s Tim OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3. IPCS. 15 SPECIAL NOTICES save ttseeet sr fkn ea-ta 111 W .fta aatil 11 ssv. for e4Mtftoa " bUI M far amlii sad fteaday edlttos). la ItlH, 1 l-Se were Brst laeeM a. Is a wars thereafter. Netklas; ta neat lie. Taeoe eg ,tr1toa,i ta ssaat raa ,,mlTly. Ai,crtln, sv raaaaatlac a 9erea rbewk, aaa save answers dressed la iiahul letter Ik f la Ha. Auwm aa address, a 9 deliver aa g resents rtaa mt kMk only. a- alll tke SITUATIONS WHTED. YOUNG man uu a place to work for beird whl .e going to school. Boyle Col lege. Tel. 14. A Mi W NTED By n able-bodied and energetic old oid,er (.gets bo pension i. permanent employ mailt aa watchman or other re fni't.lf position not Involving extreme manual labor; can show honorable record thirty-five jr m Neb-aska; 1 us neither strong drink. Strong language or tobacco: rfrrnce for finv(nii( to Payne, Bostsrtck Co.. 601 N. T. Life, or sddre O. E. St-amr, LU9 8 :frh at.. Omaha. A MTU tf VANTED-Touni ladr atenogTapher and bookkeeper !e"irea puaitlon; Al refreneaa. Addreaa I' tt. Bee. A MIX Tx POSITION by young womin In cojrpoelr.g room. Addreaa P C. be. A 1W 2x WAITED MALE KELP. FALL TERM NoW OPEN LAY AND Nl'JHT. TXDENTS AOM1TTEU AT ANT TIME. aWVV.O VUI1(.LV. NEV lOiUC LiFL r 1 WE MOVE pianoa. Vacrard Van It Ptor- BUSINttoa. briui-.iHANiJ. ilPWPJT- afe Co., Tel. H!. OfUca. ITU Vebtert. l.Ntf. EJsuHSH. Apply Xor caiaiofua. 1 . 3-801 FOR REM" Fl R.MSHEO ROOMS. WAMED, a man to work from our wa-un. ,m; ,r rrorw.n i"th A rwli- C F. AOama a to, Howard. AETNA HOI EE, European, 1-th l0?- HMJW2 hr-U GOOD meaaencera wanted; ftrat-claaa p. NlfELT. f u':.Lrl,"iTJ A. D. X. Co.. iil 8. IKth- tor- Steam Laundry. 1750 Leavenaotth. Pbcmt A-1,3. A WANTED, Brat-claaa wood turner at one. . . . . . , 0od wacea. Llncoia aaah, ioor & Mt- M E 0"ubk. Tele phone Cil. Co, Uucolu. Nab. B ; WANTED, traveling men to carry a Una LHWEI European hotel. 13th and Farnam. of t U pauta t.na akeieton aujia In loaa, Ji1 Nebraaka aijd Ka.na ierniur, AddieM, ' . . .,, H . tat a. axperienc. pvli relerenct. ROTAL HOTEL. European. ICth ChlcakO aiary axpectao. etc, P lv Bea. t-wio . 804 NICELY furnished rooms. ISO Capitol Are. WANTED, men to learn brber trade; iha KiA.li niy way to aae yeara o? apprenuoaahlp T la oy. our method of free practice aiid Mm rooma. day, week or mo. Ira iHcwara. ooodenaod litau-ucuun; we guarantee po- E M 1 lux . ajtlona, grant olplumaa and pay Saturday , . . wagea. Call or ante iljier Bartr Col- NICE, modern, newly furolabed, well lege. 1X4 Liouglaa at. B 712 tx heated. Leavenworth. Ma I) ELI VERT boys wanted. Applr J. I NEATLT fiirniabed cottara. Apply Mra. Brand aV cuaa. B CM I Johnaon. Stth and Gold a la, two b'oraa south of Hanaoom park. K M03S WANTED, two carpentera: 26e an hour. ' Addreaa joa. bcjesigej-, contractor. Yutan, TO RENT Two nice rooma, oloee to good Neh. B 2 boarding plaoa. 1414 N. 2&d. So. Omaha. . . E 140 2x EXPERIENCED aaleaman for men a fur- rlBhing gooua. Cai Albert Cabn. ?.. go. LARGE south front room. 25S0 Harney. lt at. B UM t E-MWH, .Tenraf hS W mut t. city. Adfire- P ,. W THE ROSE. Xtt Mr: room, and board. . also meal tickets. F MT a STENOGRAPHER, young man 18 to 13, .-,,- 7T .. must be honeat. .nerreUcand wiUlng To FIRBT-CLAB8 room and board. M week, a tart hw; good opportunity; write, giving 2.07 Farnam. Pbone t-S.il. F Il Ik raferenoa aad aaiary expected. Addreaa "1 FTRITIR. PACIHSG. EXPERIENCED boy to cut stock, rheok binding and padding. Douglas Printing Pterson Lundberg. 11a 8. 17th. Tel. L-rsi Co, 1a Howard at. B Ml 1 H HI WANTED, an ambitious young man of good addreau to repiesent us on the road. T"OB. REST STORE ATD OFFICES. Call before l.fc a. m, George L. Ehuman 4k Co, Paxton blk. B Mia I FOR RENT Building auilable for wbole- sale purpoaea t i J arnam, i0. lour WANTED, good, bright, strong boy. Ap- stories and firse-clane cemented basement. ly millinery department. Uayden Broa, eieator, tire and Lurglar proof vault, of- at onoa. B M10 1 Bee counter and nxtuiea. Fur price rnd - . particulara Inquire C C Roaeaater, eec- WANTK1, ftrst-class pork cellar man; one retary lbs Bee Building Co.. room 10m. Ilea thoroughly coiiverea t with the curing building. I Miaii and baniillng cf sweat pickle, dry salt and export meat; state salary expected. FOR RENT The building formerly occu- Addreas P 4. Baa. B Mitt 4 pld by Tba Bee at til Farnam at. It hai four stories and a basement, which waa WASTED, for C. S. army, able-bodied, urv- formerly used by The Bee preaa room, married mem. between ages of ud &, Tbia will be rented very reasonably. If r insane of United States, of good charac- Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose- ter and temperate bahlta. who can speak, water, secretary, room li)0 Bee buildlna. reed and write Er.giiah. For Information 1 l!bl spply to recruiting cifhoer, Mth and Dodge a la, Omaha, and Beatrloe. Neb. THE spacious store room on Farnam atreet B M154 In the Bee building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co.. to leaae on rei- WANTED. 