rnn omaha dailv m:n: satukday. orronnn in. imw. All Leather Is the samet but there's Lift', I I IE- & difference In Its handling. TO CROSSETT $3.50 SHOE $4.00 iut iRiprortBMSt ! seleeties e( (Tr ErWrr WW aW ear. eWSJ dtncl yea t LEWIS A. CROSSETT. Inv, IOTH llllSTOf, MS. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Vanu'tctnrera Are Kore Cantioni in Making C:ntract as Eule. MONETARY PRESSURE IS NOT FELT Oatslde f Jew fork Illy Jobbers He part Good Raalaeas, Fair 4 ellee ttoaa aad Bright I'l-ospeeta far gprlaaj Trad. KEW TORK. Oct. . R. O. Dun Co. "a weekly review of trade wi.l say: There have been no Uevel ipments of lrn porunc in tne cmmerr lul worii. As a rale there Is more camion in making Con tracts. e.L-Ciaiiv am ig man jlai'lUTvre. Lnmiinciui rrnrllni me iiuant-lal situation receoes aa lite Kdon aatnncea without producing any morn tary preaaure In con c nection th croo moving. The Driooseo reduction in pic iron output Da a been endorsed by sui leading pr.xiucei s. tteaoyuig prices Juat wnen cliangea in freight lalea smr.ed anaiher reduction. Other munuiac urins news la favorable. txcnnt where tr.e taw cnaieibtl marketa art ur.seitlcd. or labor struggle cau-e trouble, ttuapenalun of an irou p.aut waa attributed to i"e tatter cause and the movement of rot'.on with Nrw Orleans auto auflered be cause of a atrlke. Trade locally Is quiet, preparations for election, wltn unseasonable weatner, nav inr Kn adverse effect. tvholesxle trade la active at Baltimore, a brisk business haa been transacted In fall clothing and the outlook for spring considered bright. Menufacturers are busy at Philadelphia. but building materials and chemical art Quiet, with collections slow In several urns. Trade la brl.-k at CiiUago, orders we.l distributed and Mvmrnta iiromDL Kallwaya are not yet severely congested by the crops, yet there Is some deiay In traffic, and earnings for September are 8.1 per cent larger than last year, latest re turns of foreign commerce at this port are unsatisfactory, export sbnwlng a toe, or tl.lM.s; compared with the same week lat year and Imports decreasing K.577.1::4. Ha.nk exchanges at New York for the wejc were a.i per cent smaller than last year, while at other reading cities there waa a gain of 4.4 per cent. Ceaeervatlve Tearfeacy laawa. Reduced dividends aad curtailed produc tion in the Iron and eteel Industry show that conserve tir,i ts increasing and that there la no disposition to disguise the fact that business is not .progressing without Interruption, yet there Is nothlnic alarming In the situation and e. few years atro the contracts now In sight would Have assured full occupation for all plants. Prices re ceded as it became apparent that the in dustriil boom Waa Interrupted and It Is now found desirable to shut down plants not thoroughly equipped. Already the effect la felt In the greater urgency to place con tracts by concerns that were waiting for $30.22 BUYS A TICKET AND SLEEPING CAR. BERTH VIA UNION PACIFIC TO CaliforniaoOfogon " NO DETOURS 1 la Chang of Cart "Th. Qvirland Rout." a!l the way. City Ticket Office, U24 Farnaffl St Vkeae Jla. don't miss THE MAIN CHANCE WtlBwIlT v: The Origin of a deal ofj matrnais, ta MtMl, ' , aaraar eat aade Wa. i the moat favorable terms. Railways are caking much new equipment, glvir.g this branch of a eel products a better tons than other deparimcnts. wnlle more orldge en trails are blng placed. I'la.ea are iiny si-ud, but In bars