TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, (MTTOnER 22. 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Talk of Better Keceipta Gtueed Wheat to Decline m Price. CORN PRICES ARC . A LITTLE HIGHER Oat Are at ktl Higher Price, Wklle Prevlsloa Market Is Irrrgalar toe Chirac v Board. CHICAGO, Oct. 21 Talk of heavier re, ceipts in the northwest and learning of premiums lor contrart grades for both spring Hiid Inter wheat caused apprehen eion Hmntif bull in the pit today and after a fair anusr 01 strength early In the day the market turned wrnk, December closing Jtt"40 lower. Decemtier corn waa Ho higher; omi were up c, and January pro , viblona from 6c lower 10 5c higher. i nere waa a good demand li om commu nion house for both lecetnber and May wheat early In the session and with offer Inga quite light the market took on a strong tone, uecemuer advancing to sic alter open ing a shade to S'tjVic higher. The rally waa faeiped by the lit in uuiHioe markets and by report irom the northwest of a big bual nena there yeaterday for ahlpment euat, to gether with a lair export business reported at New York. Hnorts covered freely during the early hours and prlcea held atrong un til toward noon, when a reveraal In eentl ment occurred. Beveral prominent commis sion houses were liberal sellers during the latter part of the day anil their action was followed by tnany pit traders. Influenced by the prospects of Increased receipts in the northwest, with a lessening of the cash Eremltims. The market was wenk later, ecember selling down to Hoc, and closing at ("Vic, a loss of Gc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 131. ft) bush els. Primary receipts were 1.1S1.U00 bushels, against 1,4Z8,SjO bushels a year ago. Min neapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 878 cars which, with local receipts of mi cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 679 cars against SI 9 cars last week and 759 cars a , year ago. ' Corn ruled fairly steady, but trading was light. Price were firm early In sympathy with wheat, although cables and weather reports were bear factora. There was good buying by several prominent commission houses and scalpers the greater part of the day, and prlcea held fairly well In pita of the weakness In wheat. After sell ing between 43W03Vtc and 44c, December closed c , higher, at 43c. Local receipts were 293 cars, with nine of contract grade. There waa a good demand for December and Mar oats and the market held Arm the entire session. Some of the buying was credlteif to a local bull, who sold out a big line Isst night. The close was firm at I6Se. after ranging between 36 and Zbo. Receipts, 93 cars. Provisions were firm early on covering by shorts In lard, supposed to be for foreign account, and an Improved demand from shippers. Realizing by local longs and sell. Ing by smaller packers caused a loss of the opening firmness and the market closed steady. January pork was c lower at $11,824; January lard was unchanged at W MH. while ribs were 1c higher at K32H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 0 cars; corn, 810 cars; oats, 180 cars; hogs, 16W0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat Dec May Corn Oct. Dec May Oat Oct. ( Dec. May Pork Oct. Jan, May . Lard Oct. Dec. Jan. May Ribs Deo. Jan. May 80HI WMTJsl j43W!43W 43Vcrl 44 2u 42 I I 80T4I 80 4.1H 43&M, 42H4Wi 11 00 11 90 12 00 6S 47H S7H 67 I I B0 I SO 7Hl 11 10 11 90 12 06 t 5V 57 72 8 60 SO 87 35 11 00 11 11 90 45 47H 524I tw I 60 20 32; 7W78yS'H l'4d; futures closed stesdy; October, nom inal; November, 4a 2d; lecember, 4a iSd. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coodltlea at Trad aad asstatlssi Staple sal Faoey Prsdaee. EOt.lS Fresh stock, loss off. lc. LIVK POL LTRV-Mens. 7W8c; spring chickens, 7Vwn ; roosters, according to age, 5c; turkeys. Ii(,il3e; old ducks, 7c; young duck. KiyijSc; geese, 7c bVJTTfc.n PscKing siock. 13c; choice to fancy dairy. In tube, iS'tflftc; separator, 21c. KKE8H FISH-Freeh caught trout. Ho; rlckerel. 8c; pike, 10c; perch, c; buffalo, Vfcc; rilueMsh, 16c; whlieflsh, Inc: salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, Uc; redenapper, 11c; lobsters boiled, per In., 70c; lobsters, green, per lb., .8c; bullheads, 11c; catflsh, 14c; black bass, 2o(2c; halibut, 9o; crappies, 12c; (icrring, 80: wnlte bass, 10c; bluenns, 8. Ol'BTEKS New York counts, per can, 45c, per gal., 12.00; extra selects, per can, 37c, per gal., 11.76; standard, per can, 30c, per gal . 11 St. PRAN-Per ton, $14.50. HA V Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers association I Choice No. 1 up land. 150; No 2, $8.00: medium, $7.50; coarse, $7.00. Rye straw. $7.00. These prices sre for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CUM. 48c. OATS 3Nc. t RYE No. I, BAc. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. 75080c: Dakota. per bu., 70&'76c; native, 6&7uo. SWEET POTATOES lioma grown, per basket, 75c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl.. $3.00. BEANS Home imiin wax. Mr market basket, to&OOc; string, per market basket, Oty'Sue. TOMATOES Home gr.-wn, per basket, 60c, NAVT BEANS Per bu., $2.66. CELEftY Mi.-lilsan. tier dni.. 30335c: large western, 45c. ONIONS New home Brown, drr. nf r lb.. lWfl Spanish, per crate, $1.06. tAHBAUB- Missouri Holland, 1140. FRUITS. PRUNES-Itallan. per box. $1.00. PEACHES Utah lreestonea. 90c: Colo rado Albertas, $1.00. rfcjAiwi Colorado and Utah Kelfers, .76; winter Nellla, $2.2 APPLES lonathans and ftrlmes tlolden. $3.754.00; Michigan stock, $3.253.60; Cali fornia Htllflowers, per box, $1.60; New York stock, $3.2Mi3.50; Oregon stock In buslui boxes, tl.lbrul.26. tHiAPES California Tnkava ll.sB: Haw York, per i-lb. basket, 28c. CRANRERRIRH Per hhl . t7 7W?A0o: te box, $2.75. CALIFORNIA QUINCES Per box, $1. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANQEb V'tlenclas. 126-15U sixes. $3.76: Mexican, all sixes, $4.00. UEMON8 California fancy. '300 to aeo sixes, $4.50;cholce 240 to 270 sixes, $4.0094.26. t California, per 10-lb. cartons, soc DATES Persian. per box of $0 Dackageso. $2 00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 18Vc; Dioca Mwiss, 10c; Wisconsin Drlca, liVo; Wisconsin limberger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3.60; Utah und Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.50. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 3&3ttc. HORSE RADISH Per case, of j do.. iv-rked, SOc. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft -shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell, per lb, 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per rb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., ilf&UVic; Alberts, per lb., Utilise; almonds, saft-ahell, per lb., lac; hard-shell, per lb., )3c; pecans, large, iper lb.. l'Kijllc; small, per lb., OHgpiOc; peanuts, per lb., 6Hc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, 12ijil3c; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76: shell-barks, per bu., $1.76(3 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26. , HIDES No. 1 green, 6Hc; No. z green. 