Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Czu Creates Gpeoial Oomminioa to Con
sider Affairs of Guineas ProTinoea,
Parchase ef Kylenore Castle Not So
Foolish aa Investment
After Alt.
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Oct 18. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The duchess
Manchester win clever, after all. In get
he duka to buy Kylemore castle. They
' fered to sell the estate to the
talning only the sporting rights.
un. ''-j. nry Wyndham s new land act.
Unde. they can get an advance
from th V i government up to 8100,-
000 and t. oark the mansion and lta
gardens. Th,e advance being repayable In
Installments extending over , sixty-eight
years at 2 per cent Interest, the whole
transaction will work out so the Manches-
ter will have acquired one of the most
beautiful places In Ireland for about 8100,
000 and can let It any day at a substantial
profit In rent The whole scheme was the
duchess, who evidently la not the daughter
of an American railway magnate for noth
The young earl of Donoughmore, who
married Elena Grace, a New Tork girl.
has been given the Important post of
, T. PETERSBURG, Oct 11 A special I under secretary of war In the reconstructed
Commission, tinder the presidency of the I Balfour government Donoughmore, as was
aar, has been formed to consider affairs stated In the World's dispatches at the
in the far east. It Includes the ministers time, made a favorable impression In the
f the Interior. fLaaaoa. for elm affairs, debates on the Irish land bill In the House
srar and the navy, and Viceroy Aiexleffff. of Lords, and being both industrious and
Other members will be nominated by tha ambitious he has secured a nrst rate siarx.
caar. Tha commission will consider budget I Another new official. Captain Arthur Lee,
nrODOsaJa. measures to develoo trad and M. P., who Is civil lord of the admiralty.
Industry and proposed alteration In tha 1 also has an American wife, but his office Is
Join Viceroy Aleiieff in Deciding Qu.-''
tion. Whtah May Com Up.
Euwia Propose to Altar Lain of Land in
ControTonjr. -
.Minister of War of that Cenntry
Pent that the) Army Fsren
Hostilities and lays Cab
laet Waata Peaee.
Many Reasons Asslgaed for Taklag
Use free Market, bat All la
tha laterest of Actaal
ommisaioner of General Land Offioe Hakes
Statement Eegardinj Withdrawal!.
DENVER. Oct. 18. Mverrthln Is in read
SPECULATORS ARE NOT LNCOUrtAGtU Ineas for the general tourt-martial that Is
expected to probe th National Quard
scandal. Governor Fee body declares that
the investigation will'-be rigorously con
ducted. The court will be convened tomor
row in the senate dhamber and unless
some change Is made I In the present plan
It will be open to the tublla.
The ease of Oeneral I John C. Chase will
WASHINGTON. Oct. 18. Commissioner be taken up first. So tar General Chase Is
Rlcharda of tha general land office today the only officer against whom charges have
gave out tha following statement concern- been Hied. He Is charged with failure to
Ing the policy and practice of the land obey orders from tha governor, conduct
office in the matter of the withdrawal of unbecoming an officer kind perjury. There
public lands from settlement: I was eome talk of compromising the whole
Tt..,. n. . - .- I affair without a trial under an agreement
. ... .j acrino iu l "3 a. .ill .... ..'".. . r
spectlng withdrawals of public lands from I with' Chase to resign shortly after matters
SspenXrornri 0icfh?nWu"yrSSSM l"ted down. Concerning this rumor
lasses o entries already maae. uenerauy
sneaking, the land is withdrawn from
ntry in order to prevent Its being appro
priated In a manner or for a purpose not
contemplated by the law.
in case or a proposed loreai reserve a
withdrawn! Is made of all the land that
Tnpaa Waata Peat.
YOKOHAMA, Oct It. Tha Japanese
minister of war Lieutenant Oeneral
Terauchihl, denies that the army Is de
sirous of war and says that the cabinet
1 unanimous In wishing peaoe with honor.
Baals for Mediation.
much lower in the official hierarchy than
Donoughmore'.. Mrs. Lee was Ruth Moore,
daughter of J. O. Moore, of New York.
The captain fell In love and married her
In 1899, while he was military attache to
the British embassy in Washington.
As Lord and Lady Curxon will return
from India for a vacation early next year.
Ambassador Choate. who now occupies
A newspaper published at Port Dalny Is their residence on Carlton House Terrace,
authority for the report that the British muat look for another house. Mrs. Choate
minister to Japan, Sir McDonald, has un- naj grown so much at home on Carlton
dertaksn to mediate between Russia and House Terrace and the mansion Is so con
Jnuan. and having secured JaDan's consent venlent In every way, they both greatly
to certain proposals. Is now negotiating regret being thus "evicted." Ambassador
with Russia. Thesa proposals are that I Choate hopes to leave in a couple oi weens
Russia shall restore Manchuria to China! 'or on the continent. Joining his
and that tha nrlnclnal Manchurlan towna wife and daughter, who are now at Geneva.
be opened to foreign oommerce. that Rus- Durtn the absence of the ambassadors
la withdraw all its trooos with the ex- wife, the first secretary's wife has had to
ceptlon of the railway guards; that it re-
entertaln the members of the Alaska Boun
nounce Its forestry concessions on , both a&r commission. Mrs. White came to
Mm f th fain riv.r w.n h. I town Wednesday with her daughter and on
Yongampho concession, and that the whole Thursday left for Wilton, as the members
country south of the Yalu be admitted aa 01 lne commission nas oeen .n . iu
belonging to the sphere of Japan. Pn1 FrlJa th"- "on I. looking par-
LONDON, Oct. 18.-Cabllng from Tien k""Y " lrc "-vo
Tsln, the correspondent of tha Btandard a" lurnea Drown a' Bna l?
