la THE OMAHA DAILY ItEE: 8ATUKPAY, OCTOIlKTt 3. 1003. Watch J Our Windows L EH cob FALL Mens S Special Saturday Sales in Shirts, Neckwear. Hats, Etc Sale torh 11 ere are the Ties that you have regularly paid 50c for. In the 4 new tecks, Imperials and four-ln-handa, worth up to 50c, L special at Sale of Men's Fine Fall Shirts The newest Ksnry SUIT Hppnn Hhlrts, nil the cffrrta-ln fit and finish they urn the. equal n cusLom-niado ftlilrts great values Special Values in Evening and morning's chilly weather Our showing the largest and finest In Men's 75o derbv ribbed '"lf I tinifc'rweiir at UtJt Wen's 75r quality wool and ie..4Bi I cotton an fleece lined nt I Sale of Men's and We sorured an Immrnm shipment of Sweaters from one of the, large eastern factories and are enabled to sell cheaper than any other retail store In the west. The Sweaters in this stock art In all the new effects, In strlpea and eolors. Men's All Wool Sweaters, 7!ie to 13.88. Boys' All Wool Bweatcrs, 45c to $1.49. Sweater Special In the Basement Boys pure worsted Sweat era, plain and fancy colors, worth up to 7oo, go at MUW Swell New Hats for Fall In shapes and These hats have all the style of any Ave dollar hat priced at 'XiW!Swdl au1umn SMte'shades-solt -7u 5.'o?oth 1 E.I wf stiff. at Great showing of the John B. fv sti7ll nu7 fall Wnrlc t f. Pratibei c pom RAILROADS WAR ON DRINK (Join in MoTement to Suppran Habitual j Use of Intoxicants. jOMAHA LINES' ARE IN THE COMPACT la All Ktw Rules Demanding Prohibition and the Konase ( Tobacco Around Buildings. Railroads converging In Omaha and krnilffhfllit the rnnntrv nri waving War against the use of intoxicating liquors and 'tobacco by employes engaged In operating trains. Officials declare that prohibitionists have reduced the number of accidents at I least 25 per cent, so the edict has gone forth, that employes who drink, or who hfrequentN places where intoxicating liquors are sold, are not safe men to Intrust with the lives of patrons or with the valuable property transported . by the railroads. Generally the use of tobacco while on duty and when about stations and on the prop arty of the railroad company Is proscribed. !Aa for the cigarette, the order against it Is almost as severe as that against whisky. A number of the railroads enter ing OmnhA h.v. Issued new rule books. And without exception these contain the following- rules, or rules similarly framed: The uso of Intoxicants by employes while xn duty is prohibited. Their habitual use or the frequenting of places where they are sold Is sutllclent cause for dismissal. The use of tobacco by employes when on duty in and about passenger stations or on 'f aasaiiger cars Is prohibited. It Is said that the Rock Island will 'discharge men for frequenting saloons whether on or oft duty. Great Western Karulngi, I The third week In September the Chicago tJGreat Western earned 11X4, NC8 gross, an In i crease of H'1.447 over the corresponding ifweek of last year. The gross earnings from Una beginning of the new fiscal year to data are fl. 84,513, an increase of 1551, 09. The Chicago Great Western expects to 'have the bridge across the Kaw river com ifileted about the first of February. This letructuie will replace the former one re cently waHhed away by a flood. It will -cost the company about $.'50,000, and lta construction is under the supervision of H. J. Harps, of the ofTico of chief engineer of the Maple Leaf. August was a banner month for the Wa ah, as the company broke all previous records for both freight and passenger earnings for the month. The gross earn ings fur the month were K.l-IXti.TG. operat ing expenses wore 11,450, UI2.G5, and net earn ings tWl.ltf. fktmbrrUln'i Colle. cholera lad Diarrhoea Itemed y. The uniform success of this preparation In the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brought It Into almost universal use, . It never falls and when reduced with water land Is pleasant to take. It it 'equally valuable for children and adults. 