Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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DVTT OF TitnitASKA REPUBLICANS. I which cannot be permitted to Ions; con-
NYUraska is a rppuldlcan state and tlnue and it la safe to say that the
Omaha a republican city. While party Washington authorities will take such
lines cannot be no tightly drawn In an early action as shall be found practl-
o(T year us in a presidential cauipnlgn cable to flx permanently the boundary
year the outcome of thlH yenr's ele1ion over which there lias been ao much
t)ii Wo .without Kundav. On Yar.MM ,.,, fnii ,,,. notentlal bearing controversy. The Canadian resentment
jot I upon the no
Sunday b.-o. one Year struggle for party supremacy that will commission Is unfortunate, but It Is
twentieth 'ceVur? Kamirl'on.'Tear. lw take place in 1904. absolutely without Justification and will
delivered ul CARRIER. No t(lte Jn tu(, xmioa ms enjoyed re- not it is presumed, have the least in-
fitt! 2 WlH. f.?"' wS::ij2 oubllcan DroHDerity in a greater degree fluence upon the authorities at Washing-
Laiijr bes (including Sunday), per wnUio aBd Jn no BoctIon ot tne cotlntry is the ton. 80 far as English sentiment is
fcvening Bee' (without Bundayj. per week 60 contrast between loan years and fat concerned. Judging from the expressions
wV"k..?.r...V of the leRdIn? nioa papers, the de-
Compiaintd of irreguiariuee in oeiiwy that flaunted the banner of calamity to eision or me Dounaary commission is
the world toward the close of the last regarded as entirely sound and Just, so
national democratic administration. The that the feeling manifested in Canada
strenuous effort being made by the ban- need not bo seriously considered. Ob-
ner republican state of Iowa not only to vlously the duty of our government Is
hold but to Increase its republican ma- to proceed at once, or as soon as It can
Jorlty during the present year affords conveniently do so, to make a surrey
tangible proof that the party leaders of which will establish unmistakably the
Should be addressed to City Circulation De
Omaha The Bee Building-.
South Omaha City Hall Building. Twen
ty-nfth and M street.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street
Chicago 1W0 Unity Building.
Htw Yerk 232X Park Row iiuiium.
Washington-)! Fourteenth Btreet.
Communication! relating to news ana eai-I . Pfli nr1 rpmtrnlr.n the nntentlnl delimitation of the boundary and thus
I r I
torial matter should be addressed: Om
atee. Editorial Department.
payable to The Bfte
efforts of republican majorities in the remove all danger of friction or future
national councils. difficulty. It is to be presumed that tho
The stimulant of Iowa's example authorities are fully alive to this obll-
Remit by draft express or portal order
fU Oil Hill lift
nly 1-cent stamps accepted in Py" I .n,,t,ii...,. I iratlnn and will not noirlc It.
mall aocounta. Personal checks, eicepi 01 m,.,u 'T"" -nru.n.i icvuumnua
Omaha or eastern exchanges. "o'VSUr on,7 to emulate but to excel their neigh
boring state in rolling up once more the In the highly responsible position of
old-time Nebraska maioritr. There is county treasurer for Douglas county.
