Daily Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 9 TO 16. establish kii .unk 19. isti. OMAHA, SATUISDAY MOJSNINO. OCTOBER 3, lta. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Wills AN-R-BF IK. I Ml l I a La S AK-MR-HKX LEI. SATURDAY'S SUPERB VALUES If. Furnishing Goods Omaha i HF i SATURDAY OF SEASONABLE GOODS. GLOM f to Ml 4lA M women' ult mad with cap otfr shoulder, the tong graceful its 1. trimmed with satin band sold everywhere for Mtwi Saturday, only. 1 fiJl each hSU Jknother Vt which cannot be matched In the eemntry. These come In blarks, blue, grays and fauvcy mixtures, all made in tht newest style and trimmed with GOATS. COATS. GOATS. Loose coat a half tight fitting coats, long coats and medium length coats, short coats and all style of coats, for about one-half their ral-je. Women's box coat trimmed with velvet and satin lined, for P Ofl orl -3iUU Woimii"! kersey and xlbeltne coats. lined with heavy taffeta and satin, regular tlaM vaJues. for in ftn i . enly IV'WU .Women's coats and cape, tn long ait J "siedlum length and Louis XIV style, t ' Garment that command the price er T tM anywhere. Saturday. jg QQ jf I) sample coats, beautiful creaMona. no ! two alike, for 91 ftfl cn a. ww Saturday is Pother's and Children's Day in Our Gioak Department. Big manufacturer's stock of children's i lata la sixes from 2 to 14 years, all col- dlrisisd Into four lots: LOT No. 1 Children's coats, and wall lined, only well made 95c "LOT No. Children's coats In reds, blues and dark greens, lined throughout and cape over ahou'.der, trimmed In braid and very thread wool, for I "JC only Is 19 t Extra Specials for Front 8(o 10 an Only . VTomen's sUk walsta In blues, pinks, greens j and black i.W quality, 2 85 ! Frca 9 to 12 a in Women's paau do sets drees skirts, made with four rows of ruffle. CM m quality for UsWll Oreksnral Haste la Mllllaery Dest. every slay aarlaar Ak-Sar-Bea. Big Silk Sale AH Day Saturday ltv JleOM crepe de chine, 24 Inches wide. Ul ooior and lack. tL2k grade, at 10 pieces fancy fall waist allka, wanh tl tx and lZEu on sale at Osc Id styiaa Persian Paon veivata. tha latest eastern novelty, Oc M Vlecea fine black. 17 lnche wlda, taf feta, worth 11.00. for e. 10 style new black dxaas llka. worth r i " on sale at bkc. WH1TQ eILK IS different styles and weivea, sella for IXS and tl.5i. Saturday GOSSIP OF THE POLITICIANS Lack of Animation Characterises tha Cam paign ia Do tula Cfluoty. j DEMOCRATS PUT OFF JUDICIAL MEETING Ckali-aaaja Cewell gays Caaaaalttee Has i, rtllag; Fmada tar Caadt. dale for Beard at IleMttsa. "It is more ef a "UU hunt than .tit eampaiga we have ever hal In Pouglas ooucty," la the substance of one comment which has been mad a number of time during Us past week oa the republican eampaiga. Candidates for all of the office, a a rule, decline to discus either their ova chance i or the chanora of their opponent and will simply say that they are out after vots. The tact that they are running against member of their own party Is given a a reason for the general lack of speech on their part, but fter the republican primaries and the democratic contention, both of which occur next Tuesday. It la stated the campaign will assume aa en tirely dlCarent aepect. Ed P. Smith, rhairmaj) of the democrat! Judicial committee, left Ut evening for Chicago oa a short bualr.es tnp and the meeting of the district judicial committee, hooked for Saturday afternoon, has be-.fi Indefinitely pontporieil. One matter which waa to have come before the meeting for formal action vu tlie oneation of tllr.min -j the aame of Judges Maxtor and Esteile to remain on the democratic ticket. Mr. I Jaltb state thai the matter has practically been set tied and that r.a change will be , saade m the ticket a nomiaated by the democratic convention. AKd from thi , ouestioa ef cnurr.ti