TI1E OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOTlETt 21. 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET jTroi&et ii MtnifMt in Whsat Fit B oauis of riaiDoial Trouble:. CCRN PRICES ARE A SHADE HIGHER With Little Activity tha Prices Were l.oWrr at the Close of Dealing. rit CH1CAOO, Oct. 20 Wheat prion wers nervous sgaln today, due to a feeling; of uncertainty In the mln1 of trader an the outeome of the financial troubles In the enst, hut closing prices were about where they left off yeaterday, with December e up. Iecember corn waa a shade higher, but oata were down ra'ic. while January provlalona closed from 10 to 12 W higher. Easier cables and favorable weather for the movement, a well aa the situation In Wall street were Influences that caused wheat to open barely strong, with Decem ber up a shad a to Hi&o at W4tSc. LocM traders were Inclined to be rather cautious In their trading early In the day and there waa tome scattered liquidation, but with reassuring newa from Wall street and on active buying by one or two big bull oper ator the market quickly developed a strong tone. The bent support, however, came from the conditions In the northwest and the improved export business. Duluth re ported 10OHI0 bushels taken there for ship ment, and reports from Minneapolis sild that country mlllera wore buying wheat there. December waa In active demand ' and advanced HflHc At this point thera waa considerable profit taking and the sen timent during the latter part of the session jraa inclined to weakness. December closed kc higher at 80ViSiHo. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 77R.iO bush els. Primary receipts were 1,354,300 bushels, against 1.7K7.40O bushels a year ago. Brad street's world's visible showed an Increase for the week of 5,2(10.000 bushels. Minneap olis and Duluth reported receipts of 747 cars, which, with local receipts of 104 cars. Done of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of Hoi cars, against 1.098 cars last week and 1,112 cars a year ago. Com was easier at the start, due to favor able weather, and lower cables, but in tha absence of any special selling pressure a firmer feeling was manifested, ffommlsslon houses and local shorts bought liberally during the first hour, but later when wheat showed signs of weakness many of the early buyers tamed -sellers a iwi the early ala waa- lest. DeMBilMr ranged between WkO and 4e, dosing a shade higher at 43He.- Lomi raostpts wars 4& ears, with 24 ears- of contract gred. Trading In oats was only moderate and prices fluctuated within a narrow range. There was buying by some of the cereal people, while the selling was scattered. Country offerings were light and receipts somewhat smaller. After selling between 8&o and 85Hc December closed Mill "4clo wer at 85c. Local receipts were 299 cars. In spite of lower prices for hogs at the yards the provision market ruled firm, due mainly to a fair support from packers, al though shorts were also good buyers. Jan uary pork and lard each closed 12tfco higher at fll.g7V4j and 86524 respectively, while rihs wera up 10c at $6. 27 ft. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 85 cars; corn. 283 cars; oats, 185 cars; hogs, 2,200 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh.l Low. I ?lose. Yes'y. Wheat t i i Dec. 81 80 ROitfrH 80fn4 May 78 78ft7 78 78 79 Corn Oct. 43 434 4314 H 43N Dec. 43VKV 4414 , 43 43VdH Ma y 42(8 V, 42J 41&42 42fc 42A3 Oats I Oct. , 84V4 83V Dee, 354 85H 35 35 3&WnZ May Wi 36 36 36 Pork-. Oct. 10 80 10 90 10 M 10 90 11 00 Jan. 11 72 H W 11 72 11 90 11 77 May 11 85 12 00 11 85 11 97 1187 Lard - Oct. 120 640 820 40 (lit Deo. 6 30 42 6 30 42 8 22 Jan. 40 52 40 8 52 6 40 May 80 6 62 6 60 6 62 6 47 Ribs , Oct 8 00 8 87 8 00 8 87 8 Oil Jan. 6 15 80 6 15 6 27 6 17 May 6 36 40 85 8 87 6 27 No. I tNew. Cash Quotations ware as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents. $4.00rt JOn B1(1,1. 1A- $4O$4.50 straights,-$3.7(Xg3.90; bakers, $2.60 WHEAT No. S, SIVSKZc; No. 2 red, t9 . CORN-No. I. 43c: No. i yellow. 444c. ' HARTLEY Fair to' choice malting, 47i54c, . hkkdh No. 1 nax, 4cr No. northwest rn. $1.02; prime timothy, $3; clover, con trsct srade. 310.60fno.60. PROVISIONS Mesa pork. Ter bbl., 111.00 ni.12. Lard, per 100 lbs, $6.S5.46. .Short ribs sides (loose), $7.507.75. Dry salted Shoulders (boxed, $6.12ia6.2S. Short clear Ides (boxed), I7.2&I&7.75. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.25. The following were the receipts and ship ments 01 nour ana grain: Keceipts. Hhlpments. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu..... Oata, bu Bye. bu Barley, bu.. 22.400 13.200 ...107,9iiO ...678,700 ...464.000 ... 7.600 ...114.500 74.0UO 10.400 142.2)10 2.110 24.800 .On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 15f zow; dairies. Murine. Kggs, steady, at mark, , cases Included, 180l9c. Cheese, easier, 10 CUc. NEW YORK GEKHHAL MARKET. Qaotatloas . t tha Day Varloas Cosamodltles. NEW YORK. Oct. 20.-FLOt?R-Re celpts, 42,407 bbla; exports, 22.143 bbls.; market nrra and fairly active; win ter patents. $3.tXrt-4.30: winter straights. $J.80HK.0U; Minnesota patents, $4.60i4.86; winter extras, ri.wp3.-a; Minnesota bakers, 8.6otU4.10; winter low grades, $2.70073 06, Kye Hour, quiet: fair to good. U. 2Sn3.40 cholue to fancy. $3.45i3.60. Buckwheat flour, quiet: li.&i, new crop. Bl'CKWHEATy Firms 81c. c. 1. f., New lorn. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western tl.09: city. 11.07: kiln dried. t3.2KW3.25. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 62c, nominal, x. o. o , anoui; state ana jersey, MUbbtjc. BARIJCY Quiet: feeding. 4ftc, c. I. f, Buffalo, malting, MifcMc. c. i. f , Buffalo. WH KAT Receipts, 71,175 bu-hels; exports .6 bushels; spot, Steady; No. 2 red. K6c atevaior; rso. 2 rea, I. o. D. annul; ro. J northern Duluth, 91 Sc f.'o. b. otioat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat, options opened about steady, wheat devel oped activity snd strength on a further scare of December shorts and advanced In outside markets together with rumors export business. Eventually, however. turned Irregular and closed east under re silting at ftc net decline. May. fft fc"c, ciosea Bi'c; jury, sinKI closed 8"c, CORN Receipts. 152.250 bushels; exports, 48.495 bushels; spot, steady: No. 2 nominal elevator and iic r. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 64c; No. 2 white. 61c. Option market opened steady on cables, which declined under fine weather reports, finally eased off and clown auu at unchanged prices. Mnv, 4u,4sc, closed 48c; December, 50ii 50 l-16c, OATH Keceipts. 74.300 bushels: exports, si.iuu Duaneia: spoi, nieaay; eiananra whKe WhlteJ42e: track white. 4HHc. HAY Dull: shipping. 60U70c; good to cnoice. Bm tc. HOPS Quiet: state common to choice 14. iVi; 1X XHu'ifiHc: olds. 1o1$c; Pa cine coast, 19ul, 2a4i.1K:; 1902, 21626c; olds, ivn mc. HIDES Steady; 'Galveston 20 to founds, 18c; California 21 to 25 pounds, Sc . LEATHER Steady 1 acid. 23fc25c; wool, firm: doneHllc fleece. 