Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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fn sears twm iiffO
Wiles iW'pei'e diietid ; fam Bad
art 10 tkaa&a of eote-Tie' wbi- h wwaid
S4e-wt he natures it world TbeBtntty
and eipe iTre reqmred to sure ' r ees
d.-et ran - o put int cmrt m j after
ti1 nf ih-rr aod ttK-i M g tbe work.
(hit h ii i;.tt nod tar knca.enre cf that tact
bring LnHien a notb nf ei can. heovta
tK i t,( rrtaw't-d rrm.y r x oef4 threoeh
mra rf ea-r'uL. i-iD:d work BJOnf lorn
that import n;!i rrvniUL
Ahiutr and eine-"Bce p 1 1 aary to flas a
thir"tn'n'y purr aa'al rnmpa'rn 4 pni.laeity
wrvnld t.e rvi'e bandiwfpd if t4 nsao
eiBtd w th Mie facilities f r tb pnm pt eta
roTKn of th wort e tn .plated, f rm fi
raj c)imiiT:r ar-nt is pnia x-u if
all tbe rectiiremetiui that lom aa kimomotji
whole. cotiqB'-ot: t wbe " fully eoa s
Bied are in onnstant dercaed. Their IidiiMI
pm with a ter ft whoii sr. known to eow
m i-ts who ara handicapped Uireng a lack sf
Who barf tM
tnirx-nLj sao
wnttl, and
whs a
el n, bed the
laidrr rtey hy
tf f through
snora Uiu a
4 airier of
motor? w tbe
Agent y I
y ILL0 csss-
it. Lenta. Mo
ntk brwnnaea
: 0
atChiorr.n.d "if r K
ew Tk. fiih't t-
Tk poeeee- j ii2 ' 4 L
o 1 lit r;
aa,., to.' . i7pr
r h w
wvi th work
ho pr-rffrt ptj(v
Ml, bU fTKS
Cbm a prone -
whTh l
oerjtcd. 7't
linf witb tfe
ftibHhra of
.11 OMMt of
is tkt
t :id fttaM
a Ob.bb1b,
Bud vrtt b
tic world
Bka t k i r
Bwne ft feoBBP-
F '3
d a
hold word, tbrlr eidHi! rrpBtatlp BB
nrnlo thrir raiiutTirra ail BnaaibtB
Um ia tbr dirert a of rooDoaiirBj prioss.
rcTnuy. iust f
the Industry, j i ifl
Strength. u IiiFia
other nwiwy !l;jf'F
nes neeaeaarr U 1?!
I Jary h enlTo .tba ibt la the baiidinr
Bt 1127 aaa ii y btreot, dk Loaia. wkick
tbT hvB (wnf-j Inr home year, and tbrj
BAv rr.oeol.IT leawnd tesporarT Barter Bear If
eTpc VB ob Pibb r-tjwl, irai't tbe errrtKia
w a twel re-More, ll-lmm, t re-proof atrar"
tara. Bilk ail xoodrra enBTevieBona, for tko
aenomnodatioa f tkoir boBiorm. It la their
B'm to ao ooaatrBOt to new edi&o Ibat it w.U
.Bord tbom perfectly appointed oSioea and
sable tata to )eaae especially desirabta
jaartaia ta oiben la tba bum line f arada,
ad W city pabliaben and printer, thereby
Baak-iny it a Pnbl nty Build ice ia tart as well
a la Btw tba tmt noderti hnildi' f arected
Sk Lanua Baciaby fr Uua ciaaa of taaauta.
OB . nee-
aiaoa Cbaa-
11 A C a .,
wboee piotare
ta here pre
outed 1 abost
BixtT ysarB ctf
Bire.a BaUTBad
New Bia
akira. Bee-aa
work is last,
ia lbs oaav
ioc room of
the Boatoa
Poet, aad haa
twea ia tha
adrertiai a (
areaey a a s f
ti. nswiuiwiina
4 Mr. Caeamaa
. f ratapiled tha
A ra e r 1 e a a
KEfcttOM CUEM4AN. KewepaperDi-
IVeat ICrlaoa CMOnaa a Co. rmrUrr,'mL
vtr um to
Itrt, iaduaiea, aad baa beea actively aaifared
ia the Acaaey wurk Blare tbe taUee daaa. axill
acuea aad enreeajee ia baaiaaaa he tafcaa a
fcaea tnteeeafc4o the great Acracy tf which ha
! tbe peeKideat, and aaueipaleB with pleaenca)
the tune waea tt w.ll oocupy a balidiaf aaa
atreeted cpaeiay tut Ua aootinuaodaUaa.
Conrad Bodkra
joe HreaideBt
and Treaearer.
)elacia i'haa
c.aa dt Co., ia
anaa who iiaa
niieB froai the
rati ta to orm-
a e 1 1 a ( ptwi
toa i a aay
Iwrra eoBoara,
aad partioa-larlyaaadeer-tiainf
tnat of and
laiif M finaa
rea. Poaiiaard .
