TT1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET On Cfcictgt J3ord All Prides Wert Lower ' ch Betritk lewt, FAVORABLE WEATHER INFLUENCES CORN Larger Receipts aad yannatar "Mfc Other Markets Reefteetl Price f Oats, Wall Prevision Wcr Ltwn. CHICAGO, Ort. l$.-Orsln prices ruled lower today. Influenced by the slump In TV'sIl street and by ths bearish foreign news. December wheat closed S'V lower, corn and oats wera each down lfeltto and January provisions wers from 7Vc to 30c lower at ths close. Wheat was decidedly unsettled and the volume of trading- was fairly large. Open ing prices were easier, due to ths lower cables and to the large world's shipments. The weatftyr throughout the west and northwest was also of a favorable charac ter and Induced considerable selling. Humors of Impending trouble In Wall street had some Influence early In the day and surrounded by these bearish advices De cember opened lower at MO&MHtc, and prlcea held around ths opening tigures until noon, when a sharp upturn occurred on heavy buying of Iecemler by a prominent local bull, which Induced many shorts to cover. With light offerings the price quickly started upward and December sold up to ic, but at that figure offerings became liberal and the decline which followed was s sudden as the rally. On the general elU Jng December declined to rtc and the' close was at llgittlc, a loss of tc for ths day. Clearances of wheat snd flour were equal to 433,400 bu. The visible supply howed an Increase of 1.427,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,061,800 bu., sgalnst 1,"59,4W0 a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth re ported receipts of 818 cars, which, with local receipts of 111 cam. none' of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 919 cars, against LOW last week and 1,400 a year ago. Corn ruled weak under heavy selling by commission houses and provision people. The principle Influences that brought out the selling pressure were the favorable weather and Increased receipts, together with tha weakness In wheat. There was a temporary rally In the middle of the pesslon on liberal covering and In sympathy with the upturn In wheat, but later the market again turned weak and the close was near the bottom. After selling between and 44V4C December closed with a loss of lfgmo at UWtpiVbC. Iocal receipts wera 619 cars, with 32 of contract grade. Weakness In wheat and corn, together with Increased receipts, kiwered prices In oats. Commission houses were the best aellers, and what little support the market received came from shorts. The close was weak, with December down lfclVio at VWd tb'Ac. liquidation In October lard was the fea ture In trading In provisions, and with only a small support from brokers the market ruled weak. Heavy receipts of hogs, with a decline of from 10c to 20c In ? rices at ths yards wera early bear fac ors. January pork closed UHo lower at HI TS, January Isrd off 20o at $8.40 and ribs down 7Hc at .17V. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 86 cars; corn, 416 cars; oats, 28$ cars; hogs, 11,000 Used. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat Dec. May Corn Oct. Deo. May Pen. May Jork- Oct. Jan. .May Lard Oct. Dec Jan. May Ribs " Oct. , Jan. May , to- Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y. 7Wid Vs W'S 43 HK 43 43 44H 444fc1 44X 43H43Hfi5 44i 42t5- 43Vi 421426'! 8314 ' M ' 98 804 SB 351004 8S'i 36HJ 34 o3W37 I .: 11 00 11 25 HIM 11 R7 11 75 11 77 11 W 11 W li 00 11 86 11 87 12 05 SO 8 60 12U 15 B2tf 60 80 e 22 62 IK e 67 87 40 8 60 7 m, 47 i47 65 I ' 00 8 00 8 00 SCO t0 20 28 eis ei7 ;s 30 e 32 4 27 tii a New. No. 1 ' Cash quotations war as follow: FLOCR Steady; winter patents, $4 00 4.20; straights, $3.70H.lO: -spring patents. S4.10tf4.60; straights, ia.70ta8.90; bakers, I2.C0 t&3.40. .... li WHnxT-ifo, I spring.. l8c; No.. J. red, SI W?iK3 "AC CO RN-No. t, 43c; No. i yellow, 44c. OATS No. 1, 4i&34c; No. i white, 3i '7TB-No. i. 8&S57C , BARLEY aood feeding, 4243c; fair to choice malting, 4466c. BEEDS-iNo. 1 fltt, 6c; No. 1 northwest am, 81.02; . prime timothy, 83.06; clover, contract grade, 810.50fel0.40. . PROVISIONS Mens pork, per bhl., tTI.OO ft 11.12. Lard, per 100 lb.. 8.206.26. Short Jibs sides (loose), 87.2W7.50. Dry salted ahoulders (boxed). I 12(jJ.25. Bhort clear sides (boxed). 7.75iaH.00. Tha following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Meceiprs. nnrpments. 29.500 13.600 118.700 . 73.3O0 33.3no 2K2.6U0 319.200 260,000 10,400 2.400 3.80O u.eou On, the Produce exchange today the but ter market was 'steady; creameries, l&Vtp aoo; dairies, i4ric. r-Kgs. nrm; at mam, eases Included, l(Ki6( 19c. Cheese, aaaler, iotuo. HEW YORK GEKEH1L MARKET. Flour,- bbla.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu. Rye. bu Barley, bu. disUtltH the Day mm Vartaa Camsaedrtles. NEW YORk. Oct. !. FLOUR-ReeetDts. 81.211 bbla; exports, S3.345 bbls. The market was quieter, dui prices sun nrmiy neia; winter patents, $3.904.30; winter straights, 83.MXa4.00; Minnesota patents. M-oViM 85; winter extras. 32.8ou3.25: Minnesota bakers. 13.6ott4.10; winter low grades, $3.7tty3.U6. Rye flour firm; fslr to good, 13.26413.40; choice to fancy, S8.4frtf3.40. Buckwheat flour, firm: 82.60. new cron. BCeKWIiHAT-Flrra; 61o. o. 1. f., New ,lorg. CORNMEAL Easy; yellow western, 81. 09; City, 81 07; kiln dried. S3 to S. 26. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 62o, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; atate and Jeraey, 664jo6c v BARLEY Steady; feeding. 4tc, c. 1. f., jpurraio, mailing. swumc, c. 1. t., tlurtalo. V UKAT- heceluts. 07.760 bu.: exDorts 67.8U0 bu. The market for spot was easy; i o. 1 rea, oohe eievsior, aoc 1. o. o, afloat; No. 1, northern Duluth, slHc f. o, b. afloat; No 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Outlona disolaved erlv de pression because, of lower cables, big Rus sian anipmenis ana moderate unloading led by a. scare of December shorts snil thereafter ruled 'flrn, helped by light In terior receipts, until near the close, when a bear attack broke prices. These were rnai. ?i!H'c lower. May. s& t-iSQKtc; clored, 8JSc; December. 86 1-Mr 7c, closed. 8'c. t ORN Recelots. 44.X1 bu.: exoorta Zl - til bu. The market for snot was weak; No. t, nominal, elevator and 57c f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, 64c; No. S white. 56c. The option market was .dull snd weak all the session, yielding to good weather, lower cables. Mheral world's shipments snd fairly large rectrtpts and small clearances. The close was wmf nei lower. May. Wa49c, closed 4Sci December. 5oS4i51c, closed. 6uc. OATS Receipts, 43.500 bu.; exports, nu. 1 no mimei tor spot was quiet; No. 1. 41c; alandard wlllte. 43c; No. 3. 40c; No. 1 white. 43c: track white. 41ft46e. HAY luii: snipping. WHiiOc; good to cnoice. botisoc. tltlPH 4Julet: state common 4a ,knl. itt, StHi83u? 1S02, 21((2Kc: olds, ltnSc; Pa cine coast, icjjoc, usu, ajab; olds, lCKo 13c. . HIDES Steady; uaiveston 70 to 25 pounds, lc; l aurorma. a 10 a pounds, LEATHER Btesdy; scld. tag25c; Vwoo'l, firm: dometlc fleece. iVa PROVISIONS Weef. steady; family 310 00 ou; ineaa. siwin; wi iiama, f.i 60(i Z3.00; psrket. t U.tflO.iO: city extra India mess. 114 WMtTio uu: i ui menis. unlet dull; No. i red western winter, Ss 7d; No. 1 northern spring, no stock. Futures, stesdy; October nominal; December. 