working for the same end Irt tho same organization as them selves? A vote for an opposition candidate does not stop with his election. Tou de moralize your own party; you breed sus. plclons and discord; you 1-vtte wr1-itnf tlon: you encoursge the opposition pary an.l Increase, the Influence of their ader; you make It easier for them to raise cam. ' palgn funds-all to be tised against your self and your cause In the future. Another reason why republicans should support the republican ticket Is this: When you find a party working on lines that you approve you should encourage It. Thla county has a normal republican majority of about 1.B00. Notwithstanding thla the clerk of the district court, r.ounty clerk, county treasurer, register of deeds, sheriff, a majority of the Board of County Com missioners, the city attorney, city comp troller, city building Inspector, a msjorlty of the Board of Public Works, and all their deputies snd employes are democrats. This unnatural condition has been brought about by factional strife In tho republican party. No good purpose Is subserved by attempting to fix the blame. Each side has been at fault snd each has habitually pleaded the other's fault to justify Its own. When It Is considered thst TM bal lots cast by republicans for democratic candidates wipes out our 1.500 republican majority, we see how easy It Is for repub licans to defeat republicans. The great body of republicans lament this condition. This yesr a very earnest endeavor has been made to prevent-this factional knifing. It Is belloved that among the active work ers of the party here are none who aro not giving the ticket cordial support. The republicans havs a splendid opportunity to point a leason. A united party will bring success. A united party strengthens tho organization In all futurs contests. Tho only way to stop factional strife is to stop. So-called leaders will be taught jr Hence and that a man Is not worthy cf success who cannot gracefully accept defeat, t sincerely hope that all republlesna will see the opportunity presented In this cam paign the first for many years to educste politicians to s proper conception of their duties. When a man participates In a primary he does so to gain an advantage for himself or his friends. What la this advantage he seeks? It Is that the other candidates seeking the same nomlnntlon If defeated will grneefjlly retire and from then henceforth will give support to himself or his friend. Hut when he seeks this advantage for himself he Impliedly agrees to give It to his opponent should the latter be successful. Not to do so Is bad faith. It Is the breaking of a contract. It lndicatea a selfish, sordid, rncompro mlslng nature snd a calloused conscience. It is on a par with the man who makes a bet expecting lo take the money. If ho wins, but pleading the gambling laws to save hla money should he loae. I know of no occupation where honesty Is more in demand or will prove in the long run to be better policy thnn in politics. Ths people have an opportunity this year to punish bad faith and disreputable methods in politics and express their approval of the spirit that is animating the repub lican organization of thla county today. GRAY GRANITE MARKS GRAVE Simple Monnitat to Pottawatomie Chief Dedicated at Morris, Illinois. BIOOMINQTON. III., Oct. 21. A simple monument of gray granits to tho memory of Bhabbona, tha famous chief of ths Pot tawatomles, was dedicated with notablo ceremonies at Morris today. Thero were addresses by P A. Armstrong of Morris, president of tho 8habb0na Memorial asso ciation; Congressman Thomas J Hender son of Princeton and Charles Ounther of Chicago. Bhabbona aided ths whites in their con tests with the other Indians and was tho orator of tho red men In tho lout great . council held east of tho Mississippi and which took plscs with tho agents of th government In VCH. Ho died la Morris If Itt69, deeply respok7l. i a rL : 1