TTTE OMATTA DAILY HRE: FRIDAY. (M7TOHEK D. Li 11 if B2SB 1 V JO l I ! WllUaslll WM ali!o nnnpnri sai f Deposit Your loney In Our Hank 0 4 per cent Interest Paid AK-SAR-Bi: fttl.K WUUI Via vriMH If? c.r n .n HCt'r-rrrsA We Invite All Visitors to Omaha to Make Themselves at Home in Our Store AYc feel sure you will Appreciate the many advantages of trading at the greatest store in the west. The great va riety of stocks and the remarkable bargain prices make it much to your advantage to visit ns. . SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY Heavy 54'inch cloth tailoring goods, medium weight dress stuffs, every "I f Q color worth $8. 50 to $4.25 a pattern, ttt C7 Very fine class goods, e very A Full Dress Pattern at $1.98 Entire Dress Pattern at $2.98 weave and color, positively worth $5. 00 Q O am7 ifM 4 ftf AH niftAm mt . - CaVtrU lV IP W I tWf W www ar - Velvet Waist Patterns at $L98 Entire waist pat terns of metallic and gunmetal velvet, 20 1 QQ different styles, worth 14, at M.z7kj MILLINERY EVENTS FOR FRIDAY Trimmed Hat Special In the Basement A very stylish trimmed hat of velvet, breasts, beads, etc., a regular to.OO value. 249 Jaunty Ready-to-wear Hats in all the late styles, Tery stylish and hundreds of becoming modes, basement tO 98c Tlr mined Hats at $3.49 On second floor we show a remarkable stylish effect in trimmed hats you could not duplicate elsewhere zlQ for less than 7.60, aa a carnival special Os -4 z7 A auperb ostrich $3 .00 ry AC Small ostrich plume, C plameat food stock -a-CJC Ladies' Tailor-Hado Suits & Skirts Ladies' atid Misses' Goll Skirts at $1.93 made . in new styles and colors, fashionably made, medium and heavy mannish cloths, worth $3.50 1 OQ and fi.00, at Basement Suit Special a very attractive suit made in the late fall cloths and colors, this year's QQ styles and very serviceable for street wear, at O Fine Fur Scarfs large full fox and American mar tin scarfs, two large brush tailors, sable and A Q ft Isabella collars, a carnival week special, at. . O ?f. Ptuu&ti tt pant Jl. $L 2nmt & pan JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE x Ak-Rar-Ben visitors are kindly Invited to Inspect our line line of Hamilton. How ard. Elgin, WalUiam and Swiss watches In solid sold, sold filled, silver and silverlne rases, all alsea. aa well aa ring, broaches, stickpins, chains. lockets, charms, etc. A ' full line of silverware also In stock. Prices lowest. Will not be undersold. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol jlVB. Tel. 1574 flQCK ISLAND TO CUT TIME Will Jatrodaca New ScaedaU Saaaay Imareaalaa Speed mt Omaha Dcaver Trains. A new schedule will go into effect on the Rock Island on Sunday. . This will only uffect trains west of the Missouri river and aaveral important changes are contem plated. The running time of the present No. is to be cut down by about three hours between Omaha and Denver. This train Is now due here at 5.06 in the evening Hiid U is proposed to have It leave Denver about threo hours later, making up the time along the way, and arriving in Omaha, a:, the name time as it does at present. Change, in the time of No. 6 is also being ronsldered and several other trains will also be affected by the new winter schedule. Homrietkera' Escarslona. On Tuesdays, October 6th and 20th, the Missouri Paclflo Ry. will sell both one wsy and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points in Arkansas, Kansas, southwest Missouri. Oklahoma, Texas, etc. Stopovers allowed on the going Journey. Limit of tickets !1 days. For further in formation call on or address any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass and Ticket Agent, S. R. corner 14th ami Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. What They Demand. Headache, liver complaints, bowel dis orders demand Dr. King's New Life 1111s. They are gentle, but cure or no pay. 2uc For sale by Kubn &.Co. . R. V. COLE. W. M. MCKAT. Cole McKay company, Undertakers and ICmbulmers. 