the ticket vm im:. !, Intereat an been or 1 being taken la democrats raaka li the judicial campaign. S 4 M J- Kenr.ard arm cd ham Thursday from California and will now maaa aa j 1 aiUva aatcpaXga Iir tne nominaUoa t-X PARTHEHT More particular?; more trnotls; the pub lic interested and our cloak department crowded; more salesladies xvauted. Saturday is the third day of the preat manufacturer' tale of women's suitR, ciat.s furs. frkirtp. waists and children's parments at lower prices than ever known in tlfe history of Omaha. Our buyer se cured these great bargains in New York At i low price and our customers get the benefit. ratln hands. These were, mad to sell for eSSpf-Saturdar. 2 QQ Tbe nat lot I composed of suits of "0 dif ferent styles, made of Irish and English td. Par.ne and I.yman'i wool chevi ots suits that are well worth Oft flft nv-i'T rmir lUiUU Other heaotifu'. suits In 25C0-35.00 abundance at LOT No. t Children's coats In reds, blues, castor and greei. trimmed with satin and braid, two capea over shoulder, new back and sleeves, our regular $b.t value. Saturday, for 9 DC only t'Oa LOT No. 4 Children' and misses' coats. Tbe grandest And greatest variety you ever saw, In kerseys, broadrlothe and xibelinea. Made In all the newest styles, a great many of them silk and satin lin ed, and would be cheap at ' C flf) Saturday, each 9iUU Saturday Horning. From 8 to II Women's black mercerized underskirts, only M dozen. 11.50 7C quality for IOC EXTRA SPECIAL 20 children' coats purchased by oar buyer on hi recent trip-to New York, worth up 1.59 only t OPTICAL DEPT. IT WILL PAT YOU to visit our old e tablished optical department if you have any trouble with your eye. Expert OMlclan in -hprce. BEST GIASiSES at IjOWEST PRICES. county commisasiuner from the First dis trict. A report that the name of C. J. Weefr dahl aould not appear on the republican primary ballots as s candidate for Justice of the pea.e Is pronounced Incorret-t by Secretary Meesick. In fact, about half of the official ballots already have len printed and hi name appears on them. Several men mentioned a candidate for the republican nomination for the Board of Education have declared that they do rot fee! like putting up a S3 fee to mal the race. Chairman Cowell, when hi t tenTlon was called to this statement, said that he I not famjlbtr with the action of former city Committees, but he km. as ti present one has no funds on tutnd Io par the expense of having In kets printed and holding prtmaria, to say nothing of m .k iiig a campaign for the ticket after it is nominated. Xo fil-rgs have et been male and only three or four petitions, so far as can be learned, have been circulated. l"n lrs more than five petitions sre filed, es previously reported, no pnmari. will be held. THE REPUBLICAN FORUM OMAHA. Oct. t-To the Edi'.or of The Fee: I have known W. U Ehrivrr eer since he came to Orcaha. He has al: s len a man of character, business energy and public eflrit. He Is rleiii. iihl. courteous and Industrious. No mi. n in Omaha ever saw him drur.k. and no suess tion of personal mis,. ondnct or official negli gence cr malfeasance can truthfully be made even by his worst enemy. Without disparagement to his competitors In the race for tax aseeseor. with whom I have likewise been aeil anqualnted for rjuy years. I hare no hesitancy tn advocating hi comlnatloa for county assewcr. No maa, clique er corporation will ova him. He will perform hi duties faithfully, promptly and effectively. T. W. BLACKBURN. CM AHA. Oct 1 To the Editor of The Bee: Whea asked why D M Haverly ahould be nominated for clerk of the district durt one maa ansaered. "Because Haverly Is tbe one man among- the candidates a ho caa certainly defaat bis arusueclivs nf- mm h WW 1 is - I STEEL OnriAf.lEflTS FREE 9 to 10 I io 25 to 6. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT, MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING. SPECIAL IH THE BIG EC0N0HY ROOM UAIH FLOOR etitched brim plush crown hats cardinal, navy brown and also a large number of ladies street hats, $2, $1.50, $1.25 S2.75 Trimmed Hats, st.45 Fine black felt turbans, an excellent tyl- is'i drwy hat. trimmed with $1.45 silk ribbons and feather Trimmed Hats, $2.69 Immense assortment black and colored j hats for ladies and misses, as h CO ! good as sold In some Mores J QH at four dollars L ' Trimmed Hats, S3.45-S4.95 Over one thousand trimmed hats for ladle and misses. In all the new d MC Hare and turban effects. VUllJ a large number trimmed J Q C with ostrich feathers VtiStf NATS TRIMMED FREE.: Saturday's Extra Special Shoe Sale. Men's, women's, misses' and children's shoes, at a fraction of their cost. A bank rupt stock of boys, youth' and little gents' Khoes at oenta on the dollar. On male Saturdav. Come early. This will be a grand npportunlt v for Ak-Sar-Bn vis itors to lav in a supply of shoe for fall Men's and women's li.00 shoes, all leath er. at II M. Fovs' and youths" $1.50 shoes, at II 9S. Misae' fine Jl.a" achool shoes, box caf and doogola at 8ic. 1 jttle gents' and children $1 shoee. sJc. V.en' and women's veJvet and Imitation, alligator house, slippers, at 48c Children 11 turned shoes, laoe or out ton, at 3c. , g.M agents for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and the Ultra and Orover shoes for women. Orchestral Masie la Milllaery Dept. every aay darlaa- Ak-Ssr-Bea. AK-S&R-BEH BARGAINS. Saturdav we place on sale a full line of fancy burned wood novel tien. in pipe rack, photo frame, match holders, etc.. at one price. 19c. regular price. 5-c 25c Ladies' Hand'chiefs I2ic A big line of fancy scalloped hemstitched and Uce trimm-d handkerchiefs, worth Sc. on aale Saturday at lc. Orebeetral Matle la llllaery Dest every slay elariBB- Ak-Sar-Bea. 35c Fancy Ribbons I2ic On sale Saturdav morning. W piefe of fancy silk ribbons, worth 5oc, for lVjC Orrheatral Msile' la Mllllaery Dept. every day dartaa- Ak-Sar-Bea. ponent. Frank Eroadwell, who Is the best ote-getter morg the fusionlst." Another mar. eaid: "Bt-cauae Haverly will rot hold on to the office forever. One great political trouble nowaday ia that those who get into an office never want to let go. This feature is tbe cause of more splits and division in parties thn any other one. Re cent contests in our midst illustrate thia. Haverly could not ask for more than to terms and might be sa'lsrird with one." A third man said: "Haverly makes splenuhJ official. He 1 always on hand, qui. tiy attend to the business, pleases the people and makes his party popular. With such men holding the offices the republican party srows stronger every day. If that party understands Its business, and I be lieve it does, it a ill place I. M. Haverly at the head of lis ticket." Such was the exivession of opinion of some neighbor In my' hearing, and I de termined t.i give It to the Forum. william o. Bartholomew. OMAHA. Ort. I. To the Editor of The lii'c: I am in doubts, a are thousands of republican, .just whom to vote for for cl.rk of the district court. Mr. W. T. Graham say that ' Bob Smith will save the taxpayers toS.Ckv ." Will soaie i w explain how this trick a ill be turned? Mr. Eniith was a member of tbe Board of F-ducation of trniohn miil h handle IVO.'OI if the ,eole s money How much ba h. savel t?ie tax;ayers in this position? Haa he tried to save them any monfy? I'i.l he vote to pay the present clerk of tie board t2.li a yetr salary T Mr. Kennedy of tlie Western Iburer claimed editorially that none of the board w.juld par Mr. 3 urges over 14 per month if they needed a maa of his ability la their private business. How did he vol on this "salary grab?" Did "Bob" Smith vet to pay the con tractor who supplies coal to the public school a price m exce of the contract price for coal last inter Jut because the contractor claimed be could not get the particular coal h contracted for. but could and did get ta higher priced cos la. and got the higher price? WIU Mr. "Bx.b" Smith tell c what re form n accompli ah d in three years In tbe school board? Will h tell us what erooora .