Tnft OMAHA PAILl- HEE: S ATTUIWY, MTon.:n 3. lMtt. FORM OF TF1E STATE TICKET Probability He Change Will B Made B; tvera Now. and Election. FUSIONISTS DISTRUST EACH OTHER Her. White File Prrfrtl Amaarlta Home Are Hatltlra With Trratmrit, I f From a Staff Correspondent) LTNCOLN. Ort. ' I tSpeclal.) In tha offloe of the secretary of at ate some Idea la now obtainable aa to what tha atata ticket will look like. Of course It will re main open for the Insertion of the names f candidates by petition and chsnges, but 1 In all probability It will be thli: For Judges of the aupreme court John B. liarnen Rep. John J. Bulllvari I em. and P.I. Oeorae I. WriKht Pro. C. Chrlstianeon Sot. For regents of the atata university Charles ft. Allen Bep. William tJ. Whltraore Rep. William A Jones Dem. and P. I. Dr. Ernest O. Weber rem. and P. I. C. A. Parker Pro. R. V. Mulr Pro. T. n. Ianplncott Roc. T. R Wilbur 8oc. All the Judicial district nominations have been made and the only thing left now to do la to get out the vote and the shouting home. Tb fuvlonista have two head quarters with which to do thta and the republicans have one, but from the fre quent visits to the popullsta here by Char lea Scott, the Omaha head of the aggregation, It la evident that all la not harmony be tween the two heads. The feeling of dis trust that was worked up at Grand Island and at Columbus la still a mighty spectra and from appeaxancee la Just now working overtime. The result Is that the democrats are. afraid of the popullsta and the popu llsta are afraid of the democrats. At Co lumbus the democrats spent a whole even ing before the convention trying to figure that It would be better to have the popullsta nominate Judge Sullivan and then for the democrats to break loose and name Its own regents In tha hope that the populists would da the same thing and thus get up such a rivalry between the two parties that every one of them would come out and vote to'eee which waa really the stronger and Judge Sullivan would profit thereby. The popu llsta wouldn't stand It. however, and neither would Mr. Bryan and so the scheme fell through. It Is believed that this feeling of distrust, one for the other. Is what occas ioned the splltup In the headquarters. In the meantime the republican headquarters Is a busy place. At this time Chairman Undsey Is In Chicago attending a meeting of the National Republioan league, but the work he aet In motion Is still going on , Jjust the eame. The poll of the sUts Is about ' completed and the organisation Is being perfected aa well aa It ever waa. Tabltbn Home Defease. Rer. White today filed with Governor .', Mickey certlflcatea of satisfaction In the ,' nature of affidavits from the young boys. Inmates of the Tabltha home, who are now a work on the Wlsner farm, telling that they are well treated and satisfied with the management of the home. Rev. White made a personal Investigation of the condition of the boya at work on tha farm and he reported that Inasmuch as this part of the home had been In op eration only since last spring, he found everything aa well aa could be expected. The farm building in .which the boya live and the school Is taught, he aald, was OxZS feet, with six rooms and a pantry be low and three rooms above. In front of thla la s blacksmith shop, carpenter ahop ad a buggy and wood house. The atruc tura la three smaller buildings put to , getber. and In the renter one of these is a large room used aa a school room and dining . halL Sunday achool la held each Sunday morning and aa often aa a travel ing preacher comes along church services are held. Tha achool Is taught by Prof. Brich, a No Tax 'THERE'S A REASON-" Selected A 10 days trial works wonders. Look la each package for mtnia f iKa Omaha Mieh school arid ! the State unlvers'tr. and a greater portion I of the time of the pupils la devoted to elementary agriculture. .The smaller beys under It years of a a of whom there are six In the home, attend school In the dav- time and all of the Inmates attend at j night, except one, who, having attended j the Lincoln High school, la exrused from ' study. ' ' I have a son at the home." ;ald Rev. j White, "IS years of age. srd he told me h" waa perfectly satisfied. I ate with the boys snd found the fare as good aa or.e could expect, snd Just a little better that day. because the superintendent of the farm had killed some wild clucks and we