THE OMAHA ' DAILY ' YtEK: PATttHDAY, ' OOTOftEn ' 21. 'I WW. ' 19 r SPECIAL NOTICES i 1 1 - , rill h-a take- -atll IB aa. tha rgltlaa "1 til " . aa. ' fa n-ralasT 4 Saadar aaltlaa. ItlH, 1 ! rr flrat laaerta, la a ward thereafter. Ratals takea f I tfcaa ao (of th Brat laser tiaa. The Trtlsat saast aa raa eoaseeatfT!-. Aavertlser, ay reawaetlag; a, Ban ker! tknk, aaa hav aaawara aa tretae ta a aasshercA lettr la ear f Taa !. Aawr aa adaraaaaa: will aa ltvera aa araaaataUaa taa kaak air. WANTED SITUATION. WANTED, position aa traveling sales , man, 27 year's esperlenr In randy busi ness; reTernce given. E. L. Butts, Cam bridge. Neb. A M105 26k. WANTED MALB HELP. Educate for Business, Boyles College ' NEW YORK LlFa IJLXK3." BUBWEBa, SHORTHAND. TYPEWRIT ING. EN U LIS II. DAT AND NIOHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME, i Apply far Catalogue. 9P neeengar wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co.. ill 8. IJtto. . . - A4 M8 WANTED, flrst-claa wood turner at once. Uood wages. Lincoln Dub, JJoor M(g. - Co., Lincoln, Nab. . U4J& WANTED, for U. & army, able-bodied, an . mau led men, between age of 21 and do, . . Cltlsens .of United Slates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read uid wiilo English. For information apply to rccrultlug oflioer, luth aud Dodge ta., Omaha, aud Beatrice, Neb. B-M10t WANTED Two agenu at once; good sal ary; city work. C. F. AUaoia Co., ltiM Howard at B M8"i WANTED, a newspaper or magailne so licitor to work the elty on a new prop osition. Call at Circulation, Dept. Omaha Bee. B-MtoJ WANTED, steamflttera for high pressura . wnrk. . Matern Wig. Co., 18lh and Uratiot ' St. Louis. Mo. U M130 2 IX WANTED, flrst-clasa glatlers; can love steady employment anil good pay to right , people. . Address 8 .67, Bee. B M131 il K ' PERMANENT position to ladies or gentle I men In good towns for special work; also iu.iinnrr mr urancn oince, utnana, . wanted immediately; exceptional oppor r. tunlty; properties- or business handled everywhere quickly. Southern Guaranty ' Investment company. Uloux City. In. - 1 - B ML 2x WANTED An errand boy. Apply to Peo ple's Btore, 2d floor. B 141 23s YOliNO men and girls everywhere, copy . letters home evenings; tlO week; send ad . dressed envelope for particulars. Ameri can Mfg. Co., 706 Nicollet. Minneapolis, Minn. B M157 30x WANTED, engraving- house representative; comi.ilsslon ; for Omaha. Reliable Chicago house. Address Ooldbeclc St Hemsteger, 21 Quincy Bt., Chicago. B 172 23 WANTED, a flrst-clasa bookkeeper, on who has had several ' years' experience In a bank. A good salary will be paid to the right man. Address T 12, Bee office. .'..- Bni 2t . WB NEED COMPETENT MEN to fill positions as Managers, Accountants, Advertising Men, Salesmen and Book keepers. Also Technical and Executive Men, high grade exclusively. We have offices in twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet HAPGOOD8 (Incorporated) Suit (29. Monadnock Building, Chicago t WANTED, men everywhere, good pay,, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs:' eanyasslng. , Nation! Adv. Bureau, Chloagro. ' V, ' B Ml&8"x WANTEDa t)rjy-to -wtfiTtTjn offlce: -Apply at office1 of Tha Bee.. ;: .. B-MlM ISx WANTED, 26 tooya, Apply Mr. Hall, peo ples' Btofe. , B M198 TS WANTED, everywhere, hustlers . to taek signs, distribute circulars, samples, eta; no canvassing; good pay. Bun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago.. B -M194 21 x "WANTED FEMALBj UCLT, 100 Girl. Call Canadian offloa, 1Mb. Dodg. C evt WANTED, flrst-clasa ladles' UlUr. Max Morris, 1404 Farnam. O MM WANTED, girt or general house work. Blnwral, fit N. 2Sth eve. . . O M4 in tamiiy. jars. OIRIi for general housework; 635 Park av. i c M.uo Jx WANTED An Al lady solicitor; good sal ary to right party: no commission. Ad dreesvT . Bes office.- , O 148 TOUNdLglrl to assist at irentrgl housa work. Inquire 127 B. 26th sc C MlM ta WOMAN WANTED, to ell a necessltr to mothers tii a weak clear. Dept..M. Box 7. Philadelphia. a 171 tr xVANTKD, woman as second cook; 20 per month, board and lodging. Address Com- merclai Hotel. McCook. Neb. -CU201 ta HELP WANTED. WANTED, a good newspapec solicitor, to work 14, F. p. on new proposition; good money. Call at lu Pearl . St.. tVoancll Bluffs. -M0 rOR RENT UOlsKs. HOllSF5 .U tTXa city. R. nUUOCO C. Peters Co.. Bsa Bld IIOUSES. lasuranoa. Biagwalt. Barker Blk, - .... HOI JFS m "u J1" ot the city. Ths nUU3", O. Clvla Co.. Ma Bee Bfdg. " D u TO MOVE right ret Omaha Van Storage Co., office Ulltt Farnam, ur Tela 16u-kL. ' - D 10 rOR RENT, ten-room house, modern; and barn. In West Farnam district.