Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1903, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Oavls Sells druM-
Btoekert Bells cigars.
A Mora for men "Beno's."
F.xpert watch repairing;. Leffert, 40S B'y.
Celebrated Meti beer on Up. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Lefferfs, V
14-K and 1-K wedding ring at JXtert's,
400 Broadway.
Twenty pet" cpnt discount sale on picture
framing- Alexander's, B'way.
State Senator A. C. Hobart of Chacokee
was In the cliy yes.erday, vUltlng fr.ends.
Ixst. A reddlan yenow dog, uuout half
grown. Keturn to Swanson's music store
and receive reward.
Mrs. Matilda Norton, aged 69, of Herman,
Neb., died last evening at the Woman a
Christian Association hospital.
Presluent Wadsworth has called a meet
ing of the democratic campaign club fur
this evening in Maccabee hall in the Brown
For rent, office room, ground floor; o
of the most
riess portion
cRlce. city.
A marriage license was l.-sued yesterday
to Milton ti. Smith, aged 29, and B-s.e
"Walters, aged 2 both ot Omaha. Xney
were married by Justice Ouren.
We contract to keep pubilo and private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manu.acturlng company.
Council BlufLi, la. Telephone -34.
Members of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union are requested to meet this
Enrollment at OonTntion Approaches the
Eight Hundred Mark.
D. Perkins .TaJks . front Wr
nam's Point of View, While Prac
tical Ednentor Present the
Teachers' Idea, 1
The expectation that this year's meeting
to the cause to be advanced. Power over
others makes governments great, work
men captains of Industry leadership In
business, distinction and fullness to life
of men.
The power over self Is the third type of
a satisfactory education. The disciplined
life Is the life of full service. The disci
plined Judgment is the useful Judgment
the disciplined hand is the skllfull hand.
Courses of study, formal steps In methods,
philosophies of culture are agencies to
attain ends, they are not the ends them
selves. They are means to ends, the real
ities and powers of a genuine life.
Teaching Is only a large business In pro
portion as It seeks the betterment of man
Kind. Its province Is easily overestimated.
Its field of activity Is only the reasonable
and the possible. It- remains for the
teacher to dignify the business. It cannot
do It Itself. Teaching cannot confer these
powers. It only gives encouragement, ad
vice,' sympathy, direction. Schools cannot
give talent, bestow gifts, guarantee char
acters, as they are only opportunities and
But there are gTeater things than these
formal elements, much lauded and over
estimated. The greatest things In this
world are not methods, but men: the lar
gest service Is not mechanism and plan,
but spirit. The greatest result In the prog-
of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers asso- rBI,g f education Is not scholarship, or
..1.4 .An,.i,r.abr In 1 nfrnmnllshmants and culture, but real life.
, . , . ,.. irt hen the ' There should be the recognition of the
point of attendance was realised when tne . .- . n nt rrui chr-
D"naMo1cat"onU. in the , bS- I enrollment yesterday morning approached j ,rter. of a greSt spirit 'that accept, the
of the cl y. Appiy to The Bee 1 close to the 800 mark, a figure far ahead of divine commission and teaches the os
' vv ' ... , k. .... pel of true knowledge and great living.
any previous annual meeting of the asso
The routine work began yesterday morn
ing with the conference meetings, which
were held In the different class rooms at
the high school. Much Interest was dis
played In these round table or conference
sections and all were well attended. State
Superintendent Barrett presided over the
'larrhLrlei'HI 'aT" , on "County
family residence, 624 Oakland avenue. Rural School Teachers," and was assisted
The caae aaalnst N. McOeorge, charged
With assaulting Mrs. Mary Ueha.ii, was dis
missed vesteiday In Justice Ou.en s court
on motion of the county attorney. The
charge resulted from a neighborhood row.