,. n 9 y i.. . at tween the two avenues seen from the house
Inoa report, taut General Tung Fu Slang ,ook Pecar beautiful
Is attacking the Russians In Mongolia,
The correspondent explains that this pos
sibility refers to aoma Interference with
Russian surveying parties on the Urge-
Kalgan railway line.
PARIS. Oct 18-Count Caasini, the Rus
sian ambassador to tha United States, has
been Interviewed on the far eastern ques
tion. The ambassador said that the dan
ger of a conflict, which ' was real a few
Brasilia. Iaveator at Work
Aerodrome la Which Aastrla
la Interested.
(Copyright. 1901 by Press Publishing Co
PARIS, Oct New York World Ca-
davs back, seemed to have been averted, blegram Special Telegram.)-Santos - Du
and that If ever a conflict came It would I "tont rresn rrom eninumasuc receptions
hot be provoked by Russia. I In Braall. has promptly taken up his oia
Continuing. Count Cmsslnl said: "Our I work, tie is particularly occupying mm
right rn Manchuria ;re- undenhible. Wej present with mi passenger nauoon
made the country, which until oulta ra. I o. iu. captain ton v-unrm, i.uni ncim
cenUy was a mere haunt for bandits. We e la Vaulx and M. Chardonnet have Just
now have a visitant 1 colloa there, and. vlalted Santos-Dumont B aerodrome
moreover. We have built the railroad. This I Vo Corvln. who Is in charge of the bal
does not mean that ws Intend to annex I loon'" department of tha Austro-Hun
Manchuria, but having Incurred enormoua tarlan army, under Archduke Leopold Sal
expenditures and possessing Immense ln-vator. wae much impresstd with the teen-
tereeta there, we Insist that tho K ..f.. I nlcal features of Santos-Dumont s new
guarded, and we expect to i realise our "aeronef (airship) and says the archduke
legitimate benefits. The powers under
stand this so well that none, except pos
slbly Japan, seriously contemplated In
sisting that the evacuation be effected Oc
tober i. Russia cannot evacuate Man
churia before obtaining the guaranty to I Mlsa
which it has a right from China, and all
Europe, Including even Great Britain, rec
ognises that their their Interest are united
with those of Russia.
wants to be present at the first ascent
of No. 10.
Moaltoa Beats the Former
.Record Held by Mme.
First of Emperor Frederick of Oer-
maay aad Consort Erected
la Berlla.
(Copyright. 1908, by Press Publishing Co.
PARIS, Oct. 18. (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Miss Moultnn
has Just beaten Mme. Saunters s long-dis
tance record for women aeronauts. Mme.
Baunler recently floated from St. Cloud
to Bayreuth, Bavaria, a distance of about
iSO miles In an air line. Miss Moulton
BERLIN, Oct 18. The , statues of I left the Aero club grounds in St. Cloud
Emperor and Empress Frederick, opposite at 5 p. m. last Tuesday, accompanied by
Brandenburg gate, were unveiled today In I Count Castlllon de St. Victor, and de
the presence of Emperor William and hla I scended at noon the next day near Bres
empress, tha crown mince and other lm. I lau, Prussian Bllesla, a distance of 675
perlal personages and a large assembly of I mll'ea. In a straight course.
mlnuters. officers and officials. I
IA spite of the wet and cold weather a WOULD IGNORE RUSSIAN CZAR
targe crowd gathered to witness the cere
monies. Their majesties deposited wreaths lark Advice Glvea by French aad
RAUDULENT LAND ENTRIES chase will fight it out
Denies that He Is to Realca to Avoid
Trial by , Military
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and I
Eegn'art and 8tate Guard Will Begin
United Maneuver! This Morning.
General Ian Hamilton Will Watch
tho Mlmlo Warfare This Week,
While Rasslaa aad gaaalsh
Ollcers Have Arrived.
of the Quaint Old Ploaeer I
Barled la Foreat Larra
Oeneral Chase said: 1
I shall not resign. I Ail reporta to the
effect that I have tendered my resignation
are false. There wilU. be no compromise
from my end of the Itni if such compromise
will probably be Included in Its boundaries calls for my retirement!"
In order to guard against speculative en- Three other officers iare expected to be
Und. tOT th purpose ot obtalnln oih,T charged by the court with military offenses.