2hi33c. PROVISIONS-Heef. steady; family $1 .00 riii uu; meea, .m; Dei nams, f-i w B.uu; pacaet. mooiio.w; city extra Indl rne-n, 4 Vvll W. Cut meats, steady tlckiim balilvc J awll 80; pu 3a 7(4i4 0v; plrkkHl hams. $11 5w lt 50. Lard, easy; wwrrs tmwe 11 iv; reimei, easy continent 87. J6: Pouth America, $100: com round. $7.i:U07.37W Pork, exsv: famllv lit uixila.M; short clear. $14.0018.00; mess. 1' if'iia.w. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, fpnc; japan, nominal. TALLOW Easy; city, 4c; country, 4 BUTTER Receipts. 12.900 packsees: firm creamerv. I6i2ivc; state oairy. ltxoaix, CHEESE Receipts. 4.K60 packages: oulet state full creams, fancy sms II -colored and wbi'e Hm; large colored and white. 11V.C. F'KiS Receipts, 8,910 cases; firm; western, lc. LIVE POULTRY Steady; western chick er. l"c: fowls, lie; turkeys, lie. DRESSED POULTRY Easy; western chickens, 12c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, lialic Pearls Market. PEORIA. III.. Oct S0.-CORN Lower Ko 8 43 Wc: No. 4. 42c. OATS teslv; No. $ white, 36j36c; No I whit, atotoc. ' LivrMl Urala Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 30 -WHE XT-Spot No. I rc4 wesura winter. Cull, d; Nv northern spring, no stock. Futures, steady; October, nominal; December, ta (Hd. COHN-"not. steady; American mixed, 4s 6d. Futures, qulot; October, nominal; No. 4, 4s 2d; December, 4s Id. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Caaaltloa at Trade ad Qaotatloas aa Staple aad Faacy Pradaee. KOOS Fresh stock, loss off, 19c, LIVE POrLTRV-Hena, 8c; spring chick ens, 8c; roosters, according to age, 6c; tur keys, 12 13c; old ducks, 7c; young ducks, '"9c; geese, 7c. bUTTKK Packing stock, lSc; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, lajjlfcc; separator, 21c. FKKHli FI8H-Kresh caught trout, llo; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, sc; buffalo, 7cic; hluerlsh, lie; whlteflsh, lio- salmon, 11c; hnddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsters, green, per lb., .so; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, gOtjZSe; halibut, 9c; crapplea, 12c; herring, 8c: white bass, 10c; blueflns. So. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c, per gal., 12 00; extra selects, per can, 87c, per gal., II 75; standard, per can, 30c, per gal.. $1 3b. HRAN-Per ton, 814.64 HAY Pries quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 8S.50; No 2. 88.00; medium, 87.50; coarse, 7.tiO. Rye straw, 87.00. Thee, prices are for hay of good color and qualltv. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 4c. OATS 38c RYE No. 2. 50c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 75g80c; Dakota, per bu.,7(Ka7ic- native, 6n(S7()c. SWEET POTAT'JKS Home grown, per bnsket, 75c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl., 83.00. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market bnsket, 4X2j)60c; string, per market basket, 4041.SOO. TOMATOES Home grown, per basket, 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.66. CKLERY Ml.-hlgan, per dot., S035c; large western, 46c. ONIONS New home trnvn. drv. ner lb.. ,le; Spanish, per crate, $166. CABBAGE Missouri Holland, 1C. FRUITS. PRUNES Italian, per box, 4)1.00. , PEACHES Utah lreestonea. 80c: Colo rado Alberta. $1.00. PKAKS Colorado and Utah Kelfera. 81.75: winter Nellls. $2.2C APPLES Jonathans and nrlmea riolden. $3.75H.OO; Michigan stock, $3.26163.60: Cali fornia Bellflowers, per box, $1.60; New York fiock, ai.zD'a.i.Bu; uregon -stock in dus.ioi boxes, $1.154i 1.26. RAPES-Callfornla Tokays.' 81.66: New ork. per 8-lh. basket. 2Xc. CRANBERRIES Per hhl.. 7.7Ea 00: nee box, $2.75. CALIFORNIA QTJINCES-Per box, $1.65. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Velenclaa. .126-160 aiaea. 88.7S! Mexican, all sices, $4.(. LKMONB OaUfornla fancy. . 809 SCO slscs, $4.50; choice 240 te 870 else, M.OOA4.2&. FIGS California, per 10-lb. oarteas, SSo. DATES Persian. Der box of SO Backasreac. $100. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. I2c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, lbc: Wisconsin brick. Lm: Wisconsin llmberger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3.50; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.50. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled, 8S3a HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 doa. packed. 80c. I xn u r wamuis, iso. 1 soii-sneu, per id., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell. er in, 13c; rso. z nara-sneii, per id., 12c; razlls. per lb., IKSllVtc: fllberu. per lb.. ll'allc; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., ICKyllc; small, per lb., 9'filOc; peanuts. er id., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; hlle walnuts, 12($13c; large hickory nuts. per bu., $1.75: shell-barks, per bu., $1.76(3 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26. HIDES No. 1 green. 6i4c: No. 2 sxeen. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8Hc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides, 8f 2c; sheep pelts, &w ' be ; horse hides, ll.Wii ou. St. Loals Grata aad Prevlsloas. ST. LOUI8, Oct. 20. WHEAT Weak ; No. red. cash, elevator. 86c: track. 8fr8Vfcc: December. 8o7fe86: May. 82c: No. 2 hard. 7ia(-04c. CORN Easy; No. 2. cash, 41c; track, 43&44c; December, 39c; May, 8939c. ua ra Lower; no. z. caan, sec: track, 37c; December, 36c; May, 36c; No.-l white, loc. RYE Firm: 55c. ....... FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. $3 90ffl .40; extra rancy ana straight. 83.eu9i3.96: Clear. n.&q t.w. seed Timothy, steady, $2.603.00. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east fack. 73S DC. HA Y Slow: tlmoth.' r.00ffl2.: bralrla. IKON COTTON TIEH-xl 05. BAGQINO-6(fii6c, . HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobblna- standard mesa, $11.65. Lard, higher at M 30. Ilacon (boxed), steady: extra shorta tx.75: clear ribs, $9.25; short clear, $8.87. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. 9c: sorlnaa. 9c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, B10c; geese. 7c. BUTTER Higher: creamery. l&2Je: uairy, iviinc. euus steady; 20c, loss off. Keceipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. 14.000 . 14,008 117.000 139.000 43.000 45.000 85,000 45.000 Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Visible Supply ot Grata. NEW YORK. Oct. 20. Special cable and teiegrapnio advices received by Brad streets snow tne following changes lit available supplies, as compared with the previous sccount: wneat. united states and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains. Increase. 2.58O.O0O nusneis. Anoat lor ana in Europe, increase. . (un.iKv oMsneis. xuiai supply increase, b. 280,000 bushels. Corn. United States and Canada, east af the Rocky mountains. Increase, 420,000 bushels. Oats. United Btatea and Canada, east of the RoAy mountains. Increase. 