Hans UiUmer, agpd 7 was committed to
St. Bernards hoH,.iial yesterday by tha
commlaHioners fi.r the insane. D.umer until
reri-iiily lived with a married daughter at
Mlnden, this cm
weeks has bee
son at Shelby.
by Dk Shelton, president of Simpson col'
lege; Dr. Longwell, president of Highland
Civilisation may be short in a knowledge
nf th nHnclnles of education. It may lack
a scientific arrangement of the course nf
Btudy best suited to the needs of the times,
It may lack In buildings and equipment,
but the greatest of its lacks Is the teacher
who, as an Individual, stands for the great
realities of time and eternity.
Fallacies tot Education.
Following President Beerley Dr. Freder
ick E. Bolton of the State university at
Iowa City spoke on "Facts and Fallacies
Concerning Educational Values." Dr. Bol
ton's address, which was conceded to be
college; Prof, C. J. Thornburg, secretary . be a most thoughtful effort, said In part:
of State Teachers' Reading1 circle,' and j What he.s" been long In a course receives
Frank J. Sessions, who has charge of the traditional approval and It becomes as-
" . ' . .., sinned that each particular branch has
Iowa educational exnimi at tne ot. wum , Bom8 8poclHi value. Should the question
exposition. be raised as to why a given study H in
F. W. Fals. manager of the Des Moines
River Sand comiauiy of Eddyvllle, la., is
In the city In search of his adopted 13-year-old
son Oscar, who ran away from
borne Tuesday last In company with an
H-year-old lad named Lyle Russell, a.las
U. V. Slahl. Up to a late hour last night
the boy had not been located.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Son-
Identify Insane Man.
The authorities have learned that the
man taken from a Rock Island train last
June and committed to St. Bernard's hos
pital as being mentally deranged Is Daniel
State Biard of Medical Ezam'nen Pnnled
0?er Etatm of Crawford Oaie.
Fonrteen-Tear-OH Girl Disappears
from Homo of Her Parents Near
Des Moines Under Myste
rlons Clrcnm stances.
.(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Oct. 23. (Special.) An In
quiry Is being made by members of the
State Board of Medical Examiners Into the
status of the case of Dr. J. W. Crofford of
Decatur county, who last week secured a
new trial from a twenty-year sentence for
murder. He was convicted of causing the
death of Maud Stone at his sanitarium at
Lamonl. After his conviction the state
board revoked his certificate to practice.
Then when he had appealed and had given
an appeal bond It was insisted by his at
torneys that the board had no right to
hold this up against him and ho was en
titled to continue In the practice of medi
cine. But the board found that the doctor
had once been under accusation of a orlme
In Missouri and on this ground his certifi
cate was kept In a state of suspense. Now
that he has a new trial granted he Is try
ing to secure a certificate again. But In
the meantime he has been engaged In the
practice of medicine without restraint.
Inquiry shows that he hae such political
influence In the county that officials are
reluctant to prosecute him or prevent his
practice. The case la one that has been
before the courts for nearly two years and
there are several matters Involved that
have set precedents for the action of the
state board and the courts. He will be
given a new trial at the next term of
court, if it is deemed advisable to further
Report Boon to Bo Ready.
The biennial report of the State Board
of Control is now being prepared by that
body and will soon be ready for the gov
ernor. . It will contain the most important
recommendations as to the permanent im
provements at state institutions that will
go to the legislature, and will probably
call for extraordinary expenditures approximating-
11,000.000 by the next general
awMtnhlv. Tti mmh.n r1 th. hiv.
