Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Show Up Much Batter Agaimt Indians
Than in Nnrtr Oama,
ladlaas at ! Time Rearer Ik Mf.
rank Goal Tkaa tke Thirty.
Flve-Var Mae aa Gala
On 1 7 Flftr Vara. '
wss a unit In offensive play, irettlnn be
hind the ball and forcing It at wilt thrmish
the entire Arnhorst team. There wai emi
eldorsble fumMlng, due to the rain. In the
eoond half Columbia lot Amherst dr all
the work, and no further scoring was done.
(From a Btalt Correspondent.)
UNCO I J. Oct. 17. (Bpeclal Telegram.)
Booth's Cornhuskers today mounted one
mora rung; In their climb toward the foot
ball premiership of the Missouri valley.
Ta. redoubtable and unbeaten Haskell In
diana were Nebraska's opponents and
Booth's men achieved a declsivs triumph,
the Comhuakers scoring threa touchdowns
for a total of .sixteen points. Meanwhile
the Redmen were balked in their efforts
to cross Nebraska's goal and suffered a
complete shutout, not one getting nearer
to a touchdown thrcn the' Jthli"-'nve-ys,Td
line. The summary of the' distances gained
by the two teams, which shows that the
Cornhuskers advanced the ball 295 yards
and tfce Indians only fifty, tells briefly but
effectually the tale of Haskell's defeat.
Booth's men displayed a brilliant Im
provement la form over their play of a
week ago against Denver university.' Ths
Una held up firmly against the rushes of
the Indian backs and only twice were ths
braves able to gain the coveted five yards
In three down. 'On the other hand, Ne
braska's offense moved with the crushing
force of an oiled machine, the backs plow
ing around or through the Haskell line In
Irresistible fashion. The performance of
Eager, Booth's Lilliputian left half, who
weighs only 136 pounds, was of exceptional
brilliance, his teammates forming a solid
wall of Interference or pushing and pulling
him forward for gains averaging from five
to fifteen yards on almost every effort to
carry the ball. Right Halfback Bell and
Fullback Mason closely vied with Eager
In the honors for the Cornhuskers' back
field and although outmatched as to weight,
they formed a trio against which the
aborigines labored in vain to check,
Nebraska Varies OSeaae.
Nebraska varied its offense by using the
tackles and ends to carry tha ball, and
two of Nebraska's longest gains were
4y- Wilson .. and Benedict,
ach of whom sprinted
Ova yards before being
an Indian tackier. Captain Bender was
seriously handicapped by his injured leg,
(k, laniinm nf whu-h were severely strained
in practice two weeks ago, and while tha
Cornhuskers sadly missed, his usual long
tuns In returning punts, ho stuck to his
post at Quarter and ran the plays with
splendid judgment. Once, however, he broke
away for a thirty-yard run in returning a
klckoff, and started, a Series of rushes
which did not end until the Cornhuskers
had plur.ged across the Indian goal for the
.third touchdown. .
Kn Is slightly outpiinted Benedict, but
gtonder and Benedict were more successful
In running bor k with, tha ball, so that the
exchange was generally In ' Nebraska's
favor. The Indian ends however, ran a
close race with their opponents oh the Ne
braska eleven, and some brilliant' tackling
was witnessed.
,Cs la aaay. r
The game was marked by sharp, snappy
foot ball on both sides, and the victory went
to the palefaces only as a result of their
superior tactics. Inside the twenty-five-yard
Una .th. ; Cornhuskers called; their
favorite mass on tackles into play and the
Indiana seemed powerless to solve It. The
beginning of the play was delayed for an
hour by a dispute over the selection of offi
cials, . Keoth finally acceding - to Haskell's
demands. Three thousand persons wit
nessed the struggle,' at the close of which
the Nebraska rooters" crowded onto the
gridiron and bore Booth's men away in
triumph. The lineup:
L. K. ...... Roberta, falls
L. T WhMlcck
L. O IXigan
O Hunt
R. B P. Hum
R. T.... H. Hmw
R. O...... Oliver (( pt
CJ. B Fall la. Moor
R. H. B Archiquatt.
L. H. B (iuroe
t B Blalna
the ends,
for thirty
downed by
Wllaoo R-
Htint.r, Lash ...