! arpmal die-
, a a(4
kric paraoD-C
aiiy he wiiiit-lliminai.ia
nuiap QTixcr--
ly aad ta OONILAI BCDKK,
ttea U.rot.rta Tioa-Preaileat aad Traaaarac,
U tiii r liana nimnm 1 Cm
Mr. Bodka aeraa hia life work at thirteen
rear nf aa. aad arui the thiNy year of kaa
puiiftrMi hfe hoe aerar ktiown any other baa
i - Be 11 tuorourhle ooceeraaat with oarr
1 feavnraof awweaaptir adeertMHot afwary haaw
airm. ana be eat tor ) aobg-Bt ey iVfcamv aa
eeniaert overihe ooaBtnr who kak I niiaaiiik
I hi aoility and esparMaea.
W chard
Aergaat Sacra
tan, Melsea
Chassaaa A Oa.
a va r d tha
Ageaxwa -pluy
as a small
Lor aad haa
g raw a as m
tardy maa
bBoa, advaae
ug step by
aa ha d
veleyea tha
ability to aa
SUEOB greaves
paaKe I k 1 1
uh. Kia sou
Uua ia that 4
general auikne
rerof Lhaoftira
tiiroe, la ail
:' and it req aires
hi ia tagive av
teatuia ta tha
vast amount
6c'y SCalaoa Cheamaa at Co.
of detail work
separtad to him by the department wianaa-era,
1b adaitioa ta thik he raaoa a large aninuvr af
IntirtB aaily, and dxtauw replir to auca aa
MMB ir more than erainary ecamdemtioa. Bis
tMrvuyk iamiiiariiy m il a every lea an u I hB
Awry sbuaiaeaa, and frm eeout:ve ab'luy
rmvlui in umuw be tg - atimeiitiiig doing " ia
very aaiauwa of a.A 1-tig buBiaaaa day.
Avtkar A.
WiilBta. Man
arr 4.:k)(a
Bxaauh oiUne.
has beea wits
t itiiif
over Veuyiakra,
aad ia that
t'-m haa maAa
fr kimMelivaa
viable ihiBi-
tlcUk. ABMim-
tg tba Cud
f a at e b I of
lata important
traaab alter
tanas year a
isrttas ha
haa Wilt ub a
raa. A' itr
w i laoa i k
aan -i&i'y in-t.-
4 lithe
"") h
liar um lb
al art to a c
htaBaceref O Kia- Branch,
trreau ta a I a ltau i
" Hr wtiera enmpei itm ha4 to u aK al
M-y trr.. iie siu to rrarau aad auak
Irwe ! h-a niuurn'iktriaira aula
aai a kia lu aod ihey aaaiat txi-n, knatir
wpilui't i Bn-v to aevu aw awavoaiwa,
si.aatgue;t:y i..t liai ot p4uas areas rnun
far ai.a L uvw rmmrtiv4 pprortKtba
eaeauiti ia ta anrrtwai aavaal Ual ul aaaay
a .r.a tn ifrm
La kittuu to um )ru aniTiinfl a Woe
ara ui aaa hat twrn la ml
elwa caaaiuaa (a br roar, aoi wi
kt.jranj to the Artwcf un repraBt caaawa-
srawd lr uxut unaauaj aBima to buua aa toa
MA1LM1 t . . fc , . . - .. . .
tan a -as mia aa
1 Q
illlrHiirilll 1 A .tiataafriir
A ' .... -...
tlaWMIrtlfrjaManaafc -iWy ' "n i"Taaa1 laaft i I II j
Soma Deltj ia rrixld vxxh and Lack
f Jldrd'tra
aavria tapreea (.anataay re fraaa
Hladleaa la Oawaha VI bill lied
ly la' ) Other
Tht auike among lte employ e of the
Pacjnc h.xpRka lunipaLny. aikiiuuch hut
aCeciiiag toe lnrrnor auoni to traaua
ia teti.c lelt ti t liiuc extent. Ak hi kooah
tbe i kCiHC hJpretit coniiwjry ta ooiitrtujea
r Uie oouia mwieak 'Joe MaUaah ajd
ine Jaleeuurl i acitic tr&ii rxxie ib Irom
h.anaaa Kiy arid bt- Luia rTioay wtvaout
meaaenseia oa U-m aoa a luroe el men
a as tnitneoiateJ' int to taae their uacfe.
1 Le Bieaa-tiera were tiiaced on tl aeveral
lTu-ina to tt.eee poicta, iu.t whea tbe trunt
reiuiTU'd yeateiaay tiity vere ' bstuo
tniBua tbe meaaeirere.
Order hae been received by tha iooai
officiala not to arrest any rwrRhar ie rood
for atiipmeDt and to eriid aU xaoDey by
mail t Ita tfesUnation, ub!d( jroremnxrtit
money m del a.
Tha board of drremora at fta meeting
h(id FYiday In 6t Louie refused to grant
trie demanda cf the men. Erartue Toung,
a-eneral auditor of tha Vrilon Pacific, at
tended tiiie naeetinc;. bewida pretxidect Jasiek
EprleetoB of tbe Pacific Expreaa cotcpacy.
C. G. Warner of tbe Miimmiri Pacific. E. B.
Prj or ct tbe 'W abaah and S. E. Schuyler
of tba Uikaonrl Pacific
MMn.gere bare been majcfni; from IT
to IW per month, porters hare been paid
from to ES and the drlvera from 159
ta M per month Tbeae employek demand
a lacniaaa of II per cent.
