Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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tn n n r n n n
IJ O " HI'
f'irtiiii f n it i
Hand-Tailored Clothing.
The Finest Ready - Made
Clothing in America..
Suits nnd Overcoats OH
$40.00 to W-eVVJ
They are ready for your selection.
200 suits bought for SPOT CASH,
none worth less than SI 5, most of
them worth S 20.00, if you go to
high price stores, they are worth
Take time to see them
The best $18.00 overcoat that
has ever been sold.
Special for $10.00.
I I I 1 I
(Victor Talking
$10 to $75 for Cash f,
00 Down and
50 Per Week.
Why not buy where you can have the largest selec
tion? 20,000 records to select from. We want a dealer In
every town. A big shipment of all the latest records
just in.
Trade Your Old Sewin; Machine Off and Get Your Wife One
of Our Celebrated
We sell for cash or on easy payments
Second-hand sewing machines from $ 1.00 to f 10.00.
Free sewing school every Thursday.
We rent machines of any make from 75c per week, or
2.00 per month.
We sell parts, for and repair all machines manufactured.
Or a Cheap Wheel for $20.00
100 Second-hand Typewriters on Hand All Makes Low Prices.
'Phone 163
'Phone 4365
'Phone B618
Cor. 1 5th and Harney Sts., Omaha
612 N. 24th St., So. Onaha, Neb-
334 Broadway, Co. Biuifs, Iowa.
We do all kinds of glazing. Phone Paint dept, 3425
un. i,ir.f,ii.u i4t, 4M inxnm
Ik Kb II H4 Mm.. Wui mm4
Ummrmmm kaUittiUMi m4 sUaJba
law, aWi of jr ifMiM, r m4 4o. 4
mmm - if ', Mur, a
... i . i
TWENTIETH century,
vktr tf ll.a I
Vsteran Editor Pavi Eii BopecU to Exotic
Glass of America,
Speaker Coraparea Action at Self-Con-atltated
Leartera la that of reople
Who Coaapoee Society la
lalted States.
PITTSBURG. Oct. 23. Henry Watterson
delivered his lecture on "Society" this
evening In Carnegie Mimic hall, Allegheny,
before a small but enthuslastlo audience.
The unusually cold' weather that prevailed
was responsible for the light attendance.
Mr. Watterson said tn part:
Something over a year ago a most la
mentable tragedy, taking for Its
scene the very vestibule of the temple of
fashion the sanctum sanctorum of the
four hundred led me In the line of duty as
a writer for the press to say some exceed
ing plain anfl, it may nave oeen mougni,
some very harsh things about the nou
veaux riches the Idle rich, the Uod-for-vetttnr.
world-dpfvlnsr. Dleasure-seeklng
rich who set themseHes as a law unto
themselves, who submit to no restraints
except those fixed by nature and the sur
geon a knife, who have no intellectual per
spective, except that the longest purse
brings down the biggest titles, nor rule of
conduct, except that impelling them to eat,
drink and be merry, for tomorrow It may
be someone else s turn; a cone wnicn i
em told became altogether the rage In
Babylon some centuries ago.
Th.v ancletvT Has Caliban grace? IS
Tom Thumb manhood? Must the monkey
and the awell be accepted an intercnange
able types, as alternating measurements,
of human breeding and beauty? Indeed,
one would think so reading some of the
reports that come to us from the Inner
circle of that apotheosis of boredom, that
Incarnation or stupnuty ana aneciauon,
whirh (nkea Its cue from Leicester Sauare
and the Corinthian club In London which
emulates the deml-mondalne of Paris
which eddies round the abodes of luxury
and alimony at Newport and thinks no
more or running oown an ordinary penea
trinn In ita automobile than you and I
would think of brushing away a spider or
a fly. ,
Society Not Endaaerered.
Bursum Corda, lift up your hearts! I at
least have never wasted many thoughts
or nursed any serious fears about such
cattle, nor shall I do so until monkey din
ners become as popular In Pennsylvania as
they seem to be In Rhode Inland. I know
that In each of our centers of population
and wealth there Is a little coterie of silly
women and simpering Johnnies which
would Imitate the Imitators, but they are
too shallow and too scattered to make
much headway against society, and by so
ciety I mean not merely those who by
their character, their genius and their good
fortune have earned the right to dwell In
great houses, without the suspicion of the
ostentatious display of wealth to have
picture galleries and libraries and horses
and carriages and, If they please, yachts
and automobiles; but behind them that
great army of the well bred and well to
do, that noble American commonalty, clean
of birth and clear of grit those cultivated
men and women who live without scandal
and travel without adventure not rich. In
deed, but quite able to pay as they go
the rose and expectancy of true manhood
and womanhood, the very buttresa and
bell tower of our free republic.
