TIIE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1903. 18 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET firm tJndertoot in Wheat Fit by Bttion of Eastern Situation. REPORT OF FROST DAMAGE TO CORN This Reaert fends Prices t'p aa This Crata, While 'Wheat ! Oata Class at Higher Flgares. 1 Oct. J3. A Arm undertone 1 second clears, S3.7rjU2.SO f. o. b. In wood In Minneapolis. BRAN In bulk. S12.7S. the grain pit today, wheat CHTCAOO, trrevalled In prices twins Upheld by the uncertainty of affaire In the far east, while corn iu In fluenced by continued reports or damage ky frost, and closing prlcea were up H tfSrC on wheat. o on corn and o on oats. Provisions closed steady, the January pro ducts being unchanged to 6c higher. Rumor of a probability of war between Russia and Japan circulated quite freely - among wneai traders oeiore ine opening; and caused a little bullion aentlment. This feel In was accentuated by the compar atively firm tone of cables In the face -of decline here yesterday, and Peeember opened nWJ4c higher, at 7!M1)79Tc. With a Rood demand from elevator In. terests and commission houses, the former taking Pecember and the latter May. on the strength of outside markets, prices showed a fair advance early, December selling at fic. With the exception of the bear talk the news In general waa bearish, and this caused some selling by local trad ers, which resulted In a somewhat easier tone, but a recovery soon followed on re covering br shorts and fair trading by a prominent bull. New York reported a good Inquiry for No. 2 red winter for ex- ' Sort and thua helped prices here. Trad ing was quiet In the latter part of the ses sion and prices fluctuated narrowly. De cember closed Htikc higher, at 80Mc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 418,100 bushels. Primary receipts wers 1.041.100 bushels, against 1,335.309 bushels a ear ago. Minneapolis and liuluth reported receipts of cars which with, local . re recelpts of JO cars, 1 of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points af 7M cars, against 687 cars last week an fl 733 cars a year ago. There waa only a little trade In corn, but prlcea were firm, due principally to the continued reports ftom various points in the corn belt of disappointing husking, a loss of from 26 to 30 per cent from frost being shown In many cases. Commission nouses were the beat buyers, while scalp era were the principal sellers. After sell ing between 40 and 44c, December closed fee higher, at 4444c. Local receipts were 40 cars, with 80 of contract grade. Oats gathered strength from other grains and light offerings helped to create a firmer sentiment. There was moderate buying f May early by commission houses, but cash houses sold that delivery later In the ay. December closed o nignsr, at 3e, sifter ranging between 36o and 86Hc. Lo cal receipts were 227 cars. Trading in provisions was extremely aulet and prices showed little change, penlng prices were a trifle easier along with hogs, but a firmer tone at the yards later waa reflected in the hog product a. V I .. , V. j I. a 1 1 (111. iLnuerjr inm i-umcu uigno!, wl , i.v--rs , January lard was unchanged at $6.66, and ribs were up 2Hc, at S6.25. Estimated recelDta for tomorrow: Wheat. 78 cars; corn, 865 cars; oata, 240 cars; hogs JAOOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Closs.j Tea'y. Wheat ft Deo. May Corn Oct. Pec May Oata Oct. Dee. Stay .Pork Oct Jan. Lard Oct. Pec . i" ..May Oct. Jan. May 43 85! sen! n s li to 45 45 62 i OS 20 7tt! so 7 W. 11 W IS 07 4 7tt a r 05 no 25 7Vi W1 78 44 42, S6 6 11 2 10. W 40 S 45 62H 62V4J T 78 20 87H a 7T4TO 43 441 43 tn S 86 11 1 U W 11 vo 40 46 55 65 7 78 28 871 79fr4 43 44 42 S54 86 11 10 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition a. Trade sad Uaetatlaas stasia sad Faaey Prodaee. i:GG8 Fresh stock, loss off. lc LIVB POl'LTRT Hens, 7ff7l4o: spring chicken. 7Vic; roosters, according to age, H'tibc; turkeys, L."&13o; ducks, 7S8c; geese, 7c. BUTTER Packing stock. 13c; choice to fancy dairy. In tub, lslKc: aeparator, 21c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, 10c; pickerel. 8c; pige. luc; pen u, 6c; ouffalo, iHtjHc; blueflsh, 15c; whlteflsh, 13c; salmon, 11c; haddock, loc: codfisn, Lav; rejaiiapper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsiers, green, per lb., .o; bullheads, 11"; catfish, 14c; black bass. 2o4t25c; halibut, e; crapplos. Lie; herring. 6c: white bass, 10c; blueflns, so. OYBTERrt New Tork counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2.00; extra selects, per can, 35c; per gal., 11.76; standard, per can, 27c; per gal., $1.35. BRAN r-er ton, 14.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers nssoclaltnn: Choice No. 1 up land. $8 60; No. 8, Ss.00: medium, 87.W; coarse, $7.00. Rye straw, $7.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. D mand fnlr and receipts light. UUKIN wo. i OATS 3Hc. RYK No. J, 60c VEOKTABLEB. POTATOES Colorado. 75aS0o: Dakota. per bu.,707&c: native, 6570c. SWEET POTATOES home grown, per basket, 75c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl.. $3.00. BEANS Home Brown, wax. bar market banket, 40J0c; string, per market basket, 4ti4(t'Oc. TOMATOES Home grown, per basket. 50c. NAVY REANS-Per bu.. 125. ur.LUriY small, per doc. aisrso; large weeiern, 40c. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., lHc;' Spanish, per crate, $1.50. 'A hk aob Missouri Holland, me. TLRNirB Canada Rutabagas, per lb., la FRUITS. PRUNES Italian, ner box. tl.00. PEACHES Utah freestones. 900 : Colo rado Alberta. 11.00. PEARS-C'o orado and Utah Kelfers. M.OO; winter Nellls, $.60. APPLES Jonathans and Orlmes Oolden, $3.75114.00; Michla-an stock. X3.2bia3.60: Call- fornfa Uellflowers, per box, ..W New York stock, $3.2ftjj3.60; Oregon stock in busbel boxes, $1 16-ill 25. GRAPES California Tnkavm. tl.Kc New York, per 6-lb. basket, 30c. CRANRERRIES-Pm hhl . IXS0- ner box. $3.00. CALIFORNIA QUINCE8-Per box. 11.65. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, all sixes. $4.00. LEMONS California fancy. 2U0 to ' S0 size. $4.fc0; choice 240 to 270 alses, $4.0034.26. FIGS California. Der 10-lb. cartons. Mc: Imported Smyrna, 1-crown, lc;. t-crown, 17c; 7-crown, lc. PATES Persian, per box of SO packages, 12.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes. 6c, BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch. 13.00 62.50; Jumbo, $2.753.