Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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' Xor'gn Purehawi Cans Adanc in Price
' of Wheat at Cox-go.
'Strong cables advance corn prices
rliet fr flats FollnTred That
Other Or In a. hnt rrnred to
Be ftteadler Thai torn
or WhfK.
r CHICAGO. Ort. 2.-A -nnd demand for
uture deliveries of wheat st the seahoard
ty foreigners, together with sn excellent
mand for the cash article at Minneapolis,
aa larrelr responsible for the strength
in mat tnarset todsy, and DccMtihfr closed
'3ejC higher. December corn wna up lyfi
ty. oats were He higher and Jnnuary pro-fcl-lons
closed from io to 60 higher.
Future dellverloa of whcBt made good
patirta early In the session, with December
rutting down the May lead a fraction.
CI opening on liooember was up 1ffr-,c
nd Vt&Hc to ;Hf! :. influenced hv
rilaher rani's, n big ndvnre at St. Louis
nd the considerations which bothered
fchorta yesterday, nanielv, the decreasing
tricks of Ko. 2 red. There was a lot of
Commission house orders early and the
aihorta were scared Into covering, which
resulted In December advancing to 7X;c
lefore the end of tha. nrt.f hour. The In
Mntlv to buy was Increased by reports
from New York that foreigners were active
puyers there of future deliveries. Toward
giann commission houses reversed their tire
Wteus course, selling 1'eeember around 7c
ml covering May. The market went buck
(aater than It had gone up, and the nearby
rnenths were soon selling at 777tic. Toward
the end of the session the market strength
ened and the close was Arm, December at
"M,e. Clearances of wheat and flour were
oqaal to Mfi.finn bushels. Trlmary receipts
"era l.lis.orio bushels, against l.lin.tfO
Bushels a year ago. Kxports for the week
f wheat and flour, according to Brad
Srtreet's. were l.W.f'OA bushels, compared
-lt)i .ln,onn bushels a year ago. Mlnne-
polls and Duluth reported receipts of 710
can, which with local receipts of 43 cars
bone of contract grade made total re
ceipts of 746 cars, against 636 cars last
Break snd cara a year ago.
Corn opened at higher prices on strong
, tables, a good shipping rimand and light
fcountry offerings, etui with activity on
tha part of big shorts the market ad
vanced still further during the opening
tiour. The leading shni ts took considerable
corn early In the session, but when the
market got Into Its bulge the crowd sold
Jieavlly and the market weakened early
In th" day, so that much of the early gain
Was) lost. A better feeling prevailed near
thsj rlose. with considerable buying on the
theory that the benrlshness had been given
too much leeway, and prices Hgiln ad
vanced. After selling between tn,c and
4HJ December closed at 4dc. Loinl re
ceipts were 430 cars, with 61 of contract
There was a fair general trade In oats
Sind prices were Influenced hugely by the
rtlon of other grains. The market ruled
steadier than either wheat or corn and
closed with a fair advance, December being
lip He IOcal receipts were 140 cars.
Provisions were quiet, hut further cov
ering; by shorts In October ribs stimulated
a firm feeling throughout the list. The
Strength In corn was also a bull factor.
Offerings were light during the greater
trt of the day. The close was stertdy.
With January pork un Be at $I1.&24. Jan
uary Inrrt was 5c higher at l'i.90, and ribs
bp hie at H.'sou 8 :v
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
ei.oara; corn, 360 cara; oats, ISO cars; hogs,
QO0 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
iu-Ucles.l Open. High.! Tw. j Close. Te'y.
. Mar
w Mar
. Oct. .
77V TR:7RHfiVi
7RSj79W73',J 78
44'! 4.-V44M4
46. 4.-'
44T 4o'';!44'ft4o
.1H,I SS' SKlil 3nSi
3fiS3CV1iV4 3011 3rt
37SI 37V 37i,37W4
1 rw
11 25
12 an
12 56
7 75
It 30
12 S2U
11 10
1? BO
11 10
12 B!i
12 65
7 K-24,
11 20
12 471
12 621
7 70
ft K5
12 66
7 ni
a 6
6 2il
9 6211
8 66 I
7 fr.'t(
a nt',
9 BO
6 60
B 9f)
fl 80
9 50 I 9 B0
6 Hi'! 6 60
No. 1 a New.
Cash quotations were ss follows:
FTjOUH Hteaav: winter paienia, .i.ju
tlC; gtrtiights, U 5003. !: anrlni: patents,
YSj.ia; ftraljhts, $3.Wfl4.0ii; bnkeis'. I26J
vvtubjai rio. s. t'ajvc; iu. - reu, c-tf
COT01-No. I. 46Vipoc; No. 2 yellow,
OAT-No. 2. 3fiVi43K4c; No. 3 white, 37(&
Z E3c.
BAJUjET Fair to choice malting. Hi
8KED8 No. 1 flax. 94Vjc; No. 1 nnrth
Nrestern, II. 00. Prime timothy, $2.75'u2.85.
Clover, onntract grnde. 110.75.
PROVISIONS Mesa polk, per bhl.. J11.2u
miM. Lard, pr 100 lbs, $7.2'!&7.72'.
Bhort ribs sides (loose). .OMt.26: dry .aiiltetl
ahoulders (boxed). tS.C2Hiii4l.75; nhort clear
Udea (boxed). $8,764(9 W.
Tha following were the receipts snd shlp
tnenta of flour and grsir:
Rfjelpts. Shipments.
JRour. bbls 21.1(0 11, wo
v"heat. l'U m c 201
Corn, bn 4(0.s.i 473.3fl
Oata. bu 193.200 101. SO
Rya. bu
barter. Vu 1 30.600 29. 10
On the Produce exchange today the but
tar mart't wa" easy; creameries 'le;
faJrie).ngi9c. Eggs, steady at mark, cases
Deluded, lJ81c. Cheese lirm, llll'o.
awtavttona of the Day on Varlons
, Commodities.
WW YORK. Oct. 2. FIOUR Receipts.
fet.oaO bbls : exports. B4.)'i!7 bbls. The market
Vis more active and firmer: winter extras,
IsOOl.K: Minnesota linkers. $3.So!;i4.10; win
ter low grades, 2.70fi3.ri(l. Rye Hour, firm:
fair to gvoa. j.iik J.iu; cnuit e 10 lancy,
if KAIj tnill; yellow western
tdty. ti l. "'In dried. t...3):&3.2tt.
RIB-Kasy; No. 2 western. WlHc, f. n 1)..
fcfloat, to arrive; state and Jersey. 57i57Hc.
BAKLKT 4J)1et: feeding. 62v c I f.. Bnf
lajo: ma1:lng. BytSlc. c. I. f.. Buffalo.
WHiiAT Receipts. 4.P-2S bu. The market
for spot waa firm: No. 2 red. Kl"c. elevator,
aad Mc, f. o. b.. alloat: N.i. 1 northern
puluth. 9uc. f. o b., aflo:it; No. 1 hard
Manitoba. 2i4c, f. o. b., afluai. Options
had a strong turn during the forenoon. In
fluenced by higher cables, good foreign buy
ing, flrro western markets and light offer
ings. After a fiharp mid-day decline under
troflt-tallng the market agHlti sold ii on
rig weekly clcarancrs and ! scd ','nV net
klgher. Closing: May. S3Sc; Dccembej-,
?ORNRecelpts. 7H.300 bu.; exports, 131. 3W
pu. The market for spot was nrm; No. 2.
tic, elevutor. and WSc. f. o. b . atloat: No. 2
yellow, 66c; No. 2 white. ti: Options
showed early strength with wheat, hut later
raJUed on covering and closed l4ic net
higher. Closing: May, 50;-; December.
OATS Receipts. :th.tXl bu.: cxporta. 36,70
u. The market for i!ot was dull: No. 2.
4ttVe; standard white, 42t ; No. 3. 40c; No. 2
rhlte, 42c; No. 3 white, 41-; track white,
i'EKDrirm; spring l.rau. '0 ''VSCO.uO;
HSddIlix; 120 004j:?,.00; city. 20 Oo-y 3) M.
HAY Kaay; shipping, ft u , good to
anoic, tftiiiKv
EOP8 rlrm: medium to choice." 19 '3
Cvop, Jtt2-; olds,, l'acihc nu, 1: u
crop, medium to chtice. 27&i.tlc; common t-j
ajhiJ'. 1H03 crop. Il'WV-: olds S'oirv.
HIDES Firm . Oalveatnn, to 25 lts..
