Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tin: Omaha daily m:i:: Tuesday, octorku tx max
The Omaha Daily Bee.
rlly Be (wlthniil Kutidav). (inr Yenr.llo)
Dully Bee ami 8iind.iv. tine Year "
)MuMratd Br. Unr Year H-W
H'indsy Be, One Vnr
Paturdav Bee. On Year
Twentieth t'enturv Kurmcr. on Year, l.w
Daily Be (wlihout SundnM, per ropy.. 2(5
Inllv Bo (without fiuixiavi. per week
Dsily Bee (Including Hunilay). j-er week. 17
Funday Bee, per copy
Kvenms; B (without Sunday), per week 60
Evening Bo (Including; Sunday!, per
week We
t'omplalnt of IrreRiilnrltles In delivery
Should be ulilrwPd to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES
Omihi-The Be RutMlnc
South Omaha city Hall Building;. Twen-ty-flfth
and M street.
Counrll Bluffs in Pearl Street.
Chicago 140 ITntty BulMliip.
New York-232 Park Row Building.
Washington bol Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should he addressed: Omaha
Xlee, Editorial Department.
Remit hy draft, expres or postal order
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Only 2-rent stamp acwptoil In payment of
mall Toenuntp. Personal checks, except on
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fffate of Nebraska. Doug'as County, ss :
George B. Teach uck, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
Ti that the actual number of full and
'ompleta copies or The Dally Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
ihe month of September, 1J04. was as fol-
I BO.lltO , 18 S8.0.M)
J mjno it sih,mo
t SW.8TO IS ..2S,70
4 30.3T0 1 UH.HIW
S V jrWI 20 2.44B
2M.7IK! 21 SH.8SO
7 2,.t20 22 2N.MHO
.. U..1TU 23 il.S.MO
t... 3,SH0 U 2H.T30
10., ... .30,100 25 2S.730
51 JMI.220 26
1? 80,310 27 27,24t
1J 2,43ft 21 28.TWO
14.. 2O.020 1 2S.8RO
II 88,800 30. r 2,W40
Leas unfold and returned copies.... 0.4
Ket total tales una, 744
.'et average aalea 2H.424
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
refore m this 30ib day of September, A.
V. 1801. M. B. HUNOATE.
(Seal.) Notary Public,
Jndfrlng by the Illtchcalf organ, Hoso
water la again running for all tue offices
from supreme judge to constable.
It must not be overlooked that the
significant part of the republican county
convention tvas the absence of a walk
That base ball player who vented his
murderous insanity upon his nurse must
have thought be was up against the
There is very Kcneral Interest In the
Ohio nnipnlun, which Is lx-lng waged
must vigorously ly lIH parties. I'er
Imps no one is better ipmlined to Judge
of the pmsMTt than SSenntor I'oraker
11 nd he predict the electlott f the re
publlcnn tb ket by from ti.0M to lin.i"
innjorlty, with n republbnn legislature
having n majority of from thirty to
forty on Joint bnllot The senator said
there is not the faintest likelihood of a
democratic legislature and added: "I
cannot see where there Is the slightest
foundation for some of the stories that
have been floating around that Tom
Johnson hns any show for election.
Johnson will be snowed under, and
snowed under for good, too."
cesslty result In a higher price for bread
stuffs In Kurope, to the profit of Ameri
can farmers." With ti rapidly giowlnu
Asiatic market for our brcadidnlTs the
outlook for American wheat producers
is certainly most promising.
THK M1K rtWK till" CAMfAlO.
