Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' ST..
TeL 1-M.
"We shoald be aa rare.
'1 ear ward as at
from apeak Ina- III
fram doing II
"Sterling" make of underwear haa a are at many aatlsfled wearers. . We have sup
plied hundreds and are ready with a large fall and winter stock to try and double
the number of customers. Beautiful yarns and finish perfect fit. Ask to see the
Sterling line.
Ladles' white Hale Union Suits, heary Weight, hand finished, buttoned across the
cheat, COO per suit.. ,
Ladles' Union Suits, heavy mercerised cotton. In pink, blue or white, $3.50 per suit.
Ladles' Wool Union Bults, In natural or pretty blue shade, buttoned across chest
a special number at' 13.00 per suit.
Ladles .Wool Union Suits, heavy weight, in natural of blue, buttoned down the
front, $4.00 pe suit
Ladles' Black Wool Union Suits, buttoned down the front, $.1.50 per suit.-
Ladles' Wool .Vests and Tights. In rtittnral or blue price, 12.00 each.
Ladles' heavy weight Black Wool Tights, extra fine quality, $3.00 each.
Very choice are the new coats the styles
are particularly pretty the materials are
the best. All these garments are mads
exchudvely for Thompson, Belden Co.
For Little Children, from I to 10 Tears
Coats. of velvet. Coats of slbellne Coats of
kersey 1 and other desirable materials.
Prices trdra 00 to $10.00.
Coats for Ladles Every day we show
something new and handsome. Our Coats
ara All'1 made by" he finest tailors. They
are made o wear and retain their shape.
We sell Coats of the famous Wooltex make,
the'toame of which is a positive guarantee
of goodness. .. Prtoes, $12.60,, $13.76, $15.00,
I1A.0O, $22.00 and $a.00. :
Walking .Skirts In choice mixed cloths,
perfect fitting, at $9.50, $10.00 and $11.00 each.
' New ..Black Silk, Waists New styles,
mad J In. peau de sola of very fine quality,
at $6'6' . . ,
Waists In all the pretty new vesting ef
feet; at 14.60. $5.00 and $7.60.
Petticoats In new and pretty styles of
black 'tatteta l!k, at $5.00, $8.50, $7.50, $1C00
and $11.50. -:
Fine Furs We sell only furs of reliable
quality furs which' will give the wearer
satisfaction made of choicest selected
skins. , Prices, from $10.00 to $26.00.
Our Corset department Is one of the
most popular in the store, because we never
fail to give ihb most complete satisfaction.
NO -matter What kind you buy, we prefer
to fit them.. , Shapes are the latest
straight (runts, flatenlng fronts.
Corsets we fit range in price from' $2.00 to
$13.50. . .,.'..-.,
Expert corset fitters In attendance, '
Corsets under a dollar'don't last very long
It pays to'spend A little mora and get a
better one.''
IY. M. C A; Building, Corner
IndOstrV and enterprise may have to rest
on their oars.', Our financial system can
not totter, much less be wrecked. Undue
favors, may . have been shown by some
banks to promoters, but they are correct
ing their blunders and looking out for
mora healthful business. :
4s!' lali'ir aa Prices.
Price 6f ' commodities have' undoubtedly
beenV borne upward bv the Inflation. 8pe
ol.l Jnfluenof h huve a fleeted iron; Bessemer
!lg, Which -was $10.'4 In August, IMS, cost
.11.75 at the same time tn likti; steel billets
n ttie snlne Interval have risen from; $14.76.
to $34J NO. 2 red winter wheat, which was
74 cents,) became ' 74f cents; mess porK
from $9.76 lumped to $18.25, and family
beef from $11. hu to $15; cotton from 611-16
cent advanced to 8 r-16 cents; Ohio fleece
Wool fell from 28 to 27 cents.
By Index numbers, the advance of all
commodities has been? from $6,6" to $07,831,
or twenty-one points. , On lull, examina
tion, the Employers' Association of Chicago
finds that the cost of living In this country
has ..increased 16 per cent In five years.
Carroll t. Wright, head of the buruu of
labor, -with all the data of the Anthracite
Coal commission, declares the advance to
be from 16 to 17 per rent. These figures
may ' be accepted as authoritative, - .
Advance tn wages follows Increase in
cost of living. In recent years it has coma
fat and atrong. Large railway companion
and otlw corporations have added 16 per
cent at one step, to wages paid, to meet
the recognized advance In cost of living.
The drift had been, downward in wages
from 18lf$ to 1S4S; ance It has been steadily
Upward. . In many cases it hna exceeded
the rise- In cost of living. The. general
averojre may safely be stated at , from
16 to 20 per cent. Persons with fixed In
comes are burdened with the heavier cost
of llvfng without any offset, aa they hava
the .benefit of a fall in prices of commo
dities, when that pecurs.