4s d. CORN rnot. hrm: Amerlcsn mixed. 4s 6d. Futures, quiet; December, 4s3d; January, 4s Id. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coa4HUa ( Trad aad aatlas Mtapla ks4 Faaey Pradaee. EGOS Fresh stock, loss off, lc LIVK I'OL'LTRY Hens. fciSVbc: spring hlcksns, SVuKc; rnosteri, according to age. vuoc; lurseys, lzauc; old aucxs, c; young ducks 3Sc; geese, 4c. BUTTKK Packing stock, 13c; choice to fanry dairy, In tubs, liUflitc; separator, Sic. FKEHH F18H-Fresh csught trout. Uc; rlckerel, 8c; plko, loe; perch, 4c; buffalo, 43Hc; bluetish, 15c; whlteflsh, loc: salmon, He; haddock, ICo; codfish. Lie-, rsdsnapper, 11c; lobsters boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsters, green, per lb.. .8c: bullheads. 11c: catflsh. 14c; black bass, 2ofc25c; halibut, 9c; crapples. uc; n erring, so: white bass, 10c; Dluenns, 80. UIBIKH8-New York counts, per can, 45c, per gal., 12.00; extra selects, per csn, I 87c, per gal., 81.76; standard, per can, 30c, per gal., tl 3b. n haw per ton, 414.00. HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Whole- sals Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 800; No. 3. 88.60: medium. Ss.uo: coarse, 87.60. Rye straw, 87.00. These prices are ror nsy or gooa color ana quality, de mand fair and receipts light. lAtKIN KC. OATS 38c. RYE No. J, &flft. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. 75a0c: Dakota. per bu., 705j'7oc; native, 8570c. SWEET POTATO ICS Home s-rown. Der basket, J6c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl., 3.0u. orjcn nurao grown, wax, per maraei basket. HXaMc: strlna. Der market basket. 404)50c. UMATOEs Home grown, pen basket. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.65. CELERY Michigan. Der doa.. fyH3Sc: large western, 46c. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., lc: Spanish, per crate. 81. 66. C-AJUAUE Missouri Holland, lViC FRUITS. PRITNES-Italian, per box. 81.00. PEACHES Utah freestones. 80c: Colo rado AJbertas, 31.00. PEAKS-Colorado'and UUh Keif era, 81.76; winter Nellis, 82.25. APPLES Jonathans and Grimes Golden. 83.754.00: Michigan stock, J3.2ftua.50; Cali fornia w-nnowers, per box, 31 60; New hoik stock. 83 2.Va3.60; Oregon stock in bushel boxes, 31.)&il.25. . . (iRAPEti California ToTShva. tlffi: New York, per 8-lb. basket, 28iT CRANBERRIES Per bbl., 87.758.00; per box, 82.76. CALIFORNIA QUINCES Per box, 81.46. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Velenchis. 124-160 sixes. 83.75: Mexican, all sizes, 34.00. LEMONS-Callfomla fancy, 300 to 860 sixes, 34.60; choice 240 to 210 sizes, 84 004.26. Ui Laiirornia, per lOrtb. cartons, boc DATES Persian, per box of 30 Dackagesc. 82 00. x MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 12Vsc; Wisconsin limberger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska. Der 24 frame. 83.50: Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 83.6a. pupuokn per id., 2c; sneueo, ivc. HORSE RADISH Per cast of I doa., 1 packed, 80a HIDES No. 1 green. 4c: No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c: No. 2 salted, 4c: No. 1 veal cair, 3 to li lbs., sc; jno. i veai calf, 12 to 16 lbs., Gc; dry salted hides, 83 12c: sheeD pelts. 264i75c: horse hides. tl.Ma 160. NUTS Walnuts, no. 1 sort-aneu, per 10., lc: hard-shell. ter lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft-shell. per lb. 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., lljUo; filberts, per lb., llrllc; almonds, son-sneu, per 101, 10c; hard-sneii, per id., lac; pecans, lacge, per lb., 108 11c; small, per lb., BHlOc; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, 12ftl3c; large hickory nuts, per bu., 8175: shell-barks, per bu., 81. 76J i.00; black walnuts, per bit., 81.26. St. I.oals Grain aad traTlslosis. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1. WHEAT Lower; No. I red, cash elevator, 86c; track, 87SSHc; December, 5c; May, IUc; No. 2 hard, 18 fj80c. uuhn-Lower; wo. z cairn, 41 y,c ; rracK, 44c; December, 3Vic: May, 3aS39c. OATS-Lower: No. 2 cash. 36c; track. 37 S7c; December. 3Bc; May, 4040c. i 1 1 1 r triii, WU) FI-OUR Oulet:ired winter catents. 83.90 474.10; extra fancy and straight, 83.603.96; clear, 83.3iS3.40;. kkisik rimotny, steaoy; xz.ouwi.uu. CORNMEAL Steady; 32.40. BRAN Dull: weak: sacked east, track. 75('76-. hay steady; umotny, 91.wwn.1n; prai rie, w.oofrfinno ikon co 11 on ii&a Il.UO. BAGGING 6fr6c. HEMP TWINESc. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing and standard mesa, 811.70. Lard, lower; 84.06 clear ribs, 39.37; short clear, 39.87. POULTRY steady; cnicKens, c; springs, 8c: turkeys, 12c; ducks, Wtloc; geese, 70. BUTTER 8teady; creamery, 17aac; dao', I4&'isc. eous Higher, ac, loss on. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12.000 8,000 Wheat, bu 44.000 74.000 Corn, bu 54,000 65.000 Oats, bU 106,009 80,000 Kaaaas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 19. WHEAT Close: December. 6!Wff)e; Mav. 9ififl9c; cash No. 2 hard, 74S75c; No. 8, 7173c; No. 4. 43i&c: rejected. t"3iS5c; No. 2 red, S3c; No. CORN December, 36c; May, 34c; cash No. 2 mixed. 41c: No. 2 white. 41c: No. 8. oc. oats no. 3 wnite, tic: no. i muted, sec, RYE No. 2. 6241163c HAY-Cholce timothy. 89.60010.00: choice prairie. 88.00. -BUTTER-Creamery, 1819c; fancy EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, eases returned, lftc; new No. 8 whltewood cases Included Uc Receipts. Shipments. 124.400 130,400 18.400 4.400 , 10,000 8.000 Wheat, bu .. Corn, bu Oats, bu .... Philadelphia Pradac Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 19 BUTTER Firm, higher: extra western creamery, 21c; nearnv prints, sac. EGGS Firm, good demand: fresh nearby. 24c, at mark: western, 24c. loss off; south- wetern. zagL'sc; soutnern, 21V2ZC. CHEESE Quiet, unchanged; New York full creams, fancy, 12c; choice, 1144c; fair to gooa, nruc. Minneapolis Wkesl, Kl.r anal Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 19. WHEAT De cember. )c; May, 78c. On track: No. 1 hard. 8M4c: No. 1 northern, 4c: No. northern. 82'4c: No. 8 northern. 79'a81c. FIX)UR-Flrst patents, 34.564J4.4"; second patents, 84.46t4.66: first clears. 83.404i3.60; second clears, 2. .b'Oi Sa, I. o. D. in wood Minneapolis. . BRAN In bulk. 813.00. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Smajhes st Baltimore 0me Heaty Celling on the Ezohtnge, RAILROAD STOCKS AGAIN INVOLVE Attentat Made Insist Week t Separate Sarcessfal, Botk Feeling Effect ( Depression. NEW YORK. Oct. 1 Clouds of amir. henslon gathered over the stock ' market sgaln today and prlcea of practlcal'y all the prominent active storks were Impaired from two to four points before the selling was checked. The appointment of receiv ers for two Baltimore trust companies was tne impelling causes of trie selling, weak ness was In evidence .from ths onenlntf. and. In fact, before that. London sending a decidedly lower range of prices as a result or tne eariy trading there, it is pronauie that the weakness of Americans In London slao emanated from Baltimore, as one of the embarrassed companies made efforts to secure a loan In London last week, thus offering that center advice concerning the trouDie. Rumors came over the cables that he troub'e at last week's settlement, which wss tided over, wss likely to crop out again. London sales In New York, as a consequence were heavy, being estimated as high ss 60,000 sharea. How far the Bal timore troubles were directly responsible for the forcing of storks was not very clear, but the special weskness of some of he southern railroad stocks Indicated sell ing from that quarter. The sentimental effect of the failures was also strong and put a stop entirely to the hopes of bettor f rices aroused by last week's sharp rally n the stock market. That ra'.ly having driven a considerable short Interest to cover, left the market deprived of somo potential support and made It more vul nerable to selling. The line of division which began to de velop last week between the railroad stocks snd the Industrials was also obliterated. The leading railroad stocks suffered fully as affeerely as the lndustria's, as Is shown bv the declines of 8 to 3 points made by Baltimore St Ohio. Southern Railway pre- erred. Union Pacific. Southern Factnc and Missouri Pacific The only prominent In dustrials which suffered to as large an ex tent were United States Steel preferred, Amalgamated Steel, General Electric and Westlngbouse, the lost named dropping 8 points. Cms of Failures. The Baltimore failures seem to be due to the same causes which have necessitated he greater part of the prolonged liquida tion in the stock market, namely, over commitment In the promotion and under writing of new enterprises, the securltles of which have no market In the present state of the money market and public sentiment. There has been a a-rowlng hone that tno liquidation made necessary by this kind of poor Investments was approaching com pletion. The revelation that It has been ineffectual to such an extent aadisclosed by the Baltimere failures causes the draw ing of uncomfortable Inferences. It Is a remarkable fact, too, that up to today the enormous shrinkage In the value of securi ties and the urgent requirements wnicn have been met In liquidation had not caused a single failure In the banking and trust company world. Reassuring state ments were published as to the limited fled of the Baltimore troubles, but these did not much avail to cheer the sentiment In the stock market. There was a midday pause In the dec'Jne after the completion of the Tendon selllna. but the announce ment of the second Baltimore failure caused a renewal of the declines, ana tne closing was heavv and only slightly above the lowest Illinois Central made a spasmodic recovery of 1. Tne bona mameu yieiuea in sympaiuy with stocks. Total sales of bonds, par value, were, 84,010,000. United State bonds were unchanged on the last call. Following are the closing quotation on the New York S'.ock exchange: Bales. Hlgn. low. vinse. Atchison do cfd Baltimore & Ohio .., do nfd Canadian Pacific ... Central or N. J Chesapeake aV Ohio. Chicago & Alton .... do pfd Visible Supply ef Grata. NEW YORK. Oct. 19 The visible supnly of grain Saturday, October 17, as compiled by the New York 1 Produce exchange. Is as follows: Wheat. 22.2:0ii0 bu.; an Increase of 1.147 000: corn. 8.412.000 bu.. an Increase of 14.000; oats. 799,000 bu.. an Increase of I.osh.oos; rye, 961.00U bu., a decrease of 7,000; uariey, ,n.uuu du., an increase 01 vu.uuu. Peorta Market. PEORIA, 111.. Oct. 19.-CORN-NO. S, 44c; No. 4, 43c. OATS Iwer; No. I white, 38c; No. 4 wnite, H'riiyxjc. Dnlntk Grain Market. DUUTH. Minn., Oct. 19. WHEAT On inu-a. iso. 1 northern, s.74jo; No. 2 north' em, 80c; December, 78!c OATS-34c. Teleae Seed Market. TOLEIH3, Oct. 19. SEEDS Clover, Oc tober and December. 84.5.'1; January, 34.06; February and Mnrch, 857. Prime alslke. o.a; prime tunoiny, 11.4a. OH anal Reala. .4 1 tickled bellies. 39.604Jfll.OB; prslefl shoulders ',, U . """'.'I, . ,na a,'"more, .7bai.O0; pickled hams. Sllotwi 13 Hi. I-ard.THkTf' P""dlplila and Biltlmore, In bulk NEW YORK. Oct. 1S.-OIL Cottonseed, dull: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, ytloe. Petroleum, firm; refined. N -Weak; tlty. 44MHc; country, esav; western steamed. 87 10; October cloned li.U nominal: refined, dull; continent. 3;. 36; South America. 8X60; compound. 87.V. v$ 187. Pork, dull; family. l flixi 19 60; short clear. 814 fckdp; 60; ma. 813.2M! 13.36. 1 RICE tjukrt; ' diKiieatlc fair to- extra. epc; Japan, nominal. TALLOW 4VK . BUTTER Receipts, 5 072 pk ? firm! Creamery. 14V9tlc; slate dairy, lit2un. KGH4 Receipts, 7,Juo pkgi. ; strung; west ern. Ui.c. POULTRY Alive, nommal; drelred, quiet; we'trrn chlcaena, I3c; fern Is, 13c; turkeys lW7c. ' y Mtlssaakee flrata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct 19 -WHEAT-Irreg-Ular; No. 1 northern. 8&f;tr7c; Nu. 2 northern, t05; December. lOXc. RYE Dull; No. 1, 6j64c. HARLEY-SUeady; No. 3. 45c; sample. 41 tj4lc. CORN Dull; psoember, 43SC asked. Liver!' Grata ana rrevlalens. LIVERPOOL, Oct. .-WHKAT-Bpot, 8l&. Rosin, Arm; strained, common to good. 8rirti3.46. Turpentine, quiet. 4ofilc. OIL CITY. Ps.. Oct. 19.-OIL Credit bal- sncea. ii.ti; rertincstes. 31.70, Mil: sales, t.ouo bbls., at 310 N0: shipments, 107 096 bbls average. 75 7 bbls.: runs. 121.275 bbls average, 72,417 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 141.912 nine. ; average, W) lw rhi. : runs, Llma, 111 439 bbls. : average. 64.007 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oh.. Oct. tt.-OILTrpen-tlne. firm. Vo. Rosin, steadv: A. B snd t K; D. 11 ; F. 32.60: O. 3156: H. 82.70; si, .; n, fi.Wi; w. u.. 4.uo; vr. w., Evaporate Apalea aa4 Dried rrnlta. NEW YORK. Oct. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Market quiet: futures are flrmlv held, makers asking from 6e to 4c fee prime, but spot supplies are In light de mand ana me market rules rather easy erinmon are quoted at 4io: prime, H4fr5c choice. 4n(Po: finrv M.iTc CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are quiet at quotation ranging from 3c 10 to iur an gTaaas. Apricots rvmain nrm col are quoted at ti!c; extra, choice, luploWo; fancy. lljiac. peaches are quiet ana swaay; ennbe are quoted at TfiV extra ciutv IVfttscj fancy, Vtfo. .77.350 . 400 ,.42,740 . 235 . 9,100 119 04 8S 74 87' ft 44 87U 72 K74 M 67 72 117 H74 155 1,200 80 2S 2 S.8S0 25 24 t5 100 63 63 61 14 14 14 24 24 25 1,400 168 s 155 lBf.Vi v 70 61 19 162 154 230 Chicago Qt, Western. 1,100 do B pfd 100 Chicago AN. W Chicago Term. St T. do pfd C. C, C. Sc St. L 200 70 Colorado Southern ... 700 12 do 1st pfd vw ii do 2d Dfd 600 20 Delaware St Hudson.. 400 154 Del., Lack. A West Denver Sc Rio Grande dO Pfd 1!K I Erie 49.350 27 do 1st pfd Lev m do 2d Dfd 1.650 48 Great Northern pfd Hocking vauey - do pfd i ti Illinois Central 1.675 ISO Iowa Central 200 18 do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd T.n.,l Nashville 11.150 99 Manhattan L 6.S" i: Metropolitan 8t. Ry... 1,300 104 103 Minn. St. Louis .... Missouri Pacific 13,5X5 W 8Ji Mo.. Kan. St Tex 300 14 16 do pfd 1.U0 34 34 N. R. P.. of Mex. pfd.. 17 68 11H 50 19 46 26 65 47 77 12S 18 97 IK 66 26'4 65 47 loo 65 57 129 IS 32 IS 81 98 I'M! 103 441 ft 15 3.1 New York Central.... 