- be ha pratired and prsarhed? His official acts as uiuu lata. As a JL Irk U iz) is Children's Hats, $1.49! Children's trimmed hats, magnificent as sortment, al: the new ef fects, beautiful color ing , $1.49 1V dozen children's stitched brim plu.h and cloth crown hat, trimmed with streamers and side trimming, II. w value . 49c and 69s Grand showing of all th new flare and high crown mreet na.ta. iwnf r redust SL69, 1.98, 2.45 Black tucked taffeta Bilk hats. In the new hieh crown fare brim Vv UK effects. I ! Fine cloth j & cent I value cardinal automobile cans. I9c HATS TRjMMED FREE Lien's Sample Hats on Sale Saturday at 65c. We hare Jut closed out from cne of the largen hat manufacturers In the country, about 1 dozen of men s sample hats. In every Imaginable shape and color, all this season's goods, these hats are worth from tl.50 to if. 00. Your choice of the entire lot Saturday, 3n!y 65c Remember we are ole agents for the "Imperial" 3.rt hats, and Omaha head quarters for the world renowned John P. Stetson hats. School Caps for Boys & Girls AH wool caps for school wear. In neat assorted patterns, worth 5ic sale price onlv 2dc. Yacht. Golf and automobile style caps, especially adapted for school wear, worth up to tlMO. on sale Saturday at 60c. Girl's caps tn ail the new fall styles, at 35c, 3Sc, 6V, Tbe and c. 25C FREE. A 3c hat ornament will be presented to everv ladv v.sitmg our millinery depart ment during Aiv-SAR-BEN. fo) 0) JV. public official it a ant to know tlicra. If he Is right on these lines many of u can support him otherwise he doe not deserve our support. WILLIAM J. ANDERSON. JR. OMAHA. Oct. t-To the Editor of The Bee: You have Invited opinions as to the qualif.caiior , of candidates for nomi nation for office. The office of roumy aaessor needs a roan of good J idgment. experienced In values and with backbone sufficient to meet all emergencies that may arise, and give every taxpayer, mhesher rich or poor, individual or corporation, a fair and impartial valuation. In W. G. hriver we have such a man; courteous, capable, industrious and de serving One ho has made a strong fight for equal taxation; whose experience will enable him to act with intelligence. A public spirited man and a man who has no enem'es to punieh or friends to reward; whee past record shows that he will le a faithful aervant to all the people. WILLIAM B. TEN EVCK. OMAHA. Oct. :-To the Editor of The Bee: There are so many people who are not posted as to the new law and new of fice eif county as-ersor that a brief men tion of the operation. In detail, t-f the old law. compared wlih lh probable operation f the new, may be of Interest to your readers generally ard more ;.r!icu!arly to the property owner wh"e pockrtbook is directly touched by every aMesment. Under the old law. teseesors were elected by wards a:.d precincts and there was no particular head to direct the general work, each axaeFaor being supreme tor hi pvr-ti--uLir locality. The county cUrk fur nished a bock with a 1 t of the real estate tt each ward and precinct aasescor In tiie county, who then worked Independently and made an asaessmer.t for his district that suited him one ward w ith high valua tion and the adjoining ward, very l:kly, with low valuation. pwsJNy rorty oi opposite side of a street with 1J per tent difference in valuations. This h'x1ge-p4lge was then turned In to the county clerk as the Valuations for assessment purpose. Of course the county coram