TnC OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, OCTOREK 22. 1P03. HARVARD TARES TflE CONORS Ttn tit Team Cuaiapioinliia af Interool legiat Golf Anooationi ONE PRlNCtTON MAN MAKIS POINTS Tossy QaallOla ftsssd Is ladlvld- al aeilsast W ill atari, ts fete tsaeladrd Sstsrday- Brit ish to Play. a. TEX CJTT. U Ott 21 Harvard, U generally empst'ted, ega:.n won the Inv amplonsiilp honors of th Inter coll w" Uolf UMKiiUoo on the Osrdea City club's link today, heating Prlna toa V arar or ZlVi to IH point. Teat af six men each, from th tiro unlver a played morning and afternoon rounds . IHwd boles, making la all a final rou. f thirty-els. bolea. In the first round HliTard won every match, but In the afternoon thr Princeton man had the advantage during the second round of th links, but only one of them, J. W. Baker, v as successful on tha entire day play, as he defeated li. B. HoUlna, jr.. by t up, which, according to the intercollegiate methods of scoring, gav him XV points, the only figures made for the New Jersey team. H. Chandler gan played very teadlly ail through, finishing tha morning round 1 up on F. O. Reinhart, and he in creased this during the afternoon te T op at the finish. Summary of tha batch play: H. C. Egan. Harvard, beat F. O. Rein hart, Princeton. 7 up; W. E. Egan, Har vard, beat H.-Conkiln, Princeton, up; U. McBimey, Harvard., beat I N. James, Princeton, I up; W. C Chick, Harvard, beat M. Olypbant. Princeton, I up: J. W. Baker, Princeton, beat' H. B. HoUlna, Jr, Harvard. I up. Tomorrow the collegians will begin a qualifying round for the Individual cham pionatUp, the foal round of which WU1 be played on Saturday. In addition to the intercollegiate contest tomorrow Silas "Rhone Adair, champion woman golfer of Great Britain, will make her first appeararto on Metropolitan links in a mixed foursome, oyer the Garden City course. Miss Adair will have Devereauz. F.mmett for a partner and their opponents will be Miss Frances C. Orlscom of Phila delphia and Walter J. Travis, the amateur golf champion of the United .States. HOT CHASES AFTER THE JACKS ss Flat Caraa; vVltsessed la the rt.rtr aa' All-Aged atakea. TTEARXKT, Neb., Oct ZL (Special Tele gram. V This was another great day at the Mississippi Valley Futurity Coursing club meet and It developed some of the greatest coursing ever seen In the country. The weather was perfect ad the grounds In the best of condition. Kvery hound unleashed seemed to be in perfect form, while the Jacks performed admirably. The attend ance was very large. The third and fourth ties In the Futurity Were run oK. Results In the third ties were as follows: Miss Ldddle, owner John Russell. Cable Til., beat Tracy Pasha: Bonclalr, C. E. Root. New Richland, Minn., beat Tatieh; Norfolk.. Anrelo Nooe. Denver, beat Bur prise Me. Advertiser, Wilson It Allen, Vic tor, la., beat Hopeless Harry; Pathfinder, flame owner, beat Paul Jones; Celtic, Charlton at Son. Minneapolis, beat The Bard; lady Bright, U F. Bartela. Denver, ran a bye; Lady Brash, same owner, beat Bonnie Clair. In the fourth dm Hbs Mddle beat Bon clalr, Norfolk beat Advertiser. Pathfinder best Lady Bright, and Lady Braah beat Celtic . There are lot entries fa the alt-ace stake and half of them were rua through today. The winners were Rosy Cross, Printer Northern Lights. Rotation, Llewellyn, Trump, Brand. "Colorado, Tours Truly, Northern Express. Joe Pasha, Bamboo OirL Block Boy,- White Hat." Dei Rio. Manuel, Rarkerarrq. Lord , Butte, Grace Greenwood, Jlmmte JacVson, Charming Thought Rolls Wells,' Vnton Star. King of plaxoaods. Lon Clair, New Wrinkle.. Tomorrow the semi-final and finals In the Futurity will he run and the remainder of the .trials' in. QvaUrag wiU be pulled off. . . ... ... . ... "There Is little sport In having horses that one is unsbl to eee. and, hestrtes, my trainer, John Husains. Is getting old. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Wllfal Win Phseals Haadlea al Worth, Making sew Trees; Keeerd, CHICAOO. Oct. Zl. The Phoenl handi cap, at a mile snd a sixteenth, at Vrth wisy was wr.n tv Wilful in the fast time of 1 MS- This Is a new record for the trarl and is within one-fifth of a second of the world's mark. Results: Firnt race, six furlntigs: Bantemo won. Wrejuh of Ivy second, Italph Young third. Time: 1:13V Peoond rare, six furlonrs: The Stewardess won, Csrdwellton second. Belle Mabone third. Time: 1.13k. , Third race, mile and a nixteen'h. Phoenix handl'sp: Wilful won. Incubator second. AlTrer thira. l ime: Fourth race, mile and an eighth: Carat won. Our Beeete second. Brief third. Tune: -'V . urtn mee. mile ana seventy funis. Boeeter wni. The Major second, Mary Wwt third. Time: l.i. WKth race, one mile: Charley Thompson won. Sir lAuncelot second. lorlce third. Time: l:Pt, NEW YORK. Oct. n. Results: First race, six furlongs: Reliance won. Acclamation second, Chatnplin third. Time: Bueond race, mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: VnmaFked von. Nevermore second. f ntl.-1- third. Time: 1:4714. Third race, mile snd a furlong, handicap: Eugenia Burch won. Salvateiia second Sheriff Bell third Time: 1:U. Kourth race, six furlonrs. Mercury nandi. cap: Divination won. Grenade second, Ijiitr Amelia third. Time: 1 . Fifth race. fl-e furlongs: For Luck won. Oiden I rop second, nammuiia tniro. Time: IKInK. Hmh race, mile and a eixtenth. selling: Iady Potentate won. Carbuncle second. Outsioer thlra. Time: l KT. lXJt lS. Oct. 21 Results: Firet rsoe, six furlongs: Woodson won. Gold Spot second, Tom Olney third. Time: l it itecond rax. five and a half furlongs: Weird won. Haven Run second. Doctor Scherff third. Time: 1 Third race, six furlonrs: Deutachlsrul won. MaJlory second, d Ball third.! Tims: Fourth run mile and a sixteenth, hand! ran: Flintlock won. IUJi McKenn second. Fifth race, five furlongs: Miss Crawford won. Sanctum second. Toupee third. Time: 1 :llU. Hixth race, mile and a sixteenth: Varna Fonso won, Wilhelmina second False third. Time: 1:6a GASOLINE OUTRUNS STEAM tare Betweea Aatesseblles ta Test Merits ml nival Varieties af Meter Cars. DEFENSE BY STATE CLRD who reside about six miles northeast of here, was brought to the Cottage hospital today suffering from an Injury that may cost bits the eight of one of his eyes. He Problem of WdneadT t Tort lilT PaU P'Vlng with some companions when ' . . be was struck In the eye wUh an arrow that Imbedded Itself In the eye in such manner that it la feared be will be blind ag a result. Eeuln Against Kilitia KERRASKANS ARC W HOTTWT CONTEST gel 4 1 era llsaa Ipsa Heystaeks aal far This Breark af Ethles af Mlssla Warfare Ksgaaeaieat Oaeea't Caaat. WUST TAKE LAW AS IT STANDS neary W. Yates Palate Oat the Caa- Itleae That Caafraat Tax Caaasalsaleaer. OMAHA. Oct. a To the Editor of The FORT RILET. Kaa- Oct. Five states I R .w , . ,tatw,,t that the against tha United States and practical? p)kjn rrk(:ng of the new revenue law an even break all around waa tha reault wmi require bank to list for taxation f the army ezcercisea today. The anlU- their entire assets In the same manner lary situation for the day waa that each I tna i. v js construed by Mr. Fleming detachment of state troop should take up 1 10 apply to commercial corporations and a defensive position and there await the I flrmm, Mr. Fleming replies In The Bee this attack af n force of regular troops against morning as follows: It. In. each oaae the attacking party waa l Yea, it would be preposterous to assess the ad ranee of an Imaginary army. The I B national bank as he illustrates It The Iowa regiment took Its place on the Ogden fact that the schedules for banks, loan, flats and waa there attacked by the Tent trust and Investment companies prepared cavalry, which drew off after a spirited seTersj weeks ago, call for an assessment action without penetrating the line of I practically the same as heretofore ss far men from the Hawkeys state, who were as results are concerned la the best evl well handled by then officers. dence of the Interpretation put upon the What might have happened when the section relating to banks, etc., by the dty hypothetical main body came In contact I attorney and commissioner. with the defenders Is something that can 1 It wag tny Intention to show by my fl- only be guessed at. As It waa however, j lustration that the proposed assessment the regulars did not get through. Texas 1 upon the entire assets "preposterous.1 also held Its own. I If the city attorney and tax commissioner The