and sheets there Is no a ".Ivlty. proeTe.ji in agricultural sections Is closely il'-M, as a lerge t .nnage of Iron and st-el Is dependent upon s iccess on the farms. Lower freight rst-s made It feasible to reduce prices or ptg iron, par ticularly at the south, but no :urther con ceptions are expected. Textile manufacturer report no increase In biminees and fibbing tra le Is lees active. Another sharp fall In raw cotton has not mimulated maker of goods, nor ere buyers disposed to be any less c nervative. A frem ral lower level or q-iot.ttioiia ror tne eading farm staples was moil encouraging. It lndi. attng that supplies were c m.ng freely to market and test I Ami to the grow ing confidence in ample cropa Speculative control ceased with the marketing of greater quantities than the manipulators could handle, and the great trade always nourishes better when normal Influencea prevail. Iwer prices also attract pur chasers abroad, and foreign commerce will t stimulated. A moderata recovery lata In the week was natural, aa fluctuations were aufflctentlv narrow aa to bring out some manipulation. r'at!ur this week numbered 9 In the T'nlted States, againat Hi last year, and seventeen In Canada, compared with twenty-one a year ago. BEST TRADE I THE WEST. raraaka aiv Una, Aeeerdlaa; ta Bradatreet, Assoaa; Beat states. NEW TORK, Oct. I. Bradstreet's tomor row will say of the condition of trade: Trade condlMona are still Irregular. Busl nesa Is of fair volume, but not so active as a year ago, partly because of the back ward season, heavy rains interfering with crop movement and collections, vexatious labor troubles, past and present, discourag ing building operations and the spread of the conservative feeling among buyers, based upon stock market liquidation and the feeling that high prices of many prod ucts will tend to automatlca'ly check con sumption, if it haa not already dona so. Many underlying conditions are, however, still favorable. First In Importance should be reckoned the decidedly better tone of advices from the corn crop, which haa de veloped a larger yield and a better quality than waa earlier deemed possible. Special inquiry by Hradetreet's points to a yield of at least 2.SU.44.VI0 bushe s of a grade gen erally far superior to that of a year ago. lwer prices for thla and other cereals and for cotton, whose yield will be smaller than seemed probably a month ago, seem likely to help our backward errvrt trade In these products and Improve the foreign exchange outlook. Collections, too, though tsckward. are Improving aa the grain and cotton moveoiects expand, r - The volume of tiOslnesa doag-by t he rail roads la excellent, though the familiar car shortage trouble Is looming up despite im provements In terminal facilities. The growing weakness IneMg Iron, though on the face of It unfavorable, will have the effect of shutting off production to the ex tent of I,(M).M tons for the last quarter of the year and of ending foreign Imports. Two Important Industries, those of shoe Cs Cbangt ef Roads sunea f Saddles and JFino Harness LAROE5T STOCK IN THE CITY " Jiobos, lnnoy Ilorso ;CoocIs, Suit Cases and raJIesj"jijir AT A REDUCTION . Alfred Cornish, Tel 2JI4. 