Tnn OMAIT.N DAILY IEEt THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1903. 9 . 1 ? $ S V. US SPECIAL tlOTlCES will HkM Ml 19 . tor th edttlea mm til M P. Ba. Imr sBweataaj mm tmrnSmr salltlB. tea. 1 l-t wra Bret aaertfea. 8 a word thereafter, petal? takes (r lees SSs tr the flrat laser. Ilea. TkM i4wttaniwu asset rwa tnmi)tlf. Advertisers, r eswsel bss. Berea eheek. eaa hav ewers reas f a BwsasrreA lettrr Is, ears f Ths Re. Aaswers ex rm will V delt-rees mm preeestatasiB mt IBS ess. alr. WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NoW OPEN DAT AND NIOTTT. iTTDENTB ADMITTED AT ANT TIVE. Boyles College NEW 1UKK Llr'al 1aG. shorthand, it it writ ing, KNUUSH. Apply for Catalogue, ' B 101 OOOD messengers wanted; first-das par. A. P. T. Co.. Ill g. 13th. B tui WANTED, flrat-ciaaa wood turner at one. Good wage. Llnooln Bash, Door A Mfg. Wanted, for u. b. armr, abis-boaid. n. """a men, wiwwn age or 21 ana 3a. eitlaana of United States, of good charac ter and tmirn habits, who can apeak, read and wrlta Enailatv. Fnr Information apply to recruiting officer, loth and Dodge i., umaaa. ana Beatrice, ist. B M154 .WANTED Two uratl at ones: rood sal ary; city work. C F. Adam Co., 1611 Howard at. 1 B-HM WANTED, a newspaper or magasln so licitor to work tha cltr on a new uroD- osltion. Call at Circulation Dept. Omaha - - . a at mi j TOUNO marr to tak course in Omaha'FKm-' enca . sanitarium. Address W. L. Hoes, " uu iu. unut, it ai.ja mx WANTED, mam to learn barber trade. Too Wsgea paid graduates Toola and posi tiona given. Few weeks completes. Spe cial arrangement for distant applicants Call ar writ, Molar College, 13u2 Douglas WANTED, Immediately. 100 first-claa ma- cnimst ana 109 expert harness, maker Apply by letter to ''Commanding- Officer, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, 111.'' - B MN79 K WANTED, three rood rrT Iron mouldera. aeeuatoraed to heavy caatlngi; , ateady work; "bo trouble." Answer quickly to rfonn Beaton jrouuory km., Atchison, Kan. LABORS R3 wanted for rradlnr. 39(1 Dar upon au u. a. joaiyn. u mi zi tt i mm lairora on laaien rar- menta. . O. K. Boeflala Cloak and fnlt Co. WANTED, ateamfltters for hlrh preaaure work alaterne Mtg. Cb, UUt and Gratiot WANTED, firat-claea alxxlerat Am rlra ateady employ men t and rood pT to right WANTED An ezpeiianoed porter; one who ran lurnien reiereneea. etple a atore, lata ana t irnim. uMUb a PERMAJJENT poeltlon to ladles or aentl men In mod fowna foe eoenlal wnrt- i manarer for branch offlca, Omaha, win lmmeniaieiy ; exceptional oppor tunity; properties or bualneas handled everywhere quickly. Southern Guaranty ' B-M1 t WAIfTED SAXESME-. CAN FTTRNISII permanent employment to aucatj Chriatlan man as aaleamm. Ad dreaa T I. Bee. MISS 2J ' ' . i 1 II WANTE D JTEMALB HELP. 10 QtrU, Oell Csnsdlsn ofBos. 16th A Dodge. '-' " - ' - C tx4 WXNTEDj first-ciaas ladlea tailor. Max Morris. 1H4 Farnam. C MsiJ WANTED, girl for general house work. in family. Mm Blmerai n N. tath svel C MB4 WANTED Middle aged woman to take charge of boarding-house on ranch in Wheeler county; good wages and every thing famished!- 'Apply to A. T. Land and LJva Stock company,. Spalding, 'Neb. ' 'C-M740H WANTED Ladles o learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial treatment; practical course by free clinic 1hat sives years- . call or Write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St., Omaha, . , C MtfcJ Zix WANTED, a rood plain cook. Mrs. K. A. Cudahv, 17th. and Dewey Ave. , ' . C-MW a WANTED Otrl for general housework at 110 S. 2d aL . - - - C-4i!0 Tlx GIRL far general hotnwwork; 695 Park a vex ' - i - C Mi(b 0x WANTED, xperl-need Jacket and skirt hand. S. K. Boonald Cloak and Pult Co. r -, - i l. C-KU1 23 OIRL for reneral' housework. Mra; L R. Lighten, 'M,ib California St. C lit 27 WANTED an experienced stenorrapher. Address 8. &, Bee. C 120 t2x f WANTED, girl aorond cooVSfor vegetables only, in how.1. David City, Neb ; rood chara4r positively, required: wi.h flu rtwrn and board. Addreas Box Jl' David City. Nsb. C-M138 51 HELP WASTED. WANTED, a good newspaper solicitor to work R. F. p. on new propoelUun; good Bluffs. m run si., ttinnr V 'SO ' FOR REST-MOLSES. HDllSFS ,n " or tha city. R. - ' rm L r a aVC 1 o. Has T-ilA. 1-j HOUSES, lnsuranos. Rlngwalt. Barker Bik, Hril ISFs " u J"" ' city. The - . F. Davis Co., fe Bee Biug. 1 su TO MOVE right ret Omaha Van Storage vt, uuav uiis aiuua, or isia ikuhsui. D-iO FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and barn, id nut tarnam district. Win. K. Potter, Rac., No. Ji Brown Bik. v . D MCI FOR RENT, g-foom house, tbd Woolworth Ave.. I.a per month; poaseesion given Oo- tober II. Apply to Mel Lnl, caie Daily oewa oince. u auj i. PAYNE-HOSTWICK "CO.. cnoice houses! ul-u4 New York Li fa Bldg. 'Phone lots. D tv ,.WE MOVE Van A Btorr ac 1.0., hi. int. umtf, his n eiiKitr ft. ...... . . D-W7 FOR RENT -room cottage. Cd and Cali fornia sis.. Ut- Apply at not N. lt h st. D M7 MODERN f-room house, near park. a. ath. - rvr FIVE-ROOM brick dwelling: tnooern r cept furnace. Apply at S. lsih at D-77S FOR RENT Five-room eottag city wster 1 gas; alas furniture for sale, m 8. 23d m. D-lin) Kx EI-EOANT I-room houe; all modern lm- liruiriuwii. eiu . ai. if alius XX SEVERAL good houses. 