12 ?! I t. J . THE OMAHA DAILY REE: YEIXT:SIA V, OCTOREK inn.i. Checks or nil tiank Cashed Fine Banking Welcome To All Visitors fl entend gTeetlng to nil carnival guests to Omaha nod we Invite you to make our store your daylight homo while you are In Omaha. Use our walling rooms . a moetlnK places fnr yourself and friend, check your packages and pan-els free and avail yourselves of the many other privileges. A new array of great special bargains In plain view on bargain square every day. Wednesday s Big Bargain Events Ladies Tailor Made Suit at $9.98 g.98 Our great fall lader In ladleV tailor made suits. These fashionable suits ure made of Venetians, cheviots an broadcloths In the late f:ill colors. All the new style feat urc rnr very jaunty anil ruslilonauie null, at Warmer Underwear at Small Cost. Fine mid heavy .Medium and heavy weight underwear for Indies and children. cotton and all wool vesta, pants and drawers, white, sliver gray and cream, a garment ..... 69c 49c 39c 25c 25c Handkerchiefs at 12ic, 5c, 31c bargain counters heaped high with all kinds of fancy lace trimmed nen handkerchiefs. . , i?r; I272C 5c 372C Pretty Feather Boas at 29c Handsome large feather bo us and 2 yarda In length, fine black and white, actually worth $2.00 and $3.00, on bargain square ...... $5 Silk Waists at $1.50 400 silk waists, slightly mussed, but all good styles and all lies. In taffetas ani satin Ducheese, on sole in basement, on bargain square 29c 1.50 $1.75 Dress Pattern at 75c Basement Dreu Oooua Dep't. Press patterns of plaid, striped and checked dress goods, pny p I each pattern containing 7 yards and every yard guaranteed . J 1 to be 25a quallty,n sale, for an entire pattern, at 10,000 gold filled collar but tons, lover tops, four different style each. 1c Sterling silver chased, with little padlock and key, worth 11.50 at bracelets, hand 75c Nltaukl purses with Ivory tops, trimmed with Japanese I Ef"l oxidized eilver, worth 93.50 each, at taOvr TWO PICTURE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Take one of those pretty pictures hqme with you. Photo color pictures1 fitted with gilt, gilt and black frames with fancy cor- jjT V tiers, very pretty, IJ V C worth l.2o at w w Handsome framed pictures. A great table full of as sisted pictures, pretty f subjects, worth up to 35o cacn, sjiuciai at f JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE Ak-8ar-Iten visitors are kindly invited to Inspect our fine Una of Hamilton, How ard, Kim n. Waltham and Swiss watches In solid gold, gold tilled, sliver anil etlverlne raxes, all sizes, as well as rings, broaches, stickpins, chains, lockets, charms, etc A tull line of silverware also In stock. Prices lowest. Will not be undersold. P. E. FLODMAN & CO,, 1514 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1574 Wedding SupReBtlons-CORH AM STERLING SILVER, Bonbon dishes, $2.50 to $7.50. Salad sets, tti.Ol) to to ). 00. Oyster forks, set of six, 15.00 to 110.00. Pearl handled knives, set of six, $0.00 to $12.50. Nut bowls, $15.00 to 130.00. HAWKES BLUE WHITE CUT CLASS, Nappies, vases wine fcett, bowls, etc A larpe assortment to choose from. ALBERT EDHOLftl, Jeweler. i 107 NORTH 6IXTEEZHH ST. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. THE BESXKTT COMPANY. V A Great Peanut Carnival. Wednesday we will sell 1,653 quarts of Erf eh roasted peanuts. No dealer supplied, and not more than three, quarts to each customer. JEB QUART, 8c 3c PER QUART. 