2 bricklayers; wages l"e (er aonable terma Rent Includes Janitor aerv- hour. Apply Wick ham Bros., Counc il loa, electric light and beat. Inquire R. C. Bluffs. B M167 t Peters st Co, ground floor. Bee building. . I MiJ4 WANTED, a good boy OS) to assist la pic- tura frams room. Apply at onoa. Mr. (-STORY and basement, 2xl(tt; 1006 Farnam Bennett, main floor Bennett's. B at. Inquire 214 First. Nat l Bank Bldg. . . I M CORPORATION of htgti commercial standing baa opening fur man mho can command taUO cash, as stale manager; AGEXTI WASTED, axoepuunal opportunity ta make big mtniey. Addreae o Insurance Exchange WANTED Canvassing agents In everv Building. Minnas polls. Minn. B MITT ax county to eolicit subecriptions it THIS . 1 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. WANTED, men over hers, good pay. to Bteady employment with ensured gool in- dlatributa olroulara, adv. matter tack come. Agenta in the country wltn home signs, etc-; no canvas. National Adv. n,d buggy especially desired. Canvasaera Bureau. Coago. B Ml.t 4x nke ely w to tluu per month. Ad- . . 7, . T dree Century Farmer BoUoltora' Bureau. WANTED, everywhere, huaUers to tack SJJ" building' Omaha. J-Zii slgna. distribute circwlers, samples, etc.; ee vuuiuum.. tie canvassing; good pay. Bub Advertising Bureau. Chicago. B MI7S x WAXTED-TO REXT. IlLSIlEI WAITED. PARLOR floor or six or seven-room house. v -" modern except furnace. Addreaa, o 42. WANTED, two energetic young men with M3W reference: light work; traveling position. Call at room 4J0, Millard kotoi. Bsturday, 10 to 11 a. m. MIS lx WAXTTED FEMALE HELP. 1W Gtrla. Call Canadian office, lith A Dodgs C u WANTED Immediately. SO sewing machine operators la burse blanket department epartm C M or s vnuLna .uag t o WATTB-Conk and second girl: third souse south of Country club. C WANTED, good girl for general v -usework, only two la family; an blocks irom P. o.; flrsi-clasa wages: perirnt-ut jnhte to re liable girl. Adurtas P Hi. br. C 111 I x TOl'NG girl to aaiat in nout-ewo-k: no aasliing; two tn family. I-j; Lris ol Ft C Mkil EXPERIENCED buttonhole makers. z:t a 14th tU C L7 ) GIRL to aaalt at general bouaework. En. quire IS 6 Tjth au C Mli WANTED An experlenoed girl at fco; Dodge. C Ul-1 WANTED Girl far general houses ork email family; ware li per week ; none but competent help need apply. 4. Howard. C lle-4 WANTED, f.rat-ciaas ladles' tailor. Max Morris. 14te I amam. C Mei WANTED, girl g-neral housework, small C-Ml tx WANTED. experend girl f.ir general riouaraora, amau laranv; g(oa wkgea; ref' erene required, liui Dougiaa rt. C-M1J7 I WANTED. good girl for houa-s-k at Vl.uv. m. . 1. SlU , a I r.i t. ompe-ni girl fir ger.era! hiue.ork. I in family, good ar-e paid. O. .no jkm. t 144 4 WANTED Girl for general housework gud aagee paid. LT, B. iih Aye ' C-1C Zx WANTED, at orce. six g'xid waltreaaex a-ppi.T is atr. numrr, ca:e. Uraneli a C- W ANTE P. woman for general nnuaework id tam.iy tt i-jur; rt craiaren. it ,N. i r.u.aaa. arm g'.on, r.en. C M!7V I WOMAN wanted to sell s nereewlty to rmihrs: t z us s week clear I i VI. Box TV Philadelphia. C M1TJ li yURBFat' TTainir.g Srhool. Pueblo. Cola; Six weeks' course, begins Oct. 1; d'f).ma C-M'-T 4x FOR RKT HOI IEL TtOI lPi ln " Prls of the Mty R. c. I -stars A ts, re Flg. L FOR rT HOI E. HOV SES, Insurance. Rlngwsl. Barker Bis, D a HOI IsP n Prt f the city The 1 1 WU JLJ 0 j,-. Dsvis to, a Bee Biog. D fte . To MOVE r'grt ft (Hixhi Van S'orsgs Co., office li.it farnam. or 7ni 1 I 9)0 COMPLETE 10-room modern bou, and tarn. ft.7 Park Ave. y. D. Vd, )iv4 ' Loug ias at. L Fu rcR RUNT, ten-room house, modern, and tarn. In Wm FrnT Ji'imi V m. K loner. Rec, No. Zol Brown Blk. L-M&:4 ELEGANT k-roon bouse; all modern Im provements 4io North 13d Bt. D MM X FOR RF.VT. -rotm houae. 2E3 Woolaortk Art., v j-er month; poaaeaf.lotl plren Ce 'nber IT Apply to Mel L "hi. rare Ia.lf Vrn office I MSfT tf WALLACE ES CM CaiJtol at-., 10 rooica. modern, barn, two Iota. tX 16 N. Cet are., modern, 10 rootna, oak tiiiu-h Uoa r.ttalra. two bath room, barn. Houaea for rei t all parta city. WALLACE. Brown Block. !)& 4 TEN-ROOM bout, modern. t'M Harney Bu i li 4X NICE t-room modern. Tal. Stt. D IS EIGHT rrnima: bath and rtable; ZTth and Maaon, VJ. Tel. U10 or Sl'1. W. M. Buah man. Kio Leav-en worth. L IT' FOUR-ROOM ootta-a. U14 Bancroft. r lt tk FOR RENT, double modern houae In Kountae Place: amtable lir two tamlliea. W'.m. Thomai Brennan. S B. l.'th at. b-llJO T PATNE-BOST'ICK aV CO.. choice houaea. (ki-t)0i New York LJle Bids. Phone loii. TO rooms, modern, bath snd furnace. paved street; only man and wife. Pbone L7B0t K 14a WANTED Board and two rooms for fam llv of three, all adalta. must be close In. Addreaa P 44. Bee ofToe. K 142 ROOM and board in private family by o -g aoraun. Aidrtss P K Bee. K-461 tl WANTED Gentleman desires nicely fur nished room In privets family, with use of piano; give particulars. Addreaa P 49. Bee office. K M1B 4x WAITED-TO BIT, DON'T give your furniture and carpet, awav. 1 Levine pava ll.e hight taah prt. North 16th St. N MiftQ 1 SMALL bouse. In good condition, and lot: near tar line preferred; must be cheap, atate am of rouse, price and location, Addreaa P C. Bee. N M 4 FOR 1AL.E FlRklTlRK. FULL line of hard ooal stoves now on sals CLiuiLgo Furniture Co, ltlo Dodge Bt. OiU FOR BALE. Furniture, cor.aiatir.g of parlor, dining, bedruom. lratner library furtulura. leather cowh, easy tLaira. mi.btgany aud rook wood . library eoid parior tabiea odd chaira. rutaera. davenport. mahogany bouKcase. writing desk, mantle mirrors. cio aa. plcturea, imparled t.ric-a-brac. oil inai.tinsa. ruga lnce curtains, brr.e tei. uu arid maiingany clretutera cn.fT ji.ier,; also bus upright piino. Tlin" gunda must be seen to 1 appreciated Se.l sep arate';) ; call at Uk N. ASlh avenue O M7i OJx FOR SALE HIIKIE, WltOIL KTC, M NP. E sells pleasure vehicles at HI N iaih at. P . GOOD MILK. WAGON, ooal wagon tn luftT at a big liargain A, W. Juhnaoa, aim John Deere Picw Co. P Olx MY K'XKAWAV for sale cheap: ran be seen at Cullitis' stable. add.