- Win. K. Potter. Rec, No. 8U1 Brown Blk. . i D TOR RENT. 4-room house, 25a Woolworta Ave., M per mwnth; poaseaalop .given Oo tober 17. Apply to Uel UnL care Dally News orBce. i r MW7 v. PAYNE-BOSTW1CK tk CO.. eoolce houses! 01-&4 New York Lite Bid. 'Phone 101a. D J0 IV S MOVE piano. Maggurd Van at Btor g Co., Tel. 14M. . Otllv. 1711 Webster at MODERN T-room house, near park. 150f B, tsto. XV ELEUNT S-room house; all modern im )rovmenU. 440 N. S3d St. l MliS ii IKVKHAIi good heu. io to 11 S Chris Btyer, !d and Cuming. 'Phone 204t. . . -' D Milt NEW t-room modern house. Immediate pcssemlon given. J. N. Marsh, 'phone 21X1. 446 Board of Trade. D 141 1-HOOM house 4ttO California St.. furnt. e gas, bsth, near oar. 'Phone Black lft7lj 4 ivltt. I MIW 25x FOR RENT KIKSUHED ROOSIS. O. M. K hauls trunka. Telephone til. . a-tl4 DEWEY European notel, lite, and Farnam. ROYAL HOTEL. European. lth Chicago BOl'TH ALCOVE room and smaller room; moderiu ZSMt Harney. E M9b7 24x WARM, furnished- reora fur 1st, with r wktbuut boaidi saiKlcrB; 'phone, it II Far nam. f UUt tiX kriCELY furmUhed rooms. lo Capitol Ave. NK ELY furnished rooiri Inquire Omaha 8ten Lauudrr. ITSo Laaveuwut Lb. 'Phone A-libg. IJSU AETNA. UOVB1S, Europeaa, Ulk 1 Z7Z E- i - ... . ' WANTED MALR HELP.' SOME MORE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17TH AND DOUGLAS. POINTER NO. 1-The Revised Edition of Moeher s Bhorthand will be from the printer next week. It is nicely printed and elegantly bound. It will be the tlnest textbook ever published on Improved Gregg Bhirrtjund. Already some of the leading schools of the ('tilted State have adopted It. It will pay any stenographer to care fully examine this new book, which consists of over 20 pages and is up to date, POINTER NO. t The attendance In ail departments is 2u per cent greater than a y-ar ago. The Business and Bhorthand departments more particularly have larg representations. Never before was the work more Interesting or more profitable. Many different states of the union are already represented by the students. POINTER NO. t Th Night Schdbl of the college has a large attendance and run four nlrhts each week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Those employed during the day should by a'.l means attend our Night School. POINTER NO. 4 Our -Telegraph Department has a large attendance and new Student ar coming la every week. TeleFraphy Is taught both day and evening. Recently we sent out two graduates to first-clans positions with the U. P. R. It Co. It will pav any young man or lady to learn telegraphy. Writ Rohrbough Brothers for p trtlculsrs. POINTER NO. fr Our foot ball team Is achieving an enviable reputation. It hag several Important games scheduled for November". POINTER NO. 6 Th College Band, Literary Society, Gymnasium, Board of Trade and other Interesting features of the college ar now In active operation. Our students not only lo hard work, but are given profitable, recreation. POINTER NO. 7 We are still overwhelmed with calls ?or Stenographers, Book-, keepers and .Telegraph Operators. A course nt the Omaha Commercial College means a fine position. We have three position's to fill, on at 286.00, on at $75.00 and on at 160.00. . 1 . . - ' POINTER NO. R New c'asse will be organised In all departments of th college1 Monday morning. November 2. That will be a good time to begin. Visitor ar al ways walcYtme and 'advertising matter will be sent free to any address. Address ROHRBOUGH BROTHERS, 17TH AND DOUGLAS BTB., OMAHA, NEB. ; i ' B FOR REST FVRM8I1EO ROOMS, PLEASANT south front room with private ' family, for cne or two gentlemen. Ad dress S 8, Bee. E M 741 NICELY furnlfhed .room In private family; ' house new and modern. 2519 Jones St. . . E WHO- LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. $12.60 and up per month. 76o and up a day. - . ' AT THE DELLONE, 14th st. and Capitol ave. Steam heated; eleottio lighted; private and general baths; all conveniences; first class service. Eat where you pleae. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. ' E--ML.S NovSOx COMMODIOUS, modern, unfurnished room, also furnlnhed roomt private family; ref erences. 