1) to IIS Chris isjjer, io.anji (.uming. t uomr .vis D-MU0 FOR SALE rfix-roora cottage; first cls shape: Due neighborhood; elegant lot. U't lwl with large natural f ret i-Da le tre.s; 1 bletk from car line st 3iV d. ilv let, home of owner, who I leavlue citv. In ' quire at 4 Karbarh h k, D-J17 SX, - . . FOR RkIT-FlBlIISUia) ROOMS. O. M. E- haul trunk. Telephone 411. E 14 DEWET European hotel. 13th and Farnam. HOVAL HOTEL, Eunpean. lwtb A CM -ago I K-4-a FOR REIT FIR JIIHKD ROOMS. FOR RENT Two furniahed rooms with n"i ann saa, on rret and eerond floor 11 B. Rth St.. . E 21 x VERT desirable front-room, all modern suitable for on or two itntlfmon. Arrly 1113 8. 28th at. E 9W 22 SOUTH Air"OVE room and snallr room j moaern. iiarney. k Mas. I4x WARM, fumtalied room for two, with or wunoui Doara; moaeru; pnona zm Far nam. E MlS2 St NICELT furntehed rooms. UQ9 Capitol Art, NICEt-T fumlehed rooms. Inquire Omaha steam launarv, LeaTenworth. Phone A-17M. E-U AETNA HOUSE, European, 12th aV Dodre. J 11 PLEASANT south front room with private mmiiy, ir .'no sr io B?niiemen. Ad dress 8 J4. Bee. E M 741 NICELT fumlfhed room In rrlvate family; douh new ana moacro. oiv ones rt. E M910 , LABOR, LIOHT, AIRT ROOMS. Ill.M and up per month. Toe and up a day. ATTHE DELLONE, 14th at. and CaMtol ave. Steam heated; electric lighted; private and renerai oatna; au conveniences; nrst class service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. K Mm Vo-t FCRNISHED ROOM- AID BOARD. FRONT room with alcove; not water heat. Z12 S. 26th St. F 466 DESIRABLE ROOMS at Tha Far nam, 19th ana r arnam sta. K-HXI J - ' POR RENT VXPtRKIBRED ROOMS. TWO or three beautiful modern rooms, newiy paperra; very uzai neueeKeeplng, for parties without children; board if da alred 14 N. 17th. G M 115 JTRF.IT.HE PACKING. Pterson Lundbcrg, Hi S. 17th. Tel. L-23&&, H-S17 ' rOB REHT STOKES AID OFFICES. FOR KENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at ti Vamam, sxKi, lour Siorias and arae-claas comenied baaemant. elevator, Ur ma uurgutr proot vault, ul nce counter and Qxiai a. or puce vud . partlculara Inviuire C. C Rosa water, sec retary tha lie Duiluuig Co., loom iuu, lies ' buUOing. I Mm2 FOR RENTThe building lortnerly occu pied by The Bee at sis t arnam at. It has lour storieo and a buaeinenl, which was formerly uaed by The Bee presa room. Ibis will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at ottice of C C. jtose watsr, secretary, room log Bee building. J-BTORT and basement, 22x100; lows Farnam au aiMiuire ai ruii, nsw tank Bing. I-Mlil FURNISHED private office with use of . reception room, telephone and steno- grapher, 401 Ware Block. I MiUS .. A .... vtj uyyi biui in lOUr- atory building at Kl Farnam St.; two T T I.' X.' T" . . . . . . glorias ii preierrea. Address c. C. Rosa water, bee J., Boom luu. Bee bids. 1 M9S AGEBTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agsnts in every county to solicit subscriptions to THS TWENTIETH. CENTUrtr FARM a. 14. Steady employment with aaaured goad in come. Agents in the country witii horse , and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily tw to Uv per month.- Ad dress Ceutury Fanner Soiiol tors' Bureau, aw suuojug, umui, J ais WASTED TO REHT. TOUNO man of rood character wants room and board In private family In desirable , location. Aaaress b su, lies. K Mto KJx WANTED-to rent, with the prMlers of buying, an improved ou-scre furm miihin about 60 miles of Omaha, well aaapted lor a hog' farm; W. L.;Slby, In io.nd of ' Trade Bidg.. Omaha., K 111 21 FOR SALE FlRKITlRaV. FULL line of hard coal stoves bow on sale. vtuoago m uiuiLure v.u., iuu lodge St. ...... f O U FOR SALE. S-ft. standing desk, tux, irowa Block - - o Mt FOR SALE Furniture must be sold this wees, lew oi ins cnoicest pieces left, in parlor, leather, library and oak dining room furniture, braea beda, box springs, hair mattrasaea,' oak and mahogany chif foniers, dressers, lxli ruga, email rugs, Jiictures, mahogany bookcases, mlrrois. eather couch, easy chairs, elegant par lor suit, 6 pieces, cento tables, oil paint ings, music cabinet, pedestals, lace cur tains, bric-a-brac, also fine upright piano, all 'roods will sell cheap separately, litl North 3lh Ave. O MtM xCx FOR IALB liUKILa, WAQslI, ETC MONROE Mil pleasure vehicles it ui N. uia bu tr sis HARRY FROST'S Carriage and Wagoa woiaa is vs. www iaa sua Leavea warta. P 4l FOR SALE -Two-seat, extension top car riage, iu iwu tuuuiuwu, luuusr urea, Mlitun Rogers A Sons Co., Hia and r ar nam sis. P M477 ELEGANT Rockaway for aals at great bargain. Addiess S 47. Bee. P Mlli, 24 FOR SALE MiftCavLLAAEOLS. TELEPHONE POLES; long fir tint bar; vuhmu w u. yjima, ava aouaiaa. FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. Is ttrst-claaj shape, at on-half price. Call or addieaa. lau Farnam Sl 'j b L IKON A wire fences, tree guards, trsllUss. Weelaru Autiio. auce Co.. H. lila U CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man A McConnell Drug; Co., Omaha. ' (4-6X1 INDIAN goods and re Ilea vuj Farnsaa 4 aj FOR SALE Several scholarships In a firtt claas standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete com s in, thorl cand and typewriting, loquir at Bee omce. J C NEW and Id hand typewritara, ma Fsrnam. . Q-ail FOR BALE Co J bualneas. Capital raoulreA ai.uu.ou. J n, Bee. ID HAND safe cheap. DarlghL 1US Farnara" ' ' Q-HUS ' FOR SALE A number one. quartered oak desk, with chairs to match; also rus and maps. OLJert for selling, leaving bualna Room fcfl. New. York Ufa Bid r -. tt-764" IM STOCK of new Columbia records and machine t( a sacrino.' Address 8 44. FOR SALE Fine upright piano, parlor salt, dining and bed room fumlturs wil sell very cheap separately H taken this week. 