These constitute what I call society.
Radiating from the home, thrice blessed In
"dad" and "mam" and "granny," yea. In
"Bill and Joe, Sis and Co," Its Influence
penetrates the dark and light, reaching
from the fireside to the counting room,
from the counting room to the asylum and
the hospital and somehow finding Its way
back again to the roof tree and tTB hearth
stone via the schoolhouse and the house of
God, never a thought of the divorce court,
not so much as the shadow of "a noble
krd" to disturb Its serenity or to frighten
Its dreams. May that society be forever
true In Its politics to the lesson of the
f greatest good to the greatest number. In
IB religion to hrlst and Him crucltled.
Foot Ball Game la Kentncky Breaks
I'm la Row Betw,eea the
LEXINGTON, Oct. 23. An Incipient riot
resulted during a foot ball game between
the second teams of State college and Ken
tucky university on the latter's field this
afternoon, breaking up the game, with
out either side scoring. Fully 300 students,
Including the first team of both colleges,
were mixed up In the affray. A doxen boys
received black eyes and abrasions of the
skin. Professors and older students finally
separated the belligerents after five min
utes of hard fighting and the State college
withdrew its team. Bad feei ng has always
existed to some extent between the two
colleges and was aggravated by over-seal-ous
students trying to get Inside the chalk
lines today.
on Monthly lastaliincaU.
Farm Homes la Polk and Barron Counties.
YVlaconala, within from M to It mllaa train
St. faiil and Muineapolla, ft to U par acre,
upon payment of from au cams to (l.M par
acra cash, balanca u throa, Ave or tea
yeare, on monthly payrae.-Ma Monthly la
etailinenta of from U to H will procure a
Harm. Fur maps and full Information ed
CumbtilAnd WUfattln,
Miles la Coming; Knet.
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. General Miles
haa Juat returned to San Francisco from
an extended sojourn In the southern part
of the atate. He will leave for the east In
a day or two
Drcshcr's Talk
To the Man
With Clothes
We are not infallible. We don't suit
everybody, but we know thla that we are
Bulling mora and mora men every year.
We can tell by the number of aulta wa
have made thla year In comparison with
those made last year. Once In a while we
have a kick a just one. We make it
right. We mean to satisfy. There are men
however, who are ao uecullar that they
become offended at a mistake, and go
elsewhere rather than give ua a clianca
to rectify it. But we have this consolation;
no tailor holds their business long. Then,
too, wa have "jolllea," but they don't
amount to anything unleaa backed by a
aale. Time after time It la aaid: "I've
been elsewhere and had a ault; It wasn't
light, didn't keep Ha shape like the
one you made;" or, "I had a ault mada to
order for 115. It was horrible." Wa Bay,
don't pay US to order. Olva a taller a
chance. Pay C6. If you want to pay only
tii buy a "hand-mo-down." Let ua make
your clothea and get aatlsfaction, which
means correoi ni, niusn. aiyio auu ituauiy
Suits $25 to $40
Trousers $6 to $10
Farnam SI
Tel 1837
Ofta Evnlnt
TM ejaUlf
clolkct to ClMO
excellence of The Illustrated
Bee come in every malL
People who read It regularly have
learned to appreciate It, and look
forward to It each Sunday, know
ing they will not nly pet some
thlw? new, but the very best that Is
to be had. The Illustrated Bee
not only Alls all the requirements
of a supplement to a great news
paper, but is a genuine magazine as
well, containing special articles and
features of a character not to be
found outside of a high grade
monthly publication.
of the next number will be the
Wyoming Industrial exposition sit
Sheridan; "The Democracy of the
Ocean," "The Dedication of
Luther Academy at Vahoo,H "The
American Invasion of Grand
Opera," the Frank O, Carpenter let
ter (this time telling how commer
cial travelers can win European
trude), "The Royal Crown Bearer"
(a beautiful feature of the Ak-Bar-Ben
coronation), the republican can
didates for judge of the Fourth
Judicial district and a number of in
dependent illustrations of people
well known who have been doing
MENT is complete as usual, and
there is another Installment of the
Vors serial; other features of the
number include articles on "The
Cannibal Dandles of the Yari," a
little known Central American
tribe; "Joseph Chamberlain's Dear
est Foes," telling of the men who
will oppose the great English lead
er's program; "Bishop Potter as a
Humorist," a collection of anecdotes
of the great churchman; "The Sage
of Trig Olafsen, the Swimming
Mate," telling bow he was aban
doned in the middle of the Pacific
and swam for ten hours before be
ing picked up, and other special
articles of Interest The reguliir
departments are all complete, and
nothing has been omitted that
would add to the attractiveness of
the number. If you are not now
a subscriber you should leave your
order with your newsdealer today.