Missouri regiment tcok. Ita place on I are able to Interpret the law against Its the hills north of the ramp, where tt plain reading as it applies to banks. In withstood the stuck cl Colonel Kline's 1 order to prevent their taxation being pre- Twenty-flret Infantry. The advance was I poeterona," why may they hot exercise the run back to the main line, or as the men I earn discretion In applying it to other of military talk expressed It, "the Calvin 1 1 business institutions, the taxation of which was drawn In," but the umpires stopped 1 Is equally preposterous! the fight before It eame to a question I The fact that the national law will pro whefher the regulars could have broken I tect national banks from this preposterous through the lines. Brake the Kaasas Llae. Kansas did not fare quit as well. In the first place General Hughes' two regi menu were presented with topographical plan of assessment has really no bearing In the matter. It a also useless to discuss what should be the proper basis for tax atlon we have the law as It la and must deal with facts, not theories. 7 am quite ore that Kofh the eltv attnrnev miA Ui features which worked against them and commllll!l0ner will endeavor only to do their lavorea tne advance more uiaa wu uw case with the troops of the ether states. GCCD. CHANCE FOR ROOTERS Oaaaha aad Yarat High Sehaals Meet Batardar aal Pail Faat Ball la Kxpeete. A small but enthusiastic crowd of spec tat jrs witnessed a race at the Council Blufls mile track yesterday afternoon be tween twa automobiles, owned by mil Bran dels and the Andersen-Mlllard com pany. The race was a contest between steam and gasoline propelled machines and resulted in a victory lor the latter in en eight-mile contest, in fifteen minutes and ten seconds. Mr. Brandeis' machine was a Peerless, two-cylinder gasoline, and was driven by Charles Btutx. The Andersen-Mlllard com pany machine was a White steam touting oar, with steam compound engine, and waa driven by Frank Decker. Owing to the inability of the chauffeur to develop a suf flniwit amount of ijn the race lost that Interest which attaches to cloeoljr contested events. The two machines were gotten under wny at I 4i. but the steam machine balked at the "jlrat quarter aad after that the race. Insofar as anything like a contest was concerned, was over, for the gasoline ma chine forged ahead and had made two miles and over before the steam machine had nasaed the first mile. The time made by Mr. Brandeis machine was as follows: Half 1:1 First mile Z:M Half M Second mils 1:B HaJf :M Third mile 1:K Half 1 J0 Fourth mile ...... I Half Firtft mile I K Half 0:6 Sixth mile l il Half :M Seventh mile 1 :5g Half 97 Eighth mile IM Total 15.1 ' At the beginning of the event it seemed that the speotatora would witness a closely contested race, l'p ' to the first quarter both machines went evenly and at good headway, but at that oolnt the generator on the steam machine went awry and after that there waa nothing resembling a race. Sluts put his machine through a fart as he could, however, in the effort to make a record and the time established was re. gardod aa remarkably good in view ot the condition or tne iraca, v. men was quit heavy owin to the Tact that it was cof red with a thick layer of loose earth. Had It not been for a bad place In the north end of the track on the stretch, where it waa necessary to slow up, nererai seconds could have been taken from this Urn. duty ar.d will not willingly Injure any busi ness rnerest Rut It la nn tn thefn in Owing to these obstacles, which the Kan- m th, teat ttf a had case and I believe men were caiiea upon to coniront. me .h.r .umt,n,A ronmtninm ,h Eighth cavalry succeeded in forcing Its taw tht UxaUon nnaer ,t wtu not way through the center or tne nanses i nreno-taroua nngaae. uenerai tiugnes orougni up ais Tn ran pnly done by requiring the support promptly and made the effort te ntUn. of credits, not gross credits, and bring his line Into shape, but the umpires M w,l ba Injured bv that reason called the thing off Just as It was getting bia ccgtrucUon there can be no objection t do a mignry pretty ngni. wim ue nnu i or complaint from any quarter. The foot ball tnthusiasta will be able to witness the beet