1517 Capitol Ave.. Tel. 64. Notes from Army lleadqnarters. Two days' travel rations were shipped to the Iowa Natlonwl Guard from the United Htates dpot riunmissury, for m enroute lo the Fort Riley army maneuvers. First Lieutenant C. C. Alien of the Thir tieth United HtntiH Infantry reported at army headquarters this morning trom leave tjf abs.Muw and was unsigned in station at l'ort Crook. Proposals have been advertised for by the chief quartermaster of the Department ft the MitsMiurl fur the removal ol the old hmia on the triaiiRular piece of property recently acquired by the government be tween thx quartermaster's depot and the railways In I hi city. The buildings ure VrarUoally useless old structure and nre to be remove! hi once. In order that the work f building the addition to the quar termaster's depot may be begun at aa early a ii4te as piailkalile. Tho title to the property bus be mi perfeeied and the sala formally consumated to the United titate. Baaaaaa eml-Aaf araelta Coal. No smoke, no elinkering on grates, is par ticularly well adapted to this climate. Dur ing mild weather, when very little fire Is required, by cloning all drafts Bonanza will make a slow, smoldering Are, thus keeping the house at a uniform temperature, while Pennsylvania anthracite will die out en tirely. Price, IH.uO per ton. CKNTRAL COAL AND COKK CO.. Li S. 15th St. Phones 111 snd 1631 Chicago Great Weaiera. Railway. Short line to Minden, Harlan, Manning, Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains each way. Leave Omaha at 4:30 a. m. and t:4S p. in. Leavo Council Bluffs at 6:46 a. in. and 1:10 p. m. For information apply to Geo. F. . Thomas, Oon'l Agt., room Z13, Omaha National Bank building. Omaha. Neb., and 36 Pearl Bt Council Bluffs, la. Notice Koyal Nelffbbors. Members of Pansy camp No. 10, R. N. A., are requested to attend the funeral of Neighbor Augusts Belgel, Friday, October 9, at 2 o'clock, at the residence, 1925 South Twentieth street, to church, Eleventh and Center streets, at 2:80 p. m. MRS L1BBIE STUART, Oracle. MRS.'o. M. GRIMES, Recorder. Kansas City, Mfsaaarl, and Return. Account of the fall festivities at Kansas City the Missouri Paclflo railway will sell round trip tickets at' one fare from October 4th to 10th Inclusive. Limited to October l?th. For further Information call or ad' dress Union Station or City Ticket Offices. S. K. Cor. 14th and Douglas streets. Thos F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent. Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valu able ticketH ever given, absolutely free with every purchase. THE HBLIABLB HTOHC. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY In Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room THI3 TS TI1R ORKATEST HALE OF T OF REMNANTS 1IAVK ACCUMULTKD 1 HAVil BOUGHT FIFTY CASKS OF MIL Ol.OO, and ' Sl.RO Wool Drena Oloods St5c. Remnants of Wlilpr-ords. Henriettas, Pru nella Bulling, Tailor llomls. Voile. Zlbe llnes ami new fall novelties worth from 75o to 11.50 per yuid all will co on flf, this Rule at one price a yard (3C Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 7c, Wc, 16o and 2"c worth three times this price. Five Thoaaamt Itemnants of Klan neletten. Remnants of French find German Flannel ettes extra wide and heavy 191 a fleeced worth lKc Friday ISj"C Three Thousand Remnants of Percale Remnants of light and dark 32-Inch Per- IIEM ALL." MOHF THAN A CARLOAD N THH PAST WKKK. P10S1DKS. WB L ENDS AND OTHER GOODS. cale yard wldo extra heavy Flannelette, Cashmere Plaids and Madrasses worth tip to nineteen cents Friday ; Foar Thonaand Remnants filnghatna. Remnants of llht and dark Dress and Seersucker Ginghams, Royal Piques, extra heavy Flannelettes and yard wide C Percales worth lc Friday 9C 2,noo, remnants of Standard Prints J.pno remnants of Cotton Flannel I,0ii0 remnants of Lining Cambric 74c of Dress 3Sc 31c 2c 2SC FREE, A I5c hat ornnment will be presented to Orchestral music In millinery department every lady visiting our millinery depart- I every day during Ak-Sar-Ben. ment during Ak-Sar-Ben. Special Sales All Day in the Big Linen and Domestic Departments. 