7 TI1B OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18. 100.T IT 7 for BALr-nr.u. f.static BARGAIN inrxir MODERN TWEIA E-ROO.M HOUSE, HOT WATER MKAT. KI.WTR1C LIGHT H A HN 1321 SOUTH UTII STREET. 514,000 nr.AtTin-1, ri hue corner. DEfllRU'LK rlUII.I'SNO FITE. 8. K. CWt. 31ST AM CASS ti l 8 , 5J,oo LARGE. MODERN. DETACH U,D llDl SK SOUTH FRONT AT. I: A RN, 2672 HARNEY STREET, $5,000 LARGE. MODERN HOUSE. BARN, UWN. KHAHK TREKS, ETC., 1313 PARK AVE, $7,000 66x132 VA CANT BUSINESS lT NEXT POOR NORTH U. P. R UKAngVARTFRH. ITH. 8TRKKT. BET. DOUGLAS AND FARNAM. 16,000 Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. H H NEW HOUSES NEVER OCCUPIED 1529 8. Z9th street. 6 ronmi, all modern, built to last, no poor or shoddy work, all mi terlsl the vrv best, puved street arid permanent walk, all paid. Will pay 10 per cent on 63.000 on long Iran. Price, I2.MM. 16TH ST. NEAR BURDETTE I room, all modern; cou'.d not he dupli cated for 12.500: good new barn, paved street and mr line; lot worth 12,000. Filce, for quick tale. I3.H00. LOWE AVENUE, CLOSE TO NICHOLAS f room, all modern, everything: first-class. Only laooO; 8610 caah and payments of 126 m month. CHEAP PLACE. CLOSE TO DODGE Btreet car Una, In north Tart of city. 8 rooms, everything complete but furnace; full east front lot. Price. $1,960. 34TH AND BLONDO t-roorn modern cottag., one block from car. Think of It, only ll.two. -room 1-atory house, an ma location, all modern but furnace, 12.2. TVi are having plana drawn for a number of houaea. If you want a new house come and aee ua. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 510-511 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE 181 II BOMB REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ark., Hot Spring Co.. 30 A. truck land. CaJ., near Red Bluff, eqpd. nursery and ranch Si A.; 10 A. peach orchard. Cel., near Had I and a, eqpd. fruit ranch 45 A. Cal.. Sap Bernardino Co., lu A. trult ranch. Pueblo, 1 bids;, lots, Bessemer Add. Colo., Pueblo, re, and lot, Bragdon Ave. Colo. Springs. 800 bldg. lota, suburb of Colo. City, near Garden of the Gods. Conn., New Britain, good bldg. lot. V. C, Washington, I lota, American Uni versity Park. Fie., Miami, brick bldg., containing 4 atorea. Oa.t near Auatell, U A. and Impta. Idaho, Mackay. bakery bldg. and lot. Idaho, Washington Co., lis A. tlmberland. B. W. Chicago, SO bldg. lota. Chicago, lt-r. res., large lot, Vernon Ave. III., Alton, plot of land, E. Fifth St. 111., Mt. Vernon, house and I lots. 111.. Oalesburg, M wall-located lota. Ind . Rtenhen Co . 70 A. ennd. fu-m. 'I'i Ind.. Muncle, -r. cottage and lot. ' ii Xl m b.n li. n, litf, k farm Baltimore, 8-r. brick rea., Lennox St. ' Md., Garrett Co., 170 A. and impta. Ma.. Lynn, 7-r. cottage and lot. Boston, BomerviUe, t-famlly res. Boston, I houaea (I aulus), Ruggles Bt. Mich.,-Hart, I warehouse and toola. Mich.. Newaygo Co., ISO A. land containing marl. Average depth 30 feet. Minneapolis, t iota, oakburat Add. Mlaa., Hinds Co., WO A. and Impta. Mlsa., Amlle Co., 40 A. and Inipts. Neb., Holt Co., stock ranch 2)20 A. N. H, near North Hampton. 47 A. and Impta. Nf. Y. City. 12-r. res.. E. 116th 8L Nevada. Elko, furnished cottage and Int. Okie., Norman, rea. and lot. Io5x3"0 feet. Ore., I-ake Co , UNO A. land. Pa., Clinton Co., IX A. and Impta. Phil-, Ardmore, modern 11-r. res.. IS A. Pa.. McK eeaport, 11 good bldg. lota. Phlla.. Kensington, 4 b'-dg. plots. Pa., Wyomlsetng. near Reading, t bldg lot. Phlla.. Fox Chase. 1 bldg. lots. Pa., Phlllpevllls. lt-r. res and 4 A. Pa., Westmoreland Co., 47 A. factory Bite, underlaid with coal and bldg. etone. 8 C, Summerton. bldg. lot. 68x160 feet. Tenn., Fayette Co.. good 67 A. farm. Vt., Rutland Co., 13 A. and Impta. Vt Windsor Co.. eqpd. farm lit A. Va., Bath Co , 300 A. land, suitable for country eetate; atatlon on property. Va., Newport News. -r. rea.. 6mh 8t. W. Va., Pocahontas Co.. 171 A. and ImpU. W, Va.. Buckhannon, 7-r. rea. and lot. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. BLDG.. Phlla. RE-841 Us HOC8E8 AND LOTS. In best localities in cltv, Haitscom Park, West Farnam and Kountse Place and Rem la Park district. All Klse and teria. Bemls. Pazton block. RE-ftS II A JJ-Acre Fruit Farm 1217 Only miles from Council Bluffs, has a 1H story house, barn, chicken houae, well and cistern and haa large amount of fruit of different klnda. The owner will trade the equity In this property for rental Eroperty In Omaha. It la Incumbered for K due In 4 years PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 1781. RE SOI 11 FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to 2 per acre for ranches. $i to 12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write lor particulars to B. A. McALLASTER. Land Commissioner, Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RE f 1,000 for Two Nice Lots In Bemls 1'srk. The inner is determined to sell, as he Is going to leave the city. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg . Tel l?n Rti-lul is HOl'SKS and lots and vacant lots In south srt of i-Hy, handy to buuth Omaha. All BlseH. puces ana terms. Aiemli-. ri ,n block. KE k M II. Soil. ! cottsgea. illy Water, I tilocks from car line. Mh and Blghllv liHutlon. THE BYRON REED to. 2 t 14th. HE M4 U DM FARNAM 8T-41 I ft. frontsge wltn la. room houae. al special tax paid; a bar gain at It.. 710. On Dougl.i e)i.. Ii, "btli and Isth. douhln liouv of 1H rooms, eK,-ellii lo,. tton: easl.Tii oarer will close out at a sacrifice "n West Harney g? . good, well built, new novae: I rooma I-ri, r tv , W. FARNAM i-MITH ar CO. RR-Jie 1 jy- '-rooB' BtTltah cottage, east front 1 jX. a giad. tree. aaiijt aireet. So i 8- loch, Bear Vinton, k. JT. Pat.roa fc-V4 It Von. kt.fi UK At. KftTATK. BULLETIN 2?xl32 TI1RKK STORY AM) BASEMENT BRICK BLSINKKS BIXK'K, ALL RENTED, loj B UTII STREET. 