Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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as $12.50 mi $12.50 mmm $12.50 m
Absolutely the greatest offer of high grade
hand-tailored and hand fitted suits and over
coats ever made in Omaha.
Two en tiro sample lines of men's
hand tailored suits and overcoats at
r .. . u s
r., .sa can w
aHUUananasaaaanuanBU BJ
M2 SO 'M$m
Jj j
AT $12.50
Twn of Aberdeen, Waih.f Visited by De
structive Conflagration.
TTsval Methods of Control Prove (7a
Tallin, Although Three Towns
Contribute Planter's, sad Build
In s Were Demolished.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. It Fire that
burned from t o'clock this morning until
I o'clock this afternoon caused four deaths
and destroyed property valued at approxi
mately 11,000,000.- It practically wiped out
the taaln business streets et this town. The
The Injured: John Steen, kicked In the
bead by a runaway horse; 3. D. Hansen,
bead and body bruised; A. Bretberg, bead
out; H. Vf. Lacy, kicked In head by run
away horse; John Mills of Hoqulam, foot
Injured; William Oglesby, partially suffo
cated. The most destructive fire In the history
of this town today wiped out ten business
blocks and residences, causing a loss of
probably tl.OOO.OOu. Not mora than one-half
of the loss Is accounted for. Every bust,
neea man In the city Is a loser, either by
fire, water, removal, breakage or loss by
Not anticipating that the ilames could get
beyond the Are department's control many
E'ck BeuUche snd retlne sli the troubles tack
4ut to s bilDU. of the , ui'S u Ila.
i'iiou., DrowdnrM, Dl.treM sficr atUof,
I'.iu 111 8. da, Ao. Wtail thrir BUMtrwavk
sbis uccM bu bwi sbowu la curing ,
BrsAkrbe.yrt I'srtiv'sLlttle U FUls ere qsny
vuuiii. iu 1'ou.ilp.ttoe, curiBf snd prcitiiig
tui. .uooTiog rumpluc, wbn. thr IH eerrect
sl d.k,idr. of tbe numacii. silmulai. lh liver
eo4ruUittM bonds. Jtvca it lh j osly curat
Aeia they woslil b tiiuu.t pru rlrt to those
uS.r fiuia taia diMrsMiug cosiplttnt; foxa
b.iMt fuMiiuiiluri nul .ad ker., sna tboM
who .ac try Ibaoi will lud them lull pilui
all la ao many w.ja thai lb? l " nuag
le io nabuut luaai. but siiar all ax:k bead
It th baa of as Banjr lira that here ia arhere we
but eur errat boaau Our ptiis core at walle
UlDerl do Bot. M M
' t arbir's Lulls Ur Pills are vary amaTI and
.rf tjto take. On. or tare pills Kaka a soae,
i urr ara atricily w'Hauia aaa do But gripa et
tui but b, ibrir t nilr actuia pleaM all be
m tbata. Ia iaia ai ka o-v; (f. fur II. ouad
I dnticta crery wbwe, a aaat by nail
) V
h m
X w
. York ClreV
We have never shown such overcoats and suits as these at such a price. Every suit and
every overcoat which we will show ia thoroughly hand tailored. We bought these sample lines of two of New York's very high
est grade wholesale tailorB. The samples show every curve and feature of the swellest and most up-to-date eastern fashion. Such
garments as these are rarely to be found at anything like the price which they will be sold Saturday. An immense variety of
styles, in fact everything that is new and swell in men's apparel. A truly extraordinary offer In men's clothing for Saturday.
Your unrestricted choice of these two sample lines at ;
Rogers-Peet 6c Co's. Finest Suits and Overcoats iu America.