exhibition of this sport that can be put UP by high school elevens next Saturday when the Omaha High school meets the gridiron warriors from Yora. Neb. The. game will be played at Vinton Street park. A large attendance is ex pected, as this Is one of the most Impor tant games of the season. The York team lias already demonstrated Its prowess in the game by defeating several of the good lenua by a decisive soure. The best ad vantage of the new rules are reached In high a hool teame on aooount of the speed abd the light weight of the players, aa It enables there to nee the required open play which teams 'of their sise must always rely upon The Omaha boys have teen making good progress under Coach Capell for the last two weeks snd are playing In area. l - form, iotS7ithstanding ths mifur 4 tunes at Ut first f the season. Captain Thompson is back again and playing at Ms old position of tight tackle, and Stein, t k left tackle. Is a host In himself Rogers Is also bsj-k In the game and the rooters sr expecting him to do great things st right gaard. Putnam, the fullback, has twn moved to center on account of ths WMkartt in the line, and be Is holding trie-i place down admirably. A decided Changs in the strength of the line is already no tice. In ths back field 8-edeberg, Bur neua Shields, Loftua, Bronte and Yodw are shosing up well, and it la a, safe pre diction that the game on Saturday mill be a hard fourht affair. If the high school continues In the game as well as It ho a been doing in practice, there l not muth alullity of It losing the context. RESULTS AT MEMPHIS MEET Hal Caaata Wlas gassy Soath Stakes with gtar Hal aa Csac pet Iter. WICHITA TRACK IS LONG garreysr wears - ta Laaarth aad Ttaaers Make Affidavit e Tlsa ( Creaeeaa, WICHITA. Kan.. Oct tl -President C M. Itaiu today gave out a sworn suiexnenl af Ransom H. Brown, former county aur veyer of Sedgwick county, that he meas ured the Wichita track over ahlch Crs eeus trotted a mile In Monday after noon and found tt to be S K: 4 feet, or M feet nsare than a mile long. The measure ment was made June 1 1K). aad ths track haa not beea changed sines that time. Amdavtts f Official Timers A. C. Jordan. X T. Esnes and Fred Steams that IJ was ths correct time were aiso made. f aaasrs la trraatry Bsslaesa. Joe A Blum, for twelve years proml Bsntly lasrtltied with the Cudahy Packing eamany, haa acquired an Interest In th Nsoraska-Iowa Crianwry company aud as aaimee an active part in the business. Mr. Blura haa rerttcned from tha execuuve staiT or tha Cudahy Packing company and Ukri chnrge at once. Mr. Blum has alao purchased the rreamerle 1"" 'e1 at Cres ton. Atianttr, Anape and Elliott, la . and ail will be operated In connection with tha Nebraka-log from headquarters la this city. MEMPHIS, Oct HaJ Chaffln with Orera drivlna won the Bunny S.'Uth stakes for 2:U pacers at the Memphis Driving park today. Star Hal won the first heat handily in tM. In the second heat, Hal thamn won by a nee a in a nam ante through the stretch In the fast time of f:t&V The third and last heat was won by Hal Chafbn. Star Hal broke badly and ftnlehed last in thia heat Track race for amateur drivers had for aUrters only The Monk and Ida Hlshwood. The Monk took both heats. Tomorrow Dan Patch w.U go against the world pacing record. Sam. mary ; S:1X class trot, purse H,6M. Topey. b. m. tBnow) 1 The Questor. b. g. Geer) t Bermuda Maid, br. m. (McCarthy) I Kebleola. b. m. (Randera f Joymaker, b. h. (McCoy) 4 Teneo ro. g. (Fenelonl I Rlehne, blk. m. iSherman) Jim I'nderwood, b. g. (Hart) T Lady Dowrlng, b m. (Robie) die Time: 1:11V. 1:UH. 1:11 class pacing. Bunny South stake. S2.UUV adoed: Hal Chafhn, br. h (Oeers) J t r-iar Hal. b. h. tSnowt 1 t Coue-n Madge, blk. m. (Benedict) ..4 1 Dlabllte, b. g. (Walker) (41 Five Points, blk. n (Sir an) dls Time: t:06: l:&; t X. t.W class trot purse tl.OuC: Tha ParaoJ. bik. g (Colby) 1 Aden W. b. g. (McMahon) I t linen! Birch wood. ch. m. (McQarr).. I I Kirkwood Jr., br. h. (Dillon) ( 4 Red Phil, br. g. CZapel) I Norbarry. a. h. (O Rourke) ( Great PplHt. br. m. (Mtrtinl 7 dr Joha Caldwell, b. g fTbompsoc) ...... Ida lime: IIt: 13. t.vt trot to wagon, amateurs to drive: The Monk. h. g. iMr. Pillirst 1 l'5s Highwood, b. m (Mr. Smathers) . . . . t Time: Ml; J.lfTV- IOWA CONSIDERS THE OFFER Has Oae Day ta aay Whether Osaaha Cats tha Casaa with hebraska. Meesra Bpangler and Bsckaer, represent lng the Iowa university foot ball eleven, re. turned to Des Moines with a proposl tion from Mr. Tukey, representing the Ne braska team, to have this year's gam played in Omaha. Mr. Tukey aays the lowans' answer Is to come today. Lin coin la satisfied with the proposition, which Involve a liberal money guarantee. Retires fraaa KsalUh Tort. LEXINtVTON. Ky.. Oct. ri -In sn Inter view t lobelia stud today V. C. Whitney announced hla deiei mlnaiion of retiring Ma horsta frusa (he Luglloh turf. He said: rrlaeetsa Defeat sraekarll. PRINCETON. N. J.. Oct S.-In a hard but rather slow foot ball game Princeton defeated Buckneu by the score of IT t toe ay. I 1 f Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. riaULrS rtVOKfTE atUrSM. A DY CA.THJBVyn.TIC 2M THE BEST FOR THE BOWELS J result in anybody's favor. One of the most spectacdlar fight of the day was that between the Second Nebraska and the Fourth cavalry, which terminated by the state troop holding their ground, always saving what might have been don to them by that terrible imaginary main HENRI W. TATES. Aa Attractive Larmtloa. ti the Osaaaa Exteaslsa Cbleag Great West ers Hallway. The townsit department of the Great body, which was supposed to come up be- I Western railway announce that an open bind. The Nebraskans were posted on high I lng sale of lots will take place at Wight- ground northwest of th camp, their cen-1 man, Calhoun county, Iowa. October 27. ter under Captain stack In hastily con-1 Special provision will be made to accom structed rifle pits, th right tinder Colonel modate those who wish to attend the auc- McDonnell. and th left under Major tlon. Including a one-fare round trip rate Phelps. Th Nebraska scout brought in 'm all stations m th Great Western Information of the advance ot th attack- Railway to Fort Dodge, la., and excursion Ins force, long before It was In eight snd train leaving Fort Dodge at : a. m.. and wh.r. w ...m. thev were ready for It but I "mana, jveo., ar .zv a. m., on date of they were not looking for It In the direction J1'- For particulars address E. B. Magtn, Manager Townslle Department. C. O. Ry., Fort Dodge, la. . W. EXPLOSION OF DYNAMITE Twa Blasts Kill Mea Esaalored aa Railroad la,' Soathwest Mlaaaari. ' i- . . AtmORA, Mo.. (VC'ttrTwo tnen'wer killed snd elgheeen seriously Injured by from which It was made. Xebraskaaa la Hat Place. A heavy fore of cavalry was sent out Into the open In the right of the Nebraagans to draw th fire of the entrenched troop and of two guns of th Seventh field ar tillery. What was done to that exposed cavalry would have been awful If the fight ing had been the real thing, but. while this waa going on, over a crest directly In front of the main Nebraska position cama a I heavy force of dismounted cavalry. They . sa opened a vicious ne and pushed heme npon m th, wnBtrueHon -Work-of the White in un in Deauurui siyie, .w.. pjT(r road tn Stone county, thirty-five reiume as ooi a w. ss i i mliea east of here, today. Th dead: the opnnict waa a prexiy uiinf ot us s.n JACK HE A LET of Kansas City. as rouia oe immnw s on an AUSTRIAN, whose name 1 not umpire galloped along tne line caiuns I known. a halt Some climbed upon soma hay sucks rtnh were employed on the work of the to obtain a better position from which to road. Heeler's body waa blown fifty feet fire. Climbing hay stacks Is forbidden tn Wrh. Xh- uiephoa service Is poor and Fort Riley warfare and the thing was de- the deUils of the aocldent are hard to clared off. I obtain. It 1 reported that all of the In. Tomorrow the exercioe win comprise tne i jured will live. deployment of th entire division against an l Another telephone measaaa from stoni Imaginary enemy. Lieutenant General I county, the scene of the explosion, says Young arrived at the camp late inis aner- inat a second explosion occurred at tunnel noon and will remain for a few day. ten- i c, ten miles below there, killing the fore- eral Ian Hamilton of the British army was I man of the works and Injuring seven also expected, but will not com uaui to- i others. The message wives