Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Pure and Unmixed
Delicate Aroma.
Really Cheapest In Iteci
Nebraakan is Condemned in Dixie for De
moralising democratic. Party.
Predicts Election of Low In Sew York,
llerrick and Ilanna In Ohio
and I run erd of Munici
pal Reform.
General Charles F. . Manderson hag re
turned from an extended trip throughout
the eastern cities nnd has thia to say re
garding the political situation in the east:
"My first stop on my recent trip was at
the Hot Springs -of Virginia and I waa
there during the meeting of the Virginia
liar association and the American Bar as
sociation. Both of these meetings were
largely attended by southern lawyers and
the marked political feature was the ap
parent losa Of popularity on the part of
Colonel William Jennings Bryan. There
waa much condemnation of the course that
he has pursued in adding to the demorali
zation of the democratic party. I met a
very prominent democrat, who Is a member
of the United States senate and has been
in the past a warm supporter of Colonel
Bryan. He was talking about the scolding
propensities of the colonel and wound up
by aaying: 'It seems to me that Mr. Bryan
might properly be called the administrator
. du bonis non of the democratic party. This
recognition of the political organization as
' defunct and as being without any goods on
' which to administer seems to me to fit the
condition admirably and was worthy of
note ns expressing the view of one of
Colonel Bryan's most earnest supporters In
times past.
Matters Mixed In New York.
"I was in the city of New York during
much of the trouble over the nominations
of Both Low, by the fusion party, and of
George McClellan, by the democratic party.
Tammany forced McClellan on the ticket
. to the dtoguat of Kings county and added to
the demoralization by adopting two of the
candidates of the fusion or reform party.
This seems to have demoralized the Low
" ticket and because of the acceptance by
' these gentlemen of the Tammany nomina
tion they are to bo forced off tho reform
ticket. This makes matters extremely
mixed, but there Is so great a desire for
a continuance of decent municipal govern
' ment In the city of New York that It Is
be'-leved that the Low ticket will be elected.
The situation there, however. Is so greatly
.mixed that no one can predict the result
with any degree of certainty. The desire
for municipal reform and a bettering of
the government of cities Is the thing nont
; to be noted throughout the east. The reve
t latlons In Minneapolis, St." Louis and other
.' places have shocked all decent and think
i tng men. The vast amount of taxes Im
posed In cities, the waste of the money
, collected in maintaining needless offices
and the general Imbecility, if not corrup
tion In the government, la calling loudly
for a reform of conditions.
"As I looked over the badly demoralized
streets of Omaha and realized that It waa
today ths worst paved city of Its alze In
the United States, I felt that there was
need of reform In the town In which we
aro all so deeply Interested.
' "I met one gentleman In New York who
had visited western cities with a view to
- real estate Investment. He told me thai
he had driven about Omaha and he had
concluded that the city must be impover
ished and his back ached, so after driving
for a few hours about the town he
concluded that he would put his money
elMewbere. We are suffering from this neg
lect .of streets and it la to be hoped that
some way will be devised by which these
caverns In the main streets of the town can
be gotten rid of.
llerrick Will Mia In Ohio.
"I stopped at Cleveland, O., for several
days and there had an opportunity to ob
serve the sensational campaign being con
ducted by he socialistic millionaire, Tom
L. Johnson. He is waging a losing fight
and llerrick will be elected governor of the
state by a very large majority. Senator
Ilanna Is making an active canvass and the
legislature will be strongly republican and
Mark A. Hanna will be returned, as he
ought to be, for he is one of the best Bpecl
mens of the buslnexs man In politics. While
all republicans do not agree with some of
the matters he udvocaleii, no one will dls
pute but that he Is a most important factor
In the legislation of the country and Is
earnest and honest regarding Its Interests.
"I know nothing about the local squabble
In Douglas county, but as usual wj seem
to be suffering from harmony that does not
"I do not know what the local press may
suia about me pernicious ana objec
nonutde report made by a lawyer named
Logan of New York City, on the subject of
trade combinations. This man seems to be
a, S'eker for advertisement and the
remedies that he proposed for evils Imagi
nary and real were most absurd. Borne of
the press of the country was of the Impres
sion that the American Bar association had
accepted or adopted his report. It did
neither, but repudiated it by sending it
back to the committee that it might report
again at St. Louis In the year 1904. At that
time and during the International congress
of lawyers that Is to be held as a feature
of the exposition this subject of trunt w 111
be thrashed out by the leading members of
the association, and the remedies proposed
by Mr. Logan will be repudiated."