Withdrawals under the irrigation act are They are Major A. wiaiams, toionei r.
for the purpose of reserving the land for I Camnbell and Colonel F. Gross. Major
homestead entries the only kind permitted
by the act, and opposing speculative en
Action ob Desert Land,
Occasionally certain areas are withdrawn
Williams Is accused of conduct unbecoming
an officer and conduct In violation of mili
tary discipline. Colonel Campbell and
Colonel Gross are accused of alleged lr-
from entrv under the desert land act upon I regularities in connection with the payroll
evidence tnat tne land is nox aria ianu, ,, Pnmmi.llI,rv contracts,
... ...I I...H I rr v. nn anrtl- ' .
..... 1 . . ft.A .....In. u . . i . I .. ,
Mnal action is often suspended upon inai- ra IkllKNia I KAr rIL. lit AV I
vldual entries or a class of entries in cer-I " " -
tain localities pending investigation. I 7
Boatnera racine icrr.ti w .c.....-,
hat Finds It Hard to Move
Prodi nee.
FORT RILEY, Kan., Oct. 18.-The largest
military camp ever formed in this country
In time of peace la now located here on the
government reservation. About 12,000 men
are here, and by tomorrow morning the
totat will be Increased 40 13,000.
The general scope of tha maneuvers,
hlch will commence in full strength to-
.. . . . . ...
morrow and continue for a fortnight la the ana at one time one or Its richest citizens,
moat comprehensive that haa yet been ar- was burled In Forest Uwn cemetery yes-
ranged and practically every situation a I teroay artemoon In the presence of a num
soldier can be called upon to face In time of I bor of old cltlxens and aome younger ones.
war, save danger of death and lack of ra- ror a week the remains of thla old ea
Hons, Is comprised in the program. centric, who died in poverty In a little
From a sanitary point of view no better I secluded hour of a friend, laid at the
camp waa ever designated. Every possible I Maul-Davis undertaking parlors, awaiting
arrangement has been made by Major C. B. the arrival of a relative to say what should
Baker, chief quartermaster, who haa laid I be done with them. It was thought they
miles of water pipe, built bathhouses and I might be sent to Boston for Interment, but
provided, seemingly, for everything. It was finally decided to lay the body at
The regiments now In camp and to be I rest in Nebraska soil, of which once the
here by tomorrow morning are: Missouri I queer old pioneer was so abundantly
Provisional regiment Colonel C. A. Sin- possessed.
clalr; Texas Provisional regiment Colonel j Though It was said of Tom Murray while
Henry Hutchlns; Second Nebraska, Colonel I he lived, even when he was In the full
. W. McDonnell; First Kansas, Colonel W. I bloom of his palmy days, he had no friend.
S. Metcalf; Second Kansas, Colonel P. W. I because no one could draw near enough
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 18. Tfie officials
In November. Iaii2. there waa surh a sus
pension of finRl action upon entrlea made
under the timber and atone act in Wash
ington, Oregon and California. This sus
pension was made upon evidence of collu
sive entries In those state whereby Indi
viduals and corporations were obtaining
1 , 1 a , n I.,., tt vnlnnhlA tlmhel InniL
whereas the law provides that the entry of the Southern Pacific company are exert
shall be made for the exclusive use and fn, n .heir Minrstea to nrovlde the neces-
"That' tMstteionrydTdanot hinder or Inter- wry equipment for the exepdlt.ous moving
fere with entries under this act is snown of the products or iauiorma 10 me mk,
by the fact that while there were 2,197 and tney are conndent they now have the
timber and stone entries made in the states . . Tk. ,,h
nnmed during the fiscal year ended June 0, situation well In hand. The growth or
ld02, there were S.146 such entries made In traffic from thla atate during recent years
those states during the fiscal year ended ha proportional and haa forced rail-
3.M4 entVierweVe ! nadi after January 1. road, to go to enormous expense for the
1HU3, while the order ot suspension was in purchase ot new roiung stock, i ne
force, while but 2.197 such entries were th , thJ Southern Pacific has
made In the entire fiscal year 1902. ! . .
As fast as the entries In these states can bought more than 15,000 freight cars and
be examined all of those which have been 337 new locomotives of the most powerful
properly made are passed to patent, while d approved type have not only been or-
the suspension continues as to the others vv' , .v. .
pending a hearing in the local land office, dered, but most of them have been de-
No cancellation Is made upon a report of
a ameclHl flarent until opportunity for a
special hearing has been afforded the entry-
Brakemea aad Baggagemen on Some
Rnns Are Said to Be
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 18. President F. IB.
Modle, of the Brotherhood of Railway ex
pressmen today stated that It had been
reported to him that on pne of the runs
where the Pacific Express company has
contracted with the railway companies to
handle the business, brakemen and bag-
livered and put in service. Forty-ona
thousand carloads of California products
were carried over the Southern Paclflo
lines to eastern points during the fiscal
year ended June 90, an Increase of 4,000
carloads over - the preceding year. Ship
ments within the state also showed
large increase.