The order tot to aooept perlohable grooda
cauaed eoma little trouble Ptiday In tbe
atitpment cf cream, but tbe order wan
reaclndfrd la.te ta tbe day and now tbe Ne
braska linea are earrylnc whatever ia
offered. Tbe Kebraaka-lowa Creamery
eompany waa aflerted. but it retting; Its
cream all right now.
" Bwaaa C re-aaa BelMedU
"Murray cream did not get in Friday,"
Bald C. I Poru-r. who haa charge of the
root, "and neither did Elkhorn. PapU-
lloti we brrugt bere In oar wagoni. Tbe
expreaa r-orapany had ordered Ita agenta
ta refuaa perishable goods for fear there
would be nobody oa ita trains ta receive
them. So we did not get our cream loaded
at theae place. But wa had time to tnaka
an arrangement for the. Waterloo oonaigm
ment and Mr. Patterson fixed tt tip wa
got tbat cream. Bverrthing is aU right
The Fairmnunt Creamery company haa
had no difficulty ia Nebraska, but haa
tnlaeed one day on tbe Wabaah and was
cut off from Ita Iowa and Miaeour! supply.
Saturday, according to the management,
the cream " arrived over that line without
""Employee of the exproaa company la thia
city aay that they have practically bo or
ganisation and that no action haa beea
taken toward a strike. Some of them aay
tbey have no reason for striking.
Superintendent Oeorg D. Patteraon f
tbe Pacific Express company is out of
town, havtr.g started Friday evening oa
a round of his district, which cempriset
Nebraska and Colorado. In regard to tbe
strike alt nation Herbert F. Estea, local
route agent, said: "We have had no,
trouble hers and expect none. Tbe men
have stood by tha company nobly. About
October 1 we called them together and
asked them whether they would stay with 4
tha company or strike and tbey stayed.
We granted tbe men at that time a 1(1 per
cent raise and. are considering tba putting
of aa extra man on tha runs -
"Our Kne Is open for all kinds of busi
ness from Council Bluffs to Portland. Ore.,
and we fcope to have the St. Louie end
atratrhtetted out soon. It looks good, be
oaune tbe genera manager has not asked
us bow many men we could spare him."
Part lew File Art law AaTalaat Osaka
Leas aad Trmet Cwaanaay la
District Caart.
Papers were filed by Bryoe K Arthur
and Agnas K. Arthur In the district oourt
today, asking far a writ vf attachment
against the Omaha Loan at Trust company.
The petition alleges fraud. It is stated
that July t. UK, tha plalntifCa executed and
delivered to the defendant a nota for (1,630,
payable July t. 1K0. and a mortgage on oar
taia rwai estate ia Nanoa county. Nebraaka.
It ia alleged without tb knowledge of tha
plaintiffs the defendant. July la, lWta. as
signed said note and seor-gage ta Mary B
Hiilier. and that not having knowledge or
notice cf aaid aastgnmeat and transfer, tha
plaintiffs, July 1. lim, paid tha defendant
tha sum cf H.u30. tha same ta be applied ca
tha above note and mortgage.
it ia further alleged that the defendant
failed ta aiply thia sum n the nota and
mortgage, "but fraudulently retained said
amount and appropriated the same ta its
awn use."
For these reasons judgment ia the sum af
ri.QSM with 7 per cent interest ia aakd by
tbe plaintiffs aad to secure the payment af
thia sum aa attachment ia resorted to.
fwaat y CwBawtlaaaMera Makt Van
Toart Walt BeraaM wf m
Pursuant to call the county commissi
era met in special session yesterday and
took tip tbe matter of bids for the repair
work cm the county run da. The contract
for tlue work had previous.'y beea awarded
E. D. Vaa Court. Other contractors ob
ject ia ttiia t a the ground that the t.;s
bad not been advertised. Tha commission
ers therefore refused to draw up a contract
with Mr. aa Court or ta approve his bond
At their session tha comnuaaiocers rejected
all bids and wiU advertise for bids, which
must ba hand-- d to the commissioners be
fore their regular meeting next Saturday
laeaao Italian 1we.iww .
Joe ChiTliao. aa Italian, other wise known
ma i.iii" nuin, w no was sent to
Lincoln some time ago oa tbe charge of
inKatiuy. la back tn tie c-nr. ft,c a
kuiiNrun ana soatisneKS tuacaveirad hxrm
in the ' bad lands ' lea nicbt lead'na a
goat and arryi;.g a bundle of book V. hen
cuealii'tted aa to whai he was .ir,g he
re; lied mat ha was eelhng goods Ha hid
Den trying ta sen ine gct to eevnrai irj.
n. sites af tba rorta duru.g tie ev-n!ng
but found the market tr aii.w and )
Tie ponce are not tr veeura t1i. with a
View cf ettrrer;r.g. If how ha
aettirta ine ana uouaa. ar caraaai Boaaeta 4C la.
At New Turk Arrived: Augusta Victoria,
rrca nimnay. m minarui ana VUat
uuig kjKd x eiuc fur Uverpool
At Lvvpooi Arrived : Oernisnia. 'from
cw lurk via burataickk Bmcim2 : Arabic
or New Torh ia V ueenatow a ; Victorian,
iit jrv ivra
At Ciueei.siowm Arrived' lfav
froat rtuvica Iiat Uverpoui and pracisaded
At MniM feaiir : Aaioru. fear New
ll'tt; ttavariaa. tor atuattrwa).