There are some reasons for appre
hending a possible defeat of the f union
ists in New York City ami the restora
tion ol Tammany to power. In the first
place, there Is not entire harmony among
the former, some more or less Influen
tial politicians who had been with the
fnslonlsts having deserted and gone over
to the opposition. Then there are cer
tain financial and business Interests, it
is said, which are not satisfied with the
This strong cxpresslou of confidence straightforward and honest policy and
In the result may be fully warranted, methods of the Low administration and
The election to the governorship of Ohio are assiduously working for its over-
of a man with such rlews as those of throw. The lawless element, by no
Tom Ij. Johnson seems hardly possible means Insignificant in numbers, wants a
and there ought to be no doubt of his restoration of Tammany rule, preferring
defeat by on overwhelming majority, to Ikj blackmailed rather than subjected
Vet it will be well for the republicans to the restraints Imposed by the present
of the Huckeye state not to allow con-1 administration. Furthermore, there
fidence to make them apathetic, for 1 undoubtedly arc many democrats who
Johnson Is likely to receive nearly if not two years ago supported the fusion
quite the full vote of his party. It is movement who now feel that with a
probable that he does not seriously ex- presidential election next year duty to
pect to be elected, but he will omit no their party requires them to stand with
effort to win and the fact of his having it this year.
een twice elected mayor of Cleveland, That the restoration Of Tammany to
normally a republican city, shows that iower would be most unfortunate will
he Is a resourceful politician. I be admitted by all who ore familiar with
C-oIonel Herrlck, the republican candl-1 the record of that political organization.
dato for governor, appears to be making I Mayor 1-ow has given New York an nd
a good impression upon the people while I ministration which, while not wholly
Senator Hanna Is working with his free from mistakes, lias in the main
characteristic zeal and earnestness. In- fulfilled the promises made and given
terest in the campaign among republic- that city better government in all rc-
ans outside of Ohio has reference chiefly spects than it had known for many
to the re-election of Senator llanna. years before. In his letter accepting a
renomlnatlon, Mayor Low points out the
THK liVtuarAL CUDE of Ho.voh. beneficial changes that have been ef-
A member of the Chicago Board of ftrtcd iu the last two years. There has
Kducation has been asked to resign be- tj.p a saving of millions in public ex-
cause lie is vice president of a plumb- penditures, without in the least impair
ing supply manufacturing com- j,lK the efficiency of the public service.
pany. It appears that the pub- indeed that service has been much lm
lic schools of Chicago use large proved in all departments. This is
amounts of plumbing supplies, which notably true of Uie police service, which
are furnished by plumbers who buy of has never been more efficient than now.
the manufacturers. It Is stated as a An interesting fact stated by the mayor
fact that by far the largest part of the i that the death rate has been conslder-
goods used in the schools are made by aj,y reduced, due to the improved con-
the firm of which the member of the ditions in the tenement district. In a
board is an officer. The point of honor great city like New York the work of
arises as to whether he Is Justified under the health department is of the utmost
the circumstances in holding his seat importance and it has been carried on
on the board. tinder the Ixw administration with in-
"It is Interesting in this connection." teiligt nee and 8eal. produciug highly sat-
declares the Heeord-llerald, "to consider factory results.
the standards of honor In English cities. Mayor Low truthfully says that "un-
'The Tillman case will go to the jury
this week. The general public will ex
pect the prisoner to go to the pen when
the yerdlct is in.
The democratic school board ticket is
exceptionally strong, but the strongest
wen on the democratic school board
ticket are republicans.
, 'If Jersey is to be afflicted with floods
well as mosquitoes, it is likely to ac
quire a worse reputation than Kansas
as a place for abiding.
Some people would like to know why
the-ordinance authorizing the Issue of
bonds for the purchase of a municipal
t-lectrie lighting plant has been thrown
on' the Milwaukee sidetrack.
"The best Ak-Sar-Hen week we ever
had" is the universal verdict of the
business men of Omaha. But that Is no
reason why next year's Ak-Sar-Ben
ahould not bo still bigger and better.
- 9
'From the way the democrats are
Ignoring their former friends and allies
in tho makeup of local tickets the only
Inference is that the populists are in
vited henceforth to play in their own
back yard.
The, republicans have crossed the
threshold of the campaign In Douglas
county in solid phalanx and unserrlcd
ranks. They must not forget, however,
last the enemy also has its forces fairly
welt In hand.
If Judge Barnes is good enough to be
tnlce appoluted to the supreme court
commission by unanimous vote of all
tha judges of the supreme court, he Is
ood enough, to be promoted to the
"prema bench itself.