1213 farnia Street fnanufactirlrig and of anthracite real, neve been and are d'Hne; well, thoicn tnimnt of profit are smaller. Th" dowr. ward alr a In raw material la. in fact, a aigmnr.am f tare. The best trade advice eome from It southwest, notahly st Kansas 171 fy and Ft. lxvila . from the wesaern sextons, such an Nebraska and Iowa, where corn I turn ing out better than expected: from the pa cific coast, where trade ta still unqualified: good despite the slowness of new wh-at and other crops to move, and from portions of the south, such as the Mississippi vsl tey. where prent prtree for cotton o!Ter good return for fair yields. Havy rains have Infer'ered with threeh Irig ef spring wheat In the northwest and retarded trade and collections. while weagher at the et haa also been onfsvor hle to trade, reduced st some large cities by Impaired buying ability growing out of strikes New Tnrfc and Philadelphia bual ne with dry gooda Jobbers Is bmckward. and suptilementary demand for cotton, wrolen and knit goods from wholesalers is unsatisfactory. Central western trsde re ports are spotted Chicago reports dmand for dry goods tapering ofT. I,tilvi!le re- rnrts the tobacco trJ unsatisfactory and hrrsheads of western tobacco In warehouse at IJverpool without offers. HI lit EM AT THE t l KARHu IIOI SES. Traasaetlaas of tk Associated Baaks Dart a a; th Past Week. STTW YORK. Oct Tbs following table, complied by Pradstreet. shows the bans clarlnrs at the prlnclpsl cltlea fir the wek ended October I. with the perrentags of Inf rease and decresse. as compared Willi the corresponding week last er year: CITIES. Clearings I Inc. Dec. New York ... 'hl'"flgo lioston 13 S 2 t -J l-l J-H! i.i ?;.i" .. 115 ixl 1SI .. 4...:i 32. 4 411 ffi.S.JP l.Vi ' i ft J. K1' IS ll.4T V9 . HW.K 11 14. S- r. . t T"l Ii.4T 5Ti.D) . 'a y is.; t&tsi 4 S'J -14 s.ins.iTa, t :.t.i s.fi.y 4 .VC V i.(J 4.WT.J0 .3.0M 4. ,-.:: 4 1) -m . i :4S 344, I.731.WS ijm :r . ts3.fi24 . I.04.3S. I H4.Ti4 l..96. 173ST4 17Si.39"t 14T( i.447.2ia;. 1.43. ) 1 JUS4 :.sa)'. 014 "7 1 S41.9t7'. I 1M.R.VI'. l.Seo. 15i 1.73.4J! 1.JK9.M4' l.l.ll l.Xi.ft . 1.2H4.44S, r:i'. 1.0iiL" . 1.213.044! , 1.46.).i l,i.3fi2i i4.?) . .!. SitJll ,-. . 67.0iSi. . 7i.veri 6.'4.li. m.t&' ' 3T.Oi' m.tTTrt', . 4ajy:i 417.13r 4:5. Wi i7.s; 1.3u6! i!7.46i! 5.71 . T.1.2M. 141.4 133. i lLail.wW'. 11 . Philadelphia . ...I 15 1 . . 3 . .7 . 4 t . lb 1 . .7, . i a s . 14.4V. . ..I . 10.5 . ....I 1J 7 . 2 0 . 11 1 . . 13 . a 4 . 4.72. 13 4 . 6 7 . 0 . r, i . ". . 1 4 . 10. 7j. " 4 . 14 2. flt Iiiia Pittsburg San Francisco ... Italtimore Clrdnnatl Kansas City Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans D-trolt Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo St. Paul Indianapolis I.oa Angeles Ht. Joseph Iienver Richmond Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah Memphis Albany Salt l-ake City .... 1 i. ii Portland Ore Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta i iee Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane. Wash..., Grand Rapids .... Bloux City Springfield, Mass.. Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester Augusta, Ga Portland. Me.. . . S.-ranton Topeka Syracuse Evsnsville Wilmington. Del.. Birmingham Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knorvllle Macon , Wtlkesbarre Akron Springfield. Ill Wheeling, W. Va. Wichita Youngstown ...... Helena Lexington Chattanooga. Lowell New Bedford ..... Kalamazoo Fargo. H. J Canton. O Jacksonville, - Fle tireensbuTg Pa. Rjckford. Ill Springfield. O liingharaton Chester. Pa Bloomlngton, lit., Qutncy. Ill Sioux Falls. 8. D. Mansfield. O Jacksonville. III.. it ii .t a 4'. 1 2 . 12 1. l.Sf. . 12.71. 34 S . . 34 i 14 1.4 . 