Grapes Come All the Way from New
York to Do at the
Some nice grapes have come all the way
from New York to help along with the
carnival. They got In yepterday morning, a
whole car of them. These are the very
first, grapes to come In from New York,
and, moreover, the first to come In nice
condition. Tho Michigan grapes have been
socially impossible. Twenty-seven cents
Is about what the wholesale price will
remain at for a few days. The California
grapes have not gone up the way the
Concorda have, possibly for the reason that
they were already fairly wealthy from their
New Chilean walnuts were saying
"Caramba!" along the line at the mel
ancholy weather. They were the very first
of the crop and had hoped to do a big
carnival business. They are only 14 cents
now, but are likely to strike for more, as
the American crop Is short. The only
trouble Is that the Chileans are so dark
colored, and the government will not stand
for any artificial means of lightening.
They came through the San Francisco
customs house.
'The new almonds are billed to begin an
engagement In a day or two. The old nuts
have been getting perilously short In this
locality, but the crop of salted almonds Is
now assured. The Spanish onions are still
popular and plentiful. The price has not
changed. The California oranges continue
very well indeed. They are all cold stored,
of course; the fresh ones having run out
some time ago. But they are very eatable
The market waa poor enough. Plenty
and plenty of fanner vegetables had to re
turn to their homes without doing .any
business. .
Building Permit lamed ' Daaake
Pioneer at " Tweaty-Poartb.'
Rd (irottr.
A permit to build.' a tin am ht-iri k,,
at Twenty-fourth and flmvw 1ret t n v.
used as a printing plant 'for the JDanske
noneer, nas been taken out by gophus F.
Neble. The building will be 36x72 feet and
two stories high. The McCugue Invest
ment company lias secured a permit to
make 4.G00 alterations and' rennlra . a
brick building at 1208-10-13 Harney street.
r ermits to erect 11,500 cottages at Twenty
sixth and Caldwell street. nH am t ....
worth have been obtained by W. O. Ure
ana J. is. Wright.
Accused of Selling Brands Vnder
Counterfeit Labels.
LANCASTER, Pa.-S. R. Ross, manu
facturer of cigars In Lancaster, and his
factory manager, II. 8. Ryder, have been
Indicted by the grand Jury (two Indkt
menta being found against each) for manu
facturing and selling cigars under counter
felt labels and trade marks, all of the
brands being celebrated and used by
owners of imported Havana goods.
One of the brands was "Manuel Garcia"
and one was "La Carolina." both of which
are the property of the Havana Commer
cial Company. Another was "Henry Clay,"
belonging to the Henry Clay and Bock
& Company, Ltd.
Going West This Pallf '
Whether the Journey Is for pleasure,
business or health for a few days or sev
eral weeks nearby, to Oklnhoma or
'cross continent to California It will pay
you In dollars saved, comforts gained and
sights seen, to call or write me, nnd find
out all about the low rate personally con
ducted excursions over the Santa Fe to
Great Southwest and California. E. L.
Palmer. Paaa. Agt., 409 Equitable Bldg.,
Des Moines, la.
Beard of Cotiity Commiraionen Befusei to
Listen to O'Keefls'i Document
Finds the Current Has Shifted aad
that Piers Arc Short the Exact
Anmher of Feet First
Another chapter In the controversy which
has waged before the county commissioners
In connection with the wreck of the big
bridge over the Elkhorn river nenr Elk
City was written yesterday, when the
commissioners refused to receive a commu
nication addressed to Commissioner
O'Keeffe relative to the subject. This com
munication was a report made by Messrs.
J. E. House and J. E. Pletrlck, engineers,
at the request of Mr. O'Keeffe, who had
been charged with having "thrown the
bridge down," ns he put it In the session
of the commissioners.