Tha -committee on nominations made the
following report: For president, " F. O.
Ulgolow of Milwaukee; for vie president,
B. F.'Swlnney of Kansas City; for execu
tive committee, 3. V Powers of Kentucky,
J. R. .Mitchell of Minnesota. J. K. Wilson
of California. J. B. Fiy of Pennsylvania, -Stephen
M. Oroawold of New York, M. H.
Dennis of South Dakota, W. K. Coffin of
Wisconsin. -M-' Bv Lane of Georgia, W M.
Livingston of Michigan and Charles Sawyer
of Kansas. "Thai, report of the nominating
committee was adopted . and tha newly
elected, cfllcera- Installed. -.
"Jadge Post Vlee.Prealdeat.
Tire - prize winners for the ' year ' for the
bast essays on banking problems -wars rep
resented to be C. M. Farwell of New Tork.
$500; Chauncey Thomas of Denver, $300;
Rluhard Usrrlngtoa of - New fork, $200.
Amopg the vice presidents reported were:
Colorado, .F..q" ALcftat of Denver; District
of Columbia) .M. -E. Ails of Washington;
Illinois.' William; George of Aurora; In
diana, ' Mord -Carter of Danville; Indian
Territory, F. 8. Qenung of . McAlester;
Iowa, C. it. Koch of Washington; Kansas,
Jamas- T. Bradley of , Sedan; Kentucky,
Henry-U Wall heck of Louisville;. Michi
gan, M.C. Potter of Detroit; Minnesota,
ifu, Jack Frost is Hero
Never befpre have we shown such an as
, sortment or such extreme .values la boys'
.. and girls' costs. ,'
This garment, of Slbellne, felcely made
looks like $10 value, agea 6 to 14, ft f)t
our price., , , OioU
. Scores of other fine values, from U.$i to
A special In little girls' coats In blue or -brown
kersey, full of style, warmth and
service; if you pay $ elsewhere you
. should not complain, 'tis worth It. Q AC
We are selling tliera at
Other garments that rival-this for ex
treme value, pricea all along up to $10u
Boys full swagger overcoats . of gray
melton, fly front,
ages to 16, special
Boys' overcoat of
j.i 11..- .tii vaiue, agea s 10 C flrl
14. price , O'UtJ
Other fins garment $, $150, 87 60 and H 60
And little fellows' 'coats for ages tL to
I; you know where headquarters are;
prk-os range from UH all along by aaay
stages up to $10.
your children's olothea mouey do its ut
most. : Write .for catalogue. - -
B CLOSE SATURDAYS At. P. M. Bee. Oct. B, 19(4.
Ladies' Knitted
Never overlook us when you want Bed
ding. Ws carry the best of everything.
Cotton Comforters none, better produced
St $1.00. $1.25. $1.60. $1.79, $3.00, $J.26, $2.60,
$3.00, $3.26, $3.60, $4.00 each.
Wool Comforters tha' flnest only1 at $150,
$2.75, $3.76, $4.00, $4.50, $4.75, $6.75.
Down Comforters beautiful, Indeed at
$5.00, $4.00, $7 60, 19.00, $10.00, $11.00 eaoh -
Cotton Blankets gray, tan or white at
600, 600, 100, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.76 pair.
Wool Blankets honest goods only $2.26,
$2.66. $2.76, $3.00, $3.60,- $4.00. $4.60, $4.76, $6 60,
$8.25, $7 00, $7.60 up to $13.00 a pair. .
Mattress Pads small sixes, 65c, 90c each;
large sites at S5o, $1.60, $1.76, $2.00, $4.00 eaoh.
Crib Comforts ruffled edges 60o each.
Feather Pillows we can furnish at any
price. from $1.00 a pair up. . . , , . .
The quality must be right or they find no
place' in' our Olove stock. ' When we fit
them' they' musr be right or you do not
need to take them. 'Expert fitters always
In attendance.
Valllor's Verlalne Glace, made of choice
skins, lii the best colorings, white, brown,
beaver, gray and blacks, $1.60 per pair.
Valuer's Phenlx, a black suede, fine qual
ity, $1.60 per pair. ,
Valller's guaranteed stainless black suede,
one of the best made, $2.00 per pair.
Paud L. Qlace Olove the best Glove on
the market today at the price made in all
the fall colorings $1.00 per pair.
Foster four-hpok Fowler, In black, white,
brown, , beaver and gray, $1.50 per pair.