1.304.000 bushels. ' The leading Increases this week number 1,000,000 buxhels at northwestern Interior elevators. 625.000 bushels In Manitoba, 307,0) bURhels at depots snd harbors and 67,000 bushels at St. Joseph. The leading decreases are 232,000. bushels at Chicago private elevators and so.onn bushels at Louisville. Kansas City Grata aad Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 20. WHEAT D. cemper, wc; May, trnw,ie: cash, No. nam, tw.w no. . 7xcr73c: no. 4. waMir rejected. 62Si3c: No. 2 red. 82a3c: No. CH.U91C. CORN December, SW,r3c: May, 86c cash. No. 2 mixed, 8838c; No. I white, Shc: No. 3. 38c. OATS No. 2 White. 37c; No, I mixed, 35fi 36c. H Y E No. 2, 62e. HAY Choice timothy. $9.50(310.00: choice dairy, prairie. $S.0O. Hi' i i v-ti c reamery. lswarisvic : fancy. 17c. EGOS-Firm; Missouri and Kansas stock cases, returned, isc; No. 2 white wood cases included, inc. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu. ....8OS,On0 82,000 .... 40.0(10 11.200 .... 49,000 17.000 Corn, bu. Oats, bu. . Philadelphia Pro dace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 20. BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery. 23ic. LUU8-Steady, fair demand: fresh nearhv nc, at mam; western. 24c, loss on; south' western, zatcrjc; southern. aoi2lc. CHEESE Quiet, steady: New York full creHjns, fancy, J2412c; choice, llc; good. Minneapolis Wheat, Floav aad Bra a. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 20-WHEAT-De eember, sO'c; December, 7Sc; on track. No. 1 hard. fi3c; No. 3 northern. 794iJlc. FLOUR First patents, $4. 65ft 4.66: second patents, 84 46iH 5o: Urn clears, $3.40i(3.50 second clears, . toziT. no. BRAN In bulk. $12.7t13.00. Mllwaakee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. . WHEAT Weak No. 1 northern, 86c; No. 1, 84c; December, JJc. RYE DulL BARLEY Dull; No. 1. 6c; aasaple, 4lQic, tUMit uecemoer. w-c. Teleda seed Market. TOLEDO. Oct. 20 SEED Clover. Oc tober, 86 66; December. $6.57: January 8S.U); February, $6.62c March, M.6S. Prime alalke, $4.50. Prime timothy. $1.45. Dalatk Urala Market. DULUTH. Oct. 20. WHEAT On track. no. 1 nortnern, Vic; 10. 8 northern, sue ueoemoer, ic. OATSMc. aaar aad Melasses. NEW YORK. Oct. M.-SUqAR-Raw quiet; imr rennitig, jc; centruugai, sa tea 2'c; molusata stiaar, 3-c; refined, qui ; No. t. 4 3&44 fes:; No. 1. 4.bc; No. , 4.3oc; 8o. 10, 41&c; No. 11, 4-4no; Ne. 13, 4 05c; No. 13, tuoc; No. 14. I.Koc-; confectioners A. 4 60c niould A. 6 Ouc: cut loa. t.35c; crushed, .35c; powdered. 4.05c; aranulated, 4.06c eubea. 8 fic. Mutaaaes, oulet; New Orleans uwn kettle: good to choice, 8414 Jo. EW ORLEANS. IK-t. 20 -al'GAR Dull oiA,n kettle centrifugal. 3Vt,"i3c; ceutrtfugal bite. 4V.c: ellow. 3 13-lbu4 1-lSc; second JiiV,c. New ctne syrup, iUc Moiasoea, dull ceutrnugai, DOiac NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS AcutonsM tf Monday's Fears Disaiptted on tha Stock Market Yeiterday. aSBSBSBMBSM SITUATION IS BETTER AT BALTIMORE Feellaa; the Excbnage Is That the Worst Effect ( the Revest Fallares Have Beea Felt. NEW YORK. Oct. 28 Wall street's Ighly colored imagination, as is the case lmost Invariably, took an extreme view of the harmful possibilities of Monday's events In Baltimore. Finding this to be he case today the operators who sold stocks with undue freedom on Monday bought them back today. The decrease In ne volume ot dealing inniceteo tnat not 11 or tne stocks sold on Monnay were rebought today. Prices moved easily tip- ra. however, snd retrieved tne Ereater part of yesterday's losses. Whether there was cause for yesterday's perturbation other than Indicated by the sequel today may never be known, but the acutemes of the fears felt yesterday wss conslder- my dissipated from tne outset ot tne mar- ket and - confidence, grew pretty steadily throughout the day. There was a small setback during the final hour, but this was apparently due to nothing more than the normal profit taking by room traders. Invited by so considerable an advance. The market rallied again and closed very firm and but little below the best. It was generally understood before the penlng of the market that concerted measures had been taken at Pittsburg to frotect any weakness in the situation here. It was known that heavy transfers f currency were being made to Haltlmore to Insure protection sgatnrit sudden de mands on deposits. It also became known In Wall street that all the Baltimore In- tltutlons had opened their doors this morning snd only slight evidences of fear were befsg shown by depositors. Such as was shown was reported later as being dissipated and opinions were quoted even bat tne receiversntns in at least one ot yesterday's case had been unduly precipi tate. It cannot be said that the character of today's buying csrrled very great con viction as to its subtantlal quality, as most of It was attributed to professional opera tors, either for purposes of covering short ccounts or for manipulating prices against the short Interests. Nevertheless, the con SUl arable advance in prices failed to de velop, eny new pressure to sell stocks and ws- sgTerttve alet in Impressing the shorts ltn tne . oasiramiity nc cur wring neir eflort contracts. In contrast with the re cent air of confidence of bear party In sel ling the market on occasional rallies. 1 ne ing amongst tne pears was mat me failures at Baltimore had uncovered the weak spots In the situation and the fact that today brought no extension of the trouble gave the feeling that the worst was over, which would demonstrate the sufficient strength to sustain any demands that might follow. There was utile news or tne nay to etiect prices. Sugar's especial strength was due to tne caning 01 tne extra session or con gress with the sole purpose of perfecting the Cuban reciprocity measure. The specu lation in Amalgamated copper turned to some extent on the expectation of a de cision in the Boston and Montana litigation this week. Montreal. Philadelphia ana London, whose selling has helped the recent re pression, were reported as buyers today nd neipea tne recovery, iarge iskiiiks 01 grain for export made a helpful factor nd the current ratiroaa earnings continuea to make a good showing. Reports of a cut on export grain rates by -the Toledo, St. Louis & Western failed to affect the stocks of railroad concerns. The bond market was firm and a moder ate Investment demand was reported. Total sales of bonds, par value. $2,147,000. United States bonds were uncnangea on tne last call. Following are the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. Hlgn. LOW. tjiose. Atchison 62,350 60 64 6S do pfd 710 K04 hy m Baltimore A Ohio.... 339,330 74-i 73 74 do pfd 41 n Canadian Pacific .... 6", 650 2.206 6,200 200 1,500 XP 900 Central of N. J........ Chesapeake fc Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western do u pta Chicago A N. W Chicago Term. &. T.. do Dfd C... C, C. A St L Colorado southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd Delaware A Hudson. Del., Lack. A West.. Den. A Rio Orande.. do Dfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Oreat Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central 600 210 450 129 17V4 194 31 i do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 450 7.550 2.110 2,600 32 101 133 106 31 9S 132 104 'ss" 16 84 65 "20 117 Louis. A Nashville... Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry.. Minn. A St. Louis.... Missouri Paciflo lOOli 1S31! 105'4 . 40 DO 17 35 2L840 600 90 17 35 Mo., Kan. A Tex do pfd 600 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd . . . 3SH 117 New York Central.... 8.800 ii7 Norfolk A Western.. Z.8W 67 "20 118 f7 85 do pfd Ontario A Western.. 600 Pennsylvania ......... 44,000 20H 118 P., C. U. A Bl. Lt Reading 85,300 on 44 75 62 46 76 'Z4 68 44 75 23 68 do 1st pra ..- i do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 17,8(0 24H do pfd bn 53 60 45 St. L. A 8. F., ctfs do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis 8. W 13H do pfd 80 St. Paul 17,700 138 136 do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway ... 170 41 17.110 1.C30 ""ZOO 46,600 2i0 600 1,800 "45 200 41 18 23 '25 72 84 1S $1 85 3 17 72 21 "25 70 84 17 9 'is 84 184 do pfd 7414 Texas A Pacific 224. 15V4 T.. St. L. A W do Dfd Union Pacific 714 do pfd Wabash 17i do pfd V4 Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central .. 14 154 35 ISO 100 2i0 3S (V4 67 n 72 41 85 115 62 334 31 10 173 147 11 r.i 31 68U 38 H 124 724 WM, 91 4 70 32 8 67 14 68 29 7 75 94 84 1ST, do pfd Adams Express American Express ... U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper American Car A F... tin nfd '. 61.370 8.420 1,700 100 8X5 7,970 160 23.420 i.fi 300 H 2j) 4i0 luO ! 21' 68 36 10 65 8 'i2'i 71 39 84 111 'si 2N 1(1 148 10 Amorlcan Linseed Oil do pfd American Locomotive 14 72 42 84 115 'S3 81 10 174 149 10 do pra American 8. A R do pfd American Sugar R... Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklvn K. i Colo. Fuel and iron.. Columbus A H. Coal. Consolidated tias .... General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd. ex-aiv National Biscuit National Lead North American 500 SoO 2i0 8U) 9"0 660 ",'226 S3Vi HH 74 20 90V4 30 iis" 8 66 14 74 74 2ot4 91H Z2 21 4" 8U 57i 14i Part He Man People's das Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel 7(10 1.2l0 800 'L850 810 do pra Rubber Goods da ufd Tepn. Coal and Iron. U. 8. Leather 294 T 7f. so txf'l - U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel 600 do pfd, ex-dlv 66, Western Union .620 144 eo S2 57 81H 814 Total sales for the day. 669.400 shares. Hew York sHala ttaotatloaa. NEW YORK. Oct. 20. The following are the quotations on mining stocks: AdanuCes i lUttla Chief T Alice t4 lOntarlo 4S Braan pkir 14 Bninaariek Cm 4 'Fhoaats t Camatock Tannal Potoai It Cos. lal. A Va Uf Savas U tiur Bllvar 1"4 jfilarra Nevada b Iras Sllvar 10 Small Mopes IS iMdvin Caa I BUMidare Jus Offered. Bank Clear lags. OMAHA. Oct. to. Bank clearings for to day are $1.371.4.1. an increaae over the corresponding date of last year of $125.819. 7S. Fere la a Financial. LONDON. Oct. 20. Rates for money were easy In the market today. List-limits were firm. Dusloeoa on the Btork exchange waa dull eud luavUve taroushuul. Cvuauia and 87 87 Wfc 119 118 119 S6" '29" 29 27 25V 27 63 . 62 63 15 - 14 11 25 257; 25 158 156 158 , 200 17 17 17 100 71 71 71 210 12 12 12 700 61 61 61 425 20 19 20 700 153 153 152 30 19 60 21 245 '27 '26 27 2,990 ' 65 66 900 48 48 48 100 70 69 67 79 78 78 111 home rails were easier. AmeHcans opened weak, but soon rallied smartly to above parity on New Yerk supporting orders and closed firm. PARIS, Oct. 20 Tradln on the bourse todsv opened heeltstlng. Later prices strengthened throughout. Internationals were particularly sctlve. Rio Tlntos went off 6f on New York advices snd then re acted. The private rate of d!scount was 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes. 9Hf 75c for the sccount. Exchsnge on London, 2Df 15c for checks. BERLIN, Oct. 20. Prices on the bonrse today opened weak on Ixmdon, New York and Paris advices, and closed without sny remarkable changos. Kxchnnge on London. 2m 41pfK for checks. Discount rates: Short billa, 3 per cent; three months bills, 3 per cent. , Xevr York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 20. MONEY On call easy at 1M(2 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent; time money easy; sixty days, ninety days and six months, 4'gr5 per cent.. Prime mercantile paper, 6'(iti per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8565r(i4:Tii0 for demand and at $4.822.Vi4.S-l5 for sixty days' bills; posted rates, 4.R.Hi 4 MJ. Commercial bills, $4,H2. SILVER Bar, 61c; Mexican dollars, Mi4 c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. ... The closing quotations on nonas are as follows: V. 8. ref. Is, reg.. ..! Hoexlni Val. 4tt....i1 do coupon 104-tlL. N. unl. .... do 2a, res 107 Meilcsn On. 4a do coupon l'lSaJ do lat Inc H1) do new 4a, res 134 Minn. 8t. L 4a... M4 do coupon 1U M., K. A T. 4a f do old 4a. res liou M., K. A T. U do coupon lias n. fi. fi. 01 fi. v. 1. loiki N. T. C. I. S'4a 7'4 1.13', N J. C. I. 6a m' 4a 9 No. Paclllo 4a 11 o-!i do la 70 4a.... N. A V. o. 4a i Ki a 8. U 4a A par.... tl do ba, rcg... do coupon .. Att-hlaon gen. do adj. 4a... Atlantic C. L. U St O. 4a.. do 4a sh Pnn. con. Sa Central of Oa. U....1'M Reading gen. 4a..... do lat Inc 6 jst. L. A 1. M. e. ta.. Ill Chca. & Ohio 4ta. .. .101 14 St. L A 8. r. tg. 4a. rblcago A A. ISa... T2 St. U 8. W. la HVi C. B. ak Q. n. 4a... a iBaaboard A. L. 4a... C. M. A 8. P. a. 4a..l(W 80. Paclflc 4a C. A N. W. c. 7a....lSIV. So.' Hallway ta 118 C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 71 Teiaa A Pacific la.. 113 1 00 col. ba 71 T.. t. L. A W. 4a. Union Pacific 4a do conT. 4a V. 8. Steal MM... Wabaah la do deb. B W. A L. K. 4a Wla. Ontral 4a Colo. Fuel 6 COC. A St. L. g. 4a.. M 101 V 71H ll&Si 117 9Vi Chicago Ter. 4a 7S Vi ton. Tobacco 4a M Colo. A 80. 4a 4 Iienvar A R. O. 4a.. 9ii trie prior Han 4a.... M' do general 4a...... 09 F. W. A U. C. la. ...104 Boston Stock Qaotatloas. BOSTON, Oct, 20. Call loans, 3ffM per cent: time loans. 6Si per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atc-hlaon 4a aAltoueg H ! Amalsamatad MWPInstuini ... . . as . 2m .40 ,. i :i? ,. T ,. 1 . M . . ot . 1 ,. ab .. 1 ,. W . 6-4 . 17 ,. 26 .. J ::4 Mexican Can. 4a.. Atchlaon do Dfd ........ MS raluawt A BeoU. Bnaton A Albany . Ut Canlanaial Ronton 4r Main.. .lit ICoppar Rang .... .137 I Dominion Coal ... Hoaton Klev&ted N. Y . N. H. At Pltchburg pfd .. Union Pacific ... Mexican Ontral Amer. Sugar .., H.. IN rranklln 1KB lale Horala 71 Mohawk .... 