18,000 luiill'. FINE SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIC MGHT, BARN, FRUIT AND FIIADE TREES, SOUTH FRONT 3M0 FRANKLIN STREET. $$,000 so DETACH El FRAME HOUSE WITHIN WAI.KIN') DISTANCE, 2405 HARNEY STREET. $5,000 60x132 LARGE MOPBRN HOI RR. KABT FRONT, PAVED STREET. 21C NORTH 2SD STREET. f7fooo VACANT TRACKAGE PROPFRTT. 10TH AND CLARK STREETS, A SNAP AT $l,Soo RE -854 II R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Building. CHOICE BUILDING BITES. 144 N. W. eornt r zxih and Ersklne streets, suuin and eajtt exDoaur. saai. Il M'AtxiM Hei, anu Ooward, south front, iwO. H. W. corner Sth and Mason streets, li Xltu tiet. on KTaue. one blocs irom car line. We have a party who will take tne corner 44 teet at i,iuu. ur tne innaa 44 feet at xi, K ha-caii nnd a purchaser to take the balance 01 the lot. lnia lot will be on tne market lor a few days. Owner will not divide and wants to viose it out at fcl.uon. -8. W. corner of 40th and Harney, 46 ret t east frontage on 4th oy le on Har ney: nicely terraced street, paved, alahtly eiHvation, good view, one block trotn car line, with car always waiting to take you In out of the cold and wet. There la no need to tell you bow good this location la, (or everyone knows that there is noiH- In h.ttnr , 1 ,.... I-a .viA C a u h reason to believe he would not refuse a little less, an the uroDertv must be sold. N. W. corner of Klat slid Poppleton. liM xi m. yi.iiuu. sine location tor apartment houae or flats. A FEW OF OCR MANY BARGAINS IN CHOICE HOMES. CI 4 5-room house, 4 lots. Join, and Burdette, 7Uu. Very easy terms. 65 K-room houae, 27th and Capitol avenue, 11.600. 1S4 n-rnom, thoroughly modern, 27th and wooiwortn avenue, az.iuo. Os e-rooni cottaiie. city water, newer. closet, bath, gas, electric light, rooms sll good site and well arranged; lot fr'xlSO; nicely terraced, east front. iXth and Wool worth, for a few days at ll.luu. Lot la worth the money. MS 6 rooms, modern except furnace, lot BO swi. north of L.evnwortn, on mn street, walking distance of P. O. and High school, jz wo 60S 7 rooma. all modern, 2Cth and Daven port streets. 12.500. f.Oi 8-room modern house, first-class repair. good lot, on liuh street boulevard, facing Burdette. Only one block from car line. Close to Lake school. 12.300. 61 a-room modern building, Spring St., lot BiXiati, 13.&UU. FARM LANDS. 661 1M acres, flrst-class soil, mostly all In cultivation. Harlan, county. 12.000. 696146 acres, well Improved, Fllmore county, which adjoins the town of Obioa, toS ter acre. 133 3j0 acres In Kearney county, 126 per a era RE Sll 18 List your property with us for rulck Bales. We have the buyers. WE HAVE some of the beat corner and Inside lots In the city suitable for ware' houses and commercial uses, with track age. and at very desirable prices and terms, jsemis, raxton diock. RE 43 II W. H. GATES, 17 N. Y. Life. -Phone 14 7V 7-room house, and lot 60180. 4719 Hamilton. ll.liiO Small cottage at toil Spruce, lot 4)ixl22, good location, $160 cash, balance 116 per month. I1.2S0 8-room two-story house, well and cistern, barn, 2011 Dorcas. Rents for 115 and in good order. Il.tOS 7 rooms, two-story, good sled rooms, fully modern except furnace, open plumb ing of the beat. Houae In nice order, located on Dodge street car line. $1."0 6-room cottage, and lot 1x140, on southeast corner lHth and Grace, or can sell the 6-room houae on same else lot at same figure. 13.700 Two 6-room cottages, close In. on paved street, good order, renting for 130 per monm. 11.7410 New 6-room cot tare at SSM N. 17th ground 80x140. Owner is very anxious to pen tnla and-wouid tike to ret an orrer. 11,750 7-ronm houae, lot 33x140. east front, at one of the beat locations on 8. 10th at, 1600 for 33x116. vacant, south front on Cap! toi ave.. oeiween ztith una z.tn. aon 40x140 on 2d near Burdette. 127& 60x1t7 on Miami east of tOth. RE 624 It H H Excursion to Canada, October 20th. 525.60 for the round trip. Free Pullman Fare. We are offering the finest fsrmlng lands In southeast- Asalniboia at lowest pileea. Take a trip with ua and see this wonder ful country. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 610-iH N. Y. Life Bldg. E-TfS 1 FARMS. M acres 7 miles weat irom Omaha P. O. SH seres near South Omaha. 60 acrea near Florence. W acrea near Sou in Omaha. BEMI8. PAXTON BLOCK. R E-157 II lots! lots: lots: 8. E. corner lih nnd Cuming, 80x132. 3. 260. !7th and Poppleton Ave., paved, permanent walk. tQ0. 21st St.. between Pacific and Po:oleton. ll.buu. I.OTB OF OTHER LOTS at THE BYRON REED CO, :i2 8. 14th. ' RE 16 II IJO-Acre Farm in Douglas County. Price 142.50 an acre, good level land, good soil, fair Improvement only 4t milea from Valley. Neh. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 1761. RE-fflJ IS ' fl.toO. 2S06 N. l.ih Bt . 1 rooms, nice lot aud barn. PoaacFKlon Imnu dlatrly. THE BYRON HKtD CO.. 312 8. 141 b. RE 111 II BARGAINS. 16 Acres east of Benaon 11.600 U Acrea near old Fort Omaha 2.2 6 Acrea N. 24th. near car 1,264 Farms near Omaha 160 to ITS per acre. U'.O N. h st 1.100 t4.-S Charles St., I rooms 1,3a) 1S:1 Davenport. 7 rooms I fro) 572 8. 27th. SOX133 feet 1.1 Hanacom Place. I rooms modern 1.7ut Near high school, modern houaea l,6iA Six-apai iment flat building, rental 1730 per (ur 1,000 JOHN N. FRENKER. opp. oM p. O. KE 13k It CHOICE liTS On Haruey street car line north of Bemls Park on Hamilton Charles and Seward street, between IZd and Still airts. Only ISO to nv h ud ea easy terms. Bemls, Paxtua block. Rii 4 It FOB KAIA RRAL BITATB. D. V. SHOLES CO., Tel.. 4. Tr N. T. Life. 1 760.00-nil 8. 77th St.. 6 rooms, good re pair, i lota tng c-argain. 11.000. 00 40 Arbor HI., new 4-room cot tage, aewer connection, city water, enamel sink, piped for gas. screens, lot 60X12 ft., lies fine, all Bodded; 9100 00 cash, balance 112.00 per month anan. 11,000.00 -Tut Castellar St.. same as above. Take east aide Oeorgta Ave. car line, two block from end of line. 11.100.00 3Kt Franklin St., large 6-room cot tage, water, gas. mantel, line lot, good trees and barn, needs some re Dalr. but bisseat snaD offered. 