43H 43-V 43 43 42i,42U SKH S4H 85S 35 86C 36 11 10 10 90 11 82V& 11 90 11 90 I 11 97Vx 46 40 47H 42U 62V, 62i, 62Vx 6214 8 50 M S7V4 20 27V4 82 37ft No. 1 tNew. Cash quotations were aa follows FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $4.00) s.ii straights. u.Ttieii.iw: spring patents. $410fJ4.60; straights. $3.7(I03.W; bakers. $2.60 rat o. WHEAT No.' $, S4o; No. 1 red, 1HfiS3. CORN-No. 2. 43cj No. Z yellow, 44i3 oc. OAT8-N0. J, 5ic; NoN white, S537ftc. RYB Nn. J. E6c. BARLEY Good feeding, ' 4344c; fair to cnotce malting, 47io4c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 93Vtc: No. 1 north Wee tern, $1. Clover, contract grade, $10.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.10 (Mi.lZH. lvara. per ion ins.. is.tmUtt.M. nnort ribs aide (loose), $7.637.7C. The following were the receipts and ship ments 01 nour ana gram: iteceipis. nnipments. Flour, bbla.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu . 45.400 ..261,100 ..431.400 ..697.0110 .. 9500 ..159,9110 22.800 258,800 23,600 217.800 17.400 9,700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, I6V419 xuMrc; aaines, uvubc. r.ggs, sieaay, at mark, U4tlo. Cheaaa. easier, IOVtQUc 1 green. 6Hc: 5Hc; No. 1 salted. 7V4c; No. 2 salted, 6Vo 1 veal calf. 2 to 12 lbs.. 8Vtc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Vfcc; dry salted hides, h No. 12c: sheeD pelts. 25ui75c: horse tildes. $1,604 z.60. - HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. taetatloas of the Day Varlo.s Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct Jl.-FLOUR-Receipts, 13.298 bbla.; exports, 4,332 bbla.; mwket un eltled, but generally Arm at full prices; winter patents, $4.0orj4.35; winter straights, $3.MXut.iO: Minnesota Patents. l4.8iMn4.8a: winter extras, $2.VOtr3 2S; Minnesota bakers, $3.6oj4.10; winter low gradea. $2.7(K)(3.06. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $3.2o43.40; choice to fancy, $3.4o4j3.eo. Buckwheat flour. Him, $2.50, nw crop. BUCKWHEAT Nominal, 61c, c. I. f.. New York. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western, li fe; city. $1.07; kiln dried. $iK&3.26. RYE Dull; No. t western. 62Vc, nominal, f. o. b , arii. at; state and Jersey. M'uMW:. BARLEY Steady ; feeding. 46c, c. T f., BufTaio, malting. 5tfcoKc, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 6,SO0 bu. Spot, mar ket steady; No. i red. 85Sc. elevator; No. t red, 80c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 92c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. In the early trade today the market waa atrong and active again, led by December on fur ther demands from short. Higher Paris cables and export rumors were the two chirf bull Influences, supplemented by light northwest arrivals, strength of cash mar kets and sma'l interior receipts. Near the close prices yielded to realising and wera finally unchanged to He net lower; Mav, 8iiB83Hc; elowed at 82c; July, 79V&8ohc; closnd at SOc; December, 8687 l-16c; closed at WSo, . , CORN Receipts. 130,200 bu.; exporta, 133, 11 bu. Ppot, steady; No. 2, 61Vc elevator and 6114 f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, 64c; No. $ white, &lc. Option market waa quiet but firmer on the wheat strength, In the faca of good weather and increased farm offerings, with a final setback that left last price unchanged: May, itil-UVir 48kc: closed at 48 1-16c: December. 60. I 6uSc; closed at 60Sc. OATS Receipts, 15,000 bu. Market quiet; No. 3, 42c; standard white. 43c; No. 3. 48c; No, $ white, tic; No. I white, 42c; track. White. tlj-5c. HAY Steady; shipping, 0(?70c; good to choice, StrftsOc. HOPS Quiet: state common to choice, 19u$ crop. aHttSr: 1903. xiyJWic: Pacltlu coast. la crop, XittOK-; 12, 2lv25Ho. HIDES Steady; Galveston VO to 26 pounds, ISo; California 21 to 26 pounda, LEATHER Steady ; acid. Z3Q25Hc; wool, Arm: domestic fleece, 28(0 33c. PROVISIONS Beef, easy: family, $1000 150; meea, $8Mi60: beef ha nil, i-'l.kx 2100; packet. $uu18 00; city, extra India mess, $14.ul(.ou. Cut meats, trregu'ar; lckled bellies. $ 6&0U 00; pickled shoulders, .1.760. 1i pickled luims. $11. 60 12.60. Lard, , Steady; western steamed. $7; refined, Quiet: continent, $7..vv7 to; gooih America, .; -impound, $7.ias7.$7H.- Pork, easy; fam v, $19; short clear, $I4-0Oi&lLw; mesa, $13.75 tfi:.6o. CilCE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, pei ,'on, nominal "ALLO W Hny ; city, 4c; country, 4 4c BUTTER Receipts, 64.000 pkgs.; Arm; creamery, 16U'21Vtc; stste dairy, lti20c. tUdS-Receipts, 12uo pkga; firm; west ern. 17'J5c. , POL LTRY Alive", stesdy; spring chirk ens. 10c; fowls. 11c: turkeys. 11c; dressed dull alio) Irregular; western broilers, Italic; fowls. Mo; turkeys, 1317e. Pearla Market. PEORIA. III., Oct. tL CORN Steady; No. 2. 4Suc; No. 4, 42e. OaTS-Kksv; No. white, 36H63c; No. I white, 47aJ6o. . ' Llveraael Uraia Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. Xl.-WHEAT-8pot dull; &a rea. western winter, ts Hd tuturearjoaed tiulet; Ieoeir.ber, is 6tlJ. 6,UJHtut aieadi aierwaa mlxeo, St. Loots Grata and Prorlsloas, ST. LOUIS, Oct. 21. WHEAT Weak; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 86c; track, 86&'87ftc; December, S6c; May, 82H4)82Vc; No. 3 hard, 78&S0C. CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 4c; track, 43H444c; December. S9c; May, 3lig39c. OATS Higher: No. 2 cash. , 8tic: track. 3fiVu37c; December, 3514c; May, 37 "c; No. 2 white. 8911400. RYE Steady at 65c. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, $3.90 $4.10; extra fancy and straight, $3.603.96; clear, $3.3013.40. SEED Timothy, steady. $2.503.0I). CORNMEAL Steady: $2.40. P.RAN Unlet: sacked east, track. 7376c HAY Steady; timothy, $7.5312.50; pral- die. $ own 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.06. BaOOINO 6'g6Hc. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing, standard mess, $11.80. Lard, higher at $6.35. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.76; clear ribs. $9.12: short clear. 9.87H. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 4o; springs. He; turKeys, 11c; oucks, maiuc; geese, vc. BUTTER Quiet; creamery. lii&22c; dairy, 14ll 18C EUGS Steady at 21c. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls 8,000 18.000 Wheat, bu 60,000 62.000 Corn, bu 19,000 40,000 Oats, bu 92.000 24,000 Kaasas City Grata aad Prorlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 21. WHEAT Da eember. 68HS'8Sc; May, sV,68Tc; cash. No. 1 hard. 73V4c: No. 3. 70to71V4c: No. 4. 64'o68c; rejected, 6063c; No. 2 red, 824f83c; No. 1 80c. ReceiDts. 131 cars. CORN Te-mber, 36i44(36c; May . 86M 36c; cssh. No. 2 mixed, 384Q39c; No. 3 white, sxwajuc: ino. s. khmiC. OATS-No. t white, 3637c; No. S mixed. I5u 36c. N. HAY-Cholce timothy, $9.5Offl0.00; choice prairie. $8.00. RYE No. 2, 62c. K(GS Steady: Missouri and Kansas. cases returned, 18Hc; new No. 2, white wood cases Included, 19c, BUTTER Creamery, 18HS19ttc; dairy. rancy, lie. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 189,600 . 121.600 Corn, bu 17,600 16.000 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Decline in Frio of Stocks OLcoYed by tie Ifounrei for Support ACTIONS OF SMALL BANKS CRITICISED Some Are Wltkdrarrlag Deposits from Larger lastltatloas In Manaer Ret Coadaelre to High Prices oa Stock Exchange. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. The news before the opening of the slock market today of the suspension of the Federal National bank of Pittsburg caused fears of a vio lent break In the market. Theer were some heavy offerings at the opening In some of the leading stocks and declines ran to a point In a few rases. I'ressure was severe upon United States Steel preferred, causing a loss of 1 and lVt points. Fears for the result of the market were more acute owing to the part played In yesterday's recovery by the published as surances that the Federal National bank waa not In need of assistance. It was believed that the threatened institution had weathered the storm. The news this morning caused hasty measure for supporting prices. The ef fectiveness of these became very promptly manifest, but the recovery was viewed with some suspicion owing to the belief In the artificial nature of the demand. Those on the. floor were surprised at the ease with which the decline was checked, and It was easy to perceive mat offerings of stock In the market were on a very light scale. The buying waa thereupon renewed with vigor and the market carried up ward quite comprehensively to the extent of a point or more. Prices retarded their course during the latter part of the day, and the close was rather easy and at net prices for the day, except where the early gains had been above the average. The late downward movement was not fully explained by any published development. The demand from shorts suTTered to soma extent on the ad vance, thus sbstrsrting from the support of the market. Some fears were enter tained that there might be a new factor in the Pittsburg trouble, carried over today By reason or tne decision ot tne bans, a not to call maturing loans there and other measures of precaution. The cause - as signed for the failure, namely, the with drawal of deposits by small banks which naa been orrereu a nign rate 01 interest the failed bank to attract those deposits, was a result from a condition known to have become sufficiently general to be come the subject of wide criticism. Not withstanding the late reaction In the mar ket, Its tone waa accepted as rather con vincing' evidence of a measureable restor ation of confidence, In view of the factors to be contended with. To these must be added the threatening aspect of labor conditions with the Man hattan elevated. The market did not take well to the announcement that some of the Anthracite collieries will close for about a week, owing to the quick succession of holidays within that period. The local money market was quite tin- fleeted by the large shipments of money to Baltimore. Rumors were current of further large grain exports and further movement of cotton was also viewed with satisfaction. The bond market was widely varied, at srenerallv advanclnsr nrlces. Bond housas report a notable Increase In the Investment sales. Total sales of bonds, par value. $3,476,000. United States 2a advanced per cent, the old 4s, per cent and the 8s and new 4s, $ per cent on the last call. Following Is the number of shares of stock aold, range of prices and closing bids on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. uiose. . 69,970 67 65', 65 670 89 88ft 8X-V4 Oats, bu. 17.000 12,000 Mlanoapolls Wkeat, Fleur aad Braa MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. M. WHEAT De eember, 797,sc: May, 78c. On track: No, hard, 86o; No. 1 northern, 8444c; No. northern. 824c: No. S northern. 804i'82c. FLOUR First patents, $4.55(84.66; second patents, $4.45(j4.55; first clears, $3. 40 ti 3.60; second clears, $2.70(52.85 f. o. b. In wood in Minneapolis. BRAN In bulk, $12 7513.00. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 21. BUTTER Quiet, and prints lo lower; extra creamery, 21"c: nearby prints, 22c. EUGS Firm, and lc higher: fresh nearby. 2& at Blink; wustern, 24ry26c loss off; south western, 2241 2Jo; southern, ilnsc. CHEESE Dull and lower; New York full cream fancy, 12c; choice, llc; fair to good, Milwaukee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 21. WHEAT Eaay; No. 1 northern, SSftWiHc; No. $ northern. wynM'ic; lecemoer, soc 01a. RVE-8teady, No. 1. 66&56WC. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 6uc; sample. 42 qiiic. CORN December, 43c. Dalatk Grata Market DULUTH. Oct. 21. WHEAT On No. 1 northern, B2Vc; No. KecemDer, nc OATS 34Hc. track 2 northern, 80c Toledo seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Oct. 21. SEEDS Clover. October-December. $t.721: February-March -. AisiKe, prime, iimotny, prims, Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. METALS Tin wsa higher In London, snot there advancing 12s 6.1 to 116, while futures were 16s higher at 4.11 lbs. The advances abroad Influenced a slightly higher market here and spot tin closed steady at $26,70426.10. Copper also advanced in London, spot 6s and futures 6s 6d to 54 11a SJ. Locally prices remained quiet on the recent basis; lake Is quoted at $13.uotl 13 12H. electrolytic at $13.00 and canting at $12 W4. Lead was unchanged a 111 km in Lxmuon. ana at m.du hi n York. Spelter advanced 2s d In ivOndon to aatlus, but remained steady here at $4.12Vh. Iron closed at 5os in Olargow and at 43s Sd In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron waa more or leka nominal with some grades quoted lower, loiiowing me recent decline al southern points. No. I fouadry northern, held at $l4.0O'p 16.50; No. t foundry northern, $16 00615.50; No. 1 foundry southern and No, I foundry southern sort, IH'ii. t'a 16 Z6. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 21. MET A LH Lead. weak at $4.&. spelter, quiet at $4 26. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts NEW YORK, Oct. Xl.-EVAPORATED APPLES The msrket was firm for futures with November-December delivery quote. at 6S4lc. Spot supplies of new fruit are In light compass and value uncertain common are quoted at 46c: prima, bH c; choice. Mi'c; fancy. 6iff7e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunes remain very quiet: quotations range from ie to 7c for all grades. Apricots are meeting witn a lltlie better demand and rule steady; choice sre quoted at 9V4iHc extra choice, lotiloifcc; fancy, linlzc peschee, quiet: choica are quoted "V,aic extra cuotce, meoc; lancy, sgivo. Atchlsnn do ofd . Baltimore A Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio.. Chicago & Alton .... do pfd Chicago Ot. Western'. do B pfd Chicago A N Chicago Ter. & T.... do pfd .. C. C. A St. L.... