20 TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: BATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1903. Picture Dept. on Third Floor Jfollu LlQJ V'CIIII 1 '.Jir a m ' V BW SB GOOD FALL BARGAINS Remarkable Sale of Kid Gloves Thousands of fashionable gloves straight from the New York customs house were consigned to a well known Importtr. Bom wsre mussed lo traoolt and he refused to accept. We bought from the U. 8. customs house at lesa thaa the oost to import. Most of these giores are real kid r"7 leather, all the late autumn shades, all sizes, would be excel- J lent value at $1.00 or $1.60, Bat- H I unlay at .. w Ladles Neckwear at 5c and I5c A bargain square piled with lace and embroidered turn over collars hundreds of dainty styles, Cp 1 Cn worth up to 35c each, at UW"1UW Veils and Hat Drapes at 59c All Silk Chiffon Veils and nat Drapes, with chenille end silk embroid ered dots, handsomely hemstitched, black, white, the ( new blues and new browns, easily worth $1 and f 1.50 J each, yard and a half length at Sale of Ladies' and Children's Underwear ' Ladles' fine and heavy ribbed, plain and fleecy lined vesta and pants, medium and heavy weight, line Egyptian and cot- "JQrmXQr ton, worth up to 76c, at.... 7t Ladles Winter Underwear In silver gray, natural wool, etc., ZSfiuSl at. 50c-69c Ladles' Union Suits medium and heavy weight cotton, part w xl and all wool, worth up to W. on bargain lOg. (j9c-98C counter at w vv ' Children' Underwear All kinds fleecy lined, fine cotton and all wool, ' silver gray and camel's hair, worth np to $1 9r4Qf . on bargain counter at UWM $1 and $1.50 Corsets at 89c Samples and odd lots of many well known branda of oorsets, sold everywhere at 11 and 11.60, on bargain square at, each .Warranted Kid Gloves 1,000 pairs of very . fine real Kid Leather Gloves the Una tbat are soia for $2.00 everywhere every pair fitted to the hand a special at our Kid Glove Dept a pair Ladles'. Men's and Children's Hosiery, In lisle thread, lace effects, medium and heavy weight, fleecy lined, f'-4 Qr bargain counter at IUC"lA2v"lt Ladles' Lace and Embroidered All Linen Handkerchiefs and Men's Fancy Handkerchiefs, worth 25c, at J w 59c 100 Watch Our Windows r Watch Our Windows ' DOES YOUR BOY NEED SHOES? tl60 will pay for a pair at the FRY SHOE CO. that will do him mora good give him mors wear and comfort than any other ahoe you can buy for that price. tLCO. All slaes And all widths. Boltd leather soles. Solid leather count r Iouble sewed wuni, Jjurable uppers. Comfortable ,Vl .--n'flfll i Try Oar CANADIAN MAPLE SYRUP Warranted to be an absolutely pure, un adulterated maple sap, canned In the ma ple groves of the province of Quebec, un surpassed In quality and delicacy of flavor. If you appreciate genuine maple sap give thla article a trial. Money cheerfully re funded If found unsatisfactory. Pure Maple Syrup, per gal. l.tl.W 80 lbs. granulated sugar 1.00 Pure Apple Cider, per g&L 400 1 1-lb. pkgs. Rolled Oats. 2ik SPRING CHICKEN. PER LB, Ifin (our own dressing) lvlw Lack of space prevents us from quoting our entire assortment of vegetables. If you don't aes your favorlta below ask us about It. WAX BBANS, R1PB TOMATOES. UEO CABHAOB, CAIILlrLOWRR, WATER CKK8S, SPINACH. KBRMl'DA ONIONS. JKRS'T SWT. POTATO'S BKlSPKUl Sr&OUTS, CORN. MUSHROOMS, LIMA BKANS, CIH UMBERS, ORHEN PRPFRRS, CHOIL'S CELERY, HEAD LBTTUCH, bndfVb. CRAPS FRUIT, SOMMER BROS., Exponents of good living. 