1.130 117 115 115 2,760 67 65 .. 2,450 20 ' 19 .62,004 118 117 !2bl900 '46 "44 6f, 19 117 50 ft 62 23 67 12 GO 45 13 .9) .28.450 137 135 134 170 89 17 72 21 16 24 69 84 16 29 14 15 1H0 100 102 102 101 ..26.925 .. 1.200 710 104 800 19.1H6 .... 6.100 1.670 . 1.100 . 100 ". " ioo . 2,600 25 69 44 14 XI 41 18 si 17 'f2 '17 80 300 18 Zl 67 45 14 30 17 71 21 17 '69 29 'i5 Norfolk St 'Wostern do Dfd Ontario ft Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C. C. St Bt L.... Reading do 1st pra do Id nfd Rock Island Co do Dfd , 8t. L. B. P.. cert.. do 1st pfd do Id nfd St. Louis 8. W do pfd St. Psul do pfd Southern Pactfle . Southern Railway do Dfd Texas 4V Pacific ... Toledo. St. I. 4k W do Dfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling AY L. E.. Wisconsin Central . Adams Express American Express .... IT. 8. ExDrees Wella-Farro Exoress. Amal. Copper 78.870 American car at r .... 1 Ait nfd 2.8"0 American Linseed Oil. do pfd American Locomotive 2.110 do pfd i.u American S. St R 7.2SO A rft . 660 ?.'!!?' SS HS W anaconua kiiimhb Brooklyn R. T 270 88 Colo. Fuel and Iron... 1.110 30 rnhimhin A H. Coal.. 200 101 frtronlMatftd OaS 450 173 General Electric 1.200 147; International Paper , do pfd International Pump , do pfd National Biscuit ..... National Lewd North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car... do pfd w- Pnllman Palace Car Republic Steel do pra .. Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal and Iron.. 3.o U. 8. leather tw do pfd 710 U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel 24.70ft do pfd .W.fil0 Western Union 1.870 & 21 68 '13 73 40 85 85 19 65 , ' 71 39 flatness of American securities. It was thought to be possible that the trust com pany's failure to float a S2.ono.oo0 lan here may have contributed to Its collapse. Onld. to the amount of 1:6ft. "no was wlthdrswn from the Bank of England for shipment to Jnva snd tlioooo was withdrawn for ship ment to Egvpt. PARIS, u-t. 19. The tone on the bourse todav was uncertain, owing to the situation In the far east. Hlo tlntos lost If. Three per cent rentes, 9f 62'c for the account. Exchange on 1-omlnn, 25f 14c for checks. BERLIN, Oct. 1-Prlees on the bourse todsy hud an Irregular tendency. Iron and coal shares were weak uporvproflt-faklng. Badk shares were Arm snd Canadian Pa cific was wesker upon New York advices. Exchange on I-omlon. 20m 42pfgs for checks. Discount rate for short bills, S per cent; for three months bills, 8 per cent. New Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 19. MONEY On call, easy at lVq.l per cent; closing bid snd asked. 2ifjL' per cent; on time, weak; sixty days, ninety days, and six months, 4'Sj5 per cent on prime collateral. Prime mercantile paper, hfite; ster ling exchange, steady at decline, with actual business In bsnkeVs' bills at 84.F645 &4 R!V50 for demand snd 34.823tf4 K2Vt for sixty days' bills; posted rates, $4.83'(j4.3; commercial bills, 34.82. SILVER Bar, 41c. MEXICAN DOLLARS 47C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: ;....10V4 Hoeklng Vl. 4Hi....1M ....1MVL N. unl. 4s ....107, Manhattan c. g. 4a. .101 ....) Mrx. Cantral 4a 71 . .. .134 I do 1st Inc 13"4 ....120 'Minn. A Bt. L 4a... ....lic M. , K. A T. 4a 7 ... HOVtl do U 74 inn, N. R. R. ot M. o. a M V. 8. ref. la, do coupon v . do Sa, rag.. so coupon ,.. do new 4a, reg.... do coupon do old 4a. reg do coupon do ba, reg do coupon Atrhlaon gen. 4a.... do adj. 4a , 'Atlantic C. Llna 4a. B. A O. 4a do Ja 1024 N. Y. C. g. a S MN. J. C. g. U 12914 90 No. Paclftc 4a lum )! do la NSK. A W. con. 4a.... f. . 1 O S. L. 4a A par.... 0H Central of Oa. ta. . Penn. conr. it... .. MVi do lat Inc. ... 64 Reading gen. 4a. 7 Chen. A Ohio 4H. .. .1014 8t. L. A 8. F. tg. 4a. 81 S Chicago A A. (Ha... 7l SI. L 8. W. la 4 C, n. A Q. n. 4a 2W Heatord A. U 4a... 17 C M t It P 4a...liiSo. Pacific 4a K6 C. A N. W. c. 7a.. ..1.12 Iho. Hallway (a 11214 C, R. 1. A P. 4a... 7IHlTeiaa A Pacific la.. .11 do col. ta 7S"4 T.. 8t. U A W. 4a... CCC-. A Bt. L. g. 4a.. 7 Union Pacific 4a 101 T.Hll do ronr. 4a 34S ilV. 8. Steel 2d 6a 70V, MVtiWabaah la. m (9V, I do deb. B 62 '4 7 in heel. A L. K. 4a... 16 Chicago Ter. 4a.. Con. Tobacco 4a.. Colo. A So. 4a Penrer A R. O. 4a Erl prior Han 4a.. do sen. 4a F. W. A r. c. la....l03Vt -uucrea, .' Wl. Central 4a MVi Iloston Stock Qnotattons. BOSTON, Oct. 19 Call loans. 3f4 per cent; time loans, 5Vo4 per cent. Official cloning prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon 4a Max. Central 4a... Atrhlaon do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boaton A Ma Hoaton Klerated . N. Y.. N. H. A H gltchbarg pfd .... Union Pacific Max. Central Amer. Sugar do pfd mer. T. AT..... Dom. I. A 8.. A.. ueneral Electric . . Maaa. Electric Dfd. United Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd , Weatlng. common.. Adventure Allouel S'4 Amalgamated 31 29 10 172 i 144 'a" 100 61 1.100 36 33 300 960 1.830 217 "in 400 - 130 19 0 29 69 ""' 14 wi 74 iri B9U 81 I0 8Vi 19 9 25 12 71V 39 83 110 42 31 H 10 171 148 11 fil 31 70 S3 114 73' 19 o 29 210 3 14 4N 27S 4 74 34 13 Total sales for the day, 718.3U0 scares. Verelga rinanelal. 1ANDON. Oct. 18 Money was super abundant In the snarket today. Discounts wera firm. Bualnsas oa the Stock exchange wss jgulst and moat stocks reacted, the withdrawals of gold from the' Bank of Bnsland exercising an unfavorable In- ana. At the close trading was dull Consols were easy, but partly recovered before the clone. Americans wers firmer. They weakened to below parity snd closed nst. Alcnison. llV a rw. v ..m.i- i.m lflc fbleaan. Milwaukee A St. Paul, Louts vl He Nashville and Southern Pacific were hair a point oeiow ina iaai qumauona, K.fflra wera easier en troflt-taklng. Lack ef orders dampened the enthusiasm with which operators on the London Stock ex change started business today. Renewsls ot the brllleos sttltude of Russia snd l.r,.. mAAA la the depression and tha suiuore which reached here of trouble in connect loe with the Maryland Trust com psuif wet A coulrlbuUiig factor ta the 1M Daly Weat .. 64 Bingham .. 87 Calumet A Hecla., ..Z48 Centennial , ..1A4 Copper Range .... ..137 Dominion Coal ..14 Franklin .Ait lala Royals .. (91 Mohawk .. Old Domlnloa ... ..110 Oaceola , ..114 Parrot , ..1I1V4' Qulncy .. us1 Santa fa Copper.. .nz TamaracK . 77 Trinity . K United States , . 11 Utah . M Victoria . 47 Winona . 3'4 Wolrerlna . 14 .. P4 .. i .. SI ..430 .. 1614 .. 43 .. .. 7H .. 44 .. St .. 14 .. 0 .. 1 .. (4 .. 4-4 .. 1414 ..a' .. t .. Lssdon Stock Market. IX5NDON, Oct 18. Closing quotations: Conaola for money.. M T-H Naw York Central. ..120 4do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Paclttc... Cheaapeaka A Ohio. Chicago O. W M. A St. P PeBeera Denrer A R. O do Dfd Erie do lat pfd do I.I nfd minola Cantral MI-ltNorfolk A Waatere... 17 Hi do pfd.... 4T41 Ontario A Weatern.. tn rennaylranla 7f .121 I Rand Mlnea Reading do lat pfd do id prd . .141V Southern Railway.. XI 4o 31 It !H 7( 41 T3 7 11 0 " 11 1V d4 pfd . ro Boutharn Paclftc... . 70 Union Pacific . 