ate them. There are two lakes on the farm full of good fish and the boys hve plenty of time to fish, and whenever they dcrtre It fish Is served. At present two boys are doing the cooking, but this Just began three weeks sgo, when the family whloh was living at the home left. The superintendent Is now looking fot a good family and before long the home will be prealded over by a woman, ss It has been. I secured affidavits from the boys that they were well treated and satisfied, and 1 fell sure thev are from a little incident that occurred while I waa there. I told the boys that T had come to take them back to Uncoln. and every one of them set up a cry that he wanted to star there, and one of the little fellows cried plteously. It Is the Intention of the superintendent to build a new chapel and sod the yard Just as soon as possible, and If this cry agalnat the home had not been started it would probably have been started by this tune." The delay of the state officers in not doing something or quitting Is certainly working a hardship on the home, whether deserved or not. Governor Mickey an nounced that h waa going to the home to make a personal Investigation, but so far he has not gone. Rev. Zimmerman, a collector for the home, was In to find out thla morning what the governor had dis covered on hia trip. Mr. Zimmerman stated that It waa Impossible for him to collect any money for the cause until after the governor made some kind of a report. "Everywhere I called." he said, "the people told me an Investigation was in rrnffr'8a and that they would not contribute until something definite was known of the con dition of the home." The governor, how ever, waa busy with the Bosrd of Purchase and Supplies and was not available. Prompt Payment of Taxes. The reports received at the office of the state treasurer from a majority of the county treasurers of the state are to the effect that fully 90 per rent of all taxes were paid by the 1st of June. This is due partially to tha prosperous condition of the people and partly to the fact that It Is cheaper to borrow money and pay the taxes than It la to pay the penalty. On real property the taxes delinquent draw Interest from May 1. and according to the reports received there will bo little Inter est paid In. The fact that 90 per cent of tha taxes have been paid Is a wonderful showing. Inasmuch as It Is not often that 99 per cent la ever collected In one year. Testerday the treasurer's office took in lil.OOO from various sources, the State uni versity paying In $16,000 from matriculation and other feea. This Is the highest amount of money ever paid In by the university at one time. Pnrehaslas; Soppllea. The Board of Purchase and Supplies waa at It again today buying supplies for state Institutions. The matter of the purchase by Items, aa suggested by Treasurer Mor tenaen. waa discussed, but whether It will be adopted la a question. It Is said Sec retary Marsh and Treasurer Mortchsen were In favor of It and the other members desired more time to think about It. Dodge Mortgage Record. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. J.-Speolal.-Tho following Is the mortgage record for DoJge county for the month of September: Farm mortgages recorded, eight. smount, 11. 4014; released, nine, amount. t9.377.iO. Village and city mortgages recorded, four teen, amount. $17,830.90; released, twelve. on the digestive organs when IS THE FOOD "mere s. a the "meaty" little b3ok, amount, I12.41V Chattel mortgages fllel seventy-three, amount. (41.3. , .: released. IMrty-slx. amount. t?4.w S. There have been very few res I estate transactions during the past month. " t Portal. PAPILLIOX. Neb., Oct. 2 Sner1V Word was brought to rspllllon today t the effect that oil has been discovered at portal. It ta raid the water In some of the wells rr.nnnt be tised because of Its oily condition, and being more notice lbl In the well at the home of Mr. Hrysnt. t'.ie Missouri Pacific section foreman, pur lin tlie Portal bomn, shout fifteen yearj ago. some private parties made borlngi on a small scale, but owing to the scarcity of money, the matter was dropped before any results were obtained. Old residents are of the orlnlon that the oil Is there. Nothing has been. done In the past few years In the direction of making a teat, but Indications are that boring will be made In a short time with modern ma chinery. The question