comings of Modern Education," saying In exercises they will become more armored ( . t . ... -,,-, iniln.ion nf ,w,
.,. fr any sort of mental fray. The doctrine ! to maKe lne,r orncial inspection of the
p. ' . , . , . !0f mental gymnastics has gained ah alarm- i State university and Bute college and pre-
i rim iu mo inu new" uuv.i frvnihnld. There Is no nsycnoioincai
u . i .. rw a t. u u m all mitru rf IukS " . . . . t . 1 . ... I
rra n T rnr inn HHHumuuim turn, iiicmat
power is more valuable than mere knowl
edge and hence the process of acquisition
ounty? bit for th fast few I Commissioner Sessions was booked to ad- j tho curriculum or v reoorn m en rted to
n making his home whh a ore8. th. teacher this mornln on "Iowa ' P'ff11:,?! 2" Uew..d
n. I IT.nnHlMnn " Vil 1 1 a Jt had to leave n.iB r. t mm a n m t RprunlM it Is
ini.Miimi..M. w,.n.B,,,n iivenln was accorded time at yester- useru , or Decause it is vaiuaDie meniai
in the employ of the Nortnwehtein wlih last evening- was accoraea time a yes ier d, , , Probably almost every subject
theft of various articles from dining cars day morning s session to tell them what ne ( tfBt na ever founj ts way into the 'cur
were filed yesterday In the court of Jus- wanted. Mr. Sessions urged that the schools ; rlcttlum of studv gained entrance because
V.n..liAj!'.VM--ot southwestern Iowa make a creditable ! of its .supposed Immodiate utility Hut
wore all released on furnishing bonds In exhibit at the exposition and suggested i S",,',";,,
the sum of KkiO each pending the hearing, that Council Bluffs furnish Interior and ex-; ,. piHce because of its supposed "dlsclp-
terlor views of Its several school buildings llnary . value. vifness inis in. u
In addition to specimens of the penmanship
and- drawing of the pupils.
Shortcomlna-s ot Modern Education.
At the general session yesterday morning
mntloal mir.zifl that now worry children.
but which once represented business meth
ods. If anyone wishes to get nearly the
child's side of the question, let him try
to compose profound thoughts In a foreign
lanauaae ana wnie mem nown wnu
Hon. D. Penan, of the Sioux C.ty . scratchy tt ni. u
Journal addressed the teachers on bhort- w, only BUDmit patiently to the prescrlbei
In Impauence. Nve are all more or lets
alTectou by get-rlch-quicK schemes and
this enters Into our uucatiouai methous.
Our minds ate very much upon toe busi- mnr Imnnrtant than the knowl
ness of mjney aetung. and we are p-atung- .nnir - Th nrineini la assumed
MoOowan, and not Daniel M. Boner, as dependence upon money for the success of tnt the mind' ts a sort of mass of latent
the signature on his ticket was supposed
to read.
Daniel McOowan left June 10 for San
Francisco, where his nephew. John ' F.
Harney, was awaiting- him. He (ailed to
reach there and Mr. Harney reported the
matter to the United States Immigration
office at Philadelphia. Commissioner J. J.
B. Rodgers started an Investigation, which
showed that McOowan 'left Philadelphia
on June 10. changed his ticket at Pittsburg
on June 19, where he lost, his bag-gage,
which It Is supposed was stolen from 'him.
This so preyed upon his mind that by the
time he reached Columbus McQowan had
to seek a physician, who recommended that
our educational enterprises. iKitentlallties which proper gymnastics or
in this connection li la not improper, i ZroomnK Can awaken Into activity. This
trust, to mention the prevailing discontent ' JL.lvlty Is supposed to give strength and
over salaries. 1 wuuid not be surprlaed .trnrth is supposed to be applicable
to know that many ot you listening to i any direction. But the facts do not
me at this moment have at one time and rtrove that a reservoir of power can be
another given way to gloomy thought over accumuiated by any one kind of effort
your prospects for gett-ng on in the work!. th , can be U8e(i indifferently for all per
Vou will no doubt agree among yourselves ..,,, Energy created by activity flowing
that the prOialon ot Is popny t ' channel cannot be turned at will
paid and that the opportunities In it are . any other channel. A boxer Is not a
unequal as compared with the opportunl- , fencer perforce, and a pugilist does not
ties In. other, calling requiring less traln- l ., nmi-euously.