At Loiadon Amted: Auutua. froai Saa
Francieco (a Haniburc.
At liavrte-Arrikad: La Tauralna, from
i VW 2 tr B .
At iia3lt.ra Arrtted: PwtinavlFant
fruia Nrw Turk.
At Antwerp- Sailed : MeekplJaan, for
su yTii-iw.
At Kapm a.tkrt- Prtnoa Oacwr. txw xw
Kepahlieaaa Ortala Bis If Tbey
Will Atleed ta the
"Apathy among republicans ia the only
thing that can beat u in Douglas county
and In the Fourth Judicial district this
campaign." an id W. A. Redirk. nominee
for Jsflr of the dirtrict court to the First
Ward Republican club last night. "I have
noticed the apathy with apprehension and
I fear tba republicans are relyir.g toe
much oa a reunited party and suffering
from over-confidence. While it true that
tbe party presents a solid front, yet we
cannot elect cror men If the voters star
at borne. The first day's retrietrstiOB
shows a gratifying ratio of republicans
to democrats but It doe not show half
the number of republicans that It should.
Every man abould gel out and register
and remember ta rate."
The meeting was well attended in Lin
coln hall at the comer of Sixth and Pierce
streets. It waa tbe first meeting of tbe
First ward club since the convection and
the evidence went to back up tbe state
ment of E. J. . Cornish that tha repub
leans of the ward, without exception,
would vote for and work far the ticket
Straight through. Mr. Cornish gave up
part of his remarks to words In favor of
the Judicial ticket. Hr said be had not
found a single republican lawyer in the
society who supported the so-called "non
partisan" patchwork. Statements by tbe
democratic press that some of the repub
lican candidates for tbe bench are Incom
petent are notoriously untrue, itr. Cornish
declared, and he eooted tbe candidate
who. after trying for republican nomina
tions, accepted nominations at the hands
of an opposing party. In this guine, the
speaker said, tbey attempt to injurs tbe
organhtatioB that baa made them. Be
urged effective work thia fall to strengthen
tbe party for the future.
Polios Judge Betka. candidate for re
election, said things never looked brighter
for republicans in Lwuglas county. M. i.
Kcnnard, nominee for county commis
sioner, promised ia use the same care ia
spending county money as he would his
ra. A. 3. Sutton, nominee for the dis
trict bench, had Jurt returned from a
campaign trip through Burt county with
fellow candidates and ha aaid success there
is aasured. Ha declared that the number
of pomiUsta who ara coming back into the
republican fold ia a ranging.
Others who spoke vera James Allan, for
sheriff: E. F. Brailey for coroner, Charles
Vnltt for county clerk, A. I Troup far dis
trict Judge, E K Long for Justice of the
peace and Jack Kenworthy for constable.
Beat Slaed Cwaaregatlaa af W re h At
tend Meeting at First Pre by
te rLu tkarrk.
The largest congregation of tha week-attended
tbe meeting at tha First Presby
terian church last night, when Dr. Walton
preached and i. H. MacConnell, Prof, and
Mra. J.J. Lowe of Philadelphia Bang. Tbe spe
cial number rendered by Prof, and Mrs. Lowe
was a duet. "Only a Veil Between." Their
singing was a matter of great entertain
ment for aU, as waa also tbe singing of Mr.
MacConnell. Mr. MacConnell baa made his
services as a leader feat from the first ef the
Dr. Walton preached from the story of
the woman tif Sychar. It was a powerful
appeal to Christian people to set about
doing their duties "of soul winning." He
received the utmost attention and appar
ently left the best impression made during
tbe- meetings. An after meeting waa held
Jn which great Interest was manifested.
These meetings continue throughout next
week. For Sunday Prof, and Mrs. Lows
wrll sing in tba morning at the Low
Avenua Presbyterian church. tr. Walton
preaches st the Castellar Presbyterian
church st 10:30 a. m. He preaches at the
Toung Woman's Christian association
women's meeting at the First church at 4 JO
m. The subject at this meeting win be
"Woman's Mission." He preaches again at
the union service at the First church at 7 M
m. Mr. MacConnell win sing at tha
men's meeting at IB o'clock and the preach
ing aervioe at 10 3 a. m. at tbe Westminster
church and at the Toung Men's Christian
association men's meeting at the Kountse
Memorial st 4 p. m. Prof, and Mrs. Lowe
and Mr. MacConnell all wUJ be present at
tba union service at tha First church la tha
Pennsylvania Otare-r KlUcw While
Trying; ta Make Arrest aad
'kaaallawt Is She.
U KEESPORT. Pa, Oct. 17.-AA tha re
sult of aa attempt by three offloars ta ar
rest negroes at Glaaspart tonight Consta
ble William Shields of Olaasjiort and shot J
through the heart and almost instantly
killed and Peter TJelvln, one of tba ne
groes, was shot dead by Peter Kelley.