Oeorae Tachuck "t ery of ' The Bee every prospect now that the most san- upon whom devolves the handling of
furnishing company, being f"fu"Wftnd fctilne hopes of the party leaders will bo hundreds of thousands of dollars of pub-
comieuleluiaaMoUf The1" leiiy Morning, realized not only in the state at large H money, the toxpaylng citizens will
fhV mo'thof BeStembaf'lsK'wa m tS but In this Judicial district and in Ioug- prefer experience over Inexperience,
low.i ' as&ao ,aB C0U,,tT' With the rank and flIe of That ,s wby they wl" Tote for tne re"
J Sjto 17 ...!, t,,e Vnrty lined up In support of their publican candidate, Robert O. Fink; in
I t,S70 U b),nto standard bearers state, Judicial and preference to the democratic candldute, has preceded it? Or must the woods light
1 1 locnl thf elwtlnn of tho. rpnnhltmn fOUOIC Mr. Bluman. I up their banners to herald Its adventT
!? :::::::8m ticket by decisive majorities Is virtually . t-s An " that is not born of a
" I Pmslrtonr n....! r tew frosty nlghta may euddenly backalldo
v.iliF?rkrN Will m
Absolutely Puro
I SD.870
t a,8o
.. S9iOO
10.... 2,lSO
u sujum
It S9JtlO
it ae,sa
14 BW.0KO
QH Kltll I I. Ja .1 .1 a.. ,, 1 VCVUUII IVVUIMUII IU UUIlllci iwilti
po,,,,.- henriiniT thA rxnnh ran rnliunn n f't-oneu iu uave tue BUVlce or xne aiumia 1 w .-nn iai. r h.t r,rf.ft
SS,T!rO I 1H 1 K 1 UlUJOrily 111 LIU? BLUie III !l J D I . w ... .u u ... . uc w ttuvui I vcaauu nu tun unowua va. "
should name as the successor of Gov- n1'' summer or not aays is no inuian
ernor Taft, but ho will also remember n'mer- com crching and
. sweltering as July, August and September,
mm mo icBvuiiB.unuy lor iub appow I but relied In blue misU or gray,
as ..JMw
ao xw,040
looked for than has been cast In any
year since 1890.
Total awJiBO
Las unsold and raturned ooplos....
Net total sales a,T44
Ket average saJea an,4J-4
Subaorlbed In tny preeenc and sworn to
before me this Suih day or September, A.
Li. ltwa. an. &. MunuAii.,
3, nun uh a
Notary Public
International arbitration acema to
This Is tho characterization that is
given to Hussla by soma writers and
thei-e appears to be substantial warrant
for It Ilecent events in the course of
tlie Russian government have made
quite evident the fact that the .whole
policy of that nation Is one of abso
lutely sordid and mercenary motives,
I In which there is not the least intention
ment rests upon him.
day breaking In the same unvarying tints
and tones and likewise temperature of the
Judge Sullivan pledged himself and OIie beforo it, as It nature had saved her - . . . . lues, in ine Duuom oi tne ukhkci aim were
461 handing out an unspotted one every morn-
the VlHUcation circulars concocted .ng. Indians summer may continue long
against Judge Barnes in the Interest of after the last leaf has fallen and been
Judge Sullivan ore already out But e""erel to companions In the brown
w i no rows, ib is nut porpicAina iu uioi-vici
whan tnlon aiimmar nnda Tt i ft SVf t
pected?. out , wa.hed away In a long, cold
November rain, that stretches Its warning
If you have not already registered
don't fall to do so next Saturday. It
will be your last chance.
Tn 4hA TsTfrlal Mho x aa 4 Vt o 4- w 1 1 1 I mt ca marm artrnaa f hn silrv fitr liavfl VlfsforA
. m . . I I au iv pnuvui vuativ a u w Vila V w til v
have gained several laps on industrial to recognize, beyond what Is lmpera- come off the ,n November It spreads Its dripping wintry pall over the
uuiuiuuu, i uveiy necessary, tne ngnia auu lnteiesia i hi iii . ... i ear m. dui wnm uue juiihu iuu"
i me jitixiumi auu JUUlll ilea.- I
or w iit ni npr nnwpr. . . . . . . I
- ' ' I eio are sure 10 run a gooa many laps
The whole Russian scheme in the far ahead of thft patched qullt Ucket tbat u
east aa u nas mus rar oeen aeveiopea, ornarneuted wltn the democratic label,
is that of aggrandizement Dy every
proceea that greed suggests or dlplo-
Xelser declares he la running for dls-
Joseph Chamberlain evidently got
OlareBtlo Wtrt of Genuine Prosperity
fettled on the Imperial Domain
trtrr 1n1i ..rnlnst anr and all eandl- mRCjr CaD effeCt The evidence at hand out 0f the British Colonial Office Just Washington letter in Boston Transcript
inci juage againai any ana an canui .. . Th. w.hintnn rorresoondenta whe
dates who stand In uls way. Clear the 1 thaU8Bla 'r?m ?7 ,ar enouKQ ahead th AIa8'an
track for Yeiaerl Vyg a 8m of. duplicity tratlon award to save his popularity
. ana suDienuge ana tnar sue nas ae- with the Canadian provlnciala.