1 A t.uod Thlav. Kvery Issue of The Four-Track News makes it easier for ticket agents and tfeket sellers to secure pa8eigers for distant parts of the country, for the teason that every article urd every Illustration In The Tour-Track News Is an Inducement for readers to travel and see what a marvelous 'variety of scenery and climate our own country possesses. Tho more these facts art Impressed upon the averuge person, ittie more certain he or she is to have a desire to travel. Therefore, The Four Track News Is not only la the interest of all the transportation lines and hotels. It also bears out the legend of its title page rcf "An Illustrated Mtigaune of Travel and Education. "From the FvtifTalo Cummer- Jans Ad flams' lecture Newer Ideals of feace first Cou. cburcb Oct. I p. m. re Jo- Watch Our fcosrgNgQjjg Window. r ixmgs of Swell Fall Neckwear The newest and handsomest line of Fall Neckwear in Omaha. All the new and exclusive ideas in fancy figured sill; swell Persian and tht new non-creasing plain M f color Bilkr, ail the tmirt 'slylfs, 9 regular one dollar values only, J i98c-l.50-2.00 Fall Underwear suggest change In underwear. the west. ,pn'" ,-2B Uck "wee lined Underwear at 69c 1.25 Men s $2.00 all wool extra He heavy underwear at. Boys' Sweaters The popular Brandels Bperlal, In soft and stiff hats. This fall's styles are dressier than ever before. Swell new English browns, tans, pearls and Marks, widths of brims to suit $2 n style Hats in all the late ..a. .$3owto. 98c ... . Stetson Hats in snrta! ... . -a. 3 31. Prnttitfi Sc'gtons ESS GET HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Representatives of Knights Templar Quarter Nebraska Commander? at the Occidental. Milton J. Kennard has returned from San Francisco, where he made arrangements, after considerable trouble and lengthy negotiations, for the accommodation of Mount Calvary Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, at the Occidental hotel during the triennial conclave In September, ino4. This hotel Is the headquarters for the, Orient trade and declines to make contracts In advance, but In this case waived the rule. Prank K. White, grand recorder, and Henry Gibbons of Kearney, past grand commander of the state, made arrange ments at the same time for the quartering of the grand commandery of Nebraska at the Occidental. ' Over 100 members of Mount Calvary com mandery will attend the conclave and will have a special train out of Omaha to the coast. What Follows OrlpT Pneumonia often, but never when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is used. It cures colds and grip. Wc, 11.00. For sale by Kuun & Co. Announcements of the Theaters. Only two more times matinee and even ing performance today and the varied and pleasing bill of this week at the Orpheum will be brought to a close. It has served well to draw a series of very big audiences. The management has calculated the suc ceeding bill to meet the demands of the gay and happy mood of Ak-Far-lten week and feel confident it even excells the best program thus far this season. Mary Hamp ton and company will fill the top-Una posi tion. Miss Hampton is the latest of the "big guns" to desert tho legitimate for vaudeville. She was a Frohman leading lady and scored heavily in such successes ns "Sowing the Wind" and "Under the Red Robe." She la a southern girl and endowed with the beauty for which the women are famed down south. Included In her support will be William Davis, who was a member of tho Woodward Kto.w company. Her vehicle will be a ketch en titled "The Melo Drama." Tho other seven arts on the bilf are varied and of estab llshed reputation. At a matinee this afternoon and again this evening will "Ben-Hur" be presented for the last time in Omaha. The engage ment has been most successful, particularly from an artistic point of view. The com pany la very strong- and, being equipped with an entire new outfit of scenery, cos tumes and mechanical appliances, is pre senting the great spectacle better than ever. It is unquestionably the finest thing of the sort ever shown and is worthy of the closest study, as much for the lesson it teaches as for the entertainment it af fords. No other tiiow ever sent out has such beautiful and startlingly realistic pic tures. Some good seats may yet be ob' tained at the box office. Beginning with a matinee on Sunday. Richard Carle comes to the Hoyd for three performances of hi latent success), "The Tenderfoot." In this Mr. Carle has entered a most Inviting Meld for the mutical com ody, the