lug and teas knowledge. ,...'.- Prof. John B. De Motte of
The best comnensution for all work la
the love of It; ami li Is an obligation upon
us all, I take It, to cultlva.e loyalty to our
loves. - It is a fault of modern education,
and may alwaye have been a fault, that
the business of teaching is too much a
makeshift. Perhaps this Is unavoidable.
particularly In our common schools, where
he rest there for a few days. Anyhow I young women so largely predominate as
McQowan reached Council Bluffs June 22 ' Instructors. But If the young women do
. ,.., . , . ., . ; not take kindly to their work in the shjol
In a badly demented condition and was i room i .houlrt be in.-lined to have some
turned over to the authorities. He was
sent to Bt. Bernard's hospital, but instead
of getting well continued to grow worse
and no Information concerning himself
f Mil 11 K -aAfllVjMt frntn him A fnn. ...
h i . - ,. . .i. uwy unuur ine jurisaicnon oi a scnuui
ago the local board made application to the board or some kind of a huband.
state board to have him sent to Clarlnda i I do not believe anyone can be a good
doubt concerning them In their own homes.
It Is the primary business of the women
to be Instructors all their lives, and the
best we can hope for the progress of the
race Is that both their interest and their
love will remain with the work, whether
State, asylum as a state patient
The Identlncattbn of McQowan Is complete,-
as the ticket Issued him in Phila
delphia bearing the number 9,600 was found
on him, but the signature was taken to
teacher who does not love to teach. A
man may be able to dig In the ditch and
hate it. but It Is impossible to do good
work In the school room without the en
thusiasm born of love. This enthusiasm
is more Important than buildings and
equipment; it ts the nrst and essential
Chicago delivered his lecture, '"The Harp
of the Senses, or the Secret of Character
Building." to a large and appreciative audi
ence. The concluding cession will be held this
morning, at which time officers for the en
suing year will be elected. The feature
of the session will be a lecture by Dr.
Arnold Tompklne of the Chicago Normal
school on "Altruism as a- Law of Education."
read .Daniel M. Boner In place of Daniel requisite to success, to which whatever
McQowan. McQowan will not now be sent
to Clarlnda until his nephew, John F. Har
ney,' at 'San Francisco Is heard from.
Stubs of the ticket Issued MoOowan which
have been returned to the office of Issu
ance show that it had not been used west
money can buy la merely auxiliary. AH
Matters la District Coart.
Litigation over the estate of the late Wil
liam Biedentopf has been reopened by a suit
brought in the district court yesterday by
M. F. Rohrer and wife to subject certain
river bottom lands formerly owned by
Biedentopf to a judgment secured by J. J.
Bteadman, former , clerk of the United
States court in this city. The Judgment,
secured by Bteadman in 1833 against Sleden
the delegates to
tlon have been
next week and .
Impression that there Is too muoh striving
in our scnoois to influence the children to
do what they do not want to do. We say
Of Council Bluffs. The letter from Immi. I the chlld is backward. In this, or that
.h n ... " nd wc
gration Commissioner Rodgers asking that
search be made here for McQowan was ad
dressed to' Mayor Morgan.
K. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 260. Night, F8T7.
Anile Walk Killed While Visiting-.
' Tidings of the death of Amle, the little
t-year-old daughter of Rev. George Edward
Walk, rector of Bt. Paul's Episcopal
church, reached here last evening. The
child, with her grandmother, left but a few
days ago, on a visit to Mrs. Walk's sister,
Mrs. 'J. If. . Thompson at Mlneola, Kan.
From the Information received here last
evening tt appears, that the child was
mruwn irum a pony wnicn she waa riding
modern methods that seek to supplant topf amounted to fl,600, and with interest
me prime requisite are tne product ot : now a over $3,000. Mf. and Mrs. Rohrer
'7m.T Ha wrnn. .hnl. it h..t T h.v. th. ! are assignee of this Judgment. They claim
that Sledentopr willed nis property o nis
wife on condition that she pay bis debts
from the proceeds of the estate. The
property now sought to be made subject to
this Judgment was deeded by William F.