All Others Aro Kept front Bier of
Dead Archfclahoy
8T, LOUIS, Oct. 18. Members of religious
communities and those who had been clqse
gagemen, members of the Brotherhood of I personal , friends today viewed the body
Railway Trainmen, have been pressed, .into of . the late v Archnlsh. J. Katn at the
service to nandle the baggage apd that archleplscopal residence. Although no one
thla Is working harm to the employes who was allowed to look upon the bier but
are demanding more salary. those two classes of persons, Xha halls and
President Morris, of tho trainmen Is In-I parlors of the residence were crowded all
vestlgatlng the matter, he said, and if afternoon. Candles were kept bnrulng con
such is the case and the practice is not J stantly, but lo religious service was con
stopped the baggagemen and brakemea ducted.
will be called out. I Upon the order of Archbishop Glennon
Mr. Modle also stated that there Is a the bells of all Catholic churches in the
possibility that the Brotherhood men In city will be tolled from 6 to 7 o'clock to
the employ of another express company in morrow evening, and Just at dusk the body
Texas may be called out unless that com- of the deceased prelate will be conveyed
pany discontinues carrying some of the to the old cathedral, where It will lie In
Pacific Express company freight on a state until the funeral on Wednesday morn
tonnage basis. ing. Archbishop Keane, who will preach
An order to this effect will tie up the I the funeral sermon, and Cardinal Gibbons
whole state of Texas," he said, "aa the I are expected to arrive Tuesday afternoon.
Brotherhood of Railway Expressmen is
strong and well organized In Texas." NEGRO FIRES UPON DANCERS
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 18. The only note
worthy feature of the Pacific express strike I After Pistol Is Empty Oaa Man Wa
today was the announcement by the com
pany that It would resume the handling of
perishable goods tomorrow.
SHERMAN, Tex., Oct 18. An injunction
against striking employes of the Pacific
Dead an
d Several In
MEXICO. Mo., Oct. 18. Abel Mitchell,
at the basea of both statues and then drove
to the castle, where lunch was served to
the members of tha imperial family and
their foreign guests.
Aftnr the repast Emperor William de
livered, in address, In which he said he
Gorman Socialists to Italian
(Copyr'ght, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN. Oct 18. New Tork World Ca-
be lleved lhat he would beat perpetuate tha blegram-Bpeclal Telegram.) Bebel and
memory of his parents' activity In the T.t Jaurea. the socialist leaders in Germany
by reading some sentences which Councillor ar,d ance. "hen ked by the Italian
MlnsDeter had committed to naner In r.t.. socialist how they snoum receive the ciar.
ful lova and reverence of the dead. Having av" lne" l" ignore mm ana not maae
read these extracts, which referred to the anJr ""P1 of hoty. Rebel reminded
traarta fata of Kmnarnr rv..H,-w .rA th. th,' th m"fle no demonatratlon
sufferings of hla consort, the emperor aulo- 'ft!"' th kal"r when he went to Rom8
th nr. ,k f ,i. .,.. .. . although he is as great an enemy of aoelal-
happy augury for the future of the empire If,? " ' h' C"T '?d " toV.t, M re"Pn'
. . . w, a w 1 1 1 avy a wawuuuiaii all UVIll.O
eia a wj uuuti u-akjcviw iiioi vmaiava 1
upon bis guests to empty their glasses In I
silence, to the memory of the dead.
This statue of Emperor Frederick la the
first to be erected la Berlin, and Is the
work of a sculptor named Bruett. Upon
either aide of it aro busts of Field Marshal
Blumenthal and Prof. Helmhola. The
statu of tha empreaa, which la done In
whit marble. Is by Herr Gerth. and repre
sents her wrina a rob of ermine,
crown upon her head and adorned with
Aaatrian Sailors Who Saaar Magyar
leaf Coademned to Foar Months
la Prison.
(Copyright 190S. by Press Publishing Co.)
BUDA-FE8TH, Hungary, Oct 18. (New
Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
T" " . " , -Tne sailors of the Austrian cruiser Arpad
he sh oi Mlh. Ord.' of th. Black Eagle. Who while on hore leave at New York
in accordance with th lat empress' own . ,w. h v, .v.. "
Foar People Wanted In Chlcaaro Will
Not Iaalat Inoa Kstradltlea
sang th Magyar hymn before the Austrian
consulate have Just been, condemned by a
court-martial to four months in prison. The
Verdict Is causing the greatest irritation In
Pet Appoints eaalsh Cardinal
Soo-ctary of State at
ROME. Oct 18. The pope has appointed
MONTREAL, Oct 18.-E. J. Edelson.
Joseph II. Edelson. Robert Edelson and
Mrs. E. J. Edelson of Chicago, arrested
here on a charge of defrauding their cred
itors in Chlcaaa of about tJO.OUu. hava .
aented to waive extradition proceedings I1'- Mrry del Val papal aecretary
and will return to Chlcaco on Uornl.v I siaie.
evening. I Th announcement or tnis appointment
Thoy have given ud all that remains of in a Ktter presented by the pope
th caah they brought into Canada. 811.1-Ui. I lo Consignor Merry uei vai. n,e nomlna-
Fourteen hundred dollars had been paid I uon however, wui not d made officially
by th quartet for a bakery In th north I untl1 th n"1 conalatory. when th Mon-
end of th city and 11.000 had been ax- I eignor will also do maae a cardinal.
pended In purchasing a half interest In a
real estat aency. I Wlreleas Telegraphy la Jaoaa.