16 1 I 1 44 . 40.81. 20 0 . 1 . K.S . I 12'. 1 . 15 7 IT. I i 45 1 .. 7 !.. .,.. "ii:!:: t 4,.. 3'.. B.S .. 4.1 :4 "i:i 17 .'d. "i.il. 43 '. 1T4-. 17:. 4 6:. 12 3 . 4 5. ts 43.71. 9.1 . 'i.i Fremont, Neb 42 :. 14 . 5 3 . 41.4.. ILtlca IDecatur. Ill tOuilveeton "otals. 1. S.. Outside N. V. ... t tW.179.475'. ... b.728.730i 11.? I . CANADA. CITIES. . Clearings Inc. Dec. Montreal Toronto .. Winnipeg: Halifax ... Ottawa ... Vancouver B.C Quebec Hamilton . St. John. N. B. . Victoria, B. C London Totals. Canada Balances paid In cash. Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. I Not Included In totals because of no com parison for laat year. Gets 914MMM4 Tear Because ha haa m keen, clear brain In vigorous body. Electric Bitters give both. and satisfy or bo pay. Try tbem. toe ror sale by Kuha tt Co. ' EVENTS ON RUNNING 'TRACKS Tkree Faverttea Wis ait Marrla Park Rssslag Deer la tka Mat. KEW TORK. Oct. J The track at Morris Park was deep In mud. owing to trie heavy rain ol last rugnt ana tais morning, lie- suits: l-lrst race, two and one-ouaner miles. hurdle: Charaalnd won. Oihson Light sec ond. Cryptogram third. Time: 4?V Second race, six and one-half furlongs. Selling: Deuelist won, IvM-kel second, High lander third, lime: Third race, selling, six ana ene-naii rur- longra: Monadnock won. Thistle H'atber second. Flag Officer third. Time: 1:SV Fourth race, the Withers mile; Ormondes flht won. Fa'.etie second. Champiaia third. Time: 1U. urih race, t oranam nanatcap. seven rur. longs: Young f4enry wn. Grenade second. Viraltn third. Time: i.sv . Fmh race, one snd one-half mls: Krty Eve won. Caoghnewaca second. War ranted third. Tune: lV ST. Lot Id, 4c J). Heeults at the fair grounds: First race, seven furlongs: Elle won, puxWhorn second. Thank, Heaven third. Time: 1J1V Second rce. one mile: Captain Gtnn won. Chandoo second. Quiet third. Time: l:5Vi. Third race, six furlongs, handicap: Ml.s Crawford won, Mair 1 el ham second. Ben A-lkins third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, one and three-sixteenths miles, handicap: Joaie F won. Dan Mc Kenaa second, Taby Toaa third. Time: 1 -t-S Firth rare, seven furlones: Alcorn R. won. Tempt second. Axsres third. Time: 1:11. Sixth race, six furlong: Gua Lanka aron. Jen C,rvler second. Sid Silver third. Time: 1 17 CHICAGO. Oct. t Results st Worth: First race, six furlongs: The Hebrew won. Oudon second. King Ellsworth third. Time: 1 20v Second race, six furlongs: Buroie Run ton von. Sohwaibe secoikl. Qypseeae third. T"rie: 1:17. Third race, ore taller lampoon won. Mr. single second. Tancred third. Time: 1.4 Fourth race, ore mile and seventy yard: Proceeds won lv Way second, C. B. Csi-hell third. Time: 1 S?V Fifth race, aia furlongs: Cro Betsreea won. kfvroB I le ssouad. ImnganjiiMa third. Tl"e: 1 1V Sla'h race, one and eme-slxfeMh titles: An flee won. Cnpsss second. Evelyn Byrd third. Time: 1:37. Stadeaite Kre-rt lesckrn. eeT'Ol.rSIPia. at.a. rvt a iMecial Tel. fan V Sew bleackers were e.e-varT r jhe fat-t bell giree t be r!aed at te eu:versMy It.U '.il aai It wa deetred in ava ihr-ra rnflT f-ia use rn the .-.- .m ef trie eaiahe U-ivera t'ie a4e e.iHf v and llrliui-! I' f und -!' ie t- ae-iu a swlt'.e&t Bumtaf of carueoiera 23 S-4.1Wf I 1 f lS.457.96r I 17-1 M7.C14! t 4! 1.I7.Mi 4 0' 1 1S: lit 7 .5m 031' 14 3 10S.S63' ll.t i..a si t l.51.43S' 1 32 P4.0S' 13 S9.5io; 14 1 .1 54.234.147; 14 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE ! 