'lSj North Ssth'Ave. Q-144 2.x SEVERAL, dental chairs. laU Dourtas rt. W 106 2Jx WHITE FACE CATTLB FOR 8ALE-!J steers. 11S heifers: V to ta mire hin.wt Hereford yearlings past; weight about 7u0 li.; nne condition. a colore, dehorned Or will pot them our wluh good party on Shsees to feed. FOSTER A fcKLBY (XVf PANY, S34 Board of Trade B.dg : Osa. Neb. Q lit H FOR g.Vl.E Cheap, aqua re Chlckerlng piano; cut claas every wsy. 618 8. th street. Q M1T7 26x FOR P.LE Standard typewriter, frrj n Y. Life bldg. Q-Mia 24x FOR SALE, an up-to-date roatofnr n,tet suiUbie for a town of 1 M'J to lott, The outfit Is A-shaned and has ?uft rn kA. and "1 lock boxes a ad drawer. It Is of the It -at grade of the Yale and Toane manufacture, and is complete ' In every i ui i-iai in uasi o v lour ream A d dreae B 6a. Bee. Q-M1K CLAIRyOYAaTS. GTI MER, palmlaL 7U N. Z3d; 'phone B - . . -J.'JS IWHYLET YOUR ROOM STAY VACANT? Every Day is a Loss of Money When a Little Want-Ad Will Rent It. CLAISV0YA5ITS. MRS CARRIJv , 1 1 n, iHivamciuil LADT QLtt" ii tM.ii . every. thlna told. pest. prem aii'i .ure. oat- nn or no P7. e" ... BLECTRICAL TREATMSEJSJT, MME. SMITH. ". m N' t rEHIOXAU PRIVATE Sanitarium for '"dies tfore and during eonnnenifui, - - u California u reasonable.. U 3I PRIVATE hoepltal Hulinc confinement: bubles adnpted. Mri. Oaidels. iUJH LSKa Tel. Rea-UM. u ew BOSTON Umbrell Mfg, M S. 1L - TeL 1D7 Umbrellss, parasols rt-coverecL. repaired or maaa PRIVATE hoepltal before and during con- ..... .-.t rnedlcnl care and Tmnina Mra L. hsher, 1M1 Vinton. Tea- lm. U-931 PRIVATE home during conflnsment; babies adopted. The Good Marnarltan Sanitarium, 7 !' v Council Blurts, la. U WE RENT sewing machines s t T6c per week 12 per month; we repair- end sell ; parts for every machine manufactured; second-hand machine" from 1 o 110. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U W7 DR. PRIES treats xiiccenfulry mil disease and Irregularities of women rrom sny cause; experienced snd reliable. ult Dodge St.. Arlington block. Onrvsaha. II 9 VIA VI" wsy to health; W Be Omaha. t bulldlna 12 TUNINO. plsno t orrin reptt-lng Per- ueia nnv vy-, - . MAGNETIC Tlth fclLLER. IT CUBE a! At druggists II. ' - UU MOKE Y TO tOAA-HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans snd war--snts. W. Farnam Smith a Co., 1320 1- ia.rr.arn St w m PRI V'ATB money. Bherwood, M7 aN. T. Llfa iV w4 WANTED, real ettat loans and wsrrsn'a K. C. Peters Co., Bee Bldg. W-MI Fl VE PER CENT loan. Garvtta Bros., 1404 Farnam. W-4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1530 Douglas. 4 TO 4 P. C. money, Be mil, p i ton blork. : w ws FARM and city loans, low rates. W. h. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bids- Tel. IMa. . W-t-tl I AM spealelly anxious to get a S2 000 mort Kage for a customer. F. D. AVend. 1S24 l.m.glas st ' W-M1M24 . MOiEY TO LOAH-CHATTTKLS. EASY t8 pay Best explains our metboda Ws loan On fi.rniturs, pianos, -warehouse receipts, etc Or If you bav a permanent DOBiUon w can make vou a salaky Loan without ecurit', except your own agree ment to repay. Our ervloe Ib owick and conndential and we always try to pleas. All thai w sk U that you give Us a Oall before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LO AW CO., Us Board of Trad Bldg. Twl. ISA. lEsUblisbsd Uti). ' S. lacji fcu . , X-M ' it i i $ m SALARY L0A. NS FURNITURE LOANS ,. - i . Reliable Credit Co, i Rooms 307-401, Paxtoa Slock. i - t t,i ,r .;. . t - MONET LOANED ONf " ' FURNITLRE. PIANOS, LlVii -STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. i - v Low rates and easy terax. . -Business Confidential- . Try us If you want to save rnoaey. PHOENIX CREDIT C.. 431 paxton Block. Ulii and faarnam Eta. X-4 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merctvtanls, team sters, boarding houses, ete., -without se curity; easiest terms; 40 officer in prin cipal cltioa Tolmalu- 440 Boavrd of 1 rids Bldg. X-Kl MONET loaned on plain not Xo salaried people; bualnsM confidential; lowest t ales. 614 paxton block. The I. A.- Aiutton Co. - X 944 MONET loaned on pianos, furniture), Jew elry, horses, cows ta C. F. Kexid, tit 8. IS. X 445 CHATTEL, sslsry and Jewelry loans Foley Loan CO.. H a uaraer nines.. Sttl-El CHAXCB! FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix- tures, including ivs uua, luuu e aioa 'ar nam. X 4a. FOR SALE, an old estsbllahed liquor busi ness toarrei wuki, auwu unwv, mu tion. Owner has oihsr interests. Addiesa P 3s, Bse. TC-Um WHEN you went to buy, sell or exchange .ny property or Dullness quicAa, aee J ft- Johnson. Milt - uis. x M ALUMINUM The metal of tha future; a new process for Its production discovered by wnlch the company now forming will control ths marked of the world; we are offering s small allotment of stock at public subscription; send for prospectus and psrticulars; ths opportunity of a life time. I. Mayer A Son, 437 M crmod-Jao-card bldg.. St Louis, Mo. Y M75 Zix FOR SALE, three elevator on JB. A M.. In . i .. .rn n( section rr Nebraska. Address S 6. Be' Y-M472 23x I0UO SHARES of gllt-edg mining stock for sale; great bargain; must ml I. Addnesa B 41. care Bee. - FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; first class location ; up-io-uaie ui iw ,o, tlrulsrs- writs to Mogenson a Seymour, Fullerton. Neb. "ST MI26 2.x FOR BALE Cigar store and pool room; good location; snap. Address T 1. Bee. . . "3T M122 16x FOR SALE-SEAL UTATE. LeOST, abstract, lot 14. block 113, South Omaha Beturn to F, J. Persons, Glaa- ' (0w bik.. Bo. Omaha. Lost A1134 ii ' i , . . . . T . ' . ! MEDICAL. "-' '' LIQUOR HABIT cured In three day. Pay FNGL1SH & CO.. I hea cure!. No h podarmlca. W rite for Civjuiou m v-v -i v tirculaia Gatim Lbsutule. 