no names. morrow or next day. AFTER CHICAGO GAMBLERS BATTLESHIP HOLDS RECORD Mayor Harrlasa Aaasaaees Iatestlsa af gtspptsg All Bettlas; aa Raeea FLEES TO ESCAPE MARRIAGE Mai I'ealM from Cltrk'i Cc IfUf LiMON il 0btaiBi WOMAN THIN OffLR. LXTCNUATlON ay They Oaly lateaded to Marry ta Meet a Baater Mad by fesae Frleada. An incident rivaling to its dramatic aspects any story svsr recited in Don Wulxoi or in the tale ot Boccacio was enacted at the office of the county Judge Tuesday afternoon at i o'clock when ap plication for a marriage license was mad by Thomas RadcUffe, aged Jb. ot Fairfield, la., and Miss Klhei Wilson, aged la, giving her address as Denver, Colo. The initiative In this matter was taken by Mis Wilson, who ail but pulled th groom-to-be lota th room where Clyde Sunblad was to make out th license. At tention was st one directed to the couple, for they acted queerly and somes hat suspiciously. After th license had beea fined out and th couple had sworn to It Mis Wilson stepped Into an adjoining room to get a drink of water, while Mr. Bunblad telephoned Judge Vinsonhaler to com to th court house at once, as th coupl desired to be nan-led. At this Juncture RsdcliSe excused him self, stating that he had a very pressing business matter down the street which he would attend to while Jodg Vinsonhaler waa on his way to the court house, wnen Mis Wilson entered th room wber sh had left her future husband sh inquired In anxious tones what had become of him. When told that he had stepped out for a moment on a matter of business, she darted out of the door In the effort to find him and crjing: 'Ht'l gone," "I know he's gone." And truly enough he had gone and Mis Wilson came back In a few moments and then attempted an explanation of the affair. It had appeared to Mr. Sunblad that Mis Wilson was quit anxious to become bride, while the groom-to-be did not seem to take kindly to the proposition. When Mis Wilson attempted an explanation. however, she tried to make It appear other wise. Bay. do I have to be married to that manT" she Inquired. "I don't have any use for him and don't know what I should do If we were married. Tou see, tt was this way: We were with some friends her in town, having a good time, and some one said w were afraid to get mar ried. W called the bluff and came up here to make our call good, and I'll still marry him rather than have them say I backed down. Tou were suspicious. weren't youT Well. I want to say that no man can get the best of me, and the Idea that I wanted to marry this fellow Is preposterous." After she had talked a while longer, the remark was volunteered that both of them bad been married, although under oath they had stated the facta to be different from that when the license waa being made out A further effort was made to find Radcllffe, who Is understood to be a travel ing man. but nothing cam of It WHEAT IS NOT IN STORE Crsefcett Wareiaase Csatalas tsaall Asaaaat at Grata, with Maay Cert 1 grates lasaed. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct ' H. -Detective Thomas Oiassn, who has bean Investigating th affair of the Crockett warehouse of Epplnger A Co., has filed a report with the district attorney showing that instead of containing ffl.OOO tons of No. 1 wheat the warehouse contslned but 4,400 tons of In ferior quality. The failure of Eppinger tk Co., which was announced several months ag?, caused a tremendous sensation In the markets of the country. The grand Jury found indictment charging Herman and Jacob Epplnger with having obtained money under false pretenses. It being shown to the satisfaction of the Jury that the brother had secured heavy loans on ware house receipts which called for more wheat than the warehouse actually contained. Th trial ot Kpplnger will occur next month. Mi.aearl Proves t B Fa-teat Boat la It Class la th Kavy. CHICAGO. Oct ZL Mayor Harrison to- BOBTON. Oct a. Th new battleship day gave notice of his Intention to stop Missouri, steered by Captain F. M. Howae. all form of racecourse gambling and to today proved Itself the queen of the seas proceed against the handbook evil through m Its class tn a speed trial trip over the th revocation of licenses of an saloon Can Ann course, with weather condition I la which that form of betting evil I per of a considerably handicapping nature, i miueo. me iniormauoa upon which the Steaming over a course of thirty-three I mayor will act I being collected by secret nautical knots and return, th battleship I service men. made th trip In S hour. minutes and S4H seconds, an average speed of II knot I Opes Doable Track to TrafCe. per hour, which, with tidal correction CHETENNE, Wyo., Oct H.