B. rg
C. ttos
C. BUM .......
Until (Cast.)..
BU It, M. B
r.l. Marah .....L. H. H.
O. Muss V. B
R. T
...R. O.
, CO
...u o.
...U T.
j..u r
Q. B
Touchdowns: Eae-er (2. O. Mason. Ooal
Bender. RefTe: ' Flxlev of Omaha. Um
pire: Tucker cf Kansas university. Time
oi naivea: jwemy-nv. mmuies.
I'alversKy of Pa
la Wlas.
PHILADKt.PHIA. Oct. 17.-In a game,
the main feature of which was fumble.
the University of Pennsylvania eleven de
feated urown university, BO to o. Pennsyl
vania scored eleven points In the first and
nineteen lh the second half. Touchdowns:
Bennstt. Smith - f4V. Goals: Brnlth tJl.
aftyt Chase. Time: Twenty-five and
iws my-iwo-minute naivea.
" " Wlseoasla Defeats Belelt.
MADISON, Wis., Oct. IT. Belolt eolleRS
went down before the Wisconsin university
this afternoon in the annual font ball con
tent, the score being iff to 0. Belolt was
llsht and Its men had not recovered from
the drubbing received at the hands of
aiicnigan a week ego. Fifteen touchdowns
ana twelve goals were made.
i i
Colauatbta Defeats Amherst.
KtW TORtf. Oct. 17. Amherst was de.
tested, by Columbia today 'art' the Polo
gronnds by a score of U to 0. Columbia
play Ad a splendid game. The whole team
Polat frosa lalverslty
PRINCETON, N. ., Oct17.-In a pour
ing rain Princeton defeated the Carlisle
Indians this afternoon by a score of 11 to
0. Princeton kept the bull nearly all the
time, but mari twelve fumbles. The first
score was male on a series of plays, in
which Short fls-ured prominently by line
plunges, and Hart by long end running.
Mart crossed, but fumbled and Veiterleln
rrm'le a senatlonsl run of fifty yards, snd
wss downed on the elarht-yard line. No
sciire wan made in the second half, but the
bull continuously swapped hands on fum
bles. Kulon Miller of Uermantown, Pa.,
who played right end, had his nose broken.
The line-up:
I'aTl. Hraabrar ... t, K IR. K
CooKjr L. T iR. T
. Dillon
. . Ju.l.
B. Charles, Hndrlrk
Henry .. J.,. ...T. fc.lF. B . ..Wllllama, Chrlwi
eloal from touchdown: Vetterleln. Touch
downs: Vetterleln, Foulke. Time of
halves: Twenty-flvs minutes.
IlevKt ..,
Rl ....J
...L. O.lR. O..
r- '
...r. c.u. a..
...R. T.JU T..
...K. E !L. K. .
.M B i B.
il.rt-KIng L. H. B.' R. H. B.I
olilkc T....R. H. U. L. H. B.
Lonimin R. E L. E Eydenlot
Madrtork , R. 'I'. L. T Wsds
OofMlInc K. G. L. O Dodton
Gregory C. C Mendenha'.l
kohuu L. O R. O iUllnhark
Turin L. T. R. T Sllll'.h
Rd4n L. H. R. B Hons
Jnl Q. B. 4. B tore
(;r R. H. B L. H. B flerewter
Horrraw L. H. B. R. H. B Coral
Hammond v. 11 F. B Knight
Blight's Disease
and Diabetes
Aanwciacement of th Discovery
tho Cure.