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12Hc; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13o block Swiss, vac; Wisconsin brick, uy,c; Wisconsin limberger, 12c HONEY Nebraska. Der 24 frames. $3 50: Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.50. Liuiiu-fer DDI., b.it; per -ddi., u.20. HORSE RADISH Per case of S doa.. packed, 80c. nuia wainuts, ino. i son-sneii, per id., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14o; No. 2 soft-shell. per lb, 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., lli&HHc; filberts, per lb.. Uft'UHc; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 13c: pecans, large, per lb., KKjjllc; small, per lb., 9H&10c; peanuts. per lb., 6V6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, 12-JT13C; large hickory nuts, rer bu., $1.25; shell-barks, per bu., $1.7o'iJ 00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25; eastern chestnuts, per lb., l2jjl4c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6Ac: No. 2 green. 6Hc; No. 1 salted, 7 Vic: No. 2 salted, 6Hc: no. 1 veai cair. to 12 I Da., sc; no. x veai calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Hc; dry salted hides, 83 L50. sheep pelts, 2575o; horse hides, $1.50-4 11 87H 'Vi U 974 45 bi 65 St, Loals Grata aad ProTisisas, ST. LOUIS, Oct 23. WHEAT Higher; NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Amalgamated Copper Abiorbed Interest of Dealers oa 8tok Exohang. CONSIDERABLE SHRINKAGE IN VALUES Bead Market is Attraetlac Atteatloa aad There la a Teadeaey Higher rrlcea Das ta Freer Baylag. NEW TORK. Oct 23. Amalgamated Copper absorbed an overwhelming propor tion of tooay s Duines In tne Sitjc mar ket For m, good aeal of tne time tlie Dealings In this stoca were larger man In an oiiiers combined and it combined about one-thl. d of tne aggregate sales of the day, 'i'he day a iota, snowed 11 conaiucrabie ahrlnkagd trm tne recent average and nonu dui a negative significance couiu be uiawn irom inu any s inarKet. On this baala of interpretation the mar ket must be said to have ottered a good resistance to tne day's disturbing factor. as has been the case during the whole of the week. From the point of view of the professional traders tnere waa an Inclina tion to draw the Inference that the backset received by the Amalgamted Copper com pany would Induce a very conservative market attitude on the part of the Stand ard Oil party. As the professional e.ement lays great stresa on the so-calted leading interests, tnis inrerence caused some sen timental effect But the professional Im pression was somewhat confused in tnLi regard by the action of Standard Oil Itseif on the curb. 'JTils stock sold tlrst at six points over the previous close at 638 and later at M&, the closing being at 6j0 bid There waa a very excited market for Amal gamated Copper at first. At the ope.ilng 13.600 shares were thrown unon lha murkt for simultaneous sales, which were made at 3o down to 31H. Within the llrst few minutes or the trading from 30.000 to 40,(00 snares cnangea hands. The manifest In side support for the stock then Uecamo effective and rallied it a unlnt. Iti fluc tuations were constant and feverish during moij 01 in uay, carrying it DacK to the opening low point, then completely recovering and closinar at a riivllna nf 7- The decision to shut down the company s works In Montana pending the decision on appeal of the litigation presents a situa tion whose serlouhness to the corporation can hardly be aai nsaid. Th nrtnplnnl, tn the contest exchanged bitter recrim 1 nations inrougn puDiicauons during the day. But the Impression gained force nevertheless that the accamulatlon of tha atnrir nf a substantial character, and the supply of the selling showed some falling off in con- KuuQiim. ' i "recast or tne weeks currencv movement had a rather depressing effect In the late market, aa It Indicated a decrease In reserves of between $3,000,000 and $4,000, 000. It Is evident however, that this Is musiiy accountea ror Dy the special move ment to Baltimore t r r,ll,v ih there. Allowing for this and for the heavy demand from New Orleans It Is very evl- ueni mat me westward movement of cur rency Is still Insignificant. New York ex. cnange at Chicago, however. I iWiinin London a renewed uneasiness over the far 'tern situation had some depressing ef fect. The closing was practically stagnant and showed eenarallv ,maii nt Thfro U a continued absorption of bonds 1 pncee- ew ork t:entral gen eral Sia advanced tndav within a . of par. When this bond broke nar early In July It wn regarded as a sinister de velopment The price subsequently fell to 95. The greater part of It recovery hqs been made within the last few days along with the awakened general Interest to mo iiona mnrsei. -xotai sales of bonds, par value. $2,299,000. ' United States 2s declined per cent on tne last call. Following Is the number of ah.-.. - w.wo . iuir oiwk exenange: . . . . oaiee. tiign. Low. Close. Aicnmon 30.000 kki 60 KcAL do Dfd AMI fcO uwi. b-. R.IH i .Vwl ,. 7,.., T tematlonsl closed heavy. Russians be- I . n I Itrn CfnTl? ItaniTrT ng In a feeble condition. The private rate lit a a 111 r. .11 III R n tt I 1 P. 1 nf Hiimnni tr rent. Three I PT cent rentes, 07 for the account ex- hange on London, 7b iranas is cenumea for checks. ..Ifl.ftl. VM.ni. T.ia-V W HnntaMa BERLIN, Oct. 23 The tendency on tne 1 'e" ------- bourse today was irregular. lomestlo gov ernment stocks were nrm ana coai no Iron shares were depressed, through heavy realisations. New York Honey Market. new YORK. Oct. 23. Prime mercantile paner, 6Vft5 per ctwit; sterling exchange, easier, with actual business In bankcra bills at $.86.7('ii4.6.75 for demand ano i $4.82.264 4.K2.30 for sixty day bills; posted rates, it.itWM.!";'; commercial dims, liar sliver, tilc; Mexican aonara, wv. Government bonds easier. tnllrnnit bonds firm. MON EY On call, steady at tQ2 per rant' nlcialnK hid. 2: offered at H1. Time money loans easy; w aays, per cent; 90 days and fix months, 4'(i-. Ns. . a New, Casti quotations were as follows: p-LO C aaai y : Vinter patents. H.0CX9 Itei traigbto. U.TOffi.lO: spring patents, ltW; aUaights, $3.7oJ.o; bakers, $2 60 wniui-no. s spring) ioi; n rou, WCORN No. i, 4I44o; No. S yellow, OATS-No. 1, See; No. I white. VmVAa. DTP Nn 1 Mb. BARLHY Fair to choice malting. 47R6c. BEKD8 No. 1 flax, 90c; No. 1 north woat rn. Sbc; prime timothy, $2.80; clover, con .ftrart a-rds. $10.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, pe" tbl.. $11.10 sU.13S. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $. i2Q 6 47H. Ihort ribs sides (loose), $7.O0i37.5O. Short lear sides (bored)) S7.12H. The following were the receipts and ship ments or nour ana gram: Receipts, flhlbments Floor, bbls 84,000 2S.900 V h.al bu W.5fi0 6H.100 Corn, bu SHK.OOO Sl,6n0 Oata, bu S42.30O . 2I9.MO Rve. bu 17.401 6.1"0 Barley, bu 75.100 8.900 No. 2 red cash, elevator. 86Mc: track. s6HA r?Hc; December, 8Hc; May, S2aie; No. S hard, 78i60c. corn Higher: no. i casn. tzMic: tracg. S H1T Firm No 1 raan HU.l- trick. X7U 38c; May. SGHc; No. 3 white, 39H40c FIXUR Steady; red winter patents. S3.SO&4.10; extra fancy and straights, (S.