An illuminating case is that of Alder
man Iligginbottom of Manchester. He
was partner In a firm which manu
factured cranes and portions of cranes.
der Tammany the condition existing in
the police department two years ago
may be fairly described as one of or
ganized lawlessness. The police force
In the ordinary course of business his j,ad beea converted into an instrument
firm so'ld goods to a company holding for the collection of money paid for tho
contracts with the Manchester corpora- privilege of vlolatlu the law." And ho
tion. There Was nothing tO Show that I auk-- "I th rtr m-HHmr to clinnen
he knew personally of the transactions the return of such a state of things ho
nor that he had any thought of personal cauge the snake has now been scotched,
gain. He was a man of high ability 0P wju jt make assurance doubly sure
and character and his ten years' service by continuing in power those who have
as alderman was about to be crowned tnr miceoKsfniiv crannied with thes
with election as lord mayor. A city in- giKnntC evils?" The success of Tiun
vestigatlug committee nevertheless held raan. woujd certainly revive the evils.
that Alderman Hlgginbottom's action perhaps in more aggravated form than
'had been altogether improper and such beforei and , to be deprecated by law-
as they could not Justify, having regard rnp(.tinir citizens throughout the coun
to his position on the electricity com'
mince, me gas committee ana as a
member of the city council.' After this
censure the alderman had no alternative
but to resign."
While the Kngllsh municipal corpora'
tlons act does not prohibit such trans
try as well as in New York.
Omaha Is not the only city in the coun
try where grafters flourish and do
nothing supernumeraries are carried on
the pay rolls of city and county. St
Louis and Minneapolis have each sue
actions, there have been many instances cessfully prosecuted boodler and prlwi
In the last three or four years to show loose grafters from their city and county
thut public sentiment in English cities pay rolls and Chicago is making an
is becoming much stricter than the law. I effort to follow their example. In one
The predominating factor in this de-1 day last week the Chicago papers turned
velopment of public opinion in Great I the searchlight of publicity on the most
Britain is largely due to the extension I flagrant phases of mujili'lpal grafting,
of municipal ownership on public utlli-1 compressed in the following terse head
ties in English cities. The point of Mines:
honor raised against the Chicago school I DAY'S GRAFT DEVELOPMENTS.
Evidence of graft in "overtime" pre-
dent. however, should be considerate
enough to Issue his proclamation at
once, so as to give time for Junketing
congressmen enjoying trips abroad to
come home and answer roll call.
flow the Shearlaa Is Doir,
'Indianapolis JVews.
The revelations In tho case of the CnlleJ
States Shipbuilding company ought to give
the public a pretty vivid Idea of what It
moans to be In on tha ground floor.
( auae and KoTeet.
Boston Transcript.
The English Invasion of American uni
versities la as remarkable as the American
Invasion of British markets, and the move
ments prolmbly stand In tho relation of
cause and effect.'
Soothing; the Afflicted.
Detroit Free Press.
The vice president of an Iowa bank
who embciKlod 113,000 will be compelled
to spend thirty days In the county Jail.
It is to be hoped that the hard hearts of
the authorities will soften sufficiently to
give him a comfortably furnished cell.
Overloading Prosperity.
Indianapolis News.
Tha glass manufacturers have made an
other reduction In the price of glass with
a view of "reclaiming all the business
that foreign manufacturers have been able
to secure In this country during the last
two or three years." Evidently they are
waking up to the fact that there Is a limit
to the weight of the burdens that pros
perity can carry.
Will the Grabbers Lnltaf
Boston Transcript.
It Is possible that the wily Bear, having
sxclted the Iraaclble little Jap to the wild
est pitch of Indignation, Is now smoothing
him down with his claws and saying: "Oh,
come now; don't let us fight each other,
but let u rather conjointly steal the
Corean honey. We can then plead as an
excuse that we had to take It In order to
maintain peace?" Crafty old Bear!
Difference In Conayreaamen.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
The salaries of congressmen can never be
fairly and equitably arranged. Some mem
bers are well worth 13,000 a year and others
are not worth 5 cents. Some look upon a
seat In the houfe of representatives and the
salary as means of getting and saving
more money than they can mako In their
business at home, while others are willing
to pay more for a nomination and election
than their salary for two years amounts
to. No means can be devised of paying
statesmen "by the piece." So It must rest
with tho voters In each district to get the
best they can for their money.