The stockholders of the John J. Fulton
Co. of Ban Francisco announce to the world
the eutabtllty cf Caronlo Brtght's' Disease
and Diabetes, based on hundreds of cures
and twe years of demonstration, disclosing
wu si par sent or recoveries. In at
testation of these momentous facts we pre
sent tne aamee of sunt of the stockholders,
bualnaaa and professional man nf ihl. eitv
every one of whom had to have previous
opinions reversed and be. satisfied of. tha
genuineness of the discovery before Invest
ing in mis corporation, vis: Hon. Barclay
Henley, Attorney sjd ax-Member of Con
gress: Thoa. KlrkDatrlck. rinitaii.i. nn
D. M. Burns, Preaidsnt Candelarla Mining
Oe.j A. JL Shattuck, President Pad Ho
Bis tea Type Foundry; Edward Mills. Preal
oeni duuock Jones Co.; Capt Roberts,
rreaiaent Bacramento Transportation Co.
1). aL Bender, capitalist; VYm. Bharo.
tallat; W. B. Bradford. Alaska Packers'
Asaa.; C. W. Clark, capitalist (Sacramento);
W, C. Price, capitalist (Pasadena); O. K.
Battea, attorney; . O. Miller, attorney;
Chaa, McLaae, Agency Pireolor N. T. Life
Ins. Co.; Judge Bigelow, ea-Supreme Judge
Biate of Nevada; CoL D. B. Fairbanks
oashlar Petaluma Savings Bank; R. ii.
Befslons. attorney &o. Pac R. K. Co., and
many othera
The list of the cured runs into hundreds
and Includes druggists and physlclana. The
ii per cent of failures ware largely among
oaa that were at death's door, and nuauiy
such recovered,
Tha fttwtrt, tk.t v . u -. i .
these dread diseases are known as the
Fulton compounds. The Renal Compound
l"J ''S, nd Kidney Disease Is 11; the
Diabetes Compound is ll.M. Wa hava .a.
tatUshed aa asncy la your etty aad you
will nn pamihleut and Compounds at
Bhermaa A MoConaell Drug Ca-. gw W.
i. leva aa4 iMM2e bnv. OiuaaaT
Featares of (iame Were Work of
Tackles asd Line Backing;
by Winners.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Oct. 17. -With Hes
ton, the crack halfback, out of the frame,
and without any long end runs, Michigan
scored 61 points on Indiana this afternoon.
The gains were made by terrific plunees
of the tackles, Maddock and Curtis,
through the line, and by the gritty llne
buckinjr of Michigan's lluht backs. Michi
gan lost two touchdowns by fumbles and
bad mistakes In signals. . Indiana fought
hard and took advantage of .Michigan's
errrs. uneup
Bellerse Is tiood Condition.
RKLLEVfR Neb. Oct. 17 fSneclal.)
The foot hall teams of Itellevue college are
In the best of training and enthusiastic
over the fact that their goal line has not
been crossed this year. Manager Nlcoli
and Conch Plpal have reinstalled the train
ing table, wnlch was abandoned towsrd
the latter part of last season, and are
watching the food placed thereon with
discerning eyes. The results of strenuous
training and careful dieting were shown
in the contest with Tabor on October 10. In
tne latter Dart of the two halves Tabor
called a stop for wind six times, whlli
the Bellevue lads got time but -one, and
that for a sprained ankle. Yesterday u
fame wss to have been played with the
Jncoln Medics at IJncoln, but for some
reawon this was deferred until Monday
Cornell Meets Good Adversary.
ITHACA. N. T.. Oct 17. The hardest
game on the Cornell schedule played thus
far this season was that with Bucknell
this afternoon, when Cornell had difficulty
In scoring a single touchdown. The final
score woe to tt 4 ;
In the first hair neither side scored.
Early In the second half the visitors car
ried the ball to Cornell's thirty-yard line,
where Yeager got It on a fumble. Brew
ster gained twenty-five yards on a fake
kick and Rice, with a clean, run, scored a
touchdown. Brewstes, kicked the goal. '
Hlarh School Does Not Appear.