In their report Messrs. House and Dlet
rlck go Into details In describing the de
plorable condition of the bridge. Facts and
figures are given to show tho faulty con
struction of the piers, the tubes being but
twenty-three feet and two Inches, when the
contract called for twenty-eight feet. The
report also shows that the piles were not
driven to firm strata and therefore do not
extend sufficiently Into the tubes.
What Mr. Edqnlat Foond.
County Surveyor Edqulst also submitted
a communication bearing upon the matter,
having been instructed to do so by Commis
sioner Connolly by . a resolution adopted
by the commissioners on September 18.
This resolution requited Mr. Edqutat to
"make an Investigation of the fill at E'k
City bridge over the Elkhorn river, and
make an approximate estimate of said fill,
and the weight thereof.' In his report Mr.
Edqulst finds that the earth filling against
the southeast tube reached to a height of
sixteen feet from the bottom, against the
northeast tube it was nineteen feet, and
the earth Ailing against the web reached
to a height of four feet. Summarizing the
number of cubic yards and horizontal pres
sure against the two tubes and web, it la
shown that the total pressure Is 37,600
pounds. These figures are based on the as
sumption that earth (common loam) weighs
ninety pounds per cubic foot and that the
angle of natural slope equals 33.41 degrees.
County Surveyor Edqulst was present
during the reading of this report and Was
afterward asked a number of questions by
the commissioners. Mr. Edqulst said that
it would be a hard matter to say exactly
what was the trouble at the bottom of the
tubes because It was an equally difficult
proposition to puss upon their true condi
tion. It wns his opinion that If they had
been in good condition they would not have
shifted. The current of the river had
changed since the bridge had been con
structed, at which time the current ran at
right angles, and now strikes the bridge at
an angle of 60 decrees against the east
side. '
Mr. Edqulst said he found the length
of the tube's to be twenty-three feet and
two Inches; that the specifications called
for twenty-eight feet. At this point Com
missioner O'Keeffe Interrupted to ask
whether Mr. , Edqulst had the contract
embodying the . plans and specification In
his possession, which had been given to
him in August. Edqulst answered no:
He said that the high waters of the floods
had undoubtedly accomplished the doubly
disastrous work pf changing the channel
of the river and undermining the piers to
the bridge, although if the piers had been
properly constructed they would not have
been the victim of the heavy pressure.
O'Keeffe'a Personal Explanation.
After stating that he had been subjected
to considerable criticism in connection with
the Elkhorn bridge, Mr. O'Keeffe said
that if it had not been for him there would
be no bridge at that point today. In the
attempt to place himself in a right atti
tude before the public In this matter he had
hired, at his own expense, two experts to
investigate the condition of the Elkhorn
bridge. Mr. O'Keeffe then handed the clerk
the report of the experts, Messrs. House
and Dletrlck, engineers, and asked for a
reading of the report. His motion
received no second. Mr. McDonald
Inquired whether the communication
waa not addressed to the "Honorable
Mr. O'Keeffe," and when the latter re
plied in the affirmative. It was then argued
that the communication was Mr. O'KetfVs
personal property and that since it had not
been addressed to the board, the commis
sioners were therefore under no obliga
tions to receive it. Mr. O'Keeffe again
moved that the report be received, but his
motion failed to find a second. He then
asked ofr its return and staled that It would
be placed in proper condition for presenta
tion before the commissioners nt their
next session.
In closing Mr. O'Keeffe stated that over
314.000 had been expended in constructing
the bridge over the Elkhorn and that It had
proven a failure. Mr. O'Keeffe said that if
he were spending 314.0HO upon a residence or
any other building, whether It be a matter
personal to himself, or a public utility, he
would observe great care In seeing that the
superstructure had a sound foundation be
neath it.
Mrs. J XV. Griffith entertained last evening
at dinner for the Miller-Tcmpleton bridal
party. The table was simply but tastefully
decorated with brlde'a roses and ferns.
Covers were laid for ten, Including Miss
Templeton, Misses Ooft of Fremont, Miss
Northrop. Messrs. Royal D. Miller, lr.
Brown of Fremont, G. T. Wilson and W.
R. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs Trafford Huteson, who have
been touring central Europe In an automo
bile, were compelled to cut short their trip
on account of the serious illness of Mrs.