southwest, and has grouped a lot of Interesting characters in a clverly con structed bit of comedy and satire com l-lncd. Among the company supiiortlng Mr. v arie is urace i amerun or umana. a prima local favorite. Seals are now on sale. The Beaaett Company. The official souvenir of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, a beautiful lithographed work ef art, authorised by the board of govern ors, will be given away FREE In our shoe department tomorrow. One with, every pair of shoes sold. RKMKMBKR, IN SHOE DEPT. ONLY. Iook for Bomtner Bros.' half-page gro cery lid. In the Illustrated tomorrow. Uubermatui, Jeweler; all aooda guaranteed. mm inv AK-SAR-BK1 BALES. The Greatest Sale of en's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Ever Held in Omaha. an IfU yljvA v-ftV- ;- it:.', -''fJUiSV-- 4 n M v v m .i k Little Price Offers Price is always d strong attraction for customers. We know how to combine Qual ity and price. Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c 4711 Soap 10c Swansdown Powder 15c I'eruna 68c Ilnkham Compound 74c Pierce's Golden Medical , Discovery ....69c Ayer's Hair Vigor .'. 73c Hall's Hair Restorer 7c Packer's Tar Soap 14c Menthol Pencils 10c Mecca Compound 20c aBaaHBBBfc AK-SAR-BEN WEATHER Cuts no figure, with Omaha 'cause the big Carnival goes on lust the same, rain or snow; neither do the DRUG TRUSTS cut anv figure with SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICK DRUG STORK 'cause they keep right on cutting prices Just the same. Some druggists are FIGHTING THE CUT PRICH plan, but we notice they keep up their Ctrl' PRICK SIGNS. PRETENDERS NEVER DID CUT MUCH FIGURE or prices either. 11.00 Peruna Pe-ru-na 67c 11.00 Wine Cardul 75c tl.M) Pierre's Prescription 6c ll.oo Pierce's Medical Discovery 6Sc 11.00 Paine's Celery Compound 79c .Tie. Genuine Caxtoria 24c 5k; Doan's Kidney Pills 3s: Me Cuticura Salve 39i) 5c Syrup Figs. California 4"c l"c "Catarrh Rem" 30c ;oc Gem Catarrh Powder 30o 75c Moeller's Cod Diver Oil 4c I5n laxative Bromo Quinine 15c '.6c Qulnacetol. guaranteed Cold Cure....20o 12.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Plllsll.OO DOWNEY'S CANDIES. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE E. T. YATES, Proprietor. Two Phones 747 and 707. lath and Chlcaaro Streets, Omaha. HALF RATES Via Wabash Ratlread. St. I-ouls and Return, HI. 6ft. Sold October 4 to t. Iave Omaha 6:55 p. m., Arrive St. Louis 7:00 a. m. City Office 1601 Farnam Street, or Address Harry E. Moores, Genl. Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb Kansas City, Missouri, and Retara. Account of the fall festivities at Kansas City the Missouri Pacific railway will sell round trip tickets at one fare from October 4th to 10th inclusive. Limited to October 12th. For further Information call or ad dress Union Station or City Ticket Offices, S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas streets. Thos. F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent. Chicago Great VFesiera Railway. Short line to Minden, Harlan, Manning, Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains each way. Ieave Omaha at 6:20 a. m. and Z:4S p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at 1:46 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. For reformation apply to Geo. F. Thomas, Gen'l Agt., room 111, Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, Neb., and 36 Pesrl St., Council Bluffs, la. Commencing October I freight bousea of all lines In the city of Omaha will close at 3 p. m. Saturdays. Horse covers made o ci your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Uth and Harney streets. A. B. Hubermana, only direct diamond Importer la Vam weal ar.aita, A Denglaa. AvyfmR 1 .rt.vrJ' nn mm ak-ar-bi: mi.KS. Men's fine suits In all tno latest styles nd fabrics, all hand tailored, hand padded shoulders and hair cloth fronts. Tiiee come In cafnlmrres, cheviots, wontri1n, rerges, Scotch cheviots, fancy rnsslmrrcs, fancy worsteds, thlbets and unfinished worsteds in brown mixtures, oxford grays, blurs, blacks and fancy mixtures In neat checks, stripes and plain colors. If you are In need of a suit come to llaydrn Bros. They have the largest assortment of men's suits to select from at 17.&0, 110.00, 112.50. 