ioners could revia and adjust valuations, but both from lack of time ud a detailed knowl edge ef the renditions of the property under question they have usually taxied iLsur - Children's royal blue, values CENTS OSTRICH P0UP0US, $135 Large handsome real ostrich pompom. in DiaxK arul white, 2 5tf values $1.35 & Boxes Urge black feather breasts, splendid AF. quality &3G Fifteen Inch length, fine quality French dye ostrich Amaxon IF. plumes I9C Eighteen Inch very fine quality navy, car n j . far- $1.98 dinal nrown. grey and cas tor ostrich plumes. French curl Special attention directed to our Infants' and children's hood and bonnet section. every style and every hade 25c to $5.00 HATS TRIMMED FREE Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings Special Siturdif BirgiiBS. THE REGAL UNIVERSAL double-heating Base Burner the handsomest and beat heating stove made in America up from 44 50. The Sparkling Universal dandy a great heater beautiful In design 132.50. THE STAR OAK a very handsome, extra heavy, first-class air-tight heater up from SH-S6. THE UNIVERSAL "AK the best oak heating stove made extra heavy and verv handsome nickel plated the greatest flo .r he.utr tn the market perfectly air-tight IIS 60. No. i Cook Stove fine baker for $8.95. A regular I20d Steel Cook MS.Ja. Wood Air-Tights up from $1.75. Drum Ovens, $25. Laundry Stoves. $3.25. THE STANDARD STEEL RANGE none better made extra fine baker a regular $J7. range we sell 'em for $41.50. Orchestral Maale la Mllllaery Dept. very day l.rlsg Ak-ar-Bea. Flannel Department. Extra heavy $Mnch wide cotton flan nel. 4c per yard. Extra heavy beet grade. 3S-inch aid outing flannel, worth lac, at hc a yard. Extra heavy shaker flannel at 4 V a yard. MEW LACES ON SALE. This is the first sale of the season on the new silk fiber laces the very latest dress trimmings, in black, white anil cham pagne colorings, price c, arc, 59c, 74c, and Sc. Io) ill 1 1 ion as a board of equalization, without giving any relief to the Injured property. Occasionally mc property ow-ner would mke a streunous fight and get a reduction while his neighbor with a property of simi lar value who did not kick would not be afforded any relief. Ia my oplni ,n, the i.rw law is a good one for the. reason that It centralizes the au thority to fix valuation In one man. who directs the work for the entire couniy( In cluding Omaha and South Omaha, and whv In fact make the entire assessment him eelf. by employing the necessary number ef ass'sunu or deputies at a certain period of ea h year. For real estate, sn assessmert Is to be made in the rummer of 11 that Is to stand unchanged for four years, unless change are necessary by reason of a change in the buildings or improvements on the property, an assessment 1 to be made ea h year substantially the same as was done under the old law. The Board of County f 'ommiasioners to gether with the assessor form a board of equalisation to hear and adjust Inequalities in the assessment, as returned by the courty aeseaaor. The new law will operate somewhat on 1 the ordT e.f the tax commissioner system of the city of Omaha, which, however, is only for city p'irpoee. while the tax is collected upon the aseesement made by the county. Heretofore about on-eight of the tax for the iate ha ben collected from tli's county. Having dealt w ih real estate matters in i this community for over twenty-five years and hairg had a d'reet experience with : this line of we-k as a member of the . boards of review of the city of Omaha for the yeiars 1K and 1WS. I M entirely competent to undertake the work of making the assessment for th county, should I he nominated and elected to fill the office. HARRT D. REED. OMAHA. Oct. !.