28th and Fortiam Sts. Grocery Tela. B29-133L Market Tel. 734 J YOU CAH'T PLEASE US any better than to compare our prleea with others we will take chances, XHiiN, of having your business. jfl.OO Peruna all you want at 7o Suo Caatorla the genuine at............ 24o (1.00 Pierce's Medical IHscovery t&o tl.CO Pierce's Favorite Prescription at.... fcso tl.00 Palne's Celery Compound at. 7o il.UO Celery Nervine at 660 1 00 Temptation Tonlo at 230 II .00 Wirnfr'i Bttfe Cure at 7o LuO CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURB at... ?So We ruarantee Oimer'i Kidney curs, WHITE KIH BON LlVlUOR CUUI EOe Allcock's plasters genuine lio Sua Duan'S Kidney pllla , 13 too Cuticura Hulve. 30a t Pleroa's Ptllfl ISo ki Burkhart's Vegetable Compound lc bio Wlaard Oil too 12 00 Curator's Genuine Pennyroyal PUla H.W ioo Bar ben sj Suo possonl Pace Powder , lio kxj Carters IJttle Liver PUla Lowney'e Candles O'Brtea'a Chocolates tMtflACCERIC CUT PR ICS guiiUi.rt.11 4 druq Mta' K. T. TATKS. Proprietor. I ' Tv( Pk 74T mm TST. IS mm CsOeage Streets, Oaaaka, Ckleaar Great Wtittra kVallway. Short Una to Mlnden, Harlan. Manning, Carroll and Fort bodge. Two trains each way. lave Omaha at (:20 a. m. and p m Leave Council liluHs at :J a. m. and ll P m- Fv Information apply to Uo. F. Thomas. Gen'l Agt.. room SO, tmtaha NaUoaal Baak buUding, Omaha, and Pss'l CouncU Bluffs, U. 1 Whea you are talking Into your Uans aalttor with your lips close to the mouth ploco and you do not hear the other party t la because ha la not talking with his lips sloae to ha mouthpieoe and you abould WU 1 H A CL05E1 IN5PK They're Not. All Alike Toul find Boys' fl-E0 ahoes moat any where you go that la ahoea that are sold for C-W But Ars they shoea that you know have a dollar and a halfa worth of value In themT You know what our Boys XI. 60 shoea are they've always given you entire satisfaction, and ws can aire you the aame aha tomorrow we gavs you last year. Than why eat pertinent by changing. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnim Street. ssah'g Up-to-Date Shoe Hoese, nn RKLUSLK I UK Coupon Sale CJoupona with every purchase. The moat liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. 1HU R a. LIABLE! STORK. M GREAT SALE OF IlW OVERCOATS Tho largest and most complete lino wo havo shown. For 110.00 ws ean show you the best all wool Kersey overcoats ever manufactured for the prioa. These overcoats will not only wear and give satisfaction, but ws also guarantee them to be fast colors and re tain their shape these coats are made up of very fine all wool Kersey cloth and coma In black and blue mads up with black mohair sleeve lining, kersey facing to the armholea, and have a very fins Italian quilted body lining, and are all nand tailored 'throughout. Nona worth less than X15 our special tft fin price for Baturdny only lU'UtJ or lu.oo ana 11&.W we nave over 20 differ ent patterns. In all tho latest and most up-to-date styles to select from, in oaaal- merea, frleses, cheviots, fancy cheviots and vlounas. In oxford grays, brown mix tures, fancy mixtures, plaid and stiipos and plain colors, mads In medium and long length, all with band-made button holes, oonoave shoulders and have close fitting collars, tailored equal to any $25.00 to $36.00 made-to-order garments. Our sppolal price for Saturday, IP OA $12.60 and lOsUU BOYS' OVERCOATS AND REEFEKS. Boys' overcoats in all the latest styles and fabrics. In medium and long lengths. In plain blacks, oxford . gray, brown