Biedentopf and the other heirs of William
Biedentopf to W. H. Wood, who subse
quently sold it to John MulhalL Both
Wood and Mulhall are made party de
fendants. In bringing this suit the plain
tiffs contend that the heirs only had the
right to sell to Wood a one-third interest
In the property and that consequently the
otner two-thirds are subject to be sold for
satisfaction of the judgment obtained by
Bteadman. .
Mrs. Jessie Moffett, as administratrix of
the estate of E. L. Moffett, brought suit
yesterday In the district court against the
Union Pacific Railroad company for 120,000
for the death of her husband. E. L. Mof
fett was a locomotive engineer In the em
wc hold him down to It. restrain
ing him In his Ino'lnatlona, and possibly as
a conclusion of the whole matter educate
him In the belief that he Is stupid. I
think it would be well for the schools to
follow the lines of least resistance. Instead
of pressing fhe child on lines that are dis
tasteful, I rhould say that he be given free
rein on the lines of natural selection.
Vital Factors of nidneation.
At the afternoon cession President Homer
H. Beerley of the State Normal school at
Cedar Falls addressed the teachers, tak
ing aa his subject "The Vital Factor In
an Education." In substance . President
Seerly spoke as follows:
The day Is here when Indifference is
frono and where too much rather than too
Ittle ts planned for the teachers to do in
the education of the youngv There are de
cided limitations to school work and not
and received liilitrl whinh uaniii i v.. ! everything necessary for the improvement
death a short time after The remains will ! "nd a,f vJ,U.,pment.K0f c,Y.tllatlon can be ac- ( ploy of the Milwaukee road and waa killed
"I. " V . . -r'malnB WUI compllshed by. the schoo Is to the extent . I,,,,. .,,,, ,w. v,i.
arrive nere loaay in care or the grand-1 believed
mother. Rav. and Mrs Waiir mm
Pletely prostrated last evenlna. The little J."1.1" ' !.T n.'!i?fu ey r i result of
. . 1 cimBTucin c ueruii;, strenuous er- . , . . on .n. Th Bn.li1.iit r..
mir oniy aaugnier ana was a lorts aunng scnooi lite. A human life to ..ay"-. - -
or power and every means should be used
to attain this notable dlatlnctlon.
The power over things Is the first type
of a satisfactory education. Things must
be put Into the service of man. The human
life that la right Is trained In the con
duct of the Industries and to think of
things so as to secure progress In the aria,
sciences and occupations. The youth peilod
is specially important necause men In-
o'clock at the family residence. M4 Oak-, Selc. Acaroe'r I- 'Wwh hl.
land avenue, and will be conducted by Rev. la not done, because arrested development
W. X Calfee. former pastor of Broadway I ruln 5 Mf- The greatest pres-
M.thodlst church, who arrived last evening Ati
from El Paso, Tex., and Rev. W.'J. Btrat- j The power, over others is the second
ton. . present pastor of the church. The , tvle ot satisfactory education. Co-opera-nallhaarcra
will ha Hon Rmmot Tlnlev tlon U th chief distinction between sav
pallbearere will be Hon. fc-mmet Tlnley. a(rry civilisation. A hlnh standard of
Dr. II. B. Jennings, W. 8. Mayne, F. C. ! others. To give ability a chance, to give
Xugee. F. H. Orcutt and Hon. Jacob 81ms. success depends upon the assistance of
Interment will be In Falrvlew cemetery. CTjirtteW-
particularly bright and beautiful child and
her untimely death comes as a great shock
to the many friends of the bereaved par
ents. Faaeral of Mrs. Harl.
The funeral services over Mrs. Charles
M. Harl will be held this morning at 10
Scholarship culture. efflr-lenrv. ! wn" aitung on tne lootooaru 01 ms en-
morals, religion are the accumulated re- ' gine in the yards at South Omaha as the
a Union Pacific freight train
tember t last. Moffett was V years of
age and, according to .the petition filed
by Mra Moffett, was earning $125 a month.