Huteson's mother, who lives In Providence,
R. I. Mrs. Huteson has sailed for home
and Mr. Huteson expects to spend Novem
ber and December In Omaha.
John Jackson, former councilman of Bea
trice, is in the city.
Mrs. I.llllun Mauger of Columbus, O., Is
visiting omana irieuds.
Colonel SI. J. Alexander of Lincoln Is an
Dmaha visitor during the Ak-Sur-Hen.
Mrs. J. M. Jones of Beatrice Is visiting
Omaha friends during Ak-Sar-Ben week.
Robert Smith, secretary of the Keyes
jvoveny ana naraware company ol nea
trice, Is In the city attending the Ak-Bar
Ben festivities.
-.r laftf -- - iHli3'ltSWaJ J
The handy way to broil !
Moore's Steel Range.
with Hinged Top.
Just pull the chain and
ua geea the whale Front
Top. Then you can lay
kindling, poke tho fire.
brail or toast, free from
We w tnt to shew them
to you. 30P
Miss Mary Morgan of Omaha, who Is a
student at the Vnlveralty of Nebraska, was
formally pledged to Kappa Alpha "fheta.
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Noyes Baker of Marlon, la,. Is the
guest of Mrs. A. W. Bowman.
Mrs. H. H. Bnldrlge has returned from
the east, having spent the summer on the
Atlantic coast.
Mrs. Howard Kennedy, Jr., has been
called to Grand Island by the death of her
father, Mr. Wllllum C. Cunningham.
Judge Munger left today for Douglas,
Wyo., where ne will bo the guest of his
daughter for a few days, returning the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. Clarence Porter and Miss Bessie
Flanders of Ottumwa, Ia are the guests
of Mrs. R. F. Gilder.
Chancellor Andrews and J. S. Onles of
the State university spent yesterday In
Omaha consulting with the architect of
the new administration building.
Saturday evening a number of the friends
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Patterson surprised
them, it being the fifth anniversary of their
wedding. The party spent a merry even
ing and left a pleasant memento of the visit
in the shape of cut glass and silver.
Collides with Another. Motor, .bat
Only Conductor Is Slightly
In a street car amashup on the curved
track at the corner of Leavenworth and
Twenty-ninth streets at 7 a. m. Tuesday two
open cars were badly wrecked and one man.
Conductor J. II. Walkup, whose residence
Is at 3424 North Twenty-fourth street,
was Injured slightly about the back.
Walkup was In charge of train No. 1, going
north. His train was Just rounding the
turn .at Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth
when It was hit by the car coming down
the street from the north. Motorman H. S.
Rouyer of 1315 North Twenty-first street
was running the train coming from the
north and on the grade down could not
hold It In check. He applied the L.-akes
with all possible power,, but the car sped
swiftly on. In consequence his car left the
track and, crashing into train No. 1, which
It partly demolished, took a header In the
direction of S.-D.. Conn's butcher shop at
2920 Leavenworth . street. The delivery
wagon, with Mr.: Cohn's little son on the
seat, was standing at the curb. It seemedj
for an Instant that the boy, the horse and
the wagon would be crushed, but the car
veered slightly and, - striking the wagon,
crushed the rear end badly and hit an elec
tric light pole, which it snapped in- two as
If it were but a piece of kindling, Tho lit
tle fellow Jumped Just as the collision came
and was not luirt-ln the least. The horse
was slightly scratched. .
In Its flight the car came In contact with
the awning of H. E. LeUge's grocery store,
2918 Leavenworth street, and partly tore It
from its moorings.
Fortunately there were but few passen
gers on the cars at the time and no one
was seriously injured. Walkup was thrown
against a seat In his car when the collision
of tho two cars occurred at the turn and
waa but slightly hurt.
Announcement of the Theaters.
This afternoon and evening the Gideon
Minstrels will repeat their performance at
the Boyd. This Is one of the strongest
organizations on the road, comprising In
Its numbers the famous original Georgia
students and other well known exponents
of black-fact fun. All the flavor of old-
time darkey foolery, plantation and camp
meeting melodies and the latest up-to-date
'coon" Bongs and rug-time music are fur-
nLHb1, with a lot of good things In the
comedy line. Bargain prices at the mat
inee. Popular prices at the evening performance.