PEKING. Oct 18-Th Marconi system
. VILNNA, Oct. U King Leopold of Bel-I day between Peking and th coast. bVv-
giam. wno naa twen vlaltlng Kmperor I eral Chines official attended th sending
Fraacia joaepn, haa left tr for Parla. 1 of th Drat message.
Express company and their associates has negro aged 20, known aa "Sonny Boy.
been granted in the United States court I killed another negro, Jim Hayes, and
here and an order haa been issued to the I wounded three others at a negro dance In
enjoined men to desist from intimidating I this city last night.
the employe of the company from per- I The night before he had ref uaed to pay
forming their duties at Texarkana, Mar- the admittance fee to the dance and was
shall or Longview. 1 put out Last night he took his revolver.
Large crowds met every train at Long- I went to the dance and while all was go-
view and prevented any attempt to loud ng merrily, began firing into the room
or unload express matter. On most of the into th crowd. After he had discharged
cars there are no measengers. every load in his pistol and the smoke had
At Marshall a man who was put on aa cleared, it was found that Jim Hayes was
mesaenger at New Orleans was escorted to aead, a colored girl named "Snow" Mer-
the hotel by the j agent, accompanied by mi was shot through the stomach; Bennte
a Jeering crowd. When he reached tha Phillips waa shot through the eye, and
hotel counter someone struck him and th James Barker, a negro from Moberly,
proprietor threw a cup of hot coffee in was ,j,ot through the arm. All of th
his fac and ordered him out The ex- wounded negroes will recover.' The negro
press strikers finally, got him and he waa escaped. He la well armed and wllf prob-
prevauea on to leave town. .bly neht if overtaken.
luesday; cooler Tuesday.
Temperate re at Omaha Yeaterdayt
Hour. Ilea. Hoar. Dec
5 a. m w 1 p. ra (IT
a. m 40 U p. m ...... iu
T a. m 40 S p. tn TO
Ha. m 411 4 p. m Til
9 a. n 4W It p. m IH
10 a, m B.t t n. m MI
11 n. m lt 1 p. nt Vt
IK ra B4 M p. m U
O p. m RO
Next 8peaker of the Bonis Expected to
Beach Washington This Week,
That on Ways and Meant t Be Aptn!4
Curing Extra leiuon.
Bnrkett Kay Possibly Bt Flaotd on Thil
Important Committee.
All that was mortal of Tom Murray, the QWA IS ALSO AFTER REPRESENTATIOK
recluse, one of the first settlers of Omaha
Economy In Appropriatleaa aad
o "Pork" la to Be
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct 18. (Special.) Tha
next speaker of the hous ot representa
tives, Hon. Joseph O. Cannon of Illinois, la
expected to arrive In Washington this wek
to remain In all probability until th ad
journment of congress next summer. His
old rooms In the capltol, the room Of the
committee on appropriations, will be oc
cupied by the speaker-to-be until his
election. It is thought, however, that for
eighth congress he will take a suite of
apartments at some one of the hotels and
In the parlance of the politician open head
quarters Just as if there was a big fight
over the speakership on hand. The com
ing of Mr. Cannon has excited the llvell-
tlaa hurlinaa nf akntatrtialnincr Vl I friend and
HolBlngton; Flfty-Hfth Iowa, Colonel J. R. I to him to become acquainted with him, at I particularly the members of the- Flfty-
Lincoin; oaiicry a, nansas aruuery, tar 1 me loneiy grave-siae yesterday were many
tain Downing; Battery B. Kansas artillery, I who thought they had known him and
Captain Pattlson. All these regiments, with I called themselves friends.
the exception of the Fifty-fifth Iowa and a The ceremonies were simple, being In
few companies of the Second Nebraska, ar- keeping with the life that had been spent,
rived before nightfall. They were conducted by Rev. rr. Edwin
The regular troops comprise the Sixth, I Hart Jenks. pastor of the First Presby- ... i,.. m h. na,utini. ..
Second. Twelfth and Twenty-first Infantry terIan church. The minister spoke briefly, about. Speculation is rife as to th course
regiments, elpht squadrons each of the but eloquently, of the immortality of tho the speaker will pursue as to legislation
Fourth. Eighth and Tenth cavalry regi- gouI mni 0f the close alliance the deceased during the coming extra and regular aes-
menie, uaiiaiiun 01 e.iBineerH, unun tore to the growth and progresslveness 8on of congress. The committee on waye
Leach, nnd the following batteries of light of thls great city. They were linked to- rt m.n 11 u .inrf.r.inn.l. will ba an-
artlllery: Sixth, Seventh, Nineteenth, Kether in bonds so strong that the memoir nnini.H immauii.i.iv ... th. x.Milnr nf
Twentieth. Twenty-nfth, Twenty-eighth and of the quaint old man must live on and congress and after the election of the
iwMiijr-ii..nn. nit iuut in uivm mw K. Dr ded Dy an wno were DrOUd Of Omaha. an..... Tk. .nmlH.a n mlla will
The funeral cortege formed at tho under- I also be appointed and In all probability
taking parlors between 2 and I in the after- the committee on accounts. Thar com
noon and marched to Forest Lawn. Beau
tiful floral tributes bedecked the coffin
Those who acted as pallbearers
brigades of Infantry, commanded respec
tively by Brigadier Generals Grant, Bell
and Barry of the regular army and Hughes
of the Kansas National Guard.