-To the Editor of The f,f. As you have kindly opened your columns t the discuaslon of claims of the various candidates for offices in the gift of the republican party. I would re spectfully present the following reasons why Mr. A. H. Com stock should be the republican nomine for clerk if the dis trict court: First 4i has been a iUelocg republican. MISS DAIiXELL. OF NEW YORK, will bp with ns only thm more days. Do not miss the opportunity to have her fit you perfectly in a La Marguerite corset. Call at once. It is an unusual opjortunity. and all women should take advantage of it. She will surely please you in ease, comfort and grace. La Marguerite style C. 1 price $2..0 La Marguerite style C. 2 price $3.75 These are especially adapted to slender figures. Style K. 2 price fl.oO Style K. 1 price f.50 For medium or stout figures. Style 4 price f 10.00 For tall, well developed figures. Models to fit any figure, at !.r0 to $10.00 Complete line of domestic corsets from ?1.00 up. It costs you nothing to look. Do not fail to stop at our cor set department. Children's fine jersey ribbed, fleece lined vests and y-rints, well made and in all sizes from 16 to 34 worth 25c to 39c at 15c and 10c Children's combination suits, jersey ribbed, in all sizes, worth 39c at 25c Children's part wool, black, combination suits, in all sizes, worth $1.50 at - 9Sc Boys' extra heavy vests and drawers, with heavy fleece lining, worth 45c at 25c Ladies' jersey ribbed, fleece lined combination suits, Stratford make, worth 75c at 50c Ladle' jersey ribbed half wool combination suits, in white or gray worth $1.50 at 98c Ladies' heavy wool mixed combination suits, in white and gray worth $2.00 at $1.60 Ladies' silk and wool combination suits Harvard mills , make worth $4.50 at $3.00 Infant's white vests, full fashioned, made offine worsted and cotton worth 39c at 10c Ladies' fleece lined vests and pants, jersey ribbed, white and gray worth 39c at 25c Ladies' jersey ribbed cotton vests and pants, extra heavy, down fleece backs worth 50c at 39c Orebeetral Ms.tr la Mllllaery De. every day darlaa; Ak-ar-Be. . The Reliable Grocery Department Always in the lead. Prices Quart cans table syrup Worcestershire 34uce, per bottle Pure tomato catsup, bottle 2-Ib. package self-rising pancake flour Large sacks white or yellow cornmeal 1-lb. pkg. imported maccaroni Mb. cans Boston baked beans I'ancy pearl -aploc-a. lb 3ood rice, lb Oil or mustard sardinee. can Elaatic. electric, celluloid or I. X. L. starch, package Force breakfast food, pkg Malta Vita breakfast food, pkg Vigor breakfast fuod. pkg Vim breakfast food, pkg Neutrlta breakfast food, pkg TV--.7c TV L"-c ,.7Sc ..TV ,...4c , I ,.7r. IV ; .TV ! -TV , .TV, i ..c , ...5c Malta Cere breakfast food, pkg Q'lail Oats breakfast food, pkg Fresh, crisp soda, oyster, butter or milk rra.'kers. lb Fresh crisp ginger snaps, lb.. 1 bars laundry snap for Fancy AlaFka salmon, can ...c I filcat Department Leak for Haydea Bras. ad. Their Spring chi kens, lb ... t'nickeit. lb Mutton lgs. lb jmb legs, lb Mutton Ktew. lb .... 11 V i T1,;; SVjc I ?-1 3'- Mutton roast, lb Veal roast 'lb c Veal-atew. 'lb 4c 25 CENTS FREE Site kat eraaeat will le areeeated ery department d arias AK-SAR-BEX. Se-.ord He would more nearly harmonir th:- two faction in the republican parly than any of tlie other candidates Third He has a larger number of fr.ends a fd no enemies. Fourth He has never held a political of fice. Fifth He has been a successful business msn in Omaha for the psst eighteen years, the last twelve years employing about lt people all tho time, always having their esteem and respect. Sixth He would give to the office the same clow attention (hat he has git en to the business of the Omaha Priming com pany, thereby insuring a practical and suc cessful administration of the affairs of the I district court. E. A. WILLIS. STATE WILL SEND DELEGATES Nebraska W ill Be Restreseated at tke Grata Dealer Meeting; Fleyd J. f aaell