.Misses' Kid, Gloves, $1.00 per pair.
Sixteenth and Douglai Stf
D. 8. Culver of St. Paul; Missouri, J. S.
Houston of Marshall; Nebraska, Oeorge W.
Post of York; New Mexico, F, J. Anderson
of Almo Oordo; New York, Charles II.
Stout of New York City; North Dakota.
C. 8. Lane of Mandan; Ohio, Thomas II.
Wilson of Cleveland; Oklahoma, O. A. Nel
son of Guthrie; Bouth Dakota, II. J. Mc
Dlll of Beresford; Texas, Edwin Chamber
lain of San Antonio; Wisconsin, W, M.
Holley of La, Crosse; Wyoming, August
Kendall of Rock Springs. ; -. :
After the retiring prealdent, Mr. Caldwell
Hardy; had been presented with a beautiful
silver bowl, the convention adjourned.
Invitations to hold tha next convention
were extended by Atlantlo City, N. J., and
by the -bankers of New York City. - The
convention city will i -to selected by the
executive committee -next spring.
. Tha new executive .council met after the
adjournment and elected J. Nt Hilton of
Illinois aa chairman; Tha following .offi
cers were also elected: James. R. Branch
of New York City, secretary; William Q.
Flttwllson,- assistant secretary, and George
E. Orde of Chicago treasurer.
Various excursions have been arranged
for the visitors, but the majority of them
will start for their homes tomorrow.
Crime of Farm Hand Who Becomes
lafatnated with Employer's . .
BETHEL, Me.. Oct. 23.-BueIaH 'York, a
farmer's, daughter,' aged' 15 years, was shot
and killed last night by Ora Green, who
then blew off his own head."
Green was a laborer on tha York farm.
Ha was $0 years of ago and is said to have
been infatuated with tha girl, who refused
to accept bis attentions:-'' ;
lavestlgatlag Death.. .01 Patleat.
pv.npti in. rw m t u.k r
secretary of the Htate Board of Charities!
"u r rn v.. n mop, ansimani secretary
are here today - from Springfield maklni
an Investigation into the kllllna- of Fran!
Hartley., a patient, for whose murder
uuarui Dorrens ana r tynn are now In Jail
The testimony of the physicians making the
autopsy showed that the patient was sub
jected to ,the most horrible brutality, six
rfha helnr hrnbi.n And Vi I -nt.,ul
literally torn to pieces by the punishment
(1 reoeivea. - -
t Jlegro Hsrserer Captared.
TROY,. Mo., Oct 2$. ''Sonny Boy" Mitch
ell, the negro who shot and killed another
neem and wounded three others at a risnra
at Mexico on Saturday night laat, has been
capiurea ai iia Monroe.
-Those who cough at night may secure
rest by taking Plso's Cure. All druggists.
Lilliputian Coats
velvet collar. fl OC
gray frlese, the extreme
'y?' DanjlM St.,
Two Hundred Thousand Mors People Came
Lut Tear Than One Before,
Total Arrivals of All Classes Were
1,318, Who Breegfct to This
fosstry Over tUsteea ftlll
c lloa Dollars.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. The annual re
port of Frank P. Sargent .of the Bureau of
Immigration shows a large Increase In Im
migration over that of the preceding year,
the aggregate of the fiscal year being 875.
04, an exoess over that of last year of 208,
S00. or $3 per cent. The-statistics show an
increase In immigration from all foreign
sources, suggesting as the' chief cause of
the tnfluex of aliens Into, the United States
during the year the Inducements offered to
settlers rather than special causes of dis
content In their own country.
Of the total steerage Immigration, there
came from Europe 814,607, from Asia 29.660
and from all- other sources 12,673. If to
these figures are added those representing
the total arrivals of alien cabin passengers,
64,269, the result will show that the 'total
immigration of aliens to the United States
during the year aggregate 821,315, or 106,043
more than the greatest number heretofore
reported for any one year.
The greatest number of immigrants, 230,
622, came from Italy, an increase of 62,634
over last year, while Austria-Hungary fur
nished 20G.011, an increase of 34,022; Russia
13,093, an Increase of 28,746; Germany 40,086,
an Increase of 11,782; Sweden 40,028, an In-1
crease of 16,134; Ireland 35,310, an increase of
8.172, and England 28,219, an increase of 12,-.
644. 1
Of the oriental countries Japan was fore
most with 19,968, an Increase of 6,698, while
China contributed 2,296, an Increase of 600
over last year. Of the total number of
steerage passengers 13,146 -were males and
243,409 were females, of' whom 102,431 were
less than 14 years of age. .There were of
these $.341 who could read but could not
write, and JS5.C67 who could neither read
nor write, leaving a balance able both to
read and write of 668,039. The total amount
of money brought by tham Into the United
States was $16,117,613.