(0 Q3.9&; clear, $3.9n3.40. t wnmisaii-eteaay; sz.iu. BEED Timothy, UH4ft.0O. KHAN Steady; sacked, east track. 7o. HAY-Dull: timothy. $7.60411160; prairie. $6.00(110.00. IKUN tVITUPI 1 1E.B W.Utt. BAQOINO 5S6Hc. HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVISIONS unchanged: porg, lobbing. standard mess, $11.80. Lard, weak at $6.30. Hacon steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.76; clear ribs, $9.124; short clear, $9.C2Vs- POULTRY Weak; chickens, 8c; springs, SHc; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 9310c; geese, 7c. IllTTEK-ooa oemana; creamery, ura 22c; dairy, 14018c. EuGS Steady at 210, loss orr. receipts, anipments. Flour, bbls i.Ot0 11.000 Wheat, ou 73,000 78.W Corn, bu IK.OOO 61.000 Oats, bu 68.000 34,000 Kaasas City Grata aad Prevlaleas. KANSAS CITY, Oct 23. WHEAT De- Barley, bu.... 7B.1W cember, 684c; May. 68nWCc: cash, No. i , On the Produce exchange today the but- hard, 73c: No. 8. 69V471Ho; No. 4, VWSIci ter market was steady; creameries, 16H9 rejected, 60&62c; No. 2 red, 82i2Hc; No. S. fJU.i All aa. Y4Url(L CiraTS ataaitu m S snarlr tiSUIItl a.-gJJ ICTVi. S( SU7AUJ, BB- lliavin) rases included, UvQlt'ic. Cheese, easier, 10H tfUQ. HEW YORK OE3EnAL MARKET. Aaatatleas al the Day aa Tarloas Coatmodlties. NEW YORK. Oct 23.-FLOUR-RecelDts 17,016 bbls; export. 26,740. The market was quiet but firm; winter patnets, $40b&48; winter straights, $3.9o&4.10; Minnesota pat ents, $4.UJjJ.; winter extras, $2.90iS3:5; Minnesota bakers. $3.5004.10; winter low grades. $170j3.G5; Rye flour, steady ; fair to good. S3.254V3.40: choice to fancy. I846fr3.60. Buckwheat flour, quiet; I2.454j2.60 for new crop. BUCKWHEAT Dull; 61o c i. t. New Tork. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, fl ow: city, ti.w; Kiln dried. x3.Wrt3.Z5. RYEJtJulet; No. t western, 62c; nominal, t. o. b., afloat; state and Jersey, wMijoWc BARLEY Steady: feeding, 46c, e. I. f., 1)lalA M.llln Lk. i WhKAT Receipts, 56.S50 bu. The market 80c. CORN December, S6c, May, WW. cash, No. i mixed. 89c: No. 8 white. 89 Wc; No. 3. 38V4C. OATS No. 1 white. 8S38c: no. I mixed. S4(ti 35c. ' HAY-Cholcs timothy, S9.6OOH0.00; choice bralrle. $8.00. BUTTER Creamery. ISHffHttc: dairy. fancy, 17c. EGOS Firm: Missouri and Kansas, eases returned. 184c; new No. 3, white wood caaes Included, 19c. Receipts. Shipments 164.800 155. MO .... 83.600 17.&K) 23,000 9.000 500 2 1U0 4U0 150 100 20,900 4.900 8,310 'ioo 630 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu... Liverpool Grata aad ProTlaioas. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 28. WHEAT Soot steady; No. S red western, winter, 6s lHd; No. 1 northern, spring, no stock. Futures steady; October, nominal; .December, 6s ft'fcd. CORN Spot, steady: American mired. is B'aa. ruiures steaay; iNovemoer. ts za rr ami waa firm- Vn 's r-A uvn ,nr I December. 4s 2d : January. 4s Id. and Ko t. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern HOPS At London (Paclfie coast), steady Duluth. tVAc t. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard leanitoba, nominal, f. o. b, afloat. War rumors had a bullish effect on wheat this morning, together with higher cables and eaaler for conaola, December leading the strength and foreign houses buying. I-ater liberal weekly wheat and flour clearances had an influence and the close waa firm at net advance. May 82 15-lu3ic, dosed. &34c; July closed at 80c; December, sa a-iDpno-jc, cioaea. bic. CORN RecelDta. 237.760 bu: exnorta. lit $33 bu. The market for apot was steady; No. 8, nominal, elovator and 62c f. o. b afloat: No. 8 yellow. 54V4c: No. a whltr Ho. The option market opened firm and was nigner aiso on tne rabies, war talk. liberal clearances and further news of poor husking returns. The close ahowed Ho net advance; May. 4ti4S48V, closed. eec; liwimiifr. hvwsic, cioaeo, uc. OATS Receipts, 4U.5CU; exports. Xl.uS) The market for apot waa ateady; No. 2, 42o; atandard white. 43c; No. 8. 40Hc; No. I white, 43c; No. I wnue, 4ic; track white, HAY Firm; shipping, s5fiT5c; good to cnoice. BMfjwc HOPS Quiet; atate common to choice, eld. fiftllc: 1908 croD. 75fi.'r: 1902. 21AUn- l a.lflo coast, old, fcdl2c; 1903 crop, 2.ii:9c; l9oS. ilfrSiWo. HinKa Steady; Galveston 70 to 26 tounas, isc; .auiornia zi to a pounds. LEATHER Steady; acid. 23326He; wool, lim: domestic fleece. 2Mi33c. PROVISIONS Reef, easy; family. SlO.OOifl 1K: mm. tfcOOmSbrt; bef hams. tji.hwV 83.00; packet. $9 ol8.00; city, extra India mats, $14 UX91S.00. Cut meats. firm; Mckled bellies. .until 00; nlcklnd shoulders STorae.OO; pickled hams. $il.6rti 1150. Ijird, eteitar; wwwrp iwim,u, fi; renned Mir: continent. 17 2t; Mouth America. IS: P'imnound. t7.12V437.87U: Pork, steady, fim. Aly. $19; short clear, $ll.Jfl.00; mess. $13 75 . . r n . a . m 1 1 . . kivcj siMur , uumnuc, lair 111 extra. St 6 6s and 6 15a. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28. BUTTER Steady and in fair demand; extra weatern creamery, 2Hc; extra nearby prints, 22c. EGGS Firm; lc higher; freah nearby, 27o loss off; fresh western, 25Vi26c loss off; fresh southwestern, 24wgxc loss off; fresh southern, 2?ip'J3c loss off. CHKE8K Quiet, but steady: New York full creams fancy, 12c; choice, 1144c; fair to good, ilfallvic Mllvraakeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 18. WHEAT-Dull: No 1 northern. 554iS5Hc: No. 8 northern. S2'n3Vic; December, SuWe. RYE Steady; No. 1. 6M6SV4C. harlbt-steady; No. 2. kc: sample. 42tfi 2e. CORN December, 44Mc. Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA, Oct. 23. -CORN Higher: No. 8. 43 Vo; No. 4. 42c. OATS Steady to firmer; No. $ wh'te, S&Vu36c; No. 4 white. iblJo. Dalath Crala Market. DULUTH. Oct. 2J.-WHEAT-On track. No. 1 northern, 6ici No. 8 northern, 'ic; December. Tic. OA I B 35c. do Dfd Canadian Pacltlo .... Central of N. J Ches. Ohio Chicago 4k Alton do pfd Chicago Great West. do U pfd Chicago ft N. W Chicago T. dt T do pfd C. C, C. dk fit Louis Colorado Southern .. do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Delaware ' dt Hudson Dels., L. aV West.... Ienver dt Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfa Louis, dt Nash Manhattan L Metropolitan St Ry, Minn. At St Louis... Missouri Pacltlo .... !M.. K. sV T , do pfd , N. R. R. of M. pfd., New York Central.., Norfolk dt Western, do pfd ..j. 'Ontario St Western. 1 Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & Bt L... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. Louis A 8. F.... do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd St. Louia 8. W do pfd ,, fit. Paul do Dfd Southern Paciflo ..s. Southern Railway .. do Dfd Texas dt Pacific T., St. L. dt W dO Dfd Union Paciflo do Dfd Wabash do Dfd W. dt L. E Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Express American Express .. U. a. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amai. t opper u'd.rao 1,111 Y4 731 ia-k 750 88 88 8ij 2,600 11914 118 Hk 2-) 27 64 1514 29 Vi 64 1,160 162V4 161 760 21 1H 63 27 4S TO 81 2.750 100 100 1.242 4.800 ' 200 12,310 830 1,520 134 1 47 60 2914 XI 64 15 26 164 9 17 a 12Vi 61Vi 2W lNVl 19 67 27H 66 160 70 81 1J0 19 17 31 1UO 133 133 106 107 20 19 68 2 46 70 80 47 49 118 117 67 60 8,000 20 24,673 119 44j6c: Japan, nominal. TALLOW- Steady; city. 4c; country, 4 dAC. buTTER Receipts, 6.600 pkgs ; firmer; reamery. ltxnc; state aairy, i.-uc. CHEESE Recelpta. S..o pkse.; oulet: State, full cream, fancy, amali colored and white UWr: tarae colored and white. 11 "-r. KUGS Recelpta, T.toO pkgs.; weatern, 17(o 86c. POULTRY Alive, oulet: western chick- am 1(k-: fowls. I8c: turkeya. 11c: dressed. easy; western chlckana, 12o; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 13ifllc. Jtiaaaaaalis Wheat, Flafas aad Braa, MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 28. WHEAT De cember, 7r7c; May. 78o7be. xOn track: No. I hard. 8Jc; No. 1 nortneto. M. a.. KI r 2 ASt hrn a.A.c FLbuRrirst patanta. $4 SOUKS; .second I Bateuts. Hi4-ib; fust dears, S8fc Toleda Seed Market. TOLEDO. Oct. 23 8 E ED Clover. Octo ber, t 62; December. $6.55: January. M.67U reuruary, to.ou; aiarcn. iimotny. prime, si tu. Aiaiae, prime, 4e-ai. Metal Market, NEW YORK. Oct. 23. METALS There was an advance of 2s 4J In the London tin market, where spot closed at 117 17s id and futures at 118 6s, and Influenced partly by this the local market was also firmer, with ten tone aold for November delivery at $26 60 and fifteen tons of spot at U4.02W: spot tin closed firm at $i'6.2&. Copper ad vanced 17 6s for apot and 5S for futures In the London market and was rather firmer here; !ak was quoted at SIS 12Hu) i&.ai, electrolytic and casting at au.vv. Iad was unchanged locally at $4. 60 and In Ixmdon at 11 2a td. Spelter advanced im 6d In London, cloalng there at 20 15s. but no change was reported In the local mar ket, which la atill quoted at M.12. Iron cloaed at 49a 3d In Glassow and at 42a 7Vd In Mlddleaborough. Locally Iron waa dull and nominal. No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at $15 5"rl.0O; No. S northern foun dry at I15.UWF1J.&0; Noi I southern foundry and No. 1 aoft aouthern foundry at 1X4.76 15 26. ii. LiUiiB, vex. B.-ncrAie-iu, auu pel ter, ey at sa w. 13,800 200 lolotio 4,000 45 77 2T. 60 100 48 20 118 45 76 24 60 46 40 49 it 84 38 117 6y 86 20 118 BU 40 73 60 2-1 69 63 60 46 13 30 100 301,4 30U 14,100 139 l:t8 138 J IIS lii 1," 8.226 DtiO 4'0 220 100 100 80,9JO 210 10.500 2.200 41 18 74 22 16 26 84 19 82 41 IS 73 22 16 2S'i 70 84 18 31 Chang, in Frioei Took Effect HOGS OPEN LOWER, BUT CLOSE STEADY Fairly Liberal (tea af Sbeea aad Lamba aad While Tradlag Was Rather Slaw tha Better Grades Held Jast Aboat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 23. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Official Wednesday.. Hocking V.I. 4Hs...l0 utncial Thuraday. I, a N. nnl. 4a ,H lumciat r rldaj. Mftll. con. aoia The closing quotations on bonds are as Official Tuesday. follows: U. 8. ref. ts, reg do coupon to to reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. do coupon do old 4, rrg.. do coupon ..... do ba, reg. do coupon Atchlion gn. do ftd. 4b Atlantic C. L. 4a Bftl. A Ohio 4ft... do ) .1.101 ...im ...1 ...ICSW Mrilrin Cen ...l:lS do lit Inc ...l;i5H Minn, a st. L 4s.. Ill M.. K. A T. 4 lit do in 101 N. R. R. of M. o. 4ft mi, n. Y. ;. gs. tvijs. 9.911 8.0H8 8.617 4.544 . 1.8J6 2.446 8.310 4.039 2,2uu 3.100 18,81 25.204 18.175 7,483 6,601 SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL In any quantity and pet highest market prices. Write for infor mation, prices and shipping tags which are sent free by our house which is located nearest to you. j. s. srj3iTM cd., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS OMAHA. NEB. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. GRAND ISLAND. NEB. ..10OV N. J. C. gco. .. tl IN'o. ra.'lflc 4ft .. Wi! do ..lOOvt N. A W. con. 4ft... .. tb'ik On. 8. U 4ft A P. tl 7 74 T4 .110 .IM'4 . 10' . I1H Central of Oa. ta 104 ,pnn. conr. IW n An 1a in csia Kumdins sen. m v Chr. A Ohio 44... im St. L. 1. M. e. ta.lll ChlCftgo A A. IWft... T4 i St. h. at u. n. mi hi. M A 6t P g. 4a.. lot Seaboard Air L. 4s.. m C. A N. W. c. 7a. ...1311 So Pclo 4a C. R. I. P. 4a.... lto Rallwar a in 74 Txaa i-ftcinc i...n, mu T . St. I.. W. 4a.. 70 7,fnlon Paclno 4a TJH &5 j do conv. 4a 4 DSt'V R. Steel td a 7iS ao'iiWabaah la Five dava thla week... .83.886 15.090 76.283 Same dava last week... .26.145 16.304 96.1!9 Same week before 31,747 18,670 91, 60 Bam three weeks' ago.. 31, 881 22.437 71.M Same four weeks ago. ...83.403 16.948 62.295 Same days last year ... .35,658 20.588 68.826 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. Tha follnwlnr tahla shown the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date and comparisons witn last year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Cattle 865.149 7',&.;6 S9.2i2 Hogs 1.834.102 1.823.243 . 10, U A 8. F. fg. 4a. UVi lOlieep l,3,b,UW 1,'mu,oU4 .' 8. w. la Average price peja tor nogs ai win Omaha fur te last several days witn comparisons: do col. 6ft. C C C A Bt L g. 4a Chicago Tor. 4ft.... Con. Tobacco 4b.... Colorado So. 4a.... Denver A R. O. 4a Krlft prior lien 4a.. oo genarfti aa. Data U0S. 1902.1901.1900.)189.l898.llo97. W. a D. C. Offered. t7! do deb. B. MIWhotl. A U la... 10414 Wis. Central 4a.. .114 . 4H . a Bostoa Stock Qnotatlsaa. BOSTON. Oct. 23. Call loans, 4o per cent: time loans. 6ff8 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: At.chlaon 4a Mrxlrau Con. 4a.... Atchlaon do pfd Doaton & Albanf.. hnatnn S Maine... Poaton Ktevated... N. Y., N. H. A 11 Fltchburg pfd... Union Paciflo ... Mfx. Central ... American Sugar do pfd Aroer. T. A T.. Dominion I. A Cen. Electric Maaa. Flectrlo do pfd United Fruit U. 8. Steel., do pfd Weatlngh. Common Adventure 9S Allouea 4 Amalgamated (tH Palv Weat U 'jBlnrham 241 Calumet A Hecla.. in 'Centennial lan'i Copper Hang 101 .Dominion Coal .... ..187 Franklin .. 704, Inle Koyale .. i Mohawk ..lHVa Old Dominion . .1174 tlflCFOlft ..123'4, Parrot .. ft't Qulncy ..147 Santa Fa Copper... .. It Tamarack .. tUj Trlnltjr .. 6't United BUtes .. 131a UUJl Suva! victoria 2a I Winona 1 Wolverine Oct. 1..., Oct. 1 Oct. 8.... Oct. ..., Oct. i... Oct 6... Oct 7... Oct I.... Oot Oct. 10... Oct. 11... Oct. 12... Oct 18... Oct. 14... Oct. 15... "Vt loot. 16... Oct. 17... Oct. 18... Oct. 19... Oct. 20... Oct. 21.... Oct. 22... Oct 23... . 