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson Del.. Lack. A West.. Denver A R. O do pfd Erie ..J an isc piu do 2d Pfd G. N. pfd, E. Dlv.... HncKing vauey do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A Nash... Manhattan L Metropolitan Bt. Ry. Minn. A St. Louis... Mo. Pacific Mo., K. A T do pfd Nat. of Mexico, pfd.. New York Central.. Norfolk A Western.. do pfd Ontario A Western.. Pennsylvania Pitts., c. C. HI. Li. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd Rock Island do pfd Bt. L. A Ban F do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd St. L. Southwestern. do nfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific .... Southern Ry do pfd Texac A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W.. do nfd Union Pacific d- pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A Lake E. Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Express American Express... V. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Ex Araal. Copper Amer. Car A r dry.. do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do nfd Amer. Locomotive... an pia Amer. Smelt. A R... dt pfd Amer. Sugar R Anaconda Mining ... Brooklvn Rapid T... Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Columbus A H. Coal. Consolidated Oas General Electric .... International Paper, do nfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit .... National Lead North American Pacific Mali People's Oas Pressed Uleci tr... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... Republic Bteel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... U S. Leather do pfd U. B. Rubber do pfd- United States Steel.. do pfd Western Union Z8.4! 7ft 160 87H 6.510 120ft 100 157 167 1,050 30i 29H 2,600 28 26 200 63Vi 63 H 1,900 16t 14 200 26 26 1,170 I6OV4 :67'X 18H 17 72 70H 13 12 63 62 21 21 154 154 233 231 68" . ffl" 27 ,: 27 67 Wi 49 ' 48 100 4f 710 400 1,000 l.ino 600 "200 29,075 2,480 1.200 898 1,816 300 600 300 22,300 t.SftO ,210 700 28.736 100 1,100 Y.ono 240 i'.174 64,786 bad weather restricting dealings. Consols hardened slightly at first, but suequently renc.tcd. Home rails Were depressed. Americans opened firm, but sfterwsrd weakened sliKhtly. though the future was regarded In a more hopeful light. Improved later on moderate business ana rioseo buoyant owing to favorable New York ad- vtc.-s. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was a im.inhi. PARIS. Oct. tl Three Per cent rentes, f7f. Exchange on lxmlon, 25f 14c. Prices on tho bourse tixiav opened firm, particu larly rentes. Lale'r the market became Irregular. Internationals were Inactive. At tne close trading was cairn. BERLIN, Oct. 21. The movement of stocks on the bourse today was slight, operators watching the tendency In Lon don and Paris. Aenr York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct.' 21-MONEY-On call. steady at ifii2H per cent: cloalng. 22H per cent; on time, easy; sixty days, ninety days and six months, 4V(i5 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 6Vu5-t Per cent. Bir.Kl.lISt tAlllAMily-ririii, wmi mu tual business In bsnkers' bills at 4 8J t 466 for demand and at $4.8230114 8235 for slxtv rinva r,oteH rates. 14.83 and $4.864: commercial bills, $4.82H. SILVER Bar. 61c: Mexican dollars, Hc. . , BONDS Government ana raiiroaa. strong. quotations N on oonas are a OMAHA LIVE STOOL MARKET Hery Receipts of Cattle Caused All Kindt To Sell a Little Lower. HOGS HELD JUST ABOUT STEADY There Was Also m Good Raa of Sheep aad Lambs aad Wklle Good Klllera Held Aboat Steady the Coaiaaoa KJads Were Dell aad Weak. SOUTH ReceiDts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday The closing follows: V. 8. ref. is, ri do coupon ... do Kb, reg.... do coupon ... do new 4a, re do coupon . . . do old 4s, r do coupon do fin, res. do coupon Atrhlaon sen. do ad, 4s. Atlantic C. rf....li7 Hocking Val. 4Ha...lH 107 'U A N. unl. 4a.... KIT Man. con. sold 4a. ..1M lo4 ielcn Tan. 4 71 pf 1.14 V do lt Inc US l.uvminn. St. L. 4a.. fw4 ft 110 Y M.. K. A T. 4.... 7Va not, do 2a 101VN. R R- o 4a 7tH IOJi M. Y. C. ( t H 4a Ml N. J. C. I a 10 0 I No. PaclSo 4a 10SS do la Three dava thla week.. 27.999 9.55 61.6: Same daya last week.... 18,801 9.089 72,84 Same week before 21,3-0 11,9,(1 7,tis bame three weeks ago.. 21.624 ll.wn 6H.8.5 Same four weeks ago....2,159 8.33 50.580 Same days last year 27.245 11,027 64.386 RECEIPTS KOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The follnwlnar table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oniana for ns year lo date ana comparisons wun taai year. 1901. 1902. Inc. Cattle 860,088 762,136 97,952 Hogs ,... 1.828.558 1.814.620 13.K1S Sheep l,3tl,3J6 1,248,175 113, loo Average price paid tor nogs at oouin Omaha for the laat several days with comparisons: Baltimore A O. 4n..ll1. N. W. c 4a.. do iti ti'A o. 8. 1.. 4a A par... tl Central of Oa. la 10 Penn. con. Ha MS do lat Inc Ml ; Reading (en. 4a f Chea. A Ohio 4m. .. .101 St. L. A I. M. o. ta. .110 rhtraso A A. 3W... 72 St. L. 8. F. f(. 4a. 81S C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... H.tVHt. U 8. W. la I1) r. M. A a. p. (. 4a.. 10 seaboard A. L. 4s.... 47 C. A N. W. c. 7a....l.imSo. Paciflo 4a t MS .. 73V, So. Railway H um .... 7t'iiTexaa Paclflo la. ..in 4a.. M T St. L. A W. 4s.. S .... 71 Union Pacific 4s 102V, 14V4I do coot. 4a MS .... Ho ''' 8 Bteal Id IS...I71S 4a.. t Wabaah la US i.... 17 do dab. B MS .... mtr. auk. 4 s IMS' Wis. Cantral 4s US C, R. I. A P. 4a.. do col. 6a CCC. A St. 1 s. 4l Chleato Ter. 4a... Con. Tobacco 4a... Colo. A So. 4a.... rienrar A R. O, Erie prior lln do gen. 4s F. W. A D. C. la Boston Stock (gaotatloaa, BOSTON. Oct. 21 Call loans, tm per cent: time loans, 6"(f6 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks- and bonda: Oct. 1.... Oct. 2.... Oct ....! Oct. 4.... Oct. 6.... Oct .... Oct. 7.... Oct i.... Oct. .... Oct. 10.... Oct. 31.... Oct 12.... Oct )$.... Oct 14.... Oct. 16.... Oct. 1.... Oct 17.... Oct. 18.... Oct 19.... Oct. .... Oct ar ts. Atchlaon 4a Mexlrn Can. Atrhlaon do pfd Boaton A Albany.. Poaton Elevated . N. Y.. N- H. A H I nlnn Pacific Mexican Central .. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Dom. I. A 8 Oenarsl Electrlo .. Maaa. Elactrlc. .... do pfd t'nlted Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlng. common.. Adventure Allouea MS; Amalgamated . w Pair waax . 64 Bingham . MS Calumet A Hacla. .141 Centennial .11 Copper Hangs .... .194V Dominion Cost i .. . 71 S Prankllii . 10 vine Rorala .IKS Mohawk .1US Old Dominion .... ,U4 jOaceols , Parrot .147 . 1S . 7!S M . 14 . MS . 6 . i 4S Uulncy Hanta Fa Coppar. Tamarack Trinity United States .... Utah Victoria Winona Wolvarlne .. M .. MS .. 21 ..410 .. IS .. 44S .. tl .. 7 .. 8S .. MS .. S .. MS .. 1S .. 6 .. IS .. H .. 6S .. 7S .. 26S .. dt .. 1 .. 44 New York Mining; notations. 