5c M l-:tc l inen Crash tic. Ettra heavy all linen Brown Crash worth ti'sc yard at yard 13 Towels lOc. Bleached and Unbleached Turkish Towels and Huckaback Hem Towels up to Iflft 60 inches long worth 15c ut lUb 2 Turkey Red Table Covers 7c. Turkey red fringed Tablecloths "14 yards long guaranteed fast colors worlh IJ. do ns long as. the)' lust T5C tle Mnslin Co. Extra heavy Unbleached Muslin (Indian Head brand! long mill ends worth 3"o yard at C. yard wv Ilemnnnts of Table Linen. l.Xi0 remnants of all kinds of Table Linen and Toweling from Hi to S'.i lengths at half regular prices. ZSC FREE. A 25c hat ornament will be presented to I Orchestrsl muslo In millinery department every lady visiting our millinery depart- every day during Ak-Sar-Ben. ment during Ak-Sar-Ben. Optical Department Special prices all week. Work araaraateed. Latest methods In flt tlnar. Eyes Tested Free. Grocery Department Peaches Peaches The Last of the Season 90c Fanev larpe boxes Freestone El berta Peaches Friday per box A 25c hat ornament will be presented to every lady visiting our millinery depart ment during Ak-Sar-Ben. 2SC FREE. Orchestral music in millinery department every day during Ak-Sar-Ben. Jl L2)U0 Specialty Salesman W anted. An expert, reliable salesman can secure desirable position, salary and commission, selling a line of goods to merchants and local agents. Address, with full particulars, 8 11. Be Office. YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE Our success is due to the high grade work done by 'tho professors of this eollMe. No students. Teeth Extracted Wlthont Pain by Oar New Patent Method. UNTIL OCTOBER 1st, FILL SET OF TF.ETH. .N5. - Ve save brokeh: down teeth. We restore dlhCiVlored tl-etli. We perform all r"ehes 'f t"ntistry. Duaisnieeo KM Save Tour Teeth. Save your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. Wo save old roots. We can save JSb per cent of teeth others extract. ' 10 Years. Vi. -.- - rv, ar nit. In order to give all a chance to consult the professors, wo will continue to do work FRKE, SMAIJ. CHARGES FOR MATKRIAL Call early and avoid the rush. Be sure you are In the right place. We do as we advertise. We have stood the test. Nearly 10.000 patients in last lit mouths. Wo beat tho Jealous, Idle, sorehead dentists and dental see's. Complete victory for tho Union. Teeth Extracted FREE Aluminum Plates from ...... SS.on Flllinaa from -fie Gold frowns from Sli.Nn Net of Teeth, pair 2.0O Silver Plum Crowns Sl.RO OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Open Daily till H. Huntlnya, U to 1. UINON DENTAL COLLEGE 16iiJ DOllil.AS. - - Ak-Hsr-Hts Rail Tlcketa aro NOT transferable and If presented by a1 person not named on the ticket will be taken up and admission refused. Horse covers made to ftl your horsa O ma ha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. , died. 6HKRIDAN John H.. aged 74 vears. at a4 North Twentieth street, of heart fail ure. Funeral notice later. DEPOSITS Made this week draw interest for. the entire month. J. L. BRANOEIS & SONS, BUNKERS. MRS. J. BENSON ft New Fall Waists Silk Crop J China. Mohair, Ktaralne All Over Lara wlUi silk linings specially pretty fur evening wear. Whita Wash Waists with Tertian trimmings. Kid Gloves for Fall Beautiful line of Mocha Gloves for street or drlvlug ii rice. $1.00 and $1.6o; silk UueO. and 1 M and (U.tHX Ferrlus' lresed KI1 (ilovea In all the new shades. 