30 Sa .4y . is. . 44H . 4H . 17 . 17 . a . M . 17V, . 264 I 62HI 1 Ml 6 761 I 181 I 6 61HI 7 20! 68 6 11 4 89) k 5Vkl 7 SOI 6 64 6 414 i 184 6 19 i i3S 6 4W 6 S6H, 6 22", 6 11U 6 031 0 0 6 1 Mi a 6t( 6 7 42 7 39 7 28 7 H 7 04 65 e 7 07 7 1 T 00 91 7 16 7 02 e s rc 82 70 8 76 7 S2, 6 49 S3j 13 6 14 6 15 8 20 i 6 2S 6 18 22 8 29 27 6 23 6 26! 8 03 t 99 19 4 421 6 201 6 16 6 11 I 08 6 02 4 92 4 90 4 4 93 4 721 4 64 4 621 4 51 4 581 e 4 62 4 61 4 8 4 U 4 34 4 85 4-35 4 S3 4 31 4 23 4 20 4 84 4 20 4 16 4 10 4 15 4 61 4 131 e 4 16 V11 681 8 4 5 64 3 63 58 6 69 e S 64 S 67 8 66 185 S 78 e S 73 S71 X 64 S 64 S S3 8 53 e 8 69 S 66 S 6S S 66 1 txt o 69 e S 70 8 67 8 73 S 71 S 66 S 66 8 61 8 59 e S 51 S 60 3 64 S 62 8 53 S 63 Indicator Sundar. The official number nf cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. U ses London stock Market. LONDON. Oct. 3. Closing quotations: Conaola for money... W4i do account aS-v Anaconda 3'4 Atrhlenn 47 do ufd aiv Baltimore A Ohio.... TVa Canadian Pacific 123 t'heeapeake A Ohio.. 30St Chicago G. W 16Vi C, M. A St. P. DeBeera Denver m R. O. do Dfd Brie n do lat pfd 7' do 2d pfd 49V4 Illlnola Central 134V Loulavllle Nah...lo:i allsaourl, K. a T.... II 'v BAR 8ILVER-28 6-16d per ounoe. MONEY lWdt Per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for short bills is o-ihn3'ft per cent ano tor tnree-montns puis is 3 -j3t per cent. New York Central. Norfolk & Weatern.. do pfd Ontario A Western.. Penneylvanla lUnd Mlnea Reading do let pfd do Id pfd 142V Southern Railway... ltVai do pfd. 20 i Southern Pacific 9'4 Union Pacific do pfd United Statea Steel.. do pfd vYabaeh do pfd lllvt . MVe . to . at . t . Vi . . II . 18V, . 77 . 42 . 71 . 7 . 14 . o4 . it . I2H C M. &. Bt. P. Wabash Mo. Pacific Union Paciflo . C.ftN. W F. E. ft M. V C, St. P.. M. B. A M C, R. 1. A P. C R. I. & P. Illinois Central Chi. Great Western & O. east..., west.., 2 20 12 2 29 1 9 1 1 3 1 ' 9 11 1 10 6 1 'j 62 21 22 161 4I9 697 237 67 210 91 83 73 1 203 899 486 679 890 91 699 94 101 1.236 656 28 Kew York Mining 8aotatloaa. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. The following are tne quotations on mining stocks: Total receipts 81 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnasing tne num tier or neaa lnoieatea: Cattle. Hogs, tsneep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & to Armour A Co., 8ioux City Vansant A Co Liobman A Co Hill & Son U F. Huss Wolf A Murnsn Sam Werthelmer Llghton A Co H. F. Hamilton Other buyers 2.061 Adams Cob Alice breece Brunawlck Con..., Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cel. 4k Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver , Lftftdvuie Coa , .. iJ .. 14 .. 10 .. 1 .. ..lit ..lot ..17J .. 1 Uttle Chief ... Ontario Ophir Phoenix Poloai Savaga .Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Iblanaard , T 454 ....1 1 It 21 42 16 iOt Dank Clearings. Total 2,631 3,609 8,972 r ATTT.irTtecelnta were auite moderate here this morning, and In fact there was scarcely enough- on. sale to make a good test of the market. Buyers all took hold e,i on4 n result an early clearance was made end prices on the average showed very little cnange irom yemerimy. Corn-fed steers In partlcu!ar were scarce. but the market could not be quoted any thing but ateady with yesterday. For the i? mrtk elan about the same. The short-fed and common cattle have sold at verv uneven prices, ao inai iwnn ""i" r"'". rlav ore 1 ?km KA ix hin n initrMaa I i,i.i,.p wihiie others are undoubtedly lower, but taking tne average V Board of Trado Hcmborship at Ono-llalf tho Roal Estaio Valuation 895 Phone Burns, Haskell Co. 320 n.y. Lif (4... tt... at... (4... 41. .. M... 44.... 49... 41... 4..., t7... (f... !.... M... 4... tl..., 1.... 44.... ...Sll to 10 ....! IM I 10 ....r 12A 14 ....IM SO t 10 ....2Xt 40 I 10 ....282 40 t 10 ...,r;l to ( to .,..t M 110 ....Ml 120 4 10 ....acs go i io ....911 ... I 10 ....04 40 I in ....171 1TO lilt ....Sit 120 ( 124, ....HI TO uv, ...,t 140 4 1114 .'It ... 4 4 ...1M nt tO 15 N 111 V... 41.. 54.. 44.. 17.. II.. M.. I.. 47.. 40.. 71... 12 lit .244 U 234 42 22T 71 2M U lot . .0 ..111 .271 ..I7T ..2J4 .Ml ,.2l .271 .ICS .117 120 I II 120 I 11 121) I II M I 11 4V4 I II ... 110 ... I 90 144 I 10 ... I 10 Kl IN 140 I 30 10 I 10 120 I M M IN 40 I N 40 6 21 ... I M ... tt the corresponding date of the year pre VIOUS OI 4WJ0,BOU.!M. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 23.-WOOIv-The Commer cial Bulletin will sav tomorrow: The mar ket Is quieter than In some previous weeks. deal different from the prices In force a 1. ih. KMr errades. such as have been selling from 85 to S5 40. are fully steady n r. . A n .... h. 1,1 alii iruii.ri. m.. nirb.i was active and steady to strong this morning. Jhs week starUd out but there Is no apparent weakness on the lower mnr part of the holders. A fair business has the feeling has been a Jlttle ttn" h..n irari in tin. the market Is about where it waa at tne dium territory, clot'hinar and atanle at full close of last week. prices, the basis of 60c scoured for fine roe' dium clothing being obtained. Fleeces are sold ahead on every grade. English buyers have picked up about 1,100 bales of Aus tralian cross-breds, such wools being cheaper here than abroad. The lot com prised wool boughtln London and carried here In bond for some time. The Buenos Ayres market has opened Btrong and Id higher for cross-breds, with an active demand from European buyers. The shipments or wool rrom Boston to date from December 81, 1902, are 189,633,013 ..Ao l r.iv.a and stars oio not nw any quotable change this mornlnsr and for the week are aleo anout steaay. i nry v,. a trifle lower tne nrei "i vim have about regained the loss. As Is generally inu o. . were onlv a few stockers and feeders In slarht and not many were waritea. Any. Mni good, though, -old without, much trouble st gooa 'lrl?u,V' : wIlU . e dull ana weaa. i uern 'Y"" - brisk demand all the wees i or guai t cat! e and also tor yinii, lbs agat 224.769,877 lbs. at the same date .-f lwSTh.JS last ear. 1 thnne-h have been verv slow tne quotations tor leaaing oe- ' n ik..i. thev s: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX steady, as buyers '"J,J thJ e, 84(a35c; X. 3031c: No. 1, 3233c; were fr fZnm T?ri!&n& 2SoA 32c; fine unwashed'. .242oc.; half- freelyat . eady t strong price, "d good 450. 1SH 16 100 185 186 Amer. C. 4 F.. do Dfd Amer. Unseed Oil..; do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. S. at R do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Anaconda Mln Co.... Brooklyn Rap. Tr.... Colorado F. I Columbus A H. Coal Consolidated Oas .... General Kieclrlo .... International Paper., do Dfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit .... National Iad North American Paclno Mall People a Gas preased Bteel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennessee O. eV I.... V. 6V leather do pfd TJ. S. Rubber do pfd r. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union Northern Securities.. Paciflo Coast do 1st pfd do Zd pfd 200 240 100 8.120 364 21 i 67 IM 74 2V6 84H 20V4 6G4 IV 744 41 41 73 22 16 Zo 70 84 18 sm 14 15 K30 1S5 l'fl 200 35, 2k 6'i 25 13 74 41V4 1.900 114 1134 1144 6T0 63 60 61 4.4S5 34 33 33 1.725 81 28 10 1781,4 200 148 1484 147 11 ees as ee 91 -el e e oe 30 70 84 '4 13 74 21 03 ?st 213 7Vi 52 67 im 7 82 8474 42 NO 61 Thn M.nla n n a ... OKA 1 C CO! Ik. . .in .... ' . j u , o . u Mv..fcv,ww awn., against 276,802,400 lbs. for the same period last year. BOSTON, Oct. 23 WOOtr-The follow Ing are the quotations for leading de scrlptlons and apov No. 2. S1432c blood unwashed, 25(&26c: three-eighths blood unwashed. 25ii26c: ouarter-Mood un washed. 2A(ra25c: flue washed delaine. 36c: Michigan X and above, 27patc; No. 1, 2 30c: No. 2. 2KSi29c: fine unwasnea. zianasc quarter-blood unwashed, 24tl25c; three-elghths-blood unwashed. 24(&25c; half-blood unvtashed, 24(25c; fine washed delaine. 32 tjr33c: Kentucky, Indian, etc., three-elghths- blood, 24(J3'J5c; quarter-Diooa, Z4fgac; oraia, 22J3c: Territory and Idaho tine. MSiioc fine medium. Iil7c; medium, 18fil9c; Wyoming fine, 14(ijl5o; line meillum, 16fil7c; medium. lAVWSc; Utah and Nevada fine. 15i16c; fine medium. 17ii'17V: ; medium. 19 20c; Dakota fine. l.")16c; flue medium, 16u7 17c; medium, VnMc; Montana nne choice, 1WI20C; fine medium choice, 1920c; staple, 2ia21c: medium choice. 2i4tflc. HT I l il'ia nr-t 95 W X lt TTIi-m K,, jii ! unchanaed: medium grades, combing and clothing. ii'(iic; ugnt nne, nvu nc; neavy nne, izai4c, hid wasnea, ivijsoc. sale and are a little lower i.ir m There were not enough western beef this mnrnlns to make a mar ket, but It would be safe to ouote them Me. tt I'.fc.... i.... ioo 10. 100 400 '700 1.200 tl 94 81 71 400 29 "IOO 76 6.1.0 1.6K6 J0 14 694 82 21 83 31 71 ? 61 28 76 lis 6x 81 Total sales for the day, 894,000 shares. rerelga rtaaaelal. LONDON. Oct. tJ. MONEY The rate for money and discounts wss steady In the market today. On the atock exchange the prevailing weakneas was accentuated by disquieting rumors from Honolulu. In re gard to the fsr eastern situation. Home rails were weak. Americans one.ied dull, reflecting the depression In Nw Tork. The few dealings engaged In were wholly professional. ater the market reacted further and became settled, but prices cloaed steadier. - Japaneae securities were weak owing to the reported hitch tn the Ruaen-Japaneae negotiations PA Rid, Oct. 28. Alarmist Russo-Japanese rumors' depressed business on the bourse today, Russians being particularly a (Tooted, but during the latter part of the day there waa a slight Improvement. In dustrials wers Aroi, gaining 7f. la- Cotton Market, NEW TORK. Oct. 23.-XTTON The market opened firm at unchanged prices to an advance of 7 points and showed a little further strength on the call In sympathy with the recovery In Liverpool. Trading waa fairly active during the entire session, but most professional In character. The market closed steady net points lower to S points higher. Bales were estimated at 600 OUO bales. NEW ORLEANS, Oct 23. COTTON Steady: sales. 7,5r0 bales; ordinary, 7 8-16c; ernod ordinary. 8c: low middling. 9c: middling. 9'!c; good middling. 10l-16c; mid dling fair. 10 1-16C; receipts, 12.1S4 oa:es; atock. 1U6.623 bars. Futures were steady: Ortohef. 9.6Mi971c: November. 9Mi9.64o: rwmhr. SfVnSSc: January. 9.7v9.71c: February. 977ij9.79o: March. 9.841i9.86c; April. 9.80c; May, 9.959.96c; June, S.9ttfl0.0uc; iniv 111 ir'rrj lit iLiv ktv uji'ih. iter. z.v . 1 ivm oipkit, TnlHrlllner. 97.nr sales. 86 bales: receipts. 174 bales; shipments, 150 bales; stock, 1,83 bLlVERPOOt Oct. 23 COTTON-Spot. quiet; prices 2im points higher; American, middling lair, siho; gooa mimnini, b.wmii in nir1dllner. K fd ; aood ordinary. 5. 54(1: ordinary, 5.34d. The sales of the day were 6 000 bales, of whl-h 6"1 were for specula- inn and rinort and Included 5.600 American. Recelpta. 8.300 bales, al! American. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady; American middling, g. o. c . October. 6.51d; npinhar and November. 5.35rC.36d : Novem ber and December. 6.3ort5.31d; December and January, 6 2f6.29d ; January and Feb ruary, 5.27d; February and March. 6.27d; March and April. 6 26(95 27d; Anrll and May, 5.2tka.27d; May and June, a.iowa.z'a. Oil aad rtealn. NEW TORK. Oct 23. OILS Cottonseed, a .... - nrtme cnide. nominal: orlme yellow. WftriW. Petroleum. Arm; refined New r.,rk M Ml: Phlladelnhla and Baltimore, S10 15; Philadelphia end Baltimore In bulk. 66 25. Rosin, firm. Turnentine, nrm. rAmrm held steady, .--irtetlve -slet) awe a'l'L'IFD A. fr. No. . IM Iff 1 U74 cows. ,M IN It tot 10 I.., . 130 t B0 t . 141 1 10. 1 120 S tl t 1111 8 71 HE1FBKB. BULLS. . too 1 tt 1 tM I II 1 CAXiVlUoV . 120 6 00 ,1 160 I 00 NEBRASKA. .1260 2 30 4 calves. . 181 4 00 W. W. Barnes Neb. ... 8K0 1 60 1 cow... Scows ir5 S 25 2ocows... 3 cows 6T6 1 50 1 cow... ..905 2 ZS J. W. Haney Neb. ..W69 S 70 28 steers. W. M. Merchant Wyo. t. 1... I... S... 1... t... 1.. 1... Av. Fr. .1234 4 at .1M4 4 i . Ml t .1000 t II .1140 t 00 .1110 t M . .1120 I Tl ..It JO 4 M 1st 6 M 210 150 1060 t 20 9K2 2 60 1060 S 60 ,.1144 148 I bull.... 22 calves. 1 cow. 22 cows. 40 cows.. 8 bulls 1256 1 75 2 bulls 1260 S 00 1 calf 140 4 25 S calves... 160 4 25 1 calf 200 4 25 1 calf 1 4 25 87 steers.... 84 S 75 83 steers. ... W ISO 87 steers.... WO S 80 2 heifers... 613 2 15 16 cows 904 2 50 ' 16 cows 838 2 00 9 steers.... 70 8 TO J lemere., 11a ao 10 steers.. ..1319 S 56 f calves... US ISO 7 calves... zm 1 w Horn Bros. Wyo. 62 feeders.. 1048 8 75 CnsmDers U. u. io.-hid. 1 heifer.... 530 2 00 12 cows 96S 2 65 4 steers ... 106 8 28 Marvel-Horsey eV Co. Wyo. 5 cows 1060 S 10 7 cows 1047 S 00 6 cows 9o7 S 10 10 cows 870 S 10 A. A. pixon-nen. 1 heifer.... 600 S 15 1 heifer. 8 heifers... 796 S 00 1 belter, 1 bull 1670 2 76 j. r raxier ntu. 10 COWS 1068 2 66 1 cow.. bulls li 140 I cows. , O. J. Olbbs-Wyo. 24 cows 796 S 40 4 cows. 1 cow .... 770 3 w Horn Bros. Wyo. infill 1 4K 1 row.. S feeders.. 816 S 00 4 feeders.. 1128 S 20 F. T. Putney Colo. 11 feeders.. 941 2 75 1 feeder A. C. Btratton 4.:oio. 1 cow 1030 S 25 Scows.. Scows 931 S 60 1 steer.. 10 feeders.. 846 8 15 1 bull... 1 bull 1260 S 35 R. Conant-Utah. t eows 1025 S 75 6 cows 10HJ f 75 1 cow 1010 S 50 1 cow 0 I 00 S cows 643 S 00 8 cows V) 2 00 81 cows 838 2 00 48 cows w ; ' 8 bulls 1156 S 00 8 cows aio t w 1 bull 1 1 1 bull 1330 1 90 7 bulls 1200 1 90 111 kTl a Th.r. hogs here today, but the market opened 470 t IS 00 S 60 .1100 S 28 ,.1260 2 86 ,.106: t 25 840 J 65 ..1370 1 76 .. 