131 H 20 35 1814 32 1oih 184 107 46 'l7H 36 lisii 67 2IH 119 22,626 46 45 18,920 410 lno 100 100 82.480 STlOu 8.800 2.610 2,250 "jofj 68.300 i.'4i 2,800 100 sno 600 6,430 1,400 9t6 25H 69 4R4 14 32 139 42 18 75 23 26 r: is 31 15 1 36 39 2S 68 74 74 87H 87 119 119 167 30 2:i 63 14 26 160 18 72 12 61 21 154 232 1! 68 27 6 48 1R0 69 78 130 ?0V4 84 18 31 100 133 (; 44 90 16 36 89 118 67 86 ?ir 118 6.8 45 75 61 24 68 63 60 45 14 31 138 181'. 74 I" 1 25 71V, 84 17 80 15 16 36 ,-2?0 182 100 200 38 21 " NEW YORK, Oct. 21. The following are the quotations on mining siocks: Adams Con ,iD iLlttls Chief . Allca 14 omrlo Breeca 10 Ophlr Brunawlck Con 4 Phoenls Comatork Tunnal tS Potoal Con. Cal. A Va 1! Savage Horn sllvar loo Biarra Navads Iron Silver 150 Small Hopaa Laadvllla Con 1 Standard .. T . .4M ..160 .. T .. Jl .. 21 .. 4& .. IS ..too Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 21. Bank clearings for to day are $1,409,457.10, an Increase over the corresponding date of last year of 1329, 945.99. 130 18 33 18 32 ino 133 106 43 89 17 86 177" 66 20 118 Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 21. WOOL The follow. Ing are the quotations for leading de scrip tions: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 34&35c; X. 3031c: No. 1, 32033c; No. z. ifUKCc: tine unwashed. Zfutoc; nait blood unwashed. 26fc26c; three-eighths- rSilood unwashed. 2r4x2bc: quarter-blood ua washed. 2.xn2oV4c: tine washed delaine. Soc; Michigan X and above, 27U28c: No. 1, 30c; No. 2, 2S29c; fine unwashed, Zlj22c quarter-blood unwashed. 24ffl25c; three eighths-blood unwaMied.' 2425c: half-blood Unwashed, 24r&25d; ttMe Vasbed delaine, 82 iJ3c; Kentucky, Indian, etc., three-eighths-blood. 24ff25c: quarter-blood. 24(6f25c: braid, 22i'23c; Territory and Idaho fine, 14!5'15c; fine medium. Wjlic; medium, 18fr'19c; Wyoming fine, 144jl5c; fine medium, lttal7c; medium. l8Mitti!.9c; Utah and isevaaa nne 15&16c; fine medium, 1717c; medium, 19d) 20c; Dakota fine. 15&16c: fine medium, 16 17c; medium, l9(g'2oc; Montana nne choice. iwi.'oc: nne meoium cnoice. iwnuuo: siapie. 20'rt2lc; medium cnoice, zorrjac. ST. LOUI8 Oct. 21. WOOL Steady; me dlum gradea, combing and clothing, 17(9 21c; light fine, 16u47c; heavy fine, 12(i I4c; tuD-wasnea, atuc. 24 68 82 137 4'l 18 74 22 25" 70 17 30 15 18 85 37 Hit, 67 610 440 16.150 890 22,500 19.696 650 1,000 400 130 '4 87 116 34 30 175 148 11 13 3? 87 114 ir 29 174 26 13 74 4'.' 85 115 62 83 30 10 174 147 147 11 11 til 600 100 1.300 TOO 8,1 1.100 "iiii 400 2.500 34 13 76 ? 96 82 217 67 33 IS 74 20 91 81 217 8 66 8rt 400 too "ioo 49.110 665 80 7 76 36 14 69 19 7 76 3K 13 68 81 Total galea for the day. 667.600 eharea. 30 68 13 74 2 93 91 IU 216 8 65 14 68 7 75 84 13 683u 81 Usiss Rtoek etaetatloas. LONDON. Oct n.-trioslng quotations r ,1. (r uui... MS Nee Tork Central u sccesat M t-14 Nurtolk A Waatars... iUCMit 'S do pfd AtThlaoa MS Ontario A Waatars... 4 (4 IS fanaalvanls Baltlnor A Ohls.... Rand Mlnaa Canadlaa PaclSc IMS kaadlng Caaaapaaia S. Onto.. do lat pfd Chicago O. W ! I Id JJfd C a t II. P......1U soulharn Rillwa... n.BMra 1S do pfd 4S 1,(4 S foutbant Pacific gria US tnlos PaciSc , 4 lat pfd aa i do pfd do W ptd a I'd I lad n la las Steal. IlllBalJf Cutral IMS. do pfd Lounvl. a Nuh...lot Wabaah Mlaaourt. k. A T ... 17S do ptd BAR SILVER Uncertain at 28 s-ltid ytun rA MiiNKY lUrli per cent; the rate of In the ooen market for short bll la 14.4t.Ut. dot rent: the rate of discount in the open market for three months 8 per cent Forelga Flaaaetal. LONDON, Oct. . The market for money waa quiet today, and discounts were In a i,tlr condition. Business on the Stock ... i..n mmm irresTular and dull, the near nese oi tse eettlctueut and Uie prevail Lug ..lit .. a .. su .. US .. 4.-S .. s .. ws .. u .. tS .. US .. us .. 17 1S per blUa bt Oil aad Rosin. NEW YORK. Oct. 21.-OIL8 Cottonseed. dull; pertoleum, firm. rosin firm: strained common to gooq. TIIHFKNT1NK Firm. OIL CITY. Oct. 21. Credit balances. H.Ti: certificates, no Dins; shipments, tw,u4 ddis., average. 75.381 dd k.: runs, m.awt ddis.. aver age, 71,308 bhls.; shipments, Lima, 74.376 hi.is., average, t,ubN puis.; runs, 1.1 ma, w,- 939, bbls., average, 64,315 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ua Oct. 21. 1 UKPtGN- TINK Steady at 6ofc. ROSIN lirm ; A. B. C, I1.Z6; V. 6ZZ5; w, 82.50; G, 32.56; H, 82.70; I. 83.00; K, 13.60; M, 13.55; W. U., 13.90; W. W., W.90. on agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. . SUGAR Raw, steady: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 93 test. 274c: molaaHes sugar, dvbc; renned. quiet: No. 6, 4.35fr4.50c; No. 8, 4.25c; No. 9, 4.20c: No. 10. 4.16c: No. II. t.4uc; Mo. 12. 4.06c No. 13, 4c; No. 14, 3.9oc; confectioners A, 4.6oc: mould A, oc: cut loar, moc; crushed 6.36c; powdered, i.vdc; granuiaieq, t.uuc; MOLASSES Steady; New urieans open kettle, good to choice, d4(priJC. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. Zl. OUUAK Bull open kettle centrifugal, 3&3c; centrifugal white. 4''4c; yeuow, i i-jn(i 1-100; seconds. 2-ii31ic. New cine syrup, 33c. Molaases, dull; centrifugal, oa isc. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Oct. tl. WHISKY Steady baHls of finished aoods. tl 25. sr. LUUib, uct. ci. wniaii 1 cieaoy at CINCINNATI. Oct. 2I.-WHISKY-Steady at 8125 on baais of finished goods. CHICAGO, tct. 21. WHISKY-On basis of high wlnea stuady at 11.25. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. COTTON Futures opened strong; October, 9bjc; November, 9.i4c; December. 9.77c; January. J.76c; March. 9.8Uc; May, .&:; June, s.ooc; July, e.sic. . LIVEKPOHU Oct. n. twruN enot moderate business. Prices steady. Ameri can middling 5.i8d. Kaasas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 21. CATTLE Re eeiots. 13.000 head natives. 600 head Tezans 1,700 nead native calves; live steers, sieaay; rrans fed westerns, weak; cows, steady etockers and feeders, firm; bulls, steady: choice export and dressed beef steers, 13 60 to-5 U: fair to good. 14 &XU4.6U; stockera and feeders, 12.0ti4.30; western fed steers, 12.46 tfi4.40: Texas and Indian steers, 12. 40tf3. 7i Texas cows. li niHJ: native cows, 11 yw 8 80; native heifers, 12.304.60; canners, ILtw UZ.ao; hulls, ii.nxuyi.w, calves, .fiXB.a. HijGS ReceiDts. 8.O1AI head: market steady to 60 higher; top, lo.So; bulk of sales EiMA,n7h' huavv u Hhrnh u mivaii nackra 15.066.2u; light. 16.15uq.10; yorkers, 16.26 5.: Pigs. lo.loyo.ZJVv SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head; market weak to lOo lower; native lambs, txaxuo a; western lambs, 12 9Uiu.lo fed ewes. ll.ns 75: Texas clipped year lings, 12.504t4.0u; Texas clipped sheep, tZto I. To, stocaers ana leeaers, u.wqti.tu. I St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 21. CATTLE Receints. 3.120 head: steady to weak: na tlvea. 14.OOtii5.40; cows and heifers, 11.26S4.60 Blockers and feeders. !2 6tK(j4.25. HOGS Receipts, 2,690 head; steady to 10c lower; light, !4.&a&.3U; medium ana Heavy 84 75fio 10. 8HtKP AND LAMBS Receipt. 