For soma time several negroes nave beea
creating trouble and were always ready
to pick up a quarrel. Today they at
tempted ta ahoot William Shields and Of
ficer Joseph Morris, wbe swots in Patrick
Kelley as a special officer. 'The three
men then started for the seen of ths
trouble. They found one of the tut a la
com par. y with another negro named Pat
rick Melvln. The offloera started forward,
calling on the negroes to surrender. Mor
ris caught Melvln by the arm and upon
Melvla attempting resistance Constable
Shields started forward to help Morrta
Melvln pulled a revolver from his pocket
and fired. Shields fell to the ground with
a bullet In his heart and JJ.e.'vn, wrench
ing himself loose, escaped. Kelly encoun
tered Melvln entering a stars near by and
attcrr pled to place him under arrest. Both
men ope nod fire, each emptying their re-'
vol vers and Mernn staggered and felL
He w as taken' ta a nearby store, where na
died within a few minutes Two doctors
of McKeesport had been called to attend
tha wounded men but by the time be ar
rived both Shields and MeJvta had died.
It is thought that the third negro escaped
on a freight train and officers started out
to capture him. Chief of Polios E. S.
Mc-Gow was also notified and with a de
tective is searching for tha negra. Shields
waa 44 years old and leaves a widow and
three children.
Lr-a tha Sew Orleans Craft te Mesle
i Bat la the lawn Leg
lalal arc
DAVENPORT. Ia., Oct- 17. A C Fulton,
one ot tha pioneers of Davenport, died ta-
dsy. aged K years. He waa bora la Chas
ter county. Pennsylvania, and la his youth
want ta New Orieana and engaged la tbe
shipping busnneaa. In 1131 ba organised tba
New Orlaacs Grays, a com party af X af
the best young men New Orieana, and
led them against Sax. la Aria, tha aUiku
dictator. Ha want la Davenport la 1M!
and 'was connected with nearly all tba
moresnehts that brought railroads and
buaineas enterprise to tha young city of
that Aay.
During tha civil war ba aarwnd tha per
nor.! -.hanks af Simon Ca. mar-en. aecretary
.. far the mass of detailed li-furxoa-
tina about tha city af Nrw Orieana which
ba swppued tha War department. Ha was
a cneaater of tha Iowa ieariaiatura ta an to
helium days.
Fa.-T-BirrrB glg-t Goet TtrrTXa, WT.b
Oily 0r Eiorp'ioa.
Few W aaaea Rierelae the Prlvlleaje
f etlag and the Affair
Msrkef Only by CwaBfclace
Reswallema Brhawl tasrl Caadtaatra.
J. H VANCE . Eighth Ward
H L. KREIIiER ...renth Ward
THEOI-OriE H JOHNSON... Fixih Ward
J W. MATXARP Ninth Ward
E. A Willis of the First ward waa tbe
only one of tba Pea ree-Burgess slate can
didates who failed ta land a nomination
for member of the Board of Education in
tha re publican primaries Friday. Jot.n
L McCague of tbe Eighth ward was the
man who broke ever the deadline. Tbe
successful candidates, their wards and
standings are Indicated above. The num
ber of votes by wards and the totals for
each may be seen in the tabulation tie
low. The slate manbgers had the po
litical machinery of the school board well
organised and also had money to spend.
Everything considered, a Lgbt vote was
polled. Tbe women djd not exercise their
privilege cf tbe franchise as freely as was
expected tbey w ould. For Instance, in
the First ward where a total of 1S4 voles
were cast, but- sixteen women Voted and
in the eighth ward where the total was
Zii only twenty-two women took ad
vantage of their suffrage,
Pear a and Barge-as Baay.
Intense Interest and strenuous artlvlfy
were exercised In tbe primaries, chiefly
ly Superintendent Pearse and Secretary
Burgess and their satelitea, who were
out in full force, distributing loads of
green ballota. "sample ballots" doing
what tbey could to perpetuate a
n on political" Board of Education. The
usual routine of ward workers for this
combine waa busy from tbe opening of the
polls st noon until their closing at
dock, plugging for the "noD-politica.1"
machine's slate. Much chagrin atifl dis
appointment was felt by the combine over
the dtfeat tif Willis. The results ly wards
rs, v. E j , s
1 sJ ri 1 i
HI ;l i M j i
First .
47: 63 W 71' 75; S O llH
n 77 wi; &' an; 7i nf, 60
7 7i 81! iV IS, 78' 8S. 14
1 mi i; tC. JM' JS7, llw' 182.
Fifth ....
li.t. VM Ji.j J'"! Ji "
12' Mi' 1b1' ; ' Kl, 172' Zf 170
4s; 47! o: i4i, i7, . is ra
.S4 U7! I, KH IW' w in:', lii 3
t, r eji; u:1 I'll 1LA IS'l' k'' l'11 H2
Sixth .
Ninth .
Total ..' 7471 734, WT?! 7 IW HI! &2 10! El j
Baws the Asaerlean Federation af
LaBwr t nder Prwteet Pemd- 1
las Appeal.
Through a written communication, whit
was read at tbe meeting of tbe Central
Labor union, beld Friday, the American
Federation of Labor instructed the local
tody to reseat tbe deJegalea from tha
Musicians local union No. 70 Immediately.
Tbe delegates were unseated by tba central
organization because tbey refused to vio
late a signed agreement to play at Manswa
and Courtland Beach when those reaarta
had been declared unfa The federation
called attention, in Its instructions to tha
local organisation, to a section of the con
stitution which declares that no central
body affiliated with the federation ahull
have tba power to causa a local union to
declare a strike. After a continued debate
a motion to reseat the delegates under pro
test, pending an appeal to the national or-
ranirttuon. was cameu.