Is being agitated of organlxing a company among the cttlceni of Portal and neighboring towns for the purpose of raising the ueeeasary funds to push the work at once. Rumors are that the Missouri Pacific Intended to try and locate the oil and will begin as sosn as they are convinced the oil Is there. Portal Is two miles west of Papllllon. (timing Democrats omlnate. WKST POINT. Nb.. Oct. 2.8peclsl.V The democrats of Cuming county held their county convention yesterday and nominated the following ticket: For Judge. Louis DeWald; for clerk. Joseph F..Kaup; for sheriff. K. L,. Gallagher; for superintendent of schools, Prof. Btahl; for clerk of trie district court. J. C. Pinker; for coroner, Pr. II. S. Wells; for surveyor, W. Smith; for assessor, W. Wagner. The ticket la regarded as being a very weak one. DIs sensiona In the democratic ranks causel nominations to be made which do not meet with the approval of the older members of the party who think that they have been alighted. Work on Y. M. C. A. Building. TORK. Neb.. Oct 2. (Special ) Work has begun on the Toung Men's Christian as sociation building of this place. The eon tract ha been let for $16,000. complete, with exception of heating, plumbing and lighting. Those who have examined the plans agree in saying that It Is th neat eat, most modern and moat economical Young Men s Christian aasociatlon build ing yet designed. There will be for rent seven fine office rooms, well lighted, heated and supplied with Janitor service, also seventeen dormitories, clean, lighted and heated, will ba for rent on the upper floor. The front of the building will be of buff brick, with stone trimmings. Boy Declared Insane. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Oct 2.-Speclal.) Sheriff J. D. McBiide returned last even ing from Murdock, bringing with him Ar- mur craner, an 18-year-old boy. against whom a complaint of inaanity had been niea ny one of the neighbors. The bov. who haa been making his home with Peter Evelar1. has for some time been acting very queeny and aeveral times. It Is said. has threatened to take the lives of people residing m the neighborhood. After being examinea oy ine board of insanity thla forenoon he was found to be a fit subject ror me asylum for Insane at Lincoln, wncre ne was taken this afternoon toy Farmer Severely Beatea. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Oct. -(SdcIi i George Lubben. a farmer re.sldlna- about six miles south of this city, was returning io ins nome irom riattsmouth last even ing, when, according to the story he told County Attorney J. L. Root, he was at tacked by John Warga and beaten In a brutal manner. Ills general appearance and the bloodstains upon his clothes sub stantiated his story so far as It related to the treatment he claimed to have received. A complaint, rharging Warga with assault, waa sworn out before Justice Archer and a warrant for his arrest placed In the hands of an officer. field grains arc put through a scientific process (that is really mechanical digestion) and Grape-Nuts come from the package already digested and ready for immediate assimilation WITH ALL THE NUTRIMENT LEFT IN. Body and Brain get Nature's full quota of nutriment in such form the weakest stomach is not taxed to handle and assimilate it. Increased energy and brain power follows its use. Heard that before? Ever try the famous food to see if its true? reason "The Road to WellviUe.,, WILL FIGHT FUR HIS LIFE Giarles Frrjure on Trial for Murder of Former SweethearU STARTLING EVIDENCE IS PROMISED Defendant Will that allot Was Accidental end thai He Had Beea Married Secretly to Woman. STOCKV1LLK. Neb., Oct. I.-t8peclal.) District court Is in session here this week with Judge R. C. Orr on the bench. The case of the State of Nebraska against Charles A. Frymire for the murder of Mra. Tracy Pala, last February, is being tried. Frymire had been keeping company with Mrs. Puis, formerly Tracy OKlcnberg, prior to her marriage with Richard Fuls, a young, well-to-do German fimr. All of the parties mentioned lived near Eustls. In Frontier county. As soon as Frymire learned of the mar riage between Puis and Miss Oldenburg he went to their home where a firht ensued. In some manner Mrs. Puis waa shot by a revolver In the hands of Frymire, who claims that the shooting was accidental. After the fight. It is claimed. Frymire kicked and beat the young woman and