37 do pfd . (7 United States Steal .49 do pfd .134 Waha.h Leulavllla A Naah..l03 do pfd maoun, K. a r.... 17 BAR SILVER Strong at 28d per ounce, MONEY WS2 uer cent. The rate of dls. count in the open market for short bills Is 3H3 per cent and for three-months bills la 3 9-16&3',, per cent. Nave York Minlncr Quotations. NEW YORK. Oct. 19. The followlnr are the quotations on mining stocks: Adams Coa it .Little Chief Alice 14 (Ontario 0 Brunawlck Con.... Comatock Tunnel., Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver ....... Iron Silver Lendvllle Con Offered. ' tehte 4 1Hhoenlx . vPotoal .110 .Savage , .104 Sierra Nevada .145 ;small Hopes ., . 3 Standard .. 4 ..400 ..140 .. 1 .. ID .. 12 .. 44 .. IS ..184 OilAllA LIVE STOCK MARKET , Big Ban of Cattle and Gornfeii Eaad Off with Best Wtitanu About Steady. HOGS SOLD TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Active penaand for Betk rat Sheep era ead Prlcea Skewed Na Change front Last Week. f4QLrTH OMAHA, Oct. 13. Receipt were: Cattle.tflogs. Sheep. .lO.tkiO .4. 3,M 3,t.S 2.VM X.41 t.l4 1.IH4 3. sol 1H.M9 80.1X6 81.174 81.101 17.802 Uil Official Monday.... ame day last week...., Same week before , Same three weeks ago, Heme four weeks sgo.. Same day last year...., RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATS. The Allowing table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year. . 1908. ' ltt. Inc. Ftle 842.0S9 7n3.Z99 SH.TW Hogs 1,821,37 1.807. 37 13,H Bheep 1.8U.U9 1,213,656 lOo.tW Average price paid tor nogs at South Omaha fcr the last several days with comparisons: Data Oct. 1.. Oct. 2.. Oct. 2.. Oct. 4.. Oct. 1.. Oct. Oct 7.. Oct. 8.. Oct. 9., Oct. 10.. Oct. 11.. Oct. J2.. Oct 12.. Oct 14.. Oct. 16.. Oct. 18., Oct. 17., Oct. 18.. Oct. 19.. 11903. 1802.101.1SOO.189.1189S.I1897. tl2 1 14 6 751 6 41 Si T H0 b e ffcWi 7 80i bl 6 604, 6 64. 6 41 18i 6 13 6 21H a t Srnx I 87 5 43 6 4 6 3iS 8 6 11 7 U a T 42 7 89 7 -A 7 14 7 04 6 96 a 7 07 7 13 7 uu li 91 7 16 7 02 6 62 a 6 4 6 i.i 13 14 6 16 6 20 28i lt 29 6 27 23 6 13 8 1KI 4 3 6 1 4 43 6 lli 6 11 3 71 8 8i s is 6 08 6 0J 4 92 4 BO 4 93 4 83 e 4 82 4 72 4 64 4 62 4 61 4 81 4 84 4 36 a 4 35 4 33 4 81 4 23 4 20 4.141 4 20 4 16 4 10 4 15 3 66! 8 64 8 64 3 63 3 73 3 71 3 61 1 68 8 64 6 69 I S m 3 67, 8 6 3 6 3 63 1 61 8 ti 8 l 8 59 3 70 8 67! 3 (I 8 73 1 60 1 62 8 63 a -69 3 66 8 66 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: . Cattle. Hogs.Sh p. H'r'g. P M Jtr fit T u a Union Pacific system... 66 C. Sz N. W. Ry 2 F., E. St IS. V. R. R 104 C. St. P.. M. & O. Ry.. 1 B. & M. Ry 209 C, B. & Q. Ry 1 C, R. I. St r., west Total recelnts M The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. 916 1.0S3 .1.241 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 19. Bank clearings for to day are 81,602,971.40, an increase ever the corresponding date of last year of 3269,731.23. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 19. Ths cotton market opened steady at an advance Of about one to lour points for the near options, while the later months were two points lower. The advance was due to covering on frost news, while the declines were in sym pathy with lower cables than expected. The frost also proved rather disappointing to the bullB, as killing frost was reported from only one section, Montgomery, and while the light frosts were more or less general over the eastern and central belts. tney were not considered nicely to work any material Injury to cotton. In addi tion to this, the forecast was for fair and warmer weather and with the receipts looaing neavier again, mere was neavy realising right after the opening stat started prices downward. Later the sell ing was accelerated tv renorts of financial difficulties among prominent trust compan ies at .Baltimore, wnicn were tnougnt to accentuate tne generally unsettled and unsatisfactory condition of affairs and Wall street around midday turned a very heavier. October closing at 9 51c. Decem ber reached 9.46c; January, 9.46o and March, 9.49c. The market was finally easy under general selling and closed at practically the lowest of the season, or at a net loss of nineteen to twenty-two points. Bales were estimated at miu.uuu Dales. The de cline In the afternoon was prompted by the easier ruling of the southern spot mar kets which are generally unchanged to an eighth lower, while the estimate for tomorrow at the leading ports ran heavy, NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 19. COTTON Quiet; sales. 1,750 bales; ordinary, 616-16c; good ordinary, 8Wc; low middling, 9Ve; middling. 9c; good middling, 9 13-l(5c; mid dling fair. 10 816c; receipts. 126 bales; stock, 96,1X5 bales. Futures were steady; October. 9.32ffiO.S3c; November, 9.2Ki9 30c: December, 8.2Mri9.29e: January, 3Mjfl .T3c; fAhrhnrv 9. iil) Maprh A bv.,4 Kin. April. wns.wic; May. .tvini Me. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 19. COTTON Snot moderate business done st prlcea 4ijl0 points lower: American Dimming iair, s.itxi; good middling. 6.98d: middling. 6.86d. nominal: low middling. 6 74(1, nominal: good ordinary. 6.48d, nominal; ordinary, 6.2Xd. The sales of the day were. 7,000 bales, or which 600 were for speculation snd export and included 6.1100 American. Receipts, lO.OuO bales. In cluding 9,6(10 American. Futures opened easier and closed quiet. American middling g. o. c: octoner. 6.4.'it.4d; October and November. 5.251: November and Iecember. 5.91; December and January. 6.18d; January snd renruary. 6 l'fyti.l id ; re.bruary and March, 6.17d: March and April. 5.17d; April and May. 6.17ti'6.1Kd: May and June, 6.18d. ST. LOLIS. Oct. 19. COTTON Quiet; prices l-16c. lower; middling, 9c; Bales, none; receipts. 749 bales; shipments, 655 bales; stock, 1,108 bales. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 19. WOOL Following are the quotations: Ohio snd Penn sylvania XX and above: S)lS34c: X 30 031c; No. 1. Si(33c: No. 2. SlfcJJc: nn- waahed, nair-Diooo, unwasned, jl.tici three-eighths blood, unwashed. 2uJ 26c; one-quarter blood, unwashed. 34?23c: tine, washed, delaine, 36c. Michigan, X and above. 27(Sr2c; No. 1. HSO:; No. 2, 2S'( 2-; fine unwashed, 21& c; quarter-blood, unwashed, 24'2dc; three-eighths blood, un washed, 23fe'J5c; half-blood, unwashed, UH 36c; tine washed delaine, 32r&io. Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-eighths blood. tu&c; quarter blood, 24&25c; braid. 22(f23c. Cal ifornia, northern, choice, 21f22c; middle counties, 17&'lsc; southern, 12a13c. Terri tory, Idaho tine. 14t(15c: fine medium, 1WJ 17c; medium. lH(J19c. Wyoming Ane, Ua 16c; fine medium. 16 17c; medium, lWJ lie; Utah anJ Nevada Ane. 16&lac; Ane medium. 17&17c; medium, lfrfric- Dakota fine, 164rlAc; Ane medium, I6ijl7c; me dium, 19'4T20c. Montana Ane. choice, ) 30c; Ane medium, choice. 194j3uc; sample, lufiZlc; medium, choice. J0i21c ST. IXll.'IH. Oct. 19 WOOL Dull; nomi nally unchanged; medium grades, combing and clothing. 17'cr2lc; light Ane, 16i!7c; heavy Ans, Ujl4c; tub,washd, 2ua30c. Dry Uooda Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 19. DRY GOODS Tl market Is In an Improved condition, and although the volume of transactions has not materially Increased It Is evident buy ers are commencing to consider the neces sity of supplvtng their wants for the com ing season. Buying on a conservative basis still continues, but there Is no doubt there Is mote wUlhiguesg lu negotiate. 