Thoesands Dialed Admlttaace.
Exclusive of those denied admission at
the land boundaries of the United States
l,76 were rejected for various causes, 8,812
being paupers, 1,773. afflicted with disease
and 1,086 contract laborers.
Concerning these figures Commissioner
Sargent says: ' 1
The most noteworthy features In this
statement are those in relation to the re
jections of alien contract laborers and per
sons sunenng witn aangerous contagious
diseases. With respect to the former It
may lalrly be assumed thRt the vigilance
of the officers charged with the enforce
ment of the law has resulted in the detec
tion and exclusion of the large number
given, which Is In excess of the number
excluded sny previous fiscal year since the
establishment of the bureau. As regards
the retertion of diseased aliens. I must re
iterate the statement made in the last an
nual report, that It exhibits upon the part
of some of the transportation lines such a
wanton disregard or the laws or the coun
try as fully vindicates the wisdom of con-i
press In authorizing by- the act approved
March 3, 1903. the imposition of a penalty
for bringing diseased aliens to this country
In tho cases,, was perceptible at the time.
Desires Medical Exsmlaatloa.
Commissioner Sargent strongly recom
mends that an examination by competent
medical authorities skilled physicians, rep
resenting this government should te de
tailed for this service.
The commissioner refers to the grave
danger to our cities from polonies of foreign
born people. Such colonies, he says, are k
menace to the physical, social, moral and
political security 'of the country. . Removed
from the sweatshops and slums of the groat
cities and given the opportunity to ac
quire a home, every alien, however
his theories of government and individual
right may have been, will become a con
servative, a supporter in theory -and prac
tice of those Institutions under whose pro
tection he has acquired and can defend his
household gods.
Bultable legislation is therefore strongly
urged to establish agencies by means of
which, either whh or without the co-operation
of the states, aliens shall be made
acquainted with tha resources of the coun
try at large, the industrial needs of tho
skilled labor, cost of living, the wages
paid, the price and capabl It es of the lands,
the character of the climates, tha dura ton.
of ths seasons In short all of that infor
mation furnished by some of the great
railway- lines, through whose efforts the
territory tributary thereto has been trans
ferred from a wilderness within a few years
to the abiding place of- a happy and pros
perous population.
CommifcAloner Sargent, in view. of. the
arrival of approximately 1,000,000 Immi
grants annually, urges that legislation bd
enacted to Improve the quality, morally and
intellectually, of those admitted. -
The report indicates a marked improve
ment in the enforcement of the complex
and strongly' resisted Chinese exclusion
laws. ' Experience ban proved a good
teacher in the administration of these
laws and their enforcement is accomplished
now with a minimum of friction. The
commissioner expresses confidence that the
efforts -of the bureau to enforce these laws
will prove much more successful than they
have proved at any time heretofore.
Raral Carriers Named and New
Roates Ordered In Nebraska
aad Iowa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(8peclal Tele-j
gram.) These rursl carriers were ap
pointed todayr Nebnaska Axtell, regulars,
G. P. Post, John A. Carlson; substitutes,
Charles W. Elm, Gertrude Carlson. Lyons,
regular, F. W. Johnson; substitute, .-Peter
M. Johnsqn. Iowa Alexander, regular,
A. M. Butler; substitute, James R. Butler.
Dickens, regular, Wlllette Johnson; sub
stitutes, Roy Johnson, F. J. Callar. Elision,
regular, C. D. Christy; substitute, F. B.
Christy. Kanawha,-regular. Lb red D. Peer
Ish; substitute, T. C. Peerlsh. Linden, reg
ular. Isaao Holloway; substitute, Cora M.
Holloway. Ogden, regulars, John W. Wil
liams; H. G. 'Nelson; substitutes,' Joseph
R. Williams, Cahrles Carlson.' Oskaloosa,
regular, Homer 'C. ' Charles; substitute,
Harry R. Charles. Pella, regular,' George
W. Steerenberg; substitute, Ardle Blow.
Sibley, regular, Charles R. Msndevllle; sub
stitute, Edward Bland. Traer, regular,
John Andrews; substitute, Mrs. George
These Iowa' rural routes wilt be estab
lished December 1: Dawson, Pallas county,
one route; area covered, twenty square
miles; ' population, 473. ' Mitchell, Mitchell
pounty, one ' route;- area, twenty-seven
square miles; population, 410.
Absalom Anderson has been appointed
postmaster at Llthla, Pall River county,
8. D., vice James 8. Bhepard, resigned.
To ttady American Methods.