The Monmouth Park foot ball team had a
srame - scheduled with the Omaha Hltth
school for yesterday afternoon, but the high
school eleven rnneri to snow up. ine Mon
mouth's were sorely disappointed, as they
felt certain of either winning or giving the
students a hard smme. When It was cer
tain the high School was not going to show
up the Parks stacked up against the Game
Cocks nf North Omaha and easily defeated
them, 19 to 0.
(Continued from Eighth Page.)
twenty gave up their charters chiefly to
organise as national banks. The Incresse
In deposits was $17,712,368, making the total
at' the end of the bienrttal period, $132,443,
981. The number of private banks In Iowa
was 672, national banks 241 and state and
aavlnga banks 074.' The state and savings
banks are increasing In greater propor
tion than the others. Mr. Carroll recom
mends a change in the way of publishing
bank reports and Instead of biennial re
ports he would have annual reports which
would contain a compilation of all the
various reports made by the banks for tha
year. He would also have Issued and pub
lished after each call a synopsis of the re
The number of building an 4 loan asso
ciations Is decreasing rapidly in the state
and because of the fact that they are now
largely the locals he would have some
method of local publicity substituted for
the present reporting system. The total
receipts for the biennial period amounted to
He asks for some legislation to shut out
Irregular investment companies that are
operating without warrant In the state. In
regard to the telegraph and telephone as-
eeasmenu and reports he would have 'them
treated as the railroad and xpre8S busi
ness. ' The biennial report shows a balance In
cash In the state treasury on June SO last
. Arras for Mfe-Termer.'
O. I. Miller of Clarlnda appeared before
the state supreme court today and pre
sented an extended oral argument on be
half of William Lucas, who Is serving a
life ' sentence for murder, asking a new
trial. Lucas was convicted of murdering
Emma Moore near Shenandoah. ' Bhe had
been out nearly all night at a party with
him and her body was found mar the rail
road track In the morning. In defense of
Lucas it was claimed that the evidence
was purely circumstantial and that there
was some , evidence to Indicate that ' it
might have been suicide on her part.
Went to Bed with das Tamed Osu
Dr. Theollne Ingaidson, a pretty young
graduate of. Still Qollege of Osteopathy,
whose home is In Bond 14 rant, had a narrow
escape from death by asphyxiation at the
Ooldstone hotel lust night Dr. Ingaidson
came to the hotel and requested a room
with 'gas. When asked, why she desired
gas she replied that she wished , to curl
her ha Jr. She was assigned to room No. 11
on the second floor'. Some time after a
colored porter detected a strong odor of
gas escaping from the ' room assigned to
the fair osteopath. He knocked and upon
receiving no response unlocked the door
with a pass key. A volume of sickening
odor escaped and filled the halt The doctor
was lying on the bed and the gas Jet was
turned on full tilt. The occupant was but
little affected and denied that she had any
Intention of committing suicide.
Deere la Jacobs Case.
Judge McVey, In the district court, today
filed a decree In the long contested case
of Moss Jacobs against Charles Jacobs, In
which . the son seeks to recover some of
the property from his father which was
given by the son to his mother in past
years. The decree appoints C. II. Martin
as receiver for the property and gives Moae
Jacobs 10,iM. with a ilea on the property
for the payment of the same. Mose earned
the money eellliui papers and his father
i:sed the property. The Junior Jacobs has
been making a fight la court for many
npmths to secure his property . and
affords partial 'relief.
GREEN TRADING STAMPS The Only Known Way of Earning Interest on the Money You Spend
Bry Good
s Department
We will offer many attractive bargains for Monday Sales and we want you to come and inspect ttiem
' New Tail Haiti Coats
The genuine Cravenette twills, full sleeves,
three cape collers,- belt, very 4 A ttf
Black Silk Suits
Pine pea a de sole, tucked waist and skirt,
silk medallions, perfect make, O R(l
a Ili.fO suit for V kJJ
A Handsome Street Suit
.Exrielfrnt quality cheviot, Louis XIV style,
flat silk braid snd bullion cord trimming,
best lining, perfect tailor made a tailor's
pri foe . the work would be
J" liMif-oirr price com- 11. QO
tnjief' Wcav; Winter Coats
V 'volume crtikl rtt describe the beauty
end' escellenoe 0f Uiese. Come and
to see those at 1X2.50, 118.60, $16.j0.