1.00 and $1.50, $1.75. and $2.00; un UreaKed, in black or rolqra, $1.C0 and $2.00. IWt furget we are carrying the beet Una of CHU.DRKN'S CLOAKS and ladles' NECK Fl'Ud la Omaha. REPAIRS For All Makes of Cooks, Ranges, Heaters and Furnaces. A REMINDER Now of getting your stoves snd furnace repaired or 'ooked after; you will And your self in er-st omfort whea the approach tug WINTER sets In. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Are the Stove Repairers. Tel. 960. 1207 Douglaa St. Sixteen Size Watches are right size when you want a medium size watch, combining strength of case with time keeping quality of movement. We have 16 size watches in 14k Solid (iold, Gold Filled and Silver Cases, with the various grades of movements at the lowest prices. BROWN & BORSHEIM, 2TI South 16th Street. Charge Less Than All Others. DR McCREW SPECIALIST Tnatt all an ef DISEASES OF MEN ONLT A Medical Eipsrt. 2 Years Bsper lease. " 7 Near JO.Ooe Caeea Cur. 4 Tutmeto, BrSrw!. blavS i-MMi, Sutclam, uMt. Mhtw txbllllr. ! ! StrMflS aa4 VluO. a ..4 .11 torts' of chreul. Slon.oia kr auil. r.ll or wiiu. So It, m au a. mis si . (Ik SILLY EGOTISM Is all there l to the CLAIM of some drutr emporiums, when they SAlf in Util.U FACK TYFK that tlinir prices i"('A.M)'f BK DUPLICATED IN 'I'll K WlOtiT ' and us to stock, we cull show any Interested parly as many as 60 liOZKN t"iF A KIND, of tho Ktaple articles wo daily advertise. Just cast your eagle eye over these prices Hml then try AM I'l.At'f. IN OMAHA, to et them AS CHKAl. anil If vou do we will iK THEM. TO YuU fr'ek for nothing. :Sc Ueaalne fsslorlu 21c 81.00 tieaulue Terana U7c ai.UO Cienulne 1'lerees Medicines. .UNr Alleoek'a I'laaters, any uuniber, at lite ai.M Falae'a Celery rouipound . ,7'lc Sllc Doaa'a Kldary I'ills :tlc ai.lMI t'oke'a llaadraa Cure Mc Mte Cutteara falte :ittci ft.Otl Temptallon Tonic ii.le f.UU Genuine t lieter' 1'ruiij. roial Fills ai.OO CUT PRICE E. T. TATES, Proprietor. Two Ilionea T4T aad 707. 10th aad Chicago Biraets, Omaha. For Menstrual Suppreisionlsv... ESaSi PEN-TAN-GOT 2 . box . I ouus. tv. Soli In Oaiu kT Storm. Kvuu.ll lln CM M.ll M.rrs Slioa, TroS. ouplto4 SCHAEFER'S RE-DYEING AND RESTORING tlie color uf l'uditl guniu'iils Is one I of our apet-lulties. Wo dye any tiling uuy culor. m1 lo ullt kinds of altcriutf and n-imirlnj; of liotU ladles' und lueu'a upiiurol. Corue In aud tulk to us. THE PAIlTOniUH Tel. Ota 407 Bo 15tb St. OMAHA. 1,150 Men's Fine Suits At 20 Per Cent Under Price TT J E. placed an order with one of ths very best wholesale tai- y lor s in America for 1,150 fine worsted, tweed, cassimere and cheviot suits, to be delivsred September 1st. lhey wsre not delivered on time and the order was cancelled. Ai these gar. ynenls were well under way by September 1st, and were being made according to very exacting specifications furnished by us, the wholesaler offered us a reduction of 20 per cent to take the units. The offer was accsptcd and we now give our customers the benefit of this '20 per cent reduction. They are divided into four lots $7.50, $9.00 $12 and $15. This is the oys9 Store of Omaha It is so because we are doing more than any other store to deserve the patronage of buyers of boys' clothing. Ak-Sar-Ben visitors will save 30 per cent on clothing the boys by coming to this department. All this week. lloj.' Salts fl.HT, Worth f2.BO Made of pure nil-wool blue cheviot nnd cassimere. In th newest colorings, Nor folk made of extr.v heavy weight Oxford breasted style, sizes. 