forced her to accompany him In his buggy to the home of a neighbor, where he waa soon arrested, and where the girl died Ave days after the rhoottng. The coroner's Jury found that Mrs. Puis came to her death from the wounds In flicted by Frymlro and at the prellmlnnry hearing he was hound over to the district court. Tending his trial ha has been con fined In the Jail at Hastings. ICvldeare of ferret Marriage. ' There will be testimony Introduced to show thnt previous to her marriage with Puis, Trncy Oldenburg and Frymire had entered Into a secret marriage. The de fense hopes to prove that the shooting was accidental and that she was not kicked and bruised by Frymire. Two witnesses were called today, one giving but unimportant testimony IT. J. A. Andrews, who attendwd Mrs. Puis after the shooting and until her death, was put on the stand this morning. He testified that Mrs. Puis cam? to her death by a bul let wound and bruises inflicted upon her body. The defense will cross-examine this afternoon and hopes to prove that Mra. Puis came to her death from other causes than the bullet wound. hraika Bankers' Meeting;. The meeting of ' the Nebraska Bankers' association at Lincoln on October 13 and 14 posseaaes a peculiar Interest from the fact that the president of the association, Mr. S. H. Burnham, Is a resident of that city, and that since hi election to the presidency of the' state association ono year ago he has given much time nnd thought to this meeting. ' The program promises a meeting of unusual Interest and those who attend will be well repaid for the time given. It Is expected that a considerable number of eastern bankers en route to the meeting of the American Bankers' association to be held at San Francisco, will stop at Lincoln to attend the Nebraska Stato Bankers' meeting. Mr. Burnham haa aant out a personal letter to every bank In Nebraska calling their at tention Mo this meeting, and urging their attendance. I Dry f(nndae for Papllllo PAPILLION, Neb.. Oct. 2 (Special.) The and Order league which was organised In Papllllon a few weeks ago for the purpose of compelling the saloons to abide by the Slocumb law, has began active work. A delegation called upon County Attorney Tatrick today with the request that he order all saloons to be closed tight on Sundays. This was done Immediately snd Papllllon will be dry hereafter on Sunday. AH s'ot machines have ben re moved owing to the work of this society. Rank Chances at Oakdale. OAKDALE. .Neb., Oct. I. (Special.) The Antelope County bank of this place changed hands today, the former owners. J. T. Huston of Clinton. Ia., and R. McAdam of OakdHle, having sold their Interest and , retired from the management. The new owners are J. A. Reirhenbaiii of Rising j City. Frank Jouvenat of Petersburg, K. C. Million of Ugln and several local capital ists. The new officers are K. C. Million. preFldent; George F. Boyd, vice president, and A. H. Bohannon, cashier. Fish t ar tines to Kansasf FLATT8MOCTH. Neb., Oct. :.-(8peclal.) The Nebraska fish car left South Bend yesterday over the Rock Island railroad for Langdon, Kan., carrying In it enough oriental gold fish to exchange for 5.000 year ling big mouth black bass now owned by a private hatchery concern In that place. The exchange will be made on the basis of $1 a pair for I-year-old gold fish and $30 per thousand for the bass. I'pon'the return of the car the distribution will begin In Nebraska. Blames Railroad C'ompaay, PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Oct 2.-tSpecial.) The coroner's Jury-, sitting on the body of Charles M. Masshart, a braicman on the local freight train No. 29. which runs between Pacific Junction and Lincoln, who waa run down and killed at Cedar Creek yesterday, brought In a verdict that he came to his death while making a flying switch, and blaming the company. K. C. Masshart. a brother of the deceased, ar rived in this city this morning and took the body of his brother home with him to Chester, Neb. Sarpy (oaaty Mortgages. PAPILLION. Neh.. Oct. t. Special. V The following is a lift of the mortgig! filed and releasod In Ssrpy county for the m-ntlt of September. 1M3: Farm mortgages filed, fourteen, K2.3C-0. rrleihed. eleven, I1S.T70. Town mortgage filed, five, $.',300; released, four, ll.T'O. Chattel mortgage filed, nineteen, JlO.SOG.oe; released, six. $.:.. Brakemasi Dies of lajorles. FREMONT. Neb., Oct. 2.