314.75, 312.50, 110.60 O Oil
. ,und ..; ffJ
Pid you see out- grand window display of
furs? It's, very attrictlve. Price tickets
on raci crtkle." If you like the one in
the-wUidow, it Mitiie tight out for-you.
The price In the window Is the price In the
six tail.-), worth 31. SO Q5C
A MINK SCARF North' 'Canadian mink
nicely shaded, good length, worth
. 34.00 our Monday price 2.Q0
SOl'TIi KRN ' ' BE A V KK ' BCAKFan ele
gant cluster of tails, very nobby cheap
at 3S.50 Monday's ACZ
sale O.'wO
shspe, cord trimmlngs-NEW A Afi
should be 36.50 Monday
At Bennett's Big Silk Department
A PlirsHi:aa Salt of Mick Ski Hiosaay.
Blnck Beau do Sole, Velours and Coat
Silks 10 pieces extra fine quality ftn
iHhed on both sides a regular QQr
31.60 quality Monday yard OW
36-lnch Black Penu de Sole the biggest
values ever offered the retail trade of
Omaha. Monday in five lots
Lot 16 pieces 'M Inches wide 4 r
31. 9 quality yard la IV
Lot 27 pieces 36 Inches wide a Ort
31.75 quality yard 1.46V
Lot S 6 pieces 38 inches wide 1 AfA
31.S8 quality yard I.C
Lot 3 pieces 36 Inches wide e acta
32 25 quality yard I.UO
Lot 6 I pieces 36 Inches wide 4 Oft
33.00 qualify yard' laVCJ
Black Taffeta.
The greatest of all Black Taffeta values
yours Monday.
21-Inch wide Plark Taffeta
5o quality yard
il-lnch wide Black Taffeta -Kc
quality yard
27-Inch wide IMark Taffeta
31.00 quality yard
27-Inch wide Black Taffeta
31-18 quality yard
27-Inch wide Rlack Taffeta
31.25 quality-yard
36-lnch wide Black Taffeta -31.25
quality yard
S6-lnrli wide ftluck Taffeta
' 31.40 quality yard
The new 64-lnclt wide 33.00 quality extra
special for per I RSI
yard If OO
Every yard of our Black Bilks Is guaran
teed to wear. If It splits or breaks we
will gladly replace it.
Black Dress Goods.
B pieces 66-inch wide Invisible stripe Zlbe
line a cloth that cannot be duplicated
for less than 32.00 a yard f KM
Monday fur yard a.OJ
10 pieces rsnnma Cloth 4S Inches wlfle a
splendid fabric for tailor-made Bults re
tails regularly for 32.00 yard Af
Monday for yard l.'-rVJ
10 pieces 64-lnrh English Cheviot extra
hesvy weight worth 31-60 a 1 (f
yard Monday for
Colored Dress Goods.
25 pieces broad tall Zlbellne in all the new
snaillnps and combinations a swell cloth
for suitings regular price 32.50 J K
Monday's price yard a--
11 pieces sliver flecked Zibellne in 64-lnch
wide green, bine, gray and brown a
regular 32.00 cloth R)
Monday ,,ou
15 pieces Herringbone Zibellne 64 Inches
wide all the new shades orlgl- f OS
nal price 31-75 Monday yard laa6J
10 pieces Zibellne Cloaking fancy mix
turesthe newest colorings regular
value 33.60 Monday 2.00
Big Drive in Brushes
50 gross JTalr Ttmshes, Tooth Rrushes,
Nail Brushes. Clothes Hruflies and
Whisk Brooms 4 f-v
worih up to 35c Monday I IfC
Side Comns, Ttnrk Combs. Fompadour
Combs, Combs of all the '1 ,V
newest styles worth up to I I IC
"".Vi". rl.