827 Park. ave. E MlM 25x fURIIIIIHGD ROOMS AUD BOARD. DESIRABLE ROOMS at Th Farnam, Wh and Farnam sis. F Mitot BOARD .and room for two gentlemen or man and wife, nice neighborhood; rea sonable, lnqulr 1706 8. 28th St. ' F 1 lu 23x MODERN house, nicely furnished rooms: tlrst-clus table board. N. E. cor. 33d and ' Burt F 176 25 LARGE, finely, furnished front room, with good board; steam heat 2215 Farnam st F M2u2 'Ax TWO -rooms, with alcove, on first and second floor, 212 South 2fth. F MJUO ' FOR RENT UNKIRNUHED ROOMS. TWO or three beautiful modern rooms, newly papered) Very light housekeeping. lor parties wunoui oniiaren; eoara u de- sired. ' 142S N. 17th. U M 218 nUHAlTUMa PACfUftG. Pterson db Lundborg, 118 & 17ltu Tel. L-2361 H-M7 FOR HLH 1 aXOIiKs AND OFFlValg. FUR,. U)NT.--Bujiuiic (U(Ubl Jor wnole- sule-yurixjsfe at j5 iUuu 'uxSto, ur lories Au urse-cikas imumuimI txiavaieui, . eiuvaior, Ur cua buigmr yrout vault, ot- Uc counter auti Uxtute. lur price nd partcular iuuir C -C. biwsir, aeu - reiary to Be imiuing Ca., (uum iw, u builuiiig. , 1 aai FOR RENT Th building toimerly ocuu plid by The Be at t It amain u It has luur siorlex and a buseaieut, whlcn was foimeriy useu by Tne Bee preas room. " 'inis will be rented yry reasuuauly. If Interested apply at orhve ot C. C. rtos wtr, aocietuiy. roout luO Be building. i-l I-STORY and basement, 22xlu; 10U6 Farnam U liiulra kit Ftrst, Ntit'l Bank Bltig. FURNISHED private ofllc with us of recepuou, room, iclephon and steno giapner, 401 War Blocks , FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story . building at lii Farnam St.; two stories If preierred. Address C. C. Rose- - water, Bsc y., Room luO. Be bldg. . . , 1-M9S WANTED. "TO BENT. WANTED a or unfurnished heated rooms, bath, central. MVs. Ad. Earles and aaugQlr, Hut Ho. II th. K 1M Sox . WANTED To rent or pure has 8 or t-room cottage; genteel location. K.16H &x AGENT WANTED, WANTED Canvassing agent la vry oouuty to solicit subscription to Tlis! TWtKTlETn , CEMTLItvi AKMiLrt. 8iauy euiploymem wuh 'aesurau goou lu - coin. A aiiis in th couuiry wli.i nor and bugy especially desired. Cauvaasers , mak .ily M to slut.' imt muuih. Ad . Ora Ceuiury Farmer Solicitors' iiursau. iiebuiiuiug, Umaiia. J !Ui FOR kALE FlHXITtUE. FULL tin of hard coal stoves now on sal. Chicago Jr'urullur Co., ltlK Itooge bu W 4I FOR BALE. S-ft. standing desk, tax ilrowft Blook O M448 FOR BALE Very fine mahogany parlor suite, auk upholstering, oak sideboard, oil paiutinas, rugs, curiums, bran bed, mir ror chiiionlei , must be old by Bunday night. IM North usth Ave. O 142 24x ' j p' i i, i FOR SALlfi UOHIEaV - V A4JONH, ETi MONROE sella pleasui vehicle at tu N. loia St. p i AlARRY FROST'S Carrlag and Wagon Vvu. k 1 ou coiner ot luk aud Laavca woitu. , . . P 4I FOR SALE Two-seat, axtenaioa top ear rtage, in good condition; ruobr tiroa Mlnon Roger Sous Co, I41A and Far Ham st. , P 147 ELEGANT Rockaway for sale at great uturgaiu. auuihi b tl, xee. 1 Altii 24 FOR SALE Full leather top, rubber-tired buggy, almost new, at ball oost price. In qune at Coliseum. f Mlt Z6x rOH HALE MikCACLLANEOtS. TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timber: cuicaen feuti; oak piling, wul lougias. . , W-4C FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile, la Drat-ciaiu shape, at one-half price. Call or addrssa. laa Farnam St 81 INDIAN goods and relic. m$ Farnam FOR BALE, two almost new cash registers for sale. Must be sold at one. Writ for price. Address T 13. Be. Q-1S1 28 IRON V wire fence, tree guards, trlusa Wetlwa Aucbu- Fnc Co.. a N. 1'iui ou a CATALOGUE cut drug prices free, gber aan 4k McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. a FOR BALE Several scholarships la a flrst claa standard school In Omaha, comprl lug couiplci couie In bu.-int-, hand aud typewriting. Inquire at It mo. NEW and Sdhand typewriters. llUFarnan. FOR 8ALK-CV1 bualne L.ouu.Ou. t XI. Bee." Capital raauired. IDHAND aafe ckeaa. Uarlghl, Ulg FnrasnA. WASTED MALE HELP, ROHRBOUGH BROS., PRPOS. FOR SALE! MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB V number one roll top quar tered oak desk, with chair to match; also rugs and. maps. Object for selling, leaving business. Room o3, N. Y. L. hldg. W-754 $no STOCK of new Columbia records and machines at a sacrifice. Address S 44, Bee. - Q M76t 23 FOR BALE, Standard typewriter. 