814 head;, market steady. Stock la Siaa Following are the receipts of live stock at the alx principal western cities yes ter day: Cattle. IO.OhO , 25,000 , I0.200 Cities. Omaha Chicago Kansas City Bt. Louis .... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Hogs. Sheep. ! 17.000 t.uoO ?.ts 8.690 suo 17.600 82. OuO l.Oia) 874 Totaia 8.5.0 11 JO 3,IM . .61.S30 ,1M 7,Ui OMAHA. Oct. 21. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 9.911 . 8.088 .10,000 2.446 3.310 8.800 18,8.1 26.204 17,500 4 steers.... 862 8 20 Data I 1908. 1902.1901.1900.1899.1898.1S97. fo2 6 61l 6 64 41 6 18, 6 19 6 21 80 6 37 43 I 49, 1 36 6 22 a 1 5 11 ? 08 07 i 14 761 7 20i ( 68 7 80 6 7 12 I 7 42 7 89 7 281 67 (62j 49! 83 7 14) 131 7 041 6 141 66 7 07 7 it 7 001 91, 7 16 7 02 921 83 6 181 1 6 16 4 391 t 19i 4 41 6 20 6 lo i 11 a 108 6 01 4 S2 6 l&j 4 BO! 6 20 28 ID 22 ( 29i 6 27 23 6 261 4 93i 4 931 s 4 82 4 72 4 64 4 52, 4 5i; 4 681 4 3i 4 81 4 84 4 3s I 4 36 4 83! 4 31 4 23 4 201 4 84 4 20 4 16 4 10 4 II 4 61 I 4 13 8 66 8 71 1 8 C6 1 64 8 54 3 63 8 58 69 3 64 8 67 8 60 8 69 3 63 3 69 3 70 a 67 8 73 8 71 183 a 79 a 8 73 8 71 64 3 64 3 62 8 51 3 61 8 66 8 60 1 s 1 8 69 3 14 3 60 3 64 8 62 Indicator Sunday. The official numher of cars or Stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hose. Sh'p. H'sea, C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 10- 3 3 Wabash 3 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 8 Vnlon Pacific System. 114 18 C. N. W. Ry 3 F.. E. ft M. V. R. R...103 15 C, St. P., M. O. Ry. 1 .4 tl. ft M 121) 1U B. A Q 8 C, R. I. ft P east.. 8 8 C, R. I. ft P., west.. 12 1 Illinois Central 2 1 Chicago Great W'n... 1 1 65 83 13 ii 66 607 8,016 340 3ii Total receints 874 The dlsnosltion of tne day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs, sneep, Omaha Packing Co 758 394 Swift and company 1,511 Cudahy Packing Co 937 1.098 Armour ft Company 858 1.197 Armour ft Co.. Bloux City 63 337 Vansant ft Co 101 Carey ft Benton 204 1 .oilman ft t-O m McCreary ft Carey 199 Hill ft Huntxinger 71 Huston ft Co 70 IJvlngstone ft Shaller.... 640 H. F. Hamilton 197 U F. Husa w Wolf ft Murnan 423 Hobblck ft B 60 Sam Werthelmer 167 Lewis 4 Underwood 130 ...... Other Buyers 1.079 14,il3 TVtal TV63 8,920 17,922 CATTLE The heaviest run of western cattle of the season waa reported this morn ing, but the trains were ao slow in arriving that up to a late hour it was Impossible to more than estimate the receipts. Owing to the heavy supply all. the week the market was naturally slow and lower on practically all grades. Chicago was quoted steady to a dime lower, ana mai 01 course neipcu packers In their efforts to bear the market There was onlte a snrtnkllnr of corn-fed steers In the receipts this morning andisome of them showed consiaeranie quality. ine best bunches were not a great deal lower, but at the same time It would be safe te quote the bulk of them 5 10c lower than vuurHiv. Packers did not take hold with a arreat deal of life, and consequently it maa late hefnre thev were all disposed of. The cow market wss also slow and fully Kffioo lower than yesterday on all grades There, were over iw cars in mini, mu receipts have been very heavy all the week packers were pretty well filled up by noon ana tne cioso 01 uia mr&ofc wi n r KtftttAr. - Bulls, veal calves and stags were also dull and weak In sympathy with the decline An lrfl nnd COWS. There were fully 100 cars of feeders shipped to the country yesterday, and had receipt been more moderate today the market probably would have held up In .har hut as receipts were extremely heavy buyers of course pounded the mar ket. Tne Very Oesi HUIlinrB wvic lil av great deal lower, but aslds from those prices were fully a dime lower than yes terday, and common cattle in fact were almost unsalable at any price and those that were disposed of showed a sharp de llrt Western beef steers joined In the general decline and could safely be quoted 610c lower, with Inferior grades extremely dull. Range cows suffered a decline of 6iftM0c and etockers and feeders were ful!y that much lower, with tnrenor graaes almost, unsai able. Representative sales: nr.r.r ciccno. AT Ke. 1... tl... 14... 0... 1... 1... 1...' ... ... 1... 1... Pr. He. . Pr 4 00 1 ln I 00 4 M It 144 I 00 4 10 N 121 6 15 4 M. II .JJ41 I t(t 40 COW8. 1 M 1. 1000 t M I 40 1 IM in t 40 1 nao 1 00 I 40 HHIFBRB. I to 1 T30 4 60 I 10 1110 130S ISM 111$ l. 80 1000 11M 1001 140 am 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. M IK NEBRASKA. 8 heifers.. 8 heifers.. 7 feeders. 1 feeder.. I cow.. 1 CO 790 602 9W .UiOO O'.-O 35 cows 1006 13 cows 981 8 cows Dfio 39 feeders.. 635 1 bull 1510 ..1040 .. 740 .. 870 ..1314 ..1580 E. 133 feeders. 1691 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 7 bulls. 1 bull.. 2 10 8 calves... 100 2 SO 4 steers.... 606 2 10 1 cow 670 3 10 11 feeders.. 482 1 60 4 feeders.. 870 2 00 1 cow 970 2 45 t cows 736 2 45 2 cows 960 2 00 6 cows 884 2 15 4 cows 9J6 2 00 4 feeders.. 1030 WYOMING. 1 85 31 cows 929 1 85 1 cow 950 1 86 17 cows 860 2 15 38 steers. ...1164 2 15 2 steers.. ..1290 P. Meyers Neb. 8 92 William Welch Neb. I cows 925 2 25 2 feeders.. 1045 I cows..... 974 8 10 8 cows..... 974 1 bull 1180 2 05 87 cows 916 James Farrell Neb. 29 feeders.. 1118 3 40 87 rowe 1062 3 steers. ...mi t x 1 duii iv P. 8. Roueche Neb. . 82 feeders.. 8? 8 26 ftlOOieeil X?EOB. IN CD. 17 COWS 9b0 2 15 1 cow 840 H. Fus-Neb. 26 feeders.: 881 8 80 4 feeders., 723 46 feeders., sa 1 M 4 feeders., I cows boo 1 w i cow aw 1 feeder... 870 2 00 R. Williams Neb. 27 feeders. .1211 4 00 1 feeder... 1000 w. j. iienaee isei). 26 feeders.. 922 3 SO 1 feeder... 790 1 feeder... 900 1 75 James Phllpot Neb. I bulls 10M 2 80 2 cows K 1 bulls St 3 15 3 cows..... 905 I cows 970 8 56 4 cows lttrf) 1 cow 1320 2 10 1 cow H80 1 heifer.... iM 8(0 1 heifers... 660 v. Keiung neo. . 833 3 20 1 steer... . 821 3 20 1 steer... W. Keatlng-Neb. . 960 3 00 1 cow.... .1100 3 46 R. H. LanbamNeb. 7'K 3 00 Ben Claymore Neb. 8 steers.. steers.. 8 cows... 7 cows... 11 feeders. 4 25 1 60 1 60 2 16 2 15 2 20 2 00 2 60 2 15 1 75 5 00 t 45 2 45 1 86 3 46 3 00 3 20 2 10 3 50 2 46 3 00 t 00 2 60 2 60 3 40 8 60 t 78 8 65 3 65 2 66 3 14 1 26 3 60 8 20 830 850 1210 3 46 8 feedera. 1 cow ( cows.... 10 cows..., bull 3 bulls.... 1 bull 1 heifer... 8 feeders, 1 calf 1 cow 43 cows.,., 21 cows.... 1 cow 0 3 cows... 8 steers.. . St .1030 .. 936 ,. 976 . 970 .1236 .1270 3 16 1 60 2 60 3 60 8 10 2 10 3 10 8 feeders.. 882 3 cowa 936 cowa 9b3 1 bull iao 1 bull 13u0 1 bull 1310 . 810 . 8J . 130 . 940 , 89S . 8i3 .10O A. Smith Neb. 3 S6 8 6i 8 60 1 90 1 90 1 90 1 90 Dunn ft 8i5 3 00 43 steers... calves.. t cow 1 cow 54 heifers.. 30 cows.... Son Neb. 1 cow.... 695 156 870 643 933 3 It 2 10 3 60 1 60 2 10 2 10 R M 8 0 1 0 1 90 3 25 3 80 I Sloans..- lit t 20 H. Burke Neb. tog 3 20 3 cowa. ,.1040 1 80 1 steer. 60 M 1 64 I 80 ...1110 ....1150 .1111 . 100 1 steers.... 906 3 20 1 cow 680 3 60 A. Brok-Neh, 1 steer 800 3 20 1 row, 36 cows 9-4 2 45 1 cow. 1 cow 970 3 00 N. J. Scott Neb. I) feeders. .1111 3 65 4 feeders 1 feeder... 