1 BASEMENT. Honteaeetters' Ksenraloas. i ' On Tuesdays, October 6th and JOth, ths Missouri Pacific lty. will sell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. Btopovers allowed on the going journey. ZJmlt of tickets 21 days. I'or further In formation cull on or address any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pas, and Ticket Agent, 8. E. corner 14th anil iDouglas streets, Omaha, Neb. m I Attention Katies. i All Eagles in Omuhu, Council Bluffs. South Omuhu and visiting brothers are re ' tiuented to meet at Eagle hall. 107 South ' Jfouitoentli street, Omaha, at 8 o'clock p. tn., Wednesday, October 7. and march to the Carnival (rounds, as guests of the ,2nlhU of Ak-Bar-Hen. i C. E. ALLEN. Secretary. Ckleasjn Great Western Hallway. Short Una to Minden, Harlan, Manning, , Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains each war. Leave Omaha at :20 a. ni. and 2:46 p. ro. Leave Council Bluffs at 6:i5 a. m. I and 1:10 p. m. For information apply to I Geo. F. Thomas, Gen'l Agt,, room SIX tOniaha National Bank building, Omaha, IJNtb., and X Pearl St., Council Uluffs. la. ' Annuunreinentt , The Northwestern Line. , Special t-aln after the parade, Thursday, Oct. t, for Carroll, la., and Intermediate points, from Union Depot, 11 p. m. i JTor Emerson. Neb., and intermediatepolnts ' from Webster St. Station, 11 p. ro. Cole McKay company, undertakers and mbalmers, 1017 Cupltol ave. Tel, U. The Shoe that Fits Is the shoe that everybody wants. It Is the ahoa that wears best, feels best and looks best. It mnkix no difference how many other good qual ities a shoe may possess, nobody wants it If It falls to fit. Onimod On-a-Man gives satisfaction. Always $3.50$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 205 So. 15th St. SGIK.10LLER MUELLER The Dig Piano House 1313 FARN&H STREET LAST WEEK OF THE Lange & f.linton BANKRUPT Piano Stock This is positively the last week of the greatest Piano Sale ver held In the west, also special prices all the week on nil the now. latest, up-to-d itc pianos the finest assortment ever shown anywhere. Organs and Square Pianos tS.00, J10.00. $12.00. J16.00. up to t.8.00 Used Uprights t8.oo, $;:.on, $s5.io, .co up to tii.'.oe. New Pianos $100.00, 1118.00, 7133.00, tltS.00. tlG3.n0, and up to the price of a Steinway or Sieger. OVER 400 PIANOS IN STOCK. HM0LLER (INCORPODATED) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE -RETAIL P IAN OS MAIN HOUIt AND OFFICC: 1313 FANNAM FACTORY: '.31 r"NAW TLCPHONC 1625 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB CO. BLUFFS, IA 136 S. 11TH T. I BOa ROADWAY TtL. TS3 I t. ass PROTECT Your Eyes With properly i -ted Glasses. We have one of the best optiilaivs In Omaha. He Is a Kpeclullat would be pleas ed to examine your eyes no exix nue to you unlees you order glagees. You know of our reliability. Ixok for the name. . V. LA'DSAV, Jeweler and Optician. 1516 DOUGLAS ST. IP kvmm (u Full Dress Footwear We are fitting a s-reat many people this week with shoes for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Hut we still have all sizes and widths In all the new and cor rect dreos shoes and slippers a handsome nnd elegant line of the correct and fashionable fctyles at most popular and sat isfactory prices. TOYHOECO mm .3 U3 AK-SAR-BliiN SAL13 eifl um i! M mm aa m auar ai4M aaw lit Aiipum a Mn r WUUCIIS HUfLC SUIT AHO CLOAK BARGAINS III ABUNDANCE The tremendous stock of sample suits, cloaks ami furs, wliieh our buyer was fortunate enough to secure on his recent trip to New York, are all in nml for the next week cloaks, suits, furs nntl children's jackets will be sold for less money than ever before. Women's nil wool units trlmniPil with. t a trots. IhumJh and Rutin llnod, long runt stylo, mntle to soil for JIU.W "100 to $15.00 our prloe only livU Women's stilts in tno now mixtures this ist a small lot of "." Rnrments tlil'h will be Hliown Wertnesilny for the first time. Tliwe nre mntle with taffotit llneii con Is anl nre worth double A PA the price usked for tlietn IfctUU ;i0 women's suits In nil the new liuin nlnh material, xibelines, imnne x,hI cheviots nil the new weaves' and style. The- K'"eittest lot of snlts in Ameriiti, well worth $:IT).