4 FILL OF GOOD THINGS! tTry week. The Illustrated J Ilea Is a welcome rUitor la 4 tho'itul of honH-a. It la a maea- tine psrtlmlarly for fti home- Hr- J J viT-. Sim 1 1 .rminj rn LI r K 111 the edification and Miht of flio "mi live at iiomr. run me wav- i ftnr, too. if he l!kmt the tt -t I texts, Tr.mpflnl rj lllotntlons f . i a. . S I iieivr iroiu ejirfniinj iiKtiirni pn, s will And Tie Illnstm tp.l IW to hit 1 1 Lr i r, v T n.l. -,. II m ... 4 BiMn. ,JI i IB ,,111 null ll. 1'H. titjt never trlth the mToly en satlonal. It I printed for the IwV of critical readers, and la al witi a carter thst n,ir lx t,lsie.1 In the ha nils of anyone. Hat b we-k j i it pnntTS somfiuinir new to its a I readers, and the forthcoming nnm- br will I no esrer.tloo. J t nltABA'S FESTIVAL WEEK hw eroo t " to be mura than a mere local I irmtltatlon, and really 'wloiitrs to the f territory from whfcli the ;ate f'lty 4 drmws If a trade. People fwm for hunlrels of rui!fr to Join la the t relelimllon and etijoy the carnival featureji. Thee carnival fentiirps were In a larpe measure retlewM f by the atafr tihotocrapher and his camera, and with the aiitoiuntiil J ani aoirners mat were in tne Kf'at 4 d.iyllsht parade, make up a spleri- did double pace of Illustrations. I r'HIG AI-SAR lEU A10 HIS CONSORT graclouely sat lor their pic tures, and their fates will add 'o the illunrination of the hk-s of The Illiifttrated Ii-e. tther Illustrations will Include a portrait (front jmife of Mrs. V. II. Cole, president of the Omaha Woman's tlub and of the National Auxiliary to the Hallway Postal Clerks' Association; "The 1 wenty-jeconi mianiry, l. . A-. 4 with Illustration from photos made 4 at Fort Pnink- "Tie T eke Mnhnnk Indian Con fere nee," with Illustra tions from photos made at Ijike Mobonk; -Copenhatren as a Bnsl ness Center." with illustrations, made from photos taken in Copen hagen (Frank ii. Carpenter's !et ten; the? Omaha police force In a kIUUK ' " ll k V M.I i- . pectlon; a group of the Couimer- clal club and IJve" Mtivk exchansre invaders of Iowa, and other la- J tresting pictures. t ' t t 4 L'STE.1 CBAMBEILAI the aon of Joseph Chamberlain, who Is now one of the central figures of the world. Is the subject of a sketch, which pives konie lda of the nature of the father and the son as well; Rastrsa, the port the Turks coald not conquer, is to!d aitout In a speciat article: the fight between a Wyorulnir cowboy and a irrixtly bear I. Ersphlcally de scribed by an eye witness; the It turtrated Woniflp's.' deptirtment ts complete; another '.nstallment f the Voos aerial I fijreh, and all the regular dcartmenta . have . been given the usual care. .If you are not now a, subscrtUY you should order the jiaper from your news dealer JoUay. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE to do the work and the faculty has excused the atudents In the engineering depart ment from their studies long enough to enable them to construct the seats. The entire clas accepted the opportunity and Is bow busy at the work, promising to have It doue In time for the game. NATIONALS DEFEAT AMERICANS Ck lease Sees Tklrsl Shateet at Lauter Teasa la . Series ( Gaaaea. CHICAGO. Oct. . In the best played game of the series the Nationals t,dy gave the Americans their third shutout. Barring a little wiMne.-w. it was s trier I y a pitchers battle, with both twir'.ers al most perfectly supported. The only run s -ored resulted from a stngle. a g-.ft. Owen unfortunate wild pilch, and an out. Attendance, ll..). Score; NationaU .... 