Compound Interest tilttu.
New York World. '
Sir Frederick Bramhall has offered $250 to
the British association to be Invested for
fifty years, the proceeds then to be paid as
a prize for the best obituary on steam
power, which will then be dear. Sir Fred
erick thinks. The association doubts the
legality of the gift. It would amount to
about $1,125 by 1953. In 1T98 a Swede named
Theluason left an estate of $2,600,000 to be
divided among his great grandchildren, or
If there were none, the proceeds were to be
applied to the national debt. Lord Rendla
sham was a descendant of the eccentric
Swede. Theluseon's will was probated, but
caused the passage of a special act limiting
deferred legacies to twenty-one years. 8o
it was plainly Illegal to offer, as another
chap did recently, M to be put at com
pound Interest for the city of Birmingham
for 999 years. At 3 per cent It would
amount to a trifle' Of 1294,495,000,000. To be
richer than Rockefeller Is a perfectly sim
ple matter. Only it takes so long.
Life In
nipples n the Cnrrent of
the Metropolis.
The tax department of New York Is do
ing the traditional land office business.
Taxpayers trooped to the cashier's wicket
last week, taking advantage of a deduction
offered as a premium for prompt payment.
Tho huge sum of I10.228.P00 was paid In the
first day. All this money was bundled In a
rickety one-horse csb and taken to a Wall
street bank. The money was wrapped In
brown paper parcels and distributed over
the bottom of the cab. Guarding the for
tune were four policemen, two of whom got
up on top of the vehicle with the driver,
while the other two wero Inside, using
million-dollar packages for footstools.
Among the largest amounts received were:
W. W. Astor, $357,6i0; J. J. Astor, $2S3,6i2:
R. W. Goelet, $195,014. and the estate of
Cornelius Vanderbllt, $115,797.
Criminal prosecution of the officials of tha
Sugar trust, for the alleged theft of $526,000
worth of city water used at Its eastern dis
trict plant. Is likely, according to Deputy
Commissioner Robert Van ldersteln of the
Brooklyn Department of Water 8upply. Gas
and Electricity. The big bill la considered
to be a political trump card for the fusion
administration, though It was not played
with any such Intention. Tha discovery
that the company owed the city $526,000 was
made In the course of a general Investiga
tion ss to water wasta In that borough. In
stituted over a year ago. Further Investi
gation as to the quantity of water alleged
to have been used by the Sugar trust fres
of charge may send tha city's bill up to
the million dollar mark.
One of the most Important accomplish
ments of the Low administration has been
the Improvement In the conditions that
surround the tenement house life of the
metropolis. When the new tenement house
law was passed, it was predicted that all
buildings of tenement houses In New York
would cease because of the radical changes
made by the law. but In the year 1902 some
thing like $20,000,000 was expended for new
law tenements, while the amount to bo ex
pended this year will be over $(0.000,0u0.
The new law tenements have proved suc
cessful from the tenants' point of view be
cause many tenants for the first time have
been able to get apartments with light, air
and sanitary services. They have been
successful from the landlords' point of
view because they iinve been fully occu
pied from the time of completion at re
munerative rents. The whole lower East
Side Is being rapidly rebuilt with new law
houses. No house that Is built under tha
present law contains any room that Is not
adequately lighted and ventilated. This la
In striking contrast to tho old law houses.
In which ten rooms out of fourteen were
almost totally dark and without ventilation.
Absolutely Pure
surreptitious conversations that could In no
other way have been bad. There Is abso
lutely no danger of being detected, and
the fascination grows with the use. He
argues that it Is the modem method of
making dates, and that thousands of men
and women have been brought together
In this way who, had they been left to
letter writing or a. personal arrangement
In direct conversation, would have re
mained merely acquaintances.
PEHSOAIj sotes.
board member for being indirectly in
terested in the sale of materials and
supplies to public schools has seldom
troubled the conscience of members of
the school board, members of the council
or county commissioners even where
such transactions are expressly pro
hibited by law.
Jhe next great forward step lu Mho
campaign for tax reform is the election
of 'Harry P. Beed to the position of
county assessor, upon whom will de
volve the task of putting the new reve
nue law Into operation.