3 84 16 20 8 20 18 '6 '7 ' 'i !! 39 70 34 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour St Co , Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,673 Armour, irom B. u Vansant St Co 255 Carey St Benton 606 Lobman St Co 176 McCreary St Clark.. 124 Hill & Muntxtnger.... 202 Reeves St Underwood 85 Huston St Co 36 Livingstone A R 245 Hamilton .( 390 L. F. Husx 241 Wolf St Murnan 312 H. F. Hobbick 133 Werthelmer 612 Other buyers 1,155 Hogs. 148 243 419 881 1.204 Sheep. 517 2.753 2,138 84a 11,770 18.0.5 Totsl ,623 2.395 CATTLE Receipts of cattle today were very liberal and In fact this Is one of the big days of the year to date. The demand, though, all around was quite satisfactory and no very radical changes in prices took effect. Owing to the heavy supply, how ever, the day wss well advanced before the bulk was disposed of. , There were Just a few cars of corn-fed steers in the receipts this morning, but ow ing to the big rupply of westerns and tha big drop In prices at Chicago last week, as well as the 10c decline today, packers were rather bearish this morning. The decline, though, would be covered by 610c In prac tically all cases. The cow market was stesdy to a little lower. As a general thing the better grades held about steady, while the commoner kinds, such as canners and cutters, were a trine lower, probably 610c The fact that there were around 100 cars of cows on sale made buyers rather indifferent, but of course the bulk of them were of common to medium quality. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show much change from the close of last week. The stocker and feeder market was some what uneven. There were a good many on rale and the quality of the bulk of the of ferings waa better than usual. The better grades, and especially good yearlings, did not sell much If any lower, and cou'.d prob ably best be described by calling them steady to a shade Ibwer than at the close of last wtek. Owing to the liberal supply of good stuff, though, no one would pay much attention to the common stuff, and as a result salesmen had a hard time to dis pose of their inferior grades at any figure. They could be quoted very dull and weak. A good many western grass beef steers arrived, but anything desirable he'd Just about steady, with others dull and weak the same as usual. Some of the best cattle of the season arrived this morning, as will be seen from the sales below. Range Cows sold steady to a little lower, the decline being mostly on the canners and cutters. The best grades of stockers and feeders sold stesdy to 5010c lower, with common kinds extremely dull. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. A. rr. He. Av. Tr. .1004 4 34 1I7S 6 1 JIN J M tt lOt 8 1 lM -cows. 1 Tt 1 110 3 St 4 to BULLS. t M NEBRASKA Ne. tl , It..... 4t 1 8 1 ...list ...IOCS ..1410 22 heifers. ..699 22 heifers.. 629 17 feeders.. 808 46 feeders.. 1104 2 bulls 1470 75 feeders.. 1074 3 feeders.. P6 1 feeder... 830 1 feeder... 820 4 feeders.. 1000 11 feeder.. 1200 4 cows..., 6 cows. 1 cow.. 966 ..1034 ..1130 3 36 2 36 1 66 1 66 1 90 1 26 1 10 1 10 178 110 1 I 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 1 steer..., 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 1 steer..., 26 cows... 1 cows. . . 2 heifers. 14 feeders 6 cows... 5 cows... heifers.. 1 heifers.. 4 cows.... 4 cows.... 7 calves.. .1110 . 910 . 820 . 960 .1200 . 9U0 .1120 ..1013 .. 8.0 .. 686 00 1 65 1 66 1 26 COLORADO. 44 feeders.. 861 44 feeders.. 81 1 bull 1040 4 feeders.. 1066 1 cow 1260 5 feeders.. 95 1 feeder... 710 1 feeder... 930 ; feeders.. 866 86 feeders.. 1200 1 cow 1100 1 cow 1190 10 cows 932 2 60 2 50 2 60 1 60 1 60 2 60 1 60 3 60 1 75 2 60 1 heifer.... 960 17 feeders.. 843 2 feeders.. 843 13 feeders.. 813 8 feeders. 16 feeders. 1 feeder.. ( cows.... 1 cow 912 924 9S0 1070 SOUTH DAKOTA. . 9 8 66 6 cows..., ,.1010 2 40 1 bull H. M. Booeman Neb. 852 . 755 . 771 , 840 , 97 174 1 35 1 35 2 40 1 00 1 00 6 00 6 calves. 11 calves.. 8 heifers. 7 calves., 1 cow.... 1 cows. ., .1010 .1460 .1445 . 167 . 771 . 894 .1060 . 966 W. A. Margrave Neb. 78 feeders.. V0 3 70 6 feeders.. 1030 w . u. tonman ieo. 889 8 26 1 feeder... 870 M. A. Franklin Neb. . 1192 3 W 2 feeders.. 1010 940 1 76 John Martin Neb. 47 feeders. .109 8 66 8 feeders.. 1089 r . v-onee weo. 3 25 67 steers.. ..KVI5 2 50 45 heifers... 914 I cows 862 1 10 I. ii. jnonanan ixeo. 20 feeders. 28 feeders. 1 cow C. 29 steers.. ..1026 1 steer 1350 21 feeders. 20 feeders. IS cows..., cows.... 29 feeders. 746 8 80 .1142 ISO W. W. ,.1"71 1 65 .1016 2 65 1 feeders.. 1146 1 feeders.. 1142 Alt-Neb. 2 cows. 1 COI C. J. Abbott Neh. .. 960 ..1140 1 20 1 10 1 26 1 00 2 26 2 60 1 75 8 10 3 10 3 40 2 F6 2 65 2 66 2 60 1 15 2 75 1 15 2 76 3 20 1 75 2 80 2 25 1 90 2 10 8 25 6 25 1 40 2 36 2 75 2 00 8 00 1 75 1 00 1 00 1 ffl 2 60 I 26 I it t 25 1 26 11 feeders.. 77a 14 I ceo era. . 710 8 feeders.. 6 2 feeders., fee 1 cow mi R. U 82 steers.. ..137 61 steers... .149 11 cows li&9 6 cows 991 1 steer 770 1 feeder... 9ho 1 feed its.. 10, 8 8 feeders.. 96 23 feeders.. 9t9 2 feeders., sib 10 leeders.,1141 1 feeder... "ii") 24 feeders.. 736 4 feeders.. 6T0 1 feeder... 610 8 feeders.. 840 14 feeders.. HMO 1 steer sou 1 calf 380 1 steer 12'JO steers 1 steer., 1 steer. 3 60 2 feeders.. 1095 3 66 8 feeders.. 06 3 80 1 leeder... 7ou 8 Ml 4 cows Soi 3 00 1 cow lull) Vsn Tassel Wyo. 4 so 70 steers.. ..1347 4 3o 1 steer 11 3 la 41 cows UJt X 60 W HOMING 3 l 8 26 8 26 8 4U 1 J 1 J 3 to 8 60 3 60 1 UU 8 40 3 40 3 40 2 60 2 6o 2 76 2 76 2 76 1 cow 750 1 feeder. ..U3) 11 feeders.. Ii8 1 feeder... lPW Keders.. 916 7 f eeders. .1 13 cows 91 1 cows 964 13 feeders.. 651 1 feeder... 70 13 feeders.. 640 16 steers.... 960 93 feeders. 24 cows..., 2 steers.... 995 78 rteers...,1046 1 steer 9"0 9.15 2 76 2t steers..., 963 12tJ 2 76 1 steer 1(179 860 2 90 1 steer 780 T. M Evans Neb. , 860 3 16 J. C. Qlllls n-Neb. , 9J0 2 86 63 feeders.. 1060 1 80 A. J. Plummer Neb. I OS 3 76 8 76 8 lJ 1 75 4 35 4 8 s 1 16 3 7a 3 A 8 40 I 26 8 10 3 t I 16 1 40 1 40 8 40 2 60 2 60 I 30 1 76 1 95 t 76 1 90 12 COWS 1120 3 :s L. Mors Neb. 11 cows 962 1 UO Q. Hart-S. D. .... 25 cows 1048 2 65 44 feeders.. 1124 I IS R. Urant Wyo. 19 feeders. .1072 1 66 11 cows 864 1 IS 1 feeders.. 1026 3 65 II. Holcomb Wyo. 63 steers.... 99 1 OS HOGS There wss a vry small supply of hogs on sale this morning, a good share of the number repotted being consigned di rect to local packers. Chicago, however, was qgoted li25c lower and as a result prices had to suffer here In spite of the light receipts. The decline amounted to 10 frldc ss compared with Saturday's average. Salesmen saw no opportunity of preventing the break and for that rtason sold In good season. The heavy weights Bold largely from 85.05 to 3d. 10. mediums from 35.10 to 8615 and lights largely from 35.15 to 35 25, with a bunch of pigs up to 36 35. There was not much change in the market from start to finish, s there were so few on sale that trading soon came to a close. A few loads arrived late In the day and, as usual, the later arrivals did not sell to as good advantage as the early ones. Rep resentative sales: No. tt... 4... 