--s p S. ree P -M779 Oil. Ix HARRY FROSTS Carnags and Wagun Wurks la uii curner of 14 h ai.Q Leaven worth, ymi FIN I? lot 'f fresh cows. Shetland p:ny, ,fe lor el '.Idren. AM and teuie- e n Tel. Black. 113- P Id 4x FOR 9AIJ1 maCKlXAlLOl a. FOR ! E. B-.umalrk hay press snd er. cr.ap. A- iu.au. Owaru B'v.B, Q-kl(u ros EAIX aeosndhaad lc.iuo:4. is fiiet-f ,aa aha pa. at ir ha.f Lit a Cai. addreaa, Farnaia ftj. tj- U EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. 108 IlLE-MIHILUltUlS. IRON wire fence, tree guards, trelilsea Western Anchoi Fence Co., N. l tn M. W 9-3 CATALOGUE cut tni prices free. Stier nu at McCcnneil Drug Co., Croatia. NEW and Mhand ty pearl t era. lllj Farnn m. BEVTONDHAND bUllard and pool tables; o.iuarg taoies repaired, a large eoik of leap bar bit urea, cigar counters, etc The Brunswick-Balks Colienoer Co . 4'C-t B. 10th 8u w-M 14 FOR BALE Several scholarships In a firttt- ciaaa sianaara school in .mana. compris ing complete course In busm-a. th.rt band and typewriting. Inquire at be office. (4 AT BARKER HOTEL. OMAHA: Paxaenger eievainr, i--in. aoura ana winoowa. rs tfiators. plumbing, msrbls tile, lath. 2i 4 s Bargains. Q M.ui tx INDIAN goods and rellca 111 Famm FOR 6ALE Cfki.1 buaineaa. Capita required. ii, x-e. an TELEPHONE POLES; long fir ttmtH-rs viuuaen lence; eaa puing. 'i i-cuglan ICE for sale tn carload lota Address. iincuin ice wo, a4ncotn, jveo. Q-MWT IDHAND safe cheap. Dertght. 1 Frrnara FOR BALE A new SfH-ampeTe, double-pole eiicn; oew Been tiaea. Apply to or address "Superintendent Bee Build. ng. Omaha." q FOR BALE Crane hydraulic elerator; ran if used either paaaenger or fretrht: co-n-ptele; Iron rulJe pols. cage end wire er,. closure. J. L. Brandela & Bon. y c3s FOR BALE Bet measarea and paper o.' It SU Mary's svenue. Q U0 Cx CLAIRYOTAXTS. MME. LUCRETIA. medium, l'fls Csl'fomla. -MKk'-t.x MRS. CARRIE BMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyant: eiery thing told, past, present and future. Sat iatactlon or no pay. M7 N. lth. B 9.10 GYLMER. PALMIST Removed to 715 N. and Cuming, walk l4' blocks south. S-BSl ELECTRICAL TREATMEXT. MME. SMITH, baths. Ill N. 15. id floor, r L T-70T PERSOXAU MAGNETIC PILE KILLER- IT CURES. At druggists. L V m PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good feamerttan Sanitarium. TA 1st Ave, Council Bluffs, la. C-136 PRIVATE hoFpltal before sod during con finement: l-et medical care and nursing. Mra L. Fieber. 1W1 Vinton. Tel. law. TJ 93 WE RENT aewlng machines at Tae per week, tl per month: we repair and ll parts for every mschi-ie manufactured: secondhand machines, to to tin; second hand machine, from tl to flO. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. U "7 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerisch, 302 California sl Terms zeasonable. U-P3I DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, lall Iodge St., Arlington block. Omaha. U 039 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardela, Lska TeL P.ed-ll4. U-40 BOSTON Umbrella Mfr.. st S. 16. TeL 1617. I'mbreilaa, parasols re-covered, repaired or made. U 941 ANT dlaeaae cured bv medicine bought of roe. Prof, Johnson. P. O. Box 149, Omaha. U Ux tl TUNING, ptano or organ repairing. Pee. field Piano Co, T Bee Bldg. U HT5 2t,x 'AlA" way to health; 146 Bee bjlldlng. Omsha. TJ to D. A. MORRISON Is wanted st the bedside of his father. R. J. Morrison, who la very sick at Function. Neb. V M1T4 bx HOIEV TO IX) A REAL, ESTATE, WANTED, cltv loans and warrants. W. Farnam Etniih & Co, 1520 Farnam ft. FARM and city loans. low rstes. W H. Thomas, First Nst 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. W W PHI t'ATE money. Sherwood, T7 N. T. Life. W 04 WANTED, real estate loans snd wsrran-a. R c. Psters A Co, Bee Bidg. W-Wi FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Broa., 104 Farnam. W-6 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wesd. YJSff Douglas. 4 TO P. C money, Bern's. Paxton block, W H48 MONET to loan for building purposes. W. ii t-i. Virat Nat l l&arik bids . ' W-29J Oil 1 HAVE 11.000 1 wsnt to loan; interest pay able everv three months: the security must be the beat. Address P p.e oftce. W ix OXEY TO LOAK CHATTELk. NOT IN THE TRUST. MONET ANT AMOUNT Loaned to sulsned employ e holding per manent t'lilo!ia on tl.-ir FL.AIN .NUTfc, w thout mortgage enirser or?E- Cl'P.ITY of any kind, without EMPLOY th B knowledge. We alao kian m..ney on Furniture, Pianos, etc. without removal of goods. Tou have uae'cf Uth money snd goois. it o, ieiTl TOU KOTHINO To call and bs convinced that our rates are the ctieapeei m ""- We want your buaineaa and believe sn In vestigation of our metbods will gat It even if at present you are dealing else where KIND. COURTEOUS TREAT ML NT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your bu4nes with privacy of any in the city. Come in and a us, whether vou borrow or not. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Rooms 3UT-!o Paxtuo Bik. booms 97-. X u EASY to m Beat explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you have a permanent position e can make you a SALARY LuAN wtthout security, exoept your own agree ment to repay. Our eervtoe la quick and confidential and t always try to pleiee All that ask Is that yon glvs us a sill before you borrow eiaevhere. OMAHA MOHTGAGE LOAN CO, ii I. oar 4 of Traje Blog. Tel. rb. (Laiabaahel Ja B. lth fcu X II MNEY LOANED ON FURXITLRE. PI A NOB LlVk; TOCK. salaries, etc. Lew rale and ey terms. Business Confidential. Try us .t 'cu sen t save money. IKfiEXH CREDIT CO . d Psxtoa Biuca. lmii and Famara Bta. X.-H9 Mt'NFY loaned on plain note te salaried people; buvireaa coefiflential lowost rates ai4 Pax ion tiovk. Tns J. A. Button ti. MONEY loaoed on pianos, furniture iew auo. bursas, cvas eu, C f. fceed. ml U MOEY TO IXtAK H4TTEL4. I L-ARGFjeT BfINTTS9 IN LOANB TO SALARIED FEt.'FLK. tnerchants. tearo sters. tKiardiig housea. etc . wr.hout se curity; easiest terms; 40 oTces in rrln-CT"'-1 cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trpde Ivldg X-SCJ CHATTEL, salary end Jewtlrv loans Friev ln Co . R . Barker Block. X T.Z B19IEB tHASCEs, FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures, tncluujr.g It-e box. Inquire rTC Far. nam. Y-iT FOR BALE, furniture snd four (4 j psr lease. Hotel Charterr, Alliance, Neb. The Charters la a forty 40 room brick hotel, dry water and electric liehta ie In fool rejialr and aell furnished. Owner a ant to get out of the hotel business.. For fur ther information address Hotel ChariT-, Alliance. Neb. Y 7 FOR SALE, an old established liquor busi ness (barrel house): good trade, old '"ca tion. "-ner baa other interest. Addr-as P ft. Bee. Y-MSa J6 WHEN you want to bur. sell or exchange "' prop-rty cr business quick, tee J H. Johnson. Ml N. T. Life. Y-S" FOR SALE, gond mi:iin-rv business in good town In Neb. Address F 7. P. ofrVe. M1M 4x FOR SALE, ffrty stiares of s nop Ns t'onal bank In Central Nebraska town. Stock pays 4 per cert rmt-ennusl'y snd "l.fe conwrvstive investment Ad dress p a. Bee. Y MRK I T, t READ THIS T you have xd" ,,r to (T1VMti Iiyest It In -Ceresl Mutual," v. t ere It win earn from ft to IS per cent per month. b' it will be hsndled by men of ex perience snd Where It can be w!tbd-awn thrn.jgh nv f.ark In lbs U. R. Writs for "Ceral Mu tual booklet, explaining our metbor" of fjrt-rstinir In th- Gram Markets: It costs vou i nothing and rcav be the means of Bbell & Co, No. 4 Sherman St.. '--s". l MlaS 4x A RPLENDID onportur.itv for a ronfl ustlrr; a half Interest In s rood Itva'v business, consisting of tlrv roods, rro- iT "Ti? r'' "ork of rtntions; takes r:.4no: will take half cseh and half trsde rtotng a nica paving business, but other business reoulres my attention: b Htm pop ''n'lon. Addrers A. Anderson. Atl-ntlc. T"yi1 T-M-i-i Ft FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tukey & Son. A REDUCTION AND A RAISE. We have reduced the price on ths T-room bouse at W37 Decatur street to H.050; bouse Is newly painted, hag full lot. oa grade, and must be sold. We have raised the rrtce f50 per lot on all lots, offered for sals by ua. on Kth and Grand Ave. A, P. TITLE T at BON. 4-44l BOARD OF TRADE. RE 115 I RANCH and farm lands for sals by the Lnlon -Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAilester. land commissionar. Union Pacific Hesdquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 9j HOUSES and lots bn all parts of city; also Hore property end farm lands. The O. F. L'avla Co., Room sua. Bee bldg. RE la tllLLlrtitlJiJj;, Bank Bldg. RE 9111 FOR SALE 6-room cottage, full lot, barn. IcUl Corby, tl.30ik J2n. cash. lialance monthly payments; other good Invest ments. W. N. Nason, 44 Bee 'buildlne. RE MTMi MUST BE SOLD DON'T PAY RENT. CHEAP HOMER. 1 Woo! worth Ave. m'dern K.4"n 117 S. Kth Pt, 7 rooms, modern ta.U) k31 S th St.. 7 rooms, modern Km Decatur, t room no"1 22 A tno N. 77th Ave, double house. !1.7"0 ;'. Ohio. C roon SI 3'" 1C19 Locust. T rooms, water, gas, etc. II. 1" 1 Military Ave., t corns R.M 2475 8. 11th, small cottage I X-n f S. IHth, email cottage I 9io S123 Locust, T room, modern, co-rer. .Cii0 W. T. GRAHAM. 61 Bee PlCg. RE 9S I SEVERAL BIG BARGAINS IN RANCHES. 2MI seres Piatt valley, Lincoln Co, only l 14. acre Lincoln Co.; table ranch. Only xi'.&O ier sere. 1732 seres Platte valley, on V. P. P.y. Only lis max 960 seres Platte valley, on U. P. Ry. Only ro nno SEND FOR FULL PARTICULARS PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor New York Life Bldg RE MIS 7 53,500 We have just lirted a brand new six-room house witian walking distance on Burt street; house just finished and is most complete in every detail; hard wood fin ish, furnace, gua, porcelain llh. sta tionary wash U-nd. plenty of closets, pantry, etc.. .lemenl wa.ka. We have ex iluslve agency and will sell this week. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St re-:i i DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR SALE. T..k 00. New R-Toom modern bouse, fronting Brownell Hall, one of the mutt attractive reaidenoe icatione in city. Houwe la mod ern in every reict. Iksi of construction, not -atr heat, electric l.ght. fine ytrd. cement waik. Prope rty coat over iwi.oO lues than two jeara ag i. H, 'M-.Uli. Near High RcliooL fc-room modern house, comer lot Place Is in Crt-'-!ass condition. GEORGE A Cu, lfiol Farnam st, . RL Miil i BARGAINS IN EM ALL HOUSES, fl jw c.ovy ilace. I rooms. N ZTth Ave. Il.suo 7 rooms, barn, full 1 jt, nc-ur car and school. fl.sv New 4-room cottage, modern. Mlb and Blotiuo. 12,000 New t-roora cottage, modern, 17th Ave. and Grant. CI0 Same at 34th and Blondo. All On Reasonable Terms. WALLACE, SOI J. J Brown Block. Phone Is.'. BARGAINS IN VACANT PROPERTY, t Sw Moure s Bub, Z".iu Ave. and Lake, cliolce. 4i"-foot. east front, street graded, sewer, near car, easy term. 7T0 7: fl, kath. near Leavenworth, chubs. (!.:&' Fine corner. West End. aortn tl.atij. fti.i llvxLiU. east and sou IB front, corner, fine foreta trees, choice ne'gUborbi-od. hrsr car. one of the be.i sites in (miaha for fine rttlience or for building several ho for retit or Bale, and clieap at the prioe. RE 164 I GRAIN AND STOCK FARM FOR SALE 1 sue acrea deeded land. 0i acres In culti vation; six-room frame bouiae; frame tarn. xss feet: granary In barn f r ZMn bustiel grain; com crib. 14xX2 fc-el; sist one kxU feet; gran.r). 12x3 feet. F.i.e black loam soil: gooj grs, land and gool farm land Oi.iv ts .e mile en at of Anaeimo. Nebraska, adj lining irt .ru Creek, one of the earliest rettiemei.u tn Custer county. Pni-e. gjl.i; ST, tu cah. balance to suit purchaser. We will accept one-third to one-baif of purchase ncs of tr.is ranch in farm land located in central or eastern Nebrnka or weste-r l low WILLIS CAD WELL. BROKEN BOW. NEB RE 16s 11 AUCTION sale of ?.4 lors In blocks liu. Ill st.d in. W'XbEE PLACE, knoan as Craig'a lota. Octoler 14. 19tf la a. tn., at f rm duor of txurt bouse. RE M1.B0 4x xTLEGv'T bams and farm of SI'S ac s vunii.g P.nuet, Nea, Addrea Hr,w l?a. Baalist. Nsa. J-it O FOR gtl.E REAL EST AIR. A FINE PLATTE VALLEY RANCH J.7ii S'-rts. l.H) seres of fine allalta bay and ru'tivated land In tbe I'latte va'lev: a wonderful largaln reduced from l J K) to t Write t.s for fuil description. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Main floor N. Y. Life Bidg , Omab.a. RE-!: 4 BP). ENL'ID Plstte Valley sucar-beet and alfalfa farm of 1 acres at aAM j-ee acre. IC.J'. -to trade for house snd lot in Omaha tv-e u quick. Psjne Investment com;ny. Main fl. N. T. Life falfic . RF) M1H6 7. FITXIHED HOlE9 FOR REST. AN ELEGANTLT furnished 4-rwm house quite ciose in. with bath, hot snd cola water, gas. furnace, hard coal all In for winter, furniture les than one rear old. beautiful piano, everything com fu table, to rent until May 1. um. st ... isr month. Tenant to buy tbe cosl now in cellar. Owner is breaking up housekeep lnr on account cf si'knesa in family. " PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. rl-I-l New York Life Bulldit.p. .71 3 ATTORKETS. J. M. MACFARLAND, J N. T. Bldg. 3 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. t(K Douglas b'.ock. BIClCLES. BARGAINS in bicycles; Second-hand heels t3 and up; see Flescher, l' Capi tol Ave, M 4JS k BALE TIES. OMAHA Hsy Eale Tie Co, 811 North 161b, lea CARPENTERS ASD JOINERS. ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing promptiv atiend-d tu. J. T. Ocbiitreti, 2ith and Lake Sts. :7o CHEMISTRY. AN evening course in general and qualita tive chemistry will be g.ven. beginning October 1U. Inquire room iZ, Ari npton block. M 7bk ix CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROY, rooms 2-a, 15(6 Farnam st. 14R tf DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 17 Karbach block, TeL A-aCt 9-s DRESSMAKING. KETFTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College, 1706 Cuming 6L Write for aockiet. 90S DANCING ACADE-1V. CHAMBERS' adult beginners now forming Tuesoava and Saturaay. I p. m., com mencing October 22. Private lesaun any time. lTth and Douglaa. Office phone, ltiTL Residenoe, AlTia. After October IS. i Farnam St. Chambers' children s classes Wednesdays. 4 p. m., caturoais, i p. m, commenc ng uciowr a MR. AND MRS. MORAND 8 dancing and physical culture, liiti and Harney, re opens for children Saturday. October X; litglnnera. 10 a. m.; advancx'. J p. m. Terms reasonable; a !.b-ral reduction to fcrmer patrons and to families who rend more than one pupil at tbe same ". roe. Private classes organized; private lesson auy time. Lessons for adult now Tues day and Friday. p. -m. ; assemblies e ery Wednesday. School teachers tickets at he.lf regular rates. For further particu lar write or telephone 1041. --1I5 0 Ix DRESS CITTIKG SCHOOLS. WHILE in the city DON't PORGET to IPIT the standard Gurmeul Cutting College. i'S laxton Blk. Ids Ofc WANTED Sewlr.g la families. Adores. P ST. Bee -MAt- Ix L XPERT ACCOI N'TANT. G. R. RATHEUN. raotn 15. Com 1 ..'st 1 Bank, Private lessons in bookaeep t.g -tc r; LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13U & Howard. FLOHISTS. II ESS A 6WOBODA, 1413 Farnam. 9-J9 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1 Farnam Ft. 2S7 FOIKD. TAKEN UP A red and white spotted h-ifer, about 1 year old; owner can havs same by proving property and paying costs. Inquire of Mra Pbulen. 