3Jt m. 14th. PAXTON BLOCK:- circulaia oamn iuauie. a b. . ' LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Eitrht-room modem brick r th be"u s'' ei'bi- Take no fcHjuiivv'i iiiuuciu x'in.A. ovhrr. Send c.. stamps, for partlculara residence. West Famam "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return ' district, Owner's price Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. M.000; must be sold' " misical. quick; make offer. tho. .. kellt. vox,. Dandg. Block.' ! ' El d. KECK. Voice Teacher. Davids bldg, las NovU RL lit LET0V81CT'S ORCHESTRA. TeL L-fH. BANCH and farm unfls for aals by tNs Jl$tV&.3EX2l: Ualo- EKREOWSKT. violin. K. la, WlthneU big, FsviuAo Hpvd,urt-rtt Omihs.. Neb. ftSta mTTT7T!'mTmmT7m rMaa ii , it; r V a Katl BHOUTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. tliA- Williamson Co.. nini - RE-4U A. C VAN SANT'fc echooL T1J N. T. Llfa 4 TIMBER! 'TIMBER! "tfjz1 6horth"t4 CoU"- THE hesi Investment LtLrmf or sfua.l " ' " tract Bafrnc furUahad. Writ ur IPHOLSTRRlhO. eiktONf A REASON KR. A-hlsnd. Ors OATE C1TT. 17U6 8'. Msjry av. TeL B:-Ci. kb, Mm Kt . M FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Or rent, on 40th st.. bet Dodge and Davenport st . g-room new ho una. Strictly modern. Pee owner, Mr. Soren eon. 136 Lincoln blvd. RE MIM1 "4x HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also sere propertv and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room M, Be bldg. RE WO FOR PALE, modern house of 7 room In quire ill 8. lth. RE M6ni ALL about North Dakota and where to buv flood lands rhep; descriptive folder and 1st sent free: reliable representatives wanted. Whltnev A Wheelock, IS Broad way, Fargo, N. D. RE Wl FOR SAI.K-OR TRADE FOR SMALLER PROPERTY 0-room modern house and splendid barn; lot 4108. Arplv owner. 2314 N. 3th st. RE M724 N14 For Sale COTTAGE rooms; fine place; city water and barn; high snd sightly snd good rielghborhood; lot neatly nodded; rrioe, tl.250 for few davs; a nobby home. F. D. Wead, 1524 IKjlifrlBS st. RE M124 23 ACCORDIO rLFiATIKO. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas Mock. ACCOnPION pleating. cheapest. best, quickest. Mr. A. C Mark, 17th and Dons. M74 ATTORNEYS. J. M. MACFARLAND. 31 N. T. L. Bldg. -Mel 3 BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bal Tie Co.. 811 North lth. 1 CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROT, room 1-t, 1606 Farnam at. . 1 CARPENTtRI A.1U JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly atienoea to. 4. I. ucniltree. Li.nn ana i.ese n. Wt DAKCIKQ ACADEMY. MoRAND'S, 16th and Harney; classes now forming for children; Wed., 4:16 p. m.; Pat.. iJ a. m and 3 p. m. Adults, Tues. and Frl., V p. m. Assemblies Wed., Iu. m. Classes always open to beginners. Private lessons dally. For terms and particulars call or Tel. 1041. 410 N6 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'B Ladles' Tailoring College. 1701 junung bl wnie ler oooaiei. IN FAMILIES. MIbs Sturdy, 624 N. 20th. . ' NSX DRESS CITTING SCHOOL. STANDARD GARMENT CUTTING COL LEGE moved from Paxton lilk. to 2:S1 Farnam 8t for better accommodations. Extra class taught from 7 to I p. m -Mil 23 EXPERT ACCOINTAXT. O. R. BATHBCN. room 16. Com I Nat l Bank, Private iessou in bookkeeping;, eta DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Mock. Tel. A2132. W66 BF.BOL'T Detective agency. 708 N. Y. Life. Tel. SM0. !W2 N18 FOR REN1WFARMS. A LARGE and 'well1'- improved farm In . Stanton county for rent; 4V acre wlln HO.ouOajvorth of Improvements. . R C. PETK'Ra A CO.. Ground Floor Bure Building. -M707 FOtD. MONET-Wrlte me alt particulars. T X, Uee. . t Found M 187 Kx FIR DRESSING. J. K. WALLACE. Taxidermist, Kit 8. 13th. -701 FLORISTS. HESdlfc 8WOBODA. Hit Farnam. -0S L. HENDExtSON, fiorlsC Ul Farnam St. 187 GARBAG69. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE! CO., cleans cesFjiooi and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prloea. a N. IMh Tel. 177S. -2M GOLD AMD BiLVKR PLATlaG. OMAHA PLAT1NU CO., Bee Bldg. TeL lias. -s.l LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 6T1LLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. V. Lite bldg., attorneys and TOlieclors every where. , fi4 J. M. MACFARLAND. IS K. I. L. Bldg. 6 Oct 2i LOCKSMITH- C R. HEjTLLN, tut N. ltlh BL TeL 374, M 1J. LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Meiuhoir. 