3... 51... 44... 4... 65... 41... tl... 74... Av. ...171 ...t0 ...303 ...317 ...1M . ,.2.i ...tot ...244 ...2ii .g(5T Bh. 40 0 to to rr t 01 t tft t 06 t 05 I 10 t 10 I 10 t 10 6 10 t 12 No. ta.... 46.... 47.... 130... 10.... 47.... 87.... ;t.... u.... Av. ..SMI ..11 ..317 ..151 ..14t ..296 ..181 . .16 ..130 Fh. 40 110 i:o 110 "to 63V Pr. 1 11 t 16 t 15 t 16 6 16 6 17 i 10 t !5 6 U Av. Pr. ,98 1 00 ,76 1 26 ,65 1 10 ,84 1 60 ,77 2 35 ,78 2 35 ,86 2 60 .20 1 65 ,37 2 66 .93 2 75 . 2 75 .91 1 80 .63 1 50 , 90 3 60 .98 2 35 ,105 1 76 .104 2 75 , 101 1 73 .75 1 40 ,88 3 60 ,89 8 60 ,102 3 60 105 3 50 63 1 9 ,65 4 60 ,66 i 75 1 cow., 1 cow., 1 cow., t cows 22 cows 1 cows 1 cow.. 1 cow., 1 cows 95 H. COWS 101 IS feeders.. W32 1144 1 80 1 feeders.. 1144 ! Johnson St Co. Neb. 720 3 lt 1 cow wo i ao 1 cow inon 2 40 1 cows 109) 1 65 1 cows 1075 1 ?5 9M 2 10 7x5 1 25 1U 104) 1 65 1015 2 66 ...1000 ... 780 ...1111 ...10K1 ...1220 .. .10110 9U) 1 00 2 40 t 66 2 66 1 86 3 68, 2 10 1 10 810 128 1 feeder. x : JO cows... 1 cows... T cows... 1 cow.... 1 cows... L. Graves Neb. 1 26 1 cow.... 1 66 A. D. LaagTerd Cole. . 90 I 60 17 feeders.. 901 1 60 feeders. . 1 6 t feeders., 761) 1 76 tt eewa 895 I 60 1 calf 130 1 60 Thorns s pros. wyo. 157 feeder. 1007 Sbi , 6 feeders. .1087 1 00 D. Blanchard Wyo. 44 feeders.. 71 8 8A f feeders.. 776 1 OA 23 feeders.. 713 3 16 t feeders. . 816 2 71 T. M. V T. W. Msthews Wvo. 14 feeders.. 84 2 t 24 feeders.. Ml I 71 feeders.. M 2 75 10 cows 844 2 8n 1 cow r. In 1 row 9Si M cows t 1 feeder... 0 3(6 1 feeder... 8 06 1 feeder. ..107S lot 32 steers. ...HIT 1 15 8 steers... .PflJ 1 16 1 Steer J'70 ' -... .1146 115 J. W. Thomas Wjrtt, M cora...lim 3 ' ro 104 IK 13 feeders.. 771 19 1 feeder... T70 I SHEEP There was a fairly liberal run of aheep and lambs here this morning, but The demand was fully equal to the occasion and an active and fully steady market was experienced. Psckrrs all seemed to have liberal orders to All and, as the bulk of the stuff that arrived had to go for feeders, they were all anxious to get a few loads and everything that hnd any kill to it wag consequently out of first hands In good season. The feeder market was also active and steady, as there were a good many buyers on the market. Unod stuff changed hands very freely and even the commoner grades sold without much trouble at steady prices as compared with last' week's close. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west em lambs, 34.75gf5.00; fair to good lambd, 84.504.76; choice yearlings, 83.60iiM.85; fair to good yearlings, 83.4003.60; chulcs weth ers, 33 8593.60; fair to good wethers, 13.16(3 3.35; choice ewes, 32.85(ri3.10; fair to good ewes, 32.5Ojf2.80; choice feeder lambs, 34.1A9 4.60; fair to good feeder lambs, 33.5"43l.00; feeder yearlings, $3.35(03.60; feeder wethers, 33.0iVS3.25; feeder ewes, tl.5O2.60. Repre sentative sales: No. 251 Wyoming feeder ewe 293 Wyoming ewes 10 Nebraska cull ewes , 15 Wyoming feeder ewes 68 Nebraska feeder ewes 405 Nebraska feeder ewes , 127 Wyoming feeder ewes , 1 Wyoming cull lamb 10 Wyoming cull feeder lambs 20 Wyoming ewes 15 Wyoming ewes 174 Wyoming ewes 101 Nebraska yearlings 1 Nebraska yea ring 453 Wyoming feeder ewes 101 Wyoming ewes , 384 Wyoming cvs 48a Wyoming ewes '.. 993 Wyoming feeder yearling., 78 Wyoming yearlings , 78 Wyoming yearlings , 1190 Wyoming wethers 1015 Wyoming wethers lil Wyoming feeder lambs.... 294 Wyoming lambs 442 Wyoming lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Wltk Large Receipts of Cattle and Hogs Prices Were Loner. CHICAGO, Oct. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 33,000 head. Including 600 head of Texans and 600 head of westerns. Tha market was slow and mostly Wc lower; good to prime steers, 35.10ij5.65; poor to metllum, fa.60(S'4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.26((H00; cows. 31.35&4-40; heifers, 32.OuW4.95; canners, 31.3541 2.40; bulls, $2.0i(M 60; calves, 32.50J 7.25: Texas steers, 32.7s(g3.50; western steerg, $3.00(84.6- HOGS Receipts today, 83,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 16,000 head. Prices were 15 to 2oc lower; mixed and butchers' 35.4xfp $.75; good to choice, heavy, 35.40fr.60; rough heavy. $4 9oi6.35; light $5.2635.75; bulk of sales, 35.25ijj6.40. 8HEEP Receipts, 6,000 head. The market for sheep and lambs was steady and 10c lower; good to choice wethers. $3.254.10; fair to choice mixed. $2,004)300; western sheep, $2.254.10; native lambs, $3.2586.7; western lambs, $1.76435.00. tfew Yark Live stock Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 19. CATTLE Re celpts, 4,516 head; steers active and a trlAe Arm; bulls snd cows, steady to strong: steers, 83.904?. 40; stsgs, 8400; bulls, $2.2i4i 8 76; cows, 31.264310; cables quoted live cat tle higher at London llllfie; at Liverpool, 104illc dressed weights. Calves, receipts. 2 400 head: good veals In demand and steady; all others slow- grassers. dull; westerns, lower; veals, $4.60(rVH.75; tops. $8.83 69.00; culls, 34.004i4.50; grassers. 32.50ifr3.26; weaterns. 83.004i3.12; city dressed veals sold at 8&U per lb.; country dressed, 79 12c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 11,843 head: market 80o l.. .tfllA mriA Pennsylvania. 36.00fii6.16: ! choice light 86 20. SHEEP AMU LAM BB-Iteeeipia. head; sheep lo4jr25c lower; lambs opened 16 tr26c lower, closed 254t35c off; sheep. 82 609 3 76, few exports st 84.00; lambs, 34 &V(6.80. extra, $5.87'6.90; Canada lambs. 86.35fto.80. Exports tomorrow 960 cattle; 1,150 sheep and 4,400 quarters of beef. Kansas City l.lve Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 19.-CATTLE-Ra-ceipts, 17.5o0 head natives, 2,500 head Tex ana, 1,750 head native calves, 850 head Texas calves; best beeves, steady to weak; for quarantine lower; for cows, steady to lower; for stockers and feeders, weak and dull; choice export and dressed beef steers, $4.60if'5.4O; fair to good, 34.0D4r4.8o; stockers nnd feeders, 32 20j4.0o; western fed steers, 33.0064.45; Texas and Indian steers, $3.00 4.25; Texas cows, $1.204i2.30: native cows, 31. 25(84.00: native heifers. 82.50fi4.10; can ners. $1.00(0.36; bulls, $2.5002.90; calves, 33.00 tj6 25. HOGS Receipts. 4,000 head; market 154 26c lower; top, $5 30; bulk of sales, 6.10476.30; heavy, $5.25.30; mixed packers, $6 15io..3o; light. $5.20(4)4.30; yorkers, $5.265.30; pigs, $5.'4i5 25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000 head; market 64J15c lower; native lambs, 33.26&6.20; western lambs. 32.904(6. In; fed ewes. $2.30(fi3.75; Texas yearling, $2.6o4T4.0o; Texas clipped sheep, $2.403.75; stockers and feeders, $2.00f3 .60. St. Louis Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Oct. 19. CATTLE Receipts, t.OoO head. Including 7,000 head Texans. Heavy supplies caused a decline In the price of steers; cows, steady; native ship ping and export steer, $4.25Caii0, with Strictly fancy worth up to $6.75; drsssed beef and butcher steers, $4.0u4i5.40; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.50(5.25; stockers snd feeders $3.4O4)4.