This is unquestionably the best ready-to-wear clothing in America. Rogera-Feet clothing carries the guarantee of superior excel
lence and desirability which every
Overcoats and (e CC flQ
Suits at ... . 3d"?d0
An excellent assortment t?f new
and up-to-date all wool suits and
.overcoats, made In the late styles
and materials Basdnent specials
Special Saturday,
Men's genuine welt
sole Shoes, made of box
calf, velours, vici kid and
patent leather regular,
price $2.50, $3 and $3.50,
go on sale at
waited until the fire was close Upon them
before starting to move out. The streets
were soon strewn and littered with all kinds
of material and the rush nnd haste of
teams and people in every direction caused
great oonfuslon.
-The fire started In the old Mack building
on Hume street, owned by Oscar Crane,
which had been regarded as a fire trap and
a dangerously constructed building. It Was
three stories high and was occupied by
numerous single men, who cooked their
own meals chiefly on oil stoves. It was In
a room in the third story where the flames
started and the Interior of the building was
a mass of flames When an alarm was
sent in.
Fire Beyond Control.
From the Mack block the fire spread to
the new hose house and headquarter of
the fire department. Great volumes of
flames shot into the air and the beat be
came unbearable a block distant. In a
short time tbe flames bad Jumped across
the alley to Walker's saloon and every
building in the block bounded by Heron
and F nnd H streets, Including Kaufman's
brick building was destroyed. .
Word went along every business street
to prepare for the worst and as far up
as the Commercial block there were hur
ried preparations to get out of danger. On
the north side of Heron street the Are
jumped from the Anderson block to the
Btate bank and every store from that cor
ner to Hay's bank and all the buildings in
the" block bounded by Heron, Q, Wlshkah
and II streets were burned. Including the
Central school building, Pfund's jewelry
store, Fuller's store, Brecker's grocery,
the city council chamber, Wyler Brothers'
store, Lucart's candy kitchen and the ex
press office. George Wolfe's dry goods store
In tbe Weatberwax block went next and
then came the destruction of the . finely
equipped . Crescent hotel. The flames then
jumped across H street to Patterson &
Lockk'a office, through every block to the
Paclno hotel and this newly constructed
hotel was also destroy.
The lire Jumped from the block bounded
by Heron, Wlshkah, I and H streets to
the splendid residence of Edward Hulber
ton, at Wlshkah and I sttoet. The opera
house, all of the material an'l buildings
of the new hospital association ancf the
residence of B. I Oudley were next
In-order to sto,i the further progress of
the flames, dynamite was used on several
of the buildings upon which the flames
were advancing. Telephone messages
brought the fire departments of Hoqulam
snd Montesano to the scene and they did
effective work. All sorts of reports con
cerning the death or Injury of well known
business men were - current. While four
deaths have resulted, the accidents dur
ing the fire were comparatively few.
The fire started at o'clock ia the
morning and It was I p. m. before the
flames were under control.
Aberdeen has a population of about
T.CO0 and lta chief industry Is lumber.
Several large sawmills are located near the
town, but tb Are did not reach them.
Falling; Wall Kills and Injures.
When the Are had reached the Pullman
saloon several men were hurt by a wall
giving way. Among the injured was Fire
Chief Koehler, who was rendered uncon
scious, but later returned to his duties.
Colonel McKentle was caught under the
falling walls of the Eagle dance ball. His
back was broken and he died In a snort
The other fatalities were at the Mack
building, where Charles Rolfs, a one-legged
man. was cremated. When the flames had
completely enveloped the building the spec
tators were horrified at seeing the dancer,
Webster, a well-known character, appear
t ena et the wiudon. before a Udder
stylish dresser demands. We are
Special Sale of
Fine School Suits for boy9, made
in the latest and nobbiest fash
ions, strongly constructed for
rough and ready
wear and very
dressy, at ...
Our boys free library is here books loaned free to patrons.
Big Sale of Warm Underwear,
We bought
A Sale of Geuuine $3
ine of men's and boys' all wool
factories In the east closed out at
pliln colors, worm UP to i.uu eaiuraay
could be raised to his aid he jumped. Al
most every bone in his body was broken
and he died after being taken to the hos
pital. An unknown man was killed by a
falling wall.