13lh A Howard. Sal - - LOST. L08T, between Omaha and Millard. Neb., eepU 12, gold band ring, marked "T. W. T. A., fioui Grandma.'" Finder please notify Thoa y T.. Armstrong, SJ24 a. Zvth St., Omaha. ' Lost M9o 22x LOST Gold watch with gold nugget on braided lob chain. Return to 2i4 Bur dene St.; reward. Lost 101 31a STRAYED One aorrel mare, 1 whit feel, waits face, weight 1,000 lbs.; 1 Shetland pony, 3 white leeU 13 H. Hth Bt. TeL LtJL Lost 115 24k LOST, pair old spectacles In caae. Return ti 6jj g. 2blh Avs. and receive reaard. Lost-La 21x OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, sit N. T. Lit Bldg. T. 14 Sit Ths Hunt Infirmary. McCagu Bldg. T. t"L At sen m Fai well. Paxton Blk 404-7. T. 1 7 DR GRACE DEEQAN. S3J N. T. Life. TeL It. T0 DR9. LAIRD ft LAIRD, ?0 Ksrbach Mt M-''i7'N2'X PATENTS. H. 1. COWOILL No fee tinles successfuL lis H. 15' h Omaha. TeL 17SS. PATENTS Sue A Co., Omnha, Neh. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1623. M-t7u NISx PAWNBROKERS, EAGLE Loan OOce. Rsliable, accommo-lat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Dougl.ia . -wi SANITORIIM. OMAHA Florence Sanltoiiura. 'Phone Red Zt4; 1 bik. w. of car line. City phone, U- M-SJ0 34 STAMMCit.NG AND STtTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430, Ramg Bldg. STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 16Ut Farn. Tela, 1669 -tM ' ticket: drokJers; CUT RATE fallroad .ticket everybody. P. H. Philbin, laoj Farnam.. 'Plicn . POSTOFFICK NOTICE. (Should be rod DAILY tty all Interested as changes may oci.ur ut any time.)' Foreiitrr mails for the week emllna- Octo ber 17, 1SHI.1. will close t PROMPTLY In all' cases) at the Oeneral IVjstoflh'e as follows:; PARCELS-POST MAILS ilose one hour earlier than closing time shown below.1 rarceis-r-osi Aiaus lor uermany close at 6 p, m. Monday. Regular "and supplementary mails closs t Foreign Stntlon half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later ut Foreign Station.) Transatlantic Mails. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s, Augusta Victoria, via Ply mouth, Cherbourg, and Hamburg (mail for France must be directed ."per a. s. Augusta Victoria"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. URlTlbli INDIA and LOR ENZO MARyi'EZ, per . s. La Urctagne, . via Havre (mall for other parts of ' Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Bretague.'') SATURDAY At 4:30 a. m. for EUROPE per s, s. Umbrla. via QueenMown; at t a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Krocnland man must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland '); at 4:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. a. Princess Irene (mail must be directed "per s. s. Princess Irene'); at :30 a. m. lor SCOTLAND direct, per s. a Fumessla (mall must be directed "per s s. Furnessia "); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per , s. Norse (mall must be directed "Der s. s. Noiae"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Paiers and Sample for Germany only. The am class of mall matter for other part of Europe will not be sent bv this snip unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named aboVe. addi tional Supplementary Mails ars opened on the Dlera of the American. English, French and German steamers and -remain open until within Ten Minutes of tti hour ot sailing of steamer. Hall for Sonth ail Central America, West ladles, Ete. THURSDAY At t a. m. for CUBA, per n. s. Esnersnsa (mall for Mexico via Pro- Sreso.rCampeche and Vera Crus must b Irected "per s. s. Esperanxa"); at 12. m.. (supplementary 12:3o p. m.) for BAHAs MAS, per s. s Saratoara (mall for-'Mexico via Tamplco, must be" directed "per -a. e. Saratoga"); at i p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Siberian, from Philadel phia. .... SATURDAY At I a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretiria; at 1:30 a. m. (supple mentary t:3u a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. -ulla (mall fof ' Bavanllla und Cartagena must be directed ' per s. s. Zulia"); at a. rn. for POKTO PICO, per s s. Coarno via San Juan; at 6.30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, -SAVA. NILLA, CARTAGENA and GKEYTOWN, per s. a Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be- directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico vita Havana; at 10:30 a. m. (supplemen tary 11:30 a. m for IN AQUA and HAITI, per s, . Bolivia. Mall Forwarded Overlaad, Etc., Ex cept Transpaclae. CUBA Via Florida, close at this offlc dally, except Thursday, at 6:30 a. in, (the connecting malls close here on Wednesday and Saturdays via Tampa, and on .Mondays via Miami). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially ' addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, al l.M p. ra. and U:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sid ney, and thence by steamer, closes at tin offlc dally at 6:3b p. m. (connecting mail doe here every Monday, Wednesday and .Saturday.) JAMAICA By rati to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office, at 4.3u p. m. every Tuesday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, closes at this office daily at 4 30 p. m BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleana. and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. uud 111:30 p. m.; Sundays at II p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes her Monday at 111:30 p. in.) C08TA RICA-By rail to New Orleana, and thenc by steamer, closes st this office dally, except Sunday,- at 1:30 p. ra. and 111:30 p. in.; Bundays at fl p. m. and 11.30 p m. (connecting mall close her i uesuHys ar 111:30 p. m.) .REGISTERED MAIL close at t p. p. m. previous oay. Traaspaelfle Malls. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October J1, inclusive, for despstch per s. s. Maniosa. NEWr ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII via San Francisco, close her daily at 4:10 p. m. up to Octo ber 24th. Inclusive, for despatch per . Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying! ' the Brits h ma.1 for New Zealand does not' arrive in time to connect wltn-tnla des patch, extra malls closing at :3o a. m I JO a. m. and a;3o p. m. ; Sundays ar'i) a. m., Ii. m. and 4:30 p. m., will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of U.s Cunard steamer ) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and sreetally addressed mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Saa Francisco, (lose here dally at 4:30 p. ro. up to October 'fj. In clusive, for despatch per a. s. Contle PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran, Cisco, cioae nere aany at i JU p. m Up to October 4?7. Inclusive, for t. per U. 8. transport. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close hers dally at 4 0 p m. up to October 127, Inclusive, for despatch per . s. Empress of Japan (Merchandise for V. S. postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can- CHINA and JAPAN, 'via Seattle, close her dstly at 630 - l m. up to October H. in clusive, f ot deer'Stch per . a Toe Maru HAWAII, via Sun Francisco, close fur daily at :3u p. m. up to November 12 In clusive, for despatch per s. a. A Inroads AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI ISL. ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver snd Victoria, B. C. close her dally at 4:30 p. m. up to Novetuber 7. in. elusive, for 'despatch per . s. Aorangt. ' NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippine islands via San Franciaro the quickest routes. Phil. Ipplnes socially addressed "via Canada" f.- "via Eurie" must be fullv prepaid at the foreign rates: Hawaii is forwarded vl Saq Fraacisco exclusively. Transpacific mails sr forwarded 1 fori POSTOFFltE SOTltE. of sailing daily snd the schedule of rioslnj t arrsnsed on the presumption f their uninterrupted overland transit. IRegiBiered mall closes st , p. m. .pre vious flay. CORNELIfS VAN COTT, postmaster Postofflce. New Tork. N Y.. Octolr is. 11S. GOYERXMKST NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Sheridan. Wyo.. Oct 14, lJ Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived here until 10 a. m , November af. l't, for constnirtlon of a 12-ted brlrk hos pital nt Fort Mtokenxle, Wyo. Work on building shall commence not later than March 1, lim. Plans, specifications. In structlons to bidders, proposal blanks and other Information may be obtained al of fices ot aepoi quartermasters at Omaha. St. Paul. Denver and Chicago and st this ofHce. U. B reserves the right to sccept or reject any or ail proposals or anv part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should h endorsed, "Proposuls fur hos pital," addressed Capt. Thoa. Sa-ohe. O. M. Olt-SO-a-S-NiS-iUM LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids or proposals will be received St the office of Superintendent William K. Fowler, secretwry nf ths Bonrd of Educa tion of the RiatA Normal aolifwil catdtol building, Lincoln. Neb., until o'clock a. m., iit-rln V......l.i.p .una , , . . . . tion snd construction rf a rhnoel biiildlns eh tlie grounds of the ftnle Normal school st ferii. rsemnha county, Nebrarka. All bids must.'e accompanied by a certified :heck on J Nebraska bank In the sum of five hundred i$iJi) dollars for ruriosa men. tinned In the specifications. for heat ing and piummng. accompanied by a check of five hundred itSOoi dollars, will tie con sidered separately st the above time snd Jilace. ami must not be included In the bid or the building. Pinns snd specifications are on file In the offices of Superintendent William K. Fowler, secretary, cupltol build ing, Lineols; Mr. George Rogers, president of the board, ltiOS Kurnnm street, Omahe: Principal, . W . A.. Clark. Ptate Normnl school, Peru, and Mr. Ueorge A. Herllnr bof, architect. Beatrice. The board reserves the right to reject any and nil bids and to walv ii U defects In the same. By order of the Board of Education of the State Normal school. ; . WILLIAM K. FOWLER. ScCrctarv. , Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 19, 1!)3. -.- O ?0d lOtM I41LR0.4D TIME CARD. VNION STATION 10TII AND NAHIY. r ' lllfaol t entral. t . lieave. Arrlv. Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 6.10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis St. Paul Limited. a 7:50 pm a 8:06 am MfnntRpoli Ac St. Paul Express .b 7 3", tm M0:36 pm Chicago Local 10.35 urn Chicago Express alO:S5 am Chlrao Great Western It)', Co. 104 Ft.- Dodge Kxiross..b fi:20 am hr Ft, Dodge Express.. a 2:46 pm - 7 Ft. Dodge Express.. all 25 am 103 Ft. Dodge Express.. b 110 pm ChieaBO A Northwestern. "Th- Northwestern Line." . Arrive. Fast .Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:"0 am Mall ., a 8 00 pm a 1:30 am Ixil Hloux City a :U am a 3:Sii pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:M am a t:55 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all :10 pm Limited Chicago a 8:15 pm a 9 15 am Local Carroll a 4:i) pm a 8:50 am Fast Chicago. a 6:60 pm a 8:46 pm Fast St. Paul...; ....a 8:10 pm a 8 15 am Fast Mail.... a 2:t0 pm Local Hloux Cltv b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am Norfolk tV Bonesteel....a 7:26 am nl0:35 am Lincoln A Long P!ne..,.b 7:25 am 1)10:35 am Chicago, Rock Island A ParlSc. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d a 3:55 am a?..V)m Chlcagd Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 1:35 pm Chicago Express bll :15 am a 6:35 pm Des Moines Express. ..a 4 30 pm bli:50 am Chicago Fust Express. .a 6:30 pm a l:-6 pra WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd .a 7:30 am a 7:26 am Lincoln, Colo, springs, Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Texas. California and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:15 pm a!2:40 pm - Wabash. St. Lnuls "Cannon Ball Express a 4:55 pro a 1:20 am St Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a :16 km a!0:30 pm ' TbIob PaelSc. Overland Limited. ..... .a t:40 am a tM pra The Fast Mall.. a 3:26 pm t-auiornia a,xprcss....,.a :zu pm Psclfie Express.. ........ all.30 nm . Eastern Express......... a 5:30 pm Th Atlantic Express... a "M am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 km a 3:40 am Chicago Special. . . .a 3:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice A Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm blJ SO pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pra Grand Island laical b 6:30 pm b 8.35 am ttAlearo, Milwsske A St. Paal. Chlcaro Davllrbt a 7:45 am all IS nm -Chicago Fast Expre..a 6:46 pm a 1-40 pm .nicago Limjieo a s:t pm a coo am Des Molnrs Express.... a 7:45 am a 1:40 pra Mlssonrl PaclSe. St. Louis Express alO OO am a 6:26 pra K. C. A St- L. Lxprcsa.alOO pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT 13TH A WEBSTER Chlcagn. St. Osnaha. Paal, Minneapolis A Leava Arrive. Twin City Passenger... 6.30 am a 8:10 cm Sioux City Passenger.. a 2:00 pm all:20am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 6:45 am Chicago . A Northwestern, Nebraska and Wynmlnaj Dlvlslea Black Hills. Dead wood. Lead. Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 6:00pm Wyoming, Caspej- and IHiuglas .d 1:00 pm 6:00 pm rxaailllKS, ivm, iaviu City. Superior, Geneva. Exeter and Seward. ..b 1:00 pm b 6:00 pm Mlssoarl Pacific. Nebraska .Local, Via Weeping Water.,..., b 4:10 pm al0:33 am BURLINGTON STATION 1 Oik A MASON Chicago, Barllagtoa Qelary. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3:66 am Chicago Vestlbuled ax. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chlr-aua- lnral a S IR am all la, ..m Chlcaao U in I ted a 6:06 nm a lm nm r aat Mail z:io pm Kaaaaa City. St. Jsaeph A Cosseil Blan-s. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:15 am a 4:fi5 pra St. Louis Flyer a 6:25 pm alius am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:t5 pm a 6:30 am , Barllagtea A. Mtasoarl ttlver. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:64 am Nebraska Express.,..... 8:50 am Denver Limited .'...a 4:10 pm VilHCk Hills and Pneet blJ oj pm a 7:45 pm a 4:46 am Bound Express ..all:)0pnj a 1:10 pm Flyer .. ' Lincoln Fast Mall. b2:12sm Fort Crook aud Piatt- . . mouth '. . 3!t pm Bellevue A Paclno Jet.. a 7:60 pm Bellavu A Pacific Jet. .a 8.50 am a 1:10 pm a 0:08 am b!0:8S am a 8:27 am a Daily, b Dally except Sumlsy.'d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. DISPUTES FAIRNESS OF TAX Osuaha -Belt. Liae Decline to pay Fa"li"Aa'uBt t bbV the " "" J Last Levy. , Declining to pay It full taxes, according to th 1&S3 levy, th Omaha Belt railway hag paid In $1,124 'on the 83.400 charged up against ,th otirpoiaUon. , Th railroad wanted to py on th valuation basis mad by th county commissioner and as op posed t the higher valuation set by th city '.Board of Review, but treasurer Hsn nlng declined to accept th amount In full settlement. Th line, however, ws willing to pay the aura tendered, and thl wag don. It I set forth In th protest that th propoaed tax ar not equitable with th taxes charged ether railroad in the city. Hew t'srt far Weak Lian. -Dr. King New Discovery for Consump tion cure alt coughs, cold, grip and lung trouble or no pay. 60c, Jtt. For sal by Kuan Co, Marriage License. Charier Davidson, Omaha An ui Riutisrdson, Omaha Charla Edmonds. Omaha Nettle Ochs, Omaha John- D. Beld, Pllger, Neb Elisabeth Jsiar, Omaha Johnson TV Joiner, Kansas Ctty... pearl i. Norman, Omaua GREAT WESTERS CUTS KATLS SticaQfj Tlrawi Dqra. Gsttut'tt U Other IvsJt oft Orsis Tnffio. ANNOUNCES NtW PROPORTIONAL SHLtT Place Otaaha Level with Kaasa t lty All 4.rala . Shipped . from Tela Point t Chicago, President Stlckney of th Chicago Urea Western has thrown down the gauntlet to his competitors and announced a propor tional tariff on grain lilpmsots. to Chi cago, placing Omaha, on th am level with Kansas City. This applies to all grain shipped Into). Omaha from the west and allow a S-cent rate on wheat and flour and an 8-t-ent rat en corn to Chicago, instead of II and 13, as at present. Th Burlington was th only office which had received a notification of thl cut. General Freight Agent Ives had a copy of the new tariff sheet on his desk. He said he could not yet announce what action hi road or others would take, but that It waa probable all would confer on the matter. This I the first step by th Great West- era toward the reduction of rate beneficial to Omaha, and coming Immediately upoi the heel of President Stlckney's announce-. me nt of hi formal plans for the establish- ment of a grain market In this" city, arouse Intense interest and stimulate hope in .the tangible benefits to be derived through the entrance of that road. ' 1 This matter has been talked of fur the pact few week and rumors have been current that should the Great Western at tempt to put a new tariff on, the several roads and particularly the- BurlluaTJon Snd the Northwestern, would make an i 'effort to . .