Fagltlvo from at. Xoats Captarea la1
Mexico aid Will Be Ex
tradited. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. The State de
partment haa arranged for the return from
Mexico to St. Louis for trial of the al
leged boodler, Charles J. Krats. The con
stitution of Mexico making It Impossible to
surrender fugitives from this country
charged with bribery committed prior to
the negotiations of the new extradition
treaty, the State department has called
upon the Mexican government to surrender
Krats as an act of comity, a very unusual
proceeding on the part of the United Slates
Mexico haa a law allowing fugitives to be
surrendered under such a call, even when
their alleged crimes are not extraditable
under treaty. The only requirement Is
that the nation seeking the surrender of
such a fugitive shall engage to grant any
similar request coming from Mexico.
The State department Is watting to hear
further from Governor Dockery of Mis
souri, before issuing the final papers ac
crediting Missouri's agents with authority
to take possession of the person of Krats,
who Is now at Guadalajara, Mexico.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. . Detective McDonnell
returned today from Jefferson City and
delivered to Circuit Attorney Folk the ex
tradition papers signed by Governor Dock
ery for the return of Charles Krats, former
member of the St. Louts city council. In
dicted on a charge of bribery in connection
with the suburban franchise deal, who was
arrested in Mexico at the request of the
State department. Mr. Folk has not an
nounced the names of the men who will
be sent to Guadalajara for Krats tonight
Doclsloa of Mlchlcaa Coart Will Give
Oao Haadred Freedom at
JACKSON, Mich., Oct 23. Under a de
cision handed down today by the state
supreme court nearly 100 prisoners In the
state prison hero will be released at once.
John Harney, a prisoner under a ten
year's sentence for burglary, should have
been released some weeks ago If allowed
his good time, but the prison officials
claimed that he was a third termer and
not entitled to good time. Harney carried
the case to the supreme court where It
was held that sentences Harvey had served
in the state reformatory at Xenla for aa
sault and battery had not been reckoned
against hlra In deciding bis claim for good
The supreme court coincided with this
view. The decision will give a number of
other convicts good time and will result
the officials say, in the release of nearly
one hundred.
Ball Maalpalatloa Aamla Advance
Price, bat It Does Not
NEW YORK. Hot 23 Tha mttnn m.rV.I
opened firm at unchanged prices to an ad
vance of seven points on further covering
and bull suDDort which waa enonurared bv
the firmer tope of the late cables and
private advices telllna of frost in anm
sections of the northwest belt.
After some little further flrmnoaa m h
call, however, the market broke sharply
under realizing and prices were soon on a
level about 10 points below the best Drtoes
of the morning.
On the decline trading which had hn
rather quiet, turned more artlvn a nit hnii
support steadied the market slightly with
out however, forcing more than slighter
Amerlcaa Implicated with Him Will
Abldo by Firat Sentence to
SALT LAKE CITY. Oct 23,-The state
supreme court today granted a new trial to
Herbert L,' King, under sentence of death
for' the murder of George Prouse In 'Sep
tember, 1900.' James Lynch, also under sen
tence of death for Implication in the Prouse
murder, was refused a pew trial. Lynch
was among those who escaped from the
state penitentiary about three weeks ago.
He waa wounded and recanturcd. Tha
Italian government was active In securing
a new trial for King, who claimed to be
a cltixen of Italy.
STURQIS. S. D.. Oct 0. (Special.) Miss
Mary McCash, a young woman living near
the Bellefourche river, met with aa aocl
dent which resulted la badly burning her
face and hands. It waa cauaed by the ex
plosion of a quantity of powder, which It
la said, was Ignited by her 1-year-old
brother. She was brought to thla city for
medical treatment It la thought she will
carry scars on her face hands as long aa
she Uvea,
New Bank Opaa for Baalaoaa.