12.0OO.0O 2611 Rees St., lu rooms, sewer. water and gus, xliu root 101. anu small house In rear; rent fa SO per month. C100.0O 4207 Cuming Bt., 7 rooms, fine bath. city water and gas v casn, dsi anre eaav. 12,760.00 17th and Leavenworth Sts., fine - room modern cottage, large lot, i"x 111 feet, corner bis bargain. 13,160.00 Near' 31st and Marcy, I rooms, strictly modern, furnace. 1.5ofl Oo rooma, strictly modem, nearly new. near 38th and jewey Ave. 14,600.00-1 rooms, all modern, well built. south front, paved street, near aisi and rhli'ain Rla 14. 7&0.0O -Choice West Farnam bargain, strictly modern, Deauttiui location a MArh. 17.000.00 Fine large -room house, hot water neat, elegant unci cemeniea oac ment under entire house, very fine plumbing, excellent repair. well built, eaat front lot on Georgia Ave.; owner leaving city, will consider rea- annaVite nrnnoattlon. r.OOO.OO-The beat arranged 10-room West Farnam residence onereo. tlonal good repair; elegant brick basement: handsome Interior, oak finish, book caeea, built In; large lot. good barn, atone walks and paving paid. Be sure to see It, actually a snap. tlO.OOO.Oo Handsome brick residence, stone trimming, slate roof. 10 rooms, oak finish, modern, and fine lot and barn; genuine snap cost over double, Vi block Farnam car line. 120 000 00 Finest 12 -room up-to-date modern brick residence, fine Interior arrange ment, oak finish, up Btaira and down, oak floors, comb, light fixtures, large grounds and barn; west pari. DICKINSON HOUSE 8. W. Cor. Psrk Ave. and Mason, elegant home. 10 rooms, modern, fine oak floors. In all roomi, beautiful parlors, dining room and llbrsry. large fine barn, costing I3.fjn0.oo. big cor. lot. shade, etc.; owners leaving city will sacrifice for quick sale. Can be seen any day. VACANT I 460.00-60x140 ft., on Boulevard, 130 feet north of Manderson snap. 15.000.00-67x166 ft.. 8. W. Cor. .Kith Bt. and Howard, opposite Msnderson. Klrk endall and Gallagher a fine homes; this Is elegant. I3.!0fl.ri0 ttOx',66 feet Joining. I2.500.0O ixi40 ft., east front, on 28tn, near Jackson. TRADE Fine residence property hear Hans rom park and 4 houses and 4 lots In Bouth Omaha, all choice and clear, for farm land. Improved or hay land. ACRES I acres 8. W. of city, bsrgaln, 1S00. lAi acres, house, bsrn, well and cis tern, near 42d and C fits., lies fine price 11,600.00. RE 018 18 GARDEN. FRUIT AND POULTRY ACRES From one to 40-acre tracta near Omaha. Borne thoroughly well Improved with good houses and fruit, berries, etc. Prleea ranging from a few hundred up to IS.OOO or 16.000 each and on moat any terms desired. Bemls, Paxton block. RE-9E4 II HOUSES FOR SALE. GEORGE St COMPANY. 1601 FARNAM STREET. IS.OOO. 00. 1508 8. 10th st., opposite Brownell Halt, one of the most desirable locations In the city, new, eight rooms atrlctly modern, hot water heat, gaa and electric light, ce ment floor In cellar, laundry and vegetable cellar, cement walks around the house, a most attractive home. Can be shown any time. 13.200.00. Ten-room modern house In north part of city, first class condition, two blocks from car line, good barn, nice shade, an attrac tive place at a low price, owner leaving city, must sell at once. 10 feet south front M. 12,700.00. 2447 Spauldlng at., 8-rcm cottage, built only three years, all modern except fur nace, has barn, fine shade, full lot, one block from car line. 12.160.00. Seven-room cottage, within two blocks of high school, modern except furnace, as phalt paved street. 12.200.00. Seven-room cottage on Manderson at., just wat ofcUh st., modern except fur nace, ahade tieas, fruit, paved street, lot 60x121 feet. 12.100.00. 2604 St. Mary's sve , 6-room cottage. 11.600.00. 00 8. 24th St., 6-room cottage. Il.6u0.00. 1107 N. 18th t., 6-room cottage In first class condition, within walking distance city, lot 83x132. 11.260.00. 1841 N. 18th st., 6-room cottage, has city water and sewer, all In good condition, con venient location, next to corner of Grace St., lot 33x140. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. 13.000.00. 126x160 feet at n. w. corner of 38th and Chicago atreetB, about five feet above grade, very sightly location. 1500.00. 60-foot lots having south front on Pratt street Just west of 16th street, fine shade trees. RE M7 U ONLY IS DOWN AND 16 PER MONTH. Only two to IJU0 each for large lots near 24th and Fort streets and Fort Omaha and overlooking and fronting on Miller Park. Get your lot fir ft and then put up a little house on It and have a home of your own. Bemla, paxton block. KK 066 II HAVE 136.000 to Invest In Nebraska! land; do not care for extunslve Improvement: would like It to be good farm land and pasture. Addrena 8 62. Be. RE "20 18 FOR BALE Or rent, on 4th sL, bL Dodge and Davenport sts., 6-room new house. Strictly modern. See owner, Mr. Soren son, K95 Lincoln blvd. RE M841 24 x LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! Only 1150 each, near end of Harney oar line extension on Burdette and Grant etreets, and between 84th and 36th street. Only 15 down and only 16 per month. Bemla, Paxton block. RE-&3 18 RANCH and farm tends for vale by the Union Pacific Kkllroad comr.ry. B. A. McAlleater. land luniniiwjioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KE Mi ckAa- Williamson Co., U-rfk M RE sul FKEE HOMESTEADS. Yeur last chance In Minnesota to secure a beautiful horn FREE. The 10th of November the government will open acrea of fine farming land at Cae Uka, Minn. Send 11.00 to Fred Clark, Caa I-k. Minn., for full Information about the valuable clalma. Don't wall until It la too lata. RE M447 Sox TIMBER! TIMBER! THE beat inveatment. I-arge or email tracta Reference furnlaheck Write your want SIMONS REASONER. Ashland. Ore. RE MtX-N7x C.4.0 tSC6 N. 17th St.. nice lot and barn. Possession et once. THE BY HON REED CO.. 212 8. 