Tho canine inhabitants of the country Btroyed every claim which she may have
will doubtless bark a liberal applause bt,d to 1110 respect and confidence of
to. the Chicago sausage makers, who 0,9 nations to which she has given as-
have voted to go on a strike. surances. Washington dispatches say
that our government sail believes that
BeelnaT Promotes Cesraa.
Th Wnhlniton corresuondentB wno
have recently returned from 'the Irrigation
trip" through the west bring back glow
ing accounts of the prosperous conditions
which prevail in that section. After mak
ing all due allowance for the ' booming"
tendencies of the western people, one may
turned from Iowa, where he looked the
. . .. . . . . I .v.- , . n I- i- it iT-u.j " o-
uommg events casi ineir snaaows do iub v""u l" " uuiveu jiverei an address on the subject, "Who's
tore. That- explains why democratic states, in regara to tne open aoor in Afraidr
campaign managers In these parts are I Manchuria, will be observed- It la dlf-
depressed by gloomy forebodings. ficult to see upon what grouud this faith
Is based, rsothlng tbat Russia has done
Washlnartnn Post
Mr. Charles Emory Smith has Just re- fl sure that the present outlook Is re
markably tngnt, ana uiai me r-". "
pressioa la the stock market, has not re
flected real conditions in the heart ot tae
' Prices of farm products and farm ant-1 can be reasonably regarded as Implying
mals may go up and down, but the old I a disposition on the part of that power
exploded story about silver and wheat to show any special consideration to he declines to
being linked together cannot be re- the United States. On the contrary the whether or not he la married. This is a
Some Liberty Remains.
"'Baltimore American.
It has taken the supreme court of the
state of New York to decide that an In
tending voter cannot be arrested because
tell election supervisors
fair supposition la that the purpose of
Russia, so far aa Manchuria Is con-
The last congress, the last legislature cerned. Is to ultimately control the en
end the last city council are always the tire trade of that region, regardless of
worst we have ever had, while the last any treaty rights which this country has
state, county ana city tickets are always i there,
the best
free country, but the greatest liberty In It
seems that taken with the individual freo
I dora of cltliens.
There's No Kick Co mine.
Philadelphia Press.
The way in which the Canadians talk
It la manifest! v the Russian Mea thnt about yielding some of their land to flie
Manchuria, the richest and the most . ' T 7 7 , ; 7' ,V'" ,MMOra ' fl X nZ
'It la doubtful if the people ot the east,"
said one of the party today, "have any
conception of what is going on weat of the
Mississippi. In a- Ave weeks' journey
through Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah,
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Indian Ter
ritory I heard not one dissenting voice
from the universal acclaim of prosperity.