Syni California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19u; 'IfXnn dry,
4 to SO lbs.. ISc.
jSATHKR-Hteady : acid, 22(325Hc
I JOB Firm ; riomeatlc, fair to choice,
Mc: Jpsn. 64iiic.
SUATBION8 Reef firm: family, 110 SO
60; ii'M s ovtik 5ti: beef bams, t21.&4T
li (O; B icl'.l. IIUiAilO'O; cMv mT,i
Lt&iOll Of-. Cut meats, unsettled: pickled
biie- M 2.J, ifWie-) unooiuei, vi;
tU-VUd hams. tl2 54il3-uA Lard, steady;
V sot em steamed, as i: rehued. sicadv: run
Mood. I7.0OH7-25. Pork, eauy; family, f ir;
ahert clear. t14.uKi 17 .09; niess, 14 14.75.
blfV KR Receipts. ' pkga. ; un-et-Wad;
itate, dairy, 1532iV; creamery, li
tVoBT'SE Recefpta. .267 pkgs : sfady:
aitetsk full cream, fancy, small colored and
.ki l?ic: larae rnlored and white. 12c.
! Ke
jvtiOi iKecelpts. 5 pkgs.; market Ir-
m. . ..a I a r n 1 M I In
POUI-TRY Alive, w'ak: western cblck
ana, J4iic; fowls. It'jc; turkeys, 13f:14c;
j, ..sal weak: J)'"" broilers. HHtiloc;
fo-wla. 14c: turkeys. lBttlOc.
TAJLLOW Qulel; city. c; country. 4W
MlliSiff "' Mheaf. Flour anil lira a.
JffTJIWEAPOT.lfl. Oct 2-WHF.AT-De-
- . 77r; "Jlsv. ): 011 irck. No 1
a eiw; fia. 1 northern. TV: Ni S north-
, "V-rc; No. 3 northern. 72'ui
1U rirmi first jwueot t84.5;
feennd patents, t 2 111 40: fl'st clears, M.26
m i c: second clears. I; i.jllf ,
BRAN In bulk. tlS.75.
( ondltlon f Trade aad Qaotatloaa on
Staple aad Faaey Prodaee.
KK;s -Fresh stock, loss off. lc.
MVF. POI'liTRT Mens. c; spring chick
ens. liSVlOc; roosters, according to sge,
'" ; turkeys, lKfl2c; old uucks, c young
fi'ii'ko. vrhifcc.
Bi n l-.R Fscklng stock. 13'ol3V; eholc
to fancy dairy. In tubs, Isolde; sepsrator,
FRK8H Fl AH-Fresh caught trout. 11c;
pirkeiel, Sc ; pike. 10c: perr-n. c; buffalo.
i'iV; hluxflsh, loc; whlteflsh, 10c' salmon.
Iln; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper,
11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., rc: lobsters,
green, per lb., 2c; bullheads. 11c; catfish.
14c; black bass, 202:; halibut. c: ctupples,
12c; herring. Re; white bass. 10c; blueflns, tc.
OYSTERS New Tork counts, per can.
4.V"; per gal., t2 00; extra selects, per can,
37c; per gal., tl 76; standard, per can, JOc;
per gal., 31.35.
BRA N Pet ton. t14 0C.
HAY Prlcfi quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Di-fllera' association: Choice No. 1 up
land. t9fi); No. 2. tt.50; medium. ts.CO;
coarse. $7.6 . Rye straw. 37.00. These prices
are for hay rf good color and quality. De
mand fair and receipts light.
CORN 4ic.
It YE No. 2. 50
POTATOES-Ltah and Daaota, per bu.,
HWBKT POTATOE8Home grown, per
basket, roc; Virginias, per 8-bu. bbl., 13 26.
BEANS Heme grown, wax, per market
basket, 4vfj50c; string, per market bssket,
TOMATOES Home rrown, per basket,
NAVY PEA N8 Per bu.. $?.
CKI. FRY Michigan, per do.. tOQXc;
laili" Wfllfm, WO I
ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., J
! i cnmninri, per en le, 91. r.
EGG PLANT Per dot . tl.OO.
PLfMB-rtah and Colorado, IOoftl.00.
1'RL'NER Italian, per box, ll.Ou; SIlTer,
PEACHES California Salaways, tlOO;
T'tah freestones. tl.OO; Colorado Albertas,
PEARS Colorado snd t'tah Sheldon,
Dutches, per box. t2.2fW2.60.
."RARAPPLES-Per bbl. 0O
APPLES Jonathans and Grimes Golden,
13.50473.76: Snows. 11.25; Michigan stock, t3.Bfl;
California Bellflowers, per box, $1.50; New
York stock, 33.BO; Oregon Spits, Greenings
and Grlmea Golden, per box. t)l.15.
(IRAPEH California Toktys. tl.60: Corin
choln, $1.60; Muscats, tl 26; home grown,
per S-lh. basket, 2afii24c; New Yorjt, 27o.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $7.25(67.60; per
box, 12.50fy2.75.
ORANGES Valencies, 138-160 sizes, $4.3;
Mexican, all sixes. $4 00.
HA NANAS Per bunch, $2.0O2.50; Jum
bos. 11.00.
l funva. i-'.. ii, ... u ,
, ' 'j ii luriuim ibocj , ow lo 3W
Sizes. M.26; choice. 240 to 270 sizes, I4034.25.
fHl'VOP i-i i ,
, , " invviiBin twine, xuii crnaii
12Hc; Wisconsin Yeung Americas, 13Hc;
x"i . i i,' Z wiiain unoK, ucj
"'dv.iibiii niniiei Iter, IN.
HONKY-NebrasKS. per 24 frames, 13.50;
I jab and Colorado, per 24 frames, 13.50.
EORJ,-per lb- lVc: shelled. 3Hc.
5tc; No. 1 Baltd, fc: No. 2 saltod. Hc:
NO. 1 VU 1 I-a 1 f 9 10 IV.aa C t . . tk.' A 1
oalf, 12 tc 16 ib., 6Mrc: dry BaTtU hide. SJ
" avae, mvgt iwt IIUI VtJ IllUOsl, 4-l . (W4J
S. oO.
NUTS Walnut. No..l aoft-ahell. par lb.,
Lc; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 oft-shell.
per lb., ltc; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft-shell, per lb.. 18c; hard-shell,
per b 15c: pecans, large, per lb.. 12Hc;
umall, per lb., lie; peanuts, per lb. 5Hc;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 7o.
St. LobjIb Grain and ProrlsloBa.
ST T OT'TQ r . n-TTw.M. . .
. j . . ' ,v v- 1 " nrjA i Aiaraet
steady; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 8t87Hc:
December, 8oVi; May, 86Hc; No. 2 hari. litt
CIIRV.Mnrlrail olnw X' u i..r..
ncmh-r. 42o; May 42c.
ua i a-Markt quiet; No. 2 efth, iVc:
RYE Market uteady; No. 2, R6c.
VI A 1 'P ..acl,-. HtM a. a-
clear! lt.3iv&3.40 ' ""..
tlWtM l. l"lntU.. I nm.
CORN MKAL-Slesdy at $2.50.
BRAN Better' ,.L.rl Aaa. 1.
' v, o ... ii.wr,
HAY-Hlow. steady; timothy, $8.00fM2.50;
prairie, tii.ixWHO.OO. .
BAGGING 6418810.
Privii2iov'aDA-i. 1. . .
blng. $11. R0. Lard, steady. t7.6iH- Bacon
(boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear ribs.
$10; short clear. $10.60. .
Pliri.THVU.rl,.l .lJ... wii
- . . . . ...... ... . H,n., , , iiiit-HffnB. FKC
springs. 10c; turkeys, 11c; ducks, Sc;
BUTTER Market steady; creamery. 22
22'c; dairy. 1718o. .
iiiUr! lo, loss oft
T?-,.-i n. aki .
flour, bbls - 5.0O0 14.00)
', I'll. 1. . if,
t orn, hu 42.( 47.00O '
Oats, bu 82.000 SP.flO
Kansas City Grain . Provisions. . I
KAVSAfl PITY 1 ., Ti'trcm
- - -- . ' ' ' . " 1 ir-A I 1 'f -
cen.ber, CM4c: May. eiiOeio. Cash: No 2
hard, 71H!&72c; No. 3. 67&6Sc: No. 4, fteVfi
Aoa letei-teit SAUjffAlr.' KJ, , -1 - .
' ' iv,, mv, iu. a,
75ii&o. ...
CORN October, S9Vc; December, 38c:
May, :S(,fi38ic. Cash: No. J mixed, 40c;
No. 2 white, 41o; No. 3. 40ic.