?5o Monday each
Ladies' Underwear.
We have pnrchased a line of ladles'
Irrnrar samples, la. separate,
garments and I nlon Suits, at a price
nhlrh enables us to offer them at
abnnt half valee white wool,
ssrny wool, natural wool all sepa
rate starmeuts Mark wool Tlahts
and Drawers fleece lined balbrlsr
gsn Union Salts and mixed wool and
cotton I nlon Suits these aooda all
sell readily, up to fV f
1 3R we sell them Mon- K-ihf
day only at - W
Corsets. Corsets.
We are closing out our entire stock of
Royal Worcester Corsets. This make
stand so high in all communities that our
praise Is unnecessary. We have too many
lines and will sell our W. C. C. at a little
more than half price.
Another Snap in Neck
wear. Ladles' new fall Neckwear, including Cot
ton Tons. Postillions. Blocks, in silk and
waRh goods worth up to 6O0 Otr.
Monday each
Furniture Department.
Oolden Oak Swing Chair, selected quarter-sawed stock, highly f Ai
polished, brace arms, regularly sells at 32.1:5. st ....'J
Mahogany Finish Corner Chair, upholstered with fancy velour, O OR
regularly sells at f3.50, for aS. aSO
Continuous post Iron ped. fsncv scro'l design, heavy fllllnirs. Q QB
best hard baked enamel In three colors, regularly sells for 314 V.ViJ
I-piece Chamber Suit, consisting of bed. dresser and commode. eO QC
golden oak finish, excellent construction regularly sells at 318.... saS.VtJ
Combination Ronkcase. made of selected quarter-sawed osk, finely Q QS
finished claw foot, artistic design, regular sells at 327 lor IVeVCJ
Combination Rattan and Hair Mattress, made with heavy layer hair top.
sides and bottom, rattan center, fancy stripe ticking, durable and 1 "7(i
Elastic, regularly sella at (d.Oo, for O
Special Lace Curtain
' i Drapery Dept 3r Floor.
. . .
Our stock of Lace Curtains Is
complete, from 49o up.
On Monday we will place on sale
35.000 worth nfF, up-to-date Lace
Curtains, In Nottingham, RuTled
Swiss and Net, at very lf prices.
Nottingham Curtains, special,
per pair, 4c.
Nottingham Curtains, special,
per pair, 89c.
Nottingham Curtains, special,
lr pair, 31.48.
Hurtled Swiss Curtains, special,
jr pair, 95c.
Ruined 8wNs Curtains, special,
yer pair 1.19.
Ruffled Net Curtains, special,
per pair, 32.25.
Curtain Corners and
Odt Pieces.'
We have bought four cases
manufacturers' seconds, which
means curtains, slightly dam
aged, worth up to $10 per pair.
Lot 1, each v. Z5n
Ixt 2, each.) 60c
Lot 3, each 89c
. . Rllkollne manufacturers' mill
ends In i to 6-yard lengths
worth 16c, special, per yard, 7Vc.
25 Plain Art Denims, special,
jet yard, 13Vic. -
Rope Portieres, all styles, all
colors, special prices.
Carpets and Rugs.
. . 3rd Floor. 4
Ture all wool filled extra supe
rior Ingrain Carpet, warranted to"
hbia their colors, per ysrd, 4fe; '
An all wool Ingrain Carpet,
Standard weight, 60c.
Cnlon Ingrain Half Wool Car
pA, 36e.
Bargains for the Rug.
RxlJ Kashmer Rugs, made in
Turkish designs, colorings war
ranted fast, for 311.50.
9x12 Brussels Rug for 111 9',
3x12-6 Brussels Hug for 10.48.
nxll-.l Velvet Rug, regular 322.50
Rug. for 314.W.
fxl3 extra Velvet, Oriental pat
tern, new colors, at 322.60.