10 Old Domlnloa .... lib nareoia 117 '4 Parrot lM'-jlQulncr ....lb Santa Pa Copper.. do pfd , Amer. T. & T., Otncral Electric Maaa. Elcetrlo iH Tamarack 77 iTrlnltr S I'nlted States .... 11 Utah b9i Victoria (7 Winona I Wolverine Maiia. Electric pfd. t'nited Fruit II g. Eteal do pfd Westing, common.. Advanlunt London Stork ttnotatlons. LONDON, Oct. 20. Closing quotations: Conaola for money .. U N. Y. Central...., .. aVl Norfolk A Weat.., .. S do pfd , .. ilia Ontario A W .. 00 Pennarlvanla .. 7f Hand Mines ..123 Reading .. ao do lat pfd .. 16 do Id pfd ..140 Southern Railway .. 1 do pfd .. 20 Bouthers Pacific , .. 70 Union Pactflo ..... .. 114 do pfd , .. (7 U. 8. Steel .. 4 do pfd ; ..mIWabah ..101 do pta .110 . .7 . ta . 20 . 0 . . 23 . 88 . . H ,. 75 . 41 . tl . 7 . 13 . 0 ,. 17 . Jl do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Che. A Ohio Chicago Ot. Weat. C, M. A 8t. P... De Beers Denver A R. O... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central .. Loula. A Naah.... 14.. K. A T BAR SILVKR Quiet at 28Vd per ounce. MONEY lal per cent; the rate of discount in the open market for short bills is ,4W&i per cent;., the rate of discount In tno opeii market tor three months bills is il-i per cenu CattoB) Blarket. NEW YORK, Oct. 20.-COTTON-Futures opened Arm; October, .30o; November, V.o4c; December and January, .46c; Match, K.olc; May, .57c. LlVt-Kx-OOL, Oct. 20. COTTON Spot: Mouerate butuneas done; prices 10 to 18 points lower; Aanerjctin middling, 6.68d. ST. LOUIS, Oct, 20. COT'lXN-teady; middling, K-c; sales. Xo bales; receipts, bou bales; shipments, XH bales stock, l.icM oaies. 1 . CHICAGO LI Vlil STOCK MAHJK.ET. Small Receipts ( Cattle, Fair at Hogs and Heavy of Sheep. CHICAGO. Oct. 20. CATTLK Receints. 7,0uo head, Including 3,500 westerns; gooa to prime steers, o.iwuo.bo; poor to medium 4l.60((4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.254.10; cows, l.i54H 40; heifers, $2.tHXy-4.o5; canners, l.ioi2.oo: bulla. J2.W4i-l.oO: calves. I2.mi4x7.36: Texas fed steers, J2.iu4j3.i0; western steers, 3,tXri4.oO. HotiM Receipts, 15,000; estimated tomor row, zo.uuu; murket lauzuc lower; mixed and butchers, J5.3urju.o0; good to choice heavy, $o.26o.4o; rough heavy, J4.Wau.Z0; IlKn l, xo.iaoro.bo; DUlK 01 sales, Jo.ltxiIb.4j. tHEKP AND LAMBS Keceipts, 40,000 head; sheep, lo((fSbc lower; lambs, 1525c lower; guou 10 cnoice weiners, jJ.umyi. 10; fair to choice mixed, J2.iaku2.'io; wealern sheep, $2.25Cq4.00; native lambs, $3.25ijo.66; western lamus, tvi.itxiiu.2b. New York Live siock Market. NEW YORK, Oct 20.-BEEVES-Recelpts only one head. No sales reported, 'the murket for uressed beef was steady; city uresaed native sides, extreme range, 6 to 9'ac per pound. Cables Quoted Amer lean steers at ll'fil2c, dresaed weights; refrigerated beef, top price, tfc per pound. Exports today, 165 heud beeves, l,15u head sheep, 4,000 ouarters of beef. CALVES Keceipts S'Jl head. The market was dull and Weak. Veals sold at $4 6t $8.75 per hundred pounds; grassers at $50 10. city aressea veuis Btou per poun-a. HUUS- Keceplts, 3,872 head. The mar ket waa about steady; state and 1'ennsly vanla hogs average rather heavy, Jo.004j;j.lo; a car ot western at $5.60. SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipts. 4.346 head. The market for sheep was dull and weak; for lambs slow and 1U0.15C lower; sheeu. J2.5iVji3.7d: a small bunch at 33.90 lambs, $j.3r(5.45. reported sales of culls at J4.U0; a car of Canada sola at Jo. 30; arassed mutton, general sales txuio per pound; dresaed lambs. 746104c. - Kansas City Live-Stock-Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 20. CATTLE Re- relota. 17.200 heud of natives: 1.600 head of Texans: calves, 2,700 head of natives; 3sK head of Texuns; market for steers, steady to higher; western grassers, atrong; quar antine, slow and weak; stockers and feed ers, steady to stronsr: choice export and dressed beef steers $4.50(6.00; fair to good, $4 0mii4.50; stockers snd feeders, II 6O'4.u0; western led steers, jz.so((T4.ou; Texas and Indian steers, I2tfi4 4; Texas cows, $1.60 ti2.5o; native cows, $1.9oii4.0O; native heifers. $2.00(f3.!: canners. Jl.iMj2.40; bulla, $1.76(2(1 2.66; calves, $2.50vj6.25. HOGS-Kecelots. lu.000 head; market. 10c lower; top. $5.25; bulk of sales, $5. 001(5.20; v. ....... . , . .c; ,Lt. . 1 .. .I ...... 1 .... fid c m . light, $5.l6(fj6.25; y or kern, 5.2i4j6.25; pigs, $4.75 feo20. DHKCir AINU LAUbo xteceipts. S.WU head; market steady to 10c lower: native lambs, $3.25(i6.20: western lambs, $2.8oj.10; fed ewes, J2.3iiij3. ,5; Texas cupped year llnirs. S2.5Wi4.0O: Texas clipped sheep. $2.40 il3.,b; stockers and feeders, $2.003.60. St. Loots Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 20. CATTLE Receipts, 9.&U0 head, Including 6.600 head of Texans; market slow and generally lower; native shipping and export steers, $4&x5.26; dressed beef and buuyher steers. $4.0uu4.uu; steers under l.mO lbs., $3.fx&4.75;stockers and feeders, $2.35433.65; cowa and heifers, $3.25434.40; canners, $1.752.15: bulls, J13o 3.26; calves, J2.2Gii4.6o; Texas and Indian steers, $2.25(f3.5; cows and heifers, $2.uu 2 60 HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head; market lower; pigs and lights, $5.15(j55S; packers. $5.06&5.45; butchers' and best heavy, $o.2u0 6.55. BHEEP AXD LAMBS-Recelpts, 1500 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.25 (i3.76: lambs, $4.0oifi6 50; culls and bucks, J2.2Uo3.75, stockers, $2.1X2.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.3uo head; steady to 10c lower; na tives, Jlowito.SO; cows and heifers, $1.26i 4.60; stoekers and feeders, $2.ut(4.25. HOUtt Receipts, 4, mw bead; steady to 10c lower; light, $j.1d4jo.30; medium and heavy, 4 X(,6 2o BHkJEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 3 500 head; market steady; lambs, $5.su; wethers, $3.75; ewes, $3.50. Slonx City Live Stock Market. BIOl'X CITY, Oct. 20. 8peral Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. I.Otw head; market steady- beeves, $4.0uw.u; cows snd heifers, $2.x3.30; stockers and feeders, $2.53.0). calves and yearlings, J2I6-OJ 40. HOtiS Receipts. 1 head; market 60 lower; seUiug at $4-tWW; bulk, $4.$ut'5.t. OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET Good Corn ft 4 Bteiri Bold Btrady, While Common Com Were Lower. HOGS FIVE TO JEN CENTS LOWER Liberal Receipts ef Sbeep aaal Laaabs ' aaal altheagh ibeeal Killers Abeat Steaaly Trad I as; Blew aaal ram as Feeders a Little Lower. BOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 20. Receipts were: Official Monday. Official Tuesday. Cattle. Hogs. El.eep. 9.911 2.446 18.81 , 7.576 $.500 27.5(10 Two days this week..l7.4S6 5fW 4A..V1 Same days last week. ...12,862 6X4 4D.0J3 Hame week before 12.W1 8.1S3 M.2 Same three weeks sgo..l&,376 t.753 61.3x9 Same four weeks ago....l4.W3 4,783 41. a Same days last year 18,837 7.244 XStX RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO HATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to dale and comparisons with last year. tool 190 Inc. Cattle 8,675 752,395 97.1W Hogs 1.8:'4,i48 1,810,177 1 4,771 Sheep 1.346.LU 1.1SU.9X! 113.188 Average price paid for nogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Data I 1SXH.'1M2.U01.1900.1S9.IS9S.I17. Oct. 1.... Oct. $.... Oct. Oct. 4.... Oct. .... Oct 6.... Oct. 7..,. Oct. 8.... Oct. .... Oct. 10.... Oct. 11.... Oct 12.... Oct II.... Oct, 14.... Oct. 16.... Oct. 16.... Oct. 17.... Oct. 18.... Oct 19.... Oct 20.... 