and F. J. Miller. The Nebraska Grain Dealers' socltion. jaiinovgn noi a memoir ui m ,iiii,i I ejrain iwajera association, wi:i seno two delegate to the meeting which ia to be held at Minneapolis. O tohcr t. 7 and - Floyd J. Campbell and F. J Miller, secre- f tary of the lo- l .ciiti.n. will attend. goit g to Minneapolis by way or th orili welem The loaa Grain Dealers' as.cis tion will le represented by George A. Weils of Ie Moirte. ecretary of the asso ciation. The program Irclode a we.com to the tate by tVi emor B. R. Van Sant. welcome to the city by Mayor James C. Haynea. annual report on agricultural ta tistks and an address on reciprocity with Canada by Eugene F. Hay of Minneapolla- , New officer will he elected and th vtst- tors will be entertained at a smoker by th I Elks and a trolley nde through the en ' vlrons of Minneapolis. Matd laerease la Ken Ire. "The rural free delivery er ice is In creasing very rapidly ttiroiich low and ' Nebraeka. as well as elsshere throughout l h - enieion." said fiuperiutendefit a H. j Raihbone of the weetern oivisloe rural free delivery servv . 'The ufh e i.ere is taxed to its utmost io keep up with tn work end we etuill have Io i.ate additional ieris j A e now have m w.-ia1 r.wii ageiiLs and j InspKctors at wurk in Nebraska. the lowest. DRIED FBI IT SPECIAL. Iarge Italian prunes. Ih Choice I'tah peaches. In .... Fancy Moor Park apricots. Ib Fancy Virginia blackberries, lb ... ?:rigllsh cleaned curranta, Ib Virginia red raspberries, lb FRESH FRCrT SPECIALS. Fancy Washington plums, basket . ...inc ...IV ....23c Fancy Tokay grapes, basket Fancy California peaches, dozen ... T -a rv t lemons eacK .... ...10 TEA AD COFFEE SPECIALS. Good Santos coffee. Ib Fancy Golden Santo coffee, lb Choice B. r . Japan tea. ID Tea riftlngs, lb A BIG CADT SPECIAU Fancy mixed candy, retailed everywhere for 25c per pound our price thl. 1.10j Prices Are Always tke Lewest. Round steak, lb., 10c and 9e Shoulder steak. 4H pound for ...2no Sirloin steak, lb. l'"c and ir Rib boll. Ib iy Leaf lard, lb IV ! HOME-MADE 8AU8AGB . KINDS SOLD CHEAP. OF ALL te every lady visit lag: ear BIIlta BRITISH TROOPS IS BOSTON EEg'hh Tliz Borne Throngk Stn.ts G aarded by Redcoat!. MILITARY COMPANY PAYS VISIT After Maktas; Tear ef Easterm Cities and Caaada Urgaalsatlea "SI lit Start Back ta Their Own Sherea. BOBTOjir. Oct. 2 -For lha first Urn It many years the flag of England, guarded by British muskets, was bora through th streets of Boston today by the Honorable Artillery corp. of Iondon, aa special guest, of a. similar organisation, th Ancient and Honorable Artillery company of thia city. landing at Charleatown, almost oa ths very siut where their ancestors started oa, their memorable attack on Bunker Hill. L years ago, the red coats of the twentieth century marched from their steamsr, May flower, over th bridge to Boston and then through treet resplendent with Americaa nd British flags to th hotel which will be their home during their sojourn in this cit y. For five day. they will be entertained, and th-n. after , a week's tour, which will In rlude New York. Washington. Niagara Falls and Canada, tbey start back to their awn shores. Colonel Sidney M. Hedges, commander of th Ancient and Honorabl Artillery com pany, and naff boarded Mayflower and welcomed the visitor, through their com mander, the earl of Denbigh. Adjutant General Daiton In behalf of Governor Bate, extended trie official welcome of tha commonwealth of Massachusetts. , A soon s the visitor landed and had formed their line the procession started. After a march turough the principal downtown street and 'ro Boston Com mon the parade was dismissed Th first of tlie entertainment, acrordel the visitor, will be a smoker In Faneutl hall lo, light. "Garland" fenovws and rUn"- hea I be biead ar.d toai ta meat that make the saaa