(J0; cows and heifers, 32 2o'g 4 25; canners. $1.7M4.15; bulls. . $2.4V3 2a; calves. $3.00.76; Texas and Indian steers, t" 30433.75 for grass fed worth up to $4 ; cows and helfera. $2.0003 .00. HOGS Recelpta, 3.6ue head; market slow and easy; pigs and lights, 86.I5u6.70; pack ers, 85.1546.50; butchers' and best heavy, 86.304j6.76. . SHEEP AND TJIMBS-Recelpts, 1.600 head; market stesdy; native muttons, $3.36 fe3.fct; Iambs, $4.0oi 60; culls and backs, $J.U0tl4.0i; stockers, $2.00493.00. Sleek Following are the the six principal w Cities. Omaha Chicago Kansas City gt. Iuls St. Joseph Sioux City la Slgrat. receipts of live stock at astern cities yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .10,000 l.iH 18.311 .86.000 88.009 LOU 4.000 .22.100 . 8.000 . 6 3f) . .ou0 2.6iO 1.722 1.600 12.01 a) 1.5.(0 6,200 Total ...88.000 62,06 44.613 Sloas Cttr taak Market. SIOUX CITY, la Oct. 19 -tSpectU Tele gram CATTIJC- Receipt, t SuO head; stocaer lower and hitler teadyi trssv, HftVfft.S; rows, bulls and mixed, $2 2Mf 3 30: stockers and feeders. $2.6043.66; Calve snd yearlings, $2 6oti3 60. lit MJ8 Receipts 1.600 head: 1V7V30O loaer. Bellini- at 36.00fti6.20: bulk. $5.05fr5.10. ' St. Jesepk Lira "tack Market. ST. JOPEFH. Oct. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, $.300 head. The market was sternly to 10c lower; natives, $40Jti; cows and heifers, $1.2&4.6; tockers and feeders, $3 6004.25. H HIS Receipts, 1,721 head. Prices wers 154i30c lower; light, $6,1546.36; medium and heavy, $4.7Mi5.3o. SHEEP Receipts, (.too head. The mar ket, wa dull and lower. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct 1$. METALS Tin de clined 5s in London to 115 7s 6d for spot and 116 for future Locally, however, tin was higher and stealy, closing at $25.75 i 26.00. Copper declined Is Id to 54 13s 3d for spot and 54 6s 3d for future In the English market. Ixvallv copper remains quiet and Is nominally unchanged. Lake Is quoted at 313 Ooti 13.12; electrolytic at $13.00, and casting at $12.82. Lead was unchanged at t4.(J04r4 60 In New .York and at 11 In Lomlon. Spelter was steady In New Tork. but gained 2s 6d In Ijnndon, where It closed at 30 7s 6d. Iron closed at 60s In Glasaow snd st 4:1 4d In Mld dlesborough. Locally Iron was unchanged; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at $l.tWv 16.60; No. 2 northern foundry at alS.OUcjlii.oO; No. 1 southern foundry, soft, at $16.004716.60. ST. IX3UIS. Oct 19. META L8 Lend, steady at $4.30. Spelter, quiet at $6.45. toffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 19 COFFEE-Spot Rio steady; No. 7. Invoice, 64C; mild. steaiH ; Cordova. 7V44r7c. The market for futures opened steady at a decline of 8 points on November to unchanged on other options, the loss on November being due lo litiga tion, whl'e the later months were steadied by smaller primary receipts nnd timer European markets. As ths sexalon pro gressed there was a renewal of the outsMa demand recently noted, business .became fairly active snd ths market wns finally steady to 6Jil0 points higher. Bales were 48.000 bags. Including November at 4 Sivl 5 00c; December, 6.HKir5.26c; January, 5.26r; March, 6.354r5.45c; Mnv. 6 504f6.6oc; July. 6.70c; December, 6. 755. 80c, t Klgln Batter MsAet. ELGIN. III.. Oct. 19.-BVTTEr.-At the close of the meeting of the Board of Trade today the official price of butter was Axed at 21c, an advance of c over last Week. The sales before the meeting amounted to 142 tubs and the price was at the new figure. The output for the district during the last week was 676,000 lbs. (agar nnd Molasses, NEW YORK. Oct. 19 8UGAR-8ten(lv; fair reflnlnge 3c; centrifugal 96 test. 2c; molnsses sugar, 3c; refined, steady; No. 6, 4.354t4.SOc; No. 8, 4.25c; No. 9, 4.20c; No. 10, 4.15o; No. 11, 4.40c; No. 12, 4.05c; No. 18. 4 00c; No. 14, 8.95c; confectioners' A, 4.00 ; mould A. 6 00V; cut loaf. 6.35c; crushed. 5.35c: nowdered. 4.05ci granulated. 4.05c: cubes. 8 50c. Molasses, oulet; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, S4f42c. NEW ORLEANS, rvt. 19. SUGAR Dull; open kettle centrifugal. 3crf3c; centrifugal white, 4c; yellow, $13-lWf4e; seconds, 'in 8'c. New rane syrup, 83c. Molasses, dull; centrifugal. tnic. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fa mam street. Abiah L. Stevens et al to Andrew R. Mclluln, lot S, block 7, Isaac At Shel don's addition , $ l,C5j D. V. Sholes company to lletnrlch Grunhagen, lot 1, block 3, Duponl Pluce 175 Oeorge W. Lower, guardian, to Mart Kruger, lot 3, block 2, Pialnvlew r.ddltlon 1 Sheriff to National Lite Insurance company, e80 feet lota 21) and 20, Millard St Caldwell's addition 28,(0) Osmund N. Burkitt and wife to Ru dolph Huber. e lot 1, bloric 1, Patricks addition 3,623 Benson Land company to Julius N. C. Andresen. part block 69, Benson., 750 Sarah A. Atkins et al to H. H. , Barnes, lot 6, b'.ock 13, Hanscom Place 1 John Grant and wife to Simon li. , Clark, lot 4, block 7, Grammercy Park 1 Frank Koutsky and wife to Frank' Franek, n20 feet lot 23 and all lot 24, block 7, Brown park 2,500 United Real Extate and Trust com- Sany to W. E. Crosby and C. M. .Ion. lot 6, block 3, Maxwell's 2d addition ..... 350 John J. Ryan and v.lfe to Charles and Marie Lhotka, lots 21 and 22, , block 30, 1st addition to Corrlgmi - Place 60J Anna Corrlgan to Leopold G. Mew ins et al. lot 4, block 18, 1st addi tion to Corrlgan Place 2."i0 David M. Marvin and wife to Arthur B. Tebbens, sl9 feet lot 16. and nl8 foot lot 15. Reed's 2d addition. -... 1,960 City Savings bank to Allen S. Ho mnnp, part lots 9 and 10, block O, Lowe's addition. 1.859 IS0T1CE TO FARMERS I have a fine $600 piano that I will trade even up for a good team of horses, or one horse and some cash. Piano was used five months and bought of Schmoller St Mueller Piano Co. Omaha. Address A, care Bee office, Council Bluffs, Iowa. li g '-Mr T PRICES Of I rEPHONE fO ANY OF OUR 150 IFHCES LRKI VHEAT.flAT&RO We have ths largest private wire sratam Is Amarloa. and will give you ths latest telegraph prices at Chicago, Minneapolis sad Duluth. Orders lor futare delivery execatsd at ths market preempt service given, toaunlssknui Wheat, l-lec per hui oa eats and cars, l-se per ss, Contmlaatan ea stocks, 1-4 per cent. o f-f n w t ta Yoin wheat and WO OTHER GRAINS. Ws guarantee highest cash prices- and prompt returns, pacing drafts la advance upon con signments. Commissions, o per buahaL No Interest Charged for Carrying Long Stocki. COMMISSION! C& I-.AP.SbURPLUS gAOO.OOO GRAIN STOCKS OUNBRAL OFFICES! NBW YORK LIKE BLOC. MINNEAPOLIS. ROBT. VANCE, Correspondent, Faraana tit., Omaha. Tel. 4U7. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS Eduards, Uood Manhattan Bid-.. S iajf) ST. PAUL. MINN LJ Xjf J Dealer In Grain, Provisions, Stocki bought and sold for cash or on reasonable margins. Members Important Exchanges, Prl- Tat Wires. Write for our dslly msrket letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. ' Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Prompt Return. low sVs Blear. Pkaaa 8M14 Omaha Nebraska. Dalatk. Wlanlpeg. VEAHE GRAM CO. .. lie-lll xVearal f Trade. OMAHA NEB. O, W. ivrard, Maaa, Tel, ItfO.