807 N. Y. Life bldg. Q-M1C3 !4x FOR BALE, an, tip-to-date postofnee outfit, suitable for a town of l.Oou to 1.6"0. The outfit is A-shaped and has 200 call boxes end 82 lock boxes and drawers. It Is of the best grade of the Yale and Town manufacture, and Is complete lit every particular. In use but four years. Ad ores b m, Bee. y M136 zs Second-Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand box-top machine that have been thoroughly over hauled and are In condition to do good worx, at the following prices, and com plete with attachments: White $ 4 00 Household 8.00 - Household 11.00 1 Singer I $00 . Singer 10.00 Singer 12.00 New Horn ; 8.00 Standard (dressmaker; good as new) : 10.00 , Wilcox A Gtbl.s (good as new).. 25.00 Singer (tailoring; In good condl- i tion) 10.00 Standard (tailoring; almost new) 18.00 , DROP-HEAD MACHINES That hav been slightly used, but are in perfec condition, Th latest thing the different factories produce, from $17.60 to $25.00. These ar exceptional bargains. We rent machine for i6c per week, and Mil and tepalr . part of any . machine manufactured... , . ; Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 18th and Harney....; 'Phone 16(3 $34 Broadway, Council Bluffs.. 'Phone-B-618 614 N. 24th St., Bouth Omaha,. Phone 43G6 ' '""'V' -, -v : :r.i-M14 28 . JLT CTIOJ 1e of bakny. and confcUooery 'TixtoreH, toois norsa ana- wagons Mon day, October it, 10 a,' m, nd -4' p. m.r at 2W6 Leavenworth at. .. Q M152 2Sx FOR SAIJ! Cheep, square Chlckering piano; first class vry way. 618 S. 2utb treat ' - Q--M127 26x CLA1RVOYA7HTS- OYI.MER, palmist Tlf H. 23d; 'phone B 8246. 8-M708 MRS. CARRIE 6MITB!. SOVEREIGN LADY. QUEEN of clairvoyants; - vry thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 07 N. lMth. B 8Jtt MME. GYLMER , . 716 NORTH 23D ST. ' ' -Others come and go' but mme. gylmer remains' - , - Till wonderful woman tells yon every- thing you wish to know. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. THE MOST RELIABLE OLDEST ESTABLISHED PALMIST IN OMAHA. Ofllc and realdenc 716 North 23d st. Tak 16th t caf and get oft at 23d and Cuming. 8-170 2$ ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 11$ N. 13, 2d floor, r. $, T-U4V K&X PERSONAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and during confinement. Dr. and Mr, uexiauu, fat calilornla su Terms reasonable. PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Oaidela, 22U4 Laka. 11. M0-Uft u "VIA VI" way to health; 144 Be bulldinl Omaha. - U-"146 PRIVATE hora during confinement; bablea adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, TM 1st Am., Council Blurta, la. U- PRIVATE hospital beor and during con hnemenu Air. L. Fisher,, tful V inloii. Tel. 1$. V U 8Jti WB RENT sewing machine at 780 per week, ,X per month; w repair and aeil parts for every machine manufactured; secund-hand niachlnea Irum $1 to $10. Nell. Cycle Co., 18th and Harney. U J7 DR. PRIES treats aucceaafuily all disease and Irregularities of women from any cause; exjierlenced and reliable. 'JtU Doug St.. Arlington block. Omaha. ' U-M BOSTON Umbrella Mfg., B. 14. Tl. 181 7. Umbrella, parasols re-covered, reuaired or Biaoe. U 4 $Z TUNING, piano or org in repairing. Pe'r fleld Piano Co., J Be Bldg. U .$ 2kg MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists $L U--4IM MONEY TO LOAN REAL KaTATH. WANTED, city loan and warrants. W. Faruaia Bualin Co., U20 Farnam BL W-ii PRIVATE money. Sherwood. Kl N. Y. Life. - w WANTED, real estat loan and warrant. R C Peter at Co.. Bee Bldg. W-y8 FI VE PER CENT loan. GArvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. W-44 4 TO 6 P. C. money, Bern la. paxton block. W bil FARM and city loans, low rata. W. H, Thomas. First Nail Bank Bldg. Tel. 1M8. W-g I AM spatially aniloua to get a UU mort- Isge for a ueeuiaer, F. l. Wt1. 1J4 uuglaa t W-Lil 8s BEE WANT BECAUSE THEY PRIVATE money. T. D. Wead. 1S20 Doughs. W-817 MONEY. TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN CHAIf EL9. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Lew rates and eany terras. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., $33 Paxton Blook. lttth and Farnam Pts. X-4 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO . SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms: 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolraan, 440 Board Of Trade Bldg. , X-S62 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business oonllilentlol; lowest ratea. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Huttun Co. X 4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horso, oows etc. C. F. Reed, 318 8. 