OATS No. 2 white .Wiftaiic. v
BYE No. 2, 53c.
HAV-Tlmothy. $9.50(510.00; prairie, tSOVff
dtBTTER-Creamery. l$MfflHc; fancy
VA Hm Wim HJt t ua.. -I
....... aairwuti IJTJ FV IB I IB N. CR'SS
lnrluded, ISc.
.... 4 . RecelpU. Shipment.
heat, hu in kv Ca a,-
Oata, bu 24.nu0 lo.cai
Mllwankf Grain Market.
n I nni'th.i.n fiK.. . VI- n . . .
. . . .,, i.u. i norinern, blra
82c; December, TSo asked.
niii-puaay; no. 1, 6VVc.
BARLEY WenJr r Nn 9 lul- .. 1-
CORN December. 464c bid.
I.lTerpool Qraln and Prorlslons.
4s 44d. Futures quiet; October. 4s 4Vid
November, 4a 4id; Ieceniber. 4s 3id. '
Peoria Market.
Oct !.-CORN-H1aher
3. 4i.V-: No. 4. 44
, 1 p r 'rmer
white, 3nSt4f36-.
No. I. 3A4e3V: No. 4
nnlntn Grain Market.
DT-l.UTH. Oct. 2-WHF.AT-On track
No. 1 iiorthern, 73t,c; No. 2 northern, 76,c;
Lieceniber. 76- e.
UA J B 36C.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Oct. 2.-8EEDS-Clover: Octo
ler. $6.i; Oecember. to 67U: January. $60
March, pi C6. Timothy, $l.5&. Alalke, $! 0.
lloston Stock duotatlona.
Br.STON. Oct.
cent; time loai.a
cloning prices on
Atrttlenn 4a
d. ptd
Uixton , Alhaur...
Huatftn Jr U
2-CalI loans. 4& per
64irt per cnl. Offlc al
Xa Alloiiaa
t Amalaamatad ..
. Rlnaliam
I a
J 'alumet : Haria.!.4i
lli Caataai.j 5
Iliuilnn K l.v.i ul
N V . N H. H"
.U Copper Hanga .
.114 Dominion l oal
...... 71
....... n
...A. in
rurnbura; pfd
I ntoo p.rtfle
Sei. r.ntrrl
Am.rtraa Sugar . .
do pfd
Amerlcau T. 4t T.
Dominion I. 4t 8..
(leu. K.l.'trlc
Maa. Rletrlr ...
1. 1 nfit
I'nllrd fruit
t . S. Slnel
!o pM..
Veeilnah t'ocnojuil
. .ItiV, Franklin
. . Jiv Roa ....
.. If, Mohawk
...lupoid riomlnloa .
..ll. Parrot
.. 11 OHtnct
..146 fcenle Pa Copper
.. Swi Tamarark
.. 7? jTrtaltv
... Vnlied siataa ...
.. 17S t Uh
..MS Vlno-la
. . 71 Winona .
4 .Wolvertae
Hevr Vork MlalnsT 4aotatlaas.
NEW YORIa, Oct. I. The following are
the quotations an mining stocks:
Ad.m. ro I Utile Chief ., a
Alice If Ontario 46
Rraece 10 Ophir
Hruu.wlrk Con Pbaaalx 1
CivetiK-k Tui.nel Vt Pual j
Cos. al. Va l? Savage it
Hon Sllv.r ln sierra Nerada il
Iroa Sil-e- WS Smell tiutfea TH
ladvllle Coa f Slaadard
foreign rieaau-lal.
f-ONPON. Oct. 1 Money was In better
supply In the market today and the rates
were easier. I'laciunts were steady. Busi
ness on the Block exchange opened gen
erally stoadv. Americans wars especially
cheerful. Cunaoia kardeued on good Invest-
No. 1 northern, spring, nominal. Futures
Stenrty: October, Ca 3d; December. s Vd
ORX Spot. American m!t ni .
ment purchases and closed easier Amer
icans followed the advance In New York,
stimulating the markets all round, prices
being fairly maintained until near the close,
when thev became Irregular and ended
eaaler. Orand Trunk was strong Kaffirs
were easy. The amount of bullion taken
Into the Hank of Kngland on balance tod iv
as I'lTX.omi. The sum of 10.i. was wltli
dramn for shipment to South Africa.
PARIS. Oct. . Prices on the bnurse
tocisy npend firm on New York and lxn
don advices. Internationals were nctlve,
particularly Spanish, Portuguese and Ser
vians. Rio Tlntos advanced 12f on the bet
ter American conditions snd the Improve
ment In copper. Three per cent rentes.
Xf.iiC for the sccnunt. Exchange on Iaui
don. 2fif 1c for checks.
BERLIN. Oct. 2-KxchBnge on Inndon.
?)m 37infg for checks. Discount rstes:
Short bills. 4 per cent; three months' bills,
3 per cent. The weekly ststemcnt of the
Imperial Bunk of Germany shows the fol
lowing changes: Cash In hand, decrease.
114.04um; treasury notes, decrease, S.MO.Onnm;
other securities. Increase, 22.C.40.miim; notes
In circulation. Increcre. aoj.sno.ooom. Prices
on the bourse today were firm.
Good Headway Made In Storks In
Spite of Bad Reports.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2 The stock market
today made good headway ngnlnst the an
nouncements of financial embarrassments
In Baltimore. These announcements ciu-el
a rather feverish tone In the eirly hours,
and some evidence of linu'datlon was as
signed ss a result. It was believer! that
the public announcement served to explain
sonje past events In the market rather than
10 tnreaten future results. Some of tne
stocks which have been weakest during
the past week are known to have been soli
by a locsl banking house, who held them
as collateral for loans. Wall street has
been so fearful of mysteries and so prone
to exaggerate them so that mvstifvlna-
Information was magnified. As the day
progreaseoi it necame manirest that there
was no acute Pressure of stocks and on the
contrary a well defined party of profes
sional operators were Inclined to buy. Com
mission houses slso reported some Slight
demand from outalde sources.
There were some verv heavv blocks of
United States Steel bonds marketed which
could be hardly other than syndicate hold
ing, but there seemed to be a good demand
at the same time for the preferred stock.
The inference was drswn thnt arbitrage
operations between the two securities bad
been resumed by the extended syndicate.
A rumor was current that the mnrket man
agement of this operation had been In
trusted to the same operator mho con
ducted the original flotation of the United
8tates Steel stock.
The prospect of s strong bank return
helped the late market Indications, point
ing to a gain in caph by the banks of
tl.o00.000 to $2,000,000. The regular interior
movement took from New York about
t2.60O.0O0 on balances, but the redemption
of government bonds and the pavmenta
on account of new gold. Including Aus
tralian gold received at San Francisco,
more than offset this loss. It Is evident
that the principal movement of currency
Is still to the cotton region and exchange
at western points fails to show prospect
of an early demand from that quarter.
Thla causes the Indulgence of a hope that
the deposit of government funds at west
ern points may lighten the demand fir
currency from that quarter. ' It Is also
suggested that the lateness of this demand
may allow some reflux of funda from the
cotton region In time to help meet It.
There waa a sharp rise In call money lat
In the day which may have b?en connected
with the winding up the syndicate affairs
of those withdrawing from the United
States Steel conversion syndicate. Sterling
exchange rallied sharply from yesterday's
decline, but the large Increase In wheat
and corn exports over last week Indicated
a growing supply of exchange.
Pennsylvania was Inclined to be heavy
in spite of the good increase In net earn
reported for In August, while Union
r!--0' wl,n " decrease for that period of
tl43.S12. was well supported. A sharp drop
of over a point In St. Paul Just before the
close with an Immediate fractional, ralrv,
had the appearance of a bear drive, but It
unsettled the closing and made It Jr.
regular. . .
The bond market was still made up
largely of United 8tates Steel 5s, but the
tone was pretty firm. Total sales par
value. $5.45.0110. United States 8 coupon
advanced per cent on the last call.
Following are the closing quotations on
the New York Stock exchange:
4VkSo. ranise
(to pfd
B. I. 4c Ohio
So pfd
Canadian Pari He .
C. ntral of N. J...,
ha. Ohio
Chicago St Alton...
do pfd ,
Cbli'i.o ai O. W..
do lat pfd at N. W..
Chlr.fq Ttr. tr Tr.
do pfd
r. 0. f. It. L...
Colorado So,...,...
do 1st pfd
,o no i,a
rsl. a Hudaoo....