Man Sentenced for Nonsnpport and
Abuse of 'Wife Has Ample
Funds on Him,
, For the alleged ill-treatment of his fam
ily and assaulting his wife, Edward Be
bout, whose home Is at 2317 Puclflo street,
was locked Up Monday for ninety days In
the county Jail by order of Judge Berka.
At tho trial Mrs. Bebout testified that her
husband did not provide for his family,
claiming to be unable to do so, and oft
times they went without food. When Be
bout was taken to the county Jail some
thing like tSUO cash was found on him and
he had a certified check, bo the police have
been . informed, for $900. Tuesday an
effort. was being made by some of Bo
bout's friends to have the mayor purdon
him out of Julls but the true status of the
case was told the mayor by Chief Donahue
over the telephone.
Expresses the View that Union Paoifio Will
Beat Great Western,
Looks tor Decision at Next Sitting
of Federal Court In St.
Loala Aboat De.
cember 1.
John N. Baldwin, who represented the
Union Pacific In Its suit In the federal court
against the Chicago Great Western at
Denver, Is home from the west and has
been on a flying trip to Virginia, where
be made an argument before the court of
the western district in the Interest of a big
lumber firm which he represents. Regard
ing the case on at Denver he aald:
"The case was fairly argued by both
sides and all evidence Is In and Is now
being held under advisement by the court.
The court was composed of Judge Sanborn
of Minneapolis, Judge Vandeventer of
Cheyenne and Judge Hook of Kansas. The
latter is a district Judge In his own state
and has Just been appointed a circuit Judgo,
although he has not resigned from the
state bench. I have been looking In the
dark sldo of the glass In this case, but
am of the opinion that we will win It.
"I don't expect a decision until the next
sitting of tho court, which takt-s place at
St Louis about December 1. I can't say
whether tho decision will be a direct one
or not, as the court may reserve Its ruling
and It would be announced at the meeting
of the supremo court. The Great West
ern, In my mind. Is overconfident, but It
remains to be seen Just what the court
will say on the matter."
Ticket of ISo Intrinsic Value.
Judge Llndsey of Denver recently decided
that a railroad ticket had no intrinsic value
and that its sole value Is in the transporta
tion which It represents. This decision was
given In the case of Ralph Reddington
against the Burlington. This man had
bought a ticket to Chicago and deposited
it there as required with the Joint agency.
When he presented his coupon for the re
turn 'ticket to Denver the agent suspected
that he wanted to sell the return and re
fused to give It to him, but offered to put
him on the train and pass him through.
Suit was brought for the ticket, but the
court threw the complaint out and held that
In offering to see that he got a ride to his
home the railroad had performed Its obliga
tion and had perfect right to keep the
B. L. 'vtliichell, vice president and gen
eral manager of the 'Frisco, has outlined
a plan for making the Rock Island sys
tem a great coal carrying route. T"he
'Frisco system has coal at seven or eight
points and each of these Is near an Im
portant market. The most of the coul
will be carried from Illinois to the fa,
northwest, and it is surmised that with
the advantage of several hundred miles of
road, it will be able to make the tonnago
In excess of the 1,500,0(10 tons carried last
year. Previous to the purchase of the
'Frisco by the Rock Island there was no
trade. In coal from this territory into the
northwest, which Is a great coal con
suming country. The cold weather lasts
long and there are large manufactories.
These all use coal and the majority of
them use soft coal. It Is Just simply a
case of trying to supply the coal from the
nearest market.
Itock Island's Receipts. .
The Rock Island system reports Its gross
earnings for August at $4,413,261, an In
crease over those of the year previous of
1433,385. The set earnings were $l,7So,153,
an Increase of $10,136. For the first two
months of the present fiscal year the
gross earnings of the system have
amounted to $8,351,011, an Increase of $742,-
827 The net earnings for the same period
were $2,996,243, a decrease of $204,SS6. The
comparison, however, is somewhat doubt
ful on account of the change in the meth
ods of accounting and expenditures inci
dent to the unification of the different
You It Ink Vour Life
If you noglect piles. They will cause fatal
diseases, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve posi
tively cures or ui pay. 26c. For sale by
Kuhn & Co.