(I ttnd $40.00 Oft tf Wcdtiewlay only nUlUU VOriEN'S CLOAKS. HAKOAIN NO. 3 ZOO cloaks In 10 differ ent, styles, silk nnd snlln lined, nil colorj nearly all samples. The trimmings M AF eoHt more "ff'ww HARUAIN NO. 2 Alout 40 coats in r.lhi linos, friezes, kerseys, eti, lined with llvernaud's taffeta and Skin- in (in ner'H satin, for only lUlUU ltARUAIN NO. .1 4ii0 cats in all the new styles, iin'liidinir Lrfiiiia XIV and tlKht nt tlnii back for l?.) tC ton HIKt ItliVW WOMEN'S CRAVENETTE COATS. 400 manufacturer's samples of women's rin coats on sale Wednesday at 8 o'clock for i?4.00, $0.00, iffi.OO, $10.00 and Sl-00 SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY. Children's $3.00 jackets for 2.ilS Women's .3.00 silk waists for 2.98 Women's $l.o0 black mercerized underskirts for 73c Women's (5.30 rainy day skirts for $vi.J)8 Women's ?1.30 flannelette and percal wrapiiers foi1 tSc Children's ?3.00 coats for $1.50 Ladies' eiderdown dressing sacques for IVJc MRS. J. BENSON New Fall Waists Hilk Crepe di Chlu.i, Mohair, F.tuniine All Over Laee with Bilk linings w speelully pretty for evening- wear. W hite Wash Waists with IVrtilan triimulng-a. Kid Gloves for Fall Beautiful line of Mocha Gloves for street or driving price. $1.00 and $1.50; allk lined, and $1.M and $2.00. - IVrrina' UresntHl Kid t J loves Jn all the new shades, $1.00 awl $1.50, $1.73. and $2.00: mi ll reused, in black or colors, $1.50 and IL'.OO. Duu't foritet we are carryinn the bet line of rilll.UHKN H C1JJAK3 and iudles' NECK rVHti lu Omaha. ALL ALIKE We don't have two prices on the same article to dlflforrnt people, but sell every thing lust as 'we advertise. Prople from OI T OK TOWN, write us. aaklng If we KIM. MAIL OKDKKS AT AOVEKTISUU MtlOKS: why certainly we do and If you don't tlml what you want in the lkt, write us tor prli es. 2oC tiiHcaretts 20e :'o- llromD Seltzer c tl in) 'inkhain's Compound ?rc $1 tm l't runa tiTr . l.im I'lorcfa Medical j.'lsoovrv iVSc CI ... U....'. f.....rlli H,..lnlln. ,-U. X.f 0.-nuine (.'astorla 24c ic M"iinen's Talcum Powder I V $1.00 t'ulne's Cefery Compound 70c jjiio Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal.... Pills 100 Hoc Cutloura Salve .tu- II. U0 GermHii Kimmell Bitters 1U- Jia Laxative Knimo Quinine 15c i5c Carter's Little Liver Pills luo MWNET'S CANDIES. CUT PRICE DRUG STORE E. T. YATES. Proprietor. Two Pkoues 747 and 7t7. 16th aad t btcaao atraeta, Omaha. SCUAEFER'S REPAIRS For All Makes of Cooks, Ranges. Heaters and Furnaces. A REMINDER Now of getting your stoves and furnace repaired or looked after; you will find your self In great comfort when the approach in WINTER sew In. OMAHA STOYE REPAIR WORKS Are tho Stove Repairers. Te'.. 96a 1207 Dougla 5L Announcement. We are pleased to announce to our friends and customers that we have com pleted arrangements with the Barrios Diamond Company for the exclusive sale of tneir goods in this city. Barrios Diamonds are positively the finest imitation diamonds on earth. They have steadily grown in popularity since their first introduction into America seven years ago. They are not a fad; they have stood the test of actual wear. These stones are warranted to retain their brilliancy forever. , This will be the most magnificent display of semi-precious stones ever shown in this city. The designs are exact copies of the latest popular New York and Parisian fancies, costing orig inally hundreds of dollars. The goods we will show are finished with the same exquisite care that characterizes the most expensive jewelry from exclusive manufacturers. Barrios Diamonds are worn and ad mired by the most fashionable people the world over, and to meet the demand the Barrios Diamond Company has stores in all the principal cities of America, the capitals of Europe and South America. The sale of these famous stones amounts to over three million dollars annually. We cordially invite our patrons to call and see our magnificent window dis play and examine these popular goods. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Makes Must laefal Fre.eat. uuu fo) ri) i'iiw iiiii ii i w mill in 1 iiii imii i . B H Fall and Winter Underwear For Men, Women and Children. To buy best to buy cheapest 1UJY 11KIJI-:. Over four liuudml different styles of men's and women's underwear to select from, in medium and heavy weights. Representing the finest productions of the best foreign and domestic manufacturers. We purchase our underwear di rect from the makers save all the middlenien's profits and retail it at wholesale prices. Men's Underwear 45c Men's Underwear :-nn's medium weight, derhy ribbed, Knyp llnn cotton. In ii-itural, ecru and fancy colors, drawers with henvy Mnteon band, -hlrts with' hflf Hnd sl'k trimmed fronts, with French neck a regular 75c quality I.V. All sizes. 75c Men's Underwear Men's medium and heavy weight, natural wool umlirweiir. lor early fall nnd winter wnr u1m heavy plutih beck, in ten and r.in.y culiirn rcRulnr value lit. ilic. $1.00 Men's Underwear Men's line quality nytrnchan wool and r iciich merino underwear, lu natural red Ian and white, well trimmed end prop er. y made, lrt vulues ever shown lean lar fl.ii) iiualitle.H at fl.W. All sizes. I J! ' I ! . . Liiuie anu uiuaren s Underwear Ihbec Sea Isl.-uul cotton underwear, beautifully trimmed with Kllk In lltfhlM punts and vei-ts a rcjfiilar A -m ' ' .ic value at, Surment Ttw COMllINATION PtJlTS-r.adleK' Onrhhi stylo Jersey rlhhed F.gyptian cotton suit In nuturnl. JVeler nnd ecru colors nicely sIihikmI anil Mulshed a m a regular 7,r-c value, 40C CHILDREN'S COM H1NATION Sl'ITS -4.X5 Iloys' and sirls' comhlnatloii suits, tine Jersey ribbed cotton Oneida style or open down front In natural, ,ru nnd white a regulur a mm atv.q."f.'!!y.7. 45c LADIES' HOSIKRV. Too-Special lot ladles' fancy vruii.iru coiion, iasi niacK nose a regular Via quullty ut , 1 LAD1KS HOSlfcRT. loc One case line finality, very elastic, nllk fleeoe lined -guaranteed fast black hoxe-giiod early fall weight- r regular 2jc value two for 25c w fl pair lUW LAD IKS' HOSIERY. 25c Special lot ladies' heavv fleece lined cotton "cash mere and fancy solid color cotton i.nd lislo thread !:ose, F early fall welght-every stylo and pattern 'ySP regular 60c valu pair . m4KJ 8cHOOl- npSK Wic-Uny- heavy 2x1 and lxl ribbed cotton school hose- w.th high rpllced heels and double toes . n;o excellent rtockliigs for wear 1 tonts two pair for sW onxUJb.,lAX, AK-SAK-HEN VISITORS "WIL FIND (ll'R ZSIt&FA 8AVJXa "P 0 PE CKNT Men's and Boys Sweaters 7Rc Men's, good quality wool heavy ribbed sweaters. In solid colors -navv maroon and black all sizea a regular dollar quality, 75c Ittter grndes equally as good'vuiu'es a't'fl!'.' '$i.M.''ij.flO,and' li&O. AnC MOY8' HWKATEHS-Boys' fancy and plain color sweaters, heavy derhy w'-'v ribbed and black navy maroon and fancy colors 45c liettcr grades equnJIy as low lu price, big variety of ntyles and colors, 75o MEN'S tlLoVES Men's fine kid mocha and dogskin gloves, all colors with F K. or oversea m sewn Every new rhade best values, we have ever shown, 7.m $!.(V), ll.So. a.. r i . i5-w;;fc!fif'.'4 Xv.' -i.'-Vi'l:.t F : 5.,-ii?;v 'I."!. A .v! :ii:h- il : ' 'I I ' III; 'I t , 1. 1, m 1 10c M LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. Stylish Millinery at Popular Prices THIS STORE FOR VALUES AND STYLE Beautiful Hats at S4, S5 and $6 Extraordinary Sale on Street Hats INVESTIGATE, IT PAYS. 1508 D0U6LAS STREET. a I 1 A t ar 1 FURNITURE CARPETS DRAPERIES We carry the largest stock of medi&n high class Furniture, Carpets, Curtains and Draper ies in the west. We are now having a 25 per cent discount sale on the high class goods which makes the prices right and we know the goods will please you, BAKER FURNITURE CO., 1315.1317 PARNAM STREET. ft