1-1 3 1 Americans ... t 4 4 M 1 ll Batteries: Nationals. Lundgren and Kling; Americans. Owes and Sjllivan. Vmpires: tUieriuan and Johnstone. Time: lOL - ' PaatsieBie tVaasee. PrTTSBCRG. Pa.. Oct.- t Pltuburg- Boeton world's championship games p.iet poned until l.mwrrus on account of cold weather. CLEVELAND. O.. Oct. JX Cleveland Ctrtclnntl game postponed on accuunt of wet weather. taala ( 4ke Teasaa. Standing of jpwt seasoo aeries let ween Microbes and White Sox: W. U Chicago CNatlonal) - 3 Chicago (AnKMcau) v 3 i For tr.e chamijtor.nn'.p or t.ie woria: Pttiburg (National) 1 J b oet on 1 America n J 3 For chamr'oh-hip of Ohio: Cincinnati iNati.'nali 1 3 Cleveland (American) ..- 3 3 In the St. L. uia series.: St. luU (Amrw-an.i .3 8t. Louis (NarjonAlr 4 3 In the PtaHd-itihla series: Philadelr-hla Nati-.naI t 1 PhlUd.lphU (American) 1 3 tats Ball laiaatea tei Meet. CINCINNATI. Oct. JX August Hermann, chairman of the National Bali coti- miselnn. has called a meeting of th boJv for this citv Or-ioher H. The meeting will be held at the St. Nicholas .hotel and Preai. dent Harry C. Putnam of the National league and Ban Johnson of the American league will be present. A committee of the National Association of Minor Leagues wtll also be here on the date named, as fifteen cases of Importance Involving pUy era are to be decided. Btala Delays Teaals Flaalm. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. tRain today prevented play In the Intercollegiate ten nis tournament ot the grounds of the Merlon Crick t club at Haverfnvt. Weather permitting, aa early start will be made toanorrow. so ss l wind up the louroa Bent this week. MISSOURI HAS AH EARTHQUAKE Tare Dlsllaet Iketka Are Felt 1st tke telatty t Twwraa et NEVADA. Via . OcU. s. Tkree disii8a-4 earthquake skerka wers felt kere earty today. . . . - - v- The aaoaeiaeot sal froaa Weaat te eat Nt daaaage aeS dvtbs. DAS K. MAKES SEW RECORD Pace 0s Via t FagOV falteT TlaJ Prsrioii B'tt lima. UXIMGTOH SEES SO VIE f AST TRAVELING Deveraas'e tVeldlsa Hr sees Werlg's Reerd. ewlag 4he Dtetaaee la Xe3-4 aad Beetles; Greeatlae. LEXIXOTOV, Ky.. Oct - tboaaa4 people braved the tiling west wind today ta e Caspian, an Ohio horse and second favorite In the betting, win the fifteenth Transylvania H The best time was 1 a". Hawthorns, favorite In last night's pooling, made a poor showing The weather seemed to re against her. Caspian Is the horse of which It haa been aaud that he cannot go more than tw beats, but ha went three today and won the first and third with ease. Kent, which took second money, waa pur chased from DVk Donley of Wichita. Kan , by E. E. gmathers, f-,r H.SA iust before the second heat and made a strong bid for first place In this hil. The feature of the day outside of the Transylvania was the new world a record. mde by Ian R-, for a pacer, a mile to a wagon. ran R. went the second heat In I o4. There were bat two entries for the 1 free-for-all pace for amateur drtvere. C. K. O. Hillings drove Greenllne and II. W. tev eraux drove Dan R . In the first heat. In the first hat Dan R. broke before reaching the quarter pole and Oreenllne forged ahead a hundred yards At the quarter stretch Dan R made up good distance, but was still trailing three lengths behind. A hun dred yards from the wire he caught Oreen llne ar.iJ !n a drlvlrur finish beat him out by a seek In I li'v, going the last quarter In H seconds. In the next heat Dan R. led from start to finish and went the ml! m 1 r4V beating his competitor by several lengths. Norrle won the J 13 class trotting, purse K.OOQ. in three heats, allowing one beat to y to the favorite. Grey Gera. Great Bptrlt took the 2 IS class trotting, purse tl.oro. in ltralght heats. , Directum Miller, favorite, sroa the l:tf class pacing, purse Corn, a two straight heals. Summaries : First race. I. IS class, trotting, purse. fl.nr; Norrle. b. g (Shanks! 