I talked with men In all walks In life from
the farm hand to the bank president. Trav
eling men said they could not get goods
to their customers fast enough. Farmers
said crops were bountiful, and prices all
that could be wished. Itallroad men said
their only trouble was to handle the enor
mous volume ot traffic. Manufacturers
said their only difficulty waa in getting
rh!l M Rlivh milT tut antHloit A "'"''- .uu "1"Hl I l.lnnria v., hh I m o,h thalr nrriara. Th
credit for the whole Job In the Ship- Pron',8m" of Chinese provinces, Is for Mvn before owned and they 'have not warehouse men had no more room In their
,,,,M,n wIlf. f1. -,. ,-, Russia and that in the course of time I yielded anything because there was noth- elevators; the bankers had vaults filled
. . . not verr remote time irJther vorv I lng for them to yield. They wera grab-1 with deooslts and a ready demand for
that ne nas more aiscreait than credit --- wln h hllt ,, tw Wl for some thing that waa never at money; contractors and builders had work
Coming to him. , 0..V.1. v,i , , I any time In their possession nor In that in sight for a year ahead; even the cattle
B r,0n- Subb be,n Clear,y th case- of Great Britain. It was the most lm- 1" the Held, and the horse. In the streets
Don't forget that Judge Barnes was I question arises as to what the I pudent grab game the United Slates ever looked sleek. The mortgage on the farm
twice appointed to the supreme court United States should do In order to encountered. . I has been paid off and the farmer has
money to loan, inuusinaia are inanina
money and railroads are paying dividends.
The earth has been prolific; buying, sell
commission by unanimous vote of the maintain Its rights and Interests In that
three sitting Judges of the supreme Quarter of the world. It Is a very serl-
court lie must bo a pretty good man on question, which is said to be reeeir
after all. I n8 most careful consideration at Wash
. Connltlon of Enlisted Men.
Philadelphia Record.
General Funaton reports that it will be I lng. carrying, building, developing, all are
necessary to increase materially the pay of going forward with a hum of Industry that
enlisted soldiers in order to get and retain I can almost be heard. Confidence Is strong
Omaha Is the natural market Dlace for I Thnt tho nrpaent sttltnrla nt rraai ! desirable men. Of course, this situation and faith In the future Is firm,
tha irrain that la irmwn In Kohm.lra .nt i. k.mii- v Is In part due to the unusual prosperity of "Talk about Wall street makes the west
. . . . . ' uu l roBBS I the country and the present hlah level of ern man laugh. A banker and a cattle
laiuieuiate.y augoining states, me gram can easily he demonstrated, but What n, , M, , mnumtmA remarked that there was a time,
5,1 fBiuuueueu auu ouin up power or powers snail andertake to say especially those who are Intelligent enough not many years ago, wnen a situation like
if our enterprising people Will only go to her that she must Change her posl- to be noncommissioned officers a very lm- the present -one In New York would have
after It right and stay by It , tlon? Can the United States as some PorUtnt class-is not very tempting In any shaken the Industrial west to Its founda-
, . . s vkutul ilia iiiuii uoincowi mow. All iwvil- I " -
are urging, assume the resnonslhllltT of . ..... . . . , 1.. ., .
For ono Tsmmnnv was vl In If. " . " . ynv y a n aa 0 street ,.- .-..v- ...v, .
... ...inmiiir BOr i iipre in no lllefillnn thnt I i ,.jin. v.A .u.. I mm ih. real tins nnss or tne cnuntrv
. . mm. " . I luiyiuil iliu nil. ...'I. v. .IIU i 111.. ..J. UC11. I w i . . .uw - - -
oay wnen u reiusea to nominate lewis from a commercial point of view this but they probably still need more attention Western activities and money are at home,
Nixon as its mayorallty candidate In milt1, has larow atb, in rv.i,.. from congress than they get Their business Is real. Their crops are In
m 9 .-sew iori municipal campaign. It
Tammany Is getting it on ail sides. Even
Dowle thinks the town Is afflicted with
"stinkpots, beerpots and drugpota."
Boston's registration for the November
election Is closed. The total number of votes
recorded is ty9,814, a reduction of 1.C7J from
last year.
Greed, graft and grog" and "loot, lust
and lawlessness" are a few ot the artful
alliterations applied to Tammahylsm by the
ice president. During the present excit
ing local political campaign in New York
Bird 8. Coler, formerly city comptroller,
vice president.