8TURGI8. 8. D.. Oct O (8paclal.)-Th
Commercial National, tha new bank.
opened Ita doors for bualneaa yesterday,
H. C Boatwick la president Edward Gal
vln, vice preatdent and M. M. Brown,
eashler. The dlrectora ara as follows: Ed
ward Oalvln, Theodore Haas, Henry
Rodenhaua, Charles 3. Buell, Thomas
Sweenay, L M. Humphrey and tt. C. Boatwick,
Story of Preparation for War ii Reiterated
from Yokohama,
Bald to Have Kotlfled the Prates
Government of Intention la Caae
Rasala Doea Not Evaeaato
LONDON, Oct 24.-In a dispatch to the
Daily Mall the correspondent of that paper
at Yokohama reiterates a statement made
October 19, that the Russians are fortifying
Tangampho and declares today that he
has authentic information that they have
built a fort and are preparing to mount
heavy guns there. The Japanese govern
ment, the correspondent continues, Is con
ferring with representatives of all Japanese
railroads with a view to effecting the most
speedy mobilisation of the army when nec
The Tien Tsln correspondent of the Dally
Mall says Japan has warned China that she
will occupy some points of Chinese territory
If Russia falls to evacuate Manchuria.
In a dispatch from St Petersburg a
correspondent of the Dally Telegraph says
that In an Interview an official of the Rus
sian foreign office deprecated tha alarmist
rumors concerning war between Russia and
Japan. He said there was good reason to
believe that an amicable settlement would
be reached, that Russia did not Intend to
provoke war, and to the best of his Infor
mation Lbs Japanese government was act
ing tn the same spirit
PAPILLION, Neb., Oct 23.-(Special.)-
The marriage of J. N. Baer of Lincoln
and Miss Tlllle Diets of Firth, Neb., was
solemnised Wednesday night at I o'clock
at tha German Methodist parsonage. Rev.
Elfeldt officiating. Only relatives and close
friends of the contracting parties were
present Mr. Baer Is one of the head mall
clerks of Lincoln, being well and favorably
known there. The bride Is a stster-ln-law
of Rev. Elfeldt of Papllllon and Is a highly
respectable young woman. Immediately
after the ceremony the Papllllon cornet
band serenaded the couple.
Mr. Charles Edmunds and Miss Kittle
Ochs were married by Rev. Charles W.
Bavidge at his residence, 7?3 South Twenty-
fifth avenue, Thursday.
Mr. Clyde E. Seachreat of Kansas City,
Mo., waa married to Miss Ethel F. Say re
Thursday by Rev. Charles W. Bavidge, at
tha home of the latter.
aor TV
'on Tiut
A Lesson From Sweden.
In Sweden it is an immutable custom
for the bride to present the bridegroom
with a Bhirt, which he wears on his
wedding day and then' puts it away,
lie wears it the second time as a shroud
after he has "shuffled off this mortal
coil." In our country it is a more
practical custom for the groom to give
a life insurance policy to the bride,
which he puts away to keep the wolf
from the door in case of her husband's
departure to the Great Beyond.
The Equitable Life
Assurance Society
H. D. NEELY. Manager.
Merchants National Bank Bids:.,
Omaha, Neb.
' President.
Vic Pres.
Dwelling- Hear Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct' 23. (Special.)
A brick dwelling located one mile southwest
of the city was destroyed by fire Wednes
day night with most of Its contents. The
house was occupied by a family named
Carpenter, and the fire was caused by the
explosion of a lamp. The loss will aggre
gate 1508 with no Insurance.
New Block for Beatrleo.
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 2J. (Special.)
Ground was broken yesterday for a new
brick business block on East Court street
to be built by J. B. Buchanan. It will be
10x80 feet In slse and- will cost about $5,000.
Cottoa Warehoases Destroyed.
MACON, Miss., Oct .-The Macon com
press and warehouse burned today. Loss
Short Term of Federal Coart.
CRE8TON. Ia., Oct. 23. (Special.) The
October term of the federal court under
Judge McPherson closed here today after
a two days and one night session. There
waa but little business transacted, but one
Jury caae being tried and that resulting In
a disagreement. It was the case of Charles
Gash, charged with interfering with the
United States mall by assaulting Thomas
Connors, a carrier. After the Jury an
nounced Its decision ho changed his plea of
not guilty to one of guilty and waa fined
fit and coats. The term was hurried
through to allow the officers of the court
to attend the session at Keokuk, which
was called for the same dates as the C res-
ton term, but was postponed.
Peeallar Accident at Hawllaa.
RAWLINS, Wyo.. Oct 23. (8peclaX)-A
peculiar accident occurred' at the Semlnoe
aitnea near here a few days ago. Ed La-
Leene was sharpening a drill, using one
of tha stamp heads from the mill as an
anvU. Suddenly there was a loud explo
slon and the steel drill was shattered, the
flying . pieces tearing away LaLeena's
thumb and a portion of one finger. La Leans
walked twelve miles to the 8tone ranch.
where the wounds were dressed. The cause
of the explosion la a mystery. Some think
It was the chemicals In the stamp head.
which were absorbed while In use In the
stamp mill.
MosTutt Road Selects Hente.