8 to 15 yearsi These suits are ureat hurgulns. Vou must seo them. I'l.'iU values, Us on salo "OJJ Hoys' Halts Worth tXM Made of a very fine nnd select fancy ' cheviots nnd csslmeres. also thlbets; mude nnd trimmed heautlfully; Norfolk, i to rj. douhle-tireasted, h to l,"i. respectfully ask a close examination on these suits, ss the values sre enual to any garment sell ing for t.25 In this city, O l 'lday , -S.OO Hoys' Suits worth 4 .for fajHS. Siade of very line and ' select fancy cheviots and cassimeres, also blue Wash ington Mills cheviot; made nnd trimin"d heautlfully and the lit Is perfect. Nor folk. 4 to 12; double-breasted. 8 O BS to i. wort ii n - BOYS' REEFERS Made of blue chinchilla. 4 to 8 years, special during- this qq IJOVS' r.EEFEItS Made of blue chlnchillu. large storm collar, cassimere lining, sizes S to 15 years, special dur- ( - lug this sale ltOU nors' REEFERS Mads of the finest domestic blue and grey chinchilla, large Pelorm collars, sixes 8 to 15 years, special .rdn'". 2.50 BOYS' O'COATS OV1.RCOAT8 mude of extra heavy wght Oxford b,iult ' and Olive shade liEVIOT. well made and trltrmed. sizes 4 to S years, special O fill this snlo as. till IMIVM L(i OVEIICUATN Marie of plain (trey and- fancv cheviot, padded shoulders and felled collar, lit perfectly, sizes 8 to 13. years, special during s flfk this salo " O.UU 1MIVS' i.ONO OVERCOATS Mado plain and with belt. Plain BToy. Muck nnd fancy cheviots and Irish fi-lcse cloth. Flue farmer satin lining, hand padded shoulders and ii'iieu cellar, s:es to la years. uuriug i this sale 'J .00 SGIIftlOLLER UELLER The Big Piano llouso JT7 a.iis,.s z H.iPHfin&ati i a ..The Last Gall.. of the mammoth lanEirup. Lange fk Ninfon 0 D j ONLY 2 DAYS MORE A FEW PRICES: 5ilhort. walnut upright. .$42.00 Kimball, ebony rK.OO .f. 1. llule, upright .00 Knnbo. rosewotHl 01.00 liltisins & Sons, (upright. new 0800 . Marshall &. WenoVll. upright 322.00 Chlckerlng. Smith Barnfs, Crown, Arion, Muthushi-k. Ivers & Pond, Hradhury, new and used uprights, at 1JS, $157. f 171 to J7 for the best ones. (I NCOR PORAT(D) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE -RETAIL F3 1 X M O S main Houac se orrici: tan raanaai fictory: 13'" '""r TELCPMONB 1S2S OMAHA Sample Jewelry Sale Saturday we place on sale a large line of samples, consisting of Rings, Jewelry, gllvewcar, etcWhich will bo sold nt less than of manufacture. Attend this sale If you want goods for almost nothing. Mawhinttey & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers. 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. LINCOLN, NEB tsa a. iith t. TO CO. BLUFFS, I aoa aaosDW Til. IMpatr atate Tatartnanaav Pood Inspeotoc. n.L.RU!&CCI3TTI. D. V, S, CITT 'VICTKRINAJUAJf. Offiea aad Ioflrmary. aKh ana Rasoa ft Jsei TaUDsaaa 1 Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. Bea Bid . Room 7. Tclephona 701 Vt tbv. ateryaClsrk. La If Schller. If You Are Looking For FURNITURE RUGS DRAPERIES We can interest you we have the goods we know will please you. They are made right have design and finish and our prices will surprise you for high class goods. ' ' . , BAKER FURNITURE CO., 1315-1317 FARNAM STREET. A BANK ACCOUNT la good thhisr-lf you r-aolc in tho njfht way. Bank your money in DIAMONDS with us. SUAE THI NC-'ncroaslnt' in value all the time. A small, secure, compact investment easily negotiable. OP POSITE THE POSTOFFICE and to be had from 3 TO 3SI.OOO. ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler. 07 NORTH 8IXTEEXHH 8T. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. vn del 7r ntirl rs, m. w,- -w ' m.j m. m Fne Mn masts IN THE CITV Hobos, JPanoy Ilorao Goods, Suit CaaoH and Valis os AT A REDUCTION Alfred Cornish, Tel. 2314. 1210 Farnam Street ' ' 4 OUR WHO WfIT v : The Streets Were Beautiful snd hard to beat so Is our stock . of . Sterling silver, RiliK. Uroachu, Leather Gotsls. nnd tioveltltt we have so many tM-uutlful things this year. rl:-nd 4 fi'W minutes in our store, lxx.k for tlis name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician, IS I Douflas 5traat.