The Honorable Artillery company of
London has hecu taking in Xlagura. It
will be next In order for them to shoot
the rapids on the St. Lawren?e, particu
larly as that is as close to shooting as
they are apt to come during their pres
ent tour.
King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, while
in l'arls, will sleep In a bed formerly
used by Napoleon, if this makes his
rent any easier it will devolve upon
French hospitality to present him with
1h furniture in his room and let him
take it home with hlui.
sented to council committee and sweeping
Investigation started.
Written charges presented by Carl Llnr-
man of collusion between detectives of the
Desplalnes street station and thieves.
Chief O'Neill files charges against De
tective Sergeant John Rohan.
Deputy building commissioner charged
with attempt to make builders adopt flre
prooflng devices on which ho holds patents.
Charge against health department em
ploye that he used city supplies In his
undertaking business.
Deputy boiler inspector charged with
There is a growing demand for our
breadstuff's in the Asiatic markets, giv
ing promise of a very extensive trade in I grafting on A H. Vilus company.
tills line in tho near future. According If these irregularities hud occurred in
to the latest statistics the exports of Omaha tho sham reform organ of democ
breadstuffs to those markets during the tacy would have charged thein up to tho
eight months endins with August aggro- republican party, but, although the
gated In value over.lll.OOO.tXO, against mayor of Chicago is a democrat, no
about $4,(100,000 for the corresponding fair-minded person will accuse the demo-
perlod of last year. Two-thirds of this cratlc party with being made up of
exisjrt was in the form of flour, showing grafters and public plunderers. Boodlers
that the people of Asia are rapidly ac- and grafters are not confined to any
quiring a taste for wheat bread. When I party,
tlw vnutiictui nf the notnilation in those
countries is considered, it cannot bo re- Tne rnlted K,nt('8 court of "W'9
Pnv,i.Hi n. Pitravairant to assume that rendered a decision Saturday on the old
not many years hence the demand from federnl ,aw that t',8rian ipanles
that source for our breadsruffs will take
In tha passing of Tom Murray goes a
unique character among Omaha pioneers
and at the samo time one to whose en
terprise Omaha Is greatly indebted.
With all his peculiarities. Tom Murray
was a useful rltUen one whose poverty
succeeding wealth was due to over
confidence rather than mistaken judg
ment. He deserved better of fate.
all the surplus
As shown by the statistics, our flour
exports to countries bordering on the
I'aclllc have gained upward of J.ts0,000
for a period of eight mouths' in the short
space of two years. They are rather
more than three times as great as they
are common carriers and must serve all
alike without discrimination. While the
case under consideration originated in
the Chicago. Board of Trade, against the
bucket shops of Chicago and Kansas
City, the principle involved affects all
classes of telegraph patrons, as well as
telephone patrons, and is therefore of
I Ka tirmnnt ltiinortance to tha frnnernl
were two years ago. Hie significance 1 "
of this, observes the Seattle Fost-Intelll- I,UDIlc-
gencer. as affecting the entire wheat- John lumon(i U advising the Irish
growing industry of the United States. ,llndiorda wtth reference to complying
should not be overlooked. "Contrary to tLe new ,and a,t ..ot to w tUD.
The fusionists in Nebraska are going
through the old farct of conducting a
double cauqmlgu through two separate
committee organisations In behalf of a
single ticket hearing a hyphenated
Islvl. In the early days of fusion this
litSMpnenide doubt let. fooled some peo
ple, but the peoplo culiiuil be fooled all
lit tloja, Why keep up this Lypwil.-j i
bom." We were under the Impression
that stubbornness was one of the race
eliaractcristics of the Irish if so, it will
take an extra effort to follow Atedmond's
the predictions of many," says that
paper, "the market for American bread'
stuffs is expanding enormously in Asia
and Oceunica. It Is already so large as
to consume a very large share of the
surplus product of the raciflc coast
states. It wjll very soon Qpusume the I Ai.other marquis of Saliobury is to
entire surplus product of the states, have a place in the British cabinet. He
for the amount of the new area which wjll have to distinguish himself with
can be put Into wheat in the future Is more than ordinary ability to bold up
uot very large. The time Is now within I eten a passable record compared with
easily measures hie distance when nont I that of the last cabinet minister wear-
of the wheat produced on the Pacific I lug the same name.