Pel. b. ft W
Denv.r R. o....
do pfd
Ena ,
do lt pfd.
do 11 pfd
Great Nor. pfd
.x-'in Vailer ...
do pfd
titS ho. Hallway
'101 do pfd
M T.. ac I'.clai' St. U 6t Vi. It
.10 do pfd 26
. it' Union Pariac 714,
. ili'.i1 do pfd 4
. Ul ;Wana.ii .
. IS7' ui pfd 2S.
. JIN Wheeling L. It
.1671. Wla. l i utral j(
. ! do pfd
1 1 Adam. Bi
. W lAmertran Ek ll
. 14 H inted at.tea Ex I'm
. it'i Well.-F.rso Ki jot)
. !", Aro.l. Copper 41'
.14 Miner, tar at F 14
.iia do pfd 7.
. l Amer. bin. Oil Oi
.'! do ptd z
. K':Amr. Lovomotlve ...
. M',i do pfd 112-.
40 'Amerlf.n 8. Ac R.... 4 do pfd.
. i
. Id
. 4t
. 41
. 11
. 11
. ;t
. i
. 70
. 73
. 1
. 9t4
. S4
. 7s,
. 62S
. 16
... 7) Amer. Sugar Ref...,
... 7 Anac. Mlnlni Co
...l:ti H rook It 11 R. T
... 1 Colorado If. & I
...Sit iColumbu. 4t H. C.
... d)ICona. U.n
Illmol. C.ntral ..
Ifnra I'.ntral ....
da pfd
I. w
Manhattan - L
Mat. St. nr
Minn. M. L...
Mo. Paclllc
M., K. T
00 pfd
...ISOVGen. Electrlo
Inter. Paper
do pfd
Inier. Pump
do pfd
National Rlaruit
National Lead ...
No. American ...
Pa.-ln Mall
I'eople'a Uaa
Preaaed 8. Car...,
do pfd
N.t. R. R. of M. pfd. 7.
n, 1. ventral.. .117
feri,iiH w
do pfd ,
Ontario A W
P.. :. C. it 8t. L.
do 1M pfd
do :d pfd
Rock Co...
up pid
St. L. S. r.....
do lat pfd
do M pfd
t. L. . W
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pfd
alVPullman P. Car..
47,ltepuhllc Steel...
T6 I do pld
2V Rulier Oooda ....
ja.' do pfd
do-'.JTsnn. I'oal A Iron... J414
VI l. 8. Leather 1
.at) do pfd uii
. (fit. S. Rubber in
. 13W do pld J7
. K I'. 8. Steel 17,
.lKI'ii do pfd M
.lTSta.Weatera Union tv
Xew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. S.-MONEY On ' cal'.
firmer; lowest, 2H per cent; highest, 4H;
ruling rate, t; last loan. 3; closing. 24'u3;
on time, steady: sixty days, n per cent;
ninety days. 6Val; six months, fj; prime
mercantile paper CtfitKt per cent.
STERLINii EXCHANGE Firm, with ac
tual business In bankers' bills at t4 F&MXb
4.K83 for demand and at 14 8!15'64 S2'Jfl for
sixty days; posted rates. $4.8?Vfr4.ft3 and
t4.8ti'iS4 S7; commercial bllla. t4.hl'''u4 S2
SILVER Bur, 69c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government and railroad, firm
The closing quotations on bonds are as
V. f. ref. la. rag 107 I,, ft f. uni. 4,
do rajjpon 107 jMan. con. gold 4a... v
do la, reg IU !Mei. Cantigl 4a !',
do rouoon 108.: do la Inc 14
do eew 4a. reg nt 'Minn 4 at. U. 4a.... H",
do coupon IJJ M.. K. eV T. 4a . 7
do old 4a. reg Ill ' do 2i 77
do coupon Ill JC. R. R. of M. c. 4a. 7
e . rag lots v. V. c. g n,, 96u
do coupon lvii'.aX. J. c, g.n (, -u
AtrhLon gen. 4a l 1N0. PacHli- 4a lfrnu
do ad). 4a ' do la
Atlantic Coar. b. ta.. 0 eN. 4 w ,.oa if
Bal. aV Ohio 4a H Oregon 8. !.. 4a P. ttu
Ha t3 Penn. ennr. 3a
Central of Da. 6a IMS Reading gen. 4a
do la la- 70 at. b. AY I. M. c f,..inu
Chea. Ohio 4w,a ...1il St. I.. 4, 8 K. fg 4a. .0.J
t hlcago AV A. lv,a... 71 ,8t. U 8 W. la l
C.. . Q n. 4a ... 61 P.abo.rd Air Una 4. M
C, M tr St P g. 4a...m'8o. Paclgo 4a
C. N. W. r. 7a....HIHo Railway 6a nji,
C. R. I. p. 4a.... 71 ParlQc la...llv
rot. 6a 7 T.. 81 L. A w. 4a i
f c C St b f. 4s.. 6"i Inlon PacHc 4a inn
Chicago Ter. 4a 7ji, do conr. 4. .... i:
Con. Tobacco 4a 64 C. 8. Steel M 6a '71
Colorado 80. 4a tit Waba'h le 11s
leaver ej R. O. 4. .. ,i I o deb. B .
Erie prior lien 4. Wheel. eV b. K.' ia" k
do general 4a 6J iNVI Central 4e s9i4
D C I. lnjwrriio. Fuel .on. la... .S4
Hocking Val. 4a 104','
I.oaelon Slock Market.
LONDON. Oct. 2 -Closlng nuotations:
Contois for money MSlNew York central 131
do aocaat
t11 Norfolk 4b Weaiern... eS
do pfd
Balllmora A Ohla.
Canadian Pacific...
Cheaapeake Ohta
Chlcaga U. W
C . M. A St p ..
uaavar R. 0....
do pfd..
do let pfd
do Id ptd
IMlBola Central
boularllle A Naah.
Mlaeourt, K T.
oo pi a
46'. Ontario V Westers
Tta Band Mmaa
. Hk
. 17
. 12
. ns
. 4J,
. (V
. (a
. II
i:t 'a Reading
do let pfd
. II.',
do M pld
Southern Hallway
do pfd
. 2l V8outhera PaciSe .
.. iih cnloa Pacific.....
- da pfd
'a .t ailed States 8t
. . 4.' do pfd.
..I'M I do ptd
. . J.a'
BAR S1I.VHR -Stemdv at TTl-rl nnn.
MONEl-jya!', iw cfnl. The rate of
discount In it t.pen market for short bills
l,, .'"d rr ''nt " three-months-
Mils is F per cent.
(n?ri Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. ! COFFEE The mar
ket for futures opened eteady at u pirtlil
decline of t points under heavv realizing
and selling by importers. The foreign
cable were steady, however, receipts we e
moderate and there was a renewal of the
demand fur outaid account that sojn
rallied the market and carried prices par-
ii.tny a potnis nigner. Following tnia nuei-
wlth the close steady, net unchanged to h
points higher. Sales were 70 Nio bags. In-
clurtlnv NiovAmVir t 1 fitV. I 1... K r a i-i
S.ic; January, RliVff51or; March, i.tilt
o.joc. May, 0. atai .trnc ; juiy, .nc.
toltnn Mnrket.
0eneil weak ir points !ofr on the
lower canies. excellent weather for both
gniherlng anil developing; cotton and bd
prehensions of October notlrea. which
caused special lloiildatlon and bear ures
sure In that position. Shortly after the
opening inn market waa rallied a point or
two by covering, as It was seen that the
notices to no material extent were forth
coming, but the estimates tor tomorrows
receipts st leading points were heavv. and
notwithstanding the fact that the trade Is
facing a government condition report that
Is expected 1o make a bullish showing, the
market ruled weaker the remainder of the
session, closing within a point or two of
tne onttorn at a net decline or Wtfia points.