1$. X-9&8 CHATTEL, lry and Jewelry loan Foly Loan Co.. R 8, Barker Block. X-273 EASY M Best explains our' methods. We loan on furniture, piano, warehouse receipts, etc Or if you have a permanent position w ran make you a SALARY LOAN without eurlty, except your own- agree ment to repay. Our -service is quick and confidential and w always try to plea?. Ail that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Hldg. Tel. i5. (Established 1S82). 308 B. 16th St. . X-M192 EASY MONEY ON FURNITURE OR SALARY EASIEST PAYMENTS, LOWEST RATES, BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, PRIVATE OFFICES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., $07-308 PAXTON BLOCK. X-M187 BUSINESS CHAACES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange ny property or business quick, see J. 11. Johnson, 848 N. Y. Life. Y M FOR BALE, an old established liquor bust . nes (barret bouse); good trade, old loca tion. Owner ha dlber Interests. Addresg P 28, Be. Y-M821 2 FOR BALE Blacksmith shop; first class location; up-to-date set of tools; for par ticulars write to Mogenson & Sevmour, Fullerton, Neb. Y M126 28x FOR BALE or LEASE, good newspaper and Job printing business in good town of 700 population; easy terms to th right man. Address T 4, car Bee. Y M1K0 26 FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's Ax tu res, Including lc box. Inquire 2763 Far nam. Y-867 FOR SALE Cigar stor and pool room; good location; a snap. Address T 1, Bee. Y M122 fcx 6,000 SHARES of gilt-edge mining stock for sale; great bargain; must sell. Address S 41. car Bee. Y-M987 26x FOR SALE, bakery and restaurant doing a wholesale and retail bakery business In on of the best towns in southern Iowa; population 8.000; good reason for selling. For particulars address Lock Box 811, Charlton, la. Y M193 Vix FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. H H HASTINGS&HEYDEN ;10-511 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. . . ACRES - Blx acre in Benson, very smooth, level land. Price, $160 per acre. Btven snd one-third acres, one-half mile south of Ruser's on main traveled road. Price, $160 per acre. Twenty fceres In Benson at $3,000. Fine tract of land, with new 7-room house, In Benson; high and sightly. Only $2,100 on terms. NEW HOUSES C-room east front cottage, modern except furnace. 27th and Grant, one block from car line. . Price, $2,000, on easy terms.. 6-room cottage on paved street near lians com park, all modern, shad trees. Price, $2,700. VACANT LOTS: We hav two high and sightly lots 55x150 each, south fronts on Webster street, one .block went of SSd street car line. Only 1"0 each if taken this week. 6ox1.'0 feet, north front on Burt street at 84th, on!y 0550 . 42x120 feet In Bemis park, east front, one block from two car line, tor $aoo, MANDERSON STREET HOME 2.200 Between 25th and 26th streets, has 7 rooms, 4 down and $ up, all modern except fur nace, nice, large lot... shade and fruit trees, on paved street. Can give poasea- rlon Immediately. ... , For rhe accommodation of those who -ar working w will keep our office open . Monday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. RE 1S7 23 Lot. 80x100, on Poppleton. Av. and 27th Sl; paving paid. A nice lot for a home. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. Hlh St , RE-178 23 FARM of 86 6 acres near Sarpy Mill, fair house and other buildings; orchard; on line of proposed electric railway. Price, $8,600. Tract of 16 acres near Ruser's Park; beau tiful suburban home, excellent buildings, fruit; fine for feeding station. Only tjS.oOJ. Choice unimproved acreage west of Dun dee; tracts of 6, 10, 15 or 20 acre at rea sonable prices; tract of 10 acre with small new house at $2,200. "W. FARNAM BM1TII A CO. RE 183 13 : . 30 ACRES I miles from Florence, $36 an acr for quick sale. HASTINGS HETDEN, 610 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 185 23 FOR THE LAND'S SAKE. ' Why don't you buy on of these brand new cottages Just completed with gas and electric light, bath, toilet, hard oil finish, tin location, two block from car, one flv rooms and on six rooms. Owner ha changed his plan and must sell at one. Any reasonable offer will be acoepted for th next two or three days. This 1 a rare opportunity. Be us at once, If you want a srup, they ar bound to be sold. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 8TH FLOOR. SOl-S N. Y. LIFE. RE-170 23 DON'T COME WEST, BEND ONE DOL LAR. POSTOFF1CE OR EXPRESS OR DER, and ask anything you want to know about Colorado,- Wyoming, Utah. Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oragon i. aiiiornia, nevaaa. ONE DOLLAR MAY SAVE HUNDREDS WE CAN GIVE YOU RELIABLE FACTS; v c Anr. ai i nn i (,. i ek r"olNT THE INTER-MOUNTAIN BUHEXU OF INFORMATION, Box X. ' Luk City Utah. RE Mlu N2ix $U0Q' (- 6-roc-m .cottage In- Benson. 4 poultry sheds, well, etc A neat plki-e. k ' THE IiYHoN Kr:t;D CO.. 312 a. 14la sk RE-178 23 1 - ADS PAY BEST . REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. FOR 8 ALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES FOR SALE GEORGE & CO. 16ol FARNAM ST. fh Cfftor No- 610 Prk avenue. h 11 HI room house. In first class kfVsV VV condition, Just painted two coals, hew plumbing, lot "ixl40 ft., having 75 feet east frontage on Park avenue and 75 feet frontage west on 3oth street, asphalt paved street, permanent sidewalks; Im provements alone cost over $8,001); house now vacant and Immediate possession can ha rlvin. ven. ,000 conditio! fh a ffc 'or No- J4,n .nil I II 111 room modern house, built vf-T,V7V7V 0niy two years. In- .flrst clasa condition, lot ti6x26a feet, near car lin. (f ii r' for new 7-room house on TV S f 40th, near Nicholas street, vpf i s J ftn modern except furnace. east front, nsphalt paved street, on car Una, a tin location. for No. 2447 fipauldlng street. .T I III 8-room cottage, w tell built. i j s ... modern excent furnace. has bam, fine shade, full lot on block from car lin. r f-j r" tor 7-room cottsge,- two JA h)A blocks west of High school, ' modern except furnace, as phalt paved street. fh f ) r for No. 1111 N. 18th street $ J) if) room cottage, modern ex- . ' cept furnace, In good con dition. Jf 1fr tor No. 2504 8t, Mary's ave J)A .11 III nue, 6-room cottage, In pood Y ' repair, modern except fur nace and bath, on paved, street, in fine location. tl 7CA for N1- lS12 I'ke t . 6-room J)l,)ll cottage, with city' water I ' and sewer, lot 62x72 feet tl Ht?f tor No- 814 N. 2rth st 4 J)l, )U room cottage, with city water, sewer, In flrst-Clas condition, on car lin. t I LfA tor No. 2420 Indiana avenue, J)1,0U 7-room cottage, with city "7. . , , water, sewer and bath, on $1 eiiiTTiL, near car line Lrri tor N- " H- 'h , - OUU ' 'oom cottage, cMy water, Leavenworth utret. tl Cnr toT No- Capitol avenue, J)I,5UU -tom house, with city , . rK, and sewer, in good repair, lot 60x135 feet . $1 OCri for No- im N.18th stret, Bw mJJ room cottage, city water tlon, good location, lot 83x140 feet. RE M147 2S ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. Eight-room modern brick residence, West Farnam district, owner's price 4,000; must be sold quick; make offer. re ut- C1B- Williamson Co., & ft i RE 861 TIMBER! TMBERI THE tjesi investment. Large or -maii tract Kefrenc furnlhd. Writ your want. ' B1MON8 & REASONER, Ashland. Or. FOR 8ALE Or rant, on 40th. atlbet. Dodge nJ Davenport sta., 6-roorrf 'wew housr trlctly moderBi Sea owner. Mr 'Smn. on, 8206 Lincoln blvd. -' tK M8l &4x " ALL about North Dakota and wnefe to b'jv fiopd lands cheap; deHcriptlv folder 2nd 8t ,Snt,f;e.e; reliable rapreaontatlves wanted. Whitney & Wheelook. 13 Broad way, Fargo, N. fc. - RE-JsU FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLS! It PROPERTY--room modern houw an2 Wiie,wh-.bKrn.i ,ot 42xlu' APPy owner, S14 N. ath st. RE M724 N14 FOR SALE Six-room cottage; first class shape; fine neighborhood; elegant lot 6ox 150. with large natural furst shade trees 1 block from car line at 2537 H. 9th 8t: home of owner, who Is leaving city. In quire at 403 Karbach block. RE-117 25x N. E. Corner 2lst and Davenport Full lot. THTD BYRON HEED CO.. 212 S. 14th St. RE-177 23 . M'CAGUE INVESTMENT , CO., 1506 DODGE. ' SPECIAL BARGAINS. f i For quick sale we offer two eight-room, modern houses, Nos. 537-539 Park ave., 75 -feet front at J5.500 for both. Wfll sell separately. ALSO Fine east front house, No. 522 S. 40th street, hard wood finish, hot water heat, three" mantles, cheap at ' 6,000. I 11,800 8004 and 8008 Seward St., 2 nice cottages, city water. 1 'Rents for $13 and $h per month. THE B V RON REED CO., 212 S. I4tn St. RE-176 23 ON FARNAM ST. 61 6 ft. frontage wllh'10 room house; all special taxes paid; a bur gain al t,50. On Douglas St., between 25th snd i 26th, double house of 18 rooms; excellent loca tion; eastern owner will close out at a sacrifice. On West Harney St., good, well bUilt. new house; 8 rooms. Price. $4,750. W. FARNAM SMITH V CO. RE-183 18 RANCH and farm tana for sale by th Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAliea'.er, land commission, r. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 868 HOUSES and lots Iq all tart ot city; also acr property and farm lands. The O. F, Davis Co., Room fcJS, Bee bldg. RE-8U0 FOR BALE, modern house of 1 rooms. 1 re quire 613 & 18lh. RE M656 ACCORDIOM PLBATIftQ. GOLDMAN, 800 Douglas block. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest.' best quickest. Mrs. A. C Mark, 17th and Pctitr. M748 , t 1 1 l I ' 1 !& BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North Uth. K.4 CHIROPODIST. DR. ROY. room -$L 1506- Farnam st. 1 EXPEHT ACCOISTA3T. Q. R. RATHtJUN. room 15. Com I Natl Bank. Privet legu la bookkaepmg eta GOLD AND SILVER PLATIXQ. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. Tel. ttW . - I CAHPKKTERS AND JOIKERS. ALL kinds of carpenter Work and repairing yrumpi: aueuaea lo. 4. 1. vcoutre. i0th and Iike Sts. 87 DANC1NO ACADEMY. MORAND'B. 16th and Harney; classes now forming for children; Wed., 4:lu p. m. ; Bat., io a. m and 8 p. m. Adults. Tuea and Fri., 8 pm. AKsemblle Wed., 8 p. in. . Classes always open to beginners. Private lessons daily. For terms and particulars call or Tel. 1041. 410 N6 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 6H Karbach block. Tel. A283X 956 BEHOt'T Detectlv gency. 708 N. Y. Life. Tel. 8Mft. ... . . . 9aNi8 . DRESSMAKING. KEISTER S Ladles' Tailoring College. 17i cuming t y nt ior booaiet IN FAMILIES. Miss 8turdy, 824 N. 20th. M448 N8X IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 3"9 N. 23d. ' ' M449 Ndx DRESS- CX'TTING SCHOOL STANDARD GARMENT CUTTING COL LEGE moved from Paxton Blk. to 2-31 Farnam ,St fo." better accommodations. - Extra class taught from 7 to 8 p. m. Mj 25 , . FOR. RENT FARMS. A LARGE and wail Improved farm In Stanton county for rent ; 640 acre with iiu.wu worm or improvements. R. C. PETERS A CO.. IE Ground Floor. Be Building. -M707 FIR DRESSING. i. n. WALLACE. Taxidermist. 606 8. 13th. : 701 FLORISTS. HESS Y SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. St L. HENDERSON, florist 161$ Farnam 8t 27 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspool and vaults, removes garbage end dead animals at reduced price. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1778. -288 - LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN PRICE. 4U 1st Nat Ba bldg. -873 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. ' Life bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 874 LOCKSMITH. C'R. HEFL1N, 808 N. 16th Bt Tel. 8871 M 139 LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcbolr. Uth 8k Howard. . 293 LOST. STRAYED One sorrel mare, t ' white feet, white face, weight 1,000 lbs.: 1 .Shetland pony, 8 whit feet. 613 8. 14th :.8t TU 1301. . . . Lost 116 Zix. LOST, on thek streets of Omaha-- or on ,1 . U l . J,n -A ' 1 ..... DUUUI UHiBunrDck 1 1 m lull u, iciiri. . and other papers, belonging to' Omaha f vooperage, vo...tuia m. u. weicn. r mser please 'phone or call at office of- Omaha Cooperage Co., 24th and Al, South Omaha, and receive suitable reward Lost MK4) L08T, Thursday evening, on 24th or Wal mit Hill car, package of battenberg. R- ward for return to Mr. Edwards, drug de partment' Bennett'. - 1 Lost 180 iAx MEDICAL. I-IQUOR HABIT cured In three day. Pay wnen cured. No hypodermics, writ for circulars. Gatlln Institute, 220 8. Uth. . -976 ' MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Datrldg Block. -3ti8 E- D. KECK. Vole Teacher, pavtdge bldg. 189 Novlx LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-26K4. 02 ZERKOWBKT. violin. R. 10, Wlthnell blk. M 401 N6 OMAHA PLANING COMPANY. Omaha Plating Co., Feplates anything made of metal in gold, silver, nickel, brass or bronze. . DON'T ITHROW AWAY YOUR ME TALLIC ARTICLES -The Omaha Plating Co. will mak them good as new. - On account of Increased business 'we will mcv to larger quarter at 1&08 Harney st Omaha Plating Co. BEE BUILDING. OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Lif Bldg. T. lest -8.4 Th Hunt Infirmary, Mc-Cagu Bldg. 1. too. -rn Atsen & FarwelL Paxtoa Blk., (V4-7. T. 136a. Lit GRACE DEEOAN, U3 N. Y. Life. Tel SUB. DRS. LAIRD LAIRD, 203 Karbach blk. ' ' ' M-M7 N2x PATENTS. H J. COWOILL No fee unless successful, $1$ B. 15'h Bt., Omaha. Tel. 178., -4al PATENTS flues Co., Omaha. NeH. U - luktrated patent book free. Tel. ita. M 67k N15x PAW8RH0K ERS. EAGLE I.oanOfflot". RelUble, acoommofiat Ing; all business conilile.Hial. IjuI DougUa ; ' SANITORIIM. OMAHA Florence Snltoiium. 