I'ouble-fsced wool Bmyrna
Rugs, good colors and largti Una
to select from, made up lh sites
up to 12x18 feet. '
frMnch wool Smyrnas 31 76
6x7-6 wool Smyrna 3S 9A
6x10 wool Smyrna 37.26
Cxll wool Smyrna H.Tii
3x13 wool Smyrna $17.60
9x16 wool Smyrna $24.50
Oil Cloth and
Flnor Oilcloth made In all
widths. Regular 35c and SOo qual
ity for, per yard, 18c.
A No. 1 Oilcloth, new design
and oolrlngs. per square yard,
Oilcloth Hugs in all sixes at the
lowest prices.
Special sale of 12 feet wide Lin
oleums at, per square yard, 64o.
We offer special Inducfments Monday
In House Furnishings. . Our1 varieties in
IIouBe Furnishing Goods are exhaust-
less; our prices are rock-bottom. Look
at this list
Finely Jnpnnned Bread or " ?ftc
Cake Uox small JKJ.
'. - v .
Finely jflpanned Bread or A An
Cake Box medium ..........
Finely Japanned Thread or tXft
:ke Box large ....uOt
Vnn .....OOC
No. 1 Galvanized A'Xn
Tub 40C
Tub 40C
r? 54c
1 c
1 r
. Palms. Ferns and Vines. '
second lot of all kind of plants for nonday'
selling'. ' A frcsb, healthy, new supply.
All Alive. All Alive.
Plants in Pots. Plants in Pots.
. 1 UP FROfl ONE POUND" .4
rvNQtr-Thf are house plants: If properly cirod
for, they will keep the home In comfort and luxuriance
for time indefinite. Main floor and second floor. -
Green Trading Stamps
With All Purchases.
'.Our VOreen Trading Stamp plan hat corporation
backwt It that's capitalized f of over ONE niLLION
v The Green Trading Stamp plan sklna every bonus
scheme .ever suggested. You share to the fullest limit
You can't tet the short end of It; what you have In
mind at etart Is your at finish. Fill your book earn
Interest on the money you spend!
No. 8 Galvanized
Tub ...
0-lnoh Hot-Blast Heating Store with
polished steel
Nicely nickeled Base Burner with 14-
inch fl repot
Rattan Carpet
Hen tor
1 Clothes .
Folding Ironing
Four-fold Clothes
Six hook Hat
Rack iXJC
The most stylishly fitted foot is the foot
fitted with this faultless fitting shoe. It
gives dignity, elasticity and comfort to
the Wearer. Will wear longer than any
other shoe, and keep its original "style"
intact. 1 '
All Sizes All Styles. All Leathers. -
Oxfords $2.50aiid $3.00
Shoes $3.00aud $3.50
Fine Chinaware and Rich
Cut Glass.
No batter description of tha potters art
can be found than in our Crockery de.
partment. We have a watchful eye for
everything; new and quaint. The factories
know this, and you will learn more In an '
hour's saunter through our bis; Crockery.',
Section than you will learn from a library '
of books. ' : . ,.
Glv. the department your attention.
' . . . '
Blu. Japanese China Burars and Creams'
an excellent piece of Una light china
nice full sices a good value at rv
6e each we will sell 100 pair on I I IP
Munday only per pair A
Com. early;, they won't last long.
Limoges China Tea Plates, Breakfast-;
Plates and Teacups and- Saucers nice
pina aecoraiion on g
Pouyat's famous war . 1 U
aach ,
Dec.rated lAO-pteca English
Porcelain pinner Bets
at '.
Royal round wick burner nlokel-platad
Reading Lamp, complete with g wm
chimney and 10-lnch decorated "Jf
Remember we are showing the finest and
largest Una of Decorated Lamps shown In
the city, and at prices that are mora than'
All colors fancy
Hanquet candles
Havlland Ac Co. Ranson shape Breakfast '
nuies a nice aencai. pniK OPI-
decoration each afivfb
Decorated German China Creamers
nice decorations snd good
sises each
Four-inch Flower Pots
and Saucers each ....