All sorts of rumors were clrcjlatlna. It
Is p.aserted that the New Tork stock hss
passed Into the hands of an Interest thst
not long ago was a heavy seller of the
early months, that the New Orleans con
tlngent Is heavily short both here and at
I.lverprol, 1 nd it was reported that the
former New Orleans bull leader was a
heavy seller here during the afternoon
The Baltimore failures also exerted an ln
fluenre, as the parties In question were
Relieved to he concerned In severs! south
em Industrial enterprises and their col
lapao was thought likely to abuse southern
confidence In the market. rAports were
ignt. anil wniln private crop accounts con
tlnue bullish on tha average the tendency
of spot markets generally and the unsatis
factory demand from spinners seemed to
stimulate bearlah sentiment. Sales were
estimated at Snn.oiiO bales.
tures, firm; October. 9.27u;328c; November,
v.jy'i1 3c; ieeemner, v.zivqv tfie: January,
9 32:i.33c; February, 9.3.va9.ilSc; March, 1 42
ft 43c. Spot, quiet; sale. 2.025 bales; or
dinary, 61t-10c; good ordinary, 8'jc; low
middling, SMic; Tnlddllng, SHc; good mid
dling. ll-16c; middling fair. 10 l-lo; re
ceipts, 5.106 bales: ratock, 44.4W hales.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 2. COTTON Quiet :
middling. 9'c: sales, 13 bales: recelpta, IV)
Daie.: shipments, 1.1 Dale; stocK, iu nates.
moderate business done: prices two points
lower. American middling fair. 6 Wd; good
middling. .4nd; middling. .04d: low mid
dling, 6.7Rd; good ordinary, IS.36d; ordlnsry,
5.1BU. The sales of the day were 7.000
hales, of which BOO were for speculation
and export and Included 3,800 American.
Receipts. 4.000 bales. Including 1.200 Amer
ican. Futures opened easy and closed quiet
American middling, g. o. c. October, 6.34
5.35d: Octo1er and November, t.ldd: No
vember and December, B.13(ft6.14d; Decem
ber and January. M1'tT6.12d; January and
February. 5.10d: February and March, 6 100
611d: Match and April, ft.104jio.11d : April
and May, S.lld; May and June, 6.1 Id.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Oct. I. WOOL The Commer
cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: Wool Is
firm snd prices of medium grades are ad
vancing. The tone of the market grows
decidedly stronger as supplies become re
duced. For Michigan, one-quarter blood,
23'iC was paid in the west this week, msk
lng it impossible to sell here at a fair
profit at less than 26c. The lowest quota
tion on this market for desirable medium
Is 2Bo and poor lots have changed hands
at 24c. Half-blood sold at 26c. Fine grades
are also firm. The demand Is fairly active
and about everything Is selling, but In no
heavy quantities. Large and small mills
are operating. The London auction sales
closed firm, with prices of medium and
coarse 10iW15 per cent above the July aver
age. The shipments of wool from Boston
to date from December 31. 1902, are 176.036,
700 pounds, against 208,404 777 pounds at
the same date last year. The receipts to
date are 1!38. 126.712 pounds, against 267,10t,190
pounds for the same period last year.
ST. LOI'IS, Oct. 2. WOOL Steady: me
dium grades combing and clothing.' HUiac;
light fine, l.Vhl7V4c; heavy fine, lii&lttc; tub
warhed, 20j3oc.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 2. Influenced mainly
bv an advance of 1 to 115 6s for spot and
'l!6 17a6d for futures In lndon market,
tin today was steady and a little hlgr.e-,
closing at 326. 2526. 9S. Sales were reportei
for October delivery of about 6i tons, at
Copper advanced 6s In txindon to 654p
56 2s 6.1 for spot and futures respectively.
Locally, however, prices were rather lower,
Lake and electrolytic are quoted at 113.002'
13. 12 ond casting at 313.00.
Lead was unchanged here and at Iondon.
the latter point quoting 11, while here It
was still held at t4.50.
Spelter was unchanged at $6.00 in the
local market and at 20 15s In ljndon.
Iron closed at 50 Id In Glasgow and at
4Ss9d In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron waa
quiet. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at
$17.00; No. 2 foundry northern, No. 1 foun
dry southern und No. 1 foundry southern
soft at $16.00. '
ST. LOI'IS. Oct. 2. METALS Lead:
Market steady at $4.30. Spelter: Market
steady at t''..
Oil and Rosin.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2 OIL Cottonseed,
dull: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
4141.c. Petroleum. Arm; refined, New
York, tS.gft; Philadelphia snd Baltimore,
$.76; In, bulk. $5 86. Rosin, Arm. Turpen
tine. Arm, &8V4a69c.
Firm. 5Hc.
ROSIN Stead v. Quote: A. B, C. tl :
D, $2.0.i: E. $2.20; F. 12.80; Q. $2 45; H, $2.70;
I. t3.ROifrl.70: K, $4.15; M, t4.20; N, tt 35;
WO. 4.40; WW, $4.45.
OIL CITY. Oit. 2. Credit balances, .!;
certificate, no bid. Shipments, 78,805 bbls.;
runs. Scth. 113.332 bbls.; average, 77,793 bbls.
Shipments, Lima, 78,307 bbls.; runs, Lima,
30th, 102.114 bbls.; average, 60,079 bbls.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts.
APPLEf The market continues quiet.
Common sre quoted at 4c: prime, StiSC;
choice, tMniV; fency, 'Hc-
show firmness, demand being fair. Quota
tions are unchanged, however, still ranging
from 3Vc to 7c for all grades. Apricots
rule firm with advances indicating firm
ness among primary holders. Choice are
quoted at 9Wq9'41c; extra choice. 94HHe;
fancy. WU12c. Peachea are steady. Choice
are quoted at 7l,4fr7c; extra choice, '.Vc
Sugar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. Oct. 2. St'OAR Raw, firm;
refined, unsettled; No. 6. 4.40c; No. 7, 4.36c;
No. 8. 4.3uc; No. 9. 4.26c; No. 10, 4.20c; No. 11.
4 15c: No. 12. 4.10c; No. 13. 4.06c; No. 14, 4c;
confectioners' A. 4.65c; mold A. 5.05c; cut
loaf and crushed, 5.40e; powdered. 4.90c;
granulated. 4.80c: cubes. 6.06c. Molasses,
steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to 1
choice. 3Ko42c. I
open kettle, centrifugal, 3Vi;3Vjc; centrif
ugal white. IV: yellow, 3 13-lnit4 3-16c; sec
onds, 23j3Sc- Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 6
Philadelphia Prodare Market.
Quiet and barely steady; extra western
creamery. lHi21Sc extra nearby prints, 22c.
EGtiS Firm; good demand; western, ii'tf
24c; southwestern, ZW1"'. loss off; south
ern. 20i 21c.
CHKKSE Steady, fair demand; New York
full creams, HVal24c.
Whisky Market.
PEORIA. Oct. 2-WHISKT-Steady on
baala of il 23.
HT. LOl lS, Oct. 2. WHISKY Steady on
basla of II 1.9.
CINCINNATI. Oct. i WHISKY-Plstll-lers'
nnlrhed goods, steady, on basis of 81.23.
Kauaas f it? Mae Stork Market.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 2. CATTLE Re-tv-lpts.
3.611O head of natives, 2,t0 ) head of
Texana; calves. 4") head of natives, 2ti0
head of Texans. Th market for corn-fed
cattle waa strong; for wintered westerns,
strong: quarantine, dull and weak: cows
and mixed, steady; stockers and feeders,
slow and weak. Choice export and dressed
ticef steers. 84 fair to good. 84 li'o
4.60; stockers and feeders. S2.flGitil.IU; western-fed
cieers. 32.7Mi I.S: Texss Slid Indian
Kleers. t2 6K'r1&: iexas cows. 11.751 J. 'Jo;
nntlve cows. 81-2643.6.); native heifers, z.hi
4.ii: cannera. 11.0012.4"; bllla, 81500(3.00;
calves. i2 OleiS.PO.
lit IS-Receipts. t.OTO head: market,
steady to 5c lower; top. 1601: bulk of rail's,
S5.ti.vff6.Ki; heavy, til ; mixed packer.
85 r,fi5 li; light. 85 75ti6.06; yorkera, SC. COS'
6.t: p'gs, S5.661f6.fc5.
SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2010
head; market, strong to active; native
Imntvs. S3.2.Va5.."iO: western lambs. t2V15:
fed ewes. fciuotaSTS: Texaa-cllpped yearlings,
$2.5tii4.(); Texas-clipped sheep, 12 4.(81.76;
stockers and feeders, 82.0ui3.60.
fit. Joseph Live itoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 2. CATTLE Receipts.
2.623 head; market, steady: natives. S3.,o4
5.25; cows and heifers, 11 5ta4 3i. stockers
and feeder. 82.5oi-a4.0J.
HOGS Receipts. 8.407 head; market
steady: light. VA 415.63; medium and heavy,
feViiti45: hulk of sale. 83 53.K.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 61 bead;
market steady; weetern wethers, 83.76.
Baak Clearings.