Horse Found, but One Hundred Men
Have Not Discovered the
BIO STONE GAP, Va., Oct. 18.-E. L.
Wents of Philadelphia, 28 years of age,
general manager of the Virginia Coal and
Iron company's Interest In coal lands in
southern Virginia, left Big Stone Gap on
horseback for Kelleyview, twenty-five
miles eaut of here, Wednesday and has
not been heard of since. All circumstances
point to the conclusion that he has been
murdered in the mountainous regions.
A hundred men are now scouring this
section of the country. The horse, ridden
by Mr. Wents was found Wednesday
afternoon and tied to the saddle was a
coat worn by the missing man.
Before Leaving? Chicago F. O. Blge
low Announces Candidacy for
Presidency of Association.
CHICAGO, Oct 1. Ninety members t
tbe American Bankers' association, repre
senting the large, financial institutions of
Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana and
Illinois, left Chicago tonight for the annual
meeting In San Francisco, October 20. Prom
inent (imong the passengers was F. G.
Blgelow, president of the Firat National
bank, who has announced his candidacy
for the presidency of the national associa
It Wae In Possession ef Negro nnd
Man Named Therein Is Miss
ing. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. 16.-A negro,
unknown to the police, is being held until
an investigation can be made concerning
a certificate of membership in tbe Scottish
Rite Masons, which he had in his posses
sion. The certificate bore the name of
Jnmes Chatfleld of Osilan, Ind. The police
iiave ascertained that Chatfleld left for
Kansas City. Relatives fear that he met
with foul play.
Many Animals Are Dying; ef the Dis
ense in Vicinity ef
TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 16. Hog cholera ia
devastating the southeast portions of Shaw
nee and across tbe line in Douglas county.
The farmers along the valley of tbe Waka
rusa have lost over 1,000 animals In the
last two weeks.
John Vill lost thirty-five within the last
week. Other heavy losers are Williams,
Barnes, Day and Davis.
Dr. Louis Eorn Ha a Mistrial.
KANSAS CITY. Ma. Oct. U.-The Jury
In the case of Dr. I.ouls Zorn. a demist, on
trial for the murder of Albert Sechrlst,
his tenant, failed to agree on a verdict
snd was discharged this afternoon. The
men quarreled over rent. In bis dying
statement fciecbrUt said that Zorn had shot
liliu without provocation. This was Zorn s
Secoud tnaL
"Garland" xtoves and rangea bake the
bread and roast the meat that make the maa
sole agents in Omaha prices
Boys' and Children's Clothing
Boy' Clothing' Department on the Third Floor.
Boys' Swell Suits aud Overcoats for
school and dross wear. Suits In the
Russian blouse, sailor Norfolk", etc..
overcoats in the new
military, Russian and
other pretty styles,.
about 20 cases of men's fine winter underwear from one of
the largest underwear mills in Schenectady, N. Y. Inasmuch as we closed
out their line we bought at about GOc on the dollar. Ilere is fine fleece
lined derby ribbed underwear, 75c values at 35c.
All wool fleece lined plush back A F"f a
underwear, $1.00 values, 45-lCL n $
All wool derby ribbed body
fitting underwear, salmon and
tan, regular $1.50 7Qp
values, at V
Men's Colored Dress Shirts All the
plain and pleated bosom in figures, spots
tripes, usually sell at $2 -special
Sweaters at 69c and 98c
and worsted sweaters. One of the
abtg reduction. Com In fancy weaves,
Soldiers of Attacking Army - Bivouac on
Plaim of Kansas. ,.
Defenders In Charge of General
Barry, While General Bates Will
Have Command of All Troops
at Maneuvers.