115.00, 118.00 and up to 1J5.00. Men's fine overcoats in all the lntpst styles and colors. In frieze, virunus, ker seys, beavers, meltons and Scotch cheviots. In oxford grays, brown mixtures, blue blacks, fanry mixtures, strifes, cheeks and plain colors, all hand tailored with close tlttlne collars and self retaining fronts. In medium and long lengths. The greatest assortment of men's overcoats ever shown at 17.60, 110.00, 112.60, 115.00, 118.00, 120.00 and up to 125.00. Boys' kime pants suits, made in double breasted, Norfolk, sailor Norfolk, snllor blouse and three piece Btyles. In fancy cheviots, serges, fancy worsteds and fancy casslmeres many of them are made with double seat and knees, all made with ex tension waistbands and taped seams. These come in any shade or color desired at 11.95, 12.50. 12.95, 13.50. and up to 15.00. Boys' overroata in all the latest styles and fabrics, in the latest shades and rotors, medium and long lengths, nt 12.60, 13.50, 13.75, 14.50. 15.00 and up to 17.50. mm, Saddles and limine Harness LARQEST STOCK IN THE CITY Robes, Panoy Ilorso Goods, Suit Cases and Valises jtjtjt AT A REDUCTION Alfred Cornish, Tel, 2314. 1210 Farnam Street If You'vs Been a Stranger To the flavor given by using our coffees, get acquainted. Nothing but pure coffee la the kind wa sell. COFFEE. Rio Blend for Saturday Special Rio I2c Deader Blend has no equal, for l.c Boston Blend 20c Cucuta Blend worth 35c 20c TEAS A BARGAIN. Tea Sittings for Saturday 12V4c Basket Fired Japan, English Breakfast, Oolong 35c, 45c, 65c, 65c. EX TRACTS. Two-ounce, full weight 15c Four-ounce, full weight 3oc OUR SPICES ARE PURE AT 25c Mixed spices for pickling the best , TRY OUR H-LB. COCOA per can ....17'jC Remember we buy our coffees green and make our own blends; thereby we give you better coffee than you can buy elsewhere for the same money. 50c SAVED 50c MADE You rrn save 60o every time you bring the boy here and have us fit him with a pair of boys' shoes at 11.50. The quality Is there for the dlffer enre. Parents who have bought these shoes know their value and come again and again for the same kind of 11.50 shoes nothing we could say would recommend them as much as this fact. Saturday is boys' day. DREXEL SHOE GO. (419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Dp-to-Dato Shoe Mouse, BUY A FARM on Monthly Installments. Farm homes In Polk and Barron Counties, Wisconsin, wirhin from bo to 76 miles from Bi. Paul and Minneapolis, 18 to lib per acre, upon payment of from 6u cents to 11. 60 per acre cash, balance in three, five or ten years, on monthly payments. Monthly In stallments of from 13 to 16 mill procure a farm. For maps and full Information ad dress. LECKE'S LAND AGlrMtiv. Cumberland. Wisconsin. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Xahea Meet Tnefal Present. . . . is y Schiiiolicr Gt Mueller 1313 Farnam St. The Lcadinjr Piano lloua S !', lfaslf7a V '"3 A Golden Chance for piano buyers this week. Without question the closing; oat sale of the l.anare A- Mlpton stock presents the most surprising bars Inn the difference between a lealtlmnte bargain and the Imi tation Is as vrlde as the differ ence between Tire and virtue. He sure to take s look at them. Kvery Instrument Is more than deservlna- the appelatlon. A Genuine Bargain A few of the low priced 'ones selected at random. There are hundreds more. In this lot ou are almost sure to Bind Just the one you wanti Gilbert 9 33 llallct Jk. Davis S3 l'ease Gilbert T Knabe T4 Hale Hlaslus A Sons 1(M Mrlnway 11 Arlon 124 Chlckcrlna- 14" Krhe 17SI Mathusbelc 107 Stein way A Sons, Steg-er, F.mer son, Vose, llardman, A. R. Chase, Sleek, Mason A Hamlin, Krell, grhaaf, Grainer. Erbe, Hensel, Crown and nearly a score of others to select from. EASIEST KIND OF PAYMENTS, MUELLER (INCOBPOPATtD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIL P I AN O S MAIN HOUSC AND OFFICE: 1313 FARNAM factoby: FASN Ast TELEPHONE 1S28 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB CO. BLUFFS, IA 13S S). 11TH ST. TEL. TS SOS BROADWAY TIU ess favorite foot Fashions for fall. 13.50 shoes for women have never been shown In this city to equal the Fry Shoe in Its styl ish elegance, splendid quality of material and finished work manship. 