6241 7 14 75 6 1SI I 71 I 6 61 7 68 t 181 4 39 3 7 5 W4l 7 $01 $ 69 6 in; 4 42 I 66 7JJ 67 514i;$b4$T3 i66s 52 6 lfi 4 II 3 54 $ 71 6 64 7 42 I 11 4 it Hi HI 6 41 7 39 6 4S 4 36 $ M $ 64 lK72813$06t I 51 I 51 6 19 7140 13 CU2 4 35 I M 6 214 7 04 14 4 9-2 4 3S 3 C4 i 6a 6 15 4 DC 4 81 $ 67 3 69 6 304 a 6 20 4 93 4 23 I 66 3 66 $$74 707 493 420 $59 IW 4.i 7 1 2 4 4 $ S3 $ 64 6 49S 7 00 6 18 4 S2 I $ 6 3 61 8 $ 6 91 6 22 4 72 4 20 3 69 6 224 7 15 6 29 4 64 4 16 8 70 7 02 27 4 52 4 10 8 CT 3 61 6 114 6 23 4 51 4 15 $ 73 3 60 6 034 92 4684 611371364 Indicates Sunder. The official numn.r nf cars ne stock brought In today by each road was: tattle. Hogs. Bn p. ii see. C.M. "t,.P. By.... 1 Misxoun Parjfte Ry.. 1 I Union PaclflQ aystem tl 4 C. A N. W. KyV. 3 r.. R. A M. V. R. R..107 13 1 S3 ii 23 C. Bt. P., M. A 0 11 B. & M. Ry 135 8 C, B. A Q. Ry 8 1 1 8 1 K. C. & Bt J. Rv.... C. R. I. A P.. east... C, R. I. A P., west... Illinois central Ry... Chicago Oreat West.. 97 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. omana Packing Co. ....... 395 3H4 Swift and Company 1,076 687 9 1.364 618 1.31$ Armour itr uo 2 7110 Cudahy Packing Co 1,177 714 Armour, Bloux City 865 Vansant & Co 294 ..... Carey & Benton 362 ..... Ubman & Co 353 McCreary & Clark 98 Hill A Huntzlnger I.ewls A Underwood... Huston & Co Livingstone & Shaller. ... 2 ... 318 ... 24 ... 271 ... 311 ... 38 ... 298 ... 84 ... 113 ...1.461 H. F. Hamilton L. V. Husi.. Wolf A Muraan.... B. F. Hobblck Werthelmer & Bon. Other buyers 14,772 Totals 7.601 3,355 18.849 CATTLE There waa another liberal run of cattle here this morning, but in spite of thnt fact tha market held 11 n in very satis factory manner. Borne grades sold a little lower than thev did Yesterday ana trading was pot very active, but still the price changes were not at all radical. There were aulte a few cornfed steers on hand this morning and several bunohes were of very good quality. Packers took noid or tne netier graoes in gooa snape and the market could safely be quoted steady. The top price of the day was $5.40, which is also the highest price paid In some tittle time. The common stuff was, of course, more or lies neglected, the same as usual. . The cow market was slow and a little lower except in the case of something on the good to choice order. That class waa scarce and held .lust about steady. The commoner kinds, though, were slow and 6 10c lower than yesterday. Bulls, veal calves and stags showed very little change from recent quotations. Speculators took hold of the better grades of stockers and feeders this morning quite freely and that class of cattle sold in Just about yr -rday's notches. When It csme to the co non kinds, though, the market was very dull amd. If anything, a little lower than yesterday. As there were a good manv feeders In sight the morning was well advanced before anything like the bulk of the offerings was disposettof. The western grass beef steers' did not show much change, especially where the quality was at all desirable. Packers, though, were very slow to take hold of the common kinds, and In fact trading on all grades was slow. Range cows held steady for the best, but others were undoubtedly 6M0c lower. Western stockers and feeders If choice held steady, while others were dull and weak. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ha Av. Tt. Na. A v. ft. 1 1281 ltd : 1J71 4 u 7 USD 4 00 47 Utt 4 U II 1070 4 00 1 1040 4 0 1 1170 4 00 It U61 4 ao 17 1M1 4 t JO 14 i 05 0 .....1111 4 (4 J 14U I IS W 110 4 46 M 1374 I U 4 1410 4 70 40 1401 I 4 46 1144 4 19 COWS. 1..., U0 1 Tt 1 1140 I 40 1 714 i 00 ' Kl U 1 740 1 00 1 t 40 I HO ltd 1 10 I 74 I 00 1 sue t 40 1 84 t 00 1 UN I 40 I S0 I 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS, It 447 4 70 HSIFBR& 10 TM I 40 M Ml I Tf al m I 70 BULLS. 1 1150 I 1 (20 3 44) J ltd 110 CALVES. I IN IM 1 150 I 00 1 ISO i 00 1 140 I H II Ill 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 430 I is J 400 ! Tt 44 1101 I 40 NEBRASKA. 17 feeders.. 1090 3 50 2 feeders.. 1090 3 00 2 76 2 70 3 35 1 steer 1110 $ 60 13 cows... . SOO .1(64 . 953 1 cow &uu 2 (A) 6 cows..., 6 feeders.. 1024 3 00 8 feeders. 67 feeders.. 1023 8 45 SOUTH 4JAK.UTA. t cows.. 2 cows.. 1 cow.... 3 steers. 1235 2 85 i COWS ... 910 ...1070 ...lO: ...1203 ...1215 ...1075 ...1010 ...1330 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 F6 2 10 2 00 $40 3 00 3 00 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 2 75 $ 75 3 76 3 25 3 75 2 60 3 30 3 46 1015 920 1280 13h0 3 00 ' 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 40 2 25 t 60 3 65 8 65 8 55 3 40 3 40 3 40 8 46 3 75 2 75 1 75 2 36 1 30 3 10 1 10 1 cow... 8 cows.. 3 steers, 4 steers. 2 cows.. 1 cow... 2 bulls.. 8 steers 1 steer., ...1110 1 cow. 120 1 buU I60O 4 cows 1100 44 steers.. ..1161 3 feeders. .112 22 feeders.. 1144 26 feeders. .1124 1 feeder. ..1160 1 feeder... 1310 II feeders.. 1210 13 cows 1010 t cows 1032 !cows lo58 cow 678 3 heifers... 685 1 heifer.. ..lloO 4 heifers... 62 i cows.., 1 cows. ., ..1010 ..1135 1 feeder... 1210 1 feeder. ..1130 11 feeders.. 1026 6 feeders.. 1016 1 feeder. ..IkO 9 feeders.. Ii0 15 cows 974 2 cows P5 2 cows 1105 8 cows 790 1 cow li60 1 cow liCO 4 cows l'5 1 cow 1110 1 feeder... 420 $ 00 t M 3 45 845 1 cow.. ..1130 ,..lo ..12U 1 cow. 1 1 cow.. 1$ cows. 19 cows. 1 oow 1114 8 46 1 cow 1L30 1 46 COLOKAIXJ. ...MM t 70 11 cows 1012 I 80 ... 916 1 80 r. Hlgglns Neb. ... 390 3 16 9 cows 90S ... S3 I 00 17 cows 873 ... 960 I 56 1 cow 810 8 cows... 9 cows... 1 cow 1 calf 79 feeders. 61 heifers. 4 cows... 4 cows... 1 cow.... 3 40 $ 65 340 . 240 3 00 P. F. Rouche Neb. . 336 8 26 8 feeders.. 836 ,. 745 3 75 M. FarreH Neb. .1063 3 60 28 cows.. j. .1108 .lit $ 15 2 cows lulO . 930 1 75 feeders.. 1046 2 60 3 60 2 15 836 8 IS 1 75 2 60 2 26 3 40 2 60 3 10 2 76 $ 10 2 2K 3 70 W TUS1NU. 24 feeders.. 312 3 10 19 feeders.. 660 4 feeders.. 660 $ 60 2 cows 92S 1 bull 12iO 1 60 8 feeders.. 840 1 feeder... 620 $ 60 1 cow lf0 1 cow 940 2 26 1 cows 85 23 heifers... 573 2 16 16 heifers... 3u6 feeders. .870 8 10 229 feeders 1246 3 60 30 feeders.. 1246 1 cow 1010 2 25 2 heifers... HfO 20 cows K 2 75 1 cow 1W 3 cows vtaj 2 86 1 steer 880 $8 feeders.. Ssl 3 00 11 feeders.. 874 A J. Plummer Neb. W cows l'TI 70 1 row ' 3 SO 1 cow VKaJ 1 cow.. ..-1050 2 6 1 cow 810 3 15 t .. no .. 