1 I 1 Gray Gem ro g. IW. McD-wialdV. lit Varlon Wilkes, b m (McDonald). 4 4 t 1 Tor-ey. b. m. ( Smith 1 I t t Rihuola. h. m. (Senders) 1 11 I 11 fe Ouestor. b g Geers Mil Walter Smith, btk. g ( Rethausev). 4 1 T 1 Pi:g. sr. g. (Merrtfleld. .11 1 Fa 4 Guy Fortune eh h. (Hadson)....! It Tonso. ro. g. rFeneloni t P0M0 Rico. b. h (J,hrsoni I I 11 M Time: 3:imi. 1:10s. l:Me. 1:11 Second race, 1.23 class, trotting, purse, fl v'.i: treat Spirit, br. m. (Marvin) Ill undry Hoy, b. g. (Thomasi........ 13 3 Bermuda Maid. br. m. 1 McCarthy). U 1 1 John Caldwell, b. g. (Thompson).... 3 4 4 Tongs, br. m. Geers 4 17 Grocery Maid. b. m. (Real tit KIrkwood. Jr.. br. h. (Dlilon) f It The Creecent, b. h. (Tappr f T Bessie Kenney. b. m. irreeman).. T 11 t Miss Prlmlty. br. m. (Wehster) 11 t t Eunice ii , blk. m. (Bull) 10 14 M G-orge M.. ch. m. (HUtt)..., die Time: 3:11. 1:14V Ml 1:14V Third race, .the Traoalyvaala. 1:13 trot, purse. Caspian, b. g. (B. Shank 1 I 1 Kent. ch. g. (Brtghenfleldi 1 1 1 Dillon Boy. b. h. (Walker) I t 4 Hawthorne, ro. m. (Hudn) 1 7 I John Mc. b. g (Millan) 4 4 I George Muscovite, b. h. (Bond) t t 1 Kinney Lou, br. k. (Dobl -S tdr Time: 1 11. t.-(H. IiUS Fourth race, 1:1) class, pace, purse, S1.400: Directum Miller, br. h. (Cox) 1 1 Faattne. b. so. (Jones) ........ t 1 C. O. D, ch. g.. Nove) . i ,3 Reaver, ch. g, (Spencer)...'-, ...4 I Ethel Mc. ch. m. (McCarthy) 41 4 Dutchie Mowry, b. g. (Pennock) 4 3 Gaiety, b. f. (Horine) t 4 Stein, b. g. (Ervlne) 1 T Redrlrd. b. h. (Newton) t t Rilph. b. g. t Burns 1 W 1 UrT Gordon, b. m (Hudson) 3 dis Go Direct, br. h. iCarnaXh.An dia Charley C-. blk. g Rea) dls Cotillion, b. g iSnnwi dig M ner Muk. b h. (Horine) dls Time: J:l. lMV Fifth rai-e. free-for-all pacing to warnn: Dan R. ch. g. cH. Devereauxi 1 1 Greenllne b. r C. K. G. Billings)..! 1 Time: S:US. TARKI0 AND CREIGT0N HERE alaasirlaaa Will Meet Oaaaka Cellege Elevea eat tk Letters' Crtdlrea. Tarkio and Crelghton will meet on the field of battle today at 3.30. The mas ters of the gridiron from Tarkio college, Missouri, are coming to scalp Crelghton and the affair will be fought on Creightorj field. The visiting team la especially strong this season, having a majority of Its old players who returned to college to finish the course. Crelghton haa also proved Its strength and a hot contest la looked for. The lineup follosrs: Crelghton. Position. Tarkkv Rooney lft end ..Sutherland Crelghton Left tackle Wi.ee NuKoly Left guard Moore Kane Center Collins Kennedy Right guard Stewart Ivimphier Right tackle Ferner R.igers Right end Moyle Callahan Quirtertvack Nlcol McGovern Right halfback Una Keh,w Left halftrack . . Laiaer Weld Fullback McPbersoa Horae covers made to 1 your koraa v m. 11m 1 ui suu e imig vw., aii i Harney streets. I ODLY S5.O0 ROUQD TBIP onestee OCTOBER 14 Special train 3 p. m. from Webster Street Station. Special entertainment and FREE transporta tion to the Rosebud Reservation. ODLY SGLOO ROULID TESiP THE NORTHWESTERn LITJE City Offices. 