PHILADELPHIA,' "Oct. 23 Several mem
bers of the English educational committee,
organised and heided by Hon. Alfred Mose
ley. M. P . are here. Hemamlng members
will arrive ton I a hi. The committee will
remain in this city until Monday, and dur
ing their vlult will Inspect hcw.U and
Industrial plants, with a view to acquaint
ing themselves with the methods and sys
tem employed hero.
(fa a of Larsrest Crowds Kver Assem
bled la tho City Preaeat at
tho Meetlag.
EXETER. Neb.. Oct. 23.-(Special Tele
gram.) One of tha largest crowds ever
gathered in Exeter to hoar a political
speech assembled to Congressman Bnrkeit
of the First congressional district tonight
Mr. Burkett Is not a stranger in tnti
county, having spoken at different places
in the countr before. A large number came
over from the , adjoining towns and ths
meeting was In' the nature of a county
rally. Mr. Burkett's address was con
sidered by many as ths best political
speech ever made here. A large "number
of fusion voters were in the hall. Most
of the candidates on ths county ticket
were present and were presented to the
sudlenoe. Hon. L. G. Hurd of Harvard,
candidate for district Judge and Captain
Henry of Geneva, candidate for clerk of
the district court,' made brief addresses.
Mr. Burkett began his address with a
tribute to the candidates upon the republi
can ticket. He pronounced every one of
them worthy of the votes of eveTy citlsen
of the state. As to Judge Barnes he said
that the fact. that he had lived for a quar
ter of a century In the state and had
taken an active 'part In-the affairs of the
stats and yet not a word could be raised
against his character and ability, was per
haps testimonial enough of his standing.
But .Judge Barnes has had an unusual
test. For two years he has been practi
cally conceded the nomination and for two
years we may say he has been before the
people as a candidate. He has occupied
a position on the supreme bench and every
lawyer and every litigant and 'citizen has
ever held him In the highest esteem, per
sonally and officially. He Is a good lawyer,
good Judge and a good man.
Mr. Burkett then urged the necessity for
good men as' regents of the State univer
sity and congratulated the people upon
having two 'as good men presented for
their suffrages, aa Mr. Whltmore and Mr.
Allen were.
Mr'.. Burkett' then .'made a genuine re
publican speech along national lines In
the main, although dlsgresslng at times
Into state affairs for a good illustration
of the success of republican administra
tion of affairs.
Run Down by Train While Attempt--ing
to Cross the Track
In a. Boggy.
EDGAR, Neb., Oct. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Mr, and. Mrs. G. W. Turner of
Edgar were both Instantly killed this after
noon about 8:30, while attempting to cross
the track ahead of the B. & M. Passenger.
The bodies were badly mutilated, the wo
man's head cut oft, the horse killed and
the carriage smashed.
Sweepstakes In Class at Kansas City
Captnred by Minnesota
' KANSAS CITY. Oct. 23. The features of
the American Royal Cattle show . today
were ; the Meadow Park special, for "the
best herd of Herefords In the shbw.and
the grand sweepstakes for the beat Gallo
way bull-or cow. -The
.first prise was captured by J. A.
Funkhouser of Plattsburg, Mo. The prise
was a 'silver1 cup, valued at $600, 'given by
Charles'-; W. Armour. The , grtmd j sweep
stakes ' was won by C. E. Clarke of St,
Cloud, Minn., with his bull. Imported
Worthy III.
Sentence Suspended by Judge,
NEW YORK. Oct. 43tSentence on Ber
nard Lynch, the saloonkeeper who pleaded
guilty to a charge of perjury in connection
with Samuel J. Parks, wa suspended to
day bv Juace Foster. An affidavit was
filed by . defendant's counsel to the effect
that Lynch committed perjury on the ad
vice of Former city Magistrate Henry A
Brann, now in private practice. At the
trial of Parks for extortion Josephua
Plenty, a contractor, testified that he had
paid $200 to Parks In Lynch s presence for
calling off a strike. Lynch denied this on
tne stana.
v Skiff Swept Over Dam.
PITTSBURG. Oct. 23. A skiff containing
nve Hungarian laborers was swept over tne
I SorinKtlHlrt dam near Colfax station In the
pants were drowned. The men for some
time have been In the habit of crossing the
3fi I J uivi iigii( ausj diiu is u va 111a uvm-
river to their work without accident, but on
tills occasion a. heavy foe prevented them
from seeing their proximity to the dam,
until the swirl caught their boat and car
ried it over. - .
Snow Falls In Wisconsin.
BALDWIN, Wis., Oct. 23. An inch of
snow fell here last night.