Ws are receiving many rare and attract-,
lv. pleoes of fin. china and are continu
ously adding fin. goods, and ay at popular
prices In this department, and w. ask '
very man, woman and child to pay a visit
to this, th. peer of all fin. china stooks of
tb. middle west
Com. up and sc. us; you ar. always wel
come. You may not wish to buy any
thing, but It's pleasing to look upon, and
that costs you nothing.
Morrell's Ipwa .J'ride bacon, per lb.v. : . . . . . , ........15c
Sugar cured regular hanis....... 12c
Kettle rendered lard, 3 lba for.......... 2oc
Ilotne-made corned beef, per lb '. 4c
Mb roast.. 8c and 10c
Good roast beef ...6c and 8c
We offer some very attractive bark's Ins for Monday. Style that
possess that little touch of Individuality which distinguishes our Millinery.
Mirrored Velvet Hats In black and colors the new chic
shapes trimmed with rosea and foliage at the small
price of
Trimmed Hats In black and colors Just what you want ln"
style with good silk velvet trlnnuinpa iretty ornaments 1 J 4
aud feathers all clean, Xresh goods, no Jobs tor
Just received, a sample line of the finest and latest tailored Hats
made. No two hats alike. These hats will astonish you In price, quality
and Ktyle. They must be seen to judge. Oa Monday at one-third their
former prtce.
I0.UO Hats for 2.00
15.00 Hats for 1.66 J
11.00 Hats for j 1.35
$3.00 Hats for ..' I.OO
Art Dept.
Attractionsfor Monday
A few minutes In our .Art Depart
ment will amply repay you for th.
time spent, whether you mak. hes.
special bargains your own or not.
Come and see the biggest and finest
line of Pyrogrnphy supplies to be
tound in tho west. Everything beet
for th. practice of this very fascina
ting art.
This week we will
offer a $3.00 outfit for
Our supply of this is limited and you
had better order early.
Free lessons, embodying full and
painstaking Instruction, .very day.
And Picture Frames
New goods coming .very day.
Our stock is large. Th. largest and
finest In ths west. We buy for quick
selling and we cannot afford to carry
the goods of this week. Into next week.'
They must move. We offer tempting
bargains !n all kinds of framed Pic
tures. Hers la a leader for Monday:
A tine Pastel in I-inch gilt frame
nicely matted will sell any- QUn
where for 11.50 our price
Our stock of metal frames is put In
una lot. Worth up to all
marea ror uonasy s
selling each
:? : THIRD FLOOR. ' '
White blanks tip- from .... .iOc
Gilts with 9 arid 18 inch borders up from.... i.. '6c
Emboesed golds and Bilks up from.. ; 15c
Tapestries up from 5C
A large line of room mouldings.
Attractions in Perfumes.
Colgate's Perfumes.
La Franc. Rosa i)B.
per ounce ., afidu
Pansy Blossom
on. ounce ,
Apple Blossom Ifin
one ounce , OvIC
Ylana- Tlang- Ofl
on. ounce uuv
Ricksecker's Perfumes
Wood Vtolet
cne ounce .
Golf Qj.en
one ounc. .,
Ping Pong
on. ounc. ..
Baldwin's Wild Plum
Roger's Gallett's Vlolett. Toilet CQ.
Water pr bottle
V-o-!aye Fames. Perfume
ons ounc. .,
Colgate's Lilac Toilet '
water ,
Kirk s Pan Violet
Kirk's Cardenas Toilet
Florida Water
four-ounce bottle
Isle of Violet Water
tour-ounce bottle
4711 Toilet Water select odors
bolt la
Colgate's Violet Talcum
Powder ,
A drug Dept. Special.
Krug's Malt Tonic a strengthening, nutr'
tlve tonic put up In half pint ff
bottles, per bottle, l&c; per dos.... Ovf
this I