OMAHA. O. t 2 -Rank Hearings for' to
day are fl VI 1! 43. en Increase over the
i-orreyoondl" date of last er w( Hot,
111 Si.
OaUlt Eceipti L:ghi and ttool Staff 8o?d
Ststdj to Strong-
Ko Fresh Arrivals of heep aad Lambs
and for the Meek All Desirable
tirades of Kjllrra aad Feed
ers Have Held Steady.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 7.KU1 Low Kl.khS
Official Tuesday 7.4o3 6.1H4 31,1 '1
Official Wednesday 6.S78 4.rH .4.i
Official Thursday ti.inl
Olllclal Friday l.tivi
Five daya this week. ...Tl, 717 21.432 K
Same days last week....33.4iM K.yiH 2.2'5
Sums week before .'g,41 2.3I 42.531
fame three weeks ago. .t.-V? 31.720 to.; SI
Same four weeks ago 1S.4HU i .C1
Same days Inst vear 38,65 11,523 W.926
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sneep at Wuuth Omaha for
the year to date and comparisons with last
ear: lu. .902. Inc.
a ttle 8 WI7.736 hti.642
Hogs 1 .77.1 1:7 " t-.Ki-.m nn;
Bheep 1.11K.74M 1.uh!77 bH.K.'l
Aversge price paid for hogs at South
Omaha tor the last several days with com
parisons: Data. I 1903. 1902.U01.1900.1599.!1893.1897.
Sept. 20.
7 381
7 611
7 67
7 65
7 371
7 Il
7 K2
7 14
7 20
6 761
5 221
6 23
4 81
4 311
4 m
3 71
8 71
8 73
3 77
8 77
4 (3
4 01
8 86
3 it;
I '
5 83
J 7H
3 K
3 Kl
8 XI
8 81
Sept. 21..
Sept. 22.
Sept. 23.
6 80
6 770,1
tc fjaT
1 4 li
6 16 4 41
6 Pil 4 :!9
& -,b 4 38
6 IS, 4 44
6 III 4 37
tiept. 24.
Sept. 2b.
Kant .nd
- 'Bi
6 6??,f
6 69:, I
5 69
6 71 H
6 70-t
6 62HI
5 l'Ti
6 SI
6 801
6 75l
6 7
6 S?'
6 751
6 681
3 71 1
Sept. V.
I 72
3 61
3 64
Bept. zx.
Sept. 29.
Sept. 30.
- I 4 i til
6 13 I 3 71
6 18 4 33,
Oct. 1...
Oct. 2...
3 79
Indicates Sunday.
W...V..M. .'.."..". 'i mc vi Dl'An
brought In today by each road was:
c m. st. p .." t".:
Missouri Pacific 8
Union Pacific system 16 12 1
C. A N. W 3
P IT Jb M V a 111
c.. st. p.. m. & o. '.'.'...'.'... .. 7
n. m &3 2
C, B. A Q 3
K. t fit .1 1
C H. I. A TV ...I 'i
('., R. I. P.. west.'..'....!!. .. 1
Illinois Central 1
Cripples and driven in 1
Total receipts...
The disposition of tha dav's recelota was
BS follows, each hliver nurchnjtlnar I K num.
ber of head indicated:
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company
228 6S6
911 1.279
M! 1.S75
712 1,620
."8 US
4.252 6,205
cudaky Packing Co IW! 1.575 258
Armour, rrom country.
Vansant A Co
Carey A Benton
Ixilnnan A Co
McCreary A Carey
Hill A Huntrlnger
Livingstone & Shaller.
Ij. F. Huss
Wolf A Murium
I-ayton & Co
B. F. Hobblck
S. Werthelmer
Other buyers 1.056 4.784
k;i '
Totals 4.252 6,205 6.042
CATTLE There was a llaht run of cattle
here this morning and aa a result the mar
ket was In better condition than It waa
yesterday. Packers as well as feeder buy
ers all seemed to want a few cattle and the
market on desirable grades could be quoted
steady to strong and fairly active. All the
early arrivals were disposed of In good
season, nut so many 01 tne trains were late
In arriving that the day was well advanced
before a clearance was made.
The few cars of cornfed steers offered
sold readily at good, steady prices, as high
as 16.45 being paid. For the week the good
to choice cornfeds are right around steady,
while the less desirable grades are fully
HvgiSc lower, with some warmed up grades
aa much as 16t&25c lower. This decline In
prices Is not confined to this market, but
Is even worse at some points.
There were not many cows offered this
morning, and as a few of the packers did
not get as many cows yesterday ss they
wanted, owing to their extremely bearish
tactics, the market this morning took on
considerable activity and could safely be
quoted strong, and In fact some sales
showed an advance over yesterday's prices
of 610c. This has been a very disastrous
week, however, for cow prices, as all kinds
show a decline of all the way from 10c to
26c. Tt has been a long time since there
has been as much uneveness In the market
ss has been noticed during the last few
The demand rrom tne country yesterday
for stockers and feeders was again active.
123 cars being shipped out. which breaks
all previous records mis year, speculator
took hold of the good cattle freely this
mnrnlnar and paid fully steady prices for
them, while the common to medium grades
were a little slow, hut about steady. J' or
the week the best heavy cattle are not
over 10S15c lower, while others are fully
liWT25c lower.
There were scarcely enough western beef
steers offered this morning to test the mar
ket. Good stulT. though, could sarely he
a, noted steady, while the commoner kinds
were dull the name aa usual. All kinds of
western heef steers are all the way from
10c to 26c lower for the week. Range cows
were active and stronger tins morning,
while western stockers and feeders were
fully steady, If at all good. Representa
tive' sales:
At. tr.
At. fr.
II in
.115 in
.litt ( 46
.1340 6 4i
. ,12?i
.ID'S 6 10
..10t0 6 10
.. 1 0 II. .
..t4!:-. 1 . ,
. V.'IO t 26 1. .
t in
0 I 6n
i;eo : to
. . 130 a :s
.loan t nn
... 691
.. :)
.. 771
2 C6 til I ID
3 00 1 1170 I 40
s in
3 00 2 feeders.. 850 8 00
5 00 8 cows 71 1 41
4 7.1 4 calves... 250 S 00
1 50 1 feeder... 12M) 3 00
. 3 CO 1 feeder... 840 3 00
3 00 1 heifer.... 4i 2 00
1 80 7 cows 920 2 30
2 30 1 cow 1030 1 5:'i4
2 00 1 cow Oi'O 1 52 IL
2 rl 2 cows 8fi5 2 .Hi
3 20 1 feeder... 781 50
3 20 1 feeder.. .13:0 2 70
3 15 9 cows 1"26 2 :5
2 26 6 cows Iifi.i 2 T
! 26 1 cow 10a 1 90
2 40 1 feeder... IO211 3 15
2 r6 45 cows 991 2 30
6 00 1 bull 1320 1 95
2 80 1 cow 8R0 2 20
2 1 5 25 cows 938 2 2-1
2 30 1 heifer.... 080 ? 15
2 00 1 cow 9"0 2 30
2 so I bull. .....1170 1 -,
2 30 4 cows!.... 0 1 T5
2 10 21 cows 9 9 ? 00
2 25 2 cows. .$. .1110 S 25
1 feeder..
1 cow. . . .
11 calves. ,
8 cows...
8 feeders. . 980
1 feeder... 1050
1 bull 1370
i cows...,. 980
1 heifer.... 6m1
4 cows 1066
8 feeders.. 9fi0
4 feedeis.. 92
10 feeders.. 85
1 cow.
22 cows...
1 bull
1 cow. .. ,
1 calf....,
5 cows. . .
3 heifers.
4 cows. . .
1 heifer..
1 cow....
27 cows...
,. 873
. 870
.. 852
.. 610
. 902
.. 6110
10 rows.
19 cows 1020
VT buy snd sell grnln on margin In quantities of loot) bushplg anl upwards; margin required, 1 cent per
bushel; commission, including; buying and selling. cfut por bushel.
W make llbrral advances on ahlpmenls of All Grains, and charge 12 cent per bushel commission, K"ran
teeing highest market price, prompt returns and faithful service.
We buy and gell Stocks, Bonds and Securities, handllnc investments In 10-shnre lots ond upwards of any of
the listed stocks, either on margin or for prompt delivery. We charge uo Interest on stocks lnuiglit on marina
and execute orders when limits are reached. We can buy or sell at the market during the session on margin of
per ahare; commissions, including buying and selling, 'J5 cents per share.
General Of fices: New York Life nidi?., Minneapolis.
ROB'T VANCE, Correspondent, 1618 Farnam St.
If you hire an open aecount you can trade at any one of our ISrt offices. Depositor, IV) Stole nml National Banks.