14th. RE 116 II HOUSES and lots In all rarta of city; also acr property and farm landa Th O. F. Davis Co.. Room 60S. Be bldg. RE 860 FOR SALE, modern bouse of 1 room. In quire til 8. lth. , RE M656 FOR SALE OR TRAPS FOR SMALLER PROPERTY -room modern houa and splendid barn; lot 42xkC Apply owner, 2914 N. 26th St. RE M724 N14 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLK. Eight-room modern brick resi dence. West Farnam district, owner's price 4,000; must be sold quick; make offer. Uft-MTJ ron 8Ai,-.Rr ai, ktatk. N. P. DODGE & CO. HOMES f 1,61)0.00. Seven-room modern houae. Good lot, near lfith and Center. We have had two caah offers on this property close to our price, but the owner will not accept lees than the price asked, as it la cheap at tl.8w.tC. :t.i!oao. New six-room honse, all modern, beat kind of plumhtng and furnace, complete in every particular. Within walking dis tance. fi.V10.00. A nest, five-room cottage, excellent plumb ing, large lot with stone retaining wall In front and along side, 62 feet front, within walking distance. $1,110.00. Seven-mom etory and a half houae. good lot. sightly location, recently and thor oughly repaired, painted and papered. In Walnut Hill. $1,500.00. Seven-room cottage, city water, good neighborhood, on 26th avenue, near Cum ing. $1,200.00. Four-room cottage, very neat, smith front on fleward Btreet. nenr 26th. This Is a splendid little home for the money. $1.350.0rN Four-room cottage, new roof, new founda tion, city water. 50 feet front. fckuth 11th, near Bancroft. (1.350.00. Five-room cottage, neat lot, south front, large barn, on Kim Street, near 16th. $1,300.00. Good six-room house and barn, nearly an acre of ground, splendid place for chick en farm, on 61st Street, near Leaven worth. $2,500.00. Eight-room house on Charlea Btreet. near 26th. Sixty feet front, house recentjr painted, new roof, well bullf. newfy papered and painted Inside, good plumb ing. $100.00. We offer for the ftrat time todav. an acre lot. large and sightly, overlooking Mil ler Park. Nonresident owner wanta us to sell tbln week. $1,700.00. Five-room cottage, south front on Hnmll ton. near 46th, one-half block from school. $8,200.00. Seven-room, story and a half house, all modern, hot water heat, good cellar. Owner leaving town. On paved street, 26th and Wool worth. N' P. DODGE & CO. 1614 FARNAM ST. TEL. 826- RE 943 II PFSIRART.H 7-roora house end lot near 7?d and Seward St., tl.ttO. Bemla. Paxton block. RE 851 18 H H DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM, IMPROVED 160 acres, 18 miles from South Omaha, 7 room house, fine doulrie corncrtb. granary and outbuildings; level. Price, 840 an acre.. SARPY COUNTY, 10 acr. 4 miles from Gretna. Price, ijQ an acre. GAGE COUNTY. 820 acres. ?H mile from Blue Springs, lfO acres under cultivation, balance can be cultivated. Price, 137 an acre. POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY, IA. 60 acres. $ mites from street rar line, eaat of Council Bluffs, Improved, with nice brick house, new barn, all fenced. 200 bearing apple trees, 600 grape vines. 14 acres splendid meadow. 10 acres heavy timber, fine neighborhood, nothing better for fruit and poultry. Only eight miles from market house. Owner going to Can ada with us and will sacrifice to get money. Bottom price, 175 per acre. FINE RANCH. 2,720 acres. 1.600 deeded. 1.120 leased, long term, adjoining the town of Clinton, on the F., E. M. V. This Is a fine piece of land and all of it can be used for farming, If desired. This year there was 77 acres wheat, 84 In rye. 15 In millet, 30 corn, 60 acres potatoes and about a) acres In al falfa. Good four-room houae. It windmills, corncrib, granary, buggy and milk house, shed room for head of cattle, 12 mile fence. Price, 7,600. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 510-511 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. KE 74 18 WHY PAY RENT When we can give you a home on monthly payments same aa rent? We have a number of houees and lots for sale on above terms, among which are the fol lowing: 4 rooma. stable, near 24th and Fort at, l!00. I rooms, nesr 30th and I .eke at., 1250. I rooms, and stable, 1600. 1 rooms, new, in excellent condition, 1800. i rooms, and stable, 11.200. BEMIS. PAXT6N BLOCK. RE 062 II BUY OMAHA REAL ESTATE While it is Cheap. IMPROVED PROPERTY 15.600 Block of dwellings on paved street, close In; renta for 8mek. 14.600 10-r. modern house and barn, east front, corner, on paved streets, one block from Hanscom park: rents for It.). 13.600 I stores and I cottages, 13th and William; rents for 1616. 13,100 New 6-r. modern houae, corner, on paved streets, within eaay walking dis tance. A GEM. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. 11.60060x166. 3Sth Ave., near the Joslyn mansion; stret paved and aewer, water and gae connections all mads to lot line. 1.6oO 4xl3U, fronting upon new boulevard and Curtis Turner park. 11,060 17x140, eaat front on 19; h Btreet, aouth of Farnam. WiO62Hxl50. Webster and 38th streets. loOO 60x140, double frontage on Jvth street boulevard, near Manderson street. 13uO 62x1X2, eaat front, corner, aoulh of Hanscom park. I have other bargains in every part of the city; houses from 11,000 to 1-6. 0m and lots at 1100 and upward. DON'T BUY UNTIL TOT SEE MY LIST. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ilE FOR QUICK SALES. JOHNW. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. RE-117 11 - ROOM houae, gas and city water, cistern and barn, lot 45x00 feut, facing south and eaat. In south part of city, good locality; price 11,660. Bemls, Paxton block. RE 848 IS 83. 2M. 1814 California. 1 rooms, modern. THE BY RON REED CO.. il2 8. 