coast will be marketed In Europe and
the withdrawal of this amount of wheat I November is the date nxed for the
from the European market must of ne-1 eitra acsslun of tongress. The presl
Stanton Ticket: There is no longer a
populist press In Nebraska. Populism as
It was originally discovered meant some
thing more than a contest for spoils, an
Insatiable desire for office. The press
which was formerly , populist has gone
democratic by an overwhelming majority
and the minority which Insist that princi
ple Is paramount to office Is hitting the
center of the pike regardless of all ob
stacles.. Wayno Herald: The law which restricts
tho expenditure of money for campaign
purposes by parly nominees Is one of ex
ct Iknt merit, acknowledged to bo such by
everybody. That legislative act. added to
the restrictions guaranteed by the Austra
lian 'DHllot law, elevates our system of vot
ing and helps free It from tho trammeling,
tu'iaildatlng and corrupting Influences that
w ro often potent forces In elections in the
early days.
North Platte Tribune: In a few things
at least Nebraska stands at the head. The
largest alfalfa field. S.000 acres. In the
world, is at Ames; the largest barn in tho
United States Is in Dodge county; the
largest county In any state is In Nebraska,
and no slate has as many miles of any
one river as has Nebraska in the Platte
river. It can also be said that in western
Nebraska the quality of sugar beets and
alfalfa grown stands at the head.
McCook Tribune: The promise of Presi
dent Stlckncy of the Great Western rail
road to make Omaha a grain market and
afford an oportunity for Omaha to establish
a board of trad of Us own threatens to stir
up a railroad row of lively proportions,
with the Burlington and Northwestern In
tha forefront. Just why Omaha Is not en
titled to the same considerations In the
matter of grain rates and regulations that
Kansas City enjoys Is not made plain. Rut
tho Incident suggests the parody: "The
hond that controls transportation in Amer
ica rules the room."
St. Paul Republican: A ticket made up
of men who believe In radically different
principles Is an anomaly. It cannot rea
sonably be expected that the several In
dividuals who compose It Will take a
fraternal Interest In each other's welfare
and work for the success of all. This
Is the reason why dark hints are be.
ginnlna- to be heard In regard to unfaith
fulness on tha part of certain fusion can
didates toward the balance of the ticket.
The conditions under which such an al
liance exists are abnormal and In them
selves invite disaster.
Pender Republic: Republicans are being
asked to vote for Judge Sullivan on the
ground for making the supreme court non
partisan. But republicans must remem
ber that Judgs Sullivan was nominated by
partisan conventions. He accepted partisan
nominations and has become "nonpartisan"
for political purposes only. And this only
in the minds of bis political advocates.
Judge Sullivan Is the same partisan he ever
has been. Democrats and populists will
vote for him as such, but unwary repub
licans are supposed to be entrapped by
nonpartisan flop-doodle. Well, hardly this
Kearnev Hub: That's a pretty kettle of
nh down at Omaha. After using ths al
leged Vlnsonhaler agreement, denied by
Vlnsonl aler, wllU which to club Itosewater
at tho republican primaries, It turns out
now that The Bee was right and that Vln
soi'.halwr failed to recogiUis his own slgna
ture. This la now admitted by those who
were against Tha Bee previous to holding
tha primaries. All of which makes Judgs
Vlnsonhaler's title to ths nomination some
what leaky and certainly does not help him
as a candidate. The Incident was seised on
by Roarwalor's enemies and used effec
tively. Wlmt are they going to do about It
A tenderloin detective who succeeded in
securing evidence against certain big and
fashionable gambling houses by mixing
with the Waldorf crowd is so much elated
over the exploit that he has Issued a list
of eight commandments, the careful ob
servance of which will Insure an entry to
the chosen circle. All you have to do la:
First Arrive with a labeled steamer trunk,
take a room and bath and bo' particular as
to Its location. Second Stay in your room
until 7 o'clock In the evening and then ap
pear In evening clothes. Third Have a roll
of $300, with a hundred-dollar bill on the
outside and the small ones tucked Inside to
make a front with. Fourth Keep up youc
front with good clothes, spend a little
money and you will soon be hall fellow wall
met with the gilded crowd, F'lfth Loaf
around the billiard room, buy drinks and
havo your nails manicured for four days.