CAMP SANGER. Fort Riley, Kan.. Oct
IS. Better weather conditions prevailed at
Camp Sanger today. The day was bright
and cold, the thermometer almost reach
ing the reeling point. The troops were
astir early, as all were to be in position J
for the first problem at :30. The purpose
of this maneuver was to develop the po
sitions of the outposts of the opposing
forces, the Blues and Browns. But little
firing was Indulged in and that was of the
long range kind. The recall had been
sounded and all organizations were In
camp and ready for the jioon meal at 11
o'clock and the first real work of the en
campment began this afternoon when the
troops that will form the attacking force
in tomorrow's maneuvers, prepared to
leave camp for a designated point where
they will go tnto bivouac.
This force Is known as the "Blues" and
is under the command of Brigadier Gen
eral Fred D. Grant, U. S. A. His brigade
is composed of the Second and the
Twenty-first infantry, a battalion of the
Twelfth infantry, company D of the en
gineers, with a mounted detachment from
the same organization, two squads of the
Eighth cavalry, the Sixth and Twenty
ninth field batteries, signal and hospital
corps detachments and a long wagon train
conveying rations and forage for the com'
mand. This force crossed the Kansas river
on the pontoon bridge erected by the en
gineers. This crossing was effected in a
remarkably short time, the entire brigade
disappearing from view In Jefferson town
ship. The defending force, the "Browns,"
will be underline command of Brigadier
General Thomas Berry, V. S. A., and will
consist of the Sixth Infantry, the Twenty
flrth infantry, a portion of the Twelfth and
the Ninth cavalry, two squads of the
fourth, the First battalion of engineers
and the Nineteenth and Twenty-eighth
field batteries. The bluff that borders the
valley to the south of the reservation will
doubtless prove an advantageous point that
will be sought after by both forces.
Major General John C. Bates and bis
staff arrived shortly after noon today and
were received with a salute of thirteen
guns. He immediately assumed command
of the divUlon. The condition of the roads
is already greatly improved and by the
time tbe state troop arrive the surround
ing country should be In fine condition.
Fire Threatens Washington Town.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. W The town of
Aberdeen, Wash., ia on fire and moat of the
business portion is threatened.
joatden Esebnnge ie Mere Cheerful.
LONDON, Oct. 1. Now that the account
has paied without the ant cipated failures,
operalure on the Stock exchange are In a
distinctly cheerful mood. Prices, led by
consols, are growing firmer in all direc
tion. The lead ng South Atikan mnguaies
bave come to the support of Kaffirs and are
promoting a syndicate with a capital of
tlllwAuuU for that purpo. Berlin and
Paris buusca arc interested in the syndl-eaie.
1 1
Splendid Suits and Overcoats for Boys
The very highest grades Includes the
popular Russian and Military over
coats in the new Royal blue, reds and
castor and suits in the
latest styles, $7.50
values, at ....... .i
Sweaters, Etc.
Pure silk fleece .lined under
wear, greatest value ever given in
heavy weight undarwear, blue, Z f
p!nk and white, the regular . j
1.25 values, per garment
new patterns and shade,
and QQp nrtt4 1
A , manufacturer's sample
69c and 98c
City Attorney of Chicago to Make
Sensational Report to Invest!-,
gating Bonrd.
CHICAGO, -Oct. 1.-That 75 per cent of
the H 000, 000 in judgments against the city
are based upon bogus and fraudulent per
sonal Injury claims Is said to be the charge
which City Attorney Smulskl is preparing
to make before the city hall "graft" com
mittee. Mr. Smulskl would not discuss
the contents of his report in advance.'
Thieves Try to Ron Horses From
Reservation and Two Are
GREAT FALLS, Mont.. Oct. M. A gang
ofnhleves who tried to run horses oft the
Fort Peck reservation today were am
bushed and two of them killed. The In
dians engaged n a running fight with the
outlaws, driving them oft the reservation.
The dead men have not been identified.