-f8pecial.)-T. F. Cooney, the Northwestern brakeman who was severely Injured by fdlllng In front of the pilot of an engine at Hooper last week, died yesterday from blocd poi soning. His remains were taken yesterday afternoon to his home at Harvard for burial. HYMENEAL. MeGakey.Laaxaa. rEADWOOD. S. D., Ort. ? (Special. 1 David Martin MeUahey and Miss Urara M. Loan mere married at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Russell In Deadwood. Sep Umber SO. The Episcopal service was car rled out. Following the wedding there was a brilliant reception, at which many of ths leading society people of Deadwood were present. Mr. MeGahey recently ram west from Chicago, and is engaged in the llva stork business near Aladdin. Wyo. The bride Is a tlstrr of Mrs. 8. W. Russell of Deadwood and has for the last flva years been ona of the most prominent figures In tfsdwoid society snd la rhurch and club work. Tha young couple will leava for the ranch after a few days' visit in Head wood. Take Plan's Cure for ronai'mptton. It a til cure your cough. All drugglslts, . You'll be Proud of Your Appearance if You Allow Us to Furnish Your Clothes. -TMIEUE'S no tnvslery about our supremacy ia tho Arid of ready-hand tailored clothing for men nnd boys. It's simply; the result of our striving after the best. THAT'S the regular Berg Hwanson way. Keep up a continual search for something just a little better. Rear in mind that men are becoming more criti cal in matters of dress. DEMAND that ready-tailored shall be equal in appearance to that furnished by the best custom tailors. We are glad of it. Means that thi9 6tore will continue to grow! We were first to demonstrate that really good clothing could be bought without recourse to expensive tailors. More men are learning every day to dressed. Uur business is growing as last as it snouia. iouii find the cause in goods and prices. Head: Men's Fall and Winter Suits at $15.00 These suits are made in all styles and fabrics and in sizes to fit men of all proportions. Every detail entering into the construction of a perfect suit of clothes has been carefully at tended to in these garments and men who are in the habit of hav ing their clothes made to order it advantageous to select one of at Men's and young men's stylish values, for. Men That Want the Best Know and esteem the superb clothes produced by the tein-Hi'ok Co., L. Adler Bros. & Co., Garson, Mayer & Co., Rochester, K. Y., and B. K uppenheimer, Chicago clothes sold here ex clusively. SWELL DRESSERS SAY The beautiful suits, overcoats, top coats and rain coats, the elegant fabrics and textures, the peculiar smartness of the fit surpasses the best hopes ever attained from costliest tailors. Suits, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 and $30. Overcoats, $10 to $50 CORRECT EVENING DRESS SUITS made of fine dress worsteds and vicunas liqed throughout with finest silk $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00. THEIR POWER IS LIMITED According to Canadian Idea the Alask'n Comtcitsioa Cannot Tii Lias. MAY ONLY SETTLE POINTS IN TREATY ollrltar General f Dointuloa Creates Considerable Surprise Wheal Ha iainonrri Hla Oplolan to the Members of Commlaslon. LONDON, Oct. 2. Sir Kdward Carbon, the solicitor general, consumed the morn ing session of the Alaskan Boundary com mission today In endeavoring to refute the arguments of David T. Watson and Hannls Tsylor of counsel for the I'nlted States, especially protesting against Mr. Taylor's contention that the trend of the const could only apply to the political coast line and not to the physical coast line. He also maintained that the principle of acquiescence was not applicable to the present dispute and somewhat surprised the nudience by declaring that under the powers of the treaty of IOCS the commis sioners had no authority to define quea- tlons submitted to them and that they could neither lay down the boundary nor decide what constituted the coast. All the commissioners could do was to answer questions submitted to them In the treaty either negatively or affirmatively. If they gave certain answers they might make matters more confused than ever and open up a new aerlea" of diplomatic tangles. The solicitor general concluded with sn eloquent reference to Great Britain's un willingness to give up any of Ita subjects Into the control of other nations. He de clared he thought