To Shake Off Coffee aad Slekneaa.
It is easy to shake off coffee no matter
how bad one may crave It, when well made
Postum Coffee is served in Its place. '
"1 1 have drank coffee for years and al
ways experienced' trouble from It," says a
Kansan. "I knew It was causing my sick
ness, es my doctor told me It was, and fol
lowing the doctor's advice I have repeat
edly sworn offt "But sfter a short time I
could not stand It any longer and would go
bacij to coffee and the old troubles. Never
untiT I tried Postum about a year ago could
I shut off the coffee for any length of time.
"At that time I was suffering terribly
from stomaeh trouble, nervousness, head
aches and all the other Ills that go with
a badly upset coffee stomach,. I am a
school teacher, and If I made my coffee
strong enough to stimulate my stomach I
could work fine for a time, but would col
lapse at night. Gradually I failed to get
stimulation from the coffee and my brain
seemed actually clogged up from drinking
coffee and my stomach was In a wretched
'A friend came to see me and advised
that I try Postum and then went out and
got me a package, she was so certain it
would help me. But my landlady did not
make It right and I was so disappointed
with the taste that I went back to coffee.
My health finally got so bad I was on the
point of giving up school work. Then my
friend returned to see me one day and
asked about the Postum. and when she
found out what the trouble was she made
It for me according to directions, boiling It
full 15 minutes, and to my surprise I found
it delicious-),
"Then I shut off ths - coffee and found
It easy to do by drinking Postum In its
place, which completely satisfied any coffee
taste, and I began to feel better almost
Immediately." I -rove used Postum ever
since snd my f
minute's troub'
my nerves are
feel so flue I car.i
has not given me a
now strong sgaln,
and normal and I
Login to tell you how
thankful I am.
"I persuaded my brother who was an In
veterate coffee drinker for years to give up
the coffee and try Postum, and he has had
such grand results from this that he says
hs will never go back to coffee. When I
went borne 00 s, visit to my parents I per
suaded them tq use Postum. In tha place
of coffee and aha results have been that
Mother's - nervousness and sleeplessness
have disappeared," ' Name given by Postum
Co.. Battle Ctetk, Micb. . . .
Look In each, package far a copy of the
famous little book. "The Road Tz 'wall-villa.'
rf ennnnnanaaanj
Pottmaittf General Ban Indicted Attorney
from FojuI Department
Interior Departmeat Will Require
Leas Money, bat' War Departmeat
Asks lor a Little More
Than Last Tear.
WASHINGTON, Oct JS.Postmaster Gen
eral Payne today signed an order debar
ring H. J. Barrett of Baltimore, nephew
of former Attorney General Tyner and for
some years law clerk and acting assist
ant attorney general for the department,
from practice before the department Bar
rett wds Indicted by the grand Jury in
connection with the Investment cases.
The postmaster today accepted the resig
nation of William H. Landvolght, chief of
the division of classification of malls of
the postofflce, to take effect at the close
of business tomorrow,
. Estimates for Interior Department.
The secretary of the Interior has com
pleted and forwarded to the secretary of
the treasury his estimate of the appropria
tions necessary to conduct the affairs of
the Interior department for the fiscal year
ending June SJ, 1905. The estimate places
the total requirement for the department
at tl56.000.000, which la about 13.000,000 less
than the appropriation for the current year.
The proposed reduction will be made, in
the pension bureau and the Indian office.
The estimate for pensions la 1138,8 0,000, or
11,700.000 less than the appropriation made
for this year. There also Is a cut of $1,3C0,
000 In the estimate for the Indian bureau.
The estimate for the expenses of .conduct
ing the affairs of ths five civilised tribes
of Indiana Is $258,655. The reduction In
the pension estimate Is due to the calcu
lation of deaths of pensioners mads by
the commissioner of pensions.
.War Department Estimates.
The estimates for the War department
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903,
show a net Increase over the estimates of
the. previous year of about $130,000. This,
Including $14,000,000 for river and harbor
Improvements, for which no estimates were
submitted last year. The estimate for the
military, which Includes tha pay, equip
ment and supplies for the army, is about
$78,000,000. $200,000 less than last year. The
estimates for publlo works of a military
character, which includes arsenals, forts,
barracks, buildings and grounds, aggregate
$24,000,000, which is about $16,000,000 less than
last year.
Ellsworth Asks investigation.