9uo K ikih eve. Found MiM ft GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO, Be Bldg. Tel. S3i. 9.1 OMAHA PLATING CO, Bee bldg. Tel. !SS5. TTrti CARBAGC ANTT-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO., deans cea-pojia and vault, removes (rerun r snd dead animal at reduced prlcea CI N. IG.b. Tel. 1779. a GARBAGE, ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO, cleans cesspool a:id vaults, temoves garbaxe end oead animals al reduced prices. i N lfiih. TeL l.7. 9T2 HAT RENOVATING. I OLD hats made new. P.a mar A Kerr, ' practical baiters, IfuT N. IT Lb u M M4 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE, CUT 1st Xa,t- Bk. bldg 9TJ NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T. Lifs blag, attorney and collectors every, a here. u.t J. M. MACFARLAND, Sli N. T L. Bldg. 6 Cct Si' LAW MOW ERS, SHARPEN ED. P. Mekoir. 12th A Howard. LOCKSMITH. C. B, HEFL1N, 3U9 N. lttb St, TeL :. M LOST. LOST Ladies' gold watch marked with monogram M R. M. on one side snd loan on other aide, black guard sub guid teal eitcLd. monogiam on -al M. K M. Please return to mayors ofl.'e city haU. and receive tioo reward. Lost M 7 LOST Evening of Sept. 90. on comer and Harney, a pair of g ild-rimroed spec tacles, tn leather rase. Return to M S.j. liib at. and Jei-ene reward. Lost Mlas LOfT. missing from d Burt. I-year-old red and a bile heifer, a bite heart in fore head. Snitabie reaard fur return. Pbone 4M. Lort US tx MEDICAL. LIQUOR HALIT cured In three c : Pay a ben 4-urd No b podertuic Write fir circular a Gaum iiicututa, ft. 14 h -; MllCAl j THOS. J. KELLY, vote. Divides PI k. ! D. RFCK. Voice Teacher, Ilvifltr Hdg IS." Sot la I LETOVFKT'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-rM LETOV8KT S ORCHESTRA. TeL L-?N4. 2 ' OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, III, N. Y. Life Bidg T ii The Hunt lcfirmsry. M.-Cague Blfig. T rrc. Atxcn A Farwcli. paxton Blk, 4-7. T. H7S PES. FINCH at MILLER. 174 S. :h Pt PR GRACE DEEGAN. K2 N. T. Life. Tel PATENTS. H. J COWGILL No fee unless ji.csrul. e. i:.in cil, vmsna. iei. i.yv isvi PATENTS Sues A Co.. Oman. Neb. U lutrated patent book free. TeL ltta PAWNBROKER. EAGLE Lm nOffl'-e. Rc'.lalile, a'-commo.'ai-lng; all business confidential, l'a'l Doupl'ia -9 7 SANITORK M. OMAHA Florence Sanitorium. 'Phone P.d IiC4; 1 blk. w. of car line. C.ty 'phone. T i To' SJ'i M STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co, 1S11S Farn. Tils. lK.s-vi. - 9-3 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. ie-i NFB. Buslnees A Shorthand CoTlege. B" d Theelr SC. STAMMERING AND S TITTERING. CURED. JuUa Vaughn. 430 Kamge Bldg - TIC KET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets every bod v. P. M. I'hilbin, yaub Farnam. 'Phone 7 4. -17 TINNERS. G. E. KOCH. J4Th and Maple. Tel 11!49. -Ma. ft POSTOFFiCK NOTICE. (.Should be read D. 1 by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time Foreign mails f' r itie aeea enuing Sep tember 1KU, will close (PROMPiLY in all ease j at ibe General postefhee as fol low: PARCL-POT MAILS ciose one hour earlier I bun closing time shown be k'. Parcels-Fust Mails lor Germany close st i p. ta. W ednesday. Regular and Supplementary mniis close st 1 oreegn Station hall hour latr than closing time shown below (except that Sup piemetrary Mi-ilr for Europe and CVnU"nl America, via Colon, cloi one nour later at Foreign Station. Traaaatlsstir Malls. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. lor BELGITM di rect, per s. s. Ze-eiand tinuil roust be di rected "per s s Zeeland ; st 9..V a. m. for E COT LAND direct, ier s. a. Ethiopia (mail must be directed "per s. s. Etnio pia"): at JO So a. m. (nupplementary li m 1 lor EUROPE, per a. a Lucatna, via Vueenstowit. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steam er takes Printed Commercial Papers, apJ Samples for Germany only. The same class 'of mail matter for other rta of Europe will not be sent by this snip un less specially directed by her After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mall named above, addi tional Supplementary Mail ars opened on the piers of the American. Er.gliah. French and German stesmera. and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Soath and Ceatral Aaaerlca, West ladles. Etc. SATURDAY At :30 a. m. (supplementary 9.30 a. in.) for POKTO KICU, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philaeielpnia tmell for Ravanilia en"? Caru.gen-i u.ut be uirected "per s. s. Philadelphia"; at IO0 a. m. for ARGENTINE. IRLGLAY and PARAGL'A Y. 1T s. s. Cervantes; at k a. m. (su;iplemi-niar 10;! a. m.) for FORTUNE 1&LAM-. JAMAICA, SA VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Alene tmail lor COSTA K1CA must be di rected "per a s. Alene"): at 10. SO a. m. tsupp'tmeniarv 11 ;u a. m l for INAGUA. HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. s. Adirondack; st 10 s. m. for CUBA, per s Moro Castie. via Havana; at 10 a. m. for PETIT GOAVK. per s. a Prins Willem 1. (mail for e ther part of Haiti. Curacao, Venxuela. Trinidnd. British and I'ulch Gjuina must be directed 'pr 2. s. Prin Willem I."); nt 12:30 p. m. for Cuba, per g. a. Curityba, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Ovrrlaad, Etc, Ex cept Traaisaclle. CUBA Via Florida. R 1 st this office daily, except Thursday, at li.) a. m. ttbe ouunectii.g n.iui ciuae bei e on V. ednes d: ana Saturdays via Tamya. ana on aciidnys via ldit.mil. MA1CU CITY uverUnd. unless specially auuiceaed for derputih by iieucrr, closes at Una ofhee d my, except Sunday, at l:Jii p. m. ai d lUSO p. in. 6ut.ua) at 1 p. tn. and 11 .So l. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rati to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily al 1:90 p. m. tconnect ing n.a.ia ciej bti evtry Monday, Wed nesday and t'.uCK). JAMAICA by iaui to Boston, and thence by steamer, ciot.es at this office tt i.Hv p. m. every Tueaoay and Tbursuay. ' MIQUELON-tJy rail to l.oalun, snd thiioe ty steamer, Cioeea al this cflice dnlly at :3tj p. tn. BLLiZ, PL'tKiO CGBTEZ and GUATE MALA By r tu New onoana. tnd tl.ei.ee by steamer, ciuse-s at mis oO.ce Oaiiy, except "tSuuday, st 11 :V. p. m. and U:Ju p. m,. Sundays at 1 p- m. und jji-u'-' p. in. tcotiiiecung ma.l clobu, here Alonduy at 111.10 p. m) CtiBTA RICA By rail to New ejrrt-ans. end tbei.ee by steamer, ciejses at U-i olbce daily, except bunday, at l'.;i p. no. and IA:M p. m, Bdayi at 11 p m. and U::10 p. 01. (t-uniiecur.g mail closes belt 'i ueauays at lil-lxi p. tu.) IRi-giaterrd mail ciutt U t f. m. previous day. Traaaaaelfte Mails. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally st ft. ft p. m. up to oepiember Z.tfa. inclusive. lu oospaicb per a. s. Aki Maru. CHIN a and JAPAN", via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, cluae here Cai.y at 6. So p. m. up to September Lth. inclusive, for Oewpaicb r s. s. Eaipres of India, (alercbandiae fur U. l'uatal Agency at bliangbal cannot be lors at uei . 1a Can ada.) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE lb LANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily al a 3u p. m. up to October J-d, liiciuaive, lor aespatrn ier a s tonc. NEW 2LALAND. AUSTRALIA lexcept West). JiUiV CALEDONIA. FIJL SAM OA and HAWAII, via ban Franciaco, ciose here diujy at ft:3ei p. iu. up to octu lier JiO. Inclusive, f r despatch per a s. Ventura (If the Cutitrd ateauier carry ing the Brilixb mail Ii r Near Zealand dm liol arrive in time t conneet aith tL:s (iespaicb, extra man cloau.g at 1.20 m m. t.Jej a. m. and fc p. m ; iuiidu)s at 4 .30 a. m, 9 a. m. and C:3u p. m wij be maae up and forwaiaed uuui tbe arrival of tue eunard steamer ) Hawaii japan, china and Philip pine ISLANDS via Bun Francisco, close liere dally at 1.30 p. tu up to October .ah. ltn lusive, lor despatch per a. a Nippon Maru. AUBi iiALIA (except WesO. FIJI ISL AND and NEW CALEDONIA. la Van couver and Victoria, ii. C.. close her daily at 4 p m. up to October f u. the iu-ci'i.-ive. for diapatch pr a a. Mioaera. CHINA and Ji.pu. via Taooaia. close l.t re Osi: al H I ru. up tu October filth, tn cluaive. for despateii per a. s. Olynipla. HA A AIL v ia ban Fruiiclauri. e lose here daily at (.30 p. m. up to October liltb, IncluHlve. for despatch per s. a Aia mCa TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Franc ik u. eu-e here daiiy at ft 10 p m up to Cxiolvr 13 incluaive, for dis patch er a. s Man;oa, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Frs n c'"c. close bete daily at I.JO p. m. up to fn-tober :"7. Inclusive, for dejub per V B trat.stoi-l NOTE I nieae crtherwise sddresaed. Wast Australia ta furmarO-d v,a Lurof.e; and New Zealand and Pt !!ij pines via F.a Francises tus uickest rouisa. Ph-Uy POSTOiriCK AOTICtt, .lnes :-ial!y sd lresead - via Csnada" or " la I.urope must t fuliv nrenaid at t' e fvTegn rutes 11 a w , li is Jotweroed vs Ren Frsr-ciKi exclusiveli Tri.nsi.ac irv mails a-e forwardrd tt port of sailing ds'ly and the s,hduie of closing 1 rrrrd en the presutniMI .t of tr...r vr.l! tertvi t.Kj t-. .-rlLnd transit fRc.ts terec! mail rl.- st f. p. m. previous dt. Posy.ff.ee. New Yoik. N. Y, f-eptemtr CORNELIUS VAN COTT. rrstmssterj 4,OYKRNMEXT XO'iKES. OFF1CF CHIEF WUA RTERMARTEF. Omaha. Neb. v tr-lVr 1. 1C Rented pro osais. in triplicate. ub1ct to the us.ial conditions. w.,j receice-d here n,l by the qutric-i master Ftrt Robinson. Nob., until K noon, cer.ttk! siandatd t me. e.K t..l"r la. 1SC lor f.e e unstr-.iction t.f a blacksmith shop at Fort Kot.:nson, Nebraska. r j.l I; 'ormmicn furnished on rj j.'.ks ton to line eftiee, where plnn and apee itict!ons mav be s n. or to the t urtrtermaster. tort Robm. son. Neb Proposal t( mvrtd Pre t,ls for B.ackemlth bhop " und edJressed to Captain WILLIAM E. HtK'A'N. Ac-ting t hlef vjuar'.crmasier. .K-t.-S-L.'-l Ol t K E CHI EF WUARTLRMASTRR C'n alie. Ne b . r. pivrr.ber .istx. Beaied proposals, in irlp.n-.ne. subject 'n i.e usual condrlons. wti; or -ivc-d p?re fc-d (," the w uarter naster, 1 ort Sill. o. '1 . until li noon, ierii'1.1 shi:Ji.ii1 ilaie. ;ct.it-r -fi. lt for rem xleung ilnee lath i.ouse end ti ree wat'T cloei jor t-ocp se at Fort Bill. . T. Full ,nf ttuh'Icii rir rtshed on ap;li. ntioi, to 1 11s cilice. SeTe plan hi d spe- lrics tiotts inr.v lie seen, or to t:-e Vrfuurtormusur. I't rt Hill, vi T. l"r po! to be uiiiked Pr,'Kls for He r o.-i.rg Rsh lions..." ai d addressed to WILLIAM i; HORTON. AcUig Chief QuartermsFie-r. Oe-t. l-:-J fc-TT.-.l. R AILROAU HUE CARD. IklOa STATION 10TII AND AHtl. 1 hirsao A ,rtt,tirr,. ' Tbe Noriba nxerii ljn. l'kvc Arrive a inn eat a .M' am a .3u pm a 9:u .m all .io jira Fast Mail Ci.ao. i I 4U ana 1 .