1 '''i .
Tj am
.After Baby Comes
there is nourishment for both convales
cent mother and nursing child in
tbasc sutna. ..
It Is an already digested food easily
i S 1 t. XI . II'. . '
w 1 icuuucu vy umj most ceucaie siomacn.
u tilt restores health and strength supnlies
2fvl.yf$Mthe nutriment needed-builds flesh and
Hn'-7iJl tissue.
r IS'rtT 4 A real man extract-not an intoxicant;
contains less than 2 of alcohol.
ri-1 AD dmrst en it. Prepared by the
Anheuser-liuscn KrewingAss n
St. toule, Ua8. A.
Heola Paper Gets Printing;.
After consulting with County Attorney
KUlpack, County Auditor Innes decided yes
terday to publish the official ballot for the
November election in the Neola Reporter,
which is democratic in politics, as well as
in the Council Bluffs Nonpareil, a repub
lican paper. ' This, however, is not satis
factory to Chairman Miller of the demo
cratic county central committee, who sttn
Insists that the ballot be published by the
county auditor in tha Avoca Journal-Herald,
which Mr. Miller claims Is the only
slmon pure democratic paper In Pottawatta
mie county. Late last evening Mr. Miller
was still breathing threats of taking the
matter into the courts and Auditor Innes
was standing pat and perfectly willing that
the controversy should be decided by the
court If necessary.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of Squire
ti Annls. 101 Pearl street:
Kdith 8. Mayne to H. A. Searle, un
divided part out lot 2, Jackson's
w d 12,168
Iowa Townslte company to Harry and
Clara Mronman, tuts 9 and 10, block
, McClelland, w d
Iowa TownMte company to Edwin li.
Mas-Ill. lot 26, block 11. McClelland,
w d
pare reports on those Institutions as re
quired by law. This will be done within
a few weeks, when the report will be
ready, for delivery. The board la now en
gaged in making the final rounds of the
institutions and the state architect is figur
ing up what is necessary for the Institu
tion buildings. The heaviest appropriation
will be for the deaf school at Council
Bluffs and the next heaviest for the In
stitution for Feeble Minded at Glenwood.
Mystery of aa Klopeaaent.
The police force Is Investigating a mys
terious disappearance. The 14-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, living
north of Des Moines, has disappeared and
it Is supposed she eloped with a man totally
unknown to her relatives or friends. She
Is a foster daughter of the farmer and
her name Is Ooldle Prior. They claim to
know nothing of the reason for her going
away and say that she was' seen to, get
Into a buggy with a, strange man and
drive away. No clue to her whereabout
has been disclosed and there Is nothing to
indicate what it means.
Political Mnddle Fixed Vp.
It 1 learned that the political muddle
In the Bremer-Butler senatorial district
is about to be cleared up and that
the senatorial conven
called together again
that they will make
a nomination again. They will meet at
Bhell Rock on Monday and try. to decide
what is best to be done. There is much
bitterness felt in the district over the at
tempt to secure the nomination of a re
publican candidate for senator by treach
ery or bribery and It la regarded as Im
probable that a republican can now be
elected. But they will secure a candidate
and have his name placed upon the ticket.
Charter Cities and Taxes.
In the city, of Cedar Rapid Important
I.I A. " . -
litigation nas oeen commenced, the pur
pose of which is to compel railroad com
panics to pay taxes on a full valuation
of their property instead of a one-fourth
valuation. In charter cltlea of Iowa,
ot wnicn cedar Rapids 1 one, the
city taxes are levied on a 'full valu
ation of the property and not as the
state and county taxes. It I now
claimed that by allowing th rail
roaa companies to pay taxes In th
charter citie on a one-fourth valuation
or less, the charter cities have been de
prived of a vast amount of taxes.
alt Hard to Settle.
The supreme court today decided a case
Involving a small amount which has been
dragging along In court several years.