the republic might think the commission was slow and that counsel were wasting time: but no time and no money would ever be wasted If the long- landing dispute between the two great and friendly nations could be solved by the tribunal. When Jacob M. Dickinson of counsel for the I'nlted States rose to conclude the arguments the room waa filled with specta torr. Ho commenced by belittling the minute examinations of maps and bicker ing over details, declaring that the cao could only be settled by grasping the cen tral Idea animating the original negotia tors. He proceeded to take up Attorney General Flnlay's points, dealing lucidly with the broad phase of the dlcpute and enlivening the proceedings with an occa sional story. He was still speaking when the commission adjourned until October 5. Mr. Dickinson does not expect to con clude until the evening of October t. TELEGRAM IS A FORGERY Last Attempt Made to Rave the Lives of tie Three Van Werners. ALB ANT, X. T., Oct. ;.-Forgery of the official title cf the head of the nation fig urea In an attempt made yesterday to save the three Van Wormer boys from the death chair at Dannemora prison. . Less than half an hour before the time aet for the execution Warden Deyo re ceived the following telegram: WEST POINT STATION, Oct l.-To Oei4-ge Deyo. Warden: The Van Wormer bovs must not be executed today. A stay haa been granted. By order the president of the i nueu mates. . . Warden Deyo at once consulted with some of the witnesses present and con cl'Jded that the message waa a forgery sent for the purpose of delaying the execu tlon beyond the official dcy. It waa con clJded first that the president could not Interfere except through Governor Gar II and. second, that reprieve cou'd not be accomplished by telegraph, bjt must be by personal signature or In personal In lervlew by telephone. No attention was therefore paid to the communication, but every endeavor will be CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND depend on us to keep them well will find these suits $15.00 fall suits and overcoats, actual made to find the gender and prosecute him or hr. TALK OF FEEDING THE TROOPS Mllltla Officers Receive lastrsjctloaa aad All Listen to Lecture on Important Sabject, CAMP YOUNG, WEST POINT, Ky., Oct. !. The lateness of the arrival of the por tions of -several of the mllltla regiments caused considerable modification of today's program after the troops had taken the field. Instead of spending tho whole day In advanie guard movements, as Intended at the start, It was decided to return after five Indiana battalions and the greater part of the Third brigade, compose:! of Michi gan troops, had been given a brief period of work, the Indiana troops In extended or der and tho Michigan Infantry in clous order. n., , . , , ,.. . . , no v..,,...-. ... ...v. , ...... - portion of the afternoon Inspecting the en- trenchments thrown up by the regulur troops on Thursday. The commissary offi cers of the mllltla also had a period of Instruction from two regular oflleera on 'methoda of administration lu lift uubslt- ence department." A lecture for all offi cers on "The Subsistence of Armies" waa given this evening. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers Are Promised Generally for the West ntorday, with Colder Weather. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. -Forecast: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas Showers and cooler Saturday. Sunday fair. For Wyoming and Montana Fair Satur day and Sunday: warmer Sunday. For North Dakota Showers Saturday; cooler ly south portion. Sunday, fair, and warmer. For Iowa Showers Saturday and Sunday; cooler Sunday. For Colorado Fair In west, showers nnd cooler in cast portion Saturday. Sunday, fair; warmer In west portion. For Illinois Fair Saturday; warmer In northern portion. Sunday, showers and cooler; fresh southeast winds increasing. I.oea.1 Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATI I KR HCREAU. OMAHA. Oct. L'. Official lecord of tem perature and pitt-ipitutloii compared with the corregpunoiiig oay ui me mm mrce yea rs: , 1303. i:. lym. Maximum temperature .. Ki 0 61 b Minimum temperature ... ! M 47 A Mean temperature 7S M M ' Precipitation .00 .no .(.a Record of temixrature and precipitation nt Omaha for iIiIm Uuy ai.U mine Mareh 1. 