The senatorial candidacy of Hon. Isador
Rayner in Maryland is frowned upon by
Senator Gorman. Rayner Is independent
courageous and brainy.
Senator Foraker thinks the republican
majority-in' Ohio will 1)6 anywhere from
&o,uw to 100,000. General Grosvenor Bays
the surplus of republican votes is too great
to call for a prediction.
Ex-Speaker David B. Henderson Is out of
politics for good. Efforts have been made
to get him on the stump In Iowa, but the
general turned them down. He says he is
too busy to bother with politics.
The prohibitionists of the First Hamp
shire county district of Massachusetts have
nominated Mrs. Fanny J. Clary of
Williamsburg for the state legislature. She
waa their candidate last year. Her husband
la a farmer.
It Is charged that public service corpora
tions In New York are throwing all their
nfluence In favor of Tammany, the bar
gain being that. In case of McClellan's sue
cess,' city claims against them amounting to
$25,000,000 shall be abandoned.
Senator Penrose, chairman of the Penn
sylvania ' republican otate committee,
trongly favors Pittsburg aa the place for
holling his party's next national conven
tlon. The- city, hr -saya Is well able to
care for the convention, and Its business
men are far more progressive than those
of many other cities.
Probably the most extensive "straw vote"
attempted for the next presidential election
Is that of the Chicago Farm and Home,
which has been taking a vote among Its
subscribers to ascertain their preference for
president, and the result was something of
a surprise. Nearly all the republican read
era were for Roosevelt, but the democratic
vote stood thus: Cleveland, 12,833; Bryan
4,821; Parker, 4.262; Johnson, 4,245; Hill,
2,133; Hearst 1,446; Gorman, 179, and scat
tering, 2.491.
During the . present exciting local
political campaign In New York Bird
8. Coler, formerly city comptroller,
has persistently refused to be Interviewed
regarding the situation and has had the
same stereotyped reply to all reporters: "I
am out of politics." The newspaper men
did not of course, take this statement
seriously. Finally one of them made a re
mark to Mr. Coler which caused that gen
tleman to cease . insisting on elimination
from the political field. When Mr. Coler
met this scribe's request for information
as to what was going on, with his usual
reply, "I am out of politics," the scribe
replied: 'That's understood. Now tell u
what progress you ar! making In your ef
forts to break In again."
must have scented the wind of
bursting shipbuilding combine.
Get-Rieh-nick Schemes.
sight. Their money is in the bank or in
vested In local Industries, farms, cattle
ranches, sugar factories, Irrigation reser
Alphabetically Bingham will precede
Broadwell on the official ballot and
mathematically he should be ahead of
him by from twelve to fifteen hundred
when the Douglas county returns have
been canvassed and summed up.
that we cannot afford to lose It but
hftv fur an wa ATnoitlanfl rvn t . 1
j e ,u IU. . Knn Cltv Star
Stating upon the recognition of our A, a matter of fact, the duke of Rox- v,r" b'l.Inew blocks These value.
nguts ana interests tnere7 The ques- burghe ha. some right to find fault with - " "
tlon Is one of commanding importance the newspaper reporters who waste time
and must receive the earnest attention on anyth,n"' inconsequential as himself.
of our government
The decision of the Alaskan bound
ary commission, which defines the
As to hi. position that they meddle In his
private affairs, that Is not so well taken,
since all of the get-rich-qulch scheme are
regarded In this country as legitimate ob
jects of newspaper treatment. Still, when
It la remembered how touchy the English
nobility are on the question of trade. It Is
Business conditions throughout the
weat are pronounced by all competent meaning of the treaty of 1825 between scarcely surprising that Roxburghe feels
IeoiiviuYv .uvu iv uiuuioiiuv mil tne
m mu4.. ....... a .1,'tn. ,a th. Knwat
m. . . ... ... 1 .. , . 1 A 11 1.. .1 .v ...
tinanectea to any extent Dy shaklness I mia country yuniuiocu au, vicore h nM TOad, witn the aid of his title.