It Is the case of Erret against Pritchard,
from Shelby county, involving a matter
of 145 growing out of a partnership affair
arising in Ktka. The account waa not dis
covered until after the settlement of the
partnership and it has been In court ever
since. The following were the decision
Henry W. Schlichtlng, appellant, against
Chicago, Rock Island 4 Pacific Ry.; Linn
county, Judge Thompson; affirmed by
State against J. C. Hasty, appellant;
Keokuk county. Judge Dewey; affirmed by
P. J. Brennan against John Qoodfellow,
spiiellant; Tama county, Judge Caswell;
attirmed by the court.
James M. black against Minneapolis &
St. Louis Ry. Co., appellant; Webster
county. Judge Richard; affirmed by Mc-
K. J. Btaten. appellant, against A. Ham
mer; Harrison county, Judge TUorneil;
affirmed by Weaver.
W. H. Erret. appellant, against Alex
ander Pritchard; Shelby county, Judge
Green; reversed by Bishop.
Delivers His First Speech of Present
Campaign at Mnsea
Three transfer, aggregating.
Net So Badly Hart aa Supposed.
CRESTON. Ia, Oct. 23. (gpeclal.)-
ML'SCATINE. Ia.. Oct. Z8.-Le.lle M.
Shaw, secretary of the treasury of the
United States, cpened hi Iowa campaign
tonight with a speech at Muscatine in
which he talked for two hours sn th tariff,
trust, money and ship subsidy questions,
making as the keynote of his talk an ap
peal to the people to demand the opening
I up th market of the south for United
Btates products. lie spoke for two hour to
the largest political gathering ever assem
bled her. Secretary Shaw said in part:
Th whole trend of democratic literature
and of democratic speeches a well as dem
ocratic platforms is to th effect that a
protective tariff not only breeds but shel
ters trusts. The only criticism that th
aomorrattc party nas ever mad oa tne
Brakeman W. Chenoweth, who has been
in Cottage hospital her for several days,
waa sent to his home in Ottumwa after it
wu miiwv mat .uu mmm ntst xrac- i " " . . " - - ' , . . . .
tured. Mr. Chenoweth was thrown through ' I "' ri5 Jf. H??' " b, ',hh
the cupola window of a way car by the
sudden stopping of the train caused by th
bursting of an air hose. He waa badly
bruised and cut up about th face and
head, but it is thought that he will now
recover. .
believe can be In favor of a protective
tariff. Therefore, I commend th honesty
of the democratic candidate for governor
in this state, la clearly defining the posi
tion of his party a opposed to any protec
tion whatever.
But nhlle I commend the standard bearer
ot th dtmociaUo paxty for thus dvUulug
w, ri mm ifk
: - :a iii --l -T. !.-.7J.f
fats Qoriyt
Vets pie2vsa.ttly,
Acts Bcrc.ficia!lvi
cts trvjly as-a Laxextivo;
run of Figs appeals to the cultured and tha
informed and tothe healthv. hvai 1C0 If c . vm.
J ? v.MkV Itv7 Will-
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it Is wholly free from every objectionable
quality vi auusiaine. in tne process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained '
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effectsbuy th
genuine manufactured by the
uratMi viiiunn iu iiiiui u .
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At any price the best
"McCLURE'S is the only magazine that really bites."
Three articles that " bite, " and a half dozen absorbs
ing stories make the
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Cleveland Moffett tells all there is to
know of the marvelous new element
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The politics of the metropolis are always interesting; particularly so when written up
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bin nutrition, the Dress of his party quite
generally concedes the wisdom of a pro
tecUve tariff provided It be enacted by a
democratic majority. By doing this they
rob their party or an ihsuo. ino iu. i-u
K i,.ih MiwMn it orotectlve tariff en
acted by a republican majority and a pro
tective tarin enaciea vy uomuu.ui, .n-1"T.'-
We are now wiinm iwhy. niumn.
another national campaign and with no
present Indication of an Issue. Our friends
are groping in the dark. The candidate
for governor In no other state dare ex
press himself on the money question. The
democratic nominee for governor In no
state dare say whether he Is In favor of
free silver or in ravor oi toe mu .lmu, u ,
whether he Is a blmetalllxt or a mono
metallism whether he Is a Bryan democrat
m cinvcland democrat. And the demo
cratic candidate for governor In no state
except Iowa dare denne nimseu on too
tariff question.