Sixth Scrape acquaintance with the mil
lionaires that are loafing around, which is
easily done. Seventh Keep changing your
small bills (fives and tens) for smaller ones
and your roll will look as though it were
Increasing in else. Eighth Remember that
It Is easier to get acquainted with the Wal
dorf crowd If you show money than It Is
to scrape acquaintance In any of the bil
liard halls and cafes along Broadway.
The women who mange the Mldc-a-Wee
Home club are of the opinion that there are
others called to attend to tho sick babies
and homeless and hungry children of New
York, while It Is their mission to take care
of the sick and homeless cats and dogs.
The home they havo provided for vagrant
curs and abandoned backyard cots would
seem a place of rest and comfort for many
homeless orphans. But none of these can
get In, as they did not have the luck to be
born mangy dogs.
The home is located two miles from Yon-
kers, a northern suburb of New York.
There are already over fifty Inmates, and
there will bo more when the news Is spread
abroad that all outcasts of these two tribe
are made welcome. Tho woman managers
do not think it right to kill, even in a pain
less manner, a dog or cat that Is sick or
injured. Instead, they doctor them up and
let them lie around in ease and comfort,
and mako themselves a noisy nuisance for
all that neighborhood.
After conference with the managers of
the various steamship lines running across
the Atlantic, formal announcement has
been made that the agreements of ths
North Atlantic conference, which estab
lished the minimum rate for first and
second cabin passengers traveling on the
steamers of the lines bound by the agree
ments, will be annulled this week. Here
after each company will be at liberty to
make whatever rate it pleases, and a rate
war may follow. One of those who at
tended the meeting went so far as to
declare that rate cutting will begin Im
mediately, and that It will be the greatest
and sharpest thing the country has seen
in some time.
There are weird and wonderful spots In
ths lower quarters of New lork where
the student of foreign manners may satisfy
his longing for the bizarre and sensational.
If the slummer wants a' real sensation let
him take his party to the Battery, walk
up through Washington street,'-thence
across Broadway to 8late. up through the
winding thoroughfares to Roosevelt, across
Chatham square to Mott, around Into Pell
and Doyers, finishing there for the first
evening's sport. Ho will have traversed
no less than nine distinct and separate
countries and rubbed elbows with as many
nations, and wherever a bright window
discloses a place of refreshment the party
Is sure to be treated with something
unique, generally clean and far removed
from things metropolitan.
A New Yorker has come forward with an
indictment against tha telephone as a
primary cause for the alarming increase
of divorce suits. Ho urges that the tele
phone has lent a way of carrying on
The six factories turning out the tooth
pick supply have combined, and we hope
the new trust will make the article so
dear that It will be less In evidence in
Seven hundred and twenty-threo fires
started during five months In Chicago from
"unknown causes." Persons should avoid
starting fires In this manner. It prejudices
the Insurance.
Dr. Bellsarlo Sasa, a prominent sur
geon of Llmn. Peru, has started for New
York, to study the latest advances In
medicine and surgery, and then report
his observations.
James Putnam Stewart of Louisville, a
direct descendant of Oeneral Israel Putnam
of revolutionary fame, has many relics
of his distinguished ancestry, and- Is busily
engaged In writing out the lineage ot the
Prof. R. L. Garner, the monkey man. hns
gone to the West African coast again to
study the simian tribe and learn their
language. It is suspected that there is a
good deal of "monkey business" about
Garner's work. .
Senator Fairbanks Is not a candidate for
the vice presidency on the republican ticket
next year, and will not be. This was an
nounced In AVashlngton by Rcpresentatlv
llemenway of Indiana, a close friend of
Senator Fairbanks.
The late Chief Justice McCollum of Penn
sylvania owed his election to a singular
accident. He was nominated for the vacant
Judgeship by the democratic state con
vention of 1SS8 In opposition to James T.