1;!: Normal temperature ic Kxcess for Hie day 11 Total deflelencv Hlnce March I '1 Normal pivciiutatlon a Inch Ieflclency lor trie uay u, nu ll Total rainfall since March 1 IS. SI Inches Excess sincu March 1 4 (i inches Deficiency for cor. period, lwr.'.. i.4t Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1901.. 4. inches Reports from Stations at T P. M. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. r ? 3 : i 3 : 5 : : : . . i . B : K6!T M .(10 a .") t T f.J' ..V 7i T .' J'.' t .04 .i t-'l . .01 i .:'4 Sn; .mi -( ."I f., .IV 74! .i fc.: T Omaha, cloudy Valentine, clear North Platte, part cloudy Cheyenne, part cloudy ... Salt l-ake. raining Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wllliaton. cloudy it M bo' 4.' i -' Chicago, cloudy St. Ixjliis. clear I St. Paul, cloudy DavefiHrt, clear ' Kansas City, clear j Havre, cloudy Helena. Part cloudy s-.'l 7V Hinmarck, part cloudy .. Galveston, clear f T Indicates trace i.f pi . , imitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. er l5 BOYS. , $15.00 fj)10 00 NO HOSTILITY TO RUSSIA Transfer of Japanese Troopito Korea of No Significance. ONLY REGULAR ROUTINE OF ARMY Japan Professes to Bellero that Rue si. Will Evaraale Mancharln on October H According to Ita Agreement. LONDON. Cct. 2. Baron "layashl, tha Japanese minister litre, i.ns no news of tha , movement of Japanese troops . to Korte, announced from Purls yesterdsy. In e -Interview today the minister said: Krom the published accounts It Is certain t 'i n t , nu tyi ni'p m ,nl rtt I rni nm im nrtiv tha 'routine teller or tne Japanese forces guara- , tne telegraph lines from Ptisan to Seoul and Chemulpo. To send a j.mall body of troops to Korea would be no menace to Russia and would have no effect on Its plans. A mobilisation of the Japanese forces on a large soale Is not contemplated for a moment, and Korea's consent would have been obtained for atyr such step. The minister added that, he still believed Russia Intended to keep Its promise to evacuate Manchuria October t. L'ntll that promise waa broken Japan waa not likely to make any move. The Japanese troops guarding the telegraph lines were stationed In Korea, with the assent of Russia, aa well as Korea. AV. I'ritchard Morgan, consul general of Korea In Iindon. also has no Information on the subject. He suggests, however, that the time was coming when the powers should agree to Korea bring declared an independent, neutral state, like Belgium. Ikavplnnation Removes aaplrlon. PATHS. Oct. i. Information received through official sources at St. Petersburg show that the explanation of Japan's mov ing troops to Korea Is calculated to re move suspicion concerning Its intention. The number of troops moved Is estimated at between S,mn and 10.000. Japan explains that the movement Is part of a pan of experimental mobilization for the purpose of showing Its ability to mobilise a considerable force in connec tion with tho friction !ctween .'span and china, but tiiat it has no connection wlilt the differences between Japan and any other power. The officials refuse to com ment upon, the explanations. OBJECTS TO A MUSIC HALL Fran Uadskl Refuses to ftlnaj Wagner llanqnrt lu llerlln. nt BERLIN, Oct. J.-Frau Undskl refused to sing at the Wagner banquet because It wg. given In the winter (,-ardrn music hall, which contains the largest accommodation. In Rerlin. She said ehe had rever sung In a music hall and would :.ever do s i, but sb sttended the banquet. Her name waa on the program. Edgar Stlllman Kelley, who was to have represented the I'nlted States, has with drawn from the International concert to ba given Sunday night, because the orchestra has been unable to learn the Chinese airs from his opera, "Aladdin." and is likely to break down.- Sir Alexander Mackenzie, the "representative of Great Britain, ami tha Norwegian, Grieg, have also withdrawn, for various reasons. tsar la Being; t arelally tinarded. VIENNA. Oct. 1 A dispatch from Muerx ateg, Syria, says the precautionary meas ures taken for the safety of the rxar were largely extended today. The special realm for this has not transpired, but fresh de tachments of gendarmes have been ordnred to the hunting district where all the move ments of unauthorized perton ara pro hibited during the times the tzar i.ryl F.mperor Francis Joseph are bunting. Special additional precautions hav ten taken to guard the apot occupied by tha cxar during tha chamois drives. 4 v ,J&) ! i : 1 . .. .. - ..a