A warm political discussion followed when
a motion was made to allow two represen
tatives of the XMcklnson and Teiser club ta
sneak. The motion was voted down. A
resolution favoring ths endorsement of
Dickinson snd Teiser as candidates for the
office of district judge was then offered and
finally prevailed by a vote of 11 to tt. L. J.
Qulnby. oae of the representatives of tha
club, who had been turned down, waa al
lowed to address tbe body under a plea that
he had formerly been a member of tbe or
ganisation, and still holds a union card.
Paul Gahle, as delegate from the Beer
Bottlers International union: A. J. Glenn,
as successor of former Delegate Lamb, from
the International Association of Machinists,
local No. O: Robert Rubert, as successor of
former Delegate Woodward, from tbe Car
penters' local No. 417; Carl Elofaon of the
Tailors' union: D. Miller of- the Carriage
and Wagon Makers, loot No 141. and John
Cushtng of tbe Bartenders. Frank Marshall
of the Retail Clerks end Cherles Schamp of
tbe Beef Butchers, the latter three from
the South Omaha Trades and Labor coun
cil, were an seated ss delegates.
The proclamation Issued by the American
Federation of Labor favoring tbe eight
hour and anti-Injunction bills, which wlU ba
introduced at the farthcomirg session of
congress, was read and accepted.
A request was read from the United
Brotherhood cf Leather Workers, local No.
IX asking for tbe endcrsemeat of. F. M.
Morgan for the position of bailiff of ths
district court. A motion to endorse was
One of the delegates raised the question
aa ta why political candidates are allowed
to distribute cards asking for support on
tha streets when the privilege of handing
out cards and circular had been denied to
organised labor. He aaid that be intended
having the next candidate who handed him
la card arrested to make a test case.
k request, which was received through
Senator Millard from E. C. Armstrong of
To be tired oct from hard work or bodDy
cxcTrise is natural and rest is the ranedr, but
tiit-re is as exi tustioa without physical exertion
and a tired nev c-iested feeling a weariness with
out work: that . tan natural and shows tome seri
ous disorder is threatening- the health. One of the duel causes ol that
-Alw-y -tired, reer -rested condition" is impure blood and bad cirralition.
Unless the body is nouri&hed with rich, pure blood there is lack ol nervous force,
the muscles become weak,
the diy-estioa impaired, and dtf
general disorder OCCUrB oouain, who had been benefited kr fk a. t, sold and)
ikfirt.AniiV..M(M n about it. I tried it and tt eurad ana. I hamruiy re
throUnoutUiesjTrtaU. De- eoaumend B. 8, S. to ail who stay I eel tha need of
bllltv, insomnia, nervoas- Vboroughiy good Liood soma. Tours truly,
neBiBdirtttion.dyspepsia. M w. Ktuth fu, ColJti JinAXX'
losB of appetite, strength
and energy, and the hundreds cf little ailments we often bare are doe
diiectly to a bad condition of the blood and circulation, and the quickest
riches the blood and thr-nugn it the entire system is noari&hed and refreahins;
Bleep codes to the Urcd, notr-rotei. bndv.
gaclied labor had benefited laboring men.
was referred to the educational oocnmiUee
jn ccrOcnctlon with the secretary. The In-
ftmation 1 desired for use In a high school
P,n rrsncisco Labor council asked f or tn-
farms '.Ion concemlTig the local central body
I ,ar lnf purpose of "living at the senti-
j mer.t in Omaha concerning the proiosd
j amendmert to the constitution of the
i American Federation cf Labor regarding
represen t a ti on.
Osnaha View laapravera Etsreki De
aaawda tar Swaae City (a.
The Omaha View Improvement club met
mdnjr night with a large attendance and
President Callahan In the chair. Tbe side
walks on Ohio street near Thirty-third
were reported in an extremely bad con
dition and where any Improvements had
beea made at all tbey were practically
useless because cf tbe adjacent sections
cf sidewalk being almost impassible. The
club resolved to get after nonresident
property owners to compel t!v.m or their
agent to make sidewalk improvements
along their property.
. It was reported that the gasoline lamps
along Ohio street from the railroad to
Thirty-second street are net lighted half
the time. Lights are badly needed at
Thirtieth and Lake. Thirty-fourth and
Corby, Thirty-fourth and Maple. Thirty
third and Eurdett. Thirty. Fifth and
Lake and at Thirty-fourth and Miami
The matter of tbe alleged diversion cf
tha funds for tbe Saddle Creek main sewer
to the' construction of private sewers by
tbe city council waa again brought up and
The invitation cf the Omaha Federation
of Improvement clubs to attend tha mass
meeting of improvement clubs td held
Friday evening was accepted. Tbe club
and its friends will meet In the headquar
ters of tbe club st Thirty-second and Corby
streets at "J9D p. m. and proceed In a body
to the mass meeting.
The action of tha city council In dodging
on the proposition to submit the electric
light purchase question was severely com
mented upon. Some of tha members fa
vored a mass Indignation meeting and
passing resolutions expressing public Sen
timent on the matter.