Mnny Foreign Officers.
It Is expected that a greater number of I Charles Morley, W. R. Bennett, Henry T.
foreign military attaches will attend the I Clark, I. J. Dunn, Brnest Stuht and F. W.
maneuvers than upon the previous similar I Corliss.
occasions. Colonel Raspopoff of the Rus
sian army and Colonel Foster and Colonel ELEVATOR MAN IS NO IDLER them as beflt ho muy lnto committeeship
aMinuovR wi Vila - 1 1 L i n cuiiij iiaw aw,. . .
Fort Riley for twp days. Lieutenant
Colonel Monteverde of the Soanish army
iod is not inrii mci.
Conductor In City Hall Proves Hla
mittees will be the only ones appointed
during the extra session. The speaker. It
Is understood, will take the time between
tho meting of congress in extra seHSlun
and the beginning of the regular session
to study the new members of the Fifty-
eighth congresH with a view ot fitting
tha. will bring out t'.iclr best abilities.
Maya and Meaaa Vaeaaeles.
arrived today In a uniform that put to
shame anything that was ever seen on the
plains of Kansas, with the possible excep
tion of the midsummer sun. His cap and
As to the committee on wsys and means
there la a great deal of talk regarding lta
personnel. It was rumored at one time
that Mr. Rubcock would become the head
Elevator Conductor Gates became
blouse were dark blue, covered with gold cengwi the other day when someone said of the committee, but this rumor lacks
lace, and his riding trousers of expansive the levator men ,t the city hall had noth- connrmaUon. The best advices Indicate
pattern were of a vividly aggressive scar- ,nt to do He had olff(,rent opinions about the reappointment of Bereno J. Payne of
let, seemingly intrusive enough to leave a the matter ana he determined to prove to New York. Four vacancies exist on thla
glow behind htm after he had turned a cor- ,,. ,,,. th,t ,hBV ,.. mt.txut.n. H committee. Three of the four places that
haa charge of the west elevator, which
carries the heaviest traffic, because the
offices of the mayor, city attorney, tax
commissioner nnd Board of Public Works
mm aiai tV.uf' filj. of tViaa hlilMIno- Yfaa at..-
tamp, and tete to the week General Ian XtKXeA oraInary aay and kept track of over to the north wing of the oapltot to
Hamilton of the Bmish army is to arrive. the pMBenls9rll. Between the hours of 8 "'t n the fenate of the United ' State. "
a. m. and I p. m.. deducting one hour for The fourth acanr.y waa jught about by
lunch, he hauled up 791 people, making no 'no oviea. oi or ueorgc (Steele or in-
record of their descents. Figuring on this oiana lor renominauon. t or tnes vacan
basls. it la estimated that fronr. 2.000 to cl?! on the ways and means committee
1800 neoole do business in the city hall thar are a host of candidates. Iowa has a
every day, figures that an ordinal jr observer candidate In the person of Robert O. Cou
sins, wnose views as a siana-patter' on
the tariff -"stlon coincide with opinions
ner. The colonel, who 1 a courtly gentle
man and a soldier of excellent record, was
received with every attention by General
Bates and his officers. Tomorrow Governor
Bailey" of Kansas is expected to visit the
are vacant have been brought about by
the transfer of the member to the upper
branch ot congress. Albert J. ' Hopkins i
Illinois, Chester I, Xjarg of -Kansas and
Francis O. Newlandsv o . Nevada golnaf
The work for tomorrow will be an attack
upon a rear guard. This la to be com
manded by Colonel Duncan of the Sixth In
fantry, who Is to march out early in the
morning and at 12:30 is to start back to
- As soon as ho starts General Barry, with
the remnlnder of the troops, will be after
him, and Colonel Duncan must get Into
would doubt exceedingly.
camp the best he can, and inasmuch as he BIG, REWARD FOR FINDING MAN
commands as good an Infantry regiment as
ever marched and has the reputation of
being a capable and energetic commander
the prospects are bright for something
doing. The roads have dried out again and
the weather cannot be surpassed, although
the nights are somewhat cool.
Millionaire Wents (till Missing;, Al
though Blar Force of Search
ers Are Oat.
Before Death Made Remark Which
May Solve Mystery of St.
Loals Marder.
No Progress in Settling- Differences
with the Cincinnati Pack
lac Hoases.
CINCINNATI. Oct 18.-C. 8. Schmltt of
Chicago, president of the Amalgamated As
sociation of Butchers and Meat Cutters,
Falls Between Cars, Fraetarea Rib
ad Dislocates Shoalder When
Train Breaks.
RENO, Nev.. Oct 18. Colonel J. D.
Powers of Louisville, president of . the
United States Trust company, was s Ti
nas Deen in conrerence here today with the I oualy injured yesterday in Reno. The
local men. who have made demanda for an special train in which he and a number of
increase oi ju per cent, put no results were bankers were traveling on the way to
reached, and It Beems probable that about San Francisco to attend tha bankers' enn
1,600 men in the dosen packing houses her yention broke in two Just in front of the
will sinae on xuesaay.