970 1 28 ,.. ro S 40 ..14J0 S 86 SHEEP There was a fair slsed run here this morning for the time of the week and the market could best be described by call ing It slow, but about steady. Killers were very scarce and It did not look as though buyers were very anxious for fresh sup plies. They finally bought up about every thing offered, though, at yesterday's prices, but as compared with a week ago prices are considerably lower. The decline In the majority of cases would be covered by 10-9 15c, while something common might be 151$ 26c lower. The feeder market Was also slow this morning, as very few buyers put In an ap pearance. There waa not very much car ried over from yesterday, though, so the pens will undoubtedly be well cleaned by Saturday afternoon. The general run of feeder sheep are li15c lower and the bet ter grades of lambs are not over that, but common and lightweight lambs are around 6flc lower than last week. Thin ewes are also considerably lower, the loss amount ing to 26&iOc, and trading on that class Is very slow at the decline. Baby lambs can now be bought around 82.588.00. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, S4.75iji6.00; fnlr to good lamhs, 84.504.76; choice yearlings, IS.6iVrf3.86; fair to good yearlings. S3.4Off3.60; choice weth ers, 83 353.60; fair to good wethers, 83.15fi? 8.35; choice ewes. 82.85tff3.10: fair to good ewes, S3.50a2.80; choice feeder lambs, S.on 4.26; fair to good feeder lambs, S3.25W4.00; bahv lambs. S2.60ff3.00: feeder yearlings, S3.35fff3.60: feeder wethers. S3.0w3.25; feeder ewes. 81.6O2.50. Rapresentatlve antes: 24 native ewes 120 t 75 46 Wyoming lambs 54 8 25 inn Wyoming yearlings 91 8 35 !S3 Wyoming yearlings M 3 40 S51 Wyoming feeder lambs 69 4 IS CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Prices of Cattle aad Hogs Are Higher, with Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Oct. 23.-CATTLE Receipts, 20.500 head; market steady to 10c higher; good to prime steers. S5.408!5.90; poor to medium. S3.6txg6.00; stockers and feeders, S2.2o4.20; cows. Sl.S5ffi4.25; heifers, S2.0Off 6.00; canners. Sl.35fff2.6fl; bulls, S2.0Offt4.2T; calves. S2.CKVy-7.O0; fed Texas steers, 82.75 S.60; western steers, S3.0ng4.75. HOGS Receipts, 14,000 head; estimated tomorrow. 12,000; market steady to lOo higher: mixed and butchers, to. 6085. ; good to cholco heavy, S5.45J5.75; rough eavy, S5.Ofltff5.40; light, S5.25o.80; bulk of sales. So.40ffj5.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head; market for sheep and lambs steady; good to choice wethers. S3.00ffi8.75; fair to choice mixed. S2.00fffi3.00: western sheep, S2.2iiiH4.2n: native lambs, SS.2offj6.60; western lambs. 83.7566.25 Kaaaaa City Live Week Market. KANSAS! CITT. Oct. IS. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.400 hesd Of natives: 900 head of Texans; calves. 400 head natives 100 head of Texans. The market for beef steers waa strong: for grassera, steady; ror quar antine, active and firm; for native and western cows, steady; for stockers and feeders, barely steady. Choice export beef steers S4 50i5.30; fair to good. S4.OOffi4.50; stockers and feeders, S2.40ffi4.20; weatern fed steers. S!.25ffj4.35; Texas and Indian steers. 32.753.40; Texas cows, S2.104t260; nitlve cows. S1.75fi3.5; native heifers, S2.85 (i3.90; canners. Sl.00ffj2.30; bulls, S2.0Offj3.0O; calves. S2.50fff6.26. , HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head. The market opened wesk but closed strong. Top. S5.35; bulk of sales. S6.15ffi5.35: heavy, 85.0085.25; mixed packers. S5.20fti5.40; light. S5.30ffj5.40; yorkers, 85.36ffi6.40; pigs. S5.35ffi5.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 2.000 head. The market was steady. Native lambs. S3.26fff5 20; western lambs. 32.90fftS.tO; fed ewes. S2.30f-S.75; Texas clipped year lings. 32.50ffi4.00 Texas clipped sheep. 82.40 4j3.5; stockers and feeders, S2 003.60. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 23. BEEVES Re ceipts, 4,879 head; steers opened firm to lOo higher and closed easy and unchanged; bulls and cows steady: native '". UM 6.00; stags. S2.50ffi4.46; bulls. S2.604M.0o; cows, Sl.25ffTS.55; cables quote live cattle selling at 10ffUc at Liverpool, at Lon don 1111C, dressed weight; sheep lower at 10ffil1c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef ateady: exports today, 660 beeves; to morrow. 1.850 cattle, 644 sheep and 7.941 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 809 head; veals slow and lower at S4.OOffjH.00; grassera. 2.00ffl t 50; fed calves. S3; city dressed veals, SffJ 12o per lb; country dressed. 54llo, HOGS Receipts, 2,909 head; market was firmer; Pennsylvania and state hogs quoted at 16. 15ffjS. 26; mixed western common sold 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.9T1 head: trade slow: aheep lOo lower; lambs steadv to 10c off: 12 cars unsold; sheep K 2M73.60; lambs, 84.KXg6.60; Canada lambs, S5.80i35.60. St. Loals Live Stork Market. BT. LOUIS. Oct 13. CATTLE Receipts, 2 000 head, Including 1.500 head of Texans. The market waa steady. Native shipping and export steers. S4.25fff5.25; steers under l.fmO pounds, 4j.4iKao.uu; aiocaera n" 2 . era. t3.00tf3.5fl; cowa and heifers. S3.25i4.00; canners. 81 50fff2.10: bulls, S2.4O4j3.00: calves 30O4i6.5O: Texas snd Indian steers, 12.20 ffiSf); cows and heifers. 82 004265. iiourv iteceipts, i,uu neau. . ro was steady to nrm. figs ana ugnis. ffi5.b0; packers. S5.2u43.66; butchers and best henvv. I5.40ffio.70. HHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400 head. Th. m.rii.i waa atoariv. Native muttons. S3 00f3 75; lambs. S4.0mti6.30: culls and bucks. yl.SMj3.lo; stockers ana iceaers, et.osvt.uv. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 2S CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.447 head. The market waa eteaay ; native, 44UIW7 0.so; cows ana nrucre. et.tmir 4.60: stockers and feeders. S2.o0ffj4.Z6. HOGS Receipts. 2.262. The market was mostly sieady: light, S5.20ffj6.40; medium and heavy. 85.0W05 55. . 8HEEP AND L.AMHH rteceipia, head. The market was active; Iambs, So. 15. - Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Oct. 28 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 250 head: steadv; beeves. 84.000 5 20; cows, bulls snd mixed, 12 60413.30; stockers and feeders, fc3 6n; calves and yearllnga. 82 26aS.40. HOGS Receipts. 1.400 head: about steady, selling st S5.10ffj6.32; bulk. 35.15. Stack la Sight. Following srs the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yeeter- ("ues. Cattle. Omaha J-f-5 Chicago lO."