-(BpecUl. greatly tn its lavor. it is oenevea win aa- i The twenty-nine miles of double trsck be- vance the speed to jb.i knots, a new i tween Borle and Buford, west of Cheyenne. world's record for battleship of It class. I which was recently completed, was Disced The first part of the run waa made n operation yesterday for the first tim. against a strong northwest breese, which I Th Union Pacific now has a doubt track kept down th peeo to u se nixi, dui i from Cheyenne to Laramie, save for coming back in conojuon. wers mors short distance between Buford and Her favorabl and the thirty-three knots wer mciea Junction on what Is known th. coveted in t hour. 47 minute and t seconds. I gherman tunnel section. Ten miles of dou- a speed r w anois per nour. pie Umck and cutn, Cheyenne to The big battleship at one time attained Archer. east of hers, has a speeo or ia sno per i and will be placed In operation soon. tract reqairwnents cau lor ia snota anu a margin was vary gratifying t th govern- I gave Csstcsts af kafe. ment orociais on uosro. I LANDER. Wvo.. Oct It-n.iv. lam oesi prnii .cvwv. - I Word haa been rene veil K.r. . ... tleship tn Missouri s Class is u saaine, i robber, oommltad st Fort Washakie Friday k. r- i dudl wnen ttirea aukm mn It described the figure t. turning ta I Moorea stoiw and aftsr tawi-.k ... T. "i-r::.1, t:: rr ?? p tobacco -""'. " ' : I an notions. Thtlr approach was observed by the proprietor, who closed and lucked Eads Heaaeehs's Isrtsre. Laxy livers and sluggish bowels cause headaches. Dr. King New Life Pills re more the cas or no pay. Only Sc Fof sals by Kuhn ft Co. usual stopping, backing and anchoring tests were thea given, at th conclusion of which th vessel returned to Boston Light and after landing lu passenger started tor Newport News. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Msveaaeat af Basra Shows toss ls- ereaas Over th Prsvlsss the ssfe. containing a large sum of money. juai as tne roDDers enjerad. With tha kvswlera. In a learue asms on ri. rw, . u.w. night tha St. Charles club !, .Hi Araaeura. aVcore: ARMOURS. 1st a a e... t T S.I C . . Di,uniuvr ....... im i 3 Potter 157 171 Brunke l j kluri.hy l u Denmaa 17s g CINCINNihTL Oct. ft (Special Tele gram.) Prioe Current says: There hi a continued moderate movement of bogs, al though the total show some gain the last week. Total western packing was 290 00. compared with KX.OO the preceding week aad aa.OM last year. Since March 1 th I FriedboS la total Is U 2M.K4. against U.UO.OW a year J ami u: sga. Prominent places com pars a f ol-1 Total. . a 16 1W 127 170 6.1 (41 Totals ... tM aui ST. CHARLES. 1st. ltd. Frttscher a 7 l., Krug u ia r . W. BchnaiOer H7 H7 1L7 147 CO I.M Id. TU1. B4 17 I'M 141 11 fc4 U 4..1 lews: Chicago Kanaas City . south Omaha ft. Louis fct Joseph Indianapolis . Milwaukee ... Cincinnati ... Oituaawa Cedar Kaplds Bloua City ... tc Paul IK I( l.lKSi.VM J ).( Mta iLavJ.ta ....... f7. eH.O ltn 2a;. due &.() 1nj I.7s. lliauis 1 Tste,i0 I J ohnson 710 toi I Bmyth .2 om I Buls til I i uiey I- . i Nationals against Colts tonight. W. O. W. ut It 1A 14 1B7 iiatitee( see lat 7al Ul Z.M1 4U.UUG May Lass Lysalsht. CRK8TON. Ia.. Oct a. (SpactaL-At Totals Landoa ...... Heft Sutton Kelly SkTlBOB JeUOs ... 710. BLACK KATS. 1st 1TJ Ul 15 1 177 M 3d. IM 1.4 14 14 lit ta w tu au M U ITS 1H 24 L U7 la if 4 U7 Us tn ssi Xew Brldga Absst tssapleted. LOUISVILLE, Neb., Oct ZL (Special Tel egram.) The wagon bridge across the Platte river at this place, which waa taken out by the loo on Ma.