Exploring Party Reports I'poa Con
dition of Maaaa Lea Which
Is Active.
HONOLULU, Oct. 18. An exploring party
of thirteen, the first to reach Mokuapopo,
th summit of the crater of Mauna Loa.
gives reliable details of the eruption. The
party suffered severely from mountain
sickness and cold. They found the inside
of the crater vi ;y active. Out of the mass
ot molten lava fiery geysers were shooting
up to the height of 200 feet or more, but
there waa no overflow. An Increase ot
heat In lb Dewey crater, lower down. In
dicates . th possibility of an outbreak
there. 1
Kilauea remains normal. Many excur
sionists arrived after vlsltlgg Mauna Loa,
Take Haad ia i-Unla Dlspnte.
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 18 -Mllwaukeea new
revenue cutter will leave for Cleveland. O.,
tomorrow to tak part In the settlement of
the international diMpute which has arisen
between the L'nKe.1 gtute and Canada over
the nahlng In l,ake Erie. Ordatrs to pro
ceed at once to that port and to report to
the collector of custom there have been re
ceived by Captain HalL of Tuat-arura,
and the cutter ill coal f "4 than lokv at
i wove tor Lake trie.
Colonel Powers was stepping from one
coach to the other and fell between the
cars. He retained his presence of mind and
though a portly and elderly man, succeeded
In rolling off the track Just aa the wheels
of the following coach graxed his shoulder.
His injuries consisted of a dislocation of
the right shoulder, two fractured ribs and
a sever cut on th left leg.
BRISTOL, Tenn., Oct. 18. It is now five
alnA. V T. Want thai vnnna- Phlln.
withstanding a party of a thousand men
have been scouring the mountains for four
days, no clue Is found. The missing man's
brother. Daniel L. Wentz, has increased
the reward from 85.000 to 825,000, provided
ST. LOUIS, Oct 18. It is believed by he la returned alive. The reward, if th
tho police that the mystery of the murder I young man should bo round dead, is B,ooo.
of Mrs. Kate Lauman, whose dead body) The father of the missing man la hur-
wo lutiuu lying oy inn roausiua near aj.,a ,,im. .... . . . r.,...iv.. . - . .
Normandy on Thursday, ha. been par- The most plausible theory Is that young b.? ,e"'bhf J." 05 ,h'-
tlally solved through the sulcld. today of Went, haa been murdered in the moun- 'gE? "J
John Williams a negro, arrested lat last tain, for hi. firmness In dealing with tr.s- '.-'"V th8 iontomi and JL
night a, a suspect pas..r. on the land, of the Virginia Coal f1" ' "?
Williams, who aald he had recently come and Coke company. It i. not altogether .. ... . . ...
from Mississippi, made several attempts Improbable that he may hav. been kid- wU, go to either Iowa or Nebraaku In
1 '..."r' !te:d"y .A"d .h." nP'd- dlana P' on tne commit!
hnld by 1 next epeuker. Strang aa it
is, Iowa has not been represented on the
two very greatest committees ot tha house.
pprnpriatlons and ways and ? means, for
number of years, notwithstanding that
this delegation has measured up with th
very best
Whether Nebraska will have a candidate
for th ways and means committee is con-
Mr. Burkett stands very close to Mr. Can
non. Ha ha. been his lieutenant on the
comijlttee on appropriations for two years.
Hei i able, exceedingly careful and gives
promise of being one of the big men of
the Fifty-eighth congress. It Is under
stood that Mr Cannon would like very
much to see Mr. Burkett- at the bead of
the postofflce and post roads committee.
aroused susDlclon. He was taken IntA
custody and placed in the Clayton Jail last BIG RALLY OF REPUBLICANS
night. He asnerted his Innocence, but
finally, under severe questioning made tha
remark, "Well, there are others In this.
I'll tell you more about It tomorrow.
Thla forenoon a small (Ire occurred near
the Jail and caused soma excitement After
It hud been extinguished Sheriff Hencken
went to Williams' cell to question him and
Formal Opening of Campaign at
Washing-ton Hall Tonight, Mnyor
' Moores Presiding;.
xee Dy reason of th vacancy created
through the retirement of Mr. Steele, but
as the delegation ha. not had a meeting
to parcel out th committee plaoea It Is
idle speculation to name any on o th
Indiana . members for that place. Con
gressman Roeder of Kansas Is anxious to
Including representative men from both mt lhe
former factions of th republican party in " ZTJl ... J 1 I nr or
found th prisoner dead. He had hanged Omaha and Douglas county and presided ate w, , nrotahltVh. ,.,
himself. It I. thought that the excitement over by Mayor Moores. the big rally at th. at!lMMon ot jPoha 8harp wmf w
caused by the fire alarmed William. Into Washington hall tonight under the auspice. . .rH.. .,. ...'
the belief that a mob wa. approaching th of th. McKinley club, will be the formal ,ead Jame. D. Rlcard.or Tof TwZZZ
Jail to lynch him. and he quickly hanged opening of the campaign .Ince the full av, announced a on ,. that
himself with a sheet. Hi. body wa. warm nomination of the ticket by the republicans. ho wou, no, bo a ',.1 ' "
when discovered. Acting on the possible " l expected that It will aucceed in arous- p,ace whl(,n h- fca u 1 "r
clew uttered by Williams, the police ar Ing any latent Interest and atlr the voters, tw0 congTtsat, ' "
now searching for others Implicated. Th and especially those of the republican
body of Mra. Lauman waa burled today. party, as nothing yet has done. Will Insist en Economy. -
I The speakers billed for this meeting are Information comes that the new rw,.k..