With the matinee this afternoon and the
performance tonight the engxgemnet of
"Two Little Waifs" at the Krug theater
closes. At the matinee today ,the curtain
will not risu .untU after the Ak-Sar-Ben
daylight parade.
The bill at the Orpheum this week Is
coring heavily. It is typically an excel
lent modern vaudeville show, with the
strongest personnel In its makeuo, that
has been here this season. It seems to
be the favorite amusement attraction every
evening for the visitors that have come to
the city to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben festiv
ities, for at every performance so fur the
house has been crowded. Thursday, the
regular midweek matinee will be given.
On Thursday night the performance will
not start until after the parade haa passed
the theater.
The advance sale of stats for "Arlsona."
which opens an engagement of four nights
and two matinees at the Krug theater
Sunday afternoon, is now under way. There
is a very heavy demand for seats for this
play, which will be seen for the first time
at popular prices. '
Butrher Is Mtaslaa.
, Harry Guthrie, who runs a butcher shop
it Twenty-fourth and K streets. South
Omaha, and lives with his family at Twenty-third
and C street, Is reported miwing.
He has b-n gnno for thrne days and his
8'iulh Omaha relatives and friends ra bo
Klimiiig tu worry. His diKuppearauce bas
, MtMirlad to he Ouxaiia. uiIIm, -
Police Court Minora.
Just a few vlolaters faced Judge Berka
In police court when time was called by
Sergeant Whelan, John Rhodes came to
the scratch first. He looked like the third
edition of a wild-west novel after being
passed around among all the newsies of thu
town. Ho had been on a spree axii ad
mit led It, and drew $15 and costs. Tom
Johnson entered tho charmed circle with
a crcc-falleu air and looking like a
drenched chicken after a heavy thunder
shower. It was the same old story: John
son had been drenched, but not on the out
side. He took $M and coats, meekly. Her
man lieuson plcadod guilty to trying to
clean up a mloon iloor at Ninth and Doug
las with hl friend, William Charles. He
lunl lost a tenner" he told the Judtfe and
hud not been atile to locate it until lie
called a policeman. Ho was let off with
$4 and costs. Young Jack Wills knocked
Jim Phillips down for insulting him, h.j told
the Judge. The story the boys brought to
light that the altercation arose over an
old score. .For being hasty wiuj his fists
Wells paid $4 and costs into the clty'e
Mortality (itatsltca.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Hoard of Health:
Births Joseph F. Nixon, 2720 North Twen-ty-Jlxth.
girl; Jacob Hols, frSi North Twenty-seventh,
boy; Albert French. 41 Spring,
boy; John Narker, 17IK Burt, boy; David A.
Tliiimas. 2:'U North Twenty-seventh, boy:
Peter Olscn, 2f)9 South Seventh, boy; Louis
C. Stenner. 1U4 South Twenty-nlntn, hoy;
Fred Snodgrass, Seventeenth and Clark,
bnv: James Tlmmlns. ll7 North Twenty-
sixth, boy; Charles Lehlegel. 916 North
Twenty-eighth avenuu, boy; James Hoyie,
MA North Twentieth, girl: W. O. Lock-
wood. f..i4 North Twenty-sixth, boy; Gu
Sajidberg, u'06 South Twenty-seventh, girl;
Charles Johnson, Fortieth and Poppleton,
Deaths Lulu Hale, 220 North Eleventh. 40;
David MacKenxie. 6-9 South Seventeenth
ave., 19; Mrs. Mary B. Payne, 24:iO PatrlcK
avenue. fc7: Geo. Reed, 17U7 Dorcas, 41;
George Bluin, 14c9 Webster, 62; Mrs. Matlis
Morelord, Fortieth ana foppieion, v:; vie
torta, Vuna, 1447 South Fourteenth, 2.
Will Do All This for Yoa.
Dr. King's New Life Pills puta vim. vigor
and new life Into every nerve, muscle and
organ of the body. Try them. 25c. For
sale by Kuhn & Co.
Marrlan Ureases.