-?h 10 last is being repaired. The first teams crossed today. It will be completed in a few day for th regular traffic. Th citlsen of Louisville and farmer of Sarpy county opposite this plaos ar rejoicing. Arrange far Roslsg fastest. CHETENNE, .Wyo.. Oct ZL-epeclal. C. B. Irwin has returned from the cowboy meet at Albuquerque and Is arranging for A national roping championship contest to be held tn Cheyenne. Team of four men each will compel from all parts of th country. Irwin. Duncan Clark, William Wllley and Hugh McPhee will compose the Cheyenne tea a. A FRIEND'S ADVICE awasas I Will Often Help You Greatly. Real Wltat an Omaha Citizen Says. Ton may hesitate to listen te th advice of tranger. but th testimony of frisndi or residents of Omaha Is worth your most careful attention. It 1 an easy matter t3 Investigate such proof a thuv Than the evidence must b conclusive. Read the following: Mr. Frank McFarland, stonecutter. No. But Jones street, says: "Too frequent action of the kidney secretions, particular ly at night at first merely notloeable., but always on tha Increase, became at last very annoying. I had no backache like so many people have, but without that extra annoyance I spent a mint of money trying to check the trouble, but I was anauooeas f ol until I procured Doaa's Kidnsy Pills at Kuhn ft Co' drug store, corner lth and Douglas streets. After the treatment I could go to tad every night aad sleep like a child until morning. To aay I en dors Doe-n s Kidney Pills I a mild way f expreaalng my opinion." old by all dealer. Price a0o per box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. sole agents for the United States. Remember th asm Doaa's aad tak aa substitute. G It's the Long, Strong Stick That Does The Trick. JM.IwlSjt3 MATCH rjs? Burns a full half minute. Every box contains a Valuable coupon i As poor grocer, TNS DIAMOND MATCH OO. U J 1 0 tt tm PACIFIC WW SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY Handssmsty Equipped with FrM Becllnlttg Chilr Cart, Bml Cart, MmIi a la carta, Pvnmae Paltc $lpt Cart, BuRl mkln Uerarj Car. Tauritt Slewpinfl Cart a Sosoiattr. Plntoca Ltgnt Stna Htal, ata. DATUCHT RIDE OF SOO MILES ALONG THE BEAVTtFVL COLVMBtA sTIVER. Fall wforsaaUoa ebesirully furnished on application to City Ticket Office. U24 Farnam St Phe JI6. OF L 1 IE L J fS2y It is not so much , of a calamity that a man Ii jS? contracts disease or weaknesses, but that he u ' - neglects them, fails to secure the proper treat ment for their cure or he has experimented with too many free treatment and quick-cure schemes. Why wait until -your whole system be - oomee polluted with disease, or until your nervous system Is tottering under the strain, and you are a physical and mental wreck, unfit fr work, business, study or marriage? Uncertain or improper treat ment can only do harm. There is only on perfect, safe and lasting cure for you, which you will find et the State Electro Medical Institute, Start right, and start at ones. Delays ar dangerous. I TREAT HER OKLT AKD Cl'RlT THEM 4JC1CKLY, SAFELY AKD TROsV- OrCHXT. EVERT MAI IVPFERIXQ WITH AIT PRIVATE DIIBAtBt. I WILL CURE YOU VARICOCELE, STRICTURE. K I D NEY OR BLADDER DISEASES, P0IS0N01S DISCHARGES. BLOOD POISON (SYPKIUS. WEAXEMN J DRAINS, IMPOTENCY. NERYO-SEXIAL DEBILITY with any of Its numerous distressing symptoms, owes it to himself, his family, and especially to the future generations to get cured promptly, safely snd thoroughly. CO.(SULTTI01 FREE HfffiTE '& tats." State Electro-Medical Institute. 1308 Farnam $L, Bet, 13th and 14th 8tav, Omaha, Neb. Don't Scold IrrttAbUltj u a narvaus affortloav BtrengtLea tfce nerve with Dr. VUies Nervlna. Bleep better, cat better, work bsttsa, fast better, aad a aseaar. old aw gu. castes. Hock on bcrves for lostal. Liv. hi ; Li'S si r,:ri. cx t-sMi ..Low Rate.. IIOriSEEKERS'EXCURSIOtiS Tuesdays. October 20th lOHQ November id and 17th JUU VIA TUB m , -AND.. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. To Certain PoinU in the WEST AMD SOUTHWEST AT ONE FARE FR y TR,P Final Limit of Ticket., 21 Day. StopoTera will be allowed within transit limit of 15 daya going after reaching firat homeBeeker' joint en-route, route. FOR FCRTIIER INFORMATION or land pamphleta, folders, maps, etc., addresa any agent of the company, or T. F. OODFREY. Paasncr aad Tick at A (eat. TOil HLSOHE5, Travel- lac Passanrsr A(t, OnAllA, NEB. It. C T0WN5CNO, Qsw oral Pasaaeirsr aad Ticket Araat. 5L Uuis, Ho. tl 2eunc so of.. Mr. and. Mra, r, luxate, ill ii i aa 74l