14th. RE-811 18 FARM of 86.5 seres near Sarpv Mill, fair house and other buildings: orchard: on line of proposed electric railway. Price t.6U. Tract of 14 acres near Ruaer's Park: beau tiful suburban home, excellent buildinaa, fruit; fine for feeding station. Only 15.5u0. Choice unimproved ucreage west of Dun dee; tracts of 6, 10. 15 or 20 acrea at rea -aouable prices: tract of 10 acres with small new houae at 17.X0. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE-SSI 18 H H For th accommodation of thoee who are working we will keep our office open Mon day evening from 8 until 10 o cloc k. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 610-611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 782 II Ten Lots on Car Line In Btnson. 6-room houae, with room for three addi tional rooms upstairs; barn, good .well nd cistern; all kinds of bearing fruit plum, cherry, apple, blackberry, currant, PRICE $3,000, 1-2 CASH. BENSON 4: CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. RE-M5 18 10 Acres in Benson With fruit orchard of luO tree In bearing, tl.gx): ran be had ou terms Benson A Carroll hae'. 642 Paxloi. Block. RE 614 18 1-ROOM house. 80-foot lot. near 16 lb and Seward L, big bargain, only H.tjO. bemla, Paxton block. RE tow U FOR SALIC-REAL KSTATR. HOMES ARE IN DEMAND Never before has there been such a demand for good houses at moderate prices, as there is today. Now is the time V buy a home Examine our bargain counter. On Farnam st . near 41d. a beautiful 10 room house, newly painted and decorated, bricked up between the studding, which makes It very warm, all modern conven iences, with large reception hull, fine stairs, nice dining room with plate moulding, double vestibule doors. Price, (3.500. 13 So. ft!d st.. 10 rooms, all modern, full 6o-rt. kit. 15.600 1124 Pqppleton ave., lo-room. all modern house, good cellar. Immediate possession. Price. Kouo. 10UN Georgia ave., I rooms, all modern. In cluding furnace, renting for Jo per month. Price. t2,M. ltd and Ieke st.. 7 rooms, hard oil finish, bath, closet, wssh bowl, laundry, electric light, good barn, fruit, nice shade. ITice, 13.3. 1916 N. 24th St.. cne block from Harney car, 6 rooms, new house, with bath, hot and cold water, electric light, for 11.800. 1120 N. 34th St., I room, brand new. bath, closet, electric light, nicely finished, east front, 13.200. 2013 Arbor st.. 4 rooms, with cltv water, hard oil finish. Price reduced from taOO to 156S. Big snap. 211 Bo. Htth ave.. one-half block north of Farnam, 8 rooma, all modern. Including furnace, hard oil finish, nicely papered, four bed rooms, for 12.500. Big bar gain. 12lu Franklin St.. lot 60x124, with large maple shade trees, fruit trees, nice grape vine yard, with good -room house, good cis tern and well water, splendid barn, all for tl.ooo. VACANT. Two eaat front lots, 60 ft. each, near car, well located, owner Instructs us to sell for 1250.00 each. On 26th ave.. north of St. Mary'g ave., nice building lot for ll.50. On Georgia ave.. nenr Poppleton ave., et front lot with fine shade. At a bar gain. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor. U01-S N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 823 18 PFSIRARLR lot near 30th and Ieaven- i worth st. Only 1700 caah. Bemla. Pnxton block. it K 919 18 A Bargain New 7-room houae In Benson; electric lighted; is new and clean; one block from car line; 100 feet of ground; price, H.OuO. The house alone la worth whst is asked for entire property. See us at once, as this won't last long. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. RE W7 18 AUTHORITY on realty. Farms, ranches, city properties wanted everywhere. De acrlbe your T-ants. We supply or sell real estate quickly by new, original plan. U. S. Realty Trust, 187 Broadway. New York. - RE Only $1,'600 5 blocks north of the Walnut hill carllne just east or tstn a well-built. 6-room houae with 3 lots on which there Is a good deal of fruit and shrubbery. The ground alone Is worth the price and the house is a good house and reudy to move into. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. BOLE AGENTS. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 1781. , RE 88 18 FARMS FOR SAI.R For Sale, fine farm of 6H0 acres; four good houses; barns, etc. Can be divided or sold aa a whole. About half In mm- bal ance in meadow and paature. Long time can ob given on aererreo. payments. Chaa. T. Officer, 419 B y.. Council Blufta, la. RE IF SOLD AT ONCE. A large and sightly corner residence, lot In flrBt-class nelghnrbood, which has been held at 11.000. for only 1760. This price good for a few days only. Owner has sold several adjoining It this year and does not wish to carry th only remaining lot through the winter. A snap for someone. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 1781. RE 900 18 FARMS 225 acres, eastern part of Lancaster county, near Otoe county line, joining good rail road station, very highly Improved, 10 acres In corporate limits, large 2-story 10 roora house, beautiful lawn, shade, orch srd. fruit, good barn and other outbuild ings; 150 acrea very rich corn land. 78 acrea tine blue grass pasture; an elegant farm; should be seen to be appreciated. Price, l per acre, and a bargain. This farm will surely be sold soon. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. Tel 49. ",22 N. Y. Life. RE-776 18 14.600. N. E. corner 21st and Davenport, 8-room house. Rent ?! Lot 60x182. Pa7lng paid. THE BYRON REED CO., 12 S. 14th. RE 913 18 Half Section of Land In Greeley ounty, Nebraska, clear, to trade for Omaha rental property. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 777 II FOR REST HOI SES. HOLJSFS a." Paru ot l ty. r. IlUUOWi c. peters Co.. Bee Bldg. i-eA. HOUSES, Insurance). Rlngwalt, Barker Bik. , U-e I HOUSES in "u.Prt of the city. The IIWUOCO o. F. Da via Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. , L Sua TO MOVE right get Oraaha Van Storage Co., office 15114 Farnam, or Tela. 16g9-ai.i. D 10 FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and barn, in West Farnam dlatrlct. Win. K. potter, Rec, No. 803 Brown Ulk. D MC24 FOR RENT, 6-roora house. 