13.50 will pay for more satis faction In wear, comfort and beauty. In a Fry Shoe than In any other shoe made at the same price. All styles; all leathers ,.--t. PRY SHOE CO te'DOSGLAScOi If you desire low prices on meats and groceries, which stamps quality on every article you buy. to prove their superiority by your own experience and thereby save money Instead of trading stamps, secure your eatables here and be convinced. 30 pounds granulated sugar, at Finest sifted pens obtainable can , .1.00 . 15c ..10c .25c Rock wood's Oocoa Bt 3 2-1 b. packages rolled oats for SOMMER BROS., Exponents of good living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Grocery Tels. 1329-1331. Market Tel. 754 fer. ;f .lib .1 Best Work You'll like the way we fix your teeth. as the work will be satisfactory and last ing. GOLD FILLINGS Sl.SO up crowns aa.oo KKT TKKTII SA.OO Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Doujrlaa St. Deputy State T.terlnarTaaw Food Inspector. I!.L.RmCC10TTI, D. Y. S. C1TT VETaTRIMAJUAW. Office and Infirmary, ffcta sod Mason ata, It jcr Prices on I WH If or our popular "Fifth Avenue'' shape at $2.00 or $2.50, as the case may be, in the new fall blocks, and leave a last year's style behind, often with regret, because it Mill looks well. Derbys Showing all $l,5(V$2.00$2.50,$3.00 Wonderful Values in Our Boys' Store Saturday. We claim that nowhere In the city can you buy boys' clothes of equal merit at anythl ag near the price we quote you. Read Suits for Boys at These Three Prices Go on Sale Saturday $1.85, $2.35, $2.85 Boys' Suits $1.85, Worth $2.50 Made of pure all wool blue cheviot nnd.casslmere all the newest colorings Norfolk style sles 4 to 12 years-double-breasted styles, sizes 8 to 15 yenrs these suits sre great bargains you must see them 12-50 values on sale.... Boys' Suits $2.35, Worth $3.25- Made of very fin and select fancy cheviots and casslmeres. also thlbets mnfle and trimmed beautifully Norfolk, 4 to 11': double-breasted 8 to IB we respectfully ask a close examination f these , suits, as the values are equal to anv garment Helling for 13.25 In this city-worth 13.25 Saturday Boys' Suits Worth $4.00 for $2.85 Made of very fine snd select fancy cheviots and casslmeres. Also blue Washington Mills cheviot made, and trimmed beautifully and the fit Is perect Norfolk 4 to 12, double breasted 8 to 15 worth 14.00 on sale BBS Largest Eicluslre Retail Millinery House in the West. Stylish Millinery at Popular Prices THIS STORE FOR VALUES AND STYLE Beautiful Hats at S4, S5 and 36 Extraordinary Sals on Street Hats Saturday. INVESTIGATE, IT PAYS. r J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS Bank on Balcony, Main Floor t Per Cent Interest Paid on Cer tificates of Deposit Running 3, 6 or 12 Months. Per Cent Interest Paid on Pass Books. Interest Compounded Every Three Months. 4 4 Deposits Received from $1 to $3,000 Money can be withdrawn at any time without notice. HOME SAFES LOANED FREE To each depositor who desire It vv loan a tel slronr box. which I very handy to savs small amounts. CHECKS ON ALL Union Paclflo Rock Island Illinois 'Central Wabash Chicago Northwestern Missouri Paclflo Pay Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Burlington C, Bt. P., M. ft O. Postofflce Money Orders BANKING HOURS: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturdays until 9 P. t. Your Account Solicited e h in mi mi a Tho Geo Vant Ads Produco Results F i i if " 'yl Men's Hats Are about tlio same rvcrywhoro qualities arc different and .von are acquainted with this store well enough to know that the name wouldn't po into a hat that wasn't thoroughly worthy of its price and more, too : it has got to be a beter hat at its price than the same money will pay for else where. Men like our hats we know they do because with a majority of our customers it's a case of "off agin', on agin', Finne.gan"' they come in for another "Nebraska Special' at Sl.oO, correct blocks in Soft Hals aud 1.85 u iiui.fin iTin'i'- 2.35 2.85 1308 DOUGLAS STREET BANKS CASHED. Zfxpress Money Orders. Swift A Co. Pay Checks Armour ft Co. Pay Checks Cudahy Pay Checks Hammond Packing Co. Pay Checks Omaha Tacking Co. ray Checks raul Telephone Pay Checks Postmaster's Pay Checks City, County and School Warrants All Checks on Other Banks