James W. Ellsworth, president of ths
Ellsworth Coal company, had a conference
with officials of the Department of Justice
concerning the allegation that his company
had violated the contract labor laws In im
porting Into this country Welsh miners for
work In Its collieries. Mr. Ellsworth denied
that either, he or his company had indaced
the miners to come hero and declared that
he had nothing to do with the firm of Jones
Bros, of Ponty Prldd, South Wales, who
had prevailed upon the miners to come to
this country, . He said the Arm was not
authorised to represent the Ellsworth Coal
company in any way. He urged the De
partment of Justice to investigate the mat
ter thoroughly, assuring the officials there
was no ground for a prosecution of his
Cnllom Confers with President.
. Senator Cullom, chairman of the senate
J foreign relations committee, had' a confer
ence with the president today, He dis
cussed with film the Cuban reciprocity leg
islation to be taken at the extra session
next month. He also- congratulated the
president , upon the award of, the Alaska
boundary commission.
Brlstow's Report Ready.
Today's meeting of ths cabinet was brief.
Only four members. Secretary Hay and
Cortelyou, Postmaster General Payne and
Attorney General Knox were present. Post
master General Payne announced that the
report of Mr. Brlstow on' the pdstbfTice In
vestigation would be- placed In the hands
of the prealdent either tomorrow or on
Monday. It haa not been decjded when the
report will be given to the public.
To Core Cold la One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine-Tablets: All
druggists refund the money. If II fall to
cure, E. W. Grove's signature is on each
box.' "15c.
Body Is Identiaed.
' KN6XVILLE. Tenn., Oct. 23. The 'un
known man found dead near Clinton, Tenn.
vu identified this morning aa Marsha
Maynett of Stony Point, Tenn. It was at
first thought the man might be U. L.
Wents, the missing son of a Philadelphia
Promise of Fair and Warmer In West
for Saturday- and lis-
day. '
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21,-Forecast:
For Nebraska, Kansas, South and North
Dakota Fair Saturday ' and Sunday;
warmer Saturday.
For Iowa Fair and warmer Saturday
and Sunday. ...
For Missouri Fair and warmer Saturday
and Sunday.
For Illinois Fair and warmer Saturday
and Sunday; variable winds, shifting to
fresh south. '
, For Colorado Fair Saturday and Sunday.
For Montana Fair Saturday, with cooler
In northern'portion; Sunday fair and cooler.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Oct. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
r"ttrB- int larrt 10m lenrt
Maximum temperature... 66 Si 80 77
Minimum temperature.... 37 63 M 63
Mean temperature ;. 4 12 68 to
Precipitation ,...r W -w -.uo . 1
Reoord of temperature ana precmimuun
at Omaha for this 4-uy and since March i.
Normal temperature.. ,....60
Deficiency for the day...,
Total excess since March 1 1
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day...... .07 Inch
Precipitation since March I S0.44 Inches
Excels since March 1 .M Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.. 1.22 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lis1.. 6. 00 Indies
Reports from Ctatloaa at T P. M.
: S
; b
W EAli.tK.
: 5
Omaha, clear
Valentine, partly cloudy
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Suit Lbke City, clear
60! .00
di .00
7 .00
SJ! .00
till .00
1 .00
Rapld.CHy. clear,
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear.
Chicago, partly cloudy.
St. 1-ouis, clear
St. Paul, clear ,
Davenport, clear
Karutua City, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Bismarck, t? ,
Galveaton. cleaX .......
10 .09
. tl
"T Indicates truce of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Our Genuine
Round Oaks, Garland
Radiant Homo Air
Meat th floor
Hold lire over night
Qlve Greatest heat
from least fuel
Vulcan Oaks trimmed heater.. k:l
a niaala Alr-tlfht. smoke consum
nOl DI8STS lug beaters, up from
Puritan Steel Ranges
Athestos lined, with high warming
closet, up from
Stove and tinges Sold on Payments! Send for Clrcnltri and Prkes,
Another Victory for the Union
By request, a enable all to have their teeth examined aad flaed. na
will catena cat prices till November IS. Call early and avoid the rash.
W'e are always crowded. Oar success has startled the dentists of the
west. Dentists raisins; parses to get false reports oat, shows tho people
we do the work the best way aad mt prices half charged by other den.
, tt. . . , .
FULL SET OF TEETH . . . $3.00
FILLIK6S, from .... 25c
CROWNS, from . . . $2.85
Work guaranteed
students, but skilled
Oar methods make t tie extracting, fllllnc aad crown Ins; of teeth a
pleasaro. Why be robbed b? aar combine or trast dentists.
Union Dental College
1823 DOUGLAS. Open Dallr Till 8.30 p. m'. Bandars, 9 a. m. to 4 p. nu
We make loose teeth tls;h, stop bleeding of the cams and treat all
diseases of the month. If yon have heavy plates or plates that
don't nt, a;et one of oar non-breakable, double section, patented, , .
non-Irritant plates.'