In eastern money centers. The back-1 the way for the delimitation of the
bone' of the country is all right I boundary In place, remarks the Seattle
Poet-Intelllgencer, and this should be
Positive Party Faith.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Those who wonder at the failure of ao
many Cook county republican candidates
In tbe past to reach the governorship may
ters of sentiment or .peculation.
"Nothing .hort of a dlsastrou. crop fail
ure can check the present prosperity. Th
farmer now la not In the condition of 1893,
when he was carrying a heavy mortgage
and had to borrow from month to month
and year to year to harvest and move his
crops. Today he is Intrenched behind
farm which Is paid for, and a bank account
which Is ample, to say nothing of the
wheat In his barns and the cattle in his
fields. The farmer Is prepared to stand
oft the wolf for a long siege, and so long as
he Is prosperous the rest of the country
will do very well. It Is the farm, and not
Wall street which supports the country.
on a pen klTI absolute
guarantee of its excellence
No. 130.
Is exactly
name im
Over 150
other styles
every pn
Easy Writer,
what its
plies. Try it
varieties of
to u i t
pose. ,All
st ationenWhave them.
Accept no I substitute.
WeHu.C-lssH.JL .MMaSsnet.K.T.
The outgoing member of the county done without any further delay. That
board w as elected as a republican, and I paper says that the commission has
if a republlcno is not chosen to succeed merely settled the manner of proceeding her flnd th. suggestion of a reason. The
him the board of five members will be to establish the boundary and that tbe average Cook county aspirant seems to
made ud after January next of four dem- actual work of surveying and marking have lost sight of the necessity of having
ocrat. and only one republican. That It remain, to be done. This. It urges. ,0 cn?y. HTcUng". .Vu
WOUIQ naruiy ie a sate proposition tor suuuiu w uuuc VivuxV, iveme, 1 i-Hcai method, of a past generation.
Douglas county taxpayers. I to the end that all possibilities ot frlc- I wnen for a politician to avoid committing
tlon along the border muy be completely I himself to anything In particular waa re
in,- n,i,n,.,. na v .. a ll,ntnnrx1. "For exsmnle." It Is nnlntw I garded aa a sign of genlu..
1UU , . , "-"-I- ' ' I ... 1 Tlllnl. . .,
m, . .. ... ... , , ...... . I ..... .V, 1,., T ..n nnl Y,. .1... I ' V'l"- ' " - lir
oiacoverea mat tue cuicago ureal v est-1 win, m w i v . ." a,., of party, are against this kind of
ern has shaded the trfaln rata and are atlon is oue which requlrea the prompt- poim,.,. They are not impressed with poli-
' eonalderlng what action they must take I est action. There, merely for conveni-1 ticUn. who are always beating about in the
to met the sltvflitlon. Information ence and to avoid the certainty of rt brush, arraia to come out ana say what
on this subject should by this time conflict of Jurisdiction. . temporary !lfl n
bare reached the local papers that tried boundary line was accepted between a lhlno to M m.n that they stand for
to discredit The Bee's announcement of 1 Oauada and the United States, with I nothing poaiUve to any man. What the
th cdt 'l rights reet-rved to lxth sides. The people of Illinois seek is leaaers wno come
lw,iin,1Brv linn ma eafalillshixt Is fsr 1 aut boldly ana ssy.