266 Wooiwortn Ave.. 1.0 per month: ixisseBMion iivn (.- obor 17. Apply to alt L'hl. CMre Daily News office. D MV7 . PAYNE-BOSTWICK & -0 ., cnoice houses. 101-003 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. I W6 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Si Stor age Co., Tel. 14S6. Office. 1713 Webater at. D 107 FURNISHED house, eight rooms, modern, hot water heat; 40th and Burt. 110. In quire room 1206 U. S. Nat. bank. D-72T Ux FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 22d and Cali fornia sts., 1.2 Apply at uo7 N. lth at. D-M74 IF YOU are tired paying rent and want a home of your own give me your addresa. C. R. Glover, first floor N. Y. Life, 'Phono 133. . D-M743 18 6-ROOM house. 4K30 California street: fur l.ace. gaa. lath; near car; perfect repair. 'Phone Black 1671. Leavltt. I 732 lsx 26.TS HAMILTON St.. 6 rooms. Inside closet. 115; 84"i7 S. 15th at.. 10 rooma. modern ex cept furnace. Inrge yard. 120: 6 rooms, near Hanscom park, modem except fur nace, 126. Rlngwalt Bros, Barker block. D 731 MODERN 7-room house, near park 1V1 8. 2lh. D T2 NEAR S2d and Poppleton Ave., a very de sirable 8-room huue: bath, furnace, rang; and stable. 835. Bemis, Paxton block. D-756-18 FOR RENT. room, furnished or unfur r.iabed. 316 N. 41at St. D 61766 23x WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. The best rental bargain In the city I No. 816 N. 41t ave.. l'i-r house, harawod finish downatairs, 2 baths and water closet i, good barn; for a year s louse 12S per month. This offer good for a few days only. I want more houses to rent. Best of care taken of property left In my charge, D 778 18 FOR RENT. Boufh front apartment, newly pipered; four rooms each: !7U Burt H : rental. IX. (9 and Ho per mouth, according to loca tion. HOWARD KENNEDY BON. tut First N'aUoaai bank Building D-&3 U FOR RKK.T MOl sK, FIVE-ROOM brl.k dwelling; nvwlnrn ex cept furnace. Apply at 8t B. lSlh st. D-775 6-R(X1M house and Ivirn, city water, full lot mi noun rt. Kent xv 6-room houae and barn; home newly re paired this sprlng-2014 South 2J Street. Rent 14 Above properties nre In good condition and will he rented only to tenants who tan give references. Room 416. Karbuch block, loth and Dougl ts. D 7No is COMFORTABLE 7-room cottnge. B. V. cor ner ith and Hamilton, read;- about Oct. 20. Will p;iper to suit. j h mnnMi. POTTER. FO ROAN HAPKE1.L. 420 N. Y. Life. n IS FOR REN r. 2622 Wirt St., 8-room house, all modern fine yard, barn, etc., 125. 1325 8. Slat St., 8-roim bouae, modern ex cent furance. 135. S3T Marcy St., room cottage, modern ex cept turnace, m. 207 N. 23d St., 6-room all modern house, close In. grt. 4236 Harney St., 4 nice room on first floor, modern, iiz PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st fl. N. T. Life Bldg. 1 18 NEW 8-room modern houae. Immediate possession given. J. N. Marsh, 'phone 2181, 445 Board of Trade. D 4-ROOM house. 8216 Charles St., . Call at 1101 8. 3th ave. D 930 lsx PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 1210 N. 24th. 9 rooma, bath, g:u. etc., 127.50. 116 S. lith, 9 rooniH, ALL MODERN. iV ! 8. 26th. I rooma, ALL MODERN, burn, paved atreet, 127. 219 8. 29th ave., 6 rooma, ALL MODERN, close In, 126. 1340 8. 27th. a rooma, all modern except fur nace, In aplenrlld repair, 82.1. 2106 Grant. H rooma, modern except fur nace. JuHt put in hrat-clnaa shnia. 120. 618 N. 22d. 6 rooma. close In. only 822. 1622 Canton, 4-room cottage, city water Inside. 7. 2642 Davenport, 6 rooma, city water Inside. good place for winter. 112. 1041 8 lMh ave.. 3 rooma. brick, city water Inside, good place for winter, 17. We have ctticra. Kee ua befoie vou move. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & Co.. 001-3 N. V. Ufe, 6lh F'.o.ir. 'Phone 1018. H 928 IK 2-room house and acre, near Benaon..t4 00 2-room houae. l.'th and Corby 5 on 4-room houae, 13th and Grace (harm.. 7.50 7 nice rooms over store, near 2!th and Cuming 12. .10 Near 2Tth and Farnnm. 9-ronm flat S5.fr) CH AS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Room No. IS, U. 8. National Bank TUilg. D-944 IS 1182533 Spencer. 6 rooma, modern. 8 i S. 30th. 3 rooma, modern. 74202 Hamilton St.. 5 rooms, modern. DUNDEE. 2fi 6124 Cass, costly 9-room house, modern. 20 5016 Cass, 9 rooma. modern. , R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Foor, Bee Bldg. D 942 18 BLSI.MKSai IHAXCbS, FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures, including ice box. inquire 2.u3 1-ar-nam. Y Ki FOR SALE, nn old established liquor busi ness (bnrre! house); good trade, old loca tion. Owner haa ether Interests. Addrtsa P 28, Bee. Y-M&21 26 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange -ny property or business quick, see J H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-fel DRUG stock for sale. On account of other business I will sell my stock of drugs. Including the beat soda fountain In th country, at lurgaln. Best location; will take some lund; Invoice about 83,000. Address K Bee office, Council Bluffs. T-M751 18 FOR SALE, good restaurant and hotel, grocery stork In connection, In central western Iowa, nt about 13.600! wish to re tire. Address Mrs. Mary E. Arnold, Whit ing, la. Y--M746 1SX 1,000 SHARES of gilt-edge mining stock for sale; great bargain; must self Addresa B 41, care aee. x siitso ivx ALUMINUM The metal of the future; a new process for Its production discovered by which the comnanv now forming will control the markets of the world; we are offering a small allotment ot stock at public subscription; send for prospectus and particulars; the opportunity of a life time. 1. Mayer at Bon, u riermoa-jao-card bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Y M769 23x FOR BALE Weekly paper, established In 1686; northeast Nebraska; m-jat be sold; owner wishes to go west. Address 8 40, Bee. Y -M764 20x MEAT MARKET For Bale The tools of the beat meat market lu tout Invest Iowa, known aa the Pro Bono Publico market ; new brick market, built expressly fur the meat business, with cold storage room 16x18, holding 26 tons of Ice; having a cash trade of 820.000 per year:1 rmslness will stand Investigation: the outfit con sist of 2 horses, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harneaa. 