870 8 00 1 calf.... D. Kelly Neb. 25 feeders.. 1R8 3 55 3 feeders Smith Meson Neb. 23 feeders.. 7t0 8 55 C. F. Snsathen Neb. 74 feeders.. 1018 3 25 8 feeders. .1018 Julian Luer Neb. 34 cows 956 2 (V A. E. Thatcher Neb. 26 feeders.. 1113 3 65 I C. Musser Neb. It feeders. 10 3 66 2 feeders .. 965 Standard Cattle Co Neb 2 00 3 60 3 00 4 60 930 3 00 2 76 1 feeder... KW 2 70 49 corns. 3 cows i0 2 40 2 cows... 6 cowa.... 882 2 60 K. Roencrsns Neb. 1 cow 8M 2 15 4 steers.. 1 cow 8S0 2 50 8 steers.. 1 cow mo 2 60 ' 7 steers.. 1 cow InlO 2 15 1 cow. .1031 .1U!0 .1027 . 9 9 930 3 66 1 To 2 40 8 3.1 3 35 3 35 2 50 Wyoming Hereford Association Wyn, 3 cows 8 cows. 10 cows. 1 cow.., 1 calf.. .1 .1020 A. . 9)7 .1170 . 200 S2 cows 1121 2 75 3 6 2 30 Falconer Wyo. 2 50 6 cows.. 2 50 9 cows.. 8 50 H I.lnd Wvn 22 feeders.. 967 3 3 11 cows 9T6 2 20 18 cows 1006 2 50 Ira Karman Wyo. 8"3 863 1 00 2 15 26 feeders.. 10 feeders.. 11 heifers... 23 cows.... 1 bull. 1 steer., 11 steers., 8 cowa... 3 00 3 feeders.. 939 3 40 1 calf 130 2 75 30 cows 1005 2 20 1 bull 1450 2 15 M. Geary Wyo. 3 80 26 feeders.. 868 8 70 Covington Bros.--Wyo. . 210 4 75. 3 feeders.. .. 840 3 60 1 feeder... . 375 3 75 4 feeders.. 907 . 6S0 2 6S 25 feeders.. 771 J. L. Jordan Wyo. .1026 4 00 Wechtlr-Wyo. 4 00 2 feeders.. 1008 J. Mlller-Wyo. 4 00 1 feeder... 1036 ft Co.-S. D. 1 steer 930 939 7fl 6:.9 939 .1910 II. 24 feeders.. 1040 1 calf 2 calves.. 3 calves., 1 bull 28 feedera, A. 39 feeders.. long W. 18 feeders.. 1036 Lnke Tomb 20 steers.. ..1126 3 10 3 60 4 60 2 70 2 15 25 2 25 2 90 3 90 8 25 3 25 3 10 3 30 ..1160 8 10 22 steers.... 1164 A. E. Langpre 8. D. ..1190 3 65 3 cows 835 2 IS ..1126 8 65 R. I.. I-anrnre S. D. 12 feeders.. 10W 8 66 1 feeder... 1300 8 63 8 feeders.. 1025 3 00 Western Rnnchea. Ltd. 8. D. 120 ateers... 1100 3 15 60 steers.... 1167 3 45 J. H. Williams S. D. 17 feeders.. 3 20 22 feeders.. R'7 8 60 t feeders.. 7f 3 00 5 cows 932 3 75 B. W. Llndblom S. D. 22 feeders.. 1122 8 46 P. Duhamel B. V. 23 steers.. ..1153 3 36 C. K. Howard S. D. 994 2 90 B. Griffin S. D. 3 15 ft McKenna 8. D. 80 steers, E. 17 feeders.. 948 Ones 8 feeders. .1096 8 feeders.. 1000 8 feeders.. 1085 6 feeders.. 921 1 steer 1240 2 feeders.. 1000 1 feeder... 940 1 bull 1140 E, 27 feeders.. 1039 13 steers.... 119 1 feeder... 990 5 feeders.. 1?00 8 feeders.. 931 1 feeder. 1 feeder., 7 cows..., 1 steer..., 940 60 .1042 .1190 8 15 3 15 3 25 8 16 3 00 2 65 3 60 8 00 8 feeders. 1 feeder.., 890 720 8 00 2 30 4 25 steers under 1.000 pounds. 13.7SifJ4tO: etock ers snd foedcrs. 12.atvh3.to; cowa snd heifers. f2.2M4.i; canners, !1.75ti2.10; bulls. l:Si, J 00; calves. 13 ivi6 75: Texas snd In dian steers, li.Sivtj J.; cowl and heifers, !J.ni 2 so. . Htxts-Recelpte. 7.000 heed. The market whs dull for heavy; better for others. Pljss snd lights, 15.1.4i5.4r.; packers. ti.lXK&o.to; butchers' snd best heavy, .-. .1160 811 KKP Receipts. 2.000 li.sd. The mar ket wna lr,- and loaer. Native muttons. 13.J.1iS70; lambs, 14.nnfri6.28; culls and bucks, IXutxSM.uo; Blockers, liooiil.to. ew York I.lvo Stock Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 21 CATTLE Re celpts. 2.917 head; market for steera. steady to strong: bull, stesdy; cows, slow; nil sold; nntlve steers, 13.76fi6.6.i: oxen and stags. 83.25ci4.nO; bulls. 12 Zft'oS.to; cows. 11.10 ti3.25; fat Ohio cows, 14.25. Cables were steady. CALVE8-Recelpts, t.098 head; prime veals, stedv; all other calves, slow to 2.V lower; veals, 14..Vdi8.75: tops, 8S.8747t.ik); culls. 34.00; grasners. 32.25riS.oO; westerns, . looM.oO; city drcsaed veals weak at 811 13c per Hi ; country dressed. 7llc. Hot 18 Receipts, 8.150 head; steady; state and Pennsylvania, ooc. 15. SHEEP AND LAM H8 Receipts, IO.SoO head; sheep slow to 2.c lower; lambs lfKjilidc. lower than Monnay; sheep. 12.2iH3.SO; few choice, !:;.7S; Inmhs, M. 75115.70; one deck, 1S.75; culls, 14.inyij4.25; Canada lambs, 85.10 fen. 50. Exports today, 167 head cattle, 728 head sheep and 6,764 quarters of beef. Sioux rilj Live Stork Mceket. BIOl'X CITY, In., Oct. 21. (Special Tele gram. I CATTLE Receipts. 2.000 head. Market steady; beeves. 14.0rvfi5.30; cows, bulls and mixed. tJ.20ti3.So; Blockers snd feeders, 82. too 3.60; calves and yearlings, !-.26'.i3 40. HOGS Receipts, 800 head. Mnrkct 6c higher at I4.96v5.15: bulk, t5.orni&.05. REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS, 8 15 3 15 8 IT. 8 25 3 60 2 50 2 75 2 20 R. Ness S. D. 3 45 2 feeders.. 1039 3 15 John Frleburg Colo. 617 3 35 1 teener. 620 3 00 8 heifers. J. Chandler Mont. 8 steers.... 11 63 4 25 4 steers.... 1342 12 steers.... 1567 4 25 HOGS Reci Ipts of hogs were more liberal thla morning than they have been of late, about 8,800 being reported. Packers thoush evidently had to have a few, and as a ri sult prices held fully steady with yester day. Trading though was slow owing to the fact that salesmen wanted more money, while packers were not willing, to give over Steady prices, in some caaea uiuugu win looked a little stronger, especially on the light weights. The heavy hogs sold largely from 15.00 to 16.05, with some of the common kinds below that. The medium weights went largely from 15.05 to 15 10. with lights, all the way up to 15 35. All the early ar rivals were disposed of In good season, but the same as usual, some iraine were iaie, which delayed the close and the late ar rivals did not sell to as good advantage. ft 04 ft 07V, ft 07 I 01 ft 07V, ft 01' ft 0" ft OH ft 07 ft 07 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 1 10 I 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 -ft 11 1 1ft ft M I 10 ft w SHEEP Owing to liberal receipts this morning and unfavorable reports from all other points the market here was not very active. Good fat stuff was extremely scarce and as a result packers had to pay right around steady prlcea for deslrab.e gradea in spite of the fact that they wanted to, get their supplies for leas money. The com moner grades of klllera, though, were alow m.nA weak. The feeder trade dragged to quite an ex tent except In the case of the very best grades, which held right at steady prices. Th inferior kinds, though, were dull and weak, the same aa yesterday, and that waa especially true of the common kinds of jambs. There were quite a few of those carried over from yesterday, and buyers were able to pick up some bargains as com- Sared with ten days or two weeks ago. The Jnds that were selling then at 14 can now be bought from 83 50 to 13.66. Owing to the that trad in a- was rather alow the day waa well advanced before even the bulk of the offerings was aisposeo or. ' Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, 14.7506.00; fair to good lambd, 14 kv4 75: choice yearlings, !3.60ft3.83; fair to aood yearlings, 13.4O4i3.60; choice weth ers, 13.354360; fair to good wethers. 