"tiers a u,. - w
Nerve force is saved when proper glasses are worn. The eyes control one-tenth
part ot the body's nerve supply, and when defects exist are a terrible drain upon the
n,rvrii iviImil There may be no outward sign or error, no pain, no seemlua lack
To this platform I welcome all who wUl I of vision, yet If you hav nervous troubles. Indigestion or headaches they are
Colonel Bonn says he has made no I within the limit of what la found thy
rocotumendalton as between the two the boundary comtfi.Mielon to b Amer- itand upon It with me. Those who will not Ukecaused through consumption of nerve force by the eye. and can never be re-
lending cuudldatea for the democratic I lean territory. Canadian customs ofll-1 are my political enemies.
gubernatorial nomination In Mlaaourl cutis are established on American ter-U'v-ause
both of them supported the ritory aud Canadian mounted police are
Kansas City plutfuriu. If both of them en fori lng Canadian mining laws in dis
bud only opiod the Kansas City plat- flirts which belong to the United
form he would doubtless refralu Just I Btatea.
the Mail froui any recommendation.
lleed except by glasses.
First Day ef Isslas lnir.
St. Iouls, Qlobe-Democrat
la that gentle and Indefinable .hading
off of summer Into autumn, when does
Indian summer UarlnT Is It a genuine.
Of course this is a condition of affair I authoritative Indian summer U no frost
213 S. 16th St., Paxton Block.
A Simple Fact
Simply Stated
"No Clothing Fits Like Ours"
' 14'
We, Browtiiug,
King & Co.,
did not start making clothes for men
snd boys by making about what ether,
are making, asxlsted by clever sales
men, food advertising, price lowering
or other trads devices. We kneir
there was room for a DIFFERENT
kind of clothes than had ever been
made, and we knew we could make
Wt have mads them.
The best possible ready-to-wear
clothing manufactured In the world.
Don't take our word alone wear
some of lu
Dress and Business Suits
$10 to $40.
We are confident that the excellence
of quality, fit and Inntlng goodness of
drowning. King and Co.'s clothing will
Frove a luxury you have been waiting
or. I'ntterns aro carefully selected
styles snappy. The fit la faultless.
and a ' try on usually convinces
sale la made.
Overcoats and Ulsters
' $10 to $45.
Wash and Fancy
If you aro In quest of Waistcoat nov
eltiesstyles that will not be common
workmanship of the highest order
something distinctive and different
You will find It here.
Our lines of Trousers, In the popular
weaves and materials, are In all re
spects the most complote and attrac
tive ss to style, richness and elepanoe
I of design that we have ever offered.
Childr en
Fancy Waistcoats $2.00
10 .3U
We take Just as
much pains with
the boys and chll-
v dren s we 00 wun
Extra Trousers $3.80 to $9 the men. we use
pretty much the
same materials for the little fellows and trv to
give them the same mannish styles that tneir
elders look fur. -
We have Reefers ss well as Overcosts, and
they are not slighted because they are for small
boys who don't slways know, and, like the
suits, are made to stand the severe tests of
Juvenile exertion.
There Is the matter of style about Browning.
I Jng Co.". BuTta that appeal to the young
t-in to him it is as good to be out of the
world m out of faehion-and we Propose to
m,ke him glud he s In the world, as far aa his
clothe, altact the subject.
Boys' Reefers
$j.60to $7.50
Overcoats $5
to ,8.60
Nothing will take the place ot
daintiness tn a man's linen or
.eckwear. All of our fgmlshlnge
for men and boys are of the finest
and tasteful as well end, be
sides that they must be fsshlon
t,le and In this ittractlve depart
ment rou are always sure of find
ing everything right up to date.
Children's Suits $3.50 to $8.50
Exceptionally Strong
Lines in Shirts
and Underwear
Our Hat
Here n-.uch mUht bs written- few
words only on be said. A great and thrlv.
lng hat business has grown up here. And
the socret of its success Is the sterling
merit of the styles and value, we put be
fore you at reasonable prices.
This department I. winning golden
Plain and Fancy
Hosiery 25c to $5.00
Boys' Hats and Caps
50c to $2.50
.Men's Hats $2 to $5
Boys' and Children's
. Headwear
We are showln- some new Ideas In Hata
and Caps that are meeting with BatterlnS
approval. There Is always some thing
new here for the boy. and children.
R. S. Wilcox, Manager.