-. . ...v. n -..i c . esisujiaii. a icu rata, ot All gTain. ut what the outcome will be is awaited avlth . much Interest. ' If report Trove 'tr a: big. upheaval Involving all local line I looked for. . Oo to Meet Harris a. A party of tho Union Pacific official . left last evening for Chicago, where they' expect to enter Into a conference wMh E. II. Harrlman. who is In that city. Thw party Went over the Northwestern In,' '- private car and included President IL G. Burt, E.. L. Ittiix, general, passepger', agent; John A. Munroe, freight trafflo man ager. nd Gerrit Fort, assistant, general passenger agent. ' It 1 understood tht the! result of th re- ; cent meeting of the division superintend-' ents. which was held at th general office a few day ago. will hav something to o with It. The conrested; condition tof ths freight traffic ha to be remedied and pos sibly an order will b placed for soms new equipment. Matter pertaining- to th dif ferent department of the Harrlman road will be discussed generally, and It I under-, stood that a remedy will t suggested for th permsnent repairing of the Lucln cut off of the Southern Pacific where the grad ing sank several days ago, causing consid erable trouble in the bulldlpg of this section of th road. Trlbntea to Baxter Robert W. Baxter, who recently resigned as superintendent of the Nebraska division of th Union Pacific, ha been th recipient of a number of berutlfut and t!y pres. ent during the last week from hi former subordinate. The . omce force at th ftelght station, numbering twelve men, cal'.ed on Mr. Baxter in a body and pre sented him with a handsome .cut .glae water pitcher, and following them came a committee of three, Robert McNeill, super- . intendent of terminal, of the Ui ion Pa-,, clflc Harry Hopkln end-John MuIMl, rcp resentlng the employe ot tlie .'tlrsNx braaka division,, and peesented Mr.. Baxtef with an elegant two-karat diamond ting, valued at 325. This goes t( show th high regard which the employe of the division ' have for Mr. Baxter, and Jt Is with regret , that they see hlrn leave, th ' ry. H ha been popular With all. Til men. ahe? ren th . humblest swltchmari I'speaVa ,of him in high est term. . . . Barliastoa Makes Gala. President George B. Harris has just given out th annual report of the Burlington, which show that It Increased Its grosi earnings for the year ending June 80 bj 8,643,134 and 83.SS3.638 net, adding t3.228.14t to the surplus. The total number ot mile of roadperated during- U year wag 6.624. Th gross earnings, war. 342.762,406. M from freight and I14.138.I8L1 from jaenger. Mall and express brought In 65.718.(31.70, y making a total of - $52.638.J78.81 ; Th ex- , perse of operating were t33,763.W(.47, and tsxes amounted to. Jl, 778, 476.09. making th total expense at $40,542,472.7, leaving fh Income from operation at t22.096.90t.OS. -Tha -tncom from sureties and Interest on other." holdings was 8268,331.72, and th nt re- 1 celpts Trom the land department waa J7t, 208.36, bringing the total Income up to 122,442,446 04. Interest on bond was paid to the amount of 87.442.94L24, and rentals amounted to 1192.173. 96; thl added to th amount charged to sinking fund tnakea a total of 69,114.337.89, leaving a balance -of 813,326,108.15.- The Cumber of tons novd -per mile Increased 23-33 per cent during th year, as compared with last year, . and freight earning Increased 18.66 per cent Passenger carried on mil Increased 6.96 per cent. .." STREET SELLERS WILL FIGHT Declare They Often Pay Mor Revraae (est OrSlaance. ' Street and sidewalk merchant ' assert that In Individual cases they often -pay more revenu to th city than do merchant who own stocks worth hundreds of dollars. In a petition they hav tiled asking th city -council not to pan tb ordinance forbid ding their presence In the retail district. They have secured the services of an at torney and ear they regard their' licenses ' as contract with th. city which, cannot b terminated until they expire. It is for th license that they pay sum outclass ing the taxes of the merchants, they asr. Th Dyball push cart ordlnano Has been ' placed on th heir to all Intent and jxrr-. P0"- ; .7' , ."V w. "'.,-. - If If a -Garland," that's all yon need t . know about a stov or rang. Feel Youp PulsQ; If it bests, fsst, taen slow k!i bests your heart Is weak god should be treat ed st one. Dr. Miles Heart Curs U th best and safest remedy.' Sold on guar, antee. Send for book on the heart. ' DR. M1LEB MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind Tba AU atksr . . DR McCREW 8PECIALUT. . , Treat fl tarsas el DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A Medical Expert , 2t Ysars' essarleaca IS Years la Oaaab Nsar M.OOOC iCarsd an asai pjiiw.. awvv . wi-n. - . -. Ileet. hvfMl tMUiiUr. Lees ml atrata aa Vtal tT aa4 all loraaa ol Siaaaaaa. Treeiaasa a aaaU. Lll. er . (- ka. .MS. 4 raf Sal S. in St, lav Ms. Chart L