SALT LAKE CITY, Oct .-The Tele.
gram announces that the Denver, North
waatent Pacific railroad, known as the
Moffatt road, has finally adopted the route
over the Wasatch range, whereby It will
enter this city.
Pros Kills Kaneaa Vegetation.
8ALINA. Kan.. Oct. Z3.-A heavy froat
bare early today allied ail grcta vegetation.
Ttto thermonieier reg tatared ta tuia Ice
aa tovh uuua lormea.
Hyomei Cures Catarrh Without Dangerous
Drugging of the Stomach.
Not until Hyomei was discovered has It
been possible to truthfully say that a rem
edy for catarrh was known.
This remedy Is breathed through the
Hyomei Inhaler for a few minutes four
times a day, and during that time every
particle of air taken into the air passages
and lungs Is Impregnated with the germ
killing and health giving Hyomei. It Is
the only treatment that cures catarrh.
Stomach drugging often causes disor
dered digestion or brings on some other
diaeasea and never makes a perma
nent cure of catarrh. Hyomei not only
kills the germs In the throat and nose, but
penetrates to the minutest air cells In the
lungs and enters the blood with the oxy
gen, killing the germs In the blood. It
frees the mucous membrane from poison
ous microbes and gives perfect health.
A complete outfit costs but fl.00, and In
cludes an Inhaler, dropper and sufficient
Hyomei for several weeks treatment
Sherman A. McConnell have so much
faith In the merit of Hyomei that they
agree to return the money to any pur
chaser who may be dissatisfied.
there will be no further trouble from ca
tarrh. Its action la rapid and lasting.
Tou take no risk In buying Hyomei. A
complete outfit costs fl.00, and If aftei
using you can say that It has not helpe
you, Sherman A McConnell will returt
your money. What other treatment fo
catarrh Is sold under a guarantee like this'
To All Catarrh
Breathe It
A Fiw ninute Use of Hyomei Four'
Time a Day Cures Catarrh.
The pleasantest, moat convenient and the
only scientific, method for the treatment
and cure of catarrh Is Hyomei. Simply put
twenty drops of Hyomei In the Inhaler that
comes with every ' package and then
breathe It for a few minutes four times a
It seems remarkable that so simple a
way of treating catarrh will effect a cure,
but the moat Important discoveries of
science have always been the simplest. By
breathing Hyomei In this way every par
ticle of air that enters the air paaaages of
the throat and head and goes Into the
lungs is charged with a healing balsam
that kills the germs and bacilli of catarrh
and soothes and allays all Irritation.
The first day's use of Hyomei will show
a decided Improvement and In a short time
Hyomei Guaranteed to Cur by
man A ncwonnell or Jlony K.
The popularity and Increase In the sale
of Hyomei are unique in the annals
medicine. Such aatonlshlng ' cures ha
been made by this remarkable remedy thf
the proprietors have authorised Sherma
St McConnell to sell every package of Hyc
mel under an absolute guarantee that I
will cure catarrh. If It does not, the pur
chaser can have his money refunded b
Sherman A McConnell.
Hyomei la no ordinary remedy. It is th
only method of treatment that sends b
direct inhalation to the most remote par
of the air passages, a balsamic air tha
destroys all catarrhal germs in the breatl,
Ing organs, enriches and purines the bloc
with additional ozone, and makes permi
nent end complete cures of catarrh.
The complete Hyomei outfit coats but tl.
and consists of an Inhaler that can be cai
rled In the vest pocket, a medicine dropp
and a bottle of Hyomei. The Inhaler las
a lifetime, and If one bottle does not cur(
an extra bottle of Hyomei can bo obtain'
for to cents. It Is the most economical
all remedies advertised for the cure of c.
tarrh, and Is the only one that follows n
tii re In her method of treating diseases
the respiratory organs.
Breaths through the Inhaler for a f
minutes four times a day and your catar
la cured. That's all.
If not cured, Sherman & McConnell
refund your money.
Grand Exhibit of
Mr. Meledonlan, a native of AntJoch, Syria, (Turkt
an expert In Oriental rugs, baa on sale ao extraordina
line of Oriental ruga, Including sucn weaves as tha f
lowing: v
Mr. Meledonlan ta a manufacturer and I mporter of ruin, and those familiar wt
valuea In theae unique wares will appreciate tha aaving offered la this collection.
Call and Investigate.
520 and 521 Paxton Block. j
J. I. TAMIKOalAn Is laennnea wun air. lumuuiu aw gw racsiauun ui vum
La a guarantee aa to tne cnaranar wuiu. .
H b. An ti'vdutt line of Orient! eiu broidery D1 also ho shows.