Theae marriage license have been lsaued:
K&m and Address. -Age
James I.. Hleia. Savannah. Ga. HI
Klisabelh M Maxwell. (Jmaha. Neb 24
John Eckert. Wouth Omaha
uuiie U. ifu. South Onuiha.
Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases
One Man Who Joins In ( baaing; Two
Others Several Blocks la
Mlko Metslnger and Charles Smith told
Judge Berka that they were chased by a
maudlin crowd of rowdies for a distance
of seven or seventeen blocks, they were
not quite sure which, because they were
running so fast they didn't have time to
count the blocks. The foot race occurred
on Tenth street and terminated near Ban
croft. Seven hooting and howling ruffians
had persued them, the boys declared, and
by dint of superior speed Smith won the
race. Not so with Metslnger. He picked
up a stick and after running several
blocks halted to do battle. Seven men and
boys surrounded him and all tried to hand
htm one at the same time, he said. As ai
result he waa knocked down and severely
kicked. The race begun away down the
street, Metslnger told the Judge, and was
the outgrowth of a remark made by the
crowd to him and Smith as they passed.
He had answered it and Immediately the
record breaking gallop began.
The Judge listened to the second chapter
of the affair from Jim Huldoclt, Murray
Haley and Herman Passer, alleged
pursuers. All three pleaded Innocence,
Huddock was caught red handed by the
police, however, and notwithstanding he
claimed he had merely scratched hla hand
by trying to knock down a lamp post,
which stained It up a . little, the Judge
concluded it must have come In contact
with Metslnger's head and fined him $10 !
and costs. Haley and Passer got off with
a sound lecture and promised to eschew
foot racing of this character In the future.
The biggest store in the west throws Its doors
open to every visitor in the city.
It's like finding money to trade here and whether you buy
or not our prices will be a revelation that will stand you iu
good stead when your local dealer unfortunately for him
self shows you the vast difference in our favor.
There is no getting away from it. Our bargain prices
(lower than the lowest) with green trading stamps thrown
in, our clean, high grade character of merchandise, and
our unmatched facilities for trading with these we are
leading all competitors.
We offer every convenience for visitors. Have your baggage checked and
left with us. Use our free writing and rest rooms, our free telephone service,
and make the store your headquarters.
See the wonderful electrical advertising cabinet 16th street ride.
Furs! Furs!
Fur Jackets. Fur Capes, Fur Scarfs, Fur Boas, Fur Muffs,
Furs of all kinds at all prices. 5pecial cut sales during the
Ak-Sar-Ben week.
lf Coats Astrnrkan full sleeves, hnlf-fittlng back.the nob- Jt ((1nAl Hfl
blest shapes, w hole skins, guaranteed satin lining prices WW IVI 11. JU
KurCoiUs Near Seal looks like seal, wears until you are 50 tO 28 50
Fur Capes Belgian Hare-dooks' 'almost as well' as Near Seal! " 1(1 Oft nl' SO
wears well, Is warm as toast price 1. 7U IVU.vU
Fur Coats, Combinations
Near Peal and
Near Seal and 10 Sfl
Chinchilla OaS.OU
Near Seal and Beaver, A f fifl
$57.60. $49.50. $47. Ki and '-'
NeHr Seal nnd Mink, $38.00.
w.uu ana
Black Silks
10 pieces pure all silk black Peati de snies, 2i In. wide.
Guaranteed on the selvidge. For one day only
we will give you choice at
The regular price is $1.50 and $1.65 yard.
Th Beat Cure lor Cnlda
Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Sure, pleasant, safo and guaranteed
to soon cure, or no pay. 60a. $1.00. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
I - ?v'
Cabinet frames with mat and glass for one picture. . 19c
In black, green and gold for two pictures ...29c
For three pictures 39c
Framed pictures up from i 10c
Outfits up from $2.25 warranted to give satisfaction.
The best evidence of bow a
man feels when be tries the
Dr. Delniel Underwear for tbe
first time la the fact that be
generally goes Louie and
promptly gives away bla old,
irritating wool. He baa no
further use for It
Booklet telling all ahnm) It
and Uio garuicuta way U: hail
At Leading Dealers Everywhere
The Dclmel Linen-Mesh Co.