9M .. - 0 .. an ..12 ..1020 W. .. 9.16 K 8 60 3 60 1 65 3 V 2 so 1 cow... 1 cow... 3 rows . . 4 cows.. 24 cows.. . 730 . 90 .11(10 .12 . 043 1 S 3 6 3 a) 3 26 2 t 3 65 O Everest Neb. 3 65 8 rows. .. C Murnsn Neb. 780 10O ..1009 3 40 A. A. Carlln Neb. 25 feeders.. 98 3 25 10 feeders.. 1007 3 16 3 60 3 76 2 2 66 1 b6 6 cows lil 3 00 6 cows 1103 L. Graves Neb. 3 45 9 feeders.. lOlS 3 45 61 rows 922 2 00 ' 3 cows 1010 3 45 1 bull 1280 2 75 H. 13 feeders. lot 5 72 cows !W 2 bulls 12MI 1 cow K) 15 feeders. .1039 W. A. Margraves Neb. 81 cows 819 2 85 It cows 10117 2 70 117 cows... .1037 $ 70 8 60 3 60 3 15 3 60 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 60 2 60 8 40 112 feeders. 829 109 feeders. 842 8 60 3 feeders. 6 heifers... 352 3 75 12 cows.... 1 cows 820 2 16 2 steers... 720 850 ,. 790 ,. 805 ,. 8T.3 .1010 A. H. Ammos Neb. . 845 2 00 2 cows.... 11 cows... 1 bull.... 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 19 cows... 1 cow.... 31 cows... . 850 2 50 8 rows. . 920 3 00 1 cow.. . 590 i 00 1 cow Frank Valentine Neb. . 953 8 65 1 calf .1140 3 25 11 cows.... J. R. I-anaham Neb. 660 210 998 .1017 3 60 3 cows 1035 .930 X 00 IS feeders.. 116C 1 cow. 1 feeder... 1290 3 00 J. W. McCauley-Neb. 1 heifer.... 400 1 75 8 heifers... o 3 cows 820 8 20 6 cows 786 I cow 670 1 75 2 cows lot) 3 feeders.. 61 3 23 1 bull 1200 8 cows 875 2 00 C. J. Abbott-Neb. 1 bull 1240 2 00 161 feeders. 1120 1 feeder... 1120 3 26 C. C and J. M. Oentrv Neb. I 35 1 75 2 85 2 00 8 65 3 25 2 30 2 50 2 50 1 26 4 t0 2 16 2 15 3 50 93 feeders.. 11 62 3 65 1 feeder. ..1162 J. K. Ravmonil Neb. 18 cows 916 2 55 10 rows 1044 Poker Rroa. Neb. 18 heifers... 758 2 25 1 cow 9W 9 cows 10112 2 00 25 heifers... 8'3 2 heifers... 830 2 10 1 txlfer.... 550 F. Currle Neb. 21 feeders..H10 3 60 1 calf 170 7 cows 1074 2 60 1 bull 1490 1 hull 1610 2 16 4 cows 855 1 cow KttO 2 15 C. E. Stewsrt-Neb. 7 cows 970 2 50 14 feeders.. 1090 3 feeders.. 890 3 00 . K. E. Surley Neb. 10 cows 1083 2 45 2 cows 1100 4 cows 1042 2 4B 4 cows 1017 4 cows iat6 2 15 2 cows-.. ...1030 1 bull 1290 3 15 D. A. Lawler Neb. 63 feeders.. 850 3 55 7 feeders.. 850 3 46 2 16 2 40 3 00 3 36 8 00 2 46 3 IS 3 25 185 196 860 . 200 2 50 3 60 2 60 1 feeder... 1090 3 56 2 feeders.. 825 8 feeders.. 786 8 75 1 feeder... 880 3 00 36 cows 976 cows 868 J. 13. Jordan Neb. 8 cows 1 cow 976 2 40 3 cows 9V 730 t 40 10 feeders.. SOS Wilson. arMr. Neb: 1 heifer., 3 . 83 f .. irtW 4 steers. ...lMO It. 0. 43 steers... .130R 8 85- 4 bolls . ...1397 Van Tasse.!! Wyd. I so 8 steers. ...lata Cheney Wyo. E. 7 calves... 160 1 cow 1030 1 stag 1030 24 feeders.. 609 41 feeders. 773 4 00 33 cows 1111 2 75 1 cow 1030 2 2R 80 feeders.. 775 3 15 4 feeders.. 609 8 10 Thomas Bros. Wyo. 976 3 00 28 cows 1083 64 feeder. 1 70 2 00 2 90 2 90 2 90 E. Bolce Wyo, 16 cows... 1 cow 35 cows..., 30 cows... 23 feeders. .1019 2 40 6 cows 848 .100 . 969 .1005 .1059 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 40 48 cows 989 47 cows 1000 29 cows 1050 H W. Loomls Wyo 74 steers.. ..1030 3 35 8 cows 856 2 00 6 steers.... 975 2 76 23 cows 945 t bulls 1198 2 M) 2 00 I R. Orant Wyo. , 22 feeders. .1067 8 65 1 stag 1000 11 cows..... 864 2 15 9 cows 1022 Swan Land St Cattle Co. Wyo. 123 feeders. 1085 3 45 6 feeders.. 1085 20 feeders. .1107 8 45 C. Jost Wyo. 22 feeders.. 1060 3 35 1 bull 1330 II. T. Gray-Wyo. I steer 1100 8 15 16 feeders.. 88? R feeders.. 856 8 40 6 cows 10H8 18 cows 980 2 65 1 bull 1450 Ole Olson 8. D. 9 feeders.. 773 3 60 10 feeders.. 790 II cows 934 2 35 1 feeder... 760 1 feeder... 760 2 60 J. Hart S. D. 163 steers... 1116 3 15 McPhee A Mullen Colo. 51 cows US! 2 35 43 cows 912 63 cows 920 2 60 8 00 2 80 3 00 2 60 3 40 2 65 2 25 3 00 2 00 Western Ranches B. V. 39 steers.. ..1118 3 20 44 steers.. ..1143 8 20 4 steers.. ..1080 J. 3 20 T. Craig S. D. 23 steers 1281 3 00 Joe Trummer S. D. 1230 8 70 9 steers.. ..1077 8 70 V. steers.. 1 steer... 6 cows... 3 cows... .1030 J . 970 .1185 3 70 H. West S. D. 3 25 8 cows. ,.im 1 60 3 60 2 00 3 85 2 00 2 50 1 cow 1080 Joe Ijongpfe 8. D. 14 feeders . 835 3 65 1 cow... . 900 1 75 2 cows.. .1000 2 40 3 cows.. 880 1126 910 1 cow.... 2 cowa... 1 bull.... .1380 3 00 B. o. oougpre b. u. 1 bull... . 1300 2 30 7 cows 960 2 75 1 cow.... 1230 2 75 Jihn Frlehiirsr Colo. 8 cows 935 200 1 cow 920 1 60 8 cows 935 2 00 1 cow 920 1 60 6 calves... 293 3 60 3 calves... 170 6 00 2 heifers... 900 2 60 1 bull 1140 2 35 UDCR In view of tha extremelv llaht re ceipts of hogs this morning traders were lonkina- for nrices 10 improve a nine mis mnrnlnr. hut reoorts from other points were ao unfavorable. Chicago being quoted 104il5c lower, that prices here had to suffer also. The market opened naroiy more than a nickel lower, but packers only ma that way on a few loads and then the mat ket settled down to sbout a 10c decline and the hulk of the hogs sold that way. The quality of the offerings was not very good this morning, as mere were 110 nnru; phnli. no-ht welvnt loaua on sale, ana inm fact of course injures the appearance of the market on paper. The bulk of the heavy hogs sold from $5.00 to $5.06, with some coarse and common kinds below $5.00. Medium weights sold from ja.ua io o.iu and lights could De quoiea irom eo.iu iu 46.30. the latter price being paid for a small bunch. Representative sales No. At. gta Pr. No. At, h. 140 40 10 to 1 110 to 120 M M0 lie 140 ISO 120 240 'io Pr. I Of t 00 f 00 t 00 t 00 I 00 t ot I 05 t Of I 01 i ot I ot I 07Uj I 07V I 10 f 10 I 10 t It I to 4 tK. 1 H4 40 40 11 44 4 44 I 00 5 00 I 00 4 00 I 00 I 00 I 0?4 4 01 v, 4 02i 4 01 4 Ol'-i I 01 Si 4 02S t on, t OISi 4 04 I ot 4 06 II... 14... 41... 40... 64... 4E... IS.., 41... II... 40... 13... 44... 40... 11... 40.., ax.. IS.., 14.. ...11 ....117 ....lit ...tt ....341 ....lit ....111 ....171 ....IM ....117 ....til ....14 ....171 ....IM ....161 ....IM ....ISO ....lit 44. .ins M.. 64.. It.. it.. 41.. 14.. U.. 44.. It., as.. Co.. 44.. 61.. 10.. 4S.. 11 H6 Ml .nt ....WO ...1M ...IM 184 ....lit ....tno ....tat ...11 H ....I11O 44 .mi 11.. .lit KHEFP There was another big run of hon and lambs in sight this morning and tho market old noi anow as mucn activity as usual, unicago reponea quite aiunip in values, and as a result packers were Inclined to pound the market here also. At the onenina- a few mutton grades gold at about steady prices, and In fact there were so few killers Included In the offerings that packers were unable to bear the market to anv extent all day. There was, however, a big run cf feeders on hand, and there were scarcely aa many buyers In sight as usual. That of course had a denresslna effect upon the market and trading waa slow, with all but the best erades a trifle lower tnan yesterday. Quotations for grass aiocit: cnoice west ern lamhak 34.754?5.00: fair to good la ml J. 34.5004.76: choice yearlings. $3&i3.85: fair to rood vearunas. aJ.4wa.JWJ: cnoice wein ers, $3.35(3.60; fair to good weiners. sa.iwgt $.35; choice ewes, I2.854?8.10; fair to good ewes. $2.50fit.80; choice feeder larat-s. 14. 