5ew Vark Peart Halaa that tbe Testa
Be fare fervtcea Ara Per
faraard. ROCHESTER. X. T.. Oct. 17. A most
sweeping ruling made by an Americas
court concerning a matter cf Roman
Catholic belief stnea it was held In thli
state years ago that a priest cannot ba
compelled to testify to tha secrets ef tha
confessional, was handed down today by
The case is thkt of John S. Keenan, ad
ministrator cf the estate of Rev. James
P. Kiernan. Keenan put in a claim for tVB)
willed to Father KJeman for masses by
Daniel Kane. Mr. Kane died in 1R7 and
Father Kiernan May il. 1MKI.
Judge Benton rays: "It Is not natural
to sopposa that ba testator making
bequest for such a purpose wonld no dis
trust his legatee as to Insist that the ser
vice should be performed before tbe money
was iid."
Tha substance ia that tbe performance
of tba masses by the priest in a case Is
a duty laid upon tbe conscience of tha
clergyman alone and that ths legacy vests
In tha priest and passes to his legal repre
sentative who is la a position to claim Ita
The case has no exact para Sell la the
history of Cntted States courts.
Harae Faaaa, bat Oae Haire4 Men
Have Sat Dlaewvere the
BIG STONE GAP, Vs.. Oct 17. E. L.
Wentx of Philadelphia, S years of age,
general manager of the Virginia Coal and
, Iron company's Interest in coal lands la
southern Virginia, left Big Stone Gap on
horseback for Kelleyview, twenty-five
miles east of here. Wedneaday and has
not beea heard of since. All circumstances
point to tbe conclusion that he has been
murdered in tbe mountainous regions,
A hundred men are now scouring this
eection of tbe 'country. Tba horse ridden
by Mr. Wents was found Wednesday
afternoon and tied ta tba saddle was a
coat worn by the missing man,
Peaylt Ietcrte-d ta tba Iaer Mla
alsalsl WIU Aaaeanblo at Daw
essari Velsesay,
DAVENPORT, Ia Oct. 17. The program
for the first day of the t'pper Mississippi
River Improvement convention, to be held
here next Wednesday and Thursday, was
issued today. Addresses will be delivered
by Governor Van Sant and Senator Clapp
of Minn two ta. Congressmen Wads of Iowa.
Barthold of Missouri and Prince of Illinois
Marc hew Cataea Resanel at Laredo
Than at Any Tinas User
Oat break.
LAREDO. Tex, Oct. 17. Tha official yel- I
In fvv Hiitltivt iaaiieA 1. - V.w .. . . ai . I
deaths, 1: total cases ta data, I. total
deaths to dale. IS.
Fifty destitute familleB today aaked tha
mayor for aid. Everything poaeiM will b
dona to nelp tnem. At Minerva there ha v
thus far been five deaths and eighty cases.
way to ret fid ol them is by punfyins; and buildisf;
up the blood, and for this purpose no remedy equals
S. S. S., which contains the best inrredients for cleans
ins; the blood and tonics; up the syntexo. It is a
vegetable blood purifier and tonic combined, that en
To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT,
Remedy. Will Do for YOU All
Bottle Sent Free by MaiL
Pain or dull ache tn the back Is unmis
takable evidence of kidney trouble.. It is
Nature's timely warning to show you that
the track of health Is not clear.
If these danger signals are unheeded,
more serious results are sure to follow;
Brlght's disease, which is the worst form
of kidney trouble, may steal upon you.
The mild and tha extraordinary effect of
the world-famous kidney and bladder rem
edy. Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Root, is soon
realised. It stands tbe highest for Its won
derful cures of tha most distressing caw.
A trial will convince anyone and you may
have a sample bottle free, by man.
waaaawKwwt Entirely Care! Me,
Gentlemen: I know yon da not need this
from me as you are daily receiving hun
dreds of testimonials. However, I want tn
say that 1 think yea have the greatest
remedy on earth fur kidney, bladder end
liver trouble. I had been troubled fur
years, was operated on several time and
spent a large amount of money and re
ceived no lenerlt whatever. I suffered
everything snd It was necessary for me in
yet up as many as twenty times during
t tie night
My attention was cald to your Pwemp-R-Kit
and I gave It a thorough trial and
the result waa that It cemptetely cored roe.
Sept. XTth, 'CO. Oreentewn, Ind.
Lama back Is only one symptom of kid
ney trouble ns of many. Other symp
toms showing that yon need Bwamp-Root
ere, being obliged to pas water often dar
ing the day and to get up many time at
night, inability to bold your urine, smart
ing or Irritation in passing, brickdust or
sediment In tbe urine, catarrh of tba blad
der, tirie acid, constant headache, dluines
sleeplessness, nervousness. Irregular neart-
Whiskey and Beer Habit
Phyaldaaa nroaoanca draakraaeaa disraae of the aereoe systota, creating a morbid
cravisg lor a auaalaat. Coattaeee' ladalgeaoa la waiakry. seer or wias eat away the
etoanacb liatag aad atwnrBe the digestive orgaaa. tkaAoesircying tba dirastioa aad
rataiar tbc health. Ba "will power" can heal tha la gamed etomach aarnihrkaa.