1 stock wagon. 1 meat -agon, 2 delivery wagona, 1 buggy, scales, blocks, slabs, counter, etc., steamer, steam Jrcket kettle, sausage machine, pressea. etc., and everything needed. Slaughter house, hog tight Jenco; slaughter house on rented ground. Tills Is a good show for some young man that underatanda his business. For particulars Inquire of the owner nnd proprietor. Wm. Prlestman, Shenandoah, la. The rent of market rea sonable. Y-833 lax CORPORATION controlling business estab lished 1865 desires energetic business man who can furnish unquestlomble reference as to ability and Integrity to take man agement of branch office; compensation 121500 per annum. Address "Auditor," Box 636, Madison, Wis. Y S24 lKx MONEY placed with us earns a steady weekly Income; write today for our book let on Modern Speculation; bank financial and customers' refer nct-. Mack Com mission Co., Mack Block, Milwaukee, VU. Y-2 18x WANTED Location for drug store In Iowa or Nebraska. J. B. Chadwlck, DH At. Ia. Y-flfS lsx THE OPPORTUNITIES offered Investors with $50 or more by the Block. Grain nnd Provision Company of Detroit. Mich., are the beat attainable. Ail established com pany controlled by business men and conducted on business principles. Your , lnvexlment always being subject to your demand, and earning for you a regular weeltly Income. Write for partlculxr Stocks, Grain and Provision Co.. Buhl Block, Detroit. Mich. Y-815 lRx START A BUSINESS of your own with lit tle or no capital. Our book. "Business Opportunities." tells all about It. Send for It at once. Descriptive circular free Metropolitan Supply and Nov. Co.. Kan sas Cltv. Kan. Y fe36 Ux GET RICH IN OKLAHOMA Invest In the new town of Douglas. Oklahoma, located In the richest portion of the territory; l.Onft lots at IM each; terms of payment within the reach of all. Investment wl I bring marvelous returns Formal opening and distribution of lots will occur soon. Fur full Information and terms addresa Douglas Townalte Co.. SOU New York Lite Bids'.. Kansas City. Mo. Y-UO 18k BUSINESS BARGAINS Complete est. medicine bus.. Oswego. Pa.: U. 8. patents: great mull order possibilities. General mdse. bus. and stock, Toms Rr., N. J. Complete livery, feed and snle stable, SlurglB. 8. D. : fine location: baigain. Apartment he use bus. and furniture Phlla. Pat. on Impd. suit hanger. II.OO11. Soda fountain. Ice cremn parlor; complete candy mfg. plant. El Phho, Tex.. IT.Ono. Pat. medicine bus., formula rights, etc., Jacksonville. 111.; eat. trade. tt.Oob Eat. meut bus. and eqpt.. Kingston. X. Y. G-neral mdse. bue. and bldg.. Vance. Ala. Furnished hotel end grounds. Sparta, Wis. I Est. photo bu. and eqpt., Baltimore. 12.W0. Newnaper and printing plant, Tiiua ville. Pa. 'fimpleie carriage mfg. plant. Media, Pa. e'urniHlied hotl and grounds. Boscobel, Wla. V. int. In valuable mine. nr. I.eadville Colo. Furnished summer hotel and 200 a., Ulla Water Bay, I-e Muskoka, Ont , Can. Complete grain elevator, house and 4 a.. Camp Siding, nr. Bhippensburg. Pa., l.'.iuiO. General blacksmith mid carriage bua., t' Ultra, and tools. In good III. town. W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. BLDG . PIIILA. j Y 611 16x GINSENG nay: send at once 86 for 60 roots or 600 seda; plant now; circular for 4c. Harna"! Bros.. 3211 K. 12th Rt Kan sas City. Mo. Y6GI lsx BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FREE 3 month Illustrating raining tapcr: full new from all camp: Invaluable to Investors Write todav North American Mloor. 14 Broadway New York. T-8S2 lSx ntlK IHtMK. J. H. JOHNSON, RF.Al. ESTATE A RUSINFS C1HNCES. HAS FOR SAl.TJ OR EXCHANGE: General Merchandise, for city property or land Grocery stocks. 2.0t0 to 13,000; cash and property. Drug stocks, 14.500 to 16,000; rash and good lann. Hardware stocks, 12.500 to 1.1000; rash and good property. Implement business and proterty, 11.600, for good Improved farm ' Klectric light plant. 89 S"0; for good land Flour mill and property, tSOov; for good farm. Coal and feed plant. 12,00; for good land. . KOOMING HOI SK R.Al'h Well furnished, 7 rooms, ys; 7 rooms, 4irt; 9 rooms, km; 10 rooms, 4U0; many other different sites and prices. All fine loca tions. Now Is the time to locate for money -making during the fall and winter. Come quick If vou want one. HOTEL KI HN1TI RE. For sale, reasonable, modern 25-room, 11 houae, Monona county, Iowa: 60 rooma, Shelby county, Iowa; 36 rooms, Adamt county. Nebraska. These are gllt-edge4 nronnslttmia Will nuv tt In veat lir:l te. If you have anything legitimate to sell 01 exchange, send full particulars. Bay What you want and I'll hustle up a deal nulckly. J. H. JOHNSON. M3 N. Y. LIFE. Y-831 18 BUSINESS CHANCES 1100 Earned In 19 weeks, 8i4.18. GENERAL MUT1. AL8. The Mrdrrn Method of speculation. Aver age profit 3 per cent nr week. Accounts of 1i and up received. Weekly proflta K-nt Monday of each week. All accounts subject to withdrawal on demand. Cor leapondence solicited. Write for "Cereal Mutual" booklet. 