'Phone Red 2a4; I blk. w. of car Hue. City 'phone. lli . M-4U-0 M LPHOLSTEMIKQ. GATE CITY, lA kl alary s av. Tel. Bw7. IIORTHAKD AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. T. Ufa. -l4 KFB. Pustns Bhorthand College. Bovd's Theater. 4x5 STAMMERING AND STtTTERIN4 , CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramg Bldg! - S-4 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1U1H Farn. Tela. IK TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everybody. P. II. Phiibln. luUS Farnam 'Phone 7s4- ' -181 ' - - ' '. . 1 - .' . ...111 HERE'S Good Second Hand Values World Buying at Ones ALSO l Fine Rockaways . Four ind Sli Passenger 2 Traps ' Ereat Values A Light Dray er Stake Wagon 6 Family. Calapj Good Harna.s' Valuer DRuimim I8TH AND HARNEY LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. .' Sealed bids or proposals will be recolved at the office of Superintendent 'William K. Fowler, aecretary of the Uourd -of-Education of the State Normal school, . cjpitol building, Lincoln, Neb., until 8 o'clock u- tit., Saturday, 'November 7, 11103, for tne rct tlon .nd construction of a chapel building on the grounds of th Stata Normal sanoul at Peru. Nemaha county, Nebraska. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check 011 Nebraska bank In' the su of five hundred ($f0U) dollars for purpose men tioned in the specifications.' Bids for beat ing and plumbing, accompanied by a check of Ave hundred ($o0o dollars, will b ch aldered separately at the above time1 and pJacft, and must not be Included In' th 'bid for tha building. Plans and ei-clflcaWoss are on file in the offices of Superintendent William K. Fowler, secretary, capltorbulld-' ing, Lincoln; Mr. George Rogers, president of the board, 1506 Farnam street,- Omaha? Principal W A. Clark. Stale Norinsl school, Peru, snd Mr. George A. Berling hof, architect, Beatrice. The board renerves the right to reject anv and all bids and to waive all defects In the same. 4 By order ot the Board of Education of th Stat Normal school. . WILLIAM K. FOWLKR, Secretary. Lincoln, Ntb., Oct. 19, 19i3. f NOTICE TO BIDDERS. . : Sealed bids will be received at the n3e of secretary of state up until 12 o'cl rk anon or Alonoay, jNovembcr 2nd, . 1'.H13. for- the erection of a kitchen and Ice houso at tba Institute for Feeble Minded Youth t Beatrice, also a rommlrcarrv huilriinir m l one dynnmo for 8. and 8. Home at' Orartfl Island.-fkebraaka, as per jiUns and speni hratlons on file In the ofnen of secretary of state. The bonrd reserves th right to rt-jeci an tuiu an pmn. -r GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary f Board. I OHd. lOtm. ' t GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QPARTERMA8TEH -i Omaha, Neb., Kt-ptembr 2i. 1j4. Healed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usa,i conditions, will be received her and - by the Quartermaster, Fort, Sill, O. T.. until 12 noon, central standard time, Octoboe, M, 1UU3, for remodeliiig three bath houses and three water closets for troop use at Fort Hill, O. T. Full information fur nished on application to this oihce, wh?4 plan and spcdtlcutlons may be en, or -ti the Quartermaster, Fort Sill, O.T. Prot pox a I x to be marked "Proposals for He modeling Bath Houses," and addressed ta WILLIAM E. HOUTON. Acting Chief Quartermaster. Oct. 1-3-3 6-23-24. SECOND'. WARDERS WAKE UP South Sid t'lub'Uemssai lo Knv tCertala Thlag from City and . ' . .t'uaatg Ottt vials., , , After holding a bousewarmlng In lis new hail at Eighteenth and Vinton street, the Bouth Bide Second Ward lmirovm!it club has reglrded up Its loins- far - batw' nd still want to know thing concerning th county plumbing business, th failure of th council to let the people vote on a municipal light plant and what th Board of Education propose to do about needwl school house In the south part of town. Th club has expressed a rather -poor opinion of the flv councllmen who stayed away from meeting aid block d the munici pal ownership ordinance, and has o-kel them to come down and tell them why they did It. Meeting will be held on the Oist and third Wednesday of each month. ("'any people become angry when told bow U is a telephone and yet very many peo-, pledo not use It properly. Talk with your Up close to th moutbplec. 4 DEPOT WAGONS