"OKkIS Jl " permaneBtly removes the craving for ltqanr by actikr airecUy aw the
afractad anraaa-raateriag the atosaack aad a iffeativB organs toworaaal poach tips, iwpravinr
tna appetite aad re taring the baaita. he aaaitariani treatment awoaesary OB it IKS
caa ba takca at year wa hoaaa wsthoat pablicity. Caa ba givea eacretly if aWi rad
Mr. K. T. avian. Brooklyn. N. T. writes:
"Caawy aaaaa a a tweaty-year drnakard
reatared ta manhood and health br fonr
hoses of ORBlN t-.' It w a wewoerial and
marvel ( car for the drink bantu"
Mrs L. wycli. New Terk City, write:
OK BIKE cared tsy bnshaad, k waa a
steady drnakard far assay years. B new
haa aa daaira lor stimulant, ha health ia
reoi aad ha is f ally restored to ttiaobuo.
Beeaaaoaly tee hoses ef OHklK E,'
Mrs. W. L, D. Helena, Meat, wnkne: "I
have waited oae year hclera writing yea
aw tha aerataneat eara at my ana. Ha tuak
eaaitanaak tsuatnBeat, as well aa ether aa
eerttaed cares, hat tbey all failed aatlt wa
fare him MkklXE.' La ia saw fsllr re
stored to beali k a 4 ha an daaire l4nk."
Mr. U L. B, Kibui City, Ha, writes:
"I am satisfied that draakesaeas 1 a dia
ataacaadtbe werat ia tba world -OBRIKE.
as my opinion, will cars aay caa il takes aa
The Facts about
"The growth of the territory has been aa rapid, and Its products
a numerous and of such great value, that the actual facts about
Oklahoma ara apt ta ex at an rxpivwaiun cf duubt. But to take a
trip acroea the territory la harvest time and te be army of busy
farmers gathering in the ahoavea. would forever relicva on of such
an Impression. Ths population of Oklahoma in lMKi waa tl.'MMi; ten
years later it reached lai.WU, and tuiay It la 7iKi,MKi, and still grow
lug. During tha past year eJ miles of new railroads hat been
built, making a tctai miltiage tf i.(W rftiea Christian Herald
Sept. . Uut,
Your opfiortuuity to visit this wonderful free
tion occurs Tueniay October 20, wLen" the Kok
Island Sjetem will sell round trip tickets to all
joints In Oklahoma and Indian Territory on tbe
Kock Island, Frisco and C, O. & O. 1 La il roads, as
well as to c-ertain points in Texas, at the lowest rate
ever made $20 from Chicago; f 16 from Peoria. Ilotfc
Island and DaTenport; 19.7o from Des Moines;
$18.85 from OiuaLa; 15 from Bt. Joseph and Kansas
Citj. CVirTesponding reductions from other joints.
Deacriptlve Bteraittra tnaiied eat application ta JOHN SEBAS
TIAN, Paaaeriger Trams Mgr. Rock Island Svatem. Cnicag u, lit
Tickets and lull Interaaataoa at this office.
the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder
Our Readers May Have a Sample
beatlng, rheumatism, bloating. Irritability,
wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss ol
flesh, sallow complexion.
If your water when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty
four hours, forms a sediment or settling,
or has a cloudy appearance, it la evidence
that jour kidneys and bladder need imme
diate attention.
In taking Swamp-Root you afford na torsi
help lo Nature, for Swamp-Root is tha
most perfect healer and gentle aid to tha
kidneys that is known to medical science.
Swamp-Root Is the great discsvery of
Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidnty and t lad
der specialist. Hospital use it with won
derful success In both slight and severe
casta Doctors recommend It to their pa
tients and use it In their own families, be
cause tbey recognise In Swamp-Root tha
greatest and most successful remedy.
If you have the slightest symptoms of
kidney or bladder trouble, or if there is
a trace of It in your family history, send at
once to Dr. Kilmer aV Co... BinghamteB.
N. T.. who will gladly send job tree by
mail, immediately, without cost to you, a
sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book
of wonderful Swamp-Root testimonials.
Be sure to say that you read this gwnerouf
offer in Tbe Omaha Sunday Bee.
If you are already convinced thai
Swamp-Root is what you need, yoa oai
purchase the regular fifty -cent and one
dollar sine bottles at drug stores every
where. Don't make any mistake, but .-a-member
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. XA "
mer's Swamp-Root, and tbe address. Blng
ham ton. N. T, on every bottle.
I N E,'
yea direct. 1 was a eomsaes drwakard for
tweaty years, bat to-day I am fveaef any
desire for hqanr. Ton hare lawad tha epa
Cifac tiod bieas yew!'
Mr. A. E. L, Atlanta. Ca, writes: l was
bora with a leva of whiskey aad drank t
for thtrty-twe year a. It aaally atwaght an
to tha facte. bonwHea aad friend teae. I
waa newerkBfcS to resist tha craving aad
wo id steal and la ta get whiskey. Faaar
besesef OkklKE cared anc of all aaau
and I aew hat tha a ax 11 of liqner "
Price at per haw. 4 hoses for S. Mailed la
slain. sealed wrapper by Orete Company.
kit7 lata Btnet. Wai-hierton. O.C. Imtiraat
lag booklet t ara led l-r ea raqaaat.
wold and recommended hy
SliEnnsn & L.cCrna.n DrcjCDi
. ISth aad Han are s)ta.a Oa
City TIcht Oin.i
hmi Stresl Czili!. CeS.
F F It ainwfljrti L F ..L