1SBELL & CO.. Bankers and Brokers, 4 Sherman St., Chicago. I'I. -Y-8O8 1SX ; HOW TO GET ON. HAVE YOt 8200 PER WEEK OR MORS TO INVEST? Do you want to make this money work for you at a phenomenal rate? - We ran show to your satisfaction with names and addresses, that people wha have lnveated with us have made, in somi cases as much as 120" to In a few months on Investments of only 111 monthly. Do you wnnt to Invest In such a mannet that it will be humnnly Impossible t lose? Drop us a postal and we will lay our prop osition l efnre ynu. For an expenditure ol 1 cent on your part we will spend 25 oenti to Inform vou falrlv Just what we can diV WM II REYNOLDS. Pres.. BOROUGH PARK COMPANY, 277 Broadway. N. Y. City. Y-861 18x "STOCKS, GRAIN COTTON. We execute grain orders of 1,000 buahelf and upward on a margin of 2 cents pel bushel and stock orders of 10 shares an upward on a margin of from 13.00 to 85.01 per share. Send for our booklet on spec ulation and market letter, mailed free. Flower Company, 2-261 LaS&lle SL, opposite Board of Trade, Chicago, 111. Y 831 18x BETTER YOUR FINANCIAL CONDI TION NOW. Investments of 120 ami upward have re sulted In unusually lnrge average re turns In tho past year. Conservative methods and vast experience are respon sible for our remarkable success. Can hanillo your own money. Capltallxed for 8ino,0nfl. National bunk reference. Write for particulars. Star ac Crescent Co., 226 La Salle St., Chicago. Y M9 18x I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where it la or what it la Worth; send dev sctiptlon, state price and learn how. Offices and special tepreFentntlves In 11 cities. W. M. OSTRANDER. Home Offlco '.48 N. A. Bldg.. Philadelphia. , PROVEN BY V. 8. MINT RECEIPTS that this company produced over ioo.ooj goH bullion from one year's development work on one claim. It paid over 123, Ow In dividends laat year. The Nevada Key stone Mining Co. owns seven additional ( clalma and it Is for the purpose of push ing development work on these that a limited amount of stock Is offered for sale. Buch development work aa has been done on the seven claims has demonstrated that they, are richer than the developed claim, the "Keystone," which gives the name to the whole group. Ten per cent per annum In dividends on your Invest ment Is certain because of the earning, power of the developed mine, with a magnificent opportunity of Increasing the value of your holdings by the develop ment of the aeven additional claims. The company courts the closest Investigation of both Inrge tni small capital. Dun and B'adstreet mercantile agencies have In- telligent reports on the company. High est bank references. We recommend this aa a rare opportunity for a safe and re n.aneratlve Inveatment Write at once for booklet containing facsimiles ot U. 8.. mint receipts and "what others have to say." Laclede Inveatment Company. SL Louis, Mo. Y 15 PER CENT WEEKLY. ;" You can handle your own money and re alise an average income at the above rate: aend for our free booklet, which explains our method In full. GEORGE F. REYNOLDS CO.. " 50 Broadway, New York City.' Y 812 l&x INVF.8T some money In Ginseng farms; coming great Industry, where your money will double; absolutely safe; book and special inducements on application. Ad'' drees Ginseng Fur me, Box A, Rose Hill, N. Y. T- CA8H for your real estate or business no matter where located. If you desire av quick sale, aend us description and price. Northwestern Huainess Agency. Bank Of Commerce Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEB RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion a to patentability. Send for Il lustrated GLIDE BtJOK and list of In-, ventlons wanted, finest publications Issued fur free distribution. Contain valuable Information regarding patents, trade- 1 mark and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; luO mecnunlcal movements, etc. Patent secrued by ua advertised ire lit the PATENT R EC ROD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS. WU.KINH 4- CO., Registered Attorneys, 608 F St., Washing'' ton. D. C. Y REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. Hanking house succraafully engaged In sell ing highest grade and moat talaed of se curity now before the public, and offering the greatest opportunity for Investment, desires to secure the set vices of a repre sentative in Omaha to represent them and take charge of Inquiriea from that section. Can also make desirable arrangements with dignified man or woman thoroughuut the state. Tile company referred to is the only ont: of its kind in the world, and one with whom you are familiar, and among ita director are the most promi nent banker and leading men in the United States. Only educated, reep-tful, influential man or. woman wanted: con- ' f enlal and profitable employment for min ster, layman or profealonal mm that ne-d not conflict with his present em ployment; good salaried position for the rluht person; best of references essential." This Is not a mining or oil scheme, but a legltltnnte enterprise, which will appeal to vol. Address Bankers. P. O. Box 1' 94, Pittsburg. Pa. T 870 lax 120 OK) stock drygoods for clear land good trails, county scat town, eastern K anna a. .". D. Kennard. Seneca, Kan. Y 683 Ux WHEAT l. we think, the best Inveatment on the list. I'.'ii oil margins 1 . bu., 2 cents. Send for free Isiok. Facts snd Figures, explaining tion trading. The Oxlinrn Grain Co.. 17 fhsmher Commerce,' Minneapolis. Minn. Member Chamber of Commerce. 1 Y 862 18x A REGULAR INCOME GUARANTEED 6 to 7 er cent weeklv on Investments of jS and upward. Principal returned on demand. Endorsed by hundred of bona ftde Investors. Positively no mining, oil. stock or betting system, but a sound busi ness prooosition. Unouestlonable refer ences llnO.C'O rating. Writ for free book let John R. Pearson it Co., Shotwetl llldg , f'.ih st. und Washington ave . Chi cago, 111. T-860 lSx "THIS BEATS NEW J ER8 E Y" Charters procured under South Dakota lawa for a few dollar. Write for rnrnoeatlon law, blank, bviawa and forms to I'hlllu Us., renee. late SHHlstant secretary of stale," Huron, Beadle Co., South Dakota. Y-86S 18 a SLATE, anv thicknera. anv sire, smoothed sod cut In a thousand shapes for a a thousand nurrxiaee. I.arg and small; oe laities Roofing slat sll s'xe ' lm,tea cheerful! given- J N TfOW. ELL. Pen Argyl. Pa. T-MM4 Sub trjwi