Beware of sore-head jealons, Idle dentists. It takes whole
bunch to raise a few dollars.
Colorado 1'nlversltjr Men Reach Lin
for tho
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct 23.T(Bpeclal Telegram.)
Booth's cornhuskers and the Colorado uni
versity eleven will be opponents on the
gridiron tomorrow. It will be the .moun
taineer' , first appearance on a NebraMka
gridiron. Colorado was defeated a week
to by a close score by Kansas university
and tomorrow's struggle should furnish a
line on the probable result of the clash
between the Jayhawkers and the Corn
huskers, who are now the chief contestant
for- premier honors In the Missouri valley.
The Colorado- team arrived In Lincoln this
afternoon. Coach Cropp Immediately loaded
his men Into a carriage and drove lo the
outskirts of town, where they were put
through a half hour's signal practice.
According to Cropp's statement, Colorado
will average only ltil pounds, a difference
In Nebranka's favor of seven pounds to the
man. Cropp states, however, that his men
are In fair trim and will put up a game
resistance, although he admits that the
odds will ne in Nebraska's favor. Booth's
pupils deserted the university campus and
were taken to the state farm, four mllM
from town, where a hard signal practice
waa Inaugurated, lasting an hour. - Booth
expresses confidence in the outcome, and
expects the Cornhuskers to win by a de
cisive score, meanwhile shutting out Colo-
rado, barring accidents or 111 luck.
With the Bowlers.
These scores were rolled In the last half
of a series of ten games between Sher wood
and Bartsch and Marble and Huntington:
1st. 2.1. 3d. Ith 5th. i
Marble J ... 178 m 1X3 164 1M
Huntington .'.180 ' 207 - 179 ISO j
Totals 388
Grand total, 1,823.
Sherwood 190
Uaruioh 177
Totals' v.. 367
399 389 34 334
II. II. 4th llh.
196 3 15. 1M
169 210 203 U
3S6 m 861 324
Grand total,- 1840.
Sherwood and Bartsch win by seventeen
pins, plus thirty-six pins, In first match,
making total fifty-three pins.
A Hurt Never Harts.
After Porter's Antlseptlo Healing OH Is ap
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals nt
the same time. For man or beast. Prloe, tto.
Two Alleged Robbers Captured.
ISHPfcMINO. Mich., Oct. 23. Two men
are in Jail here charged with the robbery
of the Superior, Wis., postofflce. They were
captured on the eastbound North Country
mail train this morning. One gives his
name as John Oisen and the other refused
to talk. . A third man got away, resisting
Pan Atnerican Expoattloa.
...... x-JZt -w . .
For tba quick preparation of a deli
cious drink, for maklnf Chocolate Icing
or lor flavoring Ice Cream, Lowoey'a
Alwaya Ready" Sweet Chocolate)
Powder haa no equal. ' The full
chocolate quality and propertlea are
preeent, uaadultered and unimpaired.
- O OC
Oft fC
10 years. We arc here to star.
specialists In each department
Smoke the taker
5c Cigar
Equal to many 10c civ
gars on the market
, If you-have not tried on already, do so
snd bs convinced. . -
A full line of cigars, pipes and, tobaccos.
"The Leaders'
Stoecker Cigar Co.
1404 Douglas St, TeL 1560.
u .
Stationery Sale
AT 19c.
Children's "Come to my party,"
paper box loo
Box paper ana envelopes worth
loc at Bo
14 sheets, paper and envelopes,
worth 26o at 10c
Best ink, per bottle , 6t:
Hun fords mucilage, loc bottle at. 6c
l-dos, lead pencils, with rubber
tip, at loc
Fountain pen best made .:. Wo
Open Saturday evening till 10
o clock.
'PHONE 609.
V'popuiaV'Matinee"! TOIligllt it 8:15
'..SsTd'asa.! W. B. PATTON
I BEST UiAlo, Kc I H -
Woodwasd A .
Burgess, M'g'rJ.
prices Matinee, ISo to $1.00; Night, o
to $160.
Baaday Matinee aad Might
Prices Matinee, 23o, 60o-NIht, 26c, (Oe,
75c ,
Every Night Matinees Thursday, Satur
day, Hunday.
Bam Edwards Jc Co., Ke.iush and Ballard,
Bloom and Cooper, T. Nelson Luwns, Jaa.
Richmond Olenroy. Phil and Nettle peters.
UsrrmaiiU Lahaan and .th KlnoOrome.
PRICES-lOc, c. 60c. '
Peyalar aad 1 lately Articles.
t ine r-notogravhle UlaslreUeaa.