As usual there are no state Issues in
volved In this campaign. 1 congratulate
Governor Cummins and the people of the
state upon the record made by him and
th prosperity enjoyed by them during th
last two yeara. Na malfeasance in office
has existed anywhere .no Interests hav;
been neglected; no partiality shown and
no criticism from any source ha been
offered. , .
Fortunate Indeed Is such a chler ex
ecutive, and twice fortunate uch a people.
The returns on November third should
show another record-breaking republicau
Hcpksra Speak at rerelval.
PERCIVAU la, Oct, IX (Special Tele
gram.) Hon. W. P. Hepburn addressed a
large and enthusiastic audlenc her to
night on th political Issue. Thl wa
Colonel Hepburn' first appearance In Per
clval and he waa enthusiastically received.
Delegations from Hamburg, Sidney aa J
Thurtnan were present and Colonel Hep
burn mad many friends. Th chances are
exoellent for th republican to carry the
county and elect tha county ticket This
la Colonel Hepburn's last speech In th
campaign this fall. Senator Eaton of Sid
ney presided at th meeting and the Tbur
roan band furnished the music.
ifHrVTCIT. A superior (childrens
lllKUIlnL to all for V shoes
LADIES AND CHILDREN vrywktr an utlng
than when new. No liquids to soil or spill everything necessary for
the world's best polUhls contained in this one preparation preserves
1m tha iliinM lnrtAnLlY
8HINOLA Dauber, SC.
and FolUher, aoc, has
Umbi wool surfat-e,
backed by flex! bis telt .
beat ever made, at
a . L. ..r nrtivmiul
joe post-paid.
titiv It twlav.
LarVe box at dealers or
by mail, ioc. Worthless
substitute will be offered
refuse them.
IHIX0U CO Rsshsstsr, R.Y.
Girl Elonas wlta Indian.
SIOUX CITY. Ia. Oct. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Alex Payer., aged SO, an Indian,
and May Dollle Herts, aged IS. a white
girl, were arrested here tonight aa fugi
tive. Th Indian lives on th Winnebago
reservaUoo near Homer, Neb. Th girl's
home 1 noaioy. The girl's mother, Mrs.
E. R. Strealor, . telephoned to th Bloux
City police, who Intercepted them and
locked them up. The girl declare n
will marry th red man.
Ulladed ay Mm.
CRESTON, Ia. Oct B. Special. ) Ot to
Keck, a pupil of Jefferson school, met wltb
a peculiar and what may prove a serious ,
accident while at play. Th workmen had
just completed th addition to th building
and had left their 11m at th building.
In running he fell Int th vat of lime,
which flew 'In hi eyes and fac and badly
burned htm. IT I now at Cottage hos
pital, wher It 1 feared that h will lose
the sight of bis eyes.
i i wmiiii """"
9 p" n n rj ,m m
V Oj j j njff rZitMni tt
H f s mmi iaUUty. "J
Zll wILriUnSiSitngsndsUngrVI i
I I tag. Ika assu natn, .. mA L 1 I t
ajl kuainc. Tiuun r .L., S" t I
Mtraaaaadirnsalartod. mkania. ka. J If
J Uionrt4i.l palafaL XM lass 9 1 1
ItlirATlltl llilinea XII
to InMnnt nlM. Cnn la Mreral osya I i 1
- aaia Wlta srUige. for Sl.OO t
1h Mcraua jnctoooeu. Ouuba, Neb.
suirew au c., Unauur, o. Z