In any iinntity and not highest niarkot priors. Write for infor
lnnlitin. priors, unci shipping tags which are srnt free by onr
house which is located urn rest td you.
J. S. SruHTH & CO.,
5cos 980 2 ?0 Scows 1016 2 20
1 cow 9H) 2 ai 16 cows 8VJ 2 A
1 bull 140.1 2 () 1 cow m) 1 Ki
8 corns S.K1 2 io 1 cow 9iJ 2 a
8 cows !3 2 20 1 bull 1260 1 90
2 cows 816 2 in 2 feeders.. 9f 3 56
6 cows 92 2 2u 1 cow 12:to 2 2o
2 cows ln5 2 20 2 cows 1015 1 75
1 feeder... 7ti0 3 15 2 cows 91n 1 75
2 cows K15 1 50 13 cows 90 2 2
I 1 cow X) 1 25 1 steer 1040 2 6u
j 4 rim Iu50 2 l.i 3 feeders.. 9 2 2)
j 2 cows In) 6i.i
I 3 cows MO 2 05 3 cows SS:', 2 05
27 cows 952 2 05 t cows ;i:t 2 25
1 cow MO 2 25 1 cow Iiii'i) 2 25
10 cows 9o4 2 35 ! bull loon 2 30
15 feeders.. 8S0 3 To ; feeder... 9no 3 30
2 calves... K.o ,1 00 W cows 9i5 2 X5
3 cows 7!3 2 ,t5 5 belfcrs... 670 2 00
12 bulls 133S 2 05 1 hull 1330 2 05
2 cows (NO 2 75 2 heifers... 7"6 2 00
1 hclfcr.... 740 2 on 1 hrlfer.... 720 2 00
1 bull 1191 2 00 2 bulls 610 174
1 cow 9V1 2 75 1 heifer.... 470 1 10
1 bull 1.100 2 25 1 steer 8"0 2 00
3 rows r.13 2 00 2 bulls 1?) 2 00
2 rsJves... 325 3 00 1 calf 325 3 00
3 calves... .W 3 on 8 calves... 836 2 10
4 calves... 380 3 66 20 cows 1021 2 36
18 cows 941 2 20 1 cow 1410 2 20
4 feeders.. 745 2 60 1 heifer.... 70 2 20
1 cow 1270 2 35 27 cows 843 2 20
J. Conway Neb.
83 cows loan 2 60 2 steers. ... 875 2 09
2 feeders.. 930 ' 2 oo
I 14 calves... 904 2 85 1 2 cows 9?7 1 1
! 11 cows 9'2 1 90 2 cows 810 2 00
18 cows :i 2 20 6 calves... Im) 6 00
2 heifers... 510 2 15 1 heifer.... 670 2 60
8 cows (in; 1 90 1 calf 210 4 00
18 cows Six 1 70 5 cows 910 1 85
1 feeder... 920 3 15 1 heifer.... 71 2 00
2 feeders.. II 20 3 15 1 heifer.... 850 2 0)
1 feeder... eTO 3 (in 8 heifers... 842 2 85
7 feeilers.. 9.10 3 15 " v-lfers... 867 2 35
1 feeder... 94n 3 00 4 heifers... 745 2 35
2 feeders.. 935 3 15 1 cow 8i0 2 00
2 feeders.. 766 3 15 4 rows 795 2 00
1 cow. .... 1150 2 10 8 cows 8u6 2 10
1 cow 950 2 10
D- M. Lachlen Neb.
72 feeders.. 94 3 20 8 feeders.. 1043 2 55
F. Jlageboom Neh.
1 feeder... 1000 2 60 18 feeders.. 787 1 00
C. K. Pherson Neb.
5 feeders.. 810 3 30 2 feeders.. 945 I 80
34 feeders.. 1030 3 30 11 feeders. .1044 SSn
1 feeder... ISO 3 30 11 cows 987 2 45
H. Mohlman-Neb.
5 feeders.. 822 3 10 15 feeders.. 831 3 10
2 feeders.. 820 2 50 26 feeders.. 918 3 85
2 feeders.. 870 2 60
Wind River Cattle Co. Wyo.
10 feeders.. 921 8 35 1 fee1er... 921 2 73
11 feeders.. 884 3 35 1 feeder... 884 2 75
3 feeders. .1076 3 35 1 feeder... 800 2 60
2 cows 1015 2 35 45 steers.... 912 8 00
86 steers.... 974 2 80
F. Ussier Wyo.
11 cows 939 2 46 10 heifers... 761 S 30
3 feeders.. 1026 8 65 12 cows 1006 2 20
1 feeder... 710 2 75 16 feeders.. 890 3 40
18 feeders.. 932 3 65 28 cows 9;0 2 40
Jones & Lennan Wyo.
1 bull 1630 2 00 1 bull 1230 2 00
12 steers.. ..1157 3 20 11 steers. ...1098 8 20
10 cows 970 2 40 7 cows 877 I 40
14 steers... .1044 3 20 1 feeder... 1140 2 90
14 cows 990 2 45
F. Catto S. D.
27 feeders.. infir. 3 35 94 steers.. ..1068 8 08
91 steers. ...1048 8 06
Harrls-Franklln Cattle Co. S. D.
00 steers.. ..1163 2 (5
J. T. Cralg-S. D.
4 steers.. ..1059 3 35 1 bull 1230 2 05
1 calf 100 4 75 1 calf 320 2 75
4 cowa 956 1 80 2 cows 1025 3 15
8 cows 1100 2 35 1 cow 1K0 2 35
8 calves... 200 3 60
J. W. Btetter-Neb.
4 calves... 270 2 00 14 calves... 310 t 50
21 calves... 324 3 55 1 heifer.... 36 1 50
1 feeder. ..lioo 1 65 42 cows 928 1 65
5 cows VI66 1 65 16 cows 956 2 30
1 cow 1340 2 So 15 cows 1043 2 30
2 cows 910 2 30 1 cow S0 2 30
1 cow Kio 2 80 1 cow 1070 2 30
23 heifers... 648 2 50 9 heifers... 731 2 2i
1 feeder... 8(0 2 50 7 heifers... 644 3 0)
HOGS There was Just a fair run of hogs
here this morning and the market opened
generally steady and fairly active. The
bulk of the early arrivals waa disposed of
In good season, but some of the hogs that
came In later did not meet with as gioj
demand and had to sell a little weiker.
The bulk of the heavy hogs sold around
85.60. with some of 'the extremely heavy
weights, and especially those lacking In
quality, below that price. Medium weights
sold largely at 85.65 and lights up to 85.70.
It will be noticed that the top price today
ia much lower than yesterday, but that la
accounted for by the fact that there were
no choice lightweights offered. The same
as haa been the case all the week, packers
did not tseem to be very anxious for the
hogs at present prices. Itcpresentative
Ns. a. 8h. er. No. At. 8h. Pr.
46 S44 IM 6 61) t ISO 6 40
64 SJ7 160 6 M M 21 ... 4 SO
4 33 ... 6 66 64 HiK 230 6 40
3 tit 80 6 66 tt 140 I 60
48 847 40 6 86 an 3V 80
48 MI ... i 66 47 104 ... 6 Su
101 860 ... 6 66 66 Ml ... 4 40
66 3 120 6 40 40 366 10 6 60
68 2IU 80 i 60 67 172 120 I 24
69 387 40 6 Co 68 363 tl 6 43V
66 333 ... 5 60 48 3!i6 ... 6 C3a
1.4 3 ... 6 60 67 216 80 i 621,
(8 373 60 6 40 63 23 1 30 6 4H
HI K6 80 6 40 0 140 6 42
Sf. 286 to 6 an 63 370 2' i0 i til,
67 2F.S 40 6 til 76 377 811 t
It 100 ... t DO 41 27 130 I 62 S,
63 2tl 120 6 6u 67 381 80 I i'i't
to 276 130 6 an 69 3D0 160 6 3.