? Kansas City ."" St. Iuls 2,000 St. Joseph 1.447 Bioux City 250 Total 2.' ward was rallied by a continuation of the recent demand which assumed very large proportions and quickly absorbed all tha offerings. Sales were 138.750 bags, Including October. 6.15ffi6.20c; November. 5 liwio 20c; December. 6.45c; January. S.40ff6.50c; Feb ruary, 6.50C; March. 6 60ffi6.70c; May. 6 754D 90c; July, 8.904i5.95c; September, 6.95(&ic Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralta. aEr?,WTSRK rt- M.-EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is Arm for both spot and futurea, though demand Is moderate; common are quoted at 4ffi6c; prime, 5'a'T Sc: choice. 6ffic; fancy, fc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS There Is a small business reported In prunes, most of which seems for export account, but prlcea are steadily held and range from 8 to 7o for all grades. Apricots are fairly ac tive; choice are quoted at 9Vtffi9e; extra choice, 10ff10e: fancy, llffil2c. Peaches also show a slightly Improved demand and rule firm; choice are quoted at 7H4f7c; extra choice, 7tj8V4c; fancy, 9y10ic. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Oct. 23 -WHISKT-Steady on basis of finished goods. 81.25. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23. WHISKY Steady at CINCINNATI. Oct. 23 WHISKY-8teady at tl.25 on basis of finished goods. CHICAGO. Oct. 23.-WHI8KY-On basis of high wines steady at S1.26. Oa Hie Way to Cores. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23,-IIoraee N. Allen, United Statea minister to Cores, has arrived here from the east. Minister Allen, who hss) been In Corea for eighteen years, left Seoul, the Core an capital, last spring on an extended leave of absence. lie Is now on his way back to Corea to resume his diplomatlo duties. The telephone company furnishes the ap paratus, but good service depends on how it Is used by the subscriber. Talk with your lips close to the mouthpiece. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. was only a small run of SAVANNAH Oc. ttIIuyntln.. - '.ow.r. with ulngVather Lrm eiJJ'n r i H eti'I ' l h a""- the morning 1: F:- fi ,r.;.U.H,,f2-T;,J: some of the hogs reported were found to fl t?7fl; K. 13 10; V. S3 60; N. $3.80; WG, S3 SO; WW 84 a0 mi. city rwt MOIT. Credit balances SI 70- certificates, no bid; shipments. 81.497 bbls.; avetaee. 75 S23 bb's.; runs. 93 411 bbls.; sverase. 73.678 bbls.: shipments. Lima. 62.- 796 bbls : average. .! bbls.; rune. Lima, 67.81S bbls.; average. to.8o ddis. Baser aad Slalaases. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 23.-8UGAR Onit! centrtfuaal white. 40 : yeilow, ni crop, SVotc; new can ayrup, SUl. Molasses, auu; ceairiiugei, so k ii evhlh rut down the reoelpla con aiderably and left eome of the packers short. As a result the market cioaea mora active and stronger than tne openuis. about steady with yesterday. The heavy hoga aold largely from 16 10 to 86 U, mediura welghta went from S5 16 to $6.20 and lights from 85 20 to $6 80. Owing to the greater ac tivity toward the close everything was out of first hands tn good season, representa tive galea: He. A. Ba- IT. Ke. A- - at 4 M is a f 11 taa iw iu a i Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam utreet: Charles 8. Huntington et al, executors, to Henry Moeller, lots S and 8, block 122. Florence $ 49 J. v. Shipley and wife to George F. Price, lots 14 and 18, block 168, and lots 1 to 9 and 14 to 22, block 169, Florence 60 Anna Corrlgan to John and Mary Beeberger, lots 6 and 6, block 22, 1st add. to Corrlgan Place 850 C. J, Kelrle and wife to Salina I. Ship ley, lots 3 and S, block 41, Florence... 2,750 John C. Cobb et al to George Kelly, lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, block 66, Benson.... 1 Ella M. Sloan to Katie Tombrlnk, lot 7, block 70, Soitth Omaha 1,000 Genevieve Tylee to Hugh McCaffrey, undlv lots 6 and 7, block 62, South Omaha 1,600 Genevieve Tylee to Frank J. Burkley, undlv of same 1,600 Joseph O. Proctor and wife to S. R. Cox. middle one-third of lot 4, block SI. ty i.926 Chauncey p. Coy and wife to James Walsh, lot 8, block S and w lot . block 3, Waterloo 17$ Melville U. Wlnebrener et al to Inter state Investment Trustee, Limited, n lot 17, block 9, Kountio V Ruth's add 8,200 Mary E. McGlnty to same, s lot 17 nnd n lot 20, block 9, Kountse at Ruth's add .V. $.000 F. J. Fltrgerald and wife to George W. McClellan. e lot 6, block P2. city.... 2,000 Howard Kennedy, Jr., and wife to Opal V. McGaw, lot 17. block . Kllby Place " add 1 Opal V. McGaw to Mary R. C. Ken nedy, same 1 Lucy E. Yancey snd husband to Tlllle J. Leach, n lot 6, block 358. South Omaha Albert J. Coleson and wife to Zella A. Woodward, lot 4, block S, Marys vllle add 1100 TM l"'": "Vew" is tFORnRflE MARKE 2EPHONE 0 AMY OF OUR ISO SJFHCES T PRICES 0H VJllEAT.nAT&SlOIl t We have tha largest private wire system la America, and will give you the latest telegraph prlcea at Chicago, Minneapolis aad Duluto. Orders tor future delivery executed st tha market! preaapt service given. Commlaalonai Wheat, 1-I6c per sal oa oata and corn, l-8e par ha. Cecnmlaaloa oa stocks, 1-4 per cent. SH 1 D f12 YOUR WHEAT AND A KJ J OTHER OKAINS. Ws guarantee nlghest eaah prlcea snd prompt returns, paying drafte In advance utn eon algnmeats. Commlasloos, Ho par puabel. No In ter eat Charged for Carrying Long Storks. jfirzz commission ca li waW CAP.60RPLUS 500000 WGIIAIN STOCKS ' OTENEHAL OFFICES: NEW YORK LIFE BLOC1.. M1NNBAPOUS. R0BT. VANCE, Correspondent. $18 Faraana It., Omaha, Tel. 8407. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS lings. 8heep. S.100 14.000 4.0n0 4 2.262 1.4fO 2S.762 6.601 8,000 i.0 2.6S3 18.684 Eduarus, Uood Room A nanbattgn Bids;.. ST. PAUL, MINN. 0 Dsalsra In ToUls .28.82S 28.762 1S.6S4 Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2S.-The week st Its cl e shows no increase In business In dry goods, but sellers are firmer in their ideas and report more Inquiry, with s de termination on the part of buyers to bear the market, which Is fenerally unsiicceas ful. Jobbers are doing a very small atore buslneas and tho outlook for Increaeed trade with second hands Is not bright. Ce gee Market. NEW TORK. Oct. -TOFFFE Rio. soot, firm: No. T Invoice, 6 1616c. The mar ket for futures opened steady st a decline of i polnta under heavy liquidation and lower buropeaa markets, but shortly sfter- Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for csah or on reasonable margins. Members laaportaat Biekaifia. Pvt. Tate Wires. Writs for our dally market letter snd pri vate telegraph cipher mailed Ires. Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Prompt Returns. too Baa Bid. Phone nnl 4 Oaaafca, Hebraeka. Wlaalseg. Dalath. veare cnnin go. 110-At Beard al Trad. OMAHA NEB. . W. twirl. Maaager. TsL ISIS.