mix tures, gray mixtures, plaids, pin checks and plain colors, at $3.75, $1.60, 14 fl.fl $5.00, $7.60 end up to $T..V IL'VU Boys' reafers, in ages from 4 to 16 years, in Irish frlese, vicunas and chinchillas, all mads with high storm collars and knee Hart ScKifftKrl fir Marx Hand Tailored w length, at ' $1.66, $2.60, $2.98 and. 3.50 flf 1L 0; 0 am e ' . v. colS 10 - MCK?" . Coie-UCJtay mmupmar, lUkbaliuartW 1WI Catiltal ava, 71. SVJk i For Bleastrua! Suppreiiioal., i PEN-TAN-GOT .: sia, UV SM U OwUw hr SMraaa -mi lam StMt eeans) bom LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL U1LUXERY ROUSE IN THE WEST. Extraordinary Sale On PictHrostjiiQ illinory Bxcluslvetiess, rnre beauty and attractiveness is assured in our $3.50, $5.00 and $7.50 values Popular Prices Always.. 1508 Douglas St. Extraordinary Offer nothing Down Take a Columbia Grapho phone home with you. Tou Day cash for the recorda and berla Bavins; for the Oranhonhona a weak latar In easy Installment. Call and Investigate. Terms to suit all. Just received 10.000 of the new hard moulded evllndrleal records. Thar lit all kinds of cylinder tnachlnea. Columbia Phonograph Company. 1621 VARNA M STREET. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS, EARNS I PER CENT INTEREST, COMPOUNDED EVERY THREE MONTHS, AND ACCOUNTS ARE OPENED FROM ONE DOLLAR TO THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Cutlers to the People W make Cutlery Specialty and are now re ceiving Nov elties la that line. If You Shave .Try a Curley Safety James Mcrtoa & Soa Co 15U DODGE STREET. TUB HARDWARE PEOPLE. . Dr. Hedges. DENTIST Now located at No. 1505 Farnam et. Opea evening and Sundays. 'WU ILM' Our Shoes Are Always the acme of stylo and fit. Iwaya the Ideal of comfort and finish. Always the leader In material and wear. Always satisfactory in slse and shape. Alwaya from maker to wearer. Always (Ives perfect satisfaction. Onimod On-a-Man Always S3.50 5 $2.50 Resent Shoo Co. 205 So. lftb St. Schmollcr & DuoIIor Piano Manufacturers 1313 Farnam St, OMAHA ...Offer tho... . BEST PIANO VALUES Of tho Year This Week We are overstocked on high grade pianos and to move about 75 instruments quickly we have cut the prices to rock bottom. If you are looking for a service able instrument now is your op portunity. The bargains' you find here have never been equalled. Open An Account With Us. I a "" -ns.i.wU.s-, 1 TERMS Made to Suit Your Convenience-, $900 Bteck Grand, only tj 600 Kranich & Bach Parlor Grand ?375 Kimball upright, mahogany case, only 250 French walnut upright, only Other used upright pianos, AND S375 225 195 138 $75, $90, $110 UP. Square pianos $25, $35, S40A,Dp. PIANO PLAYERS, 4 Different Makes. $125 $175 $225 $250 Terms of purohasa arranad to suit ths buyer. w0 Write for catalogues and prices or pay us a visit of In spection. We guarantee to save you money.- (iMCoeoaAf co MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-BETA! I. 1 I A M O S tjaiM housc ass omec r raasiais rcriiT TCLXPMONC 4S OMAHA LINCOLN ;OLN, NtB I m. rrm T, I s,r 4 co. BLurrs. ia SJ aOABWAT . SJSA.SWS ir n n ),o rib. .urn, FT uiauc vu 2.50 SKoes for men women . boys The best men's shoes that money can buy are to be found in our line at $2.50 THM LINE WE SHOW AT THIS PRICE! 