64 U2 140 ( 40 63 l 130 6 63S
64 2M 80 6 611 t 33 80 1 631
63 :8 40 6 6'' 70 381 ... 143V,
63 393 0 i 60 48 378 80 6 63 S,
7 273 80 6 40 13 370 160 6 66
68 291 160 4.1 70 344 40 I 46
31 241 2n0 I 6.) 46 343 800 66
47 313 120 6 60 71 244 340 6 66
61 297 40 6 60 . 47 364 180 6 46
. 388 140 t 40 68 177 ... 6 66
68 806 ... t 40 73 34T 3"0 I ti'tt
61 .',3 80 t 60 48 388 160 6 47S,
tl 36 80 6 60 40 243 80 t 4714,
2 2K4 120 6 80 73 329 W) 6 70
16 262 ... 6 60 46 221 n 6 70
128 316 1 40 6 60 '4 244 180 6 70
SHEEP There were no trteh arrivals of
sheen and lunihs here this morning and con
sequently a teat of the market was not
made. Considering the heavy receipts for
the week, however, the market haa been
In very sutlafaciory condition. As compared
with the closo of lust week, a,1 dcs.rable
grades of fat sheep and lain-.s may he
quoteil fully steady with a strong under
tone to the trade. Packers have had lib
eral orders to iill all the week and each
day's offerings were well cured for. If
there la any change at nil It is on the com
mon stuff, which has been more or less
neglected and In some spots looked a lit
tle weak. That was particularly true of
common lambs and common ewes.
The feeder market has also been In good
shape and all desirable grades are steady
for the week. Tha same us with killers,
however, there Is a little weakness on com
mon feeding lambs and owes owing to tha
liberal supplies of that class.
Quotations for grass stock: Choice west
ern lambs. $4 755.(0; fair to good lambs,
84.iyVi4 75; choice yearlings. S3 lff3.86; fair
to good vearlings, 83 40fi3.60; choice weth
ers. S3.STifi3.tiO: felr to good wethers. S3.15f
835; choice ewes. S3.ooS26; fair to good
ewes, 82 .6512.90; choice feeder 'irtmhs, 84 2.:."i2
4 60;. fair to good ! lambs, S3 6iM4 im;
feeder yearlings, 83 26ii3.fi0; feeder wethers,
83.0V$j8.25; feeder ewes, 81 Nnji.iO, v
Cattle Market Waa Steady, Hogs Were
Higher) gheep Steady.
CHICAGO. Oct. 2.-CATTLE-Receipts,
2.6O0 heid. The market was steadv ; g o.1
to prime steers. 85. 25 uti oO ; pi or to medium,
88.6o.tj4.av: stockers .'itnl feelers, 82 :6t4 15;
corns. 81.401 4.25; heifers, 82."'ii4 76; canneis,
81.4ora2.5o: bulls, t'XM 50; cnlves. $3.60St7.4h;
Texas fed steers, 82 7.VM.75; western steers,
S3 ll'i:4 50.
lloCS-Ilecelpts, ll.oiio head; estimated to
morrow, 9.0tt head. The market waa steady
to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, 85 mm
6 46; good to choice heavv, 85 6.VaK.15; rough
heavy, 85i.W5.60; light, S5.764rH.6ti; bulk of
sales. 86 60'ff'O 00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, .0v)
head; steady; good to choice wethers, 83 854
4.26; fair to cnolce mixed, 82 25(i3.26; west
ern sheep, 82.26M400: native lambs, 83.6otf
6.76; western lambs, 84 4O'fl6.60.
Kow York Lite Stock Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 2 BEEVES Receipts,
8,236 head. The market lor steeis was
slow; for prime steers, steady; for others,
l"c to 15c lower; for bulls and cows, steady.
Native steers, 83 5ucrri.4i; half-l.reeus, 83 40
S CO; bulls, 82. itVti'3.M, export. .&; cow
f l.S93. 4). Cables quoted live cuttle slow
and lower, at UWaila cr pound, drensed
wc-iHui, eio?fi, lower hi ii'uu'c, aie-aol
weight; refrigerator beef, higher at 9c. per
pound. Estimated exports tomorrow, 8ji
head of cattle and S.50O quarters of beef
CALVES Receipts, 19u head The mar
ket for veals was steady at 6 iVi.j.9j; 0i 8
S4.t)4f4 60; grassers, dull,; mlxeu
and fed, W. 2.Vci'3. 7 6 ; westerns, 83.75. Thi
market for city dressed veals was stenU
at KVilflS'jC per pound; country dre.-scd
7 II He.
HOGS Receipts, 2,b6) head. The market
was lower.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reoolpts. 3.0 ti
head. Tha sheep market was steady t
strong; for Intnbs. 154i2t'.u higher. Sneep,
82.5t4j4.00; lambs, S5.6nfu25; one car (extra)
86.50; culls, St. 50; Canada Iambs, S5.8iV..
lit. Loots Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 2.-CATTLE-Receipt,
2.600 head. Including 1.8UU Texans; luarne ,
steady; native shipping and export ate.Ms,
84.2616 66; dressed beef and butchers' steers,
S4.U04ii6.26; steers under l,m8i lbs., Ki.764jn.lii:
stockers and feeders, S2.u0iiH.10; rows and
heifers, 82.26fi-4.25; cannera. 2.i.0ef,2 .25; hulls,
S2.26ft8.26; caives. 83.Oniuti.iu; Texas and In
dian steers. 82.3,)j4.uo for grnss, J.6ju4 J&
for fed; cows and heifers, fc.imft'2.50.
HOOK Receipts, B.uou heau; market,
steady to easy; pigs and lights, t V tvXy (J 2,. .
packers, $5.406.00; butchers' and best
heavy, 85.75CaC.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpis, l,0i
head; market, steady; native muttons. H30
3.80; lambs, 84.2oU.5.5o; culls and bucks.
S2.25ft4.00; stockers, 82&0S2.90.
gloox City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Oct. 2 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2tm; market
steady: beeves. 84.dlKa5.35: cows hull.
mtxsd, 82.2Of3.70; stockers and feeders, 82 50
66.80; calves and yearlings, 2.603 50.
HOGS Receipts, 1,200; market steadv,
selling at S5.50ft6.80; bulk, 85.&&'if6.60.
Stock in Slitbt.
Following are the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester-
.. 1.8.6
.. 2,600
.. 6.8110
.. 2.6iO
.. 2,623
.. 2tJ
Hogs. Sheep.
6,000 .....
II. li.KKl
ti.ono 2,i
0.188) . 1,(BI
3.407 ' 51
32,607 9,051
Kansas City
St. Louis
St. Joseph ..
Sioux City ...
Totals ....
Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracters, loll
Farnam street:
John F. Mawhlnney and wife to Jacob
Kelser, lots 11 and 12, block 14. North
Omaha addition $ 1
Jacob Keiaer to Thomaa G. Plummet
et a!, lots 11 and 12, block 14, North
Omaha addition 650
George W. Rogers and wife to Ed
ward R. Benson, lot 6, block 2, Pat
rick's 2d add 2,00
Cary M. Hunt et al. trustee, to Martin
Wllg et al. trustees, lots 15 and 16,
block 121, South Omaha 1,800
Harry W. Allwlne to Nannie E. All
wine, block S, Omaha Heights,, and
lot 15, block 18, Omaha View, and
other lands 2,000
John H. Par due and wlfa to Matilda
Herngren, lot 12, block 471, Grand
view 300
The O. F. Davis company to Elliott
E. Brewster, lot 18, block 1, I,akevlew
add 1,600
The Barker company ot al to Inter
state Investment company, trustee,
limited, lots 8 and 9, block 17, Kountze
A Ruth's add 3,000
Frank Rogers to Interstate Investment
company, lot 22, blbck 9, Kountze A
Ruth's add 5,3'K)
Frank L. McCoy et al to Interstate
Investment company, lots 26 and 28,
block 11, Kountsa A Ruth's add 9,00
Ollof C. Johnson et al to Andrew C.
Johnson, n&JH feet of wV lot 12,
Kountis's 2d add 1
Andrew C. Johnson tf si to Ollof C.
Johnson, sX'M, feet of 11663 feet of
lot 12, Kountze's 2d add.. 1
George F. Paul to John A. Paul, e2u
feet of w76 feet of lot 14. block 80,
' Bouth Omaha, and other lots 1
Charles W. Conklmg and Wil
liam T. Nelson, lot 13. block 2. Idle
wild add 1,700
Thomas Pollock and wife to First Na
tional bank of Plstlamouth, lots 1
ami 2, block 7, Jerome Park wOpo
Pauline Hoctor and husband to Mary
A. Dcrvln. nnd Iota 19. 20 and 21,
block 27. Corrlgan Place Ixt add 200
Mury Ml'ler to Anton Schmllt, 50x120
feet block 6. Burlington Center ')
Porter Pickett to Winona Savings
oank, lot 20. block 2. Wilcox's 2d a.1.1 75
James H. McCreary et al to John Mc
Creary. b1 se'4 sot sectlen 4-15-13,
and other-lands I
810-111 Board ot Trade,
W. E. Ward. Ma. agar. Tel. IfllA