(Oriiuauriof "Liteo-ileih").
491 Braadway, Naw York.
LlV'ltfliiMJPM" " " m"
We are always In the lead. Stocks bought direct from the producers en
able us to sell the freshest and most desirable goods at the lowest prices.
Free Postal Cards. Telephone 1S7.
,17.50, 19.50,
28.50 ' .rrM' 60.00
Real Krlmmer
Alaska Beaver 98.00
Best Gray
Neck Furs. Scarfs. 95c, 1.98, $2.90. $8.45, 14.60, $4.90. $6.80 and tip to $47.60.
Visit our Fur Department and aecure a bargain.
Handkerchiefs for a Penny
Two more hnurlv sales, Wednesday, M to 11 a. m., I to 4 p. m One hundred
dozen each hour. Handkerchiefs worth from 5c to lOo, at ONE PENNY EACH.
House Wrappers, Worth $1.W, Wednesday fHc
sale -vw
Every yard stamped
A ftrent hla section full of new handsome walstlngs light Ac.
and dark worth 25c yd Wednesday only "V
All Wool Blankets 250 pairs of $4 blankets in whites, green and tana, 2 Qfi
yretty borders, full double bed slie, while they last, pur pair "-'
100 hemstitched table cloths, silver bleached, all linen, In 2, 2 and $ yds. QC
Iouk, worth $1.75, SJ.15 and $2.46, special sale at, each, $1.35, $1.75 and a.-
30 doz. vcrv lare all linen towels, hemstitched with a pretty embossed 2Sc
border, :ilx44 size our good 6nc towel Wednesday only, each -w
Limited quantity to customers.
100 dozen bleached damaBk table napkins, regular 85c dos ROc
while they last, only
am Remnants of Table linen, blenched and unbleached crashes and odd
napkins will be sold this week at less than they cost to Import.
Larrrc size Fancy Jlowls and Pitchers, each .48c
Fancy Candle Shades, each 5c
Fancy Austrian China Bread and Butter Plates, each. . . 8c
7-piece German China Berry Sets, nice decorations, set.48c
y Koyal Austrian China, 100-piece sets, each 13.50
t J
Attend Our Sensational Dinnerware Sale
We have a large number of odd and broken sets which
we are closing out at less than II A LP ACTUAL VALUE.
COME AND SEE THEM. This department Is the Bargain
Gallerv of real merit. COME AND SEE IT.
Deviled Ham V4-U can 7c
Baked Beaua 3-ili. can l'lo
Imported t-ardlnes cuu l"c
Salmon 1-lb. can l"c
Olives bottle 9
Kieakfaat Cocoa 'vlb. can 2"o
Pancake Flour 2-ll. I'kg l"c
Wheat Breakfast Food 2-lb. pkg. 1'W
Ituhpberries 3-lb. can l"o
Evaporated PeacheH 1 lb l"c
California Prunes 1 lb 6c
Chile Sauce bottle 1"
l'lum PnrtdlnK 1-lb. can l'o
Orape-NutB pkg J'1
Peas 2-ll. can 7o
B. F. Japan. Gunpowder, English,
Oolong Teas, worth 60c pound..
Imperial Japan Tea, worth 4uu lb.
Pantos Coffee fine 1 lb 12c
l'.emictt'a Capitol Coffee nothing
finer 1 lb 2n
Canary Heed 1 lb 12c
Presh Country Butter 1 lb lc
Bennett's Capitol Creamery 1 lb. 26c
Small Sour Pickles 1 dos 8c
Medium Sour Pickles per pint.... 6o
Pure fresh, wholesome Candles at lowest prices,
big variety to select
Chocolate Creams special 1 lb... 12e
Cream Wafers per pound io
Best Cream Caramel" assorted lb Jo
Cream Mix Candy per pound 26o
Buttercups per pound J"o
Buiyit Peanuts Wo
Cocoanut Cream Bars per pound., lie
Champion Mix per pound I0c
Gum Drops per pound &-
Salt Peanuts per pound ibq
New Figs In baskets each TZo and 48c
Franklin Shoes
For Men nnd BoysUnion made
Kaufman's Superb Orchestra Every Afternoon