Strike nt Knnsns City on SlncevJuoe
Is Officially Declared
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 16. The strike of
t0i freight fandlers, which has been on
since June, has been officially declared oft
by President Dobson of the local union,
who says: "It is useless to prolong a use
less struggle. We are beaten, but not de
feated." Men vera imported to fill most of the
places of tbe strikers.
Proof of Death.
, The youth stood in front of tbe Quick
luncb establishment and wept bitterly.
"Why this grief?" asked the benevolent
"Me fadder'g dead," replied the blubber
ing urchin.
"How do you know It?" asked the benevo
lent citizen.
"Because be went into dat Quick-lunch
place five minutes ago an' he hain't never
come out ylt." Baltimore American.
Demorest Medal toateat.
The 121st Demorest prize medal for tem
perance oratory was presented to Mlas
Ruih Shlnrock at the regular monthly
contest at the hail of the Volunteers of
America and was given to hr by Mif.s
Kthel Ketihum, who was chosen by tie
judges as second beat speukr. MIks Tesal
Kouljins sang a solo, Mis.a lira ishiiiiock
and the Tenth street Mission raea alo
sang tto well that they were heartily ap
plauded. It was annouueed that two of Omaha s
best young speakers had been requested
to go to Iowa as conteKtants for the Dia
mond medal in a atate contest. It is
thought Muses Shlnrock and Ketchum
will attend.
Mali Clerk Pleads Guilty. (
ST. LOUIS, Oct lfc Osey Austin, a
postal clerk on the St. Louis, Iron Moun
tain at Southern railroad, who was ar
rested yesterday on the charge of stealing
packages of tobacco tags from the malls,
admitted his guilt In the federal court to
day and was sentenced to serve one year
and a day in the Missouri penitentiary.
Mentaun Murderer taught.
BTTTTB. Mont.. Oct. 16. Albert Beck
mann. who killed Helen Kelly, a former
sweetheart, here yesterday, was captured
today at Melrose by Sheriff Quinn. Beck
mann was escaping on a handcar when a
rtrte brought him to a halt. A heavy force
of deputies has gone to bring the prisoner
back. Lynching Is fesred.
San Frnnclsce Flrna Wants Bonds.
TiONOLULTT, Oct. IS A Saa Francisco
Una has made a bid for the entire issue of
Hawaiian bonds which Secretary of the
Territory Carter Is now engag4 In Aeatiag
in tbe eastern at&Ua.
17.60 -$35-' I
1 , MM : H
Boys' All Wool Suits at
S1.50 Strictly all wool, Btoutly
made suits for boys, in the lata
popular styles (or fall, all the
correct colors. There is good
service in one
of these
Omaha's Greatest Hat Offers
VTe are better equipped to supply your needs in fall headwear
than any other store in the west. You are not confined in this
store to any one make and style,
makes to choose from.
The "Brandeis Special"
are guaranteed to be the best priced
hats that can be made. They come in
all the latest styles and colors, stiff
Jand soft shapes, Tf
a genuine jLj) f
;$3.00 value, ,
at ,
New fall hats in all the late
styles and shades, at
John 13. Btetson hats, all the
styles to choose from in these
Especial price.
. .
The Are Not Stuck on Themselves and
Eequire L ttle Watch ng.
Benutles Who Have Found Male rialn
neas Attrnctlve Uzmuples of the
Cluch Homely Men
Maybe there was as much truth as
boasting in the statement of John Wilkes,
the famous London alderman: "Ugly as
I am, if I can have but a quarter of an
hour's start, I will get the better of any
man, however, good-looking, In the graces
of any woman."
Of Wtlke's abnormal ugliness there was
never any question. "The very children In
the street ran away affrighted at the sight
of html" And yet his powers of fascina
tion were eo great that women of beauty
and fashion vied with each other for his
notice, while hndBome men of all courtly
graces were i.eglected.
It was said that there were few beauties
of the day whoue hand Wilkes might not
have confidently hoped to win. He mar
ried one of the richest and loveliest women
of his time.