Mitchell, the republican candidate. There
was then no chance of his election. But the
death of one of the Justices made another
vacancy on the bench, and both Mitchell
and McCollum were chosen. Lots were
then cast for seniority of rank, as their
commissions were to expire at the same
time. January. 1910, and McCollum had the
further luck of drawing the prixe, and so
succeeded to the chief Justiceship.
Oussle What is genius, anyway?
Gertrude To my mind. It constats tn el
ways having clotnea that lit. Detroit Fne
"So glad you found my sermon Interest
ing." said the Rev. Mr. Tawkun.
"Yes." replied the stranger. "It wan In
teresting to me. I've been makiiiK a study
recently of the powers of endurance of the
human voice." Philadelphia Press.
"Why don't you fry to earn your living?"
"Well," answered Meandering Mike, "it's
dis way. When 1 eats die way 1 gets chid
turkey an' mince pte. If I dpcnls on in
earning capacity 1 in liable to git slnkci.i
an' weak coffee." Washington Star.
"Has ho an occupation?"
"Well, he has had one." , ' v
"What?" "
"Trying to be 'a good fellow.' ",
"Did he succeed?"
"As Iodk as his money lasted, yes. "-Chicago
"Do vou think much of Miss Frisble?"
asked Mr. Ollroy of Mr. Hnatts.
"About twenty-four hours a day," was
the reply. Town Topics. -
"You don't mean to ten me you rescued
a young lady from drowning and didn't
even stop to learn her narnol" -
"That's what I did. My wife was there
when 1 got the girt ashore." Chicago
Record-Herald. ......
"John." said the wife, disconsolately,
"the wolf Is at the door!"
"Good!" cried her husband.' "Now the
bill collectors will be afraid to come near
us." Detroit Freo Press.
Good anecdotes is lots o' fun.
Rut sometimes 1 git thinklu' 1
I'd kinder like to hear Jist one ' ' '
That hain't bin swore on Lincoln.
. , Catholic Standard.
Brooklyn Kngle.
"What's In your pocket, John?" I said;
"Aw, nawthln' much, he stated.
I waiter! till he went to' bed
And then- Investigated. : t:.;;: c .ST.-.
I turned the pocket Inside out,
It scarcely took a minute:
You'll think 1 "stretch," without -a duilbt
But this is what was In it:. ,
A top. a handkerchief in rags.
Five marbles mid a whistle:
Three pencils and two paper bags,
Some chalk, a broken pistol.
Some nails, a screw, a hammer head,
Four candies, stuck together:
A fish line, hooka, a piece of lead.
Some scraps of grimy leather,
A doughnut, stale, no longer round, .
A knife, an old brass locket;
This Is the "nothlnK" that I found
Hid In the rascal's pocket.
iam ju. "T---i OLD
ja? will burn successfully in the vfl
yiyE genuine trade marked 4
rfiA Jewel Hot Blast M
Stoves soft coal, sittings, slack,
ftayja A hard coal.coke.cobs, etc. Why not Mf- .
II J Keep Your. f
M3Sk nou.ewa.rm
if yr& mis
A last iust about as Ions as vou
11 yfSlf rj would expect to . keep a stove,
Tw ' Price oh, we will satisfy you. j
I " ' Call and see Jewels. We jecom-
Keep Your.
House Warm
at a small cost ! Jewel Stoves
last just about as long as you
would expect to . keep a stove.
Price oh, we will satisfy you.
Call and see Jewels. We recom
mend them.
Conklin Hardware Company.
SI014 Lemveaworth Street, OssaHa.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
oed by people of refinement
tor orer a quarter of a century
At this season the most . necessary
garment in a man's wardrobe is the Light
weight Overcoat.
We have an extensive line of new
goods of covert cloths, cheviots, unfinished
worsteds and vicunas, in all the fashion-
' able shapes.
In every proper . length, long, short or
medium $10.00 to $35.00.
As many kinds of Hats
as there are heads
No Clothing Fits Like Gurs.
drowning- (mg (5
R. S. WILCOX. Mnarr.
-' . "