18 FAR AHEAD 07 ANT BHOEON.THE MARKET RET Al LINO FOR IS AND $3.60 They are made on a genuine Goodyear welt, made of box, velour, calf and vici kid, with tan oak soles made on the latest style lasts shoes that are posi tively selling for $3.00 and $3.50 in shoe stores in this city. ' Our price SATURDAY IS THB DAT FOR BUYING CHILDREN'S SHOES. IBRINO THB CHILDREN DOWN, HAVE THEM FITTED TO SHOES. WE HAVE THB BEST WEARING SHOES THAT MONEY-jCAN BUT BEST WORKMANSHIP AND THB BEST LEATHERS. YOU SURELY WILL GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH BY BUYING YOUB CHILDREN'S SHOES HERB. SHOES FOR BOYS, YOUTHS AND LITLE GENTS Made of box calf, in lace, with good heavy soles and ex tension edges, best grade drill lining. Sizes 9 to 13 l-2,at 1.45 Sizes 13 1-2 to 2, at 1.75 Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-12, at 1.90 Misses' and children's dongola, vici kid and box calf shoes, with patent leather tips, with good heavy soles and extension edges. Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, at J. 25 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, at 1.50, Ladies' Shoes at $2. 50, worth $3 and $3 50 Here's a great shoe for; the money made of vici, nutria, dongola and royal kid, lace, genuine Goodyear welts, with heavy and medium weight soles all the newest shapes and lasts, with Cuban, military and medium heels shoes worth $3.00 and $3.50. Our price 1 ItV u Tooth You .lust Havo And we pride ourselves on being better prepared to suit ytra than any other dental emce in tne dir. in point 01 in. naturalness nrauir ana hubjiit. PASS OURS. OUR EXTRACTING 13 PAINLESS. Set Teeth $5, up. Fillings 75c, up. All our work Is positively ths best, and constructed by expert so oed dentists from ths finest materlala. , Our motto: "Best Work," "Reason abla Prices." TACT'S DENTAL ROOMS NONE CAN BUR. Crowns and Bridge Work, per Tooth $5 . 1517 Douglas Street. .Hitler's Saturday Specials. We Give Trading Stamps. See us for your family liquors. We can give you wholesale prices ana" guarantee purity in every article. (FREE 15-DAY OFFER To out-of-town ci tomers. Particulars upon request). California Port, Bherry and Angelica Wines, bottle 25c, S5c, and 50c 'mm California Claret per gallon 0c. 1.00 and ..... ..... ..... KILLER'S PURE RYE full qusrt ..... ..... ..... . KILLER'S OLD PRIVATE STOCK full quart ...m ..... KILLER'S OLD STANDARD KENTUCKY WHISKEY bottled In bond with U. 8. government stamp on every bottle, full at Champagne, domestic, pints, 60c ; ft pints, toe r- If It seeaas tress HlUer's It Blast be feed." 1.25 80c 1.00 1.25 son WB Q1VB TRAtMNO STAMPS. Ililler Liquor Co., U09 Fa roam Street Phone 1241 Special offers to out-of-town customers. Send for circulars. Prescription Talk ..,.-. in niitna- npaaerlDtlons is Inval uable to thoaa who ars In a precarious state of health, as well as to the druggist who values his reputation aa a careful and azact pharmacist and chemist. Parana . ........."c Caatorla - Laxative Bromo Quinine Bromo Seltaer Caacarots Pear's Boao Be Oraham'a Shampoo Pasta. 26c Menthol Pencils 100 Pierce's Prescription MC Plnknain's ComDOUnd ....74c Jaroear Tonic Vermifuge c All Tooth Pastes -Wo It's Bad Luck To refuse money, but wo don't want your money without giving you full equivalent In pure and high-grade goods. Rio Blend coffee, lb ji0 Leader Blend has no equal i&o Cucuta Blend, worth Mac r&o Too Sncclolo Young Hyson Saturday only English Breakfast Saturday only.. Tea Mftlngs Bs.Vf lb. Cocoa. ... tta ... 9 ...lTVio ...into Extracts t os., full weight. os,. fuU weight. Mixed sploes tor pickling.., e ) e lie toe So l fUHSiLOfa ntlllli LLaSJM "to1 nailL Iho Boo Want Ms Produco RgscIIs