10. J 4 50; fair to good feeder lambs, $3 &0J4.ou; feeder yearlings. S3.16ft4.6TJ: feeder wethers, 13.0043.25: feeder ewes. $1.5O4f.50. Repre sentative sales: 67 Wyoming feeder ewes at . 3 84 I'tah feeder ewes 102 2 30 200 Utah cull feeder ewes l"i 2 1020 Utah feeder ewes 2 70 23 Idaho ewes i"? ? 1? 389 I'tah feeder ewes 1"2 2 75 17 Wyoming ewes r; ' ? 74 native ewes 1 I1" 117 Wyoming feeder yearlings.... 85 2 40 Stack, la Sight. the six principal western cities yesterday: rules Cattle. Ifogs. Bheep, Omaha 7 174 8.5tO 27.500 CMcego 4.. 7.KO 16. 40,(M Vi5. r.i 217tO 10.UU0 C.0O0 i T7.i. ' 7.. 4.5(10 7.f(0 2.500 Bt. Joseph J. 4.0(i0 1.200 3.500 Bloux City Totals ..62.075 40.700 79,600 Waal Market. 8T. LOUIS, Oct. 20. WOOL Dull; dlum grades, combing and clothing. me- 17W 12(9 21Vo; light fine, lfcii!7Hc; heavy nne. 1410; iunwaaiii, . .TXW, ' .... k unnT Traftlna- this week, while not heavy, has been well dls. trlbuted. There Is an entire lack of apecu- NOTICE TO FARMERS I have a fine $5o0 piano that I will trade even up for a good team of horses, or one horse and some cash. Piano was used five months and bought of Bchmoller 4 Mueller Piano Co. Omaha Address A. cars Bee7 office. Council Bluffs, Iowa. y 1 cow... 9 cows.. $ cows.. 3 cows.. IP cows.. 1 cow... 17 cows.. 20 cows.. latlv feeling snd prices are strong. Fln wools have sold freely and staple wool have been In improve.! demand. The fol lowing are the quotations for leading de- . scrlptions: Ohio and Pennsylvania XV and sbove, 4(U3(; X. StWlc: No. 1, mfJ.Uc; No. 2, 31ti'32c; fine imwsshetl, 24W250; h'.'f blood unwashed, 2.'.'Ttl26c; three-eihths-blood uuwahd, 2Mi26c; quarter-Mood un washed, 2.'.J2.Hc; line washed delaine, .W; Michigan X and alKve, 27(nc; No. 1. 2i''cf 8oe; No. 2. 2s4i2Sc; tine unwashed, 21ti22c, quarter-blood unwashed, 24M26c; three-etghths-lilood unwashed, 24f2r; half-blood unwashed, 2l(h2ac; fine washed delaine, 3J ta:c: Kentucky, Indian, etc., tlireo-elghths-bloivl, 244 26c; quarter-blood, I4''t2.'o; briild, 2241 23c; Territory and Idaho fine, tilths'; tine medium, 16'til7c; medium, lV(il9c; Wyoming line, 14trl5c; fine medium. 1t'il7c; medium. lSVr'9c; Utah and Nevirda tine. lMilrt.'; fine medium. 174jt"V'; medium. 19ti 2c; iMkota line. livslc; fine medium. It'iVa 174c; medium, 19(i2oc; Montana lino choice, lOCti-Kc; flno medium choice, ISuOjc; staple, 20fa21c; medium choice, 2w-lc. HEAL E'TATR TRAsiSFKIIS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Ounrantce and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam tsreet: James Cosgrove and wife to Kothryn M. iiartnoiomew, nH lot 7 and till lot 8, and strip adjacent. In block 1S1H. City $ 4,000 Omaha Loan and Trust company to William K. Potter us receiver, lot 21. Orlffln A Isaac's addition and other lands 1 William K. Totter, as receiver, to Herbert S. Heathfleld. lot 21, CJrir fln & Isaac's addition and other lands 1 Sheriff to Herbert S. Heathfleld. lot 21. Orlffln & Isaac's addition and other lands 21,310 Samuel Mortow to Louis and Mnry .andiiBkye, s40 feet lot 7, block 347. City 1,825 Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust company to Elmer J. .Neville, e'4j x wMi lots 1 and 2, block 4, Kountse A Ruth's addition $.200 Insurance Company of North America to Alanson I. Root part lot 11, Helmbaugh Dace addltlun 7,7oO Robert Ouy and wife to Adam Stephen, lots 1 and 4, block 71, Flor ence W Sheriff to Nona Baldwin, lots 8 and 7, block 14, Poyd's addition 4,321 Martha R. Budgate and husband to Lottie K. Bmlth, s40 feet lot 6. block 6. Denlse's addition 1.JH0 Ida Davis and husband to V A. Hampton, lot 11, block 6, Kllhy Place addition 60 1 The Concordia Loan and Trust com pany to Valley Loan and Tnst com pany, lot $0, block 12, Kountze A Ruth's- tvAtoirinn 1 Anna tl. Andrews te' John If. .Wat ford, lot 9, block 13, West End addi tion i 1.600 Ella II. Lnblngler and husband to Ida M. Cronk. Tot 38, block 4, Urlggs Place addition 1,700 Charles 8. Huntington et ai., execu tors, to Randall K. Brown, lot 12, block 94, with other lots In Florence. 163 Sheriff to Howard P. Bell, leasehold Interest w lot 1, et lot 2, block . 118, City lO.OCrte' Balthaa Jotter and wife to Louis Joru dan, lots 11 and 12, block 1, Jetter's 2d addition 400 Louis W. Sautter to Nellie 8. Sautter, part tax lot 32, 22-13-13 1 Arthur T. Lyman et al., trustees, to Jonas L. Braudcls, lot 6, block 107, City 60,000 Jonns 1 Urandets and wife to J. 1 Brandels A Sons, lot 6, block 107, City 50,0YJ Edward RettK Jr., and wife to Luelln K. Anderson. w40 feet nH lot, 6, block 5. Orchard HI'l addition 1.670 Charges Less Than All Others DR. tYlcCREW SPECIALIST. Treats sll fsrats el DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A Medical Expert , 28 Years' Ezperlaacs IS Years Is Ossaha Near 30,000 C. Care Varloeeels. Hydroeala, Blood Potaea, Strata". Oleat, Narreu Dabllltr. Um of Strangta 4 Vital ity an all forma of chroaie llnim TraatoMnt by mail. Call er writs. Baa Tt. onto ever Ua A 14th L. Oaaaka, Kae. EPHONE ANY OF OUR 150 CES KET PRICES ON We hava the largeat private wire system Is America, and will lva you the latest telegraph prices at Chicago. Minneapolis and Duluth. Orders for future delivery executed at the market) prompt service given. Commiaaiorial Wheat, I-I6C per but on oats and corn, l-fte per ba. Cotrrmlaakm oa stocks, 1--4 per cent. e H I P fTa your wheat and kj AA K ET J 3 OTHER 4JRAINS. We guarantee nlghest eash prices and prompt returna, paying drafts In sdvano upon oun slgaments. Commission, Me par bushel. No Interest Chart ed lor Carrying Long Stocks. COMMISSION CO. CAP) SURPLUS axnO.OOO --. A b; X "FOiTfflE MAR VJi3EAT,nAT&0IHI fOE, GRAIN STOCKS t OENERAL OFFICES! NEW YORK Uh ktUX)., MINNEAPOLIS. ROBT. VANCE, Correspondent. 118 Farnam St., Omaha. Tel. 84U7. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS iduords, Uood Room A Q p rUnhatUn Blif;., frfm ST. PAUL, MINN. JHJ Dealer In Grs.n, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable margins. Members Important Exchanges. Prl. ate Wires. Write for our dally market tetter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advance. I'rompt Returns. 100 Be Bids;. Phone AK14 Omaha, Nebraska. Dolnth. . Wlsatpeg. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. INb. a s. MsMitvy Capital and Surplus, $600,000 nutf atlsWIV. rraa. t B. WOOD, V. fraa. LUTBE8 MAlt Cm User. PRANK T. 8afLT0K. aut fatkler. Racatra aaceanu af baaka kaakara. corsaf aticxia, (rsa sad UdlTldaai aa fsvorakl it mm. Koralsa Cicbaas aoafht sad said, battara a( tmlit iaauad. STallasle Is all Sana of taa world. Inuraat said so Tlma CartlSeatas ef rMpoatt. rallactloiia suaa srumutlir and acoaaultalir. Wi raeaaat oarraataadeaa. VEARE GRAIN GO. . 110.111 BearA f Traee, OMAHA. NEB. C, W. fwerst, klaaatier. Tel. lBlt.