13 15(9 8 35; choice ewes. 82.8603.10; fair to good ewea, 12.502.80; choice feeder lambs, W.lCxa 4 50- fair to good feeder lambs, 13.5O04.uO; feeder yearlings, 13.35(?3.0: feeder wethers, 13.00y3.25; feeder ewes, Il.60ijr2.so. Repre niottvA sales: No Av, 127 South Dakota feeder ewes... 89 ii9 South Dakota feeder ewes... 85 150 Wyoming feeder ewes 350 Wyoming feeder'ewea 324 South Dakota feeder ewes.. log Wyoming feeder ewes 104 etah ewes 16 1'tah feeder lambs 148 I'tah feeder lambs 31 Wyoming ewes 351 South Dakota feeder lambs. 63 I'tah cull amDH toO Utah feeder lambs 3o2 South Dakota teener lamDS.. 127 South Dakota feeder lambs., ?78 South Dakota feeder Inmbi., 264 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 101 W vomlng ewes 20 Wyoming ewe 878 Wyoming feeder lambs : 60 Wyoming reeoer lamDS 441 Wyoming yearlings 249 Wyoming yearlings 4S8 Nebraska reeoer yearlings. 1130 Wyoming feeder lambs 475 1 300 400 1 75 250 No. At. SB. Pr. No. At. Fh. 40 121 180 4 0 0 !M IM 11 Ill ... 4 96 06 170 120 M 153 84 ft 96 bt 271 10 4 3 40 4 ft 61 21 100 CI Ml ... I 00 tS 170 110 29 lit ... ft 00 6 2S ... ft4 Ill 280 ft 00 61 171 ... 48 Ill IU0 ft 00 M 271 M II 24 ... ft 00 12 271 120 64 ..! 10 I 02V M 2tt 110 l .?1 IM ft t4 IM 1M 51 104 120 1 02 V 41 -If 0 (1 125 80 ft 06 M 271 170 41 Kit 120 ft Oft CI 110 M n 2i 80 ft 05 (J 2"0 120 4 1ST 40 ft Oft T7 Ill 10 2 241 40 ft Oft II 20 120 U.,..,...r IOO ft Oft 48 244 M 14 Ill 100 ft 08 M IM 120 U 24 10 ft 01 41 Ill ... M 181 440 ft Ot M 266 40 41 HI ... 1 Oft II 171 ite M....I...WI 10 ft Oft 4 24 ... to 264 1(0 ft 01 67 Ml 40 64 2M 40 ft 01 41 2lt ... 66 26 10 ft Of II 224 ... 64 27t 44 ft Ot 1M 101 40 45 2(1 40 t 01 98 88 (0 94 lo 39 39 1(0 40 44 60 62 63 61 65 98 87 42 4n 1 0 84 86 66 Pr, 2 10 2 10 2 15 2 25 2 30 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 S'5 2 90 3 10 3 10 8 65 8 90 4 ro 4 ?5 4 25 2 60 2 75 2 75 2 ro 8 40 8 50 3 : 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Steady, Hog- Markrt Higher aad Sheep Stroogr. at rinT VI D.ulnli t,nn.AUO, v r. I. 4i . v. y i . m j ..-,,..-. 35.000 head, Including 600 head Texan and 8.000 westerns; market steady to strong; good lo prime steers, va.aiw , j'"" medium. I3.60tr4.76; stockera snd feeders, 12 2544.10; cows, 11 3ra4.4t; heifers. 32.otr 4.86; canners. 31.8S4i2.5o; bulls. 12.0014 35: mivM 2 00i7.25: Texas fed steers. 82.76a 3.50; western steers, 83.254.75. HOGS Receipts. lY.taw neaa; mwu tomorrow. 16.000 head; market steady to 10c higher; mixed and butchers'. 8.16i.70; good to choice heavy, 86.2f.ff 60; rough heavy. 34 8W6.26; light, 5.8tjp5.f6; bulk of "BHEEHAND LAMBS Receipts, 32 000 head; market stesdy to strong; good to choice wethers. 12 0064.00; fair J Jf"0' mixed, 82.0013.00: weatern sheep. 82.304.00; native lamua $3.25i6.2; western lambs. 13.75tjS.00. St. Lools Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 21 CATTLE Receipts. .... v,.4 i.i,Min ft fail head Texana. The market was slow but steady. Nlv" . . i I avw.nnst aa t dMdrm mA atrntli StZ. dressed beef and butchers1 ateers, 14 01x05.00; Deeds tiled for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Company. Bonded Abstracter, 1614 Karanm Htreet. Lori M. Payne to Abble F. Bradford, lot 6, block 6, Gramniercy park 2 1 William G. Slinonnon, et al., to Ella H. Braun, lots 15 and 16, Waverly addition 2,4(0 Kale M. Rhoades and husband to Mary Cllne, lot 19, block 14. Hunscom Place 2,500 Charles J. Adams' to Ernst Ulosles, lot 6. Rungs' subdivision of Burr Oak addition William K. Potter ua Receiver to Frank A. Ward, lot 1. block 4, Capitol Hill addition Julia A. Cameron to Martha D. C. Chapman, lot 16, block 108, Florence.. Jesse H. Chapman and husband to same, lot 17. block lo8, Florence City of Florence to same, lots 16 and 17. block 108, Florence Florence Compnny to City of Florence, lots 13 and 14, block 111, and lot 16, block 114. Florence P. A. Carlston and wife to Fred H. Bentley. s30 feet, lot t. Lay ton's addition Chesley 8. Lay ton and wife to same, 1 . 1 I T a ,11. 1,n Ellen M. Carlork and husband to John D. Ware, lot 4, block 10, Hanscom Place 4,250 John D. Ware to F. J. Fltxgerald, same 5.010 Kathryn M. Bartholomew to Martin and Mary Zechmelater, n of lot 7. sll feet of lot 8, and atrip ad joining, all In block 181. City of Omaha 1,350 G. A. Glbbs, et al.. Executors, to George A. Luce, K0x210 in ne of se, section 9. township 16, range 12 1 .Tomes C. Davis, Executor, to same, 130 210 Irt same 8,650 Chii'.les 8. Huntington, et al., Exe cutors, to William Fleming, tt of ntitlot 108, Florence William A. Plummer, Assignee, to Sarah A. Church, lot 5, block 1, Ralph Place uddltlon 1.6C0 David 8. Glascott to Morris Rosen blatt, n50 feet of sl53 feet lot 38, Redlck's 2d sddltinn 1,850 South Omslia, Land Company to John Tomaszklewiei, lot 10, block 60, South Omaha Maty E. McAyeal, Executrix, to Anna D. Keever, lot 8, block 8, Monmouth Park addition Sarah A. Jenklnson to Charles R. Caughlan, e22 feet of s of lot 8, blork 246. City 1,500 Ella Harrison to Conservative Savings ft Loan Association, w33 feet of e67 feet, lots 1 and 2, block 16, Han scom Place addition John Wessberg snd wife to George P. Davis, lot 18, piock l, Miuara i'iace addition 1 306 425 600 100 NOTICE TO FARMERS I have a fine 1500 piano that I will trud . even up for a good team of horses, pr one horse and some cash. Piano waa used Ave months and bought of Bchmoller ft Mueller Piano Co. Omaha. Address A, care Bee office, Council Bluffs, Iowa. PZIiEPHONE fO ANY OF OUR ISO imcES IRKET PRICES ON lkTJlW.X-JmM iawiV4e-eiis--v;1 7ilEAT.D s ' we nave tne largest priTaw wi 7".m Amarlca, and will glv you trie latest talegrapb prices at Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth. Orders for future delivery executed at the market prompt service given. Commltalonal Wheat, l-loc per bu; en eats and corn, l-ee per bu. Commlaalon oa stocks, 1-4 per coat. CUin If C YOUR WHEAT AND IJ tllr J ZP OTHER DRAINS. We guarantee highest easb prices and prompt teturna, paying drafts lo sdvane upon con signments. Commissions, o per buabal. No Interest Charred for Carrying Long Storks. dfYTz commission ca & KJIm CAP.0RPL0SaOO,OOO WGRAIN STOCKS OT2NERAL OFFICESi NEW YORK I II H BUH1.. MINNBAPOU ROBT. VANCE, Correspondent 101S Karnam St., Ouiaua. Tel. 34' CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOl idivords, Uood Room A f rUnhgttan Bldg., fiJ Q b ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealer lit Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for rash or oa reasonable margins Members loavortaat RrcVaogea. Prl. ate Wires. Write for our dally marl et letter snd pri vate telegraph cipher -mailed fro. Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Prompt Ktturns. 109 Bee Bid. Pbeae RS14 Omaha. Kefcraskav. Dalntb. Wlaalpeg. YEARE GRAIN CO. 310-211 Booed of Trade. OMAHA. NEB. C. W. gword, Maooger. Tel. 1510. DURI1S, HASKELL GO. 320 N. Y. Lifs Omaha, Co. Bluffs St. R. R. & Bridge Co, STOCK. Dividend Guaranteed by O. R, ft. Co. wi lis ibt re oo i mm oa 100 at a viir A'TRACTI VI HOUM. v; i