"Beauty and the Beast, they call us,"
Wilkes once said to a friend, "and I can
not honestly lind fault with the descrip
tion." That there Is a powerful faselnatlon for
some women tn extreme ugliness is proved
by Innumerable cases in which women who
have been richly dowered with physical
charms have fallen la lovo with men of
almost repulsive appearance.
A Royal ln(te.
Queert WUhelmina is an example of a
charming and attractive young woman
choosing ao ugly man. Va.i and plain of
face, and, for a royal person, distinctly
poverty-stricken, Prince Utiniloh cf Meck-lonburg-Schwerln
has had great fascina
tion for womankind.
Gossips whispered that the young duke
was taken by surprise when the little
queen of Holland showed her preference
lor him. and yet It was not the first time
that he had been admired and courted by
women of high rank.
When Princess Helena of Russia sud
denly broke her engagement with Max of
Baden it was believed to be because she
hoped to persuade her parents to let her
marry the stout, blond Uukeling Helnrich.
and the youngest daughter of the duke of
Edinburgh also loved the young duke,
though in vain. In fact Prince Helnrich
was a good deal of a lady nd ne
knew It
Nelpperg, an ugly creature, with small
abilities and yet smaller fortune, was Na
poleon Bonaparte a rival In the affection of
Marie Louise, who fell furiously in love
with him. With everything to lose and
nothing to gain by her encouragement of
tbe man, she left no stone unturned until
she was able to make herself Nelpperg'
wife. In the eyes of tbe world, it waa a
terrible degradation for the widow of the
French emperor to become the wife of an
Austrian count, but she cared not a whit
what tbe world said, as was the case with
the women who ran after tbe ugly Duke
de Richelieu.
When Richelieu waa shut up In the
bastile, crowds of women, old and young,
and rich and poor, used to collect every
day at tbe bour when be took hla exer
cise on tbe parapets, and adore bim from
AT $12.50
you have the best the world
v X?Zsjr
J J . .
""7 ;
1 CA Qll
v7 DU, pO
new fall blocks and colors, many
renowned hats, rX. iC
a distance, deploring the Incarceration of
so adorable a person.
1 gllneas Irresistible.
Theodore Hook was another ugly man
who seemed to be Irresistible. When Llazt
was an old man with a hard, ugly face,
women begged permission to kiss his ugly
hands and raved over him as though hs
were Adonis' self. Dozens of schoolgirls
and countesses who worshiped at his
shrine cared not a pin for his music, nor
understood a note of It, but were keenly
alive to the charm of his personality.
There were few plainer men of his gone
ration than the great Lord Brougham, and
as few who took so little trouble to in
gratiate themselves Into the favor of
women. Yet he might have picked and
chosen among the fairest of society beau
ties. To a question where Lord Brougham
was, the answer wus once given: "Where
the ladies are the thickest." By following
this significant guide he waa generally
run to earth.
Reason for Attraction.
Perhaps the reason of the attractiveness
of the plain man Is that he Is not vain,
He can't be, of his face, at any rate.
"A pretty man Is a nuisance," one girl
was overheard to say. "I mean the man
whose hair curls, whose cheeks are re
and who poses In publio places where hi
may be easily seen, and who always wean
a slock smile on his thoughtless face. H
Is a nuisance because of his conceit. Girli
grow weary of looking at him, but he still
keeps in the way, believing he is giving
them a treat"
It has been estimated that there are only
60,000 really 'handsome men in the United
States. New York Sun.
Gold Medal
At Pan-American Exposition.
A rL. a M-l
Unlike Any Others! 1
Tbe full flavor, tbe delicious qual- j
irr, tbe absolute Purity, of Low- '
ney's Breakfast Cocoa distinguish
It from nil o tliers.
No "treatment" with alkalies; no
adulteration with flour, starch or
ground cocoa sheila; nothing but the
nutritive and digestible product et r
the choicest Cocoa Beans, ,
Ask Your Dealer for it