(' ; m l o.lc am 1 :.'"' am 1 ft :eni a ra 6 - pm Lc-cal giuux City 1 L'u)i.S;it bt. 1 aul 1 DavliUl e.nica.0 1 Local ifdar F.apida Limned -l.it ata : Local Can on 1 .a a.is pm a 4 1K1 pm .1 i M pm .a ft 10 pm 9 U am s U se am a t e.". pm a ft "6 am a 1 .40 pm b 9 am iln:Hi, ara bu.iS am last Ci.icaft.0 last St.. Paul Fast i-Uil Local Sioux C.'.y b4:iypra 1 Norfolk cV Bonesteel.. a 7:ai am Lincoln A Long Pine h 7;a am thieega, H-k Islam I'aelar. EAST. Leave. Clilcaco Dayllf ht L t d. J:is am Chicago Di) hghi Local a T ..m am Cbicaso Express -Ml.iiiim Dea Moines LxpreKS a 4.k pm Chicago Fust i-.xj.rrie-. a i.J pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lit,, 'iji am Lincoln. Colo Ppringi. Icnver, Pueblo and West a 1-Jfl pro Colo, Texas. Cat. and Oklahoma Flyer a ft. 40 pm Illinois leatraL Chicags Express a 7:35 am Chiciigo. Minneapolis at St. I'aul Limited a 7:7i0 pm Mlnneapolia A St. Paul Exprers b 7:SS am Chic ago Local 10.3S am Chicago Express Arrive, a l.; am a 9:31 pm a ft.jj pat bll oe am ilk pm a am t-00 pa a 12 .40 pm 1 a L 09 pm a ft.Cs am bui .at pm aiS.S am Caleass Great Western K. Ce. l'H Ft. DoOce Express., .b ( am leC Ft. I'lKit-'e xpreas...a i:ti pia 7 Ft- I )dc c Exp-e-ss... Iu! rt. Dode-e Express... I la I'afigc. nll:S am t 9 10 pm a : j in a pm Ocerland Limited . The l ast Mull California. Express. Pacific Er:nr'SS .a 9 :40 am a 4 20 pm ...aUJo pm Eastern l.xpr-e a E:30 pm a T-aJ am a .4 ass a 1:49 am hli:T pm a :1S pm b 9:2a ara I ne Atlantic Kxpresa.... The Colorado Special a 7 JO am Chicago Special Lincoln. Beatrice arid Stromsbtirg Express.. .b 4:00 pm North P'atte Local a t iKi am Grand Island Local b 5.30 pm er a lea an, I'llsaikee A St. Faal. Chicago Dav--ght aT:4nam tll-lSpa Chicago Fust Exptess..a 6 41 pm a lai pm Chicago Limited aft:06pm a 7:ie) ara Dea Moines Express a 7.4a am a I tl pm Wabask. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a L .bi pm a I JO am Bt. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluff a 9:lt am 8l0:t Bta Mlssosurl PaelBe, Ft. Louis Expres....t..aV:n6 am t-JS pm C Ac St. L. Ex aiv:arf pm a 1.1 am WEBSTER DEPOT 1ST H A WEBSTER Ch learn. St. Paal. Mlaaesoalls A x . Onab. Twin City Pnssenirer.. ..a f 30 sm a S:J0 pm Sioux City I'asser.ger..a I:Oi pm all:2am Oakland Local b ft :4a pm b ft:4i ant thieage & 1 Xarlkwntera, Xeatraaft-at a. d N'yeatlag Dlvlsiea, Leava Arrira ' Black HiUs. Dr,dwood. Lead. Hot b,rinf a 1 :00 pm a iM pm Wyoming. Casper and Dougla d 1:00 pm ft.OO pa Hastings. Tork, David , 1ty. Superior. Geneva, Exeter and beward b 1:00 pm i IM pm Missouri FaelBe. Nebraska LocaL a Weeping Water. b 4O0 pm alsJs am BCIUIOTOI STATION IOTH St MAAON (Kleago, Barliagtea A Qal Leave. Chicago Bpedal a 70 a.m Chicago Vestibuled ex..a 4:iv pm Cbicago Local a 9 111 am Chicago Limited a l:ts pm Fast MkU. ag. 1 Arrive. . a l:C5 pm a 7:46 am all : pm a 7:4ft am a l:4u pa laaasas City, St. Jloseph 4f Coaawll Blaff a. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am a S.-0C pm 6t Louis Flyer a ft:ij pm aljrUij am Kansas City Night Ex. .alt :4s i a S:v4 jus Barllag-toa A Mtaaoarl River. Wvmore. Leyi trice and Lincoln. a t:S0 am Nebraska Exoress a ft .Jul am Ietver Limited a 4.1 pm Black Hi. is and Pug el bound Express all 09 pm Colorado Vestibules Flyer Lincoln Fast Mail b lil pre Fort Ctoox end Piatts- mouth b I It pm Rellevue A Pacific Jet.. a T :bu pm Believu A Pacific Jet. .a I SO am UM pes a 7:40 pro a t.lw am I 10 pa a 1 :10 pm a 9:i4 am blOAS aa a ft .17 aa a Dally, b Dally ei'-ept Sunday, d Dally except Sat jrda)'. e Daily except Monday. RECALLS THE GOOD OLD DAYS Major Geaeral Laddlagtoa Is Rasd. laeeat la Sfaklng of Grant, ol Osaaka. Major General M. 1. Ludflir.gton, retired, former quartermaster general of tbe United States Army, and for several years chief quartermaster of th Department of the Missouri, is In tbe city visiting old -time frl.nds. "I notice many greet change In Omaaa and all are for tbe baiter," said General Luddii.gton. However. I Can but let toy memory slip back to tbe old days when the streets were destitute of ftranite blacks sod teaming on the streets of Omaha was big task. But how the city has grown. 1t rot more so than tbe west generally. One can scarcely realise the ttupendous devel opment of the west tn these comparatively few years since tbe 70 s unless lis bad be a here before tbe days of railroad. "My ear!! r service was on tbe plains, when Fort Laramie was regarded, and was the most Important, military post In the west. Our military duties In chose days tarried us everyw here over the plains. It was a seven days' trip frnm Fort Leaven worth to Banta Fe by stage, seven days snd tilghts, and then the sieges bad ta te escorted by cavalry details. Not so roach as a protection against Indians as against tbe buffaloes. I crxeed th plains five or six times and once or twioe made the trip to California. It wa a tedious trip, but we had to go. Wben orders cams frura army beadtuarters sU we bad to do was to obey. Very few of tbe old military 'posts sre now left standing that were la exial eno then. Even their sites ars lust ta memory. "No. I cannot nsy over in Ak-Br-Ben carnival; I must return to New York at onoa.