CREW OF SHIP IS STARVING John U We1"' w- F- aury. Charlea J. Lf the house TnTends to In'ut fr'rThJ
ureene, .uwru, very beginning upon rigid economy In (he
J. H. Van Dusen, A. W. Jefferls end Henry public expenditures to b authorlw-d by
C. Brom. I the next session of
Music will b furnished by the McKinley it Is intimated, haa the hearty endorsement
club quartet 0f the president and th admlnl.traUni..
"" mm """ I Those In rharare of maklnar nt k.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct 18. Captain Niel-1 "JQ ATTEND KAIN FUNERAL budgets of the several department, hav
Atlaatle Llaer Conies t Resene .fast
la Time t Save Their
Fifth Aaaaal Exhibition Onena at
Kansas City Todny with
Maay Eatrlea.
KANSAS CITT, Oct. 18. Th fifth an
nual American Livestock show will open
her tomorrow with TOO head ot pur bred
cattle entered, IX) more than were in last
year's show and the largest number e,ver
entered In a Single show. In ad Itlon to th
cattle there ar ISO beadr of Imported draft
and coach horses, 800 swine, guv sheep and
LQOO Angora goata. v
A feature of th enow la an exhibit of
carload lot. of native and rang bred
feeding cattle. In which upwards of 100
cars ar entered. Cash prise aggregating
8b,uu0 will he awarded on the carload lot
exhibit The prlita to be awarded at the
show aggrcgat 8,UIU
son of th British transatlantic staamar
Haverford, which arrived here today from
Liverpool, reporta having fell in with th
coasting schooner Ribuc and Bessie with
all on board In a weakened condition from
lack of food. The schooner waa sighted
100 miles off Cap Penelope. Some of Its
Blahea Scaaaell nnd
nette Will Go
received Instruction to hold everything
Father Jean- down and not to ask for additional an
te St. I propriatlons unless tha exigencies positively
demand Increases. According to th In
formation now at hand, th program of
the new speaker and th men whom ha
Bishop Scannell of th diocese of Omaha I will select to carry out hla policy will be
sails were gone and It appeared to be in I and Father Jeannett of St Luke', hoa-1 no "pork" appropriation, of any kind. No
trouble. A boat with some of Harerford'. pltal will leave Omaha tomorrow for St. general river and harbor bill, but appro-
officer, wa. sent to th vessel. Captain I Loula to attend the funeral of the lat I prlations for continuing contracts author
Marshal of the schooner said h called from I Archbishop Kaln, who died In Baltimore. I lied by former congresses; no new pablla
Georgetown, B. C. oiv September 17, for 1 The funeral or the distinguished prelate building bills, but only ths continuance
Patchogue, L. I. Besides hla crow he had I takes place Wednesday, and la to be at- of appropriations for project, hitherto au
with him his wife, four children and attended by notable Catholics from all over thorlsed; no tariff legislation of any kind
passenger. Adverse winds drove the I th United States. I whatsoever and no reciprocity legislation
schooner out of Its coura and aalls were -m except for Cuba; ho financial legislation
lost in galea. The entlr party bad been ! Ocean Vessels Oct. 18. and po changes In th laws relating to
without food for four days. Th members At New Tork Arrived: lm. Bretagne, trust, now on the statute books. In fact
of the crew were so weak that they raised oueenstow ' 1 mbrla' fro,n lJverJ'00l nd nothing that will tend to unsettle present
distress signals with difficulty. Captain a1" Jverpool Arrived: Mayflower from bualnesa conditions. It is th of tha
Nlelson furnished Captain Marshal with I Boston via (Jueenstown; KtruiU, from New I administration to go Into the next C4.m
food, oil and other .hip supplies and th U"rS via Oue! to wT ; CedrlC' N,w P'n with a feeling that nothing been
achooner set IU course for its destination, I At Plymouth Sailed: Kalaerln Maria I a"ne that tne people aa not support Th
Theresla. from New York, for Cherbourg I pruning of expenditures will b In larg
Cnt Down Shoo Feree.
Minnehaha, for New
and Bremen
At Linidun Sailed:
ALTOONA. Pa.. Oct. 18. The Pennsylvania I Tork.
Railroad corr,ruiiiy haa issued orders to cut I At Rotterdam Sailed: Noordam. for New
down tne rone in tha Altoona aliopa 1U perl York via itouiogne Hur ater.
rent, which will necessitate th suspension I At Queeiuitos, n Polled; L'jcanla, from
of suo men. Liverpool, lor jncw sura.
measure dictated by th Stat of th publlo
finances. There is every reason to expect
a decrease of receipts for th next fiscal
year. There I. also occasion ts fear a
falling off In export, which would rnct