1401-1403 Fornam Stroot. saw. re famous the world ovtr Mcn, and it is the low fuel which makes Jewel Stoves r Ranges the cheapest on the market. , The Ash Pan I . ... the story of the mstefu!ness of the averag stove or range. There it no etoaoniy at any price Look for th name "Detroit on every gtnuirv ceft a tubttitite. 1 .. c -- " 1 Jewel ere sold sad reewaaaaeseVrd by Conklin Hardware Company. Zl 4 1 avert (DISEASES OFH DO NT WAIT until jvar whole systra ta potlnted with dlsea se. or ontll roar nerroos sytaxn Is tottering- under the strata, and you become a pbff.cal n1 mental wrck, nnCt for work, bustaesa, ttodj or marrla fe. With tpex-tai dis ease and weaknesses of men yon ran tnako M eompromla. Ton most con quer them now by the right treatment, or they will ail jttnr whole life witi fall are, misery and woe. L'nrrrtnia. Im proper or half-way treatment ran only a hern. Every afflicted man owes tt tc himself, bis family and to the future getveraiion ro gtn ccra Miiti ana y Jhorwaghly. I cure by res tori n a aiyl j.., yissi tiny LntporLant oryx n a. I do not Mnla tkeir matliatVva car deetroctioa In an effort to make a quick cure. I WILL CURE YOU I 3CAJK.E RO ntLJBaYII0 STAT EMtTTt we taeavtiTa sr.taahlesa tk aalteeeel. aeirhev I srswiat raft tkeasa I A fstw DATS la rdsw sassrs tketr seiteaae, kwt I arwairawtee CO sn.ETt t A W"B AID UITHO CXmai la tk nCKtlt IMtttlSLB T1MC w I fate el lasr. laaj twfwrtewa a tev-e STeerts la tk ay art earn. aa af tk low eel esat 9 ss at Site tear Btmtirr. IKllUTl aad f ICXKlfFVL, ItUtTICCS. I ear ejsitwklr ataa aaviely. STBlCTtRL VABICOCtlf. MRVO-StXtAl DtBlUTY, EMIS SIONS, IMP0UNCY, CIO0D POISON (S1PHLIS), RICTAU sCIDNCY AND IR1Y4RY DISEASES. and ail dlseasea and weaknessta of 9in las te Inheritance, evil habits, sx a as 1 ae or the reeiit 04? spectfle dlseaeea. CMSULTITlOa FREE Wi.Vn.S.3f,SlS fSJ. State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Fa mam 8Lf Bet, 13th and 14th Stav, Omaha, Neb. A Corner Suite Facing Farnam Street This suite consists of a -raiting room and two prirate ofScts, a small laboratory or cloak room and a large burglar proof raalt. There La no handsomer offices in The Bee Building The adte Is pertlcnlariy well adap ted as the offices of two doctors, law yers or dentists. Tue rent Is $ 00.00 r-r month. R. C. Peters 5cCo.. . Rental Assent. LAND SEEKERS' EKGURSIQN TO THE OLXP COAST IN TEXAS OCTOBER 20th ONLY $18.85 TO OALVESTON A.ND RETLRN Buy your farm on the Gulf Coast in Texas, wbere the land, cost or e-ti lr-1 aa much and yiead three times the incoene of the best Iowa anl Neora.tka farms. ati4 where the gulf breeae keeps the summers cmj4. the winters srmraa. ttw u pure and the climate healthful. You can ralae scything you (ilcaae anl have ail the comforts aad luxuries that make life woeta living The following are results dertvdl from the culture of rtcs Kit season: J Leach made tS.T" or? 1 acres. R. Hlgby made t4..W "ff a.:re. O. Johnson, made tS.Ui.au WS 11 acres. ' IL B.a. k anade tl.U off TT acres, kiaay ethers are aa.g equally well. SEND fuR PAMPHLIIT. D. W. OTIS. Land aad Emigration Agt frmthern Pacifle R. R. U3 Pearl St.. CjcscU Blua. Ia. ANOTHER EKGURSIOM ftd bills and Tells In buytrt a poof ttot this trade marie and Stove WorkJ,,, cut JeweL Doot ac